*todo.txt* For Vim version 9.1. Last change: 2023 Dec 14 VIM REFERENCE MANUAL by Bram Moolenaar TODO list for Vim *todo* This is a veeeery long list of known bugs, current work and desired improvements. To make it a little bit accessible, the older items are grouped by subject. In the first column of the line a classification is used to be able to look for "the next thing to do": Priority classification: 9 next point release 8 next release 7 as soon as possible 6 soon 5 should be included 4 nice to have 3 consider including 2 maybe not 1 probably not - unclassified *votes-for-changes* See |develop.txt| for development plans. You can vote for which items should be worked on, but only if you sponsor Vim development. See |sponsor|. Issues can also be entered online: https://github.com/vim/vim/issues Only use this for bug reports, not for questions! Those belong on the maillist. Updates will be forwarded to the |vim_dev| maillist. Issues entered there will not be repeated below, unless there is extra information. The #1234 numbers refer to an issue or pull request on github. To see it in a browser use: https://github.com/vim/vim/issues/1234 (replace 1234 with the issue/pull number) *known-bugs* -------------------- Known bugs and current work ----------------------- FILETYPE_FILE is defined to the same value in multiple places. Only use the one in feature.h. Others too. Mapping with modifier is not recognized after a partial mapping. Probably because the typeahead was simplified when looking for a matching mapping. Need to somehow undo the simplification. #12002 Windows scroll when using the autocmd window. #12085 in restore_snapshot_rec() restore more values from the snapshot, instead of calling frame_new_height() and frame_new_width(), especially w_topline and w_skipcol. Check places that source "path/*.vim" to not match other extensions, e.g. .vim9, on MS-Windows (short file name match, gets expanded to long file name). E.g. for startup files, plugins, packs, etc. When a help item can't be found, then open 'helpfile'. Search for the tag in that file and gtive E149 only when not found. Helps for a tiny Vim installed without all the help files. SpellCap highlight not updated - PR #12428 Virtual text problems: - If 'list' is on, 'below' virtual text which includes 1 or 2 characters are gone (Issue #12028) - Virtual text aligned "above": Wrong indentation when using tabs (Issue #12232) - Virtual text to the right of the line that isn't visible doesn't cause the 'extends' character to show in 'list' mode. #12478 - Virtual text to the right of the line that fits exactly on screen causes that line and all lines below it not to be displayed (Issue #12213) - Window screen gets wrong when a virtual text is placed on 'above' or 'below' on an empty line (Issue #11959) - truncated Virtual text below an empty line causes display error #12493 When 'virtualedit' is "all" and 'cursorcolumn' is set, the wrong column may be highlighted. (van-de-bugger, 2018 Jan 23, #2576) Improve profiling by caching matching functions: PR #12192 With 'smoothscroll' set and "lastline" in 'display', moving the cursor to a wrapping line that makes the display scroll up may scroll much more than needed, thus jump-scrolling. (part of issue 12411) Add filecopy() ? #12346 Implement foreach() PR #12166 Errors when running tests with valgrind: - test_codestyle.vim: e.g.: command line..script /home/mool/vim/vim90/src/testdir/runtest.vim[569]..function RunTheTest[52]..Test_test_files line 6: keycode_check.vim: space before tab: Expected 0 but got 7 command line..script /home/mool/vim/vim90/src/testdir/runtest.vim[569]..function RunTheTest[52]..Test_test_files line 10: setup.vim: trailing white space: Expected 0 but got 23 - test_gui.vim: Found errors in Test_gui_mouse_event(): When every block in if/elseif ends in "throw" or "return" code following after "endif" should give an "unreachable code" error. Upcoming larger works: - Make spell checking work with recent .dic/.aff files, e.g. French. #4916 Make Vim understand the format somehow? Search for "spell" below. Make sure suggestions are speedy, also with composed words (German). - Make syntax highlighting faster and better. Add a generic mechanism to test a syntax plugin: An input file for the filetype and a screendump of expected result. With a way to specify the setup (global variables) and another dump file from that. Discuss alternatives for using other grammars (treesitter, TextMate). - Possibly conversion to Vim syntax rules. - Other mechanism than group and cluster to nest syntax items, to be used for grammars. - Possibly keeping the parsed syntax tree and incremental updates. - tree-sitter doesn't handle incorrect syntax (while typing) properly. - NeoVim uses treesitter, what can we learn from that? - Vscode is asked to switch to treesitter: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/50140 - Vscode uses TextMate. #9087 - Other people don't like it. https://github.com/icedman/vim-textmate - sublime grammar? Hugo mentions it's a moving target #9087 - Make clear how it relates to LSP. - example plugin: https://github.com/uga-rosa/dps-vsctm.vim Further Vim9 improvements: - Classes and Interfaces. See |vim9-classes| - Cannot use class type of itself in the method (Issue #12369) - Getting member of variable with "any" type should be handled at runtime. Remove temporary solution from #12096 / patch 9.0.1375. - "obj.Method()" does not always work in a compiled function, assumes "obj" is a dictionary. #12196 Issue #12024 might be the same problem. Issue #11822: any.Func() can be a dict or an object call, need to handle this at runtime. Also see #12198 for an example. Possibly issue #11981 can be fixed at the same time (has two examples). - Make ":defcompile ClassName" compile all functions and methods in the class. - Forward declaration of a class? E.g. for Clone() function. Email lifepillar 2023 Mar 26 - object empty(), len() - can class define a method to be used for them? - When "Meta" is a class, is "const MetaAlias = Meta" allowed? It should either work or given an error. Possibly give an error now and implement it later (using a typedef). #12006 - how about lock/unlock? - For chaining, allow using the class name as type for function return value. - Implement "specifies" interface - Implement generics - Add "assignable" (class or child)? - More efficient way for interface member index than iterating over list? - a variant of type() that returns a different type for each class? list and list should also differ. - implement :enum - Promise class, could be used to wait on a popup close callback? - class local to a function - Use Vim9 for more runtime files. - Inline call to map() and filter(), better type checking. - When evaluating constants for script variables, some functions could work: has(featureName), len(someString) - Implement as part of an expression: ++expr, --expr, expr++, expr--. - The use of the literal value "null" and the type specific "null_xxx" values is confusing (#13458, #11770). Information missing in terminfo: - Codes used for focus gained and lost termcodes are hard-coded in set_termname(), not named. - t_fe enable focus-event tracking - t_fd disable focus-event tracking - Accept "hyper" and "meta" modifiers (16 and 32) from Kitty like Meta? 8 is actually "super". - t_RV request terminal version string; xterm: "\033[>c" change in terminfo for "RV" uses the wrong escape sequence 7 - 14 Jan only - Codes for t_PS and t_PE; with bracketed paste: t_BE and t_BD. Modifiers for various keys - flag to indicate "xterm compatible modifiers" ? Underline and similar: - t_AU - Set underline color: like "AF" and "AB" entries. - t_Ce undercurl and underline end - t_Cs undercurl (curly underline) mode - t_Us double underline mode - t_ds dotted underline mode - t_Ds dashed underline mode - t_Te strikethrough end - t_Ts strikethrough mode Cursor codes: |termcap-cursor-shape| - t_RC request terminal cursor blinking - t_RS request terminal cursor style - t_VS cursor normally visible (no blink) - t_SI start insert mode (bar cursor shape) - t_SR start replace mode (underline cursor shape) - t_EI end insert or replace mode (block cursor shape) - t_SC set cursor color start - t_EC set cursor color end - t_SH set cursor shape State requests: - t_RF request terminal foreground color - t_RB request terminal background color Less important (not needed for regular editing): - t_IS set icon text start - t_IE set icon text end - t_ST save window title to stack - t_RT restore window title from stack - t_Si save icon text to stack - t_Ri restore icon text from stack - t_WP set window position (Y, X) in pixels - t_GP get window position (Y, X) in pixels - t_WS set window size (height, width in cells) Vim internal, but there should be a terminfo entry for these: - t_8f set foreground color (R, G, B) in printf() format - t_8b set background color (R, G, B) in printf() format - t_8u set underline color (R, G, B) in printf() format Probably Vim internal, not in terminfo: - t_TE end of "raw" mode - t_TI put terminal into "raw" mode - t_RK request terminal keyboard protocol state; sent after |t_TI| Already working, not properly documented: - t_u7 request cursor position Popup windows: - Add a function to redraw a specific popup window. Esp. to be used when editing the command line, when screen updating doesn't happen. (Shougo) #10210 Example that shows the need on the issue. Probably need to update all popup windows (they may overlap) If the display is scrolled need to redraw everything later. - Add a flag to make a popup window focusable? CTRL-W P cycle over any preview window or focusable popup, end up back in current window. ? - switch between current window and all popup windows Esc in popup window goes back to previous current window - Add a termcap entry for changing the cursor when it goes under the popup and back. like t_SI and t_EI (t_SU and t_EU, where "U" means under?) - With terminal in popup, allow for popup_hide() to temporarily hide it.? - Make it possible to scroll horizontally when 'wrap' is off. Does this require an ascii scrollbar, like with the vertical one? - Fire some autocommand event after a new popup window was created and positioned? PopupNew? Could be used to set some options or move it out of the way. (#5737) However, it may also cause trouble, changing the popup of another plugin. - Width is not computed correctly when minwidth and maxwidth are &columns and padding and a scrollbar are used. (#6676) - Should popup_getoptions() also return the mask? #7774 - Add a way to use popup_menu() synchronously: instead of invoking the callback, return the choice. (Ben Jackson, #6534) - When using a popup for the info of a completion menu, and there is not enough space, let the popup overlap with the menu. (#4544) - Implement flip option. - Make redrawing more efficient and avoid flicker: - put popup menu also in popup_mask? - Match does not have right BG color if line length equals popup width. (#5658) - Figure out the size and position better if wrapping inserts indent 'incsearch' with :s: - :s/foo using CTRL-G moves to another line, should not happen, or use the correct line (it uses the last but one line) (Lifepillar, Aug 18, #3345) - Also support range: :/foo/,/bar/delete - Also support for user command, e.g. Cfilter - :%s/foo should take the first match below