2025-01-21 22:03:03,434 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D12459422235579122461 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-01-21 22:03:03,434 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D12459422235579122461 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-01-21 22:06:30,954 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-21 22:06:30,955 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-21 22:06:31,052 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-21 22:08:40,361 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653684991670468814A41492350746D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-21 22:09:05,258 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'paintseed': 962, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 274, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7235, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.2940815, 'offset_y': -0.01720354, 'rotation': 3, 'codename': 'paper_retro_zeus', 'material': 'community/community_2024/paper_retro_zeus', 'name': 'Retro Zeus'}, {'stickerId': 5906, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.05287105, 'offset_y': -0.21063372, 'rotation': -15, 'codename': 'csgo10_chicken_whisperer_paper', 'material': 'csgo10/chicken_whisperer_paper', 'name': 'Chicken Whisperer'}], 'floatvalue': 0.19721482694149017, 'high_rank': 51, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_am_copper_flecks_light_large.d2af814b76763880470bc7039d5569eb74b26978.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Copper Galaxy', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢ Five-SeveN | Copper Galaxy (Field-Tested)', 's': '0', 'a': '41492350746', 'd': '2633598932167165105', 'm': '653684991670468814'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-21 22:11:13,886 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-21 22:25:12,986 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M643551892506951356A41492468721D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-21 22:25:32,315 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 56, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 333, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4827, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_03', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_03', 'name': 'Fade Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4828, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_04', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_04', 'name': 'Yellow Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4826, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_02', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_02', 'name': 'Green Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4825, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_01', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_01', 'name': 'Blue Lethal'}], 'floatvalue': 0.06088956817984581, 'low_rank': 41, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_so_indigo_and_grey_light_large.7a4685c334bf103f25ba1865dc0492315bf0ca5c.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Indigo', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir UMP-45 | Indigo (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '41492468721', 'd': '11556876991896565350', 'm': '643551892506951356'} (newMarketBot.py:649) 2025-01-21 22:31:14,896 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D12459422235579122461 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-01-21 22:31:14,897 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D12459422235579122461 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-01-21 22:32:10,397 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307291947345899A41492546475D7822368592979324183 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-21 22:32:38,710 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 607, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 136, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 3, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0.28048283, 'rotation': 4.9105844, 'codename': 'dh_gologo2', 'material': 'dreamhack/dh_gologo2', 'name': 'Shooter Close'}], 'floatvalue': 0.7571467161178589, 'high_rank': 38, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_sp_tape_dots_waves_light_large.6225b7ae003cefaab7deca7ea517576991055bbd.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Waves Perforated', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir SG 553 | Waves Perforated (Battle-Scarred)', 's': '0', 'a': '41492546475', 'd': '7822368592979324183', 'm': '650307291947345899'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-21 22:34:49,411 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-21 22:34:49,412 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-21 22:34:49,498 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-21 22:39:18,570 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648055492131840232A41492562103D16600834063242989867 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-21 22:39:22,825 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-21 22:39:36,829 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-01-21 22:39:38,830 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648055492131840232A41492562103D16600834063242989867 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-21 22:39:56,015 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 24, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 870, 'floatvalue': 0.4999149441719055, 'high_rank': 31, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_sp_palm_green_light_large.f8f95ff757a290d96692f78c0cc80c9cbcd7a0fe.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Jungle Thicket', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Sawed-Off | Jungle Thicket (Battle-Scarred)', 's': '0', 'a': '41492562103', 'd': '16600834063242989867', 'm': '648055492131840232'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-21 22:53:15,750 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M643551892507109876A41492856656D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-21 22:53:32,831 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 56, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 333, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4827, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_03', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_03', 'name': 'Fade Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4828, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_04', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_04', 'name': 'Yellow Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4826, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_02', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_02', 'name': 'Green Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4825, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_01', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_01', 'name': 'Blue Lethal'}], 'floatvalue': 0.06088956817984581, 'low_rank': 41, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_so_indigo_and_grey_light_large.7a4685c334bf103f25ba1865dc0492315bf0ca5c.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Indigo', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir UMP-45 | Indigo (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '41492856656', 'd': '11556876991896565350', 'm': '643551892507109876'} (newMarketBot.py:649) 2025-01-21 22:59:11,941 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D12459422235579122461 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-01-21 22:59:11,941 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D12459422235579122461 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-01-21 23:00:11,027 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307291947431639A41492930744D7822368592979324183 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-21 23:00:23,764 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 607, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 136, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 3, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0.28048283, 'rotation': 4.9105844, 'codename': 'dh_gologo2', 'material': 'dreamhack/dh_gologo2', 'name': 'Shooter Close'}], 'floatvalue': 0.7571467161178589, 'high_rank': 38, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_sp_tape_dots_waves_light_large.6225b7ae003cefaab7deca7ea517576991055bbd.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Waves Perforated', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir SG 553 | Waves Perforated (Battle-Scarred)', 's': '0', 'a': '41492930744', 'd': '7822368592979324183', 'm': '650307291947431639'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-21 23:02:48,024 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-21 23:02:48,024 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-21 23:02:48,129 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-21 23:04:52,564 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653684991670694114A41492942695D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-21 23:05:19,815 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'paintseed': 962, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 274, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7235, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.2940815, 'offset_y': -0.01720354, 'rotation': 3, 'codename': 'paper_retro_zeus', 'material': 'community/community_2024/paper_retro_zeus', 'name': 'Retro Zeus'}, {'stickerId': 5906, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.05287105, 'offset_y': -0.21063372, 'rotation': -15, 'codename': 'csgo10_chicken_whisperer_paper', 'material': 'csgo10/chicken_whisperer_paper', 'name': 'Chicken Whisperer'}], 'floatvalue': 0.19721482694149017, 'floatid': 1055283492, 'high_rank': 51, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_am_copper_flecks_light_large.d2af814b76763880470bc7039d5569eb74b26978.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Copper Galaxy', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢ Five-SeveN | Copper Galaxy (Field-Tested)', 's': '0', 'a': '41492942695', 'd': '2633598932167165105', 'm': '653684991670694114'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-21 23:07:31,752 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-21 23:14:03,393 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M659314491203613154A39732266640D14270443394668584174 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-21 23:14:23,894 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 563, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 444, 'floatvalue': 9.460285218665376e-05, 'floatid': 3490670700, 'low_rank': 35, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_sp_labyrinth3_light_large.86c4c77bbc59793e1bf632e1ef49101829a14773.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Daedalus', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AUG | Daedalus (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '39732266640', 'd': '14270443394668584174', 'm': '659314491203613154'} (newMarketBot.py:649) 2025-01-21 23:21:15,029 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M643551892507207886A41493037948D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-21 23:21:37,780 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 56, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 333, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4827, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_03', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_03', 'name': 'Fade Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4828, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_04', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_04', 'name': 'Yellow Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4826, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_02', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_02', 'name': 'Green Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4825, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_01', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_01', 'name': 'Blue Lethal'}], 'floatvalue': 0.06088956817984581, 'low_rank': 41, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_so_indigo_and_grey_light_large.7a4685c334bf103f25ba1865dc0492315bf0ca5c.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Indigo', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir UMP-45 | Indigo (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '41493037948', 'd': '11556876991896565350', 'm': '643551892507207886'} (newMarketBot.py:649) 2025-01-21 23:27:04,368 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D12459422235579122461 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-01-21 23:27:04,368 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D12459422235579122461 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-01-21 23:28:07,565 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307291947466349A41493110473D7822368592979324183 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-21 23:28:26,799 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 607, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 136, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 3, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0.28048283, 'rotation': 4.9105844, 'codename': 'dh_gologo2', 'material': 'dreamhack/dh_gologo2', 'name': 'Shooter Close'}], 'floatvalue': 0.7571467161178589, 'high_rank': 38, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_sp_tape_dots_waves_light_large.6225b7ae003cefaab7deca7ea517576991055bbd.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Waves Perforated', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir SG 553 | Waves Perforated (Battle-Scarred)', 's': '0', 'a': '41493110473', 'd': '7822368592979324183', 'm': '650307291947466349'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-21 23:30:40,512 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-21 23:30:40,512 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-21 23:30:40,613 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-21 23:32:49,121 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653684991670765454A41493125392D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-21 23:33:08,852 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'paintseed': 962, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 274, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7235, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.2940815, 'offset_y': -0.01720354, 'rotation': 3, 'codename': 'paper_retro_zeus', 'material': 'community/community_2024/paper_retro_zeus', 'name': 'Retro Zeus'}, {'stickerId': 5906, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.05287105, 'offset_y': -0.21063372, 'rotation': -15, 'codename': 'csgo10_chicken_whisperer_paper', 'material': 'csgo10/chicken_whisperer_paper', 'name': 'Chicken Whisperer'}], 'floatvalue': 0.19721482694149017, 'high_rank': 51, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_am_copper_flecks_light_large.d2af814b76763880470bc7039d5569eb74b26978.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Copper Galaxy', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢ Five-SeveN | Copper Galaxy (Field-Tested)', 's': '0', 'a': '41493125392', 'd': '2633598932167165105', 'm': '653684991670765454'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-21 23:35:16,789 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-21 23:36:41,751 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174192789971293A41493046531D4813299213670180944 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-21 23:36:59,812 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 480, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 366, 'floatvalue': 0.5749777555465698, 'high_rank': 64, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_hy_plaid2_light_large.05b87c77e5f3c91c317f92fad7078891f44a4538.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.58, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Green Plaid', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'MP9 | Green Plaid (Battle-Scarred)', 's': '0', 'a': '41493046531', 'd': '4813299213670180944', 'm': '640174192789971293'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-21 23:49:09,856 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M643551892507304546A41493213748D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-21 23:49:34,033 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 56, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 333, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4827, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_03', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_03', 'name': 'Fade Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4828, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_04', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_04', 'name': 'Yellow Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4826, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_02', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_02', 'name': 'Green Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4825, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_01', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_01', 'name': 'Blue Lethal'}], 'floatvalue': 0.06088956817984581, 'low_rank': 41, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_so_indigo_and_grey_light_large.7a4685c334bf103f25ba1865dc0492315bf0ca5c.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Indigo', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir UMP-45 | Indigo (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '41493213748', 'd': '11556876991896565350', 'm': '643551892507304546'} (newMarketBot.py:649) 2025-01-21 23:55:11,947 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D12459422235579122461 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-01-21 23:55:11,947 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D12459422235579122461 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-01-21 23:56:12,370 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307291947510119A41493288235D7822368592979324183 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-21 23:56:28,042 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 607, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 136, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 3, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0.28048283, 'rotation': 4.9105844, 'codename': 'dh_gologo2', 'material': 'dreamhack/dh_gologo2', 'name': 'Shooter Close'}], 'floatvalue': 0.7571467161178589, 'high_rank': 38, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_sp_tape_dots_waves_light_large.6225b7ae003cefaab7deca7ea517576991055bbd.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Waves Perforated', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir SG 553 | Waves Perforated (Battle-Scarred)', 's': '0', 'a': '41493288235', 'd': '7822368592979324183', 'm': '650307291947510119'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-21 23:58:52,209 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300092692866424A41492767597D7847740504565864249 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-21 23:58:52,597 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-21 23:58:52,598 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-21 23:58:52,686 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-21 23:59:08,650 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 4, 'paintseed': 85, 'defindex': 63, 'paintindex': 325, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7066, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_osee_4_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_osee_glitter', 'name': 'oSee (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 670, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'eslcologne2015_team_esl_gold', 'material': 'cologne2015/esl_gold', 'name': 'ESL (Gold) | Cologne 2015'}, {'stickerId': 535, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'eslcologne2015_signature_b1ad3_gold', 'material': 'cologne2015/sig_b1ad3_gold', 'name': 'B1ad3 (Gold) | Cologne 2015'}], 'floatvalue': 0.0981345996260643, 'high_rank': 10, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_cz75a_am_royal_light_large.f9f7bd8e5321fa0572adc2b77050608e5570cdaf.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.1, 'weapon_type': 'CZ75-Auto', 'item_name': 'Chalice', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Minimal Wear', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir CZ75-Auto | Chalice (Minimal Wear)', 's': '0', 'a': '41492767597', 'd': '7847740504565864249', 'm': '641300092692866424'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-22 00:00:07,669 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642425992600107955A41493255307D11569291010677019536 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 00:00:23,947 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 0, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 882, 'defindex': 14, 'paintindex': 202, 'floatvalue': 0.7997022867202759, 'floatid': 99592593, 'high_rank': 7, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m249_hy_ddpat_jungle_bravo_light_large.d93812236444afc67a0d994cd3f6faa421a57114.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'M249', 'item_name': 'Jungle DDPAT', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'M249 | Jungle DDPAT (Battle-Scarred)', 's': '0', 'a': '41493255307', 'd': '11569291010677019536', 'm': '642425992600107955'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-22 00:01:01,608 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653684991670837784A41493301646D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 00:01:16,127 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'paintseed': 962, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 274, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7235, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.2940815, 'offset_y': -0.01720354, 'rotation': 3, 'codename': 'paper_retro_zeus', 'material': 'community/community_2024/paper_retro_zeus', 'name': 'Retro Zeus'}, {'stickerId': 5906, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.05287105, 'offset_y': -0.21063372, 'rotation': -15, 'codename': 'csgo10_chicken_whisperer_paper', 'material': 'csgo10/chicken_whisperer_paper', 'name': 'Chicken Whisperer'}], 'floatvalue': 0.19721482694149017, 'floatid': 1055283492, 'high_rank': 51, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_am_copper_flecks_light_large.d2af814b76763880470bc7039d5569eb74b26978.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Copper Galaxy', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢ Five-SeveN | Copper Galaxy (Field-Tested)', 's': '0', 'a': '41493301646', 'd': '2633598932167165105', 'm': '653684991670837784'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-22 00:03:37,278 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 00:09:58,536 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41153615722', 'd': '14420606152652117548', 'paintseed': 855, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 674, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35810978803', 'low_rank': 718, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.021923532709479332, 'm': '668321690429824791', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_cu_aug_orange_triangle_light_large.793eb05ec841c2664b8482565e5d080c731d6ecd.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Triqua', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ AUG | Triqua (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:09:58,546 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41153615722', 'd': '14420606152652117548', 'paintseed': 855, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 674, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35810978803', 'low_rank': 718, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.021923532709479332, 'm': '668321690429824791', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_cu_aug_orange_triangle_light_large.793eb05ec841c2664b8482565e5d080c731d6ecd.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Triqua', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ AUG | Triqua (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:09:58,554 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41153615722', 'd': '14420606152652117548', 'paintseed': 855, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 674, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35810978803', 'low_rank': 718, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.021923532709479332, 'm': '668321690429824791', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_cu_aug_orange_triangle_light_large.793eb05ec841c2664b8482565e5d080c731d6ecd.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Triqua', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ AUG | Triqua (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:05,607 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41307847206', 'd': '12565789307075466468', 'paintseed': 668, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 845, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4611, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'lambda_holo', 'material': 'alyx/lambda_holo', 'name': 'Lambda (Holo)'}], 'floatid': '40955133046', 'low_rank': 52, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.0602431483566761, 'm': '655936157342824258', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_cu_aug_momentum_light_large.1f36037cec707a957785625f04b3740bb5286d16.png', 'min': 0.05, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Momentum', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ AUG | Momentum (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:05,617 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41307847206', 'd': '12565789307075466468', 'paintseed': 668, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 845, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4611, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'lambda_holo', 'material': 'alyx/lambda_holo', 'name': 'Lambda (Holo)'}], 'floatid': '40955133046', 'low_rank': 52, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.0602431483566761, 'm': '655936157342824258', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_cu_aug_momentum_light_large.1f36037cec707a957785625f04b3740bb5286d16.png', 'min': 0.05, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Momentum', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ AUG | Momentum (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:05,872 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642425992590929815A41319424213D198772230002621610 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:10:06,277 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41280132348', 'd': '5686503064989117875', 'paintseed': 315, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 519, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41280132348', 'floatvalue': 0.06995342671871185, 'm': '663818090812295347', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_gs_sg553_tiger_moth_light_large.18de0e5e029741a67330038e646fab1596fcfe88.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Tiger Moth', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SG 553 | Tiger Moth (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:06,878 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:10:09,413 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41319129980', 'd': '17196443784563588804', 'paintseed': 558, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 305, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41319129980', 'high_rank': 342, 'floatvalue': 0.06916704028844833, 'm': '651433191845631740', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_cu_aug_progressiv_light_large.f712baf9253bd357c71a1525dac51e30298c9535.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Torque', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AUG | Torque (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:11,011 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41043094760', 'd': '4759285208995608224', 'paintseed': 595, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 26, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 989, 'slot': 1, 'rotation': 15, 'offset_x': 0.108395516872406, 'offset_y': 0.0825667679309845, 'codename': 'team_roles_awper', 'material': 'team_roles_capsule/awper', 'name': 'The Awper'}], 'floatid': '9831316884', 'low_rank': 50, 'high_rank': 779, 'floatvalue': 0.06499495357275009, 'm': '661565656848330346', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_sp_short_tape_light_large.f2f54766f72c881bc020b924be5ae026dcf065da.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Lichen Dashed', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Lichen Dashed (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:11,147 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '37004748229', 'd': '175227170123991515', 'paintseed': 808, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 28, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '37004748229', 'floatvalue': 0.03456943854689598, 'm': '664942903398814692', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_an_navy_light_large.5c45c1c33100694fc010a39ba92e3afab1d7c5e7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Anodized Navy', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SG 553 | Anodized Navy (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:11,153 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '37004748229', 'd': '175227170123991515', 'paintseed': 808, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 28, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '37004748229', 'floatvalue': 0.03456943854689598, 'm': '664942903398814692', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_an_navy_light_large.5c45c1c33100694fc010a39ba92e3afab1d7c5e7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Anodized Navy', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SG 553 | Anodized Navy (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:11,160 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '37004748229', 'd': '175227170123991515', 'paintseed': 808, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 28, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '37004748229', 'floatvalue': 0.03456943854689598, 'm': '664942903398814692', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_an_navy_light_large.5c45c1c33100694fc010a39ba92e3afab1d7c5e7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Anodized Navy', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SG 553 | Anodized Navy (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:11,167 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '37004748229', 'd': '175227170123991515', 'paintseed': 808, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 28, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '37004748229', 'floatvalue': 0.03456943854689598, 'm': '664942903398814692', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_an_navy_light_large.5c45c1c33100694fc010a39ba92e3afab1d7c5e7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Anodized Navy', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SG 553 | Anodized Navy (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:11,174 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '37004748229', 'd': '175227170123991515', 'paintseed': 808, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 28, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '37004748229', 'floatvalue': 0.03456943854689598, 'm': '664942903398814692', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_an_navy_light_large.5c45c1c33100694fc010a39ba92e3afab1d7c5e7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Anodized Navy', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SG 553 | Anodized Navy (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:11,181 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '37004748229', 'd': '175227170123991515', 'paintseed': 808, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 28, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '37004748229', 'floatvalue': 0.03456943854689598, 'm': '664942903398814692', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_an_navy_light_large.5c45c1c33100694fc010a39ba92e3afab1d7c5e7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Anodized Navy', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SG 553 | Anodized Navy (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:11,188 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '37004748229', 'd': '175227170123991515', 'paintseed': 808, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 28, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '37004748229', 'floatvalue': 0.03456943854689598, 'm': '664942903398814692', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_an_navy_light_large.5c45c1c33100694fc010a39ba92e3afab1d7c5e7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Anodized Navy', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SG 553 | Anodized Navy (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:11,195 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '37004748229', 'd': '175227170123991515', 'paintseed': 808, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 28, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '37004748229', 'floatvalue': 0.03456943854689598, 'm': '664942903398814692', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_an_navy_light_large.5c45c1c33100694fc010a39ba92e3afab1d7c5e7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Anodized Navy', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SG 553 | Anodized Navy (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:12,917 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642425992590929815A41319424213D198772230002621610 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:10:13,926 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:10:14,845 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41488686261', 'd': '5504701170027999300', 'paintseed': 144, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 1161, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41098413712', 'floatvalue': 0.048531241714954376, 'm': '650307291945934279', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Dezastre', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Dezastre (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:15,997 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40433758551', 'd': '9279251708940406986', 'paintseed': 827, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 538, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39580399323', 'low_rank': 226, 'floatvalue': 0.005568838678300381, 'm': '649181392002703968', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_cu_ssg08_necropos_light_large.cd2f32aa0349edcad3aefae80b509fc5962a2b30.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Necropos', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Necropos (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:16,004 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40433758551', 'd': '9279251708940406986', 'paintseed': 827, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 538, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39580399323', 'low_rank': 226, 'floatvalue': 0.005568838678300381, 'm': '649181392002703968', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_cu_ssg08_necropos_light_large.cd2f32aa0349edcad3aefae80b509fc5962a2b30.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Necropos', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Necropos (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:16,012 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40433758551', 'd': '9279251708940406986', 'paintseed': 827, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 538, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39580399323', 'low_rank': 226, 'floatvalue': 0.005568838678300381, 'm': '649181392002703968', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_cu_ssg08_necropos_light_large.cd2f32aa0349edcad3aefae80b509fc5962a2b30.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Necropos', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Necropos (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:17,807 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636795858924506924A41320372159D3327111340327368720 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:10:18,813 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:10:19,959 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642425992590929815A41319424213D198772230002621610 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:10:20,966 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:10:26,998 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642425992590929815A41319424213D198772230002621610 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:10:27,603 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41120264061', 'd': '7387707140446490646', 'paintseed': 386, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 904, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '26119997777', 'floatvalue': 0.06837521493434906, 'm': '648053120625513697', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_cu_famas_nuke_tension_light_large.0cf9412e22f626e675b76506cf2f240a64a05b22.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Decommissioned', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Decommissioned (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:27,611 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41120264061', 'd': '7387707140446490646', 'paintseed': 386, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 904, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '26119997777', 'floatvalue': 0.06837521493434906, 'm': '648053120625513697', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_cu_famas_nuke_tension_light_large.0cf9412e22f626e675b76506cf2f240a64a05b22.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Decommissioned', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Decommissioned (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:27,618 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41120264061', 'd': '7387707140446490646', 'paintseed': 386, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 904, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '26119997777', 'floatvalue': 0.06837521493434906, 'm': '648053120625513697', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_cu_famas_nuke_tension_light_large.0cf9412e22f626e675b76506cf2f240a64a05b22.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Decommissioned', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Decommissioned (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:27,624 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41120264061', 'd': '7387707140446490646', 'paintseed': 386, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 904, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '26119997777', 'floatvalue': 0.06837521493434906, 'm': '648053120625513697', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_cu_famas_nuke_tension_light_large.0cf9412e22f626e675b76506cf2f240a64a05b22.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Decommissioned', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Decommissioned (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:27,630 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41120264061', 'd': '7387707140446490646', 'paintseed': 386, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 904, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '26119997777', 'floatvalue': 0.06837521493434906, 'm': '648053120625513697', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_cu_famas_nuke_tension_light_large.0cf9412e22f626e675b76506cf2f240a64a05b22.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Decommissioned', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Decommissioned (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:27,637 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41120264061', 'd': '7387707140446490646', 'paintseed': 386, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 904, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '26119997777', 'floatvalue': 0.06837521493434906, 'm': '648053120625513697', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_cu_famas_nuke_tension_light_large.0cf9412e22f626e675b76506cf2f240a64a05b22.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Decommissioned', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Decommissioned (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:27,643 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41120264061', 'd': '7387707140446490646', 'paintseed': 386, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 904, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '26119997777', 'floatvalue': 0.06837521493434906, 'm': '648053120625513697', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_cu_famas_nuke_tension_light_large.0cf9412e22f626e675b76506cf2f240a64a05b22.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Decommissioned', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Decommissioned (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:27,649 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41120264061', 'd': '7387707140446490646', 'paintseed': 386, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 904, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '26119997777', 'floatvalue': 0.06837521493434906, 'm': '648053120625513697', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_cu_famas_nuke_tension_light_large.0cf9412e22f626e675b76506cf2f240a64a05b22.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Decommissioned', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Decommissioned (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:27,655 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41120264061', 'd': '7387707140446490646', 'paintseed': 386, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 904, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '26119997777', 'floatvalue': 0.06837521493434906, 'm': '648053120625513697', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_cu_famas_nuke_tension_light_large.0cf9412e22f626e675b76506cf2f240a64a05b22.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Decommissioned', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Decommissioned (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:27,661 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41120264061', 'd': '7387707140446490646', 'paintseed': 386, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 904, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '26119997777', 'floatvalue': 0.06837521493434906, 'm': '648053120625513697', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_cu_famas_nuke_tension_light_large.0cf9412e22f626e675b76506cf2f240a64a05b22.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Decommissioned', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Decommissioned (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:27,667 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41120264061', 'd': '7387707140446490646', 'paintseed': 386, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 904, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '26119997777', 'floatvalue': 0.06837521493434906, 'm': '648053120625513697', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_cu_famas_nuke_tension_light_large.0cf9412e22f626e675b76506cf2f240a64a05b22.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Decommissioned', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Decommissioned (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:27,672 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41120264061', 'd': '7387707140446490646', 'paintseed': 386, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 904, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '26119997777', 'floatvalue': 0.06837521493434906, 'm': '648053120625513697', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_cu_famas_nuke_tension_light_large.0cf9412e22f626e675b76506cf2f240a64a05b22.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Decommissioned', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Decommissioned (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:27,677 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41120264061', 'd': '7387707140446490646', 'paintseed': 386, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 904, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '26119997777', 'floatvalue': 0.06837521493434906, 'm': '648053120625513697', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_cu_famas_nuke_tension_light_large.0cf9412e22f626e675b76506cf2f240a64a05b22.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Decommissioned', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Decommissioned (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:27,682 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41120264061', 'd': '7387707140446490646', 'paintseed': 386, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 904, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '26119997777', 'floatvalue': 0.06837521493434906, 'm': '648053120625513697', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_cu_famas_nuke_tension_light_large.0cf9412e22f626e675b76506cf2f240a64a05b22.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Decommissioned', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Decommissioned (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:27,688 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41120264061', 'd': '7387707140446490646', 'paintseed': 386, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 904, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '26119997777', 'floatvalue': 0.06837521493434906, 'm': '648053120625513697', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_cu_famas_nuke_tension_light_large.0cf9412e22f626e675b76506cf2f240a64a05b22.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Decommissioned', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Decommissioned (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:27,693 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41120264061', 'd': '7387707140446490646', 'paintseed': 386, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 904, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '26119997777', 'floatvalue': 0.06837521493434906, 'm': '648053120625513697', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_cu_famas_nuke_tension_light_large.0cf9412e22f626e675b76506cf2f240a64a05b22.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Decommissioned', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Decommissioned (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:27,698 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41120264061', 'd': '7387707140446490646', 'paintseed': 386, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 904, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '26119997777', 'floatvalue': 0.06837521493434906, 'm': '648053120625513697', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_cu_famas_nuke_tension_light_large.0cf9412e22f626e675b76506cf2f240a64a05b22.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Decommissioned', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Decommissioned (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:27,703 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41120264061', 'd': '7387707140446490646', 'paintseed': 386, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 904, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '26119997777', 'floatvalue': 0.06837521493434906, 'm': '648053120625513697', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_cu_famas_nuke_tension_light_large.0cf9412e22f626e675b76506cf2f240a64a05b22.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Decommissioned', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Decommissioned (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:27,708 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41120264061', 'd': '7387707140446490646', 'paintseed': 386, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 904, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '26119997777', 'floatvalue': 0.06837521493434906, 'm': '648053120625513697', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_cu_famas_nuke_tension_light_large.0cf9412e22f626e675b76506cf2f240a64a05b22.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Decommissioned', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Decommissioned (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:27,713 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41120264061', 'd': '7387707140446490646', 'paintseed': 386, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 904, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '26119997777', 'floatvalue': 0.06837521493434906, 'm': '648053120625513697', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_cu_famas_nuke_tension_light_large.0cf9412e22f626e675b76506cf2f240a64a05b22.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Decommissioned', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Decommissioned (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:27,717 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41120264061', 'd': '7387707140446490646', 'paintseed': 386, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 904, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '26119997777', 'floatvalue': 0.06837521493434906, 'm': '648053120625513697', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_cu_famas_nuke_tension_light_large.0cf9412e22f626e675b76506cf2f240a64a05b22.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Decommissioned', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Decommissioned (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:27,722 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41120264061', 'd': '7387707140446490646', 'paintseed': 386, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 904, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '26119997777', 'floatvalue': 0.06837521493434906, 'm': '648053120625513697', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_cu_famas_nuke_tension_light_large.0cf9412e22f626e675b76506cf2f240a64a05b22.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Decommissioned', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Decommissioned (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:27,727 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41120264061', 'd': '7387707140446490646', 'paintseed': 386, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 904, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '26119997777', 'floatvalue': 0.06837521493434906, 'm': '648053120625513697', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_cu_famas_nuke_tension_light_large.0cf9412e22f626e675b76506cf2f240a64a05b22.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Decommissioned', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Decommissioned (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:28,003 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:10:28,017 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645801156188876631A40774198157D7253788710663918316 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:10:28,560 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40819822915', 'd': '7235646882475432004', 'paintseed': 510, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 967, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40819822915', 'floatvalue': 0.06634626537561417, 'm': '651432557737058978', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_cu_ssg08_mainframe_light_large.7d7d861da80bfecbe5141f19fbd32b95fb4496cf.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Mainframe 001', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Mainframe 001 (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:28,567 - 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Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '6456055715', 'd': '14755633969542118058', 'paintseed': 958, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 304, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 1035, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'columbus2016_team_navi', 'material': 'columbus2016/navi', 'name': 'Natus Vincere | MLG Columbus 2016'}], 'floatid': '6456055715', 'low_rank': 24, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.18696632981300354, 'm': '636796493038000842', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_cu_ssg08_immortal_light_large.294156dbab19f645942fe9cbafed88165aa70044.png', 'min': 0.15, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Slashed', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ SSG 08 | Slashed (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:31,499 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '6456055715', 'd': '14755633969542118058', 'paintseed': 958, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 304, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 1035, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'columbus2016_team_navi', 'material': 'columbus2016/navi', 'name': 'Natus Vincere | MLG Columbus 2016'}], 'floatid': '6456055715', 'low_rank': 24, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.18696632981300354, 'm': '636796493038000842', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_cu_ssg08_immortal_light_large.294156dbab19f645942fe9cbafed88165aa70044.png', 'min': 0.15, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Slashed', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ SSG 08 | Slashed (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:31,505 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '6456055715', 'd': '14755633969542118058', 'paintseed': 958, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 304, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 1035, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'columbus2016_team_navi', 'material': 'columbus2016/navi', 'name': 'Natus Vincere | MLG Columbus 2016'}], 'floatid': '6456055715', 'low_rank': 24, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.18696632981300354, 'm': '636796493038000842', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_cu_ssg08_immortal_light_large.294156dbab19f645942fe9cbafed88165aa70044.png', 'min': 0.15, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Slashed', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ SSG 08 | Slashed (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:31,511 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '6456055715', 'd': '14755633969542118058', 'paintseed': 958, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 304, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 1035, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'columbus2016_team_navi', 'material': 'columbus2016/navi', 'name': 'Natus Vincere | MLG Columbus 2016'}], 'floatid': '6456055715', 'low_rank': 24, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.18696632981300354, 'm': '636796493038000842', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_cu_ssg08_immortal_light_large.294156dbab19f645942fe9cbafed88165aa70044.png', 'min': 0.15, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Slashed', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ SSG 08 | Slashed (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:31,517 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '6456055715', 'd': '14755633969542118058', 'paintseed': 958, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 304, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 1035, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'columbus2016_team_navi', 'material': 'columbus2016/navi', 'name': 'Natus Vincere | MLG Columbus 2016'}], 'floatid': '6456055715', 'low_rank': 24, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.18696632981300354, 'm': '636796493038000842', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_cu_ssg08_immortal_light_large.294156dbab19f645942fe9cbafed88165aa70044.png', 'min': 0.15, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Slashed', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ SSG 08 | Slashed (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:34,036 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642425992590929815A41319424213D198772230002621610 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:10:35,042 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:10:35,051 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645801156188876631A40774198157D7253788710663918316 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:10:36,056 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:10:45,645 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41019051108', 'd': '14766285623697800902', 'paintseed': 30, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 956, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6672, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0.6575470566749573, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_liq', 'material': 'paris2023/liq', 'name': 'Team Liquid | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '41019051108', 'floatvalue': 0.06469756364822388, 'm': '645801320784420771', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_cu_ssg08_fever_dream_light_large.cec554a86204344d6476b9071158fd02963a1aac.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.72, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Fever Dream', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Fever Dream (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:45,653 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41019051108', 'd': '14766285623697800902', 'paintseed': 30, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 956, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6672, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0.6575470566749573, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_liq', 'material': 'paris2023/liq', 'name': 'Team Liquid | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '41019051108', 'floatvalue': 0.06469756364822388, 'm': '645801320784420771', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_cu_ssg08_fever_dream_light_large.cec554a86204344d6476b9071158fd02963a1aac.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.72, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Fever Dream', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Fever Dream (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:45,660 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41019051108', 'd': '14766285623697800902', 'paintseed': 30, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 956, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6672, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0.6575470566749573, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_liq', 'material': 'paris2023/liq', 'name': 'Team Liquid | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '41019051108', 'floatvalue': 0.06469756364822388, 'm': '645801320784420771', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_cu_ssg08_fever_dream_light_large.cec554a86204344d6476b9071158fd02963a1aac.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.72, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Fever Dream', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Fever Dream (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:45,668 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41019051108', 'd': '14766285623697800902', 'paintseed': 30, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 956, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6672, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0.6575470566749573, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_liq', 'material': 'paris2023/liq', 'name': 'Team Liquid | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '41019051108', 'floatvalue': 0.06469756364822388, 'm': '645801320784420771', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_cu_ssg08_fever_dream_light_large.cec554a86204344d6476b9071158fd02963a1aac.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.72, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Fever Dream', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Fever Dream (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:47,293 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '224671211', 'd': '16469208667601263678', 'paintseed': 94, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 154, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '224671211', 'low_rank': 321, 'high_rank': 179, 'floatvalue': 0.06255687773227692, 'm': '644677158274753609', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_cu_broken_path_famas_light_large.5d45539735d838ffefd26467a8c767b71807c785.png', 'min': 0.02, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Afterimage', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Afterimage (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:47,301 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '224671211', 'd': '16469208667601263678', 'paintseed': 94, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 154, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '224671211', 'low_rank': 321, 'high_rank': 179, 'floatvalue': 0.06255687773227692, 'm': '644677158274753609', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_cu_broken_path_famas_light_large.5d45539735d838ffefd26467a8c767b71807c785.png', 'min': 0.02, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Afterimage', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Afterimage (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:47,308 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '224671211', 'd': '16469208667601263678', 'paintseed': 94, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 154, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '224671211', 'low_rank': 321, 'high_rank': 179, 'floatvalue': 0.06255687773227692, 'm': '644677158274753609', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_cu_broken_path_famas_light_large.5d45539735d838ffefd26467a8c767b71807c785.png', 'min': 0.02, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Afterimage', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Afterimage (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:47,314 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '224671211', 'd': '16469208667601263678', 'paintseed': 94, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 154, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '224671211', 'low_rank': 321, 'high_rank': 179, 'floatvalue': 0.06255687773227692, 'm': '644677158274753609', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_cu_broken_path_famas_light_large.5d45539735d838ffefd26467a8c767b71807c785.png', 'min': 0.02, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Afterimage', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Afterimage (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:48,827 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41289863900', 'd': '2948418118862566654', 'paintseed': 214, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 288, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41289863900', 'low_rank': 520, 'floatvalue': 0.1483767330646515, 'm': '662692190915456136', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_an_famas_sgt_light_large.5a9241d41a3c35a3fbb20aebcd22253a6a85f72f.png', 'min': 0.1, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Sergeant', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Minimal Wear', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Sergeant (Minimal Wear)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:51,762 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41177457913', 'd': '297946668770156054', 'paintseed': 444, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 60, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41177457913', 'low_rank': 449, 'high_rank': 117, 'floatvalue': 0.14474353194236755, 'm': '645803058172977050', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_am_zebra_dark_light_large.52703268beafba0b11ccfe86f32a332cdf69f9ef.png', 'min': 0.1, 'max': 0.26, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Dark Water', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Minimal Wear', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Dark Water (Minimal Wear)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:51,773 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41177457913', 'd': '297946668770156054', 'paintseed': 444, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 60, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41177457913', 'low_rank': 449, 'high_rank': 117, 'floatvalue': 0.14474353194236755, 'm': '645803058172977050', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_am_zebra_dark_light_large.52703268beafba0b11ccfe86f32a332cdf69f9ef.png', 'min': 0.1, 'max': 0.26, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Dark Water', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Minimal Wear', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Dark Water (Minimal Wear)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:10:51,785 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41177457913', 'd': '297946668770156054', 'paintseed': 444, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 60, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41177457913', 'low_rank': 449, 'high_rank': 117, 'floatvalue': 0.14474353194236755, 'm': '645803058172977050', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_am_zebra_dark_light_large.52703268beafba0b11ccfe86f32a332cdf69f9ef.png', 'min': 0.1, 'max': 0.26, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Dark Water', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Minimal Wear', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Dark Water (Minimal Wear)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:11:02,796 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '37750968825', 'd': '7939296835105610372', 'paintseed': 764, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 1251, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6707, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_blst_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/blst_gold', 'name': 'BLAST.tv (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6607, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'de_anubis_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_anubis_gold', 'name': 'Anubis (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 6635, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_itb_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/itb_gold', 'name': 'Into The Breach (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6623, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_vita_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/vita_gold', 'name': 'Vitality (Gold) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '37247176146', 'low_rank': 218, 'floatvalue': 0.03715473413467407, 'm': '643551892466058926', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_gs_ssg08_anubis_light_large.6e654fe6456fb019d4507f750d113f67ca0a879f.png', 'min': 0.01, 'max': 0.99, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Azure Glyph', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir SSG 08 | Azure Glyph (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:11:08,250 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:11:08,251 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR Souvenir%20SG%20553%20%7C%20Lush%20Ruins%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=Souvenir%20SG%20553%20%7C%20Lush%20Ruins%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:11:08,349 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:11:37,922 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41271526073', 'd': '7272436950577474909', 'paintseed': 991, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 1151, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41271526073', 'floatvalue': 0.058387868106365204, 'm': '639048292851526382', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_cu_sg553_cyber_dragon_light_large.563b70babc5251fe5df218140582cd0aa576701e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Dragon Tech', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SG 553 | Dragon Tech (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:11:37,932 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41271526073', 'd': '7272436950577474909', 'paintseed': 991, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 1151, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41271526073', 'floatvalue': 0.058387868106365204, 'm': '639048292851526382', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_cu_sg553_cyber_dragon_light_large.563b70babc5251fe5df218140582cd0aa576701e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Dragon Tech', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SG 553 | Dragon Tech (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:11:39,091 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '17240074275', 'd': '5226540103046800315', 'paintseed': 983, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 861, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '17240074275', 'floatvalue': 0.06232480704784393, 'm': '660439756932606504', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_sp_asgard_wall_light_large.4b11684f29f2153a5eaa7b3c162e7ed6665a045a.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.65, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Barricade', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SG 553 | Barricade (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:11:39,097 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '17240074275', 'd': '5226540103046800315', 'paintseed': 983, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 861, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '17240074275', 'floatvalue': 0.06232480704784393, 'm': '660439756932606504', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_sp_asgard_wall_light_large.4b11684f29f2153a5eaa7b3c162e7ed6665a045a.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.65, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Barricade', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SG 553 | Barricade (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:11:39,734 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41477392785', 'd': '12172891831671332606', 'paintseed': 496, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 240, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '23555857652', 'floatvalue': 0.06656994670629501, 'm': '664943990727039788', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_hy_varicamo_desert_light_large.b650a2a051a809d716d4298d2387729456a404ce.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'CaliCamo', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | CaliCamo (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:11:44,065 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40908129295', 'd': '10007575539066122972', 'paintseed': 640, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 904, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40908129295', 'low_rank': 984, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.054350346326828, 'm': '643551258327441489', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_cu_famas_nuke_tension_light_large.0cf9412e22f626e675b76506cf2f240a64a05b22.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Decommissioned', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ FAMAS | Decommissioned (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:11:44,083 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40908129295', 'd': '10007575539066122972', 'paintseed': 640, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 904, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40908129295', 'low_rank': 984, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.054350346326828, 'm': '643551258327441489', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_cu_famas_nuke_tension_light_large.0cf9412e22f626e675b76506cf2f240a64a05b22.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Decommissioned', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ FAMAS | Decommissioned (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:11:54,939 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '20757776693', 'd': '16187839811817850199', 'paintseed': 320, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 955, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '20757776693', 'floatvalue': 0.0698472186923027, 'm': '645803692299611848', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_cu_sg553_darkwing_light_large.f9c302279afebdd221344fa59f738f9317dc4122.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Darkwing', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SG 553 | Darkwing (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:11:54,951 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '20757776693', 'd': '16187839811817850199', 'paintseed': 320, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 955, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '20757776693', 'floatvalue': 0.0698472186923027, 'm': '645803692299611848', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_cu_sg553_darkwing_light_large.f9c302279afebdd221344fa59f738f9317dc4122.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Darkwing', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SG 553 | Darkwing (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:11:54,963 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '20757776693', 'd': '16187839811817850199', 'paintseed': 320, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 955, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '20757776693', 'floatvalue': 0.0698472186923027, 'm': '645803692299611848', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_cu_sg553_darkwing_light_large.f9c302279afebdd221344fa59f738f9317dc4122.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Darkwing', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SG 553 | Darkwing (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:11:54,974 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '20757776693', 'd': '16187839811817850199', 'paintseed': 320, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 955, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '20757776693', 'floatvalue': 0.0698472186923027, 'm': '645803692299611848', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_cu_sg553_darkwing_light_large.f9c302279afebdd221344fa59f738f9317dc4122.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Darkwing', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SG 553 | Darkwing (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:11:54,986 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '20757776693', 'd': '16187839811817850199', 'paintseed': 320, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 955, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '20757776693', 'floatvalue': 0.0698472186923027, 'm': '645803692299611848', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_cu_sg553_darkwing_light_large.f9c302279afebdd221344fa59f738f9317dc4122.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Darkwing', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SG 553 | Darkwing (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:11:56,027 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:11:56,028 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20SSG%2008%20%7C%20Turbo%20Peek%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20SSG%2008%20%7C%20Turbo%20Peek%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:11:56,093 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:11:59,463 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '38742223999', 'd': '4660346314975360190', 'paintseed': 713, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 529, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38739560663', 'low_rank': 380, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06474698334932327, 'm': '657062057251296588', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_aq_famas_contour_light_large.65d515ab34a6f50c8a5296b562a81da42663b819.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Valence', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ FAMAS | Valence (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:12:02,579 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '39553842731', 'd': '7261495909746612884', 'paintseed': 280, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 723, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39553842731', 'low_rank': 739, 'floatvalue': 0.05713403597474098, 'm': '639048292862657582', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_cu_famas_owl_orange_light_large.7cb3a86d36317530964f40d66b755789de7ca88a.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Eye of Athena', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Eye of Athena (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:12:02,714 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635669959037974093A41339255212D9857854871027513454 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:12:03,719 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:12:09,770 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635669959037974093A41339255212D9857854871027513454 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:12:10,776 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:12:13,850 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40629661497', 'd': '12270836330199816734', 'paintseed': 677, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 835, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40629661497', 'floatvalue': 0.04790041223168373, 'm': '652559091733115380', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_sp_famas_ghost_insects_light_large.727c7db3f6df4aae8b692f6966dba460acafb07f.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Crypsis', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Crypsis (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:12:13,858 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40629661497', 'd': '12270836330199816734', 'paintseed': 677, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 835, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40629661497', 'floatvalue': 0.04790041223168373, 'm': '652559091733115380', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_sp_famas_ghost_insects_light_large.727c7db3f6df4aae8b692f6966dba460acafb07f.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Crypsis', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Crypsis (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:12:15,560 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41431274654', 'd': '11683149725605445266', 'paintseed': 901, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 92, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39820410663', 'floatvalue': 0.06391869485378265, 'm': '655936791465334876', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_hy_reef_light_large.d3138f4491b5413241bf64a82e0545ddc4c9e80d.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Cyanospatter', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Cyanospatter (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:12:15,570 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41431274654', 'd': '11683149725605445266', 'paintseed': 901, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 92, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39820410663', 'floatvalue': 0.06391869485378265, 'm': '655936791465334876', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_hy_reef_light_large.d3138f4491b5413241bf64a82e0545ddc4c9e80d.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Cyanospatter', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Cyanospatter (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:12:15,579 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41431274654', 'd': '11683149725605445266', 'paintseed': 901, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 92, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39820410663', 'floatvalue': 0.06391869485378265, 'm': '655936791465334876', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_hy_reef_light_large.d3138f4491b5413241bf64a82e0545ddc4c9e80d.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Cyanospatter', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Cyanospatter (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:12:17,130 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40627344666', 'd': '13853283706596284028', 'paintseed': 788, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 260, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40627344666', 'low_rank': 964, 'floatvalue': 0.03966978192329407, 'm': '664942903404548442', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_cu_famas_pulse_light_large.fad5dfcd7b0ccfe655c7c3903d091140904959ec.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Pulse', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Pulse (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:12:23,399 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:12:23,400 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR SG%20553%20%7C%20Wave%20Spray%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=SG%20553%20%7C%20Wave%20Spray%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:12:23,467 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:12:36,742 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41049431927', 'd': '12017476009516923508', 'paintseed': 278, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 1127, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41049431927', 'floatvalue': 0.06428149342536926, 'm': '663818090806125367', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_gs_famas_rapid_eyes_light_large.8a166e6d36121b16dddc11b9aca94d5c541b0b56.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Rapid Eye Movement', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Rapid Eye Movement (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:12:36,752 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41049431927', 'd': '12017476009516923508', 'paintseed': 278, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 1127, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41049431927', 'floatvalue': 0.06428149342536926, 'm': '663818090806125367', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_gs_famas_rapid_eyes_light_large.8a166e6d36121b16dddc11b9aca94d5c541b0b56.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Rapid Eye Movement', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Rapid Eye Movement (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:13:13,524 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:13:13,525 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR FAMAS%20%7C%20Waters%20of%20Nephthys%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=FAMAS%20%7C%20Waters%20of%20Nephthys%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:13:13,595 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:13:14,213 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:13:14,214 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR SG%20553%20%7C%20Atlas%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=SG%20553%20%7C%20Atlas%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:13:14,277 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:13:19,525 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:13:19,525 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20SSG%2008%20%7C%20Ghost%20Crusader%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20SSG%2008%20%7C%20Ghost%20Crusader%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:13:19,586 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:13:31,225 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41475153176', 'd': '208342809310842781', 'paintseed': 144, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 553, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4534, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'halo_chief', 'material': 'halo/chief', 'name': 'Chief'}, {'stickerId': 4534, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'halo_chief', 'material': 'halo/chief', 'name': 'Chief'}, {'stickerId': 4534, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'halo_chief', 'material': 'halo/chief', 'name': 'Chief'}], 'floatid': '33935383655', 'floatvalue': 0.06680501997470856, 'm': '667195790544723901', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_cu_sg553_atlas_light_large.536218f8160485fa927e19fa06fedae43d9c04e6.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.81, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Atlas', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SG 553 | Atlas (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:13:33,186 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '34979251960', 'd': '16592609366221947793', 'paintseed': 177, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 613, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '34979251960', 'floatvalue': 0.06254824995994568, 'm': '657062691364289897', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_cu_sg556_triarch_light_large.3ea74bea530adda100d25911372ca313ea99453a.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Triarch', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SG 553 | Triarch (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:13:33,195 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '34979251960', 'd': '16592609366221947793', 'paintseed': 177, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 613, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '34979251960', 'floatvalue': 0.06254824995994568, 'm': '657062691364289897', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_cu_sg556_triarch_light_large.3ea74bea530adda100d25911372ca313ea99453a.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Triarch', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SG 553 | Triarch (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:13:35,624 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40745725015', 'd': '9817933520479773587', 'paintseed': 582, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 765, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 8027, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'sha2024_team_pw_gold', 'material': 'sha2024/pw_gold', 'name': 'Perfect World (Gold) | Shanghai 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7889, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'de_mirage_cs2_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_mirage_cs2_gold', 'name': 'Mirage (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 7947, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'sha2024_team_mouz_gold', 'material': 'sha2024/mouz_gold', 'name': 'MOUZ (Gold) | Shanghai 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7987, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'sha2024_team_mngz_gold', 'material': 'sha2024/mngz_gold', 'name': 'The MongolZ (Gold) | Shanghai 2024'}], 'floatid': '40745725015', 'low_rank': 445, 'floatvalue': 0.03957390412688255, 'm': '657062691393550367', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_aa_desert_bloom_bright_light_large.082aa07ec9551391143d8b825ef9f1062ea54279.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.49, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Desert Blossom', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir SG 553 | Desert Blossom (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:13:39,281 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '40491353756', 'd': '4776892331221383308', 'paintseed': 505, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 762, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40491353756', 'low_rank': 636, 'floatvalue': 0.06706865131855011, 'm': '635670593150772551', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_so_rune_stone_light_large.008cb3ddaf106a019bc45143d61bb2e520ca50f4.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Red Stone', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Red Stone (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:13:39,287 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '40491353756', 'd': '4776892331221383308', 'paintseed': 505, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 762, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40491353756', 'low_rank': 636, 'floatvalue': 0.06706865131855011, 'm': '635670593150772551', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_so_rune_stone_light_large.008cb3ddaf106a019bc45143d61bb2e520ca50f4.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Red Stone', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Red Stone (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:13:39,292 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '40491353756', 'd': '4776892331221383308', 'paintseed': 505, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 762, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40491353756', 'low_rank': 636, 'floatvalue': 0.06706865131855011, 'm': '635670593150772551', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_so_rune_stone_light_large.008cb3ddaf106a019bc45143d61bb2e520ca50f4.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Red Stone', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Red Stone (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:13:39,298 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '40491353756', 'd': '4776892331221383308', 'paintseed': 505, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 762, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40491353756', 'low_rank': 636, 'floatvalue': 0.06706865131855011, 'm': '635670593150772551', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_so_rune_stone_light_large.008cb3ddaf106a019bc45143d61bb2e520ca50f4.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Red Stone', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Red Stone (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:13:41,688 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41322214329', 'd': '12404789881737611771', 'paintseed': 136, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 1234, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41322214329', 'floatvalue': 0.02093789540231228, 'm': '643551892501421006', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_cu_sg553_cyberforce_light_large.63aa4e611195d801eb706ac65d38df68f98e2b76.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.9, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Cyberforce', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SG 553 | Cyberforce (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:13:42,378 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40522440406', 'd': '14126780656167574692', 'paintseed': 707, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 1060, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7867, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_b1t_32', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_b1t_champion', 'name': 'b1t (Champion) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7871, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_im_32', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_im_champion', 'name': 'iM (Champion) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7859, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_jl_32', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_jl_champion', 'name': 'jL (Champion) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7875, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_w0nderful_32', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_w0nderful_champion', 'name': 'w0nderful (Champion) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7843, 'slot': 0, 'offset_x': -0.03239476680755615, 'offset_y': -0.005255073308944702, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_jee_4', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_jee', 'name': 'Jee | Copenhagen 2024'}], 'floatid': '37940890134', 'floatvalue': 0.05401946231722832, 'm': '650307291944863489', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_hy_trainarchitect_green_light_large.99e4e0cef18a0f37f5f26caf431dde80f39f14e1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Spring Twilly', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Spring Twilly (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:13:42,384 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40522440406', 'd': '14126780656167574692', 'paintseed': 707, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 1060, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7867, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_b1t_32', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_b1t_champion', 'name': 'b1t (Champion) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7871, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_im_32', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_im_champion', 'name': 'iM (Champion) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7859, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_jl_32', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_jl_champion', 'name': 'jL (Champion) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7875, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_w0nderful_32', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_w0nderful_champion', 'name': 'w0nderful (Champion) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7843, 'slot': 0, 'offset_x': -0.03239476680755615, 'offset_y': -0.005255073308944702, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_jee_4', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_jee', 'name': 'Jee | Copenhagen 2024'}], 'floatid': '37940890134', 'floatvalue': 0.05401946231722832, 'm': '650307291944863489', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_hy_trainarchitect_green_light_large.99e4e0cef18a0f37f5f26caf431dde80f39f14e1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Spring Twilly', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Spring Twilly (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:13:42,390 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40522440406', 'd': '14126780656167574692', 'paintseed': 707, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 1060, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7867, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_b1t_32', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_b1t_champion', 'name': 'b1t (Champion) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7871, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_im_32', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_im_champion', 'name': 'iM (Champion) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7859, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_jl_32', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_jl_champion', 'name': 'jL (Champion) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7875, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_w0nderful_32', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_w0nderful_champion', 'name': 'w0nderful (Champion) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7843, 'slot': 0, 'offset_x': -0.03239476680755615, 'offset_y': -0.005255073308944702, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_jee_4', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_jee', 'name': 'Jee | Copenhagen 2024'}], 'floatid': '37940890134', 'floatvalue': 0.05401946231722832, 'm': '650307291944863489', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_hy_trainarchitect_green_light_large.99e4e0cef18a0f37f5f26caf431dde80f39f14e1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Spring Twilly', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Spring Twilly (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:13:42,397 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40522440406', 'd': '14126780656167574692', 'paintseed': 707, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 1060, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7867, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_b1t_32', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_b1t_champion', 'name': 'b1t (Champion) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7871, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_im_32', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_im_champion', 'name': 'iM (Champion) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7859, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_jl_32', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_jl_champion', 'name': 'jL (Champion) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7875, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_w0nderful_32', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_w0nderful_champion', 'name': 'w0nderful (Champion) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7843, 'slot': 0, 'offset_x': -0.03239476680755615, 'offset_y': -0.005255073308944702, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_jee_4', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_jee', 'name': 'Jee | Copenhagen 2024'}], 'floatid': '37940890134', 'floatvalue': 0.05401946231722832, 'm': '650307291944863489', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_hy_trainarchitect_green_light_large.99e4e0cef18a0f37f5f26caf431dde80f39f14e1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Spring Twilly', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Spring Twilly (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:13:42,403 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40522440406', 'd': '14126780656167574692', 'paintseed': 707, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 1060, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7867, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_b1t_32', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_b1t_champion', 'name': 'b1t (Champion) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7871, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_im_32', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_im_champion', 'name': 'iM (Champion) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7859, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_jl_32', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_jl_champion', 'name': 'jL (Champion) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7875, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_w0nderful_32', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_w0nderful_champion', 'name': 'w0nderful (Champion) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7843, 'slot': 0, 'offset_x': -0.03239476680755615, 'offset_y': -0.005255073308944702, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_jee_4', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_jee', 'name': 'Jee | Copenhagen 2024'}], 'floatid': '37940890134', 'floatvalue': 0.05401946231722832, 'm': '650307291944863489', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_hy_trainarchitect_green_light_large.99e4e0cef18a0f37f5f26caf431dde80f39f14e1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Spring Twilly', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Spring Twilly (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:13:42,409 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40522440406', 'd': '14126780656167574692', 'paintseed': 707, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 1060, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7867, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_b1t_32', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_b1t_champion', 'name': 'b1t (Champion) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7871, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_im_32', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_im_champion', 'name': 'iM (Champion) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7859, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_jl_32', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_jl_champion', 'name': 'jL (Champion) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7875, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_w0nderful_32', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_w0nderful_champion', 'name': 'w0nderful (Champion) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7843, 'slot': 0, 'offset_x': -0.03239476680755615, 'offset_y': -0.005255073308944702, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_jee_4', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_jee', 'name': 'Jee | Copenhagen 2024'}], 'floatid': '37940890134', 'floatvalue': 0.05401946231722832, 'm': '650307291944863489', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_hy_trainarchitect_green_light_large.99e4e0cef18a0f37f5f26caf431dde80f39f14e1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Spring Twilly', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Spring Twilly (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:13:42,414 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40522440406', 'd': '14126780656167574692', 'paintseed': 707, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 1060, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7867, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_b1t_32', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_b1t_champion', 'name': 'b1t (Champion) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7871, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_im_32', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_im_champion', 'name': 'iM (Champion) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7859, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_jl_32', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_jl_champion', 'name': 'jL (Champion) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7875, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_w0nderful_32', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_w0nderful_champion', 'name': 'w0nderful (Champion) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7843, 'slot': 0, 'offset_x': -0.03239476680755615, 'offset_y': -0.005255073308944702, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_jee_4', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_jee', 'name': 'Jee | Copenhagen 2024'}], 'floatid': '37940890134', 'floatvalue': 0.05401946231722832, 'm': '650307291944863489', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_hy_trainarchitect_green_light_large.99e4e0cef18a0f37f5f26caf431dde80f39f14e1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Spring Twilly', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Spring Twilly (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:13:43,942 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41287792848', 'd': '4647941877062081060', 'paintseed': 862, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 989, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '22614392044', 'floatvalue': 0.06996055692434311, 'm': '662692190910730356', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_cu_ssg08_chromatic_light_large.66f506ebe947b68afa1d3a6cbbdd8916b054f84a.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Parallax', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Parallax (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:13:43,948 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41287792848', 'd': '4647941877062081060', 'paintseed': 862, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 989, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '22614392044', 'floatvalue': 0.06996055692434311, 'm': '662692190910730356', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_cu_ssg08_chromatic_light_large.66f506ebe947b68afa1d3a6cbbdd8916b054f84a.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Parallax', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Parallax (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:13:44,933 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048292873311962A40980128320D7658479488179905013 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:13:45,938 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:13:46,963 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645803692292011498A34582868945D3326051846552868904 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:13:47,969 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:13:51,973 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048292873311962A40980128320D7658479488179905013 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:13:52,979 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:13:54,000 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645803692292011498A34582868945D3326051846552868904 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:13:55,009 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:13:57,408 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:13:57,409 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR FAMAS%20%7C%20Valence%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=FAMAS%20%7C%20Valence%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:13:57,478 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:13:58,290 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41276547043', 'd': '3055204442252016242', 'paintseed': 570, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 529, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41023736049', 'floatvalue': 0.06969638913869858, 'm': '660439756966075044', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_aq_famas_contour_light_large.65d515ab34a6f50c8a5296b562a81da42663b819.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Valence', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Valence (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:13:58,301 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41276547043', 'd': '3055204442252016242', 'paintseed': 570, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 529, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41023736049', 'floatvalue': 0.06969638913869858, 'm': '660439756966075044', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_aq_famas_contour_light_large.65d515ab34a6f50c8a5296b562a81da42663b819.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Valence', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Valence (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:13:58,312 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41276547043', 'd': '3055204442252016242', 'paintseed': 570, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 529, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41023736049', 'floatvalue': 0.06969638913869858, 'm': '660439756966075044', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_aq_famas_contour_light_large.65d515ab34a6f50c8a5296b562a81da42663b819.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Valence', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Valence (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:13:58,321 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41276547043', 'd': '3055204442252016242', 'paintseed': 570, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 529, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41023736049', 'floatvalue': 0.06969638913869858, 'm': '660439756966075044', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_aq_famas_contour_light_large.65d515ab34a6f50c8a5296b562a81da42663b819.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Valence', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Valence (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:13:58,330 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41276547043', 'd': '3055204442252016242', 'paintseed': 570, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 529, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41023736049', 'floatvalue': 0.06969638913869858, 'm': '660439756966075044', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_aq_famas_contour_light_large.65d515ab34a6f50c8a5296b562a81da42663b819.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Valence', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Valence (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:13:58,338 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41276547043', 'd': '3055204442252016242', 'paintseed': 570, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 529, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41023736049', 'floatvalue': 0.06969638913869858, 'm': '660439756966075044', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_aq_famas_contour_light_large.65d515ab34a6f50c8a5296b562a81da42663b819.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Valence', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Valence (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:14:01,054 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645803692292011498A34582868945D3326051846552868904 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:14:02,059 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:14:08,101 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645803692292011498A34582868945D3326051846552868904 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:14:09,107 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:14:17,196 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:14:17,196 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR SSG%2008%20%7C%20Acid%20Fade%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=SSG%2008%20%7C%20Acid%20Fade%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:14:17,260 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:14:25,501 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:14:25,502 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR FAMAS%20%7C%20Survivor%20Z%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=FAMAS%20%7C%20Survivor%20Z%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:14:25,573 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:14:26,610 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41486763213', 'd': '16316027182088851606', 'paintseed': 280, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 492, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40530360278', 'floatvalue': 0.06162063777446747, 'm': '662692190919588936', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_cu_famas_lenta_light_large.7ab508a407e56ab541dae127ef5fc64f09f6ae08.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Survivor Z', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Survivor Z (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:14:42,421 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41295344899', 'd': '9944618734637684310', 'paintseed': 229, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 626, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41295344899', 'floatvalue': 0.06499388813972473, 'm': '659314491186246934', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_gs_famas_mecha_light_large.c26d3fccc156fe26ba3325ed73b29092b3e18093.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Mecha Industries', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Mecha Industries (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:14:42,429 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41295344899', 'd': '9944618734637684310', 'paintseed': 229, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 626, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41295344899', 'floatvalue': 0.06499388813972473, 'm': '659314491186246934', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_gs_famas_mecha_light_large.c26d3fccc156fe26ba3325ed73b29092b3e18093.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Mecha Industries', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Mecha Industries (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:14:42,436 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41295344899', 'd': '9944618734637684310', 'paintseed': 229, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 626, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41295344899', 'floatvalue': 0.06499388813972473, 'm': '659314491186246934', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_gs_famas_mecha_light_large.c26d3fccc156fe26ba3325ed73b29092b3e18093.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Mecha Industries', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Mecha Industries (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:14:46,533 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41197863156', 'd': '7687234208936507004', 'paintseed': 228, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 1146, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40687741411', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.04878895729780197, 'm': '642425992595074915', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_gs_famas_corp_meow_light_large.7e27ced9616b1a4808cad37e8c0c653b9c866f07.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Meow 36', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ FAMAS | Meow 36 (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:14:46,546 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41197863156', 'd': '7687234208936507004', 'paintseed': 228, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 1146, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40687741411', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.04878895729780197, 'm': '642425992595074915', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_gs_famas_corp_meow_light_large.7e27ced9616b1a4808cad37e8c0c653b9c866f07.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Meow 36', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ FAMAS | Meow 36 (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:14:48,172 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41283554789', 'd': '3224718126027904600', 'paintseed': 534, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 999, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '20607336004', 'low_rank': 956, 'high_rank': 317, 'floatvalue': 0.06329415738582611, 'm': '667195156389317400', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_am_numbers_magenta_light_large.c3b086e3407aeb1bca1fb497bc2aee6dc7602a4f.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Prime Conspiracy', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Prime Conspiracy (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:14:51,031 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41275947024', 'd': '14719111593272565356', 'paintseed': 200, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 253, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41275947024', 'floatvalue': 0.012100392021238804, 'm': '664943990701107908', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_aa_fade_grassland_light_large.82950af31c177d14983665459ddee77f63379f4d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.03, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Acid Fade', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Acid Fade (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:14:51,036 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41275947024', 'd': '14719111593272565356', 'paintseed': 200, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 253, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41275947024', 'floatvalue': 0.012100392021238804, 'm': '664943990701107908', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_aa_fade_grassland_light_large.82950af31c177d14983665459ddee77f63379f4d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.03, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Acid Fade', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Acid Fade (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:14:51,042 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41275947024', 'd': '14719111593272565356', 'paintseed': 200, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 253, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41275947024', 'floatvalue': 0.012100392021238804, 'm': '664943990701107908', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_aa_fade_grassland_light_large.82950af31c177d14983665459ddee77f63379f4d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.03, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Acid Fade', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Acid Fade (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:14:51,050 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41275947024', 'd': '14719111593272565356', 'paintseed': 200, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 253, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41275947024', 'floatvalue': 0.012100392021238804, 'm': '664943990701107908', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_aa_fade_grassland_light_large.82950af31c177d14983665459ddee77f63379f4d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.03, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Acid Fade', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Acid Fade (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:14:51,058 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41275947024', 'd': '14719111593272565356', 'paintseed': 200, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 253, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41275947024', 'floatvalue': 0.012100392021238804, 'm': '664943990701107908', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_aa_fade_grassland_light_large.82950af31c177d14983665459ddee77f63379f4d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.03, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Acid Fade', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Acid Fade (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:14:51,066 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41275947024', 'd': '14719111593272565356', 'paintseed': 200, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 253, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41275947024', 'floatvalue': 0.012100392021238804, 'm': '664943990701107908', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_aa_fade_grassland_light_large.82950af31c177d14983665459ddee77f63379f4d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.03, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Acid Fade', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Acid Fade (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:14:51,073 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41275947024', 'd': '14719111593272565356', 'paintseed': 200, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 253, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41275947024', 'floatvalue': 0.012100392021238804, 'm': '664943990701107908', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_aa_fade_grassland_light_large.82950af31c177d14983665459ddee77f63379f4d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.03, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Acid Fade', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Acid Fade (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:14:51,082 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41275947024', 'd': '14719111593272565356', 'paintseed': 200, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 253, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41275947024', 'floatvalue': 0.012100392021238804, 'm': '664943990701107908', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_aa_fade_grassland_light_large.82950af31c177d14983665459ddee77f63379f4d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.03, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Acid Fade', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Acid Fade (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:15:11,124 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '30403299181', 'd': '17032868940807730714', 'paintseed': 545, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 240, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 1692, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'de_mirage_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_mirage_gold', 'name': 'Mirage (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 6679, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_faze_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/faze_gold', 'name': 'FaZe Clan (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6627, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_hero_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/hero_gold', 'name': 'Heroic (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6707, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_blst_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/blst_gold', 'name': 'BLAST.tv (Gold) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '30403299181', 'floatvalue': 0.036830510944128036, 'm': '643551892480799066', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_hy_varicamo_desert_light_large.b650a2a051a809d716d4298d2387729456a404ce.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'CaliCamo', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir FAMAS | CaliCamo (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:15:11,134 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '30403299181', 'd': '17032868940807730714', 'paintseed': 545, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 240, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 1692, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'de_mirage_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_mirage_gold', 'name': 'Mirage (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 6679, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_faze_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/faze_gold', 'name': 'FaZe Clan (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6627, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_hero_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/hero_gold', 'name': 'Heroic (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6707, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_blst_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/blst_gold', 'name': 'BLAST.tv (Gold) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '30403299181', 'floatvalue': 0.036830510944128036, 'm': '643551892480799066', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_hy_varicamo_desert_light_large.b650a2a051a809d716d4298d2387729456a404ce.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'CaliCamo', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir FAMAS | CaliCamo (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:15:11,143 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '30403299181', 'd': '17032868940807730714', 'paintseed': 545, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 240, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 1692, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'de_mirage_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_mirage_gold', 'name': 'Mirage (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 6679, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_faze_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/faze_gold', 'name': 'FaZe Clan (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6627, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_hero_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/hero_gold', 'name': 'Heroic (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6707, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_blst_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/blst_gold', 'name': 'BLAST.tv (Gold) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '30403299181', 'floatvalue': 0.036830510944128036, 'm': '643551892480799066', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_hy_varicamo_desert_light_large.b650a2a051a809d716d4298d2387729456a404ce.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'CaliCamo', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir FAMAS | CaliCamo (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:15:11,152 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '30403299181', 'd': '17032868940807730714', 'paintseed': 545, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 240, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 1692, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'de_mirage_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_mirage_gold', 'name': 'Mirage (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 6679, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_faze_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/faze_gold', 'name': 'FaZe Clan (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6627, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_hero_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/hero_gold', 'name': 'Heroic (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6707, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_blst_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/blst_gold', 'name': 'BLAST.tv (Gold) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '30403299181', 'floatvalue': 0.036830510944128036, 'm': '643551892480799066', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_hy_varicamo_desert_light_large.b650a2a051a809d716d4298d2387729456a404ce.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'CaliCamo', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir FAMAS | CaliCamo (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:15:28,513 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '39592397815', 'd': '9415381996079290394', 'paintseed': 130, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 178, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39592397815', 'high_rank': 219, 'floatvalue': 0.14030250906944275, 'm': '662691556770178870', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_hy_doomkitty_light_large.c9dd7b8fb1a44d5691684aae406d360433550468.png', 'min': 0.08, 'max': 0.22, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Doomkitty', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Minimal Wear', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Doomkitty (Minimal Wear)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:15:28,519 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '39592397815', 'd': '9415381996079290394', 'paintseed': 130, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 178, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39592397815', 'high_rank': 219, 'floatvalue': 0.14030250906944275, 'm': '662691556770178870', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_hy_doomkitty_light_large.c9dd7b8fb1a44d5691684aae406d360433550468.png', 'min': 0.08, 'max': 0.22, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Doomkitty', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Minimal Wear', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Doomkitty (Minimal Wear)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:15:58,469 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:15:58,470 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR FAMAS%20%7C%20Roll%20Cage%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=FAMAS%20%7C%20Roll%20Cage%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:15:58,531 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:16:13,449 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41327936903', 'd': '10010526449419481684', 'paintseed': 829, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 604, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41327936903', 'low_rank': 630, 'floatvalue': 0.056629471480846405, 'm': '654810891571399365', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_gs_famas_rally_light_large.538baee44eb772de95029e4267ea9c41101bbc94.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Roll Cage', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Roll Cage (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:16:18,808 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '17400539418', 'd': '5251338764248997552', 'paintseed': 550, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 863, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '17400539418', 'low_rank': 737, 'floatvalue': 0.04505515471100807, 'm': '635669959019492863', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_sp_knots_blue_light_large.1a6a2c6fe90198a053410d364dd48441b51fb1a7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Night Borre', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Night Borre (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:16:18,816 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '17400539418', 'd': '5251338764248997552', 'paintseed': 550, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 863, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '17400539418', 'low_rank': 737, 'floatvalue': 0.04505515471100807, 'm': '635669959019492863', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_sp_knots_blue_light_large.1a6a2c6fe90198a053410d364dd48441b51fb1a7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Night Borre', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Night Borre (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:16:18,824 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '17400539418', 'd': '5251338764248997552', 'paintseed': 550, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 863, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '17400539418', 'low_rank': 737, 'floatvalue': 0.04505515471100807, 'm': '635669959019492863', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_sp_knots_blue_light_large.1a6a2c6fe90198a053410d364dd48441b51fb1a7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Night Borre', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Night Borre (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:16:18,831 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '17400539418', 'd': '5251338764248997552', 'paintseed': 550, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 863, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '17400539418', 'low_rank': 737, 'floatvalue': 0.04505515471100807, 'm': '635669959019492863', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_sp_knots_blue_light_large.1a6a2c6fe90198a053410d364dd48441b51fb1a7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Night Borre', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Night Borre (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:16:18,838 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '17400539418', 'd': '5251338764248997552', 'paintseed': 550, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 863, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '17400539418', 'low_rank': 737, 'floatvalue': 0.04505515471100807, 'm': '635669959019492863', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_sp_knots_blue_light_large.1a6a2c6fe90198a053410d364dd48441b51fb1a7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Night Borre', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Night Borre (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:16:18,851 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '17400539418', 'd': '5251338764248997552', 'paintseed': 550, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 863, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '17400539418', 'low_rank': 737, 'floatvalue': 0.04505515471100807, 'm': '635669959019492863', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_sp_knots_blue_light_large.1a6a2c6fe90198a053410d364dd48441b51fb1a7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Night Borre', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Night Borre (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:16:18,860 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '17400539418', 'd': '5251338764248997552', 'paintseed': 550, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 863, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '17400539418', 'low_rank': 737, 'floatvalue': 0.04505515471100807, 'm': '635669959019492863', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_sp_knots_blue_light_large.1a6a2c6fe90198a053410d364dd48441b51fb1a7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Night Borre', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Night Borre (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:16:26,035 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651432557738460938A41328494658D14756612123681406520 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:16:27,041 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:16:33,073 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651432557738460938A41328494658D14756612123681406520 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:16:34,079 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:16:40,121 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651432557738460938A41328494658D14756612123681406520 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:16:41,128 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:16:47,172 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651432557738460938A41328494658D14756612123681406520 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:16:48,178 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:16:54,222 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651432557738460938A41328494658D14756612123681406520 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:16:55,049 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41468226007', 'd': '9999299867690180248', 'paintseed': 665, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 47, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41021787655', 'floatvalue': 0.06588830053806305, 'm': '637922392963346323', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_so_space_marine_light_large.bc0a11080c9b3b50c13ddbe4afa3f6f96311fec4.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Colony', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Colony (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:16:55,055 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41468226007', 'd': '9999299867690180248', 'paintseed': 665, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 47, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41021787655', 'floatvalue': 0.06588830053806305, 'm': '637922392963346323', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_so_space_marine_light_large.bc0a11080c9b3b50c13ddbe4afa3f6f96311fec4.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Colony', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Colony (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:16:55,062 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41468226007', 'd': '9999299867690180248', 'paintseed': 665, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 47, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41021787655', 'floatvalue': 0.06588830053806305, 'm': '637922392963346323', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_so_space_marine_light_large.bc0a11080c9b3b50c13ddbe4afa3f6f96311fec4.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Colony', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Colony (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:16:55,071 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41468226007', 'd': '9999299867690180248', 'paintseed': 665, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 47, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41021787655', 'floatvalue': 0.06588830053806305, 'm': '637922392963346323', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_so_space_marine_light_large.bc0a11080c9b3b50c13ddbe4afa3f6f96311fec4.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Colony', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Colony (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:16:55,077 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41468226007', 'd': '9999299867690180248', 'paintseed': 665, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 47, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41021787655', 'floatvalue': 0.06588830053806305, 'm': '637922392963346323', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_so_space_marine_light_large.bc0a11080c9b3b50c13ddbe4afa3f6f96311fec4.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Colony', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Colony (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:16:55,084 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41468226007', 'd': '9999299867690180248', 'paintseed': 665, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 47, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41021787655', 'floatvalue': 0.06588830053806305, 'm': '637922392963346323', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_so_space_marine_light_large.bc0a11080c9b3b50c13ddbe4afa3f6f96311fec4.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Colony', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Colony (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:16:55,227 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:17:01,263 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651432557738460938A41328494658D14756612123681406520 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:17:02,269 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:17:08,308 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651432557738460938A41328494658D14756612123681406520 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:17:09,314 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:17:11,248 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41475399690', 'd': '3352971876022267988', 'paintseed': 801, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 371, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40587270326', 'high_rank': 988, 'floatvalue': 0.056140877306461334, 'm': '643551892500410366', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_am_nuclear_skulls2_famas_light_large.ec9774f3b2a03f5411321dba792b05f19096547c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Styx', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Styx (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:17:11,255 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41475399690', 'd': '3352971876022267988', 'paintseed': 801, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 371, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40587270326', 'high_rank': 988, 'floatvalue': 0.056140877306461334, 'm': '643551892500410366', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_am_nuclear_skulls2_famas_light_large.ec9774f3b2a03f5411321dba792b05f19096547c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Styx', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Styx (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:17:15,348 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651432557738460938A41328494658D14756612123681406520 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:17:16,354 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:17:22,385 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651432557738460938A41328494658D14756612123681406520 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:17:23,391 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:17:29,424 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651432557738460938A41328494658D14756612123681406520 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:17:30,429 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:17:31,080 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41391717099', 'd': '5227773367440429714', 'paintseed': 833, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 1053, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40704893320', 'floatvalue': 0.05226186662912369, 'm': '667195790516098591', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_am_nuclear_pattern4_famas_light_large.7e147f135728d6abd62f871088d69c1b2bd38076.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Meltdown', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Meltdown (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:17:31,088 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41391717099', 'd': '5227773367440429714', 'paintseed': 833, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 1053, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40704893320', 'floatvalue': 0.05226186662912369, 'm': '667195790516098591', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_am_nuclear_pattern4_famas_light_large.7e147f135728d6abd62f871088d69c1b2bd38076.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Meltdown', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Meltdown (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:17:31,098 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41391717099', 'd': '5227773367440429714', 'paintseed': 833, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 1053, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40704893320', 'floatvalue': 0.05226186662912369, 'm': '667195790516098591', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_am_nuclear_pattern4_famas_light_large.7e147f135728d6abd62f871088d69c1b2bd38076.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Meltdown', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Meltdown (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:17:31,106 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41391717099', 'd': '5227773367440429714', 'paintseed': 833, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 1053, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40704893320', 'floatvalue': 0.05226186662912369, 'm': '667195790516098591', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_am_nuclear_pattern4_famas_light_large.7e147f135728d6abd62f871088d69c1b2bd38076.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Meltdown', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Meltdown (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:17:31,112 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41391717099', 'd': '5227773367440429714', 'paintseed': 833, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 1053, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40704893320', 'floatvalue': 0.05226186662912369, 'm': '667195790516098591', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_am_nuclear_pattern4_famas_light_large.7e147f135728d6abd62f871088d69c1b2bd38076.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Meltdown', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Meltdown (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:17:36,470 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651432557738460938A41328494658D14756612123681406520 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:17:37,477 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:17:43,519 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651432557738460938A41328494658D14756612123681406520 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:17:44,526 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:17:50,567 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651432557738460938A41328494658D14756612123681406520 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:17:51,574 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:17:55,679 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestProxyCheap: Failed to perform, curl: (56) Proxy CONNECT aborted. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:186) 2025-01-22 00:19:07,594 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequest2Captcha: Failed to perform, curl: (35) BoringSSL SSL_connect: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL in connection to steamcommunity.com:443 . See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:133) 2025-01-22 00:20:03,864 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648055492132118242A41142826609D2893567881808336093 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:20:04,870 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:20:18,098 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:20:18,099 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR P90%20%7C%20Glacier%20Mesh%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=P90%20%7C%20Glacier%20Mesh%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:20:18,188 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:20:18,194 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:20:18,195 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR SCAR-20%20%7C%20Carbon%20Fiber%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=SCAR-20%20%7C%20Carbon%20Fiber%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:20:18,270 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:20:18,297 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:20:18,298 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR P250%20%7C%20Iron%20Clad%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=P250%20%7C%20Iron%20Clad%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:20:18,377 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:20:18,752 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:20:18,753 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MAC-10%20%7C%20Disco%20Tech%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MAC-10%20%7C%20Disco%20Tech%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:20:18,814 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:20:19,063 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:20:19,063 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20MP7%20%7C%20Urban%20Hazard%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20MP7%20%7C%20Urban%20Hazard%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:20:19,128 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:20:20,124 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:20:20,124 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR UMP-45%20%7C%20Full%20Stop%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=UMP-45%20%7C%20Full%20Stop%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:20:20,194 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:20:20,314 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:20:20,315 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR P2000%20%7C%20Grassland%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=P2000%20%7C%20Grassland%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:20:20,394 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:20:20,483 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:20:20,483 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MP9%20%7C%20Deadly%20Poison%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MP9%20%7C%20Deadly%20Poison%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:20:20,553 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:20:20,916 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:20:20,917 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR Souvenir%20Galil%20AR%20%7C%20VariCamo%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=Souvenir%20Galil%20AR%20%7C%20VariCamo%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:20:20,996 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:20:21,836 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:20:21,837 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Negev%20%7C%20Ultralight%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Negev%20%7C%20Ultralight%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:20:21,915 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:20:23,049 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:20:23,050 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR Tec-9%20%7C%20Phoenix%20Chalk%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=Tec-9%20%7C%20Phoenix%20Chalk%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:20:23,118 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:20:23,661 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:20:23,662 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Dual%20Berettas%20%7C%20Melondrama%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Dual%20Berettas%20%7C%20Melondrama%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:20:23,669 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:20:23,670 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MAG-7%20%7C%20Core%20Breach%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MAG-7%20%7C%20Core%20Breach%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:20:23,746 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:20:23,748 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:20:24,773 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:20:24,773 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20MP5-SD%20%7C%20Necro%20Jr.%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20MP5-SD%20%7C%20Necro%20Jr.%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:20:24,849 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:20:25,980 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:20:25,981 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR Nova%20%7C%20Army%20Sheen%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=Nova%20%7C%20Army%20Sheen%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:20:26,052 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:20:27,829 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:20:27,829 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR G3SG1%20%7C%20Green%20Apple%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=G3SG1%20%7C%20Green%20Apple%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:20:27,847 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:20:27,848 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Five-SeveN%20%7C%20Kami%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Five-SeveN%20%7C%20Kami%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:20:27,898 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:20:27,912 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:20:33,643 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:20:33,644 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR PP-Bizon%20%7C%20Brass%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=PP-Bizon%20%7C%20Brass%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:20:33,712 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:20:35,947 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:20:35,948 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR M249%20%7C%20System%20Lock%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=M249%20%7C%20System%20Lock%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:20:36,024 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:20:36,095 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:20:36,095 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR Sawed-Off%20%7C%20Orange%20DDPAT%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=Sawed-Off%20%7C%20Orange%20DDPAT%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:20:36,166 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:20:38,318 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:20:38,320 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR Souvenir%20CZ75-Auto%20%7C%20Nitro%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=Souvenir%20CZ75-Auto%20%7C%20Nitro%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:20:38,386 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:20:44,866 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:20:44,867 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR XM1014%20%7C%20Scumbria%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=XM1014%20%7C%20Scumbria%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:20:44,953 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:22:19,725 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestProxyCheap: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 502. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:186) 2025-01-22 00:22:59,238 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestProxyCheap: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 502. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:186) 2025-01-22 00:24:45,293 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/P250%20%7C%20Iron%20Clad%20%28Factory%20New%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 00:24:50,501 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/SCAR-20%20%7C%20Carbon%20Fiber%20%28Factory%20New%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 00:24:52,381 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Negev%20%7C%20Ultralight%20%28Factory%20New%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 00:24:53,142 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/UMP-45%20%7C%20Full%20Stop%20%28Factory%20New%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 00:24:54,164 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20MP7%20%7C%20Urban%20Hazard%20%28Factory%20New%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 00:24:55,020 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/Tec-9%20%7C%20Phoenix%20Chalk%20%28Factory%20New%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 00:24:55,481 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/Souvenir%20Galil%20AR%20%7C%20VariCamo%20%28Factory%20New%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 00:24:55,653 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/Nova%20%7C%20Army%20Sheen%20%28Factory%20New%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 00:24:55,759 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/P2000%20%7C%20Grassland%20%28Factory%20New%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 00:25:01,860 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MP9%20%7C%20Deadly%20Poison%20%28Factory%20New%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 00:25:02,790 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MAG-7%20%7C%20Core%20Breach%20%28Factory%20New%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 00:25:03,992 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Five-SeveN%20%7C%20Kami%20%28Factory%20New%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 00:25:04,412 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MAC-10%20%7C%20Disco%20Tech%20%28Factory%20New%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 00:25:06,763 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Dual%20Berettas%20%7C%20Melondrama%20%28Factory%20New%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 00:25:07,672 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/P90%20%7C%20Glacier%20Mesh%20%28Factory%20New%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 00:25:11,471 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/M249%20%7C%20System%20Lock%20%28Factory%20New%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 00:25:16,624 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/Sawed-Off%20%7C%20Orange%20DDPAT%20%28Factory%20New%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 00:25:17,319 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20MP5-SD%20%7C%20Necro%20Jr.%20%28Factory%20New%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 00:25:17,335 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048292880867912A41482411198D14862476948372891284 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:25:17,750 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/Souvenir%20CZ75-Auto%20%7C%20Nitro%20%28Factory%20New%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 00:25:18,343 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:25:20,167 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/PP-Bizon%20%7C%20Brass%20%28Factory%20New%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 00:25:21,758 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:25:21,760 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20P250%20%7C%20Splash%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20P250%20%7C%20Splash%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:25:21,840 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:25:23,882 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/G3SG1%20%7C%20Green%20Apple%20%28Factory%20New%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 00:25:26,226 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/XM1014%20%7C%20Scumbria%20%28Factory%20New%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 00:25:26,548 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645803692320251428A28193594184D14474782939885404913 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:25:26,558 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41491256879', 'd': '5532710076663422393', 'paintseed': 634, 'defindex': 63, 'paintindex': 350, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39399336399', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06971593201160431, 'm': '635670593158169561', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_cz75a_cu_c75a-tiger_light_large.b754b5a73c8f2b207942eb046efdbd4cade04513.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'CZ75-Auto', 'item_name': 'Tigris', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ CZ75-Auto | Tigris (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:25:27,052 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:25:27,053 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR Negev%20%7C%20Bratatat%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=Negev%20%7C%20Bratatat%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:25:27,111 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:25:27,559 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:25:27,900 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:25:27,901 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR UMP-45%20%7C%20Labyrinth%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=UMP-45%20%7C%20Labyrinth%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:25:27,967 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:25:28,070 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:25:28,071 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR SCAR-20%20%7C%20Army%20Sheen%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=SCAR-20%20%7C%20Army%20Sheen%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:25:28,134 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:25:29,197 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:25:29,198 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20MP7%20%7C%20Armor%20Core%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20MP7%20%7C%20Armor%20Core%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:25:29,267 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:25:30,065 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:25:30,065 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR Nova%20%7C%20Graphite%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=Nova%20%7C%20Graphite%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:25:30,127 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:25:31,426 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:25:31,427 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Tec-9%20%7C%20Brother%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Tec-9%20%7C%20Brother%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:25:31,497 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:25:32,743 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:25:32,743 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Galil%20AR%20%7C%20Chatterbox%20%28Field-Tested%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Galil%20AR%20%7C%20Chatterbox%20%28Field-Tested%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:25:32,809 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:25:33,131 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:25:33,132 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR P2000%20%7C%20Obsidian%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=P2000%20%7C%20Obsidian%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:25:33,198 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:25:35,158 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:25:35,159 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MAG-7%20%7C%20Monster%20Call%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MAG-7%20%7C%20Monster%20Call%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:25:35,219 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:25:39,772 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:25:39,772 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20MP9%20%7C%20Hypnotic%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20MP9%20%7C%20Hypnotic%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:25:39,848 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:25:40,302 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:25:40,303 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MAC-10%20%7C%20Gold%20Brick%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MAC-10%20%7C%20Gold%20Brick%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:25:40,364 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:25:43,395 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:25:43,396 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR Five-SeveN%20%7C%20Hyper%20Beast%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=Five-SeveN%20%7C%20Hyper%20Beast%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:25:43,460 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:25:43,864 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:25:43,865 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR Dual%20Berettas%20%7C%20Oil%20Change%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=Dual%20Berettas%20%7C%20Oil%20Change%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:25:43,929 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:25:49,073 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:25:49,074 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR M249%20%7C%20Jungle%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=M249%20%7C%20Jungle%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:25:49,141 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:25:49,524 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:25:49,524 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20P90%20%7C%20Grim%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20P90%20%7C%20Grim%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:25:49,592 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:25:52,101 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:25:52,102 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR Sawed-Off%20%7C%20Analog%20Input%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=Sawed-Off%20%7C%20Analog%20Input%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:25:52,174 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:25:53,030 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:25:53,031 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR CZ75-Auto%20%7C%20Midnight%20Palm%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=CZ75-Auto%20%7C%20Midnight%20Palm%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:25:53,100 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:25:53,849 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:25:53,850 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MP5-SD%20%7C%20Autumn%20Twilly%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MP5-SD%20%7C%20Autumn%20Twilly%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:25:53,913 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:25:58,531 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:25:58,533 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR Souvenir%20PP-Bizon%20%7C%20Candy%20Apple%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=Souvenir%20PP-Bizon%20%7C%20Candy%20Apple%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:25:58,599 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:26:00,102 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:26:00,103 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR G3SG1%20%7C%20Desert%20Storm%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=G3SG1%20%7C%20Desert%20Storm%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:26:00,167 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:26:01,610 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:26:01,611 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR XM1014%20%7C%20XOXO%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=XM1014%20%7C%20XOXO%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:26:01,673 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:26:21,785 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-01-22 00:28:05,130 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequest2Captcha: Failed to perform, curl: (35) BoringSSL SSL_connect: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL in connection to steamcommunity.com:443 . See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:133) 2025-01-22 00:29:46,848 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41298891112', 'd': '9846074153173243175', 'paintseed': 676, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 1160, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41298891112', 'floatvalue': 0.06494022905826569, 'm': '645803692319933788', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.61886, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Analog Input', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Sawed-Off | Analog Input (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:29:46,855 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41298891112', 'd': '9846074153173243175', 'paintseed': 676, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 1160, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41298891112', 'floatvalue': 0.06494022905826569, 'm': '645803692319933788', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.61886, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Analog Input', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Sawed-Off | Analog Input (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:29:48,593 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41100526038', 'd': '9667786171057429481', 'paintseed': 557, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 434, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41100526038', 'floatvalue': 0.05699220299720764, 'm': '650307291918280579', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_cu_sawedoff_origami_light_large.5f1b3cef6d518cda69daafddd9b2c240a29cf0cc.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Origami', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Sawed-Off | Origami (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:29:48,599 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41100526038', 'd': '9667786171057429481', 'paintseed': 557, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 434, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41100526038', 'floatvalue': 0.05699220299720764, 'm': '650307291918280579', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_cu_sawedoff_origami_light_large.5f1b3cef6d518cda69daafddd9b2c240a29cf0cc.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Origami', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Sawed-Off | Origami (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:29:57,952 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/Negev%20%7C%20Bratatat%20%28Factory%20New%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 00:29:59,231 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20MP7%20%7C%20Armor%20Core%20%28Factory%20New%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 00:30:05,392 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/UMP-45%20%7C%20Labyrinth%20%28Factory%20New%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 00:30:07,780 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '36445918147', 'd': '1047690425596598728', 'paintseed': 996, 'defindex': 28, 'paintindex': 1012, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4681, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'broken_fang_ancient_beast', 'material': 'broken_fang/ancient_beast', 'name': 'Ancient Beast'}, {'stickerId': 4649, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'recoil_ak47', 'material': 'recoil/ak47_recoil', 'name': 'Hello AK-47'}], 'floatid': '36445918147', 'low_rank': 541, 'high_rank': 592, 'floatvalue': 0.057978421449661255, 'm': '636795858909011714', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_negev_hy_phoenix_tags_red_light_large.6d8ee0ad8e74ea1a6c6af60824445bd1450e34ac.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.65, 'weapon_type': 'Negev', 'item_name': 'Phoenix Stencil', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Negev | Phoenix Stencil (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:30:09,319 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20P250%20%7C%20Splash%20%28Factory%20New%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 00:30:09,463 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Tec-9%20%7C%20Brother%20%28Factory%20New%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 00:30:13,521 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/P2000%20%7C%20Obsidian%20%28Factory%20New%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 00:30:13,693 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40862101925', 'd': '16898076045855550911', 'paintseed': 565, 'defindex': 23, 'paintindex': 846, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40754333713', 'floatvalue': 0.06977728754281998, 'm': '646929592226994629', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp5sd_gs_mp5sd_astromatic_light_large.d7acba118f13e4b7b0d9146dddd32cf71da9210d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MP5-SD', 'item_name': 'Gauss', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MP5-SD | Gauss (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:30:13,745 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/SCAR-20%20%7C%20Army%20Sheen%20%28Factory%20New%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 00:30:14,277 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/Five-SeveN%20%7C%20Hyper%20Beast%20%28Factory%20New%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 00:30:15,933 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MAC-10%20%7C%20Gold%20Brick%20%28Factory%20New%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 00:30:16,337 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Galil%20AR%20%7C%20Chatterbox%20%28Field-Tested%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 00:30:16,716 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41331282140', 'd': '12145834920696283955', 'paintseed': 497, 'defindex': 23, 'paintindex': 781, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41331282140', 'floatvalue': 0.06369107961654663, 'm': '660440391110194715', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp5sd_am_circuitboard_aqua_light_large.205e1ac1b5bfbbfa8f0449cc08b42daf3e4addd2.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'MP5-SD', 'item_name': 'Co-Processor', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MP5-SD | Co-Processor (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:30:17,020 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MAG-7%20%7C%20Monster%20Call%20%28Factory%20New%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 00:30:17,632 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:30:17,633 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR Sawed-Off%20%7C%20Irradiated%20Alert%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=Sawed-Off%20%7C%20Irradiated%20Alert%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:30:17,693 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:30:19,780 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/CZ75-Auto%20%7C%20Midnight%20Palm%20%28Factory%20New%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 00:30:19,851 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20MP9%20%7C%20Hypnotic%20%28Factory%20New%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 00:30:20,281 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/Dual%20Berettas%20%7C%20Oil%20Change%20%28Factory%20New%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 00:30:21,267 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/M249%20%7C%20Jungle%20%28Factory%20New%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 00:30:23,401 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20P90%20%7C%20Grim%20%28Factory%20New%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 00:30:24,156 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '38789504191', 'd': '189756348499482966', 'paintseed': 329, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 795, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38789504191', 'floatvalue': 0.06129198893904686, 'm': '641300092690699314', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_tec9_hy_mesh_safetyorange_light_large.a2564044371c87bb1081753c71f6cfb93f0359c1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Safety Net', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Tec-9 | Safety Net (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:30:24,859 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/Nova%20%7C%20Graphite%20%28Factory%20New%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 00:30:31,044 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/XM1014%20%7C%20XOXO%20%28Factory%20New%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 00:30:31,045 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '5320010932', 'd': '2460276977219391863', 'paintseed': 108, 'defindex': 63, 'paintindex': 298, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '5320010932', 'floatvalue': 0.05205638334155083, 'm': '659314491193913134', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_cz75a_am_army_shine_light_large.26736d48ea09a5284aeb1cf11292bc3e87a56251.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'CZ75-Auto', 'item_name': 'Army Sheen', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'CZ75-Auto | Army Sheen (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:30:32,690 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '38281288465', 'd': '16639861841741775562', 'paintseed': 66, 'defindex': 32, 'paintindex': 21, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38281288465', 'floatvalue': 0.06556418538093567, 'm': '640174192789588283', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_hkp2000_hy_granite_light_large.30d6a68c522ae5dd0cf7a67e07eccb66cf50b04c.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'P2000', 'item_name': 'Granite Marbleized', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P2000 | Granite Marbleized (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:30:34,643 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41326007512', 'd': '12567446556244439801', 'paintseed': 850, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 703, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41326007512', 'floatvalue': 0.06763269007205963, 'm': '651433191850760000', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_aq_mag7_swag7_light_large.20341e396db88a5ecde84f8b803a500f4aec3b55.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.92, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'SWAG-7', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | SWAG-7 (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:30:34,859 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653684991670901954A40762422001D9674871372413499166 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:30:35,864 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:30:37,242 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41211515862', 'd': '16718715222378753335', 'paintseed': 574, 'defindex': 23, 'paintindex': 1231, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7182, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 1, 'offset_x': 0.15312132239341736, 'offset_y': 0.007523983716964722, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_lucaozy_4_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_lucaozy_glitter', 'name': 'Lucaozy (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 7182, 'slot': 7, 'wear': 1, 'offset_x': 0.3067629933357239, 'offset_y': 0.008517473936080933, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_lucaozy_4_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_lucaozy_glitter', 'name': 'Lucaozy (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 7182, 'slot': 7, 'wear': 1, 'offset_x': 0.22966375946998596, 'offset_y': 0.010261327028274536, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_lucaozy_4_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_lucaozy_glitter', 'name': 'Lucaozy (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 7182, 'slot': 4, 'wear': 1, 'offset_x': -0.19530656933784485, 'offset_y': 0.0015531182289123535, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_lucaozy_4_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_lucaozy_glitter', 'name': 'Lucaozy (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 7182, 'slot': 4, 'wear': 1, 'offset_x': -0.12243232131004333, 'offset_y': 0.0043190717697143555, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_lucaozy_4_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_lucaozy_glitter', 'name': 'Lucaozy (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '41082017192', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.03639831021428108, 'm': '636796493066129772', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp5sd_cu_mp5sd_quick_liquidation_light_large.2b446c710928debe38469e33b3b9030bd218c0e3.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MP5-SD', 'item_name': 'Liquidation', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MP5-SD | Liquidation (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:30:37,590 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654810891574664445A40736288035D12160361413112061079 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:30:38,595 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:30:40,017 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:30:40,018 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR Negev%20%7C%20Palm%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=Negev%20%7C%20Palm%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:30:40,020 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/G3SG1%20%7C%20Desert%20Storm%20%28Factory%20New%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 00:30:40,114 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:30:40,463 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41329687768', 'd': '14414596127737333977', 'paintseed': 312, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 1154, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41329687768', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06679978966712952, 'm': '637922392973079403', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_gs_p90_tangled_light_large.d1c6b11dc6876f1cf546281df8b8fac68a037518.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Vent Rush', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ P90 | Vent Rush (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:30:41,608 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41309668964', 'd': '7642092402304894008', 'paintseed': 919, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 141, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41309668964', 'low_rank': 911, 'floatvalue': 0.062602698802948, 'm': '646929592222014899', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_sp_tape_orange_light_large.77854282ffc131b7bbe878c140b3c41bfb735242.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Orange Peel', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MP9 | Orange Peel (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:30:41,693 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41349283817', 'd': '14150460010005768631', 'paintseed': 660, 'defindex': 23, 'paintindex': 810, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40943239397', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06984969973564148, 'm': '639048292832389352', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp5sd_gs_mp5_festival_drip_light_large.c71af0a784e5ecd6e5d5f2f71961be155e283cde.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'MP5-SD', 'item_name': 'Phosphor', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MP5-SD | Phosphor (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:30:44,799 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/Souvenir%20PP-Bizon%20%7C%20Candy%20Apple%20%28Factory%20New%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 00:30:45,902 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692825825023310A41293386647D11992711977742805598 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:30:46,909 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:30:47,689 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660440391110242955A40101638743D11567014790822558091 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:30:48,202 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '23442706403', 'd': '2792385736740129835', 'paintseed': 309, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 534, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '23442706403', 'floatvalue': 0.06959673762321472, 'm': '658188591293665023', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_am_mac10_electricity_light_large.88207515fce5ebad84df16d60ff2203a5d4a2702.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Lapis Gator', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Lapis Gator (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:30:48,680 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40977047778', 'd': '12124929099135865249', 'paintseed': 741, 'defindex': 13, 'paintindex': 246, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6060, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'rio2022_team_iem_gold', 'material': 'rio2022/iem_gold', 'name': 'IEM (Gold) | Rio 2022'}, {'stickerId': 1690, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'de_dust2_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_dust2_gold', 'name': 'Dust II (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 5976, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'rio2022_team_navi_gold', 'material': 'rio2022/navi_gold', 'name': 'Natus Vincere (Gold) | Rio 2022'}, {'stickerId': 6004, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'rio2022_team_big_gold', 'material': 'rio2022/big_gold', 'name': 'BIG (Gold) | Rio 2022'}], 'floatid': '40977047778', 'low_rank': 153, 'floatvalue': 0.023371906951069832, 'm': '646929592225955069', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_galilar_aa_fade_metallic_light_large.6910731d5c0d857052afbba2d24416156a6a96ba.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'Galil AR', 'item_name': 'Amber Fade', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir Galil AR | Amber Fade (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:30:48,696 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:30:48,712 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M652559726664483587A41493481097D7359038947814933650 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:30:49,720 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:30:49,968 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41440803682', 'd': '11586776818032756230', 'paintseed': 249, 'defindex': 32, 'paintindex': 246, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41440803682', 'floatvalue': 0.06999766081571579, 'm': '635670593157869981', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_hkp2000_aa_fade_metallic_light_large.8efd81c9cf483adb6bdf58508800f62d3fc72310.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'P2000', 'item_name': 'Amber Fade', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P2000 | Amber Fade (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:30:50,414 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41492372328', 'd': '11728613725008145965', 'paintseed': 173, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 1244, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41311604016', 'low_rank': 751, 'floatvalue': 0.037288665771484375, 'm': '664943990732431958', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_cu_mac10_scarab_light_large.3dce90df4da34a30c0437a51e90fc77d08bbe2f3.png', 'min': 0.02, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Echoing Sands', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Echoing Sands (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:30:51,077 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654810891574665135A41493412760D12136298161032965094 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:30:51,564 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41319856785', 'd': '14717979363256386111', 'paintseed': 218, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 726, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41319856785', 'low_rank': 771, 'high_rank': 504, 'floatvalue': 0.05905020236968994, 'm': '645803692313090878', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_sp_bloom_orange_light_large.e3e14184d5d31c9484b7697d7f38aafa3a479e20.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Sunset Lily', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Sunset Lily (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:30:51,569 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41319856785', 'd': '14717979363256386111', 'paintseed': 218, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 726, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41319856785', 'low_rank': 771, 'high_rank': 504, 'floatvalue': 0.05905020236968994, 'm': '645803692313090878', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_sp_bloom_orange_light_large.e3e14184d5d31c9484b7697d7f38aafa3a479e20.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Sunset Lily', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Sunset Lily (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:30:51,717 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '27564597897', 'd': '11997640973812699133', 'paintseed': 110, 'defindex': 23, 'paintindex': 949, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5367, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_pgl', 'material': 'antwerp2022/pgl', 'name': 'PGL | Antwerp 2022'}], 'floatid': '27531639164', 'floatvalue': 0.0404544398188591, 'm': '643551892504694456', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp5sd_cu_mp5_desert_strike_light_large.44958e2a47446043d6c929d5f4b4e3bea10f41c9.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MP5-SD', 'item_name': 'Desert Strike', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MP5-SD | Desert Strike (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:30:52,085 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:30:52,799 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41492311120', 'd': '7065209660518475244', 'paintseed': 758, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 1230, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41141862759', 'floatvalue': 0.04022621735930443, 'm': '657062691394861907', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_cu_p250_rebuilt_light_large.69d4fcb9a8151d09818d1c26cf4c7b03d046b5a1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.9, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Re.built', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Re.built (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:30:52,979 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692825825023310A41293386647D11992711977742805598 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:30:53,983 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:30:55,398 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660440391110275625A40233633007D208963054288730380 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:30:55,468 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41482484358', 'd': '17009044661791229832', 'paintseed': 934, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 848, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41238109154', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.05900125578045845, 'm': '659314491200575594', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_aq_p250_verdigris_light_large.379d19af038211ca3bf7d20c4c75726e9be36856.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Verdigris', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ P250 | Verdigris (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:30:56,403 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:30:57,550 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '37470152419', 'd': '10270037477641458541', 'paintseed': 254, 'defindex': 13, 'paintindex': 647, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '36688527741', 'low_rank': 195, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.045122213661670685, 'm': '660440391110220125', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_galilar_sp_galil_wave_light_large.0a4761ebb660428a77a622885054e1c44cf03959.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'Galil AR', 'item_name': 'Crimson Tsunami', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Galil AR | Crimson Tsunami (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:30:57,558 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '37470152419', 'd': '10270037477641458541', 'paintseed': 254, 'defindex': 13, 'paintindex': 647, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '36688527741', 'low_rank': 195, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.045122213661670685, 'm': '660440391110220125', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_galilar_sp_galil_wave_light_large.0a4761ebb660428a77a622885054e1c44cf03959.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'Galil AR', 'item_name': 'Crimson Tsunami', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Galil AR | Crimson Tsunami (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:30:58,115 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654810891574665135A41493412760D12136298161032965094 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:30:58,713 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M667195790552036731A40492721388D16483816812779815136 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:30:59,120 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:30:59,719 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:31:00,030 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692825825023310A41293386647D11992711977742805598 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:31:01,034 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:31:02,082 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40874707938', 'd': '751125639746829501', 'paintseed': 303, 'defindex': 11, 'paintindex': 712, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40874707938', 'floatvalue': 0.06401517987251282, 'm': '652559091736708390', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_g3sg1_gs_g3sg1_buccaneer_light_large.68c69e9856fd43f17a4165d1f27116496657fd00.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'G3SG1', 'item_name': 'High Seas', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'G3SG1 | High Seas (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:02,445 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660440391110275625A40233633007D208963054288730380 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:31:03,451 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:31:03,645 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41479934088', 'd': '14161641909245324114', 'paintseed': 659, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 612, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41277555263', 'low_rank': 370, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06662627309560776, 'm': '649181392034907258', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_gs_scar20_powercore_light_large.74bcd65b1a4a52dd397ede5aa59b860ca4c38939.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Powercore', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ SCAR-20 | Powercore (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:03,775 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41490003850', 'd': '12449650178245083359', 'paintseed': 712, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 244, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41489173550', 'floatvalue': 0.0683637484908104, 'm': '658188591292684503', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_sp_mesh_hot_and_cold_light_large.b1e759ec76815883bf3e293215e3858eaa0763b1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Teardown', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Teardown (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:05,056 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635670593159047871A40013325350D929441921367015768 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:31:05,165 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654810891574665135A41493412760D12136298161032965094 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:31:05,947 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:31:06,061 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:31:06,195 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:31:06,951 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:31:08,416 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '35727401201', 'd': '7974329224839187088', 'paintseed': 587, 'defindex': 2, 'paintindex': 625, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35727401201', 'floatvalue': 0.06974943727254868, 'm': '646929592226117009', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_elite_gs_dual_berettas_golden_venice_light_large.23d73db6cf2b2a7af26414d26373171dd3be06b1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Dual Berettas', 'item_name': 'Royal Consorts', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Dual Berettas | Royal Consorts (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:08,424 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '35727401201', 'd': '7974329224839187088', 'paintseed': 587, 'defindex': 2, 'paintindex': 625, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35727401201', 'floatvalue': 0.06974943727254868, 'm': '646929592226117009', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_elite_gs_dual_berettas_golden_venice_light_large.23d73db6cf2b2a7af26414d26373171dd3be06b1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Dual Berettas', 'item_name': 'Royal Consorts', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Dual Berettas | Royal Consorts (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:08,776 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637922392973324413A41493450791D2660084002180620244 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:31:09,697 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 0, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41428767958', 'd': '7991684303448824389', 'paintseed': 279, 'defindex': 25, 'paintindex': 205, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41013230386', 'low_rank': 31, 'high_rank': 329, 'floatvalue': 0.06633426994085312, 'm': '668321690433163521', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_xm1014_so_jungle_bravo_light_large.0b0998c1c247ffc870bbdbc4c53696cd8a974f30.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'XM1014', 'item_name': 'Jungle', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Timed Drop', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'XM1014 | Jungle (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:09,780 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:31:09,819 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636796493066891142A40992934403D2630806603359607237 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:31:10,824 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:31:11,483 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '36101155647', 'd': '9532544736962138214', 'paintseed': 138, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 916, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6700, 'slot': 0, 'offset_x': -0.05289047956466675, 'offset_y': 0.16497394442558289, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_mngz', 'material': 'paris2023/mngz', 'name': 'The MongolZ | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '36101155647', 'low_rank': 141, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.050704069435596466, 'm': '645803692319839948', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_cu_ump_bomb_light_large.48162f997295cb72c35acb2eafbef620b60a1659.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Plastique', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ UMP-45 | Plastique (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:11,744 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41238419707', 'd': '5387658294165126074', 'paintseed': 848, 'defindex': 14, 'paintindex': 983, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41214693150', 'low_rank': 772, 'floatvalue': 0.04496167600154877, 'm': '653684991623373164', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m249_cu_m249_deep_relief_light_large.227a01518f45cbb6a43981e36b76f60785f9085b.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'M249', 'item_name': 'Deep Relief', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'M249 | Deep Relief (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:11,796 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 00:31:11,797 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MAG-7%20%7C%20Justice%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MAG-7%20%7C%20Justice%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 00:31:11,868 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:31:12,101 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635670593159047871A40013325350D929441921367015768 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:31:12,163 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41339080503', 'd': '16441144705844140865', 'paintseed': 877, 'defindex': 13, 'paintindex': 629, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7327, 'slot': 1, 'offset_x': -0.0022704601287841797, 'offset_y': 0.003736525774002075, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_mngz_glitter', 'material': 'cph2024/mngz_glitter', 'name': 'The MongolZ (Glitter) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 4024, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': -0.2379748523235321, 'offset_y': -0.013689190149307251, 'codename': 'berlin2019_team_ence_holo', 'material': 'berlin2019/ence_holo', 'name': 'ENCE (Holo) | Berlin 2019'}], 'floatid': '38150862127', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06579262018203735, 'm': '663818090830819567', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_galilar_cu_galil_ar-camo_light_large.63272b54e93d40433f8ceec41efec2004d51941d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Galil AR', 'item_name': 'Black Sand', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Galil AR | Black Sand (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:12,238 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654810891574665135A41493412760D12136298161032965094 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:31:12,254 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41484029246', 'd': '3360811284920736763', 'paintseed': 394, 'defindex': 63, 'paintindex': 268, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41241530292', 'low_rank': 411, 'high_rank': 131, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06577908992767334, 'm': '666069890636688720', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_cz75a_am_diamond_plate_light_large.ef425c82bae5d971bd5e1e9c54b9cd2f992e4e16.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'CZ75-Auto', 'item_name': 'Tread Plate', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ CZ75-Auto | Tread Plate (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:12,985 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:31:13,108 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:31:13,244 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:31:13,991 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:31:14,467 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41297612445', 'd': '16197869658029257668', 'paintseed': 74, 'defindex': 28, 'paintindex': 483, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41297612445', 'low_rank': 112, 'floatvalue': 0.14417415857315063, 'm': '641300092690649514', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_negev_cu_negev_annihilator_light_large.421039357ccbbcb9ba1456caa1ed2ae4829b5495.png', 'min': 0.14, 'max': 0.65, 'weapon_type': 'Negev', 'item_name': 'Loudmouth', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Minimal Wear', 'full_item_name': 'Negev | Loudmouth (Minimal Wear)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:15,113 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41329997725', 'd': '14422287469043164403', 'paintseed': 450, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 1128, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41329997725', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06789819896221161, 'm': '641300092691276634', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_cu_fiveseven_alpha_omega_light_large.698d00d53621c1b2358655aaff4f729bc0ed6300.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Scrawl', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Five-SeveN | Scrawl (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:15,816 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637922392973324413A41493450791D2660084002180620244 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:31:16,820 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:31:16,857 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M663818090831199967A41493436996D11826698958398010699 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:31:16,858 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636796493066891142A40992934403D2630806603359607237 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:31:17,719 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658188591293691603A41317371386D9812396773442718534 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:31:17,863 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:31:17,864 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:31:18,731 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:31:19,226 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '30837161267', 'd': '14179689842881786547', 'paintseed': 775, 'defindex': 11, 'paintindex': 980, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '30837161267', 'floatvalue': 0.06681287288665771, 'm': '646929592211366519', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_g3sg1_gs_g3sg1_disrupt_light_large.393db5c1a143ad7fc9e3c42a7d17ca860ce490ab.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'G3SG1', 'item_name': 'Digital Mesh', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'G3SG1 | Digital Mesh (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:19,278 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654810891574665135A41493412760D12136298161032965094 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:31:20,283 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:31:21,191 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41489235051', 'd': '13991605327028349700', 'paintseed': 842, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 777, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41489235051', 'floatvalue': 0.06212959438562393, 'm': '659314491203403004', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_blueprint_red_light_large.aff5f9b0847413a1749e8636dfc9a92d1ed77f3e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Facility Draft', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Facility Draft (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:21,200 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41489235051', 'd': '13991605327028349700', 'paintseed': 842, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 777, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41489235051', 'floatvalue': 0.06212959438562393, 'm': '659314491203403004', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_blueprint_red_light_large.aff5f9b0847413a1749e8636dfc9a92d1ed77f3e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Facility Draft', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Facility Draft (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:21,455 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41278533318', 'd': '14000214325736163910', 'paintseed': 204, 'defindex': 32, 'paintindex': 1224, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41278533318', 'low_rank': 938, 'floatvalue': 0.06601004302501678, 'm': '643551892499939126', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_hkp2000_cu_p2000_decline_light_large.7f57145674a5e41b3b8e7fe70be4ffbb57ec6f84.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'P2000', 'item_name': 'Wicked Sick', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P2000 | Wicked Sick (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:22,248 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M664943990732764448A41493372642D5362136387174408912 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:31:22,552 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '23551032423', 'd': '4800853467485971131', 'paintseed': 695, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 1077, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '23551032423', 'low_rank': 774, 'high_rank': 265, 'floatvalue': 0.06318424642086029, 'm': '640174192775013743', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_hy_vertigoillusion_yellow_light_large.73fdfc85585fff74804a6f22179406a48ce74947.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Interlock', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Interlock (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:23,253 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:31:23,820 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692190922036306A41306888359D14721711106793197287 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:31:23,923 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636796493066891142A40992934403D2630806603359607237 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:31:24,753 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41303458054', 'd': '739965185851392504', 'paintseed': 210, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 954, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41303458054', 'floatvalue': 0.06999973952770233, 'm': '659314491202864234', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_gs_scar20_enforcer_light_large.20eba3a5a84f35019ceb7faae45a0b4246a72998.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Enforcer', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Enforcer (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:24,801 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658188591293691603A41317371386D9812396773442718534 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:31:24,825 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:31:24,939 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660440391110267645A41311477638D461197162233348799 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:31:24,943 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:31:25,807 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:31:25,944 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:31:26,339 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654810891574665135A41493412760D12136298161032965094 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:31:27,344 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:31:28,091 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40746239435', 'd': '11541257782284266068', 'paintseed': 93, 'defindex': 2, 'paintindex': 895, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '22668716690', 'floatvalue': 0.06690296530723572, 'm': '652559091762486160', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_elite_gs_dual_elites_rose_light_large.8df8980203b198879875be44656361ccbb41791e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Dual Berettas', 'item_name': 'Balance', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Dual Berettas | Balance (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:28,257 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41215469729', 'd': '333486971681061497', 'paintseed': 793, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 754, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41215469729', 'floatvalue': 0.057912614196538925, 'm': '662691556805040580', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_aq_steel_inferno_light_large.4313699bf1fb212a490703f11b20dab3479ebe9c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Rust Coat', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Rust Coat (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:28,560 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658188591293711733A41493404979D3363067883653386644 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:31:28,597 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '36195638847', 'd': '11847895718898608209', 'paintseed': 391, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 170, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '36195638847', 'floatvalue': 0.06473623961210251, 'm': '640174192789444313', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_sp_zebracam_light_large.4a13bdc4fa3b5cd7d89c8cc83700d3a13326a6c3.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Predator', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Predator (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:28,602 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '36195638847', 'd': '11847895718898608209', 'paintseed': 391, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 170, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '36195638847', 'floatvalue': 0.06473623961210251, 'm': '640174192789444313', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_sp_zebracam_light_large.4a13bdc4fa3b5cd7d89c8cc83700d3a13326a6c3.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Predator', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Predator (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:29,567 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:31:30,104 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41404174122', 'd': '16297973045837676219', 'paintseed': 158, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 100, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40581414237', 'low_rank': 102, 'floatvalue': 0.06283017247915268, 'm': '640174192777640363', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_so_stormfront_light_large.40f72ef6782f32f64bd883923fedfe0d1512d582.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Storm', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir MAG-7 | Storm (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:30,854 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692190922036306A41306888359D14721711106793197287 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:31:30,913 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '2378334867', 'd': '16303846662895237438', 'paintseed': 855, 'defindex': 14, 'paintindex': 266, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '2378334867', 'low_rank': 206, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.057759884744882584, 'm': '653684991641788484', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m249_aq_obsidian_light_large.c8a38c9354c2f4531f0802eaa49caa9878bbf9ed.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'M249', 'item_name': 'Magma', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ M249 | Magma (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:30,921 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '2378334867', 'd': '16303846662895237438', 'paintseed': 855, 'defindex': 14, 'paintindex': 266, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '2378334867', 'low_rank': 206, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.057759884744882584, 'm': '653684991641788484', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m249_aq_obsidian_light_large.c8a38c9354c2f4531f0802eaa49caa9878bbf9ed.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'M249', 'item_name': 'Magma', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ M249 | Magma (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:31,837 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658188591293691603A41317371386D9812396773442718534 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:31:31,862 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:31:32,001 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660440391110267645A41311477638D461197162233348799 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:31:32,517 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '39743080247', 'd': '5651601943933459924', 'paintseed': 332, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 1159, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39743080247', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.04334443435072899, 'm': '659314491196268374', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.9, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Slag', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Tec-9 | Slag (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:32,546 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '39743080247', 'd': '5651601943933459924', 'paintseed': 332, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 1159, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39743080247', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.04334443435072899, 'm': '659314491196268374', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.9, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Slag', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Tec-9 | Slag (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:32,841 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:31:33,008 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:31:33,382 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654810891574665135A41493412760D12136298161032965094 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:31:33,486 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '35361103954', 'd': '14144342054671753883', 'paintseed': 119, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 299, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35361103954', 'floatvalue': 0.06863074749708176, 'm': '649181392040842788', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_am_oval_hex_light_large.766118990b3726617ed6203e95abc71417dbd057.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Caged Steel', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Caged Steel (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:33,495 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '35361103954', 'd': '14144342054671753883', 'paintseed': 119, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 299, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35361103954', 'floatvalue': 0.06863074749708176, 'm': '649181392040842788', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_am_oval_hex_light_large.766118990b3726617ed6203e95abc71417dbd057.