{% extends '_base.html' %} {% load socialaccount %} {% if user.is_authenticated %} {% block content %} {% include "nav.html" %}
{% csrf_token %}You have {{ free }} free Snipes left for the day.
{% endif %}The amount of free Snipes reset daily at 21:00 UTC+1
Since this website is still basically "Early access" you don't have to pay for anything yet - but you are restricted to 10 Snipes/Day.
Please don't use your alt-accounts to circumvent this, thanks :)
If you want to know how much this site costs to run, check out this page and if you feel generous, you can donate aswell :)
If you have any other questions check the FAQ or contact me directly
The site, i think, is pretty self explanatory - just click on the "Sniper" tab in the Nav-Bar, enter your filters and wait for your results.
You can check your results while the Snipe is still running by clicking on "Your Snipes" in the Nav-Bar and then on the "Results" Button.
The reason for that is that you're basically looking through (1000 skins) * (amount of skins for a weapon) * (amount of selected conditions) * (amount of selected types).
Example with AK-47: 1000*46*2*2 = 184.000 listings. Granted, not all of the skins have 10 market pages and not all of them have the specific condition / type, so the actual number is alot lower.
Also, don't worry, the entire UI will get an overhaul once everything else works - i suck at frontend webdev and UI/UX