2025-02-20 22:02:13,253 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-20 22:02:13,253 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-20 22:02:13,347 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-20 22:02:36,529 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-20 22:02:36,529 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-20 22:02:36,596 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-20 22:02:59,838 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-20 22:02:59,838 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-20 22:02:59,908 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-20 22:06:48,940 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-20 22:07:07,418 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666073061406230040A41953023430D2495749344580084856 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 22:07:19,734 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-20 22:07:27,409 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'paintseed': 763, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 262, 'floatvalue': 0.298061341047287, 'floatid': 452774900, 'high_rank': 80, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_am_thorny_rose_mp9_light_large.a187f13404eba96de622f4c94e85078fb18d8d7c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Rose Iron', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'MP9 | Rose Iron (Field-Tested)', 's': '0', 'a': '41953023430', 'd': '2495749344580084856', 'm': '666073061406230040'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-02-20 22:07:33,733 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-20 22:09:09,697 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826786146838A35438153996D9547743635268161066 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-02-20 22:09:09,697 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826786146838A35438153996D9547743635268161066 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-02-20 22:09:35,515 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-20 22:09:35,515 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-20 22:09:35,595 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-20 22:14:21,400 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-20 22:22:56,085 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M667198961327047924A42078721278D7675929133889387161 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 22:23:10,864 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'paintseed': 183, 'defindex': 11, 'paintindex': 806, 'floatvalue': 0.001490560476668179, 'floatid': 41902555812, 'low_rank': 213, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_g3sg1_gs_g3sg1_savage_light_large.e452574f580f51b1da6312c0f80a0dc07e073d8b.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.65, 'weapon_type': 'G3SG1', 'item_name': 'Scavenger', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢ G3SG1 | Scavenger (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '42078721278', 'd': '7675929133889387161', 'm': '667198961327047924'} (newMarketBot.py:649) 2025-02-20 22:27:07,035 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863084663556A42113548439D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 22:27:27,560 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 56, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 333, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4827, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_03', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_03', 'name': 'Fade Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4828, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_04', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_04', 'name': 'Yellow Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4826, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_02', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_02', 'name': 'Green Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4825, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_01', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_01', 'name': 'Blue Lethal'}], 'floatvalue': 0.06088956817984581, 'low_rank': 41, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_so_indigo_and_grey_light_large.7a4685c334bf103f25ba1865dc0492315bf0ca5c.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Indigo', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir UMP-45 | Indigo (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '42113548439', 'd': '11556876991896565350', 'm': '645806863084663556'} (newMarketBot.py:649) 2025-02-20 22:31:39,634 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-20 22:31:39,634 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-20 22:31:39,734 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-20 22:32:06,313 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-20 22:32:06,314 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-20 22:32:06,376 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-20 22:32:31,902 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-20 22:32:31,903 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-20 22:32:31,967 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-20 22:36:14,074 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-20 22:36:43,793 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-20 22:37:03,150 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-20 22:37:50,630 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562815892734A42113787485D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 22:38:05,856 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'paintseed': 962, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 274, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7235, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.2940815, 'offset_y': -0.01720354, 'rotation': 3, 'codename': 'paper_retro_zeus', 'material': 'community/community_2024/paper_retro_zeus', 'name': 'Retro Zeus'}, {'stickerId': 5906, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.05287105, 'offset_y': -0.21063372, 'rotation': -15, 'codename': 'csgo10_chicken_whisperer_paper', 'material': 'csgo10/chicken_whisperer_paper', 'name': 'Chicken Whisperer'}], 'floatvalue': 0.19721482694149017, 'high_rank': 51, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_am_copper_flecks_light_large.d2af814b76763880470bc7039d5569eb74b26978.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Copper Galaxy', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢ Five-SeveN | Copper Galaxy (Field-Tested)', 's': '0', 'a': '42113787485', 'd': '2633598932167165105', 'm': '649184562815892734'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-02-20 22:38:28,400 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826786146838A35438153996D9547743635268161066 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-02-20 22:38:28,400 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826786146838A35438153996D9547743635268161066 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-02-20 22:39:11,910 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestProxyCheap: Failed to perform, curl: (5) Could not resolve proxy: proxy.proxy-cheap.com. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:186) 2025-02-20 22:39:20,066 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-20 22:39:20,066 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-20 22:39:20,148 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-20 22:41:43,261 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640177363562669437A41899965875D9817889692814499416 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 22:41:59,739 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 3, 'paintseed': 547, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 159, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4070, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'berlin2019_team_vita_gold', 'material': 'berlin2019/vita_gold', 'name': 'Vitality (Gold) | Berlin 2019'}, {'stickerId': 4302, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'berlin2019_signature_qikert_gold', 'material': 'berlin2019/sig_qikert_gold', 'name': 'qikert (Gold) | Berlin 2019'}, {'stickerId': 4062, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'berlin2019_team_avg_gold', 'material': 'berlin2019/avg_gold', 'name': 'Avangar (Gold) | Berlin 2019'}], 'floatvalue': 0.9756419658660889, 'high_rank': 56, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_aq_brass_light_large.afcbbd3e31fd3600ddb45b4a0c48b6350ab761f9.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Brass', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir PP-Bizon | Brass (Battle-Scarred)', 's': '0', 'a': '41899965875', 'd': '9817889692814499416', 'm': '640177363562669437'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-02-20 22:43:55,337 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-20 22:56:40,335 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863084800296A42114048492D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 22:56:53,382 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 56, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 333, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4827, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_03', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_03', 'name': 'Fade Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4828, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_04', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_04', 'name': 'Yellow Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4826, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_02', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_02', 'name': 'Green Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4825, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_01', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_01', 'name': 'Blue Lethal'}], 'floatvalue': 0.06088956817984581, 'low_rank': 41, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_so_indigo_and_grey_light_large.7a4685c334bf103f25ba1865dc0492315bf0ca5c.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Indigo', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir UMP-45 | Indigo (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '42114048492', 'd': '11556876991896565350', 'm': '645806863084800296'} (newMarketBot.py:649) 2025-02-20 23:01:27,649 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-20 23:01:27,650 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-20 23:01:27,745 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-20 23:01:27,953 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-20 23:01:47,949 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-20 23:01:47,949 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-20 23:01:48,012 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-20 23:01:49,438 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-20 23:01:55,799 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-20 23:02:05,381 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-20 23:02:07,679 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-20 23:02:13,983 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-20 23:02:13,983 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-20 23:02:14,051 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-20 23:02:19,302 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-20 23:02:42,391 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-20 23:03:01,080 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-20 23:03:03,270 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-20 23:03:47,262 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-20 23:04:09,414 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-20 23:04:31,595 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-20 23:04:34,127 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-20 23:04:48,559 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-20 23:04:54,928 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-20 23:05:17,600 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-20 23:05:17,805 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-20 23:05:18,832 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668324861227853369A41048895694D11694410778769768670 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:05:39,311 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x60819185731a #1 0x60819136d6e0 #2 0x6081913bc3e6 #3 0x6081913bc681 #4 0x608191401b04 #5 0x6081913e048d #6 0x6081913feed7 #7 0x6081913e0203 #8 0x6081913aecc0 #9 0x6081913afc9e #10 0x608191824d0b #11 0x608191828c92 #12 0x608191811b3c #13 0x608191829807 #14 0x6081917f70df #15 0x608191846578 #16 0x608191846740 #17 0x608191856196 #18 0x7b14c0e9caa4 #19 0x7b14c0f29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:05:39,387 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-20 23:05:41,388 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668324861227853369A41048895694D11694410778769768670 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:06:01,889 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x648d3d9df31a #1 0x648d3d4f56e0 #2 0x648d3d5443e6 #3 0x648d3d544681 #4 0x648d3d589b04 #5 0x648d3d56848d #6 0x648d3d586ed7 #7 0x648d3d568203 #8 0x648d3d536cc0 #9 0x648d3d537c9e #10 0x648d3d9acd0b #11 0x648d3d9b0c92 #12 0x648d3d999b3c #13 0x648d3d9b1807 #14 0x648d3d97f0df #15 0x648d3d9ce578 #16 0x648d3d9ce740 #17 0x648d3d9de196 #18 0x7c3a4469caa4 #19 0x7c3a44729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:06:01,965 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-20 23:06:03,965 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668324861227853369A41048895694D11694410778769768670 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:06:05,506 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-20 23:06:10,937 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-20 23:06:24,507 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x62d0e498e31a #1 0x62d0e44a46e0 #2 0x62d0e44f33e6 #3 0x62d0e44f3681 #4 0x62d0e4538b04 #5 0x62d0e451748d #6 0x62d0e4535ed7 #7 0x62d0e4517203 #8 0x62d0e44e5cc0 #9 0x62d0e44e6c9e #10 0x62d0e495bd0b #11 0x62d0e495fc92 #12 0x62d0e4948b3c #13 0x62d0e4960807 #14 0x62d0e492e0df #15 0x62d0e497d578 #16 0x62d0e497d740 #17 0x62d0e498d196 #18 0x7c503b09caa4 #19 0x7c503b129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:06:24,586 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-20 23:06:26,587 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668324861227853369A41048895694D11694410778769768670 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:06:28,010 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-20 23:06:31,402 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-20 23:06:47,090 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5a8df57f831a #1 0x5a8df530e6e0 #2 0x5a8df535d3e6 #3 0x5a8df535d681 #4 0x5a8df53a2b04 #5 0x5a8df538148d #6 0x5a8df539fed7 #7 0x5a8df5381203 #8 0x5a8df534fcc0 #9 0x5a8df5350c9e #10 0x5a8df57c5d0b #11 0x5a8df57c9c92 #12 0x5a8df57b2b3c #13 0x5a8df57ca807 #14 0x5a8df57980df #15 0x5a8df57e7578 #16 0x5a8df57e7740 #17 0x5a8df57f7196 #18 0x786a7b69caa4 #19 0x786a7b729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:06:47,165 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-20 23:06:49,166 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668324861227853369A41048895694D11694410778769768670 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:06:49,524 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-20 23:07:09,676 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x59428e75731a #1 0x59428e26d6e0 #2 0x59428e2bc3e6 #3 0x59428e2bc681 #4 0x59428e301b04 #5 0x59428e2e048d #6 0x59428e2feed7 #7 0x59428e2e0203 #8 0x59428e2aecc0 #9 0x59428e2afc9e #10 0x59428e724d0b #11 0x59428e728c92 #12 0x59428e711b3c #13 0x59428e729807 #14 0x59428e6f70df #15 0x59428e746578 #16 0x59428e746740 #17 0x59428e756196 #18 0x7646d769caa4 #19 0x7646d7729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:07:09,751 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-20 23:07:11,752 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668324861227853369A41048895694D11694410778769768670 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:07:30,933 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816025094A42114157757D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:07:32,248 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x629fb0eb031a #1 0x629fb09c66e0 #2 0x629fb0a153e6 #3 0x629fb0a15681 #4 0x629fb0a5ab04 #5 0x629fb0a3948d #6 0x629fb0a57ed7 #7 0x629fb0a39203 #8 0x629fb0a07cc0 #9 0x629fb0a08c9e #10 0x629fb0e7dd0b #11 0x629fb0e81c92 #12 0x629fb0e6ab3c #13 0x629fb0e82807 #14 0x629fb0e500df #15 0x629fb0e9f578 #16 0x629fb0e9f740 #17 0x629fb0eaf196 #18 0x72089349caa4 #19 0x720893529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:07:32,323 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-20 23:07:34,323 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668324861227853369A41048895694D11694410778769768670 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:07:51,448 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x64fcd96c231a #1 0x64fcd91d86e0 #2 0x64fcd92273e6 #3 0x64fcd9227681 #4 0x64fcd926cb04 #5 0x64fcd924b48d #6 0x64fcd9269ed7 #7 0x64fcd924b203 #8 0x64fcd9219cc0 #9 0x64fcd921ac9e #10 0x64fcd968fd0b #11 0x64fcd9693c92 #12 0x64fcd967cb3c #13 0x64fcd9694807 #14 0x64fcd96620df #15 0x64fcd96b1578 #16 0x64fcd96b1740 #17 0x64fcd96c1196 #18 0x749f21c9caa4 #19 0x749f21d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:07:51,525 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-20 23:07:53,525 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816025094A42114157757D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:07:54,842 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x60237e25231a #1 0x60237dd686e0 #2 0x60237ddb73e6 #3 0x60237ddb7681 #4 0x60237ddfcb04 #5 0x60237dddb48d #6 0x60237ddf9ed7 #7 0x60237dddb203 #8 0x60237dda9cc0 #9 0x60237ddaac9e #10 0x60237e21fd0b #11 0x60237e223c92 #12 0x60237e20cb3c #13 0x60237e224807 #14 0x60237e1f20df #15 0x60237e241578 #16 0x60237e241740 #17 0x60237e251196 #18 0x78141989caa4 #19 0x781419929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:07:54,916 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-20 23:07:56,917 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668324861227853369A41048895694D11694410778769768670 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:08:14,033 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x56a90bf4c31a #1 0x56a90ba626e0 #2 0x56a90bab13e6 #3 0x56a90bab1681 #4 0x56a90baf6b04 #5 0x56a90bad548d #6 0x56a90baf3ed7 #7 0x56a90bad5203 #8 0x56a90baa3cc0 #9 0x56a90baa4c9e #10 0x56a90bf19d0b #11 0x56a90bf1dc92 #12 0x56a90bf06b3c #13 0x56a90bf1e807 #14 0x56a90beec0df #15 0x56a90bf3b578 #16 0x56a90bf3b740 #17 0x56a90bf4b196 #18 0x734f7169caa4 #19 0x734f71729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:08:14,110 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-20 23:08:16,110 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816025094A42114157757D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:08:16,426 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826786146838A35438153996D9547743635268161066 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-02-20 23:08:16,426 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826786146838A35438153996D9547743635268161066 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-02-20 23:08:17,415 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x61d5a174531a #1 0x61d5a125b6e0 #2 0x61d5a12aa3e6 #3 0x61d5a12aa681 #4 0x61d5a12efb04 #5 0x61d5a12ce48d #6 0x61d5a12eced7 #7 0x61d5a12ce203 #8 0x61d5a129ccc0 #9 0x61d5a129dc9e #10 0x61d5a1712d0b #11 0x61d5a1716c92 #12 0x61d5a16ffb3c #13 0x61d5a1717807 #14 0x61d5a16e50df #15 0x61d5a1734578 #16 0x61d5a1734740 #17 0x61d5a1744196 #18 0x79785449caa4 #19 0x797854529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:08:17,494 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-20 23:08:19,494 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668324861227853369A41048895694D11694410778769768670 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:08:36,616 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5f92b798431a #1 0x5f92b749a6e0 #2 0x5f92b74e93e6 #3 0x5f92b74e9681 #4 0x5f92b752eb04 #5 0x5f92b750d48d #6 0x5f92b752bed7 #7 0x5f92b750d203 #8 0x5f92b74dbcc0 #9 0x5f92b74dcc9e #10 0x5f92b7951d0b #11 0x5f92b7955c92 #12 0x5f92b793eb3c #13 0x5f92b7956807 #14 0x5f92b79240df #15 0x5f92b7973578 #16 0x5f92b7973740 #17 0x5f92b7983196 #18 0x70dbd629caa4 #19 0x70dbd6329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:08:36,694 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-20 23:08:38,694 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816025094A42114157757D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:08:40,019 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5fb236e1d31a #1 0x5fb2369336e0 #2 0x5fb2369823e6 #3 0x5fb236982681 #4 0x5fb2369c7b04 #5 0x5fb2369a648d #6 0x5fb2369c4ed7 #7 0x5fb2369a6203 #8 0x5fb236974cc0 #9 0x5fb236975c9e #10 0x5fb236dead0b #11 0x5fb236deec92 #12 0x5fb236dd7b3c #13 0x5fb236def807 #14 0x5fb236dbd0df #15 0x5fb236e0c578 #16 0x5fb236e0c740 #17 0x5fb236e1c196 #18 0x7cec7909caa4 #19 0x7cec79129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:08:40,095 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-20 23:08:42,095 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668324861227853369A41048895694D11694410778769768670 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:08:54,704 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-20 23:08:54,704 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-20 23:08:54,785 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-20 23:08:59,182 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x62a7721f531a #1 0x62a771d0b6e0 #2 0x62a771d5a3e6 #3 0x62a771d5a681 #4 0x62a771d9fb04 #5 0x62a771d7e48d #6 0x62a771d9ced7 #7 0x62a771d7e203 #8 0x62a771d4ccc0 #9 0x62a771d4dc9e #10 0x62a7721c2d0b #11 0x62a7721c6c92 #12 0x62a7721afb3c #13 0x62a7721c7807 #14 0x62a7721950df #15 0x62a7721e4578 #16 0x62a7721e4740 #17 0x62a7721f4196 #18 0x7f462ca9caa4 #19 0x7f462cb29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:08:59,263 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-20 23:09:01,263 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816025094A42114157757D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:09:02,567 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x59f5b02b831a #1 0x59f5afdce6e0 #2 0x59f5afe1d3e6 #3 0x59f5afe1d681 #4 0x59f5afe62b04 #5 0x59f5afe4148d #6 0x59f5afe5fed7 #7 0x59f5afe41203 #8 0x59f5afe0fcc0 #9 0x59f5afe10c9e #10 0x59f5b0285d0b #11 0x59f5b0289c92 #12 0x59f5b0272b3c #13 0x59f5b028a807 #14 0x59f5b02580df #15 0x59f5b02a7578 #16 0x59f5b02a7740 #17 0x59f5b02b7196 #18 0x729ae809caa4 #19 0x729ae8129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:09:02,643 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-20 23:09:04,643 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668324861227853369A41048895694D11694410778769768670 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:573) 2025-02-20 23:09:04,643 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668324861227853369A41048895694D11694410778769768670 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:09:21,748 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x63b01cd9a31a #1 0x63b01c8b06e0 #2 0x63b01c8ff3e6 #3 0x63b01c8ff681 #4 0x63b01c944b04 #5 0x63b01c92348d #6 0x63b01c941ed7 #7 0x63b01c923203 #8 0x63b01c8f1cc0 #9 0x63b01c8f2c9e #10 0x63b01cd67d0b #11 0x63b01cd6bc92 #12 0x63b01cd54b3c #13 0x63b01cd6c807 #14 0x63b01cd3a0df #15 0x63b01cd89578 #16 0x63b01cd89740 #17 0x63b01cd99196 #18 0x7c4ced89caa4 #19 0x7c4ced929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:09:21,824 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-20 23:09:23,824 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816025094A42114157757D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:09:25,119 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5d66dfee231a #1 0x5d66df9f86e0 #2 0x5d66dfa473e6 #3 0x5d66dfa47681 #4 0x5d66dfa8cb04 #5 0x5d66dfa6b48d #6 0x5d66dfa89ed7 #7 0x5d66dfa6b203 #8 0x5d66dfa39cc0 #9 0x5d66dfa3ac9e #10 0x5d66dfeafd0b #11 0x5d66dfeb3c92 #12 0x5d66dfe9cb3c #13 0x5d66dfeb4807 #14 0x5d66dfe820df #15 0x5d66dfed1578 #16 0x5d66dfed1740 #17 0x5d66dfee1196 #18 0x79b9dd89caa4 #19 0x79b9dd929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:09:25,197 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-20 23:09:44,304 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5eb509a6231a #1 0x5eb5095786e0 #2 0x5eb5095c73e6 #3 0x5eb5095c7681 #4 0x5eb50960cb04 #5 0x5eb5095eb48d #6 0x5eb509609ed7 #7 0x5eb5095eb203 #8 0x5eb5095b9cc0 #9 0x5eb5095bac9e #10 0x5eb509a2fd0b #11 0x5eb509a33c92 #12 0x5eb509a1cb3c #13 0x5eb509a34807 #14 0x5eb509a020df #15 0x5eb509a51578 #16 0x5eb509a51740 #17 0x5eb509a61196 #18 0x7fe84b89caa4 #19 0x7fe84b929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:09:44,379 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-20 23:09:46,379 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816025094A42114157757D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:10:06,860 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5ba3110b231a #1 0x5ba310bc86e0 #2 0x5ba310c173e6 #3 0x5ba310c17681 #4 0x5ba310c5cb04 #5 0x5ba310c3b48d #6 0x5ba310c59ed7 #7 0x5ba310c3b203 #8 0x5ba310c09cc0 #9 0x5ba310c0ac9e #10 0x5ba31107fd0b #11 0x5ba311083c92 #12 0x5ba31106cb3c #13 0x5ba311084807 #14 0x5ba3110520df #15 0x5ba3110a1578 #16 0x5ba3110a1740 #17 0x5ba3110b1196 #18 0x7b2f5369caa4 #19 0x7b2f53729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:10:06,927 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-20 23:10:08,928 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816025094A42114157757D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:10:29,451 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5b9b4dab431a #1 0x5b9b4d5ca6e0 #2 0x5b9b4d6193e6 #3 0x5b9b4d619681 #4 0x5b9b4d65eb04 #5 0x5b9b4d63d48d #6 0x5b9b4d65bed7 #7 0x5b9b4d63d203 #8 0x5b9b4d60bcc0 #9 0x5b9b4d60cc9e #10 0x5b9b4da81d0b #11 0x5b9b4da85c92 #12 0x5b9b4da6eb3c #13 0x5b9b4da86807 #14 0x5b9b4da540df #15 0x5b9b4daa3578 #16 0x5b9b4daa3740 #17 0x5b9b4dab3196 #18 0x7c0efea9caa4 #19 0x7c0efeb29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:10:29,530 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-20 23:10:31,531 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816025094A42114157757D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:10:52,017 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x63cbb92fb31a #1 0x63cbb8e116e0 #2 0x63cbb8e603e6 #3 0x63cbb8e60681 #4 0x63cbb8ea5b04 #5 0x63cbb8e8448d #6 0x63cbb8ea2ed7 #7 0x63cbb8e84203 #8 0x63cbb8e52cc0 #9 0x63cbb8e53c9e #10 0x63cbb92c8d0b #11 0x63cbb92ccc92 #12 0x63cbb92b5b3c #13 0x63cbb92cd807 #14 0x63cbb929b0df #15 0x63cbb92ea578 #16 0x63cbb92ea740 #17 0x63cbb92fa196 #18 0x75f8cf69caa4 #19 0x75f8cf729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:10:52,094 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-20 23:10:54,095 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816025094A42114157757D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:11:14,599 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x63b387c6f31a #1 0x63b3877856e0 #2 0x63b3877d43e6 #3 0x63b3877d4681 #4 0x63b387819b04 #5 0x63b3877f848d #6 0x63b387816ed7 #7 0x63b3877f8203 #8 0x63b3877c6cc0 #9 0x63b3877c7c9e #10 0x63b387c3cd0b #11 0x63b387c40c92 #12 0x63b387c29b3c #13 0x63b387c41807 #14 0x63b387c0f0df #15 0x63b387c5e578 #16 0x63b387c5e740 #17 0x63b387c6e196 #18 0x7deb4209caa4 #19 0x7deb42129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:11:14,675 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-20 23:11:16,675 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816025094A42114157757D2633598932167165105 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:573) 2025-02-20 23:11:16,675 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816025094A42114157757D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:11:37,195 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x59035533931a #1 0x590354e4f6e0 #2 0x590354e9e3e6 #3 0x590354e9e681 #4 0x590354ee3b04 #5 0x590354ec248d #6 0x590354ee0ed7 #7 0x590354ec2203 #8 0x590354e90cc0 #9 0x590354e91c9e #10 0x590355306d0b #11 0x59035530ac92 #12 0x5903552f3b3c #13 0x59035530b807 #14 0x5903552d90df #15 0x590355328578 #16 0x590355328740 #17 0x590355338196 #18 0x73ba9b69caa4 #19 0x73ba9b729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:11:37,270 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-20 23:12:15,922 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-20 23:12:39,169 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-20 23:13:25,506 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-20 23:13:30,700 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-20 23:30:53,468 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-20 23:30:53,469 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-20 23:30:53,557 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-20 23:30:59,581 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-20 23:31:09,776 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-20 23:31:12,785 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-20 23:31:17,468 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-20 23:31:17,468 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-20 23:31:17,537 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-20 23:31:22,809 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-20 23:31:43,918 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-20 23:31:45,592 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-20 23:31:45,593 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-20 23:31:45,660 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-20 23:31:54,437 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-20 23:31:59,621 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-20 23:32:04,610 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-20 23:32:20,362 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-20 23:32:35,660 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-20 23:33:21,050 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-20 23:33:56,281 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-20 23:34:40,681 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-20 23:35:10,301 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-20 23:35:24,546 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-20 23:35:36,444 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-20 23:35:43,329 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666073061406606420A42114583769D2495749344580084856 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:35:54,861 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-20 23:36:03,850 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5cd0a7b2b31a #1 0x5cd0a76416e0 #2 0x5cd0a76903e6 #3 0x5cd0a7690681 #4 0x5cd0a76d5b04 #5 0x5cd0a76b448d #6 0x5cd0a76d2ed7 #7 0x5cd0a76b4203 #8 0x5cd0a7682cc0 #9 0x5cd0a7683c9e #10 0x5cd0a7af8d0b #11 0x5cd0a7afcc92 #12 0x5cd0a7ae5b3c #13 0x5cd0a7afd807 #14 0x5cd0a7acb0df #15 0x5cd0a7b1a578 #16 0x5cd0a7b1a740 #17 0x5cd0a7b2a196 #18 0x766d9a49caa4 #19 0x766d9a529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:36:03,927 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-20 23:36:05,927 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666073061406606420A42114583769D2495749344580084856 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:36:23,546 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-20 23:36:26,470 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5d16ecd2e31a #1 0x5d16ec8446e0 #2 0x5d16ec8933e6 #3 0x5d16ec893681 #4 0x5d16ec8d8b04 #5 0x5d16ec8b748d #6 0x5d16ec8d5ed7 #7 0x5d16ec8b7203 #8 0x5d16ec885cc0 #9 0x5d16ec886c9e #10 0x5d16eccfbd0b #11 0x5d16eccffc92 #12 0x5d16ecce8b3c #13 0x5d16ecd00807 #14 0x5d16eccce0df #15 0x5d16ecd1d578 #16 0x5d16ecd1d740 #17 0x5d16ecd2d196 #18 0x704bfec9caa4 #19 0x704bfed29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:36:26,547 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-20 23:36:28,547 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666073061406606420A42114583769D2495749344580084856 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:36:28,801 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-20 23:36:49,079 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x56712728b31a #1 0x567126da16e0 #2 0x567126df03e6 #3 0x567126df0681 #4 0x567126e35b04 #5 0x567126e1448d #6 0x567126e32ed7 #7 0x567126e14203 #8 0x567126de2cc0 #9 0x567126de3c9e #10 0x567127258d0b #11 0x56712725cc92 #12 0x567127245b3c #13 0x56712725d807 #14 0x56712722b0df #15 0x56712727a578 #16 0x56712727a740 #17 0x56712728a196 #18 0x78028f49caa4 #19 0x78028f529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:36:49,158 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-20 23:36:51,158 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666073061406606420A42114583769D2495749344580084856 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:36:54,009 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816138644A42114476766D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:37:11,717 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5f3bf52e131a #1 0x5f3bf4df76e0 #2 0x5f3bf4e463e6 #3 0x5f3bf4e46681 #4 0x5f3bf4e8bb04 #5 0x5f3bf4e6a48d #6 0x5f3bf4e88ed7 #7 0x5f3bf4e6a203 #8 0x5f3bf4e38cc0 #9 0x5f3bf4e39c9e #10 0x5f3bf52aed0b #11 0x5f3bf52b2c92 #12 0x5f3bf529bb3c #13 0x5f3bf52b3807 #14 0x5f3bf52810df #15 0x5f3bf52d0578 #16 0x5f3bf52d0740 #17 0x5f3bf52e0196 #18 0x764d15a9caa4 #19 0x764d15b29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:37:11,793 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-20 23:37:13,794 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666073061406606420A42114583769D2495749344580084856 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:37:14,540 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x58252c47c31a #1 0x58252bf926e0 #2 0x58252bfe13e6 #3 0x58252bfe1681 #4 0x58252c026b04 #5 0x58252c00548d #6 0x58252c023ed7 #7 0x58252c005203 #8 0x58252bfd3cc0 #9 0x58252bfd4c9e #10 0x58252c449d0b #11 0x58252c44dc92 #12 0x58252c436b3c #13 0x58252c44e807 #14 0x58252c41c0df #15 0x58252c46b578 #16 0x58252c46b740 #17 0x58252c47b196 #18 0x7cf5e3a9caa4 #19 0x7cf5e3b29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:37:14,616 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-20 23:37:16,616 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816138644A42114476766D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:37:34,283 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x588491c1d31a #1 0x5884917336e0 #2 0x5884917823e6 #3 0x588491782681 #4 0x5884917c7b04 #5 0x5884917a648d #6 0x5884917c4ed7 #7 0x5884917a6203 #8 0x588491774cc0 #9 0x588491775c9e #10 0x588491bead0b #11 0x588491beec92 #12 0x588491bd7b3c #13 0x588491bef807 #14 0x588491bbd0df #15 0x588491c0c578 #16 0x588491c0c740 #17 0x588491c1c196 #18 0x7b68ee09caa4 #19 0x7b68ee129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:37:34,361 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-20 23:37:36,361 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666073061406606420A42114583769D2495749344580084856 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:37:37,141 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x55802ebef31a #1 0x55802e7056e0 #2 0x55802e7543e6 #3 0x55802e754681 #4 0x55802e799b04 #5 0x55802e77848d #6 0x55802e796ed7 #7 0x55802e778203 #8 0x55802e746cc0 #9 0x55802e747c9e #10 0x55802ebbcd0b #11 0x55802ebc0c92 #12 0x55802eba9b3c #13 0x55802ebc1807 #14 0x55802eb8f0df #15 0x55802ebde578 #16 0x55802ebde740 #17 0x55802ebee196 #18 0x75df8ee9caa4 #19 0x75df8ef29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:37:37,217 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-20 23:37:39,217 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816138644A42114476766D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:37:40,369 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826786146838A35438153996D9547743635268161066 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-02-20 23:37:40,369 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826786146838A35438153996D9547743635268161066 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-02-20 23:37:56,846 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x62986fc7531a #1 0x62986f78b6e0 #2 0x62986f7da3e6 #3 0x62986f7da681 #4 0x62986f81fb04 #5 0x62986f7fe48d #6 0x62986f81ced7 #7 0x62986f7fe203 #8 0x62986f7cccc0 #9 0x62986f7cdc9e #10 0x62986fc42d0b #11 0x62986fc46c92 #12 0x62986fc2fb3c #13 0x62986fc47807 #14 0x62986fc150df #15 0x62986fc64578 #16 0x62986fc64740 #17 0x62986fc74196 #18 0x7c6c0d29caa4 #19 0x7c6c0d329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:37:56,921 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-20 23:37:58,921 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666073061406606420A42114583769D2495749344580084856 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:37:59,708 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5c8f47a9731a #1 0x5c8f475ad6e0 #2 0x5c8f475fc3e6 #3 0x5c8f475fc681 #4 0x5c8f47641b04 #5 0x5c8f4762048d #6 0x5c8f4763eed7 #7 0x5c8f47620203 #8 0x5c8f475eecc0 #9 0x5c8f475efc9e #10 0x5c8f47a64d0b #11 0x5c8f47a68c92 #12 0x5c8f47a51b3c #13 0x5c8f47a69807 #14 0x5c8f47a370df #15 0x5c8f47a86578 #16 0x5c8f47a86740 #17 0x5c8f47a96196 #18 0x7952c2c9caa4 #19 0x7952c2d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:37:59,784 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-20 23:38:01,784 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816138644A42114476766D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:38:18,976 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-20 23:38:18,977 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-20 23:38:19,060 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-20 23:38:19,416 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5f93fc0a831a #1 0x5f93fbbbe6e0 #2 0x5f93fbc0d3e6 #3 0x5f93fbc0d681 #4 0x5f93fbc52b04 #5 0x5f93fbc3148d #6 0x5f93fbc4fed7 #7 0x5f93fbc31203 #8 0x5f93fbbffcc0 #9 0x5f93fbc00c9e #10 0x5f93fc075d0b #11 0x5f93fc079c92 #12 0x5f93fc062b3c #13 0x5f93fc07a807 #14 0x5f93fc0480df #15 0x5f93fc097578 #16 0x5f93fc097740 #17 0x5f93fc0a7196 #18 0x75bfcf09caa4 #19 0x75bfcf129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:38:19,492 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-20 23:38:21,493 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666073061406606420A42114583769D2495749344580084856 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:38:22,305 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x620c3eb2031a #1 0x620c3e6366e0 #2 0x620c3e6853e6 #3 0x620c3e685681 #4 0x620c3e6cab04 #5 0x620c3e6a948d #6 0x620c3e6c7ed7 #7 0x620c3e6a9203 #8 0x620c3e677cc0 #9 0x620c3e678c9e #10 0x620c3eaedd0b #11 0x620c3eaf1c92 #12 0x620c3eadab3c #13 0x620c3eaf2807 #14 0x620c3eac00df #15 0x620c3eb0f578 #16 0x620c3eb0f740 #17 0x620c3eb1f196 #18 0x705a3de9caa4 #19 0x705a3df29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:38:22,380 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-20 23:38:24,380 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816138644A42114476766D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:38:41,992 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x582b3b59b31a #1 0x582b3b0b16e0 #2 0x582b3b1003e6 #3 0x582b3b100681 #4 0x582b3b145b04 #5 0x582b3b12448d #6 0x582b3b142ed7 #7 0x582b3b124203 #8 0x582b3b0f2cc0 #9 0x582b3b0f3c9e #10 0x582b3b568d0b #11 0x582b3b56cc92 #12 0x582b3b555b3c #13 0x582b3b56d807 #14 0x582b3b53b0df #15 0x582b3b58a578 #16 0x582b3b58a740 #17 0x582b3b59a196 #18 0x7df38349caa4 #19 0x7df383529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:38:42,068 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-20 23:38:44,068 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666073061406606420A42114583769D2495749344580084856 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:38:44,855 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x61d39974d31a #1 0x61d3992636e0 #2 0x61d3992b23e6 #3 0x61d3992b2681 #4 0x61d3992f7b04 #5 0x61d3992d648d #6 0x61d3992f4ed7 #7 0x61d3992d6203 #8 0x61d3992a4cc0 #9 0x61d3992a5c9e #10 0x61d39971ad0b #11 0x61d39971ec92 #12 0x61d399707b3c #13 0x61d39971f807 #14 0x61d3996ed0df #15 0x61d39973c578 #16 0x61d39973c740 #17 0x61d39974c196 #18 0x7aa2a2a9caa4 #19 0x7aa2a2b29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:38:44,931 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-20 23:38:46,931 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816138644A42114476766D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:39:04,571 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5a2a078fa31a #1 0x5a2a074106e0 #2 0x5a2a0745f3e6 #3 0x5a2a0745f681 #4 0x5a2a074a4b04 #5 0x5a2a0748348d #6 0x5a2a074a1ed7 #7 0x5a2a07483203 #8 0x5a2a07451cc0 #9 0x5a2a07452c9e #10 0x5a2a078c7d0b #11 0x5a2a078cbc92 #12 0x5a2a078b4b3c #13 0x5a2a078cc807 #14 0x5a2a0789a0df #15 0x5a2a078e9578 #16 0x5a2a078e9740 #17 0x5a2a078f9196 #18 0x70876309caa4 #19 0x708763129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:39:04,646 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-20 23:39:06,647 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666073061406606420A42114583769D2495749344580084856 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:39:07,438 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x558918de031a #1 0x5589188f66e0 #2 0x5589189453e6 #3 0x558918945681 #4 0x55891898ab04 #5 0x55891896948d #6 0x558918987ed7 #7 0x558918969203 #8 0x558918937cc0 #9 0x558918938c9e #10 0x558918dadd0b #11 0x558918db1c92 #12 0x558918d9ab3c #13 0x558918db2807 #14 0x558918d800df #15 0x558918dcf578 #16 0x558918dcf740 #17 0x558918ddf196 #18 0x76bf2609caa4 #19 0x76bf26129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:39:07,514 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-20 23:39:09,515 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816138644A42114476766D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:39:16,570 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-20 23:39:27,128 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x615d6ce6431a #1 0x615d6c97a6e0 #2 0x615d6c9c93e6 #3 0x615d6c9c9681 #4 0x615d6ca0eb04 #5 0x615d6c9ed48d #6 0x615d6ca0bed7 #7 0x615d6c9ed203 #8 0x615d6c9bbcc0 #9 0x615d6c9bcc9e #10 0x615d6ce31d0b #11 0x615d6ce35c92 #12 0x615d6ce1eb3c #13 0x615d6ce36807 #14 0x615d6ce040df #15 0x615d6ce53578 #16 0x615d6ce53740 #17 0x615d6ce63196 #18 0x776b5349caa4 #19 0x776b53529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:39:27,204 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-20 23:39:29,205 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666073061406606420A42114583769D2495749344580084856 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:573) 2025-02-20 23:39:29,205 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666073061406606420A42114583769D2495749344580084856 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:39:30,024 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5767414a931a #1 0x576740fbf6e0 #2 0x57674100e3e6 #3 0x57674100e681 #4 0x576741053b04 #5 0x57674103248d #6 0x576741050ed7 #7 0x576741032203 #8 0x576741000cc0 #9 0x576741001c9e #10 0x576741476d0b #11 0x57674147ac92 #12 0x576741463b3c #13 0x57674147b807 #14 0x5767414490df #15 0x576741498578 #16 0x576741498740 #17 0x5767414a8196 #18 0x773d8369caa4 #19 0x773d83729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:39:30,107 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-20 23:39:32,107 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816138644A42114476766D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:39:49,717 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5dbf3ee2531a #1 0x5dbf3e93b6e0 #2 0x5dbf3e98a3e6 #3 0x5dbf3e98a681 #4 0x5dbf3e9cfb04 #5 0x5dbf3e9ae48d #6 0x5dbf3e9cced7 #7 0x5dbf3e9ae203 #8 0x5dbf3e97ccc0 #9 0x5dbf3e97dc9e #10 0x5dbf3edf2d0b #11 0x5dbf3edf6c92 #12 0x5dbf3eddfb3c #13 0x5dbf3edf7807 #14 0x5dbf3edc50df #15 0x5dbf3ee14578 #16 0x5dbf3ee14740 #17 0x5dbf3ee24196 #18 0x7ef8ebe9caa4 #19 0x7ef8ebf29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:39:49,792 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-20 23:39:49,795 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-20 23:39:52,599 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x6446e63a331a #1 0x6446e5eb96e0 #2 0x6446e5f083e6 #3 0x6446e5f08681 #4 0x6446e5f4db04 #5 0x6446e5f2c48d #6 0x6446e5f4aed7 #7 0x6446e5f2c203 #8 0x6446e5efacc0 #9 0x6446e5efbc9e #10 0x6446e6370d0b #11 0x6446e6374c92 #12 0x6446e635db3c #13 0x6446e6375807 #14 0x6446e63430df #15 0x6446e6392578 #16 0x6446e6392740 #17 0x6446e63a2196 #18 0x72d9ec49caa4 #19 0x72d9ec529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:39:52,678 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-20 23:39:54,679 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816138644A42114476766D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:40:07,940 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-20 23:40:15,169 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x6242d911431a #1 0x6242d8c2a6e0 #2 0x6242d8c793e6 #3 0x6242d8c79681 #4 0x6242d8cbeb04 #5 0x6242d8c9d48d #6 0x6242d8cbbed7 #7 0x6242d8c9d203 #8 0x6242d8c6bcc0 #9 0x6242d8c6cc9e #10 0x6242d90e1d0b #11 0x6242d90e5c92 #12 0x6242d90ceb3c #13 0x6242d90e6807 #14 0x6242d90b40df #15 0x6242d9103578 #16 0x6242d9103740 #17 0x6242d9113196 #18 0x72f55c09caa4 #19 0x72f55c129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:40:15,232 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-20 23:40:17,232 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816138644A42114476766D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:40:37,752 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5618f50c131a #1 0x5618f4bd76e0 #2 0x5618f4c263e6 #3 0x5618f4c26681 #4 0x5618f4c6bb04 #5 0x5618f4c4a48d #6 0x5618f4c68ed7 #7 0x5618f4c4a203 #8 0x5618f4c18cc0 #9 0x5618f4c19c9e #10 0x5618f508ed0b #11 0x5618f5092c92 #12 0x5618f507bb3c #13 0x5618f5093807 #14 0x5618f50610df #15 0x5618f50b0578 #16 0x5618f50b0740 #17 0x5618f50c0196 #18 0x7aaa6969caa4 #19 0x7aaa69729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:40:37,827 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-20 23:40:39,827 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816138644A42114476766D2633598932167165105 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:573) 2025-02-20 23:40:39,827 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816138644A42114476766D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:41:00,305 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5fdbd189631a #1 0x5fdbd13ac6e0 #2 0x5fdbd13fb3e6 #3 0x5fdbd13fb681 #4 0x5fdbd1440b04 #5 0x5fdbd141f48d #6 0x5fdbd143ded7 #7 0x5fdbd141f203 #8 0x5fdbd13edcc0 #9 0x5fdbd13eec9e #10 0x5fdbd1863d0b #11 0x5fdbd1867c92 #12 0x5fdbd1850b3c #13 0x5fdbd1868807 #14 0x5fdbd18360df #15 0x5fdbd1885578 #16 0x5fdbd1885740 #17 0x5fdbd1895196 #18 0x77c32a89caa4 #19 0x77c32a929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:41:00,381 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-20 23:41:36,168 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-20 23:42:50,055 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-20 23:42:55,294 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-20 23:55:34,173 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863084934756A42114578982D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:55:54,664 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5dc0f3b5f31a #1 0x5dc0f36756e0 #2 0x5dc0f36c43e6 #3 0x5dc0f36c4681 #4 0x5dc0f3709b04 #5 0x5dc0f36e848d #6 0x5dc0f3706ed7 #7 0x5dc0f36e8203 #8 0x5dc0f36b6cc0 #9 0x5dc0f36b7c9e #10 0x5dc0f3b2cd0b #11 0x5dc0f3b30c92 #12 0x5dc0f3b19b3c #13 0x5dc0f3b31807 #14 0x5dc0f3aff0df #15 0x5dc0f3b4e578 #16 0x5dc0f3b4e740 #17 0x5dc0f3b5e196 #18 0x72e59309caa4 #19 0x72e593129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:55:54,739 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-20 23:55:56,739 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863084934756A42114578982D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:56:17,242 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5b90cb51031a #1 0x5b90cb0266e0 #2 0x5b90cb0753e6 #3 0x5b90cb075681 #4 0x5b90cb0bab04 #5 0x5b90cb09948d #6 0x5b90cb0b7ed7 #7 0x5b90cb099203 #8 0x5b90cb067cc0 #9 0x5b90cb068c9e #10 0x5b90cb4ddd0b #11 0x5b90cb4e1c92 #12 0x5b90cb4cab3c #13 0x5b90cb4e2807 #14 0x5b90cb4b00df #15 0x5b90cb4ff578 #16 0x5b90cb4ff740 #17 0x5b90cb50f196 #18 0x7afc74a9caa4 #19 0x7afc74b29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:56:17,318 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-20 23:56:19,319 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863084934756A42114578982D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:56:39,811 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x60bf3e18231a #1 0x60bf3dc986e0 #2 0x60bf3dce73e6 #3 0x60bf3dce7681 #4 0x60bf3dd2cb04 #5 0x60bf3dd0b48d #6 0x60bf3dd29ed7 #7 0x60bf3dd0b203 #8 0x60bf3dcd9cc0 #9 0x60bf3dcdac9e #10 0x60bf3e14fd0b #11 0x60bf3e153c92 #12 0x60bf3e13cb3c #13 0x60bf3e154807 #14 0x60bf3e1220df #15 0x60bf3e171578 #16 0x60bf3e171740 #17 0x60bf3e181196 #18 0x701d17c9caa4 #19 0x701d17d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:56:39,887 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-20 23:56:41,888 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863084934756A42114578982D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:57:02,381 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5f43c2f5631a #1 0x5f43c2a6c6e0 #2 0x5f43c2abb3e6 #3 0x5f43c2abb681 #4 0x5f43c2b00b04 #5 0x5f43c2adf48d #6 0x5f43c2afded7 #7 0x5f43c2adf203 #8 0x5f43c2aadcc0 #9 0x5f43c2aaec9e #10 0x5f43c2f23d0b #11 0x5f43c2f27c92 #12 0x5f43c2f10b3c #13 0x5f43c2f28807 #14 0x5f43c2ef60df #15 0x5f43c2f45578 #16 0x5f43c2f45740 #17 0x5f43c2f55196 #18 0x79d29749caa4 #19 0x79d297529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:57:02,457 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-20 23:57:04,457 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863084934756A42114578982D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:57:24,940 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x56a93b28231a #1 0x56a93ad986e0 #2 0x56a93ade73e6 #3 0x56a93ade7681 #4 0x56a93ae2cb04 #5 0x56a93ae0b48d #6 0x56a93ae29ed7 #7 0x56a93ae0b203 #8 0x56a93add9cc0 #9 0x56a93addac9e #10 0x56a93b24fd0b #11 0x56a93b253c92 #12 0x56a93b23cb3c #13 0x56a93b254807 #14 0x56a93b2220df #15 0x56a93b271578 #16 0x56a93b271740 #17 0x56a93b281196 #18 0x7a443a09caa4 #19 0x7a443a129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:57:25,018 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-20 23:57:27,018 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863084934756A42114578982D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:57:47,493 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x55e823cd531a #1 0x55e8237eb6e0 #2 0x55e82383a3e6 #3 0x55e82383a681 #4 0x55e82387fb04 #5 0x55e82385e48d #6 0x55e82387ced7 #7 0x55e82385e203 #8 0x55e82382ccc0 #9 0x55e82382dc9e #10 0x55e823ca2d0b #11 0x55e823ca6c92 #12 0x55e823c8fb3c #13 0x55e823ca7807 #14 0x55e823c750df #15 0x55e823cc4578 #16 0x55e823cc4740 #17 0x55e823cd4196 #18 0x7e6a7089caa4 #19 0x7e6a70929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:57:47,569 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-20 23:57:49,569 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863084934756A42114578982D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:58:10,058 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x589fe7c8831a #1 0x589fe779e6e0 #2 0x589fe77ed3e6 #3 0x589fe77ed681 #4 0x589fe7832b04 #5 0x589fe781148d #6 0x589fe782fed7 #7 0x589fe7811203 #8 0x589fe77dfcc0 #9 0x589fe77e0c9e #10 0x589fe7c55d0b #11 0x589fe7c59c92 #12 0x589fe7c42b3c #13 0x589fe7c5a807 #14 0x589fe7c280df #15 0x589fe7c77578 #16 0x589fe7c77740 #17 0x589fe7c87196 #18 0x7081bd69caa4 #19 0x7081bd729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:58:10,134 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-20 23:58:12,134 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863084934756A42114578982D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:58:32,639 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x62e3ad0da31a #1 0x62e3acbf06e0 #2 0x62e3acc3f3e6 #3 0x62e3acc3f681 #4 0x62e3acc84b04 #5 0x62e3acc6348d #6 0x62e3acc81ed7 #7 0x62e3acc63203 #8 0x62e3acc31cc0 #9 0x62e3acc32c9e #10 0x62e3ad0a7d0b #11 0x62e3ad0abc92 #12 0x62e3ad094b3c #13 0x62e3ad0ac807 #14 0x62e3ad07a0df #15 0x62e3ad0c9578 #16 0x62e3ad0c9740 #17 0x62e3ad0d9196 #18 0x77921c89caa4 #19 0x77921c929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:58:32,716 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-20 23:58:34,716 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863084934756A42114578982D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:58:55,186 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5d7256d4131a #1 0x5d72568576e0 #2 0x5d72568a63e6 #3 0x5d72568a6681 #4 0x5d72568ebb04 #5 0x5d72568ca48d #6 0x5d72568e8ed7 #7 0x5d72568ca203 #8 0x5d7256898cc0 #9 0x5d7256899c9e #10 0x5d7256d0ed0b #11 0x5d7256d12c92 #12 0x5d7256cfbb3c #13 0x5d7256d13807 #14 0x5d7256ce10df #15 0x5d7256d30578 #16 0x5d7256d30740 #17 0x5d7256d40196 #18 0x70d6c749caa4 #19 0x70d6c7529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:58:55,261 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-20 23:58:57,261 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863084934756A42114578982D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:59:17,773 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x630416e0231a #1 0x6304169186e0 #2 0x6304169673e6 #3 0x630416967681 #4 0x6304169acb04 #5 0x63041698b48d #6 0x6304169a9ed7 #7 0x63041698b203 #8 0x630416959cc0 #9 0x63041695ac9e #10 0x630416dcfd0b #11 0x630416dd3c92 #12 0x630416dbcb3c #13 0x630416dd4807 #14 0x630416da20df #15 0x630416df1578 #16 0x630416df1740 #17 0x630416e01196 #18 0x7d610949caa4 #19 0x7d6109529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:59:17,848 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-20 23:59:19,848 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863084934756A42114578982D11556876991896565350 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:635) 2025-02-20 23:59:19,849 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863084934756A42114578982D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-20 23:59:40,345 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5fd72923f31a #1 0x5fd728d556e0 #2 0x5fd728da43e6 #3 0x5fd728da4681 #4 0x5fd728de9b04 #5 0x5fd728dc848d #6 0x5fd728de6ed7 #7 0x5fd728dc8203 #8 0x5fd728d96cc0 #9 0x5fd728d97c9e #10 0x5fd72920cd0b #11 0x5fd729210c92 #12 0x5fd7291f9b3c #13 0x5fd729211807 #14 0x5fd7291df0df #15 0x5fd72922e578 #16 0x5fd72922e740 #17 0x5fd72923e196 #18 0x7bba7689caa4 #19 0x7bba76929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-20 23:59:40,421 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-20 23:59:50,820 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:00:11,910 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 00:00:11,911 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 00:00:13,767 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 00:00:36,452 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:00:42,831 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 00:00:42,831 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 00:00:42,903 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 00:00:48,525 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:01:04,242 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 00:01:04,243 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 00:01:04,315 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 00:01:08,313 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:01:09,910 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:01:18,060 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:01:24,019 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:01:32,900 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:01:41,908 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:01:50,729 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:02:00,494 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:02:15,879 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:02:34,101 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:02:48,023 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:02:51,654 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:03:08,707 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:03:11,304 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:03:31,855 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:04:15,429 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:04:27,239 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:04:38,945 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:04:43,335 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:04:47,853 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 00:04:54,343 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:05:04,765 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:05:13,504 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 00:05:18,742 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:05:24,148 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 00:06:17,763 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816218444A42114786046D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 00:06:38,262 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x6520eb33a31a #1 0x6520eae506e0 #2 0x6520eae9f3e6 #3 0x6520eae9f681 #4 0x6520eaee4b04 #5 0x6520eaec348d #6 0x6520eaee1ed7 #7 0x6520eaec3203 #8 0x6520eae91cc0 #9 0x6520eae92c9e #10 0x6520eb307d0b #11 0x6520eb30bc92 #12 0x6520eb2f4b3c #13 0x6520eb30c807 #14 0x6520eb2da0df #15 0x6520eb329578 #16 0x6520eb329740 #17 0x6520eb339196 #18 0x7ae21e29caa4 #19 0x7ae21e329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 00:06:38,338 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 00:06:40,339 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816218444A42114786046D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 00:06:57,030 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826786146838A35438153996D9547743635268161066 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-02-21 00:06:57,031 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826786146838A35438153996D9547743635268161066 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-02-21 00:07:00,837 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x61852c3f831a #1 0x61852bf0e6e0 #2 0x61852bf5d3e6 #3 0x61852bf5d681 #4 0x61852bfa2b04 #5 0x61852bf8148d #6 0x61852bf9fed7 #7 0x61852bf81203 #8 0x61852bf4fcc0 #9 0x61852bf50c9e #10 0x61852c3c5d0b #11 0x61852c3c9c92 #12 0x61852c3b2b3c #13 0x61852c3ca807 #14 0x61852c3980df #15 0x61852c3e7578 #16 0x61852c3e7740 #17 0x61852c3f7196 #18 0x7eb13549caa4 #19 0x7eb135529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 00:07:00,913 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 00:07:02,913 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816218444A42114786046D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 00:07:16,594 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:07:23,407 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5cf39449e31a #1 0x5cf393fb46e0 #2 0x5cf3940033e6 #3 0x5cf394003681 #4 0x5cf394048b04 #5 0x5cf39402748d #6 0x5cf394045ed7 #7 0x5cf394027203 #8 0x5cf393ff5cc0 #9 0x5cf393ff6c9e #10 0x5cf39446bd0b #11 0x5cf39446fc92 #12 0x5cf394458b3c #13 0x5cf394470807 #14 0x5cf39443e0df #15 0x5cf39448d578 #16 0x5cf39448d740 #17 0x5cf39449d196 #18 0x7039bce9caa4 #19 0x7039bcf29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 00:07:23,482 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 00:07:24,860 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:07:25,482 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816218444A42114786046D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 00:07:38,696 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 00:07:38,696 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 00:07:38,775 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 00:07:44,044 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:07:45,973 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x63cfc3aab31a #1 0x63cfc35c16e0 #2 0x63cfc36103e6 #3 0x63cfc3610681 #4 0x63cfc3655b04 #5 0x63cfc363448d #6 0x63cfc3652ed7 #7 0x63cfc3634203 #8 0x63cfc3602cc0 #9 0x63cfc3603c9e #10 0x63cfc3a78d0b #11 0x63cfc3a7cc92 #12 0x63cfc3a65b3c #13 0x63cfc3a7d807 #14 0x63cfc3a4b0df #15 0x63cfc3a9a578 #16 0x63cfc3a9a740 #17 0x63cfc3aaa196 #18 0x78b6eac9caa4 #19 0x78b6ead29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 00:07:46,053 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 00:07:48,054 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816218444A42114786046D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 00:07:57,108 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:08:08,561 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x58b3d40ad31a #1 0x58b3d3bc36e0 #2 0x58b3d3c123e6 #3 0x58b3d3c12681 #4 0x58b3d3c57b04 #5 0x58b3d3c3648d #6 0x58b3d3c54ed7 #7 0x58b3d3c36203 #8 0x58b3d3c04cc0 #9 0x58b3d3c05c9e #10 0x58b3d407ad0b #11 0x58b3d407ec92 #12 0x58b3d4067b3c #13 0x58b3d407f807 #14 0x58b3d404d0df #15 0x58b3d409c578 #16 0x58b3d409c740 #17 0x58b3d40ac196 #18 0x70bc2cc9caa4 #19 0x70bc2cd29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 00:08:08,638 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 00:08:10,638 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816218444A42114786046D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 00:08:28,183 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:08:31,133 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x56740391f31a #1 0x5674034356e0 #2 0x5674034843e6 #3 0x567403484681 #4 0x5674034c9b04 #5 0x5674034a848d #6 0x5674034c6ed7 #7 0x5674034a8203 #8 0x567403476cc0 #9 0x567403477c9e #10 0x5674038ecd0b #11 0x5674038f0c92 #12 0x5674038d9b3c #13 0x5674038f1807 #14 0x5674038bf0df #15 0x56740390e578 #16 0x56740390e740 #17 0x56740391e196 #18 0x74189509caa4 #19 0x741895129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 00:08:31,209 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 00:08:33,209 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816218444A42114786046D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 00:08:53,710 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x607f4e02231a #1 0x607f4db386e0 #2 0x607f4db873e6 #3 0x607f4db87681 #4 0x607f4dbccb04 #5 0x607f4dbab48d #6 0x607f4dbc9ed7 #7 0x607f4dbab203 #8 0x607f4db79cc0 #9 0x607f4db7ac9e #10 0x607f4dfefd0b #11 0x607f4dff3c92 #12 0x607f4dfdcb3c #13 0x607f4dff4807 #14 0x607f4dfc20df #15 0x607f4e011578 #16 0x607f4e011740 #17 0x607f4e021196 #18 0x749512c9caa4 #19 0x749512d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 00:08:53,785 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 00:08:55,786 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816218444A42114786046D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 00:09:02,387 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:09:16,308 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x59aaf69ba31a #1 0x59aaf64d06e0 #2 0x59aaf651f3e6 #3 0x59aaf651f681 #4 0x59aaf6564b04 #5 0x59aaf654348d #6 0x59aaf6561ed7 #7 0x59aaf6543203 #8 0x59aaf6511cc0 #9 0x59aaf6512c9e #10 0x59aaf6987d0b #11 0x59aaf698bc92 #12 0x59aaf6974b3c #13 0x59aaf698c807 #14 0x59aaf695a0df #15 0x59aaf69a9578 #16 0x59aaf69a9740 #17 0x59aaf69b9196 #18 0x722154c9caa4 #19 0x722154d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 00:09:16,384 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 00:09:18,385 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816218444A42114786046D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 00:09:38,861 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5d936342d31a #1 0x5d9362f436e0 #2 0x5d9362f923e6 #3 0x5d9362f92681 #4 0x5d9362fd7b04 #5 0x5d9362fb648d #6 0x5d9362fd4ed7 #7 0x5d9362fb6203 #8 0x5d9362f84cc0 #9 0x5d9362f85c9e #10 0x5d93633fad0b #11 0x5d93633fec92 #12 0x5d93633e7b3c #13 0x5d93633ff807 #14 0x5d93633cd0df #15 0x5d936341c578 #16 0x5d936341c740 #17 0x5d936342c196 #18 0x74d936c9caa4 #19 0x74d936d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 00:09:38,938 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 00:09:39,287 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:09:40,938 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816218444A42114786046D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 00:10:01,466 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5b125bfdd31a #1 0x5b125baf36e0 #2 0x5b125bb423e6 #3 0x5b125bb42681 #4 0x5b125bb87b04 #5 0x5b125bb6648d #6 0x5b125bb84ed7 #7 0x5b125bb66203 #8 0x5b125bb34cc0 #9 0x5b125bb35c9e #10 0x5b125bfaad0b #11 0x5b125bfaec92 #12 0x5b125bf97b3c #13 0x5b125bfaf807 #14 0x5b125bf7d0df #15 0x5b125bfcc578 #16 0x5b125bfcc740 #17 0x5b125bfdc196 #18 0x78396c49caa4 #19 0x78396c529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 00:10:01,541 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 00:10:03,541 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816218444A42114786046D2633598932167165105 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:573) 2025-02-21 00:10:03,541 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816218444A42114786046D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 00:10:24,066 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5e45fa05331a #1 0x5e45f9b696e0 #2 0x5e45f9bb83e6 #3 0x5e45f9bb8681 #4 0x5e45f9bfdb04 #5 0x5e45f9bdc48d #6 0x5e45f9bfaed7 #7 0x5e45f9bdc203 #8 0x5e45f9baacc0 #9 0x5e45f9babc9e #10 0x5e45fa020d0b #11 0x5e45fa024c92 #12 0x5e45fa00db3c #13 0x5e45fa025807 #14 0x5e45f9ff30df #15 0x5e45fa042578 #16 0x5e45fa042740 #17 0x5e45fa052196 #18 0x70376689caa4 #19 0x703766929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 00:10:24,141 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 00:11:14,512 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:11:40,617 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:12:00,861 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 00:17:32,941 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:24:41,541 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085067986A42115050433D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 00:25:02,034 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x62678253931a #1 0x62678204f6e0 #2 0x62678209e3e6 #3 0x62678209e681 #4 0x6267820e3b04 #5 0x6267820c248d #6 0x6267820e0ed7 #7 0x6267820c2203 #8 0x626782090cc0 #9 0x626782091c9e #10 0x626782506d0b #11 0x62678250ac92 #12 0x6267824f3b3c #13 0x62678250b807 #14 0x6267824d90df #15 0x626782528578 #16 0x626782528740 #17 0x626782538196 #18 0x7d116869caa4 #19 0x7d1168729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 00:25:02,118 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 00:25:04,119 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085067986A42115050433D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 00:25:24,608 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x647a8d18c31a #1 0x647a8cca26e0 #2 0x647a8ccf13e6 #3 0x647a8ccf1681 #4 0x647a8cd36b04 #5 0x647a8cd1548d #6 0x647a8cd33ed7 #7 0x647a8cd15203 #8 0x647a8cce3cc0 #9 0x647a8cce4c9e #10 0x647a8d159d0b #11 0x647a8d15dc92 #12 0x647a8d146b3c #13 0x647a8d15e807 #14 0x647a8d12c0df #15 0x647a8d17b578 #16 0x647a8d17b740 #17 0x647a8d18b196 #18 0x73d28ce9caa4 #19 0x73d28cf29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 00:25:24,684 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 00:25:26,684 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085067986A42115050433D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 00:25:47,190 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5e85664dd31a #1 0x5e8565ff36e0 #2 0x5e85660423e6 #3 0x5e8566042681 #4 0x5e8566087b04 #5 0x5e856606648d #6 0x5e8566084ed7 #7 0x5e8566066203 #8 0x5e8566034cc0 #9 0x5e8566035c9e #10 0x5e85664aad0b #11 0x5e85664aec92 #12 0x5e8566497b3c #13 0x5e85664af807 #14 0x5e856647d0df #15 0x5e85664cc578 #16 0x5e85664cc740 #17 0x5e85664dc196 #18 0x76e6b949caa4 #19 0x76e6b9529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 00:25:47,266 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 00:25:49,266 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085067986A42115050433D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 00:26:09,742 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x57e33c86931a #1 0x57e33c37f6e0 #2 0x57e33c3ce3e6 #3 0x57e33c3ce681 #4 0x57e33c413b04 #5 0x57e33c3f248d #6 0x57e33c410ed7 #7 0x57e33c3f2203 #8 0x57e33c3c0cc0 #9 0x57e33c3c1c9e #10 0x57e33c836d0b #11 0x57e33c83ac92 #12 0x57e33c823b3c #13 0x57e33c83b807 #14 0x57e33c8090df #15 0x57e33c858578 #16 0x57e33c858740 #17 0x57e33c868196 #18 0x7391e9c9caa4 #19 0x7391e9d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 00:26:09,818 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 00:26:11,818 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085067986A42115050433D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 00:26:32,290 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5afb409e931a #1 0x5afb404ff6e0 #2 0x5afb4054e3e6 #3 0x5afb4054e681 #4 0x5afb40593b04 #5 0x5afb4057248d #6 0x5afb40590ed7 #7 0x5afb40572203 #8 0x5afb40540cc0 #9 0x5afb40541c9e #10 0x5afb409b6d0b #11 0x5afb409bac92 #12 0x5afb409a3b3c #13 0x5afb409bb807 #14 0x5afb409890df #15 0x5afb409d8578 #16 0x5afb409d8740 #17 0x5afb409e8196 #18 0x770e26a9caa4 #19 0x770e26b29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 00:26:32,366 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 00:26:34,367 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085067986A42115050433D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 00:26:54,856 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x59f7ff42a31a #1 0x59f7fef406e0 #2 0x59f7fef8f3e6 #3 0x59f7fef8f681 #4 0x59f7fefd4b04 #5 0x59f7fefb348d #6 0x59f7fefd1ed7 #7 0x59f7fefb3203 #8 0x59f7fef81cc0 #9 0x59f7fef82c9e #10 0x59f7ff3f7d0b #11 0x59f7ff3fbc92 #12 0x59f7ff3e4b3c #13 0x59f7ff3fc807 #14 0x59f7ff3ca0df #15 0x59f7ff419578 #16 0x59f7ff419740 #17 0x59f7ff429196 #18 0x71d63e89caa4 #19 0x71d63e929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 00:26:54,932 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 00:26:56,932 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085067986A42115050433D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 00:27:17,422 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x64baeed1131a #1 0x64baee8276e0 #2 0x64baee8763e6 #3 0x64baee876681 #4 0x64baee8bbb04 #5 0x64baee89a48d #6 0x64baee8b8ed7 #7 0x64baee89a203 #8 0x64baee868cc0 #9 0x64baee869c9e #10 0x64baeecded0b #11 0x64baeece2c92 #12 0x64baeeccbb3c #13 0x64baeece3807 #14 0x64baeecb10df #15 0x64baeed00578 #16 0x64baeed00740 #17 0x64baeed10196 #18 0x74c500a9caa4 #19 0x74c500b29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 00:27:17,497 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 00:27:19,498 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085067986A42115050433D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 00:27:39,953 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x62afb0dc331a #1 0x62afb08d96e0 #2 0x62afb09283e6 #3 0x62afb0928681 #4 0x62afb096db04 #5 0x62afb094c48d #6 0x62afb096aed7 #7 0x62afb094c203 #8 0x62afb091acc0 #9 0x62afb091bc9e #10 0x62afb0d90d0b #11 0x62afb0d94c92 #12 0x62afb0d7db3c #13 0x62afb0d95807 #14 0x62afb0d630df #15 0x62afb0db2578 #16 0x62afb0db2740 #17 0x62afb0dc2196 #18 0x7db721c9caa4 #19 0x7db721d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 00:27:40,028 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 00:27:42,028 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085067986A42115050433D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 00:28:02,512 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5cf7f21cf31a #1 0x5cf7f1ce56e0 #2 0x5cf7f1d343e6 #3 0x5cf7f1d34681 #4 0x5cf7f1d79b04 #5 0x5cf7f1d5848d #6 0x5cf7f1d76ed7 #7 0x5cf7f1d58203 #8 0x5cf7f1d26cc0 #9 0x5cf7f1d27c9e #10 0x5cf7f219cd0b #11 0x5cf7f21a0c92 #12 0x5cf7f2189b3c #13 0x5cf7f21a1807 #14 0x5cf7f216f0df #15 0x5cf7f21be578 #16 0x5cf7f21be740 #17 0x5cf7f21ce196 #18 0x7f7b5ca9caa4 #19 0x7f7b5cb29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 00:28:02,590 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 00:28:04,590 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085067986A42115050433D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 00:28:25,063 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x60a1da44e31a #1 0x60a1d9f646e0 #2 0x60a1d9fb33e6 #3 0x60a1d9fb3681 #4 0x60a1d9ff8b04 #5 0x60a1d9fd748d #6 0x60a1d9ff5ed7 #7 0x60a1d9fd7203 #8 0x60a1d9fa5cc0 #9 0x60a1d9fa6c9e #10 0x60a1da41bd0b #11 0x60a1da41fc92 #12 0x60a1da408b3c #13 0x60a1da420807 #14 0x60a1da3ee0df #15 0x60a1da43d578 #16 0x60a1da43d740 #17 0x60a1da44d196 #18 0x7cb2d069caa4 #19 0x7cb2d0729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 00:28:25,138 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 00:28:27,139 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085067986A42115050433D11556876991896565350 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:635) 2025-02-21 00:28:27,139 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085067986A42115050433D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 00:28:47,608 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x64acf290b31a #1 0x64acf24216e0 #2 0x64acf24703e6 #3 0x64acf2470681 #4 0x64acf24b5b04 #5 0x64acf249448d #6 0x64acf24b2ed7 #7 0x64acf2494203 #8 0x64acf2462cc0 #9 0x64acf2463c9e #10 0x64acf28d8d0b #11 0x64acf28dcc92 #12 0x64acf28c5b3c #13 0x64acf28dd807 #14 0x64acf28ab0df #15 0x64acf28fa578 #16 0x64acf28fa740 #17 0x64acf290a196 #18 0x77c24669caa4 #19 0x77c246729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 00:28:47,684 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 00:29:27,305 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 00:29:27,305 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 00:29:27,392 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 00:29:32,919 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:29:42,614 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:29:50,374 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 00:29:50,374 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 00:29:50,438 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 00:30:01,395 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:30:10,626 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:30:11,350 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:30:17,731 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 00:30:17,731 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 00:30:17,797 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 00:30:23,023 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:30:31,861 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:30:37,696 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:30:53,749 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:31:01,627 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:31:09,246 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:31:11,085 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:31:26,510 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:31:31,577 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:31:44,576 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:32:21,063 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:32:23,598 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:32:41,116 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:32:43,313 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:33:04,611 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:33:29,757 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:33:31,574 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:33:49,022 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 00:33:54,214 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:34:17,835 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 00:34:23,389 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:34:39,910 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 00:36:01,798 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826786146838A35438153996D9547743635268161066 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-02-21 00:36:01,798 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826786146838A35438153996D9547743635268161066 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-02-21 00:36:52,475 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 00:36:52,476 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 00:36:52,558 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 00:37:29,691 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:38:05,362 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:41:08,003 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:41:28,934 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 00:53:45,184 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:54:08,898 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085155556A42115442169D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 00:54:29,376 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x63e18b58f31a #1 0x63e18b0a56e0 #2 0x63e18b0f43e6 #3 0x63e18b0f4681 #4 0x63e18b139b04 #5 0x63e18b11848d #6 0x63e18b136ed7 #7 0x63e18b118203 #8 0x63e18b0e6cc0 #9 0x63e18b0e7c9e #10 0x63e18b55cd0b #11 0x63e18b560c92 #12 0x63e18b549b3c #13 0x63e18b561807 #14 0x63e18b52f0df #15 0x63e18b57e578 #16 0x63e18b57e740 #17 0x63e18b58e196 #18 0x7af46d49caa4 #19 0x7af46d529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 00:54:29,452 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 00:54:31,452 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085155556A42115442169D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 00:54:51,917 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5eef3a6cd31a #1 0x5eef3a1e36e0 #2 0x5eef3a2323e6 #3 0x5eef3a232681 #4 0x5eef3a277b04 #5 0x5eef3a25648d #6 0x5eef3a274ed7 #7 0x5eef3a256203 #8 0x5eef3a224cc0 #9 0x5eef3a225c9e #10 0x5eef3a69ad0b #11 0x5eef3a69ec92 #12 0x5eef3a687b3c #13 0x5eef3a69f807 #14 0x5eef3a66d0df #15 0x5eef3a6bc578 #16 0x5eef3a6bc740 #17 0x5eef3a6cc196 #18 0x7b7fbaa9caa4 #19 0x7b7fbab29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 00:54:51,993 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 00:54:53,993 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085155556A42115442169D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 00:55:14,455 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5646e001131a #1 0x5646dfb276e0 #2 0x5646dfb763e6 #3 0x5646dfb76681 #4 0x5646dfbbbb04 #5 0x5646dfb9a48d #6 0x5646dfbb8ed7 #7 0x5646dfb9a203 #8 0x5646dfb68cc0 #9 0x5646dfb69c9e #10 0x5646dffded0b #11 0x5646dffe2c92 #12 0x5646dffcbb3c #13 0x5646dffe3807 #14 0x5646dffb10df #15 0x5646e0000578 #16 0x5646e0000740 #17 0x5646e0010196 #18 0x77394d29caa4 #19 0x77394d329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 00:55:14,513 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 00:55:16,514 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085155556A42115442169D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 00:55:36,997 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x55bf8e48731a #1 0x55bf8df9d6e0 #2 0x55bf8dfec3e6 #3 0x55bf8dfec681 #4 0x55bf8e031b04 #5 0x55bf8e01048d #6 0x55bf8e02eed7 #7 0x55bf8e010203 #8 0x55bf8dfdecc0 #9 0x55bf8dfdfc9e #10 0x55bf8e454d0b #11 0x55bf8e458c92 #12 0x55bf8e441b3c #13 0x55bf8e459807 #14 0x55bf8e4270df #15 0x55bf8e476578 #16 0x55bf8e476740 #17 0x55bf8e486196 #18 0x7627ff09caa4 #19 0x7627ff129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 00:55:37,072 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 00:55:39,073 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085155556A42115442169D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 00:55:59,524 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x59e6ebd4831a #1 0x59e6eb85e6e0 #2 0x59e6eb8ad3e6 #3 0x59e6eb8ad681 #4 0x59e6eb8f2b04 #5 0x59e6eb8d148d #6 0x59e6eb8efed7 #7 0x59e6eb8d1203 #8 0x59e6eb89fcc0 #9 0x59e6eb8a0c9e #10 0x59e6ebd15d0b #11 0x59e6ebd19c92 #12 0x59e6ebd02b3c #13 0x59e6ebd1a807 #14 0x59e6ebce80df #15 0x59e6ebd37578 #16 0x59e6ebd37740 #17 0x59e6ebd47196 #18 0x73b72ba9caa4 #19 0x73b72bb29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 00:55:59,600 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 00:56:01,600 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085155556A42115442169D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 00:56:22,075 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x609b3fd3931a #1 0x609b3f84f6e0 #2 0x609b3f89e3e6 #3 0x609b3f89e681 #4 0x609b3f8e3b04 #5 0x609b3f8c248d #6 0x609b3f8e0ed7 #7 0x609b3f8c2203 #8 0x609b3f890cc0 #9 0x609b3f891c9e #10 0x609b3fd06d0b #11 0x609b3fd0ac92 #12 0x609b3fcf3b3c #13 0x609b3fd0b807 #14 0x609b3fcd90df #15 0x609b3fd28578 #16 0x609b3fd28740 #17 0x609b3fd38196 #18 0x7a455069caa4 #19 0x7a4550729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 00:56:22,151 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 00:56:24,151 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085155556A42115442169D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 00:56:44,629 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x59839a81a31a #1 0x59839a3306e0 #2 0x59839a37f3e6 #3 0x59839a37f681 #4 0x59839a3c4b04 #5 0x59839a3a348d #6 0x59839a3c1ed7 #7 0x59839a3a3203 #8 0x59839a371cc0 #9 0x59839a372c9e #10 0x59839a7e7d0b #11 0x59839a7ebc92 #12 0x59839a7d4b3c #13 0x59839a7ec807 #14 0x59839a7ba0df #15 0x59839a809578 #16 0x59839a809740 #17 0x59839a819196 #18 0x79586f69caa4 #19 0x79586f729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 00:56:44,712 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 00:56:46,712 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085155556A42115442169D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 00:57:07,181 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x57a80cce731a #1 0x57a80c7fd6e0 #2 0x57a80c84c3e6 #3 0x57a80c84c681 #4 0x57a80c891b04 #5 0x57a80c87048d #6 0x57a80c88eed7 #7 0x57a80c870203 #8 0x57a80c83ecc0 #9 0x57a80c83fc9e #10 0x57a80ccb4d0b #11 0x57a80ccb8c92 #12 0x57a80cca1b3c #13 0x57a80ccb9807 #14 0x57a80cc870df #15 0x57a80ccd6578 #16 0x57a80ccd6740 #17 0x57a80cce6196 #18 0x7ecf12a9caa4 #19 0x7ecf12b29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 00:57:07,256 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 00:57:09,256 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085155556A42115442169D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 00:57:29,709 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x55ef37c2931a #1 0x55ef3773f6e0 #2 0x55ef3778e3e6 #3 0x55ef3778e681 #4 0x55ef377d3b04 #5 0x55ef377b248d #6 0x55ef377d0ed7 #7 0x55ef377b2203 #8 0x55ef37780cc0 #9 0x55ef37781c9e #10 0x55ef37bf6d0b #11 0x55ef37bfac92 #12 0x55ef37be3b3c #13 0x55ef37bfb807 #14 0x55ef37bc90df #15 0x55ef37c18578 #16 0x55ef37c18740 #17 0x55ef37c28196 #18 0x77aa2c49caa4 #19 0x77aa2c529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 00:57:29,785 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 00:57:31,785 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085155556A42115442169D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 00:57:52,269 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5a6af3b5e31a #1 0x5a6af36746e0 #2 0x5a6af36c33e6 #3 0x5a6af36c3681 #4 0x5a6af3708b04 #5 0x5a6af36e748d #6 0x5a6af3705ed7 #7 0x5a6af36e7203 #8 0x5a6af36b5cc0 #9 0x5a6af36b6c9e #10 0x5a6af3b2bd0b #11 0x5a6af3b2fc92 #12 0x5a6af3b18b3c #13 0x5a6af3b30807 #14 0x5a6af3afe0df #15 0x5a6af3b4d578 #16 0x5a6af3b4d740 #17 0x5a6af3b5d196 #18 0x7fda2f89caa4 #19 0x7fda2f929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 00:57:52,344 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 00:57:54,345 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085155556A42115442169D11556876991896565350 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:635) 2025-02-21 00:57:54,345 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085155556A42115442169D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 00:58:14,828 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5ebf8b80831a #1 0x5ebf8b31e6e0 #2 0x5ebf8b36d3e6 #3 0x5ebf8b36d681 #4 0x5ebf8b3b2b04 #5 0x5ebf8b39148d #6 0x5ebf8b3afed7 #7 0x5ebf8b391203 #8 0x5ebf8b35fcc0 #9 0x5ebf8b360c9e #10 0x5ebf8b7d5d0b #11 0x5ebf8b7d9c92 #12 0x5ebf8b7c2b3c #13 0x5ebf8b7da807 #14 0x5ebf8b7a80df #15 0x5ebf8b7f7578 #16 0x5ebf8b7f7740 #17 0x5ebf8b807196 #18 0x729af049caa4 #19 0x729af0529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 00:58:14,904 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 00:58:43,880 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:58:50,420 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 00:58:50,421 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 00:58:50,499 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 00:59:08,516 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:59:11,073 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:59:16,527 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 00:59:16,528 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 00:59:16,631 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 00:59:21,373 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:59:35,621 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 00:59:40,872 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 00:59:40,872 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 00:59:40,948 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 00:59:43,751 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:00:07,986 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:00:23,107 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:00:40,429 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:00:56,107 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:00:56,160 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:00:59,976 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:01:23,262 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:01:47,859 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:02:10,939 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:02:13,800 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:02:22,226 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:02:44,889 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:03:25,045 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 01:03:30,294 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:03:30,294 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:03:37,067 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:03:55,152 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:03:58,845 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 01:04:14,264 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 01:04:53,293 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816433604A42115580063D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 01:05:13,805 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x6314b38a631a #1 0x6314b33bc6e0 #2 0x6314b340b3e6 #3 0x6314b340b681 #4 0x6314b3450b04 #5 0x6314b342f48d #6 0x6314b344ded7 #7 0x6314b342f203 #8 0x6314b33fdcc0 #9 0x6314b33fec9e #10 0x6314b3873d0b #11 0x6314b3877c92 #12 0x6314b3860b3c #13 0x6314b3878807 #14 0x6314b38460df #15 0x6314b3895578 #16 0x6314b3895740 #17 0x6314b38a5196 #18 0x74c37b49caa4 #19 0x74c37b529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 01:05:13,864 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 01:05:15,864 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816433604A42115580063D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 01:05:36,340 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5784fbe7231a #1 0x5784fb9886e0 #2 0x5784fb9d73e6 #3 0x5784fb9d7681 #4 0x5784fba1cb04 #5 0x5784fb9fb48d #6 0x5784fba19ed7 #7 0x5784fb9fb203 #8 0x5784fb9c9cc0 #9 0x5784fb9cac9e #10 0x5784fbe3fd0b #11 0x5784fbe43c92 #12 0x5784fbe2cb3c #13 0x5784fbe44807 #14 0x5784fbe120df #15 0x5784fbe61578 #16 0x5784fbe61740 #17 0x5784fbe71196 #18 0x7fd7edc9caa4 #19 0x7fd7edd29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 01:05:36,415 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 01:05:38,415 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816433604A42115580063D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 01:05:41,481 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826786146838A35438153996D9547743635268161066 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-02-21 01:05:41,481 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826786146838A35438153996D9547743635268161066 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-02-21 01:05:58,910 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x610108ef131a #1 0x610108a076e0 #2 0x610108a563e6 #3 0x610108a56681 #4 0x610108a9bb04 #5 0x610108a7a48d #6 0x610108a98ed7 #7 0x610108a7a203 #8 0x610108a48cc0 #9 0x610108a49c9e #10 0x610108ebed0b #11 0x610108ec2c92 #12 0x610108eabb3c #13 0x610108ec3807 #14 0x610108e910df #15 0x610108ee0578 #16 0x610108ee0740 #17 0x610108ef0196 #18 0x75221dc9caa4 #19 0x75221dd29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 01:05:58,984 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 01:06:00,984 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816433604A42115580063D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 01:06:18,716 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 01:06:18,716 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 01:06:18,802 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 01:06:21,505 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5c3e7203131a #1 0x5c3e71b476e0 #2 0x5c3e71b963e6 #3 0x5c3e71b96681 #4 0x5c3e71bdbb04 #5 0x5c3e71bba48d #6 0x5c3e71bd8ed7 #7 0x5c3e71bba203 #8 0x5c3e71b88cc0 #9 0x5c3e71b89c9e #10 0x5c3e71ffed0b #11 0x5c3e72002c92 #12 0x5c3e71febb3c #13 0x5c3e72003807 #14 0x5c3e71fd10df #15 0x5c3e72020578 #16 0x5c3e72020740 #17 0x5c3e72030196 #18 0x71382ce9caa4 #19 0x71382cf29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 01:06:21,579 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 01:06:23,580 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816433604A42115580063D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 01:06:24,375 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:06:40,370 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:06:44,075 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x59ca9f65131a #1 0x59ca9f1676e0 #2 0x59ca9f1b63e6 #3 0x59ca9f1b6681 #4 0x59ca9f1fbb04 #5 0x59ca9f1da48d #6 0x59ca9f1f8ed7 #7 0x59ca9f1da203 #8 0x59ca9f1a8cc0 #9 0x59ca9f1a9c9e #10 0x59ca9f61ed0b #11 0x59ca9f622c92 #12 0x59ca9f60bb3c #13 0x59ca9f623807 #14 0x59ca9f5f10df #15 0x59ca9f640578 #16 0x59ca9f640740 #17 0x59ca9f650196 #18 0x7f8e3d09caa4 #19 0x7f8e3d129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 01:06:44,152 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 01:06:46,152 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816433604A42115580063D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 01:07:06,634 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5d45a17ae31a #1 0x5d45a12c46e0 #2 0x5d45a13133e6 #3 0x5d45a1313681 #4 0x5d45a1358b04 #5 0x5d45a133748d #6 0x5d45a1355ed7 #7 0x5d45a1337203 #8 0x5d45a1305cc0 #9 0x5d45a1306c9e #10 0x5d45a177bd0b #11 0x5d45a177fc92 #12 0x5d45a1768b3c #13 0x5d45a1780807 #14 0x5d45a174e0df #15 0x5d45a179d578 #16 0x5d45a179d740 #17 0x5d45a17ad196 #18 0x70534489caa4 #19 0x705344929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 01:07:06,713 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 01:07:08,713 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816433604A42115580063D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 01:07:29,212 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x62059535431a #1 0x620594e6a6e0 #2 0x620594eb93e6 #3 0x620594eb9681 #4 0x620594efeb04 #5 0x620594edd48d #6 0x620594efbed7 #7 0x620594edd203 #8 0x620594eabcc0 #9 0x620594eacc9e #10 0x620595321d0b #11 0x620595325c92 #12 0x62059530eb3c #13 0x620595326807 #14 0x6205952f40df #15 0x620595343578 #16 0x620595343740 #17 0x620595353196 #18 0x70f3ba69caa4 #19 0x70f3ba729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 01:07:29,287 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 01:07:31,287 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816433604A42115580063D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 01:07:51,757 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x6043628d731a #1 0x6043623ed6e0 #2 0x60436243c3e6 #3 0x60436243c681 #4 0x604362481b04 #5 0x60436246048d #6 0x60436247eed7 #7 0x604362460203 #8 0x60436242ecc0 #9 0x60436242fc9e #10 0x6043628a4d0b #11 0x6043628a8c92 #12 0x604362891b3c #13 0x6043628a9807 #14 0x6043628770df #15 0x6043628c6578 #16 0x6043628c6740 #17 0x6043628d6196 #18 0x707b9fe9caa4 #19 0x707b9ff29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 01:07:51,832 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 01:07:53,833 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816433604A42115580063D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 01:08:14,291 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x588c7b74331a #1 0x588c7b2596e0 #2 0x588c7b2a83e6 #3 0x588c7b2a8681 #4 0x588c7b2edb04 #5 0x588c7b2cc48d #6 0x588c7b2eaed7 #7 0x588c7b2cc203 #8 0x588c7b29acc0 #9 0x588c7b29bc9e #10 0x588c7b710d0b #11 0x588c7b714c92 #12 0x588c7b6fdb3c #13 0x588c7b715807 #14 0x588c7b6e30df #15 0x588c7b732578 #16 0x588c7b732740 #17 0x588c7b742196 #18 0x77ba7689caa4 #19 0x77ba76929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 01:08:14,369 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 01:08:16,369 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816433604A42115580063D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 01:08:36,856 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5932a045831a #1 0x59329ff6e6e0 #2 0x59329ffbd3e6 #3 0x59329ffbd681 #4 0x5932a0002b04 #5 0x59329ffe148d #6 0x59329ffffed7 #7 0x59329ffe1203 #8 0x59329ffafcc0 #9 0x59329ffb0c9e #10 0x5932a0425d0b #11 0x5932a0429c92 #12 0x5932a0412b3c #13 0x5932a042a807 #14 0x5932a03f80df #15 0x5932a0447578 #16 0x5932a0447740 #17 0x5932a0457196 #18 0x79450609caa4 #19 0x794506129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 01:08:36,938 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 01:08:38,952 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816433604A42115580063D2633598932167165105 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:573) 2025-02-21 01:08:38,952 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816433604A42115580063D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 01:08:44,272 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:08:46,956 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:08:59,503 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x56f87006531a #1 0x56f86fb7b6e0 #2 0x56f86fbca3e6 #3 0x56f86fbca681 #4 0x56f86fc0fb04 #5 0x56f86fbee48d #6 0x56f86fc0ced7 #7 0x56f86fbee203 #8 0x56f86fbbccc0 #9 0x56f86fbbdc9e #10 0x56f870032d0b #11 0x56f870036c92 #12 0x56f87001fb3c #13 0x56f870037807 #14 0x56f8700050df #15 0x56f870054578 #16 0x56f870054740 #17 0x56f870064196 #18 0x7d0eaca9caa4 #19 0x7d0eacb29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 01:08:59,579 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 01:09:08,867 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:09:55,252 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:10:25,953 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:11:11,797 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 01:16:39,789 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:20:56,568 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:28:11,922 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:28:34,359 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 01:28:34,359 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 01:28:34,440 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 01:28:38,947 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:28:39,633 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:28:59,069 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 01:28:59,069 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 01:28:59,139 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 01:29:10,345 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:29:34,293 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 01:29:34,293 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 01:29:34,362 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 01:29:52,961 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:30:03,124 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:30:28,473 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:30:41,607 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:30:42,313 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:31:00,521 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:31:05,744 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:31:26,279 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:31:40,643 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:31:52,485 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:32:01,729 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:32:04,854 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:32:24,566 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:32:43,374 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:32:46,846 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:32:48,677 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:32:54,129 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:33:02,404 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 01:33:13,546 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:33:28,756 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 01:34:00,697 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 01:35:10,201 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826786146838A35438153996D9547743635268161066 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-02-21 01:35:10,201 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826786146838A35438153996D9547743635268161066 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-02-21 01:35:42,527 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:35:56,507 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:36:03,882 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 01:36:03,882 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 01:36:03,965 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 01:37:18,203 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:37:35,706 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:37:54,886 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:38:16,288 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:40:42,095 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 01:45:01,397 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636799770039724022A41948485887D9962571780194066630 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 01:45:21,909 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x62359908731a #1 0x623598b9d6e0 #2 0x623598bec3e6 #3 0x623598bec681 #4 0x623598c31b04 #5 0x623598c1048d #6 0x623598c2eed7 #7 0x623598c10203 #8 0x623598bdecc0 #9 0x623598bdfc9e #10 0x623599054d0b #11 0x623599058c92 #12 0x623599041b3c #13 0x623599059807 #14 0x6235990270df #15 0x623599076578 #16 0x623599076740 #17 0x623599086196 #18 0x777bc689caa4 #19 0x777bc6929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 01:45:21,985 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 01:45:23,985 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636799770039724022A41948485887D9962571780194066630 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 01:45:44,473 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x568a4987b31a #1 0x568a493916e0 #2 0x568a493e03e6 #3 0x568a493e0681 #4 0x568a49425b04 #5 0x568a4940448d #6 0x568a49422ed7 #7 0x568a49404203 #8 0x568a493d2cc0 #9 0x568a493d3c9e #10 0x568a49848d0b #11 0x568a4984cc92 #12 0x568a49835b3c #13 0x568a4984d807 #14 0x568a4981b0df #15 0x568a4986a578 #16 0x568a4986a740 #17 0x568a4987a196 #18 0x75ef0609caa4 #19 0x75ef06129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 01:45:44,548 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 01:45:46,549 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636799770039724022A41948485887D9962571780194066630 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 01:46:07,034 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x6006630a131a #1 0x600662bb76e0 #2 0x600662c063e6 #3 0x600662c06681 #4 0x600662c4bb04 #5 0x600662c2a48d #6 0x600662c48ed7 #7 0x600662c2a203 #8 0x600662bf8cc0 #9 0x600662bf9c9e #10 0x60066306ed0b #11 0x600663072c92 #12 0x60066305bb3c #13 0x600663073807 #14 0x6006630410df #15 0x600663090578 #16 0x600663090740 #17 0x6006630a0196 #18 0x7343ba29caa4 #19 0x7343ba329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 01:46:07,111 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 01:46:09,111 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636799770039724022A41948485887D9962571780194066630 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 01:46:29,662 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x575ab6b4f31a #1 0x575ab66656e0 #2 0x575ab66b43e6 #3 0x575ab66b4681 #4 0x575ab66f9b04 #5 0x575ab66d848d #6 0x575ab66f6ed7 #7 0x575ab66d8203 #8 0x575ab66a6cc0 #9 0x575ab66a7c9e #10 0x575ab6b1cd0b #11 0x575ab6b20c92 #12 0x575ab6b09b3c #13 0x575ab6b21807 #14 0x575ab6aef0df #15 0x575ab6b3e578 #16 0x575ab6b3e740 #17 0x575ab6b4e196 #18 0x7f925cc9caa4 #19 0x7f925cd29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 01:46:29,744 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 01:46:31,744 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636799770039724022A41948485887D9962571780194066630 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 01:46:52,217 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5cfb86c0b31a #1 0x5cfb867216e0 #2 0x5cfb867703e6 #3 0x5cfb86770681 #4 0x5cfb867b5b04 #5 0x5cfb8679448d #6 0x5cfb867b2ed7 #7 0x5cfb86794203 #8 0x5cfb86762cc0 #9 0x5cfb86763c9e #10 0x5cfb86bd8d0b #11 0x5cfb86bdcc92 #12 0x5cfb86bc5b3c #13 0x5cfb86bdd807 #14 0x5cfb86bab0df #15 0x5cfb86bfa578 #16 0x5cfb86bfa740 #17 0x5cfb86c0a196 #18 0x7f58bd49caa4 #19 0x7f58bd529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 01:46:52,292 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 01:46:54,292 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636799770039724022A41948485887D9962571780194066630 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 01:47:14,774 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x62539817e31a #1 0x625397c946e0 #2 0x625397ce33e6 #3 0x625397ce3681 #4 0x625397d28b04 #5 0x625397d0748d #6 0x625397d25ed7 #7 0x625397d07203 #8 0x625397cd5cc0 #9 0x625397cd6c9e #10 0x62539814bd0b #11 0x62539814fc92 #12 0x625398138b3c #13 0x625398150807 #14 0x62539811e0df #15 0x62539816d578 #16 0x62539816d740 #17 0x62539817d196 #18 0x7dfce7e9caa4 #19 0x7dfce7f29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 01:47:14,850 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 01:47:16,850 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636799770039724022A41948485887D9962571780194066630 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 01:47:37,328 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x595d15f2131a #1 0x595d15a376e0 #2 0x595d15a863e6 #3 0x595d15a86681 #4 0x595d15acbb04 #5 0x595d15aaa48d #6 0x595d15ac8ed7 #7 0x595d15aaa203 #8 0x595d15a78cc0 #9 0x595d15a79c9e #10 0x595d15eeed0b #11 0x595d15ef2c92 #12 0x595d15edbb3c #13 0x595d15ef3807 #14 0x595d15ec10df #15 0x595d15f10578 #16 0x595d15f10740 #17 0x595d15f20196 #18 0x709c62e9caa4 #19 0x709c62f29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 01:47:37,403 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 01:47:39,403 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636799770039724022A41948485887D9962571780194066630 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 01:47:59,868 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5ef01b14331a #1 0x5ef01ac596e0 #2 0x5ef01aca83e6 #3 0x5ef01aca8681 #4 0x5ef01acedb04 #5 0x5ef01accc48d #6 0x5ef01aceaed7 #7 0x5ef01accc203 #8 0x5ef01ac9acc0 #9 0x5ef01ac9bc9e #10 0x5ef01b110d0b #11 0x5ef01b114c92 #12 0x5ef01b0fdb3c #13 0x5ef01b115807 #14 0x5ef01b0e30df #15 0x5ef01b132578 #16 0x5ef01b132740 #17 0x5ef01b142196 #18 0x75f1ac69caa4 #19 0x75f1ac729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 01:47:59,943 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 01:48:01,943 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636799770039724022A41948485887D9962571780194066630 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 01:48:22,457 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x57a54949b31a #1 0x57a548fb16e0 #2 0x57a5490003e6 #3 0x57a549000681 #4 0x57a549045b04 #5 0x57a54902448d #6 0x57a549042ed7 #7 0x57a549024203 #8 0x57a548ff2cc0 #9 0x57a548ff3c9e #10 0x57a549468d0b #11 0x57a54946cc92 #12 0x57a549455b3c #13 0x57a54946d807 #14 0x57a54943b0df #15 0x57a54948a578 #16 0x57a54948a740 #17 0x57a54949a196 #18 0x729b9f69caa4 #19 0x729b9f729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 01:48:22,533 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 01:48:24,533 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636799770039724022A41948485887D9962571780194066630 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 01:48:44,994 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x62c745da631a #1 0x62c7458bc6e0 #2 0x62c74590b3e6 #3 0x62c74590b681 #4 0x62c745950b04 #5 0x62c74592f48d #6 0x62c74594ded7 #7 0x62c74592f203 #8 0x62c7458fdcc0 #9 0x62c7458fec9e #10 0x62c745d73d0b #11 0x62c745d77c92 #12 0x62c745d60b3c #13 0x62c745d78807 #14 0x62c745d460df #15 0x62c745d95578 #16 0x62c745d95740 #17 0x62c745da5196 #18 0x71dbc989caa4 #19 0x71dbc9929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 01:48:45,076 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 01:48:47,077 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636799770039724022A41948485887D9962571780194066630 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:635) 2025-02-21 01:48:47,077 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636799770039724022A41948485887D9962571780194066630 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 01:48:57,017 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:49:07,567 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x63820f63c31a #1 0x63820f1526e0 #2 0x63820f1a13e6 #3 0x63820f1a1681 #4 0x63820f1e6b04 #5 0x63820f1c548d #6 0x63820f1e3ed7 #7 0x63820f1c5203 #8 0x63820f193cc0 #9 0x63820f194c9e #10 0x63820f609d0b #11 0x63820f60dc92 #12 0x63820f5f6b3c #13 0x63820f60e807 #14 0x63820f5dc0df #15 0x63820f62b578 #16 0x63820f62b740 #17 0x63820f63b196 #18 0x7363d589caa4 #19 0x7363d5929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 01:49:07,642 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 01:53:22,598 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085266466A42115859495D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 01:53:43,080 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5fe7aff0a31a #1 0x5fe7afa206e0 #2 0x5fe7afa6f3e6 #3 0x5fe7afa6f681 #4 0x5fe7afab4b04 #5 0x5fe7afa9348d #6 0x5fe7afab1ed7 #7 0x5fe7afa93203 #8 0x5fe7afa61cc0 #9 0x5fe7afa62c9e #10 0x5fe7afed7d0b #11 0x5fe7afedbc92 #12 0x5fe7afec4b3c #13 0x5fe7afedc807 #14 0x5fe7afeaa0df #15 0x5fe7afef9578 #16 0x5fe7afef9740 #17 0x5fe7aff09196 #18 0x7a996fe9caa4 #19 0x7a996ff29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 01:53:43,156 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 01:53:45,156 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085266466A42115859495D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 01:54:05,628 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x55b9f29d731a #1 0x55b9f24ed6e0 #2 0x55b9f253c3e6 #3 0x55b9f253c681 #4 0x55b9f2581b04 #5 0x55b9f256048d #6 0x55b9f257eed7 #7 0x55b9f2560203 #8 0x55b9f252ecc0 #9 0x55b9f252fc9e #10 0x55b9f29a4d0b #11 0x55b9f29a8c92 #12 0x55b9f2991b3c #13 0x55b9f29a9807 #14 0x55b9f29770df #15 0x55b9f29c6578 #16 0x55b9f29c6740 #17 0x55b9f29d6196 #18 0x7dda2569caa4 #19 0x7dda25729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 01:54:05,704 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 01:54:07,704 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085266466A42115859495D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 01:54:28,190 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x59819f61d31a #1 0x59819f1336e0 #2 0x59819f1823e6 #3 0x59819f182681 #4 0x59819f1c7b04 #5 0x59819f1a648d #6 0x59819f1c4ed7 #7 0x59819f1a6203 #8 0x59819f174cc0 #9 0x59819f175c9e #10 0x59819f5ead0b #11 0x59819f5eec92 #12 0x59819f5d7b3c #13 0x59819f5ef807 #14 0x59819f5bd0df #15 0x59819f60c578 #16 0x59819f60c740 #17 0x59819f61c196 #18 0x754a5469caa4 #19 0x754a54729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 01:54:28,267 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 01:54:30,267 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085266466A42115859495D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 01:54:50,747 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5cb1f690831a #1 0x5cb1f641e6e0 #2 0x5cb1f646d3e6 #3 0x5cb1f646d681 #4 0x5cb1f64b2b04 #5 0x5cb1f649148d #6 0x5cb1f64afed7 #7 0x5cb1f6491203 #8 0x5cb1f645fcc0 #9 0x5cb1f6460c9e #10 0x5cb1f68d5d0b #11 0x5cb1f68d9c92 #12 0x5cb1f68c2b3c #13 0x5cb1f68da807 #14 0x5cb1f68a80df #15 0x5cb1f68f7578 #16 0x5cb1f68f7740 #17 0x5cb1f6907196 #18 0x734eb469caa4 #19 0x734eb4729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 01:54:50,823 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 01:54:52,823 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085266466A42115859495D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 01:55:13,337 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x58a96f84d31a #1 0x58a96f3636e0 #2 0x58a96f3b23e6 #3 0x58a96f3b2681 #4 0x58a96f3f7b04 #5 0x58a96f3d648d #6 0x58a96f3f4ed7 #7 0x58a96f3d6203 #8 0x58a96f3a4cc0 #9 0x58a96f3a5c9e #10 0x58a96f81ad0b #11 0x58a96f81ec92 #12 0x58a96f807b3c #13 0x58a96f81f807 #14 0x58a96f7ed0df #15 0x58a96f83c578 #16 0x58a96f83c740 #17 0x58a96f84c196 #18 0x74353ce9caa4 #19 0x74353cf29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 01:55:13,396 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 01:55:15,396 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085266466A42115859495D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 01:55:35,858 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5f91f6c8b31a #1 0x5f91f67a16e0 #2 0x5f91f67f03e6 #3 0x5f91f67f0681 #4 0x5f91f6835b04 #5 0x5f91f681448d #6 0x5f91f6832ed7 #7 0x5f91f6814203 #8 0x5f91f67e2cc0 #9 0x5f91f67e3c9e #10 0x5f91f6c58d0b #11 0x5f91f6c5cc92 #12 0x5f91f6c45b3c #13 0x5f91f6c5d807 #14 0x5f91f6c2b0df #15 0x5f91f6c7a578 #16 0x5f91f6c7a740 #17 0x5f91f6c8a196 #18 0x7707f6c9caa4 #19 0x7707f6d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 01:55:35,934 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 01:55:37,934 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085266466A42115859495D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 01:55:58,409 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5fb2bd16431a #1 0x5fb2bcc7a6e0 #2 0x5fb2bccc93e6 #3 0x5fb2bccc9681 #4 0x5fb2bcd0eb04 #5 0x5fb2bcced48d #6 0x5fb2bcd0bed7 #7 0x5fb2bcced203 #8 0x5fb2bccbbcc0 #9 0x5fb2bccbcc9e #10 0x5fb2bd131d0b #11 0x5fb2bd135c92 #12 0x5fb2bd11eb3c #13 0x5fb2bd136807 #14 0x5fb2bd1040df #15 0x5fb2bd153578 #16 0x5fb2bd153740 #17 0x5fb2bd163196 #18 0x727c9649caa4 #19 0x727c96529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 01:55:58,485 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 01:56:00,485 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085266466A42115859495D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 01:56:20,963 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x600abf25531a #1 0x600abed6b6e0 #2 0x600abedba3e6 #3 0x600abedba681 #4 0x600abedffb04 #5 0x600abedde48d #6 0x600abedfced7 #7 0x600abedde203 #8 0x600abedaccc0 #9 0x600abedadc9e #10 0x600abf222d0b #11 0x600abf226c92 #12 0x600abf20fb3c #13 0x600abf227807 #14 0x600abf1f50df #15 0x600abf244578 #16 0x600abf244740 #17 0x600abf254196 #18 0x7f40af69caa4 #19 0x7f40af729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 01:56:21,039 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 01:56:23,039 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085266466A42115859495D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 01:56:43,508 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x562a55d2e31a #1 0x562a558446e0 #2 0x562a558933e6 #3 0x562a55893681 #4 0x562a558d8b04 #5 0x562a558b748d #6 0x562a558d5ed7 #7 0x562a558b7203 #8 0x562a55885cc0 #9 0x562a55886c9e #10 0x562a55cfbd0b #11 0x562a55cffc92 #12 0x562a55ce8b3c #13 0x562a55d00807 #14 0x562a55cce0df #15 0x562a55d1d578 #16 0x562a55d1d740 #17 0x562a55d2d196 #18 0x769fecc9caa4 #19 0x769fecd29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 01:56:43,582 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 01:56:45,583 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085266466A42115859495D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 01:57:04,529 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:57:06,058 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5d4c10cde31a #1 0x5d4c107f46e0 #2 0x5d4c108433e6 #3 0x5d4c10843681 #4 0x5d4c10888b04 #5 0x5d4c1086748d #6 0x5d4c10885ed7 #7 0x5d4c10867203 #8 0x5d4c10835cc0 #9 0x5d4c10836c9e #10 0x5d4c10cabd0b #11 0x5d4c10cafc92 #12 0x5d4c10c98b3c #13 0x5d4c10cb0807 #14 0x5d4c10c7e0df #15 0x5d4c10ccd578 #16 0x5d4c10ccd740 #17 0x5d4c10cdd196 #18 0x753daa49caa4 #19 0x753daa529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 01:57:06,132 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 01:57:08,132 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085266466A42115859495D11556876991896565350 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:635) 2025-02-21 01:57:08,133 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085266466A42115859495D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 01:57:28,594 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x61b572a3f31a #1 0x61b5725556e0 #2 0x61b5725a43e6 #3 0x61b5725a4681 #4 0x61b5725e9b04 #5 0x61b5725c848d #6 0x61b5725e6ed7 #7 0x61b5725c8203 #8 0x61b572596cc0 #9 0x61b572597c9e #10 0x61b572a0cd0b #11 0x61b572a10c92 #12 0x61b5729f9b3c #13 0x61b572a11807 #14 0x61b5729df0df #15 0x61b572a2e578 #16 0x61b572a2e740 #17 0x61b572a3e196 #18 0x7ab6cd69caa4 #19 0x7ab6cd729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 01:57:28,670 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 01:57:36,154 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:58:10,377 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 01:58:10,377 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 01:58:10,464 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 01:58:23,236 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:58:32,126 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 01:58:32,127 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 01:58:32,193 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 01:58:33,711 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:58:38,249 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:58:49,733 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:58:57,105 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 01:58:57,105 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 01:58:57,172 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 01:59:32,531 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 01:59:41,046 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 02:00:05,899 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 02:00:58,061 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 02:01:09,456 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 02:01:20,782 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 02:01:21,238 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 02:01:30,558 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 02:01:44,581 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 02:01:53,741 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 02:02:07,757 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 02:02:37,627 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 02:02:58,323 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 02:03:03,840 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 02:03:29,898 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 02:03:35,161 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 02:03:35,508 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 02:04:08,857 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816592244A42116067569D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 02:04:29,363 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5b2c82be531a #1 0x5b2c826fb6e0 #2 0x5b2c8274a3e6 #3 0x5b2c8274a681 #4 0x5b2c8278fb04 #5 0x5b2c8276e48d #6 0x5b2c8278ced7 #7 0x5b2c8276e203 #8 0x5b2c8273ccc0 #9 0x5b2c8273dc9e #10 0x5b2c82bb2d0b #11 0x5b2c82bb6c92 #12 0x5b2c82b9fb3c #13 0x5b2c82bb7807 #14 0x5b2c82b850df #15 0x5b2c82bd4578 #16 0x5b2c82bd4740 #17 0x5b2c82be4196 #18 0x7e0787c9caa4 #19 0x7e0787d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 02:04:29,442 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 02:04:31,442 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816592244A42116067569D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 02:04:51,913 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x653eeea0131a #1 0x653eee5176e0 #2 0x653eee5663e6 #3 0x653eee566681 #4 0x653eee5abb04 #5 0x653eee58a48d #6 0x653eee5a8ed7 #7 0x653eee58a203 #8 0x653eee558cc0 #9 0x653eee559c9e #10 0x653eee9ced0b #11 0x653eee9d2c92 #12 0x653eee9bbb3c #13 0x653eee9d3807 #14 0x653eee9a10df #15 0x653eee9f0578 #16 0x653eee9f0740 #17 0x653eeea00196 #18 0x72f3fb29caa4 #19 0x72f3fb329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 02:04:51,988 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 02:04:53,989 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816592244A42116067569D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 02:05:09,386 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826786146838A35438153996D9547743635268161066 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-02-21 02:05:09,386 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826786146838A35438153996D9547743635268161066 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-02-21 02:05:14,481 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x56503054931a #1 0x56503005f6e0 #2 0x5650300ae3e6 #3 0x5650300ae681 #4 0x5650300f3b04 #5 0x5650300d248d #6 0x5650300f0ed7 #7 0x5650300d2203 #8 0x5650300a0cc0 #9 0x5650300a1c9e #10 0x565030516d0b #11 0x56503051ac92 #12 0x565030503b3c #13 0x56503051b807 #14 0x5650304e90df #15 0x565030538578 #16 0x565030538740 #17 0x565030548196 #18 0x7bcb7409caa4 #19 0x7bcb74129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 02:05:14,543 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 02:05:16,544 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816592244A42116067569D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 02:05:23,642 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 02:05:30,577 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 02:05:30,577 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 02:05:30,655 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 02:05:37,023 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x62739519731a #1 0x627394cad6e0 #2 0x627394cfc3e6 #3 0x627394cfc681 #4 0x627394d41b04 #5 0x627394d2048d #6 0x627394d3eed7 #7 0x627394d20203 #8 0x627394ceecc0 #9 0x627394cefc9e #10 0x627395164d0b #11 0x627395168c92 #12 0x627395151b3c #13 0x627395169807 #14 0x6273951370df #15 0x627395186578 #16 0x627395186740 #17 0x627395196196 #18 0x770853e9caa4 #19 0x770853f29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 02:05:37,097 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 02:05:39,098 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816592244A42116067569D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 02:05:41,386 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestProxyCheap: Failed to perform, curl: (35) BoringSSL SSL_connect: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL in connection to steamcommunity.com:443 . See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:186) 2025-02-21 02:05:54,562 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 02:05:59,581 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5b92be0c031a #1 0x5b92bdbd66e0 #2 0x5b92bdc253e6 #3 0x5b92bdc25681 #4 0x5b92bdc6ab04 #5 0x5b92bdc4948d #6 0x5b92bdc67ed7 #7 0x5b92bdc49203 #8 0x5b92bdc17cc0 #9 0x5b92bdc18c9e #10 0x5b92be08dd0b #11 0x5b92be091c92 #12 0x5b92be07ab3c #13 0x5b92be092807 #14 0x5b92be0600df #15 0x5b92be0af578 #16 0x5b92be0af740 #17 0x5b92be0bf196 #18 0x7d059c09caa4 #19 0x7d059c129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 02:05:59,657 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 02:06:01,658 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816592244A42116067569D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 02:06:22,167 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x6522f993831a #1 0x6522f944e6e0 #2 0x6522f949d3e6 #3 0x6522f949d681 #4 0x6522f94e2b04 #5 0x6522f94c148d #6 0x6522f94dfed7 #7 0x6522f94c1203 #8 0x6522f948fcc0 #9 0x6522f9490c9e #10 0x6522f9905d0b #11 0x6522f9909c92 #12 0x6522f98f2b3c #13 0x6522f990a807 #14 0x6522f98d80df #15 0x6522f9927578 #16 0x6522f9927740 #17 0x6522f9937196 #18 0x79ca6b89caa4 #19 0x79ca6b929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 02:06:22,243 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 02:06:24,243 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816592244A42116067569D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 02:06:44,753 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x573e33fea31a #1 0x573e33b006e0 #2 0x573e33b4f3e6 #3 0x573e33b4f681 #4 0x573e33b94b04 #5 0x573e33b7348d #6 0x573e33b91ed7 #7 0x573e33b73203 #8 0x573e33b41cc0 #9 0x573e33b42c9e #10 