5. Testing Guidelines

To be filled.

5.1. Testplan for releases

Explain release numbers. major, minor. developer releases. etc.

  1. Remove any existing rpm with rpm -e

  2. Remove any file that was left over. This includes (but is not limited to)

    • /var/log/privoxy

    • /etc/privoxy

    • /usr/sbin/privoxy

    • /etc/init.d/privoxy

    • /usr/doc/privoxy*

  3. Install the rpm. Any error messages?

  4. start,stop,status Privoxy with the specific script (e.g. /etc/rc.d/init/privoxy stop). Reboot your machine. Does autostart work?

  5. Start browsing. Does Privoxy work? Logfile written?

  6. Remove the rpm. Any error messages? All files removed?

5.2. Testing with Privoxy-Regression-Test

If you compiled, packaged or merely installed Privoxy, it is recommended to run Privoxy-Regression-Test to verify that at least the tested parts of Privoxy are working as expected.

This is actually pretty easy. For details, please see perldoc privoxy-regression-test.pl.

Here is an example of what Privoxy-Regression-Test can do for you:

  # Run all the tests
  fk@t520 ~ $privoxy-regression-test.pl
  2020-12-14 12:16:32: Asking Privoxy for the number of action files available ...
  2020-12-14 12:16:32: Gathering regression tests from 9 action file(s) delivered by Privoxy 3.0.30.
  2020-12-14 12:16:32: Executing regression tests ...
  2020-12-14 12:16:41: Ooops. Expected removal but: 'Referer: https://p.p/' is still there.
  2020-12-14 12:16:41: Failure for test 785. Header 'Referer: https://p.p/' and tag 'hide-referrer{conditional-block}'
  2020-12-14 12:16:41: Ooops. Got: 'Referer: https://p.p/' while expecting: 'Referer: http://p.p/'
  2020-12-14 12:16:41: Failure for test 791. Header 'Referer: https://p.p/' and tag 'hide-referrer{conditional-forge}'
  2020-12-14 12:16:44: Executed 1087 regression tests. Skipped 115. 1085 successes, 2 failures.
  # Repeat one of the failing tests and get a curl command to quickly reproduce the problem
  # without causing too much log noise.
  fk@t520 ~ $privoxy-regression-test.pl --test-number 785 --verbose --debug 4
  2020-12-14 12:17:55: Asking Privoxy for the number of action files available ...
  2020-12-14 12:17:56: Executing regression tests ...
  2020-12-14 12:17:56: Executing: curl --include  -H 'Proxy-Connection:'  -H 'Connection: close'  -s  -S  --user-agent 'Privoxy-Regression-Test 0.7.2'  --max-time '5'  --globoff  -H 'X-Privoxy-Control: hide-referrer{conditional-block}' -H 'Referer: https://p.p/'  http://p.p/show-request 2>&1
  2020-12-14 12:17:56: Ooops. Expected removal but: 'Referer: https://p.p/' is still there.
  2020-12-14 12:17:56: Failure for test 785 (0/13/5). Header 'Referer: https://p.p/' and tag 'hide-referrer{conditional-block}'
  2020-12-14 12:17:56: Executed 1 regression tests. Skipped 1201. 0 successes, 1 failures.

Use the if the --privoxy-address option if the http_proxy environment variable isn't configured and you don't want to use the default (

5.3. Fuzzing Privoxy

To make fuzzing more convenient, Privoxy can be configured with --enable-fuzz which will result in the --fuzz option becoming available.

Example (tested on ElectroBSD):

  # Compile Privoxy with instrumentation for afl
  $ export CC=afl-clang
  $ export CFLAGS="-fsanitize=address -ggdb"
  $ export CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include/
  $ export LDFLAGS="-fsanitize=address -L/usr/local/lib"
  $ export AFL_USE_ASAN=1
  $ export AFL_HARDEN=1
  $ ./configure --with-debug --enable-extended-host-patterns --enable-accept-filter --enable-no-gifs --enable-compression --enable-strptime-sanity-checks --enable-external-filters --enable-fuzz
  $ ./privoxy --fuzz
  Privoxy version 3.0.24 (http://www.privoxy.org/)
  Usage: ./privoxy [--config-test] [--chroot] [--help] [--no-daemon] [--pidfile pidfile] [--pre-chroot-nslookup hostname] [--user user[.group]] [--version] [configfile]
         ./privoxy --fuzz fuzz-mode ./path/to/fuzzed/input [--stfu]
  Supported fuzz modes and the expected input:
   action: Text to parse as action file.
   client-request: Client request to parse. Currently incomplete
   client-header: Client header to parse.
   chunked-transfer-encoding: Chunk-encoded data to dechunk.
   deflate: deflate-compressed data to decompress.
   filter: Text to parse as filter file.
   gif: gif to deanimate.
   gzip: gzip-compressed data to decompress.
   pcrs-substitute: A pcrs-substitute to compile. Not a whole pcrs job! Example: Bla $1 bla C $3 blah.
   server-header: Server header to parse.
   server-response: Server response to parse.
  The following fuzz modes read data from stdin if the 'file' is '-'
  $ export ASAN_OPTIONS='abort_on_error=1'
  $ mkdir input output
  $ echo '$1 bla fasel $2' > input/pcrs
  $ afl-fuzz -i input -o output -m none ~/git/privoxy/privoxy --fuzz pcrs-substitute - --stfu
  $ cat >input/pcrs.txt
  FILTER: bla fasel
  $ afl-fuzz -i input/ -o output/ -f bla.filter -m none privoxy --fuzz filter bla.filter --stfu