[short] skip

# Test building in overlays.
# TODO(#39958): add a test case where the destination file in the replace map
#   isn't a go file. Either completely exclude that case in fs.IsDirWithGoFiles
#   if the compiler doesn't allow it, or test that it works all the way.
# TODO(#39958): add a test that both gc and gccgo assembly files can include .h
#   files.

# The main package (m) is contained in an overlay. It imports m/dir2 which has one
# file in an overlay and one file outside the overlay, which in turn imports m/dir,
# which only has source files in the overlay.

cd m

! go build .
go build -overlay overlay.json -o main$GOEXE .
exec ./main$goexe
stdout '^hello$'

go build -overlay overlay.json -o print_abspath$GOEXE ./printpath
exec ./print_abspath$GOEXE
stdout $WORK[/\\]gopath[/\\]src[/\\]m[/\\]printpath[/\\]main.go

go build -overlay overlay.json -o print_trimpath$GOEXE -trimpath ./printpath
exec ./print_trimpath$GOEXE
stdout ^m[/\\]printpath[/\\]main.go

go build -overlay overlay.json -o print_trimpath_two_files$GOEXE printpath/main.go printpath/other.go
exec ./print_trimpath_two_files$GOEXE
stdout $WORK[/\\]gopath[/\\]src[/\\]m[/\\]printpath[/\\]main.go
stdout $WORK[/\\]gopath[/\\]src[/\\]m[/\\]printpath[/\\]other.go

[cgo] go build -overlay overlay.json -o main_cgo_replace$GOEXE ./cgo_hello_replace
[cgo] exec ./main_cgo_replace$GOEXE
[cgo] stdout '^hello cgo\r?\n'

[cgo] go build -overlay overlay.json -o main_cgo_quote$GOEXE ./cgo_hello_quote
[cgo] exec ./main_cgo_quote$GOEXE
[cgo] stdout '^hello cgo\r?\n'

[cgo] go build -overlay overlay.json -o main_cgo_angle$GOEXE ./cgo_hello_angle
[cgo] exec ./main_cgo_angle$GOEXE
[cgo] stdout '^hello cgo\r?\n'

go build -overlay overlay.json -o main_call_asm$GOEXE ./call_asm
exec ./main_call_asm$GOEXE
! stdout .

# Change the contents of a file in the overlay and ensure that makes the target stale
go install -overlay overlay.json ./test_cache
go list -overlay overlay.json -f '{{.Stale}}' ./test_cache
stdout '^false$'
cp overlay/test_cache_different.go overlay/test_cache.go
go list -overlay overlay.json -f '{{.Stale}}' ./test_cache
stdout '^true$'

[cgo] go list -compiled -overlay overlay.json -f '{{range .CompiledGoFiles}}{{. | printf "%s\n"}}{{end}}' ./cgo_hello_replace
[cgo] cp stdout compiled_cgo_sources.txt
[cgo] go run ../print_line_comments.go compiled_cgo_sources.txt
[cgo] stdout $GOPATH[/\\]src[/\\]m[/\\]cgo_hello_replace[/\\]cgo_hello_replace.go
[cgo] ! stdout $GOPATH[/\\]src[/\\]m[/\\]overlay[/\\]hello.c

# Run same tests but with gccgo.
env GO111MODULE=off
[!exec:gccgo] stop

! go build -compiler=gccgo .
go build -compiler=gccgo -overlay overlay.json -o main_gccgo$GOEXE .
exec ./main_gccgo$goexe
stdout '^hello$'

go build -compiler=gccgo -overlay overlay.json -o print_abspath_gccgo$GOEXE ./printpath
exec ./print_abspath_gccgo$GOEXE
stdout $WORK[/\\]gopath[/\\]src[/\\]m[/\\]printpath[/\\]main.go

go build -compiler=gccgo -overlay overlay.json -o print_trimpath_gccgo$GOEXE -trimpath ./printpath
exec ./print_trimpath_gccgo$GOEXE
stdout ^\.[/\\]printpath[/\\]main.go

go build -compiler=gccgo  -overlay overlay.json -o main_cgo_replace_gccgo$GOEXE ./cgo_hello_replace
exec ./main_cgo_replace_gccgo$GOEXE
stdout '^hello cgo\r?\n'

go build -compiler=gccgo  -overlay overlay.json -o main_cgo_quote_gccgo$GOEXE ./cgo_hello_quote
exec ./main_cgo_quote_gccgo$GOEXE
stdout '^hello cgo\r?\n'

go build -compiler=gccgo  -overlay overlay.json -o main_cgo_angle_gccgo$GOEXE ./cgo_hello_angle
exec ./main_cgo_angle_gccgo$GOEXE
stdout '^hello cgo\r?\n'

go build -compiler=gccgo -overlay overlay.json -o main_call_asm_gccgo$GOEXE ./call_asm
exec ./main_call_asm_gccgo$GOEXE
! stdout .