0x573e33fb7d0b #11 0x573e33fbbc92 #12 0x573e33fa4b3c #13 0x573e33fbc807 #14 0x573e33f8a0df #15 0x573e33fd9578 #16 0x573e33fd9740 #17 0x573e33fe9196 #18 0x766a9a69caa4 #19 0x766a9a729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 02:06:44,838 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 02:06:46,838 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816592244A42116067569D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 02:07:07,311 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5e5df418331a #1 0x5e5df3c996e0 #2 0x5e5df3ce83e6 #3 0x5e5df3ce8681 #4 0x5e5df3d2db04 #5 0x5e5df3d0c48d #6 0x5e5df3d2aed7 #7 0x5e5df3d0c203 #8 0x5e5df3cdacc0 #9 0x5e5df3cdbc9e #10 0x5e5df4150d0b #11 0x5e5df4154c92 #12 0x5e5df413db3c #13 0x5e5df4155807 #14 0x5e5df41230df #15 0x5e5df4172578 #16 0x5e5df4172740 #17 0x5e5df4182196 #18 0x79daf189caa4 #19 0x79daf1929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 02:07:07,394 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 02:07:09,394 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816592244A42116067569D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 02:07:29,921 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5fb55917d31a #1 0x5fb558c936e0 #2 0x5fb558ce23e6 #3 0x5fb558ce2681 #4 0x5fb558d27b04 #5 0x5fb558d0648d #6 0x5fb558d24ed7 #7 0x5fb558d06203 #8 0x5fb558cd4cc0 #9 0x5fb558cd5c9e #10 0x5fb55914ad0b #11 0x5fb55914ec92 #12 0x5fb559137b3c #13 0x5fb55914f807 #14 0x5fb55911d0df #15 0x5fb55916c578 #16 0x5fb55916c740 #17 0x5fb55917c196 #18 0x7b40db29caa4 #19 0x7b40db329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 02:07:30,000 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 02:07:32,000 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816592244A42116067569D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 02:07:52,463 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5ee856ced31a #1 0x5ee8568036e0 #2 0x5ee8568523e6 #3 0x5ee856852681 #4 0x5ee856897b04 #5 0x5ee85687648d #6 0x5ee856894ed7 #7 0x5ee856876203 #8 0x5ee856844cc0 #9 0x5ee856845c9e #10 0x5ee856cbad0b #11 0x5ee856cbec92 #12 0x5ee856ca7b3c #13 0x5ee856cbf807 #14 0x5ee856c8d0df #15 0x5ee856cdc578 #16 0x5ee856cdc740 #17 0x5ee856cec196 #18 0x7399f1c9caa4 #19 0x7399f1d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 02:07:52,538 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 02:07:54,539 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816592244A42116067569D2633598932167165105 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:573) 2025-02-21 02:07:54,539 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816592244A42116067569D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 02:08:15,026 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x632cc2e8631a #1 0x632cc299c6e0 #2 0x632cc29eb3e6 #3 0x632cc29eb681 #4 0x632cc2a30b04 #5 0x632cc2a0f48d #6 0x632cc2a2ded7 #7 0x632cc2a0f203 #8 0x632cc29ddcc0 #9 0x632cc29dec9e #10 0x632cc2e53d0b #11 0x632cc2e57c92 #12 0x632cc2e40b3c #13 0x632cc2e58807 #14 0x632cc2e260df #15 0x632cc2e75578 #16 0x632cc2e75740 #17 0x632cc2e85196 #18 0x7970eb69caa4 #19 0x7970eb729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 02:08:15,102 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 02:09:47,388 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 02:10:07,590 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 02:10:13,172 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 02:22:53,518 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085387996A42116290900D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 02:23:13,996 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x619ba2b9031a #1 0x619ba26a66e0 #2 0x619ba26f53e6 #3 0x619ba26f5681 #4 0x619ba273ab04 #5 0x619ba271948d #6 0x619ba2737ed7 #7 0x619ba2719203 #8 0x619ba26e7cc0 #9 0x619ba26e8c9e #10 0x619ba2b5dd0b #11 0x619ba2b61c92 #12 0x619ba2b4ab3c #13 0x619ba2b62807 #14 0x619ba2b300df #15 0x619ba2b7f578 #16 0x619ba2b7f740 #17 0x619ba2b8f196 #18 0x7bade829caa4 #19 0x7bade8329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 02:23:14,070 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 02:23:16,071 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085387996A42116290900D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 02:23:36,541 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x61318d26c31a #1 0x61318cd826e0 #2 0x61318cdd13e6 #3 0x61318cdd1681 #4 0x61318ce16b04 #5 0x61318cdf548d #6 0x61318ce13ed7 #7 0x61318cdf5203 #8 0x61318cdc3cc0 #9 0x61318cdc4c9e #10 0x61318d239d0b #11 0x61318d23dc92 #12 0x61318d226b3c #13 0x61318d23e807 #14 0x61318d20c0df #15 0x61318d25b578 #16 0x61318d25b740 #17 0x61318d26b196 #18 0x7702d909caa4 #19 0x7702d9129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 02:23:36,617 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 02:23:38,618 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085387996A42116290900D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 02:23:59,097 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5be1a669e31a #1 0x5be1a61b46e0 #2 0x5be1a62033e6 #3 0x5be1a6203681 #4 0x5be1a6248b04 #5 0x5be1a622748d #6 0x5be1a6245ed7 #7 0x5be1a6227203 #8 0x5be1a61f5cc0 #9 0x5be1a61f6c9e #10 0x5be1a666bd0b #11 0x5be1a666fc92 #12 0x5be1a6658b3c #13 0x5be1a6670807 #14 0x5be1a663e0df #15 0x5be1a668d578 #16 0x5be1a668d740 #17 0x5be1a669d196 #18 0x72e2d109caa4 #19 0x72e2d1129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 02:23:59,172 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 02:24:01,173 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085387996A42116290900D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 02:24:21,633 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x57c6b39ca31a #1 0x57c6b34e06e0 #2 0x57c6b352f3e6 #3 0x57c6b352f681 #4 0x57c6b3574b04 #5 0x57c6b355348d #6 0x57c6b3571ed7 #7 0x57c6b3553203 #8 0x57c6b3521cc0 #9 0x57c6b3522c9e #10 0x57c6b3997d0b #11 0x57c6b399bc92 #12 0x57c6b3984b3c #13 0x57c6b399c807 #14 0x57c6b396a0df #15 0x57c6b39b9578 #16 0x57c6b39b9740 #17 0x57c6b39c9196 #18 0x7f71d169caa4 #19 0x7f71d1729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 02:24:21,709 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 02:24:23,710 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085387996A42116290900D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 02:24:44,174 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x6074cd74e31a #1 0x6074cd2646e0 #2 0x6074cd2b33e6 #3 0x6074cd2b3681 #4 0x6074cd2f8b04 #5 0x6074cd2d748d #6 0x6074cd2f5ed7 #7 0x6074cd2d7203 #8 0x6074cd2a5cc0 #9 0x6074cd2a6c9e #10 0x6074cd71bd0b #11 0x6074cd71fc92 #12 0x6074cd708b3c #13 0x6074cd720807 #14 0x6074cd6ee0df #15 0x6074cd73d578 #16 0x6074cd73d740 #17 0x6074cd74d196 #18 0x72db08c9caa4 #19 0x72db08d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 02:24:44,249 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 02:24:46,249 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085387996A42116290900D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 02:25:06,731 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x59bbc6b0831a #1 0x59bbc661e6e0 #2 0x59bbc666d3e6 #3 0x59bbc666d681 #4 0x59bbc66b2b04 #5 0x59bbc669148d #6 0x59bbc66afed7 #7 0x59bbc6691203 #8 0x59bbc665fcc0 #9 0x59bbc6660c9e #10 0x59bbc6ad5d0b #11 0x59bbc6ad9c92 #12 0x59bbc6ac2b3c #13 0x59bbc6ada807 #14 0x59bbc6aa80df #15 0x59bbc6af7578 #16 0x59bbc6af7740 #17 0x59bbc6b07196 #18 0x72272fe9caa4 #19 0x72272ff29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 02:25:06,791 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 02:25:08,791 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085387996A42116290900D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 02:25:29,278 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x583043e0931a #1 0x58304391f6e0 #2 0x58304396e3e6 #3 0x58304396e681 #4 0x5830439b3b04 #5 0x58304399248d #6 0x5830439b0ed7 #7 0x583043992203 #8 0x583043960cc0 #9 0x583043961c9e #10 0x583043dd6d0b #11 0x583043ddac92 #12 0x583043dc3b3c #13 0x583043ddb807 #14 0x583043da90df #15 0x583043df8578 #16 0x583043df8740 #17 0x583043e08196 #18 0x7b0d63e9caa4 #19 0x7b0d63f29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 02:25:29,354 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 02:25:31,355 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085387996A42116290900D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 02:25:51,826 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5b06daea531a #1 0x5b06da9bb6e0 #2 0x5b06daa0a3e6 #3 0x5b06daa0a681 #4 0x5b06daa4fb04 #5 0x5b06daa2e48d #6 0x5b06daa4ced7 #7 0x5b06daa2e203 #8 0x5b06da9fccc0 #9 0x5b06da9fdc9e #10 0x5b06dae72d0b #11 0x5b06dae76c92 #12 0x5b06dae5fb3c #13 0x5b06dae77807 #14 0x5b06dae450df #15 0x5b06dae94578 #16 0x5b06dae94740 #17 0x5b06daea4196 #18 0x733683a9caa4 #19 0x733683b29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 02:25:51,902 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 02:25:53,903 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085387996A42116290900D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 02:26:14,395 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x60b0544c431a #1 0x60b053fda6e0 #2 0x60b0540293e6 #3 0x60b054029681 #4 0x60b05406eb04 #5 0x60b05404d48d #6 0x60b05406bed7 #7 0x60b05404d203 #8 0x60b05401bcc0 #9 0x60b05401cc9e #10 0x60b054491d0b #11 0x60b054495c92 #12 0x60b05447eb3c #13 0x60b054496807 #14 0x60b0544640df #15 0x60b0544b3578 #16 0x60b0544b3740 #17 0x60b0544c3196 #18 0x738a1ea9caa4 #19 0x738a1eb29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 02:26:14,473 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 02:26:16,473 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085387996A42116290900D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 02:26:36,990 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x55eb363af31a #1 0x55eb35ec56e0 #2 0x55eb35f143e6 #3 0x55eb35f14681 #4 0x55eb35f59b04 #5 0x55eb35f3848d #6 0x55eb35f56ed7 #7 0x55eb35f38203 #8 0x55eb35f06cc0 #9 0x55eb35f07c9e #10 0x55eb3637cd0b #11 0x55eb36380c92 #12 0x55eb36369b3c #13 0x55eb36381807 #14 0x55eb3634f0df #15 0x55eb3639e578 #16 0x55eb3639e740 #17 0x55eb363ae196 #18 0x7b6e8d09caa4 #19 0x7b6e8d129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 02:26:37,066 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 02:26:39,066 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085387996A42116290900D11556876991896565350 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:635) 2025-02-21 02:26:39,067 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085387996A42116290900D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 02:26:59,612 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5ea38d52531a #1 0x5ea38d03b6e0 #2 0x5ea38d08a3e6 #3 0x5ea38d08a681 #4 0x5ea38d0cfb04 #5 0x5ea38d0ae48d #6 0x5ea38d0cced7 #7 0x5ea38d0ae203 #8 0x5ea38d07ccc0 #9 0x5ea38d07dc9e #10 0x5ea38d4f2d0b #11 0x5ea38d4f6c92 #12 0x5ea38d4dfb3c #13 0x5ea38d4f7807 #14 0x5ea38d4c50df #15 0x5ea38d514578 #16 0x5ea38d514740 #17 0x5ea38d524196 #18 0x7b9613a9caa4 #19 0x7b9613b29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 02:26:59,699 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 02:27:38,504 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 02:27:41,869 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 02:27:41,869 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 02:27:41,962 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 02:27:47,573 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 02:28:01,023 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 02:28:01,024 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 02:28:01,090 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 02:28:06,575 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 02:28:18,327 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 02:28:21,599 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 02:28:24,323 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 02:28:24,324 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 02:28:24,391 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 02:28:29,982 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 02:28:32,361 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642429163379264919A41940166580D4963013278237358189 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 02:28:49,540 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 02:28:52,881 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x61ecee6c831a #1 0x61ecee1de6e0 #2 0x61ecee22d3e6 #3 0x61ecee22d681 #4 0x61ecee272b04 #5 0x61ecee25148d #6 0x61ecee26fed7 #7 0x61ecee251203 #8 0x61ecee21fcc0 #9 0x61ecee220c9e #10 0x61ecee695d0b #11 0x61ecee699c92 #12 0x61ecee682b3c #13 0x61ecee69a807 #14 0x61ecee6680df #15 0x61ecee6b7578 #16 0x61ecee6b7740 #17 0x61ecee6c7196 #18 0x7d6e9de9caa4 #19 0x7d6e9df29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 02:28:52,956 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 02:28:54,956 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642429163379264919A41940166580D4963013278237358189 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 02:29:15,415 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x63386279331a #1 0x6338622a96e0 #2 0x6338622f83e6 #3 0x6338622f8681 #4 0x63386233db04 #5 0x63386231c48d #6 0x63386233aed7 #7 0x63386231c203 #8 0x6338622eacc0 #9 0x6338622ebc9e #10 0x633862760d0b #11 0x633862764c92 #12 0x63386274db3c #13 0x633862765807 #14 0x6338627330df #15 0x633862782578 #16 0x633862782740 #17 0x633862792196 #18 0x77e457c9caa4 #19 0x77e457d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 02:29:15,491 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 02:29:17,491 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642429163379264919A41940166580D4963013278237358189 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 02:29:23,343 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 02:29:37,965 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5d834667a31a #1 0x5d83461906e0 #2 0x5d83461df3e6 #3 0x5d83461df681 #4 0x5d8346224b04 #5 0x5d834620348d #6 0x5d8346221ed7 #7 0x5d8346203203 #8 0x5d83461d1cc0 #9 0x5d83461d2c9e #10 0x5d8346647d0b #11 0x5d834664bc92 #12 0x5d8346634b3c #13 0x5d834664c807 #14 0x5d834661a0df #15 0x5d8346669578 #16 0x5d8346669740 #17 0x5d8346679196 #18 0x736fbea9caa4 #19 0x736fbeb29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 02:29:38,040 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 02:29:40,040 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642429163379264919A41940166580D4963013278237358189 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 02:29:57,691 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 02:30:00,630 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x55803508f31a #1 0x558034ba56e0 #2 0x558034bf43e6 #3 0x558034bf4681 #4 0x558034c39b04 #5 0x558034c1848d #6 0x558034c36ed7 #7 0x558034c18203 #8 0x558034be6cc0 #9 0x558034be7c9e #10 0x55803505cd0b #11 0x558035060c92 #12 0x558035049b3c #13 0x558035061807 #14 0x55803502f0df #15 0x55803507e578 #16 0x55803507e740 #17 0x55803508e196 #18 0x75cb9169caa4 #19 0x75cb91729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 02:30:00,708 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 02:30:00,738 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 02:30:02,708 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642429163379264919A41940166580D4963013278237358189 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 02:30:20,713 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 02:30:23,218 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5e6d1692731a #1 0x5e6d1643d6e0 #2 0x5e6d1648c3e6 #3 0x5e6d1648c681 #4 0x5e6d164d1b04 #5 0x5e6d164b048d #6 0x5e6d164ceed7 #7 0x5e6d164b0203 #8 0x5e6d1647ecc0 #9 0x5e6d1647fc9e #10 0x5e6d168f4d0b #11 0x5e6d168f8c92 #12 0x5e6d168e1b3c #13 0x5e6d168f9807 #14 0x5e6d168c70df #15 0x5e6d16916578 #16 0x5e6d16916740 #17 0x5e6d16926196 #18 0x7e48cd09caa4 #19 0x7e48cd129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 02:30:23,293 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 02:30:25,294 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642429163379264919A41940166580D4963013278237358189 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 02:30:32,057 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 02:30:45,800 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5eec5901731a #1 0x5eec58b2d6e0 #2 0x5eec58b7c3e6 #3 0x5eec58b7c681 #4 0x5eec58bc1b04 #5 0x5eec58ba048d #6 0x5eec58bbeed7 #7 0x5eec58ba0203 #8 0x5eec58b6ecc0 #9 0x5eec58b6fc9e #10 0x5eec58fe4d0b #11 0x5eec58fe8c92 #12 0x5eec58fd1b3c #13 0x5eec58fe9807 #14 0x5eec58fb70df #15 0x5eec59006578 #16 0x5eec59006740 #17 0x5eec59016196 #18 0x78583c09caa4 #19 0x78583c129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 02:30:45,875 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 02:30:47,875 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642429163379264919A41940166580D4963013278237358189 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 02:30:53,601 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 02:31:03,745 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 02:31:08,465 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x592aaa09431a #1 0x592aa9baa6e0 #2 0x592aa9bf93e6 #3 0x592aa9bf9681 #4 0x592aa9c3eb04 #5 0x592aa9c1d48d #6 0x592aa9c3bed7 #7 0x592aa9c1d203 #8 0x592aa9bebcc0 #9 0x592aa9becc9e #10 0x592aaa061d0b #11 0x592aaa065c92 #12 0x592aaa04eb3c #13 0x592aaa066807 #14 0x592aaa0340df #15 0x592aaa083578 #16 0x592aaa083740 #17 0x592aaa093196 #18 0x747b8849caa4 #19 0x747b88529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 02:31:08,541 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 02:31:10,541 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642429163379264919A41940166580D4963013278237358189 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 02:31:26,336 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 02:31:31,027 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x56ba2084331a #1 0x56ba203596e0 #2 0x56ba203a83e6 #3 0x56ba203a8681 #4 0x56ba203edb04 #5 0x56ba203cc48d #6 0x56ba203eaed7 #7 0x56ba203cc203 #8 0x56ba2039acc0 #9 0x56ba2039bc9e #10 0x56ba20810d0b #11 0x56ba20814c92 #12 0x56ba207fdb3c #13 0x56ba20815807 #14 0x56ba207e30df #15 0x56ba20832578 #16 0x56ba20832740 #17 0x56ba20842196 #18 0x70c719a9caa4 #19 0x70c719b29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 02:31:31,102 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 02:31:33,104 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642429163379264919A41940166580D4963013278237358189 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 02:31:53,594 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5a2fa1af631a #1 0x5a2fa160c6e0 #2 0x5a2fa165b3e6 #3 0x5a2fa165b681 #4 0x5a2fa16a0b04 #5 0x5a2fa167f48d #6 0x5a2fa169ded7 #7 0x5a2fa167f203 #8 0x5a2fa164dcc0 #9 0x5a2fa164ec9e #10 0x5a2fa1ac3d0b #11 0x5a2fa1ac7c92 #12 0x5a2fa1ab0b3c #13 0x5a2fa1ac8807 #14 0x5a2fa1a960df #15 0x5a2fa1ae5578 #16 0x5a2fa1ae5740 #17 0x5a2fa1af5196 #18 0x75b69669caa4 #19 0x75b696729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 02:31:53,672 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 02:31:55,673 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642429163379264919A41940166580D4963013278237358189 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 02:32:08,905 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 02:32:16,229 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x59b2c0cd031a #1 0x59b2c07e66e0 #2 0x59b2c08353e6 #3 0x59b2c0835681 #4 0x59b2c087ab04 #5 0x59b2c085948d #6 0x59b2c0877ed7 #7 0x59b2c0859203 #8 0x59b2c0827cc0 #9 0x59b2c0828c9e #10 0x59b2c0c9dd0b #11 0x59b2c0ca1c92 #12 0x59b2c0c8ab3c #13 0x59b2c0ca2807 #14 0x59b2c0c700df #15 0x59b2c0cbf578 #16 0x59b2c0cbf740 #17 0x59b2c0ccf196 #18 0x7f8efba9caa4 #19 0x7f8efbb29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 02:32:16,304 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 02:32:18,305 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642429163379264919A41940166580D4963013278237358189 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:573) 2025-02-21 02:32:18,305 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642429163379264919A41940166580D4963013278237358189 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 02:32:32,587 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 02:32:35,637 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 02:32:38,180 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 02:32:38,781 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5f4850ea531a #1 0x5f48509bb6e0 #2 0x5f4850a0a3e6 #3 0x5f4850a0a681 #4 0x5f4850a4fb04 #5 0x5f4850a2e48d #6 0x5f4850a4ced7 #7 0x5f4850a2e203 #8 0x5f48509fccc0 #9 0x5f48509fdc9e #10 0x5f4850e72d0b #11 0x5f4850e76c92 #12 0x5f4850e5fb3c #13 0x5f4850e77807 #14 0x5f4850e450df #15 0x5f4850e94578 #16 0x5f4850e94740 #17 0x5f4850ea4196 #18 0x708f8ce9caa4 #19 0x708f8cf29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 02:32:38,856 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 02:32:57,121 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 02:33:02,591 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 02:33:44,632 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816675134A42116329062D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 02:34:05,105 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x58a19bd9231a #1 0x58a19b8a86e0 #2 0x58a19b8f73e6 #3 0x58a19b8f7681 #4 0x58a19b93cb04 #5 0x58a19b91b48d #6 0x58a19b939ed7 #7 0x58a19b91b203 #8 0x58a19b8e9cc0 #9 0x58a19b8eac9e #10 0x58a19bd5fd0b #11 0x58a19bd63c92 #12 0x58a19bd4cb3c #13 0x58a19bd64807 #14 0x58a19bd320df #15 0x58a19bd81578 #16 0x58a19bd81740 #17 0x58a19bd91196 #18 0x7f0e88a9caa4 #19 0x7f0e88b29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 02:34:05,180 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 02:34:07,180 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816675134A42116329062D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 02:34:20,781 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826786146838A35438153996D9547743635268161066 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-02-21 02:34:20,781 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826786146838A35438153996D9547743635268161066 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-02-21 02:34:27,656 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5a395254d31a #1 0x5a39520636e0 #2 0x5a39520b23e6 #3 0x5a39520b2681 #4 0x5a39520f7b04 #5 0x5a39520d648d #6 0x5a39520f4ed7 #7 0x5a39520d6203 #8 0x5a39520a4cc0 #9 0x5a39520a5c9e #10 0x5a395251ad0b #11 0x5a395251ec92 #12 0x5a3952507b3c #13 0x5a395251f807 #14 0x5a39524ed0df #15 0x5a395253c578 #16 0x5a395253c740 #17 0x5a395254c196 #18 0x74dd4749caa4 #19 0x74dd47529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 02:34:27,735 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 02:34:29,736 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816675134A42116329062D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 02:34:50,203 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5c46cb13031a #1 0x5c46cac466e0 #2 0x5c46cac953e6 #3 0x5c46cac95681 #4 0x5c46cacdab04 #5 0x5c46cacb948d #6 0x5c46cacd7ed7 #7 0x5c46cacb9203 #8 0x5c46cac87cc0 #9 0x5c46cac88c9e #10 0x5c46cb0fdd0b #11 0x5c46cb101c92 #12 0x5c46cb0eab3c #13 0x5c46cb102807 #14 0x5c46cb0d00df #15 0x5c46cb11f578 #16 0x5c46cb11f740 #17 0x5c46cb12f196 #18 0x754fb2a9caa4 #19 0x754fb2b29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 02:34:50,278 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 02:34:52,279 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816675134A42116329062D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 02:35:08,629 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 02:35:08,629 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 02:35:08,707 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 02:35:12,729 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5703c893f31a #1 0x5703c84556e0 #2 0x5703c84a43e6 #3 0x5703c84a4681 #4 0x5703c84e9b04 #5 0x5703c84c848d #6 0x5703c84e6ed7 #7 0x5703c84c8203 #8 0x5703c8496cc0 #9 0x5703c8497c9e #10 0x5703c890cd0b #11 0x5703c8910c92 #12 0x5703c88f9b3c #13 0x5703c8911807 #14 0x5703c88df0df #15 0x5703c892e578 #16 0x5703c892e740 #17 0x5703c893e196 #18 0x72e9cfe9caa4 #19 0x72e9cff29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 02:35:12,788 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 02:35:14,788 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816675134A42116329062D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 02:35:35,257 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5e9aca7cb31a #1 0x5e9aca2e16e0 #2 0x5e9aca3303e6 #3 0x5e9aca330681 #4 0x5e9aca375b04 #5 0x5e9aca35448d #6 0x5e9aca372ed7 #7 0x5e9aca354203 #8 0x5e9aca322cc0 #9 0x5e9aca323c9e #10 0x5e9aca798d0b #11 0x5e9aca79cc92 #12 0x5e9aca785b3c #13 0x5e9aca79d807 #14 0x5e9aca76b0df #15 0x5e9aca7ba578 #16 0x5e9aca7ba740 #17 0x5e9aca7ca196 #18 0x7b5dd229caa4 #19 0x7b5dd2329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 02:35:35,335 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 02:35:37,335 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816675134A42116329062D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 02:35:57,847 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x600be701c31a #1 0x600be6b326e0 #2 0x600be6b813e6 #3 0x600be6b81681 #4 0x600be6bc6b04 #5 0x600be6ba548d #6 0x600be6bc3ed7 #7 0x600be6ba5203 #8 0x600be6b73cc0 #9 0x600be6b74c9e #10 0x600be6fe9d0b #11 0x600be6fedc92 #12 0x600be6fd6b3c #13 0x600be6fee807 #14 0x600be6fbc0df #15 0x600be700b578 #16 0x600be700b740 #17 0x600be701b196 #18 0x7cb4ca09caa4 #19 0x7cb4ca129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 02:35:57,922 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 02:35:59,923 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816675134A42116329062D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 02:36:07,859 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 02:36:20,426 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5ba206fc631a #1 0x5ba206adc6e0 #2 0x5ba206b2b3e6 #3 0x5ba206b2b681 #4 0x5ba206b70b04 #5 0x5ba206b4f48d #6 0x5ba206b6ded7 #7 0x5ba206b4f203 #8 0x5ba206b1dcc0 #9 0x5ba206b1ec9e #10 0x5ba206f93d0b #11 0x5ba206f97c92 #12 0x5ba206f80b3c #13 0x5ba206f98807 #14 0x5ba206f660df #15 0x5ba206fb5578 #16 0x5ba206fb5740 #17 0x5ba206fc5196 #18 0x7d7f8349caa4 #19 0x7d7f83529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 02:36:20,504 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 02:36:22,504 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816675134A42116329062D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 02:36:42,975 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5bed11b9e31a #1 0x5bed116b46e0 #2 0x5bed117033e6 #3 0x5bed11703681 #4 0x5bed11748b04 #5 0x5bed1172748d #6 0x5bed11745ed7 #7 0x5bed11727203 #8 0x5bed116f5cc0 #9 0x5bed116f6c9e #10 0x5bed11b6bd0b #11 0x5bed11b6fc92 #12 0x5bed11b58b3c #13 0x5bed11b70807 #14 0x5bed11b3e0df #15 0x5bed11b8d578 #16 0x5bed11b8d740 #17 0x5bed11b9d196 #18 0x7a691b89caa4 #19 0x7a691b929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 02:36:43,050 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 02:36:45,051 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816675134A42116329062D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 02:36:46,991 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 02:37:05,535 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x58679a35f31a #1 0x586799e756e0 #2 0x586799ec43e6 #3 0x586799ec4681 #4 0x586799f09b04 #5 0x586799ee848d #6 0x586799f06ed7 #7 0x586799ee8203 #8 0x586799eb6cc0 #9 0x586799eb7c9e #10 0x58679a32cd0b #11 0x58679a330c92 #12 0x58679a319b3c #13 0x58679a331807 #14 0x58679a2ff0df #15 0x58679a34e578 #16 0x58679a34e740 #17 0x58679a35e196 #18 0x75aadc29caa4 #19 0x75aadc329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 02:37:05,611 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 02:37:07,611 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816675134A42116329062D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 02:37:28,115 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5dbf3de1a31a #1 0x5dbf3d9306e0 #2 0x5dbf3d97f3e6 #3 0x5dbf3d97f681 #4 0x5dbf3d9c4b04 #5 0x5dbf3d9a348d #6 0x5dbf3d9c1ed7 #7 0x5dbf3d9a3203 #8 0x5dbf3d971cc0 #9 0x5dbf3d972c9e #10 0x5dbf3dde7d0b #11 0x5dbf3ddebc92 #12 0x5dbf3ddd4b3c #13 0x5dbf3ddec807 #14 0x5dbf3ddba0df #15 0x5dbf3de09578 #16 0x5dbf3de09740 #17 0x5dbf3de19196 #18 0x7c539289caa4 #19 0x7c5392929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 02:37:28,191 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 02:37:30,191 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816675134A42116329062D2633598932167165105 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:573) 2025-02-21 02:37:30,192 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816675134A42116329062D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 02:37:50,661 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x55dabe70831a #1 0x55dabe21e6e0 #2 0x55dabe26d3e6 #3 0x55dabe26d681 #4 0x55dabe2b2b04 #5 0x55dabe29148d #6 0x55dabe2afed7 #7 0x55dabe291203 #8 0x55dabe25fcc0 #9 0x55dabe260c9e #10 0x55dabe6d5d0b #11 0x55dabe6d9c92 #12 0x55dabe6c2b3c #13 0x55dabe6da807 #14 0x55dabe6a80df #15 0x55dabe6f7578 #16 0x55dabe6f7740 #17 0x55dabe707196 #18 0x7eb8cbc9caa4 #19 0x7eb8cbd29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 02:37:50,737 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 02:38:12,889 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 02:39:02,997 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 02:39:28,605 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 02:39:48,788 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 02:56:59,346 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 02:57:43,639 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 02:57:45,510 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 02:57:45,510 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 02:57:45,594 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 02:57:52,271 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 02:57:54,538 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 02:57:54,538 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 02:57:54,605 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 02:58:22,178 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 02:58:22,178 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 02:58:22,242 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 02:58:27,693 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 02:58:57,392 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 02:58:57,907 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 02:59:13,445 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 02:59:31,991 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequest2Captcha: Failed to perform, curl: (35) BoringSSL SSL_connect: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL in connection to steamcommunity.com:443 . See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:133) 2025-02-21 02:59:36,565 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 02:59:50,440 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:01:37,711 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequest2Captcha: Failed to perform, curl: (35) BoringSSL SSL_connect: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL in connection to steamcommunity.com:443 . See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:133) 2025-02-21 03:01:44,712 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 03:01:44,712 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 03:01:44,779 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 03:01:49,985 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:02:03,024 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:02:18,211 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:02:55,689 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 03:02:55,690 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 03:02:55,773 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 03:02:56,534 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:03:15,260 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 03:03:15,261 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 03:03:15,340 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 03:03:15,471 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:03:29,425 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:03:35,331 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:03:54,922 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:04:03,234 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:04:31,266 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:04:44,374 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:04:50,370 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:05:00,964 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:05:05,719 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:05:26,369 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:06:11,886 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 03:06:13,053 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:06:36,087 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:07:22,071 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 03:07:34,847 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:07:56,613 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 03:08:37,699 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:08:45,217 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 03:08:45,217 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 03:08:45,298 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 03:08:49,328 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816824714A42116849336D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 03:09:02,884 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826786146838A35438153996D9547743635268161066 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-02-21 03:09:02,884 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826786146838A35438153996D9547743635268161066 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-02-21 03:09:09,800 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5d78b857731a #1 0x5d78b808d6e0 #2 0x5d78b80dc3e6 #3 0x5d78b80dc681 #4 0x5d78b8121b04 #5 0x5d78b810048d #6 0x5d78b811eed7 #7 0x5d78b8100203 #8 0x5d78b80cecc0 #9 0x5d78b80cfc9e #10 0x5d78b8544d0b #11 0x5d78b8548c92 #12 0x5d78b8531b3c #13 0x5d78b8549807 #14 0x5d78b85170df #15 0x5d78b8566578 #16 0x5d78b8566740 #17 0x5d78b8576196 #18 0x73febe89caa4 #19 0x73febe929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 03:09:09,902 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 03:09:11,903 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816824714A42116849336D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 03:09:13,761 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:09:32,354 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5df36186431a #1 0x5df36137a6e0 #2 0x5df3613c93e6 #3 0x5df3613c9681 #4 0x5df36140eb04 #5 0x5df3613ed48d #6 0x5df36140bed7 #7 0x5df3613ed203 #8 0x5df3613bbcc0 #9 0x5df3613bcc9e #10 0x5df361831d0b #11 0x5df361835c92 #12 0x5df36181eb3c #13 0x5df361836807 #14 0x5df3618040df #15 0x5df361853578 #16 0x5df361853740 #17 0x5df361863196 #18 0x70c04949caa4 #19 0x70c049529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 03:09:32,429 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 03:09:34,429 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816824714A42116849336D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 03:09:45,981 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:09:54,868 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x652b9024d31a #1 0x652b8fd636e0 #2 0x652b8fdb23e6 #3 0x652b8fdb2681 #4 0x652b8fdf7b04 #5 0x652b8fdd648d #6 0x652b8fdf4ed7 #7 0x652b8fdd6203 #8 0x652b8fda4cc0 #9 0x652b8fda5c9e #10 0x652b9021ad0b #11 0x652b9021ec92 #12 0x652b90207b3c #13 0x652b9021f807 #14 0x652b901ed0df #15 0x652b9023c578 #16 0x652b9023c740 #17 0x652b9024c196 #18 0x76f8e789caa4 #19 0x76f8e7929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 03:09:54,943 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 03:09:56,947 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816824714A42116849336D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 03:10:03,728 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:10:17,425 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5687aafea31a #1 0x5687aab006e0 #2 0x5687aab4f3e6 #3 0x5687aab4f681 #4 0x5687aab94b04 #5 0x5687aab7348d #6 0x5687aab91ed7 #7 0x5687aab73203 #8 0x5687aab41cc0 #9 0x5687aab42c9e #10 0x5687aafb7d0b #11 0x5687aafbbc92 #12 0x5687aafa4b3c #13 0x5687aafbc807 #14 0x5687aaf8a0df #15 0x5687aafd9578 #16 0x5687aafd9740 #17 0x5687aafe9196 #18 0x73674429caa4 #19 0x736744329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 03:10:17,488 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 03:10:19,488 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816824714A42116849336D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 03:10:39,975 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x614565dc931a #1 0x6145658df6e0 #2 0x61456592e3e6 #3 0x61456592e681 #4 0x614565973b04 #5 0x61456595248d #6 0x614565970ed7 #7 0x614565952203 #8 0x614565920cc0 #9 0x614565921c9e #10 0x614565d96d0b #11 0x614565d9ac92 #12 0x614565d83b3c #13 0x614565d9b807 #14 0x614565d690df #15 0x614565db8578 #16 0x614565db8740 #17 0x614565dc8196 #18 0x77f204c9caa4 #19 0x77f204d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 03:10:40,050 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 03:10:40,633 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:10:42,050 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816824714A42116849336D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 03:11:02,558 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x573c9755231a #1 0x573c970686e0 #2 0x573c970b73e6 #3 0x573c970b7681 #4 0x573c970fcb04 #5 0x573c970db48d #6 0x573c970f9ed7 #7 0x573c970db203 #8 0x573c970a9cc0 #9 0x573c970aac9e #10 0x573c9751fd0b #11 0x573c97523c92 #12 0x573c9750cb3c #13 0x573c97524807 #14 0x573c974f20df #15 0x573c97541578 #16 0x573c97541740 #17 0x573c97551196 #18 0x74270089caa4 #19 0x742700929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 03:11:02,633 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 03:11:04,633 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816824714A42116849336D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 03:11:25,122 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5c581415531a #1 0x5c5813c6b6e0 #2 0x5c5813cba3e6 #3 0x5c5813cba681 #4 0x5c5813cffb04 #5 0x5c5813cde48d #6 0x5c5813cfced7 #7 0x5c5813cde203 #8 0x5c5813caccc0 #9 0x5c5813cadc9e #10 0x5c5814122d0b #11 0x5c5814126c92 #12 0x5c581410fb3c #13 0x5c5814127807 #14 0x5c58140f50df #15 0x5c5814144578 #16 0x5c5814144740 #17 0x5c5814154196 #18 0x73cb8069caa4 #19 0x73cb80729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 03:11:25,198 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 03:11:27,199 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816824714A42116849336D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 03:11:47,268 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:11:47,669 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5961b2f0031a #1 0x5961b2a166e0 #2 0x5961b2a653e6 #3 0x5961b2a65681 #4 0x5961b2aaab04 #5 0x5961b2a8948d #6 0x5961b2aa7ed7 #7 0x5961b2a89203 #8 0x5961b2a57cc0 #9 0x5961b2a58c9e #10 0x5961b2ecdd0b #11 0x5961b2ed1c92 #12 0x5961b2ebab3c #13 0x5961b2ed2807 #14 0x5961b2ea00df #15 0x5961b2eef578 #16 0x5961b2eef740 #17 0x5961b2eff196 #18 0x7abfb2e9caa4 #19 0x7abfb2f29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 03:11:47,747 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 03:11:49,747 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816824714A42116849336D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 03:12:10,212 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x64305345231a #1 0x643052f686e0 #2 0x643052fb73e6 #3 0x643052fb7681 #4 0x643052ffcb04 #5 0x643052fdb48d #6 0x643052ff9ed7 #7 0x643052fdb203 #8 0x643052fa9cc0 #9 0x643052faac9e #10 0x64305341fd0b #11 0x643053423c92 #12 0x64305340cb3c #13 0x643053424807 #14 0x6430533f20df #15 0x643053441578 #16 0x643053441740 #17 0x643053451196 #18 0x76b67ae9caa4 #19 0x76b67af29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 03:12:10,288 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 03:12:12,288 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816824714A42116849336D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 03:12:32,736 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x56ded896731a #1 0x56ded847d6e0 #2 0x56ded84cc3e6 #3 0x56ded84cc681 #4 0x56ded8511b04 #5 0x56ded84f048d #6 0x56ded850eed7 #7 0x56ded84f0203 #8 0x56ded84becc0 #9 0x56ded84bfc9e #10 0x56ded8934d0b #11 0x56ded8938c92 #12 0x56ded8921b3c #13 0x56ded8939807 #14 0x56ded89070df #15 0x56ded8956578 #16 0x56ded8956740 #17 0x56ded8966196 #18 0x7ff91429caa4 #19 0x7ff914329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 03:12:32,815 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 03:12:34,816 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816824714A42116849336D2633598932167165105 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:573) 2025-02-21 03:12:34,816 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816824714A42116849336D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 03:12:55,287 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5ca1bfb5f31a #1 0x5ca1bf6756e0 #2 0x5ca1bf6c43e6 #3 0x5ca1bf6c4681 #4 0x5ca1bf709b04 #5 0x5ca1bf6e848d #6 0x5ca1bf706ed7 #7 0x5ca1bf6e8203 #8 0x5ca1bf6b6cc0 #9 0x5ca1bf6b7c9e #10 0x5ca1bfb2cd0b #11 0x5ca1bfb30c92 #12 0x5ca1bfb19b3c #13 0x5ca1bfb31807 #14 0x5ca1bfaff0df #15 0x5ca1bfb4e578 #16 0x5ca1bfb4e740 #17 0x5ca1bfb5e196 #18 0x73516ee9caa4 #19 0x73516ef29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 03:12:55,364 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 03:12:59,531 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:13:17,899 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:13:20,682 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 03:27:18,849 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085644166A42117054121D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 03:27:39,310 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x585a5a5db31a #1 0x585a5a0f16e0 #2 0x585a5a1403e6 #3 0x585a5a140681 #4 0x585a5a185b04 #5 0x585a5a16448d #6 0x585a5a182ed7 #7 0x585a5a164203 #8 0x585a5a132cc0 #9 0x585a5a133c9e #10 0x585a5a5a8d0b #11 0x585a5a5acc92 #12 0x585a5a595b3c #13 0x585a5a5ad807 #14 0x585a5a57b0df #15 0x585a5a5ca578 #16 0x585a5a5ca740 #17 0x585a5a5da196 #18 0x7c469b29caa4 #19 0x7c469b329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 03:27:39,386 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 03:27:41,387 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085644166A42117054121D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 03:28:01,862 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5ad64e77b31a #1 0x5ad64e2916e0 #2 0x5ad64e2e03e6 #3 0x5ad64e2e0681 #4 0x5ad64e325b04 #5 0x5ad64e30448d #6 0x5ad64e322ed7 #7 0x5ad64e304203 #8 0x5ad64e2d2cc0 #9 0x5ad64e2d3c9e #10 0x5ad64e748d0b #11 0x5ad64e74cc92 #12 0x5ad64e735b3c #13 0x5ad64e74d807 #14 0x5ad64e71b0df #15 0x5ad64e76a578 #16 0x5ad64e76a740 #17 0x5ad64e77a196 #18 0x70045409caa4 #19 0x700454129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 03:28:01,937 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 03:28:03,937 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085644166A42117054121D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 03:28:24,404 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x6405fa14031a #1 0x6405f9c566e0 #2 0x6405f9ca53e6 #3 0x6405f9ca5681 #4 0x6405f9ceab04 #5 0x6405f9cc948d #6 0x6405f9ce7ed7 #7 0x6405f9cc9203 #8 0x6405f9c97cc0 #9 0x6405f9c98c9e #10 0x6405fa10dd0b #11 0x6405fa111c92 #12 0x6405fa0fab3c #13 0x6405fa112807 #14 0x6405fa0e00df #15 0x6405fa12f578 #16 0x6405fa12f740 #17 0x6405fa13f196 #18 0x746ef4c9caa4 #19 0x746ef4d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 03:28:24,478 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 03:28:26,479 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085644166A42117054121D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 03:28:46,934 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x598148a7831a #1 0x59814858e6e0 #2 0x5981485dd3e6 #3 0x5981485dd681 #4 0x598148622b04 #5 0x59814860148d #6 0x59814861fed7 #7 0x598148601203 #8 0x5981485cfcc0 #9 0x5981485d0c9e #10 0x598148a45d0b #11 0x598148a49c92 #12 0x598148a32b3c #13 0x598148a4a807 #14 0x598148a180df #15 0x598148a67578 #16 0x598148a67740 #17 0x598148a77196 #18 0x7b88d909caa4 #19 0x7b88d9129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 03:28:47,015 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 03:28:49,016 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085644166A42117054121D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 03:29:09,474 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5ebbb688f31a #1 0x5ebbb63a56e0 #2 0x5ebbb63f43e6 #3 0x5ebbb63f4681 #4 0x5ebbb6439b04 #5 0x5ebbb641848d #6 0x5ebbb6436ed7 #7 0x5ebbb6418203 #8 0x5ebbb63e6cc0 #9 0x5ebbb63e7c9e #10 0x5ebbb685cd0b #11 0x5ebbb6860c92 #12 0x5ebbb6849b3c #13 0x5ebbb6861807 #14 0x5ebbb682f0df #15 0x5ebbb687e578 #16 0x5ebbb687e740 #17 0x5ebbb688e196 #18 0x73ff04c9caa4 #19 0x73ff04d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 03:29:09,556 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 03:29:11,556 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085644166A42117054121D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 03:29:32,024 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5edd5299931a #1 0x5edd524af6e0 #2 0x5edd524fe3e6 #3 0x5edd524fe681 #4 0x5edd52543b04 #5 0x5edd5252248d #6 0x5edd52540ed7 #7 0x5edd52522203 #8 0x5edd524f0cc0 #9 0x5edd524f1c9e #10 0x5edd52966d0b #11 0x5edd5296ac92 #12 0x5edd52953b3c #13 0x5edd5296b807 #14 0x5edd529390df #15 0x5edd52988578 #16 0x5edd52988740 #17 0x5edd52998196 #18 0x7d92cea9caa4 #19 0x7d92ceb29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 03:29:32,100 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 03:29:34,100 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085644166A42117054121D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 03:29:54,585 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5e8db059d31a #1 0x5e8db00b36e0 #2 0x5e8db01023e6 #3 0x5e8db0102681 #4 0x5e8db0147b04 #5 0x5e8db012648d #6 0x5e8db0144ed7 #7 0x5e8db0126203 #8 0x5e8db00f4cc0 #9 0x5e8db00f5c9e #10 0x5e8db056ad0b #11 0x5e8db056ec92 #12 0x5e8db0557b3c #13 0x5e8db056f807 #14 0x5e8db053d0df #15 0x5e8db058c578 #16 0x5e8db058c740 #17 0x5e8db059c196 #18 0x79083ec9caa4 #19 0x79083ed29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 03:29:54,660 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 03:29:56,661 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085644166A42117054121D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 03:30:17,118 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x59b2936ec31a #1 0x59b2932026e0 #2 0x59b2932513e6 #3 0x59b293251681 #4 0x59b293296b04 #5 0x59b29327548d #6 0x59b293293ed7 #7 0x59b293275203 #8 0x59b293243cc0 #9 0x59b293244c9e #10 0x59b2936b9d0b #11 0x59b2936bdc92 #12 0x59b2936a6b3c #13 0x59b2936be807 #14 0x59b29368c0df #15 0x59b2936db578 #16 0x59b2936db740 #17 0x59b2936eb196 #18 0x709217c9caa4 #19 0x709217d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 03:30:17,178 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 03:30:19,178 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085644166A42117054121D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 03:30:39,655 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5da8a003831a #1 0x5da89fb4e6e0 #2 0x5da89fb9d3e6 #3 0x5da89fb9d681 #4 0x5da89fbe2b04 #5 0x5da89fbc148d #6 0x5da89fbdfed7 #7 0x5da89fbc1203 #8 0x5da89fb8fcc0 #9 0x5da89fb90c9e #10 0x5da8a0005d0b #11 0x5da8a0009c92 #12 0x5da89fff2b3c #13 0x5da8a000a807 #14 0x5da89ffd80df #15 0x5da8a0027578 #16 0x5da8a0027740 #17 0x5da8a0037196 #18 0x776c8809caa4 #19 0x776c88129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 03:30:39,730 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 03:30:41,730 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085644166A42117054121D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 03:30:53,058 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 03:30:53,058 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 03:30:53,146 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 03:31:02,193 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x6164b012831a #1 0x6164afc3e6e0 #2 0x6164afc8d3e6 #3 0x6164afc8d681 #4 0x6164afcd2b04 #5 0x6164afcb148d #6 0x6164afccfed7 #7 0x6164afcb1203 #8 0x6164afc7fcc0 #9 0x6164afc80c9e #10 0x6164b00f5d0b #11 0x6164b00f9c92 #12 0x6164b00e2b3c #13 0x6164b00fa807 #14 0x6164b00c80df #15 0x6164b0117578 #16 0x6164b0117740 #17 0x6164b0127196 #18 0x7778d829caa4 #19 0x7778d8329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 03:31:02,268 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 03:31:04,268 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085644166A42117054121D11556876991896565350 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:635) 2025-02-21 03:31:04,268 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085644166A42117054121D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 03:31:13,556 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:31:24,727 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5db167be631a #1 0x5db1676fc6e0 #2 0x5db16774b3e6 #3 0x5db16774b681 #4 0x5db167790b04 #5 0x5db16776f48d #6 0x5db16778ded7 #7 0x5db16776f203 #8 0x5db16773dcc0 #9 0x5db16773ec9e #10 0x5db167bb3d0b #11 0x5db167bb7c92 #12 0x5db167ba0b3c #13 0x5db167bb8807 #14 0x5db167b860df #15 0x5db167bd5578 #16 0x5db167bd5740 #17 0x5db167be5196 #18 0x779ec229caa4 #19 0x779ec2329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 03:31:24,802 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 03:31:45,520 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:32:03,581 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:32:26,373 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 03:32:26,373 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 03:32:26,440 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 03:32:31,769 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:32:39,742 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:32:45,794 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 03:32:45,795 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 03:32:45,864 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 03:32:59,810 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:33:06,438 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:33:21,725 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:33:55,300 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:35:16,125 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 03:35:20,647 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:35:28,224 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:36:11,416 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:36:36,295 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:36:58,223 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 03:37:03,422 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:37:04,919 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:37:26,474 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 03:37:32,016 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:38:09,575 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816911744A42117150251D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 03:38:12,986 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 03:38:12,987 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 03:38:13,065 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 03:38:30,051 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5d04e920031a #1 0x5d04e8d166e0 #2 0x5d04e8d653e6 #3 0x5d04e8d65681 #4 0x5d04e8daab04 #5 0x5d04e8d8948d #6 0x5d04e8da7ed7 #7 0x5d04e8d89203 #8 0x5d04e8d57cc0 #9 0x5d04e8d58c9e #10 0x5d04e91cdd0b #11 0x5d04e91d1c92 #12 0x5d04e91bab3c #13 0x5d04e91d2807 #14 0x5d04e91a00df #15 0x5d04e91ef578 #16 0x5d04e91ef740 #17 0x5d04e91ff196 #18 0x78314d49caa4 #19 0x78314d529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 03:38:30,126 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 03:38:31,252 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826786146838A35438153996D9547743635268161066 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-02-21 03:38:31,252 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826786146838A35438153996D9547743635268161066 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-02-21 03:38:32,126 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816911744A42117150251D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 03:38:35,070 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:38:52,605 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x59ed6c1f931a #1 0x59ed6bd0f6e0 #2 0x59ed6bd5e3e6 #3 0x59ed6bd5e681 #4 0x59ed6bda3b04 #5 0x59ed6bd8248d #6 0x59ed6bda0ed7 #7 0x59ed6bd82203 #8 0x59ed6bd50cc0 #9 0x59ed6bd51c9e #10 0x59ed6c1c6d0b #11 0x59ed6c1cac92 #12 0x59ed6c1b3b3c #13 0x59ed6c1cb807 #14 0x59ed6c1990df #15 0x59ed6c1e8578 #16 0x59ed6c1e8740 #17 0x59ed6c1f8196 #18 0x7d384609caa4 #19 0x7d3846129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 03:38:52,680 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 03:38:54,681 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816911744A42117150251D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 03:39:05,408 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:39:15,146 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x59704025b31a #1 0x59703fd716e0 #2 0x59703fdc03e6 #3 0x59703fdc0681 #4 0x59703fe05b04 #5 0x59703fde448d #6 0x59703fe02ed7 #7 0x59703fde4203 #8 0x59703fdb2cc0 #9 0x59703fdb3c9e #10 0x597040228d0b #11 0x59704022cc92 #12 0x597040215b3c #13 0x59704022d807 #14 0x5970401fb0df #15 0x59704024a578 #16 0x59704024a740 #17 0x59704025a196 #18 0x7279b4c9caa4 #19 0x7279b4d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 03:39:15,222 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 03:39:17,222 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816911744A42117150251D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 03:39:21,227 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:39:37,689 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x56e7b1a2931a #1 0x56e7b153f6e0 #2 0x56e7b158e3e6 #3 0x56e7b158e681 #4 0x56e7b15d3b04 #5 0x56e7b15b248d #6 0x56e7b15d0ed7 #7 0x56e7b15b2203 #8 0x56e7b1580cc0 #9 0x56e7b1581c9e #10 0x56e7b19f6d0b #11 0x56e7b19fac92 #12 0x56e7b19e3b3c #13 0x56e7b19fb807 #14 0x56e7b19c90df #15 0x56e7b1a18578 #16 0x56e7b1a18740 #17 0x56e7b1a28196 #18 0x71d6f8c9caa4 #19 0x71d6f8d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 03:39:37,768 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 03:39:39,769 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816911744A42117150251D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 03:40:00,275 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x590b3916b31a #1 0x590b38c816e0 #2 0x590b38cd03e6 #3 0x590b38cd0681 #4 0x590b38d15b04 #5 0x590b38cf448d #6 0x590b38d12ed7 #7 0x590b38cf4203 #8 0x590b38cc2cc0 #9 0x590b38cc3c9e #10 0x590b39138d0b #11 0x590b3913cc92 #12 0x590b39125b3c #13 0x590b3913d807 #14 0x590b3910b0df #15 0x590b3915a578 #16 0x590b3915a740 #17 0x590b3916a196 #18 0x70637a49caa4 #19 0x70637a529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 03:40:00,350 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 03:40:00,351 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:40:02,350 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816911744A42117150251D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 03:40:03,233 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:40:09,770 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:40:22,897 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x58305ae7731a #1 0x58305a98d6e0 #2 0x58305a9dc3e6 #3 0x58305a9dc681 #4 0x58305aa21b04 #5 0x58305aa0048d #6 0x58305aa1eed7 #7 0x58305aa00203 #8 0x58305a9cecc0 #9 0x58305a9cfc9e #10 0x58305ae44d0b #11 0x58305ae48c92 #12 0x58305ae31b3c #13 0x58305ae49807 #14 0x58305ae170df #15 0x58305ae66578 #16 0x58305ae66740 #17 0x58305ae76196 #18 0x7c115269caa4 #19 0x7c1152729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 03:40:22,975 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 03:40:24,975 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816911744A42117150251D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 03:40:43,224 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:40:45,442 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x652fc1b2f31a #1 0x652fc16456e0 #2 0x652fc16943e6 #3 0x652fc1694681 #4 0x652fc16d9b04 #5 0x652fc16b848d #6 0x652fc16d6ed7 #7 0x652fc16b8203 #8 0x652fc1686cc0 #9 0x652fc1687c9e #10 0x652fc1afcd0b #11 0x652fc1b00c92 #12 0x652fc1ae9b3c #13 0x652fc1b01807 #14 0x652fc1acf0df #15 0x652fc1b1e578 #16 0x652fc1b1e740 #17 0x652fc1b2e196 #18 0x79fce589caa4 #19 0x79fce5929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 03:40:45,518 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 03:40:47,518 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816911744A42117150251D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 03:41:07,995 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x623f9370631a #1 0x623f9321c6e0 #2 0x623f9326b3e6 #3 0x623f9326b681 #4 0x623f932b0b04 #5 0x623f9328f48d #6 0x623f932aded7 #7 0x623f9328f203 #8 0x623f9325dcc0 #9 0x623f9325ec9e #10 0x623f936d3d0b #11 0x623f936d7c92 #12 0x623f936c0b3c #13 0x623f936d8807 #14 0x623f936a60df #15 0x623f936f5578 #16 0x623f936f5740 #17 0x623f93705196 #18 0x79d0e789caa4 #19 0x79d0e7929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 03:41:08,071 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 03:41:09,201 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:41:10,071 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816911744A42117150251D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 03:41:30,535 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x57273582531a #1 0x57273533b6e0 #2 0x57273538a3e6 #3 0x57273538a681 #4 0x5727353cfb04 #5 0x5727353ae48d #6 0x5727353cced7 #7 0x5727353ae203 #8 0x57273537ccc0 #9 0x57273537dc9e #10 0x5727357f2d0b #11 0x5727357f6c92 #12 0x5727357dfb3c #13 0x5727357f7807 #14 0x5727357c50df #15 0x572735814578 #16 0x572735814740 #17 0x572735824196 #18 0x703914e9caa4 #19 0x703914f29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 03:41:30,612 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 03:41:32,612 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816911744A42117150251D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 03:41:33,566 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:41:53,086 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5607afdc631a #1 0x5607af8dc6e0 #2 0x5607af92b3e6 #3 0x5607af92b681 #4 0x5607af970b04 #5 0x5607af94f48d #6 0x5607af96ded7 #7 0x5607af94f203 #8 0x5607af91dcc0 #9 0x5607af91ec9e #10 0x5607afd93d0b #11 0x5607afd97c92 #12 0x5607afd80b3c #13 0x5607afd98807 #14 0x5607afd660df #15 0x5607afdb5578 #16 0x5607afdb5740 #17 0x5607afdc5196 #18 0x7afbdac9caa4 #19 0x7afbdad29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 03:41:53,163 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 03:41:55,163 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816911744A42117150251D2633598932167165105 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:573) 2025-02-21 03:41:55,163 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816911744A42117150251D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 03:41:56,428 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:42:06,885 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:42:15,643 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5f1dc85a431a #1 0x5f1dc80ba6e0 #2 0x5f1dc81093e6 #3 0x5f1dc8109681 #4 0x5f1dc814eb04 #5 0x5f1dc812d48d #6 0x5f1dc814bed7 #7 0x5f1dc812d203 #8 0x5f1dc80fbcc0 #9 0x5f1dc80fcc9e #10 0x5f1dc8571d0b #11 0x5f1dc8575c92 #12 0x5f1dc855eb3c #13 0x5f1dc8576807 #14 0x5f1dc85440df #15 0x5f1dc8593578 #16 0x5f1dc8593740 #17 0x5f1dc85a3196 #18 0x759f4a89caa4 #19 0x759f4a929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 03:42:15,718 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 03:42:20,676 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:42:40,852 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 03:42:47,516 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:45:35,999 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:47:16,427 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:51:27,870 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:52:16,406 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:52:18,932 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:53:28,822 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 03:55:46,115 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M659317028302957984A34268390503D2768274424951599892 