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Caged Steel', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Caged Steel (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:33,503 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '35361103954', 'd': '14144342054671753883', 'paintseed': 119, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 299, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35361103954', 'floatvalue': 0.06863074749708176, 'm': '649181392040842788', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_am_oval_hex_light_large.766118990b3726617ed6203e95abc71417dbd057.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Caged Steel', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Caged Steel (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:33,511 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '35361103954', 'd': '14144342054671753883', 'paintseed': 119, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 299, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35361103954', 'floatvalue': 0.06863074749708176, 'm': '649181392040842788', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_am_oval_hex_light_large.766118990b3726617ed6203e95abc71417dbd057.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Caged Steel', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Caged Steel (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:33,578 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '40005998438', 'd': '5629581192416208084', 'paintseed': 377, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 910, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39799427408', 'floatvalue': 0.06883290410041809, 'm': '667195790547108721', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_cu_mp9_hydra_light_large.b7763a811b3bc9d19d04502fba0edc6cbe355766.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Hydra', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MP9 | Hydra (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:33,586 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '40005998438', 'd': '5629581192416208084', 'paintseed': 377, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 910, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39799427408', 'floatvalue': 0.06883290410041809, 'm': '667195790547108721', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_cu_mp9_hydra_light_large.b7763a811b3bc9d19d04502fba0edc6cbe355766.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Hydra', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MP9 | Hydra (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:34,387 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:31:34,614 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658188591293698533A41221317374D5684108188035059418 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:31:35,549 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048292880841722A41493319326D16429175593146839410 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:31:35,618 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:31:36,062 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41328663177', 'd': '14315366954965165850', 'paintseed': 370, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 1139, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41328663177', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.05083439499139786, 'm': '655936791475354276', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_sp_scar_chickenfight_light_large.b32fde27f0f45456b4c1e5f049be6f44bc8649b7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.57, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Poultrygeist', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ SCAR-20 | Poultrygeist (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:36,080 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41328663177', 'd': '14315366954965165850', 'paintseed': 370, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 1139, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41328663177', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.05083439499139786, 'm': '655936791475354276', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_sp_scar_chickenfight_light_large.b32fde27f0f45456b4c1e5f049be6f44bc8649b7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.57, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Poultrygeist', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ SCAR-20 | Poultrygeist (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:36,096 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41328663177', 'd': '14315366954965165850', 'paintseed': 370, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 1139, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41328663177', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.05083439499139786, 'm': '655936791475354276', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_sp_scar_chickenfight_light_large.b32fde27f0f45456b4c1e5f049be6f44bc8649b7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.57, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Poultrygeist', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ SCAR-20 | Poultrygeist (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:36,338 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41320946064', 'd': '14474576522807691475', 'paintseed': 415, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 593, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41320946064', 'low_rank': 785, 'floatvalue': 0.04199880734086037, 'm': '659314491202859704', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_gs_p90_full_throttle_light_large.70ef68d70617eb318e2df05e09f780448a1baf0d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Chopper', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Chopper (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:36,557 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:31:37,001 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '29802544498', 'd': '17006969237521442544', 'paintseed': 389, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 820, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4977, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_gamb_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/gamb_gold', 'name': 'Gambit Gaming (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 1692, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'de_mirage_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_mirage_gold', 'name': 'Mirage (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 4965, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_navi_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/navi_gold', 'name': 'Natus Vincere (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 5053, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_pgl_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/pgl_gold', 'name': 'PGL (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}], 'floatid': '29802544498', 'floatvalue': 0.06644307076931, 'm': '648051868337805791', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_am_mirage_flowers_metalic_light_large.19bdfea08b854122c4e7e71852bddda9a59ed3cd.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Music Box', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir MP9 | Music Box (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:37,007 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '29802544498', 'd': '17006969237521442544', 'paintseed': 389, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 820, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4977, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_gamb_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/gamb_gold', 'name': 'Gambit Gaming (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 1692, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'de_mirage_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_mirage_gold', 'name': 'Mirage (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 4965, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_navi_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/navi_gold', 'name': 'Natus Vincere (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 5053, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_pgl_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/pgl_gold', 'name': 'PGL (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}], 'floatid': '29802544498', 'floatvalue': 0.06644307076931, 'm': '648051868337805791', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_am_mirage_flowers_metalic_light_large.19bdfea08b854122c4e7e71852bddda9a59ed3cd.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Music Box', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir MP9 | Music Box (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:37,044 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41333499819', 'd': '5362842427754448427', 'paintseed': 839, 'defindex': 33, 'paintindex': 28, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41333499819', 'floatvalue': 0.06740649789571762, 'm': '652559091761746780', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp7_an_navy_light_large.7b705336c3ee472db933931597f0ab191217b3dc.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MP7', 'item_name': 'Anodized Navy', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MP7 | Anodized Navy (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:37,050 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41333499819', 'd': '5362842427754448427', 'paintseed': 839, 'defindex': 33, 'paintindex': 28, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41333499819', 'floatvalue': 0.06740649789571762, 'm': '652559091761746780', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp7_an_navy_light_large.7b705336c3ee472db933931597f0ab191217b3dc.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MP7', 'item_name': 'Anodized Navy', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MP7 | Anodized Navy (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:37,895 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692190922036306A41306888359D14721711106793197287 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:31:37,938 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41141804333', 'd': '624314129591153244', 'paintseed': 330, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 3, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41141804333', 'floatvalue': 0.03220782428979874, 'm': '646929592227379709', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_so_red_light_large.0ee9cada135b87096b447521a05c0a2d437bf9ff.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Candy Apple', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'PP-Bizon | Candy Apple (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:37,945 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41141804333', 'd': '624314129591153244', 'paintseed': 330, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 3, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41141804333', 'floatvalue': 0.03220782428979874, 'm': '646929592227379709', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_so_red_light_large.0ee9cada135b87096b447521a05c0a2d437bf9ff.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Candy Apple', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'PP-Bizon | Candy Apple (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:37,955 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41141804333', 'd': '624314129591153244', 'paintseed': 330, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 3, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41141804333', 'floatvalue': 0.03220782428979874, 'm': '646929592227379709', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_so_red_light_large.0ee9cada135b87096b447521a05c0a2d437bf9ff.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Candy Apple', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'PP-Bizon | Candy Apple (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:37,971 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41141804333', 'd': '624314129591153244', 'paintseed': 330, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 3, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41141804333', 'floatvalue': 0.03220782428979874, 'm': '646929592227379709', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_so_red_light_large.0ee9cada135b87096b447521a05c0a2d437bf9ff.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Candy Apple', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'PP-Bizon | Candy Apple (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:38,873 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658188591293691603A41317371386D9812396773442718534 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:31:38,898 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:31:38,940 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174192790078753A41493362468D5242368383209249362 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:31:39,263 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '29421547731', 'd': '11965150019196846325', 'paintseed': 137, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 890, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '29421547731', 'low_rank': 513, 'floatvalue': 0.049246061593294144, 'm': '635670593158928201', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_cu_nova_featherswing_light_large.49e81792746dc7844ff18c45fb23030cd8b66d59.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Plume', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Plume (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:39,878 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:31:39,945 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:31:40,416 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654810891574665135A41493412760D12136298161032965094 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:31:41,420 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:31:41,545 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41284278336', 'd': '3054249953909813913', 'paintseed': 445, 'defindex': 11, 'paintindex': 382, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41284278336', 'low_rank': 760, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.03569748252630234, 'm': '662692190920116036', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_g3sg1_am_g3sg1_murky_light_large.bc4e8d0e70d2952576d5c9653da71f21bc02b810.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.25, 'weapon_type': 'G3SG1', 'item_name': 'Murky', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ G3SG1 | Murky (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:42,650 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307291947533549A30406640757D7549242466724216688 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:31:42,874 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654810891574665375A3183254052D4945665899356345126 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:31:43,665 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:31:43,784 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637922392973315983A40995457979D7650600239611466311 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:31:43,891 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:31:44,794 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:31:44,926 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692190922036306A41306888359D14721711106793197287 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:31:45,120 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '13839631403', 'd': '784416799441493314', 'paintseed': 605, 'defindex': 28, 'paintindex': 240, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 2483, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'boston2018_team_navi_gold', 'material': 'boston2018/navi_gold', 'name': 'Natus Vincere (Gold) | Boston 2018'}, {'stickerId': 2495, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'boston2018_team_faze_gold', 'material': 'boston2018/faze_gold', 'name': 'FaZe Clan (Gold) | Boston 2018'}, {'stickerId': 2535, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'boston2018_team_eleague_gold', 'material': 'boston2018/eleague_gold', 'name': 'ELEAGUE (Gold) | Boston 2018'}, {'stickerId': 2779, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'boston2018_signature_niko_gold', 'material': 'boston2018/sig_niko_gold', 'name': 'NiKo (Gold) | Boston 2018'}], 'floatid': '13839631403', 'low_rank': 115, 'high_rank': 449, 'floatvalue': 0.053714852780103683, 'm': '651432104536013768', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_negev_hy_varicamo_desert_light_large.169bd7cc986fe8b3411c2f8dc484dad4ee9fff71.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'Negev', 'item_name': 'CaliCamo', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir Negev | CaliCamo (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:45,731 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40117730746', 'd': '12109278136765942458', 'paintseed': 52, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 549, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '23822271760', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.05343812704086304, 'm': '654810891574576215', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_am_mp9_bioleak_light_large.d9b0d0e9fea2104871e0510bd704bfa03cdd6056.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Bioleak', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MP9 | Bioleak (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:45,753 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40117730746', 'd': '12109278136765942458', 'paintseed': 52, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 549, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '23822271760', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.05343812704086304, 'm': '654810891574576215', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_am_mp9_bioleak_light_large.d9b0d0e9fea2104871e0510bd704bfa03cdd6056.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Bioleak', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MP9 | Bioleak (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:45,921 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41491999782', 'd': '7845981420729405011', 'paintseed': 837, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 44, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7338, 'slot': 5, 'offset_x': 0.25891268253326416, 'offset_y': 0.27365317940711975, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_koi', 'material': 'cph2024/koi', 'name': 'KOI | Copenhagen 2024'}], 'floatid': '37941126676', 'low_rank': 682, 'floatvalue': 0.03500135987997055, 'm': '659314491204544384', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_aq_oiled_light_large.fdaa095453965b2be93f8aa90ae469d926fac4e7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Case Hardened', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Five-SeveN | Case Hardened (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:45,924 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658188591293691603A41317371386D9812396773442718534 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:31:45,930 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:31:46,019 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41306617831', 'd': '14438653106068088835', 'paintseed': 231, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 1229, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41306617831', 'floatvalue': 0.3722738027572632, 'm': '653684991670605254', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_cu_mac10_sakkaku_light_large.b590689d0ca099e8a759dd0a86da0710a58bca42.png', 'min': 0.21, 'max': 0.79, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Sakkaku', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Sakkaku (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:46,178 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41194299985', 'd': '5345366139416146609', 'paintseed': 217, 'defindex': 11, 'paintindex': 606, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41194299985', 'floatvalue': 0.053122006356716156, 'm': '657062691395018597', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_g3sg1_gs_g3sg1_ventilator_light_large.5cd3643d4d9cd0599e25a1302e788611bd9a0023.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.45, 'weapon_type': 'G3SG1', 'item_name': 'Ventilator', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'G3SG1 | Ventilator (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:46,940 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:31:47,413 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '40896087896', 'd': '2940362400420978261', 'paintseed': 985, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 34, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40896087896', 'floatvalue': 0.030291857197880745, 'm': '666069890639306610', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_am_urban_light_large.49c3b842a021265e8dd66f05ebe20fc76a6dfdba.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Metallic DDPAT', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Metallic DDPAT (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:47,419 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '40896087896', 'd': '2940362400420978261', 'paintseed': 985, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 34, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40896087896', 'floatvalue': 0.030291857197880745, 'm': '666069890639306610', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_am_urban_light_large.49c3b842a021265e8dd66f05ebe20fc76a6dfdba.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Metallic DDPAT', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Metallic DDPAT (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:47,425 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '40896087896', 'd': '2940362400420978261', 'paintseed': 985, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 34, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40896087896', 'floatvalue': 0.030291857197880745, 'm': '666069890639306610', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_am_urban_light_large.49c3b842a021265e8dd66f05ebe20fc76a6dfdba.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Metallic DDPAT', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Metallic DDPAT (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:47,430 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '40896087896', 'd': '2940362400420978261', 'paintseed': 985, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 34, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40896087896', 'floatvalue': 0.030291857197880745, 'm': '666069890639306610', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_am_urban_light_large.49c3b842a021265e8dd66f05ebe20fc76a6dfdba.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Metallic DDPAT', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Metallic DDPAT (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:47,683 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658188591293720433A41271109589D606402853753203802 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:31:48,245 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '6634758872', 'd': '16899975332561115207', 'paintseed': 411, 'defindex': 25, 'paintindex': 314, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '6634758872', 'low_rank': 317, 'high_rank': 116, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.0697987750172615, 'm': '642425992599780985', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_xm1014_cu_xm1014_heaven_guard_light_large.c7f3f8815f9caa92daa5ffe4390880c1606f4a81.png', 'min': 0.03, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'XM1014', 'item_name': 'Heaven Guard', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ XM1014 | Heaven Guard (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:48,409 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41328212192', 'd': '7369688263914754916', 'paintseed': 406, 'defindex': 28, 'paintindex': 1152, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6684, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_gray', 'material': 'paris2023/gray', 'name': 'Grayhound Gaming | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6684, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_gray', 'material': 'paris2023/gray', 'name': 'Grayhound Gaming | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6684, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': 0.22547215223312378, 'offset_y': 0.004484713077545166, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_gray', 'material': 'paris2023/gray', 'name': 'Grayhound Gaming | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6684, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': 0.1749941110610962, 'offset_y': 0.0058644115924835205, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_gray', 'material': 'paris2023/gray', 'name': 'Grayhound Gaming | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6684, 'slot': 2, 'offset_x': 0.23697985708713531, 'offset_y': -0.09919197857379913, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_gray', 'material': 'paris2023/gray', 'name': 'Grayhound Gaming | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '39136359382', 'floatvalue': 0.06034739315509796, 'm': '636796493066637402', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_negev_cu_negev_clear_sky_light_large.fc6f06d0f44e71207660f44b9b56021ce42a7e46.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Negev', 'item_name': 'Drop Me', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Negev | Drop Me (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:48,690 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:31:49,148 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41329491666', 'd': '2651494892858008662', 'paintseed': 490, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 549, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41329491666', 'floatvalue': 0.06568758189678192, 'm': '657062691395160647', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_am_mp9_bioleak_light_large.d9b0d0e9fea2104871e0510bd704bfa03cdd6056.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Bioleak', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MP9 | Bioleak (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:49,315 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41493107530', 'd': '14902000370529409007', 'paintseed': 555, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 434, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '37756390863', 'low_rank': 885, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.04936409741640091, 'm': '652559091763273480', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_cu_sawedoff_origami_light_large.5f1b3cef6d518cda69daafddd9b2c240a29cf0cc.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Origami', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Sawed-Off | Origami (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:49,975 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654810891574665375A3183254052D4945665899356345126 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:31:50,631 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41447439479', 'd': '16160795690202561836', 'paintseed': 304, 'defindex': 28, 'paintindex': 317, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41327916050', 'low_rank': 216, 'high_rank': 915, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06061486899852753, 'm': '635670593140090751', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_negev_cu_bratatat_negev_light_large.b7589c335fb7066d53b1897e000f031d316641e6.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Negev', 'item_name': 'Bratatat', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Negev | Bratatat (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:50,865 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637922392973315983A40995457979D7650600239611466311 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:31:50,920 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40077618420', 'd': '7097789760221180508', 'paintseed': 595, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 13, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6963, 'slot': 2, 'offset_x': 0.03868842124938965, 'offset_y': 0.004493921995162964, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_flamez_1_holo', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_flamez_holo', 'name': 'FlameZ (Holo) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6967, 'slot': 0, 'offset_x': -0.0833381712436676, 'offset_y': 0.0035437047481536865, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_neofrag_1_holo', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_neofrag_holo', 'name': 'NEOFRAG (Holo) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6955, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': 0.14956718683242798, 'offset_y': -0.06739240884780884, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_degster_1_holo', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_degster_holo', 'name': 'degster (Holo) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6653, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': 0.19400787353515625, 'offset_y': -0.06754127144813538, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_og_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/og_glitter', 'name': 'OG (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6653, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': 0.23775868117809296, 'offset_y': -0.06776587665081024, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_og_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/og_glitter', 'name': 'OG (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '40077618420', 'low_rank': 122, 'high_rank': 753, 'floatvalue': 0.06762934476137161, 'm': '643551892496066066', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_hy_splatter_light_large.7a7417d95485ceb2148bdd3d228219307082ea8a.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Blue Streak', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'PP-Bizon | Blue Streak (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:50,985 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:31:51,190 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41013096392', 'd': '7245837626543689955', 'paintseed': 150, 'defindex': 25, 'paintindex': 393, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41013096392', 'high_rank': 537, 'floatvalue': 0.06404930353164673, 'm': '641300092690573974', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_xm1014_cu_xm1014_caritas_light_large.060e6378f5b5ab6fc53a2db451f3d68b8033f304.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'XM1014', 'item_name': 'Tranquility', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'XM1014 | Tranquility (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:51,869 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:31:51,991 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692190922036306A41306888359D14721711106793197287 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:31:52,510 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666070525548693995A41288806524D14125687849983302057 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:31:52,995 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:31:52,996 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658188591293691603A41317371386D9812396773442718534 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:31:53,244 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41332134353', 'd': '16340341901287079369', 'paintseed': 266, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 797, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41332134353', 'floatvalue': 0.05387391522526741, 'm': '651433191850329740', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_aa_vertigo_red_light_large.999797e68b2d5df290b2e5771b6c4bfb0de1ec8c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Brake Light', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Sawed-Off | Brake Light (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:53,514 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:31:53,702 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41281118633', 'd': '14045228520821799103', 'paintseed': 877, 'defindex': 11, 'paintindex': 382, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41281118633', 'low_rank': 405, 'floatvalue': 0.020985392853617668, 'm': '662692190920111896', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_g3sg1_am_g3sg1_murky_light_large.bc4e8d0e70d2952576d5c9653da71f21bc02b810.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.25, 'weapon_type': 'G3SG1', 'item_name': 'Murky', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'G3SG1 | Murky (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:53,709 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41281118633', 'd': '14045228520821799103', 'paintseed': 877, 'defindex': 11, 'paintindex': 382, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41281118633', 'low_rank': 405, 'floatvalue': 0.020985392853617668, 'm': '662692190920111896', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_g3sg1_am_g3sg1_murky_light_large.bc4e8d0e70d2952576d5c9653da71f21bc02b810.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.25, 'weapon_type': 'G3SG1', 'item_name': 'Murky', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'G3SG1 | Murky (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:54,001 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:31:54,577 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41492473556', 'd': '6939039925916654409', 'paintseed': 129, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 250, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41492473556', 'floatvalue': 0.06489729881286621, 'm': '654810891574410825', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_hy_varicamo_red_light_large.8db408c4317e19bfdf8adc6c3183327866423445.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Full Stop', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Sawed-Off | Full Stop (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:56,218 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41492157477', 'd': '315901711403934345', 'paintseed': 149, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 908, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40752394122', 'low_rank': 298, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.026730649173259735, 'm': '653684991670383074', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_gs_mac10_dust_crate_light_large.988816a75bc41f34cb18aff91ce6256299a9a52c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Classic Crate', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MAC-10 | Classic Crate (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:56,227 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41492157477', 'd': '315901711403934345', 'paintseed': 149, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 908, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40752394122', 'low_rank': 298, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.026730649173259735, 'm': '653684991670383074', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_gs_mac10_dust_crate_light_large.988816a75bc41f34cb18aff91ce6256299a9a52c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Classic Crate', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MAC-10 | Classic Crate (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:56,235 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41492157477', 'd': '315901711403934345', 'paintseed': 149, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 908, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40752394122', 'low_rank': 298, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.026730649173259735, 'm': '653684991670383074', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_gs_mac10_dust_crate_light_large.988816a75bc41f34cb18aff91ce6256299a9a52c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Classic Crate', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MAC-10 | Classic Crate (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:56,242 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41492157477', 'd': '315901711403934345', 'paintseed': 149, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 908, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40752394122', 'low_rank': 298, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.026730649173259735, 'm': '653684991670383074', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_gs_mac10_dust_crate_light_large.988816a75bc41f34cb18aff91ce6256299a9a52c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Classic Crate', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MAC-10 | Classic Crate (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:56,842 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '37667406598', 'd': '5335224603775739266', 'paintseed': 480, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 848, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '37667406598', 'floatvalue': 0.06749898940324783, 'm': '653684991655424324', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_aq_p250_verdigris_light_large.379d19af038211ca3bf7d20c4c75726e9be36856.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Verdigris', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Verdigris (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:57,627 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41265320716', 'd': '13854238274493899316', 'paintseed': 107, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 148, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41265320716', 'floatvalue': 0.06544298678636551, 'm': '659314491183212974', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_sp_tape_short_sand_light_large.893d0bacf03750448cef4be1f649591b9622907e.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Sand Dashed', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MP9 | Sand Dashed (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:57,878 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M664943990732797508A41044386169D14873751325974018029 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:31:58,430 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41288872250', 'd': '749291648883010342', 'paintseed': 624, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 77, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41288575466', 'floatvalue': 0.06706041097640991, 'm': '637922392963597243', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_forest_boreal_light_large.d805b3c56f74420ea25e14db86e7cf8181d98134.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Boreal Forest', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Boreal Forest (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:58,439 - 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Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41288872250', 'd': '749291648883010342', 'paintseed': 624, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 77, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41288575466', 'floatvalue': 0.06706041097640991, 'm': '637922392963597243', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_forest_boreal_light_large.d805b3c56f74420ea25e14db86e7cf8181d98134.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Boreal Forest', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Boreal Forest (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:58,462 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41288872250', 'd': '749291648883010342', 'paintseed': 624, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 77, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41288575466', 'floatvalue': 0.06706041097640991, 'm': '637922392963597243', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_forest_boreal_light_large.d805b3c56f74420ea25e14db86e7cf8181d98134.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Boreal Forest', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Boreal Forest (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:58,470 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41288872250', 'd': '749291648883010342', 'paintseed': 624, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 77, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41288575466', 'floatvalue': 0.06706041097640991, 'm': '637922392963597243', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_forest_boreal_light_large.d805b3c56f74420ea25e14db86e7cf8181d98134.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Boreal Forest', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Boreal Forest (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:58,477 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41288872250', 'd': '749291648883010342', 'paintseed': 624, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 77, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41288575466', 'floatvalue': 0.06706041097640991, 'm': '637922392963597243', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_forest_boreal_light_large.d805b3c56f74420ea25e14db86e7cf8181d98134.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Boreal Forest', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Boreal Forest (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:58,484 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41288872250', 'd': '749291648883010342', 'paintseed': 624, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 77, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41288575466', 'floatvalue': 0.06706041097640991, 'm': '637922392963597243', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_forest_boreal_light_large.d805b3c56f74420ea25e14db86e7cf8181d98134.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Boreal Forest', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Boreal Forest (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:58,492 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41288872250', 'd': '749291648883010342', 'paintseed': 624, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 77, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41288575466', 'floatvalue': 0.06706041097640991, 'm': '637922392963597243', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_forest_boreal_light_large.d805b3c56f74420ea25e14db86e7cf8181d98134.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Boreal Forest', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Boreal Forest (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:58,882 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:31:59,044 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692190922036306A41306888359D14721711106793197287 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:31:59,405 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41329554460', 'd': '14036218546549714598', 'paintseed': 181, 'defindex': 32, 'paintindex': 960, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7283, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_cplx_glitter', 'material': 'cph2024/cplx_glitter', 'name': 'Complexity Gaming (Glitter) | Copenhagen 2024'}], 'floatid': '41329554460', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06373770534992218, 'm': '636796493064551982', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_hkp2000_aq_p2000_lost_world_light_large.1d8b2a14b2b5b787ba450205bb3f133678dbe682.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'P2000', 'item_name': 'Gnarled', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ P2000 | Gnarled (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:31:59,738 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636796493066877792A24878007159D6945688365535855362 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:31:59,800 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660440391110240255A41492861143D9956581538380602963 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:31:59,927 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636796493066868762A41493330388D9380547424847948959 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:00,013 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645803692320248398A41493433818D10270079395379121673 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:00,051 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658188591293691603A41317371386D9812396773442718534 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:00,053 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:00,743 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:00,769 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692190922038826A40431624212D14036081958392336114 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:00,804 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:00,931 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:01,018 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:01,059 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:01,203 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41493164305', 'd': '2649361384865387767', 'paintseed': 988, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 385, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '25397082971', 'low_rank': 332, 'floatvalue': 0.06703522056341171, 'm': '641300092692859494', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_sp_mag7_firebitten_light_large.640af2edb52a7f170620e175ddaa5f5cf763325b.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.49, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Firestarter', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Firestarter (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:01,305 - Marketbot - ERROR - 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Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '40881433821', 'd': '3208364788941636159', 'paintseed': 295, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 3, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40730693585', 'floatvalue': 0.02795693650841713, 'm': '637922392972983223', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_so_red_light_large.f19886d0d01e730fc1e050416a6642488526a94c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Candy Apple', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Candy Apple (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:01,427 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '40881433821', 'd': '3208364788941636159', 'paintseed': 295, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 3, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40730693585', 'floatvalue': 0.02795693650841713, 'm': '637922392972983223', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_so_red_light_large.f19886d0d01e730fc1e050416a6642488526a94c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Candy Apple', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Candy Apple (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:01,625 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '36072326005', 'd': '760126260722643451', 'paintseed': 250, 'defindex': 63, 'paintindex': 453, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5328, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_imp_glitter', 'material': 'antwerp2022/imp_glitter', 'name': 'Imperial Esports (Glitter) | Antwerp 2022'}, {'stickerId': 5328, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_imp_glitter', 'material': 'antwerp2022/imp_glitter', 'name': 'Imperial Esports (Glitter) | Antwerp 2022'}, {'stickerId': 5328, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_imp_glitter', 'material': 'antwerp2022/imp_glitter', 'name': 'Imperial Esports (Glitter) | Antwerp 2022'}, {'stickerId': 5328, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_imp_glitter', 'material': 'antwerp2022/imp_glitter', 'name': 'Imperial Esports (Glitter) | Antwerp 2022'}, {'stickerId': 5328, 'slot': 1, 'rotation': -18, 'offset_x': -0.25399622321128845, 'offset_y': 0.25874125957489014, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_imp_glitter', 'material': 'antwerp2022/imp_glitter', 'name': 'Imperial Esports (Glitter) | Antwerp 2022'}], 'floatid': '36072326005', 'low_rank': 286, 'floatvalue': 0.006955491378903389, 'm': '643551892503798356', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_cz75a_an_emerald_light_large.5c4734111477a884851cae6998871cbf7c870cc6.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'CZ75-Auto', 'item_name': 'Emerald', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'CZ75-Auto | Emerald (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:01,776 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:02,230 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649181392041157458A41296462326D2927592828075306646 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:02,433 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41302164031', 'd': '2751328210492431736', 'paintseed': 941, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 671, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41115772938', 'low_rank': 209, 'floatvalue': 0.03990984335541725, 'm': '654810891570278175', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_tec9_aq_tec9_chalk_pattern_light_large.e0425d0a56ca5a2240b71495a5ef2bc4af0e9331.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Cut Out', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Tec-9 | Cut Out (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:03,236 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:04,205 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '14461160542', 'd': '16188406617249920741', 'paintseed': 522, 'defindex': 25, 'paintindex': 42, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '14461160542', 'floatvalue': 0.06971493363380432, 'm': '646929592226565089', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_xm1014_aq_blued_light_large.322850eb06df5352f302b6d4dffb1d2472dac596.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'XM1014', 'item_name': 'Blue Steel', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'XM1014 | Blue Steel (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:04,268 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41155843484', 'd': '14168542183187640624', 'paintseed': 162, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 242, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41155843484', 'floatvalue': 0.05822717398405075, 'm': '639048292880842292', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_tec9_sp_mesh_army_light_large.b2404b6aa0c7e1584fe2691cfeba70d823aff562.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Army Mesh', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Tec-9 | Army Mesh (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:04,277 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41492454299', 'd': '11531118072101055685', 'paintseed': 557, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 898, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41438123299', 'low_rank': 26, 'floatvalue': 0.03413848206400871, 'm': '661566291018064599', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_gs_mac10_stalker_light_large.cb4d7a60a69978f1575526f979be8e1e1538a673.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Stalker', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Stalker (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:05,600 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307291947540749A39737915304D12397858560837631136 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:05,695 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41470395767', 'd': '3180742874101540597', 'paintseed': 683, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 669, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '26823925732', 'low_rank': 79, 'floatvalue': 0.03502492606639862, 'm': '661566291008140509', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_hy_p90_barebones_blue_light_large.c908d6fc6d53cb2f4168a64b9a32e4b6b5479fc8.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Death Grip', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Death Grip (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:06,110 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692190922036306A41306888359D14721711106793197287 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:06,605 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:06,877 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41047216275', 'd': '1054452140765347913', 'paintseed': 481, 'defindex': 33, 'paintindex': 1096, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '27985294509', 'floatvalue': 0.05919928103685379, 'm': '645803692319972368', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp7_cu_mp7_khaki_light_large.c9fb92fece0f425328e2c5c8c536302ed2dbcf99.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MP7', 'item_name': 'Guerrilla', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MP7 | Guerrilla (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:07,051 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645803692320248398A41493433818D10270079395379121673 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:07,114 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658188591293691603A41317371386D9812396773442718534 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:07,115 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:07,301 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41471166592', 'd': '182615854279396421', 'paintseed': 658, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 246, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39501234492', 'low_rank': 130, 'high_rank': 129, 'floatvalue': 0.046215903013944626, 'm': '662692190913994296', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_aa_fade_metallic_light_large.1af4a93ef5fee1f1510d364f54d1a730474860ef.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Amber Fade', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir MAC-10 | Amber Fade (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:07,665 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '17386250487', 'd': '7665382485809296992', 'paintseed': 55, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 916, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '17386250487', 'low_rank': 816, 'floatvalue': 0.05535149574279785, 'm': '640174192784313023', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_cu_ump_bomb_light_large.48162f997295cb72c35acb2eafbef620b60a1659.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Plastique', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'UMP-45 | Plastique (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:08,057 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:08,119 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:09,221 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41488714940', 'd': '7272231668859022786', 'paintseed': 710, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 501, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41291053935', 'floatvalue': 0.05309344083070755, 'm': '639048292878939422', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_p250_crackshot_light_large.538a33bb8d7af894f965257c39f699168e125cdd.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.9, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Wingshot', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Wingshot (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:10,086 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '35189037528', 'd': '16627516383958712466', 'paintseed': 350, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 609, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5864, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_signature_max_4', 'material': 'antwerp2022/sig_max', 'name': 'max | Antwerp 2022'}], 'floatid': '35189037528', 'floatvalue': 0.06918666511774063, 'm': '651433191835935140', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_cu_mp9_narcis_light_large.c63eaf3fab8c65ec3ab22da8205cbe3c51366d7a.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Airlock', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MP9 | Airlock (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:11,694 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648055492132123912A40156739142D328427339248539934 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:12,341 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649181392041188118A41270069390D16169084625639327784 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:12,555 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '40647153930', 'd': '7809347892213360450', 'paintseed': 423, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 1153, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40647153930', 'floatvalue': 0.05782729759812355, 'm': '641300092692211824', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_gs_p250_visions_light_large.a47ba6d191d3c734c3248667fb341a0e3f0c423e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Visions', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Visions (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:12,641 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M657062691395209037A41478491388D2885721319139339688 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:12,700 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:13,182 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41320910440', 'd': '7254736384926407563', 'paintseed': 686, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 246, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41320910440', 'floatvalue': 0.05351230502128601, 'm': '642425992600043875', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_aa_fade_metallic_light_large.aa7418206953ed4b7707ddbc859bb1eb7bf6c9ab.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Amber Fade', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Sawed-Off | Amber Fade (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:13,188 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41320910440', 'd': '7254736384926407563', 'paintseed': 686, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 246, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41320910440', 'floatvalue': 0.05351230502128601, 'm': '642425992600043875', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_aa_fade_metallic_light_large.aa7418206953ed4b7707ddbc859bb1eb7bf6c9ab.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Amber Fade', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Sawed-Off | Amber Fade (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:13,346 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:13,501 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '7913380042', 'd': '2459614280848778872', 'paintseed': 303, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 403, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '7913380042', 'low_rank': 607, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.052504826337099075, 'm': '636796493056944222', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_cu_mp9_deadly_poison_light_large.0776976e709ec7b503dd7e47b8c962338615b5da.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Deadly Poison', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MP9 | Deadly Poison (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:13,650 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:14,152 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658188591293691603A41317371386D9812396773442718534 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:14,315 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '2482683017', 'd': '17041637254187318277', 'paintseed': 410, 'defindex': 25, 'paintindex': 407, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '2482683017', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06519842147827148, 'm': '643551892506323486', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_xm1014_aq_xm1014_sigla_light_large.71c180cd3b8bdea7d0b119ab2b9d54792c51b3aa.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'XM1014', 'item_name': 'Quicksilver', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ XM1014 | Quicksilver (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:15,157 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:15,399 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41234056704', 'd': '5098193673854994601', 'paintseed': 55, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 812, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6653, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 1, 'offset_x': -0.02274423837661743, 'offset_y': 0.4012863337993622, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_og_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/og_glitter', 'name': 'OG (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '41234056704', 'floatvalue': 0.055198609828948975, 'm': '662692190921022156', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_gs_mac10_exo_pipes_light_large.355aad3fa1602f8e682a5663f72b12feba0d4cf2.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.9, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Pipe Down', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Pipe Down (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:16,366 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41471119756', 'd': '17168507537947885405', 'paintseed': 361, 'defindex': 63, 'paintindex': 435, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38216345015', 'low_rank': 471, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06059234216809273, 'm': '658188591286022283', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_cz75a_cu_cz75_precision_light_large.a0d0ea9d92ff9c535cbdaa9c07a1a95a5181a82b.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'CZ75-Auto', 'item_name': 'Pole Position', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ CZ75-Auto | Pole Position (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:16,941 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41492376340', 'd': '14708835594577231447', 'paintseed': 619, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 431, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41330700658', 'floatvalue': 0.057250626385211945, 'm': '640174192789776203', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_cu_mag7_redhot_light_large.76087a836e8c98fd10765a4b56dca946ba5acb4d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Heat', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Heat (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:17,175 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127967652294A41493273437D207805673250184114 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:18,179 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:18,264 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648055492132106302A41307627771D11829487722998457458 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:18,537 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '40624804594', 'd': '2306982442075571265', 'paintseed': 825, 'defindex': 33, 'paintindex': 782, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 1693, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'de_nuke_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_nuke_gold', 'name': 'Nuke (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 6663, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_gl_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/gl_gold', 'name': 'GamerLegion (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6707, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_blst_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/blst_gold', 'name': 'BLAST.tv (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6623, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_vita_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/vita_gold', 'name': 'Vitality (Gold) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '31165815043', 'floatvalue': 0.057290416210889816, 'm': '644677792410903177', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp7_am_circuitboard_green_light_large.0df678715d2256928d817c2e89575879f03ad68e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'MP7', 'item_name': 'Motherboard', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir MP7 | Motherboard (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:18,737 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648055492132123912A40156739142D328427339248539934 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:19,269 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:19,741 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:19,827 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653684991670895204A41320728299D9560030140289931119 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:20,606 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692190922049716A20079354698D14331269903636756114 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:20,791 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645803692320182368A40953762403D16582995356307163349 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:20,832 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:21,149 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '30893578079', 'd': '13991175936552276849', 'paintseed': 268, 'defindex': 63, 'paintindex': 12, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '30893578079', 'low_rank': 14, 'high_rank': 917, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06302382797002792, 'm': '636796493044143822', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_cz75a_hy_webs_light_large.2093b43aefa82ee6713c472384ea283fdd44f023.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'CZ75-Auto', 'item_name': 'Crimson Web', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ CZ75-Auto | Crimson Web (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:21,196 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658188591293691603A41317371386D9812396773442718534 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:21,612 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:21,622 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41327682042', 'd': '12587104310164961020', 'paintseed': 300, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 1125, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41327682042', 'floatvalue': 0.06564783304929733, 'm': '635670593158814051', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_cu_bizon_spacecat_light_large.c2c9bbf949c4bdf2ce3173cd2447559177716dd3.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.67, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Space Cat', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'PP-Bizon | Space Cat (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:21,796 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:22,200 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:22,563 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41065957184', 'd': '16189882847938682707', 'paintseed': 403, 'defindex': 63, 'paintindex': 366, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40684753286', 'low_rank': 155, 'high_rank': 467, 'floatvalue': 0.054056547582149506, 'm': '666068803332715895', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_cz75a_hy_plaid2_light_large.82e391ba61c092ece265e3bde16237ab5a510130.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.58, 'weapon_type': 'CZ75-Auto', 'item_name': 'Green Plaid', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'CZ75-Auto | Green Plaid (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:23,116 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40397374698', 'd': '11736431809503566285', 'paintseed': 889, 'defindex': 13, 'paintindex': 972, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40397374698', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.05783170461654663, 'm': '663818090816670337', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_galilar_gs_galil_phoenix_light_large.62909a6e708a56e8679b9aa9225ba438b1539511.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Galil AR', 'item_name': 'Connexion', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Galil AR | Connexion (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:23,373 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '2321551800', 'd': '14045225718311946463', 'paintseed': 266, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 274, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '2321551800', 'floatvalue': 0.03790449723601341, 'm': '654810891569247975', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_am_copper_flecks_light_large.d2af814b76763880470bc7039d5569eb74b26978.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Copper Galaxy', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Five-SeveN | Copper Galaxy (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:23,976 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41487064564', 'd': '11829944699969767506', 'paintseed': 122, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 482, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6640, 'slot': 2, 'offset_x': -0.043580323457717896, 'offset_y': 0.004423379898071289, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_nip', 'material': 'paris2023/nip', 'name': 'Ninjas in Pyjamas | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6640, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_nip', 'material': 'paris2023/nip', 'name': 'Ninjas in Pyjamas | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6692, 'slot': 4, 'offset_x': -0.007932424545288086, 'offset_y': -0.046222567558288574, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_cplx', 'material': 'paris2023/cplx', 'name': 'Complexity Gaming | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6692, 'slot': 1, 'offset_x': -0.20793956518173218, 'offset_y': 0.11787700653076172, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_cplx', 'material': 'paris2023/cplx', 'name': 'Complexity Gaming | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 7507, 'slot': 0, 'offset_x': -0.09527948498725891, 'offset_y': 0.2934305667877197, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_siuhy_2', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_siuhy', 'name': 'siuhy | Copenhagen 2024'}], 'floatid': '41323800371', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06306806206703186, 'm': '658188591291559353', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_am_mp9_nitrogen_light_large.3a0b5a7cd31a7cfd5f0d90b9a0a1dbfcdb642cca.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Ruby Poison Dart', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MP9 | Ruby Poison Dart (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:24,236 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '22026623758', 'd': '352620122303079483', 'paintseed': 941, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 977, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '22026623758', 'floatvalue': 0.06780529767274857, 'm': '652559091761352280', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_hy_p90_dino_rampage_light_large.2231742f05375d3370f5f8fbc7fd3f3f623af688.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Cocoa Rampage', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Cocoa Rampage (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:25,580 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41492414699', 'd': '16730310226796868220', 'paintseed': 921, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 973, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41325710716', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.029709452763199806, 'm': '640174192789788233', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_gs_bizon_hellraider_light_large.c7aa487268b1e88b2e7fb1ff3c8c2eeeb24d4500.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Runic', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ PP-Bizon | Runic (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:25,957 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649181392041192648A41493458594D9395145354135018612 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:26,206 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41053802312', 'd': '300862264772970655', 'paintseed': 278, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 107, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41053802312', 'floatvalue': 0.0677594244480133, 'm': '650307291946713109', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_sp_mesh_arctic_contrast_light_large.b85fc46665b05c2a0eea955a7946e644a7618944.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Polar Mesh', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Polar Mesh (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:26,222 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41053802312', 'd': '300862264772970655', 'paintseed': 278, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 107, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41053802312', 'floatvalue': 0.0677594244480133, 'm': '650307291946713109', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_sp_mesh_arctic_contrast_light_large.b85fc46665b05c2a0eea955a7946e644a7618944.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Polar Mesh', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Polar Mesh (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:26,866 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653684991670895204A41320728299D9560030140289931119 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:26,962 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:27,002 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41372524063', 'd': '12253389002595701272', 'paintseed': 197, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 236, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41372524063', 'floatvalue': 0.054218683391809464, 'm': '650307291939175009', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_hy_varicamo_night_light_large.f0593c24d14333e68c7eb0e916385270d5612b46.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Night Ops', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'PP-Bizon | Night Ops (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:27,115 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '35893105221', 'd': '5478880374192106076', 'paintseed': 522, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 715, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35893105221', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06046881899237633, 'm': '646929592216091249', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_cu_mp9_vein_light_large.d0189b21fba4603ff88d407d6af0e63093f22ba7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Capillary', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MP9 | Capillary (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:27,871 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:28,250 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658188591293691603A41317371386D9812396773442718534 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:29,239 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '39187647573', 'd': '2643058829092404949', 'paintseed': 743, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 1220, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39187647573', 'low_rank': 956, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.04800654947757721, 'm': '667195790551793491', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_cu_mag7_insomnia_light_large.0d971fb17ca0bb1df7baed6a1caa902c56c1ea5b.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Insomnia', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MAG-7 | Insomnia (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:29,255 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:30,506 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '24529197607', 'd': '16457400735717182167', 'paintseed': 51, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 1093, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '24529197607', 'low_rank': 491, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.03734918683767319, 'm': '635670593158729211', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_gs_five_seven_efusion_light_large.78c44b69ab40456b90279ad0252463e9de816e78.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.41, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Boost Protocol', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Five-SeveN | Boost Protocol (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:30,981 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M657063326292901938A41493488552D65304541433763953 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:31,081 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037112965A41493490776D5540672389224065199 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:31,373 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41115696651', 'd': '468484733996487674', 'paintseed': 140, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 614, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40800096699', 'floatvalue': 0.06945572048425674, 'm': '642425992599610525', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_tec9_gs_tec9_supercharged_light_large.e3ebc20f10eae02790fe95703b6099acca1d1809.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Fuel Injector', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Tec-9 | Fuel Injector (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:31,985 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:32,011 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40882863733', 'd': '16611781111515307628', 'paintseed': 953, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 851, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '24419436015', 'floatvalue': 0.051588691771030426, 'm': '635670593157879581', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_aa_ump45_moonrise_sunset_light_large.63cf279a66d95757f4fefe498b89480966887083.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Moonrise', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'UMP-45 | Moonrise (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:32,085 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:32,353 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M664944625639763382A30530523886D16153427036084361021 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:32,660 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '11388865008', 'd': '435351922794710111', 'paintseed': 106, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 263, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '11388865008', 'low_rank': 959, 'high_rank': 247, 'floatvalue': 0.06738679856061935, 'm': '636796493025974832', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_cu_skull_nova_light_large.558d42424adda8cc3383b05d5388f75837b07efa.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Rising Skull', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Rising Skull (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:33,360 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:33,908 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653684991670895204A41320728299D9560030140289931119 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:34,029 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653684991670899884A40762474051D7822345909077138951 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:34,211 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307291947541439A40373881252D11827271486732185255 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:34,339 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '39434212585', 'd': '4785818013060528566', 'paintseed': 485, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 539, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39434212585', 'low_rank': 904, 'floatvalue': 0.025590715929865837, 'm': '652559091763067680', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_tec9_gs_tec9_jambiya_light_large.d1f42521bb774564f80a512c3990e768179cf111.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Jambiya', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Tec-9 | Jambiya (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:34,913 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:35,034 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:35,215 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:35,258 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M664943990732753828A41232606769D16603756747212868764 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:35,285 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658188591293691603A41317371386D9812396773442718534 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:35,304 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '38139704290', 'd': '7100637497122318879', 'paintseed': 738, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 1233, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38139704290', 'floatvalue': 0.0656760111451149, 'm': '658188591292866873', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_gs_p90_neoqueen_light_large.fa2a81f8c7906b2683b5eb4b562edd2529ad2cf0.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Neoqueen', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Neoqueen (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:35,313 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '38139704290', 'd': '7100637497122318879', 'paintseed': 738, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 1233, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38139704290', 'floatvalue': 0.0656760111451149, 'm': '658188591292866873', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_gs_p90_neoqueen_light_large.fa2a81f8c7906b2683b5eb4b562edd2529ad2cf0.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Neoqueen', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Neoqueen (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:36,265 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:36,291 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:37,813 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '36997118558', 'd': '9989732105279985741', 'paintseed': 589, 'defindex': 25, 'paintindex': 238, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7353, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_pgl_gold', 'material': 'cph2024/pgl_gold', 'name': 'PGL (Gold) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7890, 'slot': 4, 'codename': 'de_overpass_cs2_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_overpass_cs2_gold', 'name': 'Overpass (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 7337, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_ecst_gold', 'material': 'cph2024/ecst_gold', 'name': 'ECSTATIC (Gold) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7281, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_mouz_gold', 'material': 'cph2024/mouz_gold', 'name': 'MOUZ (Gold) | Copenhagen 2024'}], 'floatid': '36997118558', 'low_rank': 788, 'high_rank': 588, 'floatvalue': 0.060600899159908295, 'm': '639048292880696522', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_xm1014_hy_varicamo_blue_light_large.6b99e2f4d5092295c86b872e2a08d7ea698fe5b6.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'XM1014', 'item_name': 'VariCamo Blue', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir XM1014 | VariCamo Blue (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:37,825 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '36997118558', 'd': '9989732105279985741', 'paintseed': 589, 'defindex': 25, 'paintindex': 238, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7353, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_pgl_gold', 'material': 'cph2024/pgl_gold', 'name': 'PGL (Gold) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7890, 'slot': 4, 'codename': 'de_overpass_cs2_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_overpass_cs2_gold', 'name': 'Overpass (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 7337, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_ecst_gold', 'material': 'cph2024/ecst_gold', 'name': 'ECSTATIC (Gold) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7281, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_mouz_gold', 'material': 'cph2024/mouz_gold', 'name': 'MOUZ (Gold) | Copenhagen 2024'}], 'floatid': '36997118558', 'low_rank': 788, 'high_rank': 588, 'floatvalue': 0.060600899159908295, 'm': '639048292880696522', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_xm1014_hy_varicamo_blue_light_large.6b99e2f4d5092295c86b872e2a08d7ea698fe5b6.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'XM1014', 'item_name': 'VariCamo Blue', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir XM1014 | VariCamo Blue (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:38,019 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M657063326292901938A41493488552D65304541433763953 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:38,118 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037112965A41493490776D5540672389224065199 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:38,390 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40932216560', 'd': '10142785999825609835', 'paintseed': 180, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 840, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40932216560', 'low_rank': 735, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.054192181676626205, 'm': '666069890637556140', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_gs_mac10_fish_bait_light_large.31a855282029b915748b21c11521b5f111b05e67.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Whitefish', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MAC-10 | Whitefish (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:38,734 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40342797405', 'd': '5516010600672792245', 'paintseed': 753, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 585, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40215083751', 'floatvalue': 0.06445632129907608, 'm': '643551892506807626', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_cu_five_seven_daimyo_light_large.d394398cae1977546887145dcf6a4892d2ed29aa.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Violent Daimyo', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Five-SeveN | Violent Daimyo (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:38,739 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40342797405', 'd': '5516010600672792245', 'paintseed': 753, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 585, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40215083751', 'floatvalue': 0.06445632129907608, 'm': '643551892506807626', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_cu_five_seven_daimyo_light_large.d394398cae1977546887145dcf6a4892d2ed29aa.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Violent Daimyo', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Five-SeveN | Violent Daimyo (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:39,027 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:39,125 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:39,390 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M664944625639763382A30530523886D16153427036084361021 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:39,998 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666070525548692825A41276671108D11829938898109686857 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:40,028 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41324799012', 'd': '7128120741017375442', 'paintseed': 518, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 829, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5053, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_pgl_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/pgl_gold', 'name': 'PGL (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 4965, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_navi_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/navi_gold', 'name': 'Natus Vincere (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 1692, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'de_mirage_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_mirage_gold', 'name': 'Mirage (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 4977, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_gamb_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/gamb_gold', 'name': 'Gambit Gaming (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}], 'floatid': '40852429716', 'floatvalue': 0.0653662383556366, 'm': '658188591293001303', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_hy_lizard_skin_light_large.4731c7f1d21196c4971405a722c36911b1d23aae.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Anolis', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir PP-Bizon | Anolis (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:40,283 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307291947533789A40953690710D7388933964760816230 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:40,332 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926854997587A41493509736D14449494428501906431 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:40,397 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:41,003 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:41,253 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307291947541439A40373881252D11827271486732185255 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:41,288 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:41,336 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:42,261 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:42,322 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658188591293691603A41317371386D9812396773442718534 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:43,327 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:43,675 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '40865838324', 'd': '9232394947886954720', 'paintseed': 887, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 70, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40865838324', 'floatvalue': 0.048880286514759064, 'm': '635670593158512881', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_am_carbon_fiber_light_large.b250b860bbe6f7a689448cc47b6ac25427e3d848.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.12, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Carbon Fiber', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'UMP-45 | Carbon Fiber (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:44,003 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '40980738257', 'd': '14287859521181503127', 'paintseed': 678, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 298, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 8027, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'sha2024_team_pw_gold', 'material': 'sha2024/pw_gold', 'name': 'Perfect World (Gold) | Shanghai 2024'}, {'stickerId': 1689, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'de_ancient_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_ancient_gold', 'name': 'Ancient (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 7931, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'sha2024_team_g2_gold', 'material': 'sha2024/g2_gold', 'name': 'G2 Esports (Gold) | Shanghai 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7955, 'slot': 4, 'codename': 'sha2024_team_hero_gold', 'material': 'sha2024/hero_gold', 'name': 'HEROIC (Gold) | Shanghai 2024'}], 'floatid': '40980738257', 'low_rank': 605, 'floatvalue': 0.012363523244857788, 'm': '639048292877260802', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_am_army_shine_light_large.cbdf89414f6dd35c2de30d0cda9a6d84fbd32289.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Army Sheen', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir Nova | Army Sheen (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:44,343 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41235375632', 'd': '12602233838244341540', 'paintseed': 500, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 650, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41235375632', 'floatvalue': 0.06098027899861336, 'm': '639048292880490692', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_am_p250_sputnik_light_large.38766530975aaa4006dda7a24533ac1b05a6b6a8.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Ripple', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Ripple (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:45,070 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M657063326292901938A41493488552D65304541433763953 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:45,155 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037112965A41493490776D5540672389224065199 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:45,326 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41485865069', 'd': '14314872166146193130', 'paintseed': 703, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 1049, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41298520292', 'floatvalue': 0.05631685629487038, 'm': '641300092690219884', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_am_ump45_electrowave_light_large.98b6a5211b19bfeecb69d08cc7ebe6584cff353f.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Oscillator', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'UMP-45 | Oscillator (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:45,372 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41492921954', 'd': '9856798529577274923', 'paintseed': 429, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 32, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41492921954', 'floatvalue': 0.03276905044913292, 'm': '668321690461809081', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_an_silver_light_large.3082e91b9fddbddc9b72da44382fe1def00fa5fa.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Silver', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Silver (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:45,378 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41492921954', 'd': '9856798529577274923', 'paintseed': 429, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 32, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41492921954', 'floatvalue': 0.03276905044913292, 'm': '668321690461809081', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_an_silver_light_large.3082e91b9fddbddc9b72da44382fe1def00fa5fa.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Silver', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Silver (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:45,384 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41492921954', 'd': '9856798529577274923', 'paintseed': 429, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 32, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41492921954', 'floatvalue': 0.03276905044913292, 'm': '668321690461809081', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_an_silver_light_large.3082e91b9fddbddc9b72da44382fe1def00fa5fa.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Silver', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Silver (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:46,074 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:46,161 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:47,349 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41488665329', 'd': '9955279957671854892', 'paintseed': 768, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 258, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4705, 'slot': 5, 'offset_x': 0.2316749393939972, 'offset_y': 0.014211326837539673, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_hero', 'material': 'rmr2020/hero', 'name': 'Heroic | 2020 RMR'}, {'stickerId': 6624, 'slot': 6, 'rotation': 12, 'offset_x': 0.4703555703163147, 'offset_y': 0.3118955194950104, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_hero', 'material': 'paris2023/hero', 'name': 'Heroic | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '41298866045', 'low_rank': 211, 'high_rank': 837, 'floatvalue': 0.04902764409780502, 'm': '637922392971615583', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_cu_p250_refined_light_large.9da38bc561b6576555b1700e9e10ddbc52994c67.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Mehndi', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Mehndi (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:48,819 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300727597115293A30859637066D2895432372406628228 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:49,368 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658188591293691603A41317371386D9812396773442718534 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:49,825 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:50,399 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:51,918 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300092692969774A40037411310D4667003291559020520 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:51,982 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644677792412001897A41493325313D2920061157278894289 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:52,198 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037112965A41493490776D5540672389224065199 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:52,936 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:52,989 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:53,205 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:55,857 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300727597115293A30859637066D2895432372406628228 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:56,326 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174192790113193A41330353917D10124352273358104615 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:56,438 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658188591293691603A41317371386D9812396773442718534 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:56,864 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:57,331 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:57,446 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:32:58,687 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41323995623', 'd': '14313222897804274530', 'paintseed': 967, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 219, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41323995623', 'low_rank': 837, 'high_rank': 567, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.05312709882855415, 'm': '636796493064389082', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_redhex_light_large.099092ccf56439b922b51569ce87f2f908abcc19.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Hive', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ P250 | Hive (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:32:58,983 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300092692969774A40037411310D4667003291559020520 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:32:59,990 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:33:01,755 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41070168029', 'd': '12172113436510530432', 'paintseed': 839, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 78, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41070168029', 'floatvalue': 0.06727737188339233, 'm': '660439303797167394', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_forest_night_light_large.f2ebb923126bf523ac2052755207d8c9d4dfa668.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Forest Night', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Forest Night (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:33:10,823 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127967647434A37790970918D7665900924312241614 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:33:11,828 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:33:17,860 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127967647434A37790970918D7665900924312241614 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:33:18,865 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:33:24,897 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127967647434A37790970918D7665900924312241614 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:33:25,902 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:33:31,936 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127967647434A37790970918D7665900924312241614 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:33:32,942 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:35:15,353 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 3, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41492179161', 'd': '7495479150461591156', 'paintseed': 973, 'defindex': 5034, 'paintindex': 10068, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '25832271101', 'low_rank': 438, 'high_rank': 210, 'floatvalue': 0.7068880796432495, 'm': '648055492131729592', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/specialist_gloves_specialist_fbi_light_large.1e314531001e6f78b6c3bf167a678b4aafc8d4c7.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Specialist Gloves', 'item_name': 'Field Agent', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': '★', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': '★ Specialist Gloves | Field Agent (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:35:18,197 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 3, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41312242838', 'd': '7953779390894739325', 'paintseed': 471, 'defindex': 5031, 'paintindex': 10069, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '24543762350', 'high_rank': 65, 'floatvalue': 0.7763446569442749, 'm': '646929592227095249', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/slick_gloves_slick_rezan_light_large.642934831085e8715a7e8072614f71f9fc0f205e.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Driver Gloves', 'item_name': 'Rezan the Red', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': '★', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': '★ Driver Gloves | Rezan the Red (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:35:19,459 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 3, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41436121385', 'd': '10001195661633126911', 'paintseed': 961, 'defindex': 5031, 'paintindex': 10013, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '23060756341', 'low_rank': 184, 'high_rank': 187, 'floatvalue': 0.6296326518058777, 'm': '651433191844639040', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/slick_gloves_slick_black_light_large.1a38e5968c549d49e791cf55bc4f89232e19e26f.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Driver Gloves', 'item_name': 'Lunar Weave', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': '★', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': '★ Driver Gloves | Lunar Weave (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:35:38,644 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41325774662', 'd': '7650752299779908913', 'paintseed': 751, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 1143, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41325774662', 'floatvalue': 0.5486100912094116, 'm': '648055492130741092', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_cu_ak47_cogthings_light_large.9b4678a70c315e5d60a203436b7a95cd4c5dcc89.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.77, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Ice Coaled', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AK-47 | Ice Coaled (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:35:38,651 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41325774662', 'd': '7650752299779908913', 'paintseed': 751, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 1143, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41325774662', 'floatvalue': 0.5486100912094116, 'm': '648055492130741092', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_cu_ak47_cogthings_light_large.9b4678a70c315e5d60a203436b7a95cd4c5dcc89.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.77, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Ice Coaled', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AK-47 | Ice Coaled (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:35:38,656 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41325774662', 'd': '7650752299779908913', 'paintseed': 751, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 1143, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41325774662', 'floatvalue': 0.5486100912094116, 'm': '648055492130741092', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_cu_ak47_cogthings_light_large.9b4678a70c315e5d60a203436b7a95cd4c5dcc89.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.77, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Ice Coaled', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AK-47 | Ice Coaled (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:35:41,541 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41306191041', 'd': '5658858980622598939', 'paintseed': 228, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 600, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 260, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'drugwarveteran', 'material': 'community02/drugwarveteran', 'name': 'Drug War Veteran'}, {'stickerId': 260, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'drugwarveteran', 'material': 'community02/drugwarveteran', 'name': 'Drug War Veteran'}, {'stickerId': 5918, 'slot': 2, 'rotation': -9, 'offset_x': 0.3260675072669983, 'offset_y': 0.03798270225524902, 'codename': 'csgo10_go_paper', 'material': 'csgo10/go_paper', 'name': 'GO'}, {'stickerId': 4906, 'slot': 2, 'rotation': -12, 'offset_x': 0.3031995892524719, 'offset_y': 0.03239130973815918, 'codename': 'bf2042_fortytwo_paper', 'material': 'bf2042/fortytwo_paper', 'name': 'Forty Two'}], 'floatid': '39152280804', 'high_rank': 177, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.7386504411697388, 'm': '654810891573326145', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_cu_ak47_anarchy_light_large.6e98f0c6fcb81aaeca03c56eed68962f50c9ef94.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Neon Revolution', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ AK-47 | Neon Revolution (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:35:43,254 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636796493066889852A40921468919D5370554409864569661 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:35:44,260 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:35:46,326 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668322325357150649A37135762340D16737175463258653533 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:35:47,333 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:35:50,295 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636796493066889852A40921468919D5370554409864569661 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:35:51,302 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:35:53,368 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668322325357150649A37135762340D16737175463258653533 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:35:54,376 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:35:55,413 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654810891574680885A20451528993D4642164679526082333 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:35:56,039 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41492295974', 'd': '7945517708675261755', 'paintseed': 492, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 1221, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41492295974', 'floatvalue': 0.6859995126724243, 'm': '668321690461569141', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_cu_ak_head_shot_holo_light_large.85be84ba7c07917493b8e8a66c9d95c928ebe8b6.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Head Shot', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AK-47 | Head Shot (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:35:56,419 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:35:59,331 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41330541745', 'd': '2308110773124816776', 'paintseed': 282, 'defindex': 60, 'paintindex': 1223, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41330541745', 'high_rank': 1000, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.7558203935623169, 'm': '653684991670190384', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_silencer_cu_m4a1s_feeding_frenzy_light_large.e1cb803e0e10ae4457e42d34ec8515b1500f4762.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'M4A1-S', 'item_name': 'Emphorosaur-S', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ M4A1-S | Emphorosaur-S (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:35:59,339 - 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Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668322325357150649A37135762340D16737175463258653533 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:36:01,159 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 3, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41490849503', 'd': '5199699158327232434', 'paintseed': 888, 'defindex': 5030, 'paintindex': 10076, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '37872911701', 'low_rank': 27, 'high_rank': 605, 'floatvalue': 0.4714564085006714, 'm': '639048292880697512', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/sporty_gloves_sporty_jaguar_light_large.211eda01f38938c1a6e851aa45550c94d2fcab93.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Sport Gloves', 'item_name': 'Nocts', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': '★', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': '★ Sport Gloves | Nocts (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:36:01,419 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:36:01,836 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41331156305', 'd': '9845473941199302101', 'paintseed': 553, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 300, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '25611386430', 'floatvalue': 0.6556660532951355, 'm': '664943990732364038', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_cu_pinstripe_ak47_light_large.2123421a26fbe673eea7c0238c7441a83b97aa17.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Emerald Pinstripe', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AK-47 | Emerald Pinstripe (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:36:02,487 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654810891574680885A20451528993D4642164679526082333 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:36:03,113 - 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Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:36:11,406 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660440391110253065A41493127307D16286464030617271410 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:36:12,412 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:36:13,067 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653684991670877834A36223544623D3173461209596386572 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:36:14,072 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:36:14,493 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668322325357150649A37135762340D16737175463258653533 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:36:15,498 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:36:18,443 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660440391110253065A41493127307D16286464030617271410 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:36:19,449 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:36:19,681 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479232637A41167549231D7648065254782846330 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:36:19,758 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635670593159016281A41493104879D12560084619305281036 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:36:20,686 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:36:20,764 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:36:21,204 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M659314491205143244A41492684245D16324394677185994254 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:36:22,210 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:36:22,353 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692190922046716A41313405866D2786780571890563492 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:36:23,358 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:36:24,523 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635670593159050361A41215136143D5390362946728494453 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:36:24,626 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41449974569', 'd': '2486024850897653535', 'paintseed': 218, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 14, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7437, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_niko_2_holo', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_niko_holo', 'name': 'NiKo (Holo) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 181, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'neluthebear', 'material': 'community02/neluthebear', 'name': 'Nelu the Bear'}, {'stickerId': 4962, 'slot': 3, 'rotation': -18, 'offset_x': -0.04396563768386841, 'offset_y': -0.010901212692260742, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_navi', 'material': 'stockh2021/navi', 'name': 'Natus Vincere | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 4962, 'slot': 2, 'rotation': -18, 'offset_x': -0.123568594455719, 'offset_y': -0.018135517835617065, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_navi', 'material': 'stockh2021/navi', 'name': 'Natus Vincere | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 5299, 'slot': 2, 'rotation': -18, 'offset_x': 0.05578562617301941, 'offset_y': 0.07196247577667236, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_navi', 'material': 'antwerp2022/navi', 'name': 'Natus Vincere | Antwerp 2022'}], 'floatid': '39623299196', 'low_rank': 26, 'high_rank': 94, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.475851446390152, 'm': '645803692301547958', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_hy_ak47lam_light_large.199620e808579639264cf753d0650721b4bc1f37.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Red Laminate', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ AK-47 | Red Laminate (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:36:24,631 - 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Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 3, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '26877857995', 'd': '9377530299234431573', 'paintseed': 579, 'defindex': 5035, 'paintindex': 10058, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '25817028807', 'high_rank': 20, 'floatvalue': 0.7946265935897827, 'm': '648055492129336762', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/studded_hydra_gloves_bloodhound_hydra_green_leather_mesh_brass_light_large.d960afafd988b76ad2ffc2e77e306a35e01f02ca.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Hydra Gloves', 'item_name': 'Mangrove', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': '★', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': '★ Hydra Gloves | Mangrove (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:36:25,528 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:36:26,543 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '32889431511', 'd': '9568546413582140251', 'paintseed': 40, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 941, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6897, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_brollan_1', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_brollan', 'name': 'Brollan | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6897, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_brollan_1', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_brollan', 'name': 'Brollan | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6897, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_brollan_1', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_brollan', 'name': 'Brollan | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6897, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_brollan_1', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_brollan', 'name': 'Brollan | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '32889431511', 'floatvalue': 0.5046348571777344, 'm': '637922392972855873', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_cu_ak-47_phantom_disruptor_light_large.c14fcebe17a4c1a509edc597b33dcb9b5dcda32b.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.65, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Phantom Disruptor', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AK-47 | Phantom Disruptor (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:36:30,053 - 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Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653684991670895894A40752456444D748908869543827689 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:36:43,146 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:36:44,124 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668321690461997301A41285040143D14124074051430898086 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:36:45,130 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:36:45,499 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41493377431', 'd': '3093485346267709482', 'paintseed': 617, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 811, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4888, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'community2021_nademan_paper', 'material': 'community2021/nademan_paper', 'name': 'Nademan'}], 'floatid': '34179305403', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.49861767888069153, 'm': '659314491205095214', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_gs_m4a4_chopper_ghost_light_large.374913da49233223de4ca1ff09a20cc2a7a94288.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'Magnesium', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ M4A4 | Magnesium (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:36:45,519 - 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Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:36:54,110 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '38336385419', 'd': '12413757646174167055', 'paintseed': 378, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 397, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7299, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_hero_glitter', 'material': 'cph2024/hero_glitter', 'name': 'Heroic (Glitter) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 5368, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_pgl_glitter', 'material': 'antwerp2022/pgl_glitter', 'name': 'PGL (Glitter) | Antwerp 2022'}], 'floatid': '38336385419', 'high_rank': 511, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.8781170845031738, 'm': '635670593157109901', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_aq_deagle_naga_light_large.b410ad835b1894a448676ae0590586298af2cb33.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Naga', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Desert Eagle | Naga (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:36:54,144 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '31377797593', 'd': '16448917076264423724', 'paintseed': 453, 'defindex': 60, 'paintindex': 631, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4801, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'poorly_drawn_fbi', 'material': 'poorly_drawn/fbi', 'name': 'Poorly Drawn FBI'}, {'stickerId': 5141, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'stockh2021_signature_electronic', 'material': 'stockh2021/sig_electronic', 'name': 'electroNic | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 5147, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'stockh2021_signature_nexa', 'material': 'stockh2021/sig_nexa', 'name': 'nexa | Stockholm 2021'}], 'floatid': '31377797593', 'high_rank': 309, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.9475645422935486, 'm': '640174192775558633', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_silencer_cu_m4a1_flashback_light_large.5e6c2d582d33006425b61dc0e0e8c28ecda9f853.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'M4A1-S', 'item_name': 'Flashback', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ M4A1-S | Flashback (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:36:59,077 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40362964677', 'd': '2462036199008403969', 'paintseed': 713, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 603, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 2436, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'boston2018_team_gamb', 'material': 'boston2018/gamb', 'name': 'Gambit Esports | Boston 2018'}, {'stickerId': 3198, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'london2018_signature_xizt_foil', 'material': 'london2018/sig_xizt_foil', 'name': 'Xizt (Foil) | London 2018'}, {'stickerId': 362, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'enfu_skullfulilboney', 'material': 'enfu_capsule/skullfulilboney', 'name': 'Skull Lil Boney'}, {'stickerId': 7863, 'slot': 0, 'rotation': 147, 'offset_x': 0.07198868691921234, 'offset_y': -0.13887594640254974, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_aleksib_32', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_aleksib_champion', 'name': 'Aleksib (Champion) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7859, 'slot': 3, 'rotation': -93, 'offset_x': 0.5196969509124756, 'offset_y': 0.2252425253391266, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_jl_32', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_jl_champion', 'name': 'jL (Champion) | Copenhagen 2024'}], 'floatid': '40362964677', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.47519195079803467, 'm': '635670593158499291', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_aq_desert_eagle_constable_light_large.fb2f2673dd3997a21bff9129e0d2e294c03095e8.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Directive', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Desert Eagle | Directive (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:37:01,032 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41487593874', 'd': '7234723445081641199', 'paintseed': 397, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 1222, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41323408342', 'floatvalue': 0.7156763672828674, 'm': '650307291945620419', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_gs_awp_limbo_snake_light_large.60984ce1e5c1a4ac10e83444a9b7e7f78dd98b1e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Duality', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Duality (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:37:01,600 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M667196425457639280A41244257354D2756810051822846571 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:37:02,608 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:37:02,879 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M655936791476460286A41325613846D3030611311405927502 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:37:03,186 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '38885527213', 'd': '7495123111936262277', 'paintseed': 721, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 397, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '37360842296', 'floatvalue': 0.5298988819122314, 'm': '644677792410753627', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_aq_deagle_naga_light_large.b410ad835b1894a448676ae0590586298af2cb33.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Naga', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Desert Eagle | Naga (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:37:03,884 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:37:06,066 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41331038548', 'd': '12316903698811867005', 'paintseed': 338, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 282, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 267, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'thuglife', 'material': 'community02/thuglife', 'name': 'Thug Life'}, {'stickerId': 5935, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'csgo10_blue_gem_glitter', 'material': 'csgo10/blue_gem_glitter', 'name': 'Blue Gem (Glitter)'}, {'stickerId': 260, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'drugwarveteran', 'material': 'community02/drugwarveteran', 'name': 'Drug War Veteran'}, {'stickerId': 4689, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0.9761991500854492, 'codename': 'broken_fang_stalking_prey', 'material': 'broken_fang/stalking_prey', 'name': 'Stalking Prey'}], 'floatid': '25338592139', 'floatvalue': 0.5477712750434875, 'm': '650307291947412289', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_cu_ak47_cobra_light_large.7494bfdf4855fd4e6a2dbd983ed0a243c80ef830.png', 'min': 0.1, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Redline', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AK-47 | Redline (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:37:09,030 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41249220989', 'd': '13899918523916534925', 'paintseed': 471, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 603, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41249220989', 'floatvalue': 0.47139209508895874, 'm': '655936791476167276', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_aq_desert_eagle_constable_light_large.fb2f2673dd3997a21bff9129e0d2e294c03095e8.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Directive', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Desert Eagle | Directive (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:37:09,733 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658189226199760342A38144211526D886338888978522860 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:37:09,922 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M655936791476460286A41325613846D3030611311405927502 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:37:10,212 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41490873125', 'd': '751019407446547105', 'paintseed': 257, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 72, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '37468546132', 'floatvalue': 0.6871634125709534, 'm': '635670593158409531', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_sp_mesh_tan_light_large.3608cbeb9bb163bfd2becb4ebcce2576b9ca78d9.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Safari Mesh', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Safari Mesh (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:37:10,741 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:37:10,929 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:37:11,153 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41449407323', 'd': '12595667298672308640', 'paintseed': 761, 'defindex': 60, 'paintindex': 587, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4773, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0.09334670007228851, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_furi', 'material': 'rmr2020/furi', 'name': 'FURIA | 2020 RMR'}, {'stickerId': 4773, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_furi', 'material': 'rmr2020/furi', 'name': 'FURIA | 2020 RMR'}], 'floatid': '41449407323', 'floatvalue': 0.4840485751628876, 'm': '666069890622876180', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_silencer_gs_m4a1_mecha_industries_light_large.2973cf5ca9d1592d6652bf14ac89bcd8593d4f0a.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'M4A1-S', 'item_name': 'Mecha Industries', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'M4A1-S | Mecha Industries (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:37:11,655 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658188591293722683A41493448997D2948281082137206469 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:37:12,662 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:37:16,784 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M667196425457650950A41219264163D9946803146617939467 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:37:17,449 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D12459422235579122461 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:37:17,789 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:37:18,465 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:37:18,692 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658188591293722683A41493448997D2948281082137206469 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:37:19,240 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41477770089', 'd': '9839464439505278599', 'paintseed': 151, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 279, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5235, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'stockh2021_signature_zywoo_holo', 'material': 'stockh2021/sig_zywoo_holo', 'name': 'ZywOo (Holo) | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 121, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'comm01_rekt_holo', 'material': 'community01/rekt', 'name': 'Rekt (Holo)'}, {'stickerId': 7940, 'slot': 0, 'offset_x': -0.11811792850494385, 'offset_y': -0.08126306533813477, 'codename': 'sha2024_team_spir', 'material': 'sha2024/spir', 'name': 'Team Spirit | Shanghai 2024'}, {'stickerId': 8125, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0.6800000071525574, 'offset_x': -0.19120821356773376, 'offset_y': -0.018564283847808838, 'codename': 'sha2024_signature_sh1ro_2', 'material': 'sha2024/sig_sh1ro', 'name': 'sh1ro | Shanghai 2024'}, {'stickerId': 8125, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0.699999988079071, 'offset_x': 0.16697299480438232, 'offset_y': 0.06690353155136108, 'codename': 'sha2024_signature_sh1ro_2', 'material': 'sha2024/sig_sh1ro', 'name': 'sh1ro | Shanghai 2024'}], 'floatid': '41427659863', 'high_rank': 393, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.5862002372741699, 'm': '644677792405784727', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_cu_awp_asimov_light_large.32d9045f8a2bcd13ca18390cc9fd82026e7195ab.png', 'min': 0.18, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Asiimov', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ AWP | Asiimov (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:37:19,648 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300727597120573A41129881290D14305297782274927201 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:37:19,697 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:37:20,444 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M659315126105560823A41319329678D13893220340514943340 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:37:20,653 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:37:20,758 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433191851126870A41329977250D12108526027258074695 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:37:21,450 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:37:21,764 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:37:22,588 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M657062691395234387A41102145943D2903138295831916302 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:37:23,593 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:37:23,744 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41331458977', 'd': '886793966633255690', 'paintseed': 644, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 808, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4777, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_liq', 'material': 'rmr2020/liq', 'name': 'Liquid | 2020 RMR'}], 'floatid': '28046120390', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.6699820160865784, 'm': '658188591293186943', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_cu_glock18_corroden_light_large.68906a0523399b599555746b51db2ffac29c5db5.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.85, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Oxide Blaze', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Glock-18 | Oxide Blaze (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:37:24,570 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692190922017106A38863384761D4949012122891242762 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:37:25,577 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:37:25,733 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658188591293722683A41493448997D2948281082137206469 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:37:26,478 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M652559091763388650A38157781381D5639112471195133058 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:37:26,739 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:37:26,988 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M643552527418151529A41223176589D12163105955331686378 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:37:27,285 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41325035380', 'd': '12010060088844496330', 'paintseed': 434, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 680, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5668, 'slot': 4, 'offset_x': -0.3155277967453003, 'offset_y': -0.03757274150848389, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_signature_exit_1', 'material': 'antwerp2022/sig_exit', 'name': 'exit | Antwerp 2022'}], 'floatid': '38780162491', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.5093594193458557, 'm': '654810891571395375', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_cu_glock_indigo_light_large.3786c7c3be7d03ee053050af2f7a8427782742e1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Off World', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Glock-18 | Off World (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:37:27,486 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:37:27,486 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M659315126105560823A41319329678D13893220340514943340 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:37:27,796 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433191851126870A41329977250D12108526027258074695 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:37:27,995 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:37:28,219 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855003167A41287157735D11971206413786709133 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:37:28,493 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:37:28,802 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:37:29,226 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:37:30,147 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41328941789', 'd': '2652233977637272163', 'paintseed': 44, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 788, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38973250297', 'floatvalue': 0.527014434337616, 'm': '650307291947278549', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_hy_nuclear_skulls_redblue_light_large.601aa23f996c480640f439e05f204c5bd7fafa49.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.83, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Acheron', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Acheron (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:37:31,610 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692190922017106A38863384761D4949012122891242762 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:37:32,614 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:37:32,772 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658188591293722683A41493448997D2948281082137206469 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:37:33,778 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:37:34,032 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M643552527418151529A41223176589D12163105955331686378 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:37:34,542 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875535015A41318368674D6918697021992485288 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:37:34,835 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433191851126870A41329977250D12108526027258074695 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:37:35,038 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:37:35,549 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:37:35,839 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:37:36,101 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41446023358', 'd': '14861954553948528391', 'paintseed': 959, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 1142, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6649, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0.626755952835083, 'rotation': 90, 'offset_x': -0.596096932888031, 'offset_y': -0.02054622769355774, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_forz_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/forz_glitter', 'name': 'forZe eSports (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '41446023358', 'floatvalue': 0.8010240793228149, 'm': '668321690461700241', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_cu_usp_printstream_light_large.9f5bcd4f94db3d965b3b2e7c3aace470e9466380.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.85, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Printstream', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | Printstream (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:37:36,108 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41446023358', 'd': '14861954553948528391', 'paintseed': 959, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 1142, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6649, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0.626755952835083, 'rotation': 90, 'offset_x': -0.596096932888031, 'offset_y': -0.02054622769355774, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_forz_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/forz_glitter', 'name': 'forZe eSports (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '41446023358', 'floatvalue': 0.8010240793228149, 'm': '668321690461700241', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_cu_usp_printstream_light_large.9f5bcd4f94db3d965b3b2e7c3aace470e9466380.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.85, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Printstream', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | Printstream (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:37:36,930 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644677792412004057A41493324588D16441059933023659757 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:37:37,416 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41481345227', 'd': '2757403692037868488', 'paintseed': 940, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 230, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40504900062', 'high_rank': 255, 'floatvalue': 0.17448294162750244, 'm': '644677792407421587', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_am_ddpatdense_silver_light_large.4d83c0a0b958bb15f694c7047996ece59f4be05a.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Steel Disruption', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Steel Disruption (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:37:37,869 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40284324704', 'd': '2363972190344883057', 'paintseed': 924, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 422, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5924, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'csgo10_not_for_resale_paper', 'material': 'csgo10/not_for_resale_paper', 'name': 'Not For Resale'}, {'stickerId': 6664, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_apex', 'material': 'paris2023/apex', 'name': 'Apeks | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 5924, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'csgo10_not_for_resale_paper', 'material': 'csgo10/not_for_resale_paper', 'name': 'Not For Resale'}, {'stickerId': 5880, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_signature_karrigan_32', 'material': 'antwerp2022/sig_karrigan_champion', 'name': 'karrigan (Champion) | Antwerp 2022'}, {'stickerId': 4773, 'slot': 1, 'offset_x': -0.16155460476875305, 'offset_y': -0.0022548437118530273, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_furi', 'material': 'rmr2020/furi', 'name': 'FURIA | 2020 RMR'}], 'floatid': '40284324704', 'floatvalue': 0.9038833379745483, 'm': '661566291018384819', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_cu_ak47_mastery_light_large.4305c0ba4b02ce531fc08c275fa6a9d87da2cf7e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Elite Build', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AK-47 | Elite Build (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:37:37,877 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40284324704', 'd': '2363972190344883057', 'paintseed': 924, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 422, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5924, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'csgo10_not_for_resale_paper', 'material': 'csgo10/not_for_resale_paper', 'name': 'Not For Resale'}, {'stickerId': 6664, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_apex', 'material': 'paris2023/apex', 'name': 'Apeks | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 5924, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'csgo10_not_for_resale_paper', 'material': 'csgo10/not_for_resale_paper', 'name': 'Not For Resale'}, {'stickerId': 5880, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_signature_karrigan_32', 'material': 'antwerp2022/sig_karrigan_champion', 'name': 'karrigan (Champion) | Antwerp 2022'}, {'stickerId': 4773, 'slot': 1, 'offset_x': -0.16155460476875305, 'offset_y': -0.0022548437118530273, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_furi', 'material': 'rmr2020/furi', 'name': 'FURIA | 2020 RMR'}], 'floatid': '40284324704', 'floatvalue': 0.9038833379745483, 'm': '661566291018384819', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_cu_ak47_mastery_light_large.4305c0ba4b02ce531fc08c275fa6a9d87da2cf7e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Elite Build', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AK-47 | Elite Build (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:37:37,886 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40284324704', 'd': '2363972190344883057', 'paintseed': 924, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 422, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5924, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'csgo10_not_for_resale_paper', 'material': 'csgo10/not_for_resale_paper', 'name': 'Not For Resale'}, {'stickerId': 6664, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_apex', 'material': 'paris2023/apex', 'name': 'Apeks | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 5924, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'csgo10_not_for_resale_paper', 'material': 'csgo10/not_for_resale_paper', 'name': 'Not For Resale'}, {'stickerId': 5880, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_signature_karrigan_32', 'material': 'antwerp2022/sig_karrigan_champion', 'name': 'karrigan (Champion) | Antwerp 2022'}, {'stickerId': 4773, 'slot': 1, 'offset_x': -0.16155460476875305, 'offset_y': -0.0022548437118530273, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_furi', 'material': 'rmr2020/furi', 'name': 'FURIA | 2020 RMR'}], 'floatid': '40284324704', 'floatvalue': 0.9038833379745483, 'm': '661566291018384819', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_cu_ak47_mastery_light_large.4305c0ba4b02ce531fc08c275fa6a9d87da2cf7e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Elite Build', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AK-47 | Elite Build (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:37:37,935 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:37:38,054 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M663818090831164957A40777514487D5251303707149940173 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:37:39,059 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:37:39,467 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41491000513', 'd': '7956779035076757777', 'paintseed': 127, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 394, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41319141582', 'floatvalue': 0.5716012120246887, 'm': '652559091762587200', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_aq_ak47_cartel_light_large.2e7be9f4c7bda304f2a7c374260d95affca93f0b.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.75, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Cartel', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AK-47 | Cartel (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:37:39,473 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41491000513', 'd': '7956779035076757777', 'paintseed': 127, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 394, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41319141582', 'floatvalue': 0.5716012120246887, 'm': '652559091762587200', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_aq_ak47_cartel_light_large.2e7be9f4c7bda304f2a7c374260d95affca93f0b.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.75, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Cartel', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AK-47 | Cartel (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:37:39,478 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41491000513', 'd': '7956779035076757777', 'paintseed': 127, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 394, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41319141582', 'floatvalue': 0.5716012120246887, 'm': '652559091762587200', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_aq_ak47_cartel_light_large.2e7be9f4c7bda304f2a7c374260d95affca93f0b.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.75, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Cartel', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AK-47 | Cartel (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:37:40,197 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '40948637682', 'd': '17216278721290892525', 'paintseed': 63, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 525, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7308, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_apex_holo', 'material': 'cph2024/apex_holo', 'name': 'Apeks (Holo) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 6622, 'slot': 0, 'offset_x': -0.2540777325630188, 'offset_y': -0.016484081745147705, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_vita_holo', 'material': 'paris2023/vita_holo', 'name': 'Vitality (Holo) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '39960557653', 'low_rank': 917, 'high_rank': 260, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.8040766716003418, 'm': '660440391104908355', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_cu_awp_mastery_light_large.617e335043f250cdb9d6a4c798e075be9560cdd4.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Elite Build', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ AWP | Elite Build (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:37:41,591 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875535015A41318368674D6918697021992485288 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:37:41,870 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433191851126870A41329977250D12108526027258074695 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:37:41,888 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875535405A40299716389D4955095123204565386 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:37:42,596 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:37:42,875 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:37:42,892 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:37:45,089 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M663818090831164957A40777514487D5251303707149940173 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:37:45,118 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '3028395170', 'd': '874331983171899877', 'paintseed': 788, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 277, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '3028395170', 'floatvalue': 0.7008245587348938, 'm': '639048292880543822', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_aq_usp_stainless_light_large.3f6edb8ebd4138742504859e0d3e7c51a23c39db.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Stainless', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | Stainless (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:37:45,643 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41289435537', 'd': '7242611504412670187', 'paintseed': 445, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 525, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 911, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'cluj2015_team_nip', 'material': 'cluj2015/nip', 'name': 'Ninjas in Pyjamas | Cluj-Napoca 2015'}], 'floatid': '41289435537', 'floatvalue': 0.7804137468338013, 'm': '660440391109871345', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_cu_awp_mastery_light_large.617e335043f250cdb9d6a4c798e075be9560cdd4.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Elite Build', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Elite Build (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:37:46,094 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:37:48,431 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40802875692', 'd': '16594252723214477924', 'paintseed': 834, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 384, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 1640, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 1, 'codename': 'bestiary_dragon', 'material': 'bestiary_capsule/dragon', 'name': 'Dragon'}], 'floatid': '28155909824', 'high_rank': 287, 'floatvalue': 0.7778477668762207, 'm': '661566291017984319', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_cu_m4a4_griffin_light_large.255bd83fd343ea8e8d84a1d5c94959d0b26cafae.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'Griffin', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'M4A4 | Griffin (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:37:48,438 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40802875692', 'd': '16594252723214477924', 'paintseed': 834, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 384, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 1640, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 1, 'codename': 'bestiary_dragon', 'material': 'bestiary_capsule/dragon', 'name': 'Dragon'}], 'floatid': '28155909824', 'high_rank': 287, 'floatvalue': 0.7778477668762207, 'm': '661566291017984319', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_cu_m4a4_griffin_light_large.255bd83fd343ea8e8d84a1d5c94959d0b26cafae.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'Griffin', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'M4A4 | Griffin (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:37:48,488 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41478016402', 'd': '16609285236192163179', 'paintseed': 238, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 1173, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6705, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': 0.28606897592544556, 'offset_y': -0.0017769932746887207, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_blst_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/blst_glitter', 'name': 'BLAST.tv (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '41477862203', 'high_rank': 546, 'floatvalue': 0.9696365594863892, 'm': '644677792405867197', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Jawbreaker', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | Jawbreaker (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:37:48,498 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41478016402', 'd': '16609285236192163179', 'paintseed': 238, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 1173, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6705, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': 0.28606897592544556, 'offset_y': -0.0017769932746887207, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_blst_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/blst_glitter', 'name': 'BLAST.tv (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '41477862203', 'high_rank': 546, 'floatvalue': 0.9696365594863892, 'm': '644677792405867197', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Jawbreaker', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | Jawbreaker (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:37:48,628 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875535015A41318368674D6918697021992485288 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:37:49,633 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:37:51,319 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M661566291018404799A41088930443D3093553396100401572 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:37:51,728 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41485505781', 'd': '3084067206123147242', 'paintseed': 974, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 1039, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41318532485', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.7402088642120361, 'm': '646929592224844379', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_gs_glock_polymer_light_large.9a56b15b2deea5847b0820c5ad982c1796cc8e0c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Clear Polymer', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Glock-18 | Clear Polymer (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:37:52,327 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:37:54,113 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41117747595', 'd': '9828025119879912009', 'paintseed': 214, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 181, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4692, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'broken_fang_broken_fang_holo', 'material': 'broken_fang/broken_fang_holo', 'name': 'Broken Fang (Holo)'}, {'stickerId': 6014, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0.7249342799186707, 'codename': 'rio2022_team_mouz_glitter', 'material': 'rio2022/mouz_glitter', 'name': 'MOUZ (Glitter) | Rio 2022'}, {'stickerId': 4685, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'broken_fang_battle_scarred', 'material': 'broken_fang/battle_scarred', 'name': 'Battle Scarred'}, {'stickerId': 2964, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'london2018_team_navi_holo', 'material': 'london2018/navi_holo', 'name': 'Natus Vincere (Holo) | London 2018'}], 'floatid': '41117747595', 'floatvalue': 0.1619148850440979, 'm': '643551892502386976', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_cu_favela_awp_light_large.4329c047ea1899f3846a1a81539ba2a27665a54e.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Corticera', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Corticera (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:37:55,969 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653684991670897094A40752384996D7352943080331060941 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:37:56,980 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:37:57,506 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41313086590', 'd': '2325771297808195279', 'paintseed': 683, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 943, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41313086590', 'floatvalue': 0.4584111273288727, 'm': '654810891564709965', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_cu_awp_vein_light_large.8665dc4b4231298e9bbcab7aad3abbbf22e3edd8.png', 'min': 0.05, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Capillary', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Capillary (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:37:57,514 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41313086590', 'd': '2325771297808195279', 'paintseed': 683, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 943, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41313086590', 'floatvalue': 0.4584111273288727, 'm': '654810891564709965', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_cu_awp_vein_light_large.8665dc4b4231298e9bbcab7aad3abbbf22e3edd8.png', 'min': 0.05, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Capillary', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Capillary (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:37:57,593 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642426627503949034A41256725152D5056995812727515727 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:37:58,364 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M661566291018404799A41088930443D3093553396100401572 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:37:58,599 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:37:59,371 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:38:03,097 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '27549197587', 'd': '17215827938759852071', 'paintseed': 149, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 1090, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '25752655412', 'floatvalue': 0.665860652923584, 'm': '661566291016345299', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_cu_deagle_kitch_light_large.0df9b5246d27786b413642f5fc959f37d8892c3a.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Ocean Drive', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Desert Eagle | Ocean Drive (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:38:03,453 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '39458879122', 'd': '11540124447317107306', 'paintseed': 963, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 793, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38947201751', 'floatvalue': 0.3877798616886139, 'm': '657062691393678257', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_hy_red_hex_light_large.cd2153af94a302c0293620289716a29d9fbfbeca.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'Converter', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Well-Worn', 'full_item_name': 'M4A4 | Converter (Well-Worn)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:38:03,463 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '39458879122', 'd': '11540124447317107306', 'paintseed': 963, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 793, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38947201751', 'floatvalue': 0.3877798616886139, 'm': '657062691393678257', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_hy_red_hex_light_large.cd2153af94a302c0293620289716a29d9fbfbeca.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'Converter', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Well-Worn', 'full_item_name': 'M4A4 | Converter (Well-Worn)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:38:04,480 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41303834433', 'd': '10135995871686176038', 'paintseed': 546, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 1227, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41303834433', 'floatvalue': 0.572392463684082, 'm': '642425992596318445', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_cu_glock_moon_rabbit_light_large.9063b9745250446c657632eb13a6325f51d101f2.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.75, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Umbral Rabbit', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Umbral Rabbit (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:38:04,491 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41303834433', 'd': '10135995871686176038', 'paintseed': 546, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 1227, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41303834433', 'floatvalue': 0.572392463684082, 'm': '642425992596318445', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_cu_glock_moon_rabbit_light_large.9063b9745250446c657632eb13a6325f51d101f2.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.75, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Umbral Rabbit', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Umbral Rabbit (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:38:04,832 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41378856871', 'd': '6965463348557448258', 'paintseed': 987, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 1255, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6687, 'slot': 6, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_gray_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/gray_gold', 'name': 'Grayhound Gaming (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6675, 'slot': 5, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_liq_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/liq_gold', 'name': 'Team Liquid (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6707, 'slot': 4, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_blst_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/blst_gold', 'name': 'BLAST.tv (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 7128, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_sico_4_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_sico_gold', 'name': 'Sico (Gold) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '38376293193', 'low_rank': 19, 'high_rank': 9, 'floatvalue': 0.6364059448242188, 'm': '661566290978454879', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_gs_m4a4_ra_light_large.7531ec73ee20dac93f068342616599e4808fb850.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'Eye of Horus', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir M4A4 | Eye of Horus (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:38:05,402 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M661566291018404799A41088930443D3093553396100401572 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:38:06,409 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:38:09,029 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41317538287', 'd': '12423265355151530863', 'paintseed': 527, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 1040, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41317538287', 'floatvalue': 0.8905993700027466, 'm': '664943990732147138', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_gs_usps_hangedman_light_large.a01890fdeb8335437df7af6641a7b4f6e2fcca34.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'The Traitor', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | The Traitor (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:38:09,036 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41317538287', 'd': '12423265355151530863', 'paintseed': 527, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 1040, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41317538287', 'floatvalue': 0.8905993700027466, 'm': '664943990732147138', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_gs_usps_hangedman_light_large.a01890fdeb8335437df7af6641a7b4f6e2fcca34.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'The Traitor', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | The Traitor (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:38:12,759 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646930227130290021A41260379662D3237103400376683106 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:38:13,765 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:38:14,616 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '36900190252', 'd': '16591934805669525987', 'paintseed': 89, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 657, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '36900190252', 'floatvalue': 0.572996199131012, 'm': '652558457640557897', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_cu_usps_blueprint_light_large.e4195098bb3a105e6545d32c4d72888f673bd761.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.86, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Blueprint', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | Blueprint (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:38:14,621 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '36900190252', 'd': '16591934805669525987', 'paintseed': 89, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 657, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '36900190252', 'floatvalue': 0.572996199131012, 'm': '652558457640557897', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_cu_usps_blueprint_light_large.e4195098bb3a105e6545d32c4d72888f673bd761.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.86, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Blueprint', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | Blueprint (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:38:17,983 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926854996327A41493396316D3179717586981205863 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:38:18,988 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:38:22,592 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M643552527418162899A18955900062D9416711152615880800 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:38:23,598 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:38:24,149 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41320509424', 'd': '10127646325369951591', 'paintseed': 192, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 1136, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41320509424', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.5352818369865417, 'm': '641300092692933954', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_cu_usp_to_hell_light_large.13912fa139f2055f7e3044a234ad111bbbce548f.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.76, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Ticket to Hell', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ USP-S | Ticket to Hell (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:38:29,563 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41467385126', 'd': '54832698773593505', 'paintseed': 415, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 1040, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41069600663', 'high_rank': 72, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.9672363996505737, 'm': '637922392969559803', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_gs_usps_hangedman_light_large.a01890fdeb8335437df7af6641a7b4f6e2fcca34.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'The Traitor', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ USP-S | The Traitor (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:38:29,629 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M643552527418162899A18955900062D9416711152615880800 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:38:30,634 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:38:30,763 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037142395A41330068893D14188767553988068810 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:38:31,344 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227461759A41331089387D9259480748241772740 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:38:31,768 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:38:32,349 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:38:33,918 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40245345891', 'd': '5361762724684437295', 'paintseed': 76, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 818, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5342, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_spir_gold', 'material': 'antwerp2022/spir_gold', 'name': 'Team Spirit (Gold) | Antwerp 2022'}, {'stickerId': 5370, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_pgl_gold', 'material': 'antwerp2022/pgl_gold', 'name': 'PGL (Gold) | Antwerp 2022'}, {'stickerId': 1692, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'de_mirage_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_mirage_gold', 'name': 'Mirage (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 5294, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_faze_gold', 'material': 'antwerp2022/faze_gold', 'name': 'FaZe Clan (Gold) | Antwerp 2022'}], 'floatid': '40245345891', 'floatvalue': 0.5112097859382629, 'm': '653682620085870101', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_am_ddpat_purple_light_large.993825dcdc1100cdaf92b119e82b2ba756a38bea.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Purple DDPAT', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir USP-S | Purple DDPAT (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:38:34,296 - 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Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:38:36,674 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M643552527418162899A18955900062D9416711152615880800 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:38:37,679 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:38:38,232 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '25813672589', 'd': '14475882624517408629', 'paintseed': 92, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 136, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0.21172094345092773, 'rotation': -6.903435707092285, 'codename': 'dh_bears', 'material': 'dreamhack/dh_bears', 'name': 'Polar Bears'}], 'floatid': '2263521923', 'low_rank': 41, 'high_rank': 21, 'floatvalue': 0.6561456918716431, 'm': '660439303775646444', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_sp_tape_dots_waves_light_large.6225b7ae003cefaab7deca7ea517576991055bbd.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Waves Perforated', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir SG 553 | Waves Perforated (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:38:38,880 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637922392973313403A29391070655D5066200348437177510 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:38:39,886 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:38:41,005 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41490410637', 'd': '2650940817718806523', 'paintseed': 170, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 298, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41490410637', 'floatvalue': 0.18072256445884705, 'm': '655936791475369996', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_am_army_shine_light_large.a07a97d5fba73aeecfc5cc9364e0d43d47892373.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Army Sheen', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'SG 553 | Army Sheen (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:38:41,901 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826761858658A41326181104D5369106777818943204 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:38:42,099 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41492055163', 'd': '7692817271211898703', 'paintseed': 834, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 817, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '26675245802', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.4645732641220093, 'm': '641300092692488874', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_cu_usp_flashback_light_large.47e10129af33303bac557560400c33e4fe555680.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Flashback', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ USP-S | Flashback (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:38:42,308 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41113456881', 'd': '472493700060840305', 'paintseed': 177, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 553, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41113456881', 'floatvalue': 0.6982590556144714, 'm': '651432104558979998', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_cu_sg553_atlas_light_large.536218f8160485fa927e19fa06fedae43d9c04e6.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.81, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Atlas', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'SG 553 | Atlas (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:38:42,317 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41113456881', 'd': '472493700060840305', 'paintseed': 177, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 553, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41113456881', 'floatvalue': 0.6982590556144714, 'm': '651432104558979998', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_cu_sg553_atlas_light_large.536218f8160485fa927e19fa06fedae43d9c04e6.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.81, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Atlas', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'SG 553 | Atlas (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:38:42,906 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:38:46,532 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '39757776036', 'd': '171959927636212547', 'paintseed': 865, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 1102, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4701, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_vita', 'material': 'rmr2020/vita', 'name': 'Vitality | 2020 RMR'}, {'stickerId': 4701, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_vita', 'material': 'rmr2020/vita', 'name': 'Vitality | 2020 RMR'}, {'stickerId': 4701, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_vita', 'material': 'rmr2020/vita', 'name': 'Vitality | 2020 RMR'}, {'stickerId': 4701, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_vita', 'material': 'rmr2020/vita', 'name': 'Vitality | 2020 RMR'}, {'stickerId': 5985, 'slot': 4, 'offset_x': 0.023660749197006226, 'offset_y': 0.0010629594326019287, 'codename': 'rio2022_team_liq', 'material': 'rio2022/liq', 'name': 'Team Liquid | Rio 2022'}], 'floatid': '39757776036', 'floatvalue': 0.6283733248710632, 'm': '666069890637527610', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_cu_usp_black_lotus_light_large.d40de54b67e255871a2a31a15e871e8d185049ea.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.9, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Black Lotus', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | Black Lotus (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:38:46,542 - 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Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '39757776036', 'd': '171959927636212547', 'paintseed': 865, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 1102, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4701, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_vita', 'material': 'rmr2020/vita', 'name': 'Vitality | 2020 RMR'}, {'stickerId': 4701, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_vita', 'material': 'rmr2020/vita', 'name': 'Vitality | 2020 RMR'}, {'stickerId': 4701, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_vita', 'material': 'rmr2020/vita', 'name': 'Vitality | 2020 RMR'}, {'stickerId': 4701, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_vita', 'material': 'rmr2020/vita', 'name': 'Vitality | 2020 RMR'}, {'stickerId': 5985, 'slot': 4, 'offset_x': 0.023660749197006226, 'offset_y': 0.0010629594326019287, 'codename': 'rio2022_team_liq', 'material': 'rio2022/liq', 'name': 'Team Liquid | Rio 2022'}], 'floatid': '39757776036', 'floatvalue': 0.6283733248710632, 'm': '666069890637527610', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_cu_usp_black_lotus_light_large.d40de54b67e255871a2a31a15e871e8d185049ea.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.9, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Black Lotus', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | Black Lotus (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:38:46,570 - 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Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '39757776036', 'd': '171959927636212547', 'paintseed': 865, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 1102, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4701, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_vita', 'material': 'rmr2020/vita', 'name': 'Vitality | 2020 RMR'}, {'stickerId': 4701, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_vita', 'material': 'rmr2020/vita', 'name': 'Vitality | 2020 RMR'}, {'stickerId': 4701, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_vita', 'material': 'rmr2020/vita', 'name': 'Vitality | 2020 RMR'}, {'stickerId': 4701, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_vita', 'material': 'rmr2020/vita', 'name': 'Vitality | 2020 RMR'}, {'stickerId': 5985, 'slot': 4, 'offset_x': 0.023660749197006226, 'offset_y': 0.0010629594326019287, 'codename': 'rio2022_team_liq', 'material': 'rio2022/liq', 'name': 'Team Liquid | Rio 2022'}], 'floatid': '39757776036', 'floatvalue': 0.6283733248710632, 'm': '666069890637527610', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_cu_usp_black_lotus_light_large.d40de54b67e255871a2a31a15e871e8d185049ea.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.9, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Black Lotus', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | Black Lotus (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:38:46,584 - 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Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '40790009400', 'd': '5633622840390876202', 'paintseed': 129, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 47, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4034, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'berlin2019_team_navi_gold', 'material': 'berlin2019/navi_gold', 'name': 'Natus Vincere (Gold) | Berlin 2019'}, {'stickerId': 4030, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'berlin2019_team_mibr_gold', 'material': 'berlin2019/mibr_gold', 'name': 'MIBR (Gold) | Berlin 2019'}, {'stickerId': 4185, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'berlin2019_signature_taco_gold', 'material': 'berlin2019/sig_taco_gold', 'name': 'TACO (Gold) | Berlin 2019'}, {'stickerId': 4118, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'berlin2019_team_star_gold', 'material': 'berlin2019/star_gold', 'name': 'StarLadder (Gold) | Berlin 2019'}], 'floatid': '40790009400', 'low_rank': 455, 'floatvalue': 0.5393899083137512, 'm': '658186219652910353', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_so_space_marine_light_large.ee525f5aaf19c6d97af3b0378d3d3cac26476d80.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Colony', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir AUG | Colony (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:38:46,783 - 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Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '40790009400', 'd': '5633622840390876202', 'paintseed': 129, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 47, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4034, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'berlin2019_team_navi_gold', 'material': 'berlin2019/navi_gold', 'name': 'Natus Vincere (Gold) | Berlin 2019'}, {'stickerId': 4030, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'berlin2019_team_mibr_gold', 'material': 'berlin2019/mibr_gold', 'name': 'MIBR (Gold) | Berlin 2019'}, {'stickerId': 4185, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'berlin2019_signature_taco_gold', 'material': 'berlin2019/sig_taco_gold', 'name': 'TACO (Gold) | Berlin 2019'}, {'stickerId': 4118, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'berlin2019_team_star_gold', 'material': 'berlin2019/star_gold', 'name': 'StarLadder (Gold) | Berlin 2019'}], 'floatid': '40790009400', 'low_rank': 455, 'floatvalue': 0.5393899083137512, 'm': '658186219652910353', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_so_space_marine_light_large.ee525f5aaf19c6d97af3b0378d3d3cac26476d80.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Colony', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir AUG | Colony (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:38:46,800 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '40790009400', 'd': '5633622840390876202', 'paintseed': 129, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 47, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4034, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'berlin2019_team_navi_gold', 'material': 'berlin2019/navi_gold', 'name': 'Natus Vincere (Gold) | Berlin 2019'}, {'stickerId': 4030, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'berlin2019_team_mibr_gold', 'material': 'berlin2019/mibr_gold', 'name': 'MIBR (Gold) | Berlin 2019'}, {'stickerId': 4185, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'berlin2019_signature_taco_gold', 'material': 'berlin2019/sig_taco_gold', 'name': 'TACO (Gold) | Berlin 2019'}, {'stickerId': 4118, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'berlin2019_team_star_gold', 'material': 'berlin2019/star_gold', 'name': 'StarLadder (Gold) | Berlin 2019'}], 'floatid': '40790009400', 'low_rank': 455, 'floatvalue': 0.5393899083137512, 'm': '658186219652910353', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_so_space_marine_light_large.ee525f5aaf19c6d97af3b0378d3d3cac26476d80.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Colony', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir AUG | Colony (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:38:46,809 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '40790009400', 'd': '5633622840390876202', 'paintseed': 129, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 47, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4034, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'berlin2019_team_navi_gold', 'material': 'berlin2019/navi_gold', 'name': 'Natus Vincere (Gold) | Berlin 2019'}, {'stickerId': 4030, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'berlin2019_team_mibr_gold', 'material': 'berlin2019/mibr_gold', 'name': 'MIBR (Gold) | Berlin 2019'}, {'stickerId': 4185, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'berlin2019_signature_taco_gold', 'material': 'berlin2019/sig_taco_gold', 'name': 'TACO (Gold) | Berlin 2019'}, {'stickerId': 4118, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'berlin2019_team_star_gold', 'material': 'berlin2019/star_gold', 'name': 'StarLadder (Gold) | Berlin 2019'}], 'floatid': '40790009400', 'low_rank': 455, 'floatvalue': 0.5393899083137512, 'm': '658186219652910353', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_so_space_marine_light_large.ee525f5aaf19c6d97af3b0378d3d3cac26476d80.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Colony', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir AUG | Colony (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:38:47,565 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41083523400', 'd': '17153334128837289320', 'paintseed': 168, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 1167, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41083523400', 'high_rank': 646, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.621963620185852, 'm': '650306204635943857', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.671875, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Block-18', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Glock-18 | Block-18 (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:38:47,575 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41083523400', 'd': '17153334128837289320', 'paintseed': 168, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 1167, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41083523400', 'high_rank': 646, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.621963620185852, 'm': '650306204635943857', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.671875, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Block-18', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Glock-18 | Block-18 (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:38:47,582 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41083523400', 'd': '17153334128837289320', 'paintseed': 168, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 1167, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41083523400', 'high_rank': 646, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.621963620185852, 'm': '650306204635943857', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.671875, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Block-18', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Glock-18 | Block-18 (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:38:47,589 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41083523400', 'd': '17153334128837289320', 'paintseed': 168, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 1167, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41083523400', 'high_rank': 646, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.621963620185852, 'm': '650306204635943857', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.671875, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Block-18', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Glock-18 | Block-18 (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:38:48,941 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826761858658A41326181104D5369106777818943204 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:38:49,743 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644678427315567739A41330515341D297464678860305801 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:38:49,948 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:38:50,747 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:38:50,972 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M655937426386080238A41244033122D7930390543908209388 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:38:51,977 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:38:52,125 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41312725406', 'd': '7505425002810570633', 'paintseed': 142, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 817, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '23936763313', 'floatvalue': 0.47809073328971863, 'm': '653684991670781234', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_cu_usp_flashback_light_large.47e10129af33303bac557560400c33e4fe555680.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Flashback', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | Flashback (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:38:55,750 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40190773640', 'd': '14719111593272565356', 'paintseed': 198, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 253, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40167175252', 'floatvalue': 0.02110813744366169, 'm': '658188591293703063', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_aa_fade_grassland_light_large.82950af31c177d14983665459ddee77f63379f4d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.03, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Acid Fade', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Acid Fade (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:38:55,758 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40190773640', 'd': '14719111593272565356', 'paintseed': 198, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 253, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40167175252', 'floatvalue': 0.02110813744366169, 'm': '658188591293703063', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_aa_fade_grassland_light_large.82950af31c177d14983665459ddee77f63379f4d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.03, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Acid Fade', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Acid Fade (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:38:57,386 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '33757592533', 'd': '9538707903969410150', 'paintseed': 334, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 583, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '33757592533', 'floatvalue': 0.6278241872787476, 'm': '666069890639790060', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_gs_aug_aristocrat_light_large.4004dbb20c03d1a210ff9a98968ddb251bdfddc6.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.66, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Aristocrat', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AUG | Aristocrat (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:38:57,392 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '33757592533', 'd': '9538707903969410150', 'paintseed': 334, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 583, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '33757592533', 'floatvalue': 0.6278241872787476, 'm': '666069890639790060', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_gs_aug_aristocrat_light_large.4004dbb20c03d1a210ff9a98968ddb251bdfddc6.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.66, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Aristocrat', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AUG | Aristocrat (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:38:57,397 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '33757592533', 'd': '9538707903969410150', 'paintseed': 334, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 583, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '33757592533', 'floatvalue': 0.6278241872787476, 'm': '666069890639790060', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_gs_aug_aristocrat_light_large.4004dbb20c03d1a210ff9a98968ddb251bdfddc6.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.66, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Aristocrat', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AUG | Aristocrat (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:38:57,804 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41136934286', 'd': '11882196513062737805', 'paintseed': 115, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 705, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41018941832', 'floatvalue': 0.5710935592651367, 'm': '651433191845294420', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_cu_usp_cut_light_large.573fc8c594667e378f3ed9890ce48bbb586e8de0.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Cortex', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | Cortex (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:38:58,020 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M655937426386080238A41244033122D7930390543908209388 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:38:58,740 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41491461721', 'd': '12288674940458656070', 'paintseed': 46, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 607, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '27060308050', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.6890410780906677, 'm': '646929592226856779', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_cu_glock18_weasel_light_large.e02e6e5196ebdee47c595799ff011dd645147505.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Weasel', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Glock-18 | Weasel (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:38:58,971 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41327654301', 'd': '12577050051482145450', 'paintseed': 674, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 601, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40338399507', 'floatvalue': 0.6201252937316895, 'm': '668321690461704021', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_gs_aug_syd_mead_light_large.333597e0555639f5d77541c363a9bb38d95055f3.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Syd Mead', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AUG | Syd Mead (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:38:59,024 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:39:00,140 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41490930427', 'd': '14027209549400813514', 'paintseed': 466, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 532, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '18911426443', 'high_rank': 881, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.7328009605407715, 'm': '663818090830190407', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_gs_glock18_award_light_large.198c0dc5630970b1f3bbcb307a1318745ca006e7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Royal Legion', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Glock-18 | Royal Legion (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:39:03,210 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41316041009', 'd': '2760335102615507590', 'paintseed': 683, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 361, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41316041009', 'floatvalue': 0.787263035774231, 'm': '650307291942195769', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_aq_leviathan_light_large.0d0ce425b5374642d0d1fbfd0c0ec634eb8570fb.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Abyss', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Abyss (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:39:04,597 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '40169398365', 'd': '6973934982972587110', 'paintseed': 468, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 110, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40169398365', 'floatvalue': 0.547068178653717, 'm': '636796493065872042', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_sp_mesh_forest_fire_light_large.eabf7b69ca1447bee596cdbaf21b48cd7537dbce.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Condemned', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AUG | Condemned (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:39:07,456 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '25309726081', 'd': '4621511841887852750', 'paintseed': 867, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 956, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '25309726081', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.5827574729919434, 'm': '668321690461585881', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_cu_ssg08_fever_dream_light_large.cec554a86204344d6476b9071158fd02963a1aac.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.72, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Fever Dream', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ SSG 08 | Fever Dream (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:39:10,767 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855005297A41493531050D16313940994907001135 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:39:11,771 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:39:11,784 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41332646325', 'd': '10251334766755470854', 'paintseed': 532, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 967, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41332646325', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.5041140913963318, 'm': '661566291018138519', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_cu_ssg08_mainframe_light_large.7d7d861da80bfecbe5141f19fbd32b95fb4496cf.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Mainframe 001', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ SSG 08 | Mainframe 001 (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:39:12,352 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40938183143', 'd': '3026988517663242486', 'paintseed': 561, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 1146, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40938183143', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.5456369519233704, 'm': '650307291947176009', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_gs_famas_corp_meow_light_large.7e27ced9616b1a4808cad37e8c0c653b9c866f07.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Meow 36', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ FAMAS | Meow 36 (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:39:16,533 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '27167616617', 'd': '14323206353869215342', 'paintseed': 795, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 147, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5334, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_bne_gold', 'material': 'antwerp2022/bne_gold', 'name': 'Bad News Eagles (Gold) | Antwerp 2022'}, {'stickerId': 5326, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_mibr_gold', 'material': 'antwerp2022/mibr_gold', 'name': 'MIBR (Gold) | Antwerp 2022'}, {'stickerId': 1689, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'de_ancient_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_ancient_gold', 'name': 'Ancient (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 5370, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_pgl_gold', 'material': 'antwerp2022/pgl_gold', 'name': 'PGL (Gold) | Antwerp 2022'}], 'floatid': '27134523428', 'floatvalue': 0.6232225894927979, 'm': '667195790551993621', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_sp_tape_short_jungle_light_large.4623c92c91eaa0ef45e9c09d828bbeb926dcb1c6.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Jungle Dashed', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir SSG 08 | Jungle Dashed (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:39:16,731 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41178221915', 'd': '577068395698272749', 'paintseed': 310, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 1031, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7353, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_pgl_gold', 'material': 'cph2024/pgl_gold', 'name': 'PGL (Gold) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 1689, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'de_ancient_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_ancient_gold', 'name': 'Ancient (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 7301, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_hero_gold', 'material': 'cph2024/hero_gold', 'name': 'Heroic (Gold) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7269, 'slot': 4, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_faze_gold', 'material': 'cph2024/faze_gold', 'name': 'FaZe Clan (Gold) | Copenhagen 2024'}], 'floatid': '40381118756', 'low_rank': 704, 'high_rank': 125, 'floatvalue': 0.38583627343177795, 'm': '646929592222218209', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_sp_ancient_bright_light_large.794efdc565345a758d9a6fd673db4a42e01d59c8.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.45, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Ancient Visions', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Well-Worn', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir USP-S | Ancient Visions (Well-Worn)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:39:17,976 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '35154442737', 'd': '3188619454752551136', 'paintseed': 60, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 886, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35154442737', 'floatvalue': 0.48547494411468506, 'm': '652559091761737330', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_cu_aug_whitefang_light_large.051b21da4e56c64ad78ee8a67a0e9e237a4e01b1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Arctic Wolf', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AUG | Arctic Wolf (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:39:18,459 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692825825023640A41318398245D14459556490145518945 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:39:18,786 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M667196425457655870A41493589317D4669318460750096364 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:39:19,464 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:39:19,790 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:39:20,728 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40234900976', 'd': '16918911652822415908', 'paintseed': 512, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 1161, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40234900976', 'floatvalue': 0.8868034482002258, 'm': '668321690461782771', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Dezastre', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Dezastre (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:39:23,488 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690273062A41493542399D7396635481513012038 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:39:24,493 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:39:24,549 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '39867594522', 'd': '9676176129149373397', 'paintseed': 524, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 955, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38809477452', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.5501171350479126, 'm': '667195790545443961', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_cu_sg553_darkwing_light_large.f9c302279afebdd221344fa59f738f9317dc4122.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Darkwing', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ SG 553 | Darkwing (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:39:25,301 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41331386263', 'd': '1047736484368251586', 'paintseed': 38, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 554, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41331386263', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.6262246370315552, 'm': '652559091762940120', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_gs_ssg08_armacore_light_large.043342869c64e1a08107055a4e1b332ad9c763c0.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Ghost Crusader', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ SSG 08 | Ghost Crusader (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:39:30,522 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690273062A41493542399D7396635481513012038 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:39:31,530 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:39:32,170 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41489055218', 'd': '12018538310758333861', 'paintseed': 208, 'defindex': 13, 'paintindex': 494, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40984032930', 'floatvalue': 0.7854889035224915, 'm': '653684991669066524', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_galilar_gs_galil_nightwing_light_large.bc71fb0b9102f22348f39015b7de5affd60829e0.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.9, 'weapon_type': 'Galil AR', 'item_name': 'Stone Cold', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Galil AR | Stone Cold (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:39:34,525 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41331317479', 'd': '16208152453341041348', 'paintseed': 736, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 995, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40567905447', 'high_rank': 246, 'floatvalue': 0.5970600843429565, 'm': '661566291018270009', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_am_intelligence_grey_light_large.0da9eda4a07271263ffc58d032d52b8f0edeb78e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Surveillance', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AUG | Surveillance (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:39:35,692 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '1352497697', 'd': '5504597806335447754', 'paintseed': 470, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 9, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '1352497697', 'low_rank': 159, 'high_rank': 52, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.6461824178695679, 'm': '654809804253348717', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_hy_tiger_light_large.d2fe957d3903dc5779403ed1c95947e18fa7e6fd.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Bengal Tiger', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ AUG | Bengal Tiger (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:39:36,115 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300727597113193A41050377554D9261805345589982850 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:39:37,121 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:39:37,564 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690273062A41493542399D7396635481513012038 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:39:38,570 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:39:38,730 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '14651333532', 'd': '2515968632601882866', 'paintseed': 57, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 659, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '14651333532', 'high_rank': 46, 'floatvalue': 0.5899865627288818, 'm': '648054404829514285', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_sp_famas_macabre_light_large.7582150e24a69922b814d6b56004327e2219890d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Macabre', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Macabre (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:39:38,735 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '14651333532', 'd': '2515968632601882866', 'paintseed': 57, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 659, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '14651333532', 'high_rank': 46, 'floatvalue': 0.5899865627288818, 'm': '648054404829514285', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_sp_famas_macabre_light_large.7582150e24a69922b814d6b56004327e2219890d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Macabre', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Macabre (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:39:44,714 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41315396523', 'd': '16900919522066749325', 'paintseed': 144, 'defindex': 13, 'paintindex': 246, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 8027, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'sha2024_team_pw_gold', 'material': 'sha2024/pw_gold', 'name': 'Perfect World (Gold) | Shanghai 2024'}, {'stickerId': 1690, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'de_dust2_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_dust2_gold', 'name': 'Dust II (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 7951, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'sha2024_team_faze_gold', 'material': 'sha2024/faze_gold', 'name': 'FaZe Clan (Gold) | Shanghai 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7943, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'sha2024_team_spir_gold', 'material': 'sha2024/spir_gold', 'name': 'Team Spirit (Gold) | Shanghai 2024'}], 'floatid': '41106520439', 'high_rank': 89, 'floatvalue': 0.38991719484329224, 'm': '663818090820779947', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_galilar_aa_fade_metallic_light_large.6910731d5c0d857052afbba2d24416156a6a96ba.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'Galil AR', 'item_name': 'Amber Fade', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Well-Worn', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir Galil AR | Amber Fade (Well-Worn)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:39:45,041 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41087933442', 'd': '2470895942786677828', 'paintseed': 199, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 46, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41087933442', 'floatvalue': 0.6655272841453552, 'm': '635670593158775981', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_so_pmc_light_large.e2a06ba5d6c412408d2447e162572817ee052bd3.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Contractor', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AUG | Contractor (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:39:45,609 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300727597110043A41325928508D16474886792952202547 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:39:46,613 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:39:46,656 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41257917729', 'd': '435265911172144182', 'paintseed': 363, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 723, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41257917729', 'high_rank': 109, 'floatvalue': 0.6919165849685669, 'm': '644677792398501327', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_cu_famas_owl_orange_light_large.7cb3a86d36317530964f40d66b755789de7ca88a.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Eye of Athena', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Eye of Athena (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:39:46,661 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41257917729', 'd': '435265911172144182', 'paintseed': 363, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 723, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41257917729', 'high_rank': 109, 'floatvalue': 0.6919165849685669, 'm': '644677792398501327', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_cu_famas_owl_orange_light_large.7cb3a86d36317530964f40d66b755789de7ca88a.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Eye of Athena', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Eye of Athena (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:39:47,667 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41322184734', 'd': '7791837087411361348', 'paintseed': 764, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 554, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41322184734', 'floatvalue': 0.5480910539627075, 'm': '643551892505364956', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_gs_ssg08_armacore_light_large.043342869c64e1a08107055a4e1b332ad9c763c0.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Ghost Crusader', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Ghost Crusader (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:39:50,878 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690285662A39384051559D14863719518816228364 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:39:51,883 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:39:52,096 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41085775846', 'd': '2909467110619117642', 'paintseed': 287, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 942, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41085775846', 'floatvalue': 0.5822896957397461, 'm': '652559091763211800', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_gs_aug_thunderstorm_light_large.127ba1a9f7c7eef6b701bf01ad50b3b146f9b951.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Tom Cat', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AUG | Tom Cat (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:39:52,243 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41487006723', 'd': '13998573595214873452', 'paintseed': 491, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 749, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41150158030', 'floatvalue': 0.7695416212081909, 'm': '657062691393060047', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_gs_p250_checker_light_large.ed544cb647f7bf4e4ccc103a0b687b562d2fb297.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Vino Primo', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Vino Primo (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:39:54,057 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M667195790552025181A41493414610D11692691279597070711 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:39:55,061 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:39:57,733 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692825825044280A35427506973D11739341381955380701 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:39:58,739 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:40:02,242 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41332068867', 'd': '12451925539213425172', 'paintseed': 251, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 604, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 1642, 'slot': 4, 'rotation': 3, 'offset_x': -0.09069053828716278, 'offset_y': -0.03440949320793152, 'codename': 'bestiary_manticore', 'material': 'bestiary_capsule/manticore', 'name': 'Manticore'}, {'stickerId': 4604, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': -0.16960155963897705, 'offset_y': -0.06393876671791077, 'codename': 'combine_mask_broken', 'material': 'alyx/combine_mask_broken', 'name': 'Combine Helmet'}, {'stickerId': 4903, 'slot': 5, 'offset_x': -0.36102595925331116, 'offset_y': -0.006021618843078613, 'codename': 'bf2042_bf_portal_paper', 'material': 'bf2042/bf_portal_paper', 'name': 'Battlefield Portal'}, {'stickerId': 996, 'slot': 5, 'offset_x': -0.10889977216720581, 'offset_y': 0.02151888608932495, 'codename': 'team_roles_nader', 'material': 'team_roles_capsule/nader', 'name': "The 'Nader"}, {'stickerId': 7639, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': -0.11799246072769165, 'offset_y': 0.01100778579711914, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_nawwk_1', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_nawwk', 'name': 'nawwk | Copenhagen 2024'}], 'floatid': '37224487495', 'low_rank': 483, 'high_rank': 937, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.554886519908905, 'm': '651433191850835480', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_gs_famas_rally_light_large.538baee44eb772de95029e4267ea9c41101bbc94.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Roll Cage', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ FAMAS | Roll Cage (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:40:04,753 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649182026948165586A41493583296D16898247287244485276 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:40:05,722 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635670593159072711A41310987119D1075321059519430121 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:40:05,758 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:40:06,727 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:40:09,156 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41479116416', 'd': '4633797500294830025', 'paintseed': 397, 'defindex': 13, 'paintindex': 1032, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 8027, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'sha2024_team_pw_gold', 'material': 'sha2024/pw_gold', 'name': 'Perfect World (Gold) | Shanghai 2024'}, {'stickerId': 1689, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'de_ancient_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_ancient_gold', 'name': 'Ancient (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 7943, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'sha2024_team_spir_gold', 'material': 'sha2024/spir_gold', 'name': 'Team Spirit (Gold) | Shanghai 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7951, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'sha2024_team_faze_gold', 'material': 'sha2024/faze_gold', 'name': 'FaZe Clan (Gold) | Shanghai 2024'}], 'floatid': '41275727944', 'high_rank': 185, 'floatvalue': 0.5569933652877808, 'm': '653684991664859264', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_galilar_hy_ruins_red_light_large.560982e001f4ba6ec42ad09f913e33c1fda8108f.