[!fuzz] skip # Check that if a worker does not call F.Fuzz or calls F.Fail first, # 'go test' exits non-zero and no crasher is recorded. [short] skip ! go test -fuzz=FuzzReturn ! exists testdata ! go test -fuzz=FuzzSkip ! exists testdata ! go test -fuzz=FuzzFail ! exists testdata ! go test -fuzz=FuzzPanic ! exists testdata ! go test -fuzz=FuzzNilPanic ! exists testdata ! go test -fuzz=FuzzGoexit ! exists testdata ! go test -fuzz=FuzzExit ! exists testdata -- go.mod -- module m go 1.17 -- fuzz_fail_test.go -- package fuzz_fail import ( "flag" "os" "runtime" "testing" ) func isWorker() bool { f := flag.Lookup("test.fuzzworker") if f == nil { return false } get, ok := f.Value.(flag.Getter) if !ok { return false } return get.Get() == interface{}(true) } func FuzzReturn(f *testing.F) { if isWorker() { return } f.Fuzz(func(*testing.T, []byte) {}) } func FuzzSkip(f *testing.F) { if isWorker() { f.Skip() } f.Fuzz(func(*testing.T, []byte) {}) } func FuzzFail(f *testing.F) { if isWorker() { f.Fail() } f.Fuzz(func(*testing.T, []byte) {}) } func FuzzPanic(f *testing.F) { if isWorker() { panic("nope") } f.Fuzz(func(*testing.T, []byte) {}) } func FuzzNilPanic(f *testing.F) { if isWorker() { panic(nil) } f.Fuzz(func(*testing.T, []byte) {}) } func FuzzGoexit(f *testing.F) { if isWorker() { runtime.Goexit() } f.Fuzz(func(*testing.T, []byte) {}) } func FuzzExit(f *testing.F) { if isWorker() { os.Exit(99) } f.Fuzz(func(*testing.T, []byte) {}) }