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 03:56:06,576 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5b16b32a931a #1 0x5b16b2dbf6e0 #2 0x5b16b2e0e3e6 #3 0x5b16b2e0e681 #4 0x5b16b2e53b04 #5 0x5b16b2e3248d #6 0x5b16b2e50ed7 #7 0x5b16b2e32203 #8 0x5b16b2e00cc0 #9 0x5b16b2e01c9e #10 0x5b16b3276d0b #11 0x5b16b327ac92 #12 0x5b16b3263b3c #13 0x5b16b327b807 #14 0x5b16b32490df #15 0x5b16b3298578 #16 0x5b16b3298740 #17 0x5b16b32a8196 #18 0x749bc709caa4 #19 0x749bc7129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 03:56:06,652 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 03:56:08,652 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M659317028302957984A34268390503D2768274424951599892 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 03:56:29,105 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5a20859fd31a #1 0x5a20855136e0 #2 0x5a20855623e6 #3 0x5a2085562681 #4 0x5a20855a7b04 #5 0x5a208558648d #6 0x5a20855a4ed7 #7 0x5a2085586203 #8 0x5a2085554cc0 #9 0x5a2085555c9e #10 0x5a20859cad0b #11 0x5a20859cec92 #12 0x5a20859b7b3c #13 0x5a20859cf807 #14 0x5a208599d0df #15 0x5a20859ec578 #16 0x5a20859ec740 #17 0x5a20859fc196 #18 0x7793c189caa4 #19 0x7793c1929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 03:56:29,180 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 03:56:31,180 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M659317028302957984A34268390503D2768274424951599892 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 03:56:51,659 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5f9ddf8d231a #1 0x5f9ddf3e86e0 #2 0x5f9ddf4373e6 #3 0x5f9ddf437681 #4 0x5f9ddf47cb04 #5 0x5f9ddf45b48d #6 0x5f9ddf479ed7 #7 0x5f9ddf45b203 #8 0x5f9ddf429cc0 #9 0x5f9ddf42ac9e #10 0x5f9ddf89fd0b #11 0x5f9ddf8a3c92 #12 0x5f9ddf88cb3c #13 0x5f9ddf8a4807 #14 0x5f9ddf8720df #15 0x5f9ddf8c1578 #16 0x5f9ddf8c1740 #17 0x5f9ddf8d1196 #18 0x703859c9caa4 #19 0x703859d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 03:56:51,735 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 03:56:53,736 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M659317028302957984A34268390503D2768274424951599892 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 03:57:14,219 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5ba17879e31a #1 0x5ba1782b46e0 #2 0x5ba1783033e6 #3 0x5ba178303681 #4 0x5ba178348b04 #5 0x5ba17832748d #6 0x5ba178345ed7 #7 0x5ba178327203 #8 0x5ba1782f5cc0 #9 0x5ba1782f6c9e #10 0x5ba17876bd0b #11 0x5ba17876fc92 #12 0x5ba178758b3c #13 0x5ba178770807 #14 0x5ba17873e0df #15 0x5ba17878d578 #16 0x5ba17878d740 #17 0x5ba17879d196 #18 0x72cc25c9caa4 #19 0x72cc25d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 03:57:14,294 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 03:57:16,295 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M659317028302957984A34268390503D2768274424951599892 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 03:57:36,742 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x58aa9b23e31a #1 0x58aa9ad546e0 #2 0x58aa9ada33e6 #3 0x58aa9ada3681 #4 0x58aa9ade8b04 #5 0x58aa9adc748d #6 0x58aa9ade5ed7 #7 0x58aa9adc7203 #8 0x58aa9ad95cc0 #9 0x58aa9ad96c9e #10 0x58aa9b20bd0b #11 0x58aa9b20fc92 #12 0x58aa9b1f8b3c #13 0x58aa9b210807 #14 0x58aa9b1de0df #15 0x58aa9b22d578 #16 0x58aa9b22d740 #17 0x58aa9b23d196 #18 0x786d12a9caa4 #19 0x786d12b29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 03:57:36,817 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 03:57:38,817 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M659317028302957984A34268390503D2768274424951599892 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 03:57:59,300 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x596ddbbf931a #1 0x596ddb70f6e0 #2 0x596ddb75e3e6 #3 0x596ddb75e681 #4 0x596ddb7a3b04 #5 0x596ddb78248d #6 0x596ddb7a0ed7 #7 0x596ddb782203 #8 0x596ddb750cc0 #9 0x596ddb751c9e #10 0x596ddbbc6d0b #11 0x596ddbbcac92 #12 0x596ddbbb3b3c #13 0x596ddbbcb807 #14 0x596ddbb990df #15 0x596ddbbe8578 #16 0x596ddbbe8740 #17 0x596ddbbf8196 #18 0x78507529caa4 #19 0x785075329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 03:57:59,375 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 03:58:01,375 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M659317028302957984A34268390503D2768274424951599892 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 03:58:21,853 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x610d6990e31a #1 0x610d694246e0 #2 0x610d694733e6 #3 0x610d69473681 #4 0x610d694b8b04 #5 0x610d6949748d #6 0x610d694b5ed7 #7 0x610d69497203 #8 0x610d69465cc0 #9 0x610d69466c9e #10 0x610d698dbd0b #11 0x610d698dfc92 #12 0x610d698c8b3c #13 0x610d698e0807 #14 0x610d698ae0df #15 0x610d698fd578 #16 0x610d698fd740 #17 0x610d6990d196 #18 0x7f4b5f49caa4 #19 0x7f4b5f529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 03:58:21,928 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 03:58:23,928 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M659317028302957984A34268390503D2768274424951599892 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 03:58:44,403 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5df375d6631a #1 0x5df37587c6e0 #2 0x5df3758cb3e6 #3 0x5df3758cb681 #4 0x5df375910b04 #5 0x5df3758ef48d #6 0x5df37590ded7 #7 0x5df3758ef203 #8 0x5df3758bdcc0 #9 0x5df3758bec9e #10 0x5df375d33d0b #11 0x5df375d37c92 #12 0x5df375d20b3c #13 0x5df375d38807 #14 0x5df375d060df #15 0x5df375d55578 #16 0x5df375d55740 #17 0x5df375d65196 #18 0x7dbecec9caa4 #19 0x7dbeced29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 03:58:44,478 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 03:58:46,478 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M659317028302957984A34268390503D2768274424951599892 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 03:59:06,927 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5998dc50131a #1 0x5998dc0176e0 #2 0x5998dc0663e6 #3 0x5998dc066681 #4 0x5998dc0abb04 #5 0x5998dc08a48d #6 0x5998dc0a8ed7 #7 0x5998dc08a203 #8 0x5998dc058cc0 #9 0x5998dc059c9e #10 0x5998dc4ced0b #11 0x5998dc4d2c92 #12 0x5998dc4bbb3c #13 0x5998dc4d3807 #14 0x5998dc4a10df #15 0x5998dc4f0578 #16 0x5998dc4f0740 #17 0x5998dc500196 #18 0x71469649caa4 #19 0x714696529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 03:59:07,002 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 03:59:09,003 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M659317028302957984A34268390503D2768274424951599892 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 03:59:29,490 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5de2d30d531a #1 0x5de2d2beb6e0 #2 0x5de2d2c3a3e6 #3 0x5de2d2c3a681 #4 0x5de2d2c7fb04 #5 0x5de2d2c5e48d #6 0x5de2d2c7ced7 #7 0x5de2d2c5e203 #8 0x5de2d2c2ccc0 #9 0x5de2d2c2dc9e #10 0x5de2d30a2d0b #11 0x5de2d30a6c92 #12 0x5de2d308fb3c #13 0x5de2d30a7807 #14 0x5de2d30750df #15 0x5de2d30c4578 #16 0x5de2d30c4740 #17 0x5de2d30d4196 #18 0x7d3e9269caa4 #19 0x7d3e92729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 03:59:29,565 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 03:59:31,565 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M659317028302957984A34268390503D2768274424951599892 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:635) 2025-02-21 03:59:31,565 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M659317028302957984A34268390503D2768274424951599892 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 03:59:52,025 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x57350066f31a #1 0x5735001856e0 #2 0x5735001d43e6 #3 0x5735001d4681 #4 0x573500219b04 #5 0x5735001f848d #6 0x573500216ed7 #7 0x5735001f8203 #8 0x5735001c6cc0 #9 0x5735001c7c9e #10 0x57350063cd0b #11 0x573500640c92 #12 0x573500629b3c #13 0x573500641807 #14 0x57350060f0df #15 0x57350065e578 #16 0x57350065e740 #17 0x57350066e196 #18 0x7acad8e9caa4 #19 0x7acad8f29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 03:59:52,100 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 04:00:17,657 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 04:00:17,657 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 04:00:17,744 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 04:00:39,608 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:01:26,724 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:01:30,099 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:01:33,312 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 04:01:33,313 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 04:01:33,375 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 04:01:33,687 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:01:38,590 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:01:48,029 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 04:01:48,029 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 04:01:48,094 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 04:02:08,457 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:02:32,438 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:02:42,551 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:02:45,072 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:03:03,190 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:03:27,772 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:03:40,584 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:03:47,257 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:04:03,199 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:04:28,086 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:04:28,103 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:04:45,833 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:04:47,352 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 04:05:21,279 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:05:24,133 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:05:49,255 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:06:08,304 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 04:06:13,829 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:06:19,954 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:06:38,017 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:06:39,300 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 04:06:58,350 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:07:01,271 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:07:19,518 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:07:27,620 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 04:07:27,621 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 04:07:27,706 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 04:07:39,557 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816986954A42117467935D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:07:48,501 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:07:49,523 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826786146838A35438153996D9547743635268161066 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-02-21 04:07:49,524 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826786146838A35438153996D9547743635268161066 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-02-21 04:08:00,010 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x57ea9ae6c31a #1 0x57ea9a9826e0 #2 0x57ea9a9d13e6 #3 0x57ea9a9d1681 #4 0x57ea9aa16b04 #5 0x57ea9a9f548d #6 0x57ea9aa13ed7 #7 0x57ea9a9f5203 #8 0x57ea9a9c3cc0 #9 0x57ea9a9c4c9e #10 0x57ea9ae39d0b #11 0x57ea9ae3dc92 #12 0x57ea9ae26b3c #13 0x57ea9ae3e807 #14 0x57ea9ae0c0df #15 0x57ea9ae5b578 #16 0x57ea9ae5b740 #17 0x57ea9ae6b196 #18 0x7816e8e9caa4 #19 0x7816e8f29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:08:00,086 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 04:08:02,086 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816986954A42117467935D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:08:03,792 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:08:22,583 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5d23da25631a #1 0x5d23d9d6c6e0 #2 0x5d23d9dbb3e6 #3 0x5d23d9dbb681 #4 0x5d23d9e00b04 #5 0x5d23d9ddf48d #6 0x5d23d9dfded7 #7 0x5d23d9ddf203 #8 0x5d23d9dadcc0 #9 0x5d23d9daec9e #10 0x5d23da223d0b #11 0x5d23da227c92 #12 0x5d23da210b3c #13 0x5d23da228807 #14 0x5d23da1f60df #15 0x5d23da245578 #16 0x5d23da245740 #17 0x5d23da255196 #18 0x72a1c249caa4 #19 0x72a1c2529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:08:22,664 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 04:08:24,664 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816986954A42117467935D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:08:36,339 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:08:43,196 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:08:45,125 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x56c2c627531a #1 0x56c2c5d8b6e0 #2 0x56c2c5dda3e6 #3 0x56c2c5dda681 #4 0x56c2c5e1fb04 #5 0x56c2c5dfe48d #6 0x56c2c5e1ced7 #7 0x56c2c5dfe203 #8 0x56c2c5dcccc0 #9 0x56c2c5dcdc9e #10 0x56c2c6242d0b #11 0x56c2c6246c92 #12 0x56c2c622fb3c #13 0x56c2c6247807 #14 0x56c2c62150df #15 0x56c2c6264578 #16 0x56c2c6264740 #17 0x56c2c6274196 #18 0x72d959a9caa4 #19 0x72d959b29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:08:45,200 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 04:08:47,200 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816986954A42117467935D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:09:07,681 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x60e29bd2a31a #1 0x60e29b8406e0 #2 0x60e29b88f3e6 #3 0x60e29b88f681 #4 0x60e29b8d4b04 #5 0x60e29b8b348d #6 0x60e29b8d1ed7 #7 0x60e29b8b3203 #8 0x60e29b881cc0 #9 0x60e29b882c9e #10 0x60e29bcf7d0b #11 0x60e29bcfbc92 #12 0x60e29bce4b3c #13 0x60e29bcfc807 #14 0x60e29bcca0df #15 0x60e29bd19578 #16 0x60e29bd19740 #17 0x60e29bd29196 #18 0x757bf3c9caa4 #19 0x757bf3d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:09:07,757 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 04:09:09,757 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816986954A42117467935D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:09:13,766 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:09:30,237 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x63b503f1331a #1 0x63b503a296e0 #2 0x63b503a783e6 #3 0x63b503a78681 #4 0x63b503abdb04 #5 0x63b503a9c48d #6 0x63b503abaed7 #7 0x63b503a9c203 #8 0x63b503a6acc0 #9 0x63b503a6bc9e #10 0x63b503ee0d0b #11 0x63b503ee4c92 #12 0x63b503ecdb3c #13 0x63b503ee5807 #14 0x63b503eb30df #15 0x63b503f02578 #16 0x63b503f02740 #17 0x63b503f12196 #18 0x786fb8c9caa4 #19 0x786fb8d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:09:30,312 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 04:09:32,312 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816986954A42117467935D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:09:52,797 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x6300b40c931a #1 0x6300b3bdf6e0 #2 0x6300b3c2e3e6 #3 0x6300b3c2e681 #4 0x6300b3c73b04 #5 0x6300b3c5248d #6 0x6300b3c70ed7 #7 0x6300b3c52203 #8 0x6300b3c20cc0 #9 0x6300b3c21c9e #10 0x6300b4096d0b #11 0x6300b409ac92 #12 0x6300b4083b3c #13 0x6300b409b807 #14 0x6300b40690df #15 0x6300b40b8578 #16 0x6300b40b8740 #17 0x6300b40c8196 #18 0x711423c9caa4 #19 0x711423d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:09:52,873 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 04:09:54,874 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816986954A42117467935D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:09:55,278 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:10:15,348 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x57daa8c7231a #1 0x57daa87886e0 #2 0x57daa87d73e6 #3 0x57daa87d7681 #4 0x57daa881cb04 #5 0x57daa87fb48d #6 0x57daa8819ed7 #7 0x57daa87fb203 #8 0x57daa87c9cc0 #9 0x57daa87cac9e #10 0x57daa8c3fd0b #11 0x57daa8c43c92 #12 0x57daa8c2cb3c #13 0x57daa8c44807 #14 0x57daa8c120df #15 0x57daa8c61578 #16 0x57daa8c61740 #17 0x57daa8c71196 #18 0x78e94829caa4 #19 0x78e948329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:10:15,407 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 04:10:17,407 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816986954A42117467935D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:10:37,872 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5a356c14931a #1 0x5a356bc5f6e0 #2 0x5a356bcae3e6 #3 0x5a356bcae681 #4 0x5a356bcf3b04 #5 0x5a356bcd248d #6 0x5a356bcf0ed7 #7 0x5a356bcd2203 #8 0x5a356bca0cc0 #9 0x5a356bca1c9e #10 0x5a356c116d0b #11 0x5a356c11ac92 #12 0x5a356c103b3c #13 0x5a356c11b807 #14 0x5a356c0e90df #15 0x5a356c138578 #16 0x5a356c138740 #17 0x5a356c148196 #18 0x797920a9caa4 #19 0x797920b29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:10:37,948 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 04:10:39,948 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816986954A42117467935D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:11:00,478 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5ab59e8f531a #1 0x5ab59e40b6e0 #2 0x5ab59e45a3e6 #3 0x5ab59e45a681 #4 0x5ab59e49fb04 #5 0x5ab59e47e48d #6 0x5ab59e49ced7 #7 0x5ab59e47e203 #8 0x5ab59e44ccc0 #9 0x5ab59e44dc9e #10 0x5ab59e8c2d0b #11 0x5ab59e8c6c92 #12 0x5ab59e8afb3c #13 0x5ab59e8c7807 #14 0x5ab59e8950df #15 0x5ab59e8e4578 #16 0x5ab59e8e4740 #17 0x5ab59e8f4196 #18 0x734fada9caa4 #19 0x734fadb29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:11:00,554 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 04:11:02,555 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816986954A42117467935D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:11:06,998 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:11:23,026 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x565562b7a31a #1 0x5655626906e0 #2 0x5655626df3e6 #3 0x5655626df681 #4 0x565562724b04 #5 0x56556270348d #6 0x565562721ed7 #7 0x565562703203 #8 0x5655626d1cc0 #9 0x5655626d2c9e #10 0x565562b47d0b #11 0x565562b4bc92 #12 0x565562b34b3c #13 0x565562b4c807 #14 0x565562b1a0df #15 0x565562b69578 #16 0x565562b69740 #17 0x565562b79196 #18 0x702574c9caa4 #19 0x702574d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:11:23,101 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 04:11:25,102 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816986954A42117467935D2633598932167165105 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:573) 2025-02-21 04:11:25,102 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562816986954A42117467935D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:11:45,612 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x58dfceee631a #1 0x58dfce9fc6e0 #2 0x58dfcea4b3e6 #3 0x58dfcea4b681 #4 0x58dfcea90b04 #5 0x58dfcea6f48d #6 0x58dfcea8ded7 #7 0x58dfcea6f203 #8 0x58dfcea3dcc0 #9 0x58dfcea3ec9e #10 0x58dfceeb3d0b #11 0x58dfceeb7c92 #12 0x58dfceea0b3c #13 0x58dfceeb8807 #14 0x58dfcee860df #15 0x58dfceed5578 #16 0x58dfceed5740 #17 0x58dfceee5196 #18 0x77543529caa4 #19 0x775435329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:11:45,687 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 04:11:54,052 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 04:19:26,969 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651436362631720186A42117329740D3360328039730579155 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:19:47,453 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x64af0b5b231a #1 0x64af0b0c86e0 #2 0x64af0b1173e6 #3 0x64af0b117681 #4 0x64af0b15cb04 #5 0x64af0b13b48d #6 0x64af0b159ed7 #7 0x64af0b13b203 #8 0x64af0b109cc0 #9 0x64af0b10ac9e #10 0x64af0b57fd0b #11 0x64af0b583c92 #12 0x64af0b56cb3c #13 0x64af0b584807 #14 0x64af0b5520df #15 0x64af0b5a1578 #16 0x64af0b5a1740 #17 0x64af0b5b1196 #18 0x7267b9c9caa4 #19 0x7267b9d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:19:47,530 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 04:19:49,530 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651436362631720186A42117329740D3360328039730579155 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:20:10,061 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x619bf2f2b31a #1 0x619bf2a416e0 #2 0x619bf2a903e6 #3 0x619bf2a90681 #4 0x619bf2ad5b04 #5 0x619bf2ab448d #6 0x619bf2ad2ed7 #7 0x619bf2ab4203 #8 0x619bf2a82cc0 #9 0x619bf2a83c9e #10 0x619bf2ef8d0b #11 0x619bf2efcc92 #12 0x619bf2ee5b3c #13 0x619bf2efd807 #14 0x619bf2ecb0df #15 0x619bf2f1a578 #16 0x619bf2f1a740 #17 0x619bf2f2a196 #18 0x778cfa29caa4 #19 0x778cfa329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:20:10,124 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 04:20:12,124 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651436362631720186A42117329740D3360328039730579155 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:20:24,810 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:20:32,586 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5e11f23f531a #1 0x5e11f1f0b6e0 #2 0x5e11f1f5a3e6 #3 0x5e11f1f5a681 #4 0x5e11f1f9fb04 #5 0x5e11f1f7e48d #6 0x5e11f1f9ced7 #7 0x5e11f1f7e203 #8 0x5e11f1f4ccc0 #9 0x5e11f1f4dc9e #10 0x5e11f23c2d0b #11 0x5e11f23c6c92 #12 0x5e11f23afb3c #13 0x5e11f23c7807 #14 0x5e11f23950df #15 0x5e11f23e4578 #16 0x5e11f23e4740 #17 0x5e11f23f4196 #18 0x781b6ec9caa4 #19 0x781b6ed29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:20:32,661 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 04:20:34,661 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651436362631720186A42117329740D3360328039730579155 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:20:55,153 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x59136a29231a #1 0x591369da86e0 #2 0x591369df73e6 #3 0x591369df7681 #4 0x591369e3cb04 #5 0x591369e1b48d #6 0x591369e39ed7 #7 0x591369e1b203 #8 0x591369de9cc0 #9 0x591369deac9e #10 0x59136a25fd0b #11 0x59136a263c92 #12 0x59136a24cb3c #13 0x59136a264807 #14 0x59136a2320df #15 0x59136a281578 #16 0x59136a281740 #17 0x59136a291196 #18 0x7c014fe9caa4 #19 0x7c014ff29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:20:55,229 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 04:20:57,229 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651436362631720186A42117329740D3360328039730579155 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:21:17,707 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x61ca14f3631a #1 0x61ca14a4c6e0 #2 0x61ca14a9b3e6 #3 0x61ca14a9b681 #4 0x61ca14ae0b04 #5 0x61ca14abf48d #6 0x61ca14added7 #7 0x61ca14abf203 #8 0x61ca14a8dcc0 #9 0x61ca14a8ec9e #10 0x61ca14f03d0b #11 0x61ca14f07c92 #12 0x61ca14ef0b3c #13 0x61ca14f08807 #14 0x61ca14ed60df #15 0x61ca14f25578 #16 0x61ca14f25740 #17 0x61ca14f35196 #18 0x7d246129caa4 #19 0x7d2461329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:21:17,783 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 04:21:19,784 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651436362631720186A42117329740D3360328039730579155 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:21:40,243 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x58273bc8e31a #1 0x58273b7a46e0 #2 0x58273b7f33e6 #3 0x58273b7f3681 #4 0x58273b838b04 #5 0x58273b81748d #6 0x58273b835ed7 #7 0x58273b817203 #8 0x58273b7e5cc0 #9 0x58273b7e6c9e #10 0x58273bc5bd0b #11 0x58273bc5fc92 #12 0x58273bc48b3c #13 0x58273bc60807 #14 0x58273bc2e0df #15 0x58273bc7d578 #16 0x58273bc7d740 #17 0x58273bc8d196 #18 0x71360989caa4 #19 0x713609929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:21:40,320 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 04:21:42,320 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651436362631720186A42117329740D3360328039730579155 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:22:02,798 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x601971a1131a #1 0x6019715276e0 #2 0x6019715763e6 #3 0x601971576681 #4 0x6019715bbb04 #5 0x60197159a48d #6 0x6019715b8ed7 #7 0x60197159a203 #8 0x601971568cc0 #9 0x601971569c9e #10 0x6019719ded0b #11 0x6019719e2c92 #12 0x6019719cbb3c #13 0x6019719e3807 #14 0x6019719b10df #15 0x601971a00578 #16 0x601971a00740 #17 0x601971a10196 #18 0x7372ba69caa4 #19 0x7372ba729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:22:02,873 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 04:22:04,873 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651436362631720186A42117329740D3360328039730579155 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:22:25,349 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x59c9d047b31a #1 0x59c9cff916e0 #2 0x59c9cffe03e6 #3 0x59c9cffe0681 #4 0x59c9d0025b04 #5 0x59c9d000448d #6 0x59c9d0022ed7 #7 0x59c9d0004203 #8 0x59c9cffd2cc0 #9 0x59c9cffd3c9e #10 0x59c9d0448d0b #11 0x59c9d044cc92 #12 0x59c9d0435b3c #13 0x59c9d044d807 #14 0x59c9d041b0df #15 0x59c9d046a578 #16 0x59c9d046a740 #17 0x59c9d047a196 #18 0x77f58849caa4 #19 0x77f588529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:22:25,423 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 04:22:27,424 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651436362631720186A42117329740D3360328039730579155 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:22:47,914 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5aa9601e031a #1 0x5aa95fcf66e0 #2 0x5aa95fd453e6 #3 0x5aa95fd45681 #4 0x5aa95fd8ab04 #5 0x5aa95fd6948d #6 0x5aa95fd87ed7 #7 0x5aa95fd69203 #8 0x5aa95fd37cc0 #9 0x5aa95fd38c9e #10 0x5aa9601add0b #11 0x5aa9601b1c92 #12 0x5aa96019ab3c #13 0x5aa9601b2807 #14 0x5aa9601800df #15 0x5aa9601cf578 #16 0x5aa9601cf740 #17 0x5aa9601df196 #18 0x7d81f7c9caa4 #19 0x7d81f7d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:22:47,988 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 04:22:49,989 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651436362631720186A42117329740D3360328039730579155 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:23:10,466 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x621464c6031a #1 0x6214647766e0 #2 0x6214647c53e6 #3 0x6214647c5681 #4 0x62146480ab04 #5 0x6214647e948d #6 0x621464807ed7 #7 0x6214647e9203 #8 0x6214647b7cc0 #9 0x6214647b8c9e #10 0x621464c2dd0b #11 0x621464c31c92 #12 0x621464c1ab3c #13 0x621464c32807 #14 0x621464c000df #15 0x621464c4f578 #16 0x621464c4f740 #17 0x621464c5f196 #18 0x75379f29caa4 #19 0x75379f329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:23:10,542 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 04:23:12,542 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651436362631720186A42117329740D3360328039730579155 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:635) 2025-02-21 04:23:12,543 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651436362631720186A42117329740D3360328039730579155 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:23:33,035 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5ab4165e431a #1 0x5ab4160fa6e0 #2 0x5ab4161493e6 #3 0x5ab416149681 #4 0x5ab41618eb04 #5 0x5ab41616d48d #6 0x5ab41618bed7 #7 0x5ab41616d203 #8 0x5ab41613bcc0 #9 0x5ab41613cc9e #10 0x5ab4165b1d0b #11 0x5ab4165b5c92 #12 0x5ab41659eb3c #13 0x5ab4165b6807 #14 0x5ab4165840df #15 0x5ab4165d3578 #16 0x5ab4165d3740 #17 0x5ab4165e3196 #18 0x7273bb29caa4 #19 0x7273bb329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:23:33,110 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 04:26:02,917 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085740976A42117449600D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:26:23,381 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5e17b724431a #1 0x5e17b6d5a6e0 #2 0x5e17b6da93e6 #3 0x5e17b6da9681 #4 0x5e17b6deeb04 #5 0x5e17b6dcd48d #6 0x5e17b6debed7 #7 0x5e17b6dcd203 #8 0x5e17b6d9bcc0 #9 0x5e17b6d9cc9e #10 0x5e17b7211d0b #11 0x5e17b7215c92 #12 0x5e17b71feb3c #13 0x5e17b7216807 #14 0x5e17b71e40df #15 0x5e17b7233578 #16 0x5e17b7233740 #17 0x5e17b7243196 #18 0x72ae4ce9caa4 #19 0x72ae4cf29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:26:23,457 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 04:26:25,457 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085740976A42117449600D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:26:45,916 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5e904bbee31a #1 0x5e904b7046e0 #2 0x5e904b7533e6 #3 0x5e904b753681 #4 0x5e904b798b04 #5 0x5e904b77748d #6 0x5e904b795ed7 #7 0x5e904b777203 #8 0x5e904b745cc0 #9 0x5e904b746c9e #10 0x5e904bbbbd0b #11 0x5e904bbbfc92 #12 0x5e904bba8b3c #13 0x5e904bbc0807 #14 0x5e904bb8e0df #15 0x5e904bbdd578 #16 0x5e904bbdd740 #17 0x5e904bbed196 #18 0x73b48ee9caa4 #19 0x73b48ef29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:26:45,992 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 04:26:47,992 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085740976A42117449600D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:27:08,485 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x64a8f450b31a #1 0x64a8f40216e0 #2 0x64a8f40703e6 #3 0x64a8f4070681 #4 0x64a8f40b5b04 #5 0x64a8f409448d #6 0x64a8f40b2ed7 #7 0x64a8f4094203 #8 0x64a8f4062cc0 #9 0x64a8f4063c9e #10 0x64a8f44d8d0b #11 0x64a8f44dcc92 #12 0x64a8f44c5b3c #13 0x64a8f44dd807 #14 0x64a8f44ab0df #15 0x64a8f44fa578 #16 0x64a8f44fa740 #17 0x64a8f450a196 #18 0x7bb98b49caa4 #19 0x7bb98b529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:27:08,559 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 04:27:10,560 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085740976A42117449600D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:27:31,009 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5abc6e6b031a #1 0x5abc6e1c66e0 #2 0x5abc6e2153e6 #3 0x5abc6e215681 #4 0x5abc6e25ab04 #5 0x5abc6e23948d #6 0x5abc6e257ed7 #7 0x5abc6e239203 #8 0x5abc6e207cc0 #9 0x5abc6e208c9e #10 0x5abc6e67dd0b #11 0x5abc6e681c92 #12 0x5abc6e66ab3c #13 0x5abc6e682807 #14 0x5abc6e6500df #15 0x5abc6e69f578 #16 0x5abc6e69f740 #17 0x5abc6e6af196 #18 0x7c9221a9caa4 #19 0x7c9221b29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:27:31,084 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 04:27:33,085 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085740976A42117449600D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:27:53,549 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5c287c5cb31a #1 0x5c287c0e16e0 #2 0x5c287c1303e6 #3 0x5c287c130681 #4 0x5c287c175b04 #5 0x5c287c15448d #6 0x5c287c172ed7 #7 0x5c287c154203 #8 0x5c287c122cc0 #9 0x5c287c123c9e #10 0x5c287c598d0b #11 0x5c287c59cc92 #12 0x5c287c585b3c #13 0x5c287c59d807 #14 0x5c287c56b0df #15 0x5c287c5ba578 #16 0x5c287c5ba740 #17 0x5c287c5ca196 #18 0x75cdb189caa4 #19 0x75cdb1929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:27:53,624 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 04:27:55,624 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085740976A42117449600D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:28:16,114 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5f9fbf53e31a #1 0x5f9fbf0546e0 #2 0x5f9fbf0a33e6 #3 0x5f9fbf0a3681 #4 0x5f9fbf0e8b04 #5 0x5f9fbf0c748d #6 0x5f9fbf0e5ed7 #7 0x5f9fbf0c7203 #8 0x5f9fbf095cc0 #9 0x5f9fbf096c9e #10 0x5f9fbf50bd0b #11 0x5f9fbf50fc92 #12 0x5f9fbf4f8b3c #13 0x5f9fbf510807 #14 0x5f9fbf4de0df #15 0x5f9fbf52d578 #16 0x5f9fbf52d740 #17 0x5f9fbf53d196 #18 0x7d179a29caa4 #19 0x7d179a329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:28:16,190 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 04:28:18,190 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085740976A42117449600D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:28:38,655 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5b661cab631a #1 0x5b661c5cc6e0 #2 0x5b661c61b3e6 #3 0x5b661c61b681 #4 0x5b661c660b04 #5 0x5b661c63f48d #6 0x5b661c65ded7 #7 0x5b661c63f203 #8 0x5b661c60dcc0 #9 0x5b661c60ec9e #10 0x5b661ca83d0b #11 0x5b661ca87c92 #12 0x5b661ca70b3c #13 0x5b661ca88807 #14 0x5b661ca560df #15 0x5b661caa5578 #16 0x5b661caa5740 #17 0x5b661cab5196 #18 0x7183a409caa4 #19 0x7183a4129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:28:38,731 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 04:28:40,731 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085740976A42117449600D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:29:01,193 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5ead25a6831a #1 0x5ead2557e6e0 #2 0x5ead255cd3e6 #3 0x5ead255cd681 #4 0x5ead25612b04 #5 0x5ead255f148d #6 0x5ead2560fed7 #7 0x5ead255f1203 #8 0x5ead255bfcc0 #9 0x5ead255c0c9e #10 0x5ead25a35d0b #11 0x5ead25a39c92 #12 0x5ead25a22b3c #13 0x5ead25a3a807 #14 0x5ead25a080df #15 0x5ead25a57578 #16 0x5ead25a57740 #17 0x5ead25a67196 #18 0x78f0ca89caa4 #19 0x78f0ca929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:29:01,268 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 04:29:03,269 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085740976A42117449600D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:29:23,734 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5ca0beb2d31a #1 0x5ca0be6436e0 #2 0x5ca0be6923e6 #3 0x5ca0be692681 #4 0x5ca0be6d7b04 #5 0x5ca0be6b648d #6 0x5ca0be6d4ed7 #7 0x5ca0be6b6203 #8 0x5ca0be684cc0 #9 0x5ca0be685c9e #10 0x5ca0beafad0b #11 0x5ca0beafec92 #12 0x5ca0beae7b3c #13 0x5ca0beaff807 #14 0x5ca0beacd0df #15 0x5ca0beb1c578 #16 0x5ca0beb1c740 #17 0x5ca0beb2c196 #18 0x74bd93c9caa4 #19 0x74bd93d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:29:23,809 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 04:29:24,801 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:29:25,809 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085740976A42117449600D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:29:32,556 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 04:29:32,556 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 04:29:32,645 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 04:29:46,277 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x57308c15c31a #1 0x57308bc726e0 #2 0x57308bcc13e6 #3 0x57308bcc1681 #4 0x57308bd06b04 #5 0x57308bce548d #6 0x57308bd03ed7 #7 0x57308bce5203 #8 0x57308bcb3cc0 #9 0x57308bcb4c9e #10 0x57308c129d0b #11 0x57308c12dc92 #12 0x57308c116b3c #13 0x57308c12e807 #14 0x57308c0fc0df #15 0x57308c14b578 #16 0x57308c14b740 #17 0x57308c15b196 #18 0x799bdac9caa4 #19 0x799bdad29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:29:46,352 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 04:29:48,353 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085740976A42117449600D11556876991896565350 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:635) 2025-02-21 04:29:48,353 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085740976A42117449600D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:30:08,809 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x55b14262331a #1 0x55b1421396e0 #2 0x55b1421883e6 #3 0x55b142188681 #4 0x55b1421cdb04 #5 0x55b1421ac48d #6 0x55b1421caed7 #7 0x55b1421ac203 #8 0x55b14217acc0 #9 0x55b14217bc9e #10 0x55b1425f0d0b #11 0x55b1425f4c92 #12 0x55b1425ddb3c #13 0x55b1425f5807 #14 0x55b1425c30df #15 0x55b142612578 #16 0x55b142612740 #17 0x55b142622196 #18 0x7d308609caa4 #19 0x7d3086129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:30:08,868 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 04:30:11,758 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:30:53,244 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 04:30:53,244 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 04:30:53,307 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 04:30:53,562 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:31:06,845 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:31:13,067 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 04:31:13,067 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 04:31:13,135 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 04:31:18,362 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:31:18,824 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:31:26,647 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:31:33,599 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:32:28,471 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:32:28,592 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:32:41,127 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:32:51,607 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:33:00,699 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:33:32,524 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:33:41,997 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:33:54,734 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:33:56,056 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:34:02,474 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 04:34:06,137 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:34:08,022 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:34:20,524 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:34:43,496 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:34:59,243 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:35:07,057 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:35:27,066 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 04:35:42,876 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 04:35:48,490 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:36:25,569 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:36:47,894 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 04:36:47,895 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 04:36:47,985 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 04:36:48,975 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826786146838A35438153996D9547743635268161066 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-02-21 04:36:48,975 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826786146838A35438153996D9547743635268161066 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-02-21 04:36:50,406 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817053644A42117751234D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:37:10,863 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x62cb10f3231a #1 0x62cb10a486e0 #2 0x62cb10a973e6 #3 0x62cb10a97681 #4 0x62cb10adcb04 #5 0x62cb10abb48d #6 0x62cb10ad9ed7 #7 0x62cb10abb203 #8 0x62cb10a89cc0 #9 0x62cb10a8ac9e #10 0x62cb10effd0b #11 0x62cb10f03c92 #12 0x62cb10eecb3c #13 0x62cb10f04807 #14 0x62cb10ed20df #15 0x62cb10f21578 #16 0x62cb10f21740 #17 0x62cb10f31196 #18 0x784be609caa4 #19 0x784be6129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:37:10,938 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 04:37:12,938 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817053644A42117751234D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:37:33,423 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5cfee2dfe31a #1 0x5cfee29146e0 #2 0x5cfee29633e6 #3 0x5cfee2963681 #4 0x5cfee29a8b04 #5 0x5cfee298748d #6 0x5cfee29a5ed7 #7 0x5cfee2987203 #8 0x5cfee2955cc0 #9 0x5cfee2956c9e #10 0x5cfee2dcbd0b #11 0x5cfee2dcfc92 #12 0x5cfee2db8b3c #13 0x5cfee2dd0807 #14 0x5cfee2d9e0df #15 0x5cfee2ded578 #16 0x5cfee2ded740 #17 0x5cfee2dfd196 #18 0x791e77c9caa4 #19 0x791e77d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:37:33,498 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 04:37:35,499 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817053644A42117751234D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:37:44,512 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:37:55,972 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x57994eca431a #1 0x57994e7ba6e0 #2 0x57994e8093e6 #3 0x57994e809681 #4 0x57994e84eb04 #5 0x57994e82d48d #6 0x57994e84bed7 #7 0x57994e82d203 #8 0x57994e7fbcc0 #9 0x57994e7fcc9e #10 0x57994ec71d0b #11 0x57994ec75c92 #12 0x57994ec5eb3c #13 0x57994ec76807 #14 0x57994ec440df #15 0x57994ec93578 #16 0x57994ec93740 #17 0x57994eca3196 #18 0x71faad09caa4 #19 0x71faad129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:37:56,048 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 04:37:58,048 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817053644A42117751234D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:38:18,549 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5bed4a65931a #1 0x5bed4a16f6e0 #2 0x5bed4a1be3e6 #3 0x5bed4a1be681 #4 0x5bed4a203b04 #5 0x5bed4a1e248d #6 0x5bed4a200ed7 #7 0x5bed4a1e2203 #8 0x5bed4a1b0cc0 #9 0x5bed4a1b1c9e #10 0x5bed4a626d0b #11 0x5bed4a62ac92 #12 0x5bed4a613b3c #13 0x5bed4a62b807 #14 0x5bed4a5f90df #15 0x5bed4a648578 #16 0x5bed4a648740 #17 0x5bed4a658196 #18 0x7dc09c49caa4 #19 0x7dc09c529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:38:18,624 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 04:38:20,624 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817053644A42117751234D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:38:41,146 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5867fcd0531a #1 0x5867fc81b6e0 #2 0x5867fc86a3e6 #3 0x5867fc86a681 #4 0x5867fc8afb04 #5 0x5867fc88e48d #6 0x5867fc8aced7 #7 0x5867fc88e203 #8 0x5867fc85ccc0 #9 0x5867fc85dc9e #10 0x5867fccd2d0b #11 0x5867fccd6c92 #12 0x5867fccbfb3c #13 0x5867fccd7807 #14 0x5867fcca50df #15 0x5867fccf4578 #16 0x5867fccf4740 #17 0x5867fcd04196 #18 0x73c9c6a9caa4 #19 0x73c9c6b29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:38:41,221 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 04:38:43,222 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817053644A42117751234D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:38:52,635 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:39:03,749 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x61b92e4a931a #1 0x61b92dfbf6e0 #2 0x61b92e00e3e6 #3 0x61b92e00e681 #4 0x61b92e053b04 #5 0x61b92e03248d #6 0x61b92e050ed7 #7 0x61b92e032203 #8 0x61b92e000cc0 #9 0x61b92e001c9e #10 0x61b92e476d0b #11 0x61b92e47ac92 #12 0x61b92e463b3c #13 0x61b92e47b807 #14 0x61b92e4490df #15 0x61b92e498578 #16 0x61b92e498740 #17 0x61b92e4a8196 #18 0x76931fe9caa4 #19 0x76931ff29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:39:03,825 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 04:39:05,825 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817053644A42117751234D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:39:11,239 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:39:26,366 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5b0fc94df31a #1 0x5b0fc8ff56e0 #2 0x5b0fc90443e6 #3 0x5b0fc9044681 #4 0x5b0fc9089b04 #5 0x5b0fc906848d #6 0x5b0fc9086ed7 #7 0x5b0fc9068203 #8 0x5b0fc9036cc0 #9 0x5b0fc9037c9e #10 0x5b0fc94acd0b #11 0x5b0fc94b0c92 #12 0x5b0fc9499b3c #13 0x5b0fc94b1807 #14 0x5b0fc947f0df #15 0x5b0fc94ce578 #16 0x5b0fc94ce740 #17 0x5b0fc94de196 #18 0x79576869caa4 #19 0x795768729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:39:26,442 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 04:39:28,442 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817053644A42117751234D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:39:48,944 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x635e82a1031a #1 0x635e825266e0 #2 0x635e825753e6 #3 0x635e82575681 #4 0x635e825bab04 #5 0x635e8259948d #6 0x635e825b7ed7 #7 0x635e82599203 #8 0x635e82567cc0 #9 0x635e82568c9e #10 0x635e829ddd0b #11 0x635e829e1c92 #12 0x635e829cab3c #13 0x635e829e2807 #14 0x635e829b00df #15 0x635e829ff578 #16 0x635e829ff740 #17 0x635e82a0f196 #18 0x79ff3069caa4 #19 0x79ff30729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:39:49,020 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 04:39:51,021 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817053644A42117751234D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:40:11,667 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5fe91ebe931a #1 0x5fe91e6ff6e0 #2 0x5fe91e74e3e6 #3 0x5fe91e74e681 #4 0x5fe91e793b04 #5 0x5fe91e77248d #6 0x5fe91e790ed7 #7 0x5fe91e772203 #8 0x5fe91e740cc0 #9 0x5fe91e741c9e #10 0x5fe91ebb6d0b #11 0x5fe91ebbac92 #12 0x5fe91eba3b3c #13 0x5fe91ebbb807 #14 0x5fe91eb890df #15 0x5fe91ebd8578 #16 0x5fe91ebd8740 #17 0x5fe91ebe8196 #18 0x705bda89caa4 #19 0x705bda929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:40:11,728 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 04:40:13,729 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817053644A42117751234D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:40:34,339 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5586d5c6d31a #1 0x5586d57836e0 #2 0x5586d57d23e6 #3 0x5586d57d2681 #4 0x5586d5817b04 #5 0x5586d57f648d #6 0x5586d5814ed7 #7 0x5586d57f6203 #8 0x5586d57c4cc0 #9 0x5586d57c5c9e #10 0x5586d5c3ad0b #11 0x5586d5c3ec92 #12 0x5586d5c27b3c #13 0x5586d5c3f807 #14 0x5586d5c0d0df #15 0x5586d5c5c578 #16 0x5586d5c5c740 #17 0x5586d5c6c196 #18 0x73db4f89caa4 #19 0x73db4f929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:40:34,416 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 04:40:36,417 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817053644A42117751234D2633598932167165105 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:573) 2025-02-21 04:40:36,417 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817053644A42117751234D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:40:48,761 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:40:57,078 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x556d4704c31a #1 0x556d46b626e0 #2 0x556d46bb13e6 #3 0x556d46bb1681 #4 0x556d46bf6b04 #5 0x556d46bd548d #6 0x556d46bf3ed7 #7 0x556d46bd5203 #8 0x556d46ba3cc0 #9 0x556d46ba4c9e #10 0x556d47019d0b #11 0x556d4701dc92 #12 0x556d47006b3c #13 0x556d4701e807 #14 0x556d46fec0df #15 0x556d4703b578 #16 0x556d4703b740 #17 0x556d4704b196 #18 0x757b0e49caa4 #19 0x757b0e529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:40:57,155 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 04:41:14,698 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:41:36,680 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 04:41:42,151 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:55:46,079 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085889326A42117891371D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:56:06,536 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x62d65cd2131a #1 0x62d65c8376e0 #2 0x62d65c8863e6 #3 0x62d65c886681 #4 0x62d65c8cbb04 #5 0x62d65c8aa48d #6 0x62d65c8c8ed7 #7 0x62d65c8aa203 #8 0x62d65c878cc0 #9 0x62d65c879c9e #10 0x62d65cceed0b #11 0x62d65ccf2c92 #12 0x62d65ccdbb3c #13 0x62d65ccf3807 #14 0x62d65ccc10df #15 0x62d65cd10578 #16 0x62d65cd10740 #17 0x62d65cd20196 #18 0x797943e9caa4 #19 0x797943f29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:56:06,613 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 04:56:08,613 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085889326A42117891371D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:56:29,084 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x6208065ec31a #1 0x6208061026e0 #2 0x6208061513e6 #3 0x620806151681 #4 0x620806196b04 #5 0x62080617548d #6 0x620806193ed7 #7 0x620806175203 #8 0x620806143cc0 #9 0x620806144c9e #10 0x6208065b9d0b #11 0x6208065bdc92 #12 0x6208065a6b3c #13 0x6208065be807 #14 0x62080658c0df #15 0x6208065db578 #16 0x6208065db740 #17 0x6208065eb196 #18 0x7a95e309caa4 #19 0x7a95e3129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:56:29,159 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 04:56:31,159 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085889326A42117891371D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:56:51,635 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x560c592eb31a #1 0x560c58e016e0 #2 0x560c58e503e6 #3 0x560c58e50681 #4 0x560c58e95b04 #5 0x560c58e7448d #6 0x560c58e92ed7 #7 0x560c58e74203 #8 0x560c58e42cc0 #9 0x560c58e43c9e #10 0x560c592b8d0b #11 0x560c592bcc92 #12 0x560c592a5b3c #13 0x560c592bd807 #14 0x560c5928b0df #15 0x560c592da578 #16 0x560c592da740 #17 0x560c592ea196 #18 0x7abcbb69caa4 #19 0x7abcbb729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:56:51,718 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 04:56:53,718 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085889326A42117891371D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:57:14,171 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5fc1f278e31a #1 0x5fc1f22a46e0 #2 0x5fc1f22f33e6 #3 0x5fc1f22f3681 #4 0x5fc1f2338b04 #5 0x5fc1f231748d #6 0x5fc1f2335ed7 #7 0x5fc1f2317203 #8 0x5fc1f22e5cc0 #9 0x5fc1f22e6c9e #10 0x5fc1f275bd0b #11 0x5fc1f275fc92 #12 0x5fc1f2748b3c #13 0x5fc1f2760807 #14 0x5fc1f272e0df #15 0x5fc1f277d578 #16 0x5fc1f277d740 #17 0x5fc1f278d196 #18 0x7f5d6ec9caa4 #19 0x7f5d6ed29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:57:14,246 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 04:57:16,247 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085889326A42117891371D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:57:36,714 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x59e7c8a0d31a #1 0x59e7c85236e0 #2 0x59e7c85723e6 #3 0x59e7c8572681 #4 0x59e7c85b7b04 #5 0x59e7c859648d #6 0x59e7c85b4ed7 #7 0x59e7c8596203 #8 0x59e7c8564cc0 #9 0x59e7c8565c9e #10 0x59e7c89dad0b #11 0x59e7c89dec92 #12 0x59e7c89c7b3c #13 0x59e7c89df807 #14 0x59e7c89ad0df #15 0x59e7c89fc578 #16 0x59e7c89fc740 #17 0x59e7c8a0c196 #18 0x7fc60149caa4 #19 0x7fc601529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:57:36,790 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 04:57:38,790 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085889326A42117891371D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:57:59,245 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5e5a2383d31a #1 0x5e5a233536e0 #2 0x5e5a233a23e6 #3 0x5e5a233a2681 #4 0x5e5a233e7b04 #5 0x5e5a233c648d #6 0x5e5a233e4ed7 #7 0x5e5a233c6203 #8 0x5e5a23394cc0 #9 0x5e5a23395c9e #10 0x5e5a2380ad0b #11 0x5e5a2380ec92 #12 0x5e5a237f7b3c #13 0x5e5a2380f807 #14 0x5e5a237dd0df #15 0x5e5a2382c578 #16 0x5e5a2382c740 #17 0x5e5a2383c196 #18 0x7240fae9caa4 #19 0x7240faf29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:57:59,328 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 04:58:01,328 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085889326A42117891371D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:58:21,786 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5f0c2933131a #1 0x5f0c28e476e0 #2 0x5f0c28e963e6 #3 0x5f0c28e96681 #4 0x5f0c28edbb04 #5 0x5f0c28eba48d #6 0x5f0c28ed8ed7 #7 0x5f0c28eba203 #8 0x5f0c28e88cc0 #9 0x5f0c28e89c9e #10 0x5f0c292fed0b #11 0x5f0c29302c92 #12 0x5f0c292ebb3c #13 0x5f0c29303807 #14 0x5f0c292d10df #15 0x5f0c29320578 #16 0x5f0c29320740 #17 0x5f0c29330196 #18 0x7ef6dc89caa4 #19 0x7ef6dc929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:58:21,864 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 04:58:23,864 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085889326A42117891371D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:58:44,332 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5808dffbe31a #1 0x5808dfad46e0 #2 0x5808dfb233e6 #3 0x5808dfb23681 #4 0x5808dfb68b04 #5 0x5808dfb4748d #6 0x5808dfb65ed7 #7 0x5808dfb47203 #8 0x5808dfb15cc0 #9 0x5808dfb16c9e #10 0x5808dff8bd0b #11 0x5808dff8fc92 #12 0x5808dff78b3c #13 0x5808dff90807 #14 0x5808dff5e0df #15 0x5808dffad578 #16 0x5808dffad740 #17 0x5808dffbd196 #18 0x7e33c5c9caa4 #19 0x7e33c5d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:58:44,407 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 04:58:46,408 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085889326A42117891371D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:58:47,551 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:59:06,893 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x595343dd131a #1 0x5953438e76e0 #2 0x5953439363e6 #3 0x595343936681 #4 0x59534397bb04 #5 0x59534395a48d #6 0x595343978ed7 #7 0x59534395a203 #8 0x595343928cc0 #9 0x595343929c9e #10 0x595343d9ed0b #11 0x595343da2c92 #12 0x595343d8bb3c #13 0x595343da3807 #14 0x595343d710df #15 0x595343dc0578 #16 0x595343dc0740 #17 0x595343dd0196 #18 0x7f21aa29caa4 #19 0x7f21aa329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:59:06,969 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 04:59:08,969 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085889326A42117891371D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:59:09,366 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 04:59:09,366 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 04:59:09,452 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 04:59:14,996 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:59:27,838 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 04:59:29,467 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x614d5405b31a #1 0x614d53b716e0 #2 0x614d53bc03e6 #3 0x614d53bc0681 #4 0x614d53c05b04 #5 0x614d53be448d #6 0x614d53c02ed7 #7 0x614d53be4203 #8 0x614d53bb2cc0 #9 0x614d53bb3c9e #10 0x614d54028d0b #11 0x614d5402cc92 #12 0x614d54015b3c #13 0x614d5402d807 #14 0x614d53ffb0df #15 0x614d5404a578 #16 0x614d5404a740 #17 0x614d5405a196 #18 0x7c459289caa4 #19 0x7c4592929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:59:29,543 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 04:59:31,543 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085889326A42117891371D11556876991896565350 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:635) 2025-02-21 04:59:31,543 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085889326A42117891371D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 04:59:52,008 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x563da199a31a #1 0x563da14b06e0 #2 0x563da14ff3e6 #3 0x563da14ff681 #4 0x563da1544b04 #5 0x563da152348d #6 0x563da1541ed7 #7 0x563da1523203 #8 0x563da14f1cc0 #9 0x563da14f2c9e #10 0x563da1967d0b #11 0x563da196bc92 #12 0x563da1954b3c #13 0x563da196c807 #14 0x563da193a0df #15 0x563da1989578 #16 0x563da1989740 #17 0x563da1999196 #18 0x76e5e9c9caa4 #19 0x76e5e9d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 04:59:52,083 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 04:59:58,930 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:00:16,026 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644680963175327545A37445124927D607641719348970474 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:00:16,217 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:00:16,757 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:00:29,268 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:00:34,690 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:00:36,186 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 05:00:36,186 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 05:00:36,254 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 05:00:36,501 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5f3b0ba7c31a #1 0x5f3b0b5926e0 #2 0x5f3b0b5e13e6 #3 0x5f3b0b5e1681 #4 0x5f3b0b626b04 #5 0x5f3b0b60548d #6 0x5f3b0b623ed7 #7 0x5f3b0b605203 #8 0x5f3b0b5d3cc0 #9 0x5f3b0b5d4c9e #10 0x5f3b0ba49d0b #11 0x5f3b0ba4dc92 #12 0x5f3b0ba36b3c #13 0x5f3b0ba4e807 #14 0x5f3b0ba1c0df #15 0x5f3b0ba6b578 #16 0x5f3b0ba6b740 #17 0x5f3b0ba7b196 #18 0x7bd1b209caa4 #19 0x7bd1b2129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:00:36,582 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 05:00:38,582 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644680963175327545A37445124927D607641719348970474 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:00:41,803 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:00:44,546 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:00:51,448 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 05:00:51,448 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 05:00:51,512 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 05:00:52,591 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:00:59,051 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x59c7d414731a #1 0x59c7d3c5d6e0 #2 0x59c7d3cac3e6 #3 0x59c7d3cac681 #4 0x59c7d3cf1b04 #5 0x59c7d3cd048d #6 0x59c7d3ceeed7 #7 0x59c7d3cd0203 #8 0x59c7d3c9ecc0 #9 0x59c7d3c9fc9e #10 0x59c7d4114d0b #11 0x59c7d4118c92 #12 0x59c7d4101b3c #13 0x59c7d4119807 #14 0x59c7d40e70df #15 0x59c7d4136578 #16 0x59c7d4136740 #17 0x59c7d4146196 #18 0x77dad709caa4 #19 0x77dad7129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:00:59,127 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 05:01:01,127 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644680963175327545A37445124927D607641719348970474 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:01:11,913 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:01:13,147 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:01:21,598 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5f78e222f31a #1 0x5f78e1d456e0 #2 0x5f78e1d943e6 #3 0x5f78e1d94681 #4 0x5f78e1dd9b04 #5 0x5f78e1db848d #6 0x5f78e1dd6ed7 #7 0x5f78e1db8203 #8 0x5f78e1d86cc0 #9 0x5f78e1d87c9e #10 0x5f78e21fcd0b #11 0x5f78e2200c92 #12 0x5f78e21e9b3c #13 0x5f78e2201807 #14 0x5f78e21cf0df #15 0x5f78e221e578 #16 0x5f78e221e740 #17 0x5f78e222e196 #18 0x70e1b1c9caa4 #19 0x70e1b1d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:01:21,673 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 05:01:23,673 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644680963175327545A37445124927D607641719348970474 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:01:30,074 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:01:34,381 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:01:44,163 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x6247b6bb231a #1 0x6247b66c86e0 #2 0x6247b67173e6 #3 0x6247b6717681 #4 0x6247b675cb04 #5 0x6247b673b48d #6 0x6247b6759ed7 #7 0x6247b673b203 #8 0x6247b6709cc0 #9 0x6247b670ac9e #10 0x6247b6b7fd0b #11 0x6247b6b83c92 #12 0x6247b6b6cb3c #13 0x6247b6b84807 #14 0x6247b6b520df #15 0x6247b6ba1578 #16 0x6247b6ba1740 #17 0x6247b6bb1196 #18 0x76423fc9caa4 #19 0x76423fd29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:01:44,239 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 05:01:46,240 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644680963175327545A37445124927D607641719348970474 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:01:48,827 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:02:05,005 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:02:06,739 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5fd0f09c531a #1 0x5fd0f04db6e0 #2 0x5fd0f052a3e6 #3 0x5fd0f052a681 #4 0x5fd0f056fb04 #5 0x5fd0f054e48d #6 0x5fd0f056ced7 #7 0x5fd0f054e203 #8 0x5fd0f051ccc0 #9 0x5fd0f051dc9e #10 0x5fd0f0992d0b #11 0x5fd0f0996c92 #12 0x5fd0f097fb3c #13 0x5fd0f0997807 #14 0x5fd0f09650df #15 0x5fd0f09b4578 #16 0x5fd0f09b4740 #17 0x5fd0f09c4196 #18 0x7dc5c609caa4 #19 0x7dc5c6129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:02:06,816 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 05:02:08,816 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644680963175327545A37445124927D607641719348970474 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:02:29,278 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x55c13497b31a #1 0x55c1344916e0 #2 0x55c1344e03e6 #3 0x55c1344e0681 #4 0x55c134525b04 #5 0x55c13450448d #6 0x55c134522ed7 #7 0x55c134504203 #8 0x55c1344d2cc0 #9 0x55c1344d3c9e #10 0x55c134948d0b #11 0x55c13494cc92 #12 0x55c134935b3c #13 0x55c13494d807 #14 0x55c13491b0df #15 0x55c13496a578 #16 0x55c13496a740 #17 0x55c13497a196 #18 0x71d541c9caa4 #19 0x71d541d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:02:29,354 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 05:02:31,355 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644680963175327545A37445124927D607641719348970474 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:02:51,832 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5d0ff26a531a #1 0x5d0ff21bb6e0 #2 0x5d0ff220a3e6 #3 0x5d0ff220a681 #4 0x5d0ff224fb04 #5 0x5d0ff222e48d #6 0x5d0ff224ced7 #7 0x5d0ff222e203 #8 0x5d0ff21fccc0 #9 0x5d0ff21fdc9e #10 0x5d0ff2672d0b #11 0x5d0ff2676c92 #12 0x5d0ff265fb3c #13 0x5d0ff2677807 #14 0x5d0ff26450df #15 0x5d0ff2694578 #16 0x5d0ff2694740 #17 0x5d0ff26a4196 #18 0x7a7c5da9caa4 #19 0x7a7c5db29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:02:51,907 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 05:02:53,907 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644680963175327545A37445124927D607641719348970474 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:03:07,522 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:03:14,374 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x594cce0f131a #1 0x594ccdc076e0 #2 0x594ccdc563e6 #3 0x594ccdc56681 #4 0x594ccdc9bb04 #5 0x594ccdc7a48d #6 0x594ccdc98ed7 #7 0x594ccdc7a203 #8 0x594ccdc48cc0 #9 0x594ccdc49c9e #10 0x594cce0bed0b #11 0x594cce0c2c92 #12 0x594cce0abb3c #13 0x594cce0c3807 #14 0x594cce0910df #15 0x594cce0e0578 #16 0x594cce0e0740 #17 0x594cce0f0196 #18 0x78048709caa4 #19 0x780487129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:03:14,451 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 05:03:16,452 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644680963175327545A37445124927D607641719348970474 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:03:19,546 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:03:30,616 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 05:03:36,928 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x55810487731a #1 0x55810438d6e0 #2 0x5581043dc3e6 #3 0x5581043dc681 #4 0x558104421b04 #5 0x55810440048d #6 0x55810441eed7 #7 0x558104400203 #8 0x5581043cecc0 #9 0x5581043cfc9e #10 0x558104844d0b #11 0x558104848c92 #12 0x558104831b3c #13 0x558104849807 #14 0x5581048170df #15 0x558104866578 #16 0x558104866740 #17 0x558104876196 #18 0x7dc47369caa4 #19 0x7dc473729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:03:36,982 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:03:37,003 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 05:03:39,003 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644680963175327545A37445124927D607641719348970474 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:03:59,465 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x55f6f06a231a #1 0x55f6f01b86e0 #2 0x55f6f02073e6 #3 0x55f6f0207681 #4 0x55f6f024cb04 #5 0x55f6f022b48d #6 0x55f6f0249ed7 #7 0x55f6f022b203 #8 0x55f6f01f9cc0 #9 0x55f6f01fac9e #10 0x55f6f066fd0b #11 0x55f6f0673c92 #12 0x55f6f065cb3c #13 0x55f6f0674807 #14 0x55f6f06420df #15 0x55f6f0691578 #16 0x55f6f0691740 #17 0x55f6f06a1196 #18 0x7cd80f69caa4 #19 0x7cd80f729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:03:59,542 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 05:04:01,542 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644680963175327545A37445124927D607641719348970474 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:573) 2025-02-21 05:04:01,542 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644680963175327545A37445124927D607641719348970474 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:04:07,990 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:04:22,026 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x64efc7e4631a #1 0x64efc795c6e0 #2 0x64efc79ab3e6 #3 0x64efc79ab681 #4 0x64efc79f0b04 #5 0x64efc79cf48d #6 0x64efc79eded7 #7 0x64efc79cf203 #8 0x64efc799dcc0 #9 0x64efc799ec9e #10 0x64efc7e13d0b #11 0x64efc7e17c92 #12 0x64efc7e00b3c #13 0x64efc7e18807 #14 0x64efc7de60df #15 0x64efc7e35578 #16 0x64efc7e35740 #17 0x64efc7e45196 #18 0x7e6bc3c9caa4 #19 0x7e6bc3d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:04:22,102 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 05:04:30,605 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:05:17,287 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 05:05:32,237 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 05:06:25,279 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817133024A42118060505D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:06:28,586 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 05:06:28,586 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 05:06:28,671 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 05:06:34,200 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:06:39,656 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826786146838A35438153996D9547743635268161066 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-02-21 05:06:39,656 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826786146838A35438153996D9547743635268161066 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-02-21 05:06:45,767 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5e4459d6c31a #1 0x5e44598826e0 #2 0x5e44598d13e6 #3 0x5e44598d1681 #4 0x5e4459916b04 #5 0x5e44598f548d #6 0x5e4459913ed7 #7 0x5e44598f5203 #8 0x5e44598c3cc0 #9 0x5e44598c4c9e #10 0x5e4459d39d0b #11 0x5e4459d3dc92 #12 0x5e4459d26b3c #13 0x5e4459d3e807 #14 0x5e4459d0c0df #15 0x5e4459d5b578 #16 0x5e4459d5b740 #17 0x5e4459d6b196 #18 0x7f6c5849caa4 #19 0x7f6c58529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:06:45,843 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 05:06:46,509 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:06:47,843 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817133024A42118060505D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:07:08,280 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5f3eb680e31a #1 0x5f3eb63246e0 #2 0x5f3eb63733e6 #3 0x5f3eb6373681 #4 0x5f3eb63b8b04 #5 0x5f3eb639748d #6 0x5f3eb63b5ed7 #7 0x5f3eb6397203 #8 0x5f3eb6365cc0 #9 0x5f3eb6366c9e #10 0x5f3eb67dbd0b #11 0x5f3eb67dfc92 #12 0x5f3eb67c8b3c #13 0x5f3eb67e0807 #14 0x5f3eb67ae0df #15 0x5f3eb67fd578 #16 0x5f3eb67fd740 #17 0x5f3eb680d196 #18 0x728c1909caa4 #19 0x728c19129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:07:08,357 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 05:07:10,357 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817133024A42118060505D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:07:30,835 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5f9f8af0c31a #1 0x5f9f8aa226e0 #2 0x5f9f8aa713e6 #3 0x5f9f8aa71681 #4 0x5f9f8aab6b04 #5 0x5f9f8aa9548d #6 0x5f9f8aab3ed7 #7 0x5f9f8aa95203 #8 0x5f9f8aa63cc0 #9 0x5f9f8aa64c9e #10 0x5f9f8aed9d0b #11 0x5f9f8aeddc92 #12 0x5f9f8aec6b3c #13 0x5f9f8aede807 #14 0x5f9f8aeac0df #15 0x5f9f8aefb578 #16 0x5f9f8aefb740 #17 0x5f9f8af0b196 #18 0x7b36eea9caa4 #19 0x7b36eeb29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:07:30,911 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 05:07:32,911 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817133024A42118060505D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:07:53,405 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5daec758c31a #1 0x5daec70a26e0 #2 0x5daec70f13e6 #3 0x5daec70f1681 #4 0x5daec7136b04 #5 0x5daec711548d #6 0x5daec7133ed7 #7 0x5daec7115203 #8 0x5daec70e3cc0 #9 0x5daec70e4c9e #10 0x5daec7559d0b #11 0x5daec755dc92 #12 0x5daec7546b3c #13 0x5daec755e807 #14 0x5daec752c0df #15 0x5daec757b578 #16 0x5daec757b740 #17 0x5daec758b196 #18 0x7cb1b2e9caa4 #19 0x7cb1b2f29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:07:53,483 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 05:07:55,484 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817133024A42118060505D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:08:15,954 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x61c46260e31a #1 0x61c4621246e0 #2 0x61c4621733e6 #3 0x61c462173681 #4 0x61c4621b8b04 #5 0x61c46219748d #6 0x61c4621b5ed7 #7 0x61c462197203 #8 0x61c462165cc0 #9 0x61c462166c9e #10 0x61c4625dbd0b #11 0x61c4625dfc92 #12 0x61c4625c8b3c #13 0x61c4625e0807 #14 0x61c4625ae0df #15 0x61c4625fd578 #16 0x61c4625fd740 #17 0x61c46260d196 #18 0x77153369caa4 #19 0x771533729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:08:16,030 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 05:08:18,030 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817133024A42118060505D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:08:38,484 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x63898ff0231a #1 0x63898fa186e0 #2 0x63898fa673e6 #3 0x63898fa67681 #4 0x63898faacb04 #5 0x63898fa8b48d #6 0x63898faa9ed7 #7 0x63898fa8b203 #8 0x63898fa59cc0 #9 0x63898fa5ac9e #10 0x63898fecfd0b #11 0x63898fed3c92 #12 0x63898febcb3c #13 0x63898fed4807 #14 0x63898fea20df #15 0x63898fef1578 #16 0x63898fef1740 #17 0x63898ff01196 #18 0x7a52e689caa4 #19 0x7a52e6929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:08:38,559 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 05:08:40,560 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817133024A42118060505D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:08:41,223 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:09:01,036 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x64eedfcb831a #1 0x64eedf7ce6e0 #2 0x64eedf81d3e6 #3 0x64eedf81d681 #4 0x64eedf862b04 #5 0x64eedf84148d #6 0x64eedf85fed7 #7 0x64eedf841203 #8 0x64eedf80fcc0 #9 0x64eedf810c9e #10 0x64eedfc85d0b #11 0x64eedfc89c92 #12 0x64eedfc72b3c #13 0x64eedfc8a807 #14 0x64eedfc580df #15 0x64eedfca7578 #16 0x64eedfca7740 #17 0x64eedfcb7196 #18 0x7284dac9caa4 #19 0x7284dad29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:09:01,112 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 05:09:02,663 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:09:03,113 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817133024A42118060505D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:09:23,609 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5aac141ce31a #1 0x5aac13ce46e0 #2 0x5aac13d333e6 #3 0x5aac13d33681 #4 0x5aac13d78b04 #5 0x5aac13d5748d #6 0x5aac13d75ed7 #7 0x5aac13d57203 #8 0x5aac13d25cc0 #9 0x5aac13d26c9e #10 0x5aac1419bd0b #11 0x5aac1419fc92 #12 0x5aac14188b3c #13 0x5aac141a0807 #14 0x5aac1416e0df #15 0x5aac141bd578 #16 0x5aac141bd740 #17 0x5aac141cd196 #18 0x7f8785c9caa4 #19 0x7f8785d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:09:23,689 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 05:09:25,690 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817133024A42118060505D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:09:46,170 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x58c76307531a #1 0x58c762b8b6e0 #2 0x58c762bda3e6 #3 0x58c762bda681 #4 0x58c762c1fb04 #5 0x58c762bfe48d #6 0x58c762c1ced7 #7 0x58c762bfe203 #8 0x58c762bcccc0 #9 0x58c762bcdc9e #10 0x58c763042d0b #11 0x58c763046c92 #12 0x58c76302fb3c #13 0x58c763047807 #14 0x58c7630150df #15 0x58c763064578 #16 0x58c763064740 #17 0x58c763074196 #18 0x7221b3c9caa4 #19 0x7221b3d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:09:46,245 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 05:09:48,247 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817133024A42118060505D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:09:50,439 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:10:08,741 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x60b97c57d31a #1 0x60b97c0936e0 #2 0x60b97c0e23e6 #3 0x60b97c0e2681 #4 0x60b97c127b04 #5 0x60b97c10648d #6 0x60b97c124ed7 #7 0x60b97c106203 #8 0x60b97c0d4cc0 #9 0x60b97c0d5c9e #10 0x60b97c54ad0b #11 0x60b97c54ec92 #12 0x60b97c537b3c #13 0x60b97c54f807 #14 0x60b97c51d0df #15 0x60b97c56c578 #16 0x60b97c56c740 #17 0x60b97c57c196 #18 0x7af23c69caa4 #19 0x7af23c729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:10:08,802 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 05:10:10,802 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817133024A42118060505D2633598932167165105 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:573) 2025-02-21 05:10:10,802 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817133024A42118060505D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:10:31,282 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5c1d2585d31a #1 0x5c1d253736e0 #2 0x5c1d253c23e6 #3 0x5c1d253c2681 #4 0x5c1d25407b04 #5 0x5c1d253e648d #6 0x5c1d25404ed7 #7 0x5c1d253e6203 #8 0x5c1d253b4cc0 #9 0x5c1d253b5c9e #10 0x5c1d2582ad0b #11 0x5c1d2582ec92 #12 0x5c1d25817b3c #13 0x5c1d2582f807 #14 0x5c1d257fd0df #15 0x5c1d2584c578 #16 0x5c1d2584c740 #17 0x5c1d2585c196 #18 0x78b03289caa4 #19 0x78b032929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:10:31,357 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 05:11:01,734 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 05:11:07,186 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:25:05,793 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085994806A42118297454D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:25:26,270 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5b5287d7c31a #1 0x5b52878926e0 #2 0x5b52878e13e6 #3 0x5b52878e1681 #4 0x5b5287926b04 #5 0x5b528790548d #6 0x5b5287923ed7 #7 0x5b5287905203 #8 0x5b52878d3cc0 #9 0x5b52878d4c9e #10 0x5b5287d49d0b #11 0x5b5287d4dc92 #12 0x5b5287d36b3c #13 0x5b5287d4e807 #14 0x5b5287d1c0df #15 0x5b5287d6b578 #16 0x5b5287d6b740 #17 0x5b5287d7b196 #18 0x72907549caa4 #19 0x729075529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:25:26,346 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 05:25:28,346 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085994806A42118297454D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:25:48,847 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5b9acd7d531a #1 0x5b9acd2eb6e0 #2 0x5b9acd33a3e6 #3 0x5b9acd33a681 #4 0x5b9acd37fb04 #5 0x5b9acd35e48d #6 0x5b9acd37ced7 #7 0x5b9acd35e203 #8 0x5b9acd32ccc0 #9 0x5b9acd32dc9e #10 0x5b9acd7a2d0b #11 0x5b9acd7a6c92 #12 0x5b9acd78fb3c #13 0x5b9acd7a7807 #14 0x5b9acd7750df #15 0x5b9acd7c4578 #16 0x5b9acd7c4740 #17 0x5b9acd7d4196 #18 0x7ddbd849caa4 #19 0x7ddbd8529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:25:48,923 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 05:25:50,924 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085994806A42118297454D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:26:11,414 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x629086bc231a #1 0x6290866d86e0 #2 0x6290867273e6 #3 0x629086727681 #4 0x62908676cb04 #5 0x62908674b48d #6 0x629086769ed7 #7 0x62908674b203 #8 0x629086719cc0 #9 0x62908671ac9e #10 0x629086b8fd0b #11 0x629086b93c92 #12 0x629086b7cb3c #13 0x629086b94807 #14 0x629086b620df #15 0x629086bb1578 #16 0x629086bb1740 #17 0x629086bc1196 #18 0x7f4161a9caa4 #19 0x7f4161b29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:26:11,488 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 05:26:13,489 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085994806A42118297454D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:26:33,981 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x64708695431a #1 0x64708646a6e0 #2 0x6470864b93e6 #3 0x6470864b9681 #4 0x6470864feb04 #5 0x6470864dd48d #6 0x6470864fbed7 #7 0x6470864dd203 #8 0x6470864abcc0 #9 0x6470864acc9e #10 0x647086921d0b #11 0x647086925c92 #12 0x64708690eb3c #13 0x647086926807 #14 0x6470868f40df #15 0x647086943578 #16 0x647086943740 #17 0x647086953196 #18 0x738084a9caa4 #19 0x738084b29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:26:34,056 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 05:26:36,056 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085994806A42118297454D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:26:56,543 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x56c50cb1231a #1 0x56c50c6286e0 #2 0x56c50c6773e6 #3 0x56c50c677681 #4 0x56c50c6bcb04 #5 0x56c50c69b48d #6 0x56c50c6b9ed7 #7 0x56c50c69b203 #8 0x56c50c669cc0 #9 0x56c50c66ac9e #10 0x56c50cadfd0b #11 0x56c50cae3c92 #12 0x56c50caccb3c #13 0x56c50cae4807 #14 0x56c50cab20df #15 0x56c50cb01578 #16 0x56c50cb01740 #17 0x56c50cb11196 #18 0x7c296a09caa4 #19 0x7c296a129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:26:56,619 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 05:26:58,619 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085994806A42118297454D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:27:19,093 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5d407855131a #1 0x5d40780676e0 #2 0x5d40780b63e6 #3 0x5d40780b6681 #4 0x5d40780fbb04 #5 0x5d40780da48d #6 0x5d40780f8ed7 #7 0x5d40780da203 #8 0x5d40780a8cc0 #9 0x5d40780a9c9e #10 0x5d407851ed0b #11 0x5d4078522c92 #12 0x5d407850bb3c #13 0x5d4078523807 #14 0x5d40784f10df #15 0x5d4078540578 #16 0x5d4078540740 #17 0x5d4078550196 #18 0x71d6ed09caa4 #19 0x71d6ed129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:27:19,168 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 05:27:21,169 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085994806A42118297454D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:27:41,624 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x637b9bba331a #1 0x637b9b6b96e0 #2 0x637b9b7083e6 #3 0x637b9b708681 #4 0x637b9b74db04 #5 0x637b9b72c48d #6 0x637b9b74aed7 #7 0x637b9b72c203 #8 0x637b9b6facc0 #9 0x637b9b6fbc9e #10 0x637b9bb70d0b #11 0x637b9bb74c92 #12 0x637b9bb5db3c #13 0x637b9bb75807 #14 0x637b9bb430df #15 0x637b9bb92578 #16 0x637b9bb92740 #17 0x637b9bba2196 #18 0x728d53e9caa4 #19 0x728d53f29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:27:41,700 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 05:27:43,700 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085994806A42118297454D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:28:04,156 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x630dcf27931a #1 0x630dced8f6e0 #2 0x630dcedde3e6 #3 0x630dcedde681 #4 0x630dcee23b04 #5 0x630dcee0248d #6 0x630dcee20ed7 #7 0x630dcee02203 #8 0x630dcedd0cc0 #9 0x630dcedd1c9e #10 0x630dcf246d0b #11 0x630dcf24ac92 #12 0x630dcf233b3c #13 0x630dcf24b807 #14 0x630dcf2190df #15 0x630dcf268578 #16 0x630dcf268740 #17 0x630dcf278196 #18 0x7b178169caa4 #19 0x7b1781729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:28:04,231 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 05:28:06,232 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085994806A42118297454D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:28:26,703 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5abb5094f31a #1 0x5abb504656e0 #2 0x5abb504b43e6 #3 0x5abb504b4681 #4 0x5abb504f9b04 #5 0x5abb504d848d #6 0x5abb504f6ed7 #7 0x5abb504d8203 #8 0x5abb504a6cc0 #9 0x5abb504a7c9e #10 0x5abb5091cd0b #11 0x5abb50920c92 #12 0x5abb50909b3c #13 0x5abb50921807 #14 0x5abb508ef0df #15 0x5abb5093e578 #16 0x5abb5093e740 #17 0x5abb5094e196 #18 0x7e0f9369caa4 #19 0x7e0f93729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:28:26,779 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 05:28:28,779 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085994806A42118297454D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:28:39,001 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 05:28:39,002 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 05:28:39,090 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 05:28:49,261 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x61838c2b131a #1 0x61838bdc76e0 #2 0x61838be163e6 #3 0x61838be16681 #4 0x61838be5bb04 #5 0x61838be3a48d #6 0x61838be58ed7 #7 0x61838be3a203 #8 0x61838be08cc0 #9 0x61838be09c9e #10 0x61838c27ed0b #11 0x61838c282c92 #12 0x61838c26bb3c #13 0x61838c283807 #14 0x61838c2510df #15 0x61838c2a0578 #16 0x61838c2a0740 #17 0x61838c2b0196 #18 0x7d2af749caa4 #19 0x7d2af7529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:28:49,340 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 05:28:51,340 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085994806A42118297454D11556876991896565350 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:635) 2025-02-21 05:28:51,340 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863085994806A42118297454D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:29:11,807 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5eea4439231a #1 0x5eea43ea86e0 #2 0x5eea43ef73e6 #3 0x5eea43ef7681 #4 0x5eea43f3cb04 #5 0x5eea43f1b48d #6 0x5eea43f39ed7 #7 0x5eea43f1b203 #8 0x5eea43ee9cc0 #9 0x5eea43eeac9e #10 0x5eea4435fd0b #11 0x5eea44363c92 #12 0x5eea4434cb3c #13 0x5eea44364807 #14 0x5eea443320df #15 0x5eea44381578 #16 0x5eea44381740 #17 0x5eea44391196 #18 0x793b1fa9caa4 #19 0x793b1fb29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:29:11,888 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 05:29:42,977 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:29:51,760 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:29:58,355 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 05:29:58,356 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 05:29:58,424 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 05:29:59,761 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:30:05,458 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:30:12,613 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 05:30:12,613 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 05:30:12,680 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 05:30:17,767 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:30:37,589 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:31:07,110 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:31:28,617 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:31:35,615 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642429163379922999A29206164252D7351825873430926912 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:31:43,640 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:31:56,124 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5b95de33a31a #1 0x5b95dde506e0 #2 0x5b95dde9f3e6 #3 0x5b95dde9f681 #4 0x5b95ddee4b04 #5 0x5b95ddec348d #6 0x5b95ddee1ed7 #7 0x5b95ddec3203 #8 0x5b95dde91cc0 #9 0x5b95dde92c9e #10 0x5b95de307d0b #11 0x5b95de30bc92 #12 0x5b95de2f4b3c #13 0x5b95de30c807 #14 0x5b95de2da0df #15 0x5b95de329578 #16 0x5b95de329740 #17 0x5b95de339196 #18 0x78aff8e9caa4 #19 0x78aff8f29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:31:56,199 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 05:31:58,199 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642429163379922999A29206164252D7351825873430926912 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:32:05,478 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:32:18,698 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5d40dc68531a #1 0x5d40dc19b6e0 #2 0x5d40dc1ea3e6 #3 0x5d40dc1ea681 #4 0x5d40dc22fb04 #5 0x5d40dc20e48d #6 0x5d40dc22ced7 #7 0x5d40dc20e203 #8 0x5d40dc1dccc0 #9 0x5d40dc1ddc9e #10 0x5d40dc652d0b #11 0x5d40dc656c92 #12 0x5d40dc63fb3c #13 0x5d40dc657807 #14 0x5d40dc6250df #15 0x5d40dc674578 #16 0x5d40dc674740 #17 0x5d40dc684196 #18 0x7e093dc9caa4 #19 0x7e093dd29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:32:18,775 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 05:32:20,775 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642429163379922999A29206164252D7351825873430926912 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:32:35,182 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:32:41,301 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x58fe428b431a #1 0x58fe423ca6e0 #2 0x58fe424193e6 #3 0x58fe42419681 #4 0x58fe4245eb04 #5 0x58fe4243d48d #6 0x58fe4245bed7 #7 0x58fe4243d203 #8 0x58fe4240bcc0 #9 0x58fe4240cc9e #10 0x58fe42881d0b #11 0x58fe42885c92 #12 0x58fe4286eb3c #13 0x58fe42886807 #14 0x58fe428540df #15 0x58fe428a3578 #16 0x58fe428a3740 #17 0x58fe428b3196 #18 0x7e49f9e9caa4 #19 0x7e49f9f29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:32:41,377 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 05:32:43,377 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642429163379922999A29206164252D7351825873430926912 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:32:49,465 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:32:54,833 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:33:03,879 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x62f78385e31a #1 0x62f7833746e0 #2 0x62f7833c33e6 #3 0x62f7833c3681 #4 0x62f783408b04 #5 0x62f7833e748d #6 0x62f783405ed7 #7 0x62f7833e7203 #8 0x62f7833b5cc0 #9 0x62f7833b6c9e #10 0x62f78382bd0b #11 0x62f78382fc92 #12 0x62f783818b3c #13 0x62f783830807 #14 0x62f7837fe0df #15 0x62f78384d578 #16 0x62f78384d740 #17 0x62f78385d196 #18 0x74a2ae89caa4 #19 0x74a2ae929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:33:03,954 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 05:33:05,955 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642429163379922999A29206164252D7351825873430926912 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:33:11,437 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:33:16,511 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:33:21,159 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 05:33:26,417 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:33:26,461 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5583f79c631a #1 0x5583f74dc6e0 #2 0x5583f752b3e6 #3 0x5583f752b681 #4 0x5583f7570b04 #5 0x5583f754f48d #6 0x5583f756ded7 #7 0x5583f754f203 #8 0x5583f751dcc0 #9 0x5583f751ec9e #10 0x5583f7993d0b #11 0x5583f7997c92 #12 0x5583f7980b3c #13 0x5583f7998807 #14 0x5583f79660df #15 0x5583f79b5578 #16 0x5583f79b5740 #17 0x5583f79c5196 #18 0x7e6e5549caa4 #19 0x7e6e55529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:33:26,537 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 05:33:28,538 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642429163379922999A29206164252D7351825873430926912 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:33:39,124 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:33:49,011 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x63f2baba231a #1 0x63f2ba6b86e0 #2 0x63f2ba7073e6 #3 0x63f2ba707681 #4 0x63f2ba74cb04 #5 0x63f2ba72b48d #6 0x63f2ba749ed7 #7 0x63f2ba72b203 #8 0x63f2ba6f9cc0 #9 0x63f2ba6fac9e #10 0x63f2bab6fd0b #11 0x63f2bab73c92 #12 0x63f2bab5cb3c #13 0x63f2bab74807 #14 0x63f2bab420df #15 0x63f2bab91578 #16 0x63f2bab91740 #17 0x63f2baba1196 #18 0x7a2fdec9caa4 #19 0x7a2fded29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:33:49,094 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 05:33:51,094 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642429163379922999A29206164252D7351825873430926912 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:34:03,431 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:34:11,590 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x58880101531a #1 0x588800b2b6e0 #2 0x588800b7a3e6 #3 0x588800b7a681 #4 0x588800bbfb04 #5 0x588800b9e48d #6 0x588800bbced7 #7 0x588800b9e203 #8 0x588800b6ccc0 #9 0x588800b6dc9e #10 0x588800fe2d0b #11 0x588800fe6c92 #12 0x588800fcfb3c #13 0x588800fe7807 #14 0x588800fb50df #15 0x588801004578 #16 0x588801004740 #17 0x588801014196 #18 0x7ae95229caa4 #19 0x7ae952329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:34:11,671 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 05:34:13,671 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642429163379922999A29206164252D7351825873430926912 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:34:25,351 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 05:34:30,552 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:34:34,186 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5988b516731a #1 0x5988b4c7d6e0 #2 0x5988b4ccc3e6 #3 0x5988b4ccc681 #4 0x5988b4d11b04 #5 0x5988b4cf048d #6 0x5988b4d0eed7 #7 0x5988b4cf0203 #8 0x5988b4cbecc0 #9 0x5988b4cbfc9e #10 0x5988b5134d0b #11 0x5988b5138c92 #12 0x5988b5121b3c #13 0x5988b5139807 #14 0x5988b51070df #15 0x5988b5156578 #16 0x5988b5156740 #17 0x5988b5166196 #18 0x737c8449caa4 #19 0x737c84529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:34:34,268 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 05:34:36,268 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642429163379922999A29206164252D7351825873430926912 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:34:49,390 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 05:34:56,905 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5dc18004331a #1 0x5dc17fb596e0 #2 0x5dc17fba83e6 #3 0x5dc17fba8681 #4 0x5dc17fbedb04 #5 0x5dc17fbcc48d #6 0x5dc17fbeaed7 #7 0x5dc17fbcc203 #8 0x5dc17fb9acc0 #9 0x5dc17fb9bc9e #10 0x5dc180010d0b #11 0x5dc180014c92 #12 0x5dc17fffdb3c #13 0x5dc180015807 #14 0x5dc17ffe30df #15 0x5dc180032578 #16 0x5dc180032740 #17 0x5dc180042196 #18 0x7bfb34a9caa4 #19 0x7bfb34b29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:34:56,986 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 05:34:58,986 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642429163379922999A29206164252D7351825873430926912 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:35:19,628 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5cec6f62a31a #1 0x5cec6f1406e0 #2 0x5cec6f18f3e6 #3 0x5cec6f18f681 #4 0x5cec6f1d4b04 #5 0x5cec6f1b348d #6 0x5cec6f1d1ed7 #7 0x5cec6f1b3203 #8 0x5cec6f181cc0 #9 0x5cec6f182c9e #10 0x5cec6f5f7d0b #11 0x5cec6f5fbc92 #12 0x5cec6f5e4b3c #13 0x5cec6f5fc807 #14 0x5cec6f5ca0df #15 0x5cec6f619578 #16 0x5cec6f619740 #17 0x5cec6f629196 #18 0x75012fa9caa4 #19 0x75012fb29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:35:19,687 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 05:35:21,688 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642429163379922999A29206164252D7351825873430926912 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:573) 2025-02-21 05:35:21,688 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642429163379922999A29206164252D7351825873430926912 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:35:41,089 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:35:42,172 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x62e312e0d31a #1 0x62e3129236e0 #2 0x62e3129723e6 #3 0x62e312972681 #4 0x62e3129b7b04 #5 0x62e31299648d #6 0x62e3129b4ed7 #7 0x62e312996203 #8 0x62e312964cc0 #9 0x62e312965c9e #10 0x62e312ddad0b #11 0x62e312ddec92 #12 0x62e312dc7b3c #13 0x62e312ddf807 #14 0x62e312dad0df #15 0x62e312dfc578 #16 0x62e312dfc740 #17 0x62e312e0c196 #18 0x72c0af09caa4 #19 0x72c0af129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:35:42,247 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 05:35:47,153 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817279904A42118384384D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:35:49,407 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 05:35:49,407 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 05:35:49,492 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 05:36:01,137 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826786146838A35438153996D9547743635268161066 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-02-21 05:36:01,137 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826786146838A35438153996D9547743635268161066 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-02-21 05:36:07,653 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x6540b86ea31a #1 0x6540b82006e0 #2 0x6540b824f3e6 #3 0x6540b824f681 #4 0x6540b8294b04 #5 0x6540b827348d #6 0x6540b8291ed7 #7 0x6540b8273203 #8 0x6540b8241cc0 #9 0x6540b8242c9e #10 0x6540b86b7d0b #11 0x6540b86bbc92 #12 0x6540b86a4b3c #13 0x6540b86bc807 #14 0x6540b868a0df #15 0x6540b86d9578 #16 0x6540b86d9740 #17 0x6540b86e9196 #18 0x7b690ac9caa4 #19 0x7b690ad29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:36:07,730 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 05:36:09,730 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817279904A42118384384D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:36:24,166 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:36:30,230 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5bc2b1dca31a #1 0x5bc2b18e06e0 #2 0x5bc2b192f3e6 #3 0x5bc2b192f681 #4 0x5bc2b1974b04 #5 0x5bc2b195348d #6 0x5bc2b1971ed7 #7 0x5bc2b1953203 #8 0x5bc2b1921cc0 #9 0x5bc2b1922c9e #10 0x5bc2b1d97d0b #11 0x5bc2b1d9bc92 #12 0x5bc2b1d84b3c #13 0x5bc2b1d9c807 #14 0x5bc2b1d6a0df #15 0x5bc2b1db9578 #16 0x5bc2b1db9740 #17 0x5bc2b1dc9196 #18 0x7ff54f29caa4 #19 0x7ff54f329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:36:30,309 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 05:36:32,310 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817279904A42118384384D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:36:41,291 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:36:52,777 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x60383b87f31a #1 0x60383b3956e0 #2 0x60383b3e43e6 #3 0x60383b3e4681 #4 0x60383b429b04 #5 0x60383b40848d #6 0x60383b426ed7 #7 0x60383b408203 #8 0x60383b3d6cc0 #9 0x60383b3d7c9e #10 0x60383b84cd0b #11 0x60383b850c92 #12 0x60383b839b3c #13 0x60383b851807 #14 0x60383b81f0df #15 0x60383b86e578 #16 0x60383b86e740 #17 0x60383b87e196 #18 0x710bd549caa4 #19 0x710bd5529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:36:52,862 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 05:36:54,862 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817279904A42118384384D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:36:58,319 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:37:14,687 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:37:15,356 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5ccff030831a #1 0x5ccfefe1e6e0 #2 0x5ccfefe6d3e6 #3 0x5ccfefe6d681 #4 0x5ccfefeb2b04 #5 0x5ccfefe9148d #6 0x5ccfefeafed7 #7 0x5ccfefe91203 #8 0x5ccfefe5fcc0 #9 0x5ccfefe60c9e #10 0x5ccff02d5d0b #11 0x5ccff02d9c92 #12 0x5ccff02c2b3c #13 0x5ccff02da807 #14 0x5ccff02a80df #15 0x5ccff02f7578 #16 0x5ccff02f7740 #17 0x5ccff0307196 #18 0x79525429caa4 #19 0x795254329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:37:15,432 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 05:37:17,432 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817279904A42118384384D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:37:33,652 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:37:37,918 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5b1792e1731a #1 0x5b179292d6e0 #2 0x5b179297c3e6 #3 0x5b179297c681 #4 0x5b17929c1b04 #5 0x5b17929a048d #6 0x5b17929beed7 #7 0x5b17929a0203 #8 0x5b179296ecc0 #9 0x5b179296fc9e #10 0x5b1792de4d0b #11 0x5b1792de8c92 #12 0x5b1792dd1b3c #13 0x5b1792de9807 #14 0x5b1792db70df #15 0x5b1792e06578 #16 0x5b1792e06740 #17 0x5b1792e16196 #18 0x7b77e4c9caa4 #19 0x7b77e4d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:37:37,995 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 05:37:39,995 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817279904A42118384384D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:37:53,887 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:38:00,535 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x60b44c15d31a #1 0x60b44bc736e0 #2 0x60b44bcc23e6 #3 0x60b44bcc2681 #4 0x60b44bd07b04 #5 0x60b44bce648d #6 0x60b44bd04ed7 #7 0x60b44bce6203 #8 0x60b44bcb4cc0 #9 0x60b44bcb5c9e #10 0x60b44c12ad0b #11 0x60b44c12ec92 #12 0x60b44c117b3c #13 0x60b44c12f807 #14 0x60b44c0fd0df #15 0x60b44c14c578 #16 0x60b44c14c740 #17 0x60b44c15c196 #18 0x70810949caa4 #19 0x708109529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:38:00,618 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 05:38:02,619 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817279904A42118384384D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:38:23,123 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5fadf57a831a #1 0x5fadf52be6e0 #2 0x5fadf530d3e6 #3 0x5fadf530d681 #4 0x5fadf5352b04 #5 0x5fadf533148d #6 0x5fadf534fed7 #7 0x5fadf5331203 #8 0x5fadf52ffcc0 #9 0x5fadf5300c9e #10 0x5fadf5775d0b #11 0x5fadf5779c92 #12 0x5fadf5762b3c #13 0x5fadf577a807 #14 0x5fadf57480df #15 0x5fadf5797578 #16 0x5fadf5797740 #17 0x5fadf57a7196 #18 0x7aa16529caa4 #19 0x7aa165329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:38:23,200 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 05:38:25,200 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817279904A42118384384D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:38:38,583 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:38:45,702 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5f839669d31a #1 0x5f83961b36e0 #2 0x5f83962023e6 #3 0x5f8396202681 #4 0x5f8396247b04 #5 0x5f839622648d #6 0x5f8396244ed7 #7 0x5f8396226203 #8 0x5f83961f4cc0 #9 0x5f83961f5c9e #10 0x5f839666ad0b #11 0x5f839666ec92 #12 0x5f8396657b3c #13 0x5f839666f807 #14 0x5f839663d0df #15 0x5f839668c578 #16 0x5f839668c740 #17 0x5f839669c196 #18 0x752165e9caa4 #19 0x752165f29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:38:45,778 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 05:38:47,779 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817279904A42118384384D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:39:08,273 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5edaf842131a #1 0x5edaf7f376e0 #2 0x5edaf7f863e6 #3 0x5edaf7f86681 #4 0x5edaf7fcbb04 #5 0x5edaf7faa48d #6 0x5edaf7fc8ed7 #7 0x5edaf7faa203 #8 0x5edaf7f78cc0 #9 0x5edaf7f79c9e #10 0x5edaf83eed0b #11 0x5edaf83f2c92 #12 0x5edaf83dbb3c #13 0x5edaf83f3807 #14 0x5edaf83c10df #15 0x5edaf8410578 #16 0x5edaf8410740 #17 0x5edaf8420196 #18 0x75f29dc9caa4 #19 0x75f29dd29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:39:08,349 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 05:39:10,349 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817279904A42118384384D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:39:28,298 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:39:30,824 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x63201819a31a #1 0x632017cb06e0 #2 0x632017cff3e6 #3 0x632017cff681 #4 0x632017d44b04 #5 0x632017d2348d #6 0x632017d41ed7 #7 0x632017d23203 #8 0x632017cf1cc0 #9 0x632017cf2c9e #10 0x632018167d0b #11 0x63201816bc92 #12 0x632018154b3c #13 0x63201816c807 #14 0x63201813a0df #15 0x632018189578 #16 0x632018189740 #17 0x632018199196 #18 0x74feb489caa4 #19 0x74feb4929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:39:30,900 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 05:39:32,900 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817279904A42118384384D2633598932167165105 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:573) 2025-02-21 05:39:32,900 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817279904A42118384384D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 05:39:53,354 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x588516aef31a #1 0x5885166056e0 #2 0x5885166543e6 #3 0x588516654681 #4 0x588516699b04 #5 0x58851667848d #6 0x588516696ed7 #7 0x588516678203 #8 0x588516646cc0 #9 0x588516647c9e #10 0x588516abcd0b #11 0x588516ac0c92 #12 0x588516aa9b3c #13 0x588516ac1807 #14 0x588516a8f0df #15 0x588516ade578 #16 0x588516ade740 #17 0x588516aee196 #18 0x7308d4e9caa4 #19 0x7308d4f29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 05:39:53,430 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 05:40:15,197 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 05:57:45,304 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:57:52,737 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 05:57:52,737 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 05:57:52,833 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 05:57:58,079 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:58:56,814 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:59:15,354 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 05:59:15,354 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 05:59:15,415 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 05:59:16,324 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:59:20,298 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:59:21,068 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:59:34,138 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 05:59:35,315 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 05:59:35,316 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 05:59:35,384 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 05:59:55,670 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:00:11,947 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:00:46,403 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:00:47,805 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:00:51,062 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:01:34,167 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:01:58,237 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) Proxy CONNECT aborted. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:02:07,103 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:02:22,057 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 06:02:22,958 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:03:35,958 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:03:57,077 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 06:04:09,496 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 06:05:10,290 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817407104A42118664507D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:05:17,602 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 06:05:17,603 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 06:05:17,690 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 06:05:18,140 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826786146838A35438153996D9547743635268161066 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-02-21 06:05:18,140 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826786146838A35438153996D9547743635268161066 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-02-21 06:05:22,966 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:05:30,773 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x629c9dcaa31a #1 0x629c9d7c06e0 #2 0x629c9d80f3e6 #3 0x629c9d80f681 #4 0x629c9d854b04 #5 0x629c9d83348d #6 0x629c9d851ed7 #7 0x629c9d833203 #8 0x629c9d801cc0 #9 0x629c9d802c9e #10 0x629c9dc77d0b #11 0x629c9dc7bc92 #12 0x629c9dc64b3c #13 0x629c9dc7c807 #14 0x629c9dc4a0df #15 0x629c9dc99578 #16 0x629c9dc99740 #17 0x629c9dca9196 #18 0x74168929caa4 #19 0x741689329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:05:30,848 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 06:05:32,849 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817407104A42118664507D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:05:53,312 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x62ca02d5731a #1 0x62ca0286d6e0 #2 0x62ca028bc3e6 #3 0x62ca028bc681 #4 0x62ca02901b04 #5 0x62ca028e048d #6 0x62ca028feed7 #7 0x62ca028e0203 #8 0x62ca028aecc0 #9 0x62ca028afc9e #10 0x62ca02d24d0b #11 0x62ca02d28c92 #12 0x62ca02d11b3c #13 0x62ca02d29807 #14 0x62ca02cf70df #15 0x62ca02d46578 #16 0x62ca02d46740 #17 0x62ca02d56196 #18 0x704358c9caa4 #19 0x704358d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:05:53,388 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 06:05:53,948 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:05:55,389 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817407104A42118664507D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:06:15,858 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x636b7965131a #1 0x636b791676e0 #2 0x636b791b63e6 #3 0x636b791b6681 #4 0x636b791fbb04 #5 0x636b791da48d #6 0x636b791f8ed7 #7 0x636b791da203 #8 0x636b791a8cc0 #9 0x636b791a9c9e #10 0x636b7961ed0b #11 0x636b79622c92 #12 0x636b7960bb3c #13 0x636b79623807 #14 0x636b795f10df #15 0x636b79640578 #16 0x636b79640740 #17 0x636b79650196 #18 0x7e7de809caa4 #19 0x7e7de8129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:06:15,937 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 06:06:17,937 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817407104A42118664507D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:06:38,399 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5c4d193a531a #1 0x5c4d18ebb6e0 #2 0x5c4d18f0a3e6 #3 0x5c4d18f0a681 #4 0x5c4d18f4fb04 #5 0x5c4d18f2e48d #6 0x5c4d18f4ced7 #7 0x5c4d18f2e203 #8 0x5c4d18efccc0 #9 0x5c4d18efdc9e #10 0x5c4d19372d0b #11 0x5c4d19376c92 #12 0x5c4d1935fb3c #13 0x5c4d19377807 #14 0x5c4d193450df #15 0x5c4d19394578 #16 0x5c4d19394740 #17 0x5c4d193a4196 #18 0x75e4f489caa4 #19 0x75e4f4929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:06:38,475 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 06:06:40,475 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817407104A42118664507D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:07:00,970 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x63475141d31a #1 0x634750f336e0 #2 0x634750f823e6 #3 0x634750f82681 #4 0x634750fc7b04 #5 0x634750fa648d #6 0x634750fc4ed7 #7 0x634750fa6203 #8 0x634750f74cc0 #9 0x634750f75c9e #10 0x6347513ead0b #11 0x6347513eec92 #12 0x6347513d7b3c #13 0x6347513ef807 #14 0x6347513bd0df #15 0x63475140c578 #16 0x63475140c740 #17 0x63475141c196 #18 0x7f88d609caa4 #19 0x7f88d6129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:07:01,048 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 06:07:03,048 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817407104A42118664507D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:07:10,004 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:07:14,283 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641301995206578243A41670397515D4667600584435875840 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:07:23,545 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5c8f3690931a #1 0x5c8f3641f6e0 #2 0x5c8f3646e3e6 #3 0x5c8f3646e681 #4 0x5c8f364b3b04 #5 0x5c8f3649248d #6 0x5c8f364b0ed7 #7 0x5c8f36492203 #8 0x5c8f36460cc0 #9 0x5c8f36461c9e #10 0x5c8f368d6d0b #11 0x5c8f368dac92 #12 0x5c8f368c3b3c #13 0x5c8f368db807 #14 0x5c8f368a90df #15 0x5c8f368f8578 #16 0x5c8f368f8740 #17 0x5c8f36908196 #18 0x70e6dc89caa4 #19 0x70e6dc929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:07:23,626 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 06:07:25,626 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817407104A42118664507D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:07:34,780 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5f123de2331a #1 0x5f123d9396e0 #2 0x5f123d9883e6 #3 0x5f123d988681 #4 0x5f123d9cdb04 #5 0x5f123d9ac48d #6 0x5f123d9caed7 #7 0x5f123d9ac203 #8 0x5f123d97acc0 #9 0x5f123d97bc9e #10 0x5f123ddf0d0b #11 0x5f123ddf4c92 #12 0x5f123ddddb3c #13 0x5f123ddf5807 #14 0x5f123ddc30df #15 0x5f123de12578 #16 0x5f123de12740 #17 0x5f123de22196 #18 0x7bb6b769caa4 #19 0x7bb6b7729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:07:34,857 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 06:07:36,857 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641301995206578243A41670397515D4667600584435875840 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:07:46,127 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x59d899c9431a #1 0x59d8997aa6e0 #2 0x59d8997f93e6 #3 0x59d8997f9681 #4 0x59d89983eb04 #5 0x59d89981d48d #6 0x59d89983bed7 #7 0x59d89981d203 #8 0x59d8997ebcc0 #9 0x59d8997ecc9e #10 0x59d899c61d0b #11 0x59d899c65c92 #12 0x59d899c4eb3c #13 0x59d899c66807 #14 0x59d899c340df #15 0x59d899c83578 #16 0x59d899c83740 #17 0x59d899c93196 #18 0x747f3169caa4 #19 0x747f31729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:07:46,207 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 06:07:48,207 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817407104A42118664507D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:07:57,361 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x56935b08e31a #1 0x56935aba46e0 #2 0x56935abf33e6 #3 0x56935abf3681 #4 0x56935ac38b04 #5 0x56935ac1748d #6 0x56935ac35ed7 #7 0x56935ac17203 #8 0x56935abe5cc0 #9 0x56935abe6c9e #10 0x56935b05bd0b #11 0x56935b05fc92 #12 0x56935b048b3c #13 0x56935b060807 #14 0x56935b02e0df #15 0x56935b07d578 #16 0x56935b07d740 #17 0x56935b08d196 #18 0x745cc629caa4 #19 0x745cc6329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:07:57,437 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 06:07:59,437 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641301995206578243A41670397515D4667600584435875840 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:08:08,689 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5abc8f5d631a #1 0x5abc8f0ec6e0 #2 0x5abc8f13b3e6 #3 0x5abc8f13b681 #4 0x5abc8f180b04 #5 0x5abc8f15f48d #6 0x5abc8f17ded7 #7 0x5abc8f15f203 #8 0x5abc8f12dcc0 #9 0x5abc8f12ec9e #10 0x5abc8f5a3d0b #11 0x5abc8f5a7c92 #12 0x5abc8f590b3c #13 0x5abc8f5a8807 #14 0x5abc8f5760df #15 0x5abc8f5c5578 #16 0x5abc8f5c5740 #17 0x5abc8f5d5196 #18 0x78aaa909caa4 #19 0x78aaa9129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:08:08,765 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 06:08:10,766 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817407104A42118664507D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:08:19,902 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x62ea903f231a #1 0x62ea8ff086e0 #2 0x62ea8ff573e6 #3 0x62ea8ff57681 #4 0x62ea8ff9cb04 #5 0x62ea8ff7b48d #6 0x62ea8ff99ed7 #7 0x62ea8ff7b203 #8 0x62ea8ff49cc0 #9 0x62ea8ff4ac9e #10 0x62ea903bfd0b #11 0x62ea903c3c92 #12 0x62ea903acb3c #13 0x62ea903c4807 #14 0x62ea903920df #15 0x62ea903e1578 #16 0x62ea903e1740 #17 0x62ea903f1196 #18 0x7d2f1789caa4 #19 0x7d2f17929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:08:19,977 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 06:08:21,978 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641301995206578243A41670397515D4667600584435875840 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:08:31,263 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5d946744b31a #1 0x5d9466f616e0 #2 0x5d9466fb03e6 #3 0x5d9466fb0681 #4 0x5d9466ff5b04 #5 0x5d9466fd448d #6 0x5d9466ff2ed7 #7 0x5d9466fd4203 #8 0x5d9466fa2cc0 #9 0x5d9466fa3c9e #10 0x5d9467418d0b #11 0x5d946741cc92 #12 0x5d9467405b3c #13 0x5d946741d807 #14 0x5d94673eb0df #15 0x5d946743a578 #16 0x5d946743a740 #17 0x5d946744a196 #18 0x7661e249caa4 #19 0x7661e2529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:08:31,341 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 06:08:33,341 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817407104A42118664507D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:08:38,900 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:08:42,466 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5e8e8499131a #1 0x5e8e844a76e0 #2 0x5e8e844f63e6 #3 0x5e8e844f6681 #4 0x5e8e8453bb04 #5 0x5e8e8451a48d #6 0x5e8e84538ed7 #7 0x5e8e8451a203 #8 0x5e8e844e8cc0 #9 0x5e8e844e9c9e #10 0x5e8e8495ed0b #11 0x5e8e84962c92 #12 0x5e8e8494bb3c #13 0x5e8e84963807 #14 0x5e8e849310df #15 0x5e8e84980578 #16 0x5e8e84980740 #17 0x5e8e84990196 #18 0x7445d1a9caa4 #19 0x7445d1b29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:08:42,542 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 06:08:44,542 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641301995206578243A41670397515D4667600584435875840 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:08:53,838 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5d961e3b431a #1 0x5d961deca6e0 #2 0x5d961df193e6 #3 0x5d961df19681 #4 0x5d961df5eb04 #5 0x5d961df3d48d #6 0x5d961df5bed7 #7 0x5d961df3d203 #8 0x5d961df0bcc0 #9 0x5d961df0cc9e #10 0x5d961e381d0b #11 0x5d961e385c92 #12 0x5d961e36eb3c #13 0x5d961e386807 #14 0x5d961e3540df #15 0x5d961e3a3578 #16 0x5d961e3a3740 #17 0x5d961e3b3196 #18 0x77d7bae9caa4 #19 0x77d7baf29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:08:53,915 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 06:08:55,915 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817407104A42118664507D2633598932167165105 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:573) 2025-02-21 06:08:55,915 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817407104A42118664507D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:09:03,367 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:09:05,060 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5752e901531a #1 0x5752e8b2b6e0 #2 0x5752e8b7a3e6 #3 0x5752e8b7a681 #4 0x5752e8bbfb04 #5 0x5752e8b9e48d #6 0x5752e8bbced7 #7 0x5752e8b9e203 #8 0x5752e8b6ccc0 #9 0x5752e8b6dc9e #10 0x5752e8fe2d0b #11 0x5752e8fe6c92 #12 0x5752e8fcfb3c #13 0x5752e8fe7807 #14 0x5752e8fb50df #15 0x5752e9004578 #16 0x5752e9004740 #17 0x5752e9014196 #18 0x7e3d10a9caa4 #19 0x7e3d10b29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:09:05,135 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 06:09:07,136 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641301995206578243A41670397515D4667600584435875840 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:09:16,390 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5d60d55d731a #1 0x5d60d50ed6e0 #2 0x5d60d513c3e6 #3 0x5d60d513c681 #4 0x5d60d5181b04 #5 0x5d60d516048d #6 0x5d60d517eed7 #7 0x5d60d5160203 #8 0x5d60d512ecc0 #9 0x5d60d512fc9e #10 0x5d60d55a4d0b #11 0x5d60d55a8c92 #12 0x5d60d5591b3c #13 0x5d60d55a9807 #14 0x5d60d55770df #15 0x5d60d55c6578 #16 0x5d60d55c6740 #17 0x5d60d55d6196 #18 0x7d78fb29caa4 #19 0x7d78fb329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:09:16,465 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 06:09:27,092 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:09:27,622 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x578e6ef2e31a #1 0x578e6ea446e0 #2 0x578e6ea933e6 #3 0x578e6ea93681 #4 0x578e6ead8b04 #5 0x578e6eab748d #6 0x578e6ead5ed7 #7 0x578e6eab7203 #8 0x578e6ea85cc0 #9 0x578e6ea86c9e #10 0x578e6eefbd0b #11 0x578e6eeffc92 #12 0x578e6eee8b3c #13 0x578e6ef00807 #14 0x578e6eece0df #15 0x578e6ef1d578 #16 0x578e6ef1d740 #17 0x578e6ef2d196 #18 0x7c62cd09caa4 #19 0x7c62cd129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:09:27,697 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 06:09:29,697 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641301995206578243A41670397515D4667600584435875840 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:09:46,870 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 06:09:50,172 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x581c7db5231a #1 0x581c7d6686e0 #2 0x581c7d6b73e6 #3 0x581c7d6b7681 #4 0x581c7d6fcb04 #5 0x581c7d6db48d #6 0x581c7d6f9ed7 #7 0x581c7d6db203 #8 0x581c7d6a9cc0 #9 0x581c7d6aac9e #10 0x581c7db1fd0b #11 0x581c7db23c92 #12 0x581c7db0cb3c #13 0x581c7db24807 #14 0x581c7daf20df #15 0x581c7db41578 #16 0x581c7db41740 #17 0x581c7db51196 #18 0x79d6baa9caa4 #19 0x79d6bab29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:09:50,248 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 06:09:52,248 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641301995206578243A41670397515D4667600584435875840 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:09:52,304 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:10:12,717 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x609497bff31a #1 0x6094977156e0 #2 0x6094977643e6 #3 0x609497764681 #4 0x6094977a9b04 #5 0x60949778848d #6 0x6094977a6ed7 #7 0x609497788203 #8 0x609497756cc0 #9 0x609497757c9e #10 0x609497bccd0b #11 0x609497bd0c92 #12 0x609497bb9b3c #13 0x609497bd1807 #14 0x609497b9f0df #15 0x609497bee578 #16 0x609497bee740 #17 0x609497bfe196 #18 0x7d188be9caa4 #19 0x7d188bf29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:10:12,776 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 06:10:14,777 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641301995206578243A41670397515D4667600584435875840 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:10:35,273 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5fb03e65131a #1 0x5fb03e1676e0 #2 0x5fb03e1b63e6 #3 0x5fb03e1b6681 #4 0x5fb03e1fbb04 #5 0x5fb03e1da48d #6 0x5fb03e1f8ed7 #7 0x5fb03e1da203 #8 0x5fb03e1a8cc0 #9 0x5fb03e1a9c9e #10 0x5fb03e61ed0b #11 0x5fb03e622c92 #12 0x5fb03e60bb3c #13 0x5fb03e623807 #14 0x5fb03e5f10df #15 0x5fb03e640578 #16 0x5fb03e640740 #17 0x5fb03e650196 #18 0x7d80f169caa4 #19 0x7d80f1729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:10:35,350 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 06:10:37,351 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641301995206578243A41670397515D4667600584435875840 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:10:57,793 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5c5f7bc0831a #1 0x5c5f7b71e6e0 #2 0x5c5f7b76d3e6 #3 0x5c5f7b76d681 #4 0x5c5f7b7b2b04 #5 0x5c5f7b79148d #6 0x5c5f7b7afed7 #7 0x5c5f7b791203 #8 0x5c5f7b75fcc0 #9 0x5c5f7b760c9e #10 0x5c5f7bbd5d0b #11 0x5c5f7bbd9c92 #12 0x5c5f7bbc2b3c #13 0x5c5f7bbda807 #14 0x5c5f7bba80df #15 0x5c5f7bbf7578 #16 0x5c5f7bbf7740 #17 0x5c5f7bc07196 #18 0x7ccb3409caa4 #19 0x7ccb34129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:10:57,868 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 06:10:59,869 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641301995206578243A41670397515D4667600584435875840 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:573) 2025-02-21 06:10:59,869 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641301995206578243A41670397515D4667600584435875840 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:11:20,365 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5aa8eb67b31a #1 0x5aa8eb1916e0 #2 0x5aa8eb1e03e6 #3 0x5aa8eb1e0681 #4 0x5aa8eb225b04 #5 0x5aa8eb20448d #6 0x5aa8eb222ed7 #7 0x5aa8eb204203 #8 0x5aa8eb1d2cc0 #9 0x5aa8eb1d3c9e #10 0x5aa8eb648d0b #11 0x5aa8eb64cc92 #12 0x5aa8eb635b3c #13 0x5aa8eb64d807 #14 0x5aa8eb61b0df #15 0x5aa8eb66a578 #16 0x5aa8eb66a740 #17 0x5aa8eb67a196 #18 0x77c4a089caa4 #19 0x77c4a0929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:11:20,441 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 06:19:05,582 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:23:51,852 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863086151076A42118746456D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:24:12,300 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5cc20b64f31a #1 0x5cc20b1656e0 #2 0x5cc20b1b43e6 #3 0x5cc20b1b4681 #4 0x5cc20b1f9b04 #5 0x5cc20b1d848d #6 0x5cc20b1f6ed7 #7 0x5cc20b1d8203 #8 0x5cc20b1a6cc0 #9 0x5cc20b1a7c9e #10 0x5cc20b61cd0b #11 0x5cc20b620c92 #12 0x5cc20b609b3c #13 0x5cc20b621807 #14 0x5cc20b5ef0df #15 0x5cc20b63e578 #16 0x5cc20b63e740 #17 0x5cc20b64e196 #18 0x73b76fe9caa4 #19 0x73b76ff29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:24:12,375 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 06:24:14,375 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863086151076A42118746456D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:24:34,839 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x599f6812731a #1 0x599f67c3d6e0 #2 0x599f67c8c3e6 #3 0x599f67c8c681 #4 0x599f67cd1b04 #5 0x599f67cb048d #6 0x599f67cceed7 #7 0x599f67cb0203 #8 0x599f67c7ecc0 #9 0x599f67c7fc9e #10 0x599f680f4d0b #11 0x599f680f8c92 #12 0x599f680e1b3c #13 0x599f680f9807 #14 0x599f680c70df #15 0x599f68116578 #16 0x599f68116740 #17 0x599f68126196 #18 0x7b140349caa4 #19 0x7b1403529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:24:34,916 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 06:24:36,917 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863086151076A42118746456D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:24:57,404 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x62bc097ac31a #1 0x62bc092c26e0 #2 0x62bc093113e6 #3 0x62bc09311681 #4 0x62bc09356b04 #5 0x62bc0933548d #6 0x62bc09353ed7 #7 0x62bc09335203 #8 0x62bc09303cc0 #9 0x62bc09304c9e #10 0x62bc09779d0b #11 0x62bc0977dc92 #12 0x62bc09766b3c #13 0x62bc0977e807 #14 0x62bc0974c0df #15 0x62bc0979b578 #16 0x62bc0979b740 #17 0x62bc097ab196 #18 0x77e10e69caa4 #19 0x77e10e729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:24:57,479 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 06:24:59,480 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863086151076A42118746456D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:25:19,966 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x619c50c4731a #1 0x619c5075d6e0 #2 0x619c507ac3e6 #3 0x619c507ac681 #4 0x619c507f1b04 #5 0x619c507d048d #6 0x619c507eeed7 #7 0x619c507d0203 #8 0x619c5079ecc0 #9 0x619c5079fc9e #10 0x619c50c14d0b #11 0x619c50c18c92 #12 0x619c50c01b3c #13 0x619c50c19807 #14 0x619c50be70df #15 0x619c50c36578 #16 0x619c50c36740 #17 0x619c50c46196 #18 0x73b12ee9caa4 #19 0x73b12ef29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:25:20,033 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 06:25:22,034 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863086151076A42118746456D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:25:42,490 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x652654db931a #1 0x6526548cf6e0 #2 0x65265491e3e6 #3 0x65265491e681 #4 0x652654963b04 #5 0x65265494248d #6 0x652654960ed7 #7 0x652654942203 #8 0x652654910cc0 #9 0x652654911c9e #10 0x652654d86d0b #11 0x652654d8ac92 #12 0x652654d73b3c #13 0x652654d8b807 #14 0x652654d590df #15 0x652654da8578 #16 0x652654da8740 #17 0x652654db8196 #18 0x7bac5429caa4 #19 0x7bac54329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:25:42,565 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 06:25:44,565 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863086151076A42118746456D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:26:05,049 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5cf3b4dae31a #1 0x5cf3b48c46e0 #2 0x5cf3b49133e6 #3 0x5cf3b4913681 #4 0x5cf3b4958b04 #5 0x5cf3b493748d #6 0x5cf3b4955ed7 #7 0x5cf3b4937203 #8 0x5cf3b4905cc0 #9 0x5cf3b4906c9e #10 0x5cf3b4d7bd0b #11 0x5cf3b4d7fc92 #12 0x5cf3b4d68b3c #13 0x5cf3b4d80807 #14 0x5cf3b4d4e0df #15 0x5cf3b4d9d578 #16 0x5cf3b4d9d740 #17 0x5cf3b4dad196 #18 0x7cbd9249caa4 #19 0x7cbd92529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:26:05,124 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 06:26:07,124 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863086151076A42118746456D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:26:27,595 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x565aed0a731a #1 0x565aecbbd6e0 #2 0x565aecc0c3e6 #3 0x565aecc0c681 #4 0x565aecc51b04 #5 0x565aecc3048d #6 0x565aecc4eed7 #7 0x565aecc30203 #8 0x565aecbfecc0 #9 0x565aecbffc9e #10 0x565aed074d0b #11 0x565aed078c92 #12 0x565aed061b3c #13 0x565aed079807 #14 0x565aed0470df #15 0x565aed096578 #16 0x565aed096740 #17 0x565aed0a6196 #18 0x7e174789caa4 #19 0x7e1747929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:26:27,671 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 06:26:29,672 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863086151076A42118746456D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:26:39,757 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:26:47,865 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 06:26:47,866 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR %E2%98%85%20Specialist%20Gloves%20%7C%20Mogul%20%28Battle-Scarred%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=%E2%98%85%20Specialist%20Gloves%20%7C%20Mogul%20%28Battle-Scarred%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 06:26:47,952 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 06:26:50,158 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5c84cf4e931a #1 0x5c84cefff6e0 #2 0x5c84cf04e3e6 #3 0x5c84cf04e681 #4 0x5c84cf093b04 #5 0x5c84cf07248d #6 0x5c84cf090ed7 #7 