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'Galil AR', 'item_name': 'Dusk Ruins', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir Galil AR | Dusk Ruins (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:40:10,196 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M664944625639769262A39373399227D11982957580841549562 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:40:10,247 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M643551892507399496A40712926670D4639416003974942922 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:40:11,201 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:40:11,252 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:40:12,115 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855026807A36777656362D13983325063164600716 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:40:12,757 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635670593159072711A41310987119D1075321059519430121 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:40:13,122 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:40:13,764 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:40:19,796 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635670593159072711A41310987119D1075321059519430121 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:40:20,802 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:40:23,313 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41271712453', 'd': '4803764240410108810', 'paintseed': 412, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 295, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41271712453', 'high_rank': 772, 'floatvalue': 0.38764187693595886, 'm': '663818090827445497', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_cu_money_light_large.a8632edd5846b8c9de09c711ada47f7decc739b7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Franklin', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Well-Worn', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Franklin (Well-Worn)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:40:25,017 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037120825A41319992203D16754591464297905121 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:40:25,123 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41246169426', 'd': '14411534767933876253', 'paintseed': 914, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 593, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41246169426', 'floatvalue': 0.49181637167930603, 'm': '642425992578693085', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_gs_p90_full_throttle_light_large.70ef68d70617eb318e2df05e09f780448a1baf0d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Chopper', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Chopper (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:40:26,023 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:40:26,847 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635670593159072711A41310987119D1075321059519430121 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:40:27,029 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037141255A40912720546D9709983073220966014 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:40:27,852 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:40:28,035 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:40:29,588 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41323060625', 'd': '2659595904317694798', 'paintseed': 503, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 813, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7278, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': -0.40434470772743225, 'offset_y': -0.24636873602867126, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_mouz', 'material': 'cph2024/mouz', 'name': 'MOUZ | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 5014, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': -0.12828904390335083, 'offset_y': -0.20896589756011963, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_mouz', 'material': 'stockh2021/mouz', 'name': 'MOUZ | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 4705, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0.5899999737739563, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_hero', 'material': 'rmr2020/hero', 'name': 'Heroic | 2020 RMR'}], 'floatid': '33600291900', 'high_rank': 68, 'floatvalue': 0.3993353545665741, 'm': '639048292875897242', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_aa_p250_gravediggers_light_large.df680e4648f5e08ec6e92ed36a5b9c05ae8bc5f4.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Nevermore', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Well-Worn', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Nevermore (Well-Worn)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:40:29,594 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41323060625', 'd': '2659595904317694798', 'paintseed': 503, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 813, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7278, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': -0.40434470772743225, 'offset_y': -0.24636873602867126, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_mouz', 'material': 'cph2024/mouz', 'name': 'MOUZ | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 5014, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': -0.12828904390335083, 'offset_y': -0.20896589756011963, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_mouz', 'material': 'stockh2021/mouz', 'name': 'MOUZ | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 4705, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0.5899999737739563, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_hero', 'material': 'rmr2020/hero', 'name': 'Heroic | 2020 RMR'}], 'floatid': '33600291900', 'high_rank': 68, 'floatvalue': 0.3993353545665741, 'm': '639048292875897242', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_aa_p250_gravediggers_light_large.df680e4648f5e08ec6e92ed36a5b9c05ae8bc5f4.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Nevermore', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Well-Worn', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Nevermore (Well-Worn)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:40:29,600 - 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Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41323060625', 'd': '2659595904317694798', 'paintseed': 503, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 813, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7278, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': -0.40434470772743225, 'offset_y': -0.24636873602867126, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_mouz', 'material': 'cph2024/mouz', 'name': 'MOUZ | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 5014, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': -0.12828904390335083, 'offset_y': -0.20896589756011963, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_mouz', 'material': 'stockh2021/mouz', 'name': 'MOUZ | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 4705, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0.5899999737739563, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_hero', 'material': 'rmr2020/hero', 'name': 'Heroic | 2020 RMR'}], 'floatid': '33600291900', 'high_rank': 68, 'floatvalue': 0.3993353545665741, 'm': '639048292875897242', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_aa_p250_gravediggers_light_large.df680e4648f5e08ec6e92ed36a5b9c05ae8bc5f4.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Nevermore', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Well-Worn', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Nevermore (Well-Worn)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:40:33,260 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658188591280399803A41460269285D14330610732381780807 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:40:33,881 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635670593159072711A41310987119D1075321059519430121 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:40:34,064 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037141255A40912720546D9709983073220966014 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:40:34,264 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:40:34,886 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:40:35,069 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:40:39,728 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41309793252', 'd': '3210715242076146751', 'paintseed': 682, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 124, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41309793252', 'floatvalue': 0.5382131934165955, 'm': '652559091761251390', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_sp_spray_sand_light_large.18ac7e644639b8756fa3984055a493c5d7fc8249.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Sand Spray', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Sand Spray (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:40:40,300 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658188591280399803A41460269285D14330610732381780807 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:40:40,916 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635670593159072711A41310987119D1075321059519430121 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:40:41,098 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037141255A40912720546D9709983073220966014 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:40:41,305 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:40:41,921 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:40:42,103 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:40:45,258 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '38534344584', 'd': '12314076040656093988', 'paintseed': 746, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 99, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38534344584', 'floatvalue': 0.5199651122093201, 'm': '648055492131428992', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_so_sand_light_large.c77b762093b4786e0c070317e6a2121c2e7b4c86.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Sand Dune', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Sand Dune (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:40:45,264 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '38534344584', 'd': '12314076040656093988', 'paintseed': 746, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 99, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38534344584', 'floatvalue': 0.5199651122093201, 'm': '648055492131428992', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_so_sand_light_large.c77b762093b4786e0c070317e6a2121c2e7b4c86.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Sand Dune', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Sand Dune (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:40:47,334 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658188591280399803A41460269285D14330610732381780807 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:40:47,961 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635670593159072711A41310987119D1075321059519430121 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:40:48,340 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:40:48,340 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - LISTING TO CHECK IS NONE, WAT????????? 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Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:40:49,708 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:40:50,304 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '40719907367', 'd': '14559715522963727098', 'paintseed': 511, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 1134, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39920107962', 'floatvalue': 0.57390958070755, 'm': '637922392968445213', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_gs_mp9_starlight_light_large.79d29560c71c4ba592824c1a1e3a8172cc7269be.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Starlight Protector', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'MP9 | Starlight Protector (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:40:54,799 - 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ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:41:01,482 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '29171494193', 'd': '13874724638709536043', 'paintseed': 911, 'defindex': 13, 'paintindex': 790, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5053, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_pgl_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/pgl_gold', 'name': 'PGL (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 1693, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'de_nuke_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_nuke_gold', 'name': 'Nuke (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 5005, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_big_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/big_gold', 'name': 'BIG (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 5033, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_ent_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/ent_gold', 'name': 'Entropiq (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}], 'floatid': '23735540681', 'floatvalue': 0.6459422707557678, 'm': '648055492130320942', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_galilar_hy_nuclear_skulls_aqua_light_large.7a9f8497a5e17485c2dcd09ec23da307bc3c06c3.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.83, 'weapon_type': 'Galil AR', 'item_name': 'Cold Fusion', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir Galil AR | Cold Fusion (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:41:01,544 - 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Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41481762784', 'd': '7379755885811959459', 'paintseed': 57, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 44, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7110, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_sunpayus_4_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_sunpayus_glitter', 'name': 'SunPayus (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 7110, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_sunpayus_4_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_sunpayus_glitter', 'name': 'SunPayus (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 7110, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_sunpayus_4_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_sunpayus_glitter', 'name': 'SunPayus (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 7110, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_sunpayus_4_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_sunpayus_glitter', 'name': 'SunPayus (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '38995936494', 'low_rank': 225, 'high_rank': 682, 'floatvalue': 0.5374068021774292, 'm': '666069890635802940', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_aq_oiled_light_large.9d9de18ba0a4dc915e495c05b0d1419bd2cd7a02.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Case Hardened', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir MAC-10 | Case Hardened (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:41:07,183 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M659314491205140904A40470415119D7507192890694150661 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:41:08,000 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653684991670894304A40762363318D2469145674896823271 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:41:08,188 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:41:08,221 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '33494013923', 'd': '2657235939476587055', 'paintseed': 998, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 284, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6636, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_nein', 'material': 'paris2023/nein', 'name': '9INE | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6636, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_nein', 'material': 'paris2023/nein', 'name': '9INE | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6636, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_nein', 'material': 'paris2023/nein', 'name': '9INE | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '33494013923', 'floatvalue': 0.7486515045166016, 'm': '668321690459231151', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_cu_mac10_redhot_light_large.d5e1e0b433e3340266635970ca45cbbf810216f2.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Heat', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Heat (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:41:08,228 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '33494013923', 'd': '2657235939476587055', 'paintseed': 998, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 284, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6636, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_nein', 'material': 'paris2023/nein', 'name': '9INE | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6636, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_nein', 'material': 'paris2023/nein', 'name': '9INE | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6636, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_nein', 'material': 'paris2023/nein', 'name': '9INE | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '33494013923', 'floatvalue': 0.7486515045166016, 'm': '668321690459231151', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_cu_mac10_redhot_light_large.d5e1e0b433e3340266635970ca45cbbf810216f2.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Heat', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Heat (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:41:08,843 - 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Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127967643534A41329103338D13873034010322725286 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:41:09,278 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41492779608', 'd': '9578293191473171093', 'paintseed': 840, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 717, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41318077326', 'floatvalue': 0.5525137782096863, 'm': '662692190921806806', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_gs_p90_tread_light_large.0acb87de3db60e1c07aa159fd5b8238b11bb8f8f.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Traction', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Traction (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:41:10,016 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:41:10,816 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M663818090831182297A41493414242D14727024282992178153 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:41:11,821 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:41:16,886 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41315380164', 'd': '17063195798394293156', 'paintseed': 195, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 777, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6707, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_blst_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/blst_gold', 'name': 'BLAST.tv (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 1693, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'de_nuke_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_nuke_gold', 'name': 'Nuke (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 6683, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_ence_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/ence_gold', 'name': 'ENCE (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6679, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_faze_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/faze_gold', 'name': 'FaZe Clan (Gold) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '41315380164', 'high_rank': 993, 'floatvalue': 0.4755662679672241, 'm': '653684991664043594', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_blueprint_red_light_large.aff5f9b0847413a1749e8636dfc9a92d1ed77f3e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Facility Draft', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir P250 | Facility Draft (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:41:18,546 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660441026013450414A37760631164D16629087030848464093 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:41:19,231 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41484124025', 'd': '10272375272396420049', 'paintseed': 28, 'defindex': 63, 'paintindex': 476, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4540, 'slot': 4, 'offset_x': -0.19269463419914246, 'offset_y': 0.009192287921905518, 'codename': 'halo_misterchief', 'material': 'halo/misterchief', 'name': 'Mister Chief'}, {'stickerId': 7871, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': -0.5475702285766602, 'offset_y': -0.282914400100708, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_im_32', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_im_champion', 'name': 'iM (Champion) | Copenhagen 2024'}], 'floatid': '40034822901', 'low_rank': 678, 'high_rank': 88, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.9034328460693359, 'm': '658188591290459583', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_cz75a_cu_cz75a_chastizer_light_large.d3234c712c3c068adbbfd5718c468c778f2351dd.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'CZ75-Auto', 'item_name': 'Yellow Jacket', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ CZ75-Auto | Yellow Jacket (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:41:19,551 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:41:20,521 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 0, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '143371019', 'd': '17015844205269262728', 'paintseed': 729, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 27, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '143371019', 'low_rank': 246, 'high_rank': 543, 'floatvalue': 0.5095919370651245, 'm': '5176420478299756880', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_sp_tape_light_large.8ece2047279c054325b0d2632559de145cef524a.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Bone Mask', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Timed Drop', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Bone Mask (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:41:24,833 - Marketbot - ERROR - 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Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 00:41:31,442 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41492643740', 'd': '16764349360380669167', 'paintseed': 679, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 1025, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 8027, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'sha2024_team_pw_gold', 'material': 'sha2024/pw_gold', 'name': 'Perfect World (Gold) | Shanghai 2024'}, {'stickerId': 1689, 'slot': 4, 'codename': 'de_ancient_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_ancient_gold', 'name': 'Ancient (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 7943, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'sha2024_team_spir_gold', 'material': 'sha2024/spir_gold', 'name': 'Team Spirit (Gold) | Shanghai 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7951, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'sha2024_team_faze_gold', 'material': 'sha2024/faze_gold', 'name': 'FaZe Clan (Gold) | Shanghai 2024'}], 'floatid': '40932216649', 'low_rank': 613, 'high_rank': 32, 'floatvalue': 0.6758741140365601, 'm': '644677792411744077', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_am_gold_brick_light_large.3583c29af715c4700176149b3866c35dcc78d61e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Gold Brick', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir MAC-10 | Gold Brick (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:41:33,819 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '6865928163', 'd': '17042369228243895382', 'paintseed': 911, 'defindex': 2, 'paintindex': 450, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 1353, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'cologne2016_team_sk', 'material': 'cologne2016/sk', 'name': 'SK Gaming | Cologne 2016'}, {'stickerId': 1353, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'cologne2016_team_sk', 'material': 'cologne2016/sk', 'name': 'SK Gaming | Cologne 2016'}], 'floatid': '6865928163', 'high_rank': 6, 'floatvalue': 0.49939459562301636, 'm': '652559091759009370', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_elite_hy_zodiac1_light_large.cedfe5166a361ccc3c32a28847addcdc66ad25d7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'Dual Berettas', 'item_name': 'Moon in Libra', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Dual Berettas | Moon in Libra (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:41:40,542 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637922392973319013A38811047530D7530792815161745537 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:41:41,028 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41326945482', 'd': '2622834877177372693', 'paintseed': 950, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 911, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '27208853036', 'low_rank': 781, 'high_rank': 86, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.5360715985298157, 'm': '636796493063448432', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_cu_p90_nostalgia_light_large.8d1cfe3582915ab9702b57e1376eb0d0ffab2331.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.57, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Nostalgia', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ P90 | Nostalgia (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:41:41,547 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:41:41,652 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048927782385361A37063031830D5192204400419257137 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:41:41,914 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41222617627', 'd': '7523523516531231452', 'paintseed': 643, 'defindex': 2, 'paintindex': 625, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '26266644930', 'high_rank': 634, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.8535482883453369, 'm': '639048292853622872', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_elite_gs_dual_berettas_golden_venice_light_large.23d73db6cf2b2a7af26414d26373171dd3be06b1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Dual Berettas', 'item_name': 'Royal Consorts', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Dual Berettas | Royal Consorts (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:41:42,439 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41310129617', 'd': '3045188498082352753', 'paintseed': 909, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 228, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41310129617', 'high_rank': 138, 'floatvalue': 0.4715893864631653, 'm': '658188591290434443', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_hy_modspots_light_large.a702b8feaf0e2568e60efb2ab722819b0521ea4b.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Blind Spot', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Blind Spot (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:41:42,657 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:41:43,273 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41493265533', 'd': '14891757724080126333', 'paintseed': 892, 'defindex': 63, 'paintindex': 643, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '34516713217', 'low_rank': 889, 'high_rank': 142, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.5145130753517151, 'm': '639048292880824052', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_cz75a_gs_cz_snakes_purple_light_large.a06599fab1d73352fd970fc0356c215c50ca7e9a.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.56, 'weapon_type': 'CZ75-Auto', 'item_name': 'Xiangliu', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ CZ75-Auto | Xiangliu (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:41:47,576 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637922392973319013A38811047530D7530792815161745537 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:41:47,659 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41288659738', 'd': '14854106197579195548', 'paintseed': 846, 'defindex': 2, 'paintindex': 396, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '3987576536', 'high_rank': 58, 'floatvalue': 0.4673083424568176, 'm': '667195790549860351', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_elite_cu_elites_urbanstorm_light_large.d33c9dd65434d8b9f4e7b5092fcc2e07a874e625.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.47, 'weapon_type': 'Dual Berettas', 'item_name': 'Urban Shock', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Dual Berettas | Urban Shock (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:41:48,581 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:41:51,685 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41458883004', 'd': '9713948426242622047', 'paintseed': 508, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 352, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '37447971718', 'low_rank': 791, 'high_rank': 410, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.7067835927009583, 'm': '652559091747974290', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_aq_57_feathers_light_large.aa942f28d5fd868643b54ba0c317703d8b615754.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Fowl Play', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Five-SeveN | Fowl Play (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:41:54,612 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637922392973319013A38811047530D7530792815161745537 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:41:55,617 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:41:56,389 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41332976430', 'd': '16871239048503274758', 'paintseed': 522, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 1044, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40607682719', 'floatvalue': 0.47079646587371826, 'm': '643551892503201056', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_gs_p250_cybershell_light_large.9f0408cde898dd81609541a8e68ff1ffe81320fd.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.85, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Cyber Shell', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Cyber Shell (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:41:57,250 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875557305A41493586666D2459217067181547647 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:41:58,255 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:42:01,648 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637922392973319013A38811047530D7530792815161745537 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:42:02,653 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:42:03,668 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '40601040701', 'd': '16880171496628239763', 'paintseed': 235, 'defindex': 63, 'paintindex': 476, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38559878422', 'high_rank': 966, 'floatvalue': 0.7755483984947205, 'm': '654810891560673255', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_cz75a_cu_cz75a_chastizer_light_large.d3234c712c3c068adbbfd5718c468c778f2351dd.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'CZ75-Auto', 'item_name': 'Yellow Jacket', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'CZ75-Auto | Yellow Jacket (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:42:04,288 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875557305A41493586666D2459217067181547647 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:42:05,294 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:42:09,375 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '40903379342', 'd': '9252120177285493749', 'paintseed': 142, 'defindex': 63, 'paintindex': 643, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40903379342', 'high_rank': 117, 'floatvalue': 0.5508361458778381, 'm': '653684991669143594', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_cz75a_gs_cz_snakes_purple_light_large.a06599fab1d73352fd970fc0356c215c50ca7e9a.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.56, 'weapon_type': 'CZ75-Auto', 'item_name': 'Xiangliu', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'CZ75-Auto | Xiangliu (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:42:09,380 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '40903379342', 'd': '9252120177285493749', 'paintseed': 142, 'defindex': 63, 'paintindex': 643, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40903379342', 'high_rank': 117, 'floatvalue': 0.5508361458778381, 'm': '653684991669143594', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_cz75a_gs_cz_snakes_purple_light_large.a06599fab1d73352fd970fc0356c215c50ca7e9a.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.56, 'weapon_type': 'CZ75-Auto', 'item_name': 'Xiangliu', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'CZ75-Auto | Xiangliu (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:42:12,616 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41327183917', 'd': '9846698823417318935', 'paintseed': 701, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 359, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41327183917', 'floatvalue': 0.6161324977874756, 'm': '659314491201327154', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_cu_p90-asiimov_light_large.0ca7f7fc032c98c5cc506ccde92b33e5836a8a88.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.92, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Asiimov', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Asiimov (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:42:18,158 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M652559726664507467A41060094761D13174529466326143 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:42:19,162 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:42:20,380 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40801016072', 'd': '5388250073373484638', 'paintseed': 882, 'defindex': 2, 'paintindex': 153, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '21531155323', 'low_rank': 531, 'high_rank': 57, 'floatvalue': 0.5588093996047974, 'm': '655936791473660896', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_elite_so_tangerine_light_large.3fd8ec1b63079a11e24d78228ad989b51a30b0ca.png', 'min': 0.26, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'Dual Berettas', 'item_name': 'Demolition', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Dual Berettas | Demolition (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:42:21,998 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '39937560681', 'd': '11565325218363514904', 'paintseed': 184, 'defindex': 2, 'paintindex': 153, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4070, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'berlin2019_team_vita_gold', 'material': 'berlin2019/vita_gold', 'name': 'Vitality (Gold) | Berlin 2019'}, {'stickerId': 4332, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'berlin2019_signature_alex_gold', 'material': 'berlin2019/sig_alex_gold', 'name': 'ALEX (Gold) | Berlin 2019'}, {'stickerId': 4118, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'berlin2019_team_star_gold', 'material': 'berlin2019/star_gold', 'name': 'StarLadder (Gold) | Berlin 2019'}, {'stickerId': 4078, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'berlin2019_team_mss_gold', 'material': 'berlin2019/mss_gold', 'name': 'mousesports (Gold) | Berlin 2019'}], 'floatid': '39937560681', 'low_rank': 121, 'high_rank': 74, 'floatvalue': 0.4842725694179535, 'm': '655936791463425616', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_elite_so_tangerine_light_large.3fd8ec1b63079a11e24d78228ad989b51a30b0ca.png', 'min': 0.26, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'Dual Berettas', 'item_name': 'Demolition', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir Dual Berettas | Demolition (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:42:22,518 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 0, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '12332632969', 'd': '7117460528406464567', 'paintseed': 174, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 151, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '12332632969', 'low_rank': 213, 'high_rank': 426, 'floatvalue': 0.5191800594329834, 'm': '657061604060017698', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_so_jungle_light_large.d98e255283a8cfd09aacb25405a26e580e3d129f.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Jungle', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Timed Drop', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Five-SeveN | Jungle (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:42:22,945 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M652559091763388350A40801109492D14595264818549965999 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:42:23,950 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:42:25,180 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41415150010', 'd': '6927145916405092823', 'paintseed': 935, 'defindex': 63, 'paintindex': 218, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41233763137', 'high_rank': 43, 'floatvalue': 0.3913058340549469, 'm': '641300092665804774', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_cz75a_hy_bluehex_light_large.032e4b0999830a45d7439d07faef66b8299a105f.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'CZ75-Auto', 'item_name': 'Hexane', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Well-Worn', 'full_item_name': 'CZ75-Auto | Hexane (Well-Worn)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:42:25,195 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M652559726664507467A41060094761D13174529466326143 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:42:26,200 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:42:26,905 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '30436517716', 'd': '9547813789328900792', 'paintseed': 296, 'defindex': 2, 'paintindex': 978, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '30436517716', 'high_rank': 271, 'floatvalue': 0.9625786542892456, 'm': '644677792370961867', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_elite_gs_dual_elites_dezastre_light_large.9b7aa9accd1e31a202b0f2ab66d0cf8d3039ee7d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Dual Berettas', 'item_name': 'Dezastre', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Dual Berettas | Dezastre (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:42:28,136 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '34384390703', 'd': '7704782385554167925', 'paintseed': 358, 'defindex': 11, 'paintindex': 294, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '34384390703', 'floatvalue': 0.2664548456668854, 'm': '657062691394175237', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_g3sg1_so_green_light_large.28c4e72757be64775c1111ac0e7142a147cacb9c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'G3SG1', 'item_name': 'Green Apple', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'G3SG1 | Green Apple (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:42:28,141 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '34384390703', 'd': '7704782385554167925', 'paintseed': 358, 'defindex': 11, 'paintindex': 294, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '34384390703', 'floatvalue': 0.2664548456668854, 'm': '657062691394175237', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_g3sg1_so_green_light_large.28c4e72757be64775c1111ac0e7142a147cacb9c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'G3SG1', 'item_name': 'Green Apple', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'G3SG1 | Green Apple (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:42:28,380 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41483661586', 'd': '9119650764729488', 'paintseed': 692, 'defindex': 2, 'paintindex': 824, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6707, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_blst_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/blst_gold', 'name': 'BLAST.tv (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 1692, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'de_mirage_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_mirage_gold', 'name': 'Mirage (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 6667, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_apex_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/apex_gold', 'name': 'Apeks (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6623, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_vita_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/vita_gold', 'name': 'Vitality (Gold) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '41319800726', 'floatvalue': 0.5189998149871826, 'm': '645803692316905288', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_elite_sp_dry_wood_light_large.89fee2f97c3722747a19dcc269397d71fd7fddc1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'Dual Berettas', 'item_name': 'Drift Wood', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir Dual Berettas | Drift Wood (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:42:39,708 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M664943990732791868A35593585879D4937716275827756275 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:42:40,715 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:42:46,994 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41144959686', 'd': '7946710319033637113', 'paintseed': 324, 'defindex': 11, 'paintindex': 147, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0.22966115176677704, 'rotation': -7.0222487449646, 'codename': 'dh_snowflake2', 'material': 'dreamhack/dh_snowflake2', 'name': 'Blue Snowflake'}], 'floatid': '40557425355', 'low_rank': 17, 'high_rank': 32, 'floatvalue': 0.541479766368866, 'm': '660438019580019745', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_g3sg1_sp_tape_short_jungle_light_large.02fd06db8f950789b6c4bff265df06439382c585.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'G3SG1', 'item_name': 'Jungle Dashed', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir G3SG1 | Jungle Dashed (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:42:47,827 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636796493066887452A41493443850D9370948662066375787 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:42:48,831 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:42:50,565 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41327874422', 'd': '16756390650695694618', 'paintseed': 308, 'defindex': 14, 'paintindex': 1042, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41327874422', 'floatvalue': 0.5292985439300537, 'm': '644677792411112007', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m249_gs_m249_combine_light_large.6f8724ef896506ede0925a425da05969f19aafdc.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'M249', 'item_name': 'O.S.I.P.R.', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'M249 | O.S.I.P.R. 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Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41151258079', 'd': '2642100768616704551', 'paintseed': 464, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 682, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41151258079', 'floatvalue': 0.500617504119873, 'm': '649181392040949138', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_am_mac10_oceani_light_large.25e5d3d5e249e11fe32971fa7bcdc0e5a1c777bd.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Oceanic', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Oceanic (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:43:00,734 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668322325357152419A41493530838D16573282142812029110 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:43:00,792 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M657063326292912948A40797477922D12565788842875182711 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:43:01,740 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:43:01,797 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:43:05,569 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037157305A39924092164D7990662143811282135 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:43:06,375 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M652559726664507557A41316006957D9531884597812568245 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:43:06,441 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41467539435', 'd': '16196217687230128766', 'paintseed': 634, 'defindex': 2, 'paintindex': 276, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39398795187', 'high_rank': 341, 'floatvalue': 0.5357356071472168, 'm': '657062691392754587', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_elite_so_panther_light_large.019431b3fca18b027d07fe29d0ee7bf88df75576.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.58, 'weapon_type': 'Dual Berettas', 'item_name': 'Panther', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Dual Berettas | Panther (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:43:06,575 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:43:06,776 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637922392973312923A30338780963D7226631218419399763 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:43:07,381 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:43:07,770 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668322325357152419A41493530838D16573282142812029110 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:43:07,780 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:43:07,784 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41316483620', 'd': '14854034854470888631', 'paintseed': 512, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 1128, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41316483620', 'floatvalue': 0.8782111406326294, 'm': '667195790550374071', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_cu_fiveseven_alpha_omega_light_large.698d00d53621c1b2358655aaff4f729bc0ed6300.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Scrawl', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Five-SeveN | Scrawl (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:43:08,775 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:43:10,952 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41221226990', 'd': '16640454191078707632', 'paintseed': 92, 'defindex': 14, 'paintindex': 1242, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41221226990', 'floatvalue': 0.7047134041786194, 'm': '659314491204556234', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m249_cu_m249_scarab_light_large.6dc1dc25afc1a3a22fff064c85c8f2d3d88aeac7.png', 'min': 0.02, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'M249', 'item_name': 'Submerged', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'M249 | Submerged (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:43:11,304 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048927782385991A41298774243D45043042174425719 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:43:12,309 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:43:13,409 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M652559726664507557A41316006957D9531884597812568245 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:43:14,415 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:43:17,845 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41483039350', 'd': '14755173695588982847', 'paintseed': 890, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 979, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41301860822', 'low_rank': 531, 'high_rank': 394, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.6852717399597168, 'm': '652559091758967790', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_cu_five_seven_diary_light_large.e09a26df236581e02db30cdbb9c55adb2a4d2292.png', 'min': 0.02, 'max': 0.9, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Fairy Tale', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Five-SeveN | Fairy Tale (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:43:18,347 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048927782385991A41298774243D45043042174425719 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:43:19,352 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:43:19,425 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '40836701098', 'd': '588536561273268573', 'paintseed': 362, 'defindex': 23, 'paintindex': 753, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40836701098', 'floatvalue': 0.49336493015289307, 'm': '657062691393316817', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp5sd_sp_tape_short_rally_light_large.2fdb10eba1dbf17030a2c0867fc385fe0449b974.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'MP5-SD', 'item_name': 'Dirt Drop', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'MP5-SD | Dirt Drop (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:43:22,166 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41279732550', 'd': '1029145805365468765', 'paintseed': 436, 'defindex': 11, 'paintindex': 980, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41279732550', 'floatvalue': 0.49082645773887634, 'm': '668321690460851631', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_g3sg1_gs_g3sg1_disrupt_light_large.393db5c1a143ad7fc9e3c42a7d17ca860ce490ab.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'G3SG1', 'item_name': 'Digital Mesh', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'G3SG1 | Digital Mesh (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:43:25,371 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M659315126105570303A41059435259D12593367247713860215 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:43:25,375 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048927782385991A41298774243D45043042174425719 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:43:26,389 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:43:26,389 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:43:32,424 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M659315126105570303A41059435259D12593367247713860215 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:43:32,426 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048927782385991A41298774243D45043042174425719 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:43:33,433 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:43:33,435 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:43:39,356 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41123533692', 'd': '5630113520832135777', 'paintseed': 496, 'defindex': 33, 'paintindex': 696, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7013, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_jkaem_1', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_jkaem', 'name': 'jkaem | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 7213, 'slot': 5, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_apex_32', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_apex_champion', 'name': 'apEX (Champion) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '41123533692', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.480043888092041, 'm': '641300092646944134', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp7_gs_mp7_bloodsport_light_large.ab5c304901ceb320482742b041815e7b5e3ccb95.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.65, 'weapon_type': 'MP7', 'item_name': 'Bloodsport', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MP7 | Bloodsport (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:43:39,464 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048927782385991A41298774243D45043042174425719 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:43:40,469 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:43:42,185 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '34227747138', 'd': '16305894373712180851', 'paintseed': 791, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 754, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '34227747138', 'floatvalue': 0.8286137580871582, 'm': '668321690461380261', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_aq_steel_inferno_light_large.4313699bf1fb212a490703f11b20dab3479ebe9c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Rust Coat', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Rust Coat (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:43:43,075 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635671228061878813A39109376988D11821606302323963541 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:43:44,081 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:43:46,499 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048927782385991A41298774243D45043042174425719 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:43:47,504 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:43:48,696 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653685626571368156A41254787185D7953610242068401017 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:43:49,701 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:43:53,549 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048927782385991A41298774243D45043042174425719 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:43:54,555 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:43:54,575 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '20480671336', 'd': '2947641563083818961', 'paintseed': 533, 'defindex': 23, 'paintindex': 986, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '20480671336', 'floatvalue': 0.4839322566986084, 'm': '636796493066685672', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp5sd_gs_mp5_conditionzero_light_large.4ed0ebd4f909faf2e09b5e18ec08e0a093719f63.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MP5-SD', 'item_name': 'Condition Zero', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'MP5-SD | Condition Zero (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:43:55,570 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41483370731', 'd': '7408105339281601137', 'paintseed': 562, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 535, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39347502341', 'low_rank': 742, 'high_rank': 34, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.43294745683670044, 'm': '663818090826465667', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_gs_mag7_praetorian_light_large.55d96fbd30315911a2397ef950887e8fda43a3ec.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.45, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Praetorian', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Well-Worn', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MAG-7 | Praetorian (Well-Worn)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:43:55,731 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653685626571368156A41254787185D7953610242068401017 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:43:56,737 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:43:57,272 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41327735971', 'd': '3379404980456389416', 'paintseed': 108, 'defindex': 28, 'paintindex': 1152, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41327735971', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.5647634267807007, 'm': '652559091763218730', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_negev_cu_negev_clear_sky_light_large.fc6f06d0f44e71207660f44b9b56021ce42a7e46.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Negev', 'item_name': 'Drop Me', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Negev | Drop Me (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:43:57,831 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41319563018', 'd': '11692695660798883752', 'paintseed': 41, 'defindex': 28, 'paintindex': 317, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '29062671120', 'low_rank': 852, 'floatvalue': 0.5339138507843018, 'm': '648055492124972662', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_negev_cu_bratatat_negev_light_large.b7589c335fb7066d53b1897e000f031d316641e6.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Negev', 'item_name': 'Bratatat', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Negev | Bratatat (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:44:00,584 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048927782385991A41298774243D45043042174425719 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:44:01,591 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:44:04,764 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644678427315542779A36077809166D11682526739026714819 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:44:05,770 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:44:06,533 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '40714919521', 'd': '16754701404728886921', 'paintseed': 342, 'defindex': 33, 'paintindex': 782, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40714919521', 'floatvalue': 0.47645115852355957, 'm': '664943990732701448', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp7_am_circuitboard_green_light_large.0df678715d2256928d817c2e89575879f03ad68e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'MP7', 'item_name': 'Motherboard', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'MP7 | Motherboard (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:44:07,624 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048927782385991A41298774243D45043042174425719 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:44:08,628 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:44:11,804 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644678427315542779A36077809166D11682526739026714819 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:44:12,809 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:44:14,657 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048927782385991A41298774243D45043042174425719 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:44:15,665 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:44:21,698 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048927782385991A41298774243D45043042174425719 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:44:21,862 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '5532501835', 'd': '4756973604940545181', 'paintseed': 486, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 291, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '5532501835', 'high_rank': 179, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.38886481523513794, 'm': '643551892505570156', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_cu_mag7_heaven_light_large.ea002eaa1f984e278f59a934ca9016f038d06120.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Heaven Guard', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Well-Worn', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MAG-7 | Heaven Guard (Well-Worn)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:44:22,703 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:44:23,399 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660440391110265155A41319752836D14874948161661829295 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:44:23,690 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '38362578590', 'd': '9990932448446669897', 'paintseed': 126, 'defindex': 33, 'paintindex': 1133, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '36811189457', 'floatvalue': 0.5062708258628845, 'm': '637922392972446043', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp7_cu_mp7_fear_light_large.17f608ce70f44af09c1a92c541430804429ae2d6.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MP7', 'item_name': 'Abyssal Apparition', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'MP7 | Abyssal Apparition (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:44:23,697 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '38362578590', 'd': '9990932448446669897', 'paintseed': 126, 'defindex': 33, 'paintindex': 1133, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '36811189457', 'floatvalue': 0.5062708258628845, 'm': '637922392972446043', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp7_cu_mp7_fear_light_large.17f608ce70f44af09c1a92c541430804429ae2d6.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MP7', 'item_name': 'Abyssal Apparition', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'MP7 | Abyssal Apparition (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:44:24,405 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:44:28,734 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048927782385991A41298774243D45043042174425719 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:44:29,740 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:44:30,445 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660440391110265155A41319752836D14874948161661829295 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:44:31,451 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:44:32,616 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '28998444762', 'd': '17196060928548324071', 'paintseed': 661, 'defindex': 33, 'paintindex': 893, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4510, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'shattered_web_mastermind_holo', 'material': 'shattered_web/mastermind_holo', 'name': 'Mastermind (Holo)'}, {'stickerId': 4511, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'shattered_web_web_stuck_holo', 'material': 'shattered_web/web_stuck_holo', 'name': 'Web Stuck (Holo)'}], 'floatid': '23735519108', 'high_rank': 336, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.8439595103263855, 'm': '645803692308996328', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp7_cu_mp7_replica_light_large.f56c050cb5147918efb6872ce61fda358a684cf5.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MP7', 'item_name': 'Neon Ply', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MP7 | Neon Ply (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:44:35,298 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037115845A41493489852D16324506487860159613 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:44:35,776 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048927782385991A41298774243D45043042174425719 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:44:36,303 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:44:36,781 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:44:39,944 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M643552527418131939A41493491041D7108481679763675010 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:44:40,949 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:44:41,148 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41456801781', 'd': '7226030175422947911', 'paintseed': 252, 'defindex': 33, 'paintindex': 5, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41456801781', 'floatvalue': 0.48350831866264343, 'm': '640174192789853993', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp7_hy_ddpat_light_large.0207fb5fe0a1e21cdda28e005f7960f2dc4728b9.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'MP7', 'item_name': 'Forest DDPAT', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'MP7 | Forest DDPAT (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:44:41,730 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174192790100773A41493444645D9866267801355539214 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:44:42,738 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:44:42,833 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048927782385991A41298774243D45043042174425719 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:44:43,660 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660441026013448884A40581736534D14324371526205497367 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:44:43,839 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:44:44,666 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:44:46,992 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M643552527418131939A41493491041D7108481679763675010 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:44:47,996 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:44:48,352 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227459899A41331071716D10125260359509447022 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:44:48,518 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635671228061863003A35132145250D11855163223724166250 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:44:48,771 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174192790100773A41493444645D9866267801355539214 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:44:49,360 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:44:49,525 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:44:49,779 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:44:49,887 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048927782385991A41298774243D45043042174425719 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:44:50,892 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:44:52,769 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037113985A38906499343D5352717960867951496 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:44:53,777 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:44:54,032 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M643552527418131939A41493491041D7108481679763675010 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:44:54,217 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M652559726664506207A40206738254D9713141668783243923 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:44:55,038 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:44:55,226 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:44:55,554 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635671228061863003A35132145250D11855163223724166250 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:44:56,561 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:44:56,920 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048927782385991A41298774243D45043042174425719 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:44:57,925 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:45:00,543 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692190922039186A41181012786D17203860728038931028 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:45:01,261 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M652559726664506207A40206738254D9713141668783243923 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:45:01,548 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:45:02,266 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:45:03,961 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048927782385991A41298774243D45043042174425719 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:45:04,677 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 0, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '25323638', 'd': '7404481606649641588', 'paintseed': 420, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 25, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '25323638', 'low_rank': 203, 'high_rank': 309, 'floatvalue': 0.5550134181976318, 'm': '646929592215230039', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_sp_leaves_light_large.ce2a773d74c050c18f99daaa39d4b670878abd99.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Forest Leaves', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Timed Drop', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'PP-Bizon | Forest Leaves (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:45:04,966 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:45:11,005 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048927782385991A41298774243D45043042174425719 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:45:12,011 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:45:15,092 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41487932396', 'd': '919863032868729231', 'paintseed': 907, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 323, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 796, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'cluj2015_signature_flamie_gold', 'material': 'cluj2015/sig_flamie_gold', 'name': 'flamie (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015'}, {'stickerId': 961, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'cluj2015_team_dhc_gold', 'material': 'cluj2015/dhc_gold', 'name': 'DreamHack (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015'}, {'stickerId': 934, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'cluj2015_team_navi_gold', 'material': 'cluj2015/navi_gold', 'name': 'Natus Vincere (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015'}], 'floatid': '3977525207', 'low_rank': 213, 'high_rank': 252, 'floatvalue': 0.5074708461761475, 'm': '660440391108339185', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_aq_steel_light_large.b363c0f1eef83ac7291f8b64d338dcdd82183502.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Rust Coat', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir Sawed-Off | Rust Coat (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:45:16,525 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41327151256', 'd': '614922263572908264', 'paintseed': 551, 'defindex': 32, 'paintindex': 485, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40619222236', 'high_rank': 514, 'floatvalue': 0.9435983300209045, 'm': '661566291016210149', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_hkp2000_aq_p2000_boom_light_large.39f01b0b86b795bea56300432fecfbf93415ee58.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'P2000', 'item_name': 'Handgun', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'P2000 | Handgun (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:45:18,040 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048927782385991A41298774243D45043042174425719 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:45:19,046 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:45:19,856 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41318242745', 'd': '12568083024361412967', 'paintseed': 896, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 246, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41318242745', 'floatvalue': 0.3825185298919678, 'm': '662692190921233476', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_aa_fade_metallic_light_large.aa7418206953ed4b7707ddbc859bb1eb7bf6c9ab.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Amber Fade', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Well-Worn', 'full_item_name': 'Sawed-Off | Amber Fade (Well-Worn)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:45:22,633 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41280726681', 'd': '2498029044513793745', 'paintseed': 158, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 298, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6675, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_liq_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/liq_gold', 'name': 'Team Liquid (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6667, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_apex_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/apex_gold', 'name': 'Apeks (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6707, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_blst_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/blst_gold', 'name': 'BLAST.tv (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 1689, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'de_ancient_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_ancient_gold', 'name': 'Ancient (Gold)'}], 'floatid': '41280726681', 'high_rank': 720, 'floatvalue': 0.2817709743976593, 'm': '654810891561177555', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_am_army_shine_light_large.cbdf89414f6dd35c2de30d0cda9a6d84fbd32289.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Army Sheen', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir Nova | Army Sheen (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:45:25,075 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048927782385991A41298774243D45043042174425719 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:45:26,081 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:45:27,831 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479248447A41272380988D16583028193517020718 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:45:28,836 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:45:29,353 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635671228061871253A41304504009D7939353616316627277 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:45:30,290 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037124725A41332990673D4624741954743322720 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:45:30,358 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:45:30,865 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41325215048', 'd': '2778231559307130046', 'paintseed': 950, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 973, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41325215048', 'floatvalue': 0.9243645071983337, 'm': '650306657821290127', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_gs_bizon_hellraider_light_large.c7aa487268b1e88b2e7fb1ff3c8c2eeeb24d4500.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Runic', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'PP-Bizon | Runic (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:45:30,874 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41325215048', 'd': '2778231559307130046', 'paintseed': 950, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 973, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41325215048', 'floatvalue': 0.9243645071983337, 'm': '650306657821290127', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_gs_bizon_hellraider_light_large.c7aa487268b1e88b2e7fb1ff3c8c2eeeb24d4500.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Runic', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'PP-Bizon | Runic (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:45:30,882 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41325215048', 'd': '2778231559307130046', 'paintseed': 950, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 973, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41325215048', 'floatvalue': 0.9243645071983337, 'm': '650306657821290127', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_gs_bizon_hellraider_light_large.c7aa487268b1e88b2e7fb1ff3c8c2eeeb24d4500.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Runic', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'PP-Bizon | Runic (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:45:31,295 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:45:32,036 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635671228061861743A41493568691D911497520052902279 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:45:32,111 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048927782385991A41298774243D45043042174425719 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:45:33,042 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:45:33,119 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:45:33,315 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41491679402', 'd': '2630918200618393762', 'paintseed': 5, 'defindex': 32, 'paintindex': 997, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39806028598', 'high_rank': 233, 'floatvalue': 0.5709836483001709, 'm': '640174192789587293', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_hkp2000_am_numbers_red_blue_light_large.03b8794b01dd0aa5e28f1f52b1a8a2bc0ecf179c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.65, 'weapon_type': 'P2000', 'item_name': 'Dispatch', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'P2000 | Dispatch (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:45:34,890 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479248447A41272380988D16583028193517020718 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:45:35,897 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:45:39,077 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635671228061861743A41493568691D911497520052902279 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:45:39,157 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048927782385991A41298774243D45043042174425719 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:45:40,082 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:45:40,162 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:45:43,476 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41492832668', 'd': '13875170605696026271', 'paintseed': 769, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 929, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6060, 'slot': 4, 'codename': 'rio2022_team_iem_gold', 'material': 'rio2022/iem_gold', 'name': 'IEM (Gold) | Rio 2022'}, {'stickerId': 1690, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'de_dust2_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_dust2_gold', 'name': 'Dust II (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 5976, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'rio2022_team_navi_gold', 'material': 'rio2022/navi_gold', 'name': 'Natus Vincere (Gold) | Rio 2022'}, {'stickerId': 6004, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'rio2022_team_big_gold', 'material': 'rio2022/big_gold', 'name': 'BIG (Gold) | Rio 2022'}], 'floatid': '36217803968', 'high_rank': 62, 'floatvalue': 0.4932783246040344, 'm': '637922392973097073', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_hy_torn_camo_paints_light_large.d53ec6ccfa639f7263876a96b019d3b3946af751.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Quick Sand', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir Nova | Quick Sand (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:45:44,499 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41331955295', 'd': '288373376256015689', 'paintseed': 590, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 30, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41331955295', 'floatvalue': 0.49276554584503174, 'm': '660440391104952155', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_sp_snake_light_large.5e65a350f30aa592de234f631d5d2cd98838fb4e.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Snake Camo', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Sawed-Off | Snake Camo (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:45:45,132 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41322366193', 'd': '739754336409257484', 'paintseed': 298, 'defindex': 32, 'paintindex': 667, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41322366193', 'low_rank': 395, 'high_rank': 274, 'floatvalue': 0.5423613786697388, 'm': '660440391098513555', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_hkp2000_cu_p2000_hunter_light_large.57f4ea5be4f9bece6a3b71521a370d9afb4abb1f.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'P2000', 'item_name': 'Woodsman', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'P2000 | Woodsman (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:45:46,193 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048927782385991A41298774243D45043042174425719 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:45:46,544 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41322608659', 'd': '7984436428698168318', 'paintseed': 410, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 612, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41322608659', 'floatvalue': 0.5141936540603638, 'm': '643551892505379716', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_gs_scar20_powercore_light_large.74bcd65b1a4a52dd397ede5aa59b860ca4c38939.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Powercore', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Powercore (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:45:47,198 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:45:49,691 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '2858692969', 'd': '2371823353489842931', 'paintseed': 70, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 450, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '2858692969', 'high_rank': 131, 'floatvalue': 0.4752580225467682, 'm': '639047205587217391', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_hy_zodiac1_light_large.b06536b160c1807d7aa4c8e906771d3c5c2f7c59.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Moon in Libra', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Moon in Libra (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:45:50,536 - Marketbot - ERROR - 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Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41309786173', 'd': '11685724903670042205', 'paintseed': 954, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 716, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '27830623754', 'floatvalue': 0.7582147121429443, 'm': '668321690458266921', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_cu_nova_toy_soldier_light_large.e35320d18405b77fb9dd5e495fe4f625b8ab6c82.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Toy Soldier', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Toy Soldier (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:45:52,270 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41491032465', 'd': '9434058456273791116', 'paintseed': 703, 'defindex': 32, 'paintindex': 951, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41324883904', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.4620863199234009, 'm': '640174192789381463', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_hkp2000_aq_p2000_acid_clover_light_large.9b6c7f2c0bd30dc66570c41101129e1a624ab7b8.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'P2000', 'item_name': 'Acid Etched', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ P2000 | Acid Etched (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:45:53,228 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048927782385991A41298774243D45043042174425719 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:45:54,234 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:45:54,888 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '40379127976', 'd': '5674615434092059521', 'paintseed': 642, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 5, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40379127976', 'floatvalue': 0.5445470213890076, 'm': '650307291947536279', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_hy_ddpat_light_large.e3f476b768693a046994a90e2aca045d329e6957.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Forest DDPAT', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Sawed-Off | Forest DDPAT (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:45:57,022 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '29288830928', 'd': '7927015403468487495', 'paintseed': 831, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 1140, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '29288830928', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.5317119359970093, 'm': '643551892506774146', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_cu_sawedoff_ouija_light_large.79ee13876374fa1fd2f04bea84124c265fb55407.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Spirit Board', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Sawed-Off | Spirit Board (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:46:00,272 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048927782385991A41298774243D45043042174425719 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:46:01,277 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:46:01,520 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '8130660839', 'd': '724634143952985351', 'paintseed': 898, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 405, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '8130660839', 'high_rank': 437, 'floatvalue': 0.4646068215370178, 'm': '660440391106140605', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_cu_sawedoff_deva_light_large.9ffde04f2f082dce492b2fa6e250f69f538a50b5.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Serenity', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Sawed-Off | Serenity (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:46:02,657 - Marketbot - ERROR - 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Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M661566925919232436A41493527396D3226316960019740956 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:46:06,713 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:46:07,309 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048927782385991A41298774243D45043042174425719 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:46:07,505 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:46:08,314 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:46:09,064 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41491947098', 'd': '7828562435208369076', 'paintseed': 857, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 17, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41491947098', 'floatvalue': 0.5969880223274231, 'm': '659314491204513514', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_tec9_hy_ddpat_urb_light_large.bd44491d7de854c08e2951e14f9066afdb340dd6.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Urban DDPAT', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Tec-9 | Urban DDPAT (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:46:09,340 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41492470334', 'd': '335524908604185385', 'paintseed': 375, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 797, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41492470334', 'floatvalue': 0.07481458783149719, 'm': '648055492131815482', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_aa_vertigo_red_light_large.999797e68b2d5df290b2e5771b6c4bfb0de1ec8c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Brake Light', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Minimal Wear', 'full_item_name': 'Sawed-Off | Brake Light (Minimal Wear)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:46:10,683 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M657063326292921318A41275848009D14737051940239854518 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:46:11,395 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '23022347979', 'd': '16322211385019406245', 'paintseed': 764, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 953, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '23022347979', 'floatvalue': 0.5540493726730347, 'm': '666069890639641170', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_cu_sawedoff_apocalypto_light_large.fc0f69fec04cf4d6955ef4aa6629d083aa554af6.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Apocalypto', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Sawed-Off | Apocalypto (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:46:11,688 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:46:13,466 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '39764897867', 'd': '14415574677926017164', 'paintseed': 828, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 778, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39764897867', 'floatvalue': 0.4770664572715759, 'm': '636796493066838252', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_hy_blueprint_bluered_light_large.1f2e4c38f9f9e7e1d815aeb5af99c499c5ff4951.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Facility Dark', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'UMP-45 | Facility Dark (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:46:13,476 - Marketbot - ERROR - 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Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127967639064A33895089541D720650897894085310 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:46:16,415 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:46:17,973 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41329776190', 'd': '767983093845268316', 'paintseed': 510, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 614, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7276, 'slot': 4, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_vita_holo', 'material': 'cph2024/vita_holo', 'name': 'Vitality (Holo) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7276, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_vita_holo', 'material': 'cph2024/vita_holo', 'name': 'Vitality (Holo) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7276, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_vita_holo', 'material': 'cph2024/vita_holo', 'name': 'Vitality (Holo) | Copenhagen 2024'}], 'floatid': '38806042736', 'floatvalue': 0.5585163831710815, 'm': '650307291947223769', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_tec9_gs_tec9_supercharged_light_large.e3ebc20f10eae02790fe95703b6099acca1d1809.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Fuel Injector', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Tec-9 | Fuel Injector (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:46:18,030 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048927782385511A41298774236D2767568530913850172 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:46:18,510 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41332064642', 'd': '21471719484459858', 'paintseed': 30, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 46, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41332064642', 'floatvalue': 0.5236743092536926, 'm': '659314491204901024', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_so_pmc_light_large.c3e05baecc15229a989ddd093964e9c4e9fbe68a.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Contractor', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Contractor (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:46:18,909 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660441026013451884A33963128567D5624123344911728990 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:46:19,036 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:46:19,915 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:46:20,685 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40889946864', 'd': '12151420198139810946', 'paintseed': 127, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 704, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40889946864', 'floatvalue': 0.6496121883392334, 'm': '640174192789899173', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_cu_ump45_white_fang_light_large.f63a10d5ee18e3045adfdcf963b9067b3b0a6b48.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Arctic Wolf', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'UMP-45 | Arctic Wolf (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:46:20,813 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41332099103', 'd': '12412524102477224237', 'paintseed': 178, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 250, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41332099103', 'floatvalue': 0.49761927127838135, 'm': '641300092690754604', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_hy_varicamo_red_light_large.8db408c4317e19bfdf8adc6c3183327866423445.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Full Stop', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Sawed-Off | Full Stop (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:46:20,821 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41332099103', 'd': '12412524102477224237', 'paintseed': 178, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 250, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41332099103', 'floatvalue': 0.49761927127838135, 'm': '641300092690754604', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_hy_varicamo_red_light_large.8db408c4317e19bfdf8adc6c3183327866423445.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Full Stop', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Sawed-Off | Full Stop (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:46:25,078 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048927782385511A41298774236D2767568530913850172 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:46:26,084 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:46:27,625 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '30378626815', 'd': '16177539413584701462', 'paintseed': 820, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 755, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '30378626815', 'floatvalue': 0.7629939913749695, 'm': '644677792411669407', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_hy_splatter3_light_large.e87822a5caeb6a7181e0e866612c755f78f66be1.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Slide', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'MP9 | Slide (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:46:27,691 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127967647404A41091339579D9809018110549244570 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:46:28,697 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:46:29,732 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660441026013439674A41036690800D11982964304974281932 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:46:30,038 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692825825024270A29485973433D641457704891929936 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:46:30,737 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:46:31,043 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:46:34,844 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666070525548721145A41493545663D10262265442855400860 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:46:35,848 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:46:36,304 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M652559726664493637A41493525467D4623123717835299307 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:46:37,312 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:46:40,496 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41492623598', 'd': '5254834817069340261', 'paintseed': 168, 'defindex': 25, 'paintindex': 1103, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40504811817', 'floatvalue': 0.8608872890472412, 'm': '648055492131862312', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_xm1014_gs_xm1014_watchdog_light_large.5443196414c00a57b26d9af50d4a75a35dd8dbd8.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'XM1014', 'item_name': 'Watchdog', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'XM1014 | Watchdog (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:46:40,902 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037132255A41313463320D12457524109656267644 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:46:40,993 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668320603151774849A36727264232D7351179217860131149 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:46:41,907 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:46:41,999 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:46:45,752 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '40105765339', 'd': '7954177772710546014', 'paintseed': 757, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 910, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40105765339', 'low_rank': 576, 'high_rank': 585, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.6520468592643738, 'm': '635670593144677331', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_cu_mp9_hydra_light_large.b7763a811b3bc9d19d04502fba0edc6cbe355766.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Hydra', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MP9 | Hydra (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:46:45,762 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '40105765339', 'd': '7954177772710546014', 'paintseed': 757, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 910, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40105765339', 'low_rank': 576, 'high_rank': 585, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.6520468592643738, 'm': '635670593144677331', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_cu_mp9_hydra_light_large.b7763a811b3bc9d19d04502fba0edc6cbe355766.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Hydra', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MP9 | Hydra (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:46:47,935 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037132255A41313463320D12457524109656267644 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:46:48,939 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:46:54,252 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692825825043110A41320057876D7991822421584221770 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:46:54,969 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037132255A41313463320D12457524109656267644 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:46:55,257 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:46:55,974 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:46:57,071 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '13001053745', 'd': '9369997137997289982', 'paintseed': 554, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 303, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '13001053745', 'high_rank': 469, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.9199150800704956, 'm': '649181392039790268', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_tec9_cu_tec9_asiimov_light_large.9a4fb9bbf6f01209b8fd3effeda1eecfc1e5a9a3.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Isaac', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Tec-9 | Isaac (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:46:57,840 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41274753512', 'd': '12601650952114639495', 'paintseed': 287, 'defindex': 25, 'paintindex': 1046, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38631053835', 'high_rank': 805, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.7540915012359619, 'm': '666069890635696800', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_xm1014_aq_xm1014_punk_light_large.8c6eb5bcf234179713a52b1a5e22c64c21c52007.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.9, 'weapon_type': 'XM1014', 'item_name': 'XOXO', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ XM1014 | XOXO (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:46:58,397 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '36793203765', 'd': '3226301369647307764', 'paintseed': 522, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 520, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6668, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0.8069606423377991, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_mont', 'material': 'paris2023/mont', 'name': 'Monte | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6656, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0.7288693189620972, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_pain', 'material': 'paris2023/pain', 'name': 'paiN Gaming | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6668, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0.9928608536720276, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_mont', 'material': 'paris2023/mont', 'name': 'Monte | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6668, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0.8716626763343811, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_mont', 'material': 'paris2023/mont', 'name': 'Monte | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '36793203765', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.5695904493331909, 'm': '659314491204681844', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_tec9_cu_tec9_avalanche_light_large.eb6726a24084bf5f3c8c8c70cd8ea37425a708e3.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Avalanche', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Tec-9 | Avalanche (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:47:01,288 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692825825043110A41320057876D7991822421584221770 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:47:01,963 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646930227130286601A41198258913D16585776938351449292 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:47:02,292 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:47:02,968 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:47:08,278 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41323277171', 'd': '9837096228819058932', 'paintseed': 196, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 1225, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41323277171', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.7243204116821289, 'm': '662692190918537676', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_cu_mp9_superlight_light_large.81ad837f4c889f250fa03b227ef74555614de55d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Featherweight', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MP9 | Featherweight (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:47:08,326 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692825825043110A41320057876D7991822421584221770 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:47:08,997 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646930227130286601A41198258913D16585776938351449292 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:47:09,330 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:47:09,495 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41218979784', 'd': '7659152802657071962', 'paintseed': 884, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 964, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41218979784', 'floatvalue': 0.8168517351150513, 'm': '660440391105264125', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_tec9_gs_tec9_guerilla_light_large.796534c0914361eec796eccd5558930096f75f96.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Brother', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Tec-9 | Brother (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:47:10,002 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:47:11,752 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048927782384491A41302654485D11578199125075808730 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:47:12,756 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:47:14,574 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642426627503963254A41493569891D18123149338416650 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:47:15,365 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692825825043110A41320057876D7991822421584221770 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:47:15,578 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:47:15,626 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41296950957', 'd': '14577030906604362249', 'paintseed': 706, 'defindex': 25, 'paintindex': 1174, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41296950957', 'floatvalue': 0.6810534000396729, 'm': '654810891556950525', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.799353, 'weapon_type': 'XM1014', 'item_name': 'Irezumi', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'XM1014 | Irezumi (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:47:15,633 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41296950957', 'd': '14577030906604362249', 'paintseed': 706, 'defindex': 25, 'paintindex': 1174, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41296950957', 'floatvalue': 0.6810534000396729, 'm': '654810891556950525', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.799353, 'weapon_type': 'XM1014', 'item_name': 'Irezumi', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'XM1014 | Irezumi (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:47:15,714 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '29116007679', 'd': '13874544449693074518', 'paintseed': 953, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 298, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '29116007679', 'floatvalue': 0.27631479501724243, 'm': '655936791476404336', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_am_army_shine_light_large.59520d9221e58bdc6b6946943cca0823b7460509.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Army Sheen', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'MP9 | Army Sheen (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:47:15,720 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668321690462026071A41252703481D4963178336944896045 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:47:15,721 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '29116007679', 'd': '13874544449693074518', 'paintseed': 953, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 298, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '29116007679', 'floatvalue': 0.27631479501724243, 'm': '655936791476404336', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_am_army_shine_light_large.59520d9221e58bdc6b6946943cca0823b7460509.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Army Sheen', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'MP9 | Army Sheen (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:47:15,728 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '29116007679', 'd': '13874544449693074518', 'paintseed': 953, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 298, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '29116007679', 'floatvalue': 0.27631479501724243, 'm': '655936791476404336', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_am_army_shine_light_large.59520d9221e58bdc6b6946943cca0823b7460509.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Army Sheen', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'MP9 | Army Sheen (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:47:15,735 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '29116007679', 'd': '13874544449693074518', 'paintseed': 953, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 298, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '29116007679', 'floatvalue': 0.27631479501724243, 'm': '655936791476404336', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_am_army_shine_light_large.59520d9221e58bdc6b6946943cca0823b7460509.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Army Sheen', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'MP9 | Army Sheen (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:47:16,035 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646930227130286601A41198258913D16585776938351449292 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:47:16,369 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:47:16,725 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:47:17,040 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:47:18,063 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41492473544', 'd': '1064717173832005346', 'paintseed': 67, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 17, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41492473544', 'floatvalue': 0.491098016500473, 'm': '654810891574411035', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_hy_ddpat_urb_light_large.2a86a32be1865ab7757d80bfbee44c80662ee4d9.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Urban DDPAT', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'UMP-45 | Urban DDPAT (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:47:19,931 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41485044049', 'd': '2463159090835609641', 'paintseed': 408, 'defindex': 25, 'paintindex': 1135, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41095696180', 'floatvalue': 0.4939168691635132, 'm': '644677792408982697', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_xm1014_am_xm_zombie_offensive_light_large.0e15d69fbf9b3d93b14f54f85fa84bcb45c8f49e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'XM1014', 'item_name': 'Zombie Offensive', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'XM1014 | Zombie Offensive (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:47:21,609 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642426627503963254A41493569891D18123149338416650 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:47:22,401 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692825825043110A41320057876D7991822421584221770 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:47:22,456 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '39699438768', 'd': '3336197719483309558', 'paintseed': 471, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 684, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6612, 'slot': 3, 'rotation': -18, 'offset_x': -0.5057748556137085, 'offset_y': 0.2466493844985962, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_navi', 'material': 'paris2023/navi', 'name': 'Natus Vincere | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 7274, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': -0.5004134178161621, 'offset_y': 0.3243674635887146, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_vita', 'material': 'cph2024/vita', 'name': 'Vitality | Copenhagen 2024'}], 'floatid': '38942648236', 'floatvalue': 0.6842238903045654, 'm': '645803692320242788', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_tec9_cu_tec9_cracked_opal_light_large.d6e9cc1c31550faeac9c55341be170abf07245b7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Cracked Opal', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Tec-9 | Cracked Opal (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:47:22,614 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:47:22,776 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668321690462026071A41252703481D4963178336944896045 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:47:23,405 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:47:23,783 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:47:28,641 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642426627503963254A41493569891D18123149338416650 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:47:29,444 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692825825043110A41320057876D7991822421584221770 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:47:29,647 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:47:29,811 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668321690462026071A41252703481D4963178336944896045 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:47:30,462 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:47:30,816 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:47:34,827 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658188591293730843A40660957296D2748392342132670482 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:47:35,832 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:47:36,494 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692825825043110A41320057876D7991822421584221770 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:47:36,839 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668321690462026071A41252703481D4963178336944896045 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:47:37,499 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:47:37,844 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:47:38,905 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41485630445', 'd': '14150523800699928262', 'paintseed': 89, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 990, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39815073198', 'high_rank': 992, 'floatvalue': 0.5870574712753296, 'm': '662692190919166926', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_gs_ump_gold_bismuth_light_large.c09fa5b0617d1c486737c9beb39f79bec31621dc.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Gold Bismuth', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'UMP-45 | Gold Bismuth (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:47:38,912 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41485630445', 'd': '14150523800699928262', 'paintseed': 89, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 990, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39815073198', 'high_rank': 992, 'floatvalue': 0.5870574712753296, 'm': '662692190919166926', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_gs_ump_gold_bismuth_light_large.c09fa5b0617d1c486737c9beb39f79bec31621dc.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Gold Bismuth', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'UMP-45 | Gold Bismuth (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:47:41,902 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41104131747', 'd': '12396160602925169669', 'paintseed': 248, 'defindex': 25, 'paintindex': 1103, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41104131747', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.5178695917129517, 'm': '639048292880338622', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_xm1014_gs_xm1014_watchdog_light_large.5443196414c00a57b26d9af50d4a75a35dd8dbd8.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'XM1014', 'item_name': 'Watchdog', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ XM1014 | Watchdog (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:47:43,057 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642426627503972404A41493603173D742045426015710430 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:47:43,529 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692825825043110A41320057876D7991822421584221770 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:47:43,886 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668321690462026071A41252703481D4963178336944896045 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:47:44,064 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:47:44,536 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:47:44,891 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:47:50,582 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692825825043110A41320057876D7991822421584221770 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:47:50,930 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668321690462026071A41252703481D4963178336944896045 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:47:51,587 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:47:51,934 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:47:52,618 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640173105485899532A40647511150D9569621640789834920 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:47:53,621 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:47:57,622 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692825825043110A41320057876D7991822421584221770 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:47:57,969 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668321690462026071A41252703481D4963178336944896045 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:47:58,628 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:47:58,974 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:48:04,662 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692825825043110A41320057876D7991822421584221770 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:48:05,009 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668321690462026071A41252703481D4963178336944896045 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:48:05,670 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:48:06,016 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:48:12,056 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668321690462026071A41252703481D4963178336944896045 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:48:13,062 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:48:19,097 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668321690462026071A41252703481D4963178336944896045 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:48:20,104 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:49:01,260 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M657063326292944298A41312005042D2793397958503706107 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:49:02,264 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:49:04,259 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '38287016894', 'd': '5199621748721355217', 'paintseed': 753, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 1238, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38277134364', 'low_rank': 829, 'floatvalue': 0.03754689544439316, 'm': '662692190921903676', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_gs_ak47_strone_light_large.8434d6be7fa076ce41c86eb5ea00efe9383800c6.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.73, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Steel Delta', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AK-47 | Steel Delta (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:49:08,299 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M657063326292944298A41312005042D2793397958503706107 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:49:08,681 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41294810641', 'd': '16593704566298526685', 'paintseed': 855, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 1141, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41045559490', 'low_rank': 839, 'floatvalue': 0.0424325168132782, 'm': '645803692314738148', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_cu_ak47_nightwish_light_large.0c4581be094e2bd732bec18ebdad2f71b1018af2.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Nightwish', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AK-47 | Nightwish (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:49:09,305 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:49:11,047 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41478117918', 'd': '3027162420258897742', 'paintseed': 195, 'defindex': 60, 'paintindex': 235, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41478117918', 'floatvalue': 0.05607880279421806, 'm': '644677792411796097', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_silencer_hy_varicamo_light_large.794803daec1d6d6cd2c47d8e8520d9f5f0b1fc1b.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'M4A1-S', 'item_name': 'VariCamo', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'M4A1-S | VariCamo (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:49:11,595 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M652559726664521747A34147200196D14170097556805404983 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:49:12,601 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:49:18,641 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M652559726664521747A34147200196D14170097556805404983 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:49:19,647 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:49:22,090 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41484088917', 'd': '612714856036264032', 'paintseed': 307, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 1149, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5199, 'slot': 5, 'offset_x': 0.015574485063552856, 'offset_y': -0.0004267096519470215, 'codename': 'stockh2021_signature_art_holo', 'material': 'stockh2021/sig_art_holo', 'name': 'arT (Holo) | Stockholm 2021'}], 'floatid': '37861738539', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.031282369047403336, 'm': '642425992596968245', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_cu_m4a4_elite_tactical_light_large.015fd86aa32f4f0331aa1b7dc2571d89dbf38671.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'Poly Mag', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ M4A4 | Poly Mag (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:49:30,691 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479257687A41479676005D14865940693775591705 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:49:31,088 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644678427315544759A1485212729D16892555974032316868 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:49:31,696 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:49:32,093 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:49:37,721 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479257687A41479676005D14865940693775591705 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:49:38,714 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127967638974A39872418346D7549304733076168327 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:49:38,725 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:49:38,862 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestProxyCheap: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 502. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:186) 2025-01-22 00:49:39,720 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:49:46,182 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41487885824', 'd': '9396910854169144844', 'paintseed': 614, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 400, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40570777959', 'floatvalue': 0.06350433081388474, 'm': '661566291016190829', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_cu_m4a4_ancestral_light_large.cbd9732689f42b7aec91bdb9166b1ee414974cb7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.75, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': '龍王 (Dragon King)', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'M4A4 | 龍王 (Dragon King) (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:49:46,841 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826761844528A41493554341D13835137498388474474 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:49:47,846 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:49:49,466 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41318398031', 'd': '12108638218858433255', 'paintseed': 989, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 805, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41318398031', 'floatvalue': 0.05824069678783417, 'm': '651433191850623590', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_gs_deagle_mecha_light_large.e08c1fd8709f6b368956c41c68b17c15ff635635.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Mecha Industries', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Desert Eagle | Mecha Industries (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:49:51,141 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174192790107313A20063568685D16152417807953971089 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:49:52,147 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:49:55,697 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654810891574680675A4368691580D9685701732011233833 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:49:56,124 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '37456749283', 'd': '11973002828010368581', 'paintseed': 367, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 296, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6873, 'slot': 1, 'offset_x': -0.5098742842674255, 'offset_y': 0.01530998945236206, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_goofy_2', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_goofy', 'name': 'Goofy | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '37456749283', 'floatvalue': 0.05070566013455391, 'm': '635670593158952861', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_am_crystallized_dark_light_large.2d7d753a893ec3f0a470af9690aa64dcecd7146f.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.18, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Meteorite', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Desert Eagle | Meteorite (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:49:56,130 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '37456749283', 'd': '11973002828010368581', 'paintseed': 367, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 296, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6873, 'slot': 1, 'offset_x': -0.5098742842674255, 'offset_y': 0.01530998945236206, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_goofy_2', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_goofy', 'name': 'Goofy | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '37456749283', 'floatvalue': 0.05070566013455391, 'm': '635670593158952861', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_am_crystallized_dark_light_large.2d7d753a893ec3f0a470af9690aa64dcecd7146f.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.18, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Meteorite', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Desert Eagle | Meteorite (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:49:56,137 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '37456749283', 'd': '11973002828010368581', 'paintseed': 367, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 296, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6873, 'slot': 1, 'offset_x': -0.5098742842674255, 'offset_y': 0.01530998945236206, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_goofy_2', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_goofy', 'name': 'Goofy | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '37456749283', 'floatvalue': 0.05070566013455391, 'm': '635670593158952861', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_am_crystallized_dark_light_large.2d7d753a893ec3f0a470af9690aa64dcecd7146f.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.18, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Meteorite', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Desert Eagle | Meteorite (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:49:56,143 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '37456749283', 'd': '11973002828010368581', 'paintseed': 367, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 296, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6873, 'slot': 1, 'offset_x': -0.5098742842674255, 'offset_y': 0.01530998945236206, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_goofy_2', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_goofy', 'name': 'Goofy | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '37456749283', 'floatvalue': 0.05070566013455391, 'm': '635670593158952861', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_am_crystallized_dark_light_large.2d7d753a893ec3f0a470af9690aa64dcecd7146f.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.18, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Meteorite', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Desert Eagle | Meteorite (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:49:56,588 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660441026013445794A41021350309D17168366147690323659 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:49:56,703 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:49:57,595 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:50:03,654 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41491718932', 'd': '1028193051793449669', 'paintseed': 767, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 232, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35468329097', 'low_rank': 25, 'high_rank': 835, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06857531517744064, 'm': '637922392972702243', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_hy_webs_darker_light_large.7b9cb19bac52ebe7c49e3abdfb0c400ea252fef8.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Crimson Web', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Desert Eagle | Crimson Web (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:50:03,667 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666070525548719345A41248926866D478164834471641157 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:50:04,671 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:50:07,041 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926854995367A39831282426D63099083606897771 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:50:08,046 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:50:13,245 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660441026013439104A41493556526D14016585777520608771 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:50:13,260 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653685626571358046A34855788732D4946226459827294045 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:50:14,079 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926854995367A39831282426D63099083606897771 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:50:14,251 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:50:14,264 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:50:15,084 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:50:15,337 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666069890639788980A33757634388D3046698663250564390 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:50:16,345 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:50:16,377 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41492039678', 'd': '7218151046548347587', 'paintseed': 4, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 1144, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7283, 'slot': 4, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_cplx_glitter', 'material': 'cph2024/cplx_glitter', 'name': 'Complexity Gaming (Glitter) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7283, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_cplx_glitter', 'material': 'cph2024/cplx_glitter', 'name': 'Complexity Gaming (Glitter) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7283, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_cplx_glitter', 'material': 'cph2024/cplx_glitter', 'name': 'Complexity Gaming (Glitter) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7283, 'slot': 0, 'offset_x': -0.3087432384490967, 'offset_y': -0.017872005701065063, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_cplx_glitter', 'material': 'cph2024/cplx_glitter', 'name': 'Complexity Gaming (Glitter) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7283, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': 0.17471209168434143, 'offset_y': 0.06558451056480408, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_cplx_glitter', 'material': 'cph2024/cplx_glitter', 'name': 'Complexity Gaming (Glitter) | Copenhagen 2024'}], 'floatid': '40006988331', 'floatvalue': 0.04894815385341644, 'm': '637922392972838083', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_cu_awp_chroma_pink_light_large.afc69cbf51b04e24149744b6ee1d998cc18d3002.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Chromatic Aberration', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Chromatic Aberration (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:50:16,756 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '4999813262', 'd': '2371292997494941452', 'paintseed': 181, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 495, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '4999813262', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06480888277292252, 'm': '654810891569715435', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_gs_glock18_wrathys_light_large.8cf4aba20d193a1646b378a3d04a6fee3f66724c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Wraiths', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Glock-18 | Wraiths (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:50:18,022 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '35099120197', 'd': '7552185703900790439', 'paintseed': 565, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 1222, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 1642, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'bestiary_manticore', 'material': 'bestiary_capsule/manticore', 'name': 'Manticore'}], 'floatid': '35099120197', 'low_rank': 945, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06720715016126633, 'm': '651433191845033030', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_gs_awp_limbo_snake_light_large.60984ce1e5c1a4ac10e83444a9b7e7f78dd98b1e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Duality', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ AWP | Duality (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:50:20,104 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40531929151', 'd': '11873261471335493450', 'paintseed': 410, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 694, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40230561785', 'floatvalue': 0.06683545559644699, 'm': '666069890638199460', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_aa_glock_18_urban_moon_fever_light_large.a0227f81e44dba68abbe595d427d62f9f90da99d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.65, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Moonrise', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Moonrise (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:50:20,284 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660441026013439104A41493556526D14016585777520608771 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:50:20,370 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658188591293721783A41493446271D7809923729183477055 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:50:21,289 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:50:21,375 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:50:22,380 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666069890639788980A33757634388D3046698663250564390 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:50:23,385 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:50:24,112 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692825825044790A38868181890D12541513850396566670 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:50:25,117 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:50:29,416 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666069890639788980A33757634388D3046698663250564390 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:50:29,621 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M663818725732934081A41493628073D7128213506230761707 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:50:29,778 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41491088607', 'd': '2660721854744240586', 'paintseed': 826, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 1100, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40515397355', 'floatvalue': 0.06999988108873367, 'm': '654810891573988215', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_cu_glock_snackattack_light_large.145d863714fb0fd6f766ef28f3639c0efded5018.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Snack Attack', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Snack Attack (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:50:30,421 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:50:30,628 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:50:31,427 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41481954966', 'd': '11864956188930910688', 'paintseed': 359, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 353, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41230284992', 'low_rank': 285, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.04784770682454109, 'm': '651433191847408070', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_cu_glock-liquescent_light_large.151e954ed4aef28ccc55d0ca4b43a7d9644f36ac.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Water Elemental', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Glock-18 | Water Elemental (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:50:32,483 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '38915661224', 'd': '14024894149545400585', 'paintseed': 632, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 818, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38915661224', 'floatvalue': 0.0583694763481617, 'm': '652559091763357630', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_am_ddpat_purple_light_large.993825dcdc1100cdaf92b119e82b2ba756a38bea.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Purple DDPAT', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir USP-S | Purple DDPAT (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:50:32,493 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '38915661224', 'd': '14024894149545400585', 'paintseed': 632, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 818, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38915661224', 'floatvalue': 0.0583694763481617, 'm': '652559091763357630', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_am_ddpat_purple_light_large.993825dcdc1100cdaf92b119e82b2ba756a38bea.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Purple DDPAT', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir USP-S | Purple DDPAT (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:50:32,740 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646930227130278921A39985983085D11819389556554236160 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:50:33,745 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:50:35,032 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '40712533153', 'd': '9551159322360070935', 'paintseed': 316, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 170, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 180, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'kawaiikiller', 'material': 'community02/kawaiikiller', 'name': 'Kawaii Killer CT'}, {'stickerId': 6739, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_krimz_2_holo', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_krimz_holo', 'name': 'KRIMZ (Holo) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6739, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_krimz_2_holo', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_krimz_holo', 'name': 'KRIMZ (Holo) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '40266003190', 'low_rank': 97, 'floatvalue': 0.06678188592195511, 'm': '643551892502904686', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_sp_zebracam_light_large.5f15c9e41b9ac135b87cdadb407c9872e31c1f29.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Predator', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AK-47 | Predator (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:50:35,833 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41315473298', 'd': '3072840907153215310', 'paintseed': 809, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 1167, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41315473298', 'floatvalue': 0.06668438017368317, 'm': '655936791476307766', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.671875, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Block-18', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Block-18 (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:50:36,658 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M663818725732934081A41493628073D7128213506230761707 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:50:36,704 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875563185A41315539805D14331031156127584159 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:50:36,895 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41100082961', 'd': '16433325004376511527', 'paintseed': 937, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 1222, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41100082961', 'floatvalue': 0.0591602586209774, 'm': '645803692316439088', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_gs_awp_limbo_snake_light_large.60984ce1e5c1a4ac10e83444a9b7e7f78dd98b1e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Duality', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Duality (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:50:37,664 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:50:37,710 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:50:38,382 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41491971032', 'd': '29491301140032838', 'paintseed': 96, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 623, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35206759027', 'low_rank': 504, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.02627170830965042, 'm': '642425992599664765', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_aq_glock_dark-fall_light_large.ac35c22bc50660c89ecfe7654ee93bb9f00bd6f4.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Ironwork', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Glock-18 | Ironwork (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:50:39,317 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '26736205814', 'd': '2506336816901308621', 'paintseed': 498, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 841, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 34, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'std2_banana', 'material': 'stickers2/banana', 'name': 'Banana'}], 'floatid': '26364377506', 'low_rank': 841, 'floatvalue': 0.018614279106259346, 'm': '663818090830850407', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_gs_deagle_exo_light_large.8bdc93f1b45efba187748065deff967eef8f2f2d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.9, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Light Rail', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Desert Eagle | Light Rail (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:50:39,324 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '26736205814', 'd': '2506336816901308621', 'paintseed': 498, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 841, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 34, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'std2_banana', 'material': 'stickers2/banana', 'name': 'Banana'}], 'floatid': '26364377506', 'low_rank': 841, 'floatvalue': 0.018614279106259346, 'm': '663818090830850407', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_gs_deagle_exo_light_large.8bdc93f1b45efba187748065deff967eef8f2f2d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.9, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Light Rail', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Desert Eagle | Light Rail (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:50:39,330 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '26736205814', 'd': '2506336816901308621', 'paintseed': 498, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 841, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 34, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'std2_banana', 'material': 'stickers2/banana', 'name': 'Banana'}], 'floatid': '26364377506', 'low_rank': 841, 'floatvalue': 0.018614279106259346, 'm': '663818090830850407', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_gs_deagle_exo_light_large.8bdc93f1b45efba187748065deff967eef8f2f2d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.9, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Light Rail', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Desert Eagle | Light Rail (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:50:39,342 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '26736205814', 'd': '2506336816901308621', 'paintseed': 498, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 841, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 34, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'std2_banana', 'material': 'stickers2/banana', 'name': 'Banana'}], 'floatid': '26364377506', 'low_rank': 841, 'floatvalue': 0.018614279106259346, 'm': '663818090830850407', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_gs_deagle_exo_light_large.8bdc93f1b45efba187748065deff967eef8f2f2d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.9, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Light Rail', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Desert Eagle | Light Rail (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:50:39,792 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646930227130278921A39985983085D11819389556554236160 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:50:40,096 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642426627503970544A38312093349D2597035505766007017 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:50:40,798 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:50:40,878 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40300161683', 'd': '16585322197755171596', 'paintseed': 185, 'defindex': 60, 'paintindex': 1059, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40300161683', 'floatvalue': 0.052317481487989426, 'm': '666069890639248590', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_silencer_sp_technowar_red_light_large.8b95f916513ef9d3ceab3f8b87acd23779aeef0a.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.57, 'weapon_type': 'M4A1-S', 'item_name': 'Fizzy POP', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'M4A1-S | Fizzy POP (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:50:41,101 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:50:42,355 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M659315126105592833A41321784930D14602968410062179916 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:50:42,943 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '20331521238', 'd': '9521993261813126339', 'paintseed': 409, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 943, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '20331521238', 'floatvalue': 0.06624418497085571, 'm': '667195790549602801', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_cu_awp_vein_light_large.8665dc4b4231298e9bbcab7aad3abbbf22e3edd8.png', 'min': 0.05, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Capillary', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Capillary (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:50:43,031 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M663818725732946111A41324665210D5209132196962787598 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:50:43,360 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:50:43,745 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875563185A41315539805D14331031156127584159 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:50:44,038 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:50:44,749 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:50:46,842 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646930227130278921A39985983085D11819389556554236160 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:50:47,127 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642426627503970544A38312093349D2597035505766007017 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:50:47,847 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:50:48,132 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:50:50,288 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '35171164459', 'd': '2495784385044567085', 'paintseed': 992, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 584, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35171164459', 'floatvalue': 0.058888960629701614, 'm': '658188591293721333', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_gs_awp_phobos_light_large.fca961cc99c704f09c44e6e82378434ef0e22087.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Phobos', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Phobos (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:50:50,295 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '35171164459', 'd': '2495784385044567085', 'paintseed': 992, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 584, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35171164459', 'floatvalue': 0.058888960629701614, 'm': '658188591293721333', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_gs_awp_phobos_light_large.fca961cc99c704f09c44e6e82378434ef0e22087.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Phobos', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Phobos (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:50:52,181 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40775771887', 'd': '757176486242822753', 'paintseed': 793, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 1056, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4958, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_furi', 'material': 'stockh2021/furi', 'name': 'FURIA | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 4958, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_furi', 'material': 'stockh2021/furi', 'name': 'FURIA | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 4970, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_liq', 'material': 'stockh2021/liq', 'name': 'Team Liquid | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 4982, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_evl', 'material': 'stockh2021/evl', 'name': 'Evil Geniuses | Stockholm 2021'}], 'floatid': '30450641776', 'floatvalue': 0.043620865792036057, 'm': '658188591293683833', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_sp_spacerace_blue_light_large.e93e99eadcae13e4ff2cbe9f958d720a34007a6d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Sputnik', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Desert Eagle | Sputnik (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:50:52,314 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41305172026', 'd': '4651315451392837472', 'paintseed': 694, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 1227, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41305172026', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06397092342376709, 'm': '664943990732496158', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_cu_glock_moon_rabbit_light_large.9063b9745250446c657632eb13a6325f51d101f2.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.75, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Umbral Rabbit', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Glock-18 | Umbral Rabbit (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:50:52,328 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41305172026', 'd': '4651315451392837472', 'paintseed': 694, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 1227, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41305172026', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06397092342376709, 'm': '664943990732496158', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_cu_glock_moon_rabbit_light_large.9063b9745250446c657632eb13a6325f51d101f2.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.75, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Umbral Rabbit', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Glock-18 | Umbral Rabbit (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:50:52,560 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '39869446584', 'd': '3341720043556663717', 'paintseed': 193, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 1040, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39869446584', 'low_rank': 265, 'floatvalue': 0.022678615525364876, 'm': '636796493066640762', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_gs_usps_hangedman_light_large.a01890fdeb8335437df7af6641a7b4f6e2fcca34.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'The Traitor', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | The Traitor (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:50:52,877 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875569485A39025868862D9710022619577492641 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:50:53,882 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:50:54,163 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642426627503970544A38312093349D2597035505766007017 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:50:54,835 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40751155278', 'd': '14296754036067181376', 'paintseed': 92, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 1158, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40751155278', 'floatvalue': 0.02283894084393978, 'm': '637922392973070133', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_gs_glock_elite_camo_light_large.00d135c0b32cabd8b48692d11794c830a9a4de5c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Winterized', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Winterized (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:50:55,168 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:50:56,568 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658189226199785692A41199354590D12314075474719435076 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:50:57,573 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:51:00,396 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40319287547', 'd': '3200418918642879105', 'paintseed': 286, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 273, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5285, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_c9_holo', 'material': 'antwerp2022/c9_holo', 'name': 'Cloud9 (Holo) | Antwerp 2022'}, {'stickerId': 5285, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_c9_holo', 'material': 'antwerp2022/c9_holo', 'name': 'Cloud9 (Holo) | Antwerp 2022'}, {'stickerId': 5285, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_c9_holo', 'material': 'antwerp2022/c9_holo', 'name': 'Cloud9 (Holo) | Antwerp 2022'}], 'floatid': '37150151129', 'low_rank': 41, 'high_rank': 501, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.0380193330347538, 'm': '657062691342342527', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_aq_engraved_deagle_light_large.804a1a01a29bf80673b739f3eb220272a6838193.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Heirloom', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Desert Eagle | Heirloom (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:51:01,196 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642426627503970544A38312093349D2597035505766007017 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:51:02,201 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:51:03,568 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M663818725732929161A41324581158D865960026728419713 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:51:04,577 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:51:08,242 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642426627503970544A38312093349D2597035505766007017 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:51:09,248 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:51:10,728 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666070525548721595A41493646257D7406387569384768260 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:51:11,738 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:51:12,548 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649181392041194508A22171353509D17197220466007135469 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:51:13,554 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:51:14,178 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635671228061868253A39895560750D17185912438678231653 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:51:15,183 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:51:16,242 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '40111636852', 'd': '5389696066153801251', 'paintseed': 616, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 527, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40111636852', 'low_rank': 533, 'high_rank': 728, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06832696497440338, 'm': '653684991667402334', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_aq_deserteagle_kumichodragon_light_large.19874e9a20cfac49efbe1f1557b995e453633ffe.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.76, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Kumicho Dragon', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Desert Eagle | Kumicho Dragon (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:51:18,197 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41171303252', 'd': '14466244672698172104', 'paintseed': 774, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 215, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7848, 'slot': 4, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_starry_4_glitter', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_starry_glitter', 'name': 'Starry (Glitter) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7856, 'slot': 5, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_z4kr_4_glitter', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_z4kr_glitter', 'name': 'z4KR (Glitter) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7840, 'slot': 6, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_emiliaqaq_4_glitter', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_emiliaqaq_glitter', 'name': 'EmiliaQAQ (Glitter) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7852, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_westmelon_4_glitter', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_westmelon_glitter', 'name': 'westmelon (Glitter) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7844, 'slot': 5, 'offset_x': 0.374335914850235, 'offset_y': 0.02474421262741089, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_jee_4_glitter', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_jee_glitter', 'name': 'Jee (Glitter) | Copenhagen 2024'}], 'floatid': '41171303252', 'low_rank': 246, 'floatvalue': 0.01755831018090248, 'm': '667195790535887101', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_cu_xray_m4_light_large.e929bb3998df4902c2bd6f6fbb775cec071558ba.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'X-Ray', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'M4A4 | X-Ray (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:51:18,425 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '39984385299', 'd': '487167686540592232', 'paintseed': 482, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 811, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7720, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': -0.33954086899757385, 'offset_y': 0.00340956449508667, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_decenty_4_glitter', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_decenty_glitter', 'name': 'decenty (Glitter) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7480, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': -0.2587764859199524, 'offset_y': 0.00619131326675415, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_apex_2_glitter', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_apex_glitter', 'name': 'apEX (Glitter) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 6681, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': -0.5088878870010376, 'offset_y': -0.00973367691040039, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_ence_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/ence_glitter', 'name': 'ENCE (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 7343, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': -0.1883668303489685, 'offset_y': 0.003711998462677002, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_lgcy_glitter', 'material': 'cph2024/lgcy_glitter', 'name': 'Legacy (Glitter) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 6681, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': 0.10467612743377686, 'offset_y': 0.07859447598457336, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_ence_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/ence_glitter', 'name': 'ENCE (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '39982084838', 'floatvalue': 0.061880923807621, 'm': '652559091762626350', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_gs_m4a4_chopper_ghost_light_large.374913da49233223de4ca1ff09a20cc2a7a94288.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'Magnesium', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'M4A4 | Magnesium (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:51:23,517 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '25472232386', 'd': '11710136131502492780', 'paintseed': 333, 'defindex': 64, 'paintindex': 37, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '25472232386', 'floatvalue': 0.06132206320762634, 'm': '661566291007558719', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_revolver_aa_flames_light_large.190d9cb7b8aad31d105fe838664a7fd99ebf3535.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'R8 Revolver', 'item_name': 'Blaze', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'R8 Revolver | Blaze (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:51:24,870 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '39264223463', 'd': '17189932078369359650', 'paintseed': 162, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 586, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39264223463', 'floatvalue': 0.06902134418487549, 'm': '644677792406997177', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_cu_glock_wasteland_rebel_light_large.284899ab35e5a29c6edb64b2af194cee19a0ed89.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.54, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Wasteland Rebel', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Wasteland Rebel (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:51:30,179 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127967638524A41493490691D4955662245269305607 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:51:31,184 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:51:32,884 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41331921441', 'd': '181530095109152768', 'paintseed': 994, 'defindex': 64, 'paintindex': 1237, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6623, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_vita_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/vita_gold', 'name': 'Vitality (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6635, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_itb_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/itb_gold', 'name': 'Into The Breach (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6707, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_blst_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/blst_gold', 'name': 'BLAST.tv (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6607, 'slot': 4, 'codename': 'de_anubis_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_anubis_gold', 'name': 'Anubis (Gold)'}], 'floatid': '41331921441', 'low_rank': 977, 'floatvalue': 0.041386716067790985, 'm': '640174192789207163', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_revolver_gs_revolver_acanthus_bronze_light_large.3d652732f4082f2af2acce48c2343d2fd73bdcae.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.76, 'weapon_type': 'R8 Revolver', 'item_name': 'Inlay', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir R8 Revolver | Inlay (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:51:35,669 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649182026948179146A41493493421D1039847912598664097 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:51:36,674 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:51:37,221 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127967638524A41493490691D4955662245269305607 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:51:38,226 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:51:38,702 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '39359832100', 'd': '2631479382497959974', 'paintseed': 360, 'defindex': 64, 'paintindex': 523, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39295390253', 'floatvalue': 0.026560742408037186, 'm': '650307291947414839', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_revolver_aa_fade_metallic_revolver_light_large.d56e81f58bb716ac6ca130bd41802bb8962dd0cf.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'R8 Revolver', 'item_name': 'Amber Fade', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'R8 Revolver | Amber Fade (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:51:38,710 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '39359832100', 'd': '2631479382497959974', 'paintseed': 360, 'defindex': 64, 'paintindex': 523, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39295390253', 'floatvalue': 0.026560742408037186, 'm': '650307291947414839', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_revolver_aa_fade_metallic_revolver_light_large.d56e81f58bb716ac6ca130bd41802bb8962dd0cf.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'R8 Revolver', 'item_name': 'Amber Fade', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'R8 Revolver | Amber Fade (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:51:39,123 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668322325357222709A39300025866D3030469731532156712 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:51:40,127 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:51:42,246 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40658786760', 'd': '29379958568971022', 'paintseed': 217, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 381, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40658786760', 'floatvalue': 0.05860384181141853, 'm': '637922392972470733', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_aq_glock_coiled_light_large.d4dcbf0d27479b95a4ad43c36f3b3f3dc87bbd84.png', 'min': 0.02, 'max': 0.25, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Grinder', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Grinder (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:51:42,705 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649182026948179146A41493493421D1039847912598664097 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:51:43,611 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660441026013460014A41493660683D7385945188061555178 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:51:43,712 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:51:44,615 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:51:45,112 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41376321730', 'd': '16620121171752577358', 'paintseed': 853, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 293, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41371882808', 'floatvalue': 0.1271381974220276, 'm': '661566291018405219', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_hy_nerodia_light_large.540067f703bf7b020d8fedfcc6322523ab449d68.png', 'min': 0.08, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Death Rattle', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Minimal Wear', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Death Rattle (Minimal Wear)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:51:46,617 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875593275A32363176574D3201181943210408197 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:51:47,622 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:51:48,290 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M664944625639772922A24191795574D4812771305423598017 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:51:48,554 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41146552148', 'd': '9695377277665974882', 'paintseed': 894, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 690, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41146552148', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.0698266252875328, 'm': '660440391092165195', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_gs_aug_stymphalian_birds_light_large.0840c45db138a07275c2250a0881fe752f27c601.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.63, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Stymphalian', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ AUG | Stymphalian (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:51:49,295 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:51:49,940 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41328225963', 'd': '12983731810915338', 'paintseed': 338, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 1251, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41328225963', 'floatvalue': 0.067537322640419, 'm': '650307291945340339', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_gs_ssg08_anubis_light_large.6e654fe6456fb019d4507f750d113f67ca0a879f.png', 'min': 0.01, 'max': 0.99, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Azure Glyph', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Azure Glyph (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:51:50,644 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660441026013460014A41493660683D7385945188061555178 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:51:51,651 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:51:53,657 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875593275A32363176574D3201181943210408197 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:51:54,665 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:51:57,686 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660441026013460014A41493660683D7385945188061555178 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:51:58,690 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:52:00,672 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690307172A30743161223D2326125013657889049 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:52:01,677 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:52:01,724 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41490384600', 'd': '912023078030735532', 'paintseed': 553, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 361, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41327436908', 'low_rank': 982, 'floatvalue': 0.013625900261104107, 'm': '663818090830279987', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_aq_leviathan_light_large.0d0ce425b5374642d0d1fbfd0c0ec634eb8570fb.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Abyss', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Abyss (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:52:01,734 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41490384600', 'd': '912023078030735532', 'paintseed': 553, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 361, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41327436908', 'low_rank': 982, 'floatvalue': 0.013625900261104107, 'm': '663818090830279987', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_aq_leviathan_light_large.0d0ce425b5374642d0d1fbfd0c0ec634eb8570fb.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Abyss', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Abyss (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:52:02,754 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '38094762413', 'd': '11973003136748502624', 'paintseed': 18, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 942, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '37439165309', 'low_rank': 673, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.02026490680873394, 'm': '636796493066085042', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_gs_aug_thunderstorm_light_large.127ba1a9f7c7eef6b701bf01ad50b3b146f9b951.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Tom Cat', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ AUG | Tom Cat (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:52:02,768 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '38094762413', 'd': '11973003136748502624', 'paintseed': 18, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 942, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '37439165309', 'low_rank': 673, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.02026490680873394, 'm': '636796493066085042', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_gs_aug_thunderstorm_light_large.127ba1a9f7c7eef6b701bf01ad50b3b146f9b951.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Tom Cat', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ AUG | Tom Cat (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:52:04,738 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660441026013460014A41493660683D7385945188061555178 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:52:05,743 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:52:06,540 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '24095038284', 'd': '461689376826504712', 'paintseed': 211, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 70, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '24095038284', 'floatvalue': 0.03491360321640968, 'm': '658188591293284923', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_am_carbon_fiber_light_large.90255a5b4940cc078005493430f0a73761b990e4.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.12, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Carbon Fiber', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Carbon Fiber (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:52:07,079 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660441026013446634A37829608224D16753472838496290777 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:52:07,415 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41488322353', 'd': '208406117299668236', 'paintseed': 18, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 808, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41302278991', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.05377904325723648, 'm': '639048292878810722', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_cu_glock18_corroden_light_large.68906a0523399b599555746b51db2ffac29c5db5.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.85, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Oxide Blaze', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Glock-18 | Oxide Blaze (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:52:08,089 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:52:08,482 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690267932A41317653995D4650186930142950829 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:52:09,489 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:52:10,060 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41319143037', 'd': '7254995981700345292', 'paintseed': 954, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 1227, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41319143037', 'floatvalue': 0.06551866233348846, 'm': '651433191850640600', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_cu_glock_moon_rabbit_light_large.9063b9745250446c657632eb13a6325f51d101f2.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.75, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Umbral Rabbit', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Umbral Rabbit (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:52:10,067 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41319143037', 'd': '7254995981700345292', 'paintseed': 954, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 1227, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41319143037', 'floatvalue': 0.06551866233348846, 'm': '651433191850640600', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_cu_glock_moon_rabbit_light_large.9063b9745250446c657632eb13a6325f51d101f2.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.75, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Umbral Rabbit', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Umbral Rabbit (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:52:10,406 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41303398953', 'd': '7677628873780837135', 'paintseed': 289, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 705, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41303398953', 'low_rank': 850, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06311924010515213, 'm': '668321690460134931', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_cu_usp_cut_light_large.573fc8c594667e378f3ed9890ce48bbb586e8de0.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Cortex', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ USP-S | Cortex (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:52:10,424 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41303398953', 'd': '7677628873780837135', 'paintseed': 289, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 705, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41303398953', 'low_rank': 850, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06311924010515213, 'm': '668321690460134931', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_cu_usp_cut_light_large.573fc8c594667e378f3ed9890ce48bbb586e8de0.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Cortex', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ USP-S | Cortex (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:52:10,447 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826761849328A41330338326D5669727246992860081 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:52:11,453 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:52:11,783 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660441026013460014A41493660683D7385945188061555178 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:52:12,788 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:52:13,334 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41320125581', 'd': '2803610375411063173', 'paintseed': 845, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 922, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41320125581', 'low_rank': 862, 'high_rank': 787, 'floatvalue': 0.04551541805267334, 'm': '655936791475287946', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_am_lizard_red_light_large.8028fa8c551ef6e26b3fff892e8138b5294ad7fd.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.37, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Orange Anolis', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | Orange Anolis (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:52:14,122 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660441026013446634A37829608224D16753472838496290777 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:52:15,127 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:52:15,526 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690267932A41317653995D4650186930142950829 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:52:16,129 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41324063464', 'd': '3192076107246087110', 'paintseed': 743, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 479, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41324063464', 'floatvalue': 0.0643368661403656, 'm': '662692190918288526', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_aq_glock18_flames_blue_light_large.5fed23d5a32793c25914eeb99b45f1a2b0cb9d6c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Bunsen Burner', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Bunsen Burner (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:52:16,137 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41324063464', 'd': '3192076107246087110', 'paintseed': 743, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 479, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41324063464', 'floatvalue': 0.0643368661403656, 'm': '662692190918288526', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_aq_glock18_flames_blue_light_large.5fed23d5a32793c25914eeb99b45f1a2b0cb9d6c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Bunsen Burner', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Bunsen Burner (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:52:16,146 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41324063464', 'd': '3192076107246087110', 'paintseed': 743, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 479, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41324063464', 'floatvalue': 0.0643368661403656, 'm': '662692190918288526', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_aq_glock18_flames_blue_light_large.5fed23d5a32793c25914eeb99b45f1a2b0cb9d6c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Bunsen Burner', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Bunsen Burner (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:52:16,155 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41324063464', 'd': '3192076107246087110', 'paintseed': 743, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 479, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41324063464', 'floatvalue': 0.0643368661403656, 'm': '662692190918288526', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_aq_glock18_flames_blue_light_large.5fed23d5a32793c25914eeb99b45f1a2b0cb9d6c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Bunsen Burner', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Bunsen Burner (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:52:16,533 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:52:17,156 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666070525548729845A37941484428D7504875410097867543 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:52:18,162 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:52:22,373 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41017772496', 'd': '17158963115222948500', 'paintseed': 657, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 659, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41017772496', 'low_rank': 169, 'floatvalue': 0.039791323244571686, 'm': '643551892500101036', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_sp_famas_macabre_light_large.7582150e24a69922b814d6b56004327e2219890d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Macabre', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Macabre (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:52:23,277 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M659315126105570483A41317396030D11821505105417254084 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:52:24,196 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666070525548729845A37941484428D7504875410097867543 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:52:24,241 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037124275A41332991879D5640246583561425442 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:52:24,282 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:52:24,447 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41107787425', 'd': '7839221331247940913', 'paintseed': 175, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 1048, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40761445716', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06848956644535065, 'm': '641300092690435134', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_gs_sg553_deathmetal_light_large.c41041d1a69838d3b66f21032254066eaea8fe41.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Heavy Metal', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ SG 553 | Heavy Metal (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:52:24,822 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '40746199016', 'd': '3377882415022782084', 'paintseed': 132, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 70, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40746199016', 'low_rank': 702, 'floatvalue': 0.0118250185623765, 'm': '652559091763363600', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_am_carbon_fiber_light_large.90255a5b4940cc078005493430f0a73761b990e4.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.12, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Carbon Fiber', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir SSG 08 | Carbon Fiber (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:52:25,201 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:52:25,246 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:52:31,044 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41306888888', 'd': '14152780236737925194', 'paintseed': 486, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 794, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41306888888', 'floatvalue': 0.06197730451822281, 'm': '662692190922027936', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_sp_mesh_safetyblack_light_large.41766cdb86c7b662a4c6316b2864751c54940faf.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Sweeper', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AUG | Sweeper (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:52:31,050 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41306888888', 'd': '14152780236737925194', 'paintseed': 486, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 794, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41306888888', 'floatvalue': 0.06197730451822281, 'm': '662692190922027936', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_sp_mesh_safetyblack_light_large.41766cdb86c7b662a4c6316b2864751c54940faf.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Sweeper', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AUG | Sweeper (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:52:31,058 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41306888888', 'd': '14152780236737925194', 'paintseed': 486, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 794, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41306888888', 'floatvalue': 0.06197730451822281, 'm': '662692190922027936', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_sp_mesh_safetyblack_light_large.41766cdb86c7b662a4c6316b2864751c54940faf.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Sweeper', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AUG | Sweeper (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:52:31,065 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41306888888', 'd': '14152780236737925194', 'paintseed': 486, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 794, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41306888888', 'floatvalue': 0.06197730451822281, 'm': '662692190922027936', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_sp_mesh_safetyblack_light_large.41766cdb86c7b662a4c6316b2864751c54940faf.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Sweeper', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AUG | Sweeper (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:52:31,241 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666070525548729845A37941484428D7504875410097867543 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:52:32,248 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:52:32,794 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41173142953', 'd': '5504701170027999300', 'paintseed': 894, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 1161, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41173142953', 'floatvalue': 0.06475477665662766, 'm': '645803692312626178', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Dezastre', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Dezastre (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:52:34,893 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41491809951', 'd': '9279251708940406986', 'paintseed': 884, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 538, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '22355391466', 'floatvalue': 0.06370453536510468, 'm': '642425992599622975', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_cu_ssg08_necropos_light_large.cd2f32aa0349edcad3aefae80b509fc5962a2b30.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Necropos', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Necropos (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:52:34,903 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41491809951', 'd': '9279251708940406986', 'paintseed': 884, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 538, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '22355391466', 'floatvalue': 0.06370453536510468, 'm': '642425992599622975', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_cu_ssg08_necropos_light_large.cd2f32aa0349edcad3aefae80b509fc5962a2b30.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Necropos', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Necropos (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:52:34,913 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41491809951', 'd': '9279251708940406986', 'paintseed': 884, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 538, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '22355391466', 'floatvalue': 0.06370453536510468, 'm': '642425992599622975', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_cu_ssg08_necropos_light_large.cd2f32aa0349edcad3aefae80b509fc5962a2b30.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Necropos', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Necropos (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:52:34,922 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41491809951', 'd': '9279251708940406986', 'paintseed': 884, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 538, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '22355391466', 'floatvalue': 0.06370453536510468, 'm': '642425992599622975', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_cu_ssg08_necropos_light_large.cd2f32aa0349edcad3aefae80b509fc5962a2b30.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Necropos', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Necropos (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:52:34,931 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41491809951', 'd': '9279251708940406986', 'paintseed': 884, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 538, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '22355391466', 'floatvalue': 0.06370453536510468, 'm': '642425992599622975', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_cu_ssg08_necropos_light_large.cd2f32aa0349edcad3aefae80b509fc5962a2b30.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Necropos', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Necropos (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:52:35,105 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41298734736', 'd': '17059646444837565522', 'paintseed': 127, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 1146, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41298734736', 'floatvalue': 0.02234956994652748, 'm': '648055492131911242', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_gs_famas_corp_meow_light_large.7e27ced9616b1a4808cad37e8c0c653b9c866f07.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Meow 36', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Meow 36 (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:52:37,847 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41492675240', 'd': '7820723034780738425', 'paintseed': 25, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 519, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4749, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_navi', 'material': 'rmr2020/navi', 'name': 'Natus Vincere | 2020 RMR'}, {'stickerId': 4721, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_fntc', 'material': 'rmr2020/fntc', 'name': 'Fnatic | 2020 RMR'}, {'stickerId': 5884, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_signature_twistzz_32', 'material': 'antwerp2022/sig_twistzz_champion', 'name': 'Twistzz (Champion) | Antwerp 2022'}, {'stickerId': 6620, 'slot': 0, 'offset_x': 0.011688441038131714, 'offset_y': 0.0802382230758667, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_vita', 'material': 'paris2023/vita', 'name': 'Vitality | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 7236, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': -0.3112739324569702, 'offset_y': 0.07219865918159485, 'codename': 'paper_this_is_fine_chicken', 'material': 'community/community_2024/paper_this_is_fine_chicken', 'name': 'This Is Fine (Chicken)'}], 'floatid': '26565910781', 'floatvalue': 0.06610985100269318, 'm': '662692190921759586', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_gs_sg553_tiger_moth_light_large.18de0e5e029741a67330038e646fab1596fcfe88.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Tiger Moth', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SG 553 | Tiger Moth (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:52:38,236 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '33624156336', 'd': '10154601213201101996', 'paintseed': 883, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 935, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6707, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_blst_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/blst_gold', 'name': 'BLAST.tv (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6667, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_apex_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/apex_gold', 'name': 'Apeks (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 1692, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'de_mirage_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_mirage_gold', 'name': 'Mirage (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 6623, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_vita_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/vita_gold', 'name': 'Vitality (Gold) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '33624156336', 'floatvalue': 0.043599653989076614, 'm': '654810891567931695', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_sp_zebracam_red_light_large.9aefb18daa0955b6ac9b0d098132425b7991fc6e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.48, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Prey', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir SSG 08 | Prey (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:52:38,246 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '33624156336', 'd': '10154601213201101996', 'paintseed': 883, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 935, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6707, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_blst_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/blst_gold', 'name': 'BLAST.tv (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6667, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_apex_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/apex_gold', 'name': 'Apeks (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 1692, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'de_mirage_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_mirage_gold', 'name': 'Mirage (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 6623, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_vita_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/vita_gold', 'name': 'Vitality (Gold) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '33624156336', 'floatvalue': 0.043599653989076614, 'm': '654810891567931695', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_sp_zebracam_red_light_large.9aefb18daa0955b6ac9b0d098132425b7991fc6e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.48, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Prey', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir SSG 08 | Prey (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:52:40,227 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M667196425457672010A41493640001D2929112619971966666 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:52:40,283 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40977047778', 'd': '12124929099135865249', 'paintseed': 741, 'defindex': 13, 'paintindex': 246, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6060, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'rio2022_team_iem_gold', 'material': 'rio2022/iem_gold', 'name': 'IEM (Gold) | Rio 2022'}, {'stickerId': 1690, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'de_dust2_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_dust2_gold', 'name': 'Dust II (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 5976, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'rio2022_team_navi_gold', 'material': 'rio2022/navi_gold', 'name': 'Natus Vincere (Gold) | Rio 2022'}, {'stickerId': 6004, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'rio2022_team_big_gold', 'material': 'rio2022/big_gold', 'name': 'BIG (Gold) | Rio 2022'}], 'floatid': '40977047778', 'low_rank': 153, 'floatvalue': 0.023371906951069832, 'm': '646929592225955069', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_galilar_aa_fade_metallic_light_large.6910731d5c0d857052afbba2d24416156a6a96ba.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'Galil AR', 'item_name': 'Amber Fade', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir Galil AR | Amber Fade (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:52:40,762 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '35639000695', 'd': '5336205231268743125', 'paintseed': 15, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 28, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35639000695', 'floatvalue': 0.03233090788125992, 'm': '664942903410972972', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_an_navy_light_large.5c45c1c33100694fc010a39ba92e3afab1d7c5e7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Anodized Navy', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SG 553 | Anodized Navy (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:52:40,771 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '35639000695', 'd': '5336205231268743125', 'paintseed': 15, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 28, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35639000695', 'floatvalue': 0.03233090788125992, 'm': '664942903410972972', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_an_navy_light_large.5c45c1c33100694fc010a39ba92e3afab1d7c5e7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Anodized Navy', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SG 553 | Anodized Navy (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:52:41,233 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:52:41,701 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690271712A40900316357D5044036285290175433 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:52:42,707 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:52:44,363 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41473120750', 'd': '14313573101714953993', 'paintseed': 928, 'defindex': 13, 'paintindex': 428, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41289840953', 'low_rank': 172, 'floatvalue': 0.13051852583885193, 'm': '654810891566071155', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_galilar_cu_galil_eco_light_large.7f64e2d77423b3c4263a74caeda18383c2e487d5.png', 'min': 0.1, 'max': 0.85, 'weapon_type': 'Galil AR', 'item_name': 'Eco', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Minimal Wear', 'full_item_name': 'Galil AR | Eco (Minimal Wear)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:52:44,584 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41326262024', 'd': '2759664956190292102', 'paintseed': 347, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 967, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41326262024', 'floatvalue': 0.05684509873390198, 'm': '664943990729307758', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_cu_ssg08_mainframe_light_large.7d7d861da80bfecbe5141f19fbd32b95fb4496cf.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Mainframe 001', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Mainframe 001 (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:52:45,347 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41329084204', 'd': '10271211044228190224', 'paintseed': 11, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 904, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41329084204', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06473136693239212, 'm': '640174192786721303', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_cu_famas_nuke_tension_light_large.0cf9412e22f626e675b76506cf2f240a64a05b22.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Decommissioned', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ FAMAS | Decommissioned (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:52:45,358 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41329084204', 'd': '10271211044228190224', 'paintseed': 11, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 904, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41329084204', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06473136693239212, 'm': '640174192786721303', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_cu_famas_nuke_tension_light_large.0cf9412e22f626e675b76506cf2f240a64a05b22.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Decommissioned', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ FAMAS | Decommissioned (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:52:48,017 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41489821874', 'd': '6938541282326240910', 'paintseed': 852, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 304, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40307066357', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.24210906028747559, 'm': '644677792410749907', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_cu_ssg08_immortal_light_large.294156dbab19f645942fe9cbafed88165aa70044.png', 'min': 0.15, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Slashed', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ SSG 08 | Slashed (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:52:48,023 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41489821874', 'd': '6938541282326240910', 'paintseed': 852, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 304, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40307066357', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.24210906028747559, 'm': '644677792410749907', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_cu_ssg08_immortal_light_large.294156dbab19f645942fe9cbafed88165aa70044.png', 'min': 0.15, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Slashed', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ SSG 08 | Slashed (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:52:48,754 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690271712A40900316357D5044036285290175433 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:52:49,776 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:52:52,059 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '39890855108', 'd': '11857558666680650007', 'paintseed': 327, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 1151, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39885212100', 'floatvalue': 0.06500863283872604, 'm': '666069890639783820', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_cu_sg553_cyber_dragon_light_large.563b70babc5251fe5df218140582cd0aa576701e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Dragon Tech', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SG 553 | Dragon Tech (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:52:52,089 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653685626571338456A41328794200D7515004095168954153 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:52:52,523 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41230468707', 'd': '300756591029808452', 'paintseed': 670, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 551, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '23563799487', 'low_rank': 172, 'floatvalue': 0.12494326382875443, 'm': '649181392037049768', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_cu_p250_asiimov_light_large.7ccf465f7dc55d2d960465d404c10cbc8c442cee.png', 'min': 0.1, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Asiimov', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Minimal Wear', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Asiimov (Minimal Wear)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:52:53,095 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:52:55,090 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '39684284669', 'd': '9982404507448289073', 'paintseed': 97, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 955, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39684284669', 'floatvalue': 0.06362041085958481, 'm': '636796493064458802', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_cu_sg553_darkwing_light_large.f9c302279afebdd221344fa59f738f9317dc4122.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Darkwing', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SG 553 | Darkwing (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:52:55,126 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635670593159022461A28330618566D11683677104708167071 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:52:55,810 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690271712A40900316357D5044036285290175433 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:52:56,132 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:52:56,724 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645804327223442390A41329149419D12405315732199201539 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:52:56,815 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:52:57,729 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:52:58,626 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41339080503', 'd': '16441144705844140865', 'paintseed': 877, 'defindex': 13, 'paintindex': 629, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7327, 'slot': 1, 'offset_x': -0.0022704601287841797, 'offset_y': 0.003736525774002075, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_mngz_glitter', 'material': 'cph2024/mngz_glitter', 'name': 'The MongolZ (Glitter) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 4024, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': -0.2379748523235321, 'offset_y': -0.013689190149307251, 'codename': 'berlin2019_team_ence_holo', 'material': 'berlin2019/ence_holo', 'name': 'ENCE (Holo) | Berlin 2019'}], 'floatid': '38150862127', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06579262018203735, 'm': '663818090830819567', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_galilar_cu_galil_ar-camo_light_large.63272b54e93d40433f8ceec41efec2004d51941d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Galil AR', 'item_name': 'Black Sand', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Galil AR | Black Sand (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:52:59,135 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653685626571338456A41328794200D7515004095168954153 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:52:59,781 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635671228061894113A41493661450D922897823588611178 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:53:00,140 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:53:00,793 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:53:01,262 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41292595090', 'd': '67242209423946834', 'paintseed': 943, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 1127, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41292595090', 'floatvalue': 0.06396536529064178, 'm': '667195790538348691', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_gs_famas_rapid_eyes_light_large.8a166e6d36121b16dddc11b9aca94d5c541b0b56.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Rapid Eye Movement', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Rapid Eye Movement (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:53:03,759 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645804327223442390A41329149419D12405315732199201539 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:53:03,865 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41294669510', 'd': '11855203255211152968', 'paintseed': 378, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 886, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4518, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 1, 'codename': 'cs20_c4_friend', 'material': 'cs20/cs20_c4_friend', 'name': 'Friend Code'}, {'stickerId': 3947, 'slot': 4, 'offset_x': 0.40612998604774475, 'offset_y': 0.021160900592803955, 'codename': 'feral_predators_bite_me_glossy', 'material': 'feral_predators/bite_me_glossy', 'name': 'Bite Me'}], 'floatid': '41294669510', 'low_rank': 97, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.04333505779504776, 'm': '655936791472601086', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_cu_aug_whitefang_light_large.051b21da4e56c64ad78ee8a67a0e9e237a4e01b1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Arctic Wolf', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ AUG | Arctic Wolf (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:53:04,748 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826761839578A41083125483D11683149725605445266 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:53:04,763 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:53:05,754 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:53:06,176 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653685626571338456A41328794200D7515004095168954153 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:53:07,181 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:53:08,128 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41492311120', 'd': '7065209660518475244', 'paintseed': 758, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 1230, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41141862759', 'floatvalue': 0.04022621735930443, 'm': '657062691394861907', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_cu_p250_rebuilt_light_large.69d4fcb9a8151d09818d1c26cf4c7b03d046b5a1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.9, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Re.built', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Re.built (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:53:09,432 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654810891574665135A41493412760D12136298161032965094 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:53:09,446 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41488627938', 'd': '9944618734637684310', 'paintseed': 735, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 626, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41298831094', 'floatvalue': 0.06153567507863045, 'm': '661566291016403919', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_gs_famas_mecha_light_large.c26d3fccc156fe26ba3325ed73b29092b3e18093.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Mecha Industries', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Mecha Industries (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:53:10,436 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:53:10,797 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645804327223442390A41329149419D12405315732199201539 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:53:11,318 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41492454763', 'd': '7687234208936507004', 'paintseed': 121, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 1146, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '27323874683', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.052886586636304855, 'm': '648055492131810622', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_gs_famas_corp_meow_light_large.7e27ced9616b1a4808cad37e8c0c653b9c866f07.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Meow 36', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ FAMAS | Meow 36 (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:53:11,332 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41492454763', 'd': '7687234208936507004', 'paintseed': 121, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 1146, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '27323874683', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.052886586636304855, 'm': '648055492131810622', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_gs_famas_corp_meow_light_large.7e27ced9616b1a4808cad37e8c0c653b9c866f07.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Meow 36', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ FAMAS | Meow 36 (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:53:11,788 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826761839578A41083125483D11683149725605445266 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:53:11,802 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:53:12,323 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855047837A41493677769D11684073024452822818 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:53:12,795 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:53:13,330 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:53:14,098 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41329687768', 'd': '14414596127737333977', 'paintseed': 312, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 1154, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41329687768', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06679978966712952, 'm': '637922392973079403', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_gs_p90_tangled_light_large.d1c6b11dc6876f1cf546281df8b8fac68a037518.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Vent Rush', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ P90 | Vent Rush (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:53:14,807 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653685626571338126A41328109453D7954568751021694574 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:53:15,679 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690277622A29957811062D2947643942498525576 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:53:15,813 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:53:16,097 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41281813782', 'd': '9540916091546809352', 'paintseed': 549, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 1060, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35887384288', 'floatvalue': 0.0686110332608223, 'm': '652559091763098430', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_hy_trainarchitect_green_light_large.99e4e0cef18a0f37f5f26caf431dde80f39f14e1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Spring Twilly', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Spring Twilly (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:53:16,468 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654810891574665135A41493412760D12136298161032965094 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:53:16,684 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:53:16,851 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41491851877', 'd': '1038198892476406063', 'paintseed': 326, 'defindex': 13, 'paintindex': 546, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41323642801', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06999728828668594, 'm': '654810891574236825', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_galilar_gs_galilar_incenerator_light_large.669901b842361b46108ced0a555f5575839d093e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Galil AR', 'item_name': 'Firefight', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Galil AR | Firefight (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:53:16,990 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645803692320251428A28193594184D14474782939885404913 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:53:17,152 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41319856785', 'd': '14717979363256386111', 'paintseed': 218, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 726, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41319856785', 'low_rank': 771, 'high_rank': 504, 'floatvalue': 0.05905020236968994, 'm': '645803692313090878', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_sp_bloom_orange_light_large.e3e14184d5d31c9484b7697d7f38aafa3a479e20.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Sunset Lily', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Sunset Lily (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:53:17,158 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41319856785', 'd': '14717979363256386111', 'paintseed': 218, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 726, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41319856785', 'low_rank': 771, 'high_rank': 504, 'floatvalue': 0.05905020236968994, 'm': '645803692313090878', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_sp_bloom_orange_light_large.e3e14184d5d31c9484b7697d7f38aafa3a479e20.