-- m/go.mod --
// TODO(matloob): how do overlays work with go.mod (especially if mod=readonly)
module m

go 1.16

-- m/dir2/h.go --
package dir2

func PrintMessage() {
-- m/dir/foo.txt --
The build action code currently expects the package directory
to exist, so it can run the compiler in that directory.
TODO(matloob): Remove this requirement.
-- m/printpath/about.txt --
the actual code is in the overlay
-- m/overlay.json --
	"Replace": {
		"f.go": "overlay/f.go",
		"dir/g.go": "overlay/dir_g.go",
		"dir2/i.go": "overlay/dir2_i.go",
		"printpath/main.go": "overlay/printpath.go",
		"printpath/other.go": "overlay2/printpath2.go",
		"call_asm/asm_gc.s": "overlay/asm_gc.s",
		"call_asm/asm_gccgo.s": "overlay/asm_gccgo.s",
		"test_cache/main.go": "overlay/test_cache.go",
		"cgo_hello_replace/cgo_header.h": "overlay/cgo_head.h",
		"cgo_hello_replace/hello.c": "overlay/hello.c",
		"cgo_hello_quote/cgo_hello.go": "overlay/cgo_hello_quote.go",
		"cgo_hello_quote/cgo_header.h": "overlay/cgo_head.h",
		"cgo_hello_angle/cgo_hello.go": "overlay/cgo_hello_angle.go",
		"cgo_hello_angle/cgo_header.h": "overlay/cgo_head.h"
-- m/cgo_hello_replace/cgo_hello_replace.go --
package main

// #include "cgo_header.h"
import "C"

func main() {
-- m/cgo_hello_replace/cgo_header.h --
 // Test that this header is replaced with one that has the proper declaration.
void say_goodbye();

-- m/cgo_hello_replace/hello.c --
#include <stdio.h>

void say_goodbye() { puts("goodbye cgo\n"); fflush(stdout); }

-- m/overlay/f.go --
package main

import "m/dir2"

func main() {
-- m/call_asm/main.go --
package main

func foo() // There will be a "missing function body" error if the assembly file isn't found.

func main() {
-- m/overlay/dir_g.go --
package dir

import "fmt"

func PrintMessage() {
-- m/overlay/printpath.go --
package main

import (

func main() {
	_, file, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0)

	// Since https://golang.org/cl/214286, the runtime's debug paths are
	// slash-separated regardless of platform, so normalize them to system file
	// paths.
-- m/overlay2/printpath2.go --
package main

import (

func init() {
	_, file, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0)
-- m/overlay/dir2_i.go --
package dir2

import "m/dir"

func printMessage() {
-- m/overlay/cgo_hello_quote.go --
package main

// #include "cgo_header.h"
import "C"

func main() {
-- m/overlay/cgo_hello_angle.go --
package main

// #include <cgo_header.h>
import "C"

func main() {
-- m/overlay/cgo_head.h --
void say_hello();
-- m/overlay/hello.c --
#include <stdio.h>

void say_hello() { puts("hello cgo\n"); fflush(stdout); }
-- m/overlay/asm_gc.s --
// +build gc

TEXT ·foo(SB),0,$0

-- m/overlay/asm_gccgo.s --
// +build gccgo

.globl main.foo

-- m/overlay/test_cache.go --
package foo

import "fmt"

func bar() {
-- m/overlay/test_cache_different.go --
package foo

import "fmt"

func bar() {
-- m/cgo_hello_quote/hello.c --
#include <stdio.h>

void say_hello() { puts("hello cgo\n"); fflush(stdout); }
-- m/cgo_hello_angle/hello.c --
#include <stdio.h>

void say_hello() { puts("hello cgo\n"); fflush(stdout); }

-- print_line_comments.go --
package main

import (

func main() {
	compiledGoFilesArg := os.Args[1]
	b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(compiledGoFilesArg)
	if err != nil {
	compiledGoFiles := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(string(b)), "\n")
	for _, f := range compiledGoFiles {
		b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(f)
		if err != nil {
		for _, line := range strings.Split(string(b), "\n") {
			if strings.HasPrefix(line, "#line") || strings.HasPrefix(line, "//line") {