the cursor line, unless there isn't one? Then :%s?foo should take the first match above the cursor line. Prompt buffer: - Add a command line history, using up/down keys. issue #5010 - delay next prompt until plugin gives OK? - add prompt_addtext({buf}, {expr}) none add text to a prompt buffer Terminal debugger: - Add a mechanism for configuration. Instead of several global variables use a dictionary. Use callbacks for some things, e.g. opening a debug window in a certain position. - Make prompt-buffer variant work better. - Add option to not open the program window. It's not used when attaching to an already running program. (M. Kelly) - Use the optional token on requests, match the result with it. #10300 - When only gdb window exists, on "quit" edit another buffer. - Termdebug does not work when Vim was built with mzscheme: gdb hangs just after "run". Everything else works, including communication channel. Not initializing mzscheme avoid the problem, thus it's not some #ifdef. - Add support for lldb? issue #3565 - Could we do something similar for debugging Vim scripts? At least see the script while stepping through it. Simple version would use an extra window. More complete solution would actually run Vim in a Terminal and control it with another Vim instance. Terminal emulator window: - Can escape a terminal popup with win_gotoid(), should be an error - No support for underline color, t_8u. - When in terminal-Normal mode when the job finishes, the cursor jumps to the end but the window is not updated. This only happens when typing "a". :term bash -c "for V in {0..5}; do echo $V; sleep 1; done" - GUI: cursor color is not updated when going to Terminal-Job mode. #12328 - GUI: cursor color is not updated when switching between tabs with a key. #12329 - GUI: cursor color is not updated when switching between tabs with a mouse click. #12330 - When started with ":terminal ++close" and the shell exits but there is a background process, the window remains open, because the channel still exists (and output still shows). Perhaps close the window when an explicit ++close was used? (#5931) - Using "CTRL-W :confirm quite" and selecting "yes" should work like ":quit!". (Harm te Hennepe, #6129) - When the job in the terminal doesn't use mouse events, let the scroll wheel scroll the scrollback, like a terminal does at the shell prompt. #2490 A bit like using CTRL-W N first. Jump back like with "a" when any key is typed. And use modeless selection. #2962 - Use CTRL-W CTRL-K to enter a digraph? #5371 - When Vim runs in the terminal and changes the title, the statusline needs to be redrawn. - GUI: When using ":set go+=!" a system() call causes the hit-enter prompt. (#3327) - Allow for specifying the directory, with ++cwd={dir}. - When pasting should call vterm_keyboard_start_paste(), e.g. when using K_MIDDLEMOUSE, calling insert_reg(). - Users expect parsing the :term argument like a shell does, also support single quotes. E.g. with: :term grep 'alice says "hello"' (#1999) - Win32: Redirecting input does not work, half of Test_terminal_redir_file() is disabled. - Win32: Redirecting output works but includes escape sequences. - Win32: Make terminal used for :!cmd in the GUI work better. Allow for redirection. - When the job only outputs lines, we could handle resizing the terminal better: store lines separated by line breaks, instead of screen lines, then when the window is resized redraw those lines. - Redrawing is slow with Motif. (Ramel Eshed) - For the GUI fill termios with default values, perhaps like pangoterm: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~leonerd/pangoterm/trunk/view/head:/main.c#L134 - When 'encoding' is not utf-8, or the job is using another encoding, setup conversions. Patch adds showcmd() function #11708 Cursor is after the end of the line: #12137. Crash when a variable is removed while listing variables (Issue #11435) Autoconf: must use autoconf 2.69, later version generates lots of warnings - try using autoconf 2.71 and fix all "obsolete" warnings #11322 Problem with Visual highlight when 'linebreak' and 'showbreak' are set. #11272 'cindent': compound literal indented wrong. Check for " = " before "{"? #12491 GUI Scroll test fails on FreeBSD when using Motif. See FIXME in Test_scrollbars in src/test_gui.vim Selected index returned by complete_info() does not match the index in the list of items. #12230 Support dark mode for MS-Windows: #12282 Remote command escapes single quote with backslash, should be doubling the single quote in vim_strsave_escaped_ext() #12202. PR to add custom and customlist completion types. #12228 Can deref_func_name() and deref_function_name() be merged? Using :global with a pattern containing \zs doesn't use the line where \zs matches but the start of the pattern. #3695 If there is a useful application for this, it can be made to work by changing the call to ml_setmarked(): ml_setmarked(lnum + regmatch.startpos[0].lnum); After patch 8.2.4915 w_botline is computed much more often. Can this be reduced? When 'delcombine' is set a put after "x" includes the base character and all combining characters. (Ron Aaron, 2023 Apr 10) Add BufDeletePost. #11041 Add winid arg to col() and charcol() #11466 (request #11461) 'switchbuf' set to "newtab" does not work for ":cfirst" when in the quickfix window. #12436 When :argument has a non-number argument, use it like :buffer to find the argument by name. #12272 Fold unexpectedly closed when inserting fold marker with CTRL-V (Issue #12320) Can we make 'noendofline' and 'endoffile' visible? Should show by default, since it's an unusual situation. - Show 'noendofline' when it would be used for writing ('fileformat' "dos") with an upside down exclamation mark? NonText highlighting. - Show 'endoffile' when it would be used for writing ('fileformat' "dos") with "CTRL-Z", NonText highlighting. - Add 'fillchars' items to change this, default behavior like: noeol:¡ eof:CTRL-Z Test property disappears when using CR twice in a row. OK when some text was entered. (#11151) Add 'keywordprg' to various ftplugin files: https://github.com/vim/vim/pull/5566 PR #11579 to add visualtext(), return Visually selected text. PR #12032: Support Python 3 stable ABI. PR #11860: Add more info to 'colorcolumn': display a character and highlight for each separate entry. Disadvantage: option value gets very complicated with multiple entries, e.g. every 8 columns. Stray characters in the shell #11719, caused by requesting a response for: - XT key sequences - Whether modifyOtherKeys is active - Whether kitty keyboard protocol is active Can we not request XT key sequences, or reduce them drastically? Issue #10512: Dynamic loading broken with Perl 5.36 Damien has a patch (2022 Dec 4) Request #11965: Allow several "%=" items in 'statusline', makes it possible to have text in the center. Add some kind of ":whathappend" command and functions to make visible what the last few typed keys and executed commands are. To be used when the user wonders what went wrong. Could also be used for statistics #12046. - typed keys - Normal mode command - like what is recorded in a register and displayed by 'showcmd'. - register used - #12063 - executed command lines - with more verbosity: what scripts/functions/autocommands were executed NFA regexp does not handle composing characters well: #10286 [ɔ̃] matches both ɔ and ɔ̃ \(ɔ\|ɔ̃\) matches ɔ and not ɔ̃ Is there a way to make 'autowriteall' make a clean exit when the xterm is closed? (Dennis Nazic says files are preserved, okt 28). Perhaps handle TERM like HUP? Better terminal emulator support: > Somehow request the terminfo entry from the terminal itself. The $TERM value then is only relevant for whether this feature is supported or not. Replaces the xterm mechanism to request each entry separately. #6609 Multiplexers (screen, tmux) can request it to the underlying terminal, and pass it on with modifications. How to get all the text quickly (also over ssh)? Can we use a side channel? > When xterm supports sending an Escape sequence for the Esc key, should have a way to request this state. That could be an XTGETTCAP entry, e.g. "k!". Add "esc_sends_sequence" flag. If we know this state, then do not pretend going out of Insert mode in vgetorpeek(), where kitty_protocol_state is checked. > If a response ends up in a shell command, one way to avoid this is by sending t_RV last and delay starting a shell command until the response has been seen. > Can we use the req_more_codes_from_term() mechanism with more terminals? Should we repeat it after executing a shell command? Can also add this to the 'keyprotocol' option: "mok2+tcap" > In the table of terminal names pointing to the list of termcap entries, add an optional additional one. So that "xterm-kitty" can first load "xterm" and then add "kitty" entries. Using "A" and "o" in manually created fold (in empty buffer) does not behave consistently (James McCoy, #10698) In a timer callback, when using ":echo" and then input() the message is overwritten. Could use ":echowin" and call redraw_cmd() in get_user_input(). #11299 Syntax include problem: #11277. Related to Patch 8.2.2761 To avoid flicker: add an option that when a screen clear is requested, instead of clearing it draws everything and uses "clear to end of line" for every line. Resetting 't_ut' already causes this? Instead of prefixing "INTERNAL" to internal messages, add a message in iemsg() and siemsg() and translate it. Messages only given to them don't need translation. When scheme can't be found by configure there is no clear "not found" message: configure:5769: checking MzScheme install prefix configure:5781: result: Can "CSI nr X" be used instead of outputting spaces? Is it faster? #8002 Typed keys invisible after calling interrupt() from a timer. #10631 With a window height of 6 and 'scrolloff' set to 3, using "j" does not scroll evenly. (#10545) Need to handle this in scroll_cursor_bot(). Idea: when typing ":e /some/dir/" and "dir" does not exist, highlight in red. ":set shellpipe&" and ":set shellredir&" should use the logic from initialization to figure out the default value from 'shell'. Add a test for this. Add a diff() function to use the built-in diff support in a script. #12321 Is the returned value in the right form now? Support translations for plugins: #11637 PR: #12447 - Need a tool like xgettext for Vim script, generates a .pot file. Need the equivalent of _() and N_(), perhaps TR() and TRN(). - Instructions for how to create .po files and translate. - Script or Makefile to generate .mo files. - Instructions and perhaps a script to install the .mo files in the right place. - Add variant of gettext() that takes a package name. With concealed text mouse click doesn't put the cursor in the right position. (Herb Sitz) Fix by Christian Brabandt, 2011 Jun 16. Doesn't work properly, need to make the change in where RET_WIN_BUF_CHARTABSIZE() is called. IDEA: when drawing the text, store the text byte index in ScreenLinesIdx[]. When converting screen column to text position use this. The line number can be obtained from win->w_lines[]. Version of getchar() that does not move the cursor - #10603 Use a separate argument for the new flag. test_arglist func Test_all_not_allowed_from_cmdwin() hangs on MS-Windows. Can we add highlighting to ":echowindow"? Information for a specific terminal (e.g. gnome, tmux, konsole, alacritty) is spread out. Make a section with copy/paste examples of script and pointers to more information. Problem that a previous silent ":throw" causes a following try/catch not to work. (ZyX, 2013 Sep 28) With examples: (Malcolm Rowe, 2015 Dec 24) Also see #8487 for an example. Request to use "." for the cursor column in search pattern \%<.c and \%<.v. (#8179) ":filter set termcap" only filters terminal codes, not keys. (#9297) Add an option to restrict 'incsearch' to not scroll the view. (Tavis Ormandy) Remove SPACE_IN_FILENAME ? It is only used for completion. When 'term' starts with "foot" then default t_TI and t_TE to the values used for the builtin xterm termcap. Adding "10" to 'spellsuggest' causes spell suggestions to become very slow. (#4087) Did patch 8.2.2379 help? Also, z= in German on a long word can take a very long time, but CTRL-C to interrupt does not work. Where to add ui_breakcheck()? New English spell files also have very slow suggestions. When 'spelloptions' is "camel" then zG doesn't work on some words. (Gary Johnson, 17 Oct 2022) SpellCap doesn't show below a closed fold. #12420 'cdpath' problems: - Adding "~" to 'cdpath' doesn't work for completion? (Davido, 2013 Aug 19) - Problem with 'cdpath' on MS-Windows when a directory is equal to $HOME. (2006 Jul 26, Gary Johnson) - Completion of ":cd" doesn't use 'cdpath'. #374. Make "g>" and "g<" in Visual mode move the text right or left. Also for a block selection. #8558 When using dictionary insert completion with 'ignorecase', the leading capital in a word should be preserved. Add optional argument to virtcol() that specifies "start", "cursor" or "end" to tell which value from getvvcol() should be used. (#7964) Value returned by virtcol() changes depending on how lines wrap. This is inconsistent with the documentation. When 'wildignore' has an entry ending in "/*" this means nothing matching the path before it will be added. When encountering a directory check this and if there is a match do not scan the directory (possibly speeds up :find a lot). #12482 globpath() does not use 'wildignorecase' at all? (related to #8350) mksession uses :buffer instead of :edit in one place but not another. #10629 Add 'termguiattr' option, use "gui=" attributes in the terminal? Would work with 'termguicolors'. #1740 Patch for blockwise paste reporting changes: #6660. Asked for a PR. Missing filetype test for bashrc, PKGBUILD, etc. Add an option to not fetch terminal codes in xterm, to avoid flicker when t_Co changes. Add ??= operator, "a ??= b" works like "a = a ?? b". #10343 When ":redir" is used while already active, the previous one is ended. But when redirecting to a local variable (function or script) storing the value won't work. At least give an error. Is there a way to make it work? #10616 Completion for ":runtime" should show valid values, not what's in the current directory. (#11447) Add a "description" property to mappings. #12205 Add an option to start_timer() to return from the input loop with K_IGNORE. This is useful e.g. when a popup was created that disables mappings, we need to return from vgetc() to make this happen. #7011 Expanding should put the tab number from cmdmod.tab before "tab". Any way to convert "$" back by using a special value? (#6901) Can we detect true color support? https://gist.github.com/XVilka/8346728 Try setting a color then request the current color, like using t_u7. Add a v:register_used variable, which has the name of the register used for the last command, e.g. put. #12003 Make the jumplist behave like a tag stack. (#7738) Should there be a more time bound navigation, like with undo? For testing, make a copy of ml_line_ptr instead of pointing it into the data block, so that valgrind can do out of bounds check. Set ML_LINE_DIRTY flag or add ML_LINE_ALLOCED. Changing a capturing group to non-capturing changes the result: #7607 :echo matchstr('aaa bbb', '\(.\{-1,}\>\)\|.*') aaa :echo matchstr('aaa bbb', '\%(.\{-1,}\>\)\|.*') aaa bbb Should also work without any group: :echo matchstr('aaa bbb', '.\{-1,}\>\|.*') aaa bbb (should be aaa) Should add a match/str/list/pos method that also returns the test and position of submatches. #8355 Check out PR #543 (Roland Puntaier). Patch for multibyte characters in langmap and applying a mapping on them. (Christian Brabandt, 2015 Jun 12, update July 25) Is this the right solution? Need to cleanup langmap behavior: - in vgetorpeek() apply langmap to the typeahead buffer and put the result in a copy-buffer, only when langmap is appropriate for the current mode. Then check for mapping and let gotchars() work on the copy-buffer. - Remove LANGMAP_ADJUST() in other parts of the code. Make sure the mode is covered by the above change. So that replaying the register doesn't use keymap/langmap and still does the same thing. Also see #737: langmap not applied to replaying recording. Perhaps also related: #5147 Matchparen doesn't remove highlight after undo. (#7054) Is OK when syntax HL is active. Currently Del can be used to delete the last character of a typed count. Can it also be used to delete an incomplete Normal mode command? (#7096) After an operator: should work. After "a" or "i" for text objects: should work. Using "au!" after "filetype on" is a bit slow. Can the matching of autocommands be made faster? (#7056) Using a search pattern containing "\%V" and 'hlsearch' set keeps old matches when the Visual area changes. #11694. Do a redraw when starting a Visual selection? Append in Visual block mode inserts the wrong character. Test_visual_block_mode() already has the proper check, which is commented out. (#8288) Add the <=> (spaceship) operator and "cond ?< expr ?= expr ?> expr" replace this: let left = GetLeftFunc() let right = GetRightFunc() let res = left < right ? lower : left == right ? equal : upper by: let res = GetLeftFunc() <=> GetRightFunc() ?< lower ?= equal ?> upper Patch to make :q work with local arglist. (Christian Brabandt, #6286) Why does Test_invalid_sid() not work in the GUI? ":pedit" ignores the local working directory when 'pvp' is set (#7267) Lua: updating wrong buffer when using newly created, unloaded buffer. (#6539) File marks merging has duplicates since 7.4.1925. (Ingo Karkat, #5733) A syntax plugin cannot use autocommands, it could be sourced from setting 'syntax' in a modeline. Add a function that indicates whether "secure" and/or "sandbox" are set. Problem with auto-formatting - inserting space and putting cursor before added character. (#6154) Auto-formatting comments joins a following non-comment line when the comment ends in a space. (Adam Levy, 18 Oct 2022) When 'lazyredraw' is set sometimes the title is not updated. (Jason Franklin, 2020 Feb 3) Looks like a race condition. With bash ":make" does not set v:shell_error. Possible solution: set 'shellpipe' to "2>&1| tee %s; exit ${PIPESTATUS[0]}" #5994 Using mode() when "/pat" is used in Visual mode returns "v" instead of "c", which is not useful. Return "c/v" instead. And "c/o" when using "d/pat". #6127 Add a cterm attribute for "dimmed" or "faint" text. (#8269) When 'fileignorecase' is set ":e testfile.c" works to edit TestFile.c, but ":find testfile.c" does not ignore case. Might be related to #6088. Error for reverse range when using :vimgrep in file "[id-01] file.txt". (#6919) When changing the crypt key the buffer should be considered modified. Like when changing 'fileformat'. Save the old key in save_file_ff(). (Ninu-Ciprian Marginean) Strange sequence of BufWipeout and BufNew events while doing omni-complete. (Paul Jolly, #5656) Get BufDelete without preceding BufNew. (Paul Jolly, #5694) Later more requests for what to track. Should we add new events that don't allow any buffer manipulation? Really only for dealing with appearing and disappearing buffers, load and unload. BufWinenter event not fired when saving unnamed buffer. (Paul Jolly, #5655) Another spurious BufDelete. (Dani Dickstein, #5701) Wrong error when using local arglist. (Harm te Hennepe, #6133) Test loose_clipboard() by selecting text before suspending. :unmap gives error but does remove the mapping. (Antony Scriven, 2019 Dec 19) Patch to add an option to enable/disable VTP. (Nobuhiro Takasaki, #5344) Should have three values: empty, "off", "on". Name it 'winterm'? Patch to fix session file when using multiple tab pages. (Jason Franklin, 2019 May 20) Also put :argadd commands at the start for all buffers, so that their order remains equal? Then %argdel to clean it up. Do try this with 'hidden' set. Also #5326: netrw buffers are not restored. When 'backupdir' has a path ending in double slash (meaning: use full path of the file) combined with 'patchmode' the file name is wrong. (#5791) Completion mixes results from the current buffer with tags and other files. Happens when typing CTRL-N while still searching for results. E.g., type "b_" in terminal.c and then CTRL-N twice. Should do current file first and not split it up when more results are found. (Also #1890) Help for ":argadd fname" says that if "fname" is already in the argument list that entry is used. But instead it's always added. (#6210) Add flag AL_FIND_ADD, if there is one argument find it in the list. Statusline highlighting error, off by one. (#5599) ":find" with 'path' set to "data*" does not find files, while completion does find them. (Max Kukartsev, #6218) Enable 'termbidi' if $VTE_VERSION >= 5703 ? Python 3.8 doesn't work. (Antonios Hadjigeorgalis, #5509) "--cleanFOO" does not result in an error. (#5537) Output from assert_equalfile() doesn't give a hint about what's different. Assuming the files are text, print the line with the difference. Result of synID() sometimes wrong in help files. (#5252) When a help file is opened that doesn't have "ft=help" in the modeline then the FileType is first set to "text" before it is set to "help". (#8099) Problem showing a line if the number column width changes when using "o". (Mateusz Morusiewicz, #4245) When using :packadd for a replacement language plugin, it is loaded after the default one. #4698 When using :packadd files under "later" are not used, which is inconsistent with packages under "start". (xtal8, #1994) Patch to add new motion ]( and ]{. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto, #5320) Better: use the "z" prefix. or ]t) and [t(. Visual highlight not removed when 'display' is "lastline" and line doesn't fit. (Kevin Lawler, #4457) Current position in the changelist should be local to the buffer. (#2173) Does not build with MinGW out of the box: - _stat64 is not defined, need to use "struct stat" in vim.h - WINVER conflict, should use 0x0600 by default? - INT_MAX not defined: need to include in vim.h Display messed up with matchparen, wrapping and scrolling. (#5638) Screen update bug related to matchparen. (Chris Heath, 2017 Mar 4, #1532) When getting a focus event halfway a mapping this aborts the mapping. E.g. when "qq" is mapped and after the first "q" the mouse is moved outside of the gvim window (with focus follows mouse), then the K_FOCUSLOST key is put in the input buffer. (#5302) Check_external_diff() is used too often. (Daniel Hahler, #4800) Win32: after "[I" showing matches, scroll wheel messes up screen. (Tsakiridis, 2007 Feb 18) Patch by Alex Dobrynin, 2007 Jun 3. Also fixes other scroll wheel problems. Add a WindowScrolled event. Trigger around the same time as CursorMoved. Can be used to update highlighting. #3127 #5181 Incorrect formatting with autoindent. (Sebastian Gniazdowski, #4909) Patch to add the :bvimgrep command. (Christian Brabandt, 2014 Nov 12) Updated 2016 Jun 10, #858 Update 2017 Mar 28: use . Better use ":bufgrep" ? Improve fallback for menu translations, to avoid having to create lots of files that source the actual file. E.g. menu_da_de -> menu_da Include part of #3242? Patch for different behavior of text objects with quotes: #11976 Is this actually better? Patch to have text objects defined by arbitrary single characters. (Daniel Thau, 2013 Nov 20, 2014 Jan 29, 2014 Jan 31) Added tests (James McCoy, 2016 Aug 3, #958). Still needs more work. Would be nice to set tab-local values for 'diffexpr' and 'diffopt'. Use t:diffexpr_option t:diffopt_option? (#4782) Also make 'scrollopt' tab-local, remove "hor" only for the current tab page. Internal diff doesn't handle binary file like external diff does. (Mike Williams, 2018 Oct 30) '[ mark in wrong column after put. (#4776) Problem with :tlmenu: Detach item added with all modes? Issue #3563. Add an argument to expandcmd() to expand like ":next" does. When both "a" and "l" is in 'formatoptions' then auto-formatting also happens in a long line. #5189 The quoting of the [command] argument of :terminal is not clearly documented. Give a few examples. (#4288) Opening a file with --remote-tab-silent that matches 'wildignore' does not work, results in "E479: No match". (#4610) 7 Add an option to add one pixel column to the character width? Lucida Console italic is wider than the normal font ("d" overlaps with next char). Opposite of 'linespace': 'columnspace'. Patch for this (Tristan Konolige, #1011, only added the option, no implem.) Bug: script written with "-W scriptout" contains Key codes, while the script read with "-s scriptin" expects escape codes. Probably "scriptout" needs to be adjusted. (Daniel Steinberg, 2019 Feb 24, #4041) Window size changes after closing a tab. (#4741) Problem with colors in terminal window. (Jason Franklin, 2019 May 12) Color schemes: NOTE: modernizing the default colorschemes _AND_ introducing new ones is now a project in its own right: https://github.com/vim/colorschemes. Feel free to reach out if you want to lend a hand. - Lifepillar: Updated/cleaned up color schemes: https://github.com/lifepillar/vim8-colorschemes. - Include a few color schemes, based on popularity: - http://www.vim.org/scripts/script_search_results.php?keywords=&script_type=color+scheme&order_by=rating&direction=descending&search=search http://vimawesome.com/?q=tag:color-scheme - Use names that indicate their appearance (Christian Brabandt, 2017 Aug 3) - monokai - Xia Crusoe (2017 Aug 4) - seoul256 - Christian Brabandt (2017 Aug 3) - gruvbox - Christian Brabandt (2017 Aug 3) (simplified version from Lifepillar, 2018 Jan 22, #2573) - janah - Marco Hinz (2017 Aug 4) - apprentice - Romain Lafourcade (2017 Aug 6) remarks about help file #1964 - Suggested by Hiroki Kokubun: - [Iceberg](https://github.com/cocopon/iceberg.vim) (my one) - [hybrid](https://github.com/w0ng/vim-hybrid) - Include solarized color scheme?, it does not support termguicolors. - Sanitized version of pablo (Lifepillar, 2017 Nov 21) Bug: "vipgw" does not put cursor back where it belongs. (Jason Franklin, 2019 Mar 5) Some composing characters actually add a cell width to the character they are on top off, making the whole thing two characters wide. (#4526) Should we include some part of pull request #4505, not increment changedtick in some cases? E.g. for ":write" when the changed flag was already off, the buffer didn't change at all. When using a timer callback vgetc_busy is reset, allowing for using input(). But in a channel callback this does not happen. We need to do something similar to check_due_timer(). Also see #3809. C syntax: {} inside () causes following {} to be highlighted as error. (Michalis Giannakidis, 2006 Jun 1) Check: __attribute__((format(printf, on semsg() and siemsg(). Where was this added? Add test for urxvt mouse codes. Also test that mouse coordinates can be negative. (see #4326) 'cmdheight' has a tab-local value, but it cannot be obtained with `:echo gettabwinvar(2, 1, '&cmdheight')` returns the value for the _current_ tab page. (Ingo Karkat, #4324) :call settabwinvar(1, 1, '&cmdheight', 2) also doesn't work well. When opening a file, allow for specifying the initial column position: vim +12:5 file.txt line 12 column 5 :edit +12:5 file.txt Should probably use the column as the character index. This modeline throws unexpected errors: (#4165) vim: syn=nosyntax Make balloon_show() work outside of 'balloonexpr'? Users expect it to work: #2948. (related to #1512?) Also see #2352, want better control over balloon, perhaps set the position. Should also be possible to add highlighting, like in the status line? balloonexpr() on MS-Windows GUI doesn't handle accented chars? (nivaemail, 2018 Sep 14) More warnings from static analysis: https://lgtm.com/projects/g/vim/vim/alerts/?mode=list Not existing directory in CDPATH leads to two shell calls. (#4525) Use dict_iterate_start() / dict_iterate_next() instead of relying on the internals of the dict structure. nvo-mode mapping works on Windows, not on Linux. (#3678) Redo only remembers the last change. Could use "{count}g." to redo an older change. How does the user know which change? At least have a way to list them: ":repeats". Add to history, like search history and command line history. When 'confirm' is set a "silent q" doesn't show the prompt. It should in this case. (Nate Peterson, 2019 Jan 31, #3892) For "silent! q" it should not prompt and just fail. Add , which expands to the currently triggered autocommand event name. (Daniel Hahler, #4232) Or add it to v:event (easier to use but slightly more expensive). Some xterm responses are not properly handled: (Markus Gömmel, 2019 Apr 1) DCS 0 $ r Pt ST should be ignored. DCS 0 + r/Pt/ ST already ignored? Using CTRL-L to add a character to the search string that contains \v, punctuation is repeated. (Smylers, 2018 Nov 17, #3621) Using single wide base character with double wide composing character gives drawing errors. Fill up the base character? (Dominique, #4328) When 'sidescrolloff' is set, using "zl" to go to the end of the line, suddenly scrolls back. Should allow for this scrolling, like 'scrolloff' does when using CTRL-E. (Yee Cheng Chin, #3721) Add function to make use of internal diff, working on two lists and returning unified diff (list of lines). When splitting a window with few text lines, the relative cursor position is kept, which means part of the text isn't displayed. Better show all the text when possible. (Dylan Lloyd, #3973) Make ":interactive !cmd" stop termcap mode, also when used in an autocommand. (#3692) Add something like 'fillchars' local to window, but allow for specifying a highlight name. Esp. for the statusline. And "extends" and "precedes" are also useful without 'list' set. Also in 'fillchars' or another option? Sourceforge Vim pages still have content, make them empty, keep redirect. Check for PHP errors. (Wayne Davison, 2018 Oct 26) Problem with Visual yank when 'linebreak' and 'showbreak' are set. Patch with tests, but it's not clear how it is supposed to work. (tommm, 2018 Nov 17) Asked about this, Dec 22. Christian will have a look. Update for xim-input-style help (Tony Mechelynck, 2019 Jan 10). Feedback from someone who uses this? Only output t_Cs when t_Ce is also set. do not use Cs and Ce termcap entries. (Daniel Hahler, 2018 Sep 25) Add t_cS and t_cR for cursor color select and reset. Use Cs and Cr terminfo values. Further xdiff changes: - More options, e.g. different kind of whitespace diff. - when editing text, update the surrounding diff blocks. - omit diff.exe from distribution - Can we make this show differences within a line? - add option to use external diff above a certain size. Difference between two regexp engines: #3373 When the last line wraps, selecting with the mouse below that line only includes the first screen line. (2018 Aug 23, #3368) Refactored HTML indent file. (Michael Lee, #1821) Asked to write a test. Merge checking for 'cursorline' and 'concealcursor', see neovim #9492. Add a windowID argument to placing a sign, so that it only shows up in one window for the buffer. Compiler warning (geeknik, 2017 Oct 26): - undefined left shift in eval_string(), before hex2nr() (#2250) Use unsigned for "nr". Add Native language protocol server (LSP) support. (Yegappan Lakshmanan, 2018 Oct 28) Patch to be able to use hex numbers with :digraph. (Lcd, 2015 Sep 6) Update Sep 7. Update by Christian Brabandt, 2015 Sep 8, 2016 Feb 1. Patch to be able to disable default digraphs (incomplete) (Eric Pruitt, 2018 Nov 22). Patch to list user digraphs. (Christian Brabandt, 2012 Apr 14) Setting 'columns' in a BufEnter autocommand causes a second tab width to behave strangely, as if there is a gap and a vertical window separator. (Michael Soyka, 2018 Sep 23, #3477) Add an option similar to 'lazyredraw' to skip redrawing while executing a script or function. Using a menu item while the "more" prompt is displayed doesn't work well. E.g. after using help->version. Have a key that ends the "more" prompt and does nothing otherwise? MS-Windows: write may fail if another program is reading the file. If 'readonly' is not set but the file appears to be readonly later, try again (wait a little while). CreateFile() returns ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION (Linwei, 2018 May 5) Using --remote to open a file in which a # appears does not work on MS-Windows. Perhaps in \# the \ is seen as a path separator. (Axel Bender, 2017 Feb 9) Can we expand wildcards first and send the path literally to the receiving Vim? Or make an exception for #, it's not useful remotely. Column number is wrong when using 'linebreak' and 'wrap'. (Keith Smiley, 2018 Jan 15, #2555) Add Makefiles to the runtime/spell directory tree, since nobody uses Aap. Will have to explain the manual steps (downloading the .aff and .dic files, applying the diff, etc. User dictionary ~/.vim/spell/lang.utf-8.add not used for spell checking until a word is re-added to it. (Matej Cepl, 2018 Feb 6) Fold at end of the buffer behaves inconsistently. (James McCoy, 2017 Oct 9) Implement option_save() and option_restore(): option_restore({list}) *option_restore()* Restore options previously saved by option_save(). When buffer-local options have been saved, this function must be called when the same buffer is the current buffer. When window-local options have been saved, this function must be called when the same window is the current window. When in the wrong buffer and/or window an error is given and the local options won't be restored. option_save({list}) *option_save()* Saves the options named in {list}. The returned value can be passed to option_restore(). Example: > let s:saved_options = option_save([ \ 'ignorecase', \ 'iskeyword', \ ]) au BufLeave * \ call option_restore(s:saved_options) < The advantage over using `:let` is that global and local values are handled and the script ID is restored, so that `:verbose set` will show where the option was originally set, not where it was restored. Alternatively: save and restore ALL options. Implementation needs to use copy-on-write. Return