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Sunset Lily', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Sunset Lily (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:53:17,473 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:53:17,829 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645804327223442390A41329149419D12405315732199201539 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:53:17,996 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:53:18,630 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875596455A34668698531D2893669338088124899 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:53:18,834 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:53:19,029 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40190773640', 'd': '14719111593272565356', 'paintseed': 198, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 253, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40167175252', 'floatvalue': 0.02110813744366169, 'm': '658188591293703063', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_aa_fade_grassland_light_large.82950af31c177d14983665459ddee77f63379f4d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.03, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Acid Fade', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Acid Fade (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:53:19,036 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40190773640', 'd': '14719111593272565356', 'paintseed': 198, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 253, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40167175252', 'floatvalue': 0.02110813744366169, 'm': '658188591293703063', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_aa_fade_grassland_light_large.82950af31c177d14983665459ddee77f63379f4d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.03, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Acid Fade', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Acid Fade (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:53:19,043 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40190773640', 'd': '14719111593272565356', 'paintseed': 198, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 253, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40167175252', 'floatvalue': 0.02110813744366169, 'm': '658188591293703063', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_aa_fade_grassland_light_large.82950af31c177d14983665459ddee77f63379f4d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.03, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Acid Fade', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Acid Fade (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:53:19,635 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:53:20,474 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692825825023400A41190679118D16303816436425995970 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:53:21,351 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41311286003', 'd': '12135730829163017460', 'paintseed': 819, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 178, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41311286003', 'low_rank': 200, 'floatvalue': 0.09708249568939209, 'm': '655936791469793056', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_hy_doomkitty_light_large.c9dd7b8fb1a44d5691684aae406d360433550468.png', 'min': 0.08, 'max': 0.22, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Doomkitty', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Minimal Wear', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Doomkitty (Minimal Wear)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:53:21,480 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:53:22,728 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690277622A29957811062D2947643942498525576 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:53:23,267 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '39243956306', 'd': '442063738614137873', 'paintseed': 627, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 234, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39243956306', 'floatvalue': 0.0667015016078949, 'm': '654810891574387425', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_sp_twigs_light_large.32f929b66cdf34997897a48260a53946e786a531.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.45, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Ash Wood', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Ash Wood (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:53:23,495 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654810891574665135A41493412760D12136298161032965094 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:53:23,734 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:53:23,990 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826761864868A30700684628D210231987211376186 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:53:24,500 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:53:24,683 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '13314537613', 'd': '12449650178245083359', 'paintseed': 899, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 244, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '13314537613', 'floatvalue': 0.06289041042327881, 'm': '641300092690942704', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_sp_mesh_hot_and_cold_light_large.b1e759ec76815883bf3e293215e3858eaa0763b1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Teardown', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Teardown (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:53:24,706 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '13314537613', 'd': '12449650178245083359', 'paintseed': 899, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 244, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '13314537613', 'floatvalue': 0.06289041042327881, 'm': '641300092690942704', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_sp_mesh_hot_and_cold_light_large.b1e759ec76815883bf3e293215e3858eaa0763b1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Teardown', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Teardown (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:53:24,995 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:53:27,514 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692825825023400A41190679118D16303816436425995970 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:53:28,522 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:53:29,381 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668322325357226639A41493672566D6975548119604147693 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:53:29,438 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855023027A1504223226D2650026324916889574 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:53:29,628 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41106303094', 'd': '16495678895089673918', 'paintseed': 116, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 403, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41106303094', 'floatvalue': 0.056142520159482956, 'm': '666068803341314315', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_cu_mp9_deadly_poison_light_large.0776976e709ec7b503dd7e47b8c962338615b5da.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Deadly Poison', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MP9 | Deadly Poison (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:53:30,387 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:53:30,443 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:53:30,530 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654810891574665135A41493412760D12136298161032965094 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:53:30,752 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '39765679264', 'd': '13991605327028349700', 'paintseed': 446, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 777, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39765679264', 'floatvalue': 0.06703267991542816, 'm': '639048292878845612', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_blueprint_red_light_large.aff5f9b0847413a1749e8636dfc9a92d1ed77f3e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Facility Draft', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Facility Draft (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:53:30,761 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '39765679264', 'd': '13991605327028349700', 'paintseed': 446, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 777, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39765679264', 'floatvalue': 0.06703267991542816, 'm': '639048292878845612', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_blueprint_red_light_large.aff5f9b0847413a1749e8636dfc9a92d1ed77f3e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Facility Draft', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Facility Draft (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:53:30,771 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '39765679264', 'd': '13991605327028349700', 'paintseed': 446, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 777, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39765679264', 'floatvalue': 0.06703267991542816, 'm': '639048292878845612', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_blueprint_red_light_large.aff5f9b0847413a1749e8636dfc9a92d1ed77f3e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Facility Draft', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Facility Draft (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:53:30,783 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '39765679264', 'd': '13991605327028349700', 'paintseed': 446, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 777, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39765679264', 'floatvalue': 0.06703267991542816, 'm': '639048292878845612', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_blueprint_red_light_large.aff5f9b0847413a1749e8636dfc9a92d1ed77f3e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Facility Draft', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Facility Draft (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:53:30,792 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '39765679264', 'd': '13991605327028349700', 'paintseed': 446, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 777, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39765679264', 'floatvalue': 0.06703267991542816, 'm': '639048292878845612', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_blueprint_red_light_large.aff5f9b0847413a1749e8636dfc9a92d1ed77f3e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Facility Draft', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Facility Draft (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:53:31,535 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:53:31,866 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41491667062', 'd': '16736154689515058804', 'paintseed': 455, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 371, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39969372933', 'high_rank': 741, 'floatvalue': 0.06357619911432266, 'm': '637922392972686973', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_am_nuclear_skulls2_famas_light_large.ec9774f3b2a03f5411321dba792b05f19096547c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Styx', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Styx (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:53:31,876 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41491667062', 'd': '16736154689515058804', 'paintseed': 455, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 371, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39969372933', 'high_rank': 741, 'floatvalue': 0.06357619911432266, 'm': '637922392972686973', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_am_nuclear_skulls2_famas_light_large.ec9774f3b2a03f5411321dba792b05f19096547c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Styx', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Styx (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:53:32,095 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300727597159153A41333701667D16185972976506953669 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:53:33,100 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:53:33,932 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M667196425457673450A40765556505D2344385858499356407 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:53:34,936 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:53:36,419 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668322325357226639A41493672566D6975548119604147693 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:53:36,472 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855023027A1504223226D2650026324916889574 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:53:37,152 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41309668964', 'd': '7642092402304894008', 'paintseed': 919, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 141, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41309668964', 'low_rank': 911, 'floatvalue': 0.062602698802948, 'm': '646929592222014899', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_sp_tape_orange_light_large.77854282ffc131b7bbe878c140b3c41bfb735242.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Orange Peel', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MP9 | Orange Peel (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:53:37,424 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:53:37,467 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048292880867912A41482411198D14862476948372891284 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:53:37,476 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:53:37,568 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654810891574665135A41493412760D12136298161032965094 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:53:38,471 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:53:38,572 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:53:39,129 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300727597159153A41333701667D16185972976506953669 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:53:40,135 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:53:40,675 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40385486912', 'd': '14475246564485155624', 'paintseed': 861, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 125, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39775640326', 'floatvalue': 0.028104370459914207, 'm': '651433191849484610', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_cu_xray_p250_light_large.4b9f603e1a1dd4de2d64e05bf21168bc8b070bf2.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'X-Ray', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | X-Ray (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:53:40,682 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40385486912', 'd': '14475246564485155624', 'paintseed': 861, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 125, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39775640326', 'floatvalue': 0.028104370459914207, 'm': '651433191849484610', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_cu_xray_p250_light_large.4b9f603e1a1dd4de2d64e05bf21168bc8b070bf2.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'X-Ray', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | X-Ray (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:53:42,570 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41320946064', 'd': '14474576522807691475', 'paintseed': 415, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 593, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41320946064', 'low_rank': 785, 'floatvalue': 0.04199880734086037, 'm': '659314491202859704', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_gs_p90_full_throttle_light_large.70ef68d70617eb318e2df05e09f780448a1baf0d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Chopper', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Chopper (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:53:43,466 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668322325357226639A41493672566D6975548119604147693 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:53:43,505 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855023027A1504223226D2650026324916889574 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:53:44,470 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:53:44,509 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:53:44,611 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654810891574665135A41493412760D12136298161032965094 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:53:45,037 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M657063326292941598A41493654272D2792487743323898480 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:53:45,238 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '37667406598', 'd': '5335224603775739266', 'paintseed': 480, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 848, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '37667406598', 'floatvalue': 0.06749898940324783, 'm': '653684991655424324', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_aq_p250_verdigris_light_large.379d19af038211ca3bf7d20c4c75726e9be36856.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Verdigris', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Verdigris (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:53:45,616 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:53:46,043 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:53:46,229 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41114578306', 'd': '7990210556497996863', 'paintseed': 638, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 1000, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6707, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_blst_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/blst_gold', 'name': 'BLAST.tv (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 1689, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'de_ancient_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_ancient_gold', 'name': 'Ancient (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 6667, 'slot': 4, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_apex_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/apex_gold', 'name': 'Apeks (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6675, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_liq_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/liq_gold', 'name': 'Team Liquid (Gold) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '41114578306', 'low_rank': 15, 'high_rank': 200, 'floatvalue': 0.03587358817458153, 'm': '639047658709862461', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_cu_jaguar_p90_light_large.7d9fe21106b83cbf10ea8cc7f8b4f6aea72af268.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Run and Hide', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir P90 | Run and Hide (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:53:46,819 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41288872250', 'd': '749291648883010342', 'paintseed': 624, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 77, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41288575466', 'floatvalue': 0.06706041097640991, 'm': '637922392963597243', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_forest_boreal_light_large.d805b3c56f74420ea25e14db86e7cf8181d98134.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Boreal Forest', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Boreal Forest (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:53:46,824 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41288872250', 'd': '749291648883010342', 'paintseed': 624, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 77, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41288575466', 'floatvalue': 0.06706041097640991, 'm': '637922392963597243', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_forest_boreal_light_large.d805b3c56f74420ea25e14db86e7cf8181d98134.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Boreal Forest', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Boreal Forest (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:53:46,830 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41288872250', 'd': '749291648883010342', 'paintseed': 624, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 77, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41288575466', 'floatvalue': 0.06706041097640991, 'm': '637922392963597243', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_forest_boreal_light_large.d805b3c56f74420ea25e14db86e7cf8181d98134.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Boreal Forest', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Boreal Forest (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:53:46,834 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41288872250', 'd': '749291648883010342', 'paintseed': 624, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 77, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41288575466', 'floatvalue': 0.06706041097640991, 'm': '637922392963597243', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_forest_boreal_light_large.d805b3c56f74420ea25e14db86e7cf8181d98134.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Boreal Forest', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Boreal Forest (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:53:46,838 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41288872250', 'd': '749291648883010342', 'paintseed': 624, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 77, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41288575466', 'floatvalue': 0.06706041097640991, 'm': '637922392963597243', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_forest_boreal_light_large.d805b3c56f74420ea25e14db86e7cf8181d98134.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Boreal Forest', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Boreal Forest (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:53:46,844 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41288872250', 'd': '749291648883010342', 'paintseed': 624, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 77, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41288575466', 'floatvalue': 0.06706041097640991, 'm': '637922392963597243', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_forest_boreal_light_large.d805b3c56f74420ea25e14db86e7cf8181d98134.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Boreal Forest', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Boreal Forest (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:53:46,850 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41288872250', 'd': '749291648883010342', 'paintseed': 624, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 77, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41288575466', 'floatvalue': 0.06706041097640991, 'm': '637922392963597243', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_forest_boreal_light_large.d805b3c56f74420ea25e14db86e7cf8181d98134.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Boreal Forest', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Boreal Forest (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:53:46,855 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41288872250', 'd': '749291648883010342', 'paintseed': 624, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 77, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41288575466', 'floatvalue': 0.06706041097640991, 'm': '637922392963597243', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_forest_boreal_light_large.d805b3c56f74420ea25e14db86e7cf8181d98134.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Boreal Forest', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Boreal Forest (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:53:46,861 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41288872250', 'd': '749291648883010342', 'paintseed': 624, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 77, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41288575466', 'floatvalue': 0.06706041097640991, 'm': '637922392963597243', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_forest_boreal_light_large.d805b3c56f74420ea25e14db86e7cf8181d98134.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Boreal Forest', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Boreal Forest (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:53:47,986 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41476678636', 'd': '2623557917666763828', 'paintseed': 897, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 755, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 1691, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'de_inferno_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_inferno_gold', 'name': 'Inferno (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 5053, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_pgl_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/pgl_gold', 'name': 'PGL (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 4957, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_nip_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/nip_gold', 'name': 'Ninjas in Pyjamas (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 4993, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_astr_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/astr_gold', 'name': 'Astralis (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}], 'floatid': '38169763640', 'low_rank': 282, 'floatvalue': 0.06636368483304977, 'm': '644677792405425267', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_hy_splatter3_light_large.e87822a5caeb6a7181e0e866612c755f78f66be1.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Slide', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir MP9 | Slide (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:53:48,889 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875571525A41310295876D7124738927656575750 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:53:49,273 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875569065A40372425391D6965489880681186512 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:53:49,894 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:53:50,277 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:53:50,543 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855023027A1504223226D2650026324916889574 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:53:51,548 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:53:51,655 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654810891574665135A41493412760D12136298161032965094 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:53:52,660 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:53:53,279 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41313847900', 'd': '13999018235961070439', 'paintseed': 680, 'defindex': 13, 'paintindex': 629, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 911, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'cluj2015_team_nip', 'material': 'cluj2015/nip', 'name': 'Ninjas in Pyjamas | Cluj-Napoca 2015'}], 'floatid': '41313847900', 'floatvalue': 0.03236681595444679, 'm': '641300092692399144', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_galilar_cu_galil_ar-camo_light_large.63272b54e93d40433f8ceec41efec2004d51941d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Galil AR', 'item_name': 'Black Sand', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Galil AR | Black Sand (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:53:55,930 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875571525A41310295876D7124738927656575750 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:53:56,203 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660441026013443394A37872456685D17206682459377532323 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:53:56,316 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875569065A40372425391D6965489880681186512 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:53:56,757 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41297576260', 'd': '5189851704405844056', 'paintseed': 868, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 910, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 8110, 'slot': 4, 'codename': 'sha2024_signature_spinx_2_glitter', 'material': 'sha2024/sig_spinx_glitter', 'name': 'Spinx (Glitter) | Shanghai 2024'}, {'stickerId': 4608, 'slot': 2, 'offset_x': -0.039788514375686646, 'offset_y': 0.0049939751625061035, 'codename': 'vortigaunt_holo', 'material': 'alyx/vortigaunt_holo', 'name': 'Vortigaunt (Holo)'}, {'stickerId': 4608, 'slot': 0, 'offset_x': -0.0658109188079834, 'offset_y': 0.0017696917057037354, 'codename': 'vortigaunt_holo', 'material': 'alyx/vortigaunt_holo', 'name': 'Vortigaunt (Holo)'}, {'stickerId': 4608, 'slot': 0, 'offset_x': -0.1830088496208191, 'offset_y': -0.0004413723945617676, 'codename': 'vortigaunt_holo', 'material': 'alyx/vortigaunt_holo', 'name': 'Vortigaunt (Holo)'}, {'stickerId': 7897, 'slot': 2, 'offset_x': -0.05659458041191101, 'offset_y': 0.13168960809707642, 'codename': 'glitter_explosion_two', 'material': 'community/elemental_craft/glitter_explosion_two', 'name': 'Boom Detonation (Glitter)'}], 'floatid': '39595015437', 'low_rank': 884, 'floatvalue': 0.06604801118373871, 'm': '663818090826745207', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_cu_mp9_hydra_light_large.b7763a811b3bc9d19d04502fba0edc6cbe355766.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Hydra', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MP9 | Hydra (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:53:56,764 - 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Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:53:57,210 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41488714940', 'd': '7272231668859022786', 'paintseed': 710, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 501, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41291053935', 'floatvalue': 0.05309344083070755, 'm': '639048292878939422', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_p250_crackshot_light_large.538a33bb8d7af894f965257c39f699168e125cdd.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.9, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Wingshot', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Wingshot (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:53:57,214 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:53:57,322 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:53:57,575 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855023027A1504223226D2650026324916889574 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:53:57,618 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635670593159073161A41310977052D3207345961464812363 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:53:58,135 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479235097A41325157379D10253089890443995800 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:53:58,580 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:53:58,624 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:53:58,690 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654810891574665135A41493412760D12136298161032965094 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:53:59,140 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:53:59,695 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:53:59,909 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '29802544498', 'd': '17006969237521442544', 'paintseed': 389, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 820, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4977, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_gamb_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/gamb_gold', 'name': 'Gambit Gaming (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 1692, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'de_mirage_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_mirage_gold', 'name': 'Mirage (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 4965, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_navi_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/navi_gold', 'name': 'Natus Vincere (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 5053, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_pgl_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/pgl_gold', 'name': 'PGL (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}], 'floatid': '29802544498', 'floatvalue': 0.06644307076931, 'm': '648051868337805791', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_am_mirage_flowers_metalic_light_large.19bdfea08b854122c4e7e71852bddda9a59ed3cd.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Music Box', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir MP9 | Music Box (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:53:59,917 - 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Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40397374698', 'd': '11736431809503566285', 'paintseed': 889, 'defindex': 13, 'paintindex': 972, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40397374698', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.05783170461654663, 'm': '663818090816670337', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_galilar_gs_galil_phoenix_light_large.62909a6e708a56e8679b9aa9225ba438b1539511.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Galil AR', 'item_name': 'Connexion', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Galil AR | Connexion (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:54:00,307 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M657062691395209037A41478491388D2885721319139339688 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:54:00,397 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '40647153930', 'd': '7809347892213360450', 'paintseed': 423, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 1153, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40647153930', 'floatvalue': 0.05782729759812355, 'm': '641300092692211824', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_gs_p250_visions_light_large.a47ba6d191d3c734c3248667fb341a0e3f0c423e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Visions', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Visions (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:54:01,310 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:54:01,349 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '36101128897', 'd': '6956373170928820945', 'paintseed': 301, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 335, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '36101128897', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.03983031213283539, 'm': '645803692319842828', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_an_royalbleed_light_large.58dfb4851908d78c31e205477793a620923737db.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.35, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Module', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ P90 | Module (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:54:02,513 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M664944625639782792A41210367401D3317477608524607121 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:54:03,305 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653685626571368396A41329809657D4910089809737727311 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:54:03,354 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875569065A40372425391D6965489880681186512 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:54:03,525 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:54:04,313 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:54:04,360 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:54:04,484 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M663818725732927481A41324562183D9848292827854130223 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:54:04,587 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666070525548718925A40987011620D4667568348011962556 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:54:04,608 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855023027A1504223226D2650026324916889574 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:54:04,651 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635670593159073161A41310977052D3207345961464812363 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:54:05,171 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479235097A41325157379D10253089890443995800 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:54:05,490 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:54:05,595 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:54:05,614 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:54:05,658 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:54:05,724 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654810891574665135A41493412760D12136298161032965094 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:54:06,177 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:54:06,731 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:54:07,899 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40117730746', 'd': '12109278136765942458', 'paintseed': 52, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 549, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '23822271760', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.05343812704086304, 'm': '654810891574576215', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_am_mp9_bioleak_light_large.d9b0d0e9fea2104871e0510bd704bfa03cdd6056.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Bioleak', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MP9 | Bioleak (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:54:07,911 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40117730746', 'd': '12109278136765942458', 'paintseed': 52, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 549, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '23822271760', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.05343812704086304, 'm': '654810891574576215', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_am_mp9_bioleak_light_large.d9b0d0e9fea2104871e0510bd704bfa03cdd6056.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Bioleak', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MP9 | Bioleak (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:54:10,550 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M661566925919256226A33136919906D12025283933579284158 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:54:11,555 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:54:11,656 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855023027A1504223226D2650026324916889574 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:54:11,669 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41491256879', 'd': '5532710076663422393', 'paintseed': 634, 'defindex': 63, 'paintindex': 350, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39399336399', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06971593201160431, 'm': '635670593158169561', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_cz75a_cu_c75a-tiger_light_large.b754b5a73c8f2b207942eb046efdbd4cade04513.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'CZ75-Auto', 'item_name': 'Tigris', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ CZ75-Auto | Tigris (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:54:12,442 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M664944625639768902A5280495207D2792385736740129835 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:54:12,507 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41470395767', 'd': '3180742874101540597', 'paintseed': 683, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 669, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '26823925732', 'low_rank': 79, 'floatvalue': 0.03502492606639862, 'm': '661566291008140509', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_hy_p90_barebones_blue_light_large.c908d6fc6d53cb2f4168a64b9a32e4b6b5479fc8.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Death Grip', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Death Grip (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:54:12,662 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:54:13,448 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:54:14,013 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M659315126105596913A41233403106D12314152325645307041 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:54:15,018 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:54:15,131 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41490541460', 'd': '2472060882506067625', 'paintseed': 969, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 947, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41015326502', 'low_rank': 561, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06999984383583069, 'm': '635670593157869591', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_cu_mac10_nacre_light_large.80fa2f0691e37e6e2a2755b8a7f6ccd6bfa83f3b.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Disco Tech', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MAC-10 | Disco Tech (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:54:15,390 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '5320010932', 'd': '2460276977219391863', 'paintseed': 108, 'defindex': 63, 'paintindex': 298, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '5320010932', 'floatvalue': 0.05205638334155083, 'm': '659314491193913134', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_cz75a_am_army_shine_light_large.26736d48ea09a5284aeb1cf11292bc3e87a56251.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'CZ75-Auto', 'item_name': 'Army Sheen', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'CZ75-Auto | Army Sheen (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:54:17,587 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M661566925919256226A33136919906D12025283933579284158 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:54:18,548 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41265320716', 'd': '13854238274493899316', 'paintseed': 107, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 148, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41265320716', 'floatvalue': 0.06544298678636551, 'm': '659314491183212974', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_sp_tape_short_sand_light_large.893d0bacf03750448cef4be1f649591b9622907e.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Sand Dashed', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MP9 | Sand Dashed (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:54:18,554 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41265320716', 'd': '13854238274493899316', 'paintseed': 107, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 148, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41265320716', 'floatvalue': 0.06544298678636551, 'm': '659314491183212974', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_sp_tape_short_sand_light_large.893d0bacf03750448cef4be1f649591b9622907e.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Sand Dashed', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MP9 | Sand Dashed (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:54:18,591 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:54:18,692 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855023027A1504223226D2650026324916889574 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:54:19,496 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M664944625639768902A5280495207D2792385736740129835 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:54:19,698 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:54:20,503 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:54:21,049 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M659315126105596913A41233403106D12314152325645307041 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:54:21,390 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692190922038826A40431624212D14036081958392336114 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:54:22,053 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:54:22,395 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:54:25,728 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855023027A1504223226D2650026324916889574 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:54:26,142 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41491329187', 'd': '5235470465343002007', 'paintseed': 120, 'defindex': 63, 'paintindex': 543, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '37706202503', 'low_rank': 768, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06947451829910278, 'm': '650307291946874539', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_cz75a_gs_cz75a_redastor_light_large.e00e688986c50877a103fe66d70fdf1fc13bbe8b.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'CZ75-Auto', 'item_name': 'Red Astor', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ CZ75-Auto | Red Astor (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:54:26,154 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41491329187', 'd': '5235470465343002007', 'paintseed': 120, 'defindex': 63, 'paintindex': 543, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '37706202503', 'low_rank': 768, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06947451829910278, 'm': '650307291946874539', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_cz75a_gs_cz75a_redastor_light_large.e00e688986c50877a103fe66d70fdf1fc13bbe8b.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'CZ75-Auto', 'item_name': 'Red Astor', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ CZ75-Auto | Red Astor (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:54:26,732 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:54:29,134 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41484029246', 'd': '3360811284920736763', 'paintseed': 394, 'defindex': 63, 'paintindex': 268, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41241530292', 'low_rank': 411, 'high_rank': 131, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06577908992767334, 'm': '666069890636688720', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_cz75a_am_diamond_plate_light_large.ef425c82bae5d971bd5e1e9c54b9cd2f992e4e16.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'CZ75-Auto', 'item_name': 'Tread Plate', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ CZ75-Auto | Tread Plate (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:54:29,935 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41235375632', 'd': '12602233838244341540', 'paintseed': 500, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 650, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41235375632', 'floatvalue': 0.06098027899861336, 'm': '639048292880490692', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_am_p250_sputnik_light_large.38766530975aaa4006dda7a24533ac1b05a6b6a8.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Ripple', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Ripple (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:54:29,943 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41235375632', 'd': '12602233838244341540', 'paintseed': 500, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 650, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41235375632', 'floatvalue': 0.06098027899861336, 'm': '639048292880490692', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_am_p250_sputnik_light_large.38766530975aaa4006dda7a24533ac1b05a6b6a8.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Ripple', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Ripple (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:54:30,135 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '37961764082', 'd': '2335233539924632089', 'paintseed': 953, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 1233, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '37961764082', 'low_rank': 466, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.05052841082215309, 'm': '646929592226869289', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_gs_p90_neoqueen_light_large.fa2a81f8c7906b2683b5eb4b562edd2529ad2cf0.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Neoqueen', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ P90 | Neoqueen (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:54:30,172 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '35189037528', 'd': '16627516383958712466', 'paintseed': 350, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 609, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5864, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_signature_max_4', 'material': 'antwerp2022/sig_max', 'name': 'max | Antwerp 2022'}], 'floatid': '35189037528', 'floatvalue': 0.06918666511774063, 'm': '651433191835935140', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_cu_mp9_narcis_light_large.c63eaf3fab8c65ec3ab22da8205cbe3c51366d7a.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Airlock', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MP9 | Airlock (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:54:31,164 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '22026623758', 'd': '352620122303079483', 'paintseed': 941, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 977, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '22026623758', 'floatvalue': 0.06780529767274857, 'm': '652559091761352280', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_hy_p90_dino_rampage_light_large.2231742f05375d3370f5f8fbc7fd3f3f623af688.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Cocoa Rampage', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Cocoa Rampage (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:54:32,762 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855023027A1504223226D2650026324916889574 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:54:32,880 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '7913380042', 'd': '2459614280848778872', 'paintseed': 303, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 403, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '7913380042', 'low_rank': 607, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.052504826337099075, 'm': '636796493056944222', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_cu_mp9_deadly_poison_light_large.0776976e709ec7b503dd7e47b8c962338615b5da.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Deadly Poison', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MP9 | Deadly Poison (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:54:33,373 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41488665329', 'd': '9955279957671854892', 'paintseed': 768, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 258, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4705, 'slot': 5, 'offset_x': 0.2316749393939972, 'offset_y': 0.014211326837539673, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_hero', 'material': 'rmr2020/hero', 'name': 'Heroic | 2020 RMR'}, {'stickerId': 6624, 'slot': 6, 'rotation': 12, 'offset_x': 0.4703555703163147, 'offset_y': 0.3118955194950104, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_hero', 'material': 'paris2023/hero', 'name': 'Heroic | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '41298866045', 'low_rank': 211, 'high_rank': 837, 'floatvalue': 0.04902764409780502, 'm': '637922392971615583', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_cu_p250_refined_light_large.9da38bc561b6576555b1700e9e10ddbc52994c67.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Mehndi', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Mehndi (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:54:33,379 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41488665329', 'd': '9955279957671854892', 'paintseed': 768, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 258, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4705, 'slot': 5, 'offset_x': 0.2316749393939972, 'offset_y': 0.014211326837539673, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_hero', 'material': 'rmr2020/hero', 'name': 'Heroic | 2020 RMR'}, {'stickerId': 6624, 'slot': 6, 'rotation': 12, 'offset_x': 0.4703555703163147, 'offset_y': 0.3118955194950104, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_hero', 'material': 'paris2023/hero', 'name': 'Heroic | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '41298866045', 'low_rank': 211, 'high_rank': 837, 'floatvalue': 0.04902764409780502, 'm': '637922392971615583', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_cu_p250_refined_light_large.9da38bc561b6576555b1700e9e10ddbc52994c67.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Mehndi', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Mehndi (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:54:33,767 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:54:33,832 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41310881670', 'd': '16295193378480490718', 'paintseed': 880, 'defindex': 2, 'paintindex': 276, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41310881670', 'floatvalue': 0.055078573524951935, 'm': '649181392040713488', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_elite_so_panther_light_large.019431b3fca18b027d07fe29d0ee7bf88df75576.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.58, 'weapon_type': 'Dual Berettas', 'item_name': 'Panther', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Dual Berettas | Panther (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:54:34,217 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300727597115293A30859637066D2895432372406628228 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:54:35,226 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:54:36,029 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40869271053', 'd': '9548757722036956389', 'paintseed': 193, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 682, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38027029489', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06227053701877594, 'm': '646929592226773439', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_am_mac10_oceani_light_large.25e5d3d5e249e11fe32971fa7bcdc0e5a1c777bd.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Oceanic', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MAC-10 | Oceanic (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:54:37,997 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875571195A41090206039D461272514322672076 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:54:39,002 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:54:39,714 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '38139704290', 'd': '7100637497122318879', 'paintseed': 738, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 1233, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38139704290', 'floatvalue': 0.0656760111451149, 'm': '658188591292866873', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_gs_p90_neoqueen_light_large.fa2a81f8c7906b2683b5eb4b562edd2529ad2cf0.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Neoqueen', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Neoqueen (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:54:39,721 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '38139704290', 'd': '7100637497122318879', 'paintseed': 738, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 1233, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38139704290', 'floatvalue': 0.0656760111451149, 'm': '658188591292866873', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_gs_p90_neoqueen_light_large.fa2a81f8c7906b2683b5eb4b562edd2529ad2cf0.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Neoqueen', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Neoqueen (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:54:39,729 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '38139704290', 'd': '7100637497122318879', 'paintseed': 738, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 1233, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38139704290', 'floatvalue': 0.0656760111451149, 'm': '658188591292866873', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_gs_p90_neoqueen_light_large.fa2a81f8c7906b2683b5eb4b562edd2529ad2cf0.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Neoqueen', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Neoqueen (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:54:39,738 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '38139704290', 'd': '7100637497122318879', 'paintseed': 738, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 1233, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38139704290', 'floatvalue': 0.0656760111451149, 'm': '658188591292866873', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_gs_p90_neoqueen_light_large.fa2a81f8c7906b2683b5eb4b562edd2529ad2cf0.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Neoqueen', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Neoqueen (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:54:39,746 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '38139704290', 'd': '7100637497122318879', 'paintseed': 738, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 1233, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38139704290', 'floatvalue': 0.0656760111451149, 'm': '658188591292866873', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_gs_p90_neoqueen_light_large.fa2a81f8c7906b2683b5eb4b562edd2529ad2cf0.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Neoqueen', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Neoqueen (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:54:39,754 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '38139704290', 'd': '7100637497122318879', 'paintseed': 738, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 1233, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38139704290', 'floatvalue': 0.0656760111451149, 'm': '658188591292866873', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_gs_p90_neoqueen_light_large.fa2a81f8c7906b2683b5eb4b562edd2529ad2cf0.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Neoqueen', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Neoqueen (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:54:39,797 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855023027A1504223226D2650026324916889574 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:54:40,483 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826761844978A41472164057D6919464195490941057 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:54:40,804 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:54:41,260 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300727597115293A30859637066D2895432372406628228 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:54:41,489 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:54:42,264 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:54:43,213 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41487064564', 'd': '11829944699969767506', 'paintseed': 122, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 482, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6640, 'slot': 2, 'offset_x': -0.043580323457717896, 'offset_y': 0.004423379898071289, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_nip', 'material': 'paris2023/nip', 'name': 'Ninjas in Pyjamas | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6640, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_nip', 'material': 'paris2023/nip', 'name': 'Ninjas in Pyjamas | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6692, 'slot': 4, 'offset_x': -0.007932424545288086, 'offset_y': -0.046222567558288574, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_cplx', 'material': 'paris2023/cplx', 'name': 'Complexity Gaming | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6692, 'slot': 1, 'offset_x': -0.20793956518173218, 'offset_y': 0.11787700653076172, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_cplx', 'material': 'paris2023/cplx', 'name': 'Complexity Gaming | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 7507, 'slot': 0, 'offset_x': -0.09527948498725891, 'offset_y': 0.2934305667877197, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_siuhy_2', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_siuhy', 'name': 'siuhy | Copenhagen 2024'}], 'floatid': '41323800371', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06306806206703186, 'm': '658188591291559353', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_am_mp9_nitrogen_light_large.3a0b5a7cd31a7cfd5f0d90b9a0a1dbfcdb642cca.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Ruby Poison Dart', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MP9 | Ruby Poison Dart (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:54:43,496 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668322325357234709A39377819304D11992711977742805598 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:54:44,316 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41323995623', 'd': '14313222897804274530', 'paintseed': 967, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 219, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41323995623', 'low_rank': 837, 'high_rank': 567, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.05312709882855415, 'm': '636796493064389082', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_redhex_light_large.099092ccf56439b922b51569ce87f2f908abcc19.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Hive', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ P250 | Hive (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:54:44,503 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:54:44,742 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M652559726664483587A41493481097D7359038947814933650 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:54:45,041 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875571195A41090206039D461272514322672076 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:54:45,748 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:54:45,938 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '35893105221', 'd': '5478880374192106076', 'paintseed': 522, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 715, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35893105221', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06046881899237633, 'm': '646929592216091249', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_cu_mp9_vein_light_large.d0189b21fba4603ff88d407d6af0e63093f22ba7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Capillary', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MP9 | Capillary (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:54:45,956 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '35893105221', 'd': '5478880374192106076', 'paintseed': 522, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 715, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35893105221', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06046881899237633, 'm': '646929592216091249', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_cu_mp9_vein_light_large.d0189b21fba4603ff88d407d6af0e63093f22ba7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Capillary', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MP9 | Capillary (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:54:46,046 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:54:46,835 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41070168029', 'd': '12172113436510530432', 'paintseed': 839, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 78, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41070168029', 'floatvalue': 0.06727737188339233, 'm': '660439303797167394', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_forest_night_light_large.f2ebb923126bf523ac2052755207d8c9d4dfa668.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Forest Night', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Forest Night (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:54:46,839 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855023027A1504223226D2650026324916889574 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:54:47,284 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037172815A36772853269D2369566367406253752 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:54:47,842 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:54:48,291 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:54:48,415 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41273540436', 'd': '14438554450433065356', 'paintseed': 405, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 426, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41273540436', 'floatvalue': 0.066474549472332, 'm': '667195790551896061', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_aq_p250_contour_light_large.faf5b305c68d8ea23814163b0a69dafa7318b818.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Valence', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Valence (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:54:49,366 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41328696876', 'd': '4677175329788692639', 'paintseed': 743, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 265, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41328696876', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.04449578374624252, 'm': '650307291947007799', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_hy_kami_light_large.ce4939fe41b30c6143f487879a57e4f5f227e811.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Kami', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Five-SeveN | Kami (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:54:49,374 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41328696876', 'd': '4677175329788692639', 'paintseed': 743, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 265, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41328696876', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.04449578374624252, 'm': '650307291947007799', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_hy_kami_light_large.ce4939fe41b30c6143f487879a57e4f5f227e811.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Kami', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Five-SeveN | Kami (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:54:50,559 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668322325357234709A39377819304D11992711977742805598 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:54:51,563 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:54:52,078 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875571195A41090206039D461272514322672076 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:54:52,630 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41492763908', 'd': '12395292558969201680', 'paintseed': 172, 'defindex': 2, 'paintindex': 1156, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41492763908', 'floatvalue': 0.04387303441762924, 'm': '663818090830909147', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_elite_cu_dual_elites_evil_flora_light_large.3afd7e8e7cf008e4b38a206b79adae3b9d0d7757.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Dual Berettas', 'item_name': 'Flora Carnivora', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Dual Berettas | Flora Carnivora (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:54:53,083 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:54:53,541 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M664943990732753828A41232606769D16603756747212868764 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:54:53,880 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855023027A1504223226D2650026324916889574 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:54:54,216 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '35727401201', 'd': '7974329224839187088', 'paintseed': 587, 'defindex': 2, 'paintindex': 625, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35727401201', 'floatvalue': 0.06974943727254868, 'm': '646929592226117009', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_elite_gs_dual_berettas_golden_venice_light_large.23d73db6cf2b2a7af26414d26373171dd3be06b1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Dual Berettas', 'item_name': 'Royal Consorts', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Dual Berettas | Royal Consorts (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:54:54,226 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '35727401201', 'd': '7974329224839187088', 'paintseed': 587, 'defindex': 2, 'paintindex': 625, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35727401201', 'floatvalue': 0.06974943727254868, 'm': '646929592226117009', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_elite_gs_dual_berettas_golden_venice_light_large.23d73db6cf2b2a7af26414d26373171dd3be06b1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Dual Berettas', 'item_name': 'Royal Consorts', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Dual Berettas | Royal Consorts (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:54:54,546 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:54:54,887 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:54:55,306 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M657063326292947868A41326411161D16771512792593428819 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:54:55,746 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127967647434A37790970918D7665900924312241614 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:54:56,311 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:54:56,760 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:54:57,591 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668322325357234709A39377819304D11992711977742805598 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:54:58,595 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:54:59,112 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875571195A41090206039D461272514322672076 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:54:59,593 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41329997725', 'd': '14422287469043164403', 'paintseed': 450, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 1128, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41329997725', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06789819896221161, 'm': '641300092691276634', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_cu_fiveseven_alpha_omega_light_large.698d00d53621c1b2358655aaff4f729bc0ed6300.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Scrawl', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Five-SeveN | Scrawl (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:55:00,138 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:55:00,577 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M664943990732753828A41232606769D16603756747212868764 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:55:00,585 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '36793316691', 'd': '16766519119843323063', 'paintseed': 701, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 1093, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '36793316691', 'floatvalue': 0.036088693886995316, 'm': '659314491204680614', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_gs_five_seven_efusion_light_large.78c44b69ab40456b90279ad0252463e9de816e78.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.41, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Boost Protocol', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Five-SeveN | Boost Protocol (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:55:00,922 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855023027A1504223226D2650026324916889574 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:55:01,582 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:55:01,928 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:55:02,821 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127967647434A37790970918D7665900924312241614 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:55:03,609 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875555445A41114476516D9548759998307083363 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:55:03,826 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:55:04,550 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '36072326005', 'd': '760126260722643451', 'paintseed': 250, 'defindex': 63, 'paintindex': 453, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5328, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_imp_glitter', 'material': 'antwerp2022/imp_glitter', 'name': 'Imperial Esports (Glitter) | Antwerp 2022'}, {'stickerId': 5328, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_imp_glitter', 'material': 'antwerp2022/imp_glitter', 'name': 'Imperial Esports (Glitter) | Antwerp 2022'}, {'stickerId': 5328, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_imp_glitter', 'material': 'antwerp2022/imp_glitter', 'name': 'Imperial Esports (Glitter) | Antwerp 2022'}, {'stickerId': 5328, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_imp_glitter', 'material': 'antwerp2022/imp_glitter', 'name': 'Imperial Esports (Glitter) | Antwerp 2022'}, {'stickerId': 5328, 'slot': 1, 'rotation': -18, 'offset_x': -0.25399622321128845, 'offset_y': 0.25874125957489014, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_imp_glitter', 'material': 'antwerp2022/imp_glitter', 'name': 'Imperial Esports (Glitter) | Antwerp 2022'}], 'floatid': '36072326005', 'low_rank': 286, 'floatvalue': 0.006955491378903389, 'm': '643551892503798356', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_cz75a_an_emerald_light_large.5c4734111477a884851cae6998871cbf7c870cc6.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'CZ75-Auto', 'item_name': 'Emerald', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'CZ75-Auto | Emerald (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:55:04,614 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:55:04,620 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668322325357234709A39377819304D11992711977742805598 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:55:05,624 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:55:06,172 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875571195A41090206039D461272514322672076 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:55:07,177 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:55:08,003 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41492157477', 'd': '315901711403934345', 'paintseed': 149, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 908, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40752394122', 'low_rank': 298, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.026730649173259735, 'm': '653684991670383074', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_gs_mac10_dust_crate_light_large.988816a75bc41f34cb18aff91ce6256299a9a52c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Classic Crate', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MAC-10 | Classic Crate (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:55:08,014 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41492157477', 'd': '315901711403934345', 'paintseed': 149, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 908, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40752394122', 'low_rank': 298, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.026730649173259735, 'm': '653684991670383074', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_gs_mac10_dust_crate_light_large.988816a75bc41f34cb18aff91ce6256299a9a52c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Classic Crate', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MAC-10 | Classic Crate (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:55:08,026 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41492157477', 'd': '315901711403934345', 'paintseed': 149, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 908, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40752394122', 'low_rank': 298, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.026730649173259735, 'm': '653684991670383074', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_gs_mac10_dust_crate_light_large.988816a75bc41f34cb18aff91ce6256299a9a52c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Classic Crate', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MAC-10 | Classic Crate (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:55:08,053 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41492157477', 'd': '315901711403934345', 'paintseed': 149, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 908, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40752394122', 'low_rank': 298, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.026730649173259735, 'm': '653684991670383074', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_gs_mac10_dust_crate_light_large.988816a75bc41f34cb18aff91ce6256299a9a52c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Classic Crate', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MAC-10 | Classic Crate (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:55:08,076 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660441026013445074A37866570312D3227579456293979289 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:55:09,081 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:55:09,853 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127967647434A37790970918D7665900924312241614 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:55:10,646 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875555445A41114476516D9548759998307083363 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:55:10,858 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:55:11,117 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40746239435', 'd': '11541257782284266068', 'paintseed': 93, 'defindex': 2, 'paintindex': 895, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '22668716690', 'floatvalue': 0.06690296530723572, 'm': '652559091762486160', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_elite_gs_dual_elites_rose_light_large.8df8980203b198879875be44656361ccbb41791e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Dual Berettas', 'item_name': 'Balance', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Dual Berettas | Balance (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:55:11,124 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40746239435', 'd': '11541257782284266068', 'paintseed': 93, 'defindex': 2, 'paintindex': 895, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '22668716690', 'floatvalue': 0.06690296530723572, 'm': '652559091762486160', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_elite_gs_dual_elites_rose_light_large.8df8980203b198879875be44656361ccbb41791e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Dual Berettas', 'item_name': 'Balance', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Dual Berettas | Balance (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:55:11,570 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645803692320248398A41493433818D10270079395379121673 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:55:11,652 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:55:12,041 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41491848055', 'd': '3091972573733606131', 'paintseed': 974, 'defindex': 11, 'paintindex': 294, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41491848055', 'floatvalue': 0.06155887246131897, 'm': '661566291017879319', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_g3sg1_so_green_light_large.28c4e72757be64775c1111ac0e7142a147cacb9c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'G3SG1', 'item_name': 'Green Apple', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'G3SG1 | Green Apple (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:55:12,048 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41491848055', 'd': '3091972573733606131', 'paintseed': 974, 'defindex': 11, 'paintindex': 294, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41491848055', 'floatvalue': 0.06155887246131897, 'm': '661566291017879319', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_g3sg1_so_green_light_large.28c4e72757be64775c1111ac0e7142a147cacb9c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'G3SG1', 'item_name': 'Green Apple', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'G3SG1 | Green Apple (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:55:12,377 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41330796527', 'd': '12277626937534729811', 'paintseed': 241, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 784, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 8027, 'slot': 6, 'codename': 'sha2024_team_pw_gold', 'material': 'sha2024/pw_gold', 'name': 'Perfect World (Gold) | Shanghai 2024'}, {'stickerId': 1693, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'de_nuke_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_nuke_gold', 'name': 'Nuke (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 7951, 'slot': 5, 'codename': 'sha2024_team_faze_gold', 'material': 'sha2024/faze_gold', 'name': 'FaZe Clan (Gold) | Shanghai 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7943, 'slot': 4, 'codename': 'sha2024_team_spir_gold', 'material': 'sha2024/spir_gold', 'name': 'Team Spirit (Gold) | Shanghai 2024'}], 'floatid': '41328258279', 'floatvalue': 0.0554894283413887, 'm': '637922392972142353', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_hy_ducts_green_light_large.687c4ada7a094872eeb5b48cbff3ebac68a8d7ed.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Coolant', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir Five-SeveN | Coolant (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:55:12,578 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:55:13,243 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875571195A41090206039D461272514322672076 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:55:14,184 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644678427315570649A41301804596D1035980094254647440 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:55:14,251 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:55:15,188 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:55:15,256 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648055492132118242A41142826609D2893567881808336093 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:55:15,846 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41492454299', 'd': '11531118072101055685', 'paintseed': 557, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 898, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41438123299', 'low_rank': 26, 'floatvalue': 0.03413848206400871, 'm': '661566291018064599', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_gs_mac10_stalker_light_large.cb4d7a60a69978f1575526f979be8e1e1538a673.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Stalker', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Stalker (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:55:16,263 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:55:16,891 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127967647434A37790970918D7665900924312241614 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:55:17,682 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875555445A41114476516D9548759998307083363 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:55:17,799 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40874707938', 'd': '751125639746829501', 'paintseed': 303, 'defindex': 11, 'paintindex': 712, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40874707938', 'floatvalue': 0.06401517987251282, 'm': '652559091736708390', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_g3sg1_gs_g3sg1_buccaneer_light_large.68c69e9856fd43f17a4165d1f27116496657fd00.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'G3SG1', 'item_name': 'High Seas', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'G3SG1 | High Seas (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:55:17,821 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41471119756', 'd': '17168507537947885405', 'paintseed': 361, 'defindex': 63, 'paintindex': 435, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38216345015', 'low_rank': 471, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06059234216809273, 'm': '658188591286022283', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_cz75a_cu_cz75_precision_light_large.a0d0ea9d92ff9c535cbdaa9c07a1a95a5181a82b.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'CZ75-Auto', 'item_name': 'Pole Position', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ CZ75-Auto | Pole Position (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:55:17,896 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:55:18,349 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41471166592', 'd': '182615854279396421', 'paintseed': 658, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 246, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39501234492', 'low_rank': 130, 'high_rank': 129, 'floatvalue': 0.046215903013944626, 'm': '662692190913994296', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_aa_fade_metallic_light_large.1af4a93ef5fee1f1510d364f54d1a730474860ef.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Amber Fade', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir MAC-10 | Amber Fade (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:55:18,613 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645803692320248398A41493433818D10270079395379121673 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:55:18,691 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:55:18,998 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '9549884305', 'd': '14271381688660588727', 'paintseed': 579, 'defindex': 11, 'paintindex': 628, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '9549884305', 'floatvalue': 0.06294267624616623, 'm': '644677792410635607', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_g3sg1_gs_g3sg1_viper_yellow_light_large.5a77c59b8c295d2e10f27b8372a146e973ddfb25.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'G3SG1', 'item_name': 'Stinger', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'G3SG1 | Stinger (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:55:19,618 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:55:20,290 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875571195A41090206039D461272514322672076 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:55:20,723 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M643552527418186509A41493658903D7128180079710694919 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:55:21,251 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41480059724', 'd': '9837205665228661277', 'paintseed': 275, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 44, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39140421350', 'floatvalue': 0.06120828539133072, 'm': '636796493064357582', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_aq_oiled_light_large.fdaa095453965b2be93f8aa90ae469d926fac4e7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Case Hardened', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Five-SeveN | Case Hardened (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:55:21,296 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:55:21,728 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:55:22,304 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648055492132118242A41142826609D2893567881808336093 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:55:22,501 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '30893578079', 'd': '13991175936552276849', 'paintseed': 268, 'defindex': 63, 'paintindex': 12, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '30893578079', 'low_rank': 14, 'high_rank': 917, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06302382797002792, 'm': '636796493044143822', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_cz75a_hy_webs_light_large.2093b43aefa82ee6713c472384ea283fdd44f023.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'CZ75-Auto', 'item_name': 'Crimson Web', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ CZ75-Auto | Crimson Web (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:55:22,509 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '30893578079', 'd': '13991175936552276849', 'paintseed': 268, 'defindex': 63, 'paintindex': 12, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '30893578079', 'low_rank': 14, 'high_rank': 917, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06302382797002792, 'm': '636796493044143822', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_cz75a_hy_webs_light_large.2093b43aefa82ee6713c472384ea283fdd44f023.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'CZ75-Auto', 'item_name': 'Crimson Web', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ CZ75-Auto | Crimson Web (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:55:23,310 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:55:24,098 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41065957184', 'd': '16189882847938682707', 'paintseed': 403, 'defindex': 63, 'paintindex': 366, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40684753286', 'low_rank': 155, 'high_rank': 467, 'floatvalue': 0.054056547582149506, 'm': '666068803332715895', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_cz75a_hy_plaid2_light_large.82e391ba61c092ece265e3bde16237ab5a510130.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.58, 'weapon_type': 'CZ75-Auto', 'item_name': 'Green Plaid', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'CZ75-Auto | Green Plaid (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:55:24,718 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875555445A41114476516D9548759998307083363 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:55:25,587 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41234056704', 'd': '5098193673854994601', 'paintseed': 55, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 812, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6653, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 1, 'offset_x': -0.02274423837661743, 'offset_y': 0.4012863337993622, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_og_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/og_glitter', 'name': 'OG (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '41234056704', 'floatvalue': 0.055198609828948975, 'm': '662692190921022156', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_gs_mac10_exo_pipes_light_large.355aad3fa1602f8e682a5663f72b12feba0d4cf2.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.9, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Pipe Down', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Pipe Down (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:55:25,723 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:55:27,094 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '30837161267', 'd': '14179689842881786547', 'paintseed': 775, 'defindex': 11, 'paintindex': 980, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '30837161267', 'floatvalue': 0.06681287288665771, 'm': '646929592211366519', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_g3sg1_gs_g3sg1_disrupt_light_large.393db5c1a143ad7fc9e3c42a7d17ca860ce490ab.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'G3SG1', 'item_name': 'Digital Mesh', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'G3SG1 | Digital Mesh (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:55:27,331 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875571195A41090206039D461272514322672076 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:55:28,335 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:55:31,756 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875555445A41114476516D9548759998307083363 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:55:32,762 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:55:33,391 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M664944625639763382A30530523886D16153427036084361021 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:55:34,397 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:55:38,815 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875555445A41114476516D9548759998307083363 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:55:39,823 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:55:40,049 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649181392041157458A41296462326D2927592828075306646 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:55:40,445 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M664944625639763382A30530523886D16153427036084361021 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:55:40,781 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642426627503966044A41331491666D14899775288334337069 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:55:41,054 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:55:41,310 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926854997587A41493509736D14449494428501906431 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:55:41,451 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:55:41,787 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:55:42,315 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:55:43,335 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636796493066868762A41493330388D9380547424847948959 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:55:43,480 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307291947541439A40373881252D11827271486732185255 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:55:44,340 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:55:44,485 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:55:45,852 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875555445A41114476516D9548759998307083363 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:55:46,378 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41284278336', 'd': '3054249953909813913', 'paintseed': 445, 'defindex': 11, 'paintindex': 382, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41284278336', 'low_rank': 760, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.03569748252630234, 'm': '662692190920116036', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_g3sg1_am_g3sg1_murky_light_large.bc4e8d0e70d2952576d5c9653da71f21bc02b810.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.25, 'weapon_type': 'G3SG1', 'item_name': 'Murky', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ G3SG1 | Murky (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:55:46,858 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:55:47,483 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M664944625639763382A30530523886D16153427036084361021 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:55:47,578 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40932216560', 'd': '10142785999825609835', 'paintseed': 180, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 840, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40932216560', 'low_rank': 735, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.054192181676626205, 'm': '666069890637556140', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_gs_mac10_fish_bait_light_large.31a855282029b915748b21c11521b5f111b05e67.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Whitefish', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MAC-10 | Whitefish (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:55:47,818 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642426627503966044A41331491666D14899775288334337069 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:55:48,488 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:55:48,825 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:55:49,078 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40846624564', 'd': '12253289650884251835', 'paintseed': 366, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 787, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40846624564', 'floatvalue': 0.0601777583360672, 'm': '660439303817669904', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_hy_nuclear_hotorange_light_large.35367773b8501fa045ad8c58387c6f48fc848045.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Core Breach', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Core Breach (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:55:49,519 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666070525548692825A41276671108D11829938898109686857 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:55:50,511 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307291947541439A40373881252D11827271486732185255 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:55:50,523 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:55:51,147 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41194299985', 'd': '5345366139416146609', 'paintseed': 217, 'defindex': 11, 'paintindex': 606, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41194299985', 'floatvalue': 0.053122006356716156, 'm': '657062691395018597', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_g3sg1_gs_g3sg1_ventilator_light_large.5cd3643d4d9cd0599e25a1302e788611bd9a0023.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.45, 'weapon_type': 'G3SG1', 'item_name': 'Ventilator', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'G3SG1 | Ventilator (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:55:51,514 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:55:52,897 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875555445A41114476516D9548759998307083363 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:55:53,406 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41492921954', 'd': '9856798529577274923', 'paintseed': 429, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 32, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41492921954', 'floatvalue': 0.03276905044913292, 'm': '668321690461809081', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_an_silver_light_large.3082e91b9fddbddc9b72da44382fe1def00fa5fa.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Silver', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Silver (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:55:53,413 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41492921954', 'd': '9856798529577274923', 'paintseed': 429, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 32, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41492921954', 'floatvalue': 0.03276905044913292, 'm': '668321690461809081', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_an_silver_light_large.3082e91b9fddbddc9b72da44382fe1def00fa5fa.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Silver', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Silver (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:55:53,419 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41492921954', 'd': '9856798529577274923', 'paintseed': 429, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 32, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41492921954', 'floatvalue': 0.03276905044913292, 'm': '668321690461809081', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_an_silver_light_large.3082e91b9fddbddc9b72da44382fe1def00fa5fa.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Silver', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Silver (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:55:53,425 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41492921954', 'd': '9856798529577274923', 'paintseed': 429, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 32, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41492921954', 'floatvalue': 0.03276905044913292, 'm': '668321690461809081', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_an_silver_light_large.3082e91b9fddbddc9b72da44382fe1def00fa5fa.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Silver', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Silver (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:55:53,431 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41492921954', 'd': '9856798529577274923', 'paintseed': 429, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 32, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41492921954', 'floatvalue': 0.03276905044913292, 'm': '668321690461809081', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_an_silver_light_large.3082e91b9fddbddc9b72da44382fe1def00fa5fa.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Silver', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Silver (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:55:53,438 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41492921954', 'd': '9856798529577274923', 'paintseed': 429, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 32, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41492921954', 'floatvalue': 0.03276905044913292, 'm': '668321690461809081', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_an_silver_light_large.3082e91b9fddbddc9b72da44382fe1def00fa5fa.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Silver', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Silver (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:55:53,444 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41492921954', 'd': '9856798529577274923', 'paintseed': 429, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 32, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41492921954', 'floatvalue': 0.03276905044913292, 'm': '668321690461809081', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_an_silver_light_large.3082e91b9fddbddc9b72da44382fe1def00fa5fa.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Silver', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Silver (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:55:53,450 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41492921954', 'd': '9856798529577274923', 'paintseed': 429, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 32, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41492921954', 'floatvalue': 0.03276905044913292, 'm': '668321690461809081', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_an_silver_light_large.3082e91b9fddbddc9b72da44382fe1def00fa5fa.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Silver', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Silver (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:55:53,456 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41492921954', 'd': '9856798529577274923', 'paintseed': 429, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 32, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41492921954', 'floatvalue': 0.03276905044913292, 'm': '668321690461809081', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_an_silver_light_large.3082e91b9fddbddc9b72da44382fe1def00fa5fa.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Silver', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Silver (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:55:53,461 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41492921954', 'd': '9856798529577274923', 'paintseed': 429, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 32, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41492921954', 'floatvalue': 0.03276905044913292, 'm': '668321690461809081', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_an_silver_light_large.3082e91b9fddbddc9b72da44382fe1def00fa5fa.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Silver', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Silver (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:55:53,770 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41329315621', 'd': '7983937302001792731', 'paintseed': 192, 'defindex': 11, 'paintindex': 545, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41329315621', 'floatvalue': 0.047325775027275085, 'm': '663818090830283707', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_g3sg1_sp_g3sg1_militiaorange_light_large.215d54d5c86185e61d65694899bf029f6e070cab.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.52, 'weapon_type': 'G3SG1', 'item_name': 'Orange Crash', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'G3SG1 | Orange Crash (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:55:53,901 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:55:54,016 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41163003559', 'd': '622201307033506142', 'paintseed': 81, 'defindex': 14, 'paintindex': 1148, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41163003559', 'floatvalue': 0.06863897293806076, 'm': '651433191850877180', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m249_cu_m249_downvote_light_large.9d51d5d89b1df07b160580b5b929f66f06bb8310.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.65, 'weapon_type': 'M249', 'item_name': 'Downtown', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'M249 | Downtown (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:55:54,519 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M664944625639763382A30530523886D16153427036084361021 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:55:54,664 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479281987A34237794221D16303079049705193494 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:55:54,864 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642426627503966044A41331491666D14899775288334337069 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:55:55,512 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41326007512', 'd': '12567446556244439801', 'paintseed': 850, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 703, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41326007512', 'floatvalue': 0.06763269007205963, 'm': '651433191850760000', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_aq_mag7_swag7_light_large.20341e396db88a5ecde84f8b803a500f4aec3b55.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.92, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'SWAG-7', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | SWAG-7 (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:55:55,519 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41326007512', 'd': '12567446556244439801', 'paintseed': 850, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 703, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41326007512', 'floatvalue': 0.06763269007205963, 'm': '651433191850760000', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_aq_mag7_swag7_light_large.20341e396db88a5ecde84f8b803a500f4aec3b55.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.92, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'SWAG-7', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | SWAG-7 (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:55:55,524 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:55:55,669 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:55:55,869 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:55:56,632 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M657063326292946338A40635993735D16456729869704454255 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:55:57,637 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:55:58,634 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637922392973324413A41493450791D2660084002180620244 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:55:58,721 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41281118633', 'd': '14045228520821799103', 'paintseed': 877, 'defindex': 11, 'paintindex': 382, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41281118633', 'low_rank': 405, 'floatvalue': 0.020985392853617668, 'm': '662692190920111896', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_g3sg1_am_g3sg1_murky_light_large.bc4e8d0e70d2952576d5c9653da71f21bc02b810.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.25, 'weapon_type': 'G3SG1', 'item_name': 'Murky', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'G3SG1 | Murky (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:55:58,727 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41281118633', 'd': '14045228520821799103', 'paintseed': 877, 'defindex': 11, 'paintindex': 382, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41281118633', 'low_rank': 405, 'floatvalue': 0.020985392853617668, 'm': '662692190920111896', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_g3sg1_am_g3sg1_murky_light_large.bc4e8d0e70d2952576d5c9653da71f21bc02b810.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.25, 'weapon_type': 'G3SG1', 'item_name': 'Murky', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'G3SG1 | Murky (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:55:58,739 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41281118633', 'd': '14045228520821799103', 'paintseed': 877, 'defindex': 11, 'paintindex': 382, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41281118633', 'low_rank': 405, 'floatvalue': 0.020985392853617668, 'm': '662692190920111896', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_g3sg1_am_g3sg1_murky_light_large.bc4e8d0e70d2952576d5c9653da71f21bc02b810.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.25, 'weapon_type': 'G3SG1', 'item_name': 'Murky', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'G3SG1 | Murky (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:55:59,649 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:55:59,908 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '38205577884', 'd': '3228171147793171577', 'paintseed': 265, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 906, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38135957522', 'low_rank': 779, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.05886794254183769, 'm': '658188591292987323', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_cu_fiveseven_gsg9_light_large.870dec48f951d3a6420bdb332f0acd25ee1254b1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Buddy', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Five-SeveN | Buddy (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:55:59,909 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41238419707', 'd': '5387658294165126074', 'paintseed': 848, 'defindex': 14, 'paintindex': 983, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41214693150', 'low_rank': 772, 'floatvalue': 0.04496167600154877, 'm': '653684991623373164', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m249_cu_m249_deep_relief_light_large.227a01518f45cbb6a43981e36b76f60785f9085b.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'M249', 'item_name': 'Deep Relief', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'M249 | Deep Relief (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:55:59,915 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41238419707', 'd': '5387658294165126074', 'paintseed': 848, 'defindex': 14, 'paintindex': 983, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41214693150', 'low_rank': 772, 'floatvalue': 0.04496167600154877, 'm': '653684991623373164', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m249_cu_m249_deep_relief_light_large.227a01518f45cbb6a43981e36b76f60785f9085b.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'M249', 'item_name': 'Deep Relief', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'M249 | Deep Relief (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:55:59,931 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875555445A41114476516D9548759998307083363 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:56:00,003 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654810891574664445A40736288035D12160361413112061079 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:56:00,934 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:56:01,009 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:56:01,576 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M664944625639763382A30530523886D16153427036084361021 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:56:01,701 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479281987A34237794221D16303079049705193494 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:56:01,846 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41487179392', 'd': '7990160648969571349', 'paintseed': 15, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 585, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '31866766588', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06368588656187057, 'm': '637922392971003823', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_cu_five_seven_daimyo_light_large.d394398cae1977546887145dcf6a4892d2ed29aa.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Violent Daimyo', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Five-SeveN | Violent Daimyo (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:56:01,898 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642426627503966044A41331491666D14899775288334337069 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:56:02,581 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:56:02,705 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:56:02,904 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:56:03,594 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174192790113193A41330353917D10124352273358104615 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:56:03,681 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M657063326292946338A40635993735D16456729869704454255 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:56:03,979 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '2514359490', 'd': '775393906847503057', 'paintseed': 375, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 291, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '2514359490', 'floatvalue': 0.04666675999760628, 'm': '649181392040482518', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_cu_mag7_heaven_light_large.ea002eaa1f984e278f59a934ca9016f038d06120.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Heaven Guard', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Heaven Guard (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:56:04,599 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:56:04,687 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:56:04,695 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653685626571388856A41146221325D16582995356307163349 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:56:05,693 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637922392973324413A41493450791D2660084002180620244 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:56:05,701 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:56:06,700 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:56:06,965 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875555445A41114476516D9548759998307083363 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:56:07,040 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654810891574664445A40736288035D12160361413112061079 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:56:07,970 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:56:08,045 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:56:08,738 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479281987A34237794221D16303079049705193494 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:56:08,934 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642426627503966044A41331491666D14899775288334337069 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:56:09,744 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:56:09,912 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40092242604', 'd': '2750716582541247987', 'paintseed': 368, 'defindex': 23, 'paintindex': 1137, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40092242604', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.05096780136227608, 'm': '650307291925727089', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp5sd_gs_mp5_kid_necronomicon_light_large.87443871e29948cd2cea24c01bd241b3623e91dd.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MP5-SD', 'item_name': 'Necro Jr.', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MP5-SD | Necro Jr. (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:56:09,928 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40092242604', 'd': '2750716582541247987', 'paintseed': 368, 'defindex': 23, 'paintindex': 1137, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40092242604', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.05096780136227608, 'm': '650307291925727089', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp5sd_gs_mp5_kid_necronomicon_light_large.87443871e29948cd2cea24c01bd241b3623e91dd.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MP5-SD', 'item_name': 'Necro Jr.', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MP5-SD | Necro Jr. (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:56:09,939 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:56:09,941 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40092242604', 'd': '2750716582541247987', 'paintseed': 368, 'defindex': 23, 'paintindex': 1137, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40092242604', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.05096780136227608, 'm': '650307291925727089', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp5sd_gs_mp5_kid_necronomicon_light_large.87443871e29948cd2cea24c01bd241b3623e91dd.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MP5-SD', 'item_name': 'Necro Jr.', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MP5-SD | Necro Jr. (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:56:10,720 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M657063326292946338A40635993735D16456729869704454255 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:56:11,391 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '2321551800', 'd': '14045225718311946463', 'paintseed': 266, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 274, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '2321551800', 'floatvalue': 0.03790449723601341, 'm': '654810891569247975', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_am_copper_flecks_light_large.d2af814b76763880470bc7039d5569eb74b26978.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Copper Galaxy', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Five-SeveN | Copper Galaxy (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:56:11,726 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:56:13,656 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41226471542', 'd': '13990089335496783152', 'paintseed': 983, 'defindex': 14, 'paintindex': 266, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41226471542', 'low_rank': 276, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.059144195169210434, 'm': '640174192753707563', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m249_aq_obsidian_light_large.c8a38c9354c2f4531f0802eaa49caa9878bbf9ed.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'M249', 'item_name': 'Magma', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ M249 | Magma (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:56:13,666 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41226471542', 'd': '13990089335496783152', 'paintseed': 983, 'defindex': 14, 'paintindex': 266, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41226471542', 'low_rank': 276, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.059144195169210434, 'm': '640174192753707563', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m249_aq_obsidian_light_large.c8a38c9354c2f4531f0802eaa49caa9878bbf9ed.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'M249', 'item_name': 'Magma', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ M249 | Magma (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:56:14,076 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654810891574664445A40736288035D12160361413112061079 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:56:15,081 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:56:16,516 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127967715804A24499100037D9422670229316011443 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:56:16,839 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41404174122', 'd': '16297973045837676219', 'paintseed': 158, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 100, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40581414237', 'low_rank': 102, 'floatvalue': 0.06283017247915268, 'm': '640174192777640363', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_so_stormfront_light_large.40f72ef6782f32f64bd883923fedfe0d1512d582.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Storm', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir MAG-7 | Storm (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:56:17,522 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:56:18,345 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037145605A41360006289D16429175593146839410 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:56:18,628 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '24529197607', 'd': '16457400735717182167', 'paintseed': 51, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 1093, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '24529197607', 'low_rank': 491, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.03734918683767319, 'm': '635670593158729211', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_gs_five_seven_efusion_light_large.78c44b69ab40456b90279ad0252463e9de816e78.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.41, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Boost Protocol', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Five-SeveN | Boost Protocol (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:56:18,640 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '24529197607', 'd': '16457400735717182167', 'paintseed': 51, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 1093, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '24529197607', 'low_rank': 491, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.03734918683767319, 'm': '635670593158729211', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_gs_five_seven_efusion_light_large.78c44b69ab40456b90279ad0252463e9de816e78.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.41, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Boost Protocol', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Five-SeveN | Boost Protocol (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:56:19,349 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:56:20,119 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649182026948185656A21816521867D11992734154155525237 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:56:21,125 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:56:21,125 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654810891574664445A40736288035D12160361413112061079 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:56:21,215 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649182026948184846A41308633803D5631901567162513525 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:56:22,130 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:56:22,219 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:56:24,882 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41252480531', 'd': '9387369302566571283', 'paintseed': 716, 'defindex': 23, 'paintindex': 753, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6643, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_nip_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/nip_gold', 'name': 'Ninjas in Pyjamas (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6687, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_gray_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/gray_gold', 'name': 'Grayhound Gaming (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6707, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_blst_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/blst_gold', 'name': 'BLAST.tv (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 1691, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'de_inferno_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_inferno_gold', 'name': 'Inferno (Gold)'}], 'floatid': '41252480531', 'low_rank': 364, 'floatvalue': 0.067933589220047, 'm': '649181392026306768', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp5sd_sp_tape_short_rally_light_large.2fdb10eba1dbf17030a2c0867fc385fe0449b974.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'MP5-SD', 'item_name': 'Dirt Drop', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir MP5-SD | Dirt Drop (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:56:25,379 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037145605A41360006289D16429175593146839410 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:56:26,383 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:56:28,157 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654810891574664445A40736288035D12160361413112061079 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:56:28,245 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649182026948184846A41308633803D5631901567162513525 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:56:28,409 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41491454959', 'd': '5516010600672792245', 'paintseed': 938, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 585, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41491454959', 'floatvalue': 0.06982076168060303, 'm': '655936791475793716', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_cu_five_seven_daimyo_light_large.d394398cae1977546887145dcf6a4892d2ed29aa.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Violent Daimyo', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Five-SeveN | Violent Daimyo (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:56:28,414 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41491454959', 'd': '5516010600672792245', 'paintseed': 938, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 585, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41491454959', 'floatvalue': 0.06982076168060303, 'm': '655936791475793716', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_cu_five_seven_daimyo_light_large.d394398cae1977546887145dcf6a4892d2ed29aa.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Violent Daimyo', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Five-SeveN | Violent Daimyo (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:56:28,751 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40862101925', 'd': '16898076045855550911', 'paintseed': 565, 'defindex': 23, 'paintindex': 846, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40754333713', 'floatvalue': 0.06977728754281998, 'm': '646929592226994629', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp5sd_gs_mp5sd_astromatic_light_large.d7acba118f13e4b7b0d9146dddd32cf71da9210d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MP5-SD', 'item_name': 'Gauss', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MP5-SD | Gauss (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:56:29,009 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40862926407', 'd': '4909502366627786871', 'paintseed': 412, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 1132, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40862926407', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06895186752080917, 'm': '658188591293647893', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_cu_mag7_predictor_light_large.431734cae141d06a20fa3615d38e3b15c708602a.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Foresight', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MAG-7 | Foresight (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:56:29,161 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:56:29,250 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:56:31,693 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41331282140', 'd': '12145834920696283955', 'paintseed': 497, 'defindex': 23, 'paintindex': 781, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41331282140', 'floatvalue': 0.06369107961654663, 'm': '660440391110194715', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp5sd_am_circuitboard_aqua_light_large.205e1ac1b5bfbbfa8f0449cc08b42daf3e4addd2.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'MP5-SD', 'item_name': 'Co-Processor', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MP5-SD | Co-Processor (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:56:31,701 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41331282140', 'd': '12145834920696283955', 'paintseed': 497, 'defindex': 23, 'paintindex': 781, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41331282140', 'floatvalue': 0.06369107961654663, 'm': '660440391110194715', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp5sd_am_circuitboard_aqua_light_large.205e1ac1b5bfbbfa8f0449cc08b42daf3e4addd2.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'MP5-SD', 'item_name': 'Co-Processor', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MP5-SD | Co-Processor (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:56:35,285 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649182026948184846A41308633803D5631901567162513525 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:56:35,478 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41295795646', 'd': '3045258037188668465', 'paintseed': 431, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 1168, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41295795646', 'floatvalue': 0.06999234855175018, 'm': '659314491202864834', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Hybrid', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Five-SeveN | Hybrid (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:56:36,289 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:56:36,460 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41211515862', 'd': '16718715222378753335', 'paintseed': 574, 'defindex': 23, 'paintindex': 1231, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7182, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 1, 'offset_x': 0.15312132239341736, 'offset_y': 0.007523983716964722, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_lucaozy_4_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_lucaozy_glitter', 'name': 'Lucaozy (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 7182, 'slot': 7, 'wear': 1, 'offset_x': 0.3067629933357239, 'offset_y': 0.008517473936080933, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_lucaozy_4_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_lucaozy_glitter', 'name': 'Lucaozy (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 7182, 'slot': 7, 'wear': 1, 'offset_x': 0.22966375946998596, 'offset_y': 0.010261327028274536, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_lucaozy_4_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_lucaozy_glitter', 'name': 'Lucaozy (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 7182, 'slot': 4, 'wear': 1, 'offset_x': -0.19530656933784485, 'offset_y': 0.0015531182289123535, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_lucaozy_4_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_lucaozy_glitter', 'name': 'Lucaozy (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 7182, 'slot': 4, 'wear': 1, 'offset_x': -0.12243232131004333, 'offset_y': 0.0043190717697143555, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_lucaozy_4_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_lucaozy_glitter', 'name': 'Lucaozy (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '41082017192', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.03639831021428108, 'm': '636796493066129772', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp5sd_cu_mp5sd_quick_liquidation_light_large.2b446c710928debe38469e33b3b9030bd218c0e3.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MP5-SD', 'item_name': 'Liquidation', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MP5-SD | Liquidation (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:56:39,231 - 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Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '40896087896', 'd': '2940362400420978261', 'paintseed': 985, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 34, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40896087896', 'floatvalue': 0.030291857197880745, 'm': '666069890639306610', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_am_urban_light_large.49c3b842a021265e8dd66f05ebe20fc76a6dfdba.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Metallic DDPAT', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Metallic DDPAT (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:56:40,208 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '40896087896', 'd': '2940362400420978261', 'paintseed': 985, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 34, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40896087896', 'floatvalue': 0.030291857197880745, 'm': '666069890639306610', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_am_urban_light_large.49c3b842a021265e8dd66f05ebe20fc76a6dfdba.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Metallic DDPAT', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Metallic DDPAT (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:56:40,213 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '40896087896', 'd': '2940362400420978261', 'paintseed': 985, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 34, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40896087896', 'floatvalue': 0.030291857197880745, 'm': '666069890639306610', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_am_urban_light_large.49c3b842a021265e8dd66f05ebe20fc76a6dfdba.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Metallic DDPAT', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Metallic DDPAT (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:56:40,219 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '40896087896', 'd': '2940362400420978261', 'paintseed': 985, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 34, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40896087896', 'floatvalue': 0.030291857197880745, 'm': '666069890639306610', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_am_urban_light_large.49c3b842a021265e8dd66f05ebe20fc76a6dfdba.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Metallic DDPAT', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Metallic DDPAT (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:56:40,225 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '40896087896', 'd': '2940362400420978261', 'paintseed': 985, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 34, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40896087896', 'floatvalue': 0.030291857197880745, 'm': '666069890639306610', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_am_urban_light_large.49c3b842a021265e8dd66f05ebe20fc76a6dfdba.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Metallic DDPAT', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Metallic DDPAT (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:56:40,230 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '40896087896', 'd': '2940362400420978261', 'paintseed': 985, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 34, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40896087896', 'floatvalue': 0.030291857197880745, 'm': '666069890639306610', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_am_urban_light_large.49c3b842a021265e8dd66f05ebe20fc76a6dfdba.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Metallic DDPAT', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Metallic DDPAT (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:56:40,238 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '40896087896', 'd': '2940362400420978261', 'paintseed': 985, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 34, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40896087896', 'floatvalue': 0.030291857197880745, 'm': '666069890639306610', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_am_urban_light_large.49c3b842a021265e8dd66f05ebe20fc76a6dfdba.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Metallic DDPAT', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Metallic DDPAT (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:56:40,246 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '40896087896', 'd': '2940362400420978261', 'paintseed': 985, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 34, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40896087896', 'floatvalue': 0.030291857197880745, 'm': '666069890639306610', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_am_urban_light_large.49c3b842a021265e8dd66f05ebe20fc76a6dfdba.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Metallic DDPAT', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Metallic DDPAT (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:56:40,255 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '40896087896', 'd': '2940362400420978261', 'paintseed': 985, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 34, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40896087896', 'floatvalue': 0.030291857197880745, 'm': '666069890639306610', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_am_urban_light_large.49c3b842a021265e8dd66f05ebe20fc76a6dfdba.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Metallic DDPAT', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Metallic DDPAT (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:56:40,263 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '40896087896', 'd': '2940362400420978261', 'paintseed': 985, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 34, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40896087896', 'floatvalue': 0.030291857197880745, 'm': '666069890639306610', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_am_urban_light_large.49c3b842a021265e8dd66f05ebe20fc76a6dfdba.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Metallic DDPAT', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Metallic DDPAT (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:56:40,271 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '40896087896', 'd': '2940362400420978261', 'paintseed': 985, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 34, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40896087896', 'floatvalue': 0.030291857197880745, 'm': '666069890639306610', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_am_urban_light_large.49c3b842a021265e8dd66f05ebe20fc76a6dfdba.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Metallic DDPAT', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Metallic DDPAT (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:56:40,278 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '40896087896', 'd': '2940362400420978261', 'paintseed': 985, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 34, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40896087896', 'floatvalue': 0.030291857197880745, 'm': '666069890639306610', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_am_urban_light_large.49c3b842a021265e8dd66f05ebe20fc76a6dfdba.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Metallic DDPAT', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Metallic DDPAT (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:56:40,286 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '40896087896', 'd': '2940362400420978261', 'paintseed': 985, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 34, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40896087896', 'floatvalue': 0.030291857197880745, 'm': '666069890639306610', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_am_urban_light_large.49c3b842a021265e8dd66f05ebe20fc76a6dfdba.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Metallic DDPAT', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Metallic DDPAT (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:56:40,294 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '40896087896', 'd': '2940362400420978261', 'paintseed': 985, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 34, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40896087896', 'floatvalue': 0.030291857197880745, 'm': '666069890639306610', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_am_urban_light_large.49c3b842a021265e8dd66f05ebe20fc76a6dfdba.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Metallic DDPAT', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Metallic DDPAT (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:56:40,301 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '40896087896', 'd': '2940362400420978261', 'paintseed': 985, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 34, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40896087896', 'floatvalue': 0.030291857197880745, 'm': '666069890639306610', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_am_urban_light_large.49c3b842a021265e8dd66f05ebe20fc76a6dfdba.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Metallic DDPAT', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Metallic DDPAT (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:56:40,309 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '40896087896', 'd': '2940362400420978261', 'paintseed': 985, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 34, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40896087896', 'floatvalue': 0.030291857197880745, 'm': '666069890639306610', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_am_urban_light_large.49c3b842a021265e8dd66f05ebe20fc76a6dfdba.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Metallic DDPAT', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Metallic DDPAT (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:56:40,317 - 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Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '40896087896', 'd': '2940362400420978261', 'paintseed': 985, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 34, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40896087896', 'floatvalue': 0.030291857197880745, 'm': '666069890639306610', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_am_urban_light_large.49c3b842a021265e8dd66f05ebe20fc76a6dfdba.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Metallic DDPAT', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Metallic DDPAT (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:56:40,356 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '40896087896', 'd': '2940362400420978261', 'paintseed': 985, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 34, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40896087896', 'floatvalue': 0.030291857197880745, 'm': '666069890639306610', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_am_urban_light_large.49c3b842a021265e8dd66f05ebe20fc76a6dfdba.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Metallic DDPAT', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Metallic DDPAT (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:56:40,364 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '40896087896', 'd': '2940362400420978261', 'paintseed': 985, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 34, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40896087896', 'floatvalue': 0.030291857197880745, 'm': '666069890639306610', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_am_urban_light_large.49c3b842a021265e8dd66f05ebe20fc76a6dfdba.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Metallic DDPAT', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Metallic DDPAT (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:56:40,372 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '40896087896', 'd': '2940362400420978261', 'paintseed': 985, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 34, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40896087896', 'floatvalue': 0.030291857197880745, 'm': '666069890639306610', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_am_urban_light_large.49c3b842a021265e8dd66f05ebe20fc76a6dfdba.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Metallic DDPAT', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Metallic DDPAT (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:56:40,380 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '40896087896', 'd': '2940362400420978261', 'paintseed': 985, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 34, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40896087896', 'floatvalue': 0.030291857197880745, 'm': '666069890639306610', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_am_urban_light_large.49c3b842a021265e8dd66f05ebe20fc76a6dfdba.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Metallic DDPAT', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Metallic DDPAT (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:56:40,409 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '40896087896', 'd': '2940362400420978261', 'paintseed': 985, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 34, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40896087896', 'floatvalue': 0.030291857197880745, 'm': '666069890639306610', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_am_urban_light_large.49c3b842a021265e8dd66f05ebe20fc76a6dfdba.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Metallic DDPAT', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Metallic DDPAT (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:56:40,419 - 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Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '40896087896', 'd': '2940362400420978261', 'paintseed': 985, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 34, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40896087896', 'floatvalue': 0.030291857197880745, 'm': '666069890639306610', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_am_urban_light_large.49c3b842a021265e8dd66f05ebe20fc76a6dfdba.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Metallic DDPAT', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Metallic DDPAT (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:56:41,102 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:56:49,760 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692825825046440A38541662700D12457702742637275059 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:56:50,765 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:56:52,574 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '37729802827', 'd': '14766224284682446501', 'paintseed': 388, 'defindex': 33, 'paintindex': 627, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 1629, 'slot': 5, 'offset_x': 0.10285663604736328, 'offset_y': -0.16871988773345947, 'codename': 'sugarface_perry', 'material': 'sugarface_capsule/perry', 'name': 'Perry'}], 'floatid': '37249836221', 'floatvalue': 0.060357466340065, 'm': '644677792411638417', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp7_gs_final_pooldeadv2_light_large.30ea2c8c934b49fa0a5e2b8c50ec880c10e2f295.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.75, 'weapon_type': 'MP7', 'item_name': 'Cirrus', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MP7 | Cirrus (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:56:52,603 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41493164305', 'd': '2649361384865387767', 'paintseed': 988, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 385, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '25397082971', 'low_rank': 332, 'floatvalue': 0.06703522056341171, 'm': '641300092692859494', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_sp_mag7_firebitten_light_large.640af2edb52a7f170620e175ddaa5f5cf763325b.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.49, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Firestarter', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Firestarter (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:56:52,699 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660440391110240255A41492861143D9956581538380602963 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:56:52,862 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '36445918147', 'd': '1047690425596598728', 'paintseed': 996, 'defindex': 28, 'paintindex': 1012, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4681, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'broken_fang_ancient_beast', 'material': 'broken_fang/ancient_beast', 'name': 'Ancient Beast'}, {'stickerId': 4649, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'recoil_ak47', 'material': 'recoil/ak47_recoil', 'name': 'Hello AK-47'}], 'floatid': '36445918147', 'low_rank': 541, 'high_rank': 592, 'floatvalue': 0.057978421449661255, 'm': '636795858909011714', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_negev_hy_phoenix_tags_red_light_large.6d8ee0ad8e74ea1a6c6af60824445bd1450e34ac.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.65, 'weapon_type': 'Negev', 'item_name': 'Phoenix Stencil', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Negev | Phoenix Stencil (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:56:53,285 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '36749489990', 'd': '7398504499273254803', 'paintseed': 925, 'defindex': 23, 'paintindex': 781, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 1693, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'de_nuke_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_nuke_gold', 'name': 'Nuke (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 5053, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_pgl_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/pgl_gold', 'name': 'PGL (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 4965, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_navi_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/navi_gold', 'name': 'Natus Vincere (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 4981, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_g2_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/g2_gold', 'name': 'G2 Esports (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}], 'floatid': '36749489990', 'low_rank': 628, 'high_rank': 386, 'floatvalue': 0.06143183261156082, 'm': '653684991670711394', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp5sd_am_circuitboard_aqua_light_large.205e1ac1b5bfbbfa8f0449cc08b42daf3e4addd2.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'MP5-SD', 'item_name': 'Co-Processor', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir MP5-SD | Co-Processor (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:56:53,705 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:56:54,288 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649182026948203026A41128475770D10245318368853618167 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:56:55,295 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:56:56,178 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41303481814', 'd': '17197665889945327560', 'paintseed': 810, 'defindex': 28, 'paintindex': 285, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41303481814', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06010344624519348, 'm': '649181392040545518', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_negev_sp_negev_turq_terrain_light_large.9c6c678b0e6bc949c0688f3e1cf39ca73e0a44ae.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.45, 'weapon_type': 'Negev', 'item_name': 'Terrain', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Negev | Terrain (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:56:56,801 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692825825046440A38541662700D12457702742637275059 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:56:57,806 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:56:59,738 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660440391110240255A41492861143D9956581538380602963 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:57:00,743 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:57:03,877 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692825825046440A38541662700D12457702742637275059 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:57:04,882 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:57:06,332 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41492376340', 'd': '14708835594577231447', 'paintseed': 619, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 431, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41330700658', 'floatvalue': 0.057250626385211945, 'm': '640174192789776203', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_cu_mag7_redhot_light_large.76087a836e8c98fd10765a4b56dca946ba5acb4d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Heat', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Heat (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:57:08,284 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41287286389', 'd': '16906700892790559492', 'paintseed': 865, 'defindex': 28, 'paintindex': 610, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '9433622458', 'low_rank': 630, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.14541617035865784, 'm': '646929592211264639', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_negev_hy_negev_dazzle_light_large.3558ece2a70252dcaa8ea9e324539ae1a4fc1bc0.png', 'min': 0.1, 'max': 0.65, 'weapon_type': 'Negev', 'item_name': 'Dazzle', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Minimal Wear', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Negev | Dazzle (Minimal Wear)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:57:08,297 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41287286389', 'd': '16906700892790559492', 'paintseed': 865, 'defindex': 28, 'paintindex': 610, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '9433622458', 'low_rank': 630, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.14541617035865784, 'm': '646929592211264639', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_negev_hy_negev_dazzle_light_large.3558ece2a70252dcaa8ea9e324539ae1a4fc1bc0.png', 'min': 0.1, 'max': 0.65, 'weapon_type': 'Negev', 'item_name': 'Dazzle', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Minimal Wear', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Negev | Dazzle (Minimal Wear)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:57:08,309 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41287286389', 'd': '16906700892790559492', 'paintseed': 865, 'defindex': 28, 'paintindex': 610, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '9433622458', 'low_rank': 630, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.14541617035865784, 'm': '646929592211264639', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_negev_hy_negev_dazzle_light_large.3558ece2a70252dcaa8ea9e324539ae1a4fc1bc0.png', 'min': 0.1, 'max': 0.65, 'weapon_type': 'Negev', 'item_name': 'Dazzle', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Minimal Wear', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Negev | Dazzle (Minimal Wear)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:57:13,391 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40634782708', 'd': '10144428815593785975', 'paintseed': 149, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 484, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40634782708', 'floatvalue': 0.03556416183710098, 'm': '648055492107235402', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_cu_nova_ranger_light_large.e3e9d3d47d5707092223a268ef59adb53ce76278.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Ranger', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Ranger (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:57:13,406 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40634782708', 'd': '10144428815593785975', 'paintseed': 149, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 484, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40634782708', 'floatvalue': 0.03556416183710098, 'm': '648055492107235402', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_cu_nova_ranger_light_large.e3e9d3d47d5707092223a268ef59adb53ce76278.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Ranger', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Ranger (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:57:13,414 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40634782708', 'd': '10144428815593785975', 'paintseed': 149, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 484, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40634782708', 'floatvalue': 0.03556416183710098, 'm': '648055492107235402', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_cu_nova_ranger_light_large.e3e9d3d47d5707092223a268ef59adb53ce76278.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Ranger', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Ranger (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:57:13,506 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692190922036306A41306888359D14721711106793197287 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:57:14,510 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:57:15,976 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660440391110275625A40233633007D208963054288730380 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:57:16,932 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '38753588776', 'd': '9675564062519442346', 'paintseed': 778, 'defindex': 28, 'paintindex': 950, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38753588776', 'floatvalue': 0.05643806979060173, 'm': '642425992597883515', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_negev_cu_negev_prototype_light_large.d1e542d85756bfc96bb32e6d2f8b548fbb26b2ad.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'Negev', 'item_name': 'Prototype', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Negev | Prototype (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:57:16,980 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:57:19,234 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:57:19,659 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '39187647573', 'd': '2643058829092404949', 'paintseed': 743, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 1220, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39187647573', 'low_rank': 956, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.04800654947757721, 'm': '667195790551793491', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_cu_mag7_insomnia_light_large.0d971fb17ca0bb1df7baed6a1caa902c56c1ea5b.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Insomnia', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MAG-7 | Insomnia (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:57:20,238 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:57:20,540 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692190922036306A41306888359D14721711106793197287 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:57:21,409 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660441026013477624A41143212658D2640275569492364361 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:57:21,545 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:57:22,044 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M657063326292942858A41493650548D65304541433763953 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:57:22,248 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41297612445', 'd': '16197869658029257668', 'paintseed': 74, 'defindex': 28, 'paintindex': 483, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41297612445', 'low_rank': 112, 'floatvalue': 0.14417415857315063, 'm': '641300092690649514', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_negev_cu_negev_annihilator_light_large.421039357ccbbcb9ba1456caa1ed2ae4829b5495.png', 'min': 0.14, 'max': 0.65, 'weapon_type': 'Negev', 'item_name': 'Loudmouth', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Minimal Wear', 'full_item_name': 'Negev | Loudmouth (Minimal Wear)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:57:22,414 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:57:22,861 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41333499819', 'd': '5362842427754448427', 'paintseed': 839, 'defindex': 33, 'paintindex': 28, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41333499819', 'floatvalue': 0.06740649789571762, 'm': '652559091761746780', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp7_an_navy_light_large.7b705336c3ee472db933931597f0ab191217b3dc.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MP7', 'item_name': 'Anodized Navy', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MP7 | Anodized Navy (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:57:22,871 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41333499819', 'd': '5362842427754448427', 'paintseed': 839, 'defindex': 33, 'paintindex': 28, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41333499819', 'floatvalue': 0.06740649789571762, 'm': '652559091761746780', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp7_an_navy_light_large.7b705336c3ee472db933931597f0ab191217b3dc.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MP7', 'item_name': 'Anodized Navy', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MP7 | Anodized Navy (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:57:23,014 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660440391110275625A40233633007D208963054288730380 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:57:23,049 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:57:23,838 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '23551032423', 'd': '4800853467485971131', 'paintseed': 695, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 1077, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '23551032423', 'low_rank': 774, 'high_rank': 265, 'floatvalue': 0.06318424642086029, 'm': '640174192775013743', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_hy_vertigoillusion_yellow_light_large.73fdfc85585fff74804a6f22179406a48ce74947.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Interlock', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Interlock (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:57:24,021 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:57:26,284 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:57:26,716 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660440391110266445A41311477792D578888641012621915 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:57:27,290 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:57:27,412 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '39067093682', 'd': '11855733597536198562', 'paintseed': 513, 'defindex': 28, 'paintindex': 783, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39067093682', 'floatvalue': 0.06899227201938629, 'm': '642425992589064325', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_negev_hy_ducts_yellow_light_large.9d9335325a4a696ec6c2ef704ec1d4b3112c8c87.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'Negev', 'item_name': 'Bulkhead', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Negev | Bulkhead (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:57:27,418 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '39067093682', 'd': '11855733597536198562', 'paintseed': 513, 'defindex': 28, 'paintindex': 783, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39067093682', 'floatvalue': 0.06899227201938629, 'm': '642425992589064325', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_negev_hy_ducts_yellow_light_large.9d9335325a4a696ec6c2ef704ec1d4b3112c8c87.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'Negev', 'item_name': 'Bulkhead', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Negev | Bulkhead (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:57:27,423 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '39067093682', 'd': '11855733597536198562', 'paintseed': 513, 'defindex': 28, 'paintindex': 783, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39067093682', 'floatvalue': 0.06899227201938629, 'm': '642425992589064325', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_negev_hy_ducts_yellow_light_large.9d9335325a4a696ec6c2ef704ec1d4b3112c8c87.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'Negev', 'item_name': 'Bulkhead', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Negev | Bulkhead (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:57:27,575 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692190922036306A41306888359D14721711106793197287 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:57:27,721 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:57:28,582 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:57:29,084 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M657063326292942858A41493650548D65304541433763953 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:57:30,100 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:57:31,057 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '36195638847', 'd': '11847895718898608209', 'paintseed': 391, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 170, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '36195638847', 'floatvalue': 0.06473623961210251, 'm': '640174192789444313', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_sp_zebracam_light_large.4a13bdc4fa3b5cd7d89c8cc83700d3a13326a6c3.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Predator', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Predator (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:57:31,067 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '36195638847', 'd': '11847895718898608209', 'paintseed': 391, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 170, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '36195638847', 'floatvalue': 0.06473623961210251, 'm': '640174192789444313', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_sp_zebracam_light_large.4a13bdc4fa3b5cd7d89c8cc83700d3a13326a6c3.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Predator', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Predator (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:57:33,756 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660440391110266445A41311477792D578888641012621915 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:57:34,620 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692190922036306A41306888359D14721711106793197287 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:57:34,763 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:57:35,286 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '38281288465', 'd': '16639861841741775562', 'paintseed': 66, 'defindex': 32, 'paintindex': 21, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38281288465', 'floatvalue': 0.06556418538093567, 'm': '640174192789588283', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_hkp2000_hy_granite_light_large.30d6a68c522ae5dd0cf7a67e07eccb66cf50b04c.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'P2000', 'item_name': 'Granite Marbleized', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P2000 | Granite Marbleized (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:57:35,354 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '35361103954', 'd': '14144342054671753883', 'paintseed': 119, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 299, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35361103954', 'floatvalue': 0.06863074749708176, 'm': '649181392040842788', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_am_oval_hex_light_large.766118990b3726617ed6203e95abc71417dbd057.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Caged Steel', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Caged Steel (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:57:35,366 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '35361103954', 'd': '14144342054671753883', 'paintseed': 119, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 299, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35361103954', 'floatvalue': 0.06863074749708176, 'm': '649181392040842788', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_am_oval_hex_light_large.766118990b3726617ed6203e95abc71417dbd057.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Caged Steel', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Caged Steel (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:57:35,375 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '35361103954', 'd': '14144342054671753883', 'paintseed': 119, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 299, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35361103954', 'floatvalue': 0.06863074749708176, 'm': '649181392040842788', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_am_oval_hex_light_large.766118990b3726617ed6203e95abc71417dbd057.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Caged Steel', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Caged Steel (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:57:35,385 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '35361103954', 'd': '14144342054671753883', 'paintseed': 119, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 299, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35361103954', 'floatvalue': 0.06863074749708176, 'm': '649181392040842788', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_am_oval_hex_light_large.766118990b3726617ed6203e95abc71417dbd057.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Caged Steel', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Caged Steel (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:57:35,394 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '35361103954', 'd': '14144342054671753883', 'paintseed': 119, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 299, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35361103954', 'floatvalue': 0.06863074749708176, 'm': '649181392040842788', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_am_oval_hex_light_large.766118990b3726617ed6203e95abc71417dbd057.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Caged Steel', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Caged Steel (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:57:35,626 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:57:36,139 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M657063326292942858A41493650548D65304541433763953 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:57:37,143 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:57:37,846 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41286985107', 'd': '12439052261020389792', 'paintseed': 217, 'defindex': 28, 'paintindex': 355, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41286985107', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.055545929819345474, 'm': '668321690448428961', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_negev_cu_negev_titanstorm_light_large.eb7badc75ecbb1b4cdf35bfb53088731bbe11cb0.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'Negev', 'item_name': 'Desert-Strike', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Negev | Desert-Strike (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:57:38,105 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642425992600191745A41493403530D7541493907739132008 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:57:39,112 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:57:41,667 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692190922036306A41306888359D14721711106793197287 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:57:41,827 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '29421547731', 'd': '11965150019196846325', 'paintseed': 137, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 890, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '29421547731', 'low_rank': 513, 'floatvalue': 0.049246061593294144, 'm': '635670593158928201', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_cu_nova_featherswing_light_large.49e81792746dc7844ff18c45fb23030cd8b66d59.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Plume', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Plume (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:57:41,910 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41440803682', 'd': '11586776818032756230', 'paintseed': 249, 'defindex': 32, 'paintindex': 246, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41440803682', 'floatvalue': 0.06999766081571579, 'm': '635670593157869981', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_hkp2000_aa_fade_metallic_light_large.8efd81c9cf483adb6bdf58508800f62d3fc72310.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'P2000', 'item_name': 'Amber Fade', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P2000 | Amber Fade (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:57:41,919 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41440803682', 'd': '11586776818032756230', 'paintseed': 249, 'defindex': 32, 'paintindex': 246, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41440803682', 'floatvalue': 0.06999766081571579, 'm': '635670593157869981', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_hkp2000_aa_fade_metallic_light_large.8efd81c9cf483adb6bdf58508800f62d3fc72310.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'P2000', 'item_name': 'Amber Fade', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P2000 | Amber Fade (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:57:42,675 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:57:44,409 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40293973014', 'd': '64963554722043214', 'paintseed': 842, 'defindex': 28, 'paintindex': 958, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40293973014', 'floatvalue': 0.06938707083463669, 'm': '663818090830800217', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_negev_cu_negev_ultralight_light_large.f47680cfcd5c2eb1594fd5ae51ed9caf1bb6d9cd.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.79, 'weapon_type': 'Negev', 'item_name': 'Ultralight', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Negev | Ultralight (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:57:45,041 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635670593159038751A3061202224D4945665899356345126 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:57:45,150 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642425992600191745A41493403530D7541493907739132008 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:57:45,627 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642426627503960704A41380980762D597470825038900363 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:57:46,047 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:57:46,155 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:57:46,219 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41311100478', 'd': '7415782533189739240', 'paintseed': 158, 'defindex': 32, 'paintindex': 211, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '43541386', 'low_rank': 85, 'high_rank': 13, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.05264776200056076, 'm': '667195790546534431', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_hkp2000_am_ossify_blue_p2000_bravo_light_large.91f225635f7e4a986b51e09bba106ca6a4bf7dbb.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.12, 'weapon_type': 'P2000', 'item_name': 'Ocean Foam', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ P2000 | Ocean Foam (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:57:46,633 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:57:47,868 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41305200636', 'd': '5107761776273023178', 'paintseed': 388, 'defindex': 32, 'paintindex': 550, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41305200636', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.05656613036990166, 'm': '667195790544187291', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_hkp2000_hy_p2000_oceani_light_large.8f64654c5964975c85201b1dbbdf7b8ffab768be.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'P2000', 'item_name': 'Oceanic', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ P2000 | Oceanic (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:57:48,347 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41047216275', 'd': '1054452140765347913', 'paintseed': 481, 'defindex': 33, 'paintindex': 1096, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '27985294509', 'floatvalue': 0.05919928103685379, 'm': '645803692319972368', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp7_cu_mp7_khaki_light_large.c9fb92fece0f425328e2c5c8c536302ed2dbcf99.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MP7', 'item_name': 'Guerrilla', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MP7 | Guerrilla (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:57:48,712 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692190922036306A41306888359D14721711106793197287 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:57:49,634 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M667195790552036731A40492721388D16483816812779815136 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:57:49,717 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:57:50,176 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41278533318', 'd': '14000214325736163910', 'paintseed': 204, 'defindex': 32, 'paintindex': 1224, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41278533318', 'low_rank': 938, 'floatvalue': 0.06601004302501678, 'm': '643551892499939126', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_hkp2000_cu_p2000_decline_light_large.7f57145674a5e41b3b8e7fe70be4ffbb57ec6f84.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'P2000', 'item_name': 'Wicked Sick', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P2000 | Wicked Sick (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:57:50,639 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:57:51,822 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41447439479', 'd': '16160795690202561836', 'paintseed': 304, 'defindex': 28, 'paintindex': 317, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41327916050', 'low_rank': 216, 'high_rank': 915, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06061486899852753, 'm': '635670593140090751', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_negev_cu_bratatat_negev_light_large.b7589c335fb7066d53b1897e000f031d316641e6.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Negev', 'item_name': 'Bratatat', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Negev | Bratatat (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:57:55,751 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692190922036306A41306888359D14721711106793197287 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:57:56,372 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690274712A41254828755D7362486557713988354 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:57:56,758 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:57:57,377 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:57:58,224 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M664944625639769832A5212183689D16891573139016034030 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:57:59,148 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M663818725732945421A41324663392D4809854221953853475 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:57:59,229 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:58:00,050 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '40624804594', 'd': '2306982442075571265', 'paintseed': 825, 'defindex': 33, 'paintindex': 782, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 1693, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'de_nuke_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_nuke_gold', 'name': 'Nuke (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 6663, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_gl_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/gl_gold', 'name': 'GamerLegion (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6707, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_blst_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/blst_gold', 'name': 'BLAST.tv (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6623, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_vita_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/vita_gold', 'name': 'Vitality (Gold) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '31165815043', 'floatvalue': 0.057290416210889816, 'm': '644677792410903177', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp7_am_circuitboard_green_light_large.0df678715d2256928d817c2e89575879f03ad68e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'MP7', 'item_name': 'Motherboard', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir MP7 | Motherboard (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:00,153 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:58:00,201 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '24095259261', 'd': '5667956623070613034', 'paintseed': 290, 'defindex': 32, 'paintindex': 591, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '24095259261', 'floatvalue': 0.059230100363492966, 'm': '644677792397983947', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_hkp2000_gs_p2000_imperial_dragon_light_large.cc82bc6353a0e8ce963f6b0b600905d4dc37bf4a.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.63, 'weapon_type': 'P2000', 'item_name': 'Imperial Dragon', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P2000 | Imperial Dragon (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:01,876 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M667196425457689710A40339974874D12457172934799262280 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:58:02,486 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649181392041161988A38067487441D4920889322899661461 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:58:02,788 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692190922036306A41306888359D14721711106793197287 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:58:02,882 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:58:03,420 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690274712A41254828755D7362486557713988354 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:58:03,491 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:58:03,792 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:58:04,425 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:58:09,529 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649181392041161988A38067487441D4920889322899661461 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:58:09,829 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692190922036306A41306888359D14721711106793197287 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:58:10,536 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:58:10,835 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:58:10,916 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41056351806', 'd': '7504800654614557577', 'paintseed': 479, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 1160, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41056351806', 'floatvalue': 0.06367520987987518, 'm': '664943990731365158', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.61886, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Analog Input', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Sawed-Off | Analog Input (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:10,923 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41056351806', 'd': '7504800654614557577', 'paintseed': 479, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 1160, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41056351806', 'floatvalue': 0.06367520987987518, 'm': '664943990731365158', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.61886, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Analog Input', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Sawed-Off | Analog Input (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:12,151 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41100526038', 'd': '9667786171057429481', 'paintseed': 557, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 434, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41100526038', 'floatvalue': 0.05699220299720764, 'm': '650307291918280579', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_cu_sawedoff_origami_light_large.5f1b3cef6d518cda69daafddd9b2c240a29cf0cc.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Origami', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Sawed-Off | Origami (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:12,159 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41100526038', 'd': '9667786171057429481', 'paintseed': 557, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 434, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41100526038', 'floatvalue': 0.05699220299720764, 'm': '650307291918280579', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_cu_sawedoff_origami_light_large.5f1b3cef6d518cda69daafddd9b2c240a29cf0cc.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Origami', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Sawed-Off | Origami (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:13,489 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41458195756', 'd': '5379730534068184663', 'paintseed': 858, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 590, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41458195756', 'floatvalue': 0.050010401755571365, 'm': '652559091763304770', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_aq_nova_sci_fi_light_large.9cf268816cad5bdbe33bd4d1ddce1eb81f905164.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Exo', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Exo (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:16,572 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649181392041161988A38067487441D4920889322899661461 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:58:16,682 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41327804034', 'd': '31039928472174298', 'paintseed': 529, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 224, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41327804034', 'low_rank': 248, 'floatvalue': 0.04207492619752884, 'm': '641300092689160434', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_hy_water_crest_light_large.c4d0aad9cb87870f84f3709ff3b8ecc9fe489d89.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Water Sigil', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'PP-Bizon | Water Sigil (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:17,577 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:58:19,145 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41053802312', 'd': '300862264772970655', 'paintseed': 278, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 107, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41053802312', 'floatvalue': 0.0677594244480133, 'm': '650307291946713109', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_sp_mesh_arctic_contrast_light_large.b85fc46665b05c2a0eea955a7946e644a7618944.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Polar Mesh', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Polar Mesh (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:19,154 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41053802312', 'd': '300862264772970655', 'paintseed': 278, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 107, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41053802312', 'floatvalue': 0.0677594244480133, 'm': '650307291946713109', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_sp_mesh_arctic_contrast_light_large.b85fc46665b05c2a0eea955a7946e644a7618944.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Polar Mesh', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Polar Mesh (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:19,817 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41141804333', 'd': '624314129591153244', 'paintseed': 330, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 3, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41141804333', 'floatvalue': 0.03220782428979874, 'm': '646929592227379709', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_so_red_light_large.0ee9cada135b87096b447521a05c0a2d437bf9ff.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Candy Apple', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'PP-Bizon | Candy Apple (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:19,824 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41141804333', 'd': '624314129591153244', 'paintseed': 330, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 3, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41141804333', 'floatvalue': 0.03220782428979874, 'm': '646929592227379709', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_so_red_light_large.0ee9cada135b87096b447521a05c0a2d437bf9ff.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Candy Apple', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'PP-Bizon | Candy Apple (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:19,830 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41141804333', 'd': '624314129591153244', 'paintseed': 330, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 3, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41141804333', 'floatvalue': 0.03220782428979874, 'm': '646929592227379709', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_so_red_light_large.0ee9cada135b87096b447521a05c0a2d437bf9ff.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Candy Apple', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'PP-Bizon | Candy Apple (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:19,837 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41141804333', 'd': '624314129591153244', 'paintseed': 330, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 3, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41141804333', 'floatvalue': 0.03220782428979874, 'm': '646929592227379709', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_so_red_light_large.0ee9cada135b87096b447521a05c0a2d437bf9ff.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Candy Apple', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'PP-Bizon | Candy Apple (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:19,843 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41141804333', 'd': '624314129591153244', 'paintseed': 330, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 3, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41141804333', 'floatvalue': 0.03220782428979874, 'm': '646929592227379709', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_so_red_light_large.0ee9cada135b87096b447521a05c0a2d437bf9ff.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Candy Apple', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'PP-Bizon | Candy Apple (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:21,026 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174192790078753A41493362468D5242368383209249362 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:58:21,638 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M659313403908905183A33593917656D11991467344526746304 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:58:22,030 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:58:22,644 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:58:23,611 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649181392041161988A38067487441D4920889322899661461 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:58:24,571 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M663818090831199967A41493436996D11826698958398010699 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:58:24,617 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:58:25,578 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:58:29,330 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '39027926930', 'd': '14422403973884603802', 'paintseed': 685, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 70, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39027926930', 'floatvalue': 0.03375805914402008, 'm': '659314491204702364', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_am_carbon_fiber_light_large.1e2b9188a7cffb26c7a912995de329bd70d0d1d9.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.12, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Carbon Fiber', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Carbon Fiber (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:29,340 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '39027926930', 'd': '14422403973884603802', 'paintseed': 685, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 70, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39027926930', 'floatvalue': 0.03375805914402008, 'm': '659314491204702364', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_am_carbon_fiber_light_large.1e2b9188a7cffb26c7a912995de329bd70d0d1d9.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.12, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Carbon Fiber', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Carbon Fiber (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:29,350 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '39027926930', 'd': '14422403973884603802', 'paintseed': 685, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 70, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39027926930', 'floatvalue': 0.03375805914402008, 'm': '659314491204702364', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_am_carbon_fiber_light_large.1e2b9188a7cffb26c7a912995de329bd70d0d1d9.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.12, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Carbon Fiber', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Carbon Fiber (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:29,360 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '39027926930', 'd': '14422403973884603802', 'paintseed': 685, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 70, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39027926930', 'floatvalue': 0.03375805914402008, 'm': '659314491204702364', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_am_carbon_fiber_light_large.1e2b9188a7cffb26c7a912995de329bd70d0d1d9.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.12, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Carbon Fiber', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Carbon Fiber (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:29,369 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '39027926930', 'd': '14422403973884603802', 'paintseed': 685, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 70, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39027926930', 'floatvalue': 0.03375805914402008, 'm': '659314491204702364', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_am_carbon_fiber_light_large.1e2b9188a7cffb26c7a912995de329bd70d0d1d9.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.12, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Carbon Fiber', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Carbon Fiber (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:29,378 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '39027926930', 'd': '14422403973884603802', 'paintseed': 685, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 70, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39027926930', 'floatvalue': 0.03375805914402008, 'm': '659314491204702364', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_am_carbon_fiber_light_large.1e2b9188a7cffb26c7a912995de329bd70d0d1d9.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.12, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Carbon Fiber', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Carbon Fiber (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:29,384 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '39027926930', 'd': '14422403973884603802', 'paintseed': 685, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 70, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39027926930', 'floatvalue': 0.03375805914402008, 'm': '659314491204702364', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_am_carbon_fiber_light_large.1e2b9188a7cffb26c7a912995de329bd70d0d1d9.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.12, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Carbon Fiber', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Carbon Fiber (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:29,391 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '39027926930', 'd': '14422403973884603802', 'paintseed': 685, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 70, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39027926930', 'floatvalue': 0.03375805914402008, 'm': '659314491204702364', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_am_carbon_fiber_light_large.1e2b9188a7cffb26c7a912995de329bd70d0d1d9.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.12, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Carbon Fiber', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Carbon Fiber (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:29,397 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '39027926930', 'd': '14422403973884603802', 'paintseed': 685, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 70, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39027926930', 'floatvalue': 0.03375805914402008, 'm': '659314491204702364', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_am_carbon_fiber_light_large.1e2b9188a7cffb26c7a912995de329bd70d0d1d9.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.12, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Carbon Fiber', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Carbon Fiber (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:29,403 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '39027926930', 'd': '14422403973884603802', 'paintseed': 685, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 70, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39027926930', 'floatvalue': 0.03375805914402008, 'm': '659314491204702364', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_am_carbon_fiber_light_large.1e2b9188a7cffb26c7a912995de329bd70d0d1d9.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.12, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Carbon Fiber', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Carbon Fiber (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:29,410 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '39027926930', 'd': '14422403973884603802', 'paintseed': 685, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 70, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39027926930', 'floatvalue': 0.03375805914402008, 'm': '659314491204702364', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_am_carbon_fiber_light_large.1e2b9188a7cffb26c7a912995de329bd70d0d1d9.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.12, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Carbon Fiber', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Carbon Fiber (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:29,416 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '39027926930', 'd': '14422403973884603802', 'paintseed': 685, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 70, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39027926930', 'floatvalue': 0.03375805914402008, 'm': '659314491204702364', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_am_carbon_fiber_light_large.1e2b9188a7cffb26c7a912995de329bd70d0d1d9.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.12, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Carbon Fiber', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Carbon Fiber (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:29,422 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '39027926930', 'd': '14422403973884603802', 'paintseed': 685, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 70, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39027926930', 'floatvalue': 0.03375805914402008, 'm': '659314491204702364', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_am_carbon_fiber_light_large.1e2b9188a7cffb26c7a912995de329bd70d0d1d9.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.12, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Carbon Fiber', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Carbon Fiber (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:29,429 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '39027926930', 'd': '14422403973884603802', 'paintseed': 685, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 70, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39027926930', 'floatvalue': 0.03375805914402008, 'm': '659314491204702364', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_am_carbon_fiber_light_large.1e2b9188a7cffb26c7a912995de329bd70d0d1d9.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.12, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Carbon Fiber', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Carbon Fiber (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:29,436 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '39027926930', 'd': '14422403973884603802', 'paintseed': 685, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 70, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39027926930', 'floatvalue': 0.03375805914402008, 'm': '659314491204702364', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_am_carbon_fiber_light_large.1e2b9188a7cffb26c7a912995de329bd70d0d1d9.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.12, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Carbon Fiber', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Carbon Fiber (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:29,442 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '39027926930', 'd': '14422403973884603802', 'paintseed': 685, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 70, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39027926930', 'floatvalue': 0.03375805914402008, 'm': '659314491204702364', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_am_carbon_fiber_light_large.1e2b9188a7cffb26c7a912995de329bd70d0d1d9.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.12, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Carbon Fiber', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Carbon Fiber (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:30,655 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649181392041161988A38067487441D4920889322899661461 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:58:31,296 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40077618420', 'd': '7097789760221180508', 'paintseed': 595, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 13, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6963, 'slot': 2, 'offset_x': 0.03868842124938965, 'offset_y': 0.004493921995162964, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_flamez_1_holo', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_flamez_holo', 'name': 'FlameZ (Holo) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6967, 'slot': 0, 'offset_x': -0.0833381712436676, 'offset_y': 0.0035437047481536865, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_neofrag_1_holo', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_neofrag_holo', 'name': 'NEOFRAG (Holo) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6955, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': 0.14956718683242798, 'offset_y': -0.06739240884780884, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_degster_1_holo', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_degster_holo', 'name': 'degster (Holo) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6653, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': 0.19400787353515625, 'offset_y': -0.06754127144813538, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_og_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/og_glitter', 'name': 'OG (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6653, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': 0.23775868117809296, 'offset_y': -0.06776587665081024, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_og_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/og_glitter', 'name': 'OG (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '40077618420', 'low_rank': 122, 'high_rank': 753, 'floatvalue': 0.06762934476137161, 'm': '643551892496066066', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_hy_splatter_light_large.7a7417d95485ceb2148bdd3d228219307082ea8a.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Blue Streak', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'PP-Bizon | Blue Streak (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:31,659 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:58:33,595 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300727597174423A40687356187D3037857034909674668 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:58:34,602 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:58:35,417 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41217751291', 'd': '14610874458992599285', 'paintseed': 249, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 484, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40355087151', 'low_rank': 373, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.045306939631700516, 'm': '635670593153152301', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_cu_nova_ranger_light_large.e3e9d3d47d5707092223a268ef59adb53ce76278.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Ranger', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Nova | Ranger (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:35,685 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666070525548738695A41277481173D2937086002349060549 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:58:36,124 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41127642224', 'd': '12587108158360036720', 'paintseed': 5, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 46, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41127642224', 'low_rank': 801, 'floatvalue': 0.06080196425318718, 'm': '658188591288711723', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_so_pmc_light_large.c3e05baecc15229a989ddd093964e9c4e9fbe68a.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Contractor', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Contractor (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:36,692 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:58:37,193 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '40980738257', 'd': '14287859521181503127', 'paintseed': 678, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 298, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 8027, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'sha2024_team_pw_gold', 'material': 'sha2024/pw_gold', 'name': 'Perfect World (Gold) | Shanghai 2024'}, {'stickerId': 1689, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'de_ancient_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_ancient_gold', 'name': 'Ancient (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 7931, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'sha2024_team_g2_gold', 'material': 'sha2024/g2_gold', 'name': 'G2 Esports (Gold) | Shanghai 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7955, 'slot': 4, 'codename': 'sha2024_team_hero_gold', 'material': 'sha2024/hero_gold', 'name': 'HEROIC (Gold) | Shanghai 2024'}], 'floatid': '40980738257', 'low_rank': 605, 'floatvalue': 0.012363523244857788, 'm': '639048292877260802', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_am_army_shine_light_large.cbdf89414f6dd35c2de30d0cda9a6d84fbd32289.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Army Sheen', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir Nova | Army Sheen (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:37,695 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649181392041161988A38067487441D4920889322899661461 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:58:37,909 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41323500108', 'd': '12557173131345631713', 'paintseed': 663, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 880, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6060, 'slot': 4, 'codename': 'rio2022_team_iem_gold', 'material': 'rio2022/iem_gold', 'name': 'IEM (Gold) | Rio 2022'}, {'stickerId': 1690, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'de_dust2_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_dust2_gold', 'name': 'Dust II (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 6056, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'rio2022_team_out_gold', 'material': 'rio2022/out_gold', 'name': 'Outsiders (Gold) | Rio 2022'}, {'stickerId': 5992, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'rio2022_team_spir_gold', 'material': 'rio2022/spir_gold', 'name': 'Team Spirit (Gold) | Rio 2022'}], 'floatid': '41323500108', 'floatvalue': 0.05666857957839966, 'm': '662692190919759966', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_hy_desert_bloom_light_large.6222132707bdc3c9e20b8eada269c2620bfc5013.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.49, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Parched', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir Sawed-Off | Parched (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:38,699 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:58:39,331 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649181392041188118A41270069390D16169084625639327784 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:58:40,335 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:58:40,635 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300727597174423A40687356187D3037857034909674668 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:58:41,642 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:58:42,149 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '36434929715', 'd': '2659026540497163900', 'paintseed': 828, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 775, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '36434929715', 'floatvalue': 0.05463653802871704, 'm': '652559091762802660', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_hy_blueprint_white_light_large.5a8bb5711fec1758844f92beab8a1ecb054f91bd.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Facility Sketch', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'PP-Bizon | Facility Sketch (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:44,738 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649181392041161988A38067487441D4920889322899661461 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:58:45,743 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:58:45,911 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41332634699', 'd': '11983105454889528970', 'paintseed': 429, 'defindex': 32, 'paintindex': 357, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40569726154', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06020186096429825, 'm': '664943990730993488', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_hkp2000_cu_p2000_ivory_light_large.2a47b14b59ce796956958ce13cb60617148f7711.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'P2000', 'item_name': 'Ivory', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ P2000 | Ivory (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:46,025 - Marketbot - ERROR - 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Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:58:50,139 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41479934088', 'd': '14161641909245324114', 'paintseed': 659, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 612, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41277555263', 'low_rank': 370, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06662627309560776, 'm': '649181392034907258', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_gs_scar20_powercore_light_large.74bcd65b1a4a52dd397ede5aa59b860ca4c38939.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Powercore', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ SCAR-20 | Powercore (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:50,773 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '32278294836', 'd': '14465606183463286076', 'paintseed': 453, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 964, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6753, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_b1t_2', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_b1t', 'name': 'b1t | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '32278294836', 'low_rank': 852, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.05936213582754135, 'm': '654810891571057965', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_tec9_gs_tec9_guerilla_light_large.796534c0914361eec796eccd5558930096f75f96.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Brother', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Tec-9 | Brother (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:50,796 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '32278294836', 'd': '14465606183463286076', 'paintseed': 453, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 964, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6753, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_b1t_2', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_b1t', 'name': 'b1t | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '32278294836', 'low_rank': 852, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.05936213582754135, 'm': '654810891571057965', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_tec9_gs_tec9_guerilla_light_large.796534c0914361eec796eccd5558930096f75f96.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Brother', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Tec-9 | Brother (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:51,657 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41493107530', 'd': '14902000370529409007', 'paintseed': 555, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 434, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '37756390863', 'low_rank': 885, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.04936409741640091, 'm': '652559091763273480', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_cu_sawedoff_origami_light_large.5f1b3cef6d518cda69daafddd9b2c240a29cf0cc.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Origami', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Sawed-Off | Origami (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:51,669 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41493107530', 'd': '14902000370529409007', 'paintseed': 555, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 434, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '37756390863', 'low_rank': 885, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.04936409741640091, 'm': '652559091763273480', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_cu_sawedoff_origami_light_large.5f1b3cef6d518cda69daafddd9b2c240a29cf0cc.