0x5c84cf072203 #8 0x5c84cf040cc0 #9 0x5c84cf041c9e #10 0x5c84cf4b6d0b #11 0x5c84cf4bac92 #12 0x5c84cf4a3b3c #13 0x5c84cf4bb807 #14 0x5c84cf4890df #15 0x5c84cf4d8578 #16 0x5c84cf4d8740 #17 0x5c84cf4e8196 #18 0x7e609ce9caa4 #19 0x7e609cf29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:26:50,235 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 06:26:52,235 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863086151076A42118746456D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:27:12,713 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x584b4476131a #1 0x584b442776e0 #2 0x584b442c63e6 #3 0x584b442c6681 #4 0x584b4430bb04 #5 0x584b442ea48d #6 0x584b44308ed7 #7 0x584b442ea203 #8 0x584b442b8cc0 #9 0x584b442b9c9e #10 0x584b4472ed0b #11 0x584b44732c92 #12 0x584b4471bb3c #13 0x584b44733807 #14 0x584b447010df #15 0x584b44750578 #16 0x584b44750740 #17 0x584b44760196 #18 0x7e5f9929caa4 #19 0x7e5f99329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:27:12,789 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 06:27:13,111 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 06:27:13,112 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 06:27:13,184 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 06:27:14,789 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863086151076A42118746456D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:27:26,753 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:27:33,465 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:27:35,279 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5c8b62b4731a #1 0x5c8b6265d6e0 #2 0x5c8b626ac3e6 #3 0x5c8b626ac681 #4 0x5c8b626f1b04 #5 0x5c8b626d048d #6 0x5c8b626eeed7 #7 0x5c8b626d0203 #8 0x5c8b6269ecc0 #9 0x5c8b6269fc9e #10 0x5c8b62b14d0b #11 0x5c8b62b18c92 #12 0x5c8b62b01b3c #13 0x5c8b62b19807 #14 0x5c8b62ae70df #15 0x5c8b62b36578 #16 0x5c8b62b36740 #17 0x5c8b62b46196 #18 0x7baaee69caa4 #19 0x7baaee729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:27:35,355 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 06:27:37,355 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863086151076A42118746456D11556876991896565350 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:635) 2025-02-21 06:27:37,355 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863086151076A42118746456D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:27:57,817 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x64996376c31a #1 0x6499632826e0 #2 0x6499632d13e6 #3 0x6499632d1681 #4 0x649963316b04 #5 0x6499632f548d #6 0x649963313ed7 #7 0x6499632f5203 #8 0x6499632c3cc0 #9 0x6499632c4c9e #10 0x649963739d0b #11 0x64996373dc92 #12 0x649963726b3c #13 0x64996373e807 #14 0x64996370c0df #15 0x64996375b578 #16 0x64996375b740 #17 0x64996376b196 #18 0x702e75a9caa4 #19 0x702e75b29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:27:57,892 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 06:28:04,122 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:28:17,359 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:28:19,882 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:28:37,299 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:28:41,127 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 06:28:41,128 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 06:28:41,207 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 06:28:53,576 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 06:28:53,577 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 06:28:53,642 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 06:29:00,668 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:29:28,431 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:29:43,593 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:29:51,685 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:30:04,917 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:30:05,552 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:30:23,661 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:30:29,401 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:30:38,831 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:30:51,086 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:31:11,061 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:31:31,862 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/%E2%98%85%20Specialist%20Gloves%20%7C%20Mogul%20%28Battle-Scarred%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 06:31:33,237 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:31:41,590 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 06:32:21,402 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:33:08,455 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 06:33:25,641 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 06:34:24,306 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817644644A42119000459D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:34:28,210 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 06:34:28,211 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 06:34:28,292 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 06:34:31,289 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826786146838A35438153996D9547743635268161066 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-02-21 06:34:31,289 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826786146838A35438153996D9547743635268161066 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-02-21 06:34:33,799 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:34:40,401 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666073061408263320A42118921126D16718573530768392943 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:34:44,789 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5e925fba131a #1 0x5e925f6b76e0 #2 0x5e925f7063e6 #3 0x5e925f706681 #4 0x5e925f74bb04 #5 0x5e925f72a48d #6 0x5e925f748ed7 #7 0x5e925f72a203 #8 0x5e925f6f8cc0 #9 0x5e925f6f9c9e #10 0x5e925fb6ed0b #11 0x5e925fb72c92 #12 0x5e925fb5bb3c #13 0x5e925fb73807 #14 0x5e925fb410df #15 0x5e925fb90578 #16 0x5e925fb90740 #17 0x5e925fba0196 #18 0x78266329caa4 #19 0x782663329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:34:44,865 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 06:34:46,256 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:34:46,865 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817644644A42119000459D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:35:00,853 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x597a1fedb31a #1 0x597a1f9f16e0 #2 0x597a1fa403e6 #3 0x597a1fa40681 #4 0x597a1fa85b04 #5 0x597a1fa6448d #6 0x597a1fa82ed7 #7 0x597a1fa64203 #8 0x597a1fa32cc0 #9 0x597a1fa33c9e #10 0x597a1fea8d0b #11 0x597a1feacc92 #12 0x597a1fe95b3c #13 0x597a1fead807 #14 0x597a1fe7b0df #15 0x597a1feca578 #16 0x597a1feca740 #17 0x597a1feda196 #18 0x77f01ce9caa4 #19 0x77f01cf29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:35:00,929 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 06:35:01,621 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:35:02,929 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666073061408263320A42118921126D16718573530768392943 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:35:07,346 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x60238c25e31a #1 0x60238bd746e0 #2 0x60238bdc33e6 #3 0x60238bdc3681 #4 0x60238be08b04 #5 0x60238bde748d #6 0x60238be05ed7 #7 0x60238bde7203 #8 0x60238bdb5cc0 #9 0x60238bdb6c9e #10 0x60238c22bd0b #11 0x60238c22fc92 #12 0x60238c218b3c #13 0x60238c230807 #14 0x60238c1fe0df #15 0x60238c24d578 #16 0x60238c24d740 #17 0x60238c25d196 #18 0x70158909caa4 #19 0x701589129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:35:07,404 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 06:35:09,404 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817644644A42119000459D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:35:18,558 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:35:23,416 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x593d92aef31a #1 0x593d926056e0 #2 0x593d926543e6 #3 0x593d92654681 #4 0x593d92699b04 #5 0x593d9267848d #6 0x593d92696ed7 #7 0x593d92678203 #8 0x593d92646cc0 #9 0x593d92647c9e #10 0x593d92abcd0b #11 0x593d92ac0c92 #12 0x593d92aa9b3c #13 0x593d92ac1807 #14 0x593d92a8f0df #15 0x593d92ade578 #16 0x593d92ade740 #17 0x593d92aee196 #18 0x769602e9caa4 #19 0x769602f29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:35:23,492 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 06:35:25,492 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666073061408263320A42118921126D16718573530768392943 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:35:29,874 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x59a1a7c9d31a #1 0x59a1a77b36e0 #2 0x59a1a78023e6 #3 0x59a1a7802681 #4 0x59a1a7847b04 #5 0x59a1a782648d #6 0x59a1a7844ed7 #7 0x59a1a7826203 #8 0x59a1a77f4cc0 #9 0x59a1a77f5c9e #10 0x59a1a7c6ad0b #11 0x59a1a7c6ec92 #12 0x59a1a7c57b3c #13 0x59a1a7c6f807 #14 0x59a1a7c3d0df #15 0x59a1a7c8c578 #16 0x59a1a7c8c740 #17 0x59a1a7c9c196 #18 0x7ed259e9caa4 #19 0x7ed259f29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:35:29,948 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 06:35:31,948 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817644644A42119000459D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:35:36,362 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:35:45,997 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5c78a61ff31a #1 0x5c78a5d156e0 #2 0x5c78a5d643e6 #3 0x5c78a5d64681 #4 0x5c78a5da9b04 #5 0x5c78a5d8848d #6 0x5c78a5da6ed7 #7 0x5c78a5d88203 #8 0x5c78a5d56cc0 #9 0x5c78a5d57c9e #10 0x5c78a61ccd0b #11 0x5c78a61d0c92 #12 0x5c78a61b9b3c #13 0x5c78a61d1807 #14 0x5c78a619f0df #15 0x5c78a61ee578 #16 0x5c78a61ee740 #17 0x5c78a61fe196 #18 0x71f28109caa4 #19 0x71f281129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:35:46,074 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 06:35:48,074 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666073061408263320A42118921126D16718573530768392943 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:35:52,440 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5c3776c5831a #1 0x5c377676e6e0 #2 0x5c37767bd3e6 #3 0x5c37767bd681 #4 0x5c3776802b04 #5 0x5c37767e148d #6 0x5c37767ffed7 #7 0x5c37767e1203 #8 0x5c37767afcc0 #9 0x5c37767b0c9e #10 0x5c3776c25d0b #11 0x5c3776c29c92 #12 0x5c3776c12b3c #13 0x5c3776c2a807 #14 0x5c3776bf80df #15 0x5c3776c47578 #16 0x5c3776c47740 #17 0x5c3776c57196 #18 0x7c5b2229caa4 #19 0x7c5b22329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:35:52,516 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 06:35:54,516 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817644644A42119000459D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:36:08,555 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x6148e4cdc31a #1 0x6148e47f26e0 #2 0x6148e48413e6 #3 0x6148e4841681 #4 0x6148e4886b04 #5 0x6148e486548d #6 0x6148e4883ed7 #7 0x6148e4865203 #8 0x6148e4833cc0 #9 0x6148e4834c9e #10 0x6148e4ca9d0b #11 0x6148e4cadc92 #12 0x6148e4c96b3c #13 0x6148e4cae807 #14 0x6148e4c7c0df #15 0x6148e4ccb578 #16 0x6148e4ccb740 #17 0x6148e4cdb196 #18 0x7daa0cc9caa4 #19 0x7daa0cd29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:36:08,637 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 06:36:10,638 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666073061408263320A42118921126D16718573530768392943 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:36:14,563 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:36:15,052 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5a27ce40531a #1 0x5a27cdf1b6e0 #2 0x5a27cdf6a3e6 #3 0x5a27cdf6a681 #4 0x5a27cdfafb04 #5 0x5a27cdf8e48d #6 0x5a27cdfaced7 #7 0x5a27cdf8e203 #8 0x5a27cdf5ccc0 #9 0x5a27cdf5dc9e #10 0x5a27ce3d2d0b #11 0x5a27ce3d6c92 #12 0x5a27ce3bfb3c #13 0x5a27ce3d7807 #14 0x5a27ce3a50df #15 0x5a27ce3f4578 #16 0x5a27ce3f4740 #17 0x5a27ce404196 #18 0x7fb44409caa4 #19 0x7fb444129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:36:15,128 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 06:36:17,128 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817644644A42119000459D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:36:31,112 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5a119ef3931a #1 0x5a119ea4f6e0 #2 0x5a119ea9e3e6 #3 0x5a119ea9e681 #4 0x5a119eae3b04 #5 0x5a119eac248d #6 0x5a119eae0ed7 #7 0x5a119eac2203 #8 0x5a119ea90cc0 #9 0x5a119ea91c9e #10 0x5a119ef06d0b #11 0x5a119ef0ac92 #12 0x5a119eef3b3c #13 0x5a119ef0b807 #14 0x5a119eed90df #15 0x5a119ef28578 #16 0x5a119ef28740 #17 0x5a119ef38196 #18 0x709413e9caa4 #19 0x709413f29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:36:31,189 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 06:36:33,189 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666073061408263320A42118921126D16718573530768392943 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:36:37,596 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5e22022f831a #1 0x5e2201e0e6e0 #2 0x5e2201e5d3e6 #3 0x5e2201e5d681 #4 0x5e2201ea2b04 #5 0x5e2201e8148d #6 0x5e2201e9fed7 #7 0x5e2201e81203 #8 0x5e2201e4fcc0 #9 0x5e2201e50c9e #10 0x5e22022c5d0b #11 0x5e22022c9c92 #12 0x5e22022b2b3c #13 0x5e22022ca807 #14 0x5e22022980df #15 0x5e22022e7578 #16 0x5e22022e7740 #17 0x5e22022f7196 #18 0x790e3c69caa4 #19 0x790e3c729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:36:37,671 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 06:36:39,672 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817644644A42119000459D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:36:53,670 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5d5c439ed31a #1 0x5d5c435036e0 #2 0x5d5c435523e6 #3 0x5d5c43552681 #4 0x5d5c43597b04 #5 0x5d5c4357648d #6 0x5d5c43594ed7 #7 0x5d5c43576203 #8 0x5d5c43544cc0 #9 0x5d5c43545c9e #10 0x5d5c439bad0b #11 0x5d5c439bec92 #12 0x5d5c439a7b3c #13 0x5d5c439bf807 #14 0x5d5c4398d0df #15 0x5d5c439dc578 #16 0x5d5c439dc740 #17 0x5d5c439ec196 #18 0x74ac7729caa4 #19 0x74ac77329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:36:53,746 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 06:36:55,284 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:36:55,746 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666073061408263320A42118921126D16718573530768392943 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:37:00,171 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x641a6624731a #1 0x641a65d5d6e0 #2 0x641a65dac3e6 #3 0x641a65dac681 #4 0x641a65df1b04 #5 0x641a65dd048d #6 0x641a65deeed7 #7 0x641a65dd0203 #8 0x641a65d9ecc0 #9 0x641a65d9fc9e #10 0x641a66214d0b #11 0x641a66218c92 #12 0x641a66201b3c #13 0x641a66219807 #14 0x641a661e70df #15 0x641a66236578 #16 0x641a66236740 #17 0x641a66246196 #18 0x7cc36609caa4 #19 0x7cc366129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:37:00,249 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 06:37:02,249 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817644644A42119000459D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:37:16,263 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x64d809f4e31a #1 0x64d809a646e0 #2 0x64d809ab33e6 #3 0x64d809ab3681 #4 0x64d809af8b04 #5 0x64d809ad748d #6 0x64d809af5ed7 #7 0x64d809ad7203 #8 0x64d809aa5cc0 #9 0x64d809aa6c9e #10 0x64d809f1bd0b #11 0x64d809f1fc92 #12 0x64d809f08b3c #13 0x64d809f20807 #14 0x64d809eee0df #15 0x64d809f3d578 #16 0x64d809f3d740 #17 0x64d809f4d196 #18 0x7331e729caa4 #19 0x7331e7329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:37:16,338 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 06:37:18,152 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:37:18,338 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666073061408263320A42118921126D16718573530768392943 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:37:22,712 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x598cb548531a #1 0x598cb4f9b6e0 #2 0x598cb4fea3e6 #3 0x598cb4fea681 #4 0x598cb502fb04 #5 0x598cb500e48d #6 0x598cb502ced7 #7 0x598cb500e203 #8 0x598cb4fdccc0 #9 0x598cb4fddc9e #10 0x598cb5452d0b #11 0x598cb5456c92 #12 0x598cb543fb3c #13 0x598cb5457807 #14 0x598cb54250df #15 0x598cb5474578 #16 0x598cb5474740 #17 0x598cb5484196 #18 0x705191c9caa4 #19 0x705191d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:37:22,795 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 06:37:24,795 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817644644A42119000459D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:37:38,821 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x579f6267331a #1 0x579f621896e0 #2 0x579f621d83e6 #3 0x579f621d8681 #4 0x579f6221db04 #5 0x579f621fc48d #6 0x579f6221aed7 #7 0x579f621fc203 #8 0x579f621cacc0 #9 0x579f621cbc9e #10 0x579f62640d0b #11 0x579f62644c92 #12 0x579f6262db3c #13 0x579f62645807 #14 0x579f626130df #15 0x579f62662578 #16 0x579f62662740 #17 0x579f62672196 #18 0x7f6eb869caa4 #19 0x7f6eb8729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:37:38,896 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 06:37:40,297 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:37:40,896 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666073061408263320A42118921126D16718573530768392943 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:37:45,321 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x59d65a51631a #1 0x59d65a02c6e0 #2 0x59d65a07b3e6 #3 0x59d65a07b681 #4 0x59d65a0c0b04 #5 0x59d65a09f48d #6 0x59d65a0bded7 #7 0x59d65a09f203 #8 0x59d65a06dcc0 #9 0x59d65a06ec9e #10 0x59d65a4e3d0b #11 0x59d65a4e7c92 #12 0x59d65a4d0b3c #13 0x59d65a4e8807 #14 0x59d65a4b60df #15 0x59d65a505578 #16 0x59d65a505740 #17 0x59d65a515196 #18 0x7fed2069caa4 #19 0x7fed20729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:37:45,397 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 06:37:47,397 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817644644A42119000459D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:38:01,342 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x605a3d4b531a #1 0x605a3cfcb6e0 #2 0x605a3d01a3e6 #3 0x605a3d01a681 #4 0x605a3d05fb04 #5 0x605a3d03e48d #6 0x605a3d05ced7 #7 0x605a3d03e203 #8 0x605a3d00ccc0 #9 0x605a3d00dc9e #10 0x605a3d482d0b #11 0x605a3d486c92 #12 0x605a3d46fb3c #13 0x605a3d487807 #14 0x605a3d4550df #15 0x605a3d4a4578 #16 0x605a3d4a4740 #17 0x605a3d4b4196 #18 0x76642e49caa4 #19 0x76642e529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:38:01,417 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 06:38:03,417 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666073061408263320A42118921126D16718573530768392943 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:38:07,865 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x619ac21e531a #1 0x619ac1cfb6e0 #2 0x619ac1d4a3e6 #3 0x619ac1d4a681 #4 0x619ac1d8fb04 #5 0x619ac1d6e48d #6 0x619ac1d8ced7 #7 0x619ac1d6e203 #8 0x619ac1d3ccc0 #9 0x619ac1d3dc9e #10 0x619ac21b2d0b #11 0x619ac21b6c92 #12 0x619ac219fb3c #13 0x619ac21b7807 #14 0x619ac21850df #15 0x619ac21d4578 #16 0x619ac21d4740 #17 0x619ac21e4196 #18 0x78266089caa4 #19 0x782660929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:38:07,940 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 06:38:09,941 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817644644A42119000459D2633598932167165105 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:573) 2025-02-21 06:38:09,941 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817644644A42119000459D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:38:23,896 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5f1a2fced31a #1 0x5f1a2f8036e0 #2 0x5f1a2f8523e6 #3 0x5f1a2f852681 #4 0x5f1a2f897b04 #5 0x5f1a2f87648d #6 0x5f1a2f894ed7 #7 0x5f1a2f876203 #8 0x5f1a2f844cc0 #9 0x5f1a2f845c9e #10 0x5f1a2fcbad0b #11 0x5f1a2fcbec92 #12 0x5f1a2fca7b3c #13 0x5f1a2fcbf807 #14 0x5f1a2fc8d0df #15 0x5f1a2fcdc578 #16 0x5f1a2fcdc740 #17 0x5f1a2fcec196 #18 0x73fa6009caa4 #19 0x73fa60129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:38:23,973 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 06:38:25,973 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666073061408263320A42118921126D16718573530768392943 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:573) 2025-02-21 06:38:25,973 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666073061408263320A42118921126D16718573530768392943 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:38:29,998 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:38:30,417 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x62679df2431a #1 0x62679da3a6e0 #2 0x62679da893e6 #3 0x62679da89681 #4 0x62679daceb04 #5 0x62679daad48d #6 0x62679dacbed7 #7 0x62679daad203 #8 0x62679da7bcc0 #9 0x62679da7cc9e #10 0x62679def1d0b #11 0x62679def5c92 #12 0x62679dedeb3c #13 0x62679def6807 #14 0x62679dec40df #15 0x62679df13578 #16 0x62679df13740 #17 0x62679df23196 #18 0x7d84c089caa4 #19 0x7d84c0929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:38:30,494 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 06:38:46,446 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x57a58354031a #1 0x57a5830566e0 #2 0x57a5830a53e6 #3 0x57a5830a5681 #4 0x57a5830eab04 #5 0x57a5830c948d #6 0x57a5830e7ed7 #7 0x57a5830c9203 #8 0x57a583097cc0 #9 0x57a583098c9e #10 0x57a58350dd0b #11 0x57a583511c92 #12 0x57a5834fab3c #13 0x57a583512807 #14 0x57a5834e00df #15 0x57a58352f578 #16 0x57a58352f740 #17 0x57a58353f196 #18 0x730c76e9caa4 #19 0x730c76f29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:38:46,521 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 06:38:50,488 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 06:52:50,170 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863086412106A42119262004D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:53:10,647 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x56d544cbd31a #1 0x56d5447d36e0 #2 0x56d5448223e6 #3 0x56d544822681 #4 0x56d544867b04 #5 0x56d54484648d #6 0x56d544864ed7 #7 0x56d544846203 #8 0x56d544814cc0 #9 0x56d544815c9e #10 0x56d544c8ad0b #11 0x56d544c8ec92 #12 0x56d544c77b3c #13 0x56d544c8f807 #14 0x56d544c5d0df #15 0x56d544cac578 #16 0x56d544cac740 #17 0x56d544cbc196 #18 0x7abc0aa9caa4 #19 0x7abc0ab29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:53:10,722 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 06:53:12,722 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863086412106A42119262004D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:53:33,186 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x579ed1cc931a #1 0x579ed17df6e0 #2 0x579ed182e3e6 #3 0x579ed182e681 #4 0x579ed1873b04 #5 0x579ed185248d #6 0x579ed1870ed7 #7 0x579ed1852203 #8 0x579ed1820cc0 #9 0x579ed1821c9e #10 0x579ed1c96d0b #11 0x579ed1c9ac92 #12 0x579ed1c83b3c #13 0x579ed1c9b807 #14 0x579ed1c690df #15 0x579ed1cb8578 #16 0x579ed1cb8740 #17 0x579ed1cc8196 #18 0x770c0c89caa4 #19 0x770c0c929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:53:33,261 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 06:53:35,262 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863086412106A42119262004D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:53:55,732 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5e58d273f31a #1 0x5e58d22556e0 #2 0x5e58d22a43e6 #3 0x5e58d22a4681 #4 0x5e58d22e9b04 #5 0x5e58d22c848d #6 0x5e58d22e6ed7 #7 0x5e58d22c8203 #8 0x5e58d2296cc0 #9 0x5e58d2297c9e #10 0x5e58d270cd0b #11 0x5e58d2710c92 #12 0x5e58d26f9b3c #13 0x5e58d2711807 #14 0x5e58d26df0df #15 0x5e58d272e578 #16 0x5e58d272e740 #17 0x5e58d273e196 #18 0x7213f2c9caa4 #19 0x7213f2d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:53:55,807 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 06:53:57,807 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863086412106A42119262004D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:54:18,268 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x61de21f9d31a #1 0x61de21ab36e0 #2 0x61de21b023e6 #3 0x61de21b02681 #4 0x61de21b47b04 #5 0x61de21b2648d #6 0x61de21b44ed7 #7 0x61de21b26203 #8 0x61de21af4cc0 #9 0x61de21af5c9e #10 0x61de21f6ad0b #11 0x61de21f6ec92 #12 0x61de21f57b3c #13 0x61de21f6f807 #14 0x61de21f3d0df #15 0x61de21f8c578 #16 0x61de21f8c740 #17 0x61de21f9c196 #18 0x70f3e049caa4 #19 0x70f3e0529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:54:18,343 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 06:54:20,344 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863086412106A42119262004D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:54:40,819 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x6423a01f831a #1 0x64239fd0e6e0 #2 0x64239fd5d3e6 #3 0x64239fd5d681 #4 0x64239fda2b04 #5 0x64239fd8148d #6 0x64239fd9fed7 #7 0x64239fd81203 #8 0x64239fd4fcc0 #9 0x64239fd50c9e #10 0x6423a01c5d0b #11 0x6423a01c9c92 #12 0x6423a01b2b3c #13 0x6423a01ca807 #14 0x6423a01980df #15 0x6423a01e7578 #16 0x6423a01e7740 #17 0x6423a01f7196 #18 0x79857ec9caa4 #19 0x79857ed29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:54:40,895 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 06:54:42,896 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863086412106A42119262004D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:55:03,367 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x652aeb8e931a #1 0x652aeb3ff6e0 #2 0x652aeb44e3e6 #3 0x652aeb44e681 #4 0x652aeb493b04 #5 0x652aeb47248d #6 0x652aeb490ed7 #7 0x652aeb472203 #8 0x652aeb440cc0 #9 0x652aeb441c9e #10 0x652aeb8b6d0b #11 0x652aeb8bac92 #12 0x652aeb8a3b3c #13 0x652aeb8bb807 #14 0x652aeb8890df #15 0x652aeb8d8578 #16 0x652aeb8d8740 #17 0x652aeb8e8196 #18 0x702ff9e9caa4 #19 0x702ff9f29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:55:03,425 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 06:55:05,426 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863086412106A42119262004D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:55:25,930 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5d856ec0e31a #1 0x5d856e7246e0 #2 0x5d856e7733e6 #3 0x5d856e773681 #4 0x5d856e7b8b04 #5 0x5d856e79748d #6 0x5d856e7b5ed7 #7 0x5d856e797203 #8 0x5d856e765cc0 #9 0x5d856e766c9e #10 0x5d856ebdbd0b #11 0x5d856ebdfc92 #12 0x5d856ebc8b3c #13 0x5d856ebe0807 #14 0x5d856ebae0df #15 0x5d856ebfd578 #16 0x5d856ebfd740 #17 0x5d856ec0d196 #18 0x7b3c72c9caa4 #19 0x7b3c72d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:55:26,005 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 06:55:28,005 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863086412106A42119262004D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:55:48,492 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x6239165c431a #1 0x6239160da6e0 #2 0x6239161293e6 #3 0x623916129681 #4 0x62391616eb04 #5 0x62391614d48d #6 0x62391616bed7 #7 0x62391614d203 #8 0x62391611bcc0 #9 0x62391611cc9e #10 0x623916591d0b #11 0x623916595c92 #12 0x62391657eb3c #13 0x623916596807 #14 0x6239165640df #15 0x6239165b3578 #16 0x6239165b3740 #17 0x6239165c3196 #18 0x727010e9caa4 #19 0x727010f29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:55:48,568 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 06:55:50,568 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863086412106A42119262004D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:56:11,031 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x6051ef07531a #1 0x6051eeb8b6e0 #2 0x6051eebda3e6 #3 0x6051eebda681 #4 0x6051eec1fb04 #5 0x6051eebfe48d #6 0x6051eec1ced7 #7 0x6051eebfe203 #8 0x6051eebcccc0 #9 0x6051eebcdc9e #10 0x6051ef042d0b #11 0x6051ef046c92 #12 0x6051ef02fb3c #13 0x6051ef047807 #14 0x6051ef0150df #15 0x6051ef064578 #16 0x6051ef064740 #17 0x6051ef074196 #18 0x7d421509caa4 #19 0x7d4215129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:56:11,107 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 06:56:13,107 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863086412106A42119262004D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:56:22,907 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 06:56:22,908 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 06:56:23,002 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 06:56:33,580 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x60bd83b7631a #1 0x60bd8368c6e0 #2 0x60bd836db3e6 #3 0x60bd836db681 #4 0x60bd83720b04 #5 0x60bd836ff48d #6 0x60bd8371ded7 #7 0x60bd836ff203 #8 0x60bd836cdcc0 #9 0x60bd836cec9e #10 0x60bd83b43d0b #11 0x60bd83b47c92 #12 0x60bd83b30b3c #13 0x60bd83b48807 #14 0x60bd83b160df #15 0x60bd83b65578 #16 0x60bd83b65740 #17 0x60bd83b75196 #18 0x705901a9caa4 #19 0x705901b29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:56:33,655 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 06:56:35,655 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863086412106A42119262004D11556876991896565350 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:635) 2025-02-21 06:56:35,656 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863086412106A42119262004D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 06:56:44,705 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:56:56,134 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x62080b3a131a #1 0x62080aeb76e0 #2 0x62080af063e6 #3 0x62080af06681 #4 0x62080af4bb04 #5 0x62080af2a48d #6 0x62080af48ed7 #7 0x62080af2a203 #8 0x62080aef8cc0 #9 0x62080aef9c9e #10 0x62080b36ed0b #11 0x62080b372c92 #12 0x62080b35bb3c #13 0x62080b373807 #14 0x62080b3410df #15 0x62080b390578 #16 0x62080b390740 #17 0x62080b3a0196 #18 0x7d0033c9caa4 #19 0x7d0033d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 06:56:56,210 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 06:56:58,656 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:57:42,501 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:57:52,787 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 06:57:52,788 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 06:57:52,856 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 06:57:58,121 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:57:58,423 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:58:00,469 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:58:05,465 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 06:58:05,465 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 06:58:05,533 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 06:58:28,566 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:58:41,241 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:58:43,208 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:58:43,296 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:59:00,195 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:59:01,009 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:59:34,206 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:59:40,514 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 06:59:46,273 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:00:15,333 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:01:08,443 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 07:01:13,927 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:01:15,051 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:01:25,726 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:01:40,513 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:02:05,633 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:02:15,700 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:02:27,044 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 07:02:37,628 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 07:02:44,030 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:03:30,845 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:03:36,625 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817969634A42119383142D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:03:37,485 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 07:03:37,485 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 07:03:37,567 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 07:03:46,890 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826786146838A35438153996D9547743635268161066 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-02-21 07:03:46,890 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826786146838A35438153996D9547743635268161066 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-02-21 07:03:57,121 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5e51654a231a #1 0x5e5164fb86e0 #2 0x5e51650073e6 #3 0x5e5165007681 #4 0x5e516504cb04 #5 0x5e516502b48d #6 0x5e5165049ed7 #7 0x5e516502b203 #8 0x5e5164ff9cc0 #9 0x5e5164ffac9e #10 0x5e516546fd0b #11 0x5e5165473c92 #12 0x5e516545cb3c #13 0x5e5165474807 #14 0x5e51654420df #15 0x5e5165491578 #16 0x5e5165491740 #17 0x5e51654a1196 #18 0x73dff749caa4 #19 0x73dff7529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:03:57,197 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 07:03:59,197 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817969634A42119383142D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:03:59,394 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:04:19,667 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x621871c6a31a #1 0x6218717806e0 #2 0x6218717cf3e6 #3 0x6218717cf681 #4 0x621871814b04 #5 0x6218717f348d #6 0x621871811ed7 #7 0x6218717f3203 #8 0x6218717c1cc0 #9 0x6218717c2c9e #10 0x621871c37d0b #11 0x621871c3bc92 #12 0x621871c24b3c #13 0x621871c3c807 #14 0x621871c0a0df #15 0x621871c59578 #16 0x621871c59740 #17 0x621871c69196 #18 0x7323de89caa4 #19 0x7323de929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:04:19,746 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 07:04:21,746 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817969634A42119383142D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:04:32,760 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:04:42,243 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5ebc8ecc831a #1 0x5ebc8e7de6e0 #2 0x5ebc8e82d3e6 #3 0x5ebc8e82d681 #4 0x5ebc8e872b04 #5 0x5ebc8e85148d #6 0x5ebc8e86fed7 #7 0x5ebc8e851203 #8 0x5ebc8e81fcc0 #9 0x5ebc8e820c9e #10 0x5ebc8ec95d0b #11 0x5ebc8ec99c92 #12 0x5ebc8ec82b3c #13 0x5ebc8ec9a807 #14 0x5ebc8ec680df #15 0x5ebc8ecb7578 #16 0x5ebc8ecb7740 #17 0x5ebc8ecc7196 #18 0x71ebe4e9caa4 #19 0x71ebe4f29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:04:42,325 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 07:04:44,325 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817969634A42119383142D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:05:04,800 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5c1d7621631a #1 0x5c1d75d2c6e0 #2 0x5c1d75d7b3e6 #3 0x5c1d75d7b681 #4 0x5c1d75dc0b04 #5 0x5c1d75d9f48d #6 0x5c1d75dbded7 #7 0x5c1d75d9f203 #8 0x5c1d75d6dcc0 #9 0x5c1d75d6ec9e #10 0x5c1d761e3d0b #11 0x5c1d761e7c92 #12 0x5c1d761d0b3c #13 0x5c1d761e8807 #14 0x5c1d761b60df #15 0x5c1d76205578 #16 0x5c1d76205740 #17 0x5c1d76215196 #18 0x7fd85b09caa4 #19 0x7fd85b129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:05:04,859 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 07:05:06,859 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817969634A42119383142D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:05:10,956 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:05:27,334 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5d658d18e31a #1 0x5d658cca46e0 #2 0x5d658ccf33e6 #3 0x5d658ccf3681 #4 0x5d658cd38b04 #5 0x5d658cd1748d #6 0x5d658cd35ed7 #7 0x5d658cd17203 #8 0x5d658cce5cc0 #9 0x5d658cce6c9e #10 0x5d658d15bd0b #11 0x5d658d15fc92 #12 0x5d658d148b3c #13 0x5d658d160807 #14 0x5d658d12e0df #15 0x5d658d17d578 #16 0x5d658d17d740 #17 0x5d658d18d196 #18 0x7544cf89caa4 #19 0x7544cf929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:05:27,410 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 07:05:29,410 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817969634A42119383142D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:05:49,905 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5a0caed9431a #1 0x5a0cae8aa6e0 #2 0x5a0cae8f93e6 #3 0x5a0cae8f9681 #4 0x5a0cae93eb04 #5 0x5a0cae91d48d #6 0x5a0cae93bed7 #7 0x5a0cae91d203 #8 0x5a0cae8ebcc0 #9 0x5a0cae8ecc9e #10 0x5a0caed61d0b #11 0x5a0caed65c92 #12 0x5a0caed4eb3c #13 0x5a0caed66807 #14 0x5a0caed340df #15 0x5a0caed83578 #16 0x5a0caed83740 #17 0x5a0caed93196 #18 0x710bd089caa4 #19 0x710bd0929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:05:49,986 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 07:05:51,986 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817969634A42119383142D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:06:12,481 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x61dd26bc931a #1 0x61dd266df6e0 #2 0x61dd2672e3e6 #3 0x61dd2672e681 #4 0x61dd26773b04 #5 0x61dd2675248d #6 0x61dd26770ed7 #7 0x61dd26752203 #8 0x61dd26720cc0 #9 0x61dd26721c9e #10 0x61dd26b96d0b #11 0x61dd26b9ac92 #12 0x61dd26b83b3c #13 0x61dd26b9b807 #14 0x61dd26b690df #15 0x61dd26bb8578 #16 0x61dd26bb8740 #17 0x61dd26bc8196 #18 0x74f66509caa4 #19 0x74f665129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:06:12,558 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 07:06:14,559 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817969634A42119383142D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:06:35,040 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x593fe38d631a #1 0x593fe33ec6e0 #2 0x593fe343b3e6 #3 0x593fe343b681 #4 0x593fe3480b04 #5 0x593fe345f48d #6 0x593fe347ded7 #7 0x593fe345f203 #8 0x593fe342dcc0 #9 0x593fe342ec9e #10 0x593fe38a3d0b #11 0x593fe38a7c92 #12 0x593fe3890b3c #13 0x593fe38a8807 #14 0x593fe38760df #15 0x593fe38c5578 #16 0x593fe38c5740 #17 0x593fe38d5196 #18 0x739ca6a9caa4 #19 0x739ca6b29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:06:35,117 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 07:06:37,117 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817969634A42119383142D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:06:38,661 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:06:57,579 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5ca6338a431a #1 0x5ca6333ba6e0 #2 0x5ca6334093e6 #3 0x5ca633409681 #4 0x5ca63344eb04 #5 0x5ca63342d48d #6 0x5ca63344bed7 #7 0x5ca63342d203 #8 0x5ca6333fbcc0 #9 0x5ca6333fcc9e #10 0x5ca633871d0b #11 0x5ca633875c92 #12 0x5ca63385eb3c #13 0x5ca633876807 #14 0x5ca6338440df #15 0x5ca633893578 #16 0x5ca633893740 #17 0x5ca6338a3196 #18 0x751d9fa9caa4 #19 0x751d9fb29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:06:57,654 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 07:06:59,654 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817969634A42119383142D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:07:02,788 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:07:20,126 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x6475aea5931a #1 0x6475ae56f6e0 #2 0x6475ae5be3e6 #3 0x6475ae5be681 #4 0x6475ae603b04 #5 0x6475ae5e248d #6 0x6475ae600ed7 #7 0x6475ae5e2203 #8 0x6475ae5b0cc0 #9 0x6475ae5b1c9e #10 0x6475aea26d0b #11 0x6475aea2ac92 #12 0x6475aea13b3c #13 0x6475aea2b807 #14 0x6475ae9f90df #15 0x6475aea48578 #16 0x6475aea48740 #17 0x6475aea58196 #18 0x72ae18e9caa4 #19 0x72ae18f29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:07:20,202 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 07:07:22,202 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817969634A42119383142D2633598932167165105 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:573) 2025-02-21 07:07:22,202 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562817969634A42119383142D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:07:26,609 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:07:42,668 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x65280d56f31a #1 0x65280d0856e0 #2 0x65280d0d43e6 #3 0x65280d0d4681 #4 0x65280d119b04 #5 0x65280d0f848d #6 0x65280d116ed7 #7 0x65280d0f8203 #8 0x65280d0c6cc0 #9 0x65280d0c7c9e #10 0x65280d53cd0b #11 0x65280d540c92 #12 0x65280d529b3c #13 0x65280d541807 #14 0x65280d50f0df #15 0x65280d55e578 #16 0x65280d55e740 #17 0x65280d56e196 #18 0x76fe0829caa4 #19 0x76fe08329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:07:42,744 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 07:08:11,469 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 07:08:17,030 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:15:43,869 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:15:57,541 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:16:21,220 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:17:53,690 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:19:30,005 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:25:47,263 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:25:56,112 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 07:25:56,113 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 07:25:56,218 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 07:26:15,014 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:26:47,778 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:27:21,911 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 07:27:21,912 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 07:27:21,992 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 07:27:35,765 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 07:27:35,766 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 07:27:35,853 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 07:27:42,253 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequest2Captcha: Failed to perform, curl: (35) BoringSSL SSL_connect: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL in connection to steamcommunity.com:443 . See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:133) 2025-02-21 07:27:57,788 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:28:31,235 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:28:46,840 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:29:03,927 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:29:16,424 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:29:21,416 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:30:39,870 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 07:30:44,612 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:30:45,106 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:31:23,485 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:31:23,491 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:31:34,898 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:31:56,405 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 07:32:01,832 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:32:10,753 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 07:32:13,358 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:32:15,992 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:32:54,148 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:33:11,011 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 07:33:11,011 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 07:33:11,097 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 07:33:18,406 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826786146838A35438153996D9547743635268161066 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-02-21 07:33:18,406 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826786146838A35438153996D9547743635268161066 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-02-21 07:33:22,453 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562818228864A42119698902D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:33:42,942 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5f6feea8231a #1 0x5f6fee5986e0 #2 0x5f6fee5e73e6 #3 0x5f6fee5e7681 #4 0x5f6fee62cb04 #5 0x5f6fee60b48d #6 0x5f6fee629ed7 #7 0x5f6fee60b203 #8 0x5f6fee5d9cc0 #9 0x5f6fee5dac9e #10 0x5f6feea4fd0b #11 0x5f6feea53c92 #12 0x5f6feea3cb3c #13 0x5f6feea54807 #14 0x5f6feea220df #15 0x5f6feea71578 #16 0x5f6feea71740 #17 0x5f6feea81196 #18 0x75af2d49caa4 #19 0x75af2d529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:33:43,018 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 07:33:45,018 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562818228864A42119698902D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:33:46,120 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:34:00,658 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:34:05,477 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x62a49787b31a #1 0x62a4973916e0 #2 0x62a4973e03e6 #3 0x62a4973e0681 #4 0x62a497425b04 #5 0x62a49740448d #6 0x62a497422ed7 #7 0x62a497404203 #8 0x62a4973d2cc0 #9 0x62a4973d3c9e #10 0x62a497848d0b #11 0x62a49784cc92 #12 0x62a497835b3c #13 0x62a49784d807 #14 0x62a49781b0df #15 0x62a49786a578 #16 0x62a49786a740 #17 0x62a49787a196 #18 0x7e7ae5c9caa4 #19 0x7e7ae5d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:34:05,554 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 07:34:07,554 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562818228864A42119698902D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:34:28,066 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5632c5c6931a #1 0x5632c577f6e0 #2 0x5632c57ce3e6 #3 0x5632c57ce681 #4 0x5632c5813b04 #5 0x5632c57f248d #6 0x5632c5810ed7 #7 0x5632c57f2203 #8 0x5632c57c0cc0 #9 0x5632c57c1c9e #10 0x5632c5c36d0b #11 0x5632c5c3ac92 #12 0x5632c5c23b3c #13 0x5632c5c3b807 #14 0x5632c5c090df #15 0x5632c5c58578 #16 0x5632c5c58740 #17 0x5632c5c68196 #18 0x712b7ca9caa4 #19 0x712b7cb29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:34:28,142 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 07:34:30,142 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562818228864A42119698902D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:34:50,633 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x600c7691431a #1 0x600c7642a6e0 #2 0x600c764793e6 #3 0x600c76479681 #4 0x600c764beb04 #5 0x600c7649d48d #6 0x600c764bbed7 #7 0x600c7649d203 #8 0x600c7646bcc0 #9 0x600c7646cc9e #10 0x600c768e1d0b #11 0x600c768e5c92 #12 0x600c768ceb3c #13 0x600c768e6807 #14 0x600c768b40df #15 0x600c76903578 #16 0x600c76903740 #17 0x600c76913196 #18 0x7007c9e9caa4 #19 0x7007c9f29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:34:50,712 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 07:34:52,712 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562818228864A42119698902D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:34:59,765 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:35:13,209 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5b20af7c331a #1 0x5b20af2d96e0 #2 0x5b20af3283e6 #3 0x5b20af328681 #4 0x5b20af36db04 #5 0x5b20af34c48d #6 0x5b20af36aed7 #7 0x5b20af34c203 #8 0x5b20af31acc0 #9 0x5b20af31bc9e #10 0x5b20af790d0b #11 0x5b20af794c92 #12 0x5b20af77db3c #13 0x5b20af795807 #14 0x5b20af7630df #15 0x5b20af7b2578 #16 0x5b20af7b2740 #17 0x5b20af7c2196 #18 0x7f02f709caa4 #19 0x7f02f7129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:35:13,268 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 07:35:15,269 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562818228864A42119698902D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:35:18,160 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:35:35,813 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5f72e6ed831a #1 0x5f72e69ee6e0 #2 0x5f72e6a3d3e6 #3 0x5f72e6a3d681 #4 0x5f72e6a82b04 #5 0x5f72e6a6148d #6 0x5f72e6a7fed7 #7 0x5f72e6a61203 #8 0x5f72e6a2fcc0 #9 0x5f72e6a30c9e #10 0x5f72e6ea5d0b #11 0x5f72e6ea9c92 #12 0x5f72e6e92b3c #13 0x5f72e6eaa807 #14 0x5f72e6e780df #15 0x5f72e6ec7578 #16 0x5f72e6ec7740 #17 0x5f72e6ed7196 #18 0x7f520849caa4 #19 0x7f5208529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:35:35,889 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 07:35:37,889 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562818228864A42119698902D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:35:43,268 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637925563742080353A42119527944D14142048577536775860 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:35:58,409 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x56b327c9831a #1 0x56b3277ae6e0 #2 0x56b3277fd3e6 #3 0x56b3277fd681 #4 0x56b327842b04 #5 0x56b32782148d #6 0x56b32783fed7 #7 0x56b327821203 #8 0x56b3277efcc0 #9 0x56b3277f0c9e #10 0x56b327c65d0b #11 0x56b327c69c92 #12 0x56b327c52b3c #13 0x56b327c6a807 #14 0x56b327c380df #15 0x56b327c87578 #16 0x56b327c87740 #17 0x56b327c97196 #18 0x711c5e49caa4 #19 0x711c5e529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:35:58,484 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 07:36:00,484 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562818228864A42119698902D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:36:03,796 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5f4f4356131a #1 0x5f4f430776e0 #2 0x5f4f430c63e6 #3 0x5f4f430c6681 #4 0x5f4f4310bb04 #5 0x5f4f430ea48d #6 0x5f4f43108ed7 #7 0x5f4f430ea203 #8 0x5f4f430b8cc0 #9 0x5f4f430b9c9e #10 0x5f4f4352ed0b #11 0x5f4f43532c92 #12 0x5f4f4351bb3c #13 0x5f4f43533807 #14 0x5f4f435010df #15 0x5f4f43550578 #16 0x5f4f43550740 #17 0x5f4f43560196 #18 0x74ecf149caa4 #19 0x74ecf1529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:36:03,872 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 07:36:04,054 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:36:05,872 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637925563742080353A42119527944D14142048577536775860 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:36:20,977 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5ccc439b331a #1 0x5ccc434c96e0 #2 0x5ccc435183e6 #3 0x5ccc43518681 #4 0x5ccc4355db04 #5 0x5ccc4353c48d #6 0x5ccc4355aed7 #7 0x5ccc4353c203 #8 0x5ccc4350acc0 #9 0x5ccc4350bc9e #10 0x5ccc43980d0b #11 0x5ccc43984c92 #12 0x5ccc4396db3c #13 0x5ccc43985807 #14 0x5ccc439530df #15 0x5ccc439a2578 #16 0x5ccc439a2740 #17 0x5ccc439b2196 #18 0x7ad28da9caa4 #19 0x7ad28db29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:36:21,053 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 07:36:23,053 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562818228864A42119698902D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:36:26,341 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x61321bf4d31a #1 0x61321ba636e0 #2 0x61321bab23e6 #3 0x61321bab2681 #4 0x61321baf7b04 #5 0x61321bad648d #6 0x61321baf4ed7 #7 0x61321bad6203 #8 0x61321baa4cc0 #9 0x61321baa5c9e #10 0x61321bf1ad0b #11 0x61321bf1ec92 #12 0x61321bf07b3c #13 0x61321bf1f807 #14 0x61321beed0df #15 0x61321bf3c578 #16 0x61321bf3c740 #17 0x61321bf4c196 #18 0x7527b969caa4 #19 0x7527b9729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:36:26,418 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 07:36:28,418 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637925563742080353A42119527944D14142048577536775860 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:36:43,538 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x63972cff731a #1 0x63972cb0d6e0 #2 0x63972cb5c3e6 #3 0x63972cb5c681 #4 0x63972cba1b04 #5 0x63972cb8048d #6 0x63972cb9eed7 #7 0x63972cb80203 #8 0x63972cb4ecc0 #9 0x63972cb4fc9e #10 0x63972cfc4d0b #11 0x63972cfc8c92 #12 0x63972cfb1b3c #13 0x63972cfc9807 #14 0x63972cf970df #15 0x63972cfe6578 #16 0x63972cfe6740 #17 0x63972cff6196 #18 0x7bd5c469caa4 #19 0x7bd5c4729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:36:43,617 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 07:36:45,617 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562818228864A42119698902D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:36:48,907 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5e8aa130931a #1 0x5e8aa0e1f6e0 #2 0x5e8aa0e6e3e6 #3 0x5e8aa0e6e681 #4 0x5e8aa0eb3b04 #5 0x5e8aa0e9248d #6 0x5e8aa0eb0ed7 #7 0x5e8aa0e92203 #8 0x5e8aa0e60cc0 #9 0x5e8aa0e61c9e #10 0x5e8aa12d6d0b #11 0x5e8aa12dac92 #12 0x5e8aa12c3b3c #13 0x5e8aa12db807 #14 0x5e8aa12a90df #15 0x5e8aa12f8578 #16 0x5e8aa12f8740 #17 0x5e8aa1308196 #18 0x783702c9caa4 #19 0x783702d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:36:48,982 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 07:36:50,983 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637925563742080353A42119527944D14142048577536775860 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:37:06,087 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5b05e6cf031a #1 0x5b05e68066e0 #2 0x5b05e68553e6 #3 0x5b05e6855681 #4 0x5b05e689ab04 #5 0x5b05e687948d #6 0x5b05e6897ed7 #7 0x5b05e6879203 #8 0x5b05e6847cc0 #9 0x5b05e6848c9e #10 0x5b05e6cbdd0b #11 0x5b05e6cc1c92 #12 0x5b05e6caab3c #13 0x5b05e6cc2807 #14 0x5b05e6c900df #15 0x5b05e6cdf578 #16 0x5b05e6cdf740 #17 0x5b05e6cef196 #18 0x712d13e9caa4 #19 0x712d13f29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:37:06,163 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 07:37:08,163 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562818228864A42119698902D2633598932167165105 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:573) 2025-02-21 07:37:08,163 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562818228864A42119698902D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:37:11,454 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x63166c81b31a #1 0x63166c3316e0 #2 0x63166c3803e6 #3 0x63166c380681 #4 0x63166c3c5b04 #5 0x63166c3a448d #6 0x63166c3c2ed7 #7 0x63166c3a4203 #8 0x63166c372cc0 #9 0x63166c373c9e #10 0x63166c7e8d0b #11 0x63166c7ecc92 #12 0x63166c7d5b3c #13 0x63166c7ed807 #14 0x63166c7bb0df #15 0x63166c80a578 #16 0x63166c80a740 #17 0x63166c81a196 #18 0x78098ce9caa4 #19 0x78098cf29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:37:11,530 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 07:37:13,531 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637925563742080353A42119527944D14142048577536775860 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:37:28,638 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x596a874b231a #1 0x596a86fc86e0 #2 0x596a870173e6 #3 0x596a87017681 #4 0x596a8705cb04 #5 0x596a8703b48d #6 0x596a87059ed7 #7 0x596a8703b203 #8 0x596a87009cc0 #9 0x596a8700ac9e #10 0x596a8747fd0b #11 0x596a87483c92 #12 0x596a8746cb3c #13 0x596a87484807 #14 0x596a874520df #15 0x596a874a1578 #16 0x596a874a1740 #17 0x596a874b1196 #18 0x774cba69caa4 #19 0x774cba729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:37:28,715 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 07:37:34,014 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5b7dab0e031a #1 0x5b7daabf66e0 #2 0x5b7daac453e6 #3 0x5b7daac45681 #4 0x5b7daac8ab04 #5 0x5b7daac6948d #6 0x5b7daac87ed7 #7 0x5b7daac69203 #8 0x5b7daac37cc0 #9 0x5b7daac38c9e #10 0x5b7dab0add0b #11 0x5b7dab0b1c92 #12 0x5b7dab09ab3c #13 0x5b7dab0b2807 #14 0x5b7dab0800df #15 0x5b7dab0cf578 #16 0x5b7dab0cf740 #17 0x5b7dab0df196 #18 0x75d4efa9caa4 #19 0x75d4efb29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:37:34,091 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 07:37:36,092 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637925563742080353A42119527944D14142048577536775860 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:37:36,904 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 07:37:56,569 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5b49a0c3531a #1 0x5b49a074b6e0 #2 0x5b49a079a3e6 #3 0x5b49a079a681 #4 0x5b49a07dfb04 #5 0x5b49a07be48d #6 0x5b49a07dced7 #7 0x5b49a07be203 #8 0x5b49a078ccc0 #9 0x5b49a078dc9e #10 0x5b49a0c02d0b #11 0x5b49a0c06c92 #12 0x5b49a0befb3c #13 0x5b49a0c07807 #14 0x5b49a0bd50df #15 0x5b49a0c24578 #16 0x5b49a0c24740 #17 0x5b49a0c34196 #18 0x75c42989caa4 #19 0x75c429929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:37:56,646 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 07:37:58,646 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637925563742080353A42119527944D14142048577536775860 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:38:19,104 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x64196091031a #1 0x6419604266e0 #2 0x6419604753e6 #3 0x641960475681 #4 0x6419604bab04 #5 0x64196049948d #6 0x6419604b7ed7 #7 0x641960499203 #8 0x641960467cc0 #9 0x641960468c9e #10 0x6419608ddd0b #11 0x6419608e1c92 #12 0x6419608cab3c #13 0x6419608e2807 #14 0x6419608b00df #15 0x6419608ff578 #16 0x6419608ff740 #17 0x64196090f196 #18 0x70a82969caa4 #19 0x70a829729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:38:19,179 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 07:38:21,180 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637925563742080353A42119527944D14142048577536775860 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:38:41,639 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x56d9cebab31a #1 0x56d9ce6c16e0 #2 0x56d9ce7103e6 #3 0x56d9ce710681 #4 0x56d9ce755b04 #5 0x56d9ce73448d #6 0x56d9ce752ed7 #7 0x56d9ce734203 #8 0x56d9ce702cc0 #9 0x56d9ce703c9e #10 0x56d9ceb78d0b #11 0x56d9ceb7cc92 #12 0x56d9ceb65b3c #13 0x56d9ceb7d807 #14 0x56d9ceb4b0df #15 0x56d9ceb9a578 #16 0x56d9ceb9a740 #17 0x56d9cebaa196 #18 0x7c46c7e9caa4 #19 0x7c46c7f29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:38:41,715 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 07:38:43,715 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637925563742080353A42119527944D14142048577536775860 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:39:04,195 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5e24c974f31a #1 0x5e24c92656e0 #2 0x5e24c92b43e6 #3 0x5e24c92b4681 #4 0x5e24c92f9b04 #5 0x5e24c92d848d #6 0x5e24c92f6ed7 #7 0x5e24c92d8203 #8 0x5e24c92a6cc0 #9 0x5e24c92a7c9e #10 0x5e24c971cd0b #11 0x5e24c9720c92 #12 0x5e24c9709b3c #13 0x5e24c9721807 #14 0x5e24c96ef0df #15 0x5e24c973e578 #16 0x5e24c973e740 #17 0x5e24c974e196 #18 0x73ed1ae9caa4 #19 0x73ed1af29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:39:04,271 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 07:39:06,272 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637925563742080353A42119527944D14142048577536775860 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:39:26,769 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5abff548631a #1 0x5abff4f9c6e0 #2 0x5abff4feb3e6 #3 0x5abff4feb681 #4 0x5abff5030b04 #5 0x5abff500f48d #6 0x5abff502ded7 #7 0x5abff500f203 #8 0x5abff4fddcc0 #9 0x5abff4fdec9e #10 0x5abff5453d0b #11 0x5abff5457c92 #12 0x5abff5440b3c #13 0x5abff5458807 #14 0x5abff54260df #15 0x5abff5475578 #16 0x5abff5475740 #17 0x5abff5485196 #18 0x7d925709caa4 #19 0x7d9257129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:39:26,845 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 07:39:28,845 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637925563742080353A42119527944D14142048577536775860 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:573) 2025-02-21 07:39:28,846 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637925563742080353A42119527944D14142048577536775860 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:39:49,329 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5bced91ce31a #1 0x5bced8ce46e0 #2 0x5bced8d333e6 #3 0x5bced8d33681 #4 0x5bced8d78b04 #5 0x5bced8d5748d #6 0x5bced8d75ed7 #7 0x5bced8d57203 #8 0x5bced8d25cc0 #9 0x5bced8d26c9e #10 0x5bced919bd0b #11 0x5bced919fc92 #12 0x5bced9188b3c #13 0x5bced91a0807 #14 0x5bced916e0df #15 0x5bced91bd578 #16 0x5bced91bd740 #17 0x5bced91cd196 #18 0x7792d4a9caa4 #19 0x7792d4b29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:39:49,406 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 07:41:37,195 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:41:39,769 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:42:20,416 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:43:50,734 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M643555063285196777A41658508819D58105763327415348 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:44:11,229 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5e23cdda631a #1 0x5e23cd8bc6e0 #2 0x5e23cd90b3e6 #3 0x5e23cd90b681 #4 0x5e23cd950b04 #5 0x5e23cd92f48d #6 0x5e23cd94ded7 #7 0x5e23cd92f203 #8 0x5e23cd8fdcc0 #9 0x5e23cd8fec9e #10 0x5e23cdd73d0b #11 0x5e23cdd77c92 #12 0x5e23cdd60b3c #13 0x5e23cdd78807 #14 0x5e23cdd460df #15 0x5e23cdd95578 #16 0x5e23cdd95740 #17 0x5e23cdda5196 #18 0x7f0df0a9caa4 #19 0x7f0df0b29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:44:11,304 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 07:44:13,305 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M643555063285196777A41658508819D58105763327415348 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:44:33,786 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x63efda7e231a #1 0x63efda2f86e0 #2 0x63efda3473e6 #3 0x63efda347681 #4 0x63efda38cb04 #5 0x63efda36b48d #6 0x63efda389ed7 #7 0x63efda36b203 #8 0x63efda339cc0 #9 0x63efda33ac9e #10 0x63efda7afd0b #11 0x63efda7b3c92 #12 0x63efda79cb3c #13 0x63efda7b4807 #14 0x63efda7820df #15 0x63efda7d1578 #16 0x63efda7d1740 #17 0x63efda7e1196 #18 0x73c356c9caa4 #19 0x73c356d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:44:33,862 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 07:44:35,862 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M643555063285196777A41658508819D58105763327415348 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:44:42,962 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:44:56,364 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5ea7f01b131a #1 0x5ea7efcc76e0 #2 0x5ea7efd163e6 #3 0x5ea7efd16681 #4 0x5ea7efd5bb04 #5 0x5ea7efd3a48d #6 