an ID from option_save(), when option_restore(ID) is called give an error if another option_save() was called in the meantime, they must be balanced. "gvim --remote" from a directory with non-word characters changes the current directory (Paulo Marcel Coelho Arabic, 2017 Oct 30, #2266) Also see #1689. No profile information for function that executes ":quit". (Daniel Hahler, 2017 Dec 26, #2501) A function on a dictionary is not profiled. (ZyX, 2010 Dec 25) Add script number to profile? (#3330 breaks tests). A function defined locally and lambda's are not easily recognized. Mention where they were defined somewhere. ml_get errors with buggy script. (Dominique, 2017 Apr 30) Error in emsg with buggy script. (Dominique, 2017 Apr 30) Join truncates xml comment. (Dmitrii Tcyganok, 2017 Dec 24, #2494) Requires 'formatoptions' to include "j". (Gary Johnson, 2017 Dec 24) Patch to support hunspell. (Matej Cepl, Jan 2018, #2500) Based on older patch in #846) Doesn't work on Windows yet. Not ready to included, hard coded paths. When a timer is running and typing CTRL-R on the command line, it is not redrawn properly. (xtal8, 2017 Oct 23, #2241) In an optional package the "after" directory is not scanned? (Renato Fabbri, 2018 Feb 22) Patch for Neovim concerning restoring when closing help window. (glacambre neovim #7431) Patch for improving detecting Ruby on Mac in configure. (Ilya Mikhaltsou, 2017 Nov 21) When t_Co is changed from termresponse, the OptionSet autocommand event isn't triggered. Use the code from the end of set_num_option() in set_color_count(). Add another autocommand like TermResponse that is fired for the other terminal responses, such as bg and fg. Use "bg", "fg", "blink", etc. for the name. When using command line window, CmdlineLeave is triggered without CmdlineEnter. (xtal8, 2017 Oct 30, #2263) Add some way to get the nested state. Although CmdwinEnter is obviously always nested. matchit hasn't been maintained for a long time. #955. Problem with 'delcombine'. (agguser, 2017 Nov 10, #2313) 'delcombine' does not work for the command line. (Tony Mechelynck, 2009 Jul 20) MS-Windows: buffer completion doesn't work when using backslash (or slash) for a path separator. (xtal8, #2201) Would be nice for Insert mode completion to highlight the text that was added (and may change when picking another completion). Test more runtime files. Window not closed when deleting buffer. (Harm te Hennepe, 2017 Aug 27, #2029) Add options_default() / options_restore() to set several options to Vim defaults for a plugin. Comments from Zyx, 2017 May 10. Perhaps use a vimcontext / endvimcontext command block. After using :noautocmd CursorMoved may still trigger. (Andy Stewart, 2017 Sep 13, #2084). Set old position after the command. When bracketed paste is used, pasting at the ":append" prompt does not get the line breaks. (Ken Takata, 2017 Aug 22) Cannot copy modeless selection when cursor is inside it. (lkintact, #2300) Test_writefile_fails_conversion failure on Solaris because if different iconv behavior. Skip when "uname" returns "SunOS"? (Pavel Heimlich, #1872) 'tagrelative' is broken in specific situation. (xaizek, 2017 Oct 19, #2221) The ++ options for the :edit command are also useful on the Vim command line. Overlong utf-8 sequence is displayed wrong. (Harm te Hennepe, 2017 Sep 14, #2089) Patch with possible solution by Björn Linse. X11: Putting more than about 262040 characters of text on the clipboard and pasting it in another Vim doesn't work. (Dominique Pelle, 2008 Aug 21-23) clip_x11_request_selection_cb() is called with zero value and length. Also: Get an error message from free() in the process that owns the selection. Seems to happen when the selection is requested the second time, but before clip_x11_convert_selection_cb() is invoked, thus in X library code. Kazunobu Kuriyama is working on a proper fix. (2017 Jul 25) Problem with three-piece comment. (Michael Lee, 2017 May 11, #1696) Creating a partial with an autoload function is confused about the "self" attribute of the function. For an unknown function assume "self" and make that optional? (Bjorn Linse, 2017 Aug 5) Cindent: returning a structure has more indent for the second item. (Sam Pagenkopf, 2017 Sep 14, #2090) Patch from Christian Brabandt to preserve upper case marks when wiping out a buffer. (2013 Dec 9) Also fixes #2166? Profile of a dict function is lost when the dict is deleted. Would it be possible to collect this? (Daniel Hahler, #2350) When checking if a bufref is valid, also check the buffer number, to catch the case of :bwipe followed by :new. Patch to skip writing a temp file for diffing if the buffer is equal to the existing file. (Akria Sheng, 2017 Jul 22) Could also skip writing lines that are the same. MS-Windows: Opening same file in a second gvim hangs. (Sven Bruggemann, 2017 Jul 4) Setting 'clipboard' to "unnamed" makes a global command very slow (Daniel Drucker, 2017 May 8). This was supposed to be fixed, did it break again somehow? Christian cannot reproduce it. Using composing char in mapping does not work properly. maparg() shows the wrong thing. (Nikolai Pavlov, 2017 Jul 8, #1827) Or is this not an actual problem? Better TeX indent file. (Christian Brabandt, 2017 May 3) Use gvimext.dll from the nightly build? (Issue #249) 'synmaxcol' works with bytes instead of screen cells. (Llandon, 2017 May 31, #1736) Problem with using :cd when remotely editing a file. (Gerd Wachsmuth, 2017 May 8, #1690) Memory leak in test97? The string is actually freed. Weird. assert_fails() can only check for the first error. Make it possible to have it catch multiple errors and check all of them. Add a toolbar in the terminal. Can be global, above all windows, or specific for one window. Make maparg() also return the raw rhs, so that it doesn't depend on 'cpo'. (Brett Stahlman, 2017 May 23) Even better: add a way to disable a mapping temporarily and re-enable it later. This is for a sub-mode that is active for a short while (one buffer). Still need maplist() to find the mappings. What can we use to identify a mapping? Something unique would be better than the LHS. Perhaps simpler: actually delete the mappings. Use maplist() to list matching mappings (with a lhs prefix, like maparg()), mapdelete() to delete, maprestore() to restore (using the output of maplist()). Add an argument to :mkvimrc (or add another command) to skip mappings from plugins (source is a Vim script). No need to put these in a .vimrc, they will be defined when the plugin is loaded. Use tb_set(winid, [{'text': 'stop', 'cb': callback, 'hi': 'Green'}]) tb_highlight(winid, 'ToolBar') tb_get(winid) json_encode(): should convert to utf-8. (Nikolai Pavlov, 2016 Jan 23) What if there is an invalid character? Json string with trailing \u should be an error. (Lcd) import can't be used in define option when include matches too. (Romain Lafourcade, 2017 Jun 18, #1519) Wrong diff highlighting with three files. (2016 Oct 20, #1186) Also get E749 on exit. Another example in #1309 Suggestion to improve pt-br spell checking. (Marcelo D Montu, 2016 Dec 15, #1330) Error in test_startup_utf8 on Solaris. (Danek Duvall, 2016 Aug 17) Rule to use "^" for statusline does not work if a space is defined with highlighting for both stl and stlnc. Patch by Ken Hamada (itchyny, 2016 Dec 11) Using CTRL-G_U in InsertCharPre causes trouble for redo. (Israel Chauca Fuentes, 2017 Feb 12, #1470) Add a "keytrans()" function, which turns the internal byte representation of a key into a form that can be used for :map. E.g. let xx = "\" echo keytrans(xx) Check for errors E704 and E705 only does VAR_FUNC, should also do VAR_PARTIAL. (Nikolai Pavlov, 2017 Mar 13, #1557) Make a function to check for function-like type? Implement named arguments for functions with optional arguments: func Foo(start, count = 1, all = 1) call Foo(12, all = 0) Add a command to take a range of lines, filter them and put the output somewhere else. :{range}copy {dest} !cmd The TermResponse event is not triggered when a plugin has set 'eventignore' to "all". Netrw does this. (Gary Johnson, 2017 Jan 24) Postpone the event until 'eventignore' is reset. Expanding /**/ is slow. Idea by Luc Hermitte, 2017 Apr 14. Once .exe with updated installer is available: Add remark to download page about /S and /D options (Ken Takata, 2016 Apr 13) Or point to nightly builds: https://github.com/vim/vim-win32-installer/releases ":sbr" docs state it respects 'switchbuf', but "vsplit" does not cause a vertical split. (Haldean Brown, 2017 Mar 1) Use ADDR_OTHER instead of ADDR_LINES for many more commands. E.g. all the location list commands use a count. Add tests for using number larger than number of lines in buffer. Might be useful to have isreadonly(), like we have islocked(). Avoids exceptions, e.g. when using the b: namespace as a dict. Patch to make v:shell_error writable. (Christian Brabandt, 2016 Sep 27) Useful to restore it. Is there another solution? Patch for wrong cursor position on wrapped line, involving breakindent. (Ozaki Kiichi, 2016 Nov 25) Patch for 'cursorlinenr' option. (Ozaki Kiichi, 2016 Nov 30) Window resizing with 'winfixheight': With a vertical split the height changes anyway. (Tommy allen, 2017 Feb 21, #1502) Invalid behavior with NULL list. (Nikolai Pavlov, #768) E.g. deepcopy(test_null_list()) Patch to make it possible to extend a list with itself. (Nikolai Pavlov, 2016 Sep 23) Patch to add Zstandard compressed file support. (Nick Terrell, 2016 Oct 24) On Windows buffer completion sees backslash as escape char instead of path separator. (Toffanim, 2016 Nov 24, #1274) Should :vmap in matchit.vim be :xmap? (Tony Mechelynck) Problem with whitespace in errorformat. (Gerd Wachsmuth, 2016 May 15, #807) Support sort(l, 'F'), convert strings to float. (#7857) sort() is not stable when using numeric/float sort (Nikolay Pavlov, 2016 Sep 4#1038) sort() does not use 'smartcase' for the skip pattern, even though 'ignorecase' is used. (Filipe Brandenburger, #7322) +channel: - Add a in_cb, invoked when the write buffer has become empty. (Matteo Landi) - Add ch_readlines(): for a channel in NL mode, reads as many lines as are available. Should be more efficient than looping over ch_read() with ch_status() to check for more. - If buffer contents is changed in a callback, set w_redr_status so that it gets redrawn in redraw_after_callback(). #6120 - Add a separate timeout for opening a socket. Currently it's fixed at 50 msec, which is too small for a remote connection. (tverniquet, #2130) - Writing raw mode to a buffer should still handle NL characters as line breaks. (Dmitry Zotikov, 2017 Aug 16) - When out_cb executes :sleep, the close_cb may be invoked. (Daniel Hahler, 2016 Dec 11, #1320) - Implement |job-term| ? - Calling a function when receiving a "call" on a channel, using feedkeys() does not work. It does work from a timer. (Qiming Zhao, #3852) - Channel test fails with Motif. Sometimes kills the X11 server. - When a message in the queue but there is no callback, drop it after a while? Add timestamp to queued messages and callbacks with ID, remove after a minute. Option to set the droptime. - Add an option to drop text of very long lines? Default to 1 Mbyte. - Add remark about undo sync, is there a way to force it? - When starting a job, have an option to open the server socket, so we know the port, and pass it to the command with --socket-fd {nr}. (Olaf Dabrunz, Feb 9) How to do this on MS-Windows? - For connection to server, a "keep open" flag would be useful. Retry connecting in the main loop with zero timeout. - job_start(): run job in a newly opened terminal (not a terminal window). With xterm could use -S{pty}. Although user could use "xterm -e 'cmd arg'". Regexp problems: - NFA engine can be slow for some patterns. Dominique found out that most time is spent in addstate_here() copying the threads. Instead of copying, let each thread point to the next one (by offset, the list is reallocated). (Dominique Pelle, 2019 Feb 18) - Old engine: using 'incsearch' /\Zabc does not highlight the "c" if it has a composing character. New engine is OK. (Tony Mechelynck, 2019 May 5) - When search pattern has the base character both with and without combining character, search fails. E.g. "รรีบ" in "การรีบรักใคร". (agguser, #2312) - [:space:] only matches ASCII spaces. Add [:white:] for all space-like characters, esp. including 0xa0. Use character class zero. - Since 7.4.704 the old regex engine fails to match [[:print:]] in 0xf6. (Manuel Ortega, 2016 Apr 24) Test fails on Mac. Avoid using isalpha(), isalnum(), etc? Depends on LC_CTYPE - The old engine does not find a match for "/\%#=1\(\)\{80}", the new engine matches everywhere. - Using win_linetabsize() can still be slow. Cache the result, store col and vcol. Reset them when moving to another line. - Very slow with a long line and Ruby highlighting. (John Whitley, 2014 Dec 4) - Bug with pattern: '\vblock (\d+)\.