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Origami', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Sawed-Off | Origami (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:51,681 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41493107530', 'd': '14902000370529409007', 'paintseed': 555, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 434, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '37756390863', 'low_rank': 885, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.04936409741640091, 'm': '652559091763273480', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_cu_sawedoff_origami_light_large.5f1b3cef6d518cda69daafddd9b2c240a29cf0cc.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Origami', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Sawed-Off | Origami (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:51,797 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649181392041161988A38067487441D4920889322899661461 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:58:52,806 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:58:53,311 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '38789504191', 'd': '189756348499482966', 'paintseed': 329, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 795, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38789504191', 'floatvalue': 0.06129198893904686, 'm': '641300092690699314', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_tec9_hy_mesh_safetyorange_light_large.a2564044371c87bb1081753c71f6cfb93f0359c1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Safety Net', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Tec-9 | Safety Net (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:54,745 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41209753727', 'd': '16432019445420402520', 'paintseed': 899, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 685, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41209753727', 'floatvalue': 0.0466727614402771, 'm': '658188591293359443', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_hy_scar20_jungle_slipstream_light_large.d49f99ac854c1a25fc46bde5dd32f438bdd587f1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Jungle Slipstream', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Jungle Slipstream (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:55,894 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41332134353', 'd': '16340341901287079369', 'paintseed': 266, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 797, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41332134353', 'floatvalue': 0.05387391522526741, 'm': '651433191850329740', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_aa_vertigo_red_light_large.999797e68b2d5df290b2e5771b6c4bfb0de1ec8c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Brake Light', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Sawed-Off | Brake Light (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:56,253 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41485699681', 'd': '17195383734578245040', 'paintseed': 356, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 502, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '27153356161', 'floatvalue': 0.06770827621221542, 'm': '664943990730005888', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_gs_scar20_peacemaker03_light_large.061f9ac2ff0a040f6fcc296c451c09fe2e198f83.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Green Marine', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Green Marine (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:56,259 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41485699681', 'd': '17195383734578245040', 'paintseed': 356, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 502, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '27153356161', 'floatvalue': 0.06770827621221542, 'm': '664943990730005888', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_gs_scar20_peacemaker03_light_large.061f9ac2ff0a040f6fcc296c451c09fe2e198f83.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Green Marine', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Green Marine (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:57,362 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41492473556', 'd': '6939039925916654409', 'paintseed': 129, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 250, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41492473556', 'floatvalue': 0.06489729881286621, 'm': '654810891574410825', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_hy_varicamo_red_light_large.8db408c4317e19bfdf8adc6c3183327866423445.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Full Stop', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Sawed-Off | Full Stop (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:58:58,833 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649181392041161988A38067487441D4920889322899661461 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:58:59,837 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:59:00,487 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M643552527418200789A40645469781D2940468065848988304 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:59:01,492 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:59:02,591 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646930227130317441A39059544425D9674871372413499166 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:59:03,596 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:59:07,524 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M643552527418200789A40645469781D2940468065848988304 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:59:07,988 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41303458054', 'd': '739965185851392504', 'paintseed': 210, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 954, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41303458054', 'floatvalue': 0.06999973952770233, 'm': '659314491202864234', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_gs_scar20_enforcer_light_large.20eba3a5a84f35019ceb7faae45a0b4246a72998.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Enforcer', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Enforcer (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:59:08,529 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:59:09,629 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646930227130317441A39059544425D9674871372413499166 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:59:10,638 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:59:11,298 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048927782412421A2928165926D2363869350668867900 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:59:12,305 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:59:13,203 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41327682042', 'd': '12587104310164961020', 'paintseed': 300, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 1125, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41327682042', 'floatvalue': 0.06564783304929733, 'm': '635670593158814051', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_cu_bizon_spacecat_light_large.c2c9bbf949c4bdf2ce3173cd2447559177716dd3.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.67, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Space Cat', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'PP-Bizon | Space Cat (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:59:13,217 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41327682042', 'd': '12587104310164961020', 'paintseed': 300, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 1125, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41327682042', 'floatvalue': 0.06564783304929733, 'm': '635670593158814051', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_cu_bizon_spacecat_light_large.c2c9bbf949c4bdf2ce3173cd2447559177716dd3.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.67, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Space Cat', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'PP-Bizon | Space Cat (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:59:14,153 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41320910440', 'd': '7254736384926407563', 'paintseed': 686, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 246, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41320910440', 'floatvalue': 0.05351230502128601, 'm': '642425992600043875', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_aa_fade_metallic_light_large.aa7418206953ed4b7707ddbc859bb1eb7bf6c9ab.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Amber Fade', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Sawed-Off | Amber Fade (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:59:14,160 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41320910440', 'd': '7254736384926407563', 'paintseed': 686, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 246, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41320910440', 'floatvalue': 0.05351230502128601, 'm': '642425992600043875', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_aa_fade_metallic_light_large.aa7418206953ed4b7707ddbc859bb1eb7bf6c9ab.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Amber Fade', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Sawed-Off | Amber Fade (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:59:14,410 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660441026013438384A41021347187D7693417200770586934 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:59:15,425 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:59:16,823 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41492414699', 'd': '16730310226796868220', 'paintseed': 921, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 973, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41325710716', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.029709452763199806, 'm': '640174192789788233', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_gs_bizon_hellraider_light_large.c7aa487268b1e88b2e7fb1ff3c8c2eeeb24d4500.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Runic', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ PP-Bizon | Runic (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:59:17,184 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41328663177', 'd': '14315366954965165850', 'paintseed': 370, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 1139, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41328663177', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.05083439499139786, 'm': '655936791475354276', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_sp_scar_chickenfight_light_large.b32fde27f0f45456b4c1e5f049be6f44bc8649b7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.57, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Poultrygeist', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ SCAR-20 | Poultrygeist (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:59:17,199 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41328663177', 'd': '14315366954965165850', 'paintseed': 370, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 1139, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41328663177', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.05083439499139786, 'm': '655936791475354276', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_sp_scar_chickenfight_light_large.b32fde27f0f45456b4c1e5f049be6f44bc8649b7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.57, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Poultrygeist', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ SCAR-20 | Poultrygeist (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:59:17,217 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41328663177', 'd': '14315366954965165850', 'paintseed': 370, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 1139, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41328663177', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.05083439499139786, 'm': '655936791475354276', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_sp_scar_chickenfight_light_large.b32fde27f0f45456b4c1e5f049be6f44bc8649b7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.57, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Poultrygeist', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ SCAR-20 | Poultrygeist (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:59:18,536 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41372524063', 'd': '12253389002595701272', 'paintseed': 197, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 236, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41372524063', 'floatvalue': 0.054218683391809464, 'm': '650307291939175009', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_hy_varicamo_night_light_large.f0593c24d14333e68c7eb0e916385270d5612b46.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Night Ops', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'PP-Bizon | Night Ops (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:59:20,272 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653685626571377036A41127212839D3039050200612236688 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:59:20,893 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654810891574630155A40737087700D7071320196250146926 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:59:20,919 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41330948029', 'd': '2333999735260299226', 'paintseed': 627, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 289, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41330948029', 'floatvalue': 0.13749681413173676, 'm': '643551892505863766', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_tec9_cu_tec9_sandstorm_light_large.e38b0daacb3aa5d8f692a5ee05ad4bc0885808cd.png', 'min': 0.1, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Sandstorm', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Minimal Wear', 'full_item_name': 'Tec-9 | Sandstorm (Minimal Wear)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:59:20,928 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41330948029', 'd': '2333999735260299226', 'paintseed': 627, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 289, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41330948029', 'floatvalue': 0.13749681413173676, 'm': '643551892505863766', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_tec9_cu_tec9_sandstorm_light_large.e38b0daacb3aa5d8f692a5ee05ad4bc0885808cd.png', 'min': 0.1, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Sandstorm', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Minimal Wear', 'full_item_name': 'Tec-9 | Sandstorm (Minimal Wear)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:59:21,278 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:59:21,900 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:59:25,609 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41329446874', 'd': '14411708243169367116', 'paintseed': 177, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 436, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41329446874', 'low_rank': 173, 'floatvalue': 0.2549411356449127, 'm': '666069890637721020', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_am_ump_racer_light_large.6d935bf0d33ca90994b1dd9aec78a8938dcd94a2.png', 'min': 0.25, 'max': 0.35, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Grand Prix', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'UMP-45 | Grand Prix (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:59:28,236 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658188591293711733A41493404979D3363067883653386644 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:59:29,241 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:59:30,887 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41324799012', 'd': '7128120741017375442', 'paintseed': 518, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 829, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5053, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_pgl_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/pgl_gold', 'name': 'PGL (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 4965, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_navi_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/navi_gold', 'name': 'Natus Vincere (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 1692, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'de_mirage_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_mirage_gold', 'name': 'Mirage (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 4977, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_gamb_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/gamb_gold', 'name': 'Gambit Gaming (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}], 'floatid': '40852429716', 'floatvalue': 0.0653662383556366, 'm': '658188591293001303', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_hy_lizard_skin_light_large.4731c7f1d21196c4971405a722c36911b1d23aae.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Anolis', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir PP-Bizon | Anolis (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:59:30,894 - 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Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658189226199773872A41292328224D208481169494950710 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:59:31,645 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '39743080247', 'd': '5651601943933459924', 'paintseed': 332, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 1159, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39743080247', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.04334443435072899, 'm': '659314491196268374', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.9, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Slag', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Tec-9 | Slag (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:59:31,660 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '39743080247', 'd': '5651601943933459924', 'paintseed': 332, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 1159, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39743080247', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.04334443435072899, 'm': '659314491196268374', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.9, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Slag', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Tec-9 | Slag (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:59:31,675 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '39743080247', 'd': '5651601943933459924', 'paintseed': 332, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 1159, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39743080247', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.04334443435072899, 'm': '659314491196268374', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.9, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Slag', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Tec-9 | Slag (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:59:32,556 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:59:33,251 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '36101155647', 'd': '9532544736962138214', 'paintseed': 138, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 916, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6700, 'slot': 0, 'offset_x': -0.05289047956466675, 'offset_y': 0.16497394442558289, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_mngz', 'material': 'paris2023/mngz', 'name': 'The MongolZ | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '36101155647', 'low_rank': 141, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.050704069435596466, 'm': '645803692319839948', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_cu_ump_bomb_light_large.48162f997295cb72c35acb2eafbef620b60a1659.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Plastique', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ UMP-45 | Plastique (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:59:36,621 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41485034251', 'd': '11586746055866170412', 'paintseed': 482, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 362, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40818220592', 'high_rank': 535, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06962358206510544, 'm': '661566291015119049', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_hy_lines_orange_light_large.d004ea389236e6fa5da2f0555ab5b3723bdf36d1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Labyrinth', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ UMP-45 | Labyrinth (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:59:36,632 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41485034251', 'd': '11586746055866170412', 'paintseed': 482, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 362, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40818220592', 'high_rank': 535, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06962358206510544, 'm': '661566291015119049', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_hy_lines_orange_light_large.d004ea389236e6fa5da2f0555ab5b3723bdf36d1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Labyrinth', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ UMP-45 | Labyrinth (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:59:38,730 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 0, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41428767958', 'd': '7991684303448824389', 'paintseed': 279, 'defindex': 25, 'paintindex': 205, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41013230386', 'low_rank': 31, 'high_rank': 329, 'floatvalue': 0.06633426994085312, 'm': '668321690433163521', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_xm1014_so_jungle_bravo_light_large.0b0998c1c247ffc870bbdbc4c53696cd8a974f30.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'XM1014', 'item_name': 'Jungle', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Timed Drop', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'XM1014 | Jungle (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:59:39,202 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '40588815590', 'd': '14295061431424348206', 'paintseed': 336, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 333, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 952, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'cluj2015_team_nv_gold', 'material': 'cluj2015/nv_gold', 'name': 'Team EnVyUs (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015'}, {'stickerId': 961, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'cluj2015_team_dhc_gold', 'material': 'cluj2015/dhc_gold', 'name': 'DreamHack (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015'}, {'stickerId': 739, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'cluj2015_signature_krimz_gold', 'material': 'cluj2015/sig_krimz_gold', 'name': 'KRIMZ (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015'}, {'stickerId': 955, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'cluj2015_team_fntc_gold', 'material': 'cluj2015/fntc_gold', 'name': 'Fnatic (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015'}], 'floatid': '34767323371', 'low_rank': 19, 'floatvalue': 0.0633588656783104, 'm': '648055492111947412', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_so_indigo_and_grey_light_large.7a4685c334bf103f25ba1865dc0492315bf0ca5c.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Indigo', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir UMP-45 | Indigo (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:59:40,623 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307291947533549A30406640757D7549242466724216688 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:59:41,264 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41473888952', 'd': '5254203558481467012', 'paintseed': 200, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 90, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41473888952', 'floatvalue': 0.06911125779151917, 'm': '661566291016897329', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_hy_mottled_sand_light_large.14c5d59d597a00bdccaefe47a99de0e5b1f884d6.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Mudder', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'UMP-45 | Mudder (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:59:41,629 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:59:45,057 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41490387080', 'd': '436402918477782334', 'paintseed': 328, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 722, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '18396325998', 'floatvalue': 0.03926314786076546, 'm': '646929592226449679', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_tec9_cu_tec9_snake_light_large.9065015e55daa4190b97a8bc033925ed0aeb1abd.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Snek-9', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Tec-9 | Snek-9 (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:59:49,452 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660441026013446904A37829279871D13836831441522645159 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:59:50,458 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:59:56,072 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645804327223492460A41493719495D4631435491630905346 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:59:56,757 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479261557A41286076094D166332489184015535 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:59:57,080 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:59:57,764 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 00:59:58,810 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635671228061909293A41493704130D5200221628478748772 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 00:59:59,216 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41302164031', 'd': '2751328210492431736', 'paintseed': 941, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 671, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41115772938', 'low_rank': 209, 'floatvalue': 0.03990984335541725, 'm': '654810891570278175', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_tec9_aq_tec9_chalk_pattern_light_large.e0425d0a56ca5a2240b71495a5ef2bc4af0e9331.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Cut Out', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Tec-9 | Cut Out (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 00:59:59,817 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:00:08,631 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307291947540749A39737915304D12397858560837631136 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:00:09,227 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642426627503995804A41277481811D7650600239611466311 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:00:09,636 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:00:10,232 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:00:10,471 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '17386250487', 'd': '7665382485809296992', 'paintseed': 55, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 916, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '17386250487', 'low_rank': 816, 'floatvalue': 0.05535149574279785, 'm': '640174192784313023', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_cu_ump_bomb_light_large.48162f997295cb72c35acb2eafbef620b60a1659.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Plastique', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'UMP-45 | Plastique (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:00:11,462 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '6634758872', 'd': '16899975332561115207', 'paintseed': 411, 'defindex': 25, 'paintindex': 314, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '6634758872', 'low_rank': 317, 'high_rank': 116, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.0697987750172615, 'm': '642425992599780985', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_xm1014_cu_xm1014_heaven_guard_light_large.c7f3f8815f9caa92daa5ffe4390880c1606f4a81.png', 'min': 0.03, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'XM1014', 'item_name': 'Heaven Guard', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ XM1014 | Heaven Guard (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:00:12,290 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127967657724A41493556317D207805673250184114 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:00:13,295 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:00:14,190 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41013096392', 'd': '7245837626543689955', 'paintseed': 150, 'defindex': 25, 'paintindex': 393, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41013096392', 'high_rank': 537, 'floatvalue': 0.06404930353164673, 'm': '641300092690573974', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_xm1014_cu_xm1014_caritas_light_large.060e6378f5b5ab6fc53a2db451f3d68b8033f304.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'XM1014', 'item_name': 'Tranquility', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'XM1014 | Tranquility (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:00:15,235 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M657063326292916638A41304905806D10280031489817967180 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:00:16,242 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:00:16,264 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642426627503995804A41277481811D7650600239611466311 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:00:17,269 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:00:19,327 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127967657724A41493556317D207805673250184114 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:00:20,178 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '32543848722', 'd': '16188406617249920741', 'paintseed': 897, 'defindex': 25, 'paintindex': 42, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '32543848722', 'floatvalue': 0.067589670419693, 'm': '646929592227326009', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_xm1014_aq_blued_light_large.322850eb06df5352f302b6d4dffb1d2472dac596.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'XM1014', 'item_name': 'Blue Steel', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'XM1014 | Blue Steel (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:00:20,333 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:00:23,301 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642426627503995804A41277481811D7650600239611466311 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:00:24,307 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:00:26,258 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41115696651', 'd': '468484733996487674', 'paintseed': 140, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 614, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40800096699', 'floatvalue': 0.06945572048425674, 'm': '642425992599610525', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_tec9_gs_tec9_supercharged_light_large.e3ebc20f10eae02790fe95703b6099acca1d1809.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Fuel Injector', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Tec-9 | Fuel Injector (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:00:26,267 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41115696651', 'd': '468484733996487674', 'paintseed': 140, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 614, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40800096699', 'floatvalue': 0.06945572048425674, 'm': '642425992599610525', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_tec9_gs_tec9_supercharged_light_large.e3ebc20f10eae02790fe95703b6099acca1d1809.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Fuel Injector', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Tec-9 | Fuel Injector (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:00:28,759 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '2482683017', 'd': '17041637254187318277', 'paintseed': 410, 'defindex': 25, 'paintindex': 407, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '2482683017', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06519842147827148, 'm': '643551892506323486', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_xm1014_aq_xm1014_sigla_light_large.71c180cd3b8bdea7d0b119ab2b9d54792c51b3aa.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'XM1014', 'item_name': 'Quicksilver', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ XM1014 | Quicksilver (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:00:28,889 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '39434212585', 'd': '4785818013060528566', 'paintseed': 485, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 539, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39434212585', 'low_rank': 904, 'floatvalue': 0.025590715929865837, 'm': '652559091763067680', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_tec9_gs_tec9_jambiya_light_large.d1f42521bb774564f80a512c3990e768179cf111.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Jambiya', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Tec-9 | Jambiya (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:00:29,698 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037165495A38632589563D7272436581412894319 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:00:30,338 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642426627503995804A41277481811D7650600239611466311 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:00:30,704 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:00:31,345 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:00:33,189 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41289325998', 'd': '14583267921685223629', 'paintseed': 808, 'defindex': 25, 'paintindex': 1174, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41289325998', 'low_rank': 358, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.019257841631770134, 'm': '641300092692906984', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.799353, 'weapon_type': 'XM1014', 'item_name': 'Irezumi', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ XM1014 | Irezumi (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:00:35,108 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41489749372', 'd': '165761197896448065', 'paintseed': 26, 'defindex': 25, 'paintindex': 1135, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41311412816', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.05098392069339752, 'm': '649181392039998948', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_xm1014_am_xm_zombie_offensive_light_large.0e15d69fbf9b3d93b14f54f85fa84bcb45c8f49e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'XM1014', 'item_name': 'Zombie Offensive', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ XM1014 | Zombie Offensive (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:00:43,650 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40882863733', 'd': '16611781111515307628', 'paintseed': 953, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 851, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '24419436015', 'floatvalue': 0.051588691771030426, 'm': '635670593157879581', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_aa_ump45_moonrise_sunset_light_large.63cf279a66d95757f4fefe498b89480966887083.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Moonrise', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'UMP-45 | Moonrise (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:00:45,138 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '38485134900', 'd': '12133859220326307428', 'paintseed': 66, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 778, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38485134900', 'floatvalue': 0.04877356439828873, 'm': '660440391109864805', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_hy_blueprint_bluered_light_large.1f2e4c38f9f9e7e1d815aeb5af99c499c5ff4951.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Facility Dark', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'UMP-45 | Facility Dark (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:00:45,145 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '38485134900', 'd': '12133859220326307428', 'paintseed': 66, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 778, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38485134900', 'floatvalue': 0.04877356439828873, 'm': '660440391109864805', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_hy_blueprint_bluered_light_large.1f2e4c38f9f9e7e1d815aeb5af99c499c5ff4951.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Facility Dark', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'UMP-45 | Facility Dark (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:00:46,086 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653684991670899884A40762474051D7822345909077138951 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:00:47,091 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:00:54,705 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '40865838324', 'd': '9232394947886954720', 'paintseed': 887, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 70, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40865838324', 'floatvalue': 0.048880286514759064, 'm': '635670593158512881', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_am_carbon_fiber_light_large.b250b860bbe6f7a689448cc47b6ac25427e3d848.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.12, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Carbon Fiber', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'UMP-45 | Carbon Fiber (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:00:56,376 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41485865069', 'd': '14314872166146193130', 'paintseed': 703, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 1049, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41298520292', 'floatvalue': 0.05631685629487038, 'm': '641300092690219884', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_am_ump45_electrowave_light_large.98b6a5211b19bfeecb69d08cc7ebe6584cff353f.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Oscillator', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'UMP-45 | Oscillator (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:00:56,383 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41485865069', 'd': '14314872166146193130', 'paintseed': 703, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 1049, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41298520292', 'floatvalue': 0.05631685629487038, 'm': '641300092690219884', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_am_ump45_electrowave_light_large.98b6a5211b19bfeecb69d08cc7ebe6584cff353f.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Oscillator', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'UMP-45 | Oscillator (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:00:56,518 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '36997118558', 'd': '9989732105279985741', 'paintseed': 589, 'defindex': 25, 'paintindex': 238, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7353, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_pgl_gold', 'material': 'cph2024/pgl_gold', 'name': 'PGL (Gold) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7890, 'slot': 4, 'codename': 'de_overpass_cs2_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_overpass_cs2_gold', 'name': 'Overpass (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 7337, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_ecst_gold', 'material': 'cph2024/ecst_gold', 'name': 'ECSTATIC (Gold) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7281, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_mouz_gold', 'material': 'cph2024/mouz_gold', 'name': 'MOUZ (Gold) | Copenhagen 2024'}], 'floatid': '36997118558', 'low_rank': 788, 'high_rank': 588, 'floatvalue': 0.060600899159908295, 'm': '639048292880696522', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_xm1014_hy_varicamo_blue_light_large.6b99e2f4d5092295c86b872e2a08d7ea698fe5b6.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'XM1014', 'item_name': 'VariCamo Blue', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir XM1014 | VariCamo Blue (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:00:56,528 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '36997118558', 'd': '9989732105279985741', 'paintseed': 589, 'defindex': 25, 'paintindex': 238, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7353, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_pgl_gold', 'material': 'cph2024/pgl_gold', 'name': 'PGL (Gold) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7890, 'slot': 4, 'codename': 'de_overpass_cs2_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_overpass_cs2_gold', 'name': 'Overpass (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 7337, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_ecst_gold', 'material': 'cph2024/ecst_gold', 'name': 'ECSTATIC (Gold) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7281, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_mouz_gold', 'material': 'cph2024/mouz_gold', 'name': 'MOUZ (Gold) | Copenhagen 2024'}], 'floatid': '36997118558', 'low_rank': 788, 'high_rank': 588, 'floatvalue': 0.060600899159908295, 'm': '639048292880696522', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_xm1014_hy_varicamo_blue_light_large.6b99e2f4d5092295c86b872e2a08d7ea698fe5b6.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'XM1014', 'item_name': 'VariCamo Blue', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir XM1014 | VariCamo Blue (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:03:16,368 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 3, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41492179161', 'd': '7495479150461591156', 'paintseed': 973, 'defindex': 5034, 'paintindex': 10068, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '25832271101', 'low_rank': 438, 'high_rank': 210, 'floatvalue': 0.7068880796432495, 'm': '648055492131729592', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/specialist_gloves_specialist_fbi_light_large.1e314531001e6f78b6c3bf167a678b4aafc8d4c7.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Specialist Gloves', 'item_name': 'Field Agent', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': '★', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': '★ Specialist Gloves | Field Agent (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:03:20,513 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 3, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41436121385', 'd': '10001195661633126911', 'paintseed': 961, 'defindex': 5031, 'paintindex': 10013, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '23060756341', 'low_rank': 184, 'high_rank': 187, 'floatvalue': 0.6296326518058777, 'm': '651433191844639040', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/slick_gloves_slick_black_light_large.1a38e5968c549d49e791cf55bc4f89232e19e26f.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Driver Gloves', 'item_name': 'Lunar Weave', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': '★', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': '★ Driver Gloves | Lunar Weave (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:03:33,009 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 3, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41492968414', 'd': '7092576465461367032', 'paintseed': 839, 'defindex': 5034, 'paintindex': 10064, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39048707907', 'low_rank': 734, 'high_rank': 72, 'floatvalue': 0.7755961418151855, 'm': '654810891574608795', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/specialist_gloves_specialist_winterhex_light_large.2b5d5ec0b5388beef874b932a8f9c053360ae7dc.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Specialist Gloves', 'item_name': 'Mogul', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': '★', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': '★ Specialist Gloves | Mogul (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:03:43,669 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41306191041', 'd': '5658858980622598939', 'paintseed': 228, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 600, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 260, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'drugwarveteran', 'material': 'community02/drugwarveteran', 'name': 'Drug War Veteran'}, {'stickerId': 260, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'drugwarveteran', 'material': 'community02/drugwarveteran', 'name': 'Drug War Veteran'}, {'stickerId': 5918, 'slot': 2, 'rotation': -9, 'offset_x': 0.3260675072669983, 'offset_y': 0.03798270225524902, 'codename': 'csgo10_go_paper', 'material': 'csgo10/go_paper', 'name': 'GO'}, {'stickerId': 4906, 'slot': 2, 'rotation': -12, 'offset_x': 0.3031995892524719, 'offset_y': 0.03239130973815918, 'codename': 'bf2042_fortytwo_paper', 'material': 'bf2042/fortytwo_paper', 'name': 'Forty Two'}], 'floatid': '39152280804', 'high_rank': 177, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.7386504411697388, 'm': '654810891573326145', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_cu_ak47_anarchy_light_large.6e98f0c6fcb81aaeca03c56eed68962f50c9ef94.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Neon Revolution', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ AK-47 | Neon Revolution (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:03:44,941 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M659313403908978173A41050539768D5370554409864569661 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:03:45,946 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:03:46,675 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300727597172143A40328037987D16314861563276304789 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:03:47,680 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:03:48,469 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690311912A41405088803D16720364333991201107 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:03:49,474 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:03:51,978 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M659313403908978173A41050539768D5370554409864569661 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:03:51,985 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '31075644101', 'd': '4642164679526082333', 'paintseed': 109, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 836, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '31075644101', 'floatvalue': 0.6247303485870361, 'm': '642425992599902065', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_cu_ak47_aztec_light_large.368d90ba7bc01aa56489792a8962df5343238c5c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.75, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Uncharted', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AK-47 | Uncharted (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:03:51,991 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '31075644101', 'd': '4642164679526082333', 'paintseed': 109, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 836, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '31075644101', 'floatvalue': 0.6247303485870361, 'm': '642425992599902065', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_cu_ak47_aztec_light_large.368d90ba7bc01aa56489792a8962df5343238c5c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.75, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Uncharted', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AK-47 | Uncharted (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:03:52,982 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:03:53,715 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300727597172143A40328037987D16314861563276304789 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:03:54,721 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:03:55,532 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690311912A41405088803D16720364333991201107 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:03:56,537 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:03:59,034 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M659313403908978173A41050539768D5370554409864569661 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:03:59,707 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41492295974', 'd': '7945517708675261755', 'paintseed': 492, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 1221, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41492295974', 'floatvalue': 0.6859995126724243, 'm': '668321690461569141', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_cu_ak_head_shot_holo_light_large.85be84ba7c07917493b8e8a66c9d95c928ebe8b6.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Head Shot', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AK-47 | Head Shot (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:03:59,731 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41284265798', 'd': '10101024916594474760', 'paintseed': 126, 'defindex': 60, 'paintindex': 254, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41284265798', 'floatvalue': 0.46820497512817383, 'm': '663818090830802437', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_silencer_so_orange_accents_light_large.625f58cdc5641f440ccf2fe866c3152b5803d1f2.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'M4A1-S', 'item_name': 'Nitro', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'M4A1-S | Nitro (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:04:00,039 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:04:00,756 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300727597172143A40328037987D16314861563276304789 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:04:01,407 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41330541745', 'd': '2308110773124816776', 'paintseed': 282, 'defindex': 60, 'paintindex': 1223, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41330541745', 'high_rank': 1000, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.7558203935623169, 'm': '653684991670190384', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_silencer_cu_m4a1s_feeding_frenzy_light_large.e1cb803e0e10ae4457e42d34ec8515b1500f4762.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'M4A1-S', 'item_name': 'Emphorosaur-S', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ M4A1-S | Emphorosaur-S (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:04:01,426 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41330541745', 'd': '2308110773124816776', 'paintseed': 282, 'defindex': 60, 'paintindex': 1223, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41330541745', 'high_rank': 1000, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.7558203935623169, 'm': '653684991670190384', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_silencer_cu_m4a1s_feeding_frenzy_light_large.e1cb803e0e10ae4457e42d34ec8515b1500f4762.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'M4A1-S', 'item_name': 'Emphorosaur-S', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ M4A1-S | Emphorosaur-S (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:04:01,448 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41330541745', 'd': '2308110773124816776', 'paintseed': 282, 'defindex': 60, 'paintindex': 1223, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41330541745', 'high_rank': 1000, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.7558203935623169, 'm': '653684991670190384', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_silencer_cu_m4a1s_feeding_frenzy_light_large.e1cb803e0e10ae4457e42d34ec8515b1500f4762.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'M4A1-S', 'item_name': 'Emphorosaur-S', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ M4A1-S | Emphorosaur-S (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:04:01,763 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:04:02,571 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690311912A41405088803D16720364333991201107 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:04:03,579 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:04:03,959 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41331156305', 'd': '9845473941199302101', 'paintseed': 553, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 300, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '25611386430', 'floatvalue': 0.6556660532951355, 'm': '664943990732364038', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_cu_pinstripe_ak47_light_large.2123421a26fbe673eea7c0238c7441a83b97aa17.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Emerald Pinstripe', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AK-47 | Emerald Pinstripe (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:04:06,073 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M659313403908978173A41050539768D5370554409864569661 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:04:06,819 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41492891392', 'd': '605996290569401092', 'paintseed': 511, 'defindex': 60, 'paintindex': 235, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41492891392', 'floatvalue': 0.5839768648147583, 'm': '659314491204906634', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_silencer_hy_varicamo_light_large.794803daec1d6d6cd2c47d8e8520d9f5f0b1fc1b.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'M4A1-S', 'item_name': 'VariCamo', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'M4A1-S | VariCamo (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:04:07,079 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:04:07,796 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300727597172143A40328037987D16314861563276304789 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:04:08,801 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:04:09,608 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690311912A41405088803D16720364333991201107 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:04:10,613 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:04:11,610 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 3, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41468256187', 'd': '9389867087230149681', 'paintseed': 843, 'defindex': 5027, 'paintindex': 10039, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '28093907350', 'low_rank': 115, 'high_rank': 271, 'floatvalue': 0.5429691076278687, 'm': '657062691382134227', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/studded_bloodhound_gloves_bloodhound_guerrilla_light_large.3afeaecd54a38013c2efd2ff3086aad6b52aceb4.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Bloodhound Gloves', 'item_name': 'Guerrilla', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': '★', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': '★ Bloodhound Gloves | Guerrilla (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:04:13,974 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660440391110253065A41493127307D16286464030617271410 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:04:14,125 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 3, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '40368515158', 'd': '5686648257331361389', 'paintseed': 96, 'defindex': 5033, 'paintindex': 10052, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40368515158', 'low_rank': 669, 'high_rank': 221, 'floatvalue': 0.728807806968689, 'm': '659314491175529104', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/motorcycle_gloves_motorcycle_trigrid_blue_light_large.5e8f353a222f45406ab0b60e0d68d669953f0e20.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Moto Gloves', 'item_name': 'Polygon', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': '★', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': '★ Moto Gloves | Polygon (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:04:14,980 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:04:16,651 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690311912A41405088803D16720364333991201107 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:04:17,658 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:04:18,897 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855032627A41322860097D14442882356135374297 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:04:19,902 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:04:21,010 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660440391110253065A41493127307D16286464030617271410 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:04:21,796 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479232637A41167549231D7648065254782846330 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:04:22,015 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:04:22,347 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635670593159016281A41493104879D12560084619305281036 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:04:22,801 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:04:23,350 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:04:23,385 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M659314491205143244A41492684245D16324394677185994254 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:04:23,686 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690311912A41405088803D16720364333991201107 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:04:24,389 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:04:24,452 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '39993338865', 'd': '16745514557667027253', 'paintseed': 258, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 675, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39993338865', 'floatvalue': 0.5948113203048706, 'm': '642425992579693795', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_gs_ak47_empress_light_large.f81d0b07dca381635c89f74bcdb6b64a6da6e81c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'The Empress', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AK-47 | The Empress (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:04:24,690 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:04:25,489 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635670593159050361A41215136143D5390362946728494453 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:04:25,928 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41449974569', 'd': '2486024850897653535', 'paintseed': 218, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 14, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7437, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_niko_2_holo', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_niko_holo', 'name': 'NiKo (Holo) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 181, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'neluthebear', 'material': 'community02/neluthebear', 'name': 'Nelu the Bear'}, {'stickerId': 4962, 'slot': 3, 'rotation': -18, 'offset_x': -0.04396563768386841, 'offset_y': -0.010901212692260742, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_navi', 'material': 'stockh2021/navi', 'name': 'Natus Vincere | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 4962, 'slot': 2, 'rotation': -18, 'offset_x': -0.123568594455719, 'offset_y': -0.018135517835617065, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_navi', 'material': 'stockh2021/navi', 'name': 'Natus Vincere | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 5299, 'slot': 2, 'rotation': -18, 'offset_x': 0.05578562617301941, 'offset_y': 0.07196247577667236, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_navi', 'material': 'antwerp2022/navi', 'name': 'Natus Vincere | Antwerp 2022'}], 'floatid': '39623299196', 'low_rank': 26, 'high_rank': 94, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.475851446390152, 'm': '645803692301547958', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_hy_ak47lam_light_large.199620e808579639264cf753d0650721b4bc1f37.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Red Laminate', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ AK-47 | Red Laminate (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:04:25,933 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41449974569', 'd': '2486024850897653535', 'paintseed': 218, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 14, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7437, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_niko_2_holo', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_niko_holo', 'name': 'NiKo (Holo) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 181, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'neluthebear', 'material': 'community02/neluthebear', 'name': 'Nelu the Bear'}, {'stickerId': 4962, 'slot': 3, 'rotation': -18, 'offset_x': -0.04396563768386841, 'offset_y': -0.010901212692260742, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_navi', 'material': 'stockh2021/navi', 'name': 'Natus Vincere | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 4962, 'slot': 2, 'rotation': -18, 'offset_x': -0.123568594455719, 'offset_y': -0.018135517835617065, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_navi', 'material': 'stockh2021/navi', 'name': 'Natus Vincere | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 5299, 'slot': 2, 'rotation': -18, 'offset_x': 0.05578562617301941, 'offset_y': 0.07196247577667236, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_navi', 'material': 'antwerp2022/navi', 'name': 'Natus Vincere | Antwerp 2022'}], 'floatid': '39623299196', 'low_rank': 26, 'high_rank': 94, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.475851446390152, 'm': '645803692301547958', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_hy_ak47lam_light_large.199620e808579639264cf753d0650721b4bc1f37.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Red Laminate', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ AK-47 | Red Laminate (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:04:26,394 - 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Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:04:27,505 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '32889431511', 'd': '9568546413582140251', 'paintseed': 40, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 941, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6897, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_brollan_1', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_brollan', 'name': 'Brollan | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6897, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_brollan_1', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_brollan', 'name': 'Brollan | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6897, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_brollan_1', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_brollan', 'name': 'Brollan | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6897, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_brollan_1', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_brollan', 'name': 'Brollan | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '32889431511', 'floatvalue': 0.5046348571777344, 'm': '637922392972855873', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_cu_ak-47_phantom_disruptor_light_large.c14fcebe17a4c1a509edc597b33dcb9b5dcda32b.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.65, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Phantom Disruptor', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AK-47 | Phantom Disruptor (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:04:27,656 - 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Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:04:31,093 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41490646851', 'd': '7803166445925335859', 'paintseed': 575, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 836, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '31607310339', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.6379403471946716, 'm': '666069890639152950', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_cu_ak47_aztec_light_large.368d90ba7bc01aa56489792a8962df5343238c5c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.75, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Uncharted', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ AK-47 | Uncharted (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:04:31,115 - Marketbot - 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Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41480175119', 'd': '3063116954764833582', 'paintseed': 202, 'defindex': 60, 'paintindex': 217, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41167664186', 'floatvalue': 0.17759254574775696, 'm': '643551892502276906', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_silencer_hy_redtiger_light_large.0b40a51b0020fa1781ddb7368e3b39c03263b2dd.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'M4A1-S', 'item_name': 'Blood Tiger', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'M4A1-S | Blood Tiger (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:04:38,099 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646930227130296141A40912314474D7648601000383804633 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:04:39,104 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:04:40,206 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668322325357179869A41493593725D10116226375188407283 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:04:41,213 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:04:41,525 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41490782305', 'd': '7964801648996641988', 'paintseed': 402, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 588, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40820599092', 'floatvalue': 0.7621080279350281, 'm': '668321690460998151', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_cu_m4a4_desolate_space_light_large.1fcbd5e124ae7c54cf12e6f76c431e6671a73845.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'Desolate Space', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'M4A4 | Desolate Space (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:04:41,689 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41483141927', 'd': '9277978743503195605', 'paintseed': 932, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 959, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7242, 'slot': 1, 'offset_x': -0.10868144035339355, 'offset_y': 0.17720288038253784, 'codename': 'paper_angry_t', 'material': 'community/community_2024/paper_angry_t', 'name': 'Angry T'}, {'stickerId': 7236, 'slot': 0, 'offset_x': -0.15516304969787598, 'offset_y': 0.12770703434944153, 'codename': 'paper_this_is_fine_chicken', 'material': 'community/community_2024/paper_this_is_fine_chicken', 'name': 'This Is Fine (Chicken)'}, {'stickerId': 7235, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': 0.18880057334899902, 'offset_y': 0.09068405628204346, 'codename': 'paper_retro_zeus', 'material': 'community/community_2024/paper_retro_zeus', 'name': 'Retro Zeus'}], 'floatid': '38430066311', 'high_rank': 200, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.6754266619682312, 'm': '658188591290039703', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_cu_ak47_anubis_light_large.52aec34a0d4778512f4962b7790294bbe1434795.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Legion of Anubis', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ AK-47 | Legion of Anubis (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:04:42,916 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668322325357180409A41493596365D11836062811767116740 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:04:43,898 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41131649896', 'd': '2911030435773389088', 'paintseed': 680, 'defindex': 60, 'paintindex': 714, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38079570670', 'floatvalue': 0.8439611196517944, 'm': '663815719285373027', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_silencer_cu_m4a1s_nightmare_light_large.68e892eb4dedad809205a5fd06f175297d1be1cb.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'M4A1-S', 'item_name': 'Nightmare', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'M4A1-S | Nightmare (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:04:43,922 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:04:45,526 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668321690461997301A41285040143D14124074051430898086 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:04:45,870 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41256584038', 'd': '4755909555182756398', 'paintseed': 766, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 1149, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40907637786', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.8650505542755127, 'm': '637922392972562803', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_cu_m4a4_elite_tactical_light_large.015fd86aa32f4f0331aa1b7dc2571d89dbf38671.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'Poly Mag', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ M4A4 | Poly Mag (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:04:46,531 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:04:47,245 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668322325357179869A41493593725D10116226375188407283 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:04:48,249 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:04:49,156 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300727597154233A41318628058D16197306185056393383 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:04:49,704 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '40935315817', 'd': '12443109356083237025', 'paintseed': 704, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 279, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6613, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_navi_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/navi_glitter', 'name': 'Natus Vincere (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '40935315817', 'high_rank': 652, 'floatvalue': 0.7754794955253601, 'm': '644677792408844487', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_cu_awp_asimov_light_large.32d9045f8a2bcd13ca18390cc9fd82026e7195ab.png', 'min': 0.18, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Asiimov', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Asiimov (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:04:49,712 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '40935315817', 'd': '12443109356083237025', 'paintseed': 704, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 279, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6613, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_navi_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/navi_glitter', 'name': 'Natus Vincere (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '40935315817', 'high_rank': 652, 'floatvalue': 0.7754794955253601, 'm': '644677792408844487', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_cu_awp_asimov_light_large.32d9045f8a2bcd13ca18390cc9fd82026e7195ab.png', 'min': 0.18, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Asiimov', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Asiimov (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:04:49,955 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668322325357180409A41493596365D11836062811767116740 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:04:50,162 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:04:50,960 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:04:51,839 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '36436923849', 'd': '16466849827484813386', 'paintseed': 710, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 695, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7242, 'slot': 4, 'rotation': -21, 'offset_x': -0.13702785968780518, 'offset_y': 0.1443081498146057, 'codename': 'paper_angry_t', 'material': 'community/community_2024/paper_angry_t', 'name': 'Angry T'}], 'floatid': '36436923849', 'floatvalue': 0.7976590991020203, 'm': '668321690458447971', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_cu_m4a4_neo_noir_light_large.b03bd6902c1d714af0bd4795dce8e653dd12dcc9.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.9, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'Neo-Noir', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'M4A4 | Neo-Noir (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:04:51,847 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '36436923849', 'd': '16466849827484813386', 'paintseed': 710, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 695, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7242, 'slot': 4, 'rotation': -21, 'offset_x': -0.13702785968780518, 'offset_y': 0.1443081498146057, 'codename': 'paper_angry_t', 'material': 'community/community_2024/paper_angry_t', 'name': 'Angry T'}], 'floatid': '36436923849', 'floatvalue': 0.7976590991020203, 'm': '668321690458447971', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_cu_m4a4_neo_noir_light_large.b03bd6902c1d714af0bd4795dce8e653dd12dcc9.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.9, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'Neo-Noir', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'M4A4 | Neo-Noir (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:04:52,585 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668321690461997301A41285040143D14124074051430898086 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:04:53,592 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:04:55,212 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642426627504006034A41297063890D16177113208975368900 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:04:55,774 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '31377797593', 'd': '16448917076264423724', 'paintseed': 453, 'defindex': 60, 'paintindex': 631, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4801, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'poorly_drawn_fbi', 'material': 'poorly_drawn/fbi', 'name': 'Poorly Drawn FBI'}, {'stickerId': 5141, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'stockh2021_signature_electronic', 'material': 'stockh2021/sig_electronic', 'name': 'electroNic | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 5147, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'stockh2021_signature_nexa', 'material': 'stockh2021/sig_nexa', 'name': 'nexa | Stockholm 2021'}], 'floatid': '31377797593', 'high_rank': 309, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.9475645422935486, 'm': '640174192775558633', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_silencer_cu_m4a1_flashback_light_large.5e6c2d582d33006425b61dc0e0e8c28ecda9f853.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'M4A1-S', 'item_name': 'Flashback', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ M4A1-S | Flashback (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:04:56,116 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41331329267', 'd': '16735462256068470348', 'paintseed': 143, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 1041, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41331329267', 'high_rank': 872, 'floatvalue': 0.7569495439529419, 'm': '649181392040394018', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_cu_m4a4_love_light_large.5f7f6a3085aedc1a878dd10881144e7898a2db3d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.79, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'In Living Color', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'M4A4 | In Living Color (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:04:56,194 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41192231265', 'd': '9270844586367445673', 'paintseed': 556, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 397, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4611, 'slot': 1, 'rotation': 27, 'offset_x': 0.005037784576416016, 'offset_y': -0.0011546015739440918, 'codename': 'lambda_holo', 'material': 'alyx/lambda_holo', 'name': 'Lambda (Holo)'}], 'floatid': '41192231265', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.6729822158813477, 'm': '662692190921263506', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_aq_deagle_naga_light_large.b410ad835b1894a448676ae0590586298af2cb33.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Naga', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Desert Eagle | Naga (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:04:56,218 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:04:58,430 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479289667A30075945274D14765263313040143232 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:04:59,435 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:04:59,635 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668321690461997301A41285040143D14124074051430898086 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:05:00,641 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:05:01,055 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40362964677', 'd': '2462036199008403969', 'paintseed': 713, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 603, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 2436, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'boston2018_team_gamb', 'material': 'boston2018/gamb', 'name': 'Gambit Esports | Boston 2018'}, {'stickerId': 3198, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'london2018_signature_xizt_foil', 'material': 'london2018/sig_xizt_foil', 'name': 'Xizt (Foil) | London 2018'}, {'stickerId': 362, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'enfu_skullfulilboney', 'material': 'enfu_capsule/skullfulilboney', 'name': 'Skull Lil Boney'}, {'stickerId': 7863, 'slot': 0, 'rotation': 147, 'offset_x': 0.07198868691921234, 'offset_y': -0.13887594640254974, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_aleksib_32', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_aleksib_champion', 'name': 'Aleksib (Champion) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7859, 'slot': 3, 'rotation': -93, 'offset_x': 0.5196969509124756, 'offset_y': 0.2252425253391266, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_jl_32', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_jl_champion', 'name': 'jL (Champion) | Copenhagen 2024'}], 'floatid': '40362964677', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.47519195079803467, 'm': '635670593158499291', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_aq_desert_eagle_constable_light_large.fb2f2673dd3997a21bff9129e0d2e294c03095e8.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Directive', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Desert Eagle | Directive (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:05:02,259 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642426627504006034A41297063890D16177113208975368900 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:05:03,266 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:05:03,921 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479291317A41493760389D2792385846870707279 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:05:04,498 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '38885527213', 'd': '7495123111936262277', 'paintseed': 721, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 397, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '37360842296', 'floatvalue': 0.5298988819122314, 'm': '644677792410753627', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_aq_deagle_naga_light_large.b410ad835b1894a448676ae0590586298af2cb33.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Naga', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Desert Eagle | Naga (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:05:04,926 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:05:05,469 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479289667A30075945274D14765263313040143232 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:05:05,670 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41331038548', 'd': '12316903698811867005', 'paintseed': 338, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 282, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 267, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'thuglife', 'material': 'community02/thuglife', 'name': 'Thug Life'}, {'stickerId': 5935, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'csgo10_blue_gem_glitter', 'material': 'csgo10/blue_gem_glitter', 'name': 'Blue Gem (Glitter)'}, {'stickerId': 260, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'drugwarveteran', 'material': 'community02/drugwarveteran', 'name': 'Drug War Veteran'}, {'stickerId': 4689, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0.9761991500854492, 'codename': 'broken_fang_stalking_prey', 'material': 'broken_fang/stalking_prey', 'name': 'Stalking Prey'}], 'floatid': '25338592139', 'floatvalue': 0.5477712750434875, 'm': '650307291947412289', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_cu_ak47_cobra_light_large.7494bfdf4855fd4e6a2dbd983ed0a243c80ef830.png', 'min': 0.1, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Redline', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AK-47 | Redline (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:05:06,341 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479292937A41484704428D2315007035687794562 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:05:06,474 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:05:07,348 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:05:08,102 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479265067A41328753624D17169558248171537791 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:05:08,387 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M655936791476460286A41325613846D3030611311405927502 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:05:09,108 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:05:09,142 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826761909778A40748142462D14180395454434513445 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:05:09,299 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642426627504006034A41297063890D16177113208975368900 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:05:09,391 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:05:09,733 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41490563864', 'd': '10286932288762349220', 'paintseed': 489, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 985, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7238, 'slot': 6, 'offset_x': -0.2063707709312439, 'offset_y': -0.06604039669036865, 'codename': 'paper_peek_a_boo', 'material': 'community/community_2024/paper_peek_a_boo', 'name': 'Peek-A-Boo'}], 'floatid': '38490634199', 'floatvalue': 0.708160936832428, 'm': '636796493066080992', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_cu_m4a4_cyberpunk_light_large.8ed70290de88498fcfdc0c89f23ba2ad60bd13a5.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.98, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'Cyber Security', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'M4A4 | Cyber Security (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:05:10,147 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:05:10,306 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:05:10,487 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41249220989', 'd': '13899918523916534925', 'paintseed': 471, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 603, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41249220989', 'floatvalue': 0.47139209508895874, 'm': '655936791476167276', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_aq_desert_eagle_constable_light_large.fb2f2673dd3997a21bff9129e0d2e294c03095e8.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Directive', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Desert Eagle | Directive (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:05:10,957 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479291317A41493760389D2792385846870707279 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:05:11,471 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41490872893', 'd': '751019407446547105', 'paintseed': 560, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 72, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41057505923', 'floatvalue': 0.6392006874084473, 'm': '635670593158400321', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_sp_mesh_tan_light_large.3608cbeb9bb163bfd2becb4ebcce2576b9ca78d9.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Safari Mesh', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Safari Mesh (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:05:11,476 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41490872893', 'd': '751019407446547105', 'paintseed': 560, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 72, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41057505923', 'floatvalue': 0.6392006874084473, 'm': '635670593158400321', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_sp_mesh_tan_light_large.3608cbeb9bb163bfd2becb4ebcce2576b9ca78d9.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Safari Mesh', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Safari Mesh (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:05:11,964 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:05:12,064 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649181392041179358A41493409280D760546214596099631 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:05:13,070 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:05:13,071 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41449407323', 'd': '12595667298672308640', 'paintseed': 761, 'defindex': 60, 'paintindex': 587, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4773, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0.09334670007228851, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_furi', 'material': 'rmr2020/furi', 'name': 'FURIA | 2020 RMR'}, {'stickerId': 4773, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_furi', 'material': 'rmr2020/furi', 'name': 'FURIA | 2020 RMR'}], 'floatid': '41449407323', 'floatvalue': 0.4840485751628876, 'm': '666069890622876180', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_silencer_gs_m4a1_mecha_industries_light_large.2973cf5ca9d1592d6652bf14ac89bcd8593d4f0a.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'M4A1-S', 'item_name': 'Mecha Industries', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'M4A1-S | Mecha Industries (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:05:13,376 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479292937A41484704428D2315007035687794562 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:05:14,381 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:05:14,787 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41326206004', 'd': '9548269391332474304', 'paintseed': 168, 'defindex': 60, 'paintindex': 77, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41326206004', 'floatvalue': 0.5934711694717407, 'm': '663818090827211317', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_silencer_hy_forest_boreal_light_large.1a7f334b65d1ff1a4ca0bb4a1b164d643169f982.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'M4A1-S', 'item_name': 'Boreal Forest', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'M4A1-S | Boreal Forest (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:05:15,438 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M655936791476460286A41325613846D3030611311405927502 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:05:16,189 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826761909778A40748142462D14180395454434513445 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:05:16,446 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:05:17,194 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:05:17,450 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D12459422235579122461 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:05:17,754 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '3688706571', 'd': '14123970715552736597', 'paintseed': 366, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 282, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '3688706571', 'low_rank': 275, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.45901522040367126, 'm': '658188591256601433', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_cu_ak47_cobra_light_large.7494bfdf4855fd4e6a2dbd983ed0a243c80ef830.png', 'min': 0.1, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Redline', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ AK-47 | Redline (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:05:17,994 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479291317A41493760389D2792385846870707279 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:05:18,454 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:05:19,001 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:05:19,096 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649181392041179358A41493409280D760546214596099631 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:05:20,102 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:05:20,553 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41244531849', 'd': '895243002508535174', 'paintseed': 739, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 40, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '32639608959', 'floatvalue': 0.6661275029182434, 'm': '636796493065749852', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_so_night_light_large.e56ea92b4b8c1914a7f5f4e789483313845a0b4a.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Night', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir Glock-18 | Night (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:05:20,592 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668322325357181309A41493594447D9854626686663264138 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:05:20,727 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41477770089', 'd': '9839464439505278599', 'paintseed': 151, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 279, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5235, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'stockh2021_signature_zywoo_holo', 'material': 'stockh2021/sig_zywoo_holo', 'name': 'ZywOo (Holo) | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 121, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'comm01_rekt_holo', 'material': 'community01/rekt', 'name': 'Rekt (Holo)'}, {'stickerId': 7940, 'slot': 0, 'offset_x': -0.11811792850494385, 'offset_y': -0.08126306533813477, 'codename': 'sha2024_team_spir', 'material': 'sha2024/spir', 'name': 'Team Spirit | Shanghai 2024'}, {'stickerId': 8125, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0.6800000071525574, 'offset_x': -0.19120821356773376, 'offset_y': -0.018564283847808838, 'codename': 'sha2024_signature_sh1ro_2', 'material': 'sha2024/sig_sh1ro', 'name': 'sh1ro | Shanghai 2024'}, {'stickerId': 8125, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0.699999988079071, 'offset_x': 0.16697299480438232, 'offset_y': 0.06690353155136108, 'codename': 'sha2024_signature_sh1ro_2', 'material': 'sha2024/sig_sh1ro', 'name': 'sh1ro | Shanghai 2024'}], 'floatid': '41427659863', 'high_rank': 393, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.5862002372741699, 'm': '644677792405784727', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_cu_awp_asimov_light_large.32d9045f8a2bcd13ca18390cc9fd82026e7195ab.png', 'min': 0.18, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Asiimov', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ AWP | Asiimov (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:05:21,596 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:05:22,045 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660441026013453084A41493609837D11979760476267127067 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:05:22,141 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41486699008', 'd': '5477048419176438921', 'paintseed': 90, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 691, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40430051714', 'floatvalue': 0.5468008518218994, 'm': '643551892504848716', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_gs_awp_death_light_large.19bdee04e6a0b4a3b8f832fd8ea18fea1e558f2e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.64, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Mortis', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Mortis (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:05:22,145 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690311312A41493685653D7656689329676808365 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:05:22,581 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41484578977', 'd': '16450037589845595586', 'paintseed': 576, 'defindex': 60, 'paintindex': 1223, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7294, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0.33000001311302185, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_furi', 'material': 'cph2024/furi', 'name': 'FURIA | Copenhagen 2024'}], 'floatid': '41295337488', 'floatvalue': 0.6657831072807312, 'm': '662692190918776266', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_silencer_cu_m4a1s_feeding_frenzy_light_large.e1cb803e0e10ae4457e42d34ec8515b1500f4762.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'M4A1-S', 'item_name': 'Emphorosaur-S', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'M4A1-S | Emphorosaur-S (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:05:22,589 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41484578977', 'd': '16450037589845595586', 'paintseed': 576, 'defindex': 60, 'paintindex': 1223, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7294, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0.33000001311302185, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_furi', 'material': 'cph2024/furi', 'name': 'FURIA | Copenhagen 2024'}], 'floatid': '41295337488', 'floatvalue': 0.6657831072807312, 'm': '662692190918776266', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_silencer_cu_m4a1s_feeding_frenzy_light_large.e1cb803e0e10ae4457e42d34ec8515b1500f4762.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'M4A1-S', 'item_name': 'Emphorosaur-S', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'M4A1-S | Emphorosaur-S (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:05:22,765 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41330720716', 'd': '16718006168329019559', 'paintseed': 454, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 841, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41330720716', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.46136993169784546, 'm': '639048292880699912', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_gs_deagle_exo_light_large.8bdc93f1b45efba187748065deff967eef8f2f2d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.9, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Light Rail', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Desert Eagle | Light Rail (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:05:23,049 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:05:23,149 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:05:23,470 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41329820772', 'd': '17152221561106146020', 'paintseed': 973, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 1165, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41314822107', 'floatvalue': 0.7045052647590637, 'm': '635670593158816691', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'Etch Lord', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'M4A4 | Etch Lord (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:05:23,472 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M657062691395234387A41102145943D2903138295831916302 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:05:24,476 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:05:25,078 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642425992600201735A40088754624D4949012122891242762 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:05:25,935 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41274348631', 'd': '4964671745591507177', 'paintseed': 842, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 640, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5284, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_c9_glitter', 'material': 'antwerp2022/c9_glitter', 'name': 'Cloud9 (Glitter) | Antwerp 2022'}], 'floatid': '16533020657', 'floatvalue': 0.4555123746395111, 'm': '662692190908665576', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_cu_awp_psychopath_light_large.11e54a670b779e1757cce18ea252d70eb35c6a75.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Fever Dream', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Fever Dream (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:05:26,085 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:05:26,131 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649181392041179358A41493409280D760546214596099631 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:05:26,406 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41492407552', 'd': '2334248636645336770', 'paintseed': 864, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 971, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40725338778', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.5100176930427551, 'm': '640174192789786733', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_cu_m4a4_queenfairy_light_large.e5fb022145442cf85ba485d8c3cfd4f6391938e0.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.73, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'Tooth Fairy', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ M4A4 | Tooth Fairy (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:05:26,926 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41325035380', 'd': '12010060088844496330', 'paintseed': 434, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 680, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5668, 'slot': 4, 'offset_x': -0.3155277967453003, 'offset_y': -0.03757274150848389, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_signature_exit_1', 'material': 'antwerp2022/sig_exit', 'name': 'exit | Antwerp 2022'}], 'floatid': '38780162491', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.5093594193458557, 'm': '654810891571395375', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_cu_glock_indigo_light_large.3786c7c3be7d03ee053050af2f7a8427782742e1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Off World', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Glock-18 | Off World (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:05:27,137 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:05:29,192 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690311312A41493685653D7656689329676808365 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:05:29,252 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '36537881505', 'd': '14125554431718760806', 'paintseed': 560, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 479, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 3080, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'london2018_signature_golden', 'material': 'london2018/sig_golden', 'name': 'Golden | London 2018'}, {'stickerId': 5201, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'stockh2021_signature_yuurih', 'material': 'stockh2021/sig_yuurih', 'name': 'yuurih | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 7236, 'slot': 2, 'offset_x': 0.25013798475265503, 'offset_y': -0.0981646478176117, 'codename': 'paper_this_is_fine_chicken', 'material': 'community/community_2024/paper_this_is_fine_chicken', 'name': 'This Is Fine (Chicken)'}], 'floatid': '36537881505', 'floatvalue': 0.4552314281463623, 'm': '658188591293670933', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_aq_glock18_flames_blue_light_large.5fed23d5a32793c25914eeb99b45f1a2b0cb9d6c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Bunsen Burner', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Bunsen Burner (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:05:29,260 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '36537881505', 'd': '14125554431718760806', 'paintseed': 560, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 479, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 3080, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'london2018_signature_golden', 'material': 'london2018/sig_golden', 'name': 'Golden | London 2018'}, {'stickerId': 5201, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'stockh2021_signature_yuurih', 'material': 'stockh2021/sig_yuurih', 'name': 'yuurih | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 7236, 'slot': 2, 'offset_x': 0.25013798475265503, 'offset_y': -0.0981646478176117, 'codename': 'paper_this_is_fine_chicken', 'material': 'community/community_2024/paper_this_is_fine_chicken', 'name': 'This Is Fine (Chicken)'}], 'floatid': '36537881505', 'floatvalue': 0.4552314281463623, 'm': '658188591293670933', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_aq_glock18_flames_blue_light_large.5fed23d5a32793c25914eeb99b45f1a2b0cb9d6c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Bunsen Burner', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Bunsen Burner (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:05:29,484 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M663818725732960331A41259650402D16322286315005980715 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:05:29,635 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41129302901', 'd': '875016566153444033', 'paintseed': 615, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 1170, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41129302901', 'floatvalue': 0.7310398817062378, 'm': '635670593158693601', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Chrome Cannon', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Chrome Cannon (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:05:29,760 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645804327223427330A41493490707D9656316700708980168 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:05:30,196 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:05:30,489 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:05:30,765 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:05:34,646 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41483721227', 'd': '5251303707149940173', 'paintseed': 72, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 1136, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41121552249', 'floatvalue': 0.7327390909194946, 'm': '667195790547473671', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_cu_usp_to_hell_light_large.13912fa139f2055f7e3044a234ad111bbbce548f.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.76, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Ticket to Hell', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | Ticket to Hell (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:05:36,225 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690311312A41493685653D7656689329676808365 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:05:36,518 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M663818725732960331A41259650402D16322286315005980715 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:05:36,997 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479273347A41238146896D10010376134730070147 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:05:37,187 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '3052342118', 'd': '922897823588676971', 'paintseed': 78, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 454, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '3052342118', 'high_rank': 163, 'floatvalue': 0.7342410683631897, 'm': '659313857072874563', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_so_khaki_green_light_large.546b3eb856bbf2aeece29e2852688ddae13531b7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Para Green', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | Para Green (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:05:37,231 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:05:37,524 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:05:38,002 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:05:38,028 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41481345227', 'd': '2757403692037868488', 'paintseed': 940, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 230, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40504900062', 'high_rank': 255, 'floatvalue': 0.17448294162750244, 'm': '644677792407421587', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_am_ddpatdense_silver_light_large.4d83c0a0b958bb15f694c7047996ece59f4be05a.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Steel Disruption', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Steel Disruption (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:05:38,847 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41446023358', 'd': '14861954553948528391', 'paintseed': 959, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 1142, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6649, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0.626755952835083, 'rotation': 90, 'offset_x': -0.596096932888031, 'offset_y': -0.02054622769355774, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_forz_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/forz_glitter', 'name': 'forZe eSports (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '41446023358', 'floatvalue': 0.8010240793228149, 'm': '668321690461700241', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_cu_usp_printstream_light_large.9f5bcd4f94db3d965b3b2e7c3aace470e9466380.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.85, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Printstream', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | Printstream (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:05:38,855 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41446023358', 'd': '14861954553948528391', 'paintseed': 959, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 1142, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6649, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0.626755952835083, 'rotation': 90, 'offset_x': -0.596096932888031, 'offset_y': -0.02054622769355774, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_forz_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/forz_glitter', 'name': 'forZe eSports (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '41446023358', 'floatvalue': 0.8010240793228149, 'm': '668321690461700241', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_cu_usp_printstream_light_large.9f5bcd4f94db3d965b3b2e7c3aace470e9466380.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.85, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Printstream', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | Printstream (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:05:42,576 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875535405A40299716389D4955095123204565386 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:05:42,722 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479292157A27571088492D16440652280967356861 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:05:43,178 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '3028395170', 'd': '874331983171899877', 'paintseed': 788, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 277, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '3028395170', 'floatvalue': 0.7008245587348938, 'm': '639048292880543822', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_aq_usp_stainless_light_large.3f6edb8ebd4138742504859e0d3e7c51a23c39db.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Stainless', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | Stainless (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:05:43,184 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '3028395170', 'd': '874331983171899877', 'paintseed': 788, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 277, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '3028395170', 'floatvalue': 0.7008245587348938, 'm': '639048292880543822', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_aq_usp_stainless_light_large.3f6edb8ebd4138742504859e0d3e7c51a23c39db.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Stainless', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | Stainless (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:05:43,260 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690311312A41493685653D7656689329676808365 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:05:43,580 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:05:43,727 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:05:44,031 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479273347A41238146896D10010376134730070147 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:05:44,265 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:05:45,036 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:05:45,506 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41289435537', 'd': '7242611504412670187', 'paintseed': 445, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 525, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 911, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'cluj2015_team_nip', 'material': 'cluj2015/nip', 'name': 'Ninjas in Pyjamas | Cluj-Napoca 2015'}], 'floatid': '41289435537', 'floatvalue': 0.7804137468338013, 'm': '660440391109871345', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_cu_awp_mastery_light_large.617e335043f250cdb9d6a4c798e075be9560cdd4.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Elite Build', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Elite Build (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:05:45,747 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M661566291018404799A41088930443D3093553396100401572 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:05:45,898 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40802875692', 'd': '16594252723214477924', 'paintseed': 834, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 384, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 1640, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 1, 'codename': 'bestiary_dragon', 'material': 'bestiary_capsule/dragon', 'name': 'Dragon'}], 'floatid': '28155909824', 'high_rank': 287, 'floatvalue': 0.7778477668762207, 'm': '661566291017984319', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_cu_m4a4_griffin_light_large.255bd83fd343ea8e8d84a1d5c94959d0b26cafae.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'Griffin', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'M4A4 | Griffin (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:05:45,905 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40802875692', 'd': '16594252723214477924', 'paintseed': 834, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 384, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 1640, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 1, 'codename': 'bestiary_dragon', 'material': 'bestiary_capsule/dragon', 'name': 'Dragon'}], 'floatid': '28155909824', 'high_rank': 287, 'floatvalue': 0.7778477668762207, 'm': '661566291017984319', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_cu_m4a4_griffin_light_large.255bd83fd343ea8e8d84a1d5c94959d0b26cafae.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'Griffin', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'M4A4 | Griffin (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:05:46,485 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41478016402', 'd': '16609285236192163179', 'paintseed': 238, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 1173, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6705, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': 0.28606897592544556, 'offset_y': -0.0017769932746887207, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_blst_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/blst_glitter', 'name': 'BLAST.tv (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '41477862203', 'high_rank': 546, 'floatvalue': 0.9696365594863892, 'm': '644677792405867197', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Jawbreaker', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | Jawbreaker (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:05:46,493 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41478016402', 'd': '16609285236192163179', 'paintseed': 238, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 1173, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6705, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': 0.28606897592544556, 'offset_y': -0.0017769932746887207, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_blst_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/blst_glitter', 'name': 'BLAST.tv (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '41477862203', 'high_rank': 546, 'floatvalue': 0.9696365594863892, 'm': '644677792405867197', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Jawbreaker', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | Jawbreaker (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:05:46,766 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:05:47,797 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644678427315576679A40507084110D16439410666444096716 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:05:48,801 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:05:49,620 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875535405A40299716389D4955095123204565386 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:05:49,758 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479292157A27571088492D16440652280967356861 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:05:50,238 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41281332301', 'd': '3318274041054576425', 'paintseed': 435, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 217, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4706, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_hero_holo', 'material': 'rmr2020/hero_holo', 'name': 'Heroic (Holo) | 2020 RMR'}, {'stickerId': 6054, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'rio2022_team_out_glitter', 'material': 'rio2022/out_glitter', 'name': 'Outsiders (Glitter) | Rio 2022'}, {'stickerId': 6054, 'slot': 4, 'codename': 'rio2022_team_out_glitter', 'material': 'rio2022/out_glitter', 'name': 'Outsiders (Glitter) | Rio 2022'}, {'stickerId': 6054, 'slot': 1, 'offset_x': -0.729564905166626, 'offset_y': -0.01572015881538391, 'codename': 'rio2022_team_out_glitter', 'material': 'rio2022/out_glitter', 'name': 'Outsiders (Glitter) | Rio 2022'}, {'stickerId': 6054, 'slot': 0, 'offset_x': -0.008252501487731934, 'offset_y': -0.15897276997566223, 'codename': 'rio2022_team_out_glitter', 'material': 'rio2022/out_glitter', 'name': 'Outsiders (Glitter) | Rio 2022'}], 'floatid': '41281332301', 'high_rank': 200, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.2753075361251831, 'm': '653684991665041694', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_hy_redtiger_light_large.5d778f6030de49296f349081781d84ef215a9b90.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Blood Tiger', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ USP-S | Blood Tiger (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:05:50,626 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:05:50,764 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:05:51,106 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479273347A41238146896D10010376134730070147 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:05:51,895 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855008987A28844993127D9512876654243016038 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:05:52,112 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:05:52,415 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M652559726664535217A41324461347D16927424263530245637 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:05:52,814 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M661566291018404799A41088930443D3093553396100401572 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:05:52,900 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:05:53,420 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:05:53,546 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668322325357199999A41308666268D14432924241194248772 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:05:53,819 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:05:54,090 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642426627503949034A41256725152D5056995812727515727 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:05:54,367 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41117747595', 'd': '9828025119879912009', 'paintseed': 214, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 181, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4692, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'broken_fang_broken_fang_holo', 'material': 'broken_fang/broken_fang_holo', 'name': 'Broken Fang (Holo)'}, {'stickerId': 6014, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0.7249342799186707, 'codename': 'rio2022_team_mouz_glitter', 'material': 'rio2022/mouz_glitter', 'name': 'MOUZ (Glitter) | Rio 2022'}, {'stickerId': 4685, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'broken_fang_battle_scarred', 'material': 'broken_fang/battle_scarred', 'name': 'Battle Scarred'}, {'stickerId': 2964, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'london2018_team_navi_holo', 'material': 'london2018/navi_holo', 'name': 'Natus Vincere (Holo) | London 2018'}], 'floatid': '41117747595', 'floatvalue': 0.1619148850440979, 'm': '643551892502386976', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_cu_favela_awp_light_large.4329c047ea1899f3846a1a81539ba2a27665a54e.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Corticera', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Corticera (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:05:54,551 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:05:55,096 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:05:55,244 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41324237129', 'd': '17149897479510416751', 'paintseed': 892, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 540, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4974, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_gamb', 'material': 'stockh2021/gamb', 'name': 'Gambit Gaming | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 4781, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_geng', 'material': 'rmr2020/geng', 'name': 'Gen.G | 2020 RMR'}, {'stickerId': 5050, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_pgl', 'material': 'stockh2021/pgl', 'name': 'PGL | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 6874, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_goofy_2_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_goofy_glitter', 'name': 'Goofy (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '41324237129', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.6487315893173218, 'm': '645803692317441658', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_gs_usp_voltage_light_large.11e40b4d4fc09043d4fa513f3913ca65ffcfbb41.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Lead Conduit', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ USP-S | Lead Conduit (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:05:55,747 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M652559726664543857A30492894331D28407835203264513 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:05:55,879 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M655937426386102768A41493654772D7259924569424456974 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:05:56,753 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:05:56,797 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479292157A27571088492D16440652280967356861 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:05:56,884 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:05:57,546 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642426627503982004A39389804077D9550668098427291787 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:05:57,610 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41298930724', 'd': '11974625887624026763', 'paintseed': 507, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 943, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41298930724', 'floatvalue': 0.6609524488449097, 'm': '654810891556360395', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_cu_awp_vein_light_large.8665dc4b4231298e9bbcab7aad3abbbf22e3edd8.png', 'min': 0.05, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Capillary', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Capillary (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:05:57,617 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41298930724', 'd': '11974625887624026763', 'paintseed': 507, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 943, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41298930724', 'floatvalue': 0.6609524488449097, 'm': '654810891556360395', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_cu_awp_vein_light_large.8665dc4b4231298e9bbcab7aad3abbbf22e3edd8.png', 'min': 0.05, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Capillary', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Capillary (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:05:57,625 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41298930724', 'd': '11974625887624026763', 'paintseed': 507, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 943, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41298930724', 'floatvalue': 0.6609524488449097, 'm': '654810891556360395', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_cu_awp_vein_light_large.8665dc4b4231298e9bbcab7aad3abbbf22e3edd8.png', 'min': 0.05, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Capillary', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Capillary (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:05:57,805 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:05:58,149 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479273347A41238146896D10010376134730070147 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:05:58,554 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:05:58,989 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41245343303', 'd': '14576579839993658211', 'paintseed': 783, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 489, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 365, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0.09235891699790955, 'codename': 'enfu_soldier', 'material': 'enfu_capsule/soldier', 'name': 'Salute!'}, {'stickerId': 5327, 'slot': 4, 'offset_x': -0.02918761968612671, 'offset_y': 0.007845193147659302, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_imp', 'material': 'antwerp2022/imp', 'name': 'Imperial Esports | Antwerp 2022'}], 'floatid': '37809718900', 'high_rank': 406, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.45088642835617065, 'm': '648055492125941062', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_cu_usp_progressiv_light_large.91cde781cd0c8502bbbb66f37cc7f1baf2a10c05.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.46, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Torque', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ USP-S | Torque (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:05:59,155 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:05:59,280 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '27549197587', 'd': '17215827938759852071', 'paintseed': 149, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 1090, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '25752655412', 'floatvalue': 0.665860652923584, 'm': '661566291016345299', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_cu_deagle_kitch_light_large.0df9b5246d27786b413642f5fc959f37d8892c3a.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Ocean Drive', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Desert Eagle | Ocean Drive (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:05:59,455 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M652559726664535217A41324461347D16927424263530245637 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:05:59,849 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M661566291018404799A41088930443D3093553396100401572 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:06:00,219 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '39458879122', 'd': '11540124447317107306', 'paintseed': 963, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 793, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38947201751', 'floatvalue': 0.3877798616886139, 'm': '657062691393678257', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_hy_red_hex_light_large.cd2153af94a302c0293620289716a29d9fbfbeca.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'Converter', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Well-Worn', 'full_item_name': 'M4A4 | Converter (Well-Worn)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:06:00,226 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '39458879122', 'd': '11540124447317107306', 'paintseed': 963, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 793, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38947201751', 'floatvalue': 0.3877798616886139, 'm': '657062691393678257', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_hy_red_hex_light_large.cd2153af94a302c0293620289716a29d9fbfbeca.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'Converter', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Well-Worn', 'full_item_name': 'M4A4 | Converter (Well-Worn)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:06:00,460 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:06:00,582 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668322325357199999A41308666268D14432924241194248772 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:06:00,854 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:06:01,587 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:06:03,089 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127967729994A40637873596D16152934274574863848 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:06:03,539 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41317538287', 'd': '12423265355151530863', 'paintseed': 527, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 1040, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41317538287', 'floatvalue': 0.8905993700027466, 'm': '664943990732147138', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_gs_usps_hangedman_light_large.a01890fdeb8335437df7af6641a7b4f6e2fcca34.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'The Traitor', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | The Traitor (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:06:03,546 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41317538287', 'd': '12423265355151530863', 'paintseed': 527, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 1040, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41317538287', 'floatvalue': 0.8905993700027466, 'm': '664943990732147138', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_gs_usps_hangedman_light_large.a01890fdeb8335437df7af6641a7b4f6e2fcca34.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'The Traitor', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | The Traitor (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:06:03,553 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41317538287', 'd': '12423265355151530863', 'paintseed': 527, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 1040, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41317538287', 'floatvalue': 0.8905993700027466, 'm': '664943990732147138', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_gs_usps_hangedman_light_large.a01890fdeb8335437df7af6641a7b4f6e2fcca34.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'The Traitor', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | The Traitor (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:06:03,822 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41018125933', 'd': '3227956029579756780', 'paintseed': 622, 'defindex': 64, 'paintindex': 924, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '23717494770', 'floatvalue': 0.48467639088630676, 'm': '660438019494928705', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_revolver_hy_brush_camo_tan_light_large.4af5232b57afac32a9eb2f056cf6fdf968a94966.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'R8 Revolver', 'item_name': 'Desert Brush', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'R8 Revolver | Desert Brush (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:06:03,834 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41018125933', 'd': '3227956029579756780', 'paintseed': 622, 'defindex': 64, 'paintindex': 924, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '23717494770', 'floatvalue': 0.48467639088630676, 'm': '660438019494928705', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_revolver_hy_brush_camo_tan_light_large.4af5232b57afac32a9eb2f056cf6fdf968a94966.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'R8 Revolver', 'item_name': 'Desert Brush', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'R8 Revolver | Desert Brush (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:06:03,839 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479292157A27571088492D16440652280967356861 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:06:04,095 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:06:04,843 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:06:04,910 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M661566925919286406A41324096597D5368475628509782882 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:06:05,915 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:06:06,000 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41418258994', 'd': '7927646941406594114', 'paintseed': 901, 'defindex': 64, 'paintindex': 1237, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6607, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'de_anubis_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_anubis_gold', 'name': 'Anubis (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 6635, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_itb_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/itb_gold', 'name': 'Into The Breach (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6707, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_blst_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/blst_gold', 'name': 'BLAST.tv (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6623, 'slot': 4, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_vita_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/vita_gold', 'name': 'Vitality (Gold) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '41418258994', 'floatvalue': 0.6208274364471436, 'm': '668321690430246801', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_revolver_gs_revolver_acanthus_bronze_light_large.3d652732f4082f2af2acce48c2343d2fd73bdcae.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.76, 'weapon_type': 'R8 Revolver', 'item_name': 'Inlay', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir R8 Revolver | Inlay (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:06:07,633 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41322496639', 'd': '9982442449520068360', 'paintseed': 251, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 957, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6589, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'community2022_butterfly_sting_paper', 'material': 'community2022/butterfly_sting_paper', 'name': 'Sting Like A Butterfly'}, {'stickerId': 4530, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'cs20_pixel_separatist', 'material': 'cs20/cs20_pixel_separatist', 'name': 'Separate Pixels'}, {'stickerId': 6593, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'community2022_pride_paper', 'material': 'community2022/pride_paper', 'name': "Knife's Edge"}], 'floatid': '41322496639', 'floatvalue': 0.7183150053024292, 'm': '637922392968751213', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_cu_glock18_warmaiden_light_large.d99a6fdb4c1469d164182a74edba8de055726aa5.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Bullet Queen', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Bullet Queen (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:06:08,208 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826761868918A41327847520D12116596981682423944 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:06:08,913 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646930227130308201A41183779040D17195915604509393130 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:06:09,213 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:06:09,301 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666070525548738905A41277737797D16574056738021228846 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:06:09,918 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:06:10,173 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '36900190252', 'd': '16591934805669525987', 'paintseed': 89, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 657, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '36900190252', 'floatvalue': 0.572996199131012, 'm': '652558457640557897', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_cu_usps_blueprint_light_large.e4195098bb3a105e6545d32c4d72888f673bd761.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.86, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Blueprint', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | Blueprint (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:06:10,180 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '36900190252', 'd': '16591934805669525987', 'paintseed': 89, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 657, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '36900190252', 'floatvalue': 0.572996199131012, 'm': '652558457640557897', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_cu_usps_blueprint_light_large.e4195098bb3a105e6545d32c4d72888f673bd761.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.86, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Blueprint', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | Blueprint (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:06:10,306 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:06:10,875 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479292157A27571088492D16440652280967356861 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:06:11,880 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:06:11,943 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M661566925919286406A41324096597D5368475628509782882 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:06:12,947 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:06:13,179 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658189226199800302A41115496807D3179717586981205863 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:06:14,184 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:06:15,241 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826761868918A41327847520D12116596981682423944 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:06:15,946 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646930227130308201A41183779040D17195915604509393130 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:06:16,246 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:06:16,951 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:06:17,912 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479292157A27571088492D16440652280967356861 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:06:18,436 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41326147847', 'd': '9710502453217803169', 'paintseed': 927, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 1136, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41326147847', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.5904041528701782, 'm': '657062691393611867', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_cu_usp_to_hell_light_large.13912fa139f2055f7e3044a234ad111bbbce548f.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.76, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Ticket to Hell', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ USP-S | Ticket to Hell (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:06:18,918 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:06:18,994 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M661566925919286406A41324096597D5368475628509782882 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:06:19,999 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:06:20,213 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658189226199800302A41115496807D3179717586981205863 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:06:21,219 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:06:24,219 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41467385126', 'd': '54832698773593505', 'paintseed': 415, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 1040, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41069600663', 'high_rank': 72, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.9672363996505737, 'm': '637922392969559803', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_gs_usps_hangedman_light_large.a01890fdeb8335437df7af6641a7b4f6e2fcca34.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'The Traitor', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ USP-S | The Traitor (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:06:24,949 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479292157A27571088492D16440652280967356861 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:06:25,954 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:06:25,957 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649182026948256906A26800557159D9416711152615880800 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:06:26,966 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:06:27,144 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636796493066880732A41233333801D14451504662672853450 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:06:28,151 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:06:28,561 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227461759A41331089387D9259480748241772740 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:06:29,425 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40245345891', 'd': '5361762724684437295', 'paintseed': 76, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 818, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5342, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_spir_gold', 'material': 'antwerp2022/spir_gold', 'name': 'Team Spirit (Gold) | Antwerp 2022'}, {'stickerId': 5370, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_pgl_gold', 'material': 'antwerp2022/pgl_gold', 'name': 'PGL (Gold) | Antwerp 2022'}, {'stickerId': 1692, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'de_mirage_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_mirage_gold', 'name': 'Mirage (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 5294, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_faze_gold', 'material': 'antwerp2022/faze_gold', 'name': 'FaZe Clan (Gold) | Antwerp 2022'}], 'floatid': '40245345891', 'floatvalue': 0.5112097859382629, 'm': '653682620085870101', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_am_ddpat_purple_light_large.993825dcdc1100cdaf92b119e82b2ba756a38bea.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Purple DDPAT', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir USP-S | Purple DDPAT (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:06:29,566 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:06:31,996 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479292157A27571088492D16440652280967356861 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:06:32,398 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M659315126105578973A39095832178D7525099407588336390 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:06:32,530 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41215599105', 'd': '1012186670554051688', 'paintseed': 80, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 913, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41215599105', 'low_rank': 758, 'high_rank': 4, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.3979961574077606, 'm': '660439303815492774', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_am_aug_death_by_doggy_light_large.eb9b56273d30c50b93d2cb0a2e2843b525012878.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Death by Puppy', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Well-Worn', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ AUG | Death by Puppy (Well-Worn)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:06:33,001 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649182026948256906A26800557159D9416711152615880800 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:06:33,003 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:06:33,403 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:06:34,010 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:06:34,137 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M657063326292968658A41170040091D4659226711383753548 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:06:35,141 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:06:36,878 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637922392973313403A29391070655D5066200348437177510 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:06:37,331 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40962976008', 'd': '495482556930047439', 'paintseed': 517, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 817, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '28081534844', 'high_rank': 326, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.49162739515304565, 'm': '660440391102384245', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_cu_usp_flashback_light_large.47e10129af33303bac557560400c33e4fe555680.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Flashback', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ USP-S | Flashback (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:06:37,342 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40962976008', 'd': '495482556930047439', 'paintseed': 517, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 817, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '28081534844', 'high_rank': 326, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.49162739515304565, 'm': '660440391102384245', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_cu_usp_flashback_light_large.47e10129af33303bac557560400c33e4fe555680.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Flashback', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ USP-S | Flashback (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:06:37,585 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '39366715710', 'd': '12540323888364145446', 'paintseed': 374, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 353, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39366715710', 'floatvalue': 0.5481734275817871, 'm': '664943990732534078', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_cu_glock-liquescent_light_large.151e954ed4aef28ccc55d0ca4b43a7d9644f36ac.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Water Elemental', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Water Elemental (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:06:37,591 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '39366715710', 'd': '12540323888364145446', 'paintseed': 374, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 353, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39366715710', 'floatvalue': 0.5481734275817871, 'm': '664943990732534078', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_cu_glock-liquescent_light_large.151e954ed4aef28ccc55d0ca4b43a7d9644f36ac.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Water Elemental', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Water Elemental (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:06:37,883 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:06:38,735 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40671420930', 'd': '4791878718851819592', 'paintseed': 977, 'defindex': 64, 'paintindex': 12, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40671420930', 'floatvalue': 0.4917021691799164, 'm': '657062691377776427', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_revolver_hy_webs_light_large.2a0bbba44388502060a910b5a18f5b64b5be0b3d.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'R8 Revolver', 'item_name': 'Crimson Web', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'R8 Revolver | Crimson Web (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:06:39,042 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479292157A27571088492D16440652280967356861 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:06:40,046 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649182026948256906A26800557159D9416711152615880800 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:06:40,048 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:06:40,206 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666070525548759905A41493771940D7206995404874235908 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:06:41,053 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:06:41,108 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649182026948179176A40489766316D10145520080945448377 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:06:41,211 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:06:41,890 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41492346472', 'd': '7930390543908209388', 'paintseed': 794, 'defindex': 64, 'paintindex': 798, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41492346472', 'floatvalue': 0.5012087821960449, 'm': '654810891574382085', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_revolver_so_orange_accents3_light_large.00867f70c109a7934345f92aae1be055b6a98abb.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'R8 Revolver', 'item_name': 'Nitro', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'R8 Revolver | Nitro (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:06:42,113 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:06:43,558 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41490410637', 'd': '2650940817718806523', 'paintseed': 170, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 298, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41490410637', 'floatvalue': 0.18072256445884705, 'm': '655936791475369996', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_am_army_shine_light_large.a07a97d5fba73aeecfc5cc9364e0d43d47892373.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Army Sheen', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'SG 553 | Army Sheen (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:06:44,859 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644678427315567739A41330515341D297464678860305801 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:06:45,009 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41312725406', 'd': '7505425002810570633', 'paintseed': 142, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 817, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '23936763313', 'floatvalue': 0.47809073328971863, 'm': '653684991670781234', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_cu_usp_flashback_light_large.47e10129af33303bac557560400c33e4fe555680.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Flashback', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | Flashback (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:06:45,200 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41113456881', 'd': '472493700060840305', 'paintseed': 177, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 553, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41113456881', 'floatvalue': 0.6982590556144714, 'm': '651432104558979998', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_cu_sg553_atlas_light_large.536218f8160485fa927e19fa06fedae43d9c04e6.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.81, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Atlas', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'SG 553 | Atlas (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:06:45,207 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41113456881', 'd': '472493700060840305', 'paintseed': 177, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 553, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41113456881', 'floatvalue': 0.6982590556144714, 'm': '651432104558979998', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_cu_sg553_atlas_light_large.536218f8160485fa927e19fa06fedae43d9c04e6.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.81, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Atlas', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'SG 553 | Atlas (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:06:45,863 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:06:46,077 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479292157A27571088492D16440652280967356861 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:06:47,082 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:06:47,222 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41491461721', 'd': '12288674940458656070', 'paintseed': 46, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 607, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '27060308050', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.6890410780906677, 'm': '646929592226856779', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_cu_glock18_weasel_light_large.e02e6e5196ebdee47c595799ff011dd645147505.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Weasel', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Glock-18 | Weasel (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:06:47,245 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666070525548759905A41493771940D7206995404874235908 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:06:48,250 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:06:48,316 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41490930427', 'd': '14027209549400813514', 'paintseed': 466, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 532, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '18911426443', 'high_rank': 881, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.7328009605407715, 'm': '663818090830190407', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_gs_glock18_award_light_large.198c0dc5630970b1f3bbcb307a1318745ca006e7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Royal Legion', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Glock-18 | Royal Legion (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:06:51,571 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '18690515453', 'd': '16782743213355706274', 'paintseed': 967, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 532, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '18690515453', 'high_rank': 659, 'floatvalue': 0.9359743595123291, 'm': '654810891574610475', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_gs_glock18_award_light_large.198c0dc5630970b1f3bbcb307a1318745ca006e7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Royal Legion', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Royal Legion (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:06:51,578 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '18690515453', 'd': '16782743213355706274', 'paintseed': 967, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 532, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '18690515453', 'high_rank': 659, 'floatvalue': 0.9359743595123291, 'm': '654810891574610475', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_gs_glock18_award_light_large.198c0dc5630970b1f3bbcb307a1318745ca006e7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Royal Legion', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Royal Legion (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:06:53,116 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479292157A27571088492D16440652280967356861 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:06:53,127 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41327654301', 'd': '12577050051482145450', 'paintseed': 674, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 601, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40338399507', 'floatvalue': 0.6201252937316895, 'm': '668321690461704021', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_gs_aug_syd_mead_light_large.333597e0555639f5d77541c363a9bb38d95055f3.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Syd Mead', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AUG | Syd Mead (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:06:53,175 - Marketbot - 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Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666070525548759905A41493771940D7206995404874235908 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:06:55,296 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:06:55,454 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '23397543226', 'd': '5676908878092096586', 'paintseed': 520, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 935, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '23397543226', 'floatvalue': 0.4691029191017151, 'm': '640174192788721313', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_sp_zebracam_red_light_large.9aefb18daa0955b6ac9b0d098132425b7991fc6e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.48, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Prey', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Prey (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:06:57,234 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41188427090', 'd': '2633095931023675653', 'paintseed': 876, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 115, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41188427090', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.5394500494003296, 'm': '661566291015783849', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': '027', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ USP-S | 027 (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:06:57,445 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649182026948213646A34986201496D913676753239701510 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:06:58,383 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '40169398365', 'd': '6973934982972587110', 'paintseed': 468, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 110, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40169398365', 'floatvalue': 0.547068178653717, 'm': '636796493065872042', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_sp_mesh_forest_fire_light_large.eabf7b69ca1447bee596cdbaf21b48cd7537dbce.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Condemned', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AUG | Condemned (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:06:58,450 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:06:58,738 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41025720009', 'd': '14719111593272565356', 'paintseed': 967, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 253, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41025172164', 'floatvalue': 0.02570481225848198, 'm': '667195790551968301', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_aa_fade_grassland_light_large.82950af31c177d14983665459ddee77f63379f4d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.03, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Acid Fade', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Acid Fade (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:06:58,744 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41025720009', 'd': '14719111593272565356', 'paintseed': 967, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 253, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41025172164', 'floatvalue': 0.02570481225848198, 'm': '667195790551968301', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_aa_fade_grassland_light_large.82950af31c177d14983665459ddee77f63379f4d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.03, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Acid Fade', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Acid Fade (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:06:58,749 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41025720009', 'd': '14719111593272565356', 'paintseed': 967, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 253, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41025172164', 'floatvalue': 0.02570481225848198, 'm': '667195790551968301', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_aa_fade_grassland_light_large.82950af31c177d14983665459ddee77f63379f4d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.03, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Acid Fade', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Acid Fade (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:06:58,753 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41025720009', 'd': '14719111593272565356', 'paintseed': 967, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 253, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41025172164', 'floatvalue': 0.02570481225848198, 'm': '667195790551968301', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_aa_fade_grassland_light_large.82950af31c177d14983665459ddee77f63379f4d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.03, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Acid Fade', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Acid Fade (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:06:58,758 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41025720009', 'd': '14719111593272565356', 'paintseed': 967, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 253, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41025172164', 'floatvalue': 0.02570481225848198, 'm': '667195790551968301', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_aa_fade_grassland_light_large.82950af31c177d14983665459ddee77f63379f4d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.03, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Acid Fade', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Acid Fade (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:06:59,523 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40647622148', 'd': '16636556571739030815', 'paintseed': 740, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 686, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40647622148', 'floatvalue': 0.49248161911964417, 'm': '640174192787913923', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_gs_sg553_phantom_light_large.51fc477c1024614f6f52080d3b7200408c9d2881.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Phantom', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'SG 553 | Phantom (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:07:00,663 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41325689090', 'd': '7218967725420615336', 'paintseed': 665, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 751, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5370, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_pgl_gold', 'material': 'antwerp2022/pgl_gold', 'name': 'PGL (Gold) | Antwerp 2022'}, {'stickerId': 5322, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_vita_gold', 'material': 'antwerp2022/vita_gold', 'name': 'Vitality (Gold) | Antwerp 2022'}, {'stickerId': 5350, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_cplx_gold', 'material': 'antwerp2022/cplx_gold', 'name': 'Complexity Gaming (Gold) | Antwerp 2022'}, {'stickerId': 1691, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'de_inferno_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_inferno_gold', 'name': 'Inferno (Gold)'}], 'floatid': '38497004544', 'low_rank': 234, 'high_rank': 647, 'floatvalue': 0.5384581089019775, 'm': '640174192787366573', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_gs_ssg08_checker_light_large.26b2d6ca1e703c0427c31fa43bb1bf9fca58690e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Hand Brake', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir SSG 08 | Hand Brake (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:07:04,476 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649182026948213646A34986201496D913676753239701510 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:07:04,754 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41316041009', 'd': '2760335102615507590', 'paintseed': 683, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 361, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41316041009', 'floatvalue': 0.787263035774231, 'm': '650307291942195769', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_aq_leviathan_light_large.0d0ce425b5374642d0d1fbfd0c0ec634eb8570fb.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Abyss', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Abyss (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:07:05,480 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:07:07,666 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41486545444', 'd': '3048024679506375653', 'paintseed': 299, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 1253, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7353, 'slot': 4, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_pgl_gold', 'material': 'cph2024/pgl_gold', 'name': 'PGL (Gold) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 6607, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'de_anubis_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_anubis_gold', 'name': 'Anubis (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 7345, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_lgcy_gold', 'material': 'cph2024/lgcy_gold', 'name': 'Legacy (Gold) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7329, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_mngz_gold', 'material': 'cph2024/mngz_gold', 'name': 'The MongolZ (Gold) | Copenhagen 2024'}], 'floatid': '39671280894', 'high_rank': 658, 'floatvalue': 0.8999308347702026, 'm': '668321690461344921', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_gs_usps_tactical_camo_light_large.ff54560941a8f50919ea6be8126490aff54ae810.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Desert Tactical', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir USP-S | Desert Tactical (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:07:07,686 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41486545444', 'd': '3048024679506375653', 'paintseed': 299, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 1253, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7353, 'slot': 4, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_pgl_gold', 'material': 'cph2024/pgl_gold', 'name': 'PGL (Gold) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 6607, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'de_anubis_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_anubis_gold', 'name': 'Anubis (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 7345, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_lgcy_gold', 'material': 'cph2024/lgcy_gold', 'name': 'Legacy (Gold) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7329, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_mngz_gold', 'material': 'cph2024/mngz_gold', 'name': 'The MongolZ (Gold) | Copenhagen 2024'}], 'floatid': '39671280894', 'high_rank': 658, 'floatvalue': 0.8999308347702026, 'm': '668321690461344921', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_gs_usps_tactical_camo_light_large.ff54560941a8f50919ea6be8126490aff54ae810.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Desert Tactical', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir USP-S | Desert Tactical (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:07:07,787 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875610375A23458731941D1046176837745265126 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:07:08,793 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:07:09,447 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41178221915', 'd': '577068395698272749', 'paintseed': 310, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 1031, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7353, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_pgl_gold', 'material': 'cph2024/pgl_gold', 'name': 'PGL (Gold) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 1689, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'de_ancient_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_ancient_gold', 'name': 'Ancient (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 7301, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_hero_gold', 'material': 'cph2024/hero_gold', 'name': 'Heroic (Gold) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7269, 'slot': 4, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_faze_gold', 'material': 'cph2024/faze_gold', 'name': 'FaZe Clan (Gold) | Copenhagen 2024'}], 'floatid': '40381118756', 'low_rank': 704, 'high_rank': 125, 'floatvalue': 0.38583627343177795, 'm': '646929592222218209', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_sp_ancient_bright_light_large.794efdc565345a758d9a6fd673db4a42e01d59c8.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.45, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Ancient Visions', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Well-Worn', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir USP-S | Ancient Visions (Well-Worn)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:07:09,634 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '25309726081', 'd': '4621511841887852750', 'paintseed': 867, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 956, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '25309726081', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.5827574729919434, 'm': '668321690461585881', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_cu_ssg08_fever_dream_light_large.cec554a86204344d6476b9071158fd02963a1aac.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.72, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Fever Dream', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ SSG 08 | Fever Dream (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:07:11,007 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692825825023640A41318398245D14459556490145518945 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:07:11,518 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649182026948213646A34986201496D913676753239701510 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:07:11,873 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M667196425457668560A37461309681D11983163969414669783 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:07:12,012 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:07:12,287 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '35154442737', 'd': '3188619454752551136', 'paintseed': 60, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 886, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35154442737', 'floatvalue': 0.48547494411468506, 'm': '652559091761737330', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_cu_aug_whitefang_light_large.051b21da4e56c64ad78ee8a67a0e9e237a4e01b1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Arctic Wolf', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AUG | Arctic Wolf (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:07:12,314 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690273062A41493542399D7396635481513012038 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:07:12,524 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:07:12,878 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:07:13,319 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:07:13,844 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41223241817', 'd': '9675535931500648933', 'paintseed': 275, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 1142, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7913, 'slot': 1, 'rotation': 3, 'offset_x': -0.16609883308410645, 'offset_y': -0.0033518075942993164, 'codename': 'glitter_kawaii_eyes', 'material': 'community/sticker_craft/glitter_kawaii_eyes', 'name': 'Kawaii Eyes (Glitter)'}], 'floatid': '41223241817', 'low_rank': 693, 'high_rank': 627, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.6266219615936279, 'm': '649181392040407758', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_cu_usp_printstream_light_large.9f5bcd4f94db3d965b3b2e7c3aace470e9466380.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.85, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Printstream', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ USP-S | Printstream (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:07:14,174 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40938183143', 'd': '3026988517663242486', 'paintseed': 561, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 1146, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40938183143', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.5456369519233704, 'm': '650307291947176009', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_gs_famas_corp_meow_light_large.7e27ced9616b1a4808cad37e8c0c653b9c866f07.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Meow 36', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ FAMAS | Meow 36 (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:07:14,828 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875610375A23458731941D1046176837745265126 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:07:15,832 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:07:15,835 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41322812176', 'd': '16313799706704278756', 'paintseed': 928, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 1101, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4709, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_nip', 'material': 'rmr2020/nip', 'name': 'Ninjas in Pyjamas | 2020 RMR'}, {'stickerId': 4709, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_nip', 'material': 'rmr2020/nip', 'name': 'Ninjas in Pyjamas | 2020 RMR'}, {'stickerId': 4709, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_nip', 'material': 'rmr2020/nip', 'name': 'Ninjas in Pyjamas | 2020 RMR'}], 'floatid': '25132928404', 'floatvalue': 0.46184393763542175, 'm': '648055492130539132', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_cu_ssg_overtake_light_large.62261051818eb21f13e782cd49a33970360b4581.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Turbo Peek', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Turbo Peek (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:07:16,349 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41329425843', 'd': '2784564764905869496', 'paintseed': 364, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 1127, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41329425843', 'floatvalue': 0.9186809062957764, 'm': '639048292879396562', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_gs_famas_rapid_eyes_light_large.8a166e6d36121b16dddc11b9aca94d5c541b0b56.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Rapid Eye Movement', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Rapid Eye Movement (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:07:16,407 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048927782420491A41039281198D928943198896390583 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:07:17,415 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:07:17,430 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '27167616617', 'd': '14323206353869215342', 'paintseed': 795, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 147, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5334, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_bne_gold', 'material': 'antwerp2022/bne_gold', 'name': 'Bad News Eagles (Gold) | Antwerp 2022'}, {'stickerId': 5326, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_mibr_gold', 'material': 'antwerp2022/mibr_gold', 'name': 'MIBR (Gold) | Antwerp 2022'}, {'stickerId': 1689, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'de_ancient_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_ancient_gold', 'name': 'Ancient (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 5370, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_pgl_gold', 'material': 'antwerp2022/pgl_gold', 'name': 'PGL (Gold) | Antwerp 2022'}], 'floatid': '27134523428', 'floatvalue': 0.6232225894927979, 'm': '667195790551993621', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_sp_tape_short_jungle_light_large.4623c92c91eaa0ef45e9c09d828bbeb926dcb1c6.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Jungle Dashed', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir SSG 08 | Jungle Dashed (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:07:17,437 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '27167616617', 'd': '14323206353869215342', 'paintseed': 795, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 147, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5334, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_bne_gold', 'material': 'antwerp2022/bne_gold', 'name': 'Bad News Eagles (Gold) | Antwerp 2022'}, {'stickerId': 5326, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_mibr_gold', 'material': 'antwerp2022/mibr_gold', 'name': 'MIBR (Gold) | Antwerp 2022'}, {'stickerId': 1689, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'de_ancient_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_ancient_gold', 'name': 'Ancient (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 5370, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_pgl_gold', 'material': 'antwerp2022/pgl_gold', 'name': 'PGL (Gold) | Antwerp 2022'}], 'floatid': '27134523428', 'floatvalue': 0.6232225894927979, 'm': '667195790551993621', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_sp_tape_short_jungle_light_large.4623c92c91eaa0ef45e9c09d828bbeb926dcb1c6.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Jungle Dashed', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir SSG 08 | Jungle Dashed (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:07:17,443 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '27167616617', 'd': '14323206353869215342', 'paintseed': 795, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 147, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5334, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_bne_gold', 'material': 'antwerp2022/bne_gold', 'name': 'Bad News Eagles (Gold) | Antwerp 2022'}, {'stickerId': 5326, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_mibr_gold', 'material': 'antwerp2022/mibr_gold', 'name': 'MIBR (Gold) | Antwerp 2022'}, {'stickerId': 1689, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'de_ancient_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_ancient_gold', 'name': 'Ancient (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 5370, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_pgl_gold', 'material': 'antwerp2022/pgl_gold', 'name': 'PGL (Gold) | Antwerp 2022'}], 'floatid': '27134523428', 'floatvalue': 0.6232225894927979, 'm': '667195790551993621', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_sp_tape_short_jungle_light_large.4623c92c91eaa0ef45e9c09d828bbeb926dcb1c6.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Jungle Dashed', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir SSG 08 | Jungle Dashed (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:07:17,450 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '27167616617', 'd': '14323206353869215342', 'paintseed': 795, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 147, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5334, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_bne_gold', 'material': 'antwerp2022/bne_gold', 'name': 'Bad News Eagles (Gold) | Antwerp 2022'}, {'stickerId': 5326, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_mibr_gold', 'material': 'antwerp2022/mibr_gold', 'name': 'MIBR (Gold) | Antwerp 2022'}, {'stickerId': 1689, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'de_ancient_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_ancient_gold', 'name': 'Ancient (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 5370, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_pgl_gold', 'material': 'antwerp2022/pgl_gold', 'name': 'PGL (Gold) | Antwerp 2022'}], 'floatid': '27134523428', 'floatvalue': 0.6232225894927979, 'm': '667195790551993621', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_sp_tape_short_jungle_light_large.4623c92c91eaa0ef45e9c09d828bbeb926dcb1c6.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Jungle Dashed', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir SSG 08 | Jungle Dashed (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:07:17,457 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '27167616617', 'd': '14323206353869215342', 'paintseed': 795, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 147, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5334, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_bne_gold', 'material': 'antwerp2022/bne_gold', 'name': 'Bad News Eagles (Gold) | Antwerp 2022'}, {'stickerId': 5326, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_mibr_gold', 'material': 'antwerp2022/mibr_gold', 'name': 'MIBR (Gold) | Antwerp 2022'}, {'stickerId': 1689, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'de_ancient_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_ancient_gold', 'name': 'Ancient (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 5370, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_pgl_gold', 'material': 'antwerp2022/pgl_gold', 'name': 'PGL (Gold) | Antwerp 2022'}], 'floatid': '27134523428', 'floatvalue': 0.6232225894927979, 'm': '667195790551993621', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_sp_tape_short_jungle_light_large.4623c92c91eaa0ef45e9c09d828bbeb926dcb1c6.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Jungle Dashed', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir SSG 08 | Jungle Dashed (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:07:18,559 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649182026948213646A34986201496D913676753239701510 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:07:19,045 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M659315126105538593A41330362002D10251334766755470854 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:07:19,356 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690273062A41493542399D7396635481513012038 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:07:19,565 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:07:20,052 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:07:20,361 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:07:20,866 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41327813057', 'd': '4641186202636785388', 'paintseed': 163, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 1161, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40425577213', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.6782259345054626, 'm': '663818090826358117', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Dezastre', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ SSG 08 | Dezastre (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:07:21,868 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875610375A23458731941D1046176837745265126 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:07:22,283 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40234900976', 'd': '16918911652822415908', 'paintseed': 512, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 1161, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40234900976', 'floatvalue': 0.8868034482002258, 'm': '668321690461782771', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Dezastre', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Dezastre (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:07:22,294 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40234900976', 'd': '16918911652822415908', 'paintseed': 512, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 1161, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40234900976', 'floatvalue': 0.8868034482002258, 'm': '668321690461782771', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Dezastre', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Dezastre (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:07:22,873 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:07:26,085 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M659315126105538593A41330362002D10251334766755470854 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:07:26,403 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690273062A41493542399D7396635481513012038 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:07:26,873 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41331386263', 'd': '1047736484368251586', 'paintseed': 38, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 554, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41331386263', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.6262246370315552, 'm': '652559091762940120', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_gs_ssg08_armacore_light_large.043342869c64e1a08107055a4e1b332ad9c763c0.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Ghost Crusader', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ SSG 08 | Ghost Crusader (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:07:27,055 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '40709249191', 'd': '16908951857190703162', 'paintseed': 985, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 47, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40709249191', 'floatvalue': 0.5126321911811829, 'm': '652559091762798700', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_so_space_marine_light_large.bc0a11080c9b3b50c13ddbe4afa3f6f96311fec4.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Colony', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Colony (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:07:27,062 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '40709249191', 'd': '16908951857190703162', 'paintseed': 985, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 47, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40709249191', 'floatvalue': 0.5126321911811829, 'm': '652559091762798700', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_so_space_marine_light_large.bc0a11080c9b3b50c13ddbe4afa3f6f96311fec4.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Colony', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Colony (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:07:27,090 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:07:27,409 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:07:28,020 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048927782420311A41039302470D16334142984590360991 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:07:28,551 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '16249374011', 'd': '2918447341046231084', 'paintseed': 283, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 233, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 3559, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'katowice2019_team_iem_gold', 'material': 'katowice2019/iem_gold', 'name': 'IEM (Gold) | Katowice 2019'}, {'stickerId': 3519, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'katowice2019_team_nip_gold', 'material': 'katowice2019/nip_gold', 'name': 'Ninjas in Pyjamas (Gold) | Katowice 2019'}, {'stickerId': 3463, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'katowice2019_team_astr_gold', 'material': 'katowice2019/astr_gold', 'name': 'Astralis (Gold) | Katowice 2019'}, {'stickerId': 3587, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'katowice2019_signature_magisk_gold', 'material': 'katowice2019/sig_magisk_gold', 'name': 'Magisk (Gold) | Katowice 2019'}], 'floatid': '16249374011', 'low_rank': 268, 'high_rank': 221, 'floatvalue': 0.6363373398780823, 'm': '668321690458581021', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_sp_palm_shadow_light_large.fb24b5ed2a03a35a12f5ee7166bc458ab4ae77e7.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Tropical Storm', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir SSG 08 | Tropical Storm (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:07:29,024 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:07:32,988 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41141742354', 'd': '2498020343279268582', 'paintseed': 800, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 96, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41141742354', 'floatvalue': 0.7056334614753723, 'm': '646929592227380459', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_so_moss_light_large.74753da395e67d490101269838df28e1b6313a25.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Blue Spruce', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Blue Spruce (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:07:33,438 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690273062A41493542399D7396635481513012038 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:07:33,863 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41489055248', 'd': '12018538310758333861', 'paintseed': 815, 'defindex': 13, 'paintindex': 494, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40984033386', 'floatvalue': 0.5222486257553101, 'm': '653684991669066134', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_galilar_gs_galil_nightwing_light_large.bc71fb0b9102f22348f39015b7de5affd60829e0.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.9, 'weapon_type': 'Galil AR', 'item_name': 'Stone Cold', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Galil AR | Stone Cold (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:07:34,443 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:07:36,364 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '40986050520', 'd': '7116355977265606716', 'paintseed': 112, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 429, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4617, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'warhammer_heresy_paper', 'material': 'warhammer/heresy_paper', 'name': 'Heresy'}, {'stickerId': 4619, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'warhammer_ork_waaagh_paper', 'material': 'warhammer/ork_waaagh_paper', 'name': 'Ork Waaagh!'}, {'stickerId': 4619, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'warhammer_ork_waaagh_paper', 'material': 'warhammer/ork_waaagh_paper', 'name': 'Ork Waaagh!'}], 'floatid': '27047859086', 'floatvalue': 0.7160669565200806, 'm': '654810891573882105', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_aq_famas_jinn_light_large.a0e1b8e2a572c5e3d6472181d4a0d6ce7f51139f.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Djinn', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Djinn (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:07:37,719 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '1352497697', 'd': '5504597806335447754', 'paintseed': 470, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 9, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '1352497697', 'low_rank': 159, 'high_rank': 52, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.6461824178695679, 'm': '654809804253348717', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_hy_tiger_light_large.d2fe957d3903dc5779403ed1c95947e18fa7e6fd.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Bengal Tiger', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ AUG | Bengal Tiger (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:07:37,723 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '1352497697', 'd': '5504597806335447754', 'paintseed': 470, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 9, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '1352497697', 'low_rank': 159, 'high_rank': 52, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.6461824178695679, 'm': '654809804253348717', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_hy_tiger_light_large.d2fe957d3903dc5779403ed1c95947e18fa7e6fd.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Bengal Tiger', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ AUG | Bengal Tiger (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:07:38,077 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41377169369', 'd': '16314472351794511414', 'paintseed': 498, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 244, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41377169369', 'floatvalue': 0.5360381603240967, 'm': '652559091762677860', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_sp_mesh_hot_and_cold_light_large.c93a700bb3cf4d14241d3c837569b571685b0b29.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Teardown', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Teardown (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:07:39,235 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037213105A40224774502D318775239858907605 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:07:39,549 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '14651333532', 'd': '2515968632601882866', 'paintseed': 57, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 659, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '14651333532', 'high_rank': 46, 'floatvalue': 0.5899865627288818, 'm': '648054404829514285', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_sp_famas_macabre_light_large.7582150e24a69922b814d6b56004327e2219890d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Macabre', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Macabre (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:07:39,558 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '14651333532', 'd': '2515968632601882866', 'paintseed': 57, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 659, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '14651333532', 'high_rank': 46, 'floatvalue': 0.5899865627288818, 'm': '648054404829514285', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_sp_famas_macabre_light_large.7582150e24a69922b814d6b56004327e2219890d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Macabre', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Macabre (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:07:40,242 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:07:42,070 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M657063326292933408A33920262790D2514147989027310525 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:07:43,077 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:07:44,801 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300727597110043A41325928508D16474886792952202547 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:07:45,685 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41148308908', 'd': '9251562298147111423', 'paintseed': 131, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 966, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41148308908', 'floatvalue': 0.4595217704772949, 'm': '642425992600054645', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_gs_sg553_rusty_light_large.c5dd8204f44be6e68069633eb261b66641444ff6.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': "Ol' Rusty", 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': "SG 553 | Ol' Rusty (Battle-Scarred)"} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:07:45,693 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41148308908', 'd': '9251562298147111423', 'paintseed': 131, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 966, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41148308908', 'floatvalue': 0.4595217704772949, 'm': '642425992600054645', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_gs_sg553_rusty_light_large.c5dd8204f44be6e68069633eb261b66641444ff6.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': "Ol' Rusty", 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': "SG 553 | Ol' Rusty (Battle-Scarred)"} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:07:45,699 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41148308908', 'd': '9251562298147111423', 'paintseed': 131, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 966, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41148308908', 'floatvalue': 0.4595217704772949, 'm': '642425992600054645', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_gs_sg553_rusty_light_large.c5dd8204f44be6e68069633eb261b66641444ff6.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': "Ol' Rusty", 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': "SG 553 | Ol' Rusty (Battle-Scarred)"} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:07:45,706 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41148308908', 'd': '9251562298147111423', 'paintseed': 131, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 966, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41148308908', 'floatvalue': 0.4595217704772949, 'm': '642425992600054645', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_gs_sg553_rusty_light_large.c5dd8204f44be6e68069633eb261b66641444ff6.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': "Ol' Rusty", 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': "SG 553 | Ol' Rusty (Battle-Scarred)"} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:07:45,713 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41148308908', 'd': '9251562298147111423', 'paintseed': 131, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 966, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41148308908', 'floatvalue': 0.4595217704772949, 'm': '642425992600054645', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_gs_sg553_rusty_light_large.c5dd8204f44be6e68069633eb261b66641444ff6.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': "Ol' Rusty", 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': "SG 553 | Ol' Rusty (Battle-Scarred)"} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:07:45,719 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41148308908', 'd': '9251562298147111423', 'paintseed': 131, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 966, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41148308908', 'floatvalue': 0.4595217704772949, 'm': '642425992600054645', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_gs_sg553_rusty_light_large.c5dd8204f44be6e68069633eb261b66641444ff6.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': "Ol' Rusty", 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': "SG 553 | Ol' Rusty (Battle-Scarred)"} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:07:45,726 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41148308908', 'd': '9251562298147111423', 'paintseed': 131, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 966, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41148308908', 'floatvalue': 0.4595217704772949, 'm': '642425992600054645', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_gs_sg553_rusty_light_large.c5dd8204f44be6e68069633eb261b66641444ff6.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': "Ol' Rusty", 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': "SG 553 | Ol' Rusty (Battle-Scarred)"} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:07:45,808 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:07:45,919 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41315396523', 'd': '16900919522066749325', 'paintseed': 144, 'defindex': 13, 'paintindex': 246, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 8027, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'sha2024_team_pw_gold', 'material': 'sha2024/pw_gold', 'name': 'Perfect World (Gold) | Shanghai 2024'}, {'stickerId': 1690, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'de_dust2_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_dust2_gold', 'name': 'Dust II (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 7951, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'sha2024_team_faze_gold', 'material': 'sha2024/faze_gold', 'name': 'FaZe Clan (Gold) | Shanghai 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7943, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'sha2024_team_spir_gold', 'material': 'sha2024/spir_gold', 'name': 'Team Spirit (Gold) | Shanghai 2024'}], 'floatid': '41106520439', 'high_rank': 89, 'floatvalue': 0.38991719484329224, 'm': '663818090820779947', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_galilar_aa_fade_metallic_light_large.6910731d5c0d857052afbba2d24416156a6a96ba.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'Galil AR', 'item_name': 'Amber Fade', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Well-Worn', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir Galil AR | Amber Fade (Well-Worn)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:07:47,163 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41257917729', 'd': '435265911172144182', 'paintseed': 363, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 723, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41257917729', 'high_rank': 109, 'floatvalue': 0.6919165849685669, 'm': '644677792398501327', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_cu_famas_owl_orange_light_large.7cb3a86d36317530964f40d66b755789de7ca88a.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Eye of Athena', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Eye of Athena (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:07:47,168 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41257917729', 'd': '435265911172144182', 'paintseed': 363, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 723, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41257917729', 'high_rank': 109, 'floatvalue': 0.6919165849685669, 'm': '644677792398501327', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_cu_famas_owl_orange_light_large.7cb3a86d36317530964f40d66b755789de7ca88a.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Eye of Athena', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Eye of Athena (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:07:47,173 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41257917729', 'd': '435265911172144182', 'paintseed': 363, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 723, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41257917729', 'high_rank': 109, 'floatvalue': 0.6919165849685669, 'm': '644677792398501327', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_cu_famas_owl_orange_light_large.7cb3a86d36317530964f40d66b755789de7ca88a.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Eye of Athena', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Eye of Athena (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:07:47,428 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653685626571392726A40533320278D14738210986529294675 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:07:47,653 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41087933442', 'd': '2470895942786677828', 'paintseed': 199, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 46, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41087933442', 'floatvalue': 0.6655272841453552, 'm': '635670593158775981', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_so_pmc_light_large.e2a06ba5d6c412408d2447e162572817ee052bd3.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Contractor', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AUG | Contractor (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:07:47,660 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41087933442', 'd': '2470895942786677828', 'paintseed': 199, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 46, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41087933442', 'floatvalue': 0.6655272841453552, 'm': '635670593158775981', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_so_pmc_light_large.e2a06ba5d6c412408d2447e162572817ee052bd3.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Contractor', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AUG | Contractor (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:07:48,340 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41322184734', 'd': '7791837087411361348', 'paintseed': 764, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 554, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41322184734', 'floatvalue': 0.5480910539627075, 'm': '643551892505364956', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_gs_ssg08_armacore_light_large.043342869c64e1a08107055a4e1b332ad9c763c0.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Ghost Crusader', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Ghost Crusader (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:07:48,432 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:07:51,506 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690285662A39384051559D14863719518816228364 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:07:52,511 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:07:53,667 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M667195790552025181A41493414610D11692691279597070711 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:07:53,833 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41487006723', 'd': '13998573595214873452', 'paintseed': 491, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 749, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41150158030', 'floatvalue': 0.7695416212081909, 'm': '657062691393060047', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_gs_p250_checker_light_large.ed544cb647f7bf4e4ccc103a0b687b562d2fb297.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Vino Primo', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Vino Primo (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:07:54,033 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41085775846', 'd': '2909467110619117642', 'paintseed': 287, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 942, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41085775846', 'floatvalue': 0.5822896957397461, 'm': '652559091763211800', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_gs_aug_thunderstorm_light_large.127ba1a9f7c7eef6b701bf01ad50b3b146f9b951.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Tom Cat', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AUG | Tom Cat (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:07:54,674 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:07:56,741 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M652559726664563957A33609881624D7089336948869998583 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:07:57,471 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41310671483', 'd': '14044064678592926477', 'paintseed': 325, 'defindex': 13, 'paintindex': 807, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41310671483', 'floatvalue': 0.4711197018623352, 'm': '658188591292897893', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_galilar_hy_galil_signal_red_light_large.d7c26f54fd72ec451094ea7791e921346e013197.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'Galil AR', 'item_name': 'Signal', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Galil AR | Signal (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:07:57,746 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:07:58,931 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41475874869', 'd': '16629098273524948421', 'paintseed': 729, 'defindex': 13, 'paintindex': 398, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41475874869', 'floatvalue': 0.5676709413528442, 'm': '652559091762515080', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_galilar_cu_galil_abrasion_light_large.8398e4836a0c26add3514a6af2262704d85fec07.png', 'min': 0.35, 'max': 0.85, 'weapon_type': 'Galil AR', 'item_name': 'Chatterbox', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Galil AR | Chatterbox (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:08:00,228 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41241724594', 'd': '16287842041615154669', 'paintseed': 950, 'defindex': 13, 'paintindex': 119, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41241724594', 'floatvalue': 0.491711288690567, 'm': '641300092681420374', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_galilar_sp_spray_desert_sage_light_large.34f1268c2cf12e7794538b7140456d3716d81142.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Galil AR', 'item_name': 'Sage Spray', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Galil AR | Sage Spray (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:08:00,234 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41241724594', 'd': '16287842041615154669', 'paintseed': 950, 'defindex': 13, 'paintindex': 119, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41241724594', 'floatvalue': 0.491711288690567, 'm': '641300092681420374', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_galilar_sp_spray_desert_sage_light_large.34f1268c2cf12e7794538b7140456d3716d81142.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Galil AR', 'item_name': 'Sage Spray', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Galil AR | Sage Spray (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:08:00,240 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41241724594', 'd': '16287842041615154669', 'paintseed': 950, 'defindex': 13, 'paintindex': 119, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41241724594', 'floatvalue': 0.491711288690567, 'm': '641300092681420374', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_galilar_sp_spray_desert_sage_light_large.34f1268c2cf12e7794538b7140456d3716d81142.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Galil AR', 'item_name': 'Sage Spray', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Galil AR | Sage Spray (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:08:00,246 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41241724594', 'd': '16287842041615154669', 'paintseed': 950, 'defindex': 13, 'paintindex': 119, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41241724594', 'floatvalue': 0.491711288690567, 'm': '641300092681420374', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_galilar_sp_spray_desert_sage_light_large.34f1268c2cf12e7794538b7140456d3716d81142.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Galil AR', 'item_name': 'Sage Spray', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Galil AR | Sage Spray (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:08:00,251 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41241724594', 'd': '16287842041615154669', 'paintseed': 950, 'defindex': 13, 'paintindex': 119, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41241724594', 'floatvalue': 0.491711288690567, 'm': '641300092681420374', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_galilar_sp_spray_desert_sage_light_large.34f1268c2cf12e7794538b7140456d3716d81142.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Galil AR', 'item_name': 'Sage Spray', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Galil AR | Sage Spray (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:08:00,255 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41241724594', 'd': '16287842041615154669', 'paintseed': 950, 'defindex': 13, 'paintindex': 119, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41241724594', 'floatvalue': 0.491711288690567, 'm': '641300092681420374', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_galilar_sp_spray_desert_sage_light_large.34f1268c2cf12e7794538b7140456d3716d81142.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Galil AR', 'item_name': 'Sage Spray', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Galil AR | Sage Spray (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:08:01,293 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692825825070800A40249873857D9945863378770498080 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:08:02,298 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:08:03,016 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41257898422', 'd': '9575324489270090778', 'paintseed': 420, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 1146, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41257898422', 'floatvalue': 0.9208147525787354, 'm': '643551892507173596', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_gs_famas_corp_meow_light_large.7e27ced9616b1a4808cad37e8c0c653b9c866f07.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Meow 36', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Meow 36 (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:08:03,544 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41492800534', 'd': '2920212752962451213', 'paintseed': 195, 'defindex': 13, 'paintindex': 972, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41314030201', 'floatvalue': 0.5365955829620361, 'm': '642425992599943735', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_galilar_gs_galil_phoenix_light_large.62909a6e708a56e8679b9aa9225ba438b1539511.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Galil AR', 'item_name': 'Connexion', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Galil AR | Connexion (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:08:03,777 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M652559726664563957A33609881624D7089336948869998583 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:08:04,784 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:08:05,921 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M664944625639799202A41493707530D7359598992244918248 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:08:06,458 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41332068867', 'd': '12451925539213425172', 'paintseed': 251, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 604, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 1642, 'slot': 4, 'rotation': 3, 'offset_x': -0.09069053828716278, 'offset_y': -0.03440949320793152, 'codename': 'bestiary_manticore', 'material': 'bestiary_capsule/manticore', 'name': 'Manticore'}, {'stickerId': 4604, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': -0.16960155963897705, 'offset_y': -0.06393876671791077, 'codename': 'combine_mask_broken', 'material': 'alyx/combine_mask_broken', 'name': 'Combine Helmet'}, {'stickerId': 4903, 'slot': 5, 'offset_x': -0.36102595925331116, 'offset_y': -0.006021618843078613, 'codename': 'bf2042_bf_portal_paper', 'material': 'bf2042/bf_portal_paper', 'name': 'Battlefield Portal'}, {'stickerId': 996, 'slot': 5, 'offset_x': -0.10889977216720581, 'offset_y': 0.02151888608932495, 'codename': 'team_roles_nader', 'material': 'team_roles_capsule/nader', 'name': "The 'Nader"}, {'stickerId': 7639, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': -0.11799246072769165, 'offset_y': 0.01100778579711914, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_nawwk_1', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_nawwk', 'name': 'nawwk | Copenhagen 2024'}], 'floatid': '37224487495', 'low_rank': 483, 'high_rank': 937, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.554886519908905, 'm': '651433191850835480', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_gs_famas_rally_light_large.538baee44eb772de95029e4267ea9c41101bbc94.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Roll Cage', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ FAMAS | Roll Cage (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:08:06,786 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41324522859', 'd': '14710060560154010602', 'paintseed': 157, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 271, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41324522859', 'high_rank': 169, 'floatvalue': 0.1616896241903305, 'm': '642425992599454345', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_am_p250_beaded_paint_light_large.2ddd1d4b6dd6fa2082001802a60acfa9daba722d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Undertow', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Undertow (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:08:06,929 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:08:09,109 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41479116416', 'd': '4633797500294830025', 'paintseed': 397, 'defindex': 13, 'paintindex': 1032, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 8027, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'sha2024_team_pw_gold', 'material': 'sha2024/pw_gold', 'name': 'Perfect World (Gold) | Shanghai 2024'}, {'stickerId': 1689, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'de_ancient_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_ancient_gold', 'name': 'Ancient (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 7943, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'sha2024_team_spir_gold', 'material': 'sha2024/spir_gold', 'name': 'Team Spirit (Gold) | Shanghai 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7951, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'sha2024_team_faze_gold', 'material': 'sha2024/faze_gold', 'name': 'FaZe Clan (Gold) | Shanghai 2024'}], 'floatid': '41275727944', 'high_rank': 185, 'floatvalue': 0.5569933652877808, 'm': '653684991664859264', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_galilar_hy_ruins_red_light_large.560982e001f4ba6ec42ad09f913e33c1fda8108f.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'Galil AR', 'item_name': 'Dusk Ruins', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir Galil AR | Dusk Ruins (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:08:11,488 - 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ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:08:20,036 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635671228061893873A41297067468D7981551042362529167 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:08:21,041 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:08:25,340 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646930227130320561A41300487240D16726409433543615808 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:08:25,697 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41246169426', 'd': '14411534767933876253', 'paintseed': 914, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 593, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41246169426', 'floatvalue': 0.49181637167930603, 'm': '642425992578693085', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_gs_p90_full_throttle_light_large.70ef68d70617eb318e2df05e09f780448a1baf0d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Chopper', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Chopper (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:08:26,348 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:08:29,197 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41271712453', 'd': '4803764240410108810', 'paintseed': 412, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 295, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41271712453', 'high_rank': 772, 'floatvalue': 0.38764187693595886, 'm': '663818090827445497', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_cu_money_light_large.a8632edd5846b8c9de09c711ada47f7decc739b7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Franklin', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Well-Worn', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Franklin (Well-Worn)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:08:29,961 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690326132A39705886964D9709983073220966014 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:08:30,968 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:08:32,645 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41318763680', 'd': '13856593520226601354', 'paintseed': 313, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 125, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41318763680', 'floatvalue': 0.2256692498922348, 'm': '653684991670860494', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_cu_xray_p250_light_large.4b9f603e1a1dd4de2d64e05bf21168bc8b070bf2.