Tcllib HTML Documentation
aes: "Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)"
amazon-s3: "Amazon S3 Web Service Utilities"
asn: "ASN.1 processing"
base32: "Base32 encoding"
base64: "Text encoding & decoding binary data"
bee: "BitTorrent"
bench: "Benchmarking/Performance tools"
bench: "Documentation tools"
bibtex: "bibtex"
blowfish: "Blowfish Block Cipher"
cache: "In-memory caches"
clay: "Clay Framework"
clock: "Date/Time Utilities"
cmdline: "Command line and option processing"
comm: "Remote communication"
control: "Tcl Control Flow Commands"
coroutine: "Coroutine utilities"
counter: "Counters and Histograms"
crc: "Cyclic Redundancy Checks"
cron: "cron"
csv: "CSV processing"
debug: "debug narrative"
defer: "Defered execution ala Go"
des: "Data Encryption Standard (DES)"
dicttool: "Extensions to the standard "dict" command"
dns: "Domain Name Service"
docstrip: "Literate programming tool"
doctools: "Documentation toolbox"
doctools: "Documentation tools"
doctools2base: "Documentation tools"
doctools2idx: "Documentation tools"
doctools2toc: "Documentation tools"
dtplite: "Documentation toolbox"
fileutil: ""
fileutil: "file utilities"
ftp: "ftp client"
ftpd: "Tcl FTP Server Package"
fumagic: "file utilities"
generator: "Tcl Generator Commands"
gpx: "GPS eXchange Format (GPX)"
grammar_aycock: "Aycock-Horspool-Earley parser generator for Tcl"
grammar_fa: "Finite automaton operations and usage"
grammar_me: "Grammar operations and usage"
grammar_peg: "Grammar operations and usage"
hook: "Hooks"
html: "HTML Generation"
htmlparse: "HTML Parser"
http: "HTTP protocol helper modules"
httpd: "Tcl Web Server"
ident: "Identification protocol client"
imap4: "imap client"
inifile: "Parsing of Windows INI files"
interp: "Interpreter utilities"
irc: "Low Level Tcl IRC Interface"
irc: "Simple embeddable IRC interface"
javascript: "HTML and Java Script Generation"
jpeg: "JPEG image manipulation"
json: "JSON"
lambda: "Utility commands for anonymous procedures"
lazyset: "Lazy evaluation for variables and arrays"
ldap: "LDAP client"
ldap: "LDAP extended object interface"
log: "Logging facility"
log: "Object Oriented logging facility"
map: "Mapping utilities"
mapproj: "Tcl Library"
markdown: "Markdown to HTML Converter"
math: "Math"
math: "Principal Components Analysis"
math: "Symbolic differentiation for Tcl"
math: "Tcl Decimal Arithmetic Library"
math: "Tcl Math Library"
math: "tclrep"
md4: "MD4 Message-Digest Algorithm"
md5: "MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm"
md5crypt: "MD5-based password encryption"
mime: "Mime"
mime: "smtp client"
multiplexer: "One-to-many communication with sockets."
namespacex: "Namespace utility commands"
ncgi: "CGI Support"
nettool: "nettool"
nmea: "NMEA protocol implementation"
nns: "Name service facility"
nntp: "Tcl NNTP Client Library"
ntp: "Network Time Facilities"
oauth: "oauth"
oometa: "Data registry for TclOO frameworks"
ooutil: "Utility commands for TclOO"
otp: "RFC 2289 A One-Time Password System"
page: "Parser generator tools"
pki: "public key encryption"
pluginmgr: "Plugin management"
png: "Image manipulation"
pop3: "Tcl POP3 Client Library"
pop3d: "Tcl POP3 Server Package"
practcl: "The The Proper Rational API for C to Tool Command Language Module"
processman: "processman"
profiler: "Tcl Profiler"
pt: "Parser Tools"
rc4: "RC4 Stream Cipher"
rcs: "RCS low level utilities"
report: "Matrix reports"
rest: "A framework for RESTful web services"
ripemd: "RIPEMD Message-Digest Algorithm"
sasl: "Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL)"
sha1: "SHA-x Message-Digest Algorithm"
simulation: "Tcl Simulation Tools"
smtpd: "Tcl SMTP Server Package"
snit: "Snit's Not Incr Tcl, OO system"
soundex: "Soundex"
stooop: "Simple Tcl Only Object Oriented Programming"
string: "Text and string utilities"
stringprep: "Preparation of Internationalized Strings"
stringprep: "Unicode normalization"
struct: ""
struct: "Tcl Data Structures"
tar: "Tar file handling"
tepam: "Tcl's Enhanced Procedure and Argument Manager"
term: "Terminal control"
textutil: "Text and string utilities"
textutil: "Text and string utilities, macro processing"
tie: "Tcl Data Structures"
tiff: "TIFF image manipulation"
tool: "Standardized OO Framework for development"
tool: "Utility commands for TclOO"
transfer: "Data transfer facilities"
treeql: "Tree Query Language"
try: "Forward compatibility implementation of [throw]"
try: "Forward compatibility implementation of [try]"
udpcluster: "Lightweight UDP based tool for cluster node discovery"
uev: "User events"
units: "Convert and manipulate quantities with units"
uri: "Tcl Uniform Resource Identifier Management"
uuid: "uuid"
valtype: "Validation types"
virtchannel_base: "Reflected/virtual channel support"
virtchannel_core: "Reflected/virtual channel support"
virtchannel_transform: "Reflected/virtual channel support"
websocket: "websocket client and server"
wip: "Word Interpreter"
yaml: "HUDDLE"
yaml: "YAML processing"
zip: "Zip archive creation"
zip: "Zip archive handling"