0x5ea7efd58ed7 #7 0x5ea7efd3a203 #8 0x5ea7efd08cc0 #9 0x5ea7efd09c9e #10 0x5ea7f017ed0b #11 0x5ea7f0182c92 #12 0x5ea7f016bb3c #13 0x5ea7f0183807 #14 0x5ea7f01510df #15 0x5ea7f01a0578 #16 0x5ea7f01a0740 #17 0x5ea7f01b0196 #18 0x7ac331e9caa4 #19 0x7ac331f29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:44:56,440 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 07:44:58,440 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M643555063285196777A41658508819D58105763327415348 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:45:12,398 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:45:18,910 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5f169018531a #1 0x5f168fc9b6e0 #2 0x5f168fcea3e6 #3 0x5f168fcea681 #4 0x5f168fd2fb04 #5 0x5f168fd0e48d #6 0x5f168fd2ced7 #7 0x5f168fd0e203 #8 0x5f168fcdccc0 #9 0x5f168fcddc9e #10 0x5f1690152d0b #11 0x5f1690156c92 #12 0x5f169013fb3c #13 0x5f1690157807 #14 0x5f16901250df #15 0x5f1690174578 #16 0x5f1690174740 #17 0x5f1690184196 #18 0x70da0de9caa4 #19 0x70da0df29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:45:18,973 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 07:45:20,974 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M643555063285196777A41658508819D58105763327415348 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:45:41,477 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x55f8ee0de31a #1 0x55f8edbf46e0 #2 0x55f8edc433e6 #3 0x55f8edc43681 #4 0x55f8edc88b04 #5 0x55f8edc6748d #6 0x55f8edc85ed7 #7 0x55f8edc67203 #8 0x55f8edc35cc0 #9 0x55f8edc36c9e #10 0x55f8ee0abd0b #11 0x55f8ee0afc92 #12 0x55f8ee098b3c #13 0x55f8ee0b0807 #14 0x55f8ee07e0df #15 0x55f8ee0cd578 #16 0x55f8ee0cd740 #17 0x55f8ee0dd196 #18 0x7d008fa9caa4 #19 0x7d008fb29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:45:41,553 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 07:45:43,554 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M643555063285196777A41658508819D58105763327415348 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:46:04,128 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x65034c18a31a #1 0x65034bca06e0 #2 0x65034bcef3e6 #3 0x65034bcef681 #4 0x65034bd34b04 #5 0x65034bd1348d #6 0x65034bd31ed7 #7 0x65034bd13203 #8 0x65034bce1cc0 #9 0x65034bce2c9e #10 0x65034c157d0b #11 0x65034c15bc92 #12 0x65034c144b3c #13 0x65034c15c807 #14 0x65034c12a0df #15 0x65034c179578 #16 0x65034c179740 #17 0x65034c189196 #18 0x7531cfe9caa4 #19 0x7531cff29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:46:04,207 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 07:46:06,207 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M643555063285196777A41658508819D58105763327415348 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:46:26,687 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x615d1fd4231a #1 0x615d1f8586e0 #2 0x615d1f8a73e6 #3 0x615d1f8a7681 #4 0x615d1f8ecb04 #5 0x615d1f8cb48d #6 0x615d1f8e9ed7 #7 0x615d1f8cb203 #8 0x615d1f899cc0 #9 0x615d1f89ac9e #10 0x615d1fd0fd0b #11 0x615d1fd13c92 #12 0x615d1fcfcb3c #13 0x615d1fd14807 #14 0x615d1fce20df #15 0x615d1fd31578 #16 0x615d1fd31740 #17 0x615d1fd41196 #18 0x70de04c9caa4 #19 0x70de04d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:46:26,761 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 07:46:28,762 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M643555063285196777A41658508819D58105763327415348 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:46:49,246 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x64648923931a #1 0x646488d4f6e0 #2 0x646488d9e3e6 #3 0x646488d9e681 #4 0x646488de3b04 #5 0x646488dc248d #6 0x646488de0ed7 #7 0x646488dc2203 #8 0x646488d90cc0 #9 0x646488d91c9e #10 0x646489206d0b #11 0x64648920ac92 #12 0x6464891f3b3c #13 0x64648920b807 #14 0x6464891d90df #15 0x646489228578 #16 0x646489228740 #17 0x646489238196 #18 0x72116e49caa4 #19 0x72116e529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:46:49,321 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 07:46:51,322 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M643555063285196777A41658508819D58105763327415348 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:47:11,809 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x64ec2042231a #1 0x64ec1ff386e0 #2 0x64ec1ff873e6 #3 0x64ec1ff87681 #4 0x64ec1ffccb04 #5 0x64ec1ffab48d #6 0x64ec1ffc9ed7 #7 0x64ec1ffab203 #8 0x64ec1ff79cc0 #9 0x64ec1ff7ac9e #10 0x64ec203efd0b #11 0x64ec203f3c92 #12 0x64ec203dcb3c #13 0x64ec203f4807 #14 0x64ec203c20df #15 0x64ec20411578 #16 0x64ec20411740 #17 0x64ec20421196 #18 0x76b682e9caa4 #19 0x76b682f29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:47:11,885 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 07:47:13,885 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M643555063285196777A41658508819D58105763327415348 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:47:34,387 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5ffe6a56231a #1 0x5ffe6a0786e0 #2 0x5ffe6a0c73e6 #3 0x5ffe6a0c7681 #4 0x5ffe6a10cb04 #5 0x5ffe6a0eb48d #6 0x5ffe6a109ed7 #7 0x5ffe6a0eb203 #8 0x5ffe6a0b9cc0 #9 0x5ffe6a0bac9e #10 0x5ffe6a52fd0b #11 0x5ffe6a533c92 #12 0x5ffe6a51cb3c #13 0x5ffe6a534807 #14 0x5ffe6a5020df #15 0x5ffe6a551578 #16 0x5ffe6a551740 #17 0x5ffe6a561196 #18 0x7e1f3ea9caa4 #19 0x7e1f3eb29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:47:34,463 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 07:47:36,463 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M643555063285196777A41658508819D58105763327415348 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:635) 2025-02-21 07:47:36,463 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M643555063285196777A41658508819D58105763327415348 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:47:56,962 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5b7fdab6931a #1 0x5b7fda67f6e0 #2 0x5b7fda6ce3e6 #3 0x5b7fda6ce681 #4 0x5b7fda713b04 #5 0x5b7fda6f248d #6 0x5b7fda710ed7 #7 0x5b7fda6f2203 #8 0x5b7fda6c0cc0 #9 0x5b7fda6c1c9e #10 0x5b7fdab36d0b #11 0x5b7fdab3ac92 #12 0x5b7fdab23b3c #13 0x5b7fdab3b807 #14 0x5b7fdab090df #15 0x5b7fdab58578 #16 0x5b7fdab58740 #17 0x5b7fdab68196 #18 0x7d690c09caa4 #19 0x7d690c129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:47:57,037 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 07:51:47,909 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863086617936A42119779840D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:52:08,426 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x58709c4f231a #1 0x58709c0086e0 #2 0x58709c0573e6 #3 0x58709c057681 #4 0x58709c09cb04 #5 0x58709c07b48d #6 0x58709c099ed7 #7 0x58709c07b203 #8 0x58709c049cc0 #9 0x58709c04ac9e #10 0x58709c4bfd0b #11 0x58709c4c3c92 #12 0x58709c4acb3c #13 0x58709c4c4807 #14 0x58709c4920df #15 0x58709c4e1578 #16 0x58709c4e1740 #17 0x58709c4f1196 #18 0x7fc89389caa4 #19 0x7fc893929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:52:08,502 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 07:52:10,502 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863086617936A42119779840D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:52:30,970 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5a61ac02b31a #1 0x5a61abb416e0 #2 0x5a61abb903e6 #3 0x5a61abb90681 #4 0x5a61abbd5b04 #5 0x5a61abbb448d #6 0x5a61abbd2ed7 #7 0x5a61abbb4203 #8 0x5a61abb82cc0 #9 0x5a61abb83c9e #10 0x5a61abff8d0b #11 0x5a61abffcc92 #12 0x5a61abfe5b3c #13 0x5a61abffd807 #14 0x5a61abfcb0df #15 0x5a61ac01a578 #16 0x5a61ac01a740 #17 0x5a61ac02a196 #18 0x73579f89caa4 #19 0x73579f929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:52:31,045 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 07:52:33,045 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863086617936A42119779840D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:52:53,511 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5b429930c31a #1 0x5b4298e226e0 #2 0x5b4298e713e6 #3 0x5b4298e71681 #4 0x5b4298eb6b04 #5 0x5b4298e9548d #6 0x5b4298eb3ed7 #7 0x5b4298e95203 #8 0x5b4298e63cc0 #9 0x5b4298e64c9e #10 0x5b42992d9d0b #11 0x5b42992ddc92 #12 0x5b42992c6b3c #13 0x5b42992de807 #14 0x5b42992ac0df #15 0x5b42992fb578 #16 0x5b42992fb740 #17 0x5b429930b196 #18 0x7c0be689caa4 #19 0x7c0be6929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:52:53,585 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 07:52:55,586 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863086617936A42119779840D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:53:16,063 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x61deef8d831a #1 0x61deef3ee6e0 #2 0x61deef43d3e6 #3 0x61deef43d681 #4 0x61deef482b04 #5 0x61deef46148d #6 0x61deef47fed7 #7 0x61deef461203 #8 0x61deef42fcc0 #9 0x61deef430c9e #10 0x61deef8a5d0b #11 0x61deef8a9c92 #12 0x61deef892b3c #13 0x61deef8aa807 #14 0x61deef8780df #15 0x61deef8c7578 #16 0x61deef8c7740 #17 0x61deef8d7196 #18 0x7537a4c9caa4 #19 0x7537a4d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:53:16,138 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 07:53:18,138 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863086617936A42119779840D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:53:38,602 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x577f8d0a531a #1 0x577f8cbbb6e0 #2 0x577f8cc0a3e6 #3 0x577f8cc0a681 #4 0x577f8cc4fb04 #5 0x577f8cc2e48d #6 0x577f8cc4ced7 #7 0x577f8cc2e203 #8 0x577f8cbfccc0 #9 0x577f8cbfdc9e #10 0x577f8d072d0b #11 0x577f8d076c92 #12 0x577f8d05fb3c #13 0x577f8d077807 #14 0x577f8d0450df #15 0x577f8d094578 #16 0x577f8d094740 #17 0x577f8d0a4196 #18 0x7f0ba5c9caa4 #19 0x7f0ba5d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:53:38,677 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 07:53:40,677 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863086617936A42119779840D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:54:01,150 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x583c45f1a31a #1 0x583c45a306e0 #2 0x583c45a7f3e6 #3 0x583c45a7f681 #4 0x583c45ac4b04 #5 0x583c45aa348d #6 0x583c45ac1ed7 #7 0x583c45aa3203 #8 0x583c45a71cc0 #9 0x583c45a72c9e #10 0x583c45ee7d0b #11 0x583c45eebc92 #12 0x583c45ed4b3c #13 0x583c45eec807 #14 0x583c45eba0df #15 0x583c45f09578 #16 0x583c45f09740 #17 0x583c45f19196 #18 0x78198e29caa4 #19 0x78198e329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:54:01,225 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 07:54:03,225 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863086617936A42119779840D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:54:23,672 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x57ca7ec1331a #1 0x57ca7e7296e0 #2 0x57ca7e7783e6 #3 0x57ca7e778681 #4 0x57ca7e7bdb04 #5 0x57ca7e79c48d #6 0x57ca7e7baed7 #7 0x57ca7e79c203 #8 0x57ca7e76acc0 #9 0x57ca7e76bc9e #10 0x57ca7ebe0d0b #11 0x57ca7ebe4c92 #12 0x57ca7ebcdb3c #13 0x57ca7ebe5807 #14 0x57ca7ebb30df #15 0x57ca7ec02578 #16 0x57ca7ec02740 #17 0x57ca7ec12196 #18 0x7f483549caa4 #19 0x7f4835529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:54:23,747 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 07:54:25,748 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863086617936A42119779840D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:54:46,209 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5ab6e8c5931a #1 0x5ab6e876f6e0 #2 0x5ab6e87be3e6 #3 0x5ab6e87be681 #4 0x5ab6e8803b04 #5 0x5ab6e87e248d #6 0x5ab6e8800ed7 #7 0x5ab6e87e2203 #8 0x5ab6e87b0cc0 #9 0x5ab6e87b1c9e #10 0x5ab6e8c26d0b #11 0x5ab6e8c2ac92 #12 0x5ab6e8c13b3c #13 0x5ab6e8c2b807 #14 0x5ab6e8bf90df #15 0x5ab6e8c48578 #16 0x5ab6e8c48740 #17 0x5ab6e8c58196 #18 0x79827e89caa4 #19 0x79827e929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:54:46,285 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 07:54:48,285 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863086617936A42119779840D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:55:08,501 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:55:08,763 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x59235434e31a #1 0x592353e646e0 #2 0x592353eb33e6 #3 0x592353eb3681 #4 0x592353ef8b04 #5 0x592353ed748d #6 0x592353ef5ed7 #7 0x592353ed7203 #8 0x592353ea5cc0 #9 0x592353ea6c9e #10 0x59235431bd0b #11 0x59235431fc92 #12 0x592354308b3c #13 0x592354320807 #14 0x5923542ee0df #15 0x59235433d578 #16 0x59235433d740 #17 0x59235434d196 #18 0x7ed8ab49caa4 #19 0x7ed8ab529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:55:08,822 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 07:55:10,822 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863086617936A42119779840D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:55:15,730 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 07:55:15,731 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 07:55:15,816 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 07:55:21,045 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:55:31,312 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5a8446b1d31a #1 0x5a84466336e0 #2 0x5a84466823e6 #3 0x5a8446682681 #4 0x5a84466c7b04 #5 0x5a84466a648d #6 0x5a84466c4ed7 #7 0x5a84466a6203 #8 0x5a8446674cc0 #9 0x5a8446675c9e #10 0x5a8446aead0b #11 0x5a8446aeec92 #12 0x5a8446ad7b3c #13 0x5a8446aef807 #14 0x5a8446abd0df #15 0x5a8446b0c578 #16 0x5a8446b0c740 #17 0x5a8446b1c196 #18 0x7567f769caa4 #19 0x7567f7729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:55:31,388 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 07:55:33,388 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863086617936A42119779840D11556876991896565350 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:635) 2025-02-21 07:55:33,388 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863086617936A42119779840D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 07:55:49,138 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:55:53,854 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5609e6bff31a #1 0x5609e67156e0 #2 0x5609e67643e6 #3 0x5609e6764681 #4 0x5609e67a9b04 #5 0x5609e678848d #6 0x5609e67a6ed7 #7 0x5609e6788203 #8 0x5609e6756cc0 #9 0x5609e6757c9e #10 0x5609e6bccd0b #11 0x5609e6bd0c92 #12 0x5609e6bb9b3c #13 0x5609e6bd1807 #14 0x5609e6b9f0df #15 0x5609e6bee578 #16 0x5609e6bee740 #17 0x5609e6bfe196 #18 0x795ff189caa4 #19 0x795ff1929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 07:55:53,928 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 07:56:40,364 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 07:56:40,364 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 07:56:40,425 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 07:56:43,439 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:56:44,316 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:56:52,882 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 07:56:52,882 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 07:56:52,958 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 07:57:18,622 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:57:35,604 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:57:45,309 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:57:51,261 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:58:01,461 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:58:08,694 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:58:19,465 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:58:27,472 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:58:42,721 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:59:07,325 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:59:11,381 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:59:32,541 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 07:59:55,635 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 08:02:11,328 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:02:26,584 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826786146838A35438153996D9547743635268161066 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-02-21 08:02:26,584 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826786146838A35438153996D9547743635268161066 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-02-21 08:02:31,874 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 08:02:31,874 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 08:02:31,964 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 08:02:37,215 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:02:46,545 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:02:58,421 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:03:05,020 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 08:03:05,022 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 08:03:05,094 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 08:03:44,939 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:03:46,476 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 08:03:46,477 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 08:03:46,546 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 08:03:51,768 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:04:02,244 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:04:24,460 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:04:58,059 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:05:03,174 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:05:22,195 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:05:43,904 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:07:13,416 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 08:07:18,600 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:07:22,795 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:07:42,814 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 08:08:00,040 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:08:12,104 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562818529434A42120026395D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:08:21,948 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 08:08:27,433 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:08:32,632 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5bfa3992131a #1 0x5bfa394376e0 #2 0x5bfa394863e6 #3 0x5bfa39486681 #4 0x5bfa394cbb04 #5 0x5bfa394aa48d #6 0x5bfa394c8ed7 #7 0x5bfa394aa203 #8 0x5bfa39478cc0 #9 0x5bfa39479c9e #10 0x5bfa398eed0b #11 0x5bfa398f2c92 #12 0x5bfa398dbb3c #13 0x5bfa398f3807 #14 0x5bfa398c10df #15 0x5bfa39910578 #16 0x5bfa39910740 #17 0x5bfa39920196 #18 0x71ab2849caa4 #19 0x71ab28529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:08:32,738 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 08:08:34,739 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562818529434A42120026395D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:08:55,266 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x593cfc5f631a #1 0x593cfc10c6e0 #2 0x593cfc15b3e6 #3 0x593cfc15b681 #4 0x593cfc1a0b04 #5 0x593cfc17f48d #6 0x593cfc19ded7 #7 0x593cfc17f203 #8 0x593cfc14dcc0 #9 0x593cfc14ec9e #10 0x593cfc5c3d0b #11 0x593cfc5c7c92 #12 0x593cfc5b0b3c #13 0x593cfc5c8807 #14 0x593cfc5960df #15 0x593cfc5e5578 #16 0x593cfc5e5740 #17 0x593cfc5f5196 #18 0x75f41ae9caa4 #19 0x75f41af29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:08:55,343 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 08:08:57,344 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562818529434A42120026395D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:09:17,850 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x57d93057831a #1 0x57d93008e6e0 #2 0x57d9300dd3e6 #3 0x57d9300dd681 #4 0x57d930122b04 #5 0x57d93010148d #6 0x57d93011fed7 #7 0x57d930101203 #8 0x57d9300cfcc0 #9 0x57d9300d0c9e #10 0x57d930545d0b #11 0x57d930549c92 #12 0x57d930532b3c #13 0x57d93054a807 #14 0x57d9305180df #15 0x57d930567578 #16 0x57d930567740 #17 0x57d930577196 #18 0x7df377e9caa4 #19 0x7df377f29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:09:17,927 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 08:09:19,927 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562818529434A42120026395D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:09:40,394 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5e07fb1ac31a #1 0x5e07facc26e0 #2 0x5e07fad113e6 #3 0x5e07fad11681 #4 0x5e07fad56b04 #5 0x5e07fad3548d #6 0x5e07fad53ed7 #7 0x5e07fad35203 #8 0x5e07fad03cc0 #9 0x5e07fad04c9e #10 0x5e07fb179d0b #11 0x5e07fb17dc92 #12 0x5e07fb166b3c #13 0x5e07fb17e807 #14 0x5e07fb14c0df #15 0x5e07fb19b578 #16 0x5e07fb19b740 #17 0x5e07fb1ab196 #18 0x7ce77689caa4 #19 0x7ce776929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:09:40,469 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 08:09:42,469 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562818529434A42120026395D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:10:02,934 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5a43a444031a #1 0x5a43a3f566e0 #2 0x5a43a3fa53e6 #3 0x5a43a3fa5681 #4 0x5a43a3feab04 #5 0x5a43a3fc948d #6 0x5a43a3fe7ed7 #7 0x5a43a3fc9203 #8 0x5a43a3f97cc0 #9 0x5a43a3f98c9e #10 0x5a43a440dd0b #11 0x5a43a4411c92 #12 0x5a43a43fab3c #13 0x5a43a4412807 #14 0x5a43a43e00df #15 0x5a43a442f578 #16 0x5a43a442f740 #17 0x5a43a443f196 #18 0x77159209caa4 #19 0x771592129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:10:02,993 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 08:10:04,993 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562818529434A42120026395D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:10:13,364 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 08:10:13,365 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 08:10:13,444 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 08:10:18,949 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:10:25,491 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x602295a8231a #1 0x6022955986e0 #2 0x6022955e73e6 #3 0x6022955e7681 #4 0x60229562cb04 #5 0x60229560b48d #6 0x602295629ed7 #7 0x60229560b203 #8 0x6022955d9cc0 #9 0x6022955dac9e #10 0x602295a4fd0b #11 0x602295a53c92 #12 0x602295a3cb3c #13 0x602295a54807 #14 0x602295a220df #15 0x602295a71578 #16 0x602295a71740 #17 0x602295a81196 #18 0x71ccc0a9caa4 #19 0x71ccc0b29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:10:25,567 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 08:10:27,568 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562818529434A42120026395D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:10:33,901 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:10:48,054 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5e2dc2d8a31a #1 0x5e2dc28a06e0 #2 0x5e2dc28ef3e6 #3 0x5e2dc28ef681 #4 0x5e2dc2934b04 #5 0x5e2dc291348d #6 0x5e2dc2931ed7 #7 0x5e2dc2913203 #8 0x5e2dc28e1cc0 #9 0x5e2dc28e2c9e #10 0x5e2dc2d57d0b #11 0x5e2dc2d5bc92 #12 0x5e2dc2d44b3c #13 0x5e2dc2d5c807 #14 0x5e2dc2d2a0df #15 0x5e2dc2d79578 #16 0x5e2dc2d79740 #17 0x5e2dc2d89196 #18 0x7437de89caa4 #19 0x7437de929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:10:48,130 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 08:10:50,118 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:10:50,130 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562818529434A42120026395D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:11:05,097 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:11:10,629 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5aa977f2731a #1 0x5aa977a3d6e0 #2 0x5aa977a8c3e6 #3 0x5aa977a8c681 #4 0x5aa977ad1b04 #5 0x5aa977ab048d #6 0x5aa977aceed7 #7 0x5aa977ab0203 #8 0x5aa977a7ecc0 #9 0x5aa977a7fc9e #10 0x5aa977ef4d0b #11 0x5aa977ef8c92 #12 0x5aa977ee1b3c #13 0x5aa977ef9807 #14 0x5aa977ec70df #15 0x5aa977f16578 #16 0x5aa977f16740 #17 0x5aa977f26196 #18 0x7b04b3c9caa4 #19 0x7b04b3d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:11:10,704 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 08:11:12,705 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562818529434A42120026395D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:11:33,171 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x55b2a6e7831a #1 0x55b2a698e6e0 #2 0x55b2a69dd3e6 #3 0x55b2a69dd681 #4 0x55b2a6a22b04 #5 0x55b2a6a0148d #6 0x55b2a6a1fed7 #7 0x55b2a6a01203 #8 0x55b2a69cfcc0 #9 0x55b2a69d0c9e #10 0x55b2a6e45d0b #11 0x55b2a6e49c92 #12 0x55b2a6e32b3c #13 0x55b2a6e4a807 #14 0x55b2a6e180df #15 0x55b2a6e67578 #16 0x55b2a6e67740 #17 0x55b2a6e77196 #18 0x7c7ba629caa4 #19 0x7c7ba6329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:11:33,248 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 08:11:35,248 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562818529434A42120026395D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:11:55,749 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5bbde21f631a #1 0x5bbde1d0c6e0 #2 0x5bbde1d5b3e6 #3 0x5bbde1d5b681 #4 0x5bbde1da0b04 #5 0x5bbde1d7f48d #6 0x5bbde1d9ded7 #7 0x5bbde1d7f203 #8 0x5bbde1d4dcc0 #9 0x5bbde1d4ec9e #10 0x5bbde21c3d0b #11 0x5bbde21c7c92 #12 0x5bbde21b0b3c #13 0x5bbde21c8807 #14 0x5bbde21960df #15 0x5bbde21e5578 #16 0x5bbde21e5740 #17 0x5bbde21f5196 #18 0x739d9ac9caa4 #19 0x739d9ad29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:11:55,824 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 08:11:57,824 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562818529434A42120026395D2633598932167165105 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:573) 2025-02-21 08:11:57,825 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562818529434A42120026395D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:12:18,328 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5d99eab7c31a #1 0x5d99ea6926e0 #2 0x5d99ea6e13e6 #3 0x5d99ea6e1681 #4 0x5d99ea726b04 #5 0x5d99ea70548d #6 0x5d99ea723ed7 #7 0x5d99ea705203 #8 0x5d99ea6d3cc0 #9 0x5d99ea6d4c9e #10 0x5d99eab49d0b #11 0x5d99eab4dc92 #12 0x5d99eab36b3c #13 0x5d99eab4e807 #14 0x5d99eab1c0df #15 0x5d99eab6b578 #16 0x5d99eab6b740 #17 0x5d99eab7b196 #18 0x7074f129caa4 #19 0x7074f1329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:12:18,404 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 08:12:20,063 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:12:40,427 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:13:55,502 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:14:19,100 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:14:38,511 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 08:21:53,933 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:27:04,506 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863086831566A42120269947D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:27:24,992 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x560e2340431a #1 0x560e22f1a6e0 #2 0x560e22f693e6 #3 0x560e22f69681 #4 0x560e22faeb04 #5 0x560e22f8d48d #6 0x560e22fabed7 #7 0x560e22f8d203 #8 0x560e22f5bcc0 #9 0x560e22f5cc9e #10 0x560e233d1d0b #11 0x560e233d5c92 #12 0x560e233beb3c #13 0x560e233d6807 #14 0x560e233a40df #15 0x560e233f3578 #16 0x560e233f3740 #17 0x560e23403196 #18 0x7e09d909caa4 #19 0x7e09d9129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:27:25,067 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 08:27:27,068 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863086831566A42120269947D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:27:47,529 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x578baba0031a #1 0x578bab5166e0 #2 0x578bab5653e6 #3 0x578bab565681 #4 0x578bab5aab04 #5 0x578bab58948d #6 0x578bab5a7ed7 #7 0x578bab589203 #8 0x578bab557cc0 #9 0x578bab558c9e #10 0x578bab9cdd0b #11 0x578bab9d1c92 #12 0x578bab9bab3c #13 0x578bab9d2807 #14 0x578bab9a00df #15 0x578bab9ef578 #16 0x578bab9ef740 #17 0x578bab9ff196 #18 0x7d5de209caa4 #19 0x7d5de2129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:27:47,605 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 08:27:49,605 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863086831566A42120269947D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:28:10,077 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5738f615531a #1 0x5738f5c6b6e0 #2 0x5738f5cba3e6 #3 0x5738f5cba681 #4 0x5738f5cffb04 #5 0x5738f5cde48d #6 0x5738f5cfced7 #7 0x5738f5cde203 #8 0x5738f5caccc0 #9 0x5738f5cadc9e #10 0x5738f6122d0b #11 0x5738f6126c92 #12 0x5738f610fb3c #13 0x5738f6127807 #14 0x5738f60f50df #15 0x5738f6144578 #16 0x5738f6144740 #17 0x5738f6154196 #18 0x7809aee9caa4 #19 0x7809aef29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:28:10,154 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 08:28:12,155 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863086831566A42120269947D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:28:32,619 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5db66fd9631a #1 0x5db66f8ac6e0 #2 0x5db66f8fb3e6 #3 0x5db66f8fb681 #4 0x5db66f940b04 #5 0x5db66f91f48d #6 0x5db66f93ded7 #7 0x5db66f91f203 #8 0x5db66f8edcc0 #9 0x5db66f8eec9e #10 0x5db66fd63d0b #11 0x5db66fd67c92 #12 0x5db66fd50b3c #13 0x5db66fd68807 #14 0x5db66fd360df #15 0x5db66fd85578 #16 0x5db66fd85740 #17 0x5db66fd95196 #18 0x77d4c3a9caa4 #19 0x77d4c3b29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:28:32,694 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 08:28:34,695 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863086831566A42120269947D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:28:55,165 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x59edfb59831a #1 0x59edfb0ae6e0 #2 0x59edfb0fd3e6 #3 0x59edfb0fd681 #4 0x59edfb142b04 #5 0x59edfb12148d #6 0x59edfb13fed7 #7 0x59edfb121203 #8 0x59edfb0efcc0 #9 0x59edfb0f0c9e #10 0x59edfb565d0b #11 0x59edfb569c92 #12 0x59edfb552b3c #13 0x59edfb56a807 #14 0x59edfb5380df #15 0x59edfb587578 #16 0x59edfb587740 #17 0x59edfb597196 #18 0x7668ccc9caa4 #19 0x7668ccd29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:28:55,240 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 08:28:57,240 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863086831566A42120269947D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:29:17,695 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x578335fa931a #1 0x578335abf6e0 #2 0x578335b0e3e6 #3 0x578335b0e681 #4 0x578335b53b04 #5 0x578335b3248d #6 0x578335b50ed7 #7 0x578335b32203 #8 0x578335b00cc0 #9 0x578335b01c9e #10 0x578335f76d0b #11 0x578335f7ac92 #12 0x578335f63b3c #13 0x578335f7b807 #14 0x578335f490df #15 0x578335f98578 #16 0x578335f98740 #17 0x578335fa8196 #18 0x7a72d4a9caa4 #19 0x7a72d4b29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:29:17,770 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 08:29:19,771 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863086831566A42120269947D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:29:40,245 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x63528ab5a31a #1 0x63528a6706e0 #2 0x63528a6bf3e6 #3 0x63528a6bf681 #4 0x63528a704b04 #5 0x63528a6e348d #6 0x63528a701ed7 #7 0x63528a6e3203 #8 0x63528a6b1cc0 #9 0x63528a6b2c9e #10 0x63528ab27d0b #11 0x63528ab2bc92 #12 0x63528ab14b3c #13 0x63528ab2c807 #14 0x63528aafa0df #15 0x63528ab49578 #16 0x63528ab49740 #17 0x63528ab59196 #18 0x771eaac9caa4 #19 0x771eaad29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:29:40,320 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 08:29:42,320 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863086831566A42120269947D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:30:02,798 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5bf526e2f31a #1 0x5bf5269456e0 #2 0x5bf5269943e6 #3 0x5bf526994681 #4 0x5bf5269d9b04 #5 0x5bf5269b848d #6 0x5bf5269d6ed7 #7 0x5bf5269b8203 #8 0x5bf526986cc0 #9 0x5bf526987c9e #10 0x5bf526dfcd0b #11 0x5bf526e00c92 #12 0x5bf526de9b3c #13 0x5bf526e01807 #14 0x5bf526dcf0df #15 0x5bf526e1e578 #16 0x5bf526e1e740 #17 0x5bf526e2e196 #18 0x796fab69caa4 #19 0x796fab729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:30:02,860 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 08:30:04,860 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863086831566A42120269947D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:30:25,346 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5cc437d9231a #1 0x5cc4378a86e0 #2 0x5cc4378f73e6 #3 0x5cc4378f7681 #4 0x5cc43793cb04 #5 0x5cc43791b48d #6 0x5cc437939ed7 #7 0x5cc43791b203 #8 0x5cc4378e9cc0 #9 0x5cc4378eac9e #10 0x5cc437d5fd0b #11 0x5cc437d63c92 #12 0x5cc437d4cb3c #13 0x5cc437d64807 #14 0x5cc437d320df #15 0x5cc437d81578 #16 0x5cc437d81740 #17 0x5cc437d91196 #18 0x78712aa9caa4 #19 0x78712ab29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:30:25,421 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 08:30:27,422 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863086831566A42120269947D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:30:47,947 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x572cb99cb31a #1 0x572cb94e16e0 #2 0x572cb95303e6 #3 0x572cb9530681 #4 0x572cb9575b04 #5 0x572cb955448d #6 0x572cb9572ed7 #7 0x572cb9554203 #8 0x572cb9522cc0 #9 0x572cb9523c9e #10 0x572cb9998d0b #11 0x572cb999cc92 #12 0x572cb9985b3c #13 0x572cb999d807 #14 0x572cb996b0df #15 0x572cb99ba578 #16 0x572cb99ba740 #17 0x572cb99ca196 #18 0x78b8de49caa4 #19 0x78b8de529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:30:48,023 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 08:30:50,023 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863086831566A42120269947D11556876991896565350 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:635) 2025-02-21 08:30:50,023 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863086831566A42120269947D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:31:10,527 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5fde0e6f031a #1 0x5fde0e2066e0 #2 0x5fde0e2553e6 #3 0x5fde0e255681 #4 0x5fde0e29ab04 #5 0x5fde0e27948d #6 0x5fde0e297ed7 #7 0x5fde0e279203 #8 0x5fde0e247cc0 #9 0x5fde0e248c9e #10 0x5fde0e6bdd0b #11 0x5fde0e6c1c92 #12 0x5fde0e6aab3c #13 0x5fde0e6c2807 #14 0x5fde0e6900df #15 0x5fde0e6df578 #16 0x5fde0e6df740 #17 0x5fde0e6ef196 #18 0x75117f09caa4 #19 0x75117f129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:31:10,602 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 08:31:31,667 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:31:45,725 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826786146838A35438153996D9547743635268161066 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-02-21 08:31:45,725 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826786146838A35438153996D9547743635268161066 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-02-21 08:31:50,954 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 08:31:50,954 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 08:31:51,045 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 08:32:29,277 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 08:32:29,278 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 08:32:29,336 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 08:32:35,710 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:32:49,090 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:33:10,693 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 08:33:10,694 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 08:33:10,767 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 08:33:16,001 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:33:23,801 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:33:30,430 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:33:39,449 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:33:56,880 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:34:12,453 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:34:19,976 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:34:32,202 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:34:54,184 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:34:59,816 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:35:20,821 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:36:08,888 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:36:29,002 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 08:36:31,220 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:36:32,945 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:36:52,353 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 08:36:57,771 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:37:05,650 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658191762066388150A41876456889D9667058704593829903 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:37:20,382 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:37:26,122 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5560023b231a #1 0x556001ec86e0 #2 0x556001f173e6 #3 0x556001f17681 #4 0x556001f5cb04 #5 0x556001f3b48d #6 0x556001f59ed7 #7 0x556001f3b203 #8 0x556001f09cc0 #9 0x556001f0ac9e #10 0x55600237fd0b #11 0x556002383c92 #12 0x55600236cb3c #13 0x556002384807 #14 0x5560023520df #15 0x5560023a1578 #16 0x5560023a1740 #17 0x5560023b1196 #18 0x7ada4a49caa4 #19 0x7ada4a529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:37:26,199 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 08:37:28,199 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658191762066388150A41876456889D9667058704593829903 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:37:32,735 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562818837894A42120383355D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:37:40,594 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 08:37:46,077 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:37:48,789 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x60b04c16131a #1 0x60b04bc776e0 #2 0x60b04bcc63e6 #3 0x60b04bcc6681 #4 0x60b04bd0bb04 #5 0x60b04bcea48d #6 0x60b04bd08ed7 #7 0x60b04bcea203 #8 0x60b04bcb8cc0 #9 0x60b04bcb9c9e #10 0x60b04c12ed0b #11 0x60b04c132c92 #12 0x60b04c11bb3c #13 0x60b04c133807 #14 0x60b04c1010df #15 0x60b04c150578 #16 0x60b04c150740 #17 0x60b04c160196 #18 0x78615c89caa4 #19 0x78615c929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:37:48,864 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 08:37:50,865 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658191762066388150A41876456889D9667058704593829903 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:37:53,250 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x58d8f488031a #1 0x58d8f43966e0 #2 0x58d8f43e53e6 #3 0x58d8f43e5681 #4 0x58d8f442ab04 #5 0x58d8f440948d #6 0x58d8f4427ed7 #7 0x58d8f4409203 #8 0x58d8f43d7cc0 #9 0x58d8f43d8c9e #10 0x58d8f484dd0b #11 0x58d8f4851c92 #12 0x58d8f483ab3c #13 0x58d8f4852807 #14 0x58d8f48200df #15 0x58d8f486f578 #16 0x58d8f486f740 #17 0x58d8f487f196 #18 0x7d088ae9caa4 #19 0x7d088af29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:37:53,330 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 08:37:55,330 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562818837894A42120383355D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:38:11,349 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x621f980ae31a #1 0x621f97bc46e0 #2 0x621f97c133e6 #3 0x621f97c13681 #4 0x621f97c58b04 #5 0x621f97c3748d #6 0x621f97c55ed7 #7 0x621f97c37203 #8 0x621f97c05cc0 #9 0x621f97c06c9e #10 0x621f9807bd0b #11 0x621f9807fc92 #12 0x621f98068b3c #13 0x621f98080807 #14 0x621f9804e0df #15 0x621f9809d578 #16 0x621f9809d740 #17 0x621f980ad196 #18 0x703a37e9caa4 #19 0x703a37f29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:38:11,424 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 08:38:13,424 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658191762066388150A41876456889D9667058704593829903 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:38:15,816 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x570d4f79a31a #1 0x570d4f2b06e0 #2 0x570d4f2ff3e6 #3 0x570d4f2ff681 #4 0x570d4f344b04 #5 0x570d4f32348d #6 0x570d4f341ed7 #7 0x570d4f323203 #8 0x570d4f2f1cc0 #9 0x570d4f2f2c9e #10 0x570d4f767d0b #11 0x570d4f76bc92 #12 0x570d4f754b3c #13 0x570d4f76c807 #14 0x570d4f73a0df #15 0x570d4f789578 #16 0x570d4f789740 #17 0x570d4f799196 #18 0x75899f69caa4 #19 0x75899f729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:38:15,891 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 08:38:17,892 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562818837894A42120383355D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:38:33,933 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5ad01bb0b31a #1 0x5ad01b6216e0 #2 0x5ad01b6703e6 #3 0x5ad01b670681 #4 0x5ad01b6b5b04 #5 0x5ad01b69448d #6 0x5ad01b6b2ed7 #7 0x5ad01b694203 #8 0x5ad01b662cc0 #9 0x5ad01b663c9e #10 0x5ad01bad8d0b #11 0x5ad01badcc92 #12 0x5ad01bac5b3c #13 0x5ad01badd807 #14 0x5ad01baab0df #15 0x5ad01bafa578 #16 0x5ad01bafa740 #17 0x5ad01bb0a196 #18 0x732f6ac9caa4 #19 0x732f6ad29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:38:34,016 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 08:38:36,016 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658191762066388150A41876456889D9667058704593829903 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:38:38,370 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x61c1453f331a #1 0x61c144f096e0 #2 0x61c144f583e6 #3 0x61c144f58681 #4 0x61c144f9db04 #5 0x61c144f7c48d #6 0x61c144f9aed7 #7 0x61c144f7c203 #8 0x61c144f4acc0 #9 0x61c144f4bc9e #10 0x61c1453c0d0b #11 0x61c1453c4c92 #12 0x61c1453adb3c #13 0x61c1453c5807 #14 0x61c1453930df #15 0x61c1453e2578 #16 0x61c1453e2740 #17 0x61c1453f2196 #18 0x70a69dc9caa4 #19 0x70a69dd29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:38:38,445 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 08:38:40,446 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562818837894A42120383355D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:38:56,491 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x591f91cac31a #1 0x591f917c26e0 #2 0x591f918113e6 #3 0x591f91811681 #4 0x591f91856b04 #5 0x591f9183548d #6 0x591f91853ed7 #7 0x591f91835203 #8 0x591f91803cc0 #9 0x591f91804c9e #10 0x591f91c79d0b #11 0x591f91c7dc92 #12 0x591f91c66b3c #13 0x591f91c7e807 #14 0x591f91c4c0df #15 0x591f91c9b578 #16 0x591f91c9b740 #17 0x591f91cab196 #18 0x7cc8e969caa4 #19 0x7cc8e9729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:38:56,568 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 08:38:58,568 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658191762066388150A41876456889D9667058704593829903 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:39:00,941 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5710d6ea831a #1 0x5710d69be6e0 #2 0x5710d6a0d3e6 #3 0x5710d6a0d681 #4 0x5710d6a52b04 #5 0x5710d6a3148d #6 0x5710d6a4fed7 #7 0x5710d6a31203 #8 0x5710d69ffcc0 #9 0x5710d6a00c9e #10 0x5710d6e75d0b #11 0x5710d6e79c92 #12 0x5710d6e62b3c #13 0x5710d6e7a807 #14 0x5710d6e480df #15 0x5710d6e97578 #16 0x5710d6e97740 #17 0x5710d6ea7196 #18 0x79810129caa4 #19 0x798101329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:39:01,019 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 08:39:03,020 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562818837894A42120383355D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:39:19,055 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5ffffa11931a #1 0x5ffff9c2f6e0 #2 0x5ffff9c7e3e6 #3 0x5ffff9c7e681 #4 0x5ffff9cc3b04 #5 0x5ffff9ca248d #6 0x5ffff9cc0ed7 #7 0x5ffff9ca2203 #8 0x5ffff9c70cc0 #9 0x5ffff9c71c9e #10 0x5ffffa0e6d0b #11 0x5ffffa0eac92 #12 0x5ffffa0d3b3c #13 0x5ffffa0eb807 #14 0x5ffffa0b90df #15 0x5ffffa108578 #16 0x5ffffa108740 #17 0x5ffffa118196 #18 0x718bfda9caa4 #19 0x718bfdb29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:39:19,130 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 08:39:21,131 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658191762066388150A41876456889D9667058704593829903 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:39:23,514 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x611da49fc31a #1 0x611da45126e0 #2 0x611da45613e6 #3 0x611da4561681 #4 0x611da45a6b04 #5 0x611da458548d #6 0x611da45a3ed7 #7 0x611da4585203 #8 0x611da4553cc0 #9 0x611da4554c9e #10 0x611da49c9d0b #11 0x611da49cdc92 #12 0x611da49b6b3c #13 0x611da49ce807 #14 0x611da499c0df #15 0x611da49eb578 #16 0x611da49eb740 #17 0x611da49fb196 #18 0x73a57329caa4 #19 0x73a573329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:39:23,591 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 08:39:24,327 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:39:25,591 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562818837894A42120383355D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:39:31,695 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 08:39:31,696 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 08:39:31,778 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 08:39:37,261 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:39:41,599 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x60803062f31a #1 0x6080301456e0 #2 0x6080301943e6 #3 0x608030194681 #4 0x6080301d9b04 #5 0x6080301b848d #6 0x6080301d6ed7 #7 0x6080301b8203 #8 0x608030186cc0 #9 0x608030187c9e #10 0x6080305fcd0b #11 0x608030600c92 #12 0x6080305e9b3c #13 0x608030601807 #14 0x6080305cf0df #15 0x60803061e578 #16 0x60803061e740 #17 0x60803062e196 #18 0x7e87cd29caa4 #19 0x7e87cd329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:39:41,675 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 08:39:43,675 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658191762066388150A41876456889D9667058704593829903 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:39:46,074 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x57637acfe31a #1 0x57637a8146e0 #2 0x57637a8633e6 #3 0x57637a863681 #4 0x57637a8a8b04 #5 0x57637a88748d #6 0x57637a8a5ed7 #7 0x57637a887203 #8 0x57637a855cc0 #9 0x57637a856c9e #10 0x57637accbd0b #11 0x57637accfc92 #12 0x57637acb8b3c #13 0x57637acd0807 #14 0x57637ac9e0df #15 0x57637aced578 #16 0x57637aced740 #17 0x57637acfd196 #18 0x78c356c9caa4 #19 0x78c356d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:39:46,153 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 08:39:48,154 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562818837894A42120383355D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:39:49,839 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:40:04,160 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x59d058b0931a #1 0x59d05861f6e0 #2 0x59d05866e3e6 #3 0x59d05866e681 #4 0x59d0586b3b04 #5 0x59d05869248d #6 0x59d0586b0ed7 #7 0x59d058692203 #8 0x59d058660cc0 #9 0x59d058661c9e #10 0x59d058ad6d0b #11 0x59d058adac92 #12 0x59d058ac3b3c #13 0x59d058adb807 #14 0x59d058aa90df #15 0x59d058af8578 #16 0x59d058af8740 #17 0x59d058b08196 #18 0x7c3eda89caa4 #19 0x7c3eda929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:40:04,218 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 08:40:06,218 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658191762066388150A41876456889D9667058704593829903 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:40:06,484 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:40:08,633 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x61078d22631a #1 0x61078cd3c6e0 #2 0x61078cd8b3e6 #3 0x61078cd8b681 #4 0x61078cdd0b04 #5 0x61078cdaf48d #6 0x61078cdcded7 #7 0x61078cdaf203 #8 0x61078cd7dcc0 #9 0x61078cd7ec9e #10 0x61078d1f3d0b #11 0x61078d1f7c92 #12 0x61078d1e0b3c #13 0x61078d1f8807 #14 0x61078d1c60df #15 0x61078d215578 #16 0x61078d215740 #17 0x61078d225196 #18 0x716711c9caa4 #19 0x716711d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:40:08,692 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 08:40:10,692 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562818837894A42120383355D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:40:26,703 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x60e971de231a #1 0x60e9718f86e0 #2 0x60e9719473e6 #3 0x60e971947681 #4 0x60e97198cb04 #5 0x60e97196b48d #6 0x60e971989ed7 #7 0x60e97196b203 #8 0x60e971939cc0 #9 0x60e97193ac9e #10 0x60e971dafd0b #11 0x60e971db3c92 #12 0x60e971d9cb3c #13 0x60e971db4807 #14 0x60e971d820df #15 0x60e971dd1578 #16 0x60e971dd1740 #17 0x60e971de1196 #18 0x7236dd69caa4 #19 0x7236dd729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:40:26,783 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 08:40:28,783 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658191762066388150A41876456889D9667058704593829903 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:40:31,179 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5f2d1799831a #1 0x5f2d174ae6e0 #2 0x5f2d174fd3e6 #3 0x5f2d174fd681 #4 0x5f2d17542b04 #5 0x5f2d1752148d #6 0x5f2d1753fed7 #7 0x5f2d17521203 #8 0x5f2d174efcc0 #9 0x5f2d174f0c9e #10 0x5f2d17965d0b #11 0x5f2d17969c92 #12 0x5f2d17952b3c #13 0x5f2d1796a807 #14 0x5f2d179380df #15 0x5f2d17987578 #16 0x5f2d17987740 #17 0x5f2d17997196 #18 0x7c869289caa4 #19 0x7c8692929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:40:31,255 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 08:40:33,256 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562818837894A42120383355D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:40:39,352 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:40:49,258 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x60841cfb731a #1 0x60841cacd6e0 #2 0x60841cb1c3e6 #3 0x60841cb1c681 #4 0x60841cb61b04 #5 0x60841cb4048d #6 0x60841cb5eed7 #7 0x60841cb40203 #8 0x60841cb0ecc0 #9 0x60841cb0fc9e #10 0x60841cf84d0b #11 0x60841cf88c92 #12 0x60841cf71b3c #13 0x60841cf89807 #14 0x60841cf570df #15 0x60841cfa6578 #16 0x60841cfa6740 #17 0x60841cfb6196 #18 0x72c1e0e9caa4 #19 0x72c1e0f29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:40:49,335 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 08:40:51,335 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658191762066388150A41876456889D9667058704593829903 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:573) 2025-02-21 08:40:51,335 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658191762066388150A41876456889D9667058704593829903 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:40:53,733 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5cc60131f31a #1 0x5cc600e356e0 #2 0x5cc600e843e6 #3 0x5cc600e84681 #4 0x5cc600ec9b04 #5 0x5cc600ea848d #6 0x5cc600ec6ed7 #7 0x5cc600ea8203 #8 0x5cc600e76cc0 #9 0x5cc600e77c9e #10 0x5cc6012ecd0b #11 0x5cc6012f0c92 #12 0x5cc6012d9b3c #13 0x5cc6012f1807 #14 0x5cc6012bf0df #15 0x5cc60130e578 #16 0x5cc60130e740 #17 0x5cc60131e196 #18 0x7fb84f29caa4 #19 0x7fb84f329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:40:53,815 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 08:40:55,815 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562818837894A42120383355D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:41:11,802 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5779fb0c331a #1 0x5779fabd96e0 #2 0x5779fac283e6 #3 0x5779fac28681 #4 0x5779fac6db04 #5 0x5779fac4c48d #6 0x5779fac6aed7 #7 0x5779fac4c203 #8 0x5779fac1acc0 #9 0x5779fac1bc9e #10 0x5779fb090d0b #11 0x5779fb094c92 #12 0x5779fb07db3c #13 0x5779fb095807 #14 0x5779fb0630df #15 0x5779fb0b2578 #16 0x5779fb0b2740 #17 0x5779fb0c2196 #18 0x7fe5c169caa4 #19 0x7fe5c1729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:41:11,877 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 08:41:11,897 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642429163381358349A41836526605D10153970384145199265 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:41:16,340 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5bde9899131a #1 0x5bde984a76e0 #2 0x5bde984f63e6 #3 0x5bde984f6681 #4 0x5bde9853bb04 #5 0x5bde9851a48d #6 0x5bde98538ed7 #7 0x5bde9851a203 #8 0x5bde984e8cc0 #9 0x5bde984e9c9e #10 0x5bde9895ed0b #11 0x5bde98962c92 #12 0x5bde9894bb3c #13 0x5bde98963807 #14 0x5bde989310df #15 0x5bde98980578 #16 0x5bde98980740 #17 0x5bde98990196 #18 0x73146209caa4 #19 0x731462129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:41:16,415 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 08:41:18,415 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562818837894A42120383355D2633598932167165105 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:573) 2025-02-21 08:41:18,415 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562818837894A42120383355D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:41:29,280 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:41:32,449 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x59f5d517431a #1 0x59f5d4c8a6e0 #2 0x59f5d4cd93e6 #3 0x59f5d4cd9681 #4 0x59f5d4d1eb04 #5 0x59f5d4cfd48d #6 0x59f5d4d1bed7 #7 0x59f5d4cfd203 #8 0x59f5d4ccbcc0 #9 0x59f5d4cccc9e #10 0x59f5d5141d0b #11 0x59f5d5145c92 #12 0x59f5d512eb3c #13 0x59f5d5146807 #14 0x59f5d51140df #15 0x59f5d5163578 #16 0x59f5d5163740 #17 0x59f5d5173196 #18 0x79481129caa4 #19 0x794811329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:41:32,524 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 08:41:34,524 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642429163381358349A41836526605D10153970384145199265 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:41:38,903 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x65394880a31a #1 0x6539483206e0 #2 0x65394836f3e6 #3 0x65394836f681 #4 0x6539483b4b04 #5 0x65394839348d #6 0x6539483b1ed7 #7 0x653948393203 #8 0x653948361cc0 #9 0x653948362c9e #10 0x6539487d7d0b #11 0x6539487dbc92 #12 0x6539487c4b3c #13 0x6539487dc807 #14 0x6539487aa0df #15 0x6539487f9578 #16 0x6539487f9740 #17 0x653948809196 #18 0x78a1c229caa4 #19 0x78a1c2329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:41:38,983 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 08:41:55,013 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5fd7cf23931a #1 0x5fd7ced4f6e0 #2 0x5fd7ced9e3e6 #3 0x5fd7ced9e681 #4 0x5fd7cede3b04 #5 0x5fd7cedc248d #6 0x5fd7cede0ed7 #7 0x5fd7cedc2203 #8 0x5fd7ced90cc0 #9 0x5fd7ced91c9e #10 0x5fd7cf206d0b #11 0x5fd7cf20ac92 #12 0x5fd7cf1f3b3c #13 0x5fd7cf20b807 #14 0x5fd7cf1d90df #15 0x5fd7cf228578 #16 0x5fd7cf228740 #17 0x5fd7cf238196 #18 0x7fe7e829caa4 #19 0x7fe7e8329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:41:55,089 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 08:41:57,090 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642429163381358349A41836526605D10153970384145199265 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:42:17,576 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x589a9c12b31a #1 0x589a9bc416e0 #2 0x589a9bc903e6 #3 0x589a9bc90681 #4 0x589a9bcd5b04 #5 0x589a9bcb448d #6 0x589a9bcd2ed7 #7 0x589a9bcb4203 #8 0x589a9bc82cc0 #9 0x589a9bc83c9e #10 0x589a9c0f8d0b #11 0x589a9c0fcc92 #12 0x589a9c0e5b3c #13 0x589a9c0fd807 #14 0x589a9c0cb0df #15 0x589a9c11a578 #16 0x589a9c11a740 #17 0x589a9c12a196 #18 0x71a19e29caa4 #19 0x71a19e329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:42:17,652 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 08:42:19,653 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642429163381358349A41836526605D10153970384145199265 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:42:28,629 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:42:40,115 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5bb6f138831a #1 0x5bb6f0e9e6e0 #2 0x5bb6f0eed3e6 #3 0x5bb6f0eed681 #4 0x5bb6f0f32b04 #5 0x5bb6f0f1148d #6 0x5bb6f0f2fed7 #7 0x5bb6f0f11203 #8 0x5bb6f0edfcc0 #9 0x5bb6f0ee0c9e #10 0x5bb6f1355d0b #11 0x5bb6f1359c92 #12 0x5bb6f1342b3c #13 0x5bb6f135a807 #14 0x5bb6f13280df #15 0x5bb6f1377578 #16 0x5bb6f1377740 #17 0x5bb6f1387196 #18 0x75b3d649caa4 #19 0x75b3d6529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:42:40,190 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 08:42:42,190 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642429163381358349A41836526605D10153970384145199265 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:43:02,672 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x61c95114531a #1 0x61c950c5b6e0 #2 0x61c950caa3e6 #3 0x61c950caa681 #4 0x61c950cefb04 #5 0x61c950cce48d #6 0x61c950ceced7 #7 0x61c950cce203 #8 0x61c950c9ccc0 #9 0x61c950c9dc9e #10 0x61c951112d0b #11 0x61c951116c92 #12 0x61c9510ffb3c #13 0x61c951117807 #14 0x61c9510e50df #15 0x61c951134578 #16 0x61c951134740 #17 0x61c951144196 #18 0x7c1227c9caa4 #19 0x7c1227d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:43:02,749 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 08:43:04,750 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642429163381358349A41836526605D10153970384145199265 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:43:25,226 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x61018521e31a #1 0x610184d346e0 #2 0x610184d833e6 #3 0x610184d83681 #4 0x610184dc8b04 #5 0x610184da748d #6 0x610184dc5ed7 #7 0x610184da7203 #8 0x610184d75cc0 #9 0x610184d76c9e #10 0x6101851ebd0b #11 0x6101851efc92 #12 0x6101851d8b3c #13 0x6101851f0807 #14 0x6101851be0df #15 0x61018520d578 #16 0x61018520d740 #17 0x61018521d196 #18 0x707de669caa4 #19 0x707de6729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:43:25,300 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 08:43:27,301 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642429163381358349A41836526605D10153970384145199265 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:43:47,789 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5cac93ad131a #1 0x5cac935e76e0 #2 0x5cac936363e6 #3 0x5cac93636681 #4 0x5cac9367bb04 #5 0x5cac9365a48d #6 0x5cac93678ed7 #7 0x5cac9365a203 #8 0x5cac93628cc0 #9 0x5cac93629c9e #10 0x5cac93a9ed0b #11 0x5cac93aa2c92 #12 0x5cac93a8bb3c #13 0x5cac93aa3807 #14 0x5cac93a710df #15 0x5cac93ac0578 #16 0x5cac93ac0740 #17 0x5cac93ad0196 #18 0x77f08f09caa4 #19 0x77f08f129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:43:47,864 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 08:43:49,864 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642429163381358349A41836526605D10153970384145199265 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:44:04,585 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 08:44:10,342 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x60be5a47831a #1 0x60be59f8e6e0 #2 0x60be59fdd3e6 #3 0x60be59fdd681 #4 0x60be5a022b04 #5 0x60be5a00148d #6 0x60be5a01fed7 #7 0x60be5a001203 #8 0x60be59fcfcc0 #9 0x60be59fd0c9e #10 0x60be5a445d0b #11 0x60be5a449c92 #12 0x60be5a432b3c #13 0x60be5a44a807 #14 0x60be5a4180df #15 0x60be5a467578 #16 0x60be5a467740 #17 0x60be5a477196 #18 0x7e4914a9caa4 #19 0x7e4914b29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:44:10,418 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 08:44:12,418 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642429163381358349A41836526605D10153970384145199265 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:44:32,901 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5ba59d43331a #1 0x5ba59cf496e0 #2 0x5ba59cf983e6 #3 0x5ba59cf98681 #4 0x5ba59cfddb04 #5 0x5ba59cfbc48d #6 0x5ba59cfdaed7 #7 0x5ba59cfbc203 #8 0x5ba59cf8acc0 #9 0x5ba59cf8bc9e #10 0x5ba59d400d0b #11 0x5ba59d404c92 #12 0x5ba59d3edb3c #13 0x5ba59d405807 #14 0x5ba59d3d30df #15 0x5ba59d422578 #16 0x5ba59d422740 #17 0x5ba59d432196 #18 0x7b118329caa4 #19 0x7b1183329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:44:32,977 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 08:44:34,977 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642429163381358349A41836526605D10153970384145199265 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:44:55,480 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5ce1219ae31a #1 0x5ce1214c46e0 #2 0x5ce1215133e6 #3 0x5ce121513681 #4 0x5ce121558b04 #5 0x5ce12153748d #6 0x5ce121555ed7 #7 0x5ce121537203 #8 0x5ce121505cc0 #9 0x5ce121506c9e #10 0x5ce12197bd0b #11 0x5ce12197fc92 #12 0x5ce121968b3c #13 0x5ce121980807 #14 0x5ce12194e0df #15 0x5ce12199d578 #16 0x5ce12199d740 #17 0x5ce1219ad196 #18 0x78511749caa4 #19 0x785117529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:44:55,556 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 08:44:57,557 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642429163381358349A41836526605D10153970384145199265 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:573) 2025-02-21 08:44:57,557 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642429163381358349A41836526605D10153970384145199265 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 08:45:18,022 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5c103a80f31a #1 0x5c103a3256e0 #2 0x5c103a3743e6 #3 0x5c103a374681 #4 0x5c103a3b9b04 #5 0x5c103a39848d #6 0x5c103a3b6ed7 #7 0x5c103a398203 #8 0x5c103a366cc0 #9 0x5c103a367c9e #10 0x5c103a7dcd0b #11 0x5c103a7e0c92 #12 0x5c103a7c9b3c #13 0x5c103a7e1807 #14 0x5c103a7af0df #15 0x5c103a7fe578 #16 0x5c103a7fe740 #17 0x5c103a80e196 #18 0x7baecb09caa4 #19 0x7baecb129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 08:45:18,083 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 08:47:37,702 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 08:50:25,457 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:01:12,104 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826786146838A35438153996D9547743635268161066 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-02-21 09:01:12,104 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826786146838A35438153996D9547743635268161066 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-02-21 09:01:29,049 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 09:01:29,049 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 09:01:29,142 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 