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'X-Ray', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | X-Ray (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:08:32,652 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41318763680', 'd': '13856593520226601354', 'paintseed': 313, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 125, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41318763680', 'floatvalue': 0.2256692498922348, 'm': '653684991670860494', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_cu_xray_p250_light_large.4b9f603e1a1dd4de2d64e05bf21168bc8b070bf2.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'X-Ray', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | X-Ray (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:08:34,009 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649181392041188028A36795509158D4766082371081395461 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:08:35,014 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:08:36,996 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690326132A39705886964D9709983073220966014 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:08:38,002 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:08:40,351 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '31108301000', 'd': '9829930983881214304', 'paintseed': 686, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 1044, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '31108301000', 'high_rank': 990, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.7944236993789673, 'm': '637922392971339103', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_gs_p250_cybershell_light_large.9f0408cde898dd81609541a8e68ff1ffe81320fd.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.85, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Cyber Shell', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ P250 | Cyber Shell (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:08:43,277 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M652559726664574607A24253991237D14881171764737084540 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:08:44,031 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690326132A39705886964D9709983073220966014 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:08:44,282 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:08:44,986 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41490745311', 'd': '14127414134786265306', 'paintseed': 46, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 288, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41310043447', 'floatvalue': 0.4720822274684906, 'm': '636796493066125662', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_an_famas_sgt_light_large.5a9241d41a3c35a3fbb20aebcd22253a6a85f72f.png', 'min': 0.1, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Sergeant', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Sergeant (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:08:45,036 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:08:45,079 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '34600225248', 'd': '14474756181223712590', 'paintseed': 825, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 1230, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '34600225248', 'floatvalue': 0.6510040760040283, 'm': '640174192790041133', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_cu_p250_rebuilt_light_large.69d4fcb9a8151d09818d1c26cf4c7b03d046b5a1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.9, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Re.built', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Re.built (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:08:45,256 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653684991670896344A40752430132D45607751023209724 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:08:45,341 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '39391723896', 'd': '5071768181352864141', 'paintseed': 745, 'defindex': 13, 'paintindex': 1147, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39391723896', 'floatvalue': 0.6131830215454102, 'm': '635670593158763591', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_galilar_cu_galil_destroyer_light_large.00308096b32ca8c6252ed241878ca1ec5e743c36.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'Galil AR', 'item_name': 'Destroyer', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Galil AR | Destroyer (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:08:46,261 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:08:46,481 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '40719907367', 'd': '14559715522963727098', 'paintseed': 511, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 1134, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39920107962', 'floatvalue': 0.57390958070755, 'm': '637922392968445213', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_gs_mp9_starlight_light_large.79d29560c71c4ba592824c1a1e3a8172cc7269be.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Starlight Protector', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'MP9 | Starlight Protector (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:08:46,674 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41303437268', 'd': '14765060374756382567', 'paintseed': 805, 'defindex': 13, 'paintindex': 647, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40655295681', 'high_rank': 643, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.45825937390327454, 'm': '651433191837333380', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_galilar_sp_galil_wave_light_large.0a4761ebb660428a77a622885054e1c44cf03959.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'Galil AR', 'item_name': 'Crimson Tsunami', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Galil AR | Crimson Tsunami (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:08:48,377 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127967737854A39655869374D14133456776754479679 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:08:49,382 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:08:55,416 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127967737854A39655869374D14133456776754479679 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:08:55,756 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '38534344584', 'd': '12314076040656093988', 'paintseed': 746, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 99, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38534344584', 'floatvalue': 0.5199651122093201, 'm': '648055492131428992', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_so_sand_light_large.c77b762093b4786e0c070317e6a2121c2e7b4c86.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Sand Dune', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Sand Dune (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:08:55,763 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '38534344584', 'd': '12314076040656093988', 'paintseed': 746, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 99, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38534344584', 'floatvalue': 0.5199651122093201, 'm': '648055492131428992', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_so_sand_light_large.c77b762093b4786e0c070317e6a2121c2e7b4c86.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Sand Dune', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Sand Dune (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:08:55,768 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '38534344584', 'd': '12314076040656093988', 'paintseed': 746, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 99, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38534344584', 'floatvalue': 0.5199651122093201, 'm': '648055492131428992', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_so_sand_light_large.c77b762093b4786e0c070317e6a2121c2e7b4c86.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Sand Dune', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Sand Dune (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:08:56,421 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:09:02,458 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127967737854A39655869374D14133456776754479679 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:09:03,462 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:09:04,664 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41188571705', 'd': '16486136859027623232', 'paintseed': 527, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 1153, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41188571705', 'floatvalue': 0.49853166937828064, 'm': '654810891574658985', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_gs_p250_visions_light_large.a47ba6d191d3c734c3248667fb341a0e3f0c423e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Visions', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Visions (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:09:07,734 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '29171494193', 'd': '13874724638709536043', 'paintseed': 911, 'defindex': 13, 'paintindex': 790, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5053, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_pgl_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/pgl_gold', 'name': 'PGL (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 1693, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'de_nuke_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_nuke_gold', 'name': 'Nuke (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 5005, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_big_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/big_gold', 'name': 'BIG (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 5033, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_ent_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/ent_gold', 'name': 'Entropiq (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}], 'floatid': '23735540681', 'floatvalue': 0.6459422707557678, 'm': '648055492130320942', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_galilar_hy_nuclear_skulls_aqua_light_large.7a9f8497a5e17485c2dcd09ec23da307bc3c06c3.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.83, 'weapon_type': 'Galil AR', 'item_name': 'Cold Fusion', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir Galil AR | Cold Fusion (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:09:07,794 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '29171494193', 'd': '13874724638709536043', 'paintseed': 911, 'defindex': 13, 'paintindex': 790, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5053, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_pgl_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/pgl_gold', 'name': 'PGL (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 1693, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'de_nuke_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_nuke_gold', 'name': 'Nuke (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 5005, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_big_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/big_gold', 'name': 'BIG (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 5033, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_ent_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/ent_gold', 'name': 'Entropiq (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}], 'floatid': '23735540681', 'floatvalue': 0.6459422707557678, 'm': '648055492130320942', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_galilar_hy_nuclear_skulls_aqua_light_large.7a9f8497a5e17485c2dcd09ec23da307bc3c06c3.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.83, 'weapon_type': 'Galil AR', 'item_name': 'Cold Fusion', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir Galil AR | Cold Fusion (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:09:09,495 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127967737854A39655869374D14133456776754479679 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:09:09,555 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037146055A41493568755D11873229024611674056 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:09:10,500 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:09:10,559 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:09:12,339 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41326199900', 'd': '9225848594029825041', 'paintseed': 622, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 1250, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41326199900', 'high_rank': 301, 'floatvalue': 0.8441012501716614, 'm': '643551892503272006', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_cu_p90_scarab_of_wisdom_light_large.54f85e60f71185083323768b79e699da762e09e6.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'ScaraB Rush', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | ScaraB Rush (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:09:14,074 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653684991670894304A40762363318D2469145674896823271 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:09:15,079 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:09:15,342 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '15398201758', 'd': '7225470231716992461', 'paintseed': 98, 'defindex': 13, 'paintindex': 308, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '15398201758', 'high_rank': 146, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.5809465646743774, 'm': '664943356600196022', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_galilar_hy_galil_kami_light_large.f1783721b5318ea51bcb7890bf9cd0084afcd3e3.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'Galil AR', 'item_name': 'Kami', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Galil AR | Kami (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:09:15,511 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41481762784', 'd': '7379755885811959459', 'paintseed': 57, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 44, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7110, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_sunpayus_4_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_sunpayus_glitter', 'name': 'SunPayus (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 7110, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_sunpayus_4_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_sunpayus_glitter', 'name': 'SunPayus (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 7110, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_sunpayus_4_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_sunpayus_glitter', 'name': 'SunPayus (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 7110, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_sunpayus_4_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_sunpayus_glitter', 'name': 'SunPayus (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '38995936494', 'low_rank': 225, 'high_rank': 682, 'floatvalue': 0.5374068021774292, 'm': '666069890635802940', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_aq_oiled_light_large.9d9de18ba0a4dc915e495c05b0d1419bd2cd7a02.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Case Hardened', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir MAC-10 | Case Hardened (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:09:15,964 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 01:09:15,964 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 01:09:16,048 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 01:09:17,258 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '33494013923', 'd': '2657235939476587055', 'paintseed': 998, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 284, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6636, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_nein', 'material': 'paris2023/nein', 'name': '9INE | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6636, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_nein', 'material': 'paris2023/nein', 'name': '9INE | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6636, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_nein', 'material': 'paris2023/nein', 'name': '9INE | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '33494013923', 'floatvalue': 0.7486515045166016, 'm': '668321690459231151', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_cu_mac10_redhot_light_large.d5e1e0b433e3340266635970ca45cbbf810216f2.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Heat', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Heat (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:09:17,267 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '33494013923', 'd': '2657235939476587055', 'paintseed': 998, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 284, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6636, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_nein', 'material': 'paris2023/nein', 'name': '9INE | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6636, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_nein', 'material': 'paris2023/nein', 'name': '9INE | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6636, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_nein', 'material': 'paris2023/nein', 'name': '9INE | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '33494013923', 'floatvalue': 0.7486515045166016, 'm': '668321690459231151', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_cu_mac10_redhot_light_large.d5e1e0b433e3340266635970ca45cbbf810216f2.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Heat', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Heat (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:09:17,434 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M667196425457694540A41166054253D7507192890694150661 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:09:18,168 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127967643534A41329103338D13873034010322725286 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:09:18,439 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:09:19,172 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:09:19,874 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 0, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '40070296371', 'd': '10091560465087850719', 'paintseed': 380, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 175, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '87860839', 'low_rank': 502, 'high_rank': 149, 'floatvalue': 0.6890933513641357, 'm': '645803692272319348', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_sp_dapple_light_large.6a715fc8b63ae569c2facb1607b5243c21a7280a.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Scorched', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Timed Drop', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Scorched (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:09:23,026 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642426627504008134A41278234729D7083142832898202565 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:09:24,030 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:09:24,488 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M667196425457694540A41166054253D7507192890694150661 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:09:25,326 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41315380164', 'd': '17063195798394293156', 'paintseed': 195, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 777, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6707, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_blst_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/blst_gold', 'name': 'BLAST.tv (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 1693, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'de_nuke_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_nuke_gold', 'name': 'Nuke (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 6683, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_ence_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/ence_gold', 'name': 'ENCE (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6679, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_faze_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/faze_gold', 'name': 'FaZe Clan (Gold) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '41315380164', 'high_rank': 993, 'floatvalue': 0.4755662679672241, 'm': '653684991664043594', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_blueprint_red_light_large.aff5f9b0847413a1749e8636dfc9a92d1ed77f3e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Facility Draft', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir P250 | Facility Draft (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:09:25,501 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:09:28,687 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 0, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '143371019', 'd': '17015844205269262728', 'paintseed': 729, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 27, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '143371019', 'low_rank': 246, 'high_rank': 543, 'floatvalue': 0.5095919370651245, 'm': '5176420478299756880', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_sp_tape_light_large.8ece2047279c054325b0d2632559de145cef524a.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Bone Mask', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Timed Drop', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Bone Mask (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:09:30,081 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642426627504008134A41278234729D7083142832898202565 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:09:31,086 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:09:33,209 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '38689056660', 'd': '12397963785360393638', 'paintseed': 594, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 34, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38689056660', 'floatvalue': 0.07186957448720932, 'm': '641300092692634584', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_am_urban_light_large.2f6ef478d97cb2887fc4106cf89768f6cccd8ed6.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Metallic DDPAT', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Minimal Wear', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Metallic DDPAT (Minimal Wear)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:09:33,630 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41484124025', 'd': '10272375272396420049', 'paintseed': 28, 'defindex': 63, 'paintindex': 476, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4540, 'slot': 4, 'offset_x': -0.19269463419914246, 'offset_y': 0.009192287921905518, 'codename': 'halo_misterchief', 'material': 'halo/misterchief', 'name': 'Mister Chief'}, {'stickerId': 7871, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': -0.5475702285766602, 'offset_y': -0.282914400100708, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_im_32', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_im_champion', 'name': 'iM (Champion) | Copenhagen 2024'}], 'floatid': '40034822901', 'low_rank': 678, 'high_rank': 88, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.9034328460693359, 'm': '658188591290459583', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_cz75a_cu_cz75a_chastizer_light_large.d3234c712c3c068adbbfd5718c468c778f2351dd.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'CZ75-Auto', 'item_name': 'Yellow Jacket', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ CZ75-Auto | Yellow Jacket (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:09:34,467 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41486129106', 'd': '12457535754404826365', 'paintseed': 354, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 611, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41289344945', 'floatvalue': 0.6973390579223633, 'm': '659314491202537954', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_cu_p90_grimm_light_large.59514d7b54f637f314329bb3fef1c7ffd1b153ba.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Grim', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Grim (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:09:35,718 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658189226199755272A41493539321D201017114445704727 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:09:36,722 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:09:37,869 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '38099038439', 'd': '4641008088926497889', 'paintseed': 892, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 32, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38099038439', 'floatvalue': 0.0738966092467308, 'm': '654810891573345225', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_an_silver_light_large.3082e91b9fddbddc9b72da44382fe1def00fa5fa.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Silver', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Minimal Wear', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Silver (Minimal Wear)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:09:39,386 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41492643740', 'd': '16764349360380669167', 'paintseed': 679, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 1025, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 8027, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'sha2024_team_pw_gold', 'material': 'sha2024/pw_gold', 'name': 'Perfect World (Gold) | Shanghai 2024'}, {'stickerId': 1689, 'slot': 4, 'codename': 'de_ancient_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_ancient_gold', 'name': 'Ancient (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 7943, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'sha2024_team_spir_gold', 'material': 'sha2024/spir_gold', 'name': 'Team Spirit (Gold) | Shanghai 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7951, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'sha2024_team_faze_gold', 'material': 'sha2024/faze_gold', 'name': 'FaZe Clan (Gold) | Shanghai 2024'}], 'floatid': '40932216649', 'low_rank': 613, 'high_rank': 32, 'floatvalue': 0.6758741140365601, 'm': '644677792411744077', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_am_gold_brick_light_large.3583c29af715c4700176149b3866c35dcc78d61e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Gold Brick', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir MAC-10 | Gold Brick (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:09:41,209 - 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Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649182026948266716A36537670210D4802574740629347825 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:09:42,175 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41329013236', 'd': '7071792727381602033', 'paintseed': 153, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 969, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41329013236', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.8542441725730896, 'm': '658188591290014203', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_gs_p90_container_light_large.ee8d779318fc1367b1c63bbfa202d6261a0171c1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Freight', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ P90 | Freight (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:09:42,734 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:09:47,261 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41491692939', 'd': '594656213214785201', 'paintseed': 816, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 516, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4611, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'lambda_holo', 'material': 'alyx/lambda_holo', 'name': 'Lambda (Holo)'}, {'stickerId': 7912, 'slot': 4, 'wear': 0.5799999833106995, 'offset_x': 0.1295492798089981, 'offset_y': -0.041561275720596313, 'codename': 'paper_tongue', 'material': 'community/sticker_craft/paper_tongue', 'name': 'Taste Bud'}], 'floatid': '41491692939', 'low_rank': 316, 'high_rank': 779, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.5367052555084229, 'm': '651433191850643330', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_cu_p90_shapewood_light_large.e7744840c89b1b83be82d2f64beb5a6719c47bd3.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Shapewood', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ P90 | Shapewood (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:09:48,569 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127967690184A37019918944D7530792815161745537 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:09:48,673 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41222617627', 'd': '7523523516531231452', 'paintseed': 643, 'defindex': 2, 'paintindex': 625, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '26266644930', 'high_rank': 634, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.8535482883453369, 'm': '639048292853622872', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_elite_gs_dual_berettas_golden_venice_light_large.23d73db6cf2b2a7af26414d26373171dd3be06b1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Dual Berettas', 'item_name': 'Royal Consorts', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Dual Berettas | Royal Consorts (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:09:49,573 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:09:50,327 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41384684933', 'd': '14899680144579963003', 'paintseed': 124, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 124, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '34618665481', 'low_rank': 736, 'high_rank': 485, 'floatvalue': 0.6459442973136902, 'm': '645803692281739108', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_sp_spray_sand_light_large.18ac7e644639b8756fa3984055a493c5d7fc8249.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Sand Spray', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir P90 | Sand Spray (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:09:52,329 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M667196425457701500A41135927615D14180828391836494246 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:09:52,842 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41485074557', 'd': '633360762643082388', 'paintseed': 240, 'defindex': 2, 'paintindex': 190, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '25561667212', 'low_rank': 109, 'high_rank': 633, 'floatvalue': 0.45183220505714417, 'm': '644677792408991787', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_elite_cu_season_elites_bravo_light_large.03b5f4afcbffb80f73ce009da240f4aa1455c15f.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Dual Berettas', 'item_name': 'Black Limba', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Dual Berettas | Black Limba (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:09:53,333 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:09:53,615 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41458883004', 'd': '9713948426242622047', 'paintseed': 508, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 352, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '37447971718', 'low_rank': 791, 'high_rank': 410, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.7067835927009583, 'm': '652559091747974290', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_aq_57_feathers_light_large.aa942f28d5fd868643b54ba0c317703d8b615754.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Fowl Play', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Five-SeveN | Fowl Play (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:09:54,357 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41288659738', 'd': '14854106197579195548', 'paintseed': 846, 'defindex': 2, 'paintindex': 396, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '3987576536', 'high_rank': 58, 'floatvalue': 0.4673083424568176, 'm': '667195790549860351', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_elite_cu_elites_urbanstorm_light_large.d33c9dd65434d8b9f4e7b5092fcc2e07a874e625.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.47, 'weapon_type': 'Dual Berettas', 'item_name': 'Urban Shock', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Dual Berettas | Urban Shock (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:09:55,511 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048927782385361A37063031830D5192204400419257137 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:09:55,605 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127967690184A37019918944D7530792815161745537 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:09:56,516 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:09:56,610 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:09:57,119 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41493265533', 'd': '14891757724080126333', 'paintseed': 892, 'defindex': 63, 'paintindex': 643, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '34516713217', 'low_rank': 889, 'high_rank': 142, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.5145130753517151, 'm': '639048292880824052', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_cz75a_gs_cz_snakes_purple_light_large.a06599fab1d73352fd970fc0356c215c50ca7e9a.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.56, 'weapon_type': 'CZ75-Auto', 'item_name': 'Xiangliu', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ CZ75-Auto | Xiangliu (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:09:59,366 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M667196425457701500A41135927615D14180828391836494246 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:10:00,049 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41326945482', 'd': '2622834877177372693', 'paintseed': 950, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 911, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '27208853036', 'low_rank': 781, 'high_rank': 86, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.5360715985298157, 'm': '636796493063448432', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_cu_p90_nostalgia_light_large.8d1cfe3582915ab9702b57e1376eb0d0ffab2331.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.57, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Nostalgia', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ P90 | Nostalgia (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:10:00,371 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:10:01,478 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41310129617', 'd': '3045188498082352753', 'paintseed': 909, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 228, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41310129617', 'high_rank': 138, 'floatvalue': 0.4715893864631653, 'm': '658188591290434443', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_hy_modspots_light_large.a702b8feaf0e2568e60efb2ab722819b0521ea4b.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Blind Spot', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Blind Spot (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:10:02,214 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41145746334', 'd': '17069393287997738577', 'paintseed': 840, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 605, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41145746334', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.5411181449890137, 'm': '664943990732764148', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_aq_five_seven_scumbria_light_large.bc05fc6435b84525a0ab140bc72e032a98dab710.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Scumbria', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Five-SeveN | Scumbria (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:10:02,549 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048927782385361A37063031830D5192204400419257137 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:10:02,638 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127967690184A37019918944D7530792815161745537 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:10:03,268 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41332976430', 'd': '16871239048503274758', 'paintseed': 522, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 1044, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40607682719', 'floatvalue': 0.47079646587371826, 'm': '643551892503201056', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_gs_p250_cybershell_light_large.9f0408cde898dd81609541a8e68ff1ffe81320fd.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.85, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Cyber Shell', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Cyber Shell (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:10:03,557 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:10:03,644 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:10:03,975 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '30757364114', 'd': '7939503829370963058', 'paintseed': 559, 'defindex': 2, 'paintindex': 491, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '30757364114', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.6810474395751953, 'm': '652559091762812350', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_elite_cu_dualberretta_dragons_light_large.2742674cbf237d1ba5fb6ed9f0d90e00a03570f9.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Dual Berettas', 'item_name': 'Dualing Dragons', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Dual Berettas | Dualing Dragons (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:10:04,071 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41086126410', 'd': '895094841739452441', 'paintseed': 205, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 837, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6981, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_nekiz_1', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_nekiz', 'name': 'NEKiZ | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '39943714898', 'floatvalue': 0.4781985282897949, 'm': '639048292878907682', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_cu_five_seven_angry_light_large.54986e86178e0462d34fe78b6b726292813541f5.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Angry Mob', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Five-SeveN | Angry Mob (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:10:06,404 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M667196425457701500A41135927615D14180828391836494246 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:10:07,408 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:10:08,303 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41162716064', 'd': '479083743699969232', 'paintseed': 430, 'defindex': 2, 'paintindex': 47, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41162716064', 'floatvalue': 0.7398589253425598, 'm': '658188591293634723', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_elite_so_space_marine_light_large.101c6b29315d37db050a4c7817a4c11517baa167.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Dual Berettas', 'item_name': 'Colony', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Dual Berettas | Colony (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:10:09,589 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048927782385361A37063031830D5192204400419257137 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:10:09,672 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127967690184A37019918944D7530792815161745537 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:10:10,298 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '29040614087', 'd': '5506258200296701981', 'paintseed': 55, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 585, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '29040614087', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.46769389510154724, 'm': '657062691395073827', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_cu_five_seven_daimyo_light_large.d394398cae1977546887145dcf6a4892d2ed29aa.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Violent Daimyo', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Five-SeveN | Violent Daimyo (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:10:10,593 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:10:10,679 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:10:16,513 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875557305A41493586666D2459217067181547647 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:10:16,709 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127967690184A37019918944D7530792815161745537 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:10:16,720 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41296854654', 'd': '14429753703848332301', 'paintseed': 707, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 157, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41296854654', 'floatvalue': 0.5266990065574646, 'm': '659314491203543224', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_sp_palm_light_large.22a3296d079e27cb7bb291e15eff10c29aa89b3e.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Palm', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Palm (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:10:17,422 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '40601040701', 'd': '16880171496628239763', 'paintseed': 235, 'defindex': 63, 'paintindex': 476, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38559878422', 'high_rank': 966, 'floatvalue': 0.7755483984947205, 'm': '654810891560673255', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_cz75a_cu_cz75a_chastizer_light_large.d3234c712c3c068adbbfd5718c468c778f2351dd.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'CZ75-Auto', 'item_name': 'Yellow Jacket', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'CZ75-Auto | Yellow Jacket (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:10:17,430 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '40601040701', 'd': '16880171496628239763', 'paintseed': 235, 'defindex': 63, 'paintindex': 476, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38559878422', 'high_rank': 966, 'floatvalue': 0.7755483984947205, 'm': '654810891560673255', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_cz75a_cu_cz75a_chastizer_light_large.d3234c712c3c068adbbfd5718c468c778f2351dd.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'CZ75-Auto', 'item_name': 'Yellow Jacket', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'CZ75-Auto | Yellow Jacket (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:10:17,518 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:10:17,719 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:10:18,106 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '29276918241', 'd': '14186942322308690613', 'paintseed': 864, 'defindex': 11, 'paintindex': 74, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '29276918241', 'floatvalue': 0.5515864491462708, 'm': '644677792411800507', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_g3sg1_hy_arctic_contrast_light_large.d1444467ee9975d1b4d5287a280e8684e7338493.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'G3SG1', 'item_name': 'Polar Camo', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'G3SG1 | Polar Camo (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:10:18,114 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '29276918241', 'd': '14186942322308690613', 'paintseed': 864, 'defindex': 11, 'paintindex': 74, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '29276918241', 'floatvalue': 0.5515864491462708, 'm': '644677792411800507', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_g3sg1_hy_arctic_contrast_light_large.d1444467ee9975d1b4d5287a280e8684e7338493.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'G3SG1', 'item_name': 'Polar Camo', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'G3SG1 | Polar Camo (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:10:18,121 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '29276918241', 'd': '14186942322308690613', 'paintseed': 864, 'defindex': 11, 'paintindex': 74, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '29276918241', 'floatvalue': 0.5515864491462708, 'm': '644677792411800507', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_g3sg1_hy_arctic_contrast_light_large.d1444467ee9975d1b4d5287a280e8684e7338493.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'G3SG1', 'item_name': 'Polar Camo', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'G3SG1 | Polar Camo (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:10:18,128 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '29276918241', 'd': '14186942322308690613', 'paintseed': 864, 'defindex': 11, 'paintindex': 74, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '29276918241', 'floatvalue': 0.5515864491462708, 'm': '644677792411800507', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_g3sg1_hy_arctic_contrast_light_large.d1444467ee9975d1b4d5287a280e8684e7338493.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'G3SG1', 'item_name': 'Polar Camo', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'G3SG1 | Polar Camo (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:10:19,633 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M667196425457720970A19158362477D6975599486395670783 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:10:20,640 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:10:23,193 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826761872968A41304943057D766778256074124505 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:10:23,339 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '40903379342', 'd': '9252120177285493749', 'paintseed': 142, 'defindex': 63, 'paintindex': 643, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40903379342', 'high_rank': 117, 'floatvalue': 0.5508361458778381, 'm': '653684991669143594', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_cz75a_gs_cz_snakes_purple_light_large.a06599fab1d73352fd970fc0356c215c50ca7e9a.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.56, 'weapon_type': 'CZ75-Auto', 'item_name': 'Xiangliu', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'CZ75-Auto | Xiangliu (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:10:23,348 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '40903379342', 'd': '9252120177285493749', 'paintseed': 142, 'defindex': 63, 'paintindex': 643, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40903379342', 'high_rank': 117, 'floatvalue': 0.5508361458778381, 'm': '653684991669143594', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_cz75a_gs_cz_snakes_purple_light_large.a06599fab1d73352fd970fc0356c215c50ca7e9a.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.56, 'weapon_type': 'CZ75-Auto', 'item_name': 'Xiangliu', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'CZ75-Auto | Xiangliu (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:10:23,556 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875557305A41493586666D2459217067181547647 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:10:23,750 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127967690184A37019918944D7530792815161745537 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:10:24,200 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:10:24,562 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:10:24,756 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:10:30,160 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 0, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '12332632969', 'd': '7117460528406464567', 'paintseed': 174, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 151, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '12332632969', 'low_rank': 213, 'high_rank': 426, 'floatvalue': 0.5191800594329834, 'm': '657061604060017698', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_so_jungle_light_large.d98e255283a8cfd09aacb25405a26e580e3d129f.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Jungle', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Timed Drop', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Five-SeveN | Jungle (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:10:30,536 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40573134436', 'd': '9377310975461365715', 'paintseed': 43, 'defindex': 63, 'paintindex': 1036, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5331, 'slot': 4, 'offset_x': -0.19162309169769287, 'offset_y': -0.020045459270477295, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_bne', 'material': 'antwerp2022/bne', 'name': 'Bad News Eagles | Antwerp 2022'}, {'stickerId': 6704, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_blst', 'material': 'paris2023/blst', 'name': 'BLAST.tv | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 7145, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_torzsi_4', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_torzsi', 'name': 'torzsi | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6676, 'slot': 4, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_faze', 'material': 'paris2023/faze', 'name': 'FaZe Clan | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 7278, 'slot': 4, 'offset_x': -0.20639589428901672, 'offset_y': 0.10506424307823181, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_mouz', 'material': 'cph2024/mouz', 'name': 'MOUZ | Copenhagen 2024'}], 'floatid': '40573134436', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.48587679862976074, 'm': '658188591293362203', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_cz75a_cu_cz75_whirlwind_light_large.86609770746655c350bb7b087a8c0f1f1b55d01f.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.9, 'weapon_type': 'CZ75-Auto', 'item_name': 'Circaetus', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ CZ75-Auto | Circaetus (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:10:31,303 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '35163026845', 'd': '7100738780842110677', 'paintseed': 395, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 1154, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35163026845', 'floatvalue': 0.615225076675415, 'm': '648055492131628672', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_gs_p90_tangled_light_large.d1c6b11dc6876f1cf546281df8b8fac68a037518.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Vent Rush', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Vent Rush (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:10:31,312 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '35163026845', 'd': '7100738780842110677', 'paintseed': 395, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 1154, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35163026845', 'floatvalue': 0.615225076675415, 'm': '648055492131628672', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_gs_p90_tangled_light_large.d1c6b11dc6876f1cf546281df8b8fac68a037518.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Vent Rush', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Vent Rush (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:10:32,593 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41289154667', 'd': '10089966320190947507', 'paintseed': 154, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 359, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41289154667', 'high_rank': 219, 'floatvalue': 0.894966721534729, 'm': '666069890639547660', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_cu_p90-asiimov_light_large.0ca7f7fc032c98c5cc506ccde92b33e5836a8a88.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.92, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Asiimov', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Asiimov (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:10:34,251 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40801016072', 'd': '5388250073373484638', 'paintseed': 882, 'defindex': 2, 'paintindex': 153, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '21531155323', 'low_rank': 531, 'high_rank': 57, 'floatvalue': 0.5588093996047974, 'm': '655936791473660896', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_elite_so_tangerine_light_large.3fd8ec1b63079a11e24d78228ad989b51a30b0ca.png', 'min': 0.26, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'Dual Berettas', 'item_name': 'Demolition', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Dual Berettas | Demolition (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:10:35,509 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '40615879301', 'd': '7704782385554167925', 'paintseed': 455, 'defindex': 11, 'paintindex': 294, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40615879301', 'floatvalue': 0.2814626097679138, 'm': '659314491202698994', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_g3sg1_so_green_light_large.28c4e72757be64775c1111ac0e7142a147cacb9c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'G3SG1', 'item_name': 'Green Apple', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'G3SG1 | Green Apple (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:10:35,515 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '40615879301', 'd': '7704782385554167925', 'paintseed': 455, 'defindex': 11, 'paintindex': 294, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40615879301', 'floatvalue': 0.2814626097679138, 'm': '659314491202698994', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_g3sg1_so_green_light_large.28c4e72757be64775c1111ac0e7142a147cacb9c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'G3SG1', 'item_name': 'Green Apple', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'G3SG1 | Green Apple (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:10:35,775 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '39937560681', 'd': '11565325218363514904', 'paintseed': 184, 'defindex': 2, 'paintindex': 153, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4070, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'berlin2019_team_vita_gold', 'material': 'berlin2019/vita_gold', 'name': 'Vitality (Gold) | Berlin 2019'}, {'stickerId': 4332, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'berlin2019_signature_alex_gold', 'material': 'berlin2019/sig_alex_gold', 'name': 'ALEX (Gold) | Berlin 2019'}, {'stickerId': 4118, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'berlin2019_team_star_gold', 'material': 'berlin2019/star_gold', 'name': 'StarLadder (Gold) | Berlin 2019'}, {'stickerId': 4078, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'berlin2019_team_mss_gold', 'material': 'berlin2019/mss_gold', 'name': 'mousesports (Gold) | Berlin 2019'}], 'floatid': '39937560681', 'low_rank': 121, 'high_rank': 74, 'floatvalue': 0.4842725694179535, 'm': '655936791463425616', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_elite_so_tangerine_light_large.3fd8ec1b63079a11e24d78228ad989b51a30b0ca.png', 'min': 0.26, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'Dual Berettas', 'item_name': 'Demolition', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir Dual Berettas | Demolition (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:10:37,267 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '39743505707', 'd': '11693177399935516405', 'paintseed': 135, 'defindex': 11, 'paintindex': 806, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39743505707', 'high_rank': 306, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.6190733909606934, 'm': '649181392025936898', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_g3sg1_gs_g3sg1_savage_light_large.e452574f580f51b1da6312c0f80a0dc07e073d8b.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.65, 'weapon_type': 'G3SG1', 'item_name': 'Scavenger', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ G3SG1 | Scavenger (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:10:38,517 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41415150010', 'd': '6927145916405092823', 'paintseed': 935, 'defindex': 63, 'paintindex': 218, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41233763137', 'high_rank': 43, 'floatvalue': 0.3913058340549469, 'm': '641300092665804774', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_cz75a_hy_bluehex_light_large.032e4b0999830a45d7439d07faef66b8299a105f.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'CZ75-Auto', 'item_name': 'Hexane', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Well-Worn', 'full_item_name': 'CZ75-Auto | Hexane (Well-Worn)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:10:40,841 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '30436517716', 'd': '9547813789328900792', 'paintseed': 296, 'defindex': 2, 'paintindex': 978, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '30436517716', 'high_rank': 271, 'floatvalue': 0.9625786542892456, 'm': '644677792370961867', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_elite_gs_dual_elites_dezastre_light_large.9b7aa9accd1e31a202b0f2ab66d0cf8d3039ee7d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Dual Berettas', 'item_name': 'Dezastre', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Dual Berettas | Dezastre (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:10:42,197 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '31978188679', 'd': '12261734613541970593', 'paintseed': 650, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 1150, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '31978188679', 'floatvalue': 0.8146489262580872, 'm': '635670593158864751', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_cu_mac10_monkeyflage_light_large.8f24ab7b33719d43a7d4e0886cb3f79d506e7068.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Monkeyflage', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Monkeyflage (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:10:42,205 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '31978188679', 'd': '12261734613541970593', 'paintseed': 650, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 1150, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '31978188679', 'floatvalue': 0.8146489262580872, 'm': '635670593158864751', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_cu_mac10_monkeyflage_light_large.8f24ab7b33719d43a7d4e0886cb3f79d506e7068.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Monkeyflage', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Monkeyflage (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:10:42,606 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41483661586', 'd': '9119650764729488', 'paintseed': 692, 'defindex': 2, 'paintindex': 824, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6707, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_blst_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/blst_gold', 'name': 'BLAST.tv (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 1692, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'de_mirage_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_mirage_gold', 'name': 'Mirage (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 6667, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_apex_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/apex_gold', 'name': 'Apeks (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6623, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_vita_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/vita_gold', 'name': 'Vitality (Gold) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '41319800726', 'floatvalue': 0.5189998149871826, 'm': '645803692316905288', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_elite_sp_dry_wood_light_large.89fee2f97c3722747a19dcc269397d71fd7fddc1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'Dual Berettas', 'item_name': 'Drift Wood', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir Dual Berettas | Drift Wood (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:10:43,653 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '40568731111', 'd': '11989150140886935077', 'paintseed': 395, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 898, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '37378939506', 'low_rank': 619, 'floatvalue': 0.514416515827179, 'm': '639048292878509732', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_gs_mac10_stalker_light_large.cb4d7a60a69978f1575526f979be8e1e1538a673.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Stalker', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Stalker (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:10:45,114 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M652559091763388350A40801109492D14595264818549965999 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:10:46,119 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:10:47,086 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M664943990732791868A35593585879D4937716275827756275 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:10:48,093 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:10:52,227 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41187107859', 'd': '12262860504531619345', 'paintseed': 173, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 78, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41187107859', 'floatvalue': 0.5545982718467712, 'm': '667195790549855341', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_hy_forest_night_light_large.fc245886bed9e789350127f844afe63f34f64936.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Forest Night', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Five-SeveN | Forest Night (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:10:52,233 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41187107859', 'd': '12262860504531619345', 'paintseed': 173, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 78, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41187107859', 'floatvalue': 0.5545982718467712, 'm': '667195790549855341', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_hy_forest_night_light_large.fc245886bed9e789350127f844afe63f34f64936.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Forest Night', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Five-SeveN | Forest Night (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:10:53,702 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41327874422', 'd': '16756390650695694618', 'paintseed': 308, 'defindex': 14, 'paintindex': 1042, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41327874422', 'floatvalue': 0.5292985439300537, 'm': '644677792411112007', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m249_gs_m249_combine_light_large.6f8724ef896506ede0925a425da05969f19aafdc.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'M249', 'item_name': 'O.S.I.P.R.', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'M249 | O.S.I.P.R. 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Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:11:05,431 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41492066166', 'd': '1056659313873652979', 'paintseed': 619, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 1093, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41330444543', 'high_rank': 70, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.4005899429321289, 'm': '667195790551554241', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_gs_five_seven_efusion_light_large.78c44b69ab40456b90279ad0252463e9de816e78.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.41, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Boost Protocol', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Well-Worn', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Five-SeveN | Boost Protocol (Well-Worn)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:11:05,442 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41492066166', 'd': '1056659313873652979', 'paintseed': 619, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 1093, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41330444543', 'high_rank': 70, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.4005899429321289, 'm': '667195790551554241', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_gs_five_seven_efusion_light_large.78c44b69ab40456b90279ad0252463e9de816e78.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.41, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Boost Protocol', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Well-Worn', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Five-SeveN | Boost Protocol (Well-Worn)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:11:08,173 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M657063326292912948A40797477922D12565788842875182711 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:11:09,178 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:11:09,277 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '831123928', 'd': '10108899059979818111', 'paintseed': 331, 'defindex': 11, 'paintindex': 195, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '831123928', 'low_rank': 131, 'high_rank': 168, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.576723039150238, 'm': '645801320652366831', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_g3sg1_hy_bluepolygon_bravo_light_large.6638623a4979512bb048fa22f9ec06a5c1172c7e.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'G3SG1', 'item_name': 'Demeter', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ G3SG1 | Demeter (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:11:10,432 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636796493066887452A41493443850D9370948662066375787 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:11:11,437 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:11:13,816 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41221765845', 'd': '16640454191078707632', 'paintseed': 175, 'defindex': 14, 'paintindex': 1242, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41221765845', 'floatvalue': 0.7319414615631104, 'm': '659314491204553954', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m249_cu_m249_scarab_light_large.6dc1dc25afc1a3a22fff064c85c8f2d3d88aeac7.png', 'min': 0.02, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'M249', 'item_name': 'Submerged', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'M249 | Submerged (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:11:13,868 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300727597181833A22051602408D7226631218419399763 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:11:14,888 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:11:14,997 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037205365A41493769538D3342317911043661264 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:11:15,308 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41054038335', 'd': '16442165388313149200', 'paintseed': 733, 'defindex': 14, 'paintindex': 983, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41054038335', 'floatvalue': 0.7351348400115967, 'm': '650307291943105819', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m249_cu_m249_deep_relief_light_large.227a01518f45cbb6a43981e36b76f60785f9085b.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'M249', 'item_name': 'Deep Relief', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'M249 | Deep Relief (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:11:15,372 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037157305A39924092164D7990662143811282135 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:11:16,001 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:11:16,296 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '40867628177', 'd': '7496888255882345043', 'paintseed': 562, 'defindex': 11, 'paintindex': 235, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40867628177', 'floatvalue': 0.5012313723564148, 'm': '660440391109519865', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_g3sg1_hy_varicamo_light_large.6c944e82080f68d87881cdab86852e9375af9bb9.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'G3SG1', 'item_name': 'VariCamo', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'G3SG1 | VariCamo (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:11:16,376 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:11:16,798 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M652559726664507557A41316006957D9531884597812568245 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:11:17,802 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:11:18,353 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300727597155613A39262726696D7368523059160480702 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:11:19,262 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658189226199768862A41493597698D12449816894459797087 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:11:19,359 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:11:19,617 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690337082A40891386350D7684939801400913129 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:11:19,774 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '40836701098', 'd': '588536561273268573', 'paintseed': 362, 'defindex': 23, 'paintindex': 753, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40836701098', 'floatvalue': 0.49336493015289307, 'm': '657062691393316817', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp5sd_sp_tape_short_rally_light_large.2fdb10eba1dbf17030a2c0867fc385fe0449b974.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'MP5-SD', 'item_name': 'Dirt Drop', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'MP5-SD | Dirt Drop (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:11:19,780 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '40836701098', 'd': '588536561273268573', 'paintseed': 362, 'defindex': 23, 'paintindex': 753, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40836701098', 'floatvalue': 0.49336493015289307, 'm': '657062691393316817', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp5sd_sp_tape_short_rally_light_large.2fdb10eba1dbf17030a2c0867fc385fe0449b974.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'MP5-SD', 'item_name': 'Dirt Drop', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'MP5-SD | Dirt Drop (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:11:20,268 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:11:20,639 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:11:20,921 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300727597181833A22051602408D7226631218419399763 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:11:21,533 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '36795038133', 'd': '11551416679275697626', 'paintseed': 140, 'defindex': 14, 'paintindex': 1148, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '36795038133', 'high_rank': 643, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.6026439070701599, 'm': '642425992599045865', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m249_cu_m249_downvote_light_large.9d51d5d89b1df07b160580b5b929f66f06bb8310.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.65, 'weapon_type': 'M249', 'item_name': 'Downtown', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ M249 | Downtown (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:11:21,926 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:11:22,434 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41467539435', 'd': '16196217687230128766', 'paintseed': 634, 'defindex': 2, 'paintindex': 276, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39398795187', 'high_rank': 341, 'floatvalue': 0.5357356071472168, 'm': '657062691392754587', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_elite_so_panther_light_large.019431b3fca18b027d07fe29d0ee7bf88df75576.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.58, 'weapon_type': 'Dual Berettas', 'item_name': 'Panther', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Dual Berettas | Panther (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:11:22,506 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41151258079', 'd': '2642100768616704551', 'paintseed': 464, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 682, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41151258079', 'floatvalue': 0.500617504119873, 'm': '649181392040949138', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_am_mac10_oceani_light_large.25e5d3d5e249e11fe32971fa7bcdc0e5a1c777bd.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Oceanic', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Oceanic (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:11:23,135 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649182026948207406A41329879549D17054827112672274513 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:11:23,827 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M652559726664507557A41316006957D9531884597812568245 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:11:24,139 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:11:24,205 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855085787A29382933056D12123846516615998486 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:11:24,832 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:11:25,209 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:11:25,391 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300727597155613A39262726696D7368523059160480702 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:11:25,891 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479266417A40482916387D5098638744136619155 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:11:26,302 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658189226199768862A41493597698D12449816894459797087 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:11:26,396 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:11:26,898 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:11:27,309 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:11:27,881 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41483039350', 'd': '14755173695588982847', 'paintseed': 890, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 979, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41301860822', 'low_rank': 531, 'high_rank': 394, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.6852717399597168, 'm': '652559091758967790', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_cu_five_seven_diary_light_large.e09a26df236581e02db30cdbb9c55adb2a4d2292.png', 'min': 0.02, 'max': 0.9, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Fairy Tale', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Five-SeveN | Fairy Tale (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:11:30,170 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649182026948207406A41329879549D17054827112672274513 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:11:30,342 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '34176372500', 'd': '7380839230200922167', 'paintseed': 125, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 274, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6681, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_ence_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/ence_glitter', 'name': 'ENCE (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '34176372500', 'high_rank': 20, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.19115813076496124, 'm': '644675256284693930', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_am_copper_flecks_light_large.d2af814b76763880470bc7039d5569eb74b26978.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Copper Galaxy', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Five-SeveN | Copper Galaxy (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:11:31,186 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:11:31,249 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855085787A29382933056D12123846516615998486 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:11:32,255 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:11:32,561 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M652559726664537407A38083239367D10234083414659804631 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:11:32,635 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41279732550', 'd': '1029145805365468765', 'paintseed': 436, 'defindex': 11, 'paintindex': 980, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41279732550', 'floatvalue': 0.49082645773887634, 'm': '668321690460851631', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_g3sg1_gs_g3sg1_disrupt_light_large.393db5c1a143ad7fc9e3c42a7d17ca860ce490ab.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'G3SG1', 'item_name': 'Digital Mesh', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'G3SG1 | Digital Mesh (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:11:33,354 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658189226199768862A41493597698D12449816894459797087 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:11:33,566 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:11:34,358 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:11:34,952 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M667196425457697870A41322497086D7404659194018344949 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:11:35,957 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:11:36,318 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M652559726664519017A40789176359D7801934987489926901 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:11:37,323 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:11:39,610 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M652559726664537407A38083239367D10234083414659804631 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:11:40,367 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41123533692', 'd': '5630113520832135777', 'paintseed': 496, 'defindex': 33, 'paintindex': 696, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7013, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_jkaem_1', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_jkaem', 'name': 'jkaem | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 7213, 'slot': 5, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_apex_32', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_apex_champion', 'name': 'apEX (Champion) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '41123533692', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.480043888092041, 'm': '641300092646944134', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp7_gs_mp7_bloodsport_light_large.ab5c304901ceb320482742b041815e7b5e3ccb95.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.65, 'weapon_type': 'MP7', 'item_name': 'Bloodsport', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MP7 | Bloodsport (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:11:40,402 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658189226199768862A41493597698D12449816894459797087 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:11:40,615 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:11:41,407 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:11:41,991 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M667196425457697870A41322497086D7404659194018344949 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:11:42,681 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '34227747138', 'd': '16305894373712180851', 'paintseed': 791, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 754, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '34227747138', 'floatvalue': 0.8286137580871582, 'm': '668321690461380261', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_aq_steel_inferno_light_large.4313699bf1fb212a490703f11b20dab3479ebe9c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Rust Coat', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Rust Coat (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:11:42,687 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '34227747138', 'd': '16305894373712180851', 'paintseed': 791, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 754, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '34227747138', 'floatvalue': 0.8286137580871582, 'm': '668321690461380261', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_aq_steel_inferno_light_large.4313699bf1fb212a490703f11b20dab3479ebe9c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Rust Coat', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Rust Coat (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:11:42,695 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '34227747138', 'd': '16305894373712180851', 'paintseed': 791, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 754, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '34227747138', 'floatvalue': 0.8286137580871582, 'm': '668321690461380261', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_aq_steel_inferno_light_large.4313699bf1fb212a490703f11b20dab3479ebe9c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Rust Coat', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Rust Coat (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:11:42,998 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:11:43,259 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635671228061878813A39109376988D11821606302323963541 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:11:44,266 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:11:47,458 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658189226199768862A41493597698D12449816894459797087 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:11:48,463 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:11:50,297 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635671228061878813A39109376988D11821606302323963541 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:11:51,304 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:11:52,340 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '39205060042', 'd': '4819496905694319703', 'paintseed': 526, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 909, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39205060042', 'floatvalue': 0.6963573694229126, 'm': '644677792370597217', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_gs_mag7_popdog_light_large.3c45fd23cd1947bb9b1747e36823980a44feaed4.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Popdog', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Popdog (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:11:54,494 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658189226199768862A41493597698D12449816894459797087 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:11:55,498 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:11:56,304 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '20480671336', 'd': '2947641563083818961', 'paintseed': 533, 'defindex': 23, 'paintindex': 986, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '20480671336', 'floatvalue': 0.4839322566986084, 'm': '636796493066685672', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp5sd_gs_mp5_conditionzero_light_large.4ed0ebd4f909faf2e09b5e18ec08e0a093719f63.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MP5-SD', 'item_name': 'Condition Zero', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'MP5-SD | Condition Zero (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:11:56,953 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41483370731', 'd': '7408105339281601137', 'paintseed': 562, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 535, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39347502341', 'low_rank': 742, 'high_rank': 34, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.43294745683670044, 'm': '663818090826465667', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_gs_mag7_praetorian_light_large.55d96fbd30315911a2397ef950887e8fda43a3ec.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.45, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Praetorian', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Well-Worn', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MAG-7 | Praetorian (Well-Worn)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:11:57,343 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635671228061878813A39109376988D11821606302323963541 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:11:57,612 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653685626571382826A41493675948D346324636990916575 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:11:58,351 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:11:58,622 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:11:59,368 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41327735971', 'd': '3379404980456389416', 'paintseed': 108, 'defindex': 28, 'paintindex': 1152, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41327735971', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.5647634267807007, 'm': '652559091763218730', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_negev_cu_negev_clear_sky_light_large.fc6f06d0f44e71207660f44b9b56021ce42a7e46.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Negev', 'item_name': 'Drop Me', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Negev | Drop Me (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:12:00,245 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41319563018', 'd': '11692695660798883752', 'paintseed': 41, 'defindex': 28, 'paintindex': 317, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '29062671120', 'low_rank': 852, 'floatvalue': 0.5339138507843018, 'm': '648055492124972662', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_negev_cu_bratatat_negev_light_large.b7589c335fb7066d53b1897e000f031d316641e6.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Negev', 'item_name': 'Bratatat', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Negev | Bratatat (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:12:00,252 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41319563018', 'd': '11692695660798883752', 'paintseed': 41, 'defindex': 28, 'paintindex': 317, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '29062671120', 'low_rank': 852, 'floatvalue': 0.5339138507843018, 'm': '648055492124972662', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_negev_cu_bratatat_negev_light_large.b7589c335fb7066d53b1897e000f031d316641e6.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Negev', 'item_name': 'Bratatat', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Negev | Bratatat (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:12:00,635 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M661566925919280556A41493750057D9829324474389725693 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:12:01,534 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658189226199768862A41493597698D12449816894459797087 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:12:01,640 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:12:02,540 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:12:04,424 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M667196425457737860A41493814044D11682526739026714819 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:12:05,429 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:12:07,351 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '40714919521', 'd': '16754701404728886921', 'paintseed': 342, 'defindex': 33, 'paintindex': 782, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40714919521', 'floatvalue': 0.47645115852355957, 'm': '664943990732701448', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp7_am_circuitboard_green_light_large.0df678715d2256928d817c2e89575879f03ad68e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'MP7', 'item_name': 'Motherboard', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'MP7 | Motherboard (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:12:08,577 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658189226199768862A41493597698D12449816894459797087 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:12:09,585 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:12:10,098 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M667195790546328871A41167741760D9962631587091019202 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:12:11,103 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:12:11,463 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M667196425457737860A41493814044D11682526739026714819 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:12:12,467 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:12:15,617 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658189226199768862A41493597698D12449816894459797087 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:12:16,622 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:12:18,499 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M667196425457737860A41493814044D11682526739026714819 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:12:18,744 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41260287437', 'd': '1076010839727939815', 'paintseed': 389, 'defindex': 33, 'paintindex': 1163, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41260287437', 'floatvalue': 0.8024507761001587, 'm': '667195790551998721', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MP7', 'item_name': 'Just Smile', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'MP7 | Just Smile (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:12:18,751 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41260287437', 'd': '1076010839727939815', 'paintseed': 389, 'defindex': 33, 'paintindex': 1163, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41260287437', 'floatvalue': 0.8024507761001587, 'm': '667195790551998721', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MP7', 'item_name': 'Just Smile', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'MP7 | Just Smile (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:12:19,505 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:12:21,007 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41196044898', 'd': '11830406804256059507', 'paintseed': 932, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 961, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41196044898', 'floatvalue': 0.8087906837463379, 'm': '650307291946994869', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_cu_mag7_monster_call_light_large.8bd66022cda47ab85f73e765dc35526e6a2ce7f0.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Monster Call', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Monster Call (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:12:22,658 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658189226199768862A41493597698D12449816894459797087 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:12:23,665 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:12:25,001 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '38362578590', 'd': '9990932448446669897', 'paintseed': 126, 'defindex': 33, 'paintindex': 1133, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '36811189457', 'floatvalue': 0.5062708258628845, 'm': '637922392972446043', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp7_cu_mp7_fear_light_large.17f608ce70f44af09c1a92c541430804429ae2d6.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MP7', 'item_name': 'Abyssal Apparition', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'MP7 | Abyssal Apparition (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:12:25,008 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '38362578590', 'd': '9990932448446669897', 'paintseed': 126, 'defindex': 33, 'paintindex': 1133, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '36811189457', 'floatvalue': 0.5062708258628845, 'm': '637922392972446043', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp7_cu_mp7_fear_light_large.17f608ce70f44af09c1a92c541430804429ae2d6.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MP7', 'item_name': 'Abyssal Apparition', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'MP7 | Abyssal Apparition (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:12:25,533 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M667196425457737860A41493814044D11682526739026714819 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:12:26,539 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:12:28,283 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41488161673', 'd': '10259947671672700296', 'paintseed': 558, 'defindex': 28, 'paintindex': 355, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41315207271', 'high_rank': 423, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.48564475774765015, 'm': '666069890638344750', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_negev_cu_negev_titanstorm_light_large.eb7badc75ecbb1b4cdf35bfb53088731bbe11cb0.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'Negev', 'item_name': 'Desert-Strike', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Negev | Desert-Strike (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:12:29,697 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658189226199768862A41493597698D12449816894459797087 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:12:29,946 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '5532501835', 'd': '4756973604940545181', 'paintseed': 486, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 291, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '5532501835', 'high_rank': 179, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.38886481523513794, 'm': '643551892505570156', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_cu_mag7_heaven_light_large.ea002eaa1f984e278f59a934ca9016f038d06120.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Heaven Guard', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Well-Worn', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MAG-7 | Heaven Guard (Well-Worn)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:12:30,702 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:12:32,858 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '28998444762', 'd': '17196060928548324071', 'paintseed': 661, 'defindex': 33, 'paintindex': 893, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4510, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'shattered_web_mastermind_holo', 'material': 'shattered_web/mastermind_holo', 'name': 'Mastermind (Holo)'}, {'stickerId': 4511, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'shattered_web_web_stuck_holo', 'material': 'shattered_web/web_stuck_holo', 'name': 'Web Stuck (Holo)'}], 'floatid': '23735519108', 'high_rank': 336, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.8439595103263855, 'm': '645803692308996328', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp7_cu_mp7_replica_light_large.f56c050cb5147918efb6872ce61fda358a684cf5.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MP7', 'item_name': 'Neon Ply', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MP7 | Neon Ply (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:12:36,730 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658189226199768862A41493597698D12449816894459797087 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:12:36,817 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41175547027', 'd': '1055081354140259588', 'paintseed': 756, 'defindex': 28, 'paintindex': 514, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41175547027', 'high_rank': 288, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.89078289270401, 'm': '636795858915880994', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_negev_cu_negev_impact_light_large.3315f6272c9bb790f96731643232008b4b8c7296.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Negev', 'item_name': 'Power Loader', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Negev | Power Loader (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:12:37,735 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:12:39,701 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41489641634', 'd': '16189361002838384789', 'paintseed': 185, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 158, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 2130, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'krakow2017_team_pgl_gold', 'material': 'krakow2017/pgl_gold', 'name': 'PGL (Gold) | Krakow 2017'}, {'stickerId': 2106, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'krakow2017_team_big_gold', 'material': 'krakow2017/big_gold', 'name': 'BIG (Gold) | Krakow 2017'}, {'stickerId': 2078, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'krakow2017_team_sk_gold', 'material': 'krakow2017/sk_gold', 'name': 'SK Gaming (Gold) | Krakow 2017'}, {'stickerId': 2309, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'krakow2017_signature_nex_gold', 'material': 'krakow2017/sig_nex_gold', 'name': 'nex (Gold) | Krakow 2017'}], 'floatid': '11077734850', 'floatvalue': 0.6190347671508789, 'm': '661566291016861329', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_cu_walnut_nova_light_large.38cd0f88162ed88eb81df71f5fb18139c3a36c77.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Walnut', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir Nova | Walnut (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:12:41,331 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41456801781', 'd': '7226030175422947911', 'paintseed': 252, 'defindex': 33, 'paintindex': 5, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41456801781', 'floatvalue': 0.48350831866264343, 'm': '640174192789853993', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp7_hy_ddpat_light_large.0207fb5fe0a1e21cdda28e005f7960f2dc4728b9.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'MP7', 'item_name': 'Forest DDPAT', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'MP7 | Forest DDPAT (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:12:41,337 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41456801781', 'd': '7226030175422947911', 'paintseed': 252, 'defindex': 33, 'paintindex': 5, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41456801781', 'floatvalue': 0.48350831866264343, 'm': '640174192789853993', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp7_hy_ddpat_light_large.0207fb5fe0a1e21cdda28e005f7960f2dc4728b9.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'MP7', 'item_name': 'Forest DDPAT', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'MP7 | Forest DDPAT (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:12:41,342 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41456801781', 'd': '7226030175422947911', 'paintseed': 252, 'defindex': 33, 'paintindex': 5, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41456801781', 'floatvalue': 0.48350831866264343, 'm': '640174192789853993', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp7_hy_ddpat_light_large.0207fb5fe0a1e21cdda28e005f7960f2dc4728b9.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'MP7', 'item_name': 'Forest DDPAT', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'MP7 | Forest DDPAT (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:12:41,347 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41456801781', 'd': '7226030175422947911', 'paintseed': 252, 'defindex': 33, 'paintindex': 5, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41456801781', 'floatvalue': 0.48350831866264343, 'm': '640174192789853993', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp7_hy_ddpat_light_large.0207fb5fe0a1e21cdda28e005f7960f2dc4728b9.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'MP7', 'item_name': 'Forest DDPAT', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'MP7 | Forest DDPAT (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:12:41,353 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41456801781', 'd': '7226030175422947911', 'paintseed': 252, 'defindex': 33, 'paintindex': 5, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41456801781', 'floatvalue': 0.48350831866264343, 'm': '640174192789853993', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp7_hy_ddpat_light_large.0207fb5fe0a1e21cdda28e005f7960f2dc4728b9.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'MP7', 'item_name': 'Forest DDPAT', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'MP7 | Forest DDPAT (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:12:43,765 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658189226199768862A41493597698D12449816894459797087 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:12:44,096 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037115845A41493489852D16324506487860159613 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:12:44,594 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M659315126105589233A41315220319D9684677530070110600 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:12:44,770 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:12:45,101 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:12:45,600 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:12:47,558 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M643552527418131939A41493491041D7108481679763675010 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:12:48,434 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M661566925919301196A41321187189D11962832507431740537 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:12:48,564 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:12:49,195 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690300692A41355856521D9866267801355539214 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:12:49,438 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:12:50,165 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826761899008A41312560844D17043326256844680296 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:12:50,200 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:12:50,804 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658189226199768862A41493597698D12449816894459797087 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:12:51,170 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:12:51,809 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:12:53,414 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41373190356', 'd': '9370420885345376958', 'paintseed': 100, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 376, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41179713119', 'low_rank': 840, 'high_rank': 847, 'floatvalue': 0.4989628493785858, 'm': '649181392001531088', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_so_grey_nuclear_green_bizon_light_large.072e25b1fa34f50da3850310424b8b96983cf684.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.9, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Chemical Green', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'PP-Bizon | Chemical Green (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:12:54,597 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M643552527418131939A41493491041D7108481679763675010 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:12:54,615 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692825825071970A41493743145D7522848294533506188 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:12:55,248 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227459899A41331071716D10125260359509447022 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:12:55,293 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '39355263723', 'd': '14900274594728326746', 'paintseed': 226, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 594, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39355263723', 'high_rank': 280, 'floatvalue': 0.9865220785140991, 'm': '663818090785769617', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_gs_pp_bizon_harvester_light_large.654d26d43d7e4583a0ede5e0ea6bb697858698dc.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Harvester', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'PP-Bizon | Harvester (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:12:55,602 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:12:55,619 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:12:56,181 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41331477625', 'd': '10279585319418093798', 'paintseed': 476, 'defindex': 32, 'paintindex': 389, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '24831280040', 'high_rank': 63, 'floatvalue': 0.5862228870391846, 'm': '651433191850837220', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_hkp2000_cu_p2000_fire_elemental_light_large.1e57d4d9f1c51e613c1923377aa55fab4b0ab1bc.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'P2000', 'item_name': 'Fire Elemental', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'P2000 | Fire Elemental (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:12:56,231 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690300692A41355856521D9866267801355539214 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:12:56,254 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:12:57,205 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826761899008A41312560844D17043326256844680296 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:12:57,237 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:12:57,842 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658189226199768862A41493597698D12449816894459797087 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:12:58,211 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:12:58,415 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660441026013448884A40581736534D14324371526205497367 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:12:58,847 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:12:59,420 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:13:00,765 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666070525548748775A41493750770D63264155481014794 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:13:01,633 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M643552527418131939A41493491041D7108481679763675010 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:13:01,645 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692825825071970A41493743145D7522848294533506188 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:13:01,770 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:13:02,638 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:13:02,650 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:13:02,757 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692190922039186A41181012786D17203860728038931028 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:13:03,268 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690300692A41355856521D9866267801355539214 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:13:03,764 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:13:04,273 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:13:04,880 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658189226199768862A41493597698D12449816894459797087 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:13:05,457 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660441026013448884A40581736534D14324371526205497367 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:13:05,886 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:13:06,465 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:13:06,901 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41492587956', 'd': '7792542658591675412', 'paintseed': 475, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 457, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '6819655355', 'floatvalue': 0.5025421977043152, 'm': '645803692319887348', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_hy_bamboo_jungle_ink_light_large.0f9ee611e9b667e90923e9fc0da89430881ae7ae.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Bamboo Print', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'PP-Bizon | Bamboo Print (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:13:08,480 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826761922498A41276266255D3201745459630493352 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:13:09,484 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:13:10,311 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690300692A41355856521D9866267801355539214 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:13:11,317 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:13:11,615 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 0, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '25323638', 'd': '7404481606649641588', 'paintseed': 420, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 25, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '25323638', 'low_rank': 203, 'high_rank': 309, 'floatvalue': 0.5550134181976318, 'm': '646929592215230039', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_sp_leaves_light_large.ce2a773d74c050c18f99daaa39d4b670878abd99.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Forest Leaves', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Timed Drop', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'PP-Bizon | Forest Leaves (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:13:11,622 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 0, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '25323638', 'd': '7404481606649641588', 'paintseed': 420, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 25, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '25323638', 'low_rank': 203, 'high_rank': 309, 'floatvalue': 0.5550134181976318, 'm': '646929592215230039', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_sp_leaves_light_large.ce2a773d74c050c18f99daaa39d4b670878abd99.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Forest Leaves', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Timed Drop', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'PP-Bizon | Forest Leaves (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:13:11,938 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658189226199768862A41493597698D12449816894459797087 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:13:12,943 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:13:15,561 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M652559726664506207A40206738254D9713141668783243923 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:13:16,370 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41327151256', 'd': '614922263572908264', 'paintseed': 551, 'defindex': 32, 'paintindex': 485, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40619222236', 'high_rank': 514, 'floatvalue': 0.9435983300209045, 'm': '661566291016210149', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_hkp2000_aq_p2000_boom_light_large.39f01b0b86b795bea56300432fecfbf93415ee58.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'P2000', 'item_name': 'Handgun', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'P2000 | Handgun (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:13:16,566 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:13:17,704 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '14122888215', 'd': '3197567033522032296', 'paintseed': 68, 'defindex': 32, 'paintindex': 357, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '14122888215', 'floatvalue': 0.5151205062866211, 'm': '653684991667370444', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_hkp2000_cu_p2000_ivory_light_large.2a47b14b59ce796956958ce13cb60617148f7711.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'P2000', 'item_name': 'Ivory', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'P2000 | Ivory (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:13:18,973 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658189226199768862A41493597698D12449816894459797087 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:13:19,978 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:13:20,696 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 0, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41484048254', 'd': '14286170654336131705', 'paintseed': 836, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 25, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41484048254', 'low_rank': 256, 'high_rank': 296, 'floatvalue': 0.6010497808456421, 'm': '653684991667372784', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_sp_leaves_light_large.b75cb0c1b82c4c1a559f0b1de3113cf967029176.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Forest Leaves', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Timed Drop', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Forest Leaves (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:13:22,388 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41487932396', 'd': '919863032868729231', 'paintseed': 907, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 323, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 796, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'cluj2015_signature_flamie_gold', 'material': 'cluj2015/sig_flamie_gold', 'name': 'flamie (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015'}, {'stickerId': 961, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'cluj2015_team_dhc_gold', 'material': 'cluj2015/dhc_gold', 'name': 'DreamHack (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015'}, {'stickerId': 934, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'cluj2015_team_navi_gold', 'material': 'cluj2015/navi_gold', 'name': 'Natus Vincere (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015'}], 'floatid': '3977525207', 'low_rank': 213, 'high_rank': 252, 'floatvalue': 0.5074708461761475, 'm': '660440391108339185', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_aq_steel_light_large.b363c0f1eef83ac7291f8b64d338dcdd82183502.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Rust Coat', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir Sawed-Off | Rust Coat (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:13:22,474 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41491137217', 'd': '2895511947281615039', 'paintseed': 574, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 785, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41491137217', 'floatvalue': 0.4885699152946472, 'm': '649181392040491518', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_hy_ducts_grey_light_large.5da9a312aedae8885ff2e4dec4387fe614ce4ee3.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Mandrel', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Mandrel (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:13:22,598 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M652559726664506207A40206738254D9713141668783243923 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:13:22,807 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41086438019', 'd': '7388964845550957816', 'paintseed': 943, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 1125, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41086438019', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.5451503396034241, 'm': '668321690461841721', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_cu_bizon_spacecat_light_large.c2c9bbf949c4bdf2ce3173cd2447559177716dd3.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.67, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Space Cat', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ PP-Bizon | Space Cat (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:13:23,603 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:13:25,881 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '23396479201', 'd': '16907147165663739663', 'paintseed': 878, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 880, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '23396479201', 'floatvalue': 0.4654601812362671, 'm': '640174192782518633', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_hy_desert_bloom_light_large.6222132707bdc3c9e20b8eada269c2620bfc5013.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.49, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Parched', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Sawed-Off | Parched (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:13:27,188 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41318242745', 'd': '12568083024361412967', 'paintseed': 896, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 246, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41318242745', 'floatvalue': 0.3825185298919678, 'm': '662692190921233476', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_aa_fade_metallic_light_large.aa7418206953ed4b7707ddbc859bb1eb7bf6c9ab.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Amber Fade', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Well-Worn', 'full_item_name': 'Sawed-Off | Amber Fade (Well-Worn)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:13:29,011 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41491679402', 'd': '2630918200618393762', 'paintseed': 5, 'defindex': 32, 'paintindex': 997, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39806028598', 'high_rank': 233, 'floatvalue': 0.5709836483001709, 'm': '640174192789587293', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_hkp2000_am_numbers_red_blue_light_large.03b8794b01dd0aa5e28f1f52b1a8a2bc0ecf179c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.65, 'weapon_type': 'P2000', 'item_name': 'Dispatch', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'P2000 | Dispatch (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:13:29,636 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M652559726664506207A40206738254D9713141668783243923 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:13:30,353 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037124725A41332990673D4624741954743322720 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:13:30,642 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:13:31,358 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:13:33,644 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41223171991', 'd': '489276791944914112', 'paintseed': 254, 'defindex': 32, 'paintindex': 95, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40191601400', 'low_rank': 302, 'high_rank': 322, 'floatvalue': 0.5564595460891724, 'm': '664942903435689792', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_hkp2000_so_grassland_light_large.c2c8cd99960f57e1e4eeb1261dfaf3006e672577.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'P2000', 'item_name': 'Grassland', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'P2000 | Grassland (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:13:37,400 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037124725A41332990673D4624741954743322720 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:13:38,405 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:13:39,019 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644678427315607579A23669102748D7827267709265237526 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:13:39,514 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635671228061861743A41493568691D911497520052902279 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:13:40,026 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:13:40,519 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:13:44,825 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41322366193', 'd': '739754336409257484', 'paintseed': 298, 'defindex': 32, 'paintindex': 667, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41322366193', 'low_rank': 395, 'high_rank': 274, 'floatvalue': 0.5423613786697388, 'm': '660440391098513555', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_hkp2000_cu_p2000_hunter_light_large.57f4ea5be4f9bece6a3b71521a370d9afb4abb1f.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'P2000', 'item_name': 'Woodsman', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'P2000 | Woodsman (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:13:46,551 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635671228061861743A41493568691D911497520052902279 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:13:47,556 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:13:47,851 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41322608659', 'd': '7984436428698168318', 'paintseed': 410, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 612, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41322608659', 'floatvalue': 0.5141936540603638, 'm': '643551892505379716', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_gs_scar20_powercore_light_large.74bcd65b1a4a52dd397ede5aa59b860ca4c38939.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Powercore', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Powercore (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:13:49,281 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826761899398A41312526069D453923207979685978 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:13:49,757 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660441026013510504A23830357967D5243391520644721719 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:13:50,286 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:13:50,762 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:13:51,948 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41301478585', 'd': '7955193187270743881', 'paintseed': 39, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 30, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41301478585', 'floatvalue': 0.465355783700943, 'm': '660440391092747855', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_sp_snake_light_large.5e65a350f30aa592de234f631d5d2cd98838fb4e.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Snake Camo', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Sawed-Off | Snake Camo (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:13:56,317 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826761899398A41312526069D453923207979685978 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:13:57,322 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:13:57,838 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41491032465', 'd': '9434058456273791116', 'paintseed': 703, 'defindex': 32, 'paintindex': 951, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41324883904', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.4620863199234009, 'm': '640174192789381463', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_hkp2000_aq_p2000_acid_clover_light_large.9b6c7f2c0bd30dc66570c41101129e1a624ab7b8.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'P2000', 'item_name': 'Acid Etched', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ P2000 | Acid Etched (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:13:58,014 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41324807742', 'd': '7848343317791480225', 'paintseed': 720, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 638, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41324807742', 'floatvalue': 0.5345019698143005, 'm': '661566291013432449', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_cu_wp_sawedoff_light_large.5c3f71cb929e5d2922b25c7644d0ff1981d92fa0.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Wasteland Princess', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Sawed-Off | Wasteland Princess (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:13:59,914 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41218321533', 'd': '2309234885794113137', 'paintseed': 560, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 298, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 8027, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'sha2024_team_pw_gold', 'material': 'sha2024/pw_gold', 'name': 'Perfect World (Gold) | Shanghai 2024'}, {'stickerId': 1689, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'de_ancient_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_ancient_gold', 'name': 'Ancient (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 7943, 'slot': 4, 'codename': 'sha2024_team_spir_gold', 'material': 'sha2024/spir_gold', 'name': 'Team Spirit (Gold) | Shanghai 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7951, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'sha2024_team_faze_gold', 'material': 'sha2024/faze_gold', 'name': 'FaZe Clan (Gold) | Shanghai 2024'}], 'floatid': '41218321533', 'high_rank': 82, 'floatvalue': 0.2977898418903351, 'm': '654810891563115855', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_am_army_shine_light_large.cbdf89414f6dd35c2de30d0cda9a6d84fbd32289.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Army Sheen', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir Nova | Army Sheen (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:14:00,301 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 01:14:00,315 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41268443991', 'd': '2912918902129292368', 'paintseed': 12, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 829, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6707, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_blst_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/blst_gold', 'name': 'BLAST.tv (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 1692, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'de_mirage_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_mirage_gold', 'name': 'Mirage (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 6671, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_mont_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/mont_gold', 'name': 'Monte (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6659, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_pain_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/pain_gold', 'name': 'paiN Gaming (Gold) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '41268443991', 'floatvalue': 0.45085155963897705, 'm': '646929592196487389', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_hy_lizard_skin_light_large.4731c7f1d21196c4971405a722c36911b1d23aae.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Anolis', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir PP-Bizon | Anolis (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:14:00,322 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41268443991', 'd': '2912918902129292368', 'paintseed': 12, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 829, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6707, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_blst_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/blst_gold', 'name': 'BLAST.tv (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 1692, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'de_mirage_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_mirage_gold', 'name': 'Mirage (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 6671, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_mont_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/mont_gold', 'name': 'Monte (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6659, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_pain_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/pain_gold', 'name': 'paiN Gaming (Gold) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '41268443991', 'floatvalue': 0.45085155963897705, 'm': '646929592196487389', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_hy_lizard_skin_light_large.4731c7f1d21196c4971405a722c36911b1d23aae.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Anolis', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir PP-Bizon | Anolis (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:14:01,072 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658189226199837022A33143952766D11695461934904639616 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:14:02,080 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:14:02,895 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '40379127976', 'd': '5674615434092059521', 'paintseed': 642, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 5, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40379127976', 'floatvalue': 0.5445470213890076, 'm': '650307291947536279', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_hy_ddpat_light_large.e3f476b768693a046994a90e2aca045d329e6957.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Forest DDPAT', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Sawed-Off | Forest DDPAT (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:14:04,387 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M664944625639759962A39183108025D14737051940239854518 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:14:05,041 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '29288830928', 'd': '7927015403468487495', 'paintseed': 831, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 1140, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '29288830928', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.5317119359970093, 'm': '643551892506774146', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_cu_sawedoff_ouija_light_large.79ee13876374fa1fd2f04bea84124c265fb55407.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Spirit Board', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Sawed-Off | Spirit Board (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:14:05,391 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:14:07,328 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300092692823644A39560993562D14276481474271359433 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:14:07,414 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 0, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '19771521', 'd': '16737889752076123386', 'paintseed': 644, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 171, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '19771521', 'low_rank': 366, 'high_rank': 71, 'floatvalue': 0.7343907952308655, 'm': '648055492125670942', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_sp_nukestripe_brown_light_large.993c1c6ed6bf4a239268651e4150bc4a615f2632.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Irradiated Alert', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Timed Drop', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'PP-Bizon | Irradiated Alert (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:14:08,112 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658189226199837022A33143952766D11695461934904639616 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:14:08,332 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:14:09,118 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:14:10,269 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '8130660839', 'd': '724634143952985351', 'paintseed': 898, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 405, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '8130660839', 'high_rank': 437, 'floatvalue': 0.4646068215370178, 'm': '660440391106140605', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_cu_sawedoff_deva_light_large.9ffde04f2f082dce492b2fa6e250f69f538a50b5.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Serenity', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Sawed-Off | Serenity (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:14:12,054 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M652559726664582407A41493817801D4795982595946359925 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:14:12,111 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41276064387', 'd': '7983369945479109494', 'paintseed': 84, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 374, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '8137307155', 'high_rank': 281, 'floatvalue': 0.5628122687339783, 'm': '639047658709714081', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_tec9_hy_nuclear_skulls5_tec9_light_large.d83d7de4c10dbc5fae925a4cb531ca7a8deef3d1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Toxic', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Tec-9 | Toxic (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:14:13,059 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:14:13,885 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M661566925919318116A41493825947D3226316960019740956 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:14:14,889 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:14:14,967 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037126675A39919823176D11872685472327397406 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:14:15,144 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658189226199837022A33143952766D11695461934904639616 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:14:15,758 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '39764897867', 'd': '14415574677926017164', 'paintseed': 828, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 778, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39764897867', 'floatvalue': 0.4770664572715759, 'm': '636796493066838252', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_hy_blueprint_bluered_light_large.1f2e4c38f9f9e7e1d815aeb5af99c499c5ff4951.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Facility Dark', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'UMP-45 | Facility Dark (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:14:15,769 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '39764897867', 'd': '14415574677926017164', 'paintseed': 828, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 778, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39764897867', 'floatvalue': 0.4770664572715759, 'm': '636796493066838252', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_hy_blueprint_bluered_light_large.1f2e4c38f9f9e7e1d815aeb5af99c499c5ff4951.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Facility Dark', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'UMP-45 | Facility Dark (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:14:15,778 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '39764897867', 'd': '14415574677926017164', 'paintseed': 828, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 778, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39764897867', 'floatvalue': 0.4770664572715759, 'm': '636796493066838252', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_hy_blueprint_bluered_light_large.1f2e4c38f9f9e7e1d815aeb5af99c499c5ff4951.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Facility Dark', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'UMP-45 | Facility Dark (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:14:15,972 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:14:16,149 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:14:17,104 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41332060865', 'd': '21471719484459858', 'paintseed': 488, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 46, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41332060865', 'floatvalue': 0.7925953269004822, 'm': '659314491204901144', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_so_pmc_light_large.c3e05baecc15229a989ddd093964e9c4e9fbe68a.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Contractor', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Contractor (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:14:17,350 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41491947098', 'd': '7828562435208369076', 'paintseed': 857, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 17, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41491947098', 'floatvalue': 0.5969880223274231, 'm': '659314491204513514', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_tec9_hy_ddpat_urb_light_large.bd44491d7de854c08e2951e14f9066afdb340dd6.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Urban DDPAT', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Tec-9 | Urban DDPAT (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:14:17,358 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41491947098', 'd': '7828562435208369076', 'paintseed': 857, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 17, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41491947098', 'floatvalue': 0.5969880223274231, 'm': '659314491204513514', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_tec9_hy_ddpat_urb_light_large.bd44491d7de854c08e2951e14f9066afdb340dd6.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Urban DDPAT', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Tec-9 | Urban DDPAT (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:14:17,566 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660441026013451884A33963128567D5624123344911728990 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:14:17,858 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41492470334', 'd': '335524908604185385', 'paintseed': 375, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 797, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41492470334', 'floatvalue': 0.07481458783149719, 'm': '648055492131815482', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_aa_vertigo_red_light_large.999797e68b2d5df290b2e5771b6c4bfb0de1ec8c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Brake Light', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Minimal Wear', 'full_item_name': 'Sawed-Off | Brake Light (Minimal Wear)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:14:18,156 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692190922039966A41306888762D1076019738964390454 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:14:18,570 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:14:19,152 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '9200736511', 'd': '5675883860451070474', 'paintseed': 720, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 436, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '9200736511', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.2769748568534851, 'm': '654810891568528215', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_am_ump_racer_light_large.6d935bf0d33ca90994b1dd9aec78a8938dcd94a2.png', 'min': 0.25, 'max': 0.35, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Grand Prix', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ UMP-45 | Grand Prix (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:14:19,160 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:14:19,464 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '30378626815', 'd': '16177539413584701462', 'paintseed': 820, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 755, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '30378626815', 'floatvalue': 0.7629939913749695, 'm': '644677792411669407', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_hy_splatter3_light_large.e87822a5caeb6a7181e0e866612c755f78f66be1.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Slide', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'MP9 | Slide (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:14:19,471 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '30378626815', 'd': '16177539413584701462', 'paintseed': 820, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 755, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '30378626815', 'floatvalue': 0.7629939913749695, 'm': '644677792411669407', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_hy_splatter3_light_large.e87822a5caeb6a7181e0e866612c755f78f66be1.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Slide', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'MP9 | Slide (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:14:19,478 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '30378626815', 'd': '16177539413584701462', 'paintseed': 820, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 755, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '30378626815', 'floatvalue': 0.7629939913749695, 'm': '644677792411669407', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_hy_splatter3_light_large.e87822a5caeb6a7181e0e866612c755f78f66be1.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Slide', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'MP9 | Slide (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:14:19,619 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '23022347979', 'd': '16322211385019406245', 'paintseed': 764, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 953, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '23022347979', 'floatvalue': 0.5540493726730347, 'm': '666069890639641170', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_cu_sawedoff_apocalypto_light_large.fc0f69fec04cf4d6955ef4aa6629d083aa554af6.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Apocalypto', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Sawed-Off | Apocalypto (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:14:20,129 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 0, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '1070571508', 'd': '2910041058142227121', 'paintseed': 836, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 299, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '1070571508', 'high_rank': 620, 'floatvalue': 0.19782058894634247, 'm': '635670593150337641', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_am_oval_hex_light_large.766118990b3726617ed6203e95abc71417dbd057.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Caged Steel', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Timed Drop', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Caged Steel (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:14:22,004 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037126675A39919823176D11872685472327397406 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:14:22,236 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40889946864', 'd': '12151420198139810946', 'paintseed': 127, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 704, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40889946864', 'floatvalue': 0.6496121883392334, 'm': '640174192789899173', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_cu_ump45_white_fang_light_large.f63a10d5ee18e3045adfdcf963b9067b3b0a6b48.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Arctic Wolf', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'UMP-45 | Arctic Wolf (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:14:23,009 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:14:24,956 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855106907A41040783365D9720602276016124280 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:14:25,963 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:14:26,340 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41492832668', 'd': '13875170605696026271', 'paintseed': 769, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 929, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6060, 'slot': 4, 'codename': 'rio2022_team_iem_gold', 'material': 'rio2022/iem_gold', 'name': 'IEM (Gold) | Rio 2022'}, {'stickerId': 1690, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'de_dust2_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_dust2_gold', 'name': 'Dust II (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 5976, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'rio2022_team_navi_gold', 'material': 'rio2022/navi_gold', 'name': 'Natus Vincere (Gold) | Rio 2022'}, {'stickerId': 6004, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'rio2022_team_big_gold', 'material': 'rio2022/big_gold', 'name': 'BIG (Gold) | Rio 2022'}], 'floatid': '36217803968', 'high_rank': 62, 'floatvalue': 0.4932783246040344, 'm': '637922392973097073', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_hy_torn_camo_paints_light_large.d53ec6ccfa639f7263876a96b019d3b3946af751.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Quick Sand', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir Nova | Quick Sand (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:14:26,552 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048927782385511A41298774236D2767568530913850172 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:14:27,393 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127967639064A33895089541D720650897894085310 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:14:27,480 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666070525548745865A34199617056D2937651864888147785 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:14:27,558 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:14:27,816 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41329776190', 'd': '767983093845268316', 'paintseed': 510, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 614, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7276, 'slot': 4, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_vita_holo', 'material': 'cph2024/vita_holo', 'name': 'Vitality (Holo) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7276, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_vita_holo', 'material': 'cph2024/vita_holo', 'name': 'Vitality (Holo) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7276, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_vita_holo', 'material': 'cph2024/vita_holo', 'name': 'Vitality (Holo) | Copenhagen 2024'}], 'floatid': '38806042736', 'floatvalue': 0.5585163831710815, 'm': '650307291947223769', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_tec9_gs_tec9_supercharged_light_large.e3ebc20f10eae02790fe95703b6099acca1d1809.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Fuel Injector', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Tec-9 | Fuel Injector (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:14:28,398 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:14:28,485 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:14:29,039 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037126675A39919823176D11872685472327397406 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:14:29,339 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41332099103', 'd': '12412524102477224237', 'paintseed': 178, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 250, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41332099103', 'floatvalue': 0.49761927127838135, 'm': '641300092690754604', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_hy_varicamo_red_light_large.8db408c4317e19bfdf8adc6c3183327866423445.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Full Stop', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Sawed-Off | Full Stop (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:14:29,345 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41332099103', 'd': '12412524102477224237', 'paintseed': 178, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 250, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41332099103', 'floatvalue': 0.49761927127838135, 'm': '641300092690754604', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_hy_varicamo_red_light_large.8db408c4317e19bfdf8adc6c3183327866423445.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Full Stop', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Sawed-Off | Full Stop (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:14:29,351 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41332099103', 'd': '12412524102477224237', 'paintseed': 178, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 250, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41332099103', 'floatvalue': 0.49761927127838135, 'm': '641300092690754604', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_hy_varicamo_red_light_large.8db408c4317e19bfdf8adc6c3183327866423445.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Full Stop', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Sawed-Off | Full Stop (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:14:30,043 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:14:31,995 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855106907A41040783365D9720602276016124280 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:14:32,206 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '2858692969', 'd': '2371823353489842931', 'paintseed': 70, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 450, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '2858692969', 'high_rank': 131, 'floatvalue': 0.4752580225467682, 'm': '639047205587217391', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_hy_zodiac1_light_large.b06536b160c1807d7aa4c8e906771d3c5c2f7c59.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Moon in Libra', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Moon in Libra (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:14:33,000 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:14:33,590 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048927782385511A41298774236D2767568530913850172 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:14:33,709 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41181452234', 'd': '17214636447297936962', 'paintseed': 164, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 70, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41181452234', 'floatvalue': 0.07556913048028946, 'm': '659314491204884524', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_am_carbon_fiber_light_large.b250b860bbe6f7a689448cc47b6ac25427e3d848.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.12, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Carbon Fiber', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Minimal Wear', 'full_item_name': 'UMP-45 | Carbon Fiber (Minimal Wear)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:14:33,718 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660441026013507384A41493786641D478589160551847169 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:14:33,847 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41300860819', 'd': '12262321590243954233', 'paintseed': 32, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 716, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41300860819', 'floatvalue': 0.4778587818145752, 'm': '636796493062682322', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_cu_nova_toy_soldier_light_large.e35320d18405b77fb9dd5e495fe4f625b8ab6c82.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Toy Soldier', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Toy Soldier (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:14:34,597 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:14:34,739 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:14:35,909 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '40105765339', 'd': '7954177772710546014', 'paintseed': 757, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 910, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40105765339', 'low_rank': 576, 'high_rank': 585, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.6520468592643738, 'm': '635670593144677331', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_cu_mp9_hydra_light_large.b7763a811b3bc9d19d04502fba0edc6cbe355766.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Hydra', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MP9 | Hydra (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:14:35,926 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '40105765339', 'd': '7954177772710546014', 'paintseed': 757, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 910, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40105765339', 'low_rank': 576, 'high_rank': 585, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.6520468592643738, 'm': '635670593144677331', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_cu_mp9_hydra_light_large.b7763a811b3bc9d19d04502fba0edc6cbe355766.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Hydra', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MP9 | Hydra (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:14:36,077 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037126675A39919823176D11872685472327397406 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:14:37,096 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:14:37,482 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127967647404A41091339579D9809018110549244570 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:14:38,498 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:14:39,570 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692825825024270A29485973433D641457704891929936 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:14:39,867 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '39502090825', 'd': '9422212315308439590', 'paintseed': 592, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 281, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39502090825', 'high_rank': 862, 'floatvalue': 0.7236746549606323, 'm': '648055492131250132', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_cu_ump_corporal_light_large.ae233b4fabc9ff5fef6d25a87175ce5ad8f2ee6e.png', 'min': 0.05, 'max': 0.75, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Corporal', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'UMP-45 | Corporal (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:14:40,436 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668322325357275119A41462026290D884542126392239762 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:14:40,574 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:14:41,440 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:14:42,058 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644678427315621979A33673011619D16871091325144520143 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:14:43,063 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:14:43,126 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037126675A39919823176D11872685472327397406 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:14:43,404 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037232185A26958957458D16457842733920816882 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:14:43,713 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41492623598', 'd': '5254834817069340261', 'paintseed': 168, 'defindex': 25, 'paintindex': 1103, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40504811817', 'floatvalue': 0.8608872890472412, 'm': '648055492131862312', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_xm1014_gs_xm1014_watchdog_light_large.5443196414c00a57b26d9af50d4a75a35dd8dbd8.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'XM1014', 'item_name': 'Watchdog', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'XM1014 | Watchdog (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:14:44,132 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:14:44,411 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:14:45,055 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M652559726664493637A41493525467D4623123717835299307 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:14:46,060 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:14:46,418 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666070525548745415A34987916577D4640054011815482000 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:14:47,424 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:14:47,468 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668322325357275119A41462026290D884542126392239762 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:14:48,473 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:14:48,978 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668320603151774849A36727264232D7351179217860131149 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:14:49,983 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:14:50,165 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037126675A39919823176D11872685472327397406 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:14:51,169 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:14:52,728 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41323277171', 'd': '9837096228819058932', 'paintseed': 196, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 1225, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41323277171', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.7243204116821289, 'm': '662692190918537676', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_cu_mp9_superlight_light_large.81ad837f4c889f250fa03b227ef74555614de55d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Featherweight', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MP9 | Featherweight (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:14:52,739 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41323277171', 'd': '9837096228819058932', 'paintseed': 196, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 1225, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41323277171', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.7243204116821289, 'm': '662692190918537676', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_cu_mp9_superlight_light_large.81ad837f4c889f250fa03b227ef74555614de55d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Featherweight', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MP9 | Featherweight (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:14:55,079 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41484009413', 'd': '2786075527341336828', 'paintseed': 65, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 61, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41484009413', 'high_rank': 14, 'floatvalue': 0.07952121645212173, 'm': '653684991667403804', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_aa_vertigo_light_large.41a7195e0a6ba44c2fc64d64bee0635444b0c569.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Hypnotic', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Minimal Wear', 'full_item_name': 'MP9 | Hypnotic (Minimal Wear)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:14:56,483 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037132255A41313463320D12457524109656267644 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:14:56,635 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41266280133', 'd': '13838592318473075936', 'paintseed': 355, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 362, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5961, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'rio2022_team_ence', 'material': 'rio2022/ence', 'name': 'ENCE | Rio 2022'}, {'stickerId': 5961, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'rio2022_team_ence', 'material': 'rio2022/ence', 'name': 'ENCE | Rio 2022'}], 'floatid': '41068818069', 'high_rank': 160, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.3929251730442047, 'm': '635670593158746251', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_hy_lines_orange_light_large.d004ea389236e6fa5da2f0555ab5b3723bdf36d1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Labyrinth', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Well-Worn', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ UMP-45 | Labyrinth (Well-Worn)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:14:56,644 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41266280133', 'd': '13838592318473075936', 'paintseed': 355, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 362, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5961, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'rio2022_team_ence', 'material': 'rio2022/ence', 'name': 'ENCE | Rio 2022'}, {'stickerId': 5961, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'rio2022_team_ence', 'material': 'rio2022/ence', 'name': 'ENCE | Rio 2022'}], 'floatid': '41068818069', 'high_rank': 160, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.3929251730442047, 'm': '635670593158746251', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_hy_lines_orange_light_large.d004ea389236e6fa5da2f0555ab5b3723bdf36d1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Labyrinth', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Well-Worn', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ UMP-45 | Labyrinth (Well-Worn)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:14:57,200 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037126675A39919823176D11872685472327397406 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:14:57,487 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:14:58,206 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:14:59,762 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '25539927211', 'd': '13874544449693074518', 'paintseed': 92, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 298, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '25539927211', 'floatvalue': 0.22591914236545563, 'm': '655936791476409766', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_am_army_shine_light_large.59520d9221e58bdc6b6946943cca0823b7460509.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Army Sheen', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'MP9 | Army Sheen (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:14:59,767 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '25539927211', 'd': '13874544449693074518', 'paintseed': 92, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 298, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '25539927211', 'floatvalue': 0.22591914236545563, 'm': '655936791476409766', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_am_army_shine_light_large.59520d9221e58bdc6b6946943cca0823b7460509.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Army Sheen', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'MP9 | Army Sheen (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:14:59,772 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '25539927211', 'd': '13874544449693074518', 'paintseed': 92, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 298, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '25539927211', 'floatvalue': 0.22591914236545563, 'm': '655936791476409766', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_am_army_shine_light_large.59520d9221e58bdc6b6946943cca0823b7460509.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Army Sheen', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'MP9 | Army Sheen (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:14:59,778 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '25539927211', 'd': '13874544449693074518', 'paintseed': 92, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 298, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '25539927211', 'floatvalue': 0.22591914236545563, 'm': '655936791476409766', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_am_army_shine_light_large.59520d9221e58bdc6b6946943cca0823b7460509.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Army Sheen', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'MP9 | Army Sheen (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:14:59,782 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '25539927211', 'd': '13874544449693074518', 'paintseed': 92, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 298, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '25539927211', 'floatvalue': 0.22591914236545563, 'm': '655936791476409766', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_am_army_shine_light_large.59520d9221e58bdc6b6946943cca0823b7460509.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Army Sheen', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'MP9 | Army Sheen (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:14:59,787 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '25539927211', 'd': '13874544449693074518', 'paintseed': 92, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 298, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '25539927211', 'floatvalue': 0.22591914236545563, 'm': '655936791476409766', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_am_army_shine_light_large.59520d9221e58bdc6b6946943cca0823b7460509.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Army Sheen', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'MP9 | Army Sheen (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:14:59,792 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '25539927211', 'd': '13874544449693074518', 'paintseed': 92, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 298, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '25539927211', 'floatvalue': 0.22591914236545563, 'm': '655936791476409766', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_am_army_shine_light_large.59520d9221e58bdc6b6946943cca0823b7460509.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Army Sheen', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'MP9 | Army Sheen (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:14:59,797 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '25539927211', 'd': '13874544449693074518', 'paintseed': 92, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 298, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '25539927211', 'floatvalue': 0.22591914236545563, 'm': '655936791476409766', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_am_army_shine_light_large.59520d9221e58bdc6b6946943cca0823b7460509.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Army Sheen', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'MP9 | Army Sheen (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:14:59,802 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '25539927211', 'd': '13874544449693074518', 'paintseed': 92, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 298, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '25539927211', 'floatvalue': 0.22591914236545563, 'm': '655936791476409766', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_am_army_shine_light_large.59520d9221e58bdc6b6946943cca0823b7460509.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Army Sheen', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'MP9 | Army Sheen (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:14:59,807 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '25539927211', 'd': '13874544449693074518', 'paintseed': 92, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 298, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '25539927211', 'floatvalue': 0.22591914236545563, 'm': '655936791476409766', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_am_army_shine_light_large.59520d9221e58bdc6b6946943cca0823b7460509.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Army Sheen', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'MP9 | Army Sheen (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:15:03,518 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037132255A41313463320D12457524109656267644 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:15:04,247 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037126675A39919823176D11872685472327397406 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:15:04,525 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:15:05,253 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:15:10,560 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037132255A41313463320D12457524109656267644 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:15:10,633 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '13001053745', 'd': '9369997137997289982', 'paintseed': 554, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 303, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '13001053745', 'high_rank': 469, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.9199150800704956, 'm': '649181392039790268', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_tec9_cu_tec9_asiimov_light_large.9a4fb9bbf6f01209b8fd3effeda1eecfc1e5a9a3.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Isaac', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Tec-9 | Isaac (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:15:10,666 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479297737A39710940984D885041604816368172 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:15:11,285 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037126675A39919823176D11872685472327397406 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:15:11,565 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:15:11,670 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:15:12,148 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '36793203765', 'd': '3226301369647307764', 'paintseed': 522, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 520, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6668, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0.8069606423377991, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_mont', 'material': 'paris2023/mont', 'name': 'Monte | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6656, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0.7288693189620972, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_pain', 'material': 'paris2023/pain', 'name': 'paiN Gaming | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6668, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0.9928608536720276, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_mont', 'material': 'paris2023/mont', 'name': 'Monte | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6668, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0.8716626763343811, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_mont', 'material': 'paris2023/mont', 'name': 'Monte | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '36793203765', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.5695904493331909, 'm': '659314491204681844', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_tec9_cu_tec9_avalanche_light_large.eb6726a24084bf5f3c8c8c70cd8ea37425a708e3.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Avalanche', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Tec-9 | Avalanche (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:15:12,290 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:15:13,459 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41284861287', 'd': '16585776938351449292', 'paintseed': 154, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 1175, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41159701524', 'floatvalue': 0.7188935875892639, 'm': '639048292879868522', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.801418, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Motorized', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'UMP-45 | Motorized (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:15:13,466 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41284861287', 'd': '16585776938351449292', 'paintseed': 154, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 1175, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41159701524', 'floatvalue': 0.7188935875892639, 'm': '639048292879868522', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.801418, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Motorized', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'UMP-45 | Motorized (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:15:17,709 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479297737A39710940984D885041604816368172 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:15:18,320 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037126675A39919823176D11872685472327397406 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:15:18,714 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:15:19,326 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:15:21,849 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690369032A36738531643D17060770697825210985 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:15:22,249 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41218979784', 'd': '7659152802657071962', 'paintseed': 884, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 964, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41218979784', 'floatvalue': 0.8168517351150513, 'm': '660440391105264125', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_tec9_gs_tec9_guerilla_light_large.796534c0914361eec796eccd5558930096f75f96.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Brother', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Tec-9 | Brother (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:15:22,854 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:15:24,746 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479297737A39710940984D885041604816368172 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:15:25,357 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037126675A39919823176D11872685472327397406 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:15:25,750 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:15:26,362 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:15:26,530 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41290268293', 'd': '11694942527466876971', 'paintseed': 74, 'defindex': 25, 'paintindex': 1174, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41290268293', 'floatvalue': 0.5157372355461121, 'm': '636796493065405362', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.799353, 'weapon_type': 'XM1014', 'item_name': 'Irezumi', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'XM1014 | Irezumi (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:15:26,540 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41290268293', 'd': '11694942527466876971', 'paintseed': 74, 'defindex': 25, 'paintindex': 1174, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41290268293', 'floatvalue': 0.5157372355461121, 'm': '636796493065405362', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.799353, 'weapon_type': 'XM1014', 'item_name': 'Irezumi', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'XM1014 | Irezumi (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:15:26,547 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668321690462026071A41252703481D4963178336944896045 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:15:27,551 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:15:29,618 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048927782443861A36897169100D6937375685215841884 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:15:30,622 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:15:31,780 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479297737A39710940984D885041604816368172 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:15:32,396 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037126675A39919823176D11872685472327397406 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:15:32,784 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:15:33,401 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:15:33,585 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668321690462026071A41252703481D4963178336944896045 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:15:34,590 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:15:36,696 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642426627503972404A41493603173D742045426015710430 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:15:37,704 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:15:38,814 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479297737A39710940984D885041604816368172 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:15:38,976 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '33745543845', 'd': '7071789188958370264', 'paintseed': 984, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 520, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '33745543845', 'high_rank': 720, 'floatvalue': 0.941727876663208, 'm': '659314491203101984', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_tec9_cu_tec9_avalanche_light_large.eb6726a24084bf5f3c8c8c70cd8ea37425a708e3.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Avalanche', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Tec-9 | Avalanche (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:15:39,335 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41485044049', 'd': '2463159090835609641', 'paintseed': 408, 'defindex': 25, 'paintindex': 1135, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41095696180', 'floatvalue': 0.4939168691635132, 'm': '644677792408982697', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_xm1014_am_xm_zombie_offensive_light_large.0e15d69fbf9b3d93b14f54f85fa84bcb45c8f49e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'XM1014', 'item_name': 'Zombie Offensive', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'XM1014 | Zombie Offensive (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:15:39,435 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037126675A39919823176D11872685472327397406 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:15:39,819 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:15:40,439 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:15:40,625 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668321690462026071A41252703481D4963178336944896045 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:15:41,477 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479270767A40482915268D7234507802466164028 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:15:41,632 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:15:41,828 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41492473544', 'd': '1064717173832005346', 'paintseed': 67, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 17, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41492473544', 'floatvalue': 0.491098016500473, 'm': '654810891574411035', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_hy_ddpat_urb_light_large.2a86a32be1865ab7757d80bfbee44c80662ee4d9.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Urban DDPAT', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'UMP-45 | Urban DDPAT (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:15:42,482 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:15:43,368 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635671228061903353A40887697712D11566524243909653360 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:15:44,374 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:15:45,342 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300727597113673A40466956361D18123149338416650 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:15:45,852 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479297737A39710940984D885041604816368172 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:15:46,349 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:15:46,475 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037126675A39919823176D11872685472327397406 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:15:46,858 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:15:47,480 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:15:47,662 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668321690462026071A41252703481D4963178336944896045 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:15:48,515 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479270767A40482915268D7234507802466164028 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:15:48,667 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:15:49,523 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:15:49,914 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41329555732', 'd': '2634116408147022618', 'paintseed': 811, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 599, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39682629169', 'high_rank': 168, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.49525874853134155, 'm': '642425992599731545', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_tec9_am_tec_9_sea_salt_light_large.726f78fd872aa2ccfcab9a051b4b79c314d50a4e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Ice Cap', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Tec-9 | Ice Cap (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:15:50,937 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M664944625639792302A40226148064D14153796342309141366 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:15:51,942 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:15:52,377 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300727597113673A40466956361D18123149338416650 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:15:52,893 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479297737A39710940984D885041604816368172 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:15:53,384 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:15:53,506 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037126675A39919823176D11872685472327397406 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:15:53,897 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:15:54,511 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:15:54,694 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668321690462026071A41252703481D4963178336944896045 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:15:55,548 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479270767A40482915268D7234507802466164028 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:15:55,657 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41485630445', 'd': '14150523800699928262', 'paintseed': 89, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 990, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39815073198', 'high_rank': 992, 'floatvalue': 0.5870574712753296, 'm': '662692190919166926', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_gs_ump_gold_bismuth_light_large.c09fa5b0617d1c486737c9beb39f79bec31621dc.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Gold Bismuth', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'UMP-45 | Gold Bismuth (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:15:55,666 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41485630445', 'd': '14150523800699928262', 'paintseed': 89, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 990, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39815073198', 'high_rank': 992, 'floatvalue': 0.5870574712753296, 'm': '662692190919166926', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_gs_ump_gold_bismuth_light_large.c09fa5b0617d1c486737c9beb39f79bec31621dc.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Gold Bismuth', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'UMP-45 | Gold Bismuth (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:15:55,708 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:15:56,552 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:15:57,984 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M664944625639792302A40226148064D14153796342309141366 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:15:58,991 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:15:59,933 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479297737A39710940984D885041604816368172 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:16:00,540 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037126675A39919823176D11872685472327397406 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:16:00,938 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:16:01,544 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:16:01,742 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668321690462026071A41252703481D4963178336944896045 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:16:02,747 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:16:02,951 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41104131747', 'd': '12396160602925169669', 'paintseed': 248, 'defindex': 25, 'paintindex': 1103, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41104131747', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.5178695917129517, 'm': '639048292880338622', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_xm1014_gs_xm1014_watchdog_light_large.5443196414c00a57b26d9af50d4a75a35dd8dbd8.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'XM1014', 'item_name': 'Watchdog', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ XM1014 | Watchdog (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:16:03,549 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127967738484A41211804477D7413494545031705189 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:16:04,553 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:16:05,714 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479268547A41238794415D9371535627529321709 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:16:06,718 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:16:06,966 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479297737A39710940984D885041604816368172 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:16:07,971 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:16:08,777 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668321690462026071A41252703481D4963178336944896045 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:16:09,675 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640173105485899532A40647511150D9569621640789834920 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:16:09,782 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:16:10,680 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:16:12,748 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479268547A41238794415D9371535627529321709 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:16:13,753 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:16:13,998 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479297737A39710940984D885041604816368172 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:16:15,002 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:16:15,258 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '26870867092', 'd': '37201763560168075', 'paintseed': 710, 'defindex': 25, 'paintindex': 706, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '26833064311', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.49677541851997375, 'm': '637922392973304793', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_xm1014_cu_xm1014_oxide_blaze_light_large.691be80b706e1ea4faf9b5c9bec40b3611b1d440.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'XM1014', 'item_name': 'Oxide Blaze', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ XM1014 | Oxide Blaze (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:16:15,811 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668321690462026071A41252703481D4963178336944896045 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:16:16,816 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:16:21,034 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479297737A39710940984D885041604816368172 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:16:22,040 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:16:22,845 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668321690462026071A41252703481D4963178336944896045 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:16:23,850 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:16:29,883 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668321690462026071A41252703481D4963178336944896045 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:16:30,888 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:16:56,500 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41295746249', 'd': '3197673024594044785', 'paintseed': 61, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 941, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 281, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'witchcraft', 'material': 'community02/witchcraft', 'name': 'Witchcraft'}, {'stickerId': 281, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'witchcraft', 'material': 'community02/witchcraft', 'name': 'Witchcraft'}, {'stickerId': 281, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'witchcraft', 'material': 'community02/witchcraft', 'name': 'Witchcraft'}, {'stickerId': 281, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'witchcraft', 'material': 'community02/witchcraft', 'name': 'Witchcraft'}], 'floatid': '33914908754', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.055828068405389786, 'm': '667195790546343451', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_cu_ak-47_phantom_disruptor_light_large.c14fcebe17a4c1a509edc597b33dcb9b5dcda32b.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.65, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Phantom Disruptor', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ AK-47 | Phantom Disruptor (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:17:15,473 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M657063326292944298A41312005042D2793397958503706107 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:17:15,519 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41327638538', 'd': '11853547243428670845', 'paintseed': 960, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 422, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41327638538', 'floatvalue': 0.06767787784337997, 'm': '666069890636704470', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_cu_ak47_mastery_light_large.4305c0ba4b02ce531fc08c275fa6a9d87da2cf7e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Elite Build', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AK-47 | Elite Build (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:17:16,479 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:17:21,057 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '40275435855', 'd': '6936896806417130423', 'paintseed': 689, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 72, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40275435855', 'floatvalue': 0.06941649317741394, 'm': '639047205575721301', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_sp_mesh_tan_light_large.0372a5d37f473b9cf5e2ee32d2f5d36247f24a3a.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Safari Mesh', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AK-47 | Safari Mesh (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:17:22,270 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '40904245471', 'd': '16593704566298526685', 'paintseed': 863, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 1141, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40904245471', 'floatvalue': 0.05563460662961006, 'm': '653684991655618214', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_cu_ak47_nightwish_light_large.0c4581be094e2bd732bec18ebdad2f71b1018af2.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Nightwish', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AK-47 | Nightwish (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:17:22,512 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M657063326292944298A41312005042D2793397958503706107 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:17:23,517 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:17:24,327 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692190922034566A40426787579D3200527339165363633 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:17:25,332 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:17:25,652 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649182026948250846A41306163643D13980376677759623987 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:17:26,657 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:17:31,372 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692190922034566A40426787579D3200527339165363633 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:17:32,377 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:17:32,688 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649182026948250846A41306163643D13980376677759623987 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:17:33,695 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:17:37,611 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41478117918', 'd': '3027162420258897742', 'paintseed': 195, 'defindex': 60, 'paintindex': 235, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41478117918', 'floatvalue': 0.05607880279421806, 'm': '644677792411796097', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_silencer_hy_varicamo_light_large.794803daec1d6d6cd2c47d8e8520d9f5f0b1fc1b.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'M4A1-S', 'item_name': 'VariCamo', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'M4A1-S | VariCamo (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:17:37,617 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41478117918', 'd': '3027162420258897742', 'paintseed': 195, 'defindex': 60, 'paintindex': 235, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41478117918', 'floatvalue': 0.05607880279421806, 'm': '644677792411796097', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_silencer_hy_varicamo_light_large.794803daec1d6d6cd2c47d8e8520d9f5f0b1fc1b.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'M4A1-S', 'item_name': 'VariCamo', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'M4A1-S | VariCamo (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:17:39,728 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649182026948250846A41306163643D13980376677759623987 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:17:40,739 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:17:41,290 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41484088917', 'd': '612714856036264032', 'paintseed': 307, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 1149, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5199, 'slot': 5, 'offset_x': 0.015574485063552856, 'offset_y': -0.0004267096519470215, 'codename': 'stockh2021_signature_art_holo', 'material': 'stockh2021/sig_art_holo', 'name': 'arT (Holo) | Stockholm 2021'}], 'floatid': '37861738539', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.031282369047403336, 'm': '642425992596968245', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_cu_m4a4_elite_tactical_light_large.015fd86aa32f4f0331aa1b7dc2571d89dbf38671.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'Poly Mag', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ M4A4 | Poly Mag (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:17:44,182 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479257687A41479676005D14865940693775591705 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:17:45,186 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:17:51,220 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479257687A41479676005D14865940693775591705 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:17:52,224 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:17:53,033 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646930227130331961A39678184713D884086659631744194 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:17:53,363 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41489567926', 'd': '12574064335939550464', 'paintseed': 605, 'defindex': 60, 'paintindex': 587, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '11332290558', 'low_rank': 292, 'floatvalue': 0.04055507853627205, 'm': '636796493065783632', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_silencer_gs_m4a1_mecha_industries_light_large.2973cf5ca9d1592d6652bf14ac89bcd8593d4f0a.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'M4A1-S', 'item_name': 'Mecha Industries', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'M4A1-S | Mecha Industries (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:17:53,744 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M661566925919295256A41258183157D13902296078655772970 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:17:54,037 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:17:54,750 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:17:56,596 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644678427315604939A41493734240D5504780456632982346 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:17:57,601 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:17:57,758 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41488694564', 'd': '7647187682639338926', 'paintseed': 974, 'defindex': 60, 'paintindex': 1243, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40574024543', 'floatvalue': 0.06635624915361404, 'm': '663818090829238777', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_silencer_gs_m4a1s_milspec_light_large.abf3dbeb994944b3182cc60c50d3a729f47c1979.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.73, 'weapon_type': 'M4A1-S', 'item_name': 'Mud-Spec', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'M4A1-S | Mud-Spec (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:17:57,765 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41488694564', 'd': '7647187682639338926', 'paintseed': 974, 'defindex': 60, 'paintindex': 1243, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40574024543', 'floatvalue': 0.06635624915361404, 'm': '663818090829238777', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_silencer_gs_m4a1s_milspec_light_large.abf3dbeb994944b3182cc60c50d3a729f47c1979.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.73, 'weapon_type': 'M4A1-S', 'item_name': 'Mud-Spec', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'M4A1-S | Mud-Spec (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:17:57,773 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41488694564', 'd': '7647187682639338926', 'paintseed': 974, 'defindex': 60, 'paintindex': 1243, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40574024543', 'floatvalue': 0.06635624915361404, 'm': '663818090829238777', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_silencer_gs_m4a1s_milspec_light_large.abf3dbeb994944b3182cc60c50d3a729f47c1979.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.73, 'weapon_type': 'M4A1-S', 'item_name': 'Mud-Spec', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'M4A1-S | Mud-Spec (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:17:57,779 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41488694564', 'd': '7647187682639338926', 'paintseed': 974, 'defindex': 60, 'paintindex': 1243, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40574024543', 'floatvalue': 0.06635624915361404, 'm': '663818090829238777', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_silencer_gs_m4a1s_milspec_light_large.abf3dbeb994944b3182cc60c50d3a729f47c1979.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.73, 'weapon_type': 'M4A1-S', 'item_name': 'Mud-Spec', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'M4A1-S | Mud-Spec (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:17:57,786 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41488694564', 'd': '7647187682639338926', 'paintseed': 974, 'defindex': 60, 'paintindex': 1243, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40574024543', 'floatvalue': 0.06635624915361404, 'm': '663818090829238777', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_silencer_gs_m4a1s_milspec_light_large.abf3dbeb994944b3182cc60c50d3a729f47c1979.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.73, 'weapon_type': 'M4A1-S', 'item_name': 'Mud-Spec', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'M4A1-S | Mud-Spec (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:17:58,896 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174192790107313A20063568685D16152417807953971089 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:17:59,900 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:18:00,778 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M661566925919295256A41258183157D13902296078655772970 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:18:01,606 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41486631869', 'd': '9396910854169144844', 'paintseed': 350, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 400, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '14903117590', 'floatvalue': 0.06965455412864685, 'm': '642425992597989565', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_cu_m4a4_ancestral_light_large.cbd9732689f42b7aec91bdb9166b1ee414974cb7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.75, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': '龍王 (Dragon King)', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'M4A4 | 龍王 (Dragon King) (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:18:01,783 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:18:07,817 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M661566925919295256A41258183157D13902296078655772970 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:18:08,822 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:18:10,008 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41318398031', 'd': '12108638218858433255', 'paintseed': 989, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 805, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41318398031', 'floatvalue': 0.05824069678783417, 'm': '651433191850623590', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_gs_deagle_mecha_light_large.e08c1fd8709f6b368956c41c68b17c15ff635635.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Mecha Industries', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Desert Eagle | Mecha Industries (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:18:10,015 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41318398031', 'd': '12108638218858433255', 'paintseed': 989, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 805, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41318398031', 'floatvalue': 0.05824069678783417, 'm': '651433191850623590', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_gs_deagle_mecha_light_large.e08c1fd8709f6b368956c41c68b17c15ff635635.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Mecha Industries', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Desert Eagle | Mecha Industries (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:18:10,020 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41318398031', 'd': '12108638218858433255', 'paintseed': 989, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 805, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41318398031', 'floatvalue': 0.05824069678783417, 'm': '651433191850623590', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_gs_deagle_mecha_light_large.e08c1fd8709f6b368956c41c68b17c15ff635635.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Mecha Industries', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Desert Eagle | Mecha Industries (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:18:13,833 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41477164106', 'd': '10137297691469254342', 'paintseed': 86, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 993, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4777, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_liq', 'material': 'rmr2020/liq', 'name': 'Liquid | 2020 RMR'}, {'stickerId': 4777, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_liq', 'material': 'rmr2020/liq', 'name': 'Liquid | 2020 RMR'}, {'stickerId': 4777, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_liq', 'material': 'rmr2020/liq', 'name': 'Liquid | 2020 RMR'}, {'stickerId': 4777, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_liq', 'material': 'rmr2020/liq', 'name': 'Liquid | 2020 RMR'}], 'floatid': '32845934934', 'floatvalue': 0.053591664880514145, 'm': '659314491198111394', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_cu_csgo_camo_light_large.9e1a644f88ce7ab73f63d5b90070b9993fcb14ac.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'Global Offensive', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'M4A4 | Global Offensive (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:18:16,324 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '37456749283', 'd': '11973002828010368581', 'paintseed': 367, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 296, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6873, 'slot': 1, 'offset_x': -0.5098742842674255, 'offset_y': 0.01530998945236206, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_goofy_2', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_goofy', 'name': 'Goofy | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '37456749283', 'floatvalue': 0.05070566013455391, 'm': '635670593158952861', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_am_crystallized_dark_light_large.2d7d753a893ec3f0a470af9690aa64dcecd7146f.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.18, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Meteorite', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Desert Eagle | Meteorite (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:18:16,330 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '37456749283', 'd': '11973002828010368581', 'paintseed': 367, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 296, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6873, 'slot': 1, 'offset_x': -0.5098742842674255, 'offset_y': 0.01530998945236206, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_goofy_2', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_goofy', 'name': 'Goofy | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '37456749283', 'floatvalue': 0.05070566013455391, 'm': '635670593158952861', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_am_crystallized_dark_light_large.2d7d753a893ec3f0a470af9690aa64dcecd7146f.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.18, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Meteorite', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Desert Eagle | Meteorite (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:18:16,335 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '37456749283', 'd': '11973002828010368581', 'paintseed': 367, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 296, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6873, 'slot': 1, 'offset_x': -0.5098742842674255, 'offset_y': 0.01530998945236206, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_goofy_2', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_goofy', 'name': 'Goofy | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '37456749283', 'floatvalue': 0.05070566013455391, 'm': '635670593158952861', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_am_crystallized_dark_light_large.2d7d753a893ec3f0a470af9690aa64dcecd7146f.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.18, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Meteorite', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Desert Eagle | Meteorite (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:18:16,531 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M667196425457712090A41493769228D756710320156635683 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:18:17,536 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:18:23,406 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41491718932', 'd': '1028193051793449669', 'paintseed': 767, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 232, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35468329097', 'low_rank': 25, 'high_rank': 835, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06857531517744064, 'm': '637922392972702243', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_hy_webs_darker_light_large.7b9cb19bac52ebe7c49e3abdfb0c400ea252fef8.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Crimson Web', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Desert Eagle | Crimson Web (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:18:24,014 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666070525548719345A41248926866D478164834471641157 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:18:25,019 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:18:26,486 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926854995367A39831282426D63099083606897771 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:18:26,837 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690343112A40328883710D14172450819221051842 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:18:27,492 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:18:27,841 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:18:30,387 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M667196425457711190A41493768966D14430659280692575490 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:18:31,392 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:18:31,662 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M652559726664524087A26838110336D9989725760776202003 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:18:32,666 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:18:33,036 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41319365896', 'd': '3350828106417057285', 'paintseed': 155, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 509, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38541743718', 'floatvalue': 0.04180927574634552, 'm': '659314491204693964', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_aq_deagle_corinthian_light_large.1a694892a1953a131775451d0542508b4b3d9e77.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.44, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Corinthian', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Desert Eagle | Corinthian (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:18:33,042 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41319365896', 'd': '3350828106417057285', 'paintseed': 155, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 509, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38541743718', 'floatvalue': 0.04180927574634552, 'm': '659314491204693964', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_aq_deagle_corinthian_light_large.1a694892a1953a131775451d0542508b4b3d9e77.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.44, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Corinthian', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Desert Eagle | Corinthian (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:18:33,078 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41478905382', 'd': '333945889974579851', 'paintseed': 100, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 1170, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4780, 'slot': 1, 'offset_x': -0.138924241065979, 'offset_y': -0.058319091796875, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_liq_gold', 'material': 'rmr2020/liq_gold', 'name': 'Liquid (Gold) | 2020 RMR'}, {'stickerId': 4774, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0.7799999713897705, 'offset_x': -0.2107032835483551, 'offset_y': -0.01343679428100586, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_furi_holo', 'material': 'rmr2020/furi_holo', 'name': 'FURIA (Holo) | 2020 RMR'}], 'floatid': '41308079386', 'low_rank': 270, 'floatvalue': 0.03408372402191162, 'm': '643551892505773646', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Chrome Cannon', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Chrome Cannon (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:18:33,521 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926854995367A39831282426D63099083606897771 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:18:33,880 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690343112A40328883710D14172450819221051842 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:18:34,528 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:18:34,886 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:18:35,006 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653685626571358046A34855788732D4946226459827294045 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:18:35,119 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41489626423', 'd': '9676758596039778885', 'paintseed': 7, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 351, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4871, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'strafe_03', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/strafe_03', 'name': 'Mood Ring Strafe (Holo)'}, {'stickerId': 190, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': 0.40503132343292236, 'offset_y': -0.020748943090438843, 'codename': 'tilldeathdouspart', 'material': 'community02/tilldeathdouspart', 'name': 'Till Death Do Us Part'}], 'floatid': '39335176033', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.041593678295612335, 'm': '651433191849970070', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_cu_deagle_aureus_light_large.7fa76057cb05f2cab829be448f120ae540715d0e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Conspiracy', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Desert Eagle | Conspiracy (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:18:36,010 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:18:36,012 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653685626571431696A40260514046D16334138596309015874 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:18:36,553 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41492039678', 'd': '7218151046548347587', 'paintseed': 4, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 1144, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7283, 'slot': 4, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_cplx_glitter', 'material': 'cph2024/cplx_glitter', 'name': 'Complexity Gaming (Glitter) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7283, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_cplx_glitter', 'material': 'cph2024/cplx_glitter', 'name': 'Complexity Gaming (Glitter) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7283, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_cplx_glitter', 'material': 'cph2024/cplx_glitter', 'name': 'Complexity Gaming (Glitter) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7283, 'slot': 0, 'offset_x': -0.3087432384490967, 'offset_y': -0.017872005701065063, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_cplx_glitter', 'material': 'cph2024/cplx_glitter', 'name': 'Complexity Gaming (Glitter) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7283, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': 0.17471209168434143, 'offset_y': 0.06558451056480408, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_cplx_glitter', 'material': 'cph2024/cplx_glitter', 'name': 'Complexity Gaming (Glitter) | Copenhagen 2024'}], 'floatid': '40006988331', 'floatvalue': 0.04894815385341644, 'm': '637922392972838083', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_cu_awp_chroma_pink_light_large.afc69cbf51b04e24149744b6ee1d998cc18d3002.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Chromatic Aberration', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Chromatic Aberration (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:18:36,561 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '4999813262', 'd': '2371292997494941452', 'paintseed': 181, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 495, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '4999813262', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06480888277292252, 'm': '654810891569715435', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_gs_glock18_wrathys_light_large.8cf4aba20d193a1646b378a3d04a6fee3f66724c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Wraiths', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Glock-18 | Wraiths (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:18:36,778 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41492655989', 'd': '16585322197755171596', 'paintseed': 58, 'defindex': 60, 'paintindex': 1059, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '24001436713', 'floatvalue': 0.05457816272974014, 'm': '649181392041000768', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_silencer_sp_technowar_red_light_large.8b95f916513ef9d3ceab3f8b87acd23779aeef0a.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.57, 'weapon_type': 'M4A1-S', 'item_name': 'Fizzy POP', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'M4A1-S | Fizzy POP (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:18:37,018 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:18:37,423 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M661566925919320786A41313393744D13882396490780497892 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:18:37,899 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '35099120197', 'd': '7552185703900790439', 'paintseed': 565, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 1222, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 1642, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'bestiary_manticore', 'material': 'bestiary_capsule/manticore', 'name': 'Manticore'}], 'floatid': '35099120197', 'low_rank': 945, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06720715016126633, 'm': '651433191845033030', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_gs_awp_limbo_snake_light_large.60984ce1e5c1a4ac10e83444a9b7e7f78dd98b1e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Duality', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ AWP | Duality (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:18:38,047 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41074256837', 'd': '12542013289393753120', 'paintseed': 235, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 793, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '33156757447', 'floatvalue': 0.04993043467402458, 'm': '649181392041157758', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_hy_red_hex_light_large.cd2153af94a302c0293620289716a29d9fbfbeca.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'Converter', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'M4A4 | Converter (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:18:38,429 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:18:39,431 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41265506736', 'd': '10235556657224745993', 'paintseed': 698, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 425, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40465677476', 'floatvalue': 0.053335316479206085, 'm': '652559091761029570', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_am_bronze_sparkle_light_large.42dc1d2bae9e586f75d6425f94a195014891533b.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.46, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Bronze Deco', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Desert Eagle | Bronze Deco (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:18:39,737 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40531929151', 'd': '11873261471335493450', 'paintseed': 410, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 694, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40230561785', 'floatvalue': 0.06683545559644699, 'm': '666069890638199460', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_aa_glock_18_urban_moon_fever_light_large.a0227f81e44dba68abbe595d427d62f9f90da99d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.65, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Moonrise', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Moonrise (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:18:40,919 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41492734685', 'd': '16196778718975926337', 'paintseed': 643, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 527, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4518, 'slot': 1, 'offset_x': 0.056315720081329346, 'offset_y': 0.0077832043170928955, 'codename': 'cs20_c4_friend', 'material': 'cs20/cs20_c4_friend', 'name': 'Friend Code'}, {'stickerId': 4514, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': 0.2937283217906952, 'offset_y': -0.00037029385566711426, 'codename': 'cs20_2old_glossy', 'material': 'cs20/cs20_2old_glossy', 'name': 'Too Old for This'}], 'floatid': '41492734685', 'floatvalue': 0.06590279191732407, 'm': '636796493066689392', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_aq_deserteagle_kumichodragon_light_large.19874e9a20cfac49efbe1f1557b995e453633ffe.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.76, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Kumicho Dragon', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Desert Eagle | Kumicho Dragon (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:18:41,441 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658188591293721783A41493446271D7809923729183477055 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:18:41,556 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41460636025', 'd': '5334527376029083714', 'paintseed': 350, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 480, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 3903, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'katowice2019_signature_advent', 'material': 'katowice2019/sig_advent', 'name': 'advent | Katowice 2019'}, {'stickerId': 3903, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'katowice2019_signature_advent', 'material': 'katowice2019/sig_advent', 'name': 'advent | Katowice 2019'}], 'floatid': '39679055058', 'floatvalue': 0.05848266929388046, 'm': '659314491189468994', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_cu_m4a4_evil_daimyo_light_large.c208ba252c0d8902caa973a634cbfa945508a716.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.52, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'Evil Daimyo', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'M4A4 | Evil Daimyo (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:18:41,563 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41460636025', 'd': '5334527376029083714', 'paintseed': 350, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 480, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 3903, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'katowice2019_signature_advent', 'material': 'katowice2019/sig_advent', 'name': 'advent | Katowice 2019'}, {'stickerId': 3903, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'katowice2019_signature_advent', 'material': 'katowice2019/sig_advent', 'name': 'advent | Katowice 2019'}], 'floatid': '39679055058', 'floatvalue': 0.05848266929388046, 'm': '659314491189468994', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_cu_m4a4_evil_daimyo_light_large.c208ba252c0d8902caa973a634cbfa945508a716.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.52, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'Evil Daimyo', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'M4A4 | Evil Daimyo (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:18:42,448 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:18:42,826 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40426695538', 'd': '2634199796707648846', 'paintseed': 613, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 1039, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40298850520', 'floatvalue': 0.044695254415273666, 'm': '662692190922036336', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_gs_glock_polymer_light_large.9a56b15b2deea5847b0820c5ad982c1796cc8e0c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Clear Polymer', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Clear Polymer (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:18:43,428 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '37000719464', 'd': '12134608512710530671', 'paintseed': 133, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 788, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '37000719464', 'floatvalue': 0.05954583361744881, 'm': '639048292880640962', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_hy_nuclear_skulls_redblue_light_large.601aa23f996c480640f439e05f204c5bd7fafa49.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.83, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Acheron', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Acheron (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:18:48,168 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41491088607', 'd': '2660721854744240586', 'paintseed': 826, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 1100, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40515397355', 'floatvalue': 0.06999988108873367, 'm': '654810891573988215', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_cu_glock_snackattack_light_large.145d863714fb0fd6f766ef28f3639c0efded5018.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Snack Attack', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Snack Attack (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:18:48,483 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658188591293721783A41493446271D7809923729183477055 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:18:49,488 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:18:49,577 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41481954966', 'd': '11864956188930910688', 'paintseed': 359, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 353, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41230284992', 'low_rank': 285, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.04784770682454109, 'm': '651433191847408070', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_cu_glock-liquescent_light_large.151e954ed4aef28ccc55d0ca4b43a7d9644f36ac.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Water Elemental', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Glock-18 | Water Elemental (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:18:49,764 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '36190511435', 'd': '12172361480893244495', 'paintseed': 771, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 805, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4031, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 1, 'offset_x': -0.017697960138320923, 'offset_y': 3.6776065826416016e-05, 'codename': 'berlin2019_team_navi', 'material': 'berlin2019/navi', 'name': 'Natus Vincere | Berlin 2019'}], 'floatid': '36190511435', 'low_rank': 914, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.0516970269382, 'm': '644677792412002857', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_gs_deagle_mecha_light_large.e08c1fd8709f6b368956c41c68b17c15ff635635.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Mecha Industries', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Desert Eagle | Mecha Industries (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:18:49,776 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '36190511435', 'd': '12172361480893244495', 'paintseed': 771, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 805, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4031, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 1, 'offset_x': -0.017697960138320923, 'offset_y': 3.6776065826416016e-05, 'codename': 'berlin2019_team_navi', 'material': 'berlin2019/navi', 'name': 'Natus Vincere | Berlin 2019'}], 'floatid': '36190511435', 'low_rank': 914, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.0516970269382, 'm': '644677792412002857', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_gs_deagle_mecha_light_large.e08c1fd8709f6b368956c41c68b17c15ff635635.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Mecha Industries', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Desert Eagle | Mecha Industries (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:18:49,794 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '30138313409', 'd': '13983364995820156841', 'paintseed': 559, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 540, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4762, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_esp_holo', 'material': 'rmr2020/esp_holo', 'name': 'ESPADA (Holo) | 2020 RMR'}, {'stickerId': 4773, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_furi', 'material': 'rmr2020/furi', 'name': 'FURIA | 2020 RMR'}, {'stickerId': 1478, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0.22538185119628906, 'codename': 'cologne2016_signature_fallen', 'material': 'cologne2016/sig_fallen', 'name': 'FalleN | Cologne 2016'}, {'stickerId': 4766, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0.11539456248283386, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_evl_holo', 'material': 'rmr2020/evl_holo', 'name': 'Evil Geniuses (Holo) | 2020 RMR'}], 'floatid': '22266963929', 'low_rank': 351, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.027373481541872025, 'm': '666069890638698360', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_gs_usp_voltage_light_large.11e40b4d4fc09043d4fa513f3913ca65ffcfbb41.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Lead Conduit', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ USP-S | Lead Conduit (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:18:50,112 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41100082961', 'd': '16433325004376511527', 'paintseed': 937, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 1222, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41100082961', 'floatvalue': 0.0591602586209774, 'm': '645803692316439088', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_gs_awp_limbo_snake_light_large.60984ce1e5c1a4ac10e83444a9b7e7f78dd98b1e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Duality', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Duality (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:18:51,514 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037242205A41441527101D291650408762616288 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:18:52,521 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:18:52,962 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '38915661224', 'd': '14024894149545400585', 'paintseed': 632, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 818, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38915661224', 'floatvalue': 0.0583694763481617, 'm': '652559091763357630', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_am_ddpat_purple_light_large.993825dcdc1100cdaf92b119e82b2ba756a38bea.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Purple DDPAT', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir USP-S | Purple DDPAT (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:18:52,969 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '38915661224', 'd': '14024894149545400585', 'paintseed': 632, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 818, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38915661224', 'floatvalue': 0.0583694763481617, 'm': '652559091763357630', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_am_ddpat_purple_light_large.993825dcdc1100cdaf92b119e82b2ba756a38bea.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Purple DDPAT', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir USP-S | Purple DDPAT (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:18:54,121 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41315473298', 'd': '3072840907153215310', 'paintseed': 809, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 1167, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41315473298', 'floatvalue': 0.06668438017368317, 'm': '655936791476307766', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.671875, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Block-18', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Block-18 (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:18:55,769 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '40712533153', 'd': '9551159322360070935', 'paintseed': 316, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 170, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 180, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'kawaiikiller', 'material': 'community02/kawaiikiller', 'name': 'Kawaii Killer CT'}, {'stickerId': 6739, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_krimz_2_holo', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_krimz_holo', 'name': 'KRIMZ (Holo) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6739, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_krimz_2_holo', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_krimz_holo', 'name': 'KRIMZ (Holo) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '40266003190', 'low_rank': 97, 'floatvalue': 0.06678188592195511, 'm': '643551892502904686', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_sp_zebracam_light_large.5f15c9e41b9ac135b87cdadb407c9872e31c1f29.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Predator', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AK-47 | Predator (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:18:57,080 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41491971032', 'd': '29491301140032838', 'paintseed': 96, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 623, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35206759027', 'low_rank': 504, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.02627170830965042, 'm': '642425992599664765', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_aq_glock_dark-fall_light_large.ac35c22bc50660c89ecfe7654ee93bb9f00bd6f4.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Ironwork', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Glock-18 | Ironwork (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:18:57,316 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875563185A41315539805D14331031156127584159 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:18:58,321 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:18:58,562 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037242205A41441527101D291650408762616288 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:18:58,793 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '37786517664', 'd': '11577741581728123840', 'paintseed': 909, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 789, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7322, 'slot': 4, 'wear': 0.6264550685882568, 'rotation': -48, 'offset_x': -0.00044542551040649414, 'offset_y': 0.1089719831943512, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_imp', 'material': 'cph2024/imp', 'name': 'Imperial Esports | Copenhagen 2024'}], 'floatid': '37786517664', 'floatvalue': 0.06102433428168297, 'm': '661566291017829939', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_am_nuclear_skulls_green_light_large.37c3765f928a0a002d283c0fa7f4f409f4fa9e82.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Nuclear Garden', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Nuclear Garden (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:18:58,801 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '37786517664', 'd': '11577741581728123840', 'paintseed': 909, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 789, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7322, 'slot': 4, 'wear': 0.6264550685882568, 'rotation': -48, 'offset_x': -0.00044542551040649414, 'offset_y': 0.1089719831943512, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_imp', 'material': 'cph2024/imp', 'name': 'Imperial Esports | Copenhagen 2024'}], 'floatid': '37786517664', 'floatvalue': 0.06102433428168297, 'm': '661566291017829939', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_am_nuclear_skulls_green_light_large.37c3765f928a0a002d283c0fa7f4f409f4fa9e82.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Nuclear Garden', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Nuclear Garden (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:18:58,975 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40947606899', 'd': '4957914413379229925', 'paintseed': 761, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 1058, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5308, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_g2_glitter', 'material': 'antwerp2022/g2_glitter', 'name': 'G2 Esports (Glitter) | Antwerp 2022'}], 'floatid': '25674528527', 'floatvalue': 0.06476977467536926, 'm': '663818090828874547', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_hy_technowar_rwb_light_large.227b359d409d564be7675d8334cad89636e3bdda.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.44, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'POP AWP', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | POP AWP (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:18:58,983 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40947606899', 'd': '4957914413379229925', 'paintseed': 761, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 1058, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5308, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_g2_glitter', 'material': 'antwerp2022/g2_glitter', 'name': 'G2 Esports (Glitter) | Antwerp 2022'}], 'floatid': '25674528527', 'floatvalue': 0.06476977467536926, 'm': '663818090828874547', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_hy_technowar_rwb_light_large.227b359d409d564be7675d8334cad89636e3bdda.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.44, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'POP AWP', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | POP AWP (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:18:58,991 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40947606899', 'd': '4957914413379229925', 'paintseed': 761, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 1058, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5308, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_g2_glitter', 'material': 'antwerp2022/g2_glitter', 'name': 'G2 Esports (Glitter) | Antwerp 2022'}], 'floatid': '25674528527', 'floatvalue': 0.06476977467536926, 'm': '663818090828874547', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_hy_technowar_rwb_light_large.227b359d409d564be7675d8334cad89636e3bdda.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.44, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'POP AWP', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | POP AWP (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:18:59,570 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:19:00,212 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40275741699', 'd': '326098170358679563', 'paintseed': 766, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 841, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4048, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'berlin2019_team_ren_holo', 'material': 'berlin2019/ren_holo', 'name': 'Renegades (Holo) | Berlin 2019'}], 'floatid': '40275741699', 'floatvalue': 0.05887710303068161, 'm': '637922392972306993', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_gs_deagle_exo_light_large.8bdc93f1b45efba187748065deff967eef8f2f2d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.9, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Light Rail', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Desert Eagle | Light Rail (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:19:00,219 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40275741699', 'd': '326098170358679563', 'paintseed': 766, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 841, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4048, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'berlin2019_team_ren_holo', 'material': 'berlin2019/ren_holo', 'name': 'Renegades (Holo) | Berlin 2019'}], 'floatid': '40275741699', 'floatvalue': 0.05887710303068161, 'm': '637922392972306993', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_gs_deagle_exo_light_large.8bdc93f1b45efba187748065deff967eef8f2f2d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.9, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Light Rail', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Desert Eagle | Light Rail (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:19:00,226 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40275741699', 'd': '326098170358679563', 'paintseed': 766, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 841, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4048, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'berlin2019_team_ren_holo', 'material': 'berlin2019/ren_holo', 'name': 'Renegades (Holo) | Berlin 2019'}], 'floatid': '40275741699', 'floatvalue': 0.05887710303068161, 'm': '637922392972306993', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_gs_deagle_exo_light_large.8bdc93f1b45efba187748065deff967eef8f2f2d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.9, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Light Rail', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Desert Eagle | Light Rail (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:19:00,233 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40275741699', 'd': '326098170358679563', 'paintseed': 766, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 841, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4048, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'berlin2019_team_ren_holo', 'material': 'berlin2019/ren_holo', 'name': 'Renegades (Holo) | Berlin 2019'}], 'floatid': '40275741699', 'floatvalue': 0.05887710303068161, 'm': '637922392972306993', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_gs_deagle_exo_light_large.8bdc93f1b45efba187748065deff967eef8f2f2d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.9, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Light Rail', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Desert Eagle | Light Rail (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:19:00,578 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037152685A41493588741D3362585868705112809 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:19:00,638 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '35171164459', 'd': '2495784385044567085', 'paintseed': 992, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 584, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35171164459', 'floatvalue': 0.058888960629701614, 'm': '658188591293721333', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_gs_awp_phobos_light_large.fca961cc99c704f09c44e6e82378434ef0e22087.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Phobos', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Phobos (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:19:00,645 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '35171164459', 'd': '2495784385044567085', 'paintseed': 992, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 584, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35171164459', 'floatvalue': 0.058888960629701614, 'm': '658188591293721333', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_gs_awp_phobos_light_large.fca961cc99c704f09c44e6e82378434ef0e22087.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Phobos', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Phobos (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:19:00,654 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '35171164459', 'd': '2495784385044567085', 'paintseed': 992, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 584, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35171164459', 'floatvalue': 0.058888960629701614, 'm': '658188591293721333', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_gs_awp_phobos_light_large.fca961cc99c704f09c44e6e82378434ef0e22087.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Phobos', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Phobos (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:19:00,664 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '35171164459', 'd': '2495784385044567085', 'paintseed': 992, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 584, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35171164459', 'floatvalue': 0.058888960629701614, 'm': '658188591293721333', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_gs_awp_phobos_light_large.fca961cc99c704f09c44e6e82378434ef0e22087.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Phobos', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Phobos (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:19:00,671 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '35171164459', 'd': '2495784385044567085', 'paintseed': 992, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 584, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35171164459', 'floatvalue': 0.058888960629701614, 'm': '658188591293721333', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_gs_awp_phobos_light_large.fca961cc99c704f09c44e6e82378434ef0e22087.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Phobos', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Phobos (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:19:00,676 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '35171164459', 'd': '2495784385044567085', 'paintseed': 992, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 584, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35171164459', 'floatvalue': 0.058888960629701614, 'm': '658188591293721333', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_gs_awp_phobos_light_large.fca961cc99c704f09c44e6e82378434ef0e22087.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Phobos', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Phobos (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:19:00,682 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '35171164459', 'd': '2495784385044567085', 'paintseed': 992, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 584, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35171164459', 'floatvalue': 0.058888960629701614, 'm': '658188591293721333', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_gs_awp_phobos_light_large.fca961cc99c704f09c44e6e82378434ef0e22087.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Phobos', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Phobos (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:19:00,687 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '35171164459', 'd': '2495784385044567085', 'paintseed': 992, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 584, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35171164459', 'floatvalue': 0.058888960629701614, 'm': '658188591293721333', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_gs_awp_phobos_light_large.fca961cc99c704f09c44e6e82378434ef0e22087.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Phobos', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Phobos (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:19:00,692 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '35171164459', 'd': '2495784385044567085', 'paintseed': 992, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 584, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35171164459', 'floatvalue': 0.058888960629701614, 'm': '658188591293721333', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_gs_awp_phobos_light_large.fca961cc99c704f09c44e6e82378434ef0e22087.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Phobos', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Phobos (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:19:01,584 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:19:01,657 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M663818725732946111A41324665210D5209132196962787598 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:19:02,309 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M659315126105571743A41090004275D9521993261813126339 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:19:02,662 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:19:03,317 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:19:04,355 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875563185A41315539805D14331031156127584159 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:19:05,361 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:19:05,610 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037242205A41441527101D291650408762616288 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:19:06,616 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:19:07,622 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037152685A41493588741D3362585868705112809 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:19:08,430 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41236965938', 'd': '7973315331907122561', 'paintseed': 747, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 817, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41236965938', 'floatvalue': 0.06522059440612793, 'm': '660440391109614575', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_cu_usp_flashback_light_large.47e10129af33303bac557560400c33e4fe555680.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Flashback', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | Flashback (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:19:08,626 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:19:09,751 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41332419317', 'd': '211289604255080399', 'paintseed': 53, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 115, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41332419317', 'floatvalue': 0.03331734240055084, 'm': '650307291947525059', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': '027', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | 027 (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:19:11,363 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M657063326292953778A41493702289D4775610998693952865 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:19:12,368 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:19:12,560 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '39869446584', 'd': '3341720043556663717', 'paintseed': 193, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 1040, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39869446584', 'low_rank': 265, 'floatvalue': 0.022678615525364876, 'm': '636796493066640762', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_gs_usps_hangedman_light_large.a01890fdeb8335437df7af6641a7b4f6e2fcca34.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'The Traitor', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | The Traitor (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:19:12,656 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037242205A41441527101D291650408762616288 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:19:13,664 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:19:13,681 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649181392041194508A22171353509D17197220466007135469 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:19:14,670 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037152685A41493588741D3362585868705112809 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:19:14,685 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:19:14,973 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M663818725732963901A41324762565D11673346332997482563 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:19:15,674 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:19:15,978 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:19:16,560 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40775771887', 'd': '757176486242822753', 'paintseed': 793, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 1056, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4958, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_furi', 'material': 'stockh2021/furi', 'name': 'FURIA | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 4958, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_furi', 'material': 'stockh2021/furi', 'name': 'FURIA | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 4970, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_liq', 'material': 'stockh2021/liq', 'name': 'Team Liquid | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 4982, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_evl', 'material': 'stockh2021/evl', 'name': 'Evil Geniuses | Stockholm 2021'}], 'floatid': '30450641776', 'floatvalue': 0.043620865792036057, 'm': '658188591293683833', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_sp_spacerace_blue_light_large.e93e99eadcae13e4ff2cbe9f958d720a34007a6d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Sputnik', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Desert Eagle | Sputnik (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:19:17,993 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855122237A41150045807D13883168433172187752 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:19:18,564 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826761902128A41278153027D12574622782082121867 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:19:19,002 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:19:19,569 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:19:19,699 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037242205A41441527101D291650408762616288 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:19:20,704 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:19:21,712 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037152685A41493588741D3362585868705112809 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:19:22,025 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M663818725732963901A41324762565D11673346332997482563 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:19:22,723 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:19:23,034 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:19:23,344 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M663818725732929161A41324581158D865960026728419713 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:19:23,633 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40319287547', 'd': '3200418918642879105', 'paintseed': 286, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 273, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5285, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_c9_holo', 'material': 'antwerp2022/c9_holo', 'name': 'Cloud9 (Holo) | Antwerp 2022'}, {'stickerId': 5285, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_c9_holo', 'material': 'antwerp2022/c9_holo', 'name': 'Cloud9 (Holo) | Antwerp 2022'}, {'stickerId': 5285, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_c9_holo', 'material': 'antwerp2022/c9_holo', 'name': 'Cloud9 (Holo) | Antwerp 2022'}], 'floatid': '37150151129', 'low_rank': 41, 'high_rank': 501, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.0380193330347538, 'm': '657062691342342527', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_aq_engraved_deagle_light_large.804a1a01a29bf80673b739f3eb220272a6838193.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Heirloom', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Desert Eagle | Heirloom (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:19:24,114 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M659315126105592833A41321784930D14602968410062179916 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:19:24,349 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:19:25,033 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41305172026', 'd': '4651315451392837472', 'paintseed': 694, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 1227, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41305172026', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06397092342376709, 'm': '664943990732496158', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_cu_glock_moon_rabbit_light_large.9063b9745250446c657632eb13a6325f51d101f2.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.75, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Umbral Rabbit', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Glock-18 | Umbral Rabbit (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:19:25,043 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41305172026', 'd': '4651315451392837472', 'paintseed': 694, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 1227, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41305172026', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06397092342376709, 'm': '664943990732496158', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_cu_glock_moon_rabbit_light_large.9063b9745250446c657632eb13a6325f51d101f2.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.75, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Umbral Rabbit', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Glock-18 | Umbral Rabbit (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:19:25,047 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855122237A41150045807D13883168433172187752 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:19:25,052 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41305172026', 'd': '4651315451392837472', 'paintseed': 694, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 1227, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41305172026', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06397092342376709, 'm': '664943990732496158', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_cu_glock_moon_rabbit_light_large.9063b9745250446c657632eb13a6325f51d101f2.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.75, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Umbral Rabbit', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Glock-18 | Umbral Rabbit (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:19:25,123 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:19:25,598 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826761902128A41278153027D12574622782082121867 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:19:26,051 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:19:26,604 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:19:26,746 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037242205A41441527101D291650408762616288 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:19:27,756 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:19:28,067 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40751155278', 'd': '14296754036067181376', 'paintseed': 92, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 1158, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40751155278', 'floatvalue': 0.02283894084393978, 'm': '637922392973070133', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_gs_glock_elite_camo_light_large.00d135c0b32cabd8b48692d11794c830a9a4de5c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Winterized', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Winterized (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:19:28,076 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40751155278', 'd': '14296754036067181376', 'paintseed': 92, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 1158, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40751155278', 'floatvalue': 0.02283894084393978, 'm': '637922392973070133', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_gs_glock_elite_camo_light_large.00d135c0b32cabd8b48692d11794c830a9a4de5c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Winterized', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Winterized (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:19:28,086 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40751155278', 'd': '14296754036067181376', 'paintseed': 92, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 1158, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40751155278', 'floatvalue': 0.02283894084393978, 'm': '637922392973070133', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_gs_glock_elite_camo_light_large.00d135c0b32cabd8b48692d11794c830a9a4de5c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Winterized', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Winterized (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:19:28,095 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40751155278', 'd': '14296754036067181376', 'paintseed': 92, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 1158, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40751155278', 'floatvalue': 0.02283894084393978, 'm': '637922392973070133', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_gs_glock_elite_camo_light_large.00d135c0b32cabd8b48692d11794c830a9a4de5c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Winterized', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Winterized (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:19:28,760 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037152685A41493588741D3362585868705112809 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:19:29,693 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658189226199785692A41199354590D12314075474719435076 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:19:29,771 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:19:29,804 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '38866504763', 'd': '14730784018526284322', 'paintseed': 993, 'defindex': 64, 'paintindex': 924, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 1690, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'de_dust2_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_dust2_gold', 'name': 'Dust II (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 4965, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_navi_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/navi_gold', 'name': 'Natus Vincere (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 4969, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_vita_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/vita_gold', 'name': 'Vitality (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 5053, 'slot': 4, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_pgl_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/pgl_gold', 'name': 'PGL (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}], 'floatid': '38865080161', 'floatvalue': 0.06146378815174103, 'm': '646929592227094079', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_revolver_hy_brush_camo_tan_light_large.4af5232b57afac32a9eb2f056cf6fdf968a94966.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'R8 Revolver', 'item_name': 'Desert Brush', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir R8 Revolver | Desert Brush (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:19:30,418 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41105038263', 'd': '10233872196388615949', 'paintseed': 69, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 290, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41105038263', 'floatvalue': 0.058013398200273514, 'm': '661565203720203196', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_cu_usp_elegant_light_large.416f607cc5faeb52be0f22e1b98450391f452ac2.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.38, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Guardian', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | Guardian (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:19:30,425 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41105038263', 'd': '10233872196388615949', 'paintseed': 69, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 290, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41105038263', 'floatvalue': 0.058013398200273514, 'm': '661565203720203196', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_cu_usp_elegant_light_large.416f607cc5faeb52be0f22e1b98450391f452ac2.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.38, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Guardian', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | Guardian (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:19:30,479 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668322325357283879A30365069900D12296028508520657857 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:19:30,702 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:19:30,822 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41491437440', 'd': '13889847005415258210', 'paintseed': 684, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 280, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39766812694', 'low_rank': 259, 'high_rank': 713, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.04756937175989151, 'm': '649181392040614128', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_cu_aug_chameleonaire_light_large.ad1d2f62d1481931d8e23e0ab0fbd4e7a61135f7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Chameleon', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ AUG | Chameleon (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:19:31,485 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:19:32,109 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855122237A41150045807D13883168433172187752 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:19:32,638 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826761902128A41278153027D12574622782082121867 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:19:33,116 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:19:33,212 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41171303252', 'd': '14466244672698172104', 'paintseed': 774, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 215, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7848, 'slot': 4, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_starry_4_glitter', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_starry_glitter', 'name': 'Starry (Glitter) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7856, 'slot': 5, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_z4kr_4_glitter', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_z4kr_glitter', 'name': 'z4KR (Glitter) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7840, 'slot': 6, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_emiliaqaq_4_glitter', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_emiliaqaq_glitter', 'name': 'EmiliaQAQ (Glitter) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7852, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_westmelon_4_glitter', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_westmelon_glitter', 'name': 'westmelon (Glitter) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7844, 'slot': 5, 'offset_x': 0.374335914850235, 'offset_y': 0.02474421262741089, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_jee_4_glitter', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_jee_glitter', 'name': 'Jee (Glitter) | Copenhagen 2024'}], 'floatid': '41171303252', 'low_rank': 246, 'floatvalue': 0.01755831018090248, 'm': '667195790535887101', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_cu_xray_m4_light_large.e929bb3998df4902c2bd6f6fbb775cec071558ba.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'X-Ray', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'M4A4 | X-Ray (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:19:33,643 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:19:33,794 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037242205A41441527101D291650408762616288 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:19:34,021 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41324918142', 'd': '6944624064720698470', 'paintseed': 640, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 100, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41324918142', 'floatvalue': 0.06261957436800003, 'm': '659314491204548074', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_so_stormfront_light_large.84dee43e41ff0fe95173b635e369b486848fe92f.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Storm', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AUG | Storm (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:19:34,026 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41324918142', 'd': '6944624064720698470', 'paintseed': 640, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 100, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41324918142', 'floatvalue': 0.06261957436800003, 'm': '659314491204548074', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_so_stormfront_light_large.84dee43e41ff0fe95173b635e369b486848fe92f.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Storm', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AUG | Storm (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:19:34,031 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41324918142', 'd': '6944624064720698470', 'paintseed': 640, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 100, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41324918142', 'floatvalue': 0.06261957436800003, 'm': '659314491204548074', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_so_stormfront_light_large.84dee43e41ff0fe95173b635e369b486848fe92f.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Storm', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AUG | Storm (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:19:34,035 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41324918142', 'd': '6944624064720698470', 'paintseed': 640, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 100, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41324918142', 'floatvalue': 0.06261957436800003, 'm': '659314491204548074', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_so_stormfront_light_large.84dee43e41ff0fe95173b635e369b486848fe92f.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Storm', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AUG | Storm (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:19:34,041 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41324918142', 'd': '6944624064720698470', 'paintseed': 640, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 100, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41324918142', 'floatvalue': 0.06261957436800003, 'm': '659314491204548074', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_so_stormfront_light_large.84dee43e41ff0fe95173b635e369b486848fe92f.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Storm', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AUG | Storm (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:19:34,799 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:19:35,002 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300727597166173A41277537309D5371218103143200719 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:19:36,009 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:19:36,978 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666070525548721595A41493646257D7406387569384768260 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:19:37,982 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:19:38,752 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668322325357269479A41275793105D11998793272861714063 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:19:39,148 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855122237A41150045807D13883168433172187752 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:19:39,209 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '39984385299', 'd': '487167686540592232', 'paintseed': 482, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 811, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7720, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': -0.33954086899757385, 'offset_y': 0.00340956449508667, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_decenty_4_glitter', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_decenty_glitter', 'name': 'decenty (Glitter) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7480, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': -0.2587764859199524, 'offset_y': 0.00619131326675415, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_apex_2_glitter', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_apex_glitter', 'name': 'apEX (Glitter) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 6681, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': -0.5088878870010376, 'offset_y': -0.00973367691040039, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_ence_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/ence_glitter', 'name': 'ENCE (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 7343, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': -0.1883668303489685, 'offset_y': 0.003711998462677002, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_lgcy_glitter', 'material': 'cph2024/lgcy_glitter', 'name': 'Legacy (Glitter) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 6681, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': 0.10467612743377686, 'offset_y': 0.07859447598457336, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_ence_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/ence_glitter', 'name': 'ENCE (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '39982084838', 'floatvalue': 0.061880923807621, 'm': '652559091762626350', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_gs_m4a4_chopper_ghost_light_large.374913da49233223de4ca1ff09a20cc2a7a94288.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'Magnesium', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'M4A4 | Magnesium (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:19:39,687 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826761902128A41278153027D12574622782082121867 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:19:39,760 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:19:40,154 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:19:40,694 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:19:40,834 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037242205A41441527101D291650408762616288 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:19:41,840 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:19:42,039 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41284007112', 'd': '5251767322498093090', 'paintseed': 418, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 794, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6707, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_blst_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/blst_gold', 'name': 'BLAST.tv (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 1691, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'de_inferno_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_inferno_gold', 'name': 'Inferno (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 6663, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_gl_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/gl_gold', 'name': 'GamerLegion (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6627, 'slot': 4, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_hero_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/hero_gold', 'name': 'Heroic (Gold) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '41284007112', 'floatvalue': 0.05730114132165909, 'm': '650307291944028349', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_sp_mesh_safetyblack_light_large.41766cdb86c7b662a4c6316b2864751c54940faf.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Sweeper', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir AUG | Sweeper (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:19:42,703 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M659315126105603633A35372855202D1056132510410870542 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:19:43,054 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '39836350814', 'd': '1045510634647210146', 'paintseed': 347, 'defindex': 64, 'paintindex': 1047, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '37106908270', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.04308745637536049, 'm': '654810891572733135', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_revolver_gs_r8_rustking_light_large.5245178cf84e1bf8d77eb7a3ec19d108a70131d3.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'R8 Revolver', 'item_name': 'Junk Yard', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ R8 Revolver | Junk Yard (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:19:43,371 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '39936094492', 'd': '16298184606404550479', 'paintseed': 282, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 236, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39936094492', 'floatvalue': 0.05365190654993057, 'm': '654810891574481115', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_hy_varicamo_night_light_large.df1cac3f27ea81237acbc9d56137f5e3ddf072d5.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Night Ops', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | Night Ops (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:19:43,708 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:19:44,450 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '39264223463', 'd': '17189932078369359650', 'paintseed': 162, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 586, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39264223463', 'floatvalue': 0.06902134418487549, 'm': '644677792406997177', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_cu_glock_wasteland_rebel_light_large.284899ab35e5a29c6edb64b2af194cee19a0ed89.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.54, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Wasteland Rebel', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Wasteland Rebel (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:19:44,796 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '40111636852', 'd': '5389696066153801251', 'paintseed': 616, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 527, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40111636852', 'low_rank': 533, 'high_rank': 728, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06832696497440338, 'm': '653684991667402334', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_aq_deserteagle_kumichodragon_light_large.19874e9a20cfac49efbe1f1557b995e453633ffe.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.76, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Kumicho Dragon', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Desert Eagle | Kumicho Dragon (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:19:47,883 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037242205A41441527101D291650408762616288 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:19:48,887 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:19:49,791 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41146552148', 'd': '9695377277665974882', 'paintseed': 894, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 690, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41146552148', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.0698266252875328, 'm': '660440391092165195', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_gs_aug_stymphalian_birds_light_large.0840c45db138a07275c2250a0881fe752f27c601.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.63, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Stymphalian', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ AUG | Stymphalian (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:19:53,467 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '25472232386', 'd': '11710136131502492780', 'paintseed': 333, 'defindex': 64, 'paintindex': 37, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '25472232386', 'floatvalue': 0.06132206320762634, 'm': '661566291007558719', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_revolver_aa_flames_light_large.190d9cb7b8aad31d105fe838664a7fd99ebf3535.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'R8 Revolver', 'item_name': 'Blaze', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'R8 Revolver | Blaze (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:19:53,778 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127967638524A41493490691D4955662245269305607 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:19:53,994 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41317717504', 'd': '9847235488141446030', 'paintseed': 663, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 1079, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4685, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'broken_fang_battle_scarred', 'material': 'broken_fang/battle_scarred', 'name': 'Battle Scarred'}], 'floatid': '27430239517', 'floatvalue': 0.05050729215145111, 'm': '640174192788661433', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_sp_tire_tread_red_light_large.bf06d5ba0f2b746eff6a66aa7020acd7a87eddc4.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Red Tire', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Red Tire (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:19:54,351 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666070525548753515A28116729478D10245269982391493934 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:19:54,784 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:19:54,935 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037242205A41441527101D291650408762616288 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:19:55,052 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41440503740', 'd': '7351678790777217632', 'paintseed': 266, 'defindex': 64, 'paintindex': 683, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41440503740', 'low_rank': 405, 'floatvalue': 0.056873030960559845, 'm': '649181392037526558', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_revolver_gs_r8_llamacannon_light_large.ae4ce84764b4892a2ea2d3f9f0afc57023f7bdc8.png', 'min': 0.03, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'R8 Revolver', 'item_name': 'Llama Cannon', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'R8 Revolver | Llama Cannon (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:19:55,059 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41440503740', 'd': '7351678790777217632', 'paintseed': 266, 'defindex': 64, 'paintindex': 683, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41440503740', 'low_rank': 405, 'floatvalue': 0.056873030960559845, 'm': '649181392037526558', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_revolver_gs_r8_llamacannon_light_large.ae4ce84764b4892a2ea2d3f9f0afc57023f7bdc8.png', 'min': 0.03, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'R8 Revolver', 'item_name': 'Llama Cannon', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'R8 Revolver | Llama Cannon (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:19:55,357 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:19:55,940 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:19:57,321 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668322325357222709A39300025866D3030469731532156712 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:19:58,051 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300727597213753A22372099171D1039847912598664097 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:19:58,325 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:19:59,057 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:19:59,871 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40658786760', 'd': '29379958568971022', 'paintseed': 217, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 381, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40658786760', 'floatvalue': 0.05860384181141853, 'm': '637922392972470733', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_aq_glock_coiled_light_large.d4dcbf0d27479b95a4ad43c36f3b3f3dc87bbd84.png', 'min': 0.02, 'max': 0.25, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Grinder', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Grinder (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:20:00,812 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127967638524A41493490691D4955662245269305607 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:20:01,332 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037219915A41277121717D7385945188061555178 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:20:01,817 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:20:02,337 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:20:02,962 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826761900238A41278159617D9989765317324875182 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:20:03,087 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41376321730', 'd': '16620121171752577358', 'paintseed': 853, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 293, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41371882808', 'floatvalue': 0.1271381974220276, 'm': '661566291018405219', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_hy_nerodia_light_large.540067f703bf7b020d8fedfcc6322523ab449d68.png', 'min': 0.08, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Death Rattle', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Minimal Wear', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Death Rattle (Minimal Wear)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:20:03,094 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41376321730', 'd': '16620121171752577358', 'paintseed': 853, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 293, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41371882808', 'floatvalue': 0.1271381974220276, 'm': '661566291018405219', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_hy_nerodia_light_large.540067f703bf7b020d8fedfcc6322523ab449d68.png', 'min': 0.08, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Death Rattle', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Minimal Wear', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Death Rattle (Minimal Wear)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:20:03,623 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41331921441', 'd': '181530095109152768', 'paintseed': 994, 'defindex': 64, 'paintindex': 1237, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6623, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_vita_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/vita_gold', 'name': 'Vitality (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6635, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_itb_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/itb_gold', 'name': 'Into The Breach (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6707, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_blst_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/blst_gold', 'name': 'BLAST.tv (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6607, 'slot': 4, 'codename': 'de_anubis_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_anubis_gold', 'name': 'Anubis (Gold)'}], 'floatid': '41331921441', 'low_rank': 977, 'floatvalue': 0.041386716067790985, 'm': '640174192789207163', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_revolver_gs_revolver_acanthus_bronze_light_large.3d652732f4082f2af2acce48c2343d2fd73bdcae.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.76, 'weapon_type': 'R8 Revolver', 'item_name': 'Inlay', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir R8 Revolver | Inlay (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:20:03,977 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:20:04,254 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '38094762413', 'd': '11973003136748502624', 'paintseed': 18, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 942, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '37439165309', 'low_rank': 673, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.02026490680873394, 'm': '636796493066085042', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_gs_aug_thunderstorm_light_large.127ba1a9f7c7eef6b701bf01ad50b3b146f9b951.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Tom Cat', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ AUG | Tom Cat (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:20:04,264 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '38094762413', 'd': '11973003136748502624', 'paintseed': 18, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 942, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '37439165309', 'low_rank': 673, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.02026490680873394, 'm': '636796493066085042', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_gs_aug_thunderstorm_light_large.127ba1a9f7c7eef6b701bf01ad50b3b146f9b951.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Tom Cat', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ AUG | Tom Cat (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:20:04,493 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41491266864', 'd': '9703019312901810052', 'paintseed': 852, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 230, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39146020135', 'floatvalue': 0.050348103046417236, 'm': '635670593158170011', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_am_ddpatdense_silver_light_large.4d83c0a0b958bb15f694c7047996ece59f4be05a.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Steel Disruption', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Steel Disruption (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:20:05,090 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300727597213753A22372099171D1039847912598664097 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:20:05,654 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692825825101550A41493847760D16611046326865362415 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:20:05,696 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41332994099', 'd': '13979912690711638825', 'paintseed': 140, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 637, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6688, 'slot': 2, 'rotation': -90, 'offset_x': -0.6261566877365112, 'offset_y': -0.02264028787612915, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_mouz', 'material': 'paris2023/mouz', 'name': 'MOUZ | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6688, 'slot': 0, 'rotation': 78, 'offset_x': -0.6753113865852356, 'offset_y': -0.1757132112979889, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_mouz', 'material': 'paris2023/mouz', 'name': 'MOUZ | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6688, 'slot': 3, 'rotation': -90, 'offset_x': -0.33473724126815796, 'offset_y': -0.018157154321670532, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_mouz', 'material': 'paris2023/mouz', 'name': 'MOUZ | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6688, 'slot': 0, 'rotation': 78, 'offset_x': -0.5290342569351196, 'offset_y': -0.1746698021888733, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_mouz', 'material': 'paris2023/mouz', 'name': 'MOUZ | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6688, 'slot': 3, 'rotation': -90, 'offset_x': -0.18791157007217407, 'offset_y': -0.017199426889419556, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_mouz', 'material': 'paris2023/mouz', 'name': 'MOUZ | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '41332994099', 'floatvalue': 0.04604602977633476, 'm': '662692190922012726', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_cu_usp_cyrex_light_large.caef5e9fa7e19c3a4fd6f135d7ae122459b348d0.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Cyrex', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | Cyrex (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:20:05,704 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41332994099', 'd': '13979912690711638825', 'paintseed': 140, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 637, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6688, 'slot': 2, 'rotation': -90, 'offset_x': -0.6261566877365112, 'offset_y': -0.02264028787612915, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_mouz', 'material': 'paris2023/mouz', 'name': 'MOUZ | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6688, 'slot': 0, 'rotation': 78, 'offset_x': -0.6753113865852356, 'offset_y': -0.1757132112979889, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_mouz', 'material': 'paris2023/mouz', 'name': 'MOUZ | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6688, 'slot': 3, 'rotation': -90, 'offset_x': -0.33473724126815796, 'offset_y': -0.018157154321670532, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_mouz', 'material': 'paris2023/mouz', 'name': 'MOUZ | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6688, 'slot': 0, 'rotation': 78, 'offset_x': -0.5290342569351196, 'offset_y': -0.1746698021888733, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_mouz', 'material': 'paris2023/mouz', 'name': 'MOUZ | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6688, 'slot': 3, 'rotation': -90, 'offset_x': -0.18791157007217407, 'offset_y': -0.017199426889419556, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_mouz', 'material': 'paris2023/mouz', 'name': 'MOUZ | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '41332994099', 'floatvalue': 0.04604602977633476, 'm': '662692190922012726', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_cu_usp_cyrex_light_large.caef5e9fa7e19c3a4fd6f135d7ae122459b348d0.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Cyrex', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | Cyrex (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:20:06,095 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:20:06,659 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:20:07,029 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826761920008A41293827973D9262333137121085152 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:20:08,033 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:20:08,369 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037219915A41277121717D7385945188061555178 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:20:09,100 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '39359832100', 'd': '2631479382497959974', 'paintseed': 360, 'defindex': 64, 'paintindex': 523, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39295390253', 'floatvalue': 0.026560742408037186, 'm': '650307291947414839', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_revolver_aa_fade_metallic_revolver_light_large.d56e81f58bb716ac6ca130bd41802bb8962dd0cf.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'R8 Revolver', 'item_name': 'Amber Fade', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'R8 Revolver | Amber Fade (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:20:09,113 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '39359832100', 'd': '2631479382497959974', 'paintseed': 360, 'defindex': 64, 'paintindex': 523, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39295390253', 'floatvalue': 0.026560742408037186, 'm': '650307291947414839', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_revolver_aa_fade_metallic_revolver_light_large.d56e81f58bb716ac6ca130bd41802bb8962dd0cf.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'R8 Revolver', 'item_name': 'Amber Fade', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'R8 Revolver | Amber Fade (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:20:09,124 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '39359832100', 'd': '2631479382497959974', 'paintseed': 360, 'defindex': 64, 'paintindex': 523, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39295390253', 'floatvalue': 0.026560742408037186, 'm': '650307291947414839', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_revolver_aa_fade_metallic_revolver_light_large.d56e81f58bb716ac6ca130bd41802bb8962dd0cf.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'R8 Revolver', 'item_name': 'Amber Fade', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'R8 Revolver | Amber Fade (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:20:09,373 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:20:09,816 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41328225963', 'd': '12983731810915338', 'paintseed': 338, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 1251, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41328225963', 'floatvalue': 0.067537322640419, 'm': '650307291945340339', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_gs_ssg08_anubis_light_large.6e654fe6456fb019d4507f750d113f67ca0a879f.png', 'min': 0.01, 'max': 0.99, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Azure Glyph', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Azure Glyph (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:20:12,128 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300727597213753A22372099171D1039847912598664097 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:20:12,841 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41491196422', 'd': '16753472838496290777', 'paintseed': 87, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 702, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41221173771', 'floatvalue': 0.06554199010133743, 'm': '661566291017705289', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_sp_sg533_aloha_light_large.03aa863680ab2223924ae9cbe8b7662a84fb162c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Aloha', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SG 553 | Aloha (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:20:12,848 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41491196422', 'd': '16753472838496290777', 'paintseed': 87, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 702, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41221173771', 'floatvalue': 0.06554199010133743, 'm': '661566291017705289', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_sp_sg533_aloha_light_large.03aa863680ab2223924ae9cbe8b7662a84fb162c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Aloha', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SG 553 | Aloha (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:20:12,859 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690307172A30743161223D2326125013657889049 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:20:13,101 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826761869488A29081566357D918882673299354250 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:20:13,132 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:20:13,322 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M664944625639772922A24191795574D4812771305423598017 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:20:13,865 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:20:14,079 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826761920008A41293827973D9262333137121085152 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:20:14,108 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:20:14,336 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:20:15,083 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:20:15,407 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037219915A41277121717D7385945188061555178 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:20:16,415 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:20:19,898 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690307172A30743161223D2326125013657889049 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:20:20,903 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:20:21,174 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41476258167', 'd': '16575582604670797218', 'paintseed': 231, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 48, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '34347860', 'low_rank': 95, 'floatvalue': 0.003334318520501256, 'm': '657062691386541887', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_am_dragon_glock_light_large.e42a72a19a2239c992573b88179897af37c7f849.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Dragon Tattoo', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Dragon Tattoo (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:20:22,447 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037219915A41277121717D7385945188061555178 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:20:22,629 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048927782470501A38159985196D3027620503988994327 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:20:22,834 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41488322353', 'd': '208406117299668236', 'paintseed': 18, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 808, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41302278991', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.05377904325723648, 'm': '639048292878810722', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_cu_glock18_corroden_light_large.68906a0523399b599555746b51db2ffac29c5db5.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.85, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Oxide Blaze', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Glock-18 | Oxide Blaze (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:20:22,848 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41127243383', 'd': '7504875410097867543', 'paintseed': 758, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 287, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41127243383', 'floatvalue': 0.14711087942123413, 'm': '636796493064392892', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_cu_sg553_pulse_light_large.d564900d05df0ee1da737cde6144eb55fa36684f.png', 'min': 0.1, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Pulse', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Minimal Wear', 'full_item_name': 'SG 553 | Pulse (Minimal Wear)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:20:22,857 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41127243383', 'd': '7504875410097867543', 'paintseed': 758, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 287, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41127243383', 'floatvalue': 0.14711087942123413, 'm': '636796493064392892', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_cu_sg553_pulse_light_large.d564900d05df0ee1da737cde6144eb55fa36684f.png', 'min': 0.1, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Pulse', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Minimal Wear', 'full_item_name': 'SG 553 | Pulse (Minimal Wear)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:20:23,453 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:20:23,634 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:20:24,260 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048927782445061A24217232504D2317884888023881856 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:20:25,265 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:20:27,953 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41490384600', 'd': '912023078030735532', 'paintseed': 553, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 361, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41327436908', 'low_rank': 982, 'floatvalue': 0.013625900261104107, 'm': '663818090830279987', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_aq_leviathan_light_large.0d0ce425b5374642d0d1fbfd0c0ec634eb8570fb.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Abyss', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Abyss (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:20:27,964 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41490384600', 'd': '912023078030735532', 'paintseed': 553, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 361, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41327436908', 'low_rank': 982, 'floatvalue': 0.013625900261104107, 'm': '663818090830279987', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_aq_leviathan_light_large.0d0ce425b5374642d0d1fbfd0c0ec634eb8570fb.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Abyss', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Abyss (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:20:27,973 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41490384600', 'd': '912023078030735532', 'paintseed': 553, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 361, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41327436908', 'low_rank': 982, 'floatvalue': 0.013625900261104107, 'm': '663818090830279987', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_aq_leviathan_light_large.0d0ce425b5374642d0d1fbfd0c0ec634eb8570fb.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Abyss', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Abyss (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:20:29,483 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037219915A41277121717D7385945188061555178 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:20:30,201 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M663818725732951481A41324677452D3090219540946143229 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:20:30,488 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:20:30,981 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '28491428884', 'd': '5057101342865136768', 'paintseed': 596, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 375, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 2070, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'krakow2017_team_vp_gold', 'material': 'krakow2017/vp_gold', 'name': 'Virtus.Pro (Gold) | Krakow 2017'}, {'stickerId': 2130, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'krakow2017_team_pgl_gold', 'material': 'krakow2017/pgl_gold', 'name': 'PGL (Gold) | Krakow 2017'}, {'stickerId': 2074, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'krakow2017_team_fntc_gold', 'material': 'krakow2017/fntc_gold', 'name': 'Fnatic (Gold) | Krakow 2017'}], 'floatid': '28491428884', 'low_rank': 170, 'floatvalue': 0.04716000333428383, 'm': '653684991664209044', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_sp_nukestripe_orange_aug_light_large.4309138bd5b9e518628d517a275747ec9c2207d3.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Radiation Hazard', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir AUG | Radiation Hazard (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:20:31,206 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:20:35,357 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41107787425', 'd': '7839221331247940913', 'paintseed': 175, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 1048, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40761445716', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06848956644535065, 'm': '641300092690435134', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_gs_sg553_deathmetal_light_large.c41041d1a69838d3b66f21032254066eaea8fe41.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Heavy Metal', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ SG 553 | Heavy Metal (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:20:36,152 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690267932A41317653995D4650186930142950829 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:20:36,533 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037219915A41277121717D7385945188061555178 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:20:36,971 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41325868751', 'd': '14874969705195013597', 'paintseed': 595, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 686, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 2959, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'london2018_team_faze', 'material': 'london2018/faze', 'name': 'FaZe Clan | London 2018'}], 'floatid': '41325868751', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.059421587735414505, 'm': '653684991667741544', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_gs_sg553_phantom_light_large.51fc477c1024614f6f52080d3b7200408c9d2881.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Phantom', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ SG 553 | Phantom (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:20:37,157 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:20:37,543 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:20:37,615 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41324063464', 'd': '3192076107246087110', 'paintseed': 743, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 479, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41324063464', 'floatvalue': 0.0643368661403656, 'm': '662692190918288526', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_aq_glock18_flames_blue_light_large.5fed23d5a32793c25914eeb99b45f1a2b0cb9d6c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Bunsen Burner', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Bunsen Burner (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:20:37,623 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41324063464', 'd': '3192076107246087110', 'paintseed': 743, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 479, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41324063464', 'floatvalue': 0.0643368661403656, 'm': '662692190918288526', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_aq_glock18_flames_blue_light_large.5fed23d5a32793c25914eeb99b45f1a2b0cb9d6c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Bunsen Burner', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Bunsen Burner (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:20:37,630 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41324063464', 'd': '3192076107246087110', 'paintseed': 743, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 479, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41324063464', 'floatvalue': 0.0643368661403656, 'm': '662692190918288526', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_aq_glock18_flames_blue_light_large.5fed23d5a32793c25914eeb99b45f1a2b0cb9d6c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Bunsen Burner', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Bunsen Burner (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:20:37,637 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41324063464', 'd': '3192076107246087110', 'paintseed': 743, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 479, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41324063464', 'floatvalue': 0.0643368661403656, 'm': '662692190918288526', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_aq_glock18_flames_blue_light_large.5fed23d5a32793c25914eeb99b45f1a2b0cb9d6c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Bunsen Burner', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Bunsen Burner (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:20:37,918 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41303398953', 'd': '7677628873780837135', 'paintseed': 289, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 705, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41303398953', 'low_rank': 850, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06311924010515213, 'm': '668321690460134931', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_cu_usp_cut_light_large.573fc8c594667e378f3ed9890ce48bbb586e8de0.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Cortex', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ USP-S | Cortex (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:20:37,934 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41303398953', 'd': '7677628873780837135', 'paintseed': 289, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 705, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41303398953', 'low_rank': 850, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06311924010515213, 'm': '668321690460134931', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_cu_usp_cut_light_large.573fc8c594667e378f3ed9890ce48bbb586e8de0.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Cortex', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ USP-S | Cortex (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:20:38,611 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649182026948264196A41493781150D7953607932958344057 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:20:39,132 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300727597184773A35080111212D16585139814074038986 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:20:39,354 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41306888888', 'd': '14152780236737925194', 'paintseed': 486, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 794, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41306888888', 'floatvalue': 0.06197730451822281, 'm': '662692190922027936', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_sp_mesh_safetyblack_light_large.41766cdb86c7b662a4c6316b2864751c54940faf.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Sweeper', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AUG | Sweeper (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:20:39,365 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41306888888', 'd': '14152780236737925194', 'paintseed': 486, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 794, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41306888888', 'floatvalue': 0.06197730451822281, 'm': '662692190922027936', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_sp_mesh_safetyblack_light_large.41766cdb86c7b662a4c6316b2864751c54940faf.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Sweeper', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AUG | Sweeper (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:20:39,376 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41306888888', 'd': '14152780236737925194', 'paintseed': 486, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 794, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41306888888', 'floatvalue': 0.06197730451822281, 'm': '662692190922027936', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_sp_mesh_safetyblack_light_large.41766cdb86c7b662a4c6316b2864751c54940faf.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Sweeper', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AUG | Sweeper (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:20:39,385 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41306888888', 'd': '14152780236737925194', 'paintseed': 486, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 794, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41306888888', 'floatvalue': 0.06197730451822281, 'm': '662692190922027936', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_sp_mesh_safetyblack_light_large.41766cdb86c7b662a4c6316b2864751c54940faf.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Sweeper', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AUG | Sweeper (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:20:39,395 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41306888888', 'd': '14152780236737925194', 'paintseed': 486, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 794, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41306888888', 'floatvalue': 0.06197730451822281, 'm': '662692190922027936', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_sp_mesh_safetyblack_light_large.41766cdb86c7b662a4c6316b2864751c54940faf.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Sweeper', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AUG | Sweeper (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:20:39,617 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:20:40,136 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:20:40,772 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41320125581', 'd': '2803610375411063173', 'paintseed': 845, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 922, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41320125581', 'low_rank': 862, 'high_rank': 787, 'floatvalue': 0.04551541805267334, 'm': '655936791475287946', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_am_lizard_red_light_large.8028fa8c551ef6e26b3fff892e8138b5294ad7fd.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.37, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Orange Anolis', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | Orange Anolis (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:20:41,081 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690344252A41493766825D4641039183313467683 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:20:42,085 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:20:42,680 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41114070991', 'd': '7786211443685964077', 'paintseed': 686, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 817, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 2927, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'comm2018_01_retake_expert', 'material': 'comm2018_01/retake_expert', 'name': 'Retake Expert'}, {'stickerId': 6594, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'community2022_run_t_run_paper', 'material': 'community2022/run_t_run_paper', 'name': 'Run T, Run'}, {'stickerId': 5907, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'csgo10_clicking_heads_paper', 'material': 'csgo10/clicking_heads_paper', 'name': 'Clicking Heads'}, {'stickerId': 6594, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'community2022_run_t_run_paper', 'material': 'community2022/run_t_run_paper', 'name': 'Run T, Run'}, {'stickerId': 4882, 'slot': 1, 'rotation': -3, 'offset_x': -0.6210529804229736, 'offset_y': -0.02492883801460266, 'codename': 'community2021_clutch_or_kick_glossy', 'material': 'community2021/clutch_or_kick_glossy', 'name': 'Clutch Or Kick'}], 'floatid': '41114070991', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.048971716314554214, 'm': '637922392973054023', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_cu_usp_flashback_light_large.47e10129af33303bac557560400c33e4fe555680.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Flashback', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ USP-S | Flashback (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:20:43,192 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690267932A41317653995D4650186930142950829 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:20:43,679 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41017772496', 'd': '17158963115222948500', 'paintseed': 657, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 659, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41017772496', 'low_rank': 169, 'floatvalue': 0.039791323244571686, 'm': '643551892500101036', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_sp_famas_macabre_light_large.7582150e24a69922b814d6b56004327e2219890d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Macabre', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Macabre (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:20:44,197 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:20:46,170 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300727597184773A35080111212D16585139814074038986 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:20:47,175 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:20:47,389 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M659315126105570483A41317396030D11821505105417254084 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:20:48,394 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:20:48,448 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41492675240', 'd': '7820723034780738425', 'paintseed': 25, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 519, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4749, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_navi', 'material': 'rmr2020/navi', 'name': 'Natus Vincere | 2020 RMR'}, {'stickerId': 4721, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_fntc', 'material': 'rmr2020/fntc', 'name': 'Fnatic | 2020 RMR'}, {'stickerId': 5884, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_signature_twistzz_32', 'material': 'antwerp2022/sig_twistzz_champion', 'name': 'Twistzz (Champion) | Antwerp 2022'}, {'stickerId': 6620, 'slot': 0, 'offset_x': 0.011688441038131714, 'offset_y': 0.0802382230758667, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_vita', 'material': 'paris2023/vita', 'name': 'Vitality | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 7236, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': -0.3112739324569702, 'offset_y': 0.07219865918159485, 'codename': 'paper_this_is_fine_chicken', 'material': 'community/community_2024/paper_this_is_fine_chicken', 'name': 'This Is Fine (Chicken)'}], 'floatid': '26565910781', 'floatvalue': 0.06610985100269318, 'm': '662692190921759586', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_gs_sg553_tiger_moth_light_large.18de0e5e029741a67330038e646fab1596fcfe88.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Tiger Moth', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SG 553 | Tiger Moth (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:20:48,784 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M667196425457672010A41493640001D2929112619971966666 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:20:49,789 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:20:50,692 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41449790574', 'd': '14267555816216883822', 'paintseed': 790, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 601, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '36183430411', 'low_rank': 434, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06610073894262314, 'm': '667195790533039111', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_gs_aug_syd_mead_light_large.333597e0555639f5d77541c363a9bb38d95055f3.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Syd Mead', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ AUG | Syd Mead (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:20:51,339 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '35595565597', 'd': '316499663135589215', 'paintseed': 474, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 28, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35595565597', 'floatvalue': 0.032278843224048615, 'm': '664942903410973092', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_an_navy_light_large.5c45c1c33100694fc010a39ba92e3afab1d7c5e7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Anodized Navy', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SG 553 | Anodized Navy (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:20:51,345 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '35595565597', 'd': '316499663135589215', 'paintseed': 474, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 28, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35595565597', 'floatvalue': 0.032278843224048615, 'm': '664942903410973092', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_an_navy_light_large.5c45c1c33100694fc010a39ba92e3afab1d7c5e7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Anodized Navy', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SG 553 | Anodized Navy (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:20:54,371 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '40746199016', 'd': '3377882415022782084', 'paintseed': 132, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 70, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40746199016', 'low_rank': 702, 'floatvalue': 0.0118250185623765, 'm': '652559091763363600', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_am_carbon_fiber_light_large.90255a5b4940cc078005493430f0a73761b990e4.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.12, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Carbon Fiber', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir SSG 08 | Carbon Fiber (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:20:54,426 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M659315126105570483A41317396030D11821505105417254084 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:20:55,015 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41322786353', 'd': '14187093790817272729', 'paintseed': 987, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 1234, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41322786353', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.0420803502202034, 'm': '653684991670811954', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_cu_sg553_cyberforce_light_large.63aa4e611195d801eb706ac65d38df68f98e2b76.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.9, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Cyberforce', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ SG 553 | Cyberforce (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:20:55,432 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:21:01,287 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40861755189', 'd': '2507427531315800411', 'paintseed': 890, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 247, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '8955342346', 'floatvalue': 0.039012663066387177, 'm': '646929592226994059', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_aq_damascus_sg553_light_large.543355687f0396ad10ed2f2705bc242ce5fdfbc5.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Damascus Steel', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SG 553 | Damascus Steel (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:01,619 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40977047778', 'd': '12124929099135865249', 'paintseed': 741, 'defindex': 13, 'paintindex': 246, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6060, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'rio2022_team_iem_gold', 'material': 'rio2022/iem_gold', 'name': 'IEM (Gold) | Rio 2022'}, {'stickerId': 1690, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'de_dust2_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_dust2_gold', 'name': 'Dust II (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 5976, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'rio2022_team_navi_gold', 'material': 'rio2022/navi_gold', 'name': 'Natus Vincere (Gold) | Rio 2022'}, {'stickerId': 6004, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'rio2022_team_big_gold', 'material': 'rio2022/big_gold', 'name': 'BIG (Gold) | Rio 2022'}], 'floatid': '40977047778', 'low_rank': 153, 'floatvalue': 0.023371906951069832, 'm': '646929592225955069', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_galilar_aa_fade_metallic_light_large.6910731d5c0d857052afbba2d24416156a6a96ba.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'Galil AR', 'item_name': 'Amber Fade', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir Galil AR | Amber Fade (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:01,866 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41173142953', 'd': '5504701170027999300', 'paintseed': 894, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 1161, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41173142953', 'floatvalue': 0.06475477665662766, 'm': '645803692312626178', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Dezastre', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Dezastre (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:01,909 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646930227130276611A41493504569D5044036285290175433 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:21:02,916 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:21:03,533 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41491809951', 'd': '9279251708940406986', 'paintseed': 884, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 538, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '22355391466', 'floatvalue': 0.06370453536510468, 'm': '642425992599622975', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_cu_ssg08_necropos_light_large.cd2f32aa0349edcad3aefae80b509fc5962a2b30.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Necropos', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Necropos (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:03,541 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41491809951', 'd': '9279251708940406986', 'paintseed': 884, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 538, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '22355391466', 'floatvalue': 0.06370453536510468, 'm': '642425992599622975', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_cu_ssg08_necropos_light_large.cd2f32aa0349edcad3aefae80b509fc5962a2b30.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Necropos', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Necropos (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:03,550 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41491809951', 'd': '9279251708940406986', 'paintseed': 884, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 538, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '22355391466', 'floatvalue': 0.06370453536510468, 'm': '642425992599622975', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_cu_ssg08_necropos_light_large.cd2f32aa0349edcad3aefae80b509fc5962a2b30.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Necropos', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Necropos (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:03,560 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41491809951', 'd': '9279251708940406986', 'paintseed': 884, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 538, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '22355391466', 'floatvalue': 0.06370453536510468, 'm': '642425992599622975', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_cu_ssg08_necropos_light_large.cd2f32aa0349edcad3aefae80b509fc5962a2b30.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Necropos', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Necropos (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:03,569 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41491809951', 'd': '9279251708940406986', 'paintseed': 884, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 538, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '22355391466', 'floatvalue': 0.06370453536510468, 'm': '642425992599622975', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_cu_ssg08_necropos_light_large.cd2f32aa0349edcad3aefae80b509fc5962a2b30.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Necropos', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Necropos (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:04,056 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M655937426386158598A41326749185D7551976120065743890 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:21:04,150 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '39890855108', 'd': '11857558666680650007', 'paintseed': 327, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 1151, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39885212100', 'floatvalue': 0.06500863283872604, 'm': '666069890639783820', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_cu_sg553_cyber_dragon_light_large.563b70babc5251fe5df218140582cd0aa576701e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Dragon Tech', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SG 553 | Dragon Tech (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:05,061 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:21:05,672 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635670593159022461A28330618566D11683677104708167071 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:21:05,960 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41473120750', 'd': '14313573101714953993', 'paintseed': 928, 'defindex': 13, 'paintindex': 428, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41289840953', 'low_rank': 172, 'floatvalue': 0.13051852583885193, 'm': '654810891566071155', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_galilar_cu_galil_eco_light_large.7f64e2d77423b3c4263a74caeda18383c2e487d5.png', 'min': 0.1, 'max': 0.85, 'weapon_type': 'Galil AR', 'item_name': 'Eco', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Minimal Wear', 'full_item_name': 'Galil AR | Eco (Minimal Wear)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:06,065 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '27025804587', 'd': '12433502663678554808', 'paintseed': 786, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 1146, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '27025804587', 'floatvalue': 0.04694248363375664, 'm': '663818090830851997', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_gs_famas_corp_meow_light_large.7e27ced9616b1a4808cad37e8c0c653b9c866f07.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Meow 36', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Meow 36 (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:06,072 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '27025804587', 'd': '12433502663678554808', 'paintseed': 786, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 1146, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '27025804587', 'floatvalue': 0.04694248363375664, 'm': '663818090830851997', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_gs_famas_corp_meow_light_large.7e27ced9616b1a4808cad37e8c0c653b9c866f07.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Meow 36', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Meow 36 (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:06,678 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:21:06,756 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '33624156336', 'd': '10154601213201101996', 'paintseed': 883, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 935, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6707, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_blst_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/blst_gold', 'name': 'BLAST.tv (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6667, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_apex_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/apex_gold', 'name': 'Apeks (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 1692, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'de_mirage_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_mirage_gold', 'name': 'Mirage (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 6623, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_vita_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/vita_gold', 'name': 'Vitality (Gold) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '33624156336', 'floatvalue': 0.043599653989076614, 'm': '654810891567931695', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_sp_zebracam_red_light_large.9aefb18daa0955b6ac9b0d098132425b7991fc6e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.48, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Prey', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir SSG 08 | Prey (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:06,770 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '33624156336', 'd': '10154601213201101996', 'paintseed': 883, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 935, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6707, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_blst_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/blst_gold', 'name': 'BLAST.tv (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6667, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_apex_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/apex_gold', 'name': 'Apeks (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 1692, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'de_mirage_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_mirage_gold', 'name': 'Mirage (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 6623, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_vita_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/vita_gold', 'name': 'Vitality (Gold) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '33624156336', 'floatvalue': 0.043599653989076614, 'm': '654810891567931695', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_sp_zebracam_red_light_large.9aefb18daa0955b6ac9b0d098132425b7991fc6e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.48, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Prey', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir SSG 08 | Prey (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:06,780 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '33624156336', 'd': '10154601213201101996', 'paintseed': 883, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 935, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6707, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_blst_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/blst_gold', 'name': 'BLAST.tv (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6667, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_apex_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/apex_gold', 'name': 'Apeks (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 1692, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'de_mirage_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_mirage_gold', 'name': 'Mirage (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 6623, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_vita_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/vita_gold', 'name': 'Vitality (Gold) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '33624156336', 'floatvalue': 0.043599653989076614, 'm': '654810891567931695', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_sp_zebracam_red_light_large.9aefb18daa0955b6ac9b0d098132425b7991fc6e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.48, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Prey', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir SSG 08 | Prey (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:06,788 - 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Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '33624156336', 'd': '10154601213201101996', 'paintseed': 883, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 935, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6707, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_blst_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/blst_gold', 'name': 'BLAST.tv (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6667, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_apex_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/apex_gold', 'name': 'Apeks (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 1692, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'de_mirage_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_mirage_gold', 'name': 'Mirage (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 6623, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_vita_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/vita_gold', 'name': 'Vitality (Gold) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '33624156336', 'floatvalue': 0.043599653989076614, 'm': '654810891567931695', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_sp_zebracam_red_light_large.9aefb18daa0955b6ac9b0d098132425b7991fc6e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.48, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Prey', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir SSG 08 | Prey (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:08,952 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646930227130276611A41493504569D5044036285290175433 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:21:09,960 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:21:11,517 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41204173442', 'd': '14170759462173857286', 'paintseed': 259, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 1249, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41204173442', 'floatvalue': 0.044153518974781036, 'm': '642425992600030885', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_hy_dune_trap_light_large.61e49e32c50c4a984fec89ec01defd789ae42376.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Snake Pit', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AUG | Snake Pit (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:11,523 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41204173442', 'd': '14170759462173857286', 'paintseed': 259, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 1249, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41204173442', 'floatvalue': 0.044153518974781036, 'm': '642425992600030885', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_hy_dune_trap_light_large.61e49e32c50c4a984fec89ec01defd789ae42376.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Snake Pit', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AUG | Snake Pit (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:11,883 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41301922687', 'd': '2498979288208517561', 'paintseed': 409, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 553, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41301922687', 'floatvalue': 0.06526559591293335, 'm': '657062691394282847', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_cu_sg553_atlas_light_large.536218f8160485fa927e19fa06fedae43d9c04e6.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.81, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Atlas', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SG 553 | Atlas (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:12,825 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41326262024', 'd': '2759664956190292102', 'paintseed': 347, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 967, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41326262024', 'floatvalue': 0.05684509873390198, 'm': '664943990729307758', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_cu_ssg08_mainframe_light_large.7d7d861da80bfecbe5141f19fbd32b95fb4496cf.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Mainframe 001', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Mainframe 001 (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:12,940 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41230468707', 'd': '300756591029808452', 'paintseed': 670, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 551, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '23563799487', 'low_rank': 172, 'floatvalue': 0.12494326382875443, 'm': '649181392037049768', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_cu_p250_asiimov_light_large.7ccf465f7dc55d2d960465d404c10cbc8c442cee.png', 'min': 0.1, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Asiimov', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Minimal Wear', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Asiimov (Minimal Wear)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:13,158 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666070525548751895A28116739874D9982404507448289073 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:21:13,612 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653685626571338456A41328794200D7515004095168954153 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:21:14,169 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:21:14,618 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:21:15,215 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41332050856', 'd': '7669138034340675895', 'paintseed': 877, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 765, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7353, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_pgl_gold', 'material': 'cph2024/pgl_gold', 'name': 'PGL (Gold) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7889, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'de_mirage_cs2_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_mirage_cs2_gold', 'name': 'Mirage (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 7257, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_navi_gold', 'material': 'cph2024/navi_gold', 'name': 'Natus Vincere (Gold) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7269, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_faze_gold', 'material': 'cph2024/faze_gold', 'name': 'FaZe Clan (Gold) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 6704, 'slot': 0, 'offset_x': -0.3478088676929474, 'offset_y': -0.023553162813186646, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_blst', 'material': 'paris2023/blst', 'name': 'BLAST.tv | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '41332050856', 'floatvalue': 0.04544230177998543, 'm': '651433191850836590', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_aa_desert_bloom_bright_light_large.082aa07ec9551391143d8b825ef9f1062ea54279.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.49, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Desert Blossom', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir SG 553 | Desert Blossom (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:15,222 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41332050856', 'd': '7669138034340675895', 'paintseed': 877, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 765, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7353, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_pgl_gold', 'material': 'cph2024/pgl_gold', 'name': 'PGL (Gold) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7889, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'de_mirage_cs2_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_mirage_cs2_gold', 'name': 'Mirage (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 7257, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_navi_gold', 'material': 'cph2024/navi_gold', 'name': 'Natus Vincere (Gold) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7269, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_faze_gold', 'material': 'cph2024/faze_gold', 'name': 'FaZe Clan (Gold) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 6704, 'slot': 0, 'offset_x': -0.3478088676929474, 'offset_y': -0.023553162813186646, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_blst', 'material': 'paris2023/blst', 'name': 'BLAST.tv | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '41332050856', 'floatvalue': 0.04544230177998543, 'm': '651433191850836590', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_aa_desert_bloom_bright_light_large.082aa07ec9551391143d8b825ef9f1062ea54279.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.49, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Desert Blossom', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir SG 553 | Desert Blossom (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:15,625 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41294669510', 'd': '11855203255211152968', 'paintseed': 378, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 886, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4518, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 1, 'codename': 'cs20_c4_friend', 'material': 'cs20/cs20_c4_friend', 'name': 'Friend Code'}, {'stickerId': 3947, 'slot': 4, 'offset_x': 0.40612998604774475, 'offset_y': 0.021160900592803955, 'codename': 'feral_predators_bite_me_glossy', 'material': 'feral_predators/bite_me_glossy', 'name': 'Bite Me'}], 'floatid': '41294669510', 'low_rank': 97, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.04333505779504776, 'm': '655936791472601086', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_cu_aug_whitefang_light_large.051b21da4e56c64ad78ee8a67a0e9e237a4e01b1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Arctic Wolf', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ AUG | Arctic Wolf (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:16,247 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41489821874', 'd': '6938541282326240910', 'paintseed': 852, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 304, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40307066357', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.24210906028747559, 'm': '644677792410749907', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_cu_ssg08_immortal_light_large.294156dbab19f645942fe9cbafed88165aa70044.png', 'min': 0.15, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Slashed', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ SSG 08 | Slashed (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:16,255 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41489821874', 'd': '6938541282326240910', 'paintseed': 852, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 304, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40307066357', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.24210906028747559, 'm': '644677792410749907', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_cu_ssg08_immortal_light_large.294156dbab19f645942fe9cbafed88165aa70044.png', 'min': 0.15, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Slashed', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ SSG 08 | Slashed (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:16,549 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692825825088680A41232147756D14710669982625331143 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:21:17,536 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41329084204', 'd': '10271211044228190224', 'paintseed': 11, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 904, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41329084204', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06473136693239212, 'm': '640174192786721303', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_cu_famas_nuke_tension_light_large.0cf9412e22f626e675b76506cf2f240a64a05b22.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Decommissioned', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ FAMAS | Decommissioned (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:17,554 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41329084204', 'd': '10271211044228190224', 'paintseed': 11, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 904, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41329084204', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06473136693239212, 'm': '640174192786721303', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_cu_famas_nuke_tension_light_large.0cf9412e22f626e675b76506cf2f240a64a05b22.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Decommissioned', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ FAMAS | Decommissioned (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:17,556 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:21:17,896 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645804327223442390A41329149419D12405315732199201539 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:21:18,901 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:21:19,741 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41339080503', 'd': '16441144705844140865', 'paintseed': 877, 'defindex': 13, 'paintindex': 629, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7327, 'slot': 1, 'offset_x': -0.0022704601287841797, 'offset_y': 0.003736525774002075, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_mngz_glitter', 'material': 'cph2024/mngz_glitter', 'name': 'The MongolZ (Glitter) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 4024, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': -0.2379748523235321, 'offset_y': -0.013689190149307251, 'codename': 'berlin2019_team_ence_holo', 'material': 'berlin2019/ence_holo', 'name': 'ENCE (Holo) | Berlin 2019'}], 'floatid': '38150862127', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06579262018203735, 'm': '663818090830819567', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_galilar_cu_galil_ar-camo_light_large.63272b54e93d40433f8ceec41efec2004d51941d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Galil AR', 'item_name': 'Black Sand', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Galil AR | Black Sand (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:20,204 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666070525548751895A28116739874D9982404507448289073 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:21:20,647 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653685626571338456A41328794200D7515004095168954153 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:21:21,210 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:21:21,654 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:21:22,260 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41481431254', 'd': '7261495909746612884', 'paintseed': 67, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 723, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40847654881', 'floatvalue': 0.06186581403017044, 'm': '661566291012649119', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_cu_famas_owl_orange_light_large.7cb3a86d36317530964f40d66b755789de7ca88a.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Eye of Athena', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Eye of Athena (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:24,932 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645804327223442390A41329149419D12405315732199201539 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:21:25,428 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660441026013509004A41292839095D3190985227432004957 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:21:25,939 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:21:26,434 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:21:27,032 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635671228061894113A41493661450D922897823588611178 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:21:27,464 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41492311120', 'd': '7065209660518475244', 'paintseed': 758, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 1230, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41141862759', 'floatvalue': 0.04022621735930443, 'm': '657062691394861907', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_cu_p250_rebuilt_light_large.69d4fcb9a8151d09818d1c26cf4c7b03d046b5a1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.9, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Re.built', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Re.built (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:27,686 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653685626571338456A41328794200D7515004095168954153 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:21:28,038 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:21:28,692 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:21:29,042 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300727597222723A40792028981D12136298161032965094 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:21:30,048 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:21:31,808 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855047837A41493677769D11684073024452822818 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:21:31,974 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645804327223442390A41329149419D12405315732199201539 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:21:32,812 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:21:32,979 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:21:35,362 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690277622A29957811062D2947643942498525576 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:21:35,582 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41329687768', 'd': '14414596127737333977', 'paintseed': 312, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 1154, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41329687768', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06679978966712952, 'm': '637922392973079403', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_gs_p90_tangled_light_large.d1c6b11dc6876f1cf546281df8b8fac68a037518.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Vent Rush', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ P90 | Vent Rush (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:35,899 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41292595090', 'd': '67242209423946834', 'paintseed': 943, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 1127, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41292595090', 'floatvalue': 0.06396536529064178, 'm': '667195790538348691', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_gs_famas_rapid_eyes_light_large.8a166e6d36121b16dddc11b9aca94d5c541b0b56.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Rapid Eye Movement', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Rapid Eye Movement (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:36,080 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300727597222723A40792028981D12136298161032965094 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:21:36,367 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:21:37,088 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:21:37,419 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826761839578A41083125483D11683149725605445266 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:21:37,634 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649182026948300256A35930909693D4954103394784232055 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:21:37,887 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41319856785', 'd': '14717979363256386111', 'paintseed': 218, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 726, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41319856785', 'low_rank': 771, 'high_rank': 504, 'floatvalue': 0.05905020236968994, 'm': '645803692313090878', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_sp_bloom_orange_light_large.e3e14184d5d31c9484b7697d7f38aafa3a479e20.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Sunset Lily', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Sunset Lily (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:37,895 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41319856785', 'd': '14717979363256386111', 'paintseed': 218, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 726, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41319856785', 'low_rank': 771, 'high_rank': 504, 'floatvalue': 0.05905020236968994, 'm': '645803692313090878', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_sp_bloom_orange_light_large.e3e14184d5d31c9484b7697d7f38aafa3a479e20.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Sunset Lily', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Sunset Lily (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:38,415 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40281471120', 'd': '3369399156244663556', 'paintseed': 78, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 358, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40281471120', 'floatvalue': 0.05948401242494583, 'm': '646929592226635619', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_cu_bittersweet_light_large.83cd48968d79412e0cf2233b8e18602ff2790ad4.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Supernova', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Supernova (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:38,425 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:21:38,639 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:21:39,606 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41281813782', 'd': '9540916091546809352', 'paintseed': 549, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 1060, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35887384288', 'floatvalue': 0.0686110332608223, 'm': '652559091763098430', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_hy_trainarchitect_green_light_large.99e4e0cef18a0f37f5f26caf431dde80f39f14e1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Spring Twilly', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Spring Twilly (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:39,613 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41281813782', 'd': '9540916091546809352', 'paintseed': 549, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 1060, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35887384288', 'floatvalue': 0.0686110332608223, 'm': '652559091763098430', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_hy_trainarchitect_green_light_large.99e4e0cef18a0f37f5f26caf431dde80f39f14e1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Spring Twilly', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Spring Twilly (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:39,912 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855078587A25154973943D13980910515801463850 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:21:40,919 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:21:41,000 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41482475748', 'd': '9694816812442221102', 'paintseed': 777, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 989, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '25976787944', 'floatvalue': 0.0530514270067215, 'm': '663818090826045787', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_cu_ssg08_chromatic_light_large.66f506ebe947b68afa1d3a6cbbdd8916b054f84a.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Parallax', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Parallax (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:42,406 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690277622A29957811062D2947643942498525576 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:21:42,501 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '36062152658', 'd': '16316027182088851606', 'paintseed': 149, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 492, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '36062152658', 'floatvalue': 0.06524109095335007, 'm': '648055492130681152', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_cu_famas_lenta_light_large.7ab508a407e56ab541dae127ef5fc64f09f6ae08.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Survivor Z', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Survivor Z (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:43,134 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300727597222723A40792028981D12136298161032965094 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:21:43,417 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:21:44,064 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41488627938', 'd': '9944618734637684310', 'paintseed': 735, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 626, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41298831094', 'floatvalue': 0.06153567507863045, 'm': '661566291016403919', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_gs_famas_mecha_light_large.c26d3fccc156fe26ba3325ed73b29092b3e18093.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Mecha Industries', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Mecha Industries (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:44,121 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41314397278', 'd': '11569194116781731694', 'paintseed': 375, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 786, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41314397278', 'floatvalue': 0.04214992746710777, 'm': '648055492131148012', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_ducts_blue_light_large.7e3036d2c146970842cfdd1e4b4529ee5480787c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Exchanger', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Exchanger (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:44,141 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:21:44,372 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692825825023400A41190679118D16303816436425995970 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:21:44,458 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826761839578A41083125483D11683149725605445266 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:21:44,673 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649182026948300256A35930909693D4954103394784232055 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:21:45,017 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41366330955', 'd': '12449650178245083359', 'paintseed': 564, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 244, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41366330955', 'floatvalue': 0.054347649216651917, 'm': '649181392039250958', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_sp_mesh_hot_and_cold_light_large.b1e759ec76815883bf3e293215e3858eaa0763b1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Teardown', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Teardown (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:45,024 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41366330955', 'd': '12449650178245083359', 'paintseed': 564, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 244, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41366330955', 'floatvalue': 0.054347649216651917, 'm': '649181392039250958', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_sp_mesh_hot_and_cold_light_large.b1e759ec76815883bf3e293215e3858eaa0763b1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Teardown', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Teardown (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:45,031 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41366330955', 'd': '12449650178245083359', 'paintseed': 564, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 244, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41366330955', 'floatvalue': 0.054347649216651917, 'm': '649181392039250958', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_sp_mesh_hot_and_cold_light_large.b1e759ec76815883bf3e293215e3858eaa0763b1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Teardown', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Teardown (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:45,378 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:21:45,464 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:21:45,678 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:21:45,880 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41491851877', 'd': '1038198892476406063', 'paintseed': 326, 'defindex': 13, 'paintindex': 546, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41323642801', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06999728828668594, 'm': '654810891574236825', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_galilar_gs_galilar_incenerator_light_large.669901b842361b46108ced0a555f5575839d093e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Galil AR', 'item_name': 'Firefight', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Galil AR | Firefight (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:45,962 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41492454763', 'd': '7687234208936507004', 'paintseed': 121, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 1146, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '27323874683', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.052886586636304855, 'm': '648055492131810622', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_gs_famas_corp_meow_light_large.7e27ced9616b1a4808cad37e8c0c653b9c866f07.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Meow 36', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ FAMAS | Meow 36 (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:45,976 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41492454763', 'd': '7687234208936507004', 'paintseed': 121, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 1146, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '27323874683', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.052886586636304855, 'm': '648055492131810622', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_gs_famas_corp_meow_light_large.7e27ced9616b1a4808cad37e8c0c653b9c866f07.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Meow 36', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ FAMAS | Meow 36 (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:46,964 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855078587A25154973943D13980910515801463850 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:21:46,981 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41491662157', 'd': '16871691510860155609', 'paintseed': 280, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 969, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39952417247', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.05868472903966904, 'm': '636796493066373582', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_gs_p90_container_light_large.ee8d779318fc1367b1c63bbfa202d6261a0171c1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Freight', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ P90 | Freight (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:47,227 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649182026948285496A36508506100D9568542702533382808 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:21:47,392 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646930227130365321A37435753293D7984007675446488462 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:21:47,480 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875596455A34668698531D2893669338088124899 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:21:47,972 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:21:48,232 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:21:48,398 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:21:48,485 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:21:48,654 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645804327223550900A39711155831D9944137669983352008 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:21:48,859 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '39765679264', 'd': '13991605327028349700', 'paintseed': 446, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 777, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39765679264', 'floatvalue': 0.06703267991542816, 'm': '639048292878845612', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_blueprint_red_light_large.aff5f9b0847413a1749e8636dfc9a92d1ed77f3e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Facility Draft', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Facility Draft (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:48,867 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '39765679264', 'd': '13991605327028349700', 'paintseed': 446, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 777, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39765679264', 'floatvalue': 0.06703267991542816, 'm': '639048292878845612', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_blueprint_red_light_large.aff5f9b0847413a1749e8636dfc9a92d1ed77f3e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Facility Draft', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Facility Draft (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:48,874 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '39765679264', 'd': '13991605327028349700', 'paintseed': 446, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 777, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39765679264', 'floatvalue': 0.06703267991542816, 'm': '639048292878845612', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_blueprint_red_light_large.aff5f9b0847413a1749e8636dfc9a92d1ed77f3e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Facility Draft', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Facility Draft (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:48,880 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '39765679264', 'd': '13991605327028349700', 'paintseed': 446, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 777, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39765679264', 'floatvalue': 0.06703267991542816, 'm': '639048292878845612', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_blueprint_red_light_large.aff5f9b0847413a1749e8636dfc9a92d1ed77f3e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Facility Draft', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Facility Draft (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:48,886 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '39765679264', 'd': '13991605327028349700', 'paintseed': 446, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 777, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39765679264', 'floatvalue': 0.06703267991542816, 'm': '639048292878845612', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_blueprint_red_light_large.aff5f9b0847413a1749e8636dfc9a92d1ed77f3e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Facility Draft', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Facility Draft (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:48,893 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '39765679264', 'd': '13991605327028349700', 'paintseed': 446, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 777, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39765679264', 'floatvalue': 0.06703267991542816, 'm': '639048292878845612', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_blueprint_red_light_large.aff5f9b0847413a1749e8636dfc9a92d1ed77f3e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Facility Draft', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Facility Draft (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:48,899 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '39765679264', 'd': '13991605327028349700', 'paintseed': 446, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 777, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39765679264', 'floatvalue': 0.06703267991542816, 'm': '639048292878845612', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_blueprint_red_light_large.aff5f9b0847413a1749e8636dfc9a92d1ed77f3e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Facility Draft', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Facility Draft (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:48,906 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '39765679264', 'd': '13991605327028349700', 'paintseed': 446, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 777, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39765679264', 'floatvalue': 0.06703267991542816, 'm': '639048292878845612', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_blueprint_red_light_large.aff5f9b0847413a1749e8636dfc9a92d1ed77f3e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Facility Draft', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Facility Draft (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:48,912 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '39765679264', 'd': '13991605327028349700', 'paintseed': 446, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 777, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39765679264', 'floatvalue': 0.06703267991542816, 'm': '639048292878845612', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_blueprint_red_light_large.aff5f9b0847413a1749e8636dfc9a92d1ed77f3e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Facility Draft', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Facility Draft (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:48,918 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '39765679264', 'd': '13991605327028349700', 'paintseed': 446, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 777, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39765679264', 'floatvalue': 0.06703267991542816, 'm': '639048292878845612', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_blueprint_red_light_large.aff5f9b0847413a1749e8636dfc9a92d1ed77f3e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Facility Draft', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Facility Draft (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:49,527 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875637585A40620950926D11857642098459372573 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:21:49,659 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:21:49,956 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41106303094', 'd': '16495678895089673918', 'paintseed': 116, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 403, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41106303094', 'floatvalue': 0.056142520159482956, 'm': '666068803341314315', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_cu_mp9_deadly_poison_light_large.0776976e709ec7b503dd7e47b8c962338615b5da.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Deadly Poison', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MP9 | Deadly Poison (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:50,172 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300727597222723A40792028981D12136298161032965094 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:21:50,533 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:21:51,177 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:21:51,419 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692825825023400A41190679118D16303816436425995970 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:21:51,710 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649182026948300256A35930909693D4954103394784232055 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:21:52,426 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:21:52,714 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:21:53,962 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M667196425457673450A40765556505D2344385858499356407 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:21:53,998 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855078587A25154973943D13980910515801463850 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:21:54,260 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649182026948285496A36508506100D9568542702533382808 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:21:54,436 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646930227130365321A37435753293D7984007675446488462 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:21:54,966 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:21:55,003 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:21:55,265 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:21:55,440 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:21:55,685 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645804327223550900A39711155831D9944137669983352008 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:21:55,777 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41311286003', 'd': '12135730829163017460', 'paintseed': 819, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 178, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41311286003', 'low_rank': 200, 'floatvalue': 0.09708249568939209, 'm': '655936791469793056', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_hy_doomkitty_light_large.c9dd7b8fb1a44d5691684aae406d360433550468.png', 'min': 0.08, 'max': 0.22, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Doomkitty', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Minimal Wear', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Doomkitty (Minimal Wear)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:56,581 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875637585A40620950926D11857642098459372573 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:21:56,688 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:21:57,206 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300727597222723A40792028981D12136298161032965094 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:21:57,587 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:21:58,212 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:21:58,690 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649182026948251356A37177956055D7117381355040076026 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:21:58,908 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41222406302', 'd': '5251338764248997552', 'paintseed': 407, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 863, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '17400640719', 'floatvalue': 0.053211793303489685, 'm': '658188591293110593', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_sp_knots_blue_light_large.1a6a2c6fe90198a053410d364dd48441b51fb1a7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Night Borre', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Night Borre (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:59,072 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M657063326292948138A41493672570D6975548119604147693 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:21:59,586 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40385486912', 'd': '14475246564485155624', 'paintseed': 861, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 125, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39775640326', 'floatvalue': 0.028104370459914207, 'm': '651433191849484610', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_cu_xray_p250_light_large.4b9f603e1a1dd4de2d64e05bf21168bc8b070bf2.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'X-Ray', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | X-Ray (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:59,593 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40385486912', 'd': '14475246564485155624', 'paintseed': 861, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 125, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39775640326', 'floatvalue': 0.028104370459914207, 'm': '651433191849484610', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_cu_xray_p250_light_large.4b9f603e1a1dd4de2d64e05bf21168bc8b070bf2.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'X-Ray', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | X-Ray (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:21:59,693 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:22:00,077 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:22:01,472 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646930227130365321A37435753293D7984007675446488462 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:22:01,681 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668322325357234529A41493692814D2606086967775000463 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:22:02,478 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:22:02,687 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:22:02,719 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645804327223550900A39711155831D9944137669983352008 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:22:03,563 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41309668964', 'd': '7642092402304894008', 'paintseed': 919, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 141, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41309668964', 'low_rank': 911, 'floatvalue': 0.062602698802948, 'm': '646929592222014899', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_sp_tape_orange_light_large.77854282ffc131b7bbe878c140b3c41bfb735242.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Orange Peel', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MP9 | Orange Peel (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:22:03,614 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875637585A40620950926D11857642098459372573 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:22:03,724 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:22:04,148 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '37667406598', 'd': '5335224603775739266', 'paintseed': 480, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 848, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '37667406598', 'floatvalue': 0.06749898940324783, 'm': '653684991655424324', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_aq_p250_verdigris_light_large.379d19af038211ca3bf7d20c4c75726e9be36856.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Verdigris', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Verdigris (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:22:04,249 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300727597222723A40792028981D12136298161032965094 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:22:04,620 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:22:05,259 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:22:05,737 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649182026948251356A37177956055D7117381355040076026 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:22:05,938 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41288872250', 'd': '749291648883010342', 'paintseed': 624, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 77, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41288575466', 'floatvalue': 0.06706041097640991, 'm': '637922392963597243', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_forest_boreal_light_large.d805b3c56f74420ea25e14db86e7cf8181d98134.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Boreal Forest', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Boreal Forest (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:22:05,945 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41288872250', 'd': '749291648883010342', 'paintseed': 624, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 77, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41288575466', 'floatvalue': 0.06706041097640991, 'm': '637922392963597243', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_forest_boreal_light_large.d805b3c56f74420ea25e14db86e7cf8181d98134.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Boreal Forest', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Boreal Forest (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:22:05,951 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41288872250', 'd': '749291648883010342', 'paintseed': 624, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 77, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41288575466', 'floatvalue': 0.06706041097640991, 'm': '637922392963597243', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_forest_boreal_light_large.d805b3c56f74420ea25e14db86e7cf8181d98134.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Boreal Forest', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Boreal Forest (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:22:05,957 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41288872250', 'd': '749291648883010342', 'paintseed': 624, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 77, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41288575466', 'floatvalue': 0.06706041097640991, 'm': '637922392963597243', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_forest_boreal_light_large.d805b3c56f74420ea25e14db86e7cf8181d98134.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Boreal Forest', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Boreal Forest (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:22:05,963 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41288872250', 'd': '749291648883010342', 'paintseed': 624, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 77, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41288575466', 'floatvalue': 0.06706041097640991, 'm': '637922392963597243', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_forest_boreal_light_large.d805b3c56f74420ea25e14db86e7cf8181d98134.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Boreal Forest', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Boreal Forest (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:22:05,969 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41288872250', 'd': '749291648883010342', 'paintseed': 624, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 77, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41288575466', 'floatvalue': 0.06706041097640991, 'm': '637922392963597243', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_forest_boreal_light_large.d805b3c56f74420ea25e14db86e7cf8181d98134.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Boreal Forest', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Boreal Forest (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:22:05,979 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41288872250', 'd': '749291648883010342', 'paintseed': 624, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 77, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41288575466', 'floatvalue': 0.06706041097640991, 'm': '637922392963597243', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_forest_boreal_light_large.d805b3c56f74420ea25e14db86e7cf8181d98134.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Boreal Forest', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Boreal Forest (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:22:05,984 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41288872250', 'd': '749291648883010342', 'paintseed': 624, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 77, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41288575466', 'floatvalue': 0.06706041097640991, 'm': '637922392963597243', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_forest_boreal_light_large.d805b3c56f74420ea25e14db86e7cf8181d98134.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Boreal Forest', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Boreal Forest (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:22:05,989 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41288872250', 'd': '749291648883010342', 'paintseed': 624, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 77, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41288575466', 'floatvalue': 0.06706041097640991, 'm': '637922392963597243', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_forest_boreal_light_large.d805b3c56f74420ea25e14db86e7cf8181d98134.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Boreal Forest', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Boreal Forest (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:22:06,083 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41491667062', 'd': '16736154689515058804', 'paintseed': 455, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 371, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39969372933', 'high_rank': 741, 'floatvalue': 0.06357619911432266, 'm': '637922392972686973', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_am_nuclear_skulls2_famas_light_large.ec9774f3b2a03f5411321dba792b05f19096547c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Styx', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Styx (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:22:06,089 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41491667062', 'd': '16736154689515058804', 'paintseed': 455, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 371, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39969372933', 'high_rank': 741, 'floatvalue': 0.06357619911432266, 'm': '637922392972686973', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_am_nuclear_skulls2_famas_light_large.ec9774f3b2a03f5411321dba792b05f19096547c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Styx', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Styx (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:22:06,112 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M657063326292948138A41493672570D6975548119604147693 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:22:06,744 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:22:06,823 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41320946064', 'd': '14474576522807691475', 'paintseed': 415, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 593, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41320946064', 'low_rank': 785, 'floatvalue': 0.04199880734086037, 'm': '659314491202859704', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_gs_p90_full_throttle_light_large.70ef68d70617eb318e2df05e09f780448a1baf0d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Chopper', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Chopper (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:22:07,118 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:22:08,517 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646930227130365321A37435753293D7984007675446488462 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:22:08,730 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668322325357234529A41493692814D2606086967775000463 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:22:09,525 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:22:09,664 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41114578306', 'd': '7990210556497996863', 'paintseed': 638, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 1000, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6707, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_blst_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/blst_gold', 'name': 'BLAST.tv (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 1689, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'de_ancient_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_ancient_gold', 'name': 'Ancient (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 6667, 'slot': 4, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_apex_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/apex_gold', 'name': 'Apeks (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6675, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_liq_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/liq_gold', 'name': 'Team Liquid (Gold) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '41114578306', 'low_rank': 15, 'high_rank': 200, 'floatvalue': 0.03587358817458153, 'm': '639047658709862461', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_cu_jaguar_p90_light_large.7d9fe21106b83cbf10ea8cc7f8b4f6aea72af268.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Run and Hide', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir P90 | Run and Hide (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:22:09,736 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:22:09,768 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645804327223550900A39711155831D9944137669983352008 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:22:10,666 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875637585A40620950926D11857642098459372573 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:22:10,776 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:22:11,274 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M657063326292941598A41493654272D2792487743323898480 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:22:11,673 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:22:12,279 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:22:12,787 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649182026948251356A37177956055D7117381355040076026 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:22:13,149 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M657063326292948138A41493672570D6975548119604147693 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:22:13,794 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:22:14,154 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:22:15,563 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646930227130365321A37435753293D7984007675446488462 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:22:15,998 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300727597119043A41268238163D5225457634323885168 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:22:16,569 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:22:16,580 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41488714940', 'd': '7272231668859022786', 'paintseed': 710, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 501, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41291053935', 'floatvalue': 0.05309344083070755, 'm': '639048292878939422', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_p250_crackshot_light_large.538a33bb8d7af894f965257c39f699168e125cdd.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.9, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Wingshot', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Wingshot (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:22:16,809 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645804327223550900A39711155831D9944137669983352008 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:22:17,006 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:22:17,814 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:22:18,367 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41492833112', 'd': '16892525617709068228', 'paintseed': 185, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 650, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '23501770363', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.0523226298391819, 'm': '662692190921831436', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_am_p250_sputnik_light_large.38766530975aaa4006dda7a24533ac1b05a6b6a8.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Ripple', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ P250 | Ripple (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:22:19,412 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M657062691395209037A41478491388D2885721319139339688 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:22:20,048 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '40647153930', 'd': '7809347892213360450', 'paintseed': 423, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 1153, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40647153930', 'floatvalue': 0.05782729759812355, 'm': '641300092692211824', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_gs_p250_visions_light_large.a47ba6d191d3c734c3248667fb341a0e3f0c423e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Visions', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Visions (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:22:20,188 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M657063326292948138A41493672570D6975548119604147693 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:22:20,419 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:22:21,194 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:22:21,935 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660441026013443394A37872456685D17206682459377532323 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:22:22,600 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646930227130365321A37435753293D7984007675446488462 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:22:22,863 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41448587198', 'd': '14756614613756459787', 'paintseed': 647, 'defindex': 13, 'paintindex': 428, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41448587198', 'low_rank': 67, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.14658193290233612, 'm': '644677792393991727', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_galilar_cu_galil_eco_light_large.7f64e2d77423b3c4263a74caeda18383c2e487d5.png', 'min': 0.1, 'max': 0.85, 'weapon_type': 'Galil AR', 'item_name': 'Eco', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Minimal Wear', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Galil AR | Eco (Minimal Wear)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:22:22,941 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:22:22,949 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41476678636', 'd': '2623557917666763828', 'paintseed': 897, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 755, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 1691, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'de_inferno_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_inferno_gold', 'name': 'Inferno (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 5053, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_pgl_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/pgl_gold', 'name': 'PGL (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 4957, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_nip_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/nip_gold', 'name': 'Ninjas in Pyjamas (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 4993, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_astr_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/astr_gold', 'name': 'Astralis (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}], 'floatid': '38169763640', 'low_rank': 282, 'floatvalue': 0.06636368483304977, 'm': '644677792405425267', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_hy_splatter3_light_large.e87822a5caeb6a7181e0e866612c755f78f66be1.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Slide', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir MP9 | Slide (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:22:23,058 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300727597119043A41268238163D5225457634323885168 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:22:23,277 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635670593159073161A41310977052D3207345961464812363 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:22:23,605 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:22:23,849 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645804327223550900A39711155831D9944137669983352008 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:22:24,064 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:22:24,233 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M663818725732927481A41324562183D9848292827854130223 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:22:24,284 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:22:24,528 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '36101128897', 'd': '6956373170928820945', 'paintseed': 301, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 335, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '36101128897', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.03983031213283539, 'm': '645803692319842828', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_an_royalbleed_light_large.58dfb4851908d78c31e205477793a620923737db.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.35, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Module', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ P90 | Module (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:22:24,538 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '36101128897', 'd': '6956373170928820945', 'paintseed': 301, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 335, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '36101128897', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.03983031213283539, 'm': '645803692319842828', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_an_royalbleed_light_large.58dfb4851908d78c31e205477793a620923737db.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.35, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Module', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ P90 | Module (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:22:24,856 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:22:24,892 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40397374698', 'd': '11736431809503566285', 'paintseed': 889, 'defindex': 13, 'paintindex': 972, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40397374698', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.05783170461654663, 'm': '663818090816670337', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_galilar_gs_galil_phoenix_light_large.62909a6e708a56e8679b9aa9225ba438b1539511.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Galil AR', 'item_name': 'Connexion', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Galil AR | Connexion (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:22:25,237 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:22:25,802 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M664944625639782792A41210367401D3317477608524607121 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:22:26,807 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:22:27,744 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653685626571368396A41329809657D4910089809737727311 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:22:27,892 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41492372328', 'd': '11728613725008145965', 'paintseed': 173, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 1244, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41311604016', 'low_rank': 751, 'floatvalue': 0.037288665771484375, 'm': '664943990732431958', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_cu_mac10_scarab_light_large.3dce90df4da34a30c0437a51e90fc77d08bbe2f3.png', 'min': 0.02, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Echoing Sands', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Echoing Sands (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:22:28,749 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:22:29,658 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646930227130365321A37435753293D7984007675446488462 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:22:30,315 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635670593159073161A41310977052D3207345961464812363 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:22:30,664 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:22:31,321 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:22:31,322 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658188591293698533A41221317374D5684108188035059418 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:22:31,462 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41491256879', 'd': '5532710076663422393', 'paintseed': 634, 'defindex': 63, 'paintindex': 350, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39399336399', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06971593201160431, 'm': '635670593158169561', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_cz75a_cu_c75a-tiger_light_large.b754b5a73c8f2b207942eb046efdbd4cade04513.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'CZ75-Auto', 'item_name': 'Tigris', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ CZ75-Auto | Tigris (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:22:32,204 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M664944625639768902A5280495207D2792385736740129835 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:22:32,329 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:22:33,218 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:22:34,084 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '5320010932', 'd': '2460276977219391863', 'paintseed': 108, 'defindex': 63, 'paintindex': 298, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '5320010932', 'floatvalue': 0.05205638334155083, 'm': '659314491193913134', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_cz75a_am_army_shine_light_large.26736d48ea09a5284aeb1cf11292bc3e87a56251.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'CZ75-Auto', 'item_name': 'Army Sheen', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'CZ75-Auto | Army Sheen (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:22:34,604 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41470395767', 'd': '3180742874101540597', 'paintseed': 683, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 669, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '26823925732', 'low_rank': 79, 'floatvalue': 0.03502492606639862, 'm': '661566291008140509', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_hy_p90_barebones_blue_light_large.c908d6fc6d53cb2f4168a64b9a32e4b6b5479fc8.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Death Grip', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Death Grip (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:22:35,303 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41297576260', 'd': '5189851704405844056', 'paintseed': 868, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 910, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 8110, 'slot': 4, 'codename': 'sha2024_signature_spinx_2_glitter', 'material': 'sha2024/sig_spinx_glitter', 'name': 'Spinx (Glitter) | Shanghai 2024'}, {'stickerId': 4608, 'slot': 2, 'offset_x': -0.039788514375686646, 'offset_y': 0.0049939751625061035, 'codename': 'vortigaunt_holo', 'material': 'alyx/vortigaunt_holo', 'name': 'Vortigaunt (Holo)'}, {'stickerId': 4608, 'slot': 0, 'offset_x': -0.0658109188079834, 'offset_y': 0.0017696917057037354, 'codename': 'vortigaunt_holo', 'material': 'alyx/vortigaunt_holo', 'name': 'Vortigaunt (Holo)'}, {'stickerId': 4608, 'slot': 0, 'offset_x': -0.1830088496208191, 'offset_y': -0.0004413723945617676, 'codename': 'vortigaunt_holo', 'material': 'alyx/vortigaunt_holo', 'name': 'Vortigaunt (Holo)'}, {'stickerId': 7897, 'slot': 2, 'offset_x': -0.05659458041191101, 'offset_y': 0.13168960809707642, 'codename': 'glitter_explosion_two', 'material': 'community/elemental_craft/glitter_explosion_two', 'name': 'Boom Detonation (Glitter)'}], 'floatid': '39595015437', 'low_rank': 884, 'floatvalue': 0.06604801118373871, 'm': '663818090826745207', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_cu_mp9_hydra_light_large.b7763a811b3bc9d19d04502fba0edc6cbe355766.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Hydra', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MP9 | Hydra (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:22:35,313 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41297576260', 'd': '5189851704405844056', 'paintseed': 868, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 910, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 8110, 'slot': 4, 'codename': 'sha2024_signature_spinx_2_glitter', 'material': 'sha2024/sig_spinx_glitter', 'name': 'Spinx (Glitter) | Shanghai 2024'}, {'stickerId': 4608, 'slot': 2, 'offset_x': -0.039788514375686646, 'offset_y': 0.0049939751625061035, 'codename': 'vortigaunt_holo', 'material': 'alyx/vortigaunt_holo', 'name': 'Vortigaunt (Holo)'}, {'stickerId': 4608, 'slot': 0, 'offset_x': -0.0658109188079834, 'offset_y': 0.0017696917057037354, 'codename': 'vortigaunt_holo', 'material': 'alyx/vortigaunt_holo', 'name': 'Vortigaunt (Holo)'}, {'stickerId': 4608, 'slot': 0, 'offset_x': -0.1830088496208191, 'offset_y': -0.0004413723945617676, 'codename': 'vortigaunt_holo', 'material': 'alyx/vortigaunt_holo', 'name': 'Vortigaunt (Holo)'}, {'stickerId': 7897, 'slot': 2, 'offset_x': -0.05659458041191101, 'offset_y': 0.13168960809707642, 'codename': 'glitter_explosion_two', 'material': 'community/elemental_craft/glitter_explosion_two', 'name': 'Boom Detonation (Glitter)'}], 'floatid': '39595015437', 'low_rank': 884, 'floatvalue': 0.06604801118373871, 'm': '663818090826745207', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_cu_mp9_hydra_light_large.b7763a811b3bc9d19d04502fba0edc6cbe355766.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Hydra', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MP9 | Hydra (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:22:35,420 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41490541460', 'd': '2472060882506067625', 'paintseed': 969, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 947, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41015326502', 'low_rank': 561, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06999984383583069, 'm': '635670593157869591', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_cu_mac10_nacre_light_large.80fa2f0691e37e6e2a2755b8a7f6ccd6bfa83f3b.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Disco Tech', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MAC-10 | Disco Tech (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:22:36,691 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646930227130365321A37435753293D7984007675446488462 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:22:37,352 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635670593159073161A41310977052D3207345961464812363 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:22:37,696 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:22:38,116 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '29802544498', 'd': '17006969237521442544', 'paintseed': 389, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 820, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4977, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_gamb_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/gamb_gold', 'name': 'Gambit Gaming (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 1692, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'de_mirage_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_mirage_gold', 'name': 'Mirage (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 4965, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_navi_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/navi_gold', 'name': 'Natus Vincere (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 5053, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_pgl_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/pgl_gold', 'name': 'PGL (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}], 'floatid': '29802544498', 'floatvalue': 0.06644307076931, 'm': '648051868337805791', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_am_mirage_flowers_metalic_light_large.19bdfea08b854122c4e7e71852bddda9a59ed3cd.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Music Box', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir MP9 | Music Box (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:22:38,125 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '29802544498', 'd': '17006969237521442544', 'paintseed': 389, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 820, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4977, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_gamb_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/gamb_gold', 'name': 'Gambit Gaming (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 1692, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'de_mirage_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_mirage_gold', 'name': 'Mirage (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 4965, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_navi_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/navi_gold', 'name': 'Natus Vincere (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 5053, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_pgl_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/pgl_gold', 'name': 'PGL (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}], 'floatid': '29802544498', 'floatvalue': 0.06644307076931, 'm': '648051868337805791', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_am_mirage_flowers_metalic_light_large.19bdfea08b854122c4e7e71852bddda9a59ed3cd.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Music Box', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir MP9 | Music Box (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:22:38,357 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:22:39,255 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M664944625639768902A5280495207D2792385736740129835 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:22:40,259 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:22:42,577 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41326523107', 'd': '12604605924421846274', 'paintseed': 970, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 928, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6060, 'slot': 6, 'codename': 'rio2022_team_iem_gold', 'material': 'rio2022/iem_gold', 'name': 'IEM (Gold) | Rio 2022'}, {'stickerId': 1690, 'slot': 4, 'codename': 'de_dust2_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_dust2_gold', 'name': 'Dust II (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 6056, 'slot': 5, 'codename': 'rio2022_team_out_gold', 'material': 'rio2022/out_gold', 'name': 'Outsiders (Gold) | Rio 2022'}, {'stickerId': 5992, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'rio2022_team_spir_gold', 'material': 'rio2022/spir_gold', 'name': 'Team Spirit (Gold) | Rio 2022'}], 'floatid': '41326523107', 'low_rank': 938, 'floatvalue': 0.04794454574584961, 'm': '664943990732464958', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_desert_multicam_light_large.5e9064075a3dd4cec98f1fbb19372212ef94ec8d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Black & Tan', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir P250 | Black & Tan (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:22:42,733 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666070525548718925A40987011620D4667568348011962556 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:22:43,724 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646930227130365321A37435753293D7984007675446488462 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:22:43,738 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:22:44,639 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41491329187', 'd': '5235470465343002007', 'paintseed': 120, 'defindex': 63, 'paintindex': 543, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '37706202503', 'low_rank': 768, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06947451829910278, 'm': '650307291946874539', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_cz75a_gs_cz75a_redastor_light_large.e00e688986c50877a103fe66d70fdf1fc13bbe8b.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'CZ75-Auto', 'item_name': 'Red Astor', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ CZ75-Auto | Red Astor (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:22:44,652 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41491329187', 'd': '5235470465343002007', 'paintseed': 120, 'defindex': 63, 'paintindex': 543, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '37706202503', 'low_rank': 768, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06947451829910278, 'm': '650307291946874539', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_cz75a_gs_cz75a_redastor_light_large.e00e688986c50877a103fe66d70fdf1fc13bbe8b.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'CZ75-Auto', 'item_name': 'Red Astor', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ CZ75-Auto | Red Astor (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:22:44,729 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:22:46,294 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M664944625639768902A5280495207D2792385736740129835 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:22:47,300 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:22:47,574 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41484029246', 'd': '3360811284920736763', 'paintseed': 394, 'defindex': 63, 'paintindex': 268, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41241530292', 'low_rank': 411, 'high_rank': 131, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06577908992767334, 'm': '666069890636688720', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_cz75a_am_diamond_plate_light_large.ef425c82bae5d971bd5e1e9c54b9cd2f992e4e16.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'CZ75-Auto', 'item_name': 'Tread Plate', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ CZ75-Auto | Tread Plate (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:22:48,424 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41235375632', 'd': '12602233838244341540', 'paintseed': 500, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 650, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41235375632', 'floatvalue': 0.06098027899861336, 'm': '639048292880490692', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_am_p250_sputnik_light_large.38766530975aaa4006dda7a24533ac1b05a6b6a8.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Ripple', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Ripple (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:22:48,432 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41235375632', 'd': '12602233838244341540', 'paintseed': 500, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 650, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41235375632', 'floatvalue': 0.06098027899861336, 'm': '639048292880490692', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_am_p250_sputnik_light_large.38766530975aaa4006dda7a24533ac1b05a6b6a8.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Ripple', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Ripple (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:22:48,439 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41235375632', 'd': '12602233838244341540', 'paintseed': 500, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 650, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41235375632', 'floatvalue': 0.06098027899861336, 'm': '639048292880490692', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_am_p250_sputnik_light_large.38766530975aaa4006dda7a24533ac1b05a6b6a8.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Ripple', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Ripple (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:22:50,761 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646930227130365321A37435753293D7984007675446488462 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:22:50,947 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41307609342', 'd': '2639925403557432400', 'paintseed': 423, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 549, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41307609342', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.04680395871400833, 'm': '635670593157075341', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_am_mp9_bioleak_light_large.d9b0d0e9fea2104871e0510bd704bfa03cdd6056.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Bioleak', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MP9 | Bioleak (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:22:50,961 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41307609342', 'd': '2639925403557432400', 'paintseed': 423, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 549, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41307609342', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.04680395871400833, 'm': '635670593157075341', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_am_mp9_bioleak_light_large.d9b0d0e9fea2104871e0510bd704bfa03cdd6056.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Bioleak', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MP9 | Bioleak (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:22:51,699 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41488665329', 'd': '9955279957671854892', 'paintseed': 768, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 258, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4705, 'slot': 5, 'offset_x': 0.2316749393939972, 'offset_y': 0.014211326837539673, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_hero', 'material': 'rmr2020/hero', 'name': 'Heroic | 2020 RMR'}, {'stickerId': 6624, 'slot': 6, 'rotation': 12, 'offset_x': 0.4703555703163147, 'offset_y': 0.3118955194950104, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_hero', 'material': 'paris2023/hero', 'name': 'Heroic | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '41298866045', 'low_rank': 211, 'high_rank': 837, 'floatvalue': 0.04902764409780502, 'm': '637922392971615583', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_cu_p250_refined_light_large.9da38bc561b6576555b1700e9e10ddbc52994c67.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Mehndi', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Mehndi (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:22:51,705 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41488665329', 'd': '9955279957671854892', 'paintseed': 768, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 258, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4705, 'slot': 5, 'offset_x': 0.2316749393939972, 'offset_y': 0.014211326837539673, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_hero', 'material': 'rmr2020/hero', 'name': 'Heroic | 2020 RMR'}, {'stickerId': 6624, 'slot': 6, 'rotation': 12, 'offset_x': 0.4703555703163147, 'offset_y': 0.3118955194950104, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_hero', 'material': 'paris2023/hero', 'name': 'Heroic | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '41298866045', 'low_rank': 211, 'high_rank': 837, 'floatvalue': 0.04902764409780502, 'm': '637922392971615583', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_cu_p250_refined_light_large.9da38bc561b6576555b1700e9e10ddbc52994c67.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Mehndi', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Mehndi (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:22:51,765 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:22:52,804 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41331460751', 'd': '14753793350174335139', 'paintseed': 77, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 1229, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41331460751', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.3187499940395355, 'm': '666069890638696650', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_cu_mac10_sakkaku_light_large.b590689d0ca099e8a759dd0a86da0710a58bca42.png', 'min': 0.21, 'max': 0.79, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Sakkaku', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MAC-10 | Sakkaku (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:22:53,083 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300727597115293A30859637066D2895432372406628228 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:22:54,090 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:22:54,111 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M661566925919256226A33136919906D12025283933579284158 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:22:55,115 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:22:56,008 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875571195A41090206039D461272514322672076 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:22:57,013 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:22:57,796 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646930227130365321A37435753293D7984007675446488462 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:22:58,803 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:22:59,708 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826761844978A41472164057D6919464195490941057 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:00,121 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300727597115293A30859637066D2895432372406628228 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:00,300 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646930227130354671A33268055594D13890935572833166520 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:00,715 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:01,127 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:01,142 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M661566925919256226A33136919906D12025283933579284158 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:01,304 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:01,466 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40869271053', 'd': '9548757722036956389', 'paintseed': 193, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 682, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38027029489', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06227053701877594, 'm': '646929592226773439', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_am_mac10_oceani_light_large.25e5d3d5e249e11fe32971fa7bcdc0e5a1c777bd.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Oceanic', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MAC-10 | Oceanic (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:02,146 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:02,333 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41481565316', 'd': '7218362874299023682', 'paintseed': 369, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 219, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4933, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'op_riptide_kill_count_holo', 'material': 'op_riptide/kill_count_holo', 'name': 'Kill Count (Holo)'}], 'floatid': '41214397120', 'low_rank': 848, 'high_rank': 556, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.05418602004647255, 'm': '640174192785391613', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_redhex_light_large.099092ccf56439b922b51569ce87f2f908abcc19.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Hive', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ P250 | Hive (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:03,045 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875571195A41090206039D461272514322672076 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:04,052 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:04,398 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668322325357234709A39377819304D11992711977742805598 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:04,834 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646930227130365321A37435753293D7984007675446488462 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:05,403 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:05,572 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41070168029', 'd': '12172113436510530432', 'paintseed': 839, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 78, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41070168029', 'floatvalue': 0.06727737188339233, 'm': '660439303797167394', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_hy_forest_night_light_large.f2ebb923126bf523ac2052755207d8c9d4dfa668.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Forest Night', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Forest Night (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:05,843 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:06,072 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M652559726664483587A41493481097D7359038947814933650 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:06,137 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '37961764082', 'd': '2335233539924632089', 'paintseed': 953, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 1233, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '37961764082', 'low_rank': 466, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.05052841082215309, 'm': '646929592226869289', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_gs_p90_neoqueen_light_large.fa2a81f8c7906b2683b5eb4b562edd2529ad2cf0.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Neoqueen', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ P90 | Neoqueen (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:06,822 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M664944625639815942A41493773604D7128892588850857624 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:07,078 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:07,343 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646930227130354671A33268055594D13890935572833166520 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:07,455 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '22026623758', 'd': '352620122303079483', 'paintseed': 941, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 977, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '22026623758', 'floatvalue': 0.06780529767274857, 'm': '652559091761352280', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_hy_p90_dino_rampage_light_large.2231742f05375d3370f5f8fbc7fd3f3f623af688.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Cocoa Rampage', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Cocoa Rampage (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:07,764 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649182026948304876A41331261754D14144762366546043476 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:07,826 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:08,066 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41265320716', 'd': '13854238274493899316', 'paintseed': 107, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 148, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41265320716', 'floatvalue': 0.06544298678636551, 'm': '659314491183212974', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_sp_tape_short_sand_light_large.893d0bacf03750448cef4be1f649591b9622907e.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Sand Dashed', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MP9 | Sand Dashed (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:08,076 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41265320716', 'd': '13854238274493899316', 'paintseed': 107, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 148, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41265320716', 'floatvalue': 0.06544298678636551, 'm': '659314491183212974', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_sp_tape_short_sand_light_large.893d0bacf03750448cef4be1f649591b9622907e.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Sand Dashed', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MP9 | Sand Dashed (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:08,085 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41265320716', 'd': '13854238274493899316', 'paintseed': 107, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 148, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41265320716', 'floatvalue': 0.06544298678636551, 'm': '659314491183212974', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_sp_tape_short_sand_light_large.893d0bacf03750448cef4be1f649591b9622907e.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Sand Dashed', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MP9 | Sand Dashed (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:08,347 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:08,768 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:10,087 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875571195A41090206039D461272514322672076 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:10,305 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '271666564', 'd': '6945115967295606387', 'paintseed': 168, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 265, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '271666564', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06459109485149384, 'm': '636796493061410712', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_hy_kami_light_large.ce4939fe41b30c6143f487879a57e4f5f227e811.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Kami', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Five-SeveN | Kami (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:10,315 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '271666564', 'd': '6945115967295606387', 'paintseed': 168, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 265, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '271666564', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06459109485149384, 'm': '636796493061410712', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_hy_kami_light_large.ce4939fe41b30c6143f487879a57e4f5f227e811.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Kami', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Five-SeveN | Kami (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:10,392 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649182026948286216A36508510265D4677800219579351203 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:11,092 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:11,361 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692190922038826A40431624212D14036081958392336114 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:11,400 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:11,434 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668322325357234709A39377819304D11992711977742805598 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:11,879 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646930227130365321A37435753293D7984007675446488462 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:12,365 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:12,438 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:12,885 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:13,062 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M652559726664609437A35663729301D14438554450433065356 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:13,869 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M664944625639815942A41493773604D7128892588850857624 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:14,067 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:14,708 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690328802A40860913981D7524401034624017262 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:14,874 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:15,713 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:17,121 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875571195A41090206039D461272514322672076 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:17,629 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 0, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40640261352', 'd': '5534511085694674494', 'paintseed': 996, 'defindex': 2, 'paintindex': 153, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40640261352', 'low_rank': 285, 'high_rank': 303, 'floatvalue': 0.35833385586738586, 'm': '636796493064745932', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_elite_so_tangerine_light_large.3fd8ec1b63079a11e24d78228ad989b51a30b0ca.png', 'min': 0.26, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'Dual Berettas', 'item_name': 'Demolition', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Timed Drop', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'Dual Berettas | Demolition (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:17,670 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41489648070', 'd': '7522186663510183030', 'paintseed': 482, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 61, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41489648070', 'floatvalue': 0.015066604129970074, 'm': '648055492130777482', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_aa_vertigo_light_large.41a7195e0a6ba44c2fc64d64bee0635444b0c569.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Hypnotic', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MP9 | Hypnotic (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:18,125 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:18,393 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692190922038826A40431624212D14036081958392336114 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:18,464 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668322325357234709A39377819304D11992711977742805598 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:18,912 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646930227130365321A37435753293D7984007675446488462 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:19,008 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649182026948223336A39477339312D7065198554171383803 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:19,397 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:19,468 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:19,917 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:20,012 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:20,095 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M652559726664609437A35663729301D14438554450433065356 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:20,609 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40838105015', 'd': '14297251392933890672', 'paintseed': 232, 'defindex': 2, 'paintindex': 1156, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40387221581', 'floatvalue': 0.06689611822366714, 'm': '652559091762932950', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_elite_cu_dual_elites_evil_flora_light_large.3afd7e8e7cf008e4b38a206b79adae3b9d0d7757.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Dual Berettas', 'item_name': 'Flora Carnivora', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Dual Berettas | Flora Carnivora (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:21,099 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:21,515 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '35189037528', 'd': '16627516383958712466', 'paintseed': 350, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 609, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5864, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_signature_max_4', 'material': 'antwerp2022/sig_max', 'name': 'max | Antwerp 2022'}], 'floatid': '35189037528', 'floatvalue': 0.06918666511774063, 'm': '651433191835935140', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_cu_mp9_narcis_light_large.c63eaf3fab8c65ec3ab22da8205cbe3c51366d7a.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Airlock', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MP9 | Airlock (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:21,747 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690328802A40860913981D7524401034624017262 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:21,938 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41493202147', 'd': '2352256575124721302', 'paintseed': 855, 'defindex': 2, 'paintindex': 625, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39449050684', 'floatvalue': 0.0635383129119873, 'm': '662692190921940426', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_elite_gs_dual_berettas_golden_venice_light_large.23d73db6cf2b2a7af26414d26373171dd3be06b1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Dual Berettas', 'item_name': 'Royal Consorts', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Dual Berettas | Royal Consorts (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:21,945 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41493202147', 'd': '2352256575124721302', 'paintseed': 855, 'defindex': 2, 'paintindex': 625, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39449050684', 'floatvalue': 0.0635383129119873, 'm': '662692190921940426', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_elite_gs_dual_berettas_golden_venice_light_large.23d73db6cf2b2a7af26414d26373171dd3be06b1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Dual Berettas', 'item_name': 'Royal Consorts', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Dual Berettas | Royal Consorts (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:22,063 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '36793316691', 'd': '16766519119843323063', 'paintseed': 701, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 1093, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '36793316691', 'floatvalue': 0.036088693886995316, 'm': '659314491204680614', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_gs_five_seven_efusion_light_large.78c44b69ab40456b90279ad0252463e9de816e78.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.41, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Boost Protocol', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Five-SeveN | Boost Protocol (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:22,523 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658189226199824932A41058037513D2922449304130276929 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:22,751 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:23,437 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644678427315596539A41380637439D12143436234510983415 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:23,528 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:24,151 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875571195A41090206039D461272514322672076 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:24,412 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '7913380042', 'd': '2459614280848778872', 'paintseed': 303, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 403, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '7913380042', 'low_rank': 607, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.052504826337099075, 'm': '636796493056944222', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_cu_mp9_deadly_poison_light_large.0776976e709ec7b503dd7e47b8c962338615b5da.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Deadly Poison', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MP9 | Deadly Poison (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:24,441 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:24,488 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '38139704290', 'd': '7100637497122318879', 'paintseed': 738, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 1233, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38139704290', 'floatvalue': 0.0656760111451149, 'm': '658188591292866873', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_gs_p90_neoqueen_light_large.fa2a81f8c7906b2683b5eb4b562edd2529ad2cf0.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Neoqueen', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Neoqueen (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:24,500 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '38139704290', 'd': '7100637497122318879', 'paintseed': 738, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 1233, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38139704290', 'floatvalue': 0.0656760111451149, 'm': '658188591292866873', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_gs_p90_neoqueen_light_large.fa2a81f8c7906b2683b5eb4b562edd2529ad2cf0.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Neoqueen', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Neoqueen (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:24,507 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '38139704290', 'd': '7100637497122318879', 'paintseed': 738, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 1233, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38139704290', 'floatvalue': 0.0656760111451149, 'm': '658188591292866873', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_gs_p90_neoqueen_light_large.fa2a81f8c7906b2683b5eb4b562edd2529ad2cf0.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Neoqueen', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Neoqueen (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:24,513 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '38139704290', 'd': '7100637497122318879', 'paintseed': 738, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 1233, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38139704290', 'floatvalue': 0.0656760111451149, 'm': '658188591292866873', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_gs_p90_neoqueen_light_large.fa2a81f8c7906b2683b5eb4b562edd2529ad2cf0.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Neoqueen', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Neoqueen (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:24,519 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '38139704290', 'd': '7100637497122318879', 'paintseed': 738, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 1233, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38139704290', 'floatvalue': 0.0656760111451149, 'm': '658188591292866873', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_gs_p90_neoqueen_light_large.fa2a81f8c7906b2683b5eb4b562edd2529ad2cf0.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Neoqueen', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Neoqueen (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:24,526 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '38139704290', 'd': '7100637497122318879', 'paintseed': 738, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 1233, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38139704290', 'floatvalue': 0.0656760111451149, 'm': '658188591292866873', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_gs_p90_neoqueen_light_large.fa2a81f8c7906b2683b5eb4b562edd2529ad2cf0.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Neoqueen', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Neoqueen (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:24,532 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '38139704290', 'd': '7100637497122318879', 'paintseed': 738, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 1233, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38139704290', 'floatvalue': 0.0656760111451149, 'm': '658188591292866873', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_gs_p90_neoqueen_light_large.fa2a81f8c7906b2683b5eb4b562edd2529ad2cf0.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Neoqueen', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Neoqueen (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:25,157 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:25,497 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668322325357234709A39377819304D11992711977742805598 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:25,946 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646930227130365321A37435753293D7984007675446488462 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:26,040 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649182026948223336A39477339312D7065198554171383803 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:26,502 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:26,950 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:27,045 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:27,188 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41492157477', 'd': '315901711403934345', 'paintseed': 149, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 908, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40752394122', 'low_rank': 298, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.026730649173259735, 'm': '653684991670383074', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_gs_mac10_dust_crate_light_large.988816a75bc41f34cb18aff91ce6256299a9a52c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Classic Crate', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MAC-10 | Classic Crate (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:27,198 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41492157477', 'd': '315901711403934345', 'paintseed': 149, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 908, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40752394122', 'low_rank': 298, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.026730649173259735, 'm': '653684991670383074', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_gs_mac10_dust_crate_light_large.988816a75bc41f34cb18aff91ce6256299a9a52c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Classic Crate', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MAC-10 | Classic Crate (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:27,208 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41492157477', 'd': '315901711403934345', 'paintseed': 149, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 908, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40752394122', 'low_rank': 298, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.026730649173259735, 'm': '653684991670383074', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_gs_mac10_dust_crate_light_large.988816a75bc41f34cb18aff91ce6256299a9a52c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Classic Crate', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MAC-10 | Classic Crate (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:27,218 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41492157477', 'd': '315901711403934345', 'paintseed': 149, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 908, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40752394122', 'low_rank': 298, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.026730649173259735, 'm': '653684991670383074', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_gs_mac10_dust_crate_light_large.988816a75bc41f34cb18aff91ce6256299a9a52c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Classic Crate', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MAC-10 | Classic Crate (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:28,775 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690328802A40860913981D7524401034624017262 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:29,556 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658189226199824932A41058037513D2922449304130276929 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:29,789 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:30,469 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644678427315596539A41380637439D12143436234510983415 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:30,561 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:30,788 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M655937426386207138A41493866876D10270079395379121673 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:31,194 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875571195A41090206039D461272514322672076 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:31,401 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41179063208', 'd': '5206269497151236158', 'paintseed': 16, 'defindex': 2, 'paintindex': 396, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41179063208', 'floatvalue': 0.05591616407036781, 'm': '657062691394691237', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_elite_cu_elites_urbanstorm_light_large.d33c9dd65434d8b9f4e7b5092fcc2e07a874e625.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.47, 'weapon_type': 'Dual Berettas', 'item_name': 'Urban Shock', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Dual Berettas | Urban Shock (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:31,474 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:31,796 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:32,200 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:32,980 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646930227130365321A37435753293D7984007675446488462 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:33,076 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649182026948223336A39477339312D7065198554171383803 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:33,118 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41220612339', 'd': '3091972573733606131', 'paintseed': 385, 'defindex': 11, 'paintindex': 294, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41220612339', 'floatvalue': 0.057656269520521164, 'm': '654810891572645955', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_g3sg1_so_green_light_large.28c4e72757be64775c1111ac0e7142a147cacb9c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'G3SG1', 'item_name': 'Green Apple', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'G3SG1 | Green Apple (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:33,126 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41220612339', 'd': '3091972573733606131', 'paintseed': 385, 'defindex': 11, 'paintindex': 294, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41220612339', 'floatvalue': 0.057656269520521164, 'm': '654810891572645955', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_g3sg1_so_green_light_large.28c4e72757be64775c1111ac0e7142a147cacb9c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'G3SG1', 'item_name': 'Green Apple', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'G3SG1 | Green Apple (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:33,455 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41487064564', 'd': '11829944699969767506', 'paintseed': 122, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 482, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6640, 'slot': 2, 'offset_x': -0.043580323457717896, 'offset_y': 0.004423379898071289, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_nip', 'material': 'paris2023/nip', 'name': 'Ninjas in Pyjamas | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6640, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_nip', 'material': 'paris2023/nip', 'name': 'Ninjas in Pyjamas | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6692, 'slot': 4, 'offset_x': -0.007932424545288086, 'offset_y': -0.046222567558288574, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_cplx', 'material': 'paris2023/cplx', 'name': 'Complexity Gaming | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6692, 'slot': 1, 'offset_x': -0.20793956518173218, 'offset_y': 0.11787700653076172, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_cplx', 'material': 'paris2023/cplx', 'name': 'Complexity Gaming | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 7507, 'slot': 0, 'offset_x': -0.09527948498725891, 'offset_y': 0.2934305667877197, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_siuhy_2', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_siuhy', 'name': 'siuhy | Copenhagen 2024'}], 'floatid': '41323800371', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06306806206703186, 'm': '658188591291559353', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_am_mp9_nitrogen_light_large.3a0b5a7cd31a7cfd5f0d90b9a0a1dbfcdb642cca.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Ruby Poison Dart', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MP9 | Ruby Poison Dart (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:33,472 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41487064564', 'd': '11829944699969767506', 'paintseed': 122, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 482, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6640, 'slot': 2, 'offset_x': -0.043580323457717896, 'offset_y': 0.004423379898071289, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_nip', 'material': 'paris2023/nip', 'name': 'Ninjas in Pyjamas | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6640, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_nip', 'material': 'paris2023/nip', 'name': 'Ninjas in Pyjamas | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6692, 'slot': 4, 'offset_x': -0.007932424545288086, 'offset_y': -0.046222567558288574, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_cplx', 'material': 'paris2023/cplx', 'name': 'Complexity Gaming | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6692, 'slot': 1, 'offset_x': -0.20793956518173218, 'offset_y': 0.11787700653076172, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_cplx', 'material': 'paris2023/cplx', 'name': 'Complexity Gaming | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 7507, 'slot': 0, 'offset_x': -0.09527948498725891, 'offset_y': 0.2934305667877197, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_siuhy_2', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_siuhy', 'name': 'siuhy | Copenhagen 2024'}], 'floatid': '41323800371', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06306806206703186, 'm': '658188591291559353', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_am_mp9_nitrogen_light_large.3a0b5a7cd31a7cfd5f0d90b9a0a1dbfcdb642cca.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Ruby Poison Dart', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MP9 | Ruby Poison Dart (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:33,985 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:34,081 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:35,180 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41492454299', 'd': '11531118072101055685', 'paintseed': 557, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 898, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41438123299', 'low_rank': 26, 'floatvalue': 0.03413848206400871, 'm': '661566291018064599', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_gs_mac10_stalker_light_large.cb4d7a60a69978f1575526f979be8e1e1538a673.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Stalker', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Stalker (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:35,819 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690328802A40860913981D7524401034624017262 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:36,051 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648055492132118242A41142826609D2893567881808336093 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:36,622 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658189226199824932A41058037513D2922449304130276929 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:36,798 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41330796527', 'd': '12277626937534729811', 'paintseed': 241, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 784, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 8027, 'slot': 6, 'codename': 'sha2024_team_pw_gold', 'material': 'sha2024/pw_gold', 'name': 'Perfect World (Gold) | Shanghai 2024'}, {'stickerId': 1693, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'de_nuke_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_nuke_gold', 'name': 'Nuke (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 7951, 'slot': 5, 'codename': 'sha2024_team_faze_gold', 'material': 'sha2024/faze_gold', 'name': 'FaZe Clan (Gold) | Shanghai 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7943, 'slot': 4, 'codename': 'sha2024_team_spir_gold', 'material': 'sha2024/spir_gold', 'name': 'Team Spirit (Gold) | Shanghai 2024'}], 'floatid': '41328258279', 'floatvalue': 0.0554894283413887, 'm': '637922392972142353', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_hy_ducts_green_light_large.687c4ada7a094872eeb5b48cbff3ebac68a8d7ed.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Coolant', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir Five-SeveN | Coolant (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:36,823 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:37,077 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:37,504 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644678427315596539A41380637439D12143436234510983415 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:37,626 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:37,730 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037172815A36772853269D2369566367406253752 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:37,827 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M655937426386207138A41493866876D10270079395379121673 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:37,962 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '35893105221', 'd': '5478880374192106076', 'paintseed': 522, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 715, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35893105221', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06046881899237633, 'm': '646929592216091249', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_cu_mp9_vein_light_large.d0189b21fba4603ff88d407d6af0e63093f22ba7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Capillary', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MP9 | Capillary (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:37,978 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '35893105221', 'd': '5478880374192106076', 'paintseed': 522, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 715, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35893105221', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06046881899237633, 'm': '646929592216091249', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_cu_mp9_vein_light_large.d0189b21fba4603ff88d407d6af0e63093f22ba7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Capillary', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MP9 | Capillary (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:38,231 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875571195A41090206039D461272514322672076 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:38,512 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:38,734 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:38,842 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:38,903 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40874707938', 'd': '751125639746829501', 'paintseed': 303, 'defindex': 11, 'paintindex': 712, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40874707938', 'floatvalue': 0.06401517987251282, 'm': '652559091736708390', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_g3sg1_gs_g3sg1_buccaneer_light_large.68c69e9856fd43f17a4165d1f27116496657fd00.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'G3SG1', 'item_name': 'High Seas', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'G3SG1 | High Seas (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:39,236 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:39,500 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40446228431', 'd': '16603756747212868764', 'paintseed': 235, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 715, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38643541375', 'floatvalue': 0.0604226216673851, 'm': '637922392973258263', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_cu_mp9_vein_light_large.d0189b21fba4603ff88d407d6af0e63093f22ba7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Capillary', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MP9 | Capillary (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:39,607 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41471166592', 'd': '182615854279396421', 'paintseed': 658, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 246, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39501234492', 'low_rank': 130, 'high_rank': 129, 'floatvalue': 0.046215903013944626, 'm': '662692190913994296', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_aa_fade_metallic_light_large.1af4a93ef5fee1f1510d364f54d1a730474860ef.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Amber Fade', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir MAC-10 | Amber Fade (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:39,738 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M643552527418186509A41493658903D7128180079710694919 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:40,019 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646930227130365321A37435753293D7984007675446488462 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:40,113 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649182026948223336A39477339312D7065198554171383803 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:40,329 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40746239435', 'd': '11541257782284266068', 'paintseed': 93, 'defindex': 2, 'paintindex': 895, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '22668716690', 'floatvalue': 0.06690296530723572, 'm': '652559091762486160', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_elite_gs_dual_elites_rose_light_large.8df8980203b198879875be44656361ccbb41791e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Dual Berettas', 'item_name': 'Balance', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Dual Berettas | Balance (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:40,337 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40746239435', 'd': '11541257782284266068', 'paintseed': 93, 'defindex': 2, 'paintindex': 895, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '22668716690', 'floatvalue': 0.06690296530723572, 'm': '652559091762486160', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_elite_gs_dual_elites_rose_light_large.8df8980203b198879875be44656361ccbb41791e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Dual Berettas', 'item_name': 'Balance', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Dual Berettas | Balance (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:40,611 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '9549884305', 'd': '14271381688660588727', 'paintseed': 579, 'defindex': 11, 'paintindex': 628, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '9549884305', 'floatvalue': 0.06294267624616623, 'm': '644677792410635607', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_g3sg1_gs_g3sg1_viper_yellow_light_large.5a77c59b8c295d2e10f27b8372a146e973ddfb25.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'G3SG1', 'item_name': 'Stinger', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'G3SG1 | Stinger (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:40,744 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:41,023 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:41,117 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:42,111 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '18244126528', 'd': '14287285558920700463', 'paintseed': 338, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 589, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4509, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'shattered_web_web_stuck', 'material': 'shattered_web/web_stuck', 'name': 'Web Stuck'}], 'floatid': '18244126528', 'low_rank': 603, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.047638390213251114, 'm': '646929592224658529', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_aq_mac_10_alien_camo_light_large.10568510ec37ec8515546e5ac03455391bb9ec2d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Carnivore', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MAC-10 | Carnivore (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:42,262 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644678427315570649A41301804596D1035980094254647440 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:42,863 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690328802A40860913981D7524401034624017262 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:43,112 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648055492132118242A41142826609D2893567881808336093 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:43,266 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:43,657 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658189226199824932A41058037513D2922449304130276929 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:43,868 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:44,048 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41480059724', 'd': '9837205665228661277', 'paintseed': 275, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 44, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39140421350', 'floatvalue': 0.06120828539133072, 'm': '636796493064357582', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_aq_oiled_light_large.fdaa095453965b2be93f8aa90ae469d926fac4e7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Case Hardened', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Five-SeveN | Case Hardened (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:44,119 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:44,663 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:45,268 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875571195A41090206039D461272514322672076 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:46,272 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:47,054 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646930227130365321A37435753293D7984007675446488462 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:48,061 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:48,137 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41471119756', 'd': '17168507537947885405', 'paintseed': 361, 'defindex': 63, 'paintindex': 435, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38216345015', 'low_rank': 471, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06059234216809273, 'm': '658188591286022283', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_cz75a_cu_cz75_precision_light_large.a0d0ea9d92ff9c535cbdaa9c07a1a95a5181a82b.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'CZ75-Auto', 'item_name': 'Pole Position', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ CZ75-Auto | Pole Position (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:48,598 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41196445079', 'd': '16763636836717029449', 'paintseed': 112, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 682, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '34227978597', 'floatvalue': 0.052717987447977066, 'm': '645803692319924608', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_am_mac10_oceani_light_large.25e5d3d5e249e11fe32971fa7bcdc0e5a1c777bd.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Oceanic', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Oceanic (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:49,311 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '30837161267', 'd': '14179689842881786547', 'paintseed': 775, 'defindex': 11, 'paintindex': 980, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '30837161267', 'floatvalue': 0.06681287288665771, 'm': '646929592211366519', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_g3sg1_gs_g3sg1_disrupt_light_large.393db5c1a143ad7fc9e3c42a7d17ca860ce490ab.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'G3SG1', 'item_name': 'Digital Mesh', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'G3SG1 | Digital Mesh (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:50,045 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41234056704', 'd': '5098193673854994601', 'paintseed': 55, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 812, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6653, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 1, 'offset_x': -0.02274423837661743, 'offset_y': 0.4012863337993622, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_og_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/og_glitter', 'name': 'OG (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '41234056704', 'floatvalue': 0.055198609828948975, 'm': '662692190921022156', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_gs_mac10_exo_pipes_light_large.355aad3fa1602f8e682a5663f72b12feba0d4cf2.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.9, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Pipe Down', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Pipe Down (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:50,695 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658189226199824932A41058037513D2922449304130276929 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:51,700 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:52,301 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875571195A41090206039D461272514322672076 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:52,645 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '30893578079', 'd': '13991175936552276849', 'paintseed': 268, 'defindex': 63, 'paintindex': 12, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '30893578079', 'low_rank': 14, 'high_rank': 917, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06302382797002792, 'm': '636796493044143822', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_cz75a_hy_webs_light_large.2093b43aefa82ee6713c472384ea283fdd44f023.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'CZ75-Auto', 'item_name': 'Crimson Web', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ CZ75-Auto | Crimson Web (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:52,656 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '30893578079', 'd': '13991175936552276849', 'paintseed': 268, 'defindex': 63, 'paintindex': 12, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '30893578079', 'low_rank': 14, 'high_rank': 917, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06302382797002792, 'm': '636796493044143822', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_cz75a_hy_webs_light_large.2093b43aefa82ee6713c472384ea283fdd44f023.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'CZ75-Auto', 'item_name': 'Crimson Web', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ CZ75-Auto | Crimson Web (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:53,307 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:53,917 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '1068119532', 'd': '11730835242048788755', 'paintseed': 312, 'defindex': 63, 'paintindex': 366, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '1068119532', 'low_rank': 359, 'high_rank': 263, 'floatvalue': 0.06557609885931015, 'm': '644677792397810487', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_cz75a_hy_plaid2_light_large.82e391ba61c092ece265e3bde16237ab5a510130.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.58, 'weapon_type': 'CZ75-Auto', 'item_name': 'Green Plaid', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'CZ75-Auto | Green Plaid (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:54,093 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646930227130365321A37435753293D7984007675446488462 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:55,099 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:57,764 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658189226199824932A41058037513D2922449304130276929 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:57,807 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636796493066868762A41493330388D9380547424847948959 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:23:58,771 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:58,812 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '39964150838', 'd': '14001272200037272692', 'paintseed': 979, 'defindex': 2, 'paintindex': 1156, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39964150838', 'low_rank': 197, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.02046525664627552, 'm': '658188591293652993', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_elite_cu_dual_elites_evil_flora_light_large.3afd7e8e7cf008e4b38a206b79adae3b9d0d7757.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Dual Berettas', 'item_name': 'Flora Carnivora', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Dual Berettas | Flora Carnivora (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:23:58,813 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:23:59,338 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875571195A41090206039D461272514322672076 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:00,343 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:01,135 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646930227130365321A37435753293D7984007675446488462 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:02,140 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:02,293 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037204195A34912188068D16476600436607477943 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:02,886 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635671228061942353A40884793337D11709607942813097431 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:03,299 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:03,892 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:04,800 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658189226199824932A41058037513D2922449304130276929 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:04,900 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037247725A41493876647D5540672389224065199 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:05,807 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:05,904 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:06,377 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875571195A41090206039D461272514322672076 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:07,383 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:07,550 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '36899172184', 'd': '11829938898109686857', 'paintseed': 537, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 1164, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '36899172184', 'floatvalue': 0.03380783274769783, 'm': '657062691395142647', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Light Box', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Light Box (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:07,556 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '36899172184', 'd': '11829938898109686857', 'paintseed': 537, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 1164, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '36899172184', 'floatvalue': 0.03380783274769783, 'm': '657062691395142647', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Light Box', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Light Box (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:07,880 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307291947541439A40373881252D11827271486732185255 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:08,178 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646930227130365321A37435753293D7984007675446488462 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:08,467 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41284278336', 'd': '3054249953909813913', 'paintseed': 445, 'defindex': 11, 'paintindex': 382, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41284278336', 'low_rank': 760, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.03569748252630234, 'm': '662692190920116036', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_g3sg1_am_g3sg1_murky_light_large.bc4e8d0e70d2952576d5c9653da71f21bc02b810.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.25, 'weapon_type': 'G3SG1', 'item_name': 'Murky', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ G3SG1 | Murky (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:08,885 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:09,183 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:09,720 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40846624564', 'd': '12253289650884251835', 'paintseed': 366, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 787, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40846624564', 'floatvalue': 0.0601777583360672, 'm': '660439303817669904', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_hy_nuclear_hotorange_light_large.35367773b8501fa045ad8c58387c6f48fc848045.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Core Breach', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Core Breach (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:09,922 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635671228061942353A40884793337D11709607942813097431 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:10,367 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649181392041157458A41296462326D2927592828075306646 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:10,437 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41060431577', 'd': '6930174385446588922', 'paintseed': 24, 'defindex': 14, 'paintindex': 1042, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41060431577', 'low_rank': 762, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.044528815895318985, 'm': '657062691394894037', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m249_gs_m249_combine_light_large.6f8724ef896506ede0925a425da05969f19aafdc.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'M249', 'item_name': 'O.S.I.P.R.', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ M249 | O.S.I.P.R. 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Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037247725A41493876647D5540672389224065199 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:12,852 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:12,949 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:12,973 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41194299985', 'd': '5345366139416146609', 'paintseed': 217, 'defindex': 11, 'paintindex': 606, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41194299985', 'floatvalue': 0.053122006356716156, 'm': '657062691395018597', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_g3sg1_gs_g3sg1_ventilator_light_large.5cd3643d4d9cd0599e25a1302e788611bd9a0023.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.45, 'weapon_type': 'G3SG1', 'item_name': 'Ventilator', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'G3SG1 | Ventilator (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:13,125 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41430551024', 'd': '14307072394336979570', 'paintseed': 521, 'defindex': 2, 'paintindex': 276, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41430551024', 'low_rank': 985, 'high_rank': 520, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06810382753610611, 'm': '657062691385617437', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_elite_so_panther_light_large.019431b3fca18b027d07fe29d0ee7bf88df75576.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.58, 'weapon_type': 'Dual Berettas', 'item_name': 'Panther', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Dual Berettas | Panther (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:13,410 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875571195A41090206039D461272514322672076 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:14,349 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '38205577884', 'd': '3228171147793171577', 'paintseed': 265, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 906, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38135957522', 'low_rank': 779, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.05886794254183769, 'm': '658188591292987323', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_cu_fiveseven_gsg9_light_large.870dec48f951d3a6420bdb332f0acd25ee1254b1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Buddy', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Five-SeveN | Buddy (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:14,417 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:14,917 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307291947541439A40373881252D11827271486732185255 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:15,215 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646930227130365321A37435753293D7984007675446488462 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:15,659 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41323854221', 'd': '7801578994334010533', 'paintseed': 574, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 3, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41323854221', 'floatvalue': 0.030526604503393173, 'm': '641300092691576724', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_so_red_light_large.00ffdb3b77314dae95b0683242cba794dbe5dd03.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Candy Apple', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Candy Apple (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:15,669 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41487179392', 'd': '7990160648969571349', 'paintseed': 15, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 585, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '31866766588', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06368588656187057, 'm': '637922392971003823', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_cu_five_seven_daimyo_light_large.d394398cae1977546887145dcf6a4892d2ed29aa.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Violent Daimyo', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Five-SeveN | Violent Daimyo (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:15,670 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41323854221', 'd': '7801578994334010533', 'paintseed': 574, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 3, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41323854221', 'floatvalue': 0.030526604503393173, 'm': '641300092691576724', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_so_red_light_large.00ffdb3b77314dae95b0683242cba794dbe5dd03.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Candy Apple', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Candy Apple (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:15,680 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41323854221', 'd': '7801578994334010533', 'paintseed': 574, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 3, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41323854221', 'floatvalue': 0.030526604503393173, 'm': '641300092691576724', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_so_red_light_large.00ffdb3b77314dae95b0683242cba794dbe5dd03.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Candy Apple', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Candy Apple (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:15,689 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41323854221', 'd': '7801578994334010533', 'paintseed': 574, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 3, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41323854221', 'floatvalue': 0.030526604503393173, 'm': '641300092691576724', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_so_red_light_large.00ffdb3b77314dae95b0683242cba794dbe5dd03.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Candy Apple', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Candy Apple (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:15,698 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41323854221', 'd': '7801578994334010533', 'paintseed': 574, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 3, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41323854221', 'floatvalue': 0.030526604503393173, 'm': '641300092691576724', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_so_red_light_large.00ffdb3b77314dae95b0683242cba794dbe5dd03.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Candy Apple', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Candy Apple (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:15,707 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41323854221', 'd': '7801578994334010533', 'paintseed': 574, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 3, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41323854221', 'floatvalue': 0.030526604503393173, 'm': '641300092691576724', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_so_red_light_large.00ffdb3b77314dae95b0683242cba794dbe5dd03.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Candy Apple', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Candy Apple (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:15,717 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41323854221', 'd': '7801578994334010533', 'paintseed': 574, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 3, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41323854221', 'floatvalue': 0.030526604503393173, 'm': '641300092691576724', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_so_red_light_large.00ffdb3b77314dae95b0683242cba794dbe5dd03.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Candy Apple', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Candy Apple (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:15,729 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41323854221', 'd': '7801578994334010533', 'paintseed': 574, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 3, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41323854221', 'floatvalue': 0.030526604503393173, 'm': '641300092691576724', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_so_red_light_large.00ffdb3b77314dae95b0683242cba794dbe5dd03.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Candy Apple', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Candy Apple (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:15,740 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41323854221', 'd': '7801578994334010533', 'paintseed': 574, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 3, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41323854221', 'floatvalue': 0.030526604503393173, 'm': '641300092691576724', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_so_red_light_large.00ffdb3b77314dae95b0683242cba794dbe5dd03.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Candy Apple', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Candy Apple (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:15,749 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41323854221', 'd': '7801578994334010533', 'paintseed': 574, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 3, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41323854221', 'floatvalue': 0.030526604503393173, 'm': '641300092691576724', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_so_red_light_large.00ffdb3b77314dae95b0683242cba794dbe5dd03.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Candy Apple', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Candy Apple (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:15,757 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41323854221', 'd': '7801578994334010533', 'paintseed': 574, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 3, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41323854221', 'floatvalue': 0.030526604503393173, 'm': '641300092691576724', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_so_red_light_large.00ffdb3b77314dae95b0683242cba794dbe5dd03.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Candy Apple', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Candy Apple (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:15,765 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41323854221', 'd': '7801578994334010533', 'paintseed': 574, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 3, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41323854221', 'floatvalue': 0.030526604503393173, 'm': '641300092691576724', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_so_red_light_large.00ffdb3b77314dae95b0683242cba794dbe5dd03.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Candy Apple', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Candy Apple (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:15,774 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41323854221', 'd': '7801578994334010533', 'paintseed': 574, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 3, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41323854221', 'floatvalue': 0.030526604503393173, 'm': '641300092691576724', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_so_red_light_large.00ffdb3b77314dae95b0683242cba794dbe5dd03.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Candy Apple', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Candy Apple (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:15,782 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41323854221', 'd': '7801578994334010533', 'paintseed': 574, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 3, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41323854221', 'floatvalue': 0.030526604503393173, 'm': '641300092691576724', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_so_red_light_large.00ffdb3b77314dae95b0683242cba794dbe5dd03.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Candy Apple', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Candy Apple (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:15,791 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41323854221', 'd': '7801578994334010533', 'paintseed': 574, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 3, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41323854221', 'floatvalue': 0.030526604503393173, 'm': '641300092691576724', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_so_red_light_large.00ffdb3b77314dae95b0683242cba794dbe5dd03.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Candy Apple', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Candy Apple (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:15,923 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:16,222 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:16,246 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41256197354', 'd': '17063159237423308025', 'paintseed': 365, 'defindex': 11, 'paintindex': 545, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41256197354', 'low_rank': 891, 'floatvalue': 0.04290103539824486, 'm': '636796493065732842', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_g3sg1_sp_g3sg1_militiaorange_light_large.215d54d5c86185e61d65694899bf029f6e070cab.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.52, 'weapon_type': 'G3SG1', 'item_name': 'Orange Crash', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'G3SG1 | Orange Crash (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:16,366 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '9319823473', 'd': '9524599474883403926', 'paintseed': 563, 'defindex': 2, 'paintindex': 528, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '9319823473', 'floatvalue': 0.06177198141813278, 'm': '650307291940993219', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_elite_aq_dualberettas_cartel_light_large.52ed24116db8a7254a366ea9f4f49b3ceff9eed3.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Dual Berettas', 'item_name': 'Cartel', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Dual Berettas | Cartel (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:16,740 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41326007512', 'd': '12567446556244439801', 'paintseed': 850, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 703, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41326007512', 'floatvalue': 0.06763269007205963, 'm': '651433191850760000', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_aq_mag7_swag7_light_large.20341e396db88a5ecde84f8b803a500f4aec3b55.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.92, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'SWAG-7', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | SWAG-7 (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:16,749 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41326007512', 'd': '12567446556244439801', 'paintseed': 850, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 703, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41326007512', 'floatvalue': 0.06763269007205963, 'm': '651433191850760000', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_aq_mag7_swag7_light_large.20341e396db88a5ecde84f8b803a500f4aec3b55.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.92, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'SWAG-7', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | SWAG-7 (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:16,981 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635671228061942353A40884793337D11709607942813097431 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:17,989 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:18,581 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875618835A41324453205D48000589445156353 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:18,895 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658189226199824932A41058037513D2922449304130276929 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:18,993 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037247725A41493876647D5540672389224065199 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:19,154 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645804327223528040A25205519489D16582995356307163349 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:19,218 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635671228061951923A41493795116D2660084002180620244 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:19,584 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:19,903 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:19,998 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:20,160 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:20,222 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:20,432 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635671228061877193A40780657833D585729962380843635 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:20,443 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875571195A41090206039D461272514322672076 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:20,506 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '2321551800', 'd': '14045225718311946463', 'paintseed': 266, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 274, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '2321551800', 'floatvalue': 0.03790449723601341, 'm': '654810891569247975', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_am_copper_flecks_light_large.d2af814b76763880470bc7039d5569eb74b26978.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Copper Galaxy', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Five-SeveN | Copper Galaxy (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:20,587 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M667196425457695710A40697546807D622201307033506142 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:20,659 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41296908258', 'd': '199475753397354007', 'paintseed': 324, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 633, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41296908258', 'low_rank': 911, 'floatvalue': 0.0373917892575264, 'm': '663818090813267257', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_am_mag7_malform_light_large.8a87c99550a4f609e7357bb4f63facf86279afca.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.45, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Sonar', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Sonar (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:20,865 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41284274110', 'd': '14045228520821799103', 'paintseed': 827, 'defindex': 11, 'paintindex': 382, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41284274110', 'floatvalue': 0.057698898017406464, 'm': '662692190920111626', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_g3sg1_am_g3sg1_murky_light_large.bc4e8d0e70d2952576d5c9653da71f21bc02b810.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.25, 'weapon_type': 'G3SG1', 'item_name': 'Murky', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'G3SG1 | Murky (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:20,875 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41284274110', 'd': '14045228520821799103', 'paintseed': 827, 'defindex': 11, 'paintindex': 382, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41284274110', 'floatvalue': 0.057698898017406464, 'm': '662692190920111626', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_g3sg1_am_g3sg1_murky_light_large.bc4e8d0e70d2952576d5c9653da71f21bc02b810.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.25, 'weapon_type': 'G3SG1', 'item_name': 'Murky', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'G3SG1 | Murky (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:20,885 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41284274110', 'd': '14045228520821799103', 'paintseed': 827, 'defindex': 11, 'paintindex': 382, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41284274110', 'floatvalue': 0.057698898017406464, 'm': '662692190920111626', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_g3sg1_am_g3sg1_murky_light_large.bc4e8d0e70d2952576d5c9653da71f21bc02b810.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.25, 'weapon_type': 'G3SG1', 'item_name': 'Murky', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'G3SG1 | Murky (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:21,204 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41238419707', 'd': '5387658294165126074', 'paintseed': 848, 'defindex': 14, 'paintindex': 983, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41214693150', 'low_rank': 772, 'floatvalue': 0.04496167600154877, 'm': '653684991623373164', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m249_cu_m249_deep_relief_light_large.227a01518f45cbb6a43981e36b76f60785f9085b.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'M249', 'item_name': 'Deep Relief', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'M249 | Deep Relief (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:21,213 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41238419707', 'd': '5387658294165126074', 'paintseed': 848, 'defindex': 14, 'paintindex': 983, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41214693150', 'low_rank': 772, 'floatvalue': 0.04496167600154877, 'm': '653684991623373164', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m249_cu_m249_deep_relief_light_large.227a01518f45cbb6a43981e36b76f60785f9085b.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'M249', 'item_name': 'Deep Relief', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'M249 | Deep Relief (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:21,436 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:21,447 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:21,601 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:22,266 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646930227130365321A37435753293D7984007675446488462 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:22,867 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '26839088417', 'd': '16438743372444936747', 'paintseed': 481, 'defindex': 17, 'paintindex': 433, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5927, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'csgo10_rush_b_csgo10_paper', 'material': 'csgo10/rush_b_csgo10_paper', 'name': 'Shifty Tactics'}], 'floatid': '26839088417', 'floatvalue': 0.0586540624499321, 'm': '639048292880658752', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mac10_cu_mac10_neonrider_light_large.4ba82cf2ba2d9fdc694d707b563421bbcc20b174.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.45, 'weapon_type': 'MAC-10', 'item_name': 'Neon Rider', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAC-10 | Neon Rider (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:23,283 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:24,024 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635671228061942353A40884793337D11709607942813097431 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:24,645 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '2514359490', 'd': '775393906847503057', 'paintseed': 375, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 291, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '2514359490', 'floatvalue': 0.04666675999760628, 'm': '649181392040482518', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_cu_mag7_heaven_light_large.ea002eaa1f984e278f59a934ca9016f038d06120.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Heaven Guard', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Heaven Guard (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:24,655 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '2514359490', 'd': '775393906847503057', 'paintseed': 375, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 291, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '2514359490', 'floatvalue': 0.04666675999760628, 'm': '649181392040482518', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_cu_mag7_heaven_light_large.ea002eaa1f984e278f59a934ca9016f038d06120.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Heaven Guard', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Heaven Guard (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:24,664 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '2514359490', 'd': '775393906847503057', 'paintseed': 375, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 291, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '2514359490', 'floatvalue': 0.04666675999760628, 'm': '649181392040482518', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_cu_mag7_heaven_light_large.ea002eaa1f984e278f59a934ca9016f038d06120.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Heaven Guard', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Heaven Guard (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:24,803 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433191851124080A39766350915D7092789397796138631 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:25,030 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:25,450 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649182026948259516A36636925005D16325210721901005456 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:25,635 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875618835A41324453205D48000589445156353 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:25,810 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:25,938 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658189226199824932A41058037513D2922449304130276929 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:26,034 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037247725A41493876647D5540672389224065199 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:26,257 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635671228061951923A41493795116D2660084002180620244 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:26,454 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:26,642 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:26,943 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:27,039 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:27,263 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:27,476 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635671228061877193A40780657833D585729962380843635 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:27,477 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875571195A41090206039D461272514322672076 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:27,647 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M667196425457695710A40697546807D622201307033506142 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:28,482 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:28,484 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:28,653 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:28,932 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '24529197607', 'd': '16457400735717182167', 'paintseed': 51, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 1093, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '24529197607', 'low_rank': 491, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.03734918683767319, 'm': '635670593158729211', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_gs_five_seven_efusion_light_large.78c44b69ab40456b90279ad0252463e9de816e78.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.41, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Boost Protocol', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Five-SeveN | Boost Protocol (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:28,942 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '24529197607', 'd': '16457400735717182167', 'paintseed': 51, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 1093, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '24529197607', 'low_rank': 491, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.03734918683767319, 'm': '635670593158729211', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_gs_five_seven_efusion_light_large.78c44b69ab40456b90279ad0252463e9de816e78.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.41, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Boost Protocol', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Five-SeveN | Boost Protocol (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:29,317 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646930227130365321A37435753293D7984007675446488462 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:29,719 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649182026948185656A21816521867D11992734154155525237 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:29,853 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40092242604', 'd': '2750716582541247987', 'paintseed': 368, 'defindex': 23, 'paintindex': 1137, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40092242604', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.05096780136227608, 'm': '650307291925727089', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp5sd_gs_mp5_kid_necronomicon_light_large.87443871e29948cd2cea24c01bd241b3623e91dd.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MP5-SD', 'item_name': 'Necro Jr.', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MP5-SD | Necro Jr. (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:29,868 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40092242604', 'd': '2750716582541247987', 'paintseed': 368, 'defindex': 23, 'paintindex': 1137, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40092242604', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.05096780136227608, 'm': '650307291925727089', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp5sd_gs_mp5_kid_necronomicon_light_large.87443871e29948cd2cea24c01bd241b3623e91dd.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MP5-SD', 'item_name': 'Necro Jr.', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MP5-SD | Necro Jr. (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:29,882 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40092242604', 'd': '2750716582541247987', 'paintseed': 368, 'defindex': 23, 'paintindex': 1137, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40092242604', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.05096780136227608, 'm': '650307291925727089', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp5sd_gs_mp5_kid_necronomicon_light_large.87443871e29948cd2cea24c01bd241b3623e91dd.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MP5-SD', 'item_name': 'Necro Jr.', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MP5-SD | Necro Jr. (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:30,088 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174192790113193A41330353917D10124352273358104615 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:30,322 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:30,739 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:31,061 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635671228061942353A40884793337D11709607942813097431 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:31,093 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:31,839 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433191851124080A39766350915D7092789397796138631 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:32,066 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:32,489 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649182026948259516A36636925005D16325210721901005456 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:32,845 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:32,973 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658189226199824932A41058037513D2922449304130276929 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:33,494 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:33,766 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 5, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41330100411', 'd': '16441778607711405907', 'paintseed': 422, 'defindex': 23, 'paintindex': 800, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 28, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'dz_blacksite_foil', 'material': 'danger_zone/blacksite_foil', 'name': 'Blacksite (Foil)'}], 'floatid': '41330100411', 'floatvalue': 0.06260319799184799, 'm': '667195790547598891', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp5sd_hy_labrat_mp5_light_large.bbdd9b7e1445618106b9709261787f8d800f7391.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.35, 'weapon_type': 'MP5-SD', 'item_name': 'Lab Rats', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Store Promotion', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir MP5-SD | Lab Rats (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:33,978 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:34,005 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '2378334867', 'd': '16303846662895237438', 'paintseed': 855, 'defindex': 14, 'paintindex': 266, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '2378334867', 'low_rank': 206, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.057759884744882584, 'm': '653684991641788484', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m249_aq_obsidian_light_large.c8a38c9354c2f4531f0802eaa49caa9878bbf9ed.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'M249', 'item_name': 'Magma', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ M249 | Magma (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:34,020 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '2378334867', 'd': '16303846662895237438', 'paintseed': 855, 'defindex': 14, 'paintindex': 266, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '2378334867', 'low_rank': 206, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.057759884744882584, 'm': '653684991641788484', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m249_aq_obsidian_light_large.c8a38c9354c2f4531f0802eaa49caa9878bbf9ed.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'M249', 'item_name': 'Magma', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ M249 | Magma (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:34,521 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875571195A41090206039D461272514322672076 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:34,522 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635671228061877193A40780657833D585729962380843635 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:34,969 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41215469729', 'd': '333486971681061497', 'paintseed': 793, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 754, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41215469729', 'floatvalue': 0.057912614196538925, 'm': '662691556805040580', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_aq_steel_inferno_light_large.4313699bf1fb212a490703f11b20dab3479ebe9c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Rust Coat', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Rust Coat (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:35,526 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:35,526 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:36,188 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41404174122', 'd': '16297973045837676219', 'paintseed': 158, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 100, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40581414237', 'low_rank': 102, 'floatvalue': 0.06283017247915268, 'm': '640174192777640363', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_so_stormfront_light_large.40f72ef6782f32f64bd883923fedfe0d1512d582.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Storm', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir MAG-7 | Storm (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:36,355 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646930227130365321A37435753293D7984007675446488462 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:36,713 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127967715804A24499100037D9422670229316011443 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:37,365 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:37,719 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:38,460 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300727597187833A39289491590D2362703156787922931 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:38,697 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '18756205195', 'd': '5516010600672792245', 'paintseed': 839, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 585, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '18756205195', 'floatvalue': 0.06826077401638031, 'm': '641300092691834514', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_cu_five_seven_daimyo_light_large.d394398cae1977546887145dcf6a4892d2ed29aa.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Violent Daimyo', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Five-SeveN | Violent Daimyo (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:38,708 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '18756205195', 'd': '5516010600672792245', 'paintseed': 839, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 585, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '18756205195', 'floatvalue': 0.06826077401638031, 'm': '641300092691834514', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_cu_five_seven_daimyo_light_large.d394398cae1977546887145dcf6a4892d2ed29aa.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Violent Daimyo', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Five-SeveN | Violent Daimyo (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:38,833 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M661566925919306026A41493800462D16429175593146839410 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:38,876 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433191851124080A39766350915D7092789397796138631 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:39,121 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41325612104', 'd': '3227541790025202745', 'paintseed': 704, 'defindex': 11, 'paintindex': 806, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41325612104', 'floatvalue': 0.053696051239967346, 'm': '646929592227254699', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_g3sg1_gs_g3sg1_savage_light_large.e452574f580f51b1da6312c0f80a0dc07e073d8b.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.65, 'weapon_type': 'G3SG1', 'item_name': 'Scavenger', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'G3SG1 | Scavenger (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:39,465 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:39,547 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649182026948259516A36636925005D16325210721901005456 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:39,847 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:39,881 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:40,554 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:41,563 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635671228061877193A40780657833D585729962380843635 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:41,565 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875571195A41090206039D461272514322672076 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:42,575 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:42,575 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:43,213 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41252480531', 'd': '9387369302566571283', 'paintseed': 716, 'defindex': 23, 'paintindex': 753, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6643, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_nip_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/nip_gold', 'name': 'Ninjas in Pyjamas (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6687, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_gray_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/gray_gold', 'name': 'Grayhound Gaming (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6707, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_blst_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/blst_gold', 'name': 'BLAST.tv (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 1691, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'de_inferno_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_inferno_gold', 'name': 'Inferno (Gold)'}], 'floatid': '41252480531', 'low_rank': 364, 'floatvalue': 0.067933589220047, 'm': '649181392026306768', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp5sd_sp_tape_short_rally_light_large.2fdb10eba1dbf17030a2c0867fc385fe0449b974.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'MP5-SD', 'item_name': 'Dirt Drop', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir MP5-SD | Dirt Drop (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:43,403 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646930227130365321A37435753293D7984007675446488462 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:44,409 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:45,884 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M661566925919306026A41493800462D16429175593146839410 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:45,913 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433191851124080A39766350915D7092789397796138631 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:46,601 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649182026948259516A36636925005D16325210721901005456 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:46,629 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40862101925', 'd': '16898076045855550911', 'paintseed': 565, 'defindex': 23, 'paintindex': 846, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40754333713', 'floatvalue': 0.06977728754281998, 'm': '646929592226994629', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp5sd_gs_mp5sd_astromatic_light_large.d7acba118f13e4b7b0d9146dddd32cf71da9210d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MP5-SD', 'item_name': 'Gauss', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MP5-SD | Gauss (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:46,890 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '21901610163', 'd': '7253722327612198931', 'paintseed': 366, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 70, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '21901610163', 'low_rank': 736, 'floatvalue': 0.011336619965732098, 'm': '667195790550650761', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_am_carbon_fiber_light_large.226aab440e6e6041b5b4b09f907695aa854bcce0.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.12, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Carbon Fiber', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Carbon Fiber (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:46,891 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:46,897 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '21901610163', 'd': '7253722327612198931', 'paintseed': 366, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 70, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '21901610163', 'low_rank': 736, 'floatvalue': 0.011336619965732098, 'm': '667195790550650761', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_am_carbon_fiber_light_large.226aab440e6e6041b5b4b09f907695aa854bcce0.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.12, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Carbon Fiber', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Carbon Fiber (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:46,907 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '21901610163', 'd': '7253722327612198931', 'paintseed': 366, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 70, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '21901610163', 'low_rank': 736, 'floatvalue': 0.011336619965732098, 'm': '667195790550650761', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_am_carbon_fiber_light_large.226aab440e6e6041b5b4b09f907695aa854bcce0.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.12, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Carbon Fiber', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Carbon Fiber (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:46,918 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:47,612 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:48,615 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635671228061877193A40780657833D585729962380843635 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:48,617 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875571195A41090206039D461272514322672076 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:49,159 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40862926407', 'd': '4909502366627786871', 'paintseed': 412, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 1132, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40862926407', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06895186752080917, 'm': '658188591293647893', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_cu_mag7_predictor_light_large.431734cae141d06a20fa3615d38e3b15c708602a.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Foresight', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MAG-7 | Foresight (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:49,621 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:49,621 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:50,439 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646930227130365321A37435753293D7984007675446488462 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:51,445 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:52,413 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41295795646', 'd': '3045258037188668465', 'paintseed': 431, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 1168, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41295795646', 'floatvalue': 0.06999234855175018, 'm': '659314491202864834', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Hybrid', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Five-SeveN | Hybrid (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:52,923 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M661566925919306026A41493800462D16429175593146839410 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:52,944 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433191851124080A39766350915D7092789397796138631 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:53,090 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41211515862', 'd': '16718715222378753335', 'paintseed': 574, 'defindex': 23, 'paintindex': 1231, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7182, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 1, 'offset_x': 0.15312132239341736, 'offset_y': 0.007523983716964722, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_lucaozy_4_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_lucaozy_glitter', 'name': 'Lucaozy (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 7182, 'slot': 7, 'wear': 1, 'offset_x': 0.3067629933357239, 'offset_y': 0.008517473936080933, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_lucaozy_4_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_lucaozy_glitter', 'name': 'Lucaozy (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 7182, 'slot': 7, 'wear': 1, 'offset_x': 0.22966375946998596, 'offset_y': 0.010261327028274536, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_lucaozy_4_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_lucaozy_glitter', 'name': 'Lucaozy (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 7182, 'slot': 4, 'wear': 1, 'offset_x': -0.19530656933784485, 'offset_y': 0.0015531182289123535, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_lucaozy_4_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_lucaozy_glitter', 'name': 'Lucaozy (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 7182, 'slot': 4, 'wear': 1, 'offset_x': -0.12243232131004333, 'offset_y': 0.0043190717697143555, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_lucaozy_4_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_lucaozy_glitter', 'name': 'Lucaozy (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '41082017192', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.03639831021428108, 'm': '636796493066129772', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp5sd_cu_mp5sd_quick_liquidation_light_large.2b446c710928debe38469e33b3b9030bd218c0e3.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MP5-SD', 'item_name': 'Liquidation', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MP5-SD | Liquidation (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:53,928 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:53,949 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:54,033 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644678427315661549A40237393698D7674142991271325631 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:55,039 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:55,422 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41349283817', 'd': '14150460010005768631', 'paintseed': 660, 'defindex': 23, 'paintindex': 810, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40943239397', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06984969973564148, 'm': '639048292832389352', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp5sd_gs_mp5_festival_drip_light_large.c71af0a784e5ecd6e5d5f2f71961be155e283cde.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'MP5-SD', 'item_name': 'Phosphor', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MP5-SD | Phosphor (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:24:55,656 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875571195A41090206039D461272514322672076 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:55,657 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635671228061877193A40780657833D585729962380843635 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:56,662 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:56,663 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:57,346 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855129077A41433199717D749887137132655733 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:57,475 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646930227130365321A37435753293D7984007675446488462 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:24:58,351 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:58,481 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:24:59,987 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433191851124080A39766350915D7092789397796138631 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:25:00,006 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '30174590319', 'd': '12457702742637275059', 'paintseed': 159, 'defindex': 23, 'paintindex': 949, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '30174590319', 'floatvalue': 0.05162722244858742, 'm': '654810891574623825', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp5sd_cu_mp5_desert_strike_light_large.44958e2a47446043d6c929d5f4b4e3bea10f41c9.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MP5-SD', 'item_name': 'Desert Strike', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MP5-SD | Desert Strike (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:25:00,014 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '30174590319', 'd': '12457702742637275059', 'paintseed': 159, 'defindex': 23, 'paintindex': 949, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '30174590319', 'floatvalue': 0.05162722244858742, 'm': '654810891574623825', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp5sd_cu_mp5_desert_strike_light_large.44958e2a47446043d6c929d5f4b4e3bea10f41c9.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MP5-SD', 'item_name': 'Desert Strike', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MP5-SD | Desert Strike (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:25:00,091 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826761937618A41333266561D9675667423741584665 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:25:00,993 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:25:01,069 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644678427315661549A40237393698D7674142991271325631 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:25:01,099 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:25:02,074 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:25:02,701 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635671228061877193A40780657833D585729962380843635 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:25:02,702 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875571195A41090206039D461272514322672076 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:25:03,440 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41493164305', 'd': '2649361384865387767', 'paintseed': 988, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 385, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '25397082971', 'low_rank': 332, 'floatvalue': 0.06703522056341171, 'm': '641300092692859494', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_sp_mag7_firebitten_light_large.640af2edb52a7f170620e175ddaa5f5cf763325b.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.49, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Firestarter', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Firestarter (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:25:03,479 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660440391110240255A41492861143D9956581538380602963 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:25:03,708 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:25:03,708 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:25:04,382 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855129077A41433199717D749887137132655733 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:25:04,484 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:25:05,386 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:25:07,024 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433191851124080A39766350915D7092789397796138631 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:25:07,133 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826761937618A41333266561D9675667423741584665 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:25:08,028 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:25:08,104 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644678427315661549A40237393698D7674142991271325631 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:25:08,138 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:25:09,110 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:25:09,752 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875571195A41090206039D461272514322672076 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:25:10,284 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649182026948203026A41128475770D10245318368853618167 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:25:10,514 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660440391110240255A41492861143D9956581538380602963 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:25:10,758 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:25:11,288 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:25:11,413 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855129077A41433199717D749887137132655733 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:25:11,519 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:25:12,068 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '36445918147', 'd': '1047690425596598728', 'paintseed': 996, 'defindex': 28, 'paintindex': 1012, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4681, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'broken_fang_ancient_beast', 'material': 'broken_fang/ancient_beast', 'name': 'Ancient Beast'}, {'stickerId': 4649, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'recoil_ak47', 'material': 'recoil/ak47_recoil', 'name': 'Hello AK-47'}], 'floatid': '36445918147', 'low_rank': 541, 'high_rank': 592, 'floatvalue': 0.057978421449661255, 'm': '636795858909011714', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_negev_hy_phoenix_tags_red_light_large.6d8ee0ad8e74ea1a6c6af60824445bd1450e34ac.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.65, 'weapon_type': 'Negev', 'item_name': 'Phoenix Stencil', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Negev | Phoenix Stencil (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:25:12,419 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:25:14,060 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433191851124080A39766350915D7092789397796138631 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:25:14,171 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826761937618A41333266561D9675667423741584665 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:25:15,018 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41303481814', 'd': '17197665889945327560', 'paintseed': 810, 'defindex': 28, 'paintindex': 285, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41303481814', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06010344624519348, 'm': '649181392040545518', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_negev_sp_negev_turq_terrain_light_large.9c6c678b0e6bc949c0688f3e1cf39ca73e0a44ae.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.45, 'weapon_type': 'Negev', 'item_name': 'Terrain', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Negev | Terrain (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:25:15,066 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:25:15,177 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:25:15,298 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '36749489990', 'd': '7398504499273254803', 'paintseed': 925, 'defindex': 23, 'paintindex': 781, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 1693, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'de_nuke_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_nuke_gold', 'name': 'Nuke (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 5053, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_pgl_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/pgl_gold', 'name': 'PGL (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 4965, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_navi_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/navi_gold', 'name': 'Natus Vincere (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 4981, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_g2_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/g2_gold', 'name': 'G2 Esports (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}], 'floatid': '36749489990', 'low_rank': 628, 'high_rank': 386, 'floatvalue': 0.06143183261156082, 'm': '653684991670711394', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp5sd_am_circuitboard_aqua_light_large.205e1ac1b5bfbbfa8f0449cc08b42daf3e4addd2.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'MP5-SD', 'item_name': 'Co-Processor', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir MP5-SD | Co-Processor (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:25:15,469 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41203316680', 'd': '9558890254225609843', 'paintseed': 617, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 291, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '36925737699', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.05086268112063408, 'm': '657062691393007037', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_cu_mag7_heaven_light_large.ea002eaa1f984e278f59a934ca9016f038d06120.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Heaven Guard', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MAG-7 | Heaven Guard (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:25:16,781 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41492376340', 'd': '14708835594577231447', 'paintseed': 619, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 431, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41330700658', 'floatvalue': 0.057250626385211945, 'm': '640174192789776203', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_cu_mag7_redhot_light_large.76087a836e8c98fd10765a4b56dca946ba5acb4d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Heat', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MAG-7 | Heat (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:25:16,792 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875571195A41090206039D461272514322672076 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:25:17,796 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:25:18,450 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855129077A41433199717D749887137132655733 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:25:19,355 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '37729802827', 'd': '14766224284682446501', 'paintseed': 388, 'defindex': 33, 'paintindex': 627, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 1629, 'slot': 5, 'offset_x': 0.10285663604736328, 'offset_y': -0.16871988773345947, 'codename': 'sugarface_perry', 'material': 'sugarface_capsule/perry', 'name': 'Perry'}], 'floatid': '37249836221', 'floatvalue': 0.060357466340065, 'm': '644677792411638417', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp7_gs_final_pooldeadv2_light_large.30ea2c8c934b49fa0a5e2b8c50ec880c10e2f295.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.75, 'weapon_type': 'MP7', 'item_name': 'Cirrus', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MP7 | Cirrus (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:25:19,455 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:25:21,097 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433191851124080A39766350915D7092789397796138631 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:25:22,102 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:25:23,827 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875571195A41090206039D461272514322672076 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:25:24,831 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:25:25,483 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855129077A41433199717D749887137132655733 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:25:26,487 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:25:27,560 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '39187647573', 'd': '2643058829092404949', 'paintseed': 743, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 1220, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39187647573', 'low_rank': 956, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.04800654947757721, 'm': '667195790551793491', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_cu_mag7_insomnia_light_large.0d971fb17ca0bb1df7baed6a1caa902c56c1ea5b.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Insomnia', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MAG-7 | Insomnia (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:25:27,579 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '39187647573', 'd': '2643058829092404949', 'paintseed': 743, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 1220, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39187647573', 'low_rank': 956, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.04800654947757721, 'm': '667195790551793491', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_cu_mag7_insomnia_light_large.0d971fb17ca0bb1df7baed6a1caa902c56c1ea5b.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Insomnia', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ MAG-7 | Insomnia (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:25:28,129 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433191851124080A39766350915D7092789397796138631 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:25:28,189 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41310765101', 'd': '4657509876559089990', 'paintseed': 629, 'defindex': 28, 'paintindex': 355, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41106383197', 'floatvalue': 0.05643772333860397, 'm': '644677792410959097', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_negev_cu_negev_titanstorm_light_large.eb7badc75ecbb1b4cdf35bfb53088731bbe11cb0.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'Negev', 'item_name': 'Desert-Strike', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Negev | Desert-Strike (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:25:29,134 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:25:29,641 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41287286389', 'd': '16906700892790559492', 'paintseed': 865, 'defindex': 28, 'paintindex': 610, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '9433622458', 'low_rank': 630, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.14541617035865784, 'm': '646929592211264639', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_negev_hy_negev_dazzle_light_large.3558ece2a70252dcaa8ea9e324539ae1a4fc1bc0.png', 'min': 0.1, 'max': 0.65, 'weapon_type': 'Negev', 'item_name': 'Dazzle', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Minimal Wear', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Negev | Dazzle (Minimal Wear)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:25:29,655 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41287286389', 'd': '16906700892790559492', 'paintseed': 865, 'defindex': 28, 'paintindex': 610, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '9433622458', 'low_rank': 630, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.14541617035865784, 'm': '646929592211264639', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_negev_hy_negev_dazzle_light_large.3558ece2a70252dcaa8ea9e324539ae1a4fc1bc0.png', 'min': 0.1, 'max': 0.65, 'weapon_type': 'Negev', 'item_name': 'Dazzle', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Minimal Wear', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Negev | Dazzle (Minimal Wear)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:25:29,668 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41287286389', 'd': '16906700892790559492', 'paintseed': 865, 'defindex': 28, 'paintindex': 610, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '9433622458', 'low_rank': 630, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.14541617035865784, 'm': '646929592211264639', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_negev_hy_negev_dazzle_light_large.3558ece2a70252dcaa8ea9e324539ae1a4fc1bc0.png', 'min': 0.1, 'max': 0.65, 'weapon_type': 'Negev', 'item_name': 'Dazzle', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Minimal Wear', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Negev | Dazzle (Minimal Wear)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:25:30,102 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642425992600192555A41493403413D5354325336304613083 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:25:30,862 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875571195A41090206039D461272514322672076 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:25:31,107 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:25:31,867 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:25:32,519 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855129077A41433199717D749887137132655733 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:25:32,521 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479314867A41072005050D11874982884063478477 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:25:32,807 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40634782708', 'd': '10144428815593785975', 'paintseed': 149, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 484, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40634782708', 'floatvalue': 0.03556416183710098, 'm': '648055492107235402', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_cu_nova_ranger_light_large.e3e9d3d47d5707092223a268ef59adb53ce76278.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Ranger', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Ranger (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:25:32,816 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40634782708', 'd': '10144428815593785975', 'paintseed': 149, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 484, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40634782708', 'floatvalue': 0.03556416183710098, 'm': '648055492107235402', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_cu_nova_ranger_light_large.e3e9d3d47d5707092223a268ef59adb53ce76278.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Ranger', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Ranger (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:25:32,824 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40634782708', 'd': '10144428815593785975', 'paintseed': 149, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 484, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40634782708', 'floatvalue': 0.03556416183710098, 'm': '648055492107235402', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_cu_nova_ranger_light_large.e3e9d3d47d5707092223a268ef59adb53ce76278.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Ranger', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Ranger (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:25:33,526 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:25:33,527 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:25:35,162 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433191851124080A39766350915D7092789397796138631 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:25:36,167 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:25:37,210 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660440391110275625A40233633007D208963054288730380 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:25:37,433 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '32037346736', 'd': '9675564062519442346', 'paintseed': 394, 'defindex': 28, 'paintindex': 950, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '32037346736', 'floatvalue': 0.061043474823236465, 'm': '660440391101944805', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_negev_cu_negev_prototype_light_large.d1e542d85756bfc96bb32e6d2f8b548fbb26b2ad.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'Negev', 'item_name': 'Prototype', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Negev | Prototype (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:25:37,901 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875571195A41090206039D461272514322672076 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:25:38,214 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:25:38,906 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:25:39,559 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855129077A41433199717D749887137132655733 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:25:39,807 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692190922036306A41306888359D14721711106793197287 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:25:40,069 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:25:40,563 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:25:40,813 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:25:41,076 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:25:42,198 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433191851124080A39766350915D7092789397796138631 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:25:43,053 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '23551032423', 'd': '4800853467485971131', 'paintseed': 695, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 1077, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '23551032423', 'low_rank': 774, 'high_rank': 265, 'floatvalue': 0.06318424642086029, 'm': '640174192775013743', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_hy_vertigoillusion_yellow_light_large.73fdfc85585fff74804a6f22179406a48ce74947.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Interlock', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Interlock (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:25:43,202 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:25:44,246 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660440391110275625A40233633007D208963054288730380 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:25:45,250 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:25:46,574 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660440391110266445A41311477792D578888641012621915 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:25:46,590 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855129077A41433199717D749887137132655733 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:25:46,847 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692190922036306A41306888359D14721711106793197287 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:25:47,113 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:25:47,476 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660441026013477624A41143212658D2640275569492364361 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:25:47,580 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:25:47,594 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:25:47,855 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:25:48,119 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:25:48,483 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:25:48,977 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41333499819', 'd': '5362842427754448427', 'paintseed': 839, 'defindex': 33, 'paintindex': 28, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41333499819', 'floatvalue': 0.06740649789571762, 'm': '652559091761746780', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp7_an_navy_light_large.7b705336c3ee472db933931597f0ab191217b3dc.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MP7', 'item_name': 'Anodized Navy', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MP7 | Anodized Navy (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:25:48,982 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41333499819', 'd': '5362842427754448427', 'paintseed': 839, 'defindex': 33, 'paintindex': 28, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41333499819', 'floatvalue': 0.06740649789571762, 'm': '652559091761746780', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp7_an_navy_light_large.7b705336c3ee472db933931597f0ab191217b3dc.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MP7', 'item_name': 'Anodized Navy', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MP7 | Anodized Navy (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:25:48,987 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41333499819', 'd': '5362842427754448427', 'paintseed': 839, 'defindex': 33, 'paintindex': 28, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41333499819', 'floatvalue': 0.06740649789571762, 'm': '652559091761746780', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp7_an_navy_light_large.7b705336c3ee472db933931597f0ab191217b3dc.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MP7', 'item_name': 'Anodized Navy', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MP7 | Anodized Navy (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:25:48,993 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41333499819', 'd': '5362842427754448427', 'paintseed': 839, 'defindex': 33, 'paintindex': 28, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41333499819', 'floatvalue': 0.06740649789571762, 'm': '652559091761746780', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp7_an_navy_light_large.7b705336c3ee472db933931597f0ab191217b3dc.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MP7', 'item_name': 'Anodized Navy', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MP7 | Anodized Navy (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:25:49,203 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '36195638847', 'd': '11847895718898608209', 'paintseed': 391, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 170, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '36195638847', 'floatvalue': 0.06473623961210251, 'm': '640174192789444313', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_sp_zebracam_light_large.4a13bdc4fa3b5cd7d89c8cc83700d3a13326a6c3.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Predator', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Predator (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:25:49,210 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '36195638847', 'd': '11847895718898608209', 'paintseed': 391, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 170, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '36195638847', 'floatvalue': 0.06473623961210251, 'm': '640174192789444313', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_sp_zebracam_light_large.4a13bdc4fa3b5cd7d89c8cc83700d3a13326a6c3.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Predator', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Predator (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:25:49,239 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433191851124080A39766350915D7092789397796138631 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:25:50,244 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:25:53,620 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660440391110266445A41311477792D578888641012621915 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:25:53,623 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855129077A41433199717D749887137132655733 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:25:53,880 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '35361103954', 'd': '14144342054671753883', 'paintseed': 119, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 299, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35361103954', 'floatvalue': 0.06863074749708176, 'm': '649181392040842788', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_am_oval_hex_light_large.766118990b3726617ed6203e95abc71417dbd057.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Caged Steel', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Caged Steel (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:25:53,888 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '35361103954', 'd': '14144342054671753883', 'paintseed': 119, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 299, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35361103954', 'floatvalue': 0.06863074749708176, 'm': '649181392040842788', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_am_oval_hex_light_large.766118990b3726617ed6203e95abc71417dbd057.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Caged Steel', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Caged Steel (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:25:53,896 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '35361103954', 'd': '14144342054671753883', 'paintseed': 119, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 299, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35361103954', 'floatvalue': 0.06863074749708176, 'm': '649181392040842788', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_am_oval_hex_light_large.766118990b3726617ed6203e95abc71417dbd057.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Caged Steel', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Caged Steel (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:25:53,898 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692190922036306A41306888359D14721711106793197287 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:25:53,904 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '35361103954', 'd': '14144342054671753883', 'paintseed': 119, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 299, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35361103954', 'floatvalue': 0.06863074749708176, 'm': '649181392040842788', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_am_oval_hex_light_large.766118990b3726617ed6203e95abc71417dbd057.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Caged Steel', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Caged Steel (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:25:54,178 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:25:54,629 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:25:54,630 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:25:54,902 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:25:55,183 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:25:56,286 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433191851124080A39766350915D7092789397796138631 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:25:57,020 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '38281288465', 'd': '16639861841741775562', 'paintseed': 66, 'defindex': 32, 'paintindex': 21, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38281288465', 'floatvalue': 0.06556418538093567, 'm': '640174192789588283', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_hkp2000_hy_granite_light_large.30d6a68c522ae5dd0cf7a67e07eccb66cf50b04c.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'P2000', 'item_name': 'Granite Marbleized', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P2000 | Granite Marbleized (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:25:57,291 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:25:57,980 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41297612445', 'd': '16197869658029257668', 'paintseed': 74, 'defindex': 28, 'paintindex': 483, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41297612445', 'low_rank': 112, 'floatvalue': 0.14417415857315063, 'm': '641300092690649514', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_negev_cu_negev_annihilator_light_large.421039357ccbbcb9ba1456caa1ed2ae4829b5495.png', 'min': 0.14, 'max': 0.65, 'weapon_type': 'Negev', 'item_name': 'Loudmouth', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Minimal Wear', 'full_item_name': 'Negev | Loudmouth (Minimal Wear)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:25:59,556 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642425992600191745A41493403530D7541493907739132008 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:25:59,739 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '29421547731', 'd': '11965150019196846325', 'paintseed': 137, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 890, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '29421547731', 'low_rank': 513, 'floatvalue': 0.049246061593294144, 'm': '635670593158928201', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_cu_nova_featherswing_light_large.49e81792746dc7844ff18c45fb23030cd8b66d59.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Plume', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Plume (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:00,563 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:00,663 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855129077A41433199717D749887137132655733 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:00,942 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692190922036306A41306888359D14721711106793197287 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:01,215 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:01,668 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:01,948 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:02,220 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:02,347 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41440803682', 'd': '11586776818032756230', 'paintseed': 249, 'defindex': 32, 'paintindex': 246, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41440803682', 'floatvalue': 0.06999766081571579, 'm': '635670593157869981', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_hkp2000_aa_fade_metallic_light_large.8efd81c9cf483adb6bdf58508800f62d3fc72310.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'P2000', 'item_name': 'Amber Fade', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P2000 | Amber Fade (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:02,354 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41440803682', 'd': '11586776818032756230', 'paintseed': 249, 'defindex': 32, 'paintindex': 246, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41440803682', 'floatvalue': 0.06999766081571579, 'm': '635670593157869981', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_hkp2000_aa_fade_metallic_light_large.8efd81c9cf483adb6bdf58508800f62d3fc72310.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'P2000', 'item_name': 'Amber Fade', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P2000 | Amber Fade (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:02,360 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41440803682', 'd': '11586776818032756230', 'paintseed': 249, 'defindex': 32, 'paintindex': 246, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41440803682', 'floatvalue': 0.06999766081571579, 'm': '635670593157869981', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_hkp2000_aa_fade_metallic_light_large.8efd81c9cf483adb6bdf58508800f62d3fc72310.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'P2000', 'item_name': 'Amber Fade', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P2000 | Amber Fade (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:02,366 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41440803682', 'd': '11586776818032756230', 'paintseed': 249, 'defindex': 32, 'paintindex': 246, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41440803682', 'floatvalue': 0.06999766081571579, 'm': '635670593157869981', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_hkp2000_aa_fade_metallic_light_large.8efd81c9cf483adb6bdf58508800f62d3fc72310.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'P2000', 'item_name': 'Amber Fade', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P2000 | Amber Fade (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:04,142 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41202686255', 'd': '7128825400097566212', 'paintseed': 18, 'defindex': 32, 'paintindex': 1019, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7353, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_pgl_gold', 'material': 'cph2024/pgl_gold', 'name': 'PGL (Gold) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 1689, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'de_ancient_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_ancient_gold', 'name': 'Ancient (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 7289, 'slot': 4, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_c9_gold', 'material': 'cph2024/c9_gold', 'name': 'Cloud9 (Gold) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7273, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_spir_gold', 'material': 'cph2024/spir_gold', 'name': 'Team Spirit (Gold) | Copenhagen 2024'}], 'floatid': '41202686255', 'low_rank': 542, 'floatvalue': 0.029560256749391556, 'm': '639048292877275682', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_hkp2000_am_black_panther_light_large.6b1ddf6071adab6685bff33fb5b586267ee0f907.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'P2000', 'item_name': 'Panther Camo', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir P2000 | Panther Camo (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:06,600 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642425992600191745A41493403530D7541493907739132008 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:07,463 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41311100478', 'd': '7415782533189739240', 'paintseed': 158, 'defindex': 32, 'paintindex': 211, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '43541386', 'low_rank': 85, 'high_rank': 13, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.05264776200056076, 'm': '667195790546534431', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_hkp2000_am_ossify_blue_p2000_bravo_light_large.91f225635f7e4a986b51e09bba106ca6a4bf7dbb.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.12, 'weapon_type': 'P2000', 'item_name': 'Ocean Foam', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ P2000 | Ocean Foam (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:07,606 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:07,698 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855129077A41433199717D749887137132655733 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:07,981 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692190922036306A41306888359D14721711106793197287 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:08,250 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:08,612 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M667196425457721120A41366685650D13844151732710241570 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:08,703 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:08,986 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:09,256 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:09,476 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41305200636', 'd': '5107761776273023178', 'paintseed': 388, 'defindex': 32, 'paintindex': 550, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41305200636', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.05656613036990166, 'm': '667195790544187291', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_hkp2000_hy_p2000_oceani_light_large.8f64654c5964975c85201b1dbbdf7b8ffab768be.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'P2000', 'item_name': 'Oceanic', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ P2000 | Oceanic (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:09,618 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:10,071 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653685626571440756A40450601729D342839425613012238 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:11,076 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:11,657 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642426627503960704A41380980762D597470825038900363 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:11,881 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41278533318', 'd': '14000214325736163910', 'paintseed': 204, 'defindex': 32, 'paintindex': 1224, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41278533318', 'low_rank': 938, 'floatvalue': 0.06601004302501678, 'm': '643551892499939126', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_hkp2000_cu_p2000_decline_light_large.7f57145674a5e41b3b8e7fe70be4ffbb57ec6f84.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'P2000', 'item_name': 'Wicked Sick', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P2000 | Wicked Sick (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:12,662 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:13,306 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41286985107', 'd': '12439052261020389792', 'paintseed': 217, 'defindex': 28, 'paintindex': 355, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41286985107', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.055545929819345474, 'm': '668321690448428961', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_negev_cu_negev_titanstorm_light_large.eb7badc75ecbb1b4cdf35bfb53088731bbe11cb0.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'Negev', 'item_name': 'Desert-Strike', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Negev | Desert-Strike (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:14,742 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855129077A41433199717D749887137132655733 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:14,991 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41047216275', 'd': '1054452140765347913', 'paintseed': 481, 'defindex': 33, 'paintindex': 1096, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '27985294509', 'floatvalue': 0.05919928103685379, 'm': '645803692319972368', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp7_cu_mp7_khaki_light_large.c9fb92fece0f425328e2c5c8c536302ed2dbcf99.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MP7', 'item_name': 'Guerrilla', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'MP7 | Guerrilla (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:15,021 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692190922036306A41306888359D14721711106793197287 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:15,285 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:15,653 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M667196425457721120A41366685650D13844151732710241570 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:15,747 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:16,006 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '19088733444', 'd': '7496842360388059040', 'paintseed': 613, 'defindex': 28, 'paintindex': 285, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '19088733444', 'floatvalue': 0.0503850057721138, 'm': '651432104554085438', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_negev_sp_negev_turq_terrain_light_large.9c6c678b0e6bc949c0688f3e1cf39ca73e0a44ae.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.45, 'weapon_type': 'Negev', 'item_name': 'Terrain', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Negev | Terrain (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:16,014 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '19088733444', 'd': '7496842360388059040', 'paintseed': 613, 'defindex': 28, 'paintindex': 285, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '19088733444', 'floatvalue': 0.0503850057721138, 'm': '651432104554085438', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_negev_sp_negev_turq_terrain_light_large.9c6c678b0e6bc949c0688f3e1cf39ca73e0a44ae.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.45, 'weapon_type': 'Negev', 'item_name': 'Terrain', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Negev | Terrain (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:16,026 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:16,290 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:16,457 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479306017A41331586058D4759854696326128844 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:16,660 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:17,463 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:17,466 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '23437202630', 'd': '9684609118226732630', 'paintseed': 227, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 542, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '23437202630', 'floatvalue': 0.05886191874742508, 'm': '652559091759154360', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Judgement of Anubis', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'PP-Bizon | Judgement of Anubis (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:19,250 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40293973014', 'd': '64963554722043214', 'paintseed': 842, 'defindex': 28, 'paintindex': 958, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40293973014', 'floatvalue': 0.06938707083463669, 'm': '663818090830800217', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_negev_cu_negev_ultralight_light_large.f47680cfcd5c2eb1594fd5ae51ed9caf1bb6d9cd.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.79, 'weapon_type': 'Negev', 'item_name': 'Ultralight', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Negev | Ultralight (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:20,020 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645804327223526090A41444516755D4920889322899661461 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:20,143 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M664944625639769832A5212183689D16891573139016034030 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:20,333 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644678427315622909A33672978085D4945665899356345126 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:21,025 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:21,177 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:21,339 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:21,781 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855129077A41433199717D749887137132655733 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:22,004 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '24095259261', 'd': '5667956623070613034', 'paintseed': 290, 'defindex': 32, 'paintindex': 591, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '24095259261', 'floatvalue': 0.059230100363492966, 'm': '644677792397983947', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_hkp2000_gs_p2000_imperial_dragon_light_large.cc82bc6353a0e8ce963f6b0b600905d4dc37bf4a.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.63, 'weapon_type': 'P2000', 'item_name': 'Imperial Dragon', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P2000 | Imperial Dragon (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:22,061 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692190922036306A41306888359D14721711106793197287 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:22,325 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:22,414 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '13839631403', 'd': '784416799441493314', 'paintseed': 605, 'defindex': 28, 'paintindex': 240, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 2483, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'boston2018_team_navi_gold', 'material': 'boston2018/navi_gold', 'name': 'Natus Vincere (Gold) | Boston 2018'}, {'stickerId': 2495, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'boston2018_team_faze_gold', 'material': 'boston2018/faze_gold', 'name': 'FaZe Clan (Gold) | Boston 2018'}, {'stickerId': 2535, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'boston2018_team_eleague_gold', 'material': 'boston2018/eleague_gold', 'name': 'ELEAGUE (Gold) | Boston 2018'}, {'stickerId': 2779, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'boston2018_signature_niko_gold', 'material': 'boston2018/sig_niko_gold', 'name': 'NiKo (Gold) | Boston 2018'}], 'floatid': '13839631403', 'low_rank': 115, 'high_rank': 449, 'floatvalue': 0.053714852780103683, 'm': '651432104536013768', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_negev_hy_varicamo_desert_light_large.169bd7cc986fe8b3411c2f8dc484dad4ee9fff71.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'Negev', 'item_name': 'CaliCamo', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir Negev | CaliCamo (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:22,696 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M667196425457721120A41366685650D13844151732710241570 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:22,792 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:22,956 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M667196425457689710A40339974874D12457172934799262280 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:23,071 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:23,330 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:23,501 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479306017A41331586058D4759854696326128844 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:23,703 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:23,961 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:24,506 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:26,615 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41447439479', 'd': '16160795690202561836', 'paintseed': 304, 'defindex': 28, 'paintindex': 317, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41327916050', 'low_rank': 216, 'high_rank': 915, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06061486899852753, 'm': '635670593140090751', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_negev_cu_bratatat_negev_light_large.b7589c335fb7066d53b1897e000f031d316641e6.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Negev', 'item_name': 'Bratatat', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Negev | Bratatat (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:26,721 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M663818725732945421A41324663392D4809854221953853475 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:26,918 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41437963216', 'd': '16188868654698119321', 'paintseed': 551, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 99, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41437963216', 'floatvalue': 0.06351069360971451, 'm': '659314491202433494', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_so_sand_light_large.33854508338eb4801380c7d7d328f2285ad3a746.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Sand Dune', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Sand Dune (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:27,055 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645804327223526090A41444516755D4920889322899661461 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:27,380 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644678427315622909A33672978085D4945665899356345126 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:27,724 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '40624804594', 'd': '2306982442075571265', 'paintseed': 825, 'defindex': 33, 'paintindex': 782, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 1693, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'de_nuke_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_nuke_gold', 'name': 'Nuke (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 6663, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_gl_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/gl_gold', 'name': 'GamerLegion (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6707, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_blst_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/blst_gold', 'name': 'BLAST.tv (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6623, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_vita_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/vita_gold', 'name': 'Vitality (Gold) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '31165815043', 'floatvalue': 0.057290416210889816, 'm': '644677792410903177', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp7_am_circuitboard_green_light_large.0df678715d2256928d817c2e89575879f03ad68e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'MP7', 'item_name': 'Motherboard', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir MP7 | Motherboard (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:27,726 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:28,061 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:28,384 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:28,828 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855129077A41433199717D749887137132655733 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:29,101 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692190922036306A41306888359D14721711106793197287 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:29,361 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:29,739 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M667196425457721120A41366685650D13844151732710241570 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:29,833 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:30,105 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:30,366 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:30,745 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:31,282 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690274712A41254828755D7362486557713988354 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:31,436 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41493219741', 'd': '5379730534068184663', 'paintseed': 241, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 590, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41107204165', 'floatvalue': 0.06377032399177551, 'm': '652559091763309360', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_aq_nova_sci_fi_light_large.9cf268816cad5bdbe33bd4d1ddce1eb81f905164.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Exo', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Exo (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:32,242 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41327582625', 'd': '11731005005024190369', 'paintseed': 288, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 1160, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41327582625', 'floatvalue': 0.05508311465382576, 'm': '657062691393819287', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.61886, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Analog Input', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Sawed-Off | Analog Input (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:32,250 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41327582625', 'd': '11731005005024190369', 'paintseed': 288, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 1160, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41327582625', 'floatvalue': 0.05508311465382576, 'm': '657062691393819287', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.61886, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Analog Input', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Sawed-Off | Analog Input (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:32,288 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:32,728 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '35808464073', 'd': '2318837366813656223', 'paintseed': 335, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 1051, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35808464073', 'floatvalue': 0.0625615119934082, 'm': '668321690461720611', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_sp_nova_wind_dispersal_light_large.9156d5a206e0e4b47f814bee9b6b54ac0a16b159.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Windblown', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Windblown (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:32,733 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '35808464073', 'd': '2318837366813656223', 'paintseed': 335, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 1051, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35808464073', 'floatvalue': 0.0625615119934082, 'm': '668321690461720611', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_sp_nova_wind_dispersal_light_large.9156d5a206e0e4b47f814bee9b6b54ac0a16b159.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Windblown', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Windblown (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:34,100 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645804327223526090A41444516755D4920889322899661461 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:34,422 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644678427315622909A33672978085D4945665899356345126 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:35,109 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:35,428 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:35,983 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855129077A41433199717D749887137132655733 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:36,131 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692190922036306A41306888359D14721711106793197287 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:36,393 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:36,988 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M667196425457721120A41366685650D13844151732710241570 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:36,990 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:37,011 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635671228061974033A41322930977D209459356525115606 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:37,138 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:37,399 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:37,997 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:38,017 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:38,315 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174827690274712A41254828755D7362486557713988354 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:39,047 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41327804034', 'd': '31039928472174298', 'paintseed': 529, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 224, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41327804034', 'low_rank': 248, 'floatvalue': 0.04207492619752884, 'm': '641300092689160434', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_hy_water_crest_light_large.c4d0aad9cb87870f84f3709ff3b8ecc9fe489d89.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Water Sigil', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'PP-Bizon | Water Sigil (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:39,320 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:39,552 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635671228061954323A39001746953D9667786171057429481 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:40,559 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:41,144 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645804327223526090A41444516755D4920889322899661461 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:42,150 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:42,247 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '11388865008', 'd': '435351922794710111', 'paintseed': 106, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 263, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '11388865008', 'low_rank': 959, 'high_rank': 247, 'floatvalue': 0.06738679856061935, 'm': '636796493025974832', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_cu_skull_nova_light_large.558d42424adda8cc3383b05d5388f75837b07efa.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Rising Skull', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Rising Skull (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:42,714 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855131867A41493889458D300862264772970655 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:42,790 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M659313403908905183A33593917656D11991467344526746304 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:42,845 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41141811906', 'd': '624314129591153244', 'paintseed': 803, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 3, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41141811906', 'floatvalue': 0.06659898161888123, 'm': '646929592227380039', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_so_red_light_large.0ee9cada135b87096b447521a05c0a2d437bf9ff.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Candy Apple', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'PP-Bizon | Candy Apple (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:42,854 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41141811906', 'd': '624314129591153244', 'paintseed': 803, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 3, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41141811906', 'floatvalue': 0.06659898161888123, 'm': '646929592227380039', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_so_red_light_large.0ee9cada135b87096b447521a05c0a2d437bf9ff.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Candy Apple', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'PP-Bizon | Candy Apple (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:42,864 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41141811906', 'd': '624314129591153244', 'paintseed': 803, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 3, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41141811906', 'floatvalue': 0.06659898161888123, 'm': '646929592227380039', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_so_red_light_large.0ee9cada135b87096b447521a05c0a2d437bf9ff.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Candy Apple', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'PP-Bizon | Candy Apple (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:42,876 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41141811906', 'd': '624314129591153244', 'paintseed': 803, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 3, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41141811906', 'floatvalue': 0.06659898161888123, 'm': '646929592227380039', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_so_red_light_large.0ee9cada135b87096b447521a05c0a2d437bf9ff.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Candy Apple', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'PP-Bizon | Candy Apple (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:42,887 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41141811906', 'd': '624314129591153244', 'paintseed': 803, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 3, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41141811906', 'floatvalue': 0.06659898161888123, 'm': '646929592227380039', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_so_red_light_large.0ee9cada135b87096b447521a05c0a2d437bf9ff.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Candy Apple', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'PP-Bizon | Candy Apple (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:42,899 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41141811906', 'd': '624314129591153244', 'paintseed': 803, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 3, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41141811906', 'floatvalue': 0.06659898161888123, 'm': '646929592227380039', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_so_red_light_large.0ee9cada135b87096b447521a05c0a2d437bf9ff.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Candy Apple', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'PP-Bizon | Candy Apple (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:43,030 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855129077A41433199717D749887137132655733 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:43,161 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640174192790078753A41493362468D5242368383209249362 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:43,164 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692190922036306A41306888359D14721711106793197287 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:43,435 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:43,735 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:43,797 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:44,034 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M667196425457721120A41366685650D13844151732710241570 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:44,037 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:44,048 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635671228061974033A41322930977D209459356525115606 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:44,168 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:44,169 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:44,441 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:44,480 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668322325357271039A41493798080D308505810908489821 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:45,041 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:45,053 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:45,486 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:45,872 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M663818090831199967A41493436996D11826698958398010699 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:46,607 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635671228061954323A39001746953D9667786171057429481 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:46,878 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:47,614 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:48,192 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645804327223526090A41444516755D4920889322899661461 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:49,196 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:49,731 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '39027926930', 'd': '14422403973884603802', 'paintseed': 685, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 70, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39027926930', 'floatvalue': 0.03375805914402008, 'm': '659314491204702364', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_am_carbon_fiber_light_large.1e2b9188a7cffb26c7a912995de329bd70d0d1d9.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.12, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Carbon Fiber', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Carbon Fiber (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:49,738 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '39027926930', 'd': '14422403973884603802', 'paintseed': 685, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 70, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39027926930', 'floatvalue': 0.03375805914402008, 'm': '659314491204702364', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_am_carbon_fiber_light_large.1e2b9188a7cffb26c7a912995de329bd70d0d1d9.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.12, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Carbon Fiber', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Carbon Fiber (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:49,744 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '39027926930', 'd': '14422403973884603802', 'paintseed': 685, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 70, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39027926930', 'floatvalue': 0.03375805914402008, 'm': '659314491204702364', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_am_carbon_fiber_light_large.1e2b9188a7cffb26c7a912995de329bd70d0d1d9.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.12, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Carbon Fiber', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Carbon Fiber (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:49,749 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '39027926930', 'd': '14422403973884603802', 'paintseed': 685, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 70, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39027926930', 'floatvalue': 0.03375805914402008, 'm': '659314491204702364', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_am_carbon_fiber_light_large.1e2b9188a7cffb26c7a912995de329bd70d0d1d9.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.12, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Carbon Fiber', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Carbon Fiber (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:49,753 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '39027926930', 'd': '14422403973884603802', 'paintseed': 685, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 70, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39027926930', 'floatvalue': 0.03375805914402008, 'm': '659314491204702364', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_am_carbon_fiber_light_large.1e2b9188a7cffb26c7a912995de329bd70d0d1d9.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.12, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Carbon Fiber', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Carbon Fiber (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:49,758 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '39027926930', 'd': '14422403973884603802', 'paintseed': 685, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 70, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39027926930', 'floatvalue': 0.03375805914402008, 'm': '659314491204702364', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_am_carbon_fiber_light_large.1e2b9188a7cffb26c7a912995de329bd70d0d1d9.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.12, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Carbon Fiber', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Carbon Fiber (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:49,763 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '39027926930', 'd': '14422403973884603802', 'paintseed': 685, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 70, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39027926930', 'floatvalue': 0.03375805914402008, 'm': '659314491204702364', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_am_carbon_fiber_light_large.1e2b9188a7cffb26c7a912995de329bd70d0d1d9.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.12, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Carbon Fiber', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Carbon Fiber (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:49,767 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '39027926930', 'd': '14422403973884603802', 'paintseed': 685, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 70, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39027926930', 'floatvalue': 0.03375805914402008, 'm': '659314491204702364', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_am_carbon_fiber_light_large.1e2b9188a7cffb26c7a912995de329bd70d0d1d9.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.12, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Carbon Fiber', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Carbon Fiber (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:49,772 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '39027926930', 'd': '14422403973884603802', 'paintseed': 685, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 70, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39027926930', 'floatvalue': 0.03375805914402008, 'm': '659314491204702364', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_am_carbon_fiber_light_large.1e2b9188a7cffb26c7a912995de329bd70d0d1d9.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.12, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Carbon Fiber', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Carbon Fiber (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:49,773 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855131867A41493889458D300862264772970655 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:49,778 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '39027926930', 'd': '14422403973884603802', 'paintseed': 685, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 70, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39027926930', 'floatvalue': 0.03375805914402008, 'm': '659314491204702364', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_am_carbon_fiber_light_large.1e2b9188a7cffb26c7a912995de329bd70d0d1d9.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.12, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Carbon Fiber', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Carbon Fiber (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:49,784 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '39027926930', 'd': '14422403973884603802', 'paintseed': 685, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 70, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39027926930', 'floatvalue': 0.03375805914402008, 'm': '659314491204702364', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_am_carbon_fiber_light_large.1e2b9188a7cffb26c7a912995de329bd70d0d1d9.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.12, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Carbon Fiber', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Carbon Fiber (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:49,790 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '39027926930', 'd': '14422403973884603802', 'paintseed': 685, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 70, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39027926930', 'floatvalue': 0.03375805914402008, 'm': '659314491204702364', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_am_carbon_fiber_light_large.1e2b9188a7cffb26c7a912995de329bd70d0d1d9.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.12, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Carbon Fiber', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Carbon Fiber (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:49,795 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '39027926930', 'd': '14422403973884603802', 'paintseed': 685, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 70, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39027926930', 'floatvalue': 0.03375805914402008, 'm': '659314491204702364', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_am_carbon_fiber_light_large.1e2b9188a7cffb26c7a912995de329bd70d0d1d9.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.12, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Carbon Fiber', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Carbon Fiber (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:49,800 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '39027926930', 'd': '14422403973884603802', 'paintseed': 685, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 70, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39027926930', 'floatvalue': 0.03375805914402008, 'm': '659314491204702364', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_am_carbon_fiber_light_large.1e2b9188a7cffb26c7a912995de329bd70d0d1d9.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.12, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Carbon Fiber', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Carbon Fiber (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:50,081 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855129077A41433199717D749887137132655733 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:50,205 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692190922036306A41306888359D14721711106793197287 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:50,497 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:50,777 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:51,086 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M667196425457721120A41366685650D13844151732710241570 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:51,087 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:51,210 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:51,443 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41217751291', 'd': '14610874458992599285', 'paintseed': 249, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 484, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40355087151', 'low_rank': 373, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.045306939631700516, 'm': '635670593153152301', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_cu_nova_ranger_light_large.e3e9d3d47d5707092223a268ef59adb53ce76278.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Ranger', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Nova | Ranger (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:51,504 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:52,093 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:52,870 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '40977353365', 'd': '14332257637732722431', 'paintseed': 815, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 298, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 8027, 'slot': 4, 'codename': 'sha2024_team_pw_gold', 'material': 'sha2024/pw_gold', 'name': 'Perfect World (Gold) | Shanghai 2024'}, {'stickerId': 1689, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'de_ancient_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_ancient_gold', 'name': 'Ancient (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 7999, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'sha2024_team_mibr_gold', 'material': 'sha2024/mibr_gold', 'name': 'MIBR (Gold) | Shanghai 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7987, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'sha2024_team_mngz_gold', 'material': 'sha2024/mngz_gold', 'name': 'The MongolZ (Gold) | Shanghai 2024'}], 'floatid': '40977353365', 'floatvalue': 0.027396101504564285, 'm': '639048292877261672', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_am_army_shine_light_large.cbdf89414f6dd35c2de30d0cda9a6d84fbd32289.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Army Sheen', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir Nova | Army Sheen (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:53,649 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635671228061954323A39001746953D9667786171057429481 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:53,975 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300727597174423A40687356187D3037857034909674668 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:54,653 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:54,980 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:55,232 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645804327223526090A41444516755D4920889322899661461 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:55,732 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40077618420', 'd': '7097789760221180508', 'paintseed': 595, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 13, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6963, 'slot': 2, 'offset_x': 0.03868842124938965, 'offset_y': 0.004493921995162964, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_flamez_1_holo', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_flamez_holo', 'name': 'FlameZ (Holo) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6967, 'slot': 0, 'offset_x': -0.0833381712436676, 'offset_y': 0.0035437047481536865, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_neofrag_1_holo', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_neofrag_holo', 'name': 'NEOFRAG (Holo) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6955, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': 0.14956718683242798, 'offset_y': -0.06739240884780884, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_degster_1_holo', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_degster_holo', 'name': 'degster (Holo) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6653, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': 0.19400787353515625, 'offset_y': -0.06754127144813538, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_og_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/og_glitter', 'name': 'OG (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6653, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': 0.23775868117809296, 'offset_y': -0.06776587665081024, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_og_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/og_glitter', 'name': 'OG (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '40077618420', 'low_rank': 122, 'high_rank': 753, 'floatvalue': 0.06762934476137161, 'm': '643551892496066066', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_hy_splatter_light_large.7a7417d95485ceb2148bdd3d228219307082ea8a.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Blue Streak', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'PP-Bizon | Blue Streak (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:56,242 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:56,814 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855131867A41493889458D300862264772970655 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:56,962 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41127642224', 'd': '12587108158360036720', 'paintseed': 5, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 46, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41127642224', 'low_rank': 801, 'floatvalue': 0.06080196425318718, 'm': '658188591288711723', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_so_pmc_light_large.c3e05baecc15229a989ddd093964e9c4e9fbe68a.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Contractor', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Contractor (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:57,129 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855129077A41433199717D749887137132655733 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:57,245 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692190922036306A41306888359D14721711106793197287 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:57,316 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666070525548738695A41277481173D2937086002349060549 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:57,541 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:57,819 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:58,136 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:58,145 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M667196425457721120A41366685650D13844151732710241570 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:26:58,250 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:58,325 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:58,546 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:59,149 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:26:59,407 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41323500108', 'd': '12557173131345631713', 'paintseed': 663, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 880, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6060, 'slot': 4, 'codename': 'rio2022_team_iem_gold', 'material': 'rio2022/iem_gold', 'name': 'IEM (Gold) | Rio 2022'}, {'stickerId': 1690, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'de_dust2_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_dust2_gold', 'name': 'Dust II (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 6056, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'rio2022_team_out_gold', 'material': 'rio2022/out_gold', 'name': 'Outsiders (Gold) | Rio 2022'}, {'stickerId': 5992, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'rio2022_team_spir_gold', 'material': 'rio2022/spir_gold', 'name': 'Team Spirit (Gold) | Rio 2022'}], 'floatid': '41323500108', 'floatvalue': 0.05666857957839966, 'm': '662692190919759966', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_hy_desert_bloom_light_large.6222132707bdc3c9e20b8eada269c2620bfc5013.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.49, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Parched', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir Sawed-Off | Parched (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:26:59,415 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41323500108', 'd': '12557173131345631713', 'paintseed': 663, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 880, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6060, 'slot': 4, 'codename': 'rio2022_team_iem_gold', 'material': 'rio2022/iem_gold', 'name': 'IEM (Gold) | Rio 2022'}, {'stickerId': 1690, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'de_dust2_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_dust2_gold', 'name': 'Dust II (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 6056, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'rio2022_team_out_gold', 'material': 'rio2022/out_gold', 'name': 'Outsiders (Gold) | Rio 2022'}, {'stickerId': 5992, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'rio2022_team_spir_gold', 'material': 'rio2022/spir_gold', 'name': 'Team Spirit (Gold) | Rio 2022'}], 'floatid': '41323500108', 'floatvalue': 0.05666857957839966, 'm': '662692190919759966', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_hy_desert_bloom_light_large.6222132707bdc3c9e20b8eada269c2620bfc5013.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.49, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Parched', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir Sawed-Off | Parched (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:27:00,399 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649181392041188118A41270069390D16169084625639327784 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:27:01,012 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300727597174423A40687356187D3037857034909674668 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:27:01,135 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41123556091', 'd': '11673379635532556080', 'paintseed': 483, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 896, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41123556091', 'floatvalue': 0.05268757417798042, 'm': '643551892505826866', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_sp_scar20_striker_dust_light_large.0842dbdf0fe714c92f634b376e15c2f8c21b6d56.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.45, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Torn', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Torn (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:27:01,405 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:27:02,044 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:27:02,272 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645804327223526090A41444516755D4920889322899661461 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:27:02,635 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41182090136', 'd': '10263255836511571928', 'paintseed': 882, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 1139, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41182090136', 'floatvalue': 0.05464973673224449, 'm': '636796493066827542', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_sp_scar_chickenfight_light_large.b32fde27f0f45456b4c1e5f049be6f44bc8649b7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.57, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Poultrygeist', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Poultrygeist (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:27:03,277 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:27:04,165 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855129077A41433199717D749887137132655733 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:27:04,282 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692190922036306A41306888359D14721711106793197287 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:27:04,576 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:27:04,667 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '36918040204', 'd': '3200938667207090709', 'paintseed': 105, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 699, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '36918040204', 'floatvalue': 0.06829223781824112, 'm': '635670593150470661', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_gs_nova_anchorite_light_large.419b869b5316b67a6ed673edafd088a9d16c066c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Wild Six', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Wild Six (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:27:05,170 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:27:05,292 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:27:05,406 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41332265427', 'd': '4758125634249898204', 'paintseed': 38, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 775, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41332265427', 'floatvalue': 0.064262755215168, 'm': '651433191850316270', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_hy_blueprint_white_light_large.5a8bb5711fec1758844f92beab8a1ecb054f91bd.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Facility Sketch', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'PP-Bizon | Facility Sketch (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:27:05,413 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41332265427', 'd': '4758125634249898204', 'paintseed': 38, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 775, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41332265427', 'floatvalue': 0.064262755215168, 'm': '651433191850316270', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_hy_blueprint_white_light_large.5a8bb5711fec1758844f92beab8a1ecb054f91bd.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Facility Sketch', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'PP-Bizon | Facility Sketch (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:27:05,421 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41332265427', 'd': '4758125634249898204', 'paintseed': 38, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 775, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41332265427', 'floatvalue': 0.064262755215168, 'm': '651433191850316270', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_hy_blueprint_white_light_large.5a8bb5711fec1758844f92beab8a1ecb054f91bd.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Facility Sketch', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'PP-Bizon | Facility Sketch (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:27:05,427 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41332265427', 'd': '4758125634249898204', 'paintseed': 38, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 775, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41332265427', 'floatvalue': 0.064262755215168, 'm': '651433191850316270', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_hy_blueprint_white_light_large.5a8bb5711fec1758844f92beab8a1ecb054f91bd.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Facility Sketch', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'PP-Bizon | Facility Sketch (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:27:05,435 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41332265427', 'd': '4758125634249898204', 'paintseed': 38, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 775, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41332265427', 'floatvalue': 0.064262755215168, 'm': '651433191850316270', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_hy_blueprint_white_light_large.5a8bb5711fec1758844f92beab8a1ecb054f91bd.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Facility Sketch', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'PP-Bizon | Facility Sketch (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:27:05,581 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:27:07,441 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649181392041188118A41270069390D16169084625639327784 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:27:08,447 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:27:09,313 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645804327223526090A41444516755D4920889322899661461 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:27:09,638 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41332634699', 'd': '11983105454889528970', 'paintseed': 429, 'defindex': 32, 'paintindex': 357, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40569726154', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06020186096429825, 'm': '664943990730993488', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_hkp2000_cu_p2000_ivory_light_large.2a47b14b59ce796956958ce13cb60617148f7711.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'P2000', 'item_name': 'Ivory', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ P2000 | Ivory (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:27:10,320 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:27:11,027 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41209753727', 'd': '16432019445420402520', 'paintseed': 899, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 685, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41209753727', 'floatvalue': 0.0466727614402771, 'm': '658188591293359443', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_hy_scar20_jungle_slipstream_light_large.d49f99ac854c1a25fc46bde5dd32f438bdd587f1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Jungle Slipstream', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Jungle Slipstream (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:27:11,200 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855129077A41433199717D749887137132655733 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:27:11,360 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '32278294836', 'd': '14465606183463286076', 'paintseed': 453, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 964, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6753, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_b1t_2', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_b1t', 'name': 'b1t | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '32278294836', 'low_rank': 852, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.05936213582754135, 'm': '654810891571057965', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_tec9_gs_tec9_guerilla_light_large.796534c0914361eec796eccd5558930096f75f96.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Brother', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Tec-9 | Brother (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:27:11,373 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '32278294836', 'd': '14465606183463286076', 'paintseed': 453, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 964, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6753, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_b1t_2', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_b1t', 'name': 'b1t | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '32278294836', 'low_rank': 852, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.05936213582754135, 'm': '654810891571057965', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_tec9_gs_tec9_guerilla_light_large.796534c0914361eec796eccd5558930096f75f96.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Brother', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Tec-9 | Brother (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:27:11,613 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:27:12,205 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:27:12,609 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41485699681', 'd': '17195383734578245040', 'paintseed': 356, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 502, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '27153356161', 'floatvalue': 0.06770827621221542, 'm': '664943990730005888', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_gs_scar20_peacemaker03_light_large.061f9ac2ff0a040f6fcc296c451c09fe2e198f83.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Green Marine', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Green Marine (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:27:12,615 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41485699681', 'd': '17195383734578245040', 'paintseed': 356, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 502, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '27153356161', 'floatvalue': 0.06770827621221542, 'm': '664943990730005888', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_gs_scar20_peacemaker03_light_large.061f9ac2ff0a040f6fcc296c451c09fe2e198f83.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Green Marine', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Green Marine (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:27:12,618 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:27:13,316 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41493107530', 'd': '14902000370529409007', 'paintseed': 555, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 434, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '37756390863', 'low_rank': 885, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.04936409741640091, 'm': '652559091763273480', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_cu_sawedoff_origami_light_large.5f1b3cef6d518cda69daafddd9b2c240a29cf0cc.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Origami', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Sawed-Off | Origami (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:27:13,328 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41493107530', 'd': '14902000370529409007', 'paintseed': 555, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 434, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '37756390863', 'low_rank': 885, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.04936409741640091, 'm': '652559091763273480', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_cu_sawedoff_origami_light_large.5f1b3cef6d518cda69daafddd9b2c240a29cf0cc.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Origami', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Sawed-Off | Origami (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:27:13,340 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41493107530', 'd': '14902000370529409007', 'paintseed': 555, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 434, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '37756390863', 'low_rank': 885, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.04936409741640091, 'm': '652559091763273480', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_cu_sawedoff_origami_light_large.5f1b3cef6d518cda69daafddd9b2c240a29cf0cc.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Origami', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Sawed-Off | Origami (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:27:15,430 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41095574014', 'd': '3225282046297855482', 'paintseed': 816, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 235, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41095574014', 'floatvalue': 0.05730083957314491, 'm': '644677792411165197', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_tec9_hy_varicamo_light_large.8a863390cd0fc243c3697c3d551139d3553fde03.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'VariCamo', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Tec-9 | VariCamo (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:27:16,346 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645804327223526090A41444516755D4920889322899661461 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:27:17,241 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642426627504060094A39544258441D2488485686635817164 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:27:17,352 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:27:17,806 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41332134353', 'd': '16340341901287079369', 'paintseed': 266, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 797, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41332134353', 'floatvalue': 0.05387391522526741, 'm': '651433191850329740', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_aa_vertigo_red_light_large.999797e68b2d5df290b2e5771b6c4bfb0de1ec8c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Brake Light', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Sawed-Off | Brake Light (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:27:17,813 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41332134353', 'd': '16340341901287079369', 'paintseed': 266, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 797, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41332134353', 'floatvalue': 0.05387391522526741, 'm': '651433191850329740', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_aa_vertigo_red_light_large.999797e68b2d5df290b2e5771b6c4bfb0de1ec8c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Brake Light', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Sawed-Off | Brake Light (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:27:17,820 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41332134353', 'd': '16340341901287079369', 'paintseed': 266, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 797, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41332134353', 'floatvalue': 0.05387391522526741, 'm': '651433191850329740', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_aa_vertigo_red_light_large.999797e68b2d5df290b2e5771b6c4bfb0de1ec8c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Brake Light', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Sawed-Off | Brake Light (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:27:18,232 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855129077A41433199717D749887137132655733 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:27:18,246 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:27:18,645 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:27:19,108 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41492473556', 'd': '6939039925916654409', 'paintseed': 129, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 250, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41492473556', 'floatvalue': 0.06489729881286621, 'm': '654810891574410825', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_hy_varicamo_red_light_large.8db408c4317e19bfdf8adc6c3183327866423445.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Full Stop', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Sawed-Off | Full Stop (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:27:19,116 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41492473556', 'd': '6939039925916654409', 'paintseed': 129, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 250, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41492473556', 'floatvalue': 0.06489729881286621, 'm': '654810891574410825', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_hy_varicamo_red_light_large.8db408c4317e19bfdf8adc6c3183327866423445.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Full Stop', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Sawed-Off | Full Stop (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:27:19,122 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41492473556', 'd': '6939039925916654409', 'paintseed': 129, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 250, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41492473556', 'floatvalue': 0.06489729881286621, 'm': '654810891574410825', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_hy_varicamo_red_light_large.8db408c4317e19bfdf8adc6c3183327866423445.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Full Stop', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Sawed-Off | Full Stop (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:27:19,237 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:27:19,650 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:27:22,881 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M659315126105608403A19786918930D9674871372413499166 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:27:23,864 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41327682042', 'd': '12587104310164961020', 'paintseed': 300, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 1125, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41327682042', 'floatvalue': 0.06564783304929733, 'm': '635670593158814051', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_cu_bizon_spacecat_light_large.c2c9bbf949c4bdf2ce3173cd2447559177716dd3.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.67, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Space Cat', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'PP-Bizon | Space Cat (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:27:23,872 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41327682042', 'd': '12587104310164961020', 'paintseed': 300, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 1125, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41327682042', 'floatvalue': 0.06564783304929733, 'm': '635670593158814051', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_cu_bizon_spacecat_light_large.c2c9bbf949c4bdf2ce3173cd2447559177716dd3.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.67, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Space Cat', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'PP-Bizon | Space Cat (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:27:23,881 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41327682042', 'd': '12587104310164961020', 'paintseed': 300, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 1125, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41327682042', 'floatvalue': 0.06564783304929733, 'm': '635670593158814051', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_cu_bizon_spacecat_light_large.c2c9bbf949c4bdf2ce3173cd2447559177716dd3.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.67, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Space Cat', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'PP-Bizon | Space Cat (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:27:23,889 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:27:24,198 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M643552527418200789A40645469781D2940468065848988304 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:27:24,536 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41303458054', 'd': '739965185851392504', 'paintseed': 210, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 954, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41303458054', 'floatvalue': 0.06999973952770233, 'm': '659314491202864234', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_gs_scar20_enforcer_light_large.20eba3a5a84f35019ceb7faae45a0b4246a72998.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Enforcer', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Enforcer (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:27:25,206 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:27:25,269 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855129077A41433199717D749887137132655733 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:27:25,553 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41197108831', 'd': '14134767396859140664', 'paintseed': 372, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 641, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41197108831', 'floatvalue': 0.04751487076282501, 'm': '639048292880490302', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_hy_bizon_torn_green_light_large.1aa076ede6a2511bf676ffb1c5a3eafca71c58a6.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Jungle Slipstream', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'PP-Bizon | Jungle Slipstream (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:27:25,694 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:27:26,274 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:27:26,703 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:27:27,262 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41492414699', 'd': '16730310226796868220', 'paintseed': 921, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 973, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41325710716', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.029709452763199806, 'm': '640174192789788233', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_gs_bizon_hellraider_light_large.c7aa487268b1e88b2e7fb1ff3c8c2eeeb24d4500.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Runic', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ PP-Bizon | Runic (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:27:28,563 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M657063326293024128A41493881070D9395145354135018612 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:27:29,570 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:27:29,928 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M659315126105608403A19786918930D9674871372413499166 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:27:30,933 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:27:31,246 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M643552527418200789A40645469781D2940468065848988304 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:27:32,019 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048927782412421A2928165926D2363869350668867900 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:27:32,251 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:27:32,312 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855129077A41433199717D749887137132655733 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:27:32,751 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:27:33,026 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:27:33,319 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:27:33,758 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:27:34,169 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M667196425457796030A40839566369D2759690949998391998 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:27:34,767 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '5916036197', 'd': '13979786937310893470', 'paintseed': 568, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 520, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '5916036197', 'floatvalue': 0.061048731207847595, 'm': '641299005384883983', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_tec9_cu_tec9_avalanche_light_large.eb6726a24084bf5f3c8c8c70cd8ea37425a708e3.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Avalanche', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Tec-9 | Avalanche (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:27:34,960 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660441026013438384A41021347187D7693417200770586934 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:27:35,062 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41328657330', 'd': '14315366954965165850', 'paintseed': 394, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 1139, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41328657330', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.047085750848054886, 'm': '655936791475354396', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_sp_scar_chickenfight_light_large.b32fde27f0f45456b4c1e5f049be6f44bc8649b7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.57, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Poultrygeist', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ SCAR-20 | Poultrygeist (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:27:35,078 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41328657330', 'd': '14315366954965165850', 'paintseed': 394, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 1139, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41328657330', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.047085750848054886, 'm': '655936791475354396', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_sp_scar_chickenfight_light_large.b32fde27f0f45456b4c1e5f049be6f44bc8649b7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.57, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Poultrygeist', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ SCAR-20 | Poultrygeist (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:27:35,185 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:27:35,964 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:27:36,960 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M659315126105608403A19786918930D9674871372413499166 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:27:37,843 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653685626571377036A41127212839D3039050200612236688 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:27:37,967 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:27:38,773 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41288248356', 'd': '478521496535059952', 'paintseed': 598, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 1226, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41288248356', 'floatvalue': 0.06693321466445923, 'm': '655936791475857436', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_gs_scar_fragments_black_light_large.d6bde287b06ba2380ba07621a0b06c36b13c4025.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.78, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Fragments', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Fragments (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:27:38,849 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:27:39,354 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855129077A41433199717D749887137132655733 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:27:39,632 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41324795750', 'd': '2316165827451623454', 'paintseed': 704, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 829, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 1692, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'de_mirage_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_mirage_gold', 'name': 'Mirage (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 5053, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_pgl_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/pgl_gold', 'name': 'PGL (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 4965, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_navi_