\n.*\d+%(\1)@ and \?. (Brett Stahlman, 2013 Dec 21) Remark from Marcin Szamotulski; Remark from Brett 2014 Jan 6 and 7. - NFA regexp doesn't handle \%\)\@<=.*\%(<\/\(\w\+\)>\)\@=" matching text inside HTML tags. This problem is probably the same: "\%(^\1.*$\n\)\@<=\(\d\+\).*$". (guotuofeng, 2015 Jun 22) - Strange matching with "\(Hello\n\)\@<=A". (Anas Syed, 2015 Feb 12) - Problem with \v(A)@<=b+\1c. (Issue 334) - Diff highlighting can be very slow. (Issue 309) - Using %> for a virtual column has a check based on 'tabsize'. Better would be to cache the result of win_linetabsize(col), storing both col and vcol, and use them to decide whether win_linetabsize() needs to be called. Reset col and vcol when moving to another line. - this doesn't work: "syntax match ErrorMsg /.\%9l\%>20c\&\%<28c/". Leaving out the \& works. Seems any column check after \& fails. - Difference between two engines: ".*\zs\/\@>\/" on text "///" (Chris Paul, 2016 Nov 13) New engine not greedy enough? Another one: echom matchstr(" sdfsfsf\n sfdsdfsdf",'[^\n]*') (2017 May 15, #1252) Idea from Sven: record sequence of keys. Useful to show others what they are doing (look over the shoulder), and also to see what happened. Probably list of keystrokes, with some annotations for mode changes. Could store in logfile to be able to analyse it with an external command. E.g. to see when's the last time a plugin command was used. cmap using execute() has side effects. (Killthemule, 2016 Aug 17, #983) :map X may print invalid data. (Nikolay Pavlov, 2017 Jul 3, #1816) Patch to order results from taglist(). (Duncan McDougall, 2016 Oct 25) ml_get errors when reloading file. (Chris Desjardins, 2016 Apr 19) Also with latest version. Completion for input() does not expand environment variables. (chdiza, 2016 Jul 25, #948) Patch to add 'systemencoding', convert between 'encoding' and this for file names, shell commands and the like. (Kikuchan, 2010 Oct 14) Assume the system converts between the actual encoding of the filesystem to the system encoding (usually utf-8). MS-Windows: use WS_HIDE instead of SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE in os_win32.c? Otherwise task flickers in taskbar. Second problem in #966: ins_compl_add_tv() uses get_dict_string() multiple times, overwrites the one buffer. (Nikolay Pavlov, 2016 Aug 5) Patch to improve map documentation. Issue #799. We can use '. to go to the last change in the current buffer, but how about the last change in any buffer? Can we use ', (, is next to .)? Ramel Eshed: system() is much slower than job_start(), why? (Aug 26) When generating the Unicode tables with runtime/tools/unicode.vim the emoji_width table has only one entry. It's possible to add ",," to 'wildignore', an empty entry. Causes problems. Reject the value? #710. When doing "vi buf.md" a BufNew autocommand for *.md is not triggered. Because of using the initial buffer? (Dun Peal, 2016 May 12) Neovim patch for utfc_ptr2char_len() https://github.com/neovim/neovim/pull/4574 No test, needs some work to include. Patch to improve indenting for C++ constructor with initializer list. (Hirohito Higashi, 2016 Mar 31) Zero-out crypt key information when no longer in use. (Ben Fritz, 2017 May 15) Add stronger encryption. Could use libsodium (NaCl). https://github.com/jedisct1/libsodium/ Possibly include the needed code so that it can be built everywhere. Add a way to restart a timer. It's similar to timer_stop() and timer_start(), but the reference remains valid. Need to try out instructions in INSTALLpc.txt about how to install all interfaces and how to build Vim with them. Appveyor build with self-installing executable, includes getting most interfaces: https://github.com/k-takata/vim/tree/chrisbra-appveyor-build result: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/k-takata/vim/history Problem using ":try" inside ":execute". (ZyX, 2013 Sep 15) Patch to make tests pass with EBCDIC. (Owen Leibman, 2016 Apr 10) Add ":read :command", to insert the output of an Ex command? Can already do it with ":$put =execute('command')". exists(":tearoff") does not tell you if the command is implemented. (Tony Mechelynck) Perhaps use exists("::tearoff") to check? Use vim.vim syntax highlighting for help file examples, but without ":" in 'iskeyword' for syntax. Installation of .desktop files does not work everywhere. It's now fixed, but the target directory probably isn't right. Add configure check? Should use /usr/local/share/applications or /usr/share/applications. Or use $XDG_DATA_DIRS. Also need to run update-desktop-database (Kuriyama Kazunobu, 2015 Nov 4) Test object i{ and it do not behave the same. #1379 Do not include the linebreak at the start? Feature request: add the "al" text object, to manipulate a screen line. Especially useful when using 'linebreak' Patch to avoid redrawing tabline when the popup menu is visible. (Christian Brabandt, 2016 Jan 28) When the CursorMovedI event triggers, and CTRL-X was typed, a script cannot restore the mode properly. (Andrew Stewart, 2016 Apr 20) Do not trigger the event? Patch to make the behavior of "w" more straightforward, but not Vi compatible. With a 'cpo' flag. (Christian Brabandt, 2016 Feb 8) Patch to add optionproperties(). (Anton Lindqvist, 2016 Mar 27, update Apr 13) Patch to add TagNotFound autocommand. (Anton Lindqvist, 2016 Feb 3) Patch to add Error autocommand. (Anton Lindqvist, 2016 Feb 17) Only remembers one error. GVim: when both Tab and CTRL-I are mapped, use CTRL-I not for Tab. Unexpected delay when using CTRL-O u. It's not timeoutlen. (Gary Johnson, 2015 Aug 28) Instead of separately uploading patches to the ftp site, we can get them from github with a URL like this: https://github.com/vim/vim/compare/v7.4.920%5E...v7.4.920.diff Diff for version.c contains more context, can't skip a patch. Python: ":py raw_input('prompt')" doesn't work. (Manu Hack) Comparing nested structures with "==" uses a different comparator than when comparing individual items. Using uninitialized memory. (Dominique Pelle, 2015 Nov 4) MS-Windows: When editing a file with a leading space, writing it uses the wrong name. (Aram, 2014 Nov 7) Vim 7.4. Can't recognize the $ProgramFiles(x86) environment variable. Recognize it specifically? First try with the parens, then without. Patch to add :mapgroup, put mappings in a group like augroup. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto, 2016 Feb 19) Can we cache the syntax attributes, so that updates for 'relativenumber' and 'cursorline'/'cursorcolumn' are a lot faster? Thus store the attributes before combining them. C highlighting: modern C allows: /* comment */ #ifdef and also line continuation after #include. I can't recommend it though. Build with Python on Mac does not always use the right library. (Kazunobu Kuriyama, 2015 Mar 28) To support Thai (and other languages) word boundaries, include the ICU library: http://userguide.icu-project.org/boundaryanalysis Patch to use two highlight groups for relative numbers. (Shaun Brady, 2016 Jan 30) MS-Windows: Crash opening very long file name starting with "\\". (Christian Brock, 2012 Jun 29) The OptionSet autocommand event is not always triggered. (Rick Howe, 2015 Sep 24): :diffthis, :diffoff. ":set all&" still does not handle all side effects. Centralize handling side effects for when set by the user, on init and when reset to default. ":tag" does not jump to the right entry of a :tselect. (James Speros, 2015 Oct 9) The argument for "-S" is not taken literally, the ":so" command expands wildcards. Add a ":nowild" command modifier? (ZyX, 2015 March 4) Proposal to make options.txt easier to read. (Arnaud Decara, 2015 Aug 5) Update Aug 14. When using --remote-tab on MS-Windows 'encoding' hasn't been initialized yet, the file name ends up encoded wrong. (Raul Coronado, 2015 Dec 21) Example in editing.txt uses $HOME with the expectation that it ends in a slash. For me it does, but perhaps not for everybody. Add a function that inserts a slash when needed? pathconcat(dir, path) (Thilo Six, 2015 Aug 12) ml_updatechunk() is slow when retrying for another encoding. (John Little, 2014 Sep 11) Patch to fix checking global option value when not using it. (Arnaud Decara, 2015 Jul 23) When 'showbreak' is set repeating a Visual operation counts the size of the 'showbreak' text as part of the operation. (Axel Bender, 2015 Jul 20) Patch to add grepfile(). (Scott Prager, 2015 May 26) Work in progress. Would be useful to have a treemap() or deepmap() function. Like map() but when an item is a list or dict would recurse into it. Patch for global-local options consistency. (Arnaud Decara, 2015 Jul 22) Is this right? Patch to make getregtype() return the right size for non-linux systems. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto, 2014 Jul 8) Breaks test_eval. Inefficient, can we only compute y_width when needed? Patch to use different terminal mode settings for system(). (Hayaki Saito) Does this work for everybody? Patch for man.vim. (SungHyun Nam, 2015 May 20) Doesn't work completely (Dominique Orban) Patch to add a "literal" argument to bufnr(). (Olaf Dabrunz, 2015 Aug 4) Extended file attributes lost on write (backupcopy=no). Issue 306. Would require reading attributes from the original file with listxattr() and getxattr() and adding them to the new file. Patch to add :lockjumps. (Carlo Baldassi, 2015 May 25) OK to not block marks? Patch on Issue 72: 'autochdir' causes problems for :vimgrep. When two SIGWINCH arrive very quickly, the second one may be lost. (Josh Triplett, 2015 Sep 17) Make comments in the test Makefile silent. (Kartik Agaram, 2014 Sep 24) Result of systemlist() does not show whether text ended in line break. (Bjorn Linse, 2014 Nov 27) When in 'comments' "n:x" follows after three-part comment directly it repeats any one-character from the previous line. (Kartik Agaram, 2014 Sep 19) Patch: Let rare word highlighting overrule good word highlighting. (Jakson A. Aquino, 2010 Jul 30, again 2011 Jul 2) Patch to add digits argument to round(). (Yasuhiro Matsumoto, 2015 Apr 26) Can assign to s:type when a function s:type has been defined. Also the other way around: define a function while a variable with that name was already defined. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto, 2014 Nov 3) Patch for ordered dict. (Ozaki Kiichi, 2015 May 7) Patch for building a 32bit Vim with 64bit MingW compiler. (Michael Soyka, 2014 Oct 15) Patch: On MS-Windows shellescape() may have to triple double quotes. (Ingo Karkat, 2015 Jan 16) Patch for glob(), adding slash to normal files. (Ingo Karkat, 2014 Dec 22) When entering and leaving the preview window autocommands are triggered, but these may not work well. Perhaps set a flag to indicate that the preview window is involved? (John Otter, 2015 Oct 27) Using "." to repeat an Ex command puts that command in history. Probably should not happen. If the command is the result of a mapping it's not put in history either. (Jacob Niehus, 2014 Nov 2) Patch from Jacob, Nov 2. "hi link" does not respect groups with GUI settings only. (Mark Lodato, 2014 Jun 8) Bug: Autocompleting ":tag/pat" replaces "/pat" with a match but does not insert a space. (Micha Mos, 2014 Nov 7) No error for missing endwhile. (ZyX, 2014 Mar 20) Patch to make extend() fail early when it might fail at some point. (Olaf Dabrunz, 2015 May 2) Makes extend() slower, do we still want it? Perhaps only the checks that can be done without looping over the dict or arguments. Problem with transparent and matchgroup. Issue #475 Idea: For a window in the middle (has window above and below it), use right-mouse-drag on the status line to move a window up/down without changing its height? It's like dragging the status bar above it at the same time. Patch to add a :domodeline command. (Christian Brabandt, 2014 Oct 21) This does not give an error: (Andre Sihera, 2014 Mar 21) vim -u NONE 1 2 3 -c 'bufdo if 1 | echo 1' This neither: (ZyX) vim -u NONE 1 2 3 -c 'bufdo while 1 | echo 1' 'viewdir' default on MS-Windows is not a good choice, it's a system directory. Change 'viewdir' to "$HOME/vimfiles/view" and use 'viewdiralt' to also read from? Include a plugin manager with Vim? vim-plug seems to be the best currently: https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug. Also Vundle: https://github.com/gmarik/vundle Or minpac: https://github.com/k-takata/minpac, since it leverages the builtin package feature. Long message about this from ZyX, 2014 Mar 23. And following replies. Also see http://vim-wiki.mawercer.de/wiki/topic/vim%20plugin%20managment.html User view: - Support multiple sources, basically any http:// URL. Or a central place that will work for everybody (github? redirects from vim.org?). Be able to look into the files before deciding to install. - Be able to try out a plugin and remove it again with (almost) no traces. - Each plugin needs a "manifest" file that has the version, dependencies (including Vim version and features), conflicts, list of files, etc. Updater uses that to decide what/how to update. Dependencies can use a URL for specific versions, or short name for scripts on vim.org. - Once a plugin is installed it remembers where it came from, updater checks there. Can manually update when really needed. - Must be possible to install for one user. Also system wide? - Can edit plugin config with Vim. Can temporarily disable a plugin. - Run the update manually, find latest version and install. - Be able to download without special tools, must work for 95% of users. Implementation: - Avoid the 'runtimepath' getting long. Need some other way to keep each plugin separate. - When installing or updating, first figure out what needs to be done. This may involve recursively fetching manifest files for dependencies. Then show the user what's going to change and ask for OK. - Scripts on Vim.org must be able to consist of several files. Is zip format sufficient? Upload the manifest? Or refer to a site that has the manifest? - Best is to fetch individual files or use a Vimball. Reduces dependency on tools that might be missing and allows inspection of the files before installing. Out of scope: - Overview of plugins, ratings, comments, etc. That's another world. - Development work on plugins (although diff with distributed version would be useful). When typing the first character of a command, e.g. "f", then using a menu, the menu item doesn't work. Clear typeahead when using a menu? Editing an ascii file as ucs-2 or ucs-4 causes display errors. (ZyX, 2014 Mar 30) ":Next 1 some-arg" does not complain about trailing argument. Also for various other commands. (ZyX, 2014 Mar 30) Patch to skip sort if no line matches the expression. (Christian Brabandt, 2014 Jun 25) VMS: Select() doesn't work properly, typing ESC may hang Vim. Use sys$qiow instead. (Samuel Ferencik, 2013 Sep 28) Patch for XDG base directory support. (Jean François Bignolles, 2014 Mar 4) Remark on the docs. Should not be a compile time feature. But then what? Also see #2034. Patch to define macros for hardcoded values. (Elias Diem, 2013 Dec 14) Updated spec ftplugin. (Matěj Cepl, 2013 Oct 16) Patch to handle integer overflow. (Aaron Burrow, 2013 Dec 12) 7 Windows XP: When using "ClearType" for text smoothing, a column of yellow pixels remains when typing spaces in front of a "D" ('guifont' set to "lucida_console:h8"). Patch by Thomas Tuegel, also for GTK, 2013 Nov 24 :help gives example for z?, but it does not work. m? and t? do work. Discussion about canonicalization of Hebrew. (Ron Aaron, 2011 April 10) Checking runtime scripts: Thilo Six, 2012 Jun 6. When evaluating expression in backticks, autoload doesn't work. (Andy Wokula, 2013 Dec 14) Using ifoobar can slow down Vim. Patch by Christian Brabandt, 2013 Dec 13. Only helps a bit, 10000ii is still too slow. Javascript file where indent gets stuck on: GalaxyMaster, 2012 May 3. The BufUnload event is triggered when re-using the empty buffer. (Pokey Rule, 2013 Jul 22) Patch by Marcin Szamotulski, 2013 Jul 22. Patch to allow more types in remote_expr(). (Lech Lorens, 2014 Jan 5) Doesn't work for string in list. Other way to pass all types of variables reliably? Patch to add {lhs} to :mapclear: clear all maps starting with {lhs}. (Christian Brabandt, 2013 Dec 9) Exception caused by argument of return is not caught by try/catch. (David Barnett, 2013 Nov 19) Bug in try/catch: return with invalid compare throws error that isn't caught. (ZyX, 2011 Jan 26) try/catch not working for argument of return. (Matt Wozniski, 2008 Sep 15) try/catch not working when inside a for loop. (ZyX, 2011 Jan 25) Patch to fix that 'cedit' is recognized after :normal. (Christian Brabandt, 2013 Mar 19, later message) Patch to view coverage of the tests. (Nazri Ramliy, 2013 Feb 15) Patch to add "Q" and "A" responses to interactive :substitute. They are carried over when using :global. (Christian Brabandt, 2013 Jun 19) Bug with 'cursorline' in diff mode. Line being scrolled into view gets highlighted as the cursor line. (Alessandro Ivaldi, 2013 Jun 4) Two highlighting bugs. (ZyX, 2013 Aug 18) Patch to support 'u' in interactive substitute. (Christian Brabandt, 2012 Sep 28) With tests: Oct 9. Dialog is too big on Linux too. (David Fishburn, 2013 Sep 2) - Add regex for 'paragraphs' and 'sections': 'parare' and 'sectre'. Combine the two into a regex for searching. (Ned Konz) Patch by Christian Brabandt, 2013 Apr 20, unfinished. Bug: findfile("any", "file:///tmp;") does not work. Patch to add getsid(). (Tyru, 2011 Oct 2) Do we want this? Update Oct 4. Or use expand('')? Patch to make confirm() display colors. (Christian Brabandt, 2012 Nov 9) Problem with refresh:always in completion. (Tyler Wade, 2013 Mar 17) b:undo_ftplugin cannot call a script-local function. (Boris Danilov, 2013 Jan 7) Win32: The Python interface only works with one version of Python, selected at compile time. Can this be made to work with version 2.1 and 2.2 dynamically? Python: Be able to define a Python function that can be called directly from Vim script. Requires converting the arguments and return value, like with vim.bindeval(). Patch for :tabcloseleft, after closing a tab go to left tab. (William Bowers, 2012 Aug 4) Patch to improve equivalence classes in regexp patterns. (Christian Brabandt, 2013 Jan 16, update Jan 17) Patch with suggestions for starting.txt. (Tony Mechelynck, 2012 Oct 24) But use Gnome instead of GTK? Should be possible to enable/disable matchparen per window or buffer. Add a check for b:no_match_paren in Highlight_matching_Pair() (Marcin Szamotulski, 2012 Nov 8) 'iminsert' global value set when using ":setlocal iminsert"? (Wu, 2012 Jun 23) Patch to append regexp to tag commands to make it possible to select one out of many matches. (Cody Cutler, 2013 Mar 28) The input map for CTRL-O in mswin.vim causes problems after CTRL-X CTRL-O. Suggestion for another map. (Philip Mat, 2012 Jun 18) But use "gi" instead of "a". Or use CTRL-\ CTRL-O. When there are no command line arguments ":next" and ":argu" give E163, which is confusing. Should say "the argument list is empty". URXVT: - will get stuck if byte sequence does not contain the expected semicolon. - Use urxvt mouse support also in xterm. Explanations: http://www.midnight-commander.org/ticket/2662 Patch to add tests for if_xcmdsrv.c., Jul 8, need some more work. (Brian Burns) New tests Jul 13. Update Jul 17. Discussion Jul 18. Patch for input method status. (Hirohito Higashi, 2012 Apr 18) Update Vim app icon (for Gnome). (Jakub Steiner, 2013 Dec 6) Patch to use .png icons for the toolbar on MS-Windows. (Martin Gieseking, 2013 Apr 18) Patch for has('unnamedplus') docs. (Tony Mechelynck, 2011 Sep 27) And one for gui_x11.txt. ":cd" doesn't work when current directory path contains "**". finddir() has the same problem. (Yukihiro Nakadaira, 2012 Jan 10) Requires a rewrite of the file_file_in_path code. Should use has("browsefilter") in ftplugins. Requires patch 7.3.593. Update for vim2html.pl. (Tyru, 2013 Feb 22) Patch to sort functions starting with '<' after others. Omit dict functions, they can't be called. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto, 2011 Oct 11) Patch to pass list to or(), and() and xor(). (Yasuhiro Matsumoto, 2012 Feb 8) Patch to improve "it" and "at" text object matching. (Christian Brabandt, 2011 Nov 20) Patch to improve GUI find/replace dialog. (Christian Brabandt, 2012 May 26) Update Jun 2. `] moves to character after insert, instead of the last inserted character. (Yukihiro Nakadaira, 2011 Dec 9) Plugin for Modeleasy. (Massimiliano Tripoli, 2011 Nov 29) BufWinLeave triggers too late when quitting last window in a tab page. (Lech Lorens, 2012 Feb 21) Patch for 'transparency' option. (Sergiu Dotenco, 2011 Sep 17) Only for MS-Windows. No documentation. Do we want this? Patch to support cursor shape in Cygwin console. (Ben bgold, 2011 Dec 27) On MS-Windows a temp dir with a & init causes system() to fail. (Ben Fritz, 2012 Jun 19) 'cursorline' is displayed too short when there are concealed characters and 'list' is set. (Dennis Preiser) Patch 7.3.116 was the wrong solution. Christian Brabandt has another incomplete patch. (2011 Jul 13) Win32: Patch to use task dialogs when available. (Sergiu Dotenco, 2011 Sep 17) New feature, requires testing. Made some remarks. Win32: Patch for alpha-blended icons and toolbar height. (Sergiu Dotenco, 2011 Sep 17) Asked for feedback from others. Win32: Cannot cd into a directory that starts with a space. (Andy Wokula, 2012 Jan 19) Need to escape $HOME on Windows for fnameescape()? (ZyX, 2011 Jul 21, discussion 2013 Jul 4) Can't simply use a backslash, \$HOME has a different meaning already. Would be possible to use $$HOME where $HOME is to be used. "2" in 'formatoptions' not working in comments. (Christian Corneliussen, 2011 Oct 26) Bug in repeating Visual "u". (Lawrence Kesteloot, 2010 Dec 20) Windows keys not set properly on Windows 7? (cncyber, 2010 Aug 26) When using a Vim server, a # in the path causes an error message. (Jeff Lanzarotta, 2011 Feb 17) When there is a ">" in a line that "gq" wraps to the start of the next line, then the following line will pick it up as a leader. Should get the leader from the first line, not a wrapped line. (Matt Ackeret, 2012 Feb 27) Using ":break" or something else that stops executing commands inside a ":finally" does not rethrow a previously uncaught exception. (ZyX, 2010 Oct 15) Vim using lots of memory when joining lines. (John Little, 2010 Dec 3) BT regexp engine: After trying a \@> match and failing, submatches are not cleared. See test64. On 64 bit MS-Windows "long" is only 32 bits, but we sometimes need to store a 64 bits value. Change all number options to use nropt_T and define it to the right type. string() can't parse back "inf" and "nan". Fix documentation or fix code? (ZyX, 2010 Aug 23) When doing "redir => s:foo" in a script and then "redir END" somewhere else (e.g. in a function) it can't find s:foo. When a script contains "redir => s:foo" but doesn't end redirection, a following "redir" command gives an error for not being able to access s:foo. (ZyX, 2011 Mar 27) When setqflist() uses a filename that triggers a BufReadCmd autocommand Vim doesn't jump to the correct line with :cfirst. (ZyX, 2011 Sep 18) Behavior of i" and a" text objects isn't logical. (Ben Fritz, 2013 Nov 19) When setting a local option value from the global value, add a script ID that indicates this, so that ":verbose set" can give a hint. Check with options in the help file. After patch 7.3.097 still get E15. (Yukihiro Nakadaira, 2011 Jan 18) Also for another example (ZyX, 2011 Jan 24) "0g@$" puts '] on last byte of multibyte. (ZyX, 2011 Jan 22) Patch for :tabrecently. (Hirokazu Yoshida, 2012 Jan 30) Problem with "syn sync grouphere". (Gustavo Niemeyer, 2011 Jan 27) Loading autoload script even when usage is inside "if 0". (Christian Brabandt, 2010 Dec 18) With a filler line in diff mode, it isn't displayed in the column with line number, but it is in the sign column. Doesn't look right. (ZyX 2011 Jun 5) Patch by Christian Brabandt, 2011 Jun 5. Introduces new problems. Add jump() function. (Marcin Szamotulski, 2013 Aug 29) Is this needed? CTRL-O and CTRL-I do the same, just more difficult to use. 8 Add a command to jump to the next character highlighted with "Error". Patch by Christian Brabandt, uses ]e [e ]t and [t. 2011 Aug 9. Add event for when the text scrolls. A bit like CursorMoved. Also a similar one for insert mode. Use the event in matchparen to update the highlight if the match scrolls into view. 7 Use "++--", "+++--" for different levels instead of "+---" "+----". Patch by Christian Brabandt, 2011 Jul 27. Update by Ben Fritz, with fix for TOhtml. (2011 Jul 30) 9 Add %F to 'errorformat': file name without spaces. Useful on Unix to avoid matching something up to a time 11:22:33. Patch by Christian Brabandt, 2011 Jul 27. Patch to add up to 99 match groups. (Christian Brabandt, 2010 Dec 22) Also add named groups: \%{name}(re) and \%{name}g In the sandbox it's not allowed to do many things, but it's possible to change or set variables. Add a way to prevent variables from being changed in the sandbox? E.g.: ":protect g:restore_settings". Win32: tear-off menu does not work when menu language is German. (Markus Bossler, 2011 Mar 2) Fixed by 7.3.095? Wish for NetBeans commands: - make it possible to have 'defineAnnoType' also handle terminal colors. 7.3.014 changed how backslash at end of line works, but still get a NUL when there is one backslash. (Ray Frush, 2010 Nov 18) What does the original ex do? New esperanto spell file can't be processed. (Dominique Pelle, 2011 Jan 30) - move compflags to separate growarray? - instead of a regexp use a hashtable. Expand '?', '*', '+'. What would be the maximum repeat for * and +? "L'Italie" noted as a spell error at start of the sentence. (Dominique Pelle, 2011 Feb 27) Editing a file with a ^M with 'ff' set to "mac", opening a help file, then the ^M is displayed as ^J sometimes. Getting 'ff' value from wrong window/buffer? When Vim is put in the background (SIGTSTP) and then gets a SIGHUP it doesn't exit. It exists as soon as back in the foreground. (Stephen Liang, 2011 Jan 9) Caused by vim_handle_signal(SIGNAL_BLOCK); in ui.c. g` not working correctly when using :edit. It works OK when editing a file on the command line. (Ingo Karkat, 2011 Jan 25) Since patch 7.2.46 Yankring plugin has become very slow, eventually make Vim crash? (Raiwil, 2010 Nov 17) Regexp engine performance: - Profiling: ./vim -u NONE -s ~/vim/test/ruby.vim ./vim -u NONE -s ~/vim/test/loop.vim ./vim -u NONE -s ~/vim/test/alsa.vim ./vim -s ~/vim/test/todo.vim ./vim -s ~/vim/test/xml.vim Dominique Pelle: xmlSyncDT is particularly slow (Jun 7) - More test files from the src/pkg/regexp/testdata directory in the Go repo. - Performance tests: - Using asciidoc syntax. (Marek Schimara, 2013 Jun 6) - ~/vim/text/FeiqCfg.xml (file from Netjune) - ~/vim/text/edl.svg (also XML) - glts has five tests. (May 25) - ~/vim/test/slowsearch - ~/vim/test/rgb.vim - search for a.*e*exn in the vim executable. Go to last line to use 'hlsearch'. - Slow combination of folding and PHP syntax highlighting. Script to reproduce it. Caused by "syntax sync fromstart" in combination with patch 7.2.274. (Christian Brabandt, 2010 May 27) Generally, folding with 'foldmethod' set to "syntax" is slow. Do profiling to find out why. Problem producing tags file when hebrew.frx is present. It has a BOM. Results in E670. (Tony Mechelynck, 2010 May 2) 'beval' option should be global-local. Ruby: ":ruby print $buffer.number" returns zero. setpos() does not restore cursor position after :normal. (Tyru, 2010 Aug 11) With "tw=55 fo+=a" typing space before ) doesn't work well. (Scott Mcdermott, 2010 Oct 24) Messages in message.txt are highlighted as examples. When using cp850 the NBSP (0xff) is not drawn correctly. (Brett Stahlman, 2010 Oct 22) 'isprint' is set to "@,161-255". ":echo "\x85" =~# '[\u0085]'" returns 1 instead of 0. (ZyX, 2010 Oct 3) 'cindent' not correct when 'list' is set. (Zdravi Korusef, 2010 Apr 15) C-indenting: A matching { in a comment is ignored, but intermediate { are not checked to be in a comment. Implement FM_SKIPCOMM flag of findmatchlimit(). Issue 46. Using CompilerSet doesn't record where an option was set from. E.g., in the gcc compiler plugin. (Gary Johnson, 2010 Dec 13) ":helpgrep" does not put the cursor in the correct column when preceded by accented character. (Tony Mechelynck, 2010 Apr 15) Don't call check_restricted() for histadd(), setbufvar(), settabvar(), setwinvar(). Patch for gVimExt to show an icon. (Dominik Riebeling, 2010 Nov 7) When 'lines' is 25 and 'scrolloff' is 12, "j" scrolls zero or two lines instead of one. (Constantin Pan, 2010 Sep 10) Gui menu edit/paste in block mode insert only inserts in one line (Bjorn Winckler, 2011 May 11) Requires a map mode for Insert mode started from blockwise Visual mode. Problem with cursor in the wrong column. (SungHyun Nam, 2010 Mar 11) Additional info by Dominique Pelle. (also on 2010 Apr 10) CreateFile and CreateFileW are used without sharing, filewritable() fails when the file was already open (e.g. script is being sourced). Add FILE_SHARE_READ| FILE_SHARE_WRITE in mch_access()? (Philippe Vaucher, 2010 Nov 2) Is ~/bin (literally) in $PATH supposed to work? (Paul, 2010 March 29) Looks like only bash can do it. (Yakov Lerner) Cscope "cs add" stopped working somewhat before 7.2.438. (Gary Johnson, 2010 Jun 29) Caused by 7.2.433? Jumplist doesn't work properly in Insert mode? (Jean Johner, 2010 Mar 20) Problem with transparent cmdline. Also: Terminal title is wrong with non-ASCII character. (Lily White, 2010 Mar 7) iconv() doesn't fail on an illegal character, as documented. (Yongwei Wu, 2009 Nov 15, example Nov 26) Add argument to specify whether iconv() should fail or replace with a character and continue? Add local time at start of --startuptime output. Requires configure check for localtime(). Use format year-month-day hr:min:sec. Patch to make ":hi link" also take arguments. (Nate Soares, 2012 Dec 4) Shell not recognized properly if it ends in "csh -f". (James Vega, 2009 Nov 3) Find tail? Might have a / in argument. Find space? Might have space in path. Test 51 fails when language set to German. (Marco, 2011 Jan 9) Dominique can't reproduce it. 'ambiwidth' should be global-local. ":function f(x) keepjumps" creates a function where every command is executed like it has ":keepjumps" before it. Coverity: Check if there are new reported defects: https://scan.coverity.com/projects/241 Problem with editing file in binary mode. (Ingo Krabbe, 2009 Oct 8) Display error when 'tabline' that includes a file name with double-width characters. (2010 Aug 14, bootleq) Problem with stop directory in findfile(). (Adam Simpkins, 2009 Aug 26) Using ']' as the end of a range in a pattern requires double escaping: /[@-\\]] (Andy Wokula, 2011 Jun 28) For running gvim on a USB stick: avoid the OLE registration. Use a command line argument -noregister. When using an expression in 'statusline' leading white space sometimes goes missing (but not always). (ZyX, 2010 Nov 1) When a mapping exists both for insert mode and lang-insert mode, the last one doesn't work. (Tyru, 2010 May 6) Or is this intended? Still a problem with ":make" in the wrong directory. Caused by ":bufdo". (Ajit Thakkar, 2009 Jul 1) More information Jul 9, Jul 15. Caused by "doautoall syntaxset BufEnter *" in syntax/nosyntax.vim ? There also is a BufLeave/BufEnter aucmd to save/restore view. Does the patch to save/restore globaldir work? ":bufdo normal gg" while 'hidden' is set leaves buffers without syntax highlighting. Don't disable Syntax autocommands then? Or add a flag/modifier to avoid changing 'eventignore'? Patch for displaying 0x200c and 0x200d. (Ali Gholami Rudi, 2009 May 6) Probably needs a bit of work. List of encoding aliases. (Takao Fujiwara, 2009 Jul 18) Are they all OK? Update Jul 22. Win32: Improved Makefile for MSVC. (Leonardo Valeri Manera, 2010 Aug 18) Win32: Expanding 'path' runs into a maximum size limit. (bgold12, 2009 Nov 15) Win32: Patch for using .png files for icons. (Charles Peacech, 2012 Feb 5) Putting a Visual block while 'visualedit' is "all" does not leave the cursor on the first character. (John Beckett, 2010 Aug 7) Setting 'tags' to "tagsdir/*" does not find "tagsdir/tags". (Steven K. Wong, 2009 Jul 18) Patch to add "focusonly" to 'scrollopt', so that scrollbind also applies in window that doesn't have focus. (Jonathon Mah, 2009 Jan 12) Needs more work. Problem with