09:01:38,210 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:01:46,266 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 09:01:46,266 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 09:01:46,335 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 09:02:04,615 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:02:04,845 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:02:19,884 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:02:38,561 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:02:42,620 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:02:45,668 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 09:02:45,668 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 09:02:45,739 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 09:03:24,147 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:03:39,816 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:03:41,477 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:04:17,708 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:04:20,995 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:04:35,025 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:05:08,198 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:05:08,346 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:05:33,121 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:05:53,031 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 09:05:58,229 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:05:59,491 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:06:06,948 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:06:20,178 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 09:06:20,577 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662695361703430189A41960906457D11827101515443182459 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:06:41,073 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x6418e737931a #1 0x6418e6e8f6e0 #2 0x6418e6ede3e6 #3 0x6418e6ede681 #4 0x6418e6f23b04 #5 0x6418e6f0248d #6 0x6418e6f20ed7 #7 0x6418e6f02203 #8 0x6418e6ed0cc0 #9 0x6418e6ed1c9e #10 0x6418e7346d0b #11 0x6418e734ac92 #12 0x6418e7333b3c #13 0x6418e734b807 #14 0x6418e73190df #15 0x6418e7368578 #16 0x6418e7368740 #17 0x6418e7378196 #18 0x71203889caa4 #19 0x712038929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:06:41,147 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 09:06:43,147 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662695361703430189A41960906457D11827101515443182459 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:06:56,473 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:07:02,029 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562819087074A42120708084D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:07:03,680 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5acee36f631a #1 0x5acee320c6e0 #2 0x5acee325b3e6 #3 0x5acee325b681 #4 0x5acee32a0b04 #5 0x5acee327f48d #6 0x5acee329ded7 #7 0x5acee327f203 #8 0x5acee324dcc0 #9 0x5acee324ec9e #10 0x5acee36c3d0b #11 0x5acee36c7c92 #12 0x5acee36b0b3c #13 0x5acee36c8807 #14 0x5acee36960df #15 0x5acee36e5578 #16 0x5acee36e5740 #17 0x5acee36f5196 #18 0x777fa769caa4 #19 0x777fa7729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:07:03,756 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 09:07:05,757 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662695361703430189A41960906457D11827101515443182459 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:07:16,618 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 09:07:22,037 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:07:22,528 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5dee831d931a #1 0x5dee82cef6e0 #2 0x5dee82d3e3e6 #3 0x5dee82d3e681 #4 0x5dee82d83b04 #5 0x5dee82d6248d #6 0x5dee82d80ed7 #7 0x5dee82d62203 #8 0x5dee82d30cc0 #9 0x5dee82d31c9e #10 0x5dee831a6d0b #11 0x5dee831aac92 #12 0x5dee83193b3c #13 0x5dee831ab807 #14 0x5dee831790df #15 0x5dee831c8578 #16 0x5dee831c8740 #17 0x5dee831d8196 #18 0x7f60a869caa4 #19 0x7f60a8729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:07:22,603 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 09:07:24,603 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562819087074A42120708084D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:07:26,245 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5da88fdd831a #1 0x5da88f8ee6e0 #2 0x5da88f93d3e6 #3 0x5da88f93d681 #4 0x5da88f982b04 #5 0x5da88f96148d #6 0x5da88f97fed7 #7 0x5da88f961203 #8 0x5da88f92fcc0 #9 0x5da88f930c9e #10 0x5da88fda5d0b #11 0x5da88fda9c92 #12 0x5da88fd92b3c #13 0x5da88fdaa807 #14 0x5da88fd780df #15 0x5da88fdc7578 #16 0x5da88fdc7740 #17 0x5da88fdd7196 #18 0x7f2c8ec9caa4 #19 0x7f2c8ed29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:07:26,320 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 09:07:28,320 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662695361703430189A41960906457D11827101515443182459 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:07:45,086 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5a690cd2831a #1 0x5a690c83e6e0 #2 0x5a690c88d3e6 #3 0x5a690c88d681 #4 0x5a690c8d2b04 #5 0x5a690c8b148d #6 0x5a690c8cfed7 #7 0x5a690c8b1203 #8 0x5a690c87fcc0 #9 0x5a690c880c9e #10 0x5a690ccf5d0b #11 0x5a690ccf9c92 #12 0x5a690cce2b3c #13 0x5a690ccfa807 #14 0x5a690ccc80df #15 0x5a690cd17578 #16 0x5a690cd17740 #17 0x5a690cd27196 #18 0x75231429caa4 #19 0x752314329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:07:45,161 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 09:07:47,161 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562819087074A42120708084D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:07:48,798 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5c3bcc43a31a #1 0x5c3bcbf506e0 #2 0x5c3bcbf9f3e6 #3 0x5c3bcbf9f681 #4 0x5c3bcbfe4b04 #5 0x5c3bcbfc348d #6 0x5c3bcbfe1ed7 #7 0x5c3bcbfc3203 #8 0x5c3bcbf91cc0 #9 0x5c3bcbf92c9e #10 0x5c3bcc407d0b #11 0x5c3bcc40bc92 #12 0x5c3bcc3f4b3c #13 0x5c3bcc40c807 #14 0x5c3bcc3da0df #15 0x5c3bcc429578 #16 0x5c3bcc429740 #17 0x5c3bcc439196 #18 0x793b8ba9caa4 #19 0x793b8bb29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:07:48,874 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 09:07:50,874 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662695361703430189A41960906457D11827101515443182459 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:08:07,637 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5faf0feb031a #1 0x5faf0f9c66e0 #2 0x5faf0fa153e6 #3 0x5faf0fa15681 #4 0x5faf0fa5ab04 #5 0x5faf0fa3948d #6 0x5faf0fa57ed7 #7 0x5faf0fa39203 #8 0x5faf0fa07cc0 #9 0x5faf0fa08c9e #10 0x5faf0fe7dd0b #11 0x5faf0fe81c92 #12 0x5faf0fe6ab3c #13 0x5faf0fe82807 #14 0x5faf0fe500df #15 0x5faf0fe9f578 #16 0x5faf0fe9f740 #17 0x5faf0feaf196 #18 0x7979bb89caa4 #19 0x7979bb929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:08:07,713 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 09:08:09,713 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562819087074A42120708084D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:08:11,334 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x57499f5f431a #1 0x57499f10a6e0 #2 0x57499f1593e6 #3 0x57499f159681 #4 0x57499f19eb04 #5 0x57499f17d48d #6 0x57499f19bed7 #7 0x57499f17d203 #8 0x57499f14bcc0 #9 0x57499f14cc9e #10 0x57499f5c1d0b #11 0x57499f5c5c92 #12 0x57499f5aeb3c #13 0x57499f5c6807 #14 0x57499f5940df #15 0x57499f5e3578 #16 0x57499f5e3740 #17 0x57499f5f3196 #18 0x7aee0289caa4 #19 0x7aee02929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:08:11,409 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 09:08:13,410 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662695361703430189A41960906457D11827101515443182459 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:08:30,178 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x6354dcf8a31a #1 0x6354dcaa06e0 #2 0x6354dcaef3e6 #3 0x6354dcaef681 #4 0x6354dcb34b04 #5 0x6354dcb1348d #6 0x6354dcb31ed7 #7 0x6354dcb13203 #8 0x6354dcae1cc0 #9 0x6354dcae2c9e #10 0x6354dcf57d0b #11 0x6354dcf5bc92 #12 0x6354dcf44b3c #13 0x6354dcf5c807 #14 0x6354dcf2a0df #15 0x6354dcf79578 #16 0x6354dcf79740 #17 0x6354dcf89196 #18 0x71baf9c9caa4 #19 0x71baf9d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:08:30,256 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 09:08:32,256 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562819087074A42120708084D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:08:33,892 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x57dc0d4d231a #1 0x57dc0cfe86e0 #2 0x57dc0d0373e6 #3 0x57dc0d037681 #4 0x57dc0d07cb04 #5 0x57dc0d05b48d #6 0x57dc0d079ed7 #7 0x57dc0d05b203 #8 0x57dc0d029cc0 #9 0x57dc0d02ac9e #10 0x57dc0d49fd0b #11 0x57dc0d4a3c92 #12 0x57dc0d48cb3c #13 0x57dc0d4a4807 #14 0x57dc0d4720df #15 0x57dc0d4c1578 #16 0x57dc0d4c1740 #17 0x57dc0d4d1196 #18 0x7ccdc289caa4 #19 0x7ccdc2929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:08:33,967 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 09:08:35,976 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662695361703430189A41960906457D11827101515443182459 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:08:52,772 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5f434c18d31a #1 0x5f434bca36e0 #2 0x5f434bcf23e6 #3 0x5f434bcf2681 #4 0x5f434bd37b04 #5 0x5f434bd1648d #6 0x5f434bd34ed7 #7 0x5f434bd16203 #8 0x5f434bce4cc0 #9 0x5f434bce5c9e #10 0x5f434c15ad0b #11 0x5f434c15ec92 #12 0x5f434c147b3c #13 0x5f434c15f807 #14 0x5f434c12d0df #15 0x5f434c17c578 #16 0x5f434c17c740 #17 0x5f434c18c196 #18 0x736ba129caa4 #19 0x736ba1329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:08:52,851 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 09:08:54,851 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562819087074A42120708084D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:08:56,495 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x56ec3e82b31a #1 0x56ec3e3416e0 #2 0x56ec3e3903e6 #3 0x56ec3e390681 #4 0x56ec3e3d5b04 #5 0x56ec3e3b448d #6 0x56ec3e3d2ed7 #7 0x56ec3e3b4203 #8 0x56ec3e382cc0 #9 0x56ec3e383c9e #10 0x56ec3e7f8d0b #11 0x56ec3e7fcc92 #12 0x56ec3e7e5b3c #13 0x56ec3e7fd807 #14 0x56ec3e7cb0df #15 0x56ec3e81a578 #16 0x56ec3e81a740 #17 0x56ec3e82a196 #18 0x75bed069caa4 #19 0x75bed0729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:08:56,570 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 09:08:58,570 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662695361703430189A41960906457D11827101515443182459 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:09:03,097 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 09:09:03,097 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 09:09:03,180 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 09:09:08,487 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:09:15,352 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x60529403c31a #1 0x605293b526e0 #2 0x605293ba13e6 #3 0x605293ba1681 #4 0x605293be6b04 #5 0x605293bc548d #6 0x605293be3ed7 #7 0x605293bc5203 #8 0x605293b93cc0 #9 0x605293b94c9e #10 0x605294009d0b #11 0x60529400dc92 #12 0x605293ff6b3c #13 0x60529400e807 #14 0x605293fdc0df #15 0x60529402b578 #16 0x60529402b740 #17 0x60529403b196 #18 0x7b9e0629caa4 #19 0x7b9e06329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:09:15,428 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 09:09:17,429 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562819087074A42120708084D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:09:19,051 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x64d67421f31a #1 0x64d673d356e0 #2 0x64d673d843e6 #3 0x64d673d84681 #4 0x64d673dc9b04 #5 0x64d673da848d #6 0x64d673dc6ed7 #7 0x64d673da8203 #8 0x64d673d76cc0 #9 0x64d673d77c9e #10 0x64d6741ecd0b #11 0x64d6741f0c92 #12 0x64d6741d9b3c #13 0x64d6741f1807 #14 0x64d6741bf0df #15 0x64d67420e578 #16 0x64d67420e740 #17 0x64d67421e196 #18 0x7a5821a9caa4 #19 0x7a5821b29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:09:19,126 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 09:09:21,126 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662695361703430189A41960906457D11827101515443182459 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:09:37,926 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x60723fd8131a #1 0x60723f8976e0 #2 0x60723f8e63e6 #3 0x60723f8e6681 #4 0x60723f92bb04 #5 0x60723f90a48d #6 0x60723f928ed7 #7 0x60723f90a203 #8 0x60723f8d8cc0 #9 0x60723f8d9c9e #10 0x60723fd4ed0b #11 0x60723fd52c92 #12 0x60723fd3bb3c #13 0x60723fd53807 #14 0x60723fd210df #15 0x60723fd70578 #16 0x60723fd70740 #17 0x60723fd80196 #18 0x749d5b09caa4 #19 0x749d5b129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:09:38,002 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 09:09:40,002 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562819087074A42120708084D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:09:41,609 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x612f0c71f31a #1 0x612f0c2356e0 #2 0x612f0c2843e6 #3 0x612f0c284681 #4 0x612f0c2c9b04 #5 0x612f0c2a848d #6 0x612f0c2c6ed7 #7 0x612f0c2a8203 #8 0x612f0c276cc0 #9 0x612f0c277c9e #10 0x612f0c6ecd0b #11 0x612f0c6f0c92 #12 0x612f0c6d9b3c #13 0x612f0c6f1807 #14 0x612f0c6bf0df #15 0x612f0c70e578 #16 0x612f0c70e740 #17 0x612f0c71e196 #18 0x74904329caa4 #19 0x749043329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:09:41,685 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 09:09:43,685 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662695361703430189A41960906457D11827101515443182459 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:09:57,353 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:10:00,491 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x653b3394331a #1 0x653b334596e0 #2 0x653b334a83e6 #3 0x653b334a8681 #4 0x653b334edb04 #5 0x653b334cc48d #6 0x653b334eaed7 #7 0x653b334cc203 #8 0x653b3349acc0 #9 0x653b3349bc9e #10 0x653b33910d0b #11 0x653b33914c92 #12 0x653b338fdb3c #13 0x653b33915807 #14 0x653b338e30df #15 0x653b33932578 #16 0x653b33932740 #17 0x653b33942196 #18 0x7fc34009caa4 #19 0x7fc340129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:10:00,566 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 09:10:02,567 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562819087074A42120708084D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:10:04,157 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x62db5bbf531a #1 0x62db5b70b6e0 #2 0x62db5b75a3e6 #3 0x62db5b75a681 #4 0x62db5b79fb04 #5 0x62db5b77e48d #6 0x62db5b79ced7 #7 0x62db5b77e203 #8 0x62db5b74ccc0 #9 0x62db5b74dc9e #10 0x62db5bbc2d0b #11 0x62db5bbc6c92 #12 0x62db5bbafb3c #13 0x62db5bbc7807 #14 0x62db5bb950df #15 0x62db5bbe4578 #16 0x62db5bbe4740 #17 0x62db5bbf4196 #18 0x73217e89caa4 #19 0x73217e929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:10:04,216 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 09:10:06,216 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662695361703430189A41960906457D11827101515443182459 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:573) 2025-02-21 09:10:06,216 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662695361703430189A41960906457D11827101515443182459 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:10:23,084 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x56b999d8b31a #1 0x56b9998a16e0 #2 0x56b9998f03e6 #3 0x56b9998f0681 #4 0x56b999935b04 #5 0x56b99991448d #6 0x56b999932ed7 #7 0x56b999914203 #8 0x56b9998e2cc0 #9 0x56b9998e3c9e #10 0x56b999d58d0b #11 0x56b999d5cc92 #12 0x56b999d45b3c #13 0x56b999d5d807 #14 0x56b999d2b0df #15 0x56b999d7a578 #16 0x56b999d7a740 #17 0x56b999d8a196 #18 0x723dfd09caa4 #19 0x723dfd129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:10:23,160 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 09:10:25,161 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562819087074A42120708084D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:10:26,729 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5bb9a721531a #1 0x5bb9a6d2b6e0 #2 0x5bb9a6d7a3e6 #3 0x5bb9a6d7a681 #4 0x5bb9a6dbfb04 #5 0x5bb9a6d9e48d #6 0x5bb9a6dbced7 #7 0x5bb9a6d9e203 #8 0x5bb9a6d6ccc0 #9 0x5bb9a6d6dc9e #10 0x5bb9a71e2d0b #11 0x5bb9a71e6c92 #12 0x5bb9a71cfb3c #13 0x5bb9a71e7807 #14 0x5bb9a71b50df #15 0x5bb9a7204578 #16 0x5bb9a7204740 #17 0x5bb9a7214196 #18 0x7fe83da9caa4 #19 0x7fe83db29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:10:26,804 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 09:10:45,653 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5f92cc88231a #1 0x5f92cc3986e0 #2 0x5f92cc3e73e6 #3 0x5f92cc3e7681 #4 0x5f92cc42cb04 #5 0x5f92cc40b48d #6 0x5f92cc429ed7 #7 0x5f92cc40b203 #8 0x5f92cc3d9cc0 #9 0x5f92cc3dac9e #10 0x5f92cc84fd0b #11 0x5f92cc853c92 #12 0x5f92cc83cb3c #13 0x5f92cc854807 #14 0x5f92cc8220df #15 0x5f92cc871578 #16 0x5f92cc871740 #17 0x5f92cc881196 #18 0x766b0209caa4 #19 0x766b02129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:10:45,732 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 09:10:47,733 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562819087074A42120708084D2633598932167165105 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:573) 2025-02-21 09:10:47,733 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562819087074A42120708084D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:10:55,305 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:11:08,229 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x59950e00631a #1 0x59950db1c6e0 #2 0x59950db6b3e6 #3 0x59950db6b681 #4 0x59950dbb0b04 #5 0x59950db8f48d #6 0x59950dbaded7 #7 0x59950db8f203 #8 0x59950db5dcc0 #9 0x59950db5ec9e #10 0x59950dfd3d0b #11 0x59950dfd7c92 #12 0x59950dfc0b3c #13 0x59950dfd8807 #14 0x59950dfa60df #15 0x59950dff5578 #16 0x59950dff5740 #17 0x59950e005196 #18 0x7f2247e9caa4 #19 0x7f2247f29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:11:08,310 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 09:12:21,997 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:13:32,394 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 09:13:38,000 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:17:08,756 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:26:01,311 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:26:13,495 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863087175936A42120807298D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:26:33,961 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x6006ff49531a #1 0x6006fefab6e0 #2 0x6006feffa3e6 #3 0x6006feffa681 #4 0x6006ff03fb04 #5 0x6006ff01e48d #6 0x6006ff03ced7 #7 0x6006ff01e203 #8 0x6006fefeccc0 #9 0x6006fefedc9e #10 0x6006ff462d0b #11 0x6006ff466c92 #12 0x6006ff44fb3c #13 0x6006ff467807 #14 0x6006ff4350df #15 0x6006ff484578 #16 0x6006ff484740 #17 0x6006ff494196 #18 0x7d9331e9caa4 #19 0x7d9331f29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:26:34,037 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 09:26:36,037 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863087175936A42120807298D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:26:56,536 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x64857e03631a #1 0x64857db4c6e0 #2 0x64857db9b3e6 #3 0x64857db9b681 #4 0x64857dbe0b04 #5 0x64857dbbf48d #6 0x64857dbdded7 #7 0x64857dbbf203 #8 0x64857db8dcc0 #9 0x64857db8ec9e #10 0x64857e003d0b #11 0x64857e007c92 #12 0x64857dff0b3c #13 0x64857e008807 #14 0x64857dfd60df #15 0x64857e025578 #16 0x64857e025740 #17 0x64857e035196 #18 0x78762829caa4 #19 0x787628329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:26:56,611 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 09:26:58,611 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863087175936A42120807298D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:27:19,077 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5a4c411be31a #1 0x5a4c40cd46e0 #2 0x5a4c40d233e6 #3 0x5a4c40d23681 #4 0x5a4c40d68b04 #5 0x5a4c40d4748d #6 0x5a4c40d65ed7 #7 0x5a4c40d47203 #8 0x5a4c40d15cc0 #9 0x5a4c40d16c9e #10 0x5a4c4118bd0b #11 0x5a4c4118fc92 #12 0x5a4c41178b3c #13 0x5a4c41190807 #14 0x5a4c4115e0df #15 0x5a4c411ad578 #16 0x5a4c411ad740 #17 0x5a4c411bd196 #18 0x72d95249caa4 #19 0x72d952529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:27:19,151 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 09:27:21,152 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863087175936A42120807298D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:27:41,619 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x590cd229531a #1 0x590cd1dab6e0 #2 0x590cd1dfa3e6 #3 0x590cd1dfa681 #4 0x590cd1e3fb04 #5 0x590cd1e1e48d #6 0x590cd1e3ced7 #7 0x590cd1e1e203 #8 0x590cd1deccc0 #9 0x590cd1dedc9e #10 0x590cd2262d0b #11 0x590cd2266c92 #12 0x590cd224fb3c #13 0x590cd2267807 #14 0x590cd22350df #15 0x590cd2284578 #16 0x590cd2284740 #17 0x590cd2294196 #18 0x76a85049caa4 #19 0x76a850529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:27:41,694 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 09:27:43,694 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863087175936A42120807298D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:28:04,157 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x64e5d032e31a #1 0x64e5cfe446e0 #2 0x64e5cfe933e6 #3 0x64e5cfe93681 #4 0x64e5cfed8b04 #5 0x64e5cfeb748d #6 0x64e5cfed5ed7 #7 0x64e5cfeb7203 #8 0x64e5cfe85cc0 #9 0x64e5cfe86c9e #10 0x64e5d02fbd0b #11 0x64e5d02ffc92 #12 0x64e5d02e8b3c #13 0x64e5d0300807 #14 0x64e5d02ce0df #15 0x64e5d031d578 #16 0x64e5d031d740 #17 0x64e5d032d196 #18 0x73703dc9caa4 #19 0x73703dd29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:28:04,239 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 09:28:06,239 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863087175936A42120807298D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:28:26,703 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x56aa6cfbf31a #1 0x56aa6cad56e0 #2 0x56aa6cb243e6 #3 0x56aa6cb24681 #4 0x56aa6cb69b04 #5 0x56aa6cb4848d #6 0x56aa6cb66ed7 #7 0x56aa6cb48203 #8 0x56aa6cb16cc0 #9 0x56aa6cb17c9e #10 0x56aa6cf8cd0b #11 0x56aa6cf90c92 #12 0x56aa6cf79b3c #13 0x56aa6cf91807 #14 0x56aa6cf5f0df #15 0x56aa6cfae578 #16 0x56aa6cfae740 #17 0x56aa6cfbe196 #18 0x75710cc9caa4 #19 0x75710cd29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:28:26,778 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 09:28:28,778 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863087175936A42120807298D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:28:49,244 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5fc38813a31a #1 0x5fc387c506e0 #2 0x5fc387c9f3e6 #3 0x5fc387c9f681 #4 0x5fc387ce4b04 #5 0x5fc387cc348d #6 0x5fc387ce1ed7 #7 0x5fc387cc3203 #8 0x5fc387c91cc0 #9 0x5fc387c92c9e #10 0x5fc388107d0b #11 0x5fc38810bc92 #12 0x5fc3880f4b3c #13 0x5fc38810c807 #14 0x5fc3880da0df #15 0x5fc388129578 #16 0x5fc388129740 #17 0x5fc388139196 #18 0x751e3989caa4 #19 0x751e39929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:28:49,320 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 09:28:51,320 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863087175936A42120807298D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:29:11,780 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x61a2afcf131a #1 0x61a2af8076e0 #2 0x61a2af8563e6 #3 0x61a2af856681 #4 0x61a2af89bb04 #5 0x61a2af87a48d #6 0x61a2af898ed7 #7 0x61a2af87a203 #8 0x61a2af848cc0 #9 0x61a2af849c9e #10 0x61a2afcbed0b #11 0x61a2afcc2c92 #12 0x61a2afcabb3c #13 0x61a2afcc3807 #14 0x61a2afc910df #15 0x61a2afce0578 #16 0x61a2afce0740 #17 0x61a2afcf0196 #18 0x74a1b169caa4 #19 0x74a1b1729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:29:11,857 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 09:29:13,857 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863087175936A42120807298D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:29:26,448 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:29:34,342 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x6125d647b31a #1 0x6125d5f916e0 #2 0x6125d5fe03e6 #3 0x6125d5fe0681 #4 0x6125d6025b04 #5 0x6125d600448d #6 0x6125d6022ed7 #7 0x6125d6004203 #8 0x6125d5fd2cc0 #9 0x6125d5fd3c9e #10 0x6125d6448d0b #11 0x6125d644cc92 #12 0x6125d6435b3c #13 0x6125d644d807 #14 0x6125d641b0df #15 0x6125d646a578 #16 0x6125d646a740 #17 0x6125d647a196 #18 0x7a5a6509caa4 #19 0x7a5a65129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:29:34,418 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 09:29:36,418 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863087175936A42120807298D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:29:56,919 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5e2133c8231a #1 0x5e21337986e0 #2 0x5e21337e73e6 #3 0x5e21337e7681 #4 0x5e213382cb04 #5 0x5e213380b48d #6 0x5e2133829ed7 #7 0x5e213380b203 #8 0x5e21337d9cc0 #9 0x5e21337dac9e #10 0x5e2133c4fd0b #11 0x5e2133c53c92 #12 0x5e2133c3cb3c #13 0x5e2133c54807 #14 0x5e2133c220df #15 0x5e2133c71578 #16 0x5e2133c71740 #17 0x5e2133c81196 #18 0x7a1b13c9caa4 #19 0x7a1b13d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:29:56,995 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 09:29:58,995 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863087175936A42120807298D11556876991896565350 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:635) 2025-02-21 09:29:58,995 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863087175936A42120807298D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:30:19,517 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x58311c61131a #1 0x58311c1276e0 #2 0x58311c1763e6 #3 0x58311c176681 #4 0x58311c1bbb04 #5 0x58311c19a48d #6 0x58311c1b8ed7 #7 0x58311c19a203 #8 0x58311c168cc0 #9 0x58311c169c9e #10 0x58311c5ded0b #11 0x58311c5e2c92 #12 0x58311c5cbb3c #13 0x58311c5e3807 #14 0x58311c5b10df #15 0x58311c600578 #16 0x58311c600740 #17 0x58311c610196 #18 0x76c5d089caa4 #19 0x76c5d0929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:30:19,585 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 09:30:38,310 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:30:45,803 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650310462726144405A29395610702D2649497579486352517 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:30:50,370 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826786146838A35438153996D9547743635268161066 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-02-21 09:30:50,370 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826786146838A35438153996D9547743635268161066 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-02-21 09:30:56,526 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 09:30:56,527 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 09:30:56,618 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 09:31:06,280 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5b54438e731a #1 0x5b54433fd6e0 #2 0x5b544344c3e6 #3 0x5b544344c681 #4 0x5b5443491b04 #5 0x5b544347048d #6 0x5b544348eed7 #7 0x5b5443470203 #8 0x5b544343ecc0 #9 0x5b544343fc9e #10 0x5b54438b4d0b #11 0x5b54438b8c92 #12 0x5b54438a1b3c #13 0x5b54438b9807 #14 0x5b54438870df #15 0x5b54438d6578 #16 0x5b54438d6740 #17 0x5b54438e6196 #18 0x717e55a9caa4 #19 0x717e55b29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:31:06,356 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 09:31:08,356 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650310462726144405A29395610702D2649497579486352517 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:31:28,763 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 09:31:28,764 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 09:31:28,830 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x591bca3c531a #1 0x591bc9edb6e0 #2 0x591bc9f2a3e6 #3 0x591bc9f2a681 #4 0x591bc9f6fb04 #5 0x591bc9f4e48d #6 0x591bc9f6ced7 #7 0x591bc9f4e203 #8 0x591bc9f1ccc0 #9 0x591bc9f1dc9e #10 0x591bca392d0b #11 0x591bca396c92 #12 0x591bca37fb3c #13 0x591bca397807 #14 0x591bca3650df #15 0x591bca3b4578 #16 0x591bca3b4740 #17 0x591bca3c4196 #18 0x7c9cc049caa4 #19 0x7c9cc0529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:31:28,835 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 09:31:28,907 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 09:31:30,908 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650310462726144405A29395610702D2649497579486352517 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:31:47,448 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:31:51,425 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x59b0b4a9631a #1 0x59b0b45ac6e0 #2 0x59b0b45fb3e6 #3 0x59b0b45fb681 #4 0x59b0b4640b04 #5 0x59b0b461f48d #6 0x59b0b463ded7 #7 0x59b0b461f203 #8 0x59b0b45edcc0 #9 0x59b0b45eec9e #10 0x59b0b4a63d0b #11 0x59b0b4a67c92 #12 0x59b0b4a50b3c #13 0x59b0b4a68807 #14 0x59b0b4a360df #15 0x59b0b4a85578 #16 0x59b0b4a85740 #17 0x59b0b4a95196 #18 0x7a585389caa4 #19 0x7a5853929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:31:51,501 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 09:31:52,746 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:31:53,501 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650310462726144405A29395610702D2649497579486352517 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:32:02,754 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:32:09,341 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:32:09,440 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:32:13,991 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x62c44406e31a #1 0x62c443b846e0 #2 0x62c443bd33e6 #3 0x62c443bd3681 #4 0x62c443c18b04 #5 0x62c443bf748d #6 0x62c443c15ed7 #7 0x62c443bf7203 #8 0x62c443bc5cc0 #9 0x62c443bc6c9e #10 0x62c44403bd0b #11 0x62c44403fc92 #12 0x62c444028b3c #13 0x62c444040807 #14 0x62c44400e0df #15 0x62c44405d578 #16 0x62c44405d740 #17 0x62c44406d196 #18 0x74d46349caa4 #19 0x74d463529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:32:14,068 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 09:32:16,068 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650310462726144405A29395610702D2649497579486352517 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:32:28,580 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 09:32:28,581 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 09:32:28,650 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 09:32:34,849 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:32:36,587 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x6005f7fa931a #1 0x6005f7abf6e0 #2 0x6005f7b0e3e6 #3 0x6005f7b0e681 #4 0x6005f7b53b04 #5 0x6005f7b3248d #6 0x6005f7b50ed7 #7 0x6005f7b32203 #8 0x6005f7b00cc0 #9 0x6005f7b01c9e #10 0x6005f7f76d0b #11 0x6005f7f7ac92 #12 0x6005f7f63b3c #13 0x6005f7f7b807 #14 0x6005f7f490df #15 0x6005f7f98578 #16 0x6005f7f98740 #17 0x6005f7fa8196 #18 0x7b7faba9caa4 #19 0x7b7fabb29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:32:36,665 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 09:32:38,665 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650310462726144405A29395610702D2649497579486352517 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:32:59,210 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5eaa9322331a #1 0x5eaa92d396e0 #2 0x5eaa92d883e6 #3 0x5eaa92d88681 #4 0x5eaa92dcdb04 #5 0x5eaa92dac48d #6 0x5eaa92dcaed7 #7 0x5eaa92dac203 #8 0x5eaa92d7acc0 #9 0x5eaa92d7bc9e #10 0x5eaa931f0d0b #11 0x5eaa931f4c92 #12 0x5eaa931ddb3c #13 0x5eaa931f5807 #14 0x5eaa931c30df #15 0x5eaa93212578 #16 0x5eaa93212740 #17 0x5eaa93222196 #18 0x7ff91969caa4 #19 0x7ff919729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:32:59,290 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 09:33:01,290 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650310462726144405A29395610702D2649497579486352517 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:33:20,531 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:33:21,787 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x623da5ae331a #1 0x623da55f96e0 #2 0x623da56483e6 #3 0x623da5648681 #4 0x623da568db04 #5 0x623da566c48d #6 0x623da568aed7 #7 0x623da566c203 #8 0x623da563acc0 #9 0x623da563bc9e #10 0x623da5ab0d0b #11 0x623da5ab4c92 #12 0x623da5a9db3c #13 0x623da5ab5807 #14 0x623da5a830df #15 0x623da5ad2578 #16 0x623da5ad2740 #17 0x623da5ae2196 #18 0x7109dce9caa4 #19 0x7109dcf29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:33:21,863 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 09:33:23,863 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650310462726144405A29395610702D2649497579486352517 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:33:32,288 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:33:44,347 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x652ab0a8131a #1 0x652ab05976e0 #2 0x652ab05e63e6 #3 0x652ab05e6681 #4 0x652ab062bb04 #5 0x652ab060a48d #6 0x652ab0628ed7 #7 0x652ab060a203 #8 0x652ab05d8cc0 #9 0x652ab05d9c9e #10 0x652ab0a4ed0b #11 0x652ab0a52c92 #12 0x652ab0a3bb3c #13 0x652ab0a53807 #14 0x652ab0a210df #15 0x652ab0a70578 #16 0x652ab0a70740 #17 0x652ab0a80196 #18 0x782ec169caa4 #19 0x782ec1729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:33:44,422 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 09:33:46,422 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650310462726144405A29395610702D2649497579486352517 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:33:54,782 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:33:57,830 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:34:06,894 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5f0e9062e31a #1 0x5f0e901446e0 #2 0x5f0e901933e6 #3 0x5f0e90193681 #4 0x5f0e901d8b04 #5 0x5f0e901b748d #6 0x5f0e901d5ed7 #7 0x5f0e901b7203 #8 0x5f0e90185cc0 #9 0x5f0e90186c9e #10 0x5f0e905fbd0b #11 0x5f0e905ffc92 #12 0x5f0e905e8b3c #13 0x5f0e90600807 #14 0x5f0e905ce0df #15 0x5f0e9061d578 #16 0x5f0e9061d740 #17 0x5f0e9062d196 #18 0x73961ee9caa4 #19 0x73961ef29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:34:06,969 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 09:34:08,969 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650310462726144405A29395610702D2649497579486352517 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:34:16,294 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:34:17,431 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:34:29,461 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x6306f3ce331a #1 0x6306f37f96e0 #2 0x6306f38483e6 #3 0x6306f3848681 #4 0x6306f388db04 #5 0x6306f386c48d #6 0x6306f388aed7 #7 0x6306f386c203 #8 0x6306f383acc0 #9 0x6306f383bc9e #10 0x6306f3cb0d0b #11 0x6306f3cb4c92 #12 0x6306f3c9db3c #13 0x6306f3cb5807 #14 0x6306f3c830df #15 0x6306f3cd2578 #16 0x6306f3cd2740 #17 0x6306f3ce2196 #18 0x7c1c5769caa4 #19 0x7c1c57729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:34:29,537 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 09:34:31,538 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650310462726144405A29395610702D2649497579486352517 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:573) 2025-02-21 09:34:31,538 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650310462726144405A29395610702D2649497579486352517 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:34:39,746 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:34:52,053 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x57f082e1b31a #1 0x57f0829316e0 #2 0x57f0829803e6 #3 0x57f082980681 #4 0x57f0829c5b04 #5 0x57f0829a448d #6 0x57f0829c2ed7 #7 0x57f0829a4203 #8 0x57f082972cc0 #9 0x57f082973c9e #10 0x57f082de8d0b #11 0x57f082decc92 #12 0x57f082dd5b3c #13 0x57f082ded807 #14 0x57f082dbb0df #15 0x57f082e0a578 #16 0x57f082e0a740 #17 0x57f082e1a196 #18 0x7c653e69caa4 #19 0x7c653e729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:34:52,128 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 09:35:22,270 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:35:25,605 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20M4A4%20%7C%20Zirka%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 09:35:51,446 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:36:04,096 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Bloodsport%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 09:36:06,905 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:36:09,565 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:36:12,181 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestProxyCheap: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 502. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:186) 2025-02-21 09:36:55,843 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562819495374A42121186553D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:37:02,208 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Desert%20Eagle%20%7C%20Cobalt%20Disruption%20%28Field-Tested%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 09:37:16,348 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x6264ad0ad31a #1 0x6264acbc36e0 #2 0x6264acc123e6 #3 0x6264acc12681 #4 0x6264acc57b04 #5 0x6264acc3648d #6 0x6264acc54ed7 #7 0x6264acc36203 #8 0x6264acc04cc0 #9 0x6264acc05c9e #10 0x6264ad07ad0b #11 0x6264ad07ec92 #12 0x6264ad067b3c #13 0x6264ad07f807 #14 0x6264ad04d0df #15 0x6264ad09c578 #16 0x6264ad09c740 #17 0x6264ad0ac196 #18 0x790f5309caa4 #19 0x790f53129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:37:16,426 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 09:37:18,426 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562819495374A42121186553D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:37:38,970 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x62c3bfd2131a #1 0x62c3bf8376e0 #2 0x62c3bf8863e6 #3 0x62c3bf886681 #4 0x62c3bf8cbb04 #5 0x62c3bf8aa48d #6 0x62c3bf8c8ed7 #7 0x62c3bf8aa203 #8 0x62c3bf878cc0 #9 0x62c3bf879c9e #10 0x62c3bfceed0b #11 0x62c3bfcf2c92 #12 0x62c3bfcdbb3c #13 0x62c3bfcf3807 #14 0x62c3bfcc10df #15 0x62c3bfd10578 #16 0x62c3bfd10740 #17 0x62c3bfd20196 #18 0x75fcbe89caa4 #19 0x75fcbe929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:37:39,053 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 09:37:41,053 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562819495374A42121186553D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:38:01,529 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x635d4f64b31a #1 0x635d4f1616e0 #2 0x635d4f1b03e6 #3 0x635d4f1b0681 #4 0x635d4f1f5b04 #5 0x635d4f1d448d #6 0x635d4f1f2ed7 #7 0x635d4f1d4203 #8 0x635d4f1a2cc0 #9 0x635d4f1a3c9e #10 0x635d4f618d0b #11 0x635d4f61cc92 #12 0x635d4f605b3c #13 0x635d4f61d807 #14 0x635d4f5eb0df #15 0x635d4f63a578 #16 0x635d4f63a740 #17 0x635d4f64a196 #18 0x7a8c5cc9caa4 #19 0x7a8c5cd29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:38:01,604 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 09:38:03,604 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562819495374A42121186553D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:38:24,125 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x58b2725cf31a #1 0x58b2720e56e0 #2 0x58b2721343e6 #3 0x58b272134681 #4 0x58b272179b04 #5 0x58b27215848d #6 0x58b272176ed7 #7 0x58b272158203 #8 0x58b272126cc0 #9 0x58b272127c9e #10 0x58b27259cd0b #11 0x58b2725a0c92 #12 0x58b272589b3c #13 0x58b2725a1807 #14 0x58b27256f0df #15 0x58b2725be578 #16 0x58b2725be740 #17 0x58b2725ce196 #18 0x721d3fa9caa4 #19 0x721d3fb29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:38:24,200 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 09:38:26,200 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562819495374A42121186553D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:38:28,795 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:38:35,727 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:38:42,538 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-02-21 09:38:42,539 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-02-21 09:38:42,631 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-02-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-03-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-02-21 09:38:46,686 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5cee1438831a #1 0x5cee13e9e6e0 #2 0x5cee13eed3e6 #3 0x5cee13eed681 #4 0x5cee13f32b04 #5 0x5cee13f1148d #6 0x5cee13f2fed7 #7 0x5cee13f11203 #8 0x5cee13edfcc0 #9 0x5cee13ee0c9e #10 0x5cee14355d0b #11 0x5cee14359c92 #12 0x5cee14342b3c #13 0x5cee1435a807 #14 0x5cee143280df #15 0x5cee14377578 #16 0x5cee14377740 #17 0x5cee14387196 #18 0x745f2be9caa4 #19 0x745f2bf29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:38:46,761 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 09:38:48,383 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:38:48,761 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562819495374A42121186553D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:39:09,247 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x59de1279931a #1 0x59de122af6e0 #2 0x59de122fe3e6 #3 0x59de122fe681 #4 0x59de12343b04 #5 0x59de1232248d #6 0x59de12340ed7 #7 0x59de12322203 #8 0x59de122f0cc0 #9 0x59de122f1c9e #10 0x59de12766d0b #11 0x59de1276ac92 #12 0x59de12753b3c #13 0x59de1276b807 #14 0x59de127390df #15 0x59de12788578 #16 0x59de12788740 #17 0x59de12798196 #18 0x72ee41e9caa4 #19 0x72ee41f29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:39:09,323 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 09:39:11,324 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562819495374A42121186553D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:39:31,821 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x576eb663631a #1 0x576eb614c6e0 #2 0x576eb619b3e6 #3 0x576eb619b681 #4 0x576eb61e0b04 #5 0x576eb61bf48d #6 0x576eb61dded7 #7 0x576eb61bf203 #8 0x576eb618dcc0 #9 0x576eb618ec9e #10 0x576eb6603d0b #11 0x576eb6607c92 #12 0x576eb65f0b3c #13 0x576eb6608807 #14 0x576eb65d60df #15 0x576eb6625578 #16 0x576eb6625740 #17 0x576eb6635196 #18 0x76bc6249caa4 #19 0x76bc62529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:39:31,897 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 09:39:33,898 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562819495374A42121186553D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:39:54,382 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x653c7997431a #1 0x653c7948a6e0 #2 0x653c794d93e6 #3 0x653c794d9681 #4 0x653c7951eb04 #5 0x653c794fd48d #6 0x653c7951bed7 #7 0x653c794fd203 #8 0x653c794cbcc0 #9 0x653c794ccc9e #10 0x653c79941d0b #11 0x653c79945c92 #12 0x653c7992eb3c #13 0x653c79946807 #14 0x653c799140df #15 0x653c79963578 #16 0x653c79963740 #17 0x653c79973196 #18 0x74ae8689caa4 #19 0x74ae86929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:39:54,457 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 09:39:56,458 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562819495374A42121186553D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:40:16,950 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x56e36635b31a #1 0x56e365e716e0 #2 0x56e365ec03e6 #3 0x56e365ec0681 #4 0x56e365f05b04 #5 0x56e365ee448d #6 0x56e365f02ed7 #7 0x56e365ee4203 #8 0x56e365eb2cc0 #9 0x56e365eb3c9e #10 0x56e366328d0b #11 0x56e36632cc92 #12 0x56e366315b3c #13 0x56e36632d807 #14 0x56e3662fb0df #15 0x56e36634a578 #16 0x56e36634a740 #17 0x56e36635a196 #18 0x7117cf29caa4 #19 0x7117cf329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:40:17,009 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 09:40:19,009 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562819495374A42121186553D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:40:39,514 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5a6f8f54c31a #1 0x5a6f8f0626e0 #2 0x5a6f8f0b13e6 #3 0x5a6f8f0b1681 #4 0x5a6f8f0f6b04 #5 0x5a6f8f0d548d #6 0x5a6f8f0f3ed7 #7 0x5a6f8f0d5203 #8 0x5a6f8f0a3cc0 #9 0x5a6f8f0a4c9e #10 0x5a6f8f519d0b #11 0x5a6f8f51dc92 #12 0x5a6f8f506b3c #13 0x5a6f8f51e807 #14 0x5a6f8f4ec0df #15 0x5a6f8f53b578 #16 0x5a6f8f53b740 #17 0x5a6f8f54b196 #18 0x7ba9f989caa4 #19 0x7ba9f9929c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:40:39,591 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 09:40:41,591 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562819495374A42121186553D2633598932167165105 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:573) 2025-02-21 09:40:41,591 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649184562819495374A42121186553D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:40:55,444 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:41:02,077 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x56dcc28ba31a #1 0x56dcc23d06e0 #2 0x56dcc241f3e6 #3 0x56dcc241f681 #4 0x56dcc2464b04 #5 0x56dcc244348d #6 0x56dcc2461ed7 #7 0x56dcc2443203 #8 0x56dcc2411cc0 #9 0x56dcc2412c9e #10 0x56dcc2887d0b #11 0x56dcc288bc92 #12 0x56dcc2874b3c #13 0x56dcc288c807 #14 0x56dcc285a0df #15 0x56dcc28a9578 #16 0x56dcc28a9740 #17 0x56dcc28b9196 #18 0x725c40c9caa4 #19 0x725c40d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:41:02,153 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-02-21 09:41:16,179 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:41:36,967 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:43:12,400 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MAG-7%20%7C%20Hard%20Water%20%28Well-Worn%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-02-21 09:46:12,176 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:47:18,870 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:47:55,215 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:50:38,842 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635673763927974091A42121634917D9251768362050633527 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:50:59,339 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x637dc003c31a #1 0x637dbfb526e0 #2 0x637dbfba13e6 #3 0x637dbfba1681 #4 0x637dbfbe6b04 #5 0x637dbfbc548d #6 0x637dbfbe3ed7 #7 0x637dbfbc5203 #8 0x637dbfb93cc0 #9 0x637dbfb94c9e #10 0x637dc0009d0b #11 0x637dc000dc92 #12 0x637dbfff6b3c #13 0x637dc000e807 #14 0x637dbffdc0df #15 0x637dc002b578 #16 0x637dc002b740 #17 0x637dc003b196 #18 0x7e43c1a9caa4 #19 0x7e43c1b29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:50:59,418 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 09:51:01,419 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635673763927974091A42121634917D9251768362050633527 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:51:21,950 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5df1dc47631a #1 0x5df1dbf8c6e0 #2 0x5df1dbfdb3e6 #3 0x5df1dbfdb681 #4 0x5df1dc020b04 #5 0x5df1dbfff48d #6 0x5df1dc01ded7 #7 0x5df1dbfff203 #8 0x5df1dbfcdcc0 #9 0x5df1dbfcec9e #10 0x5df1dc443d0b #11 0x5df1dc447c92 #12 0x5df1dc430b3c #13 0x5df1dc448807 #14 0x5df1dc4160df #15 0x5df1dc465578 #16 0x5df1dc465740 #17 0x5df1dc475196 #18 0x7d449369caa4 #19 0x7d4493729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:51:22,026 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 09:51:24,026 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635673763927974091A42121634917D9251768362050633527 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:51:25,181 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:51:44,529 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x61ee07d5731a #1 0x61ee0786d6e0 #2 0x61ee078bc3e6 #3 0x61ee078bc681 #4 0x61ee07901b04 #5 0x61ee078e048d #6 0x61ee078feed7 #7 0x61ee078e0203 #8 0x61ee078aecc0 #9 0x61ee078afc9e #10 0x61ee07d24d0b #11 0x61ee07d28c92 #12 0x61ee07d11b3c #13 0x61ee07d29807 #14 0x61ee07cf70df #15 0x61ee07d46578 #16 0x61ee07d46740 #17 0x61ee07d56196 #18 0x7f21c929caa4 #19 0x7f21c9329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:51:44,605 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 09:51:46,605 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635673763927974091A42121634917D9251768362050633527 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:52:07,112 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5eaa78daf31a #1 0x5eaa788c56e0 #2 0x5eaa789143e6 #3 0x5eaa78914681 #4 0x5eaa78959b04 #5 0x5eaa7893848d #6 0x5eaa78956ed7 #7 0x5eaa78938203 #8 0x5eaa78906cc0 #9 0x5eaa78907c9e #10 0x5eaa78d7cd0b #11 0x5eaa78d80c92 #12 0x5eaa78d69b3c #13 0x5eaa78d81807 #14 0x5eaa78d4f0df #15 0x5eaa78d9e578 #16 0x5eaa78d9e740 #17 0x5eaa78dae196 #18 0x7b6f08e9caa4 #19 0x7b6f08f29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:52:07,192 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 09:52:09,193 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635673763927974091A42121634917D9251768362050633527 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:52:25,061 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:52:29,658 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5e885d99231a #1 0x5e885d4a86e0 #2 0x5e885d4f73e6 #3 0x5e885d4f7681 #4 0x5e885d53cb04 #5 0x5e885d51b48d #6 0x5e885d539ed7 #7 0x5e885d51b203 #8 0x5e885d4e9cc0 #9 0x5e885d4eac9e #10 0x5e885d95fd0b #11 0x5e885d963c92 #12 0x5e885d94cb3c #13 0x5e885d964807 #14 0x5e885d9320df #15 0x5e885d981578 #16 0x5e885d981740 #17 0x5e885d991196 #18 0x706aeac9caa4 #19 0x706aead29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:52:29,738 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 09:52:31,739 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635673763927974091A42121634917D9251768362050633527 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:52:52,218 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5c85892b331a #1 0x5c8588dc96e0 #2 0x5c8588e183e6 #3 0x5c8588e18681 #4 0x5c8588e5db04 #5 0x5c8588e3c48d #6 0x5c8588e5aed7 #7 0x5c8588e3c203 #8 0x5c8588e0acc0 #9 0x5c8588e0bc9e #10 0x5c8589280d0b #11 0x5c8589284c92 #12 0x5c858926db3c #13 0x5c8589285807 #14 0x5c85892530df #15 0x5c85892a2578 #16 0x5c85892a2740 #17 0x5c85892b2196 #18 0x79943529caa4 #19 0x799435329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:52:52,293 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 09:52:54,293 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635673763927974091A42121634917D9251768362050633527 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:53:00,124 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 407. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-02-21 09:53:14,813 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5db38e5b231a #1 0x5db38e0c86e0 #2 0x5db38e1173e6 #3 0x5db38e117681 #4 0x5db38e15cb04 #5 0x5db38e13b48d #6 0x5db38e159ed7 #7 0x5db38e13b203 #8 0x5db38e109cc0 #9 0x5db38e10ac9e #10 0x5db38e57fd0b #11 0x5db38e583c92 #12 0x5db38e56cb3c #13 0x5db38e584807 #14 0x5db38e5520df #15 0x5db38e5a1578 #16 0x5db38e5a1740 #17 0x5db38e5b1196 #18 0x738576e9caa4 #19 0x738576f29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:53:14,888 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 09:53:16,888 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635673763927974091A42121634917D9251768362050633527 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:53:37,399 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x637451bb631a #1 0x6374516cc6e0 #2 0x63745171b3e6 #3 0x63745171b681 #4 0x637451760b04 #5 0x63745173f48d #6 0x63745175ded7 #7 0x63745173f203 #8 0x63745170dcc0 #9 0x63745170ec9e #10 0x637451b83d0b #11 0x637451b87c92 #12 0x637451b70b3c #13 0x637451b88807 #14 0x637451b560df #15 0x637451ba5578 #16 0x637451ba5740 #17 0x637451bb5196 #18 0x78d50829caa4 #19 0x78d508329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:53:37,484 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 09:53:39,484 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635673763927974091A42121634917D9251768362050633527 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:53:59,976 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5a31a121d31a #1 0x5a31a0d336e0 #2 0x5a31a0d823e6 #3 0x5a31a0d82681 #4 0x5a31a0dc7b04 #5 0x5a31a0da648d #6 0x5a31a0dc4ed7 #7 0x5a31a0da6203 #8 0x5a31a0d74cc0 #9 0x5a31a0d75c9e #10 0x5a31a11ead0b #11 0x5a31a11eec92 #12 0x5a31a11d7b3c #13 0x5a31a11ef807 #14 0x5a31a11bd0df #15 0x5a31a120c578 #16 0x5a31a120c740 #17 0x5a31a121c196 #18 0x7da93f09caa4 #19 0x7da93f129c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:54:00,053 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 09:54:02,053 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635673763927974091A42121634917D9251768362050633527 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:54:22,580 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x6241ff88331a #1 0x6241ff3996e0 #2 0x6241ff3e83e6 #3 0x6241ff3e8681 #4 0x6241ff42db04 #5 0x6241ff40c48d #6 0x6241ff42aed7 #7 0x6241ff40c203 #8 0x6241ff3dacc0 #9 0x6241ff3dbc9e #10 0x6241ff850d0b #11 0x6241ff854c92 #12 0x6241ff83db3c #13 0x6241ff855807 #14 0x6241ff8230df #15 0x6241ff872578 #16 0x6241ff872740 #17 0x6241ff882196 #18 0x7092dd69caa4 #19 0x7092dd729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:54:22,656 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 09:54:24,657 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635673763927974091A42121634917D9251768362050633527 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:635) 2025-02-21 09:54:24,657 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635673763927974091A42121634917D9251768362050633527 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:54:45,215 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5d6c9373931a #1 0x5d6c9324f6e0 #2 0x5d6c9329e3e6 #3 0x5d6c9329e681 #4 0x5d6c932e3b04 #5 0x5d6c932c248d #6 0x5d6c932e0ed7 #7 0x5d6c932c2203 #8 0x5d6c93290cc0 #9 0x5d6c93291c9e #10 0x5d6c93706d0b #11 0x5d6c9370ac92 #12 0x5d6c936f3b3c #13 0x5d6c9370b807 #14 0x5d6c936d90df #15 0x5d6c93728578 #16 0x5d6c93728740 #17 0x5d6c93738196 #18 0x7ed11ca9caa4 #19 0x7ed11cb29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:54:45,290 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 09:55:51,939 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863087604216A42121588091D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:56:12,420 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x64319102631a #1 0x643190b3c6e0 #2 0x643190b8b3e6 #3 0x643190b8b681 #4 0x643190bd0b04 #5 0x643190baf48d #6 0x643190bcded7 #7 0x643190baf203 #8 0x643190b7dcc0 #9 0x643190b7ec9e #10 0x643190ff3d0b #11 0x643190ff7c92 #12 0x643190fe0b3c #13 0x643190ff8807 #14 0x643190fc60df #15 0x643191015578 #16 0x643191015740 #17 0x643191025196 #18 0x7ceaf249caa4 #19 0x7ceaf2529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:56:12,494 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 09:56:14,495 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863087604216A42121588091D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:56:35,000 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x60c44178f31a #1 0x60c4412a56e0 #2 0x60c4412f43e6 #3 0x60c4412f4681 #4 0x60c441339b04 #5 0x60c44131848d #6 0x60c441336ed7 #7 0x60c441318203 #8 0x60c4412e6cc0 #9 0x60c4412e7c9e #10 0x60c44175cd0b #11 0x60c441760c92 #12 0x60c441749b3c #13 0x60c441761807 #14 0x60c44172f0df #15 0x60c44177e578 #16 0x60c44177e740 #17 0x60c44178e196 #18 0x7df34a49caa4 #19 0x7df34a529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:56:35,077 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 09:56:37,077 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863087604216A42121588091D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:56:57,580 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x60ec2df1c31a #1 0x60ec2da326e0 #2 0x60ec2da813e6 #3 0x60ec2da81681 #4 0x60ec2dac6b04 #5 0x60ec2daa548d #6 0x60ec2dac3ed7 #7 0x60ec2daa5203 #8 0x60ec2da73cc0 #9 0x60ec2da74c9e #10 0x60ec2dee9d0b #11 0x60ec2deedc92 #12 0x60ec2ded6b3c #13 0x60ec2deee807 #14 0x60ec2debc0df #15 0x60ec2df0b578 #16 0x60ec2df0b740 #17 0x60ec2df1b196 #18 0x710df029caa4 #19 0x710df0329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:56:57,655 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 09:56:59,656 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863087604216A42121588091D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:57:20,160 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x60d38ca9931a #1 0x60d38c5af6e0 #2 0x60d38c5fe3e6 #3 0x60d38c5fe681 #4 0x60d38c643b04 #5 0x60d38c62248d #6 0x60d38c640ed7 #7 0x60d38c622203 #8 0x60d38c5f0cc0 #9 0x60d38c5f1c9e #10 0x60d38ca66d0b #11 0x60d38ca6ac92 #12 0x60d38ca53b3c #13 0x60d38ca6b807 #14 0x60d38ca390df #15 0x60d38ca88578 #16 0x60d38ca88740 #17 0x60d38ca98196 #18 0x7927be69caa4 #19 0x7927be729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:57:20,235 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 09:57:22,236 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863087604216A42121588091D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:57:42,712 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x60d4bd85b31a #1 0x60d4bd3716e0 #2 0x60d4bd3c03e6 #3 0x60d4bd3c0681 #4 0x60d4bd405b04 #5 0x60d4bd3e448d #6 0x60d4bd402ed7 #7 0x60d4bd3e4203 #8 0x60d4bd3b2cc0 #9 0x60d4bd3b3c9e #10 0x60d4bd828d0b #11 0x60d4bd82cc92 #12 0x60d4bd815b3c #13 0x60d4bd82d807 #14 0x60d4bd7fb0df #15 0x60d4bd84a578 #16 0x60d4bd84a740 #17 0x60d4bd85a196 #18 0x74c231e9caa4 #19 0x74c231f29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:57:42,788 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 09:57:44,788 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863087604216A42121588091D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:58:05,261 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x61667bd6831a #1 0x61667b87e6e0 #2 0x61667b8cd3e6 #3 0x61667b8cd681 #4 0x61667b912b04 #5 0x61667b8f148d #6 0x61667b90fed7 #7 0x61667b8f1203 #8 0x61667b8bfcc0 #9 0x61667b8c0c9e #10 0x61667bd35d0b #11 0x61667bd39c92 #12 0x61667bd22b3c #13 0x61667bd3a807 #14 0x61667bd080df #15 0x61667bd57578 #16 0x61667bd57740 #17 0x61667bd67196 #18 0x70cf42e9caa4 #19 0x70cf42f29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:58:05,336 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 09:58:07,336 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863087604216A42121588091D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:58:27,818 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x6205d94d131a #1 0x6205d8fe76e0 #2 0x6205d90363e6 #3 0x6205d9036681 #4 0x6205d907bb04 #5 0x6205d905a48d #6 0x6205d9078ed7 #7 0x6205d905a203 #8 0x6205d9028cc0 #9 0x6205d9029c9e #10 0x6205d949ed0b #11 0x6205d94a2c92 #12 0x6205d948bb3c #13 0x6205d94a3807 #14 0x6205d94710df #15 0x6205d94c0578 #16 0x6205d94c0740 #17 0x6205d94d0196 #18 0x7f61b929caa4 #19 0x7f61b9329c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:58:27,893 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 09:58:29,893 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863087604216A42121588091D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:58:50,402 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x64a11871b31a #1 0x64a1182316e0 #2 0x64a1182803e6 #3 0x64a118280681 #4 0x64a1182c5b04 #5 0x64a1182a448d #6 0x64a1182c2ed7 #7 0x64a1182a4203 #8 0x64a118272cc0 #9 0x64a118273c9e #10 0x64a1186e8d0b #11 0x64a1186ecc92 #12 0x64a1186d5b3c #13 0x64a1186ed807 #14 0x64a1186bb0df #15 0x64a11870a578 #16 0x64a11870a740 #17 0x64a11871a196 #18 0x72ed10e9caa4 #19 0x72ed10f29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:58:50,477 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 09:58:52,477 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863087604216A42121588091D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:59:12,958 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x57d398f4631a #1 0x57d398a5c6e0 #2 0x57d398aab3e6 #3 0x57d398aab681 #4 0x57d398af0b04 #5 0x57d398acf48d #6 0x57d398aeded7 #7 0x57d398acf203 #8 0x57d398a9dcc0 #9 0x57d398a9ec9e #10 0x57d398f13d0b #11 0x57d398f17c92 #12 0x57d398f00b3c #13 0x57d398f18807 #14 0x57d398ee60df #15 0x57d398f35578 #16 0x57d398f35740 #17 0x57d398f45196 #18 0x7b4741a9caa4 #19 0x7b4741b29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:59:13,036 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 09:59:15,036 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863087604216A42121588091D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:59:35,555 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x58ed176c031a #1 0x58ed171d66e0 #2 0x58ed172253e6 #3 0x58ed17225681 #4 0x58ed1726ab04 #5 0x58ed1724948d #6 0x58ed17267ed7 #7 0x58ed17249203 #8 0x58ed17217cc0 #9 0x58ed17218c9e #10 0x58ed1768dd0b #11 0x58ed17691c92 #12 0x58ed1767ab3c #13 0x58ed17692807 #14 0x58ed176600df #15 0x58ed176af578 #16 0x58ed176af740 #17 0x58ed176bf196 #18 0x74019c49caa4 #19 0x74019c529c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:59:35,630 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-02-21 09:59:37,631 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - SeleniumExecutor fucked up for 10 times with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863087604216A42121588091D11556876991896565350 - skipping... (newMarketBot.py:635) 2025-02-21 09:59:37,631 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645806863087604216A42121588091D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-02-21 09:59:58,124 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x5fd19d42f31a #1 0x5fd19cf456e0 #2 0x5fd19cf943e6 #3 0x5fd19cf94681 #4 0x5fd19cfd9b04 #5 0x5fd19cfb848d #6 0x5fd19cfd6ed7 #7 0x5fd19cfb8203 #8 0x5fd19cf86cc0 #9 0x5fd19cf87c9e #10 0x5fd19d3fcd0b #11 0x5fd19d400c92 #12 0x5fd19d3e9b3c #13 0x5fd19d401807 #14 0x5fd19d3cf0df #15 0x5fd19d41e578 #16 0x5fd19d41e740 #17 0x5fd19d42e196 #18 0x7e5d5569caa4 #19 0x7e5d55729c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-02-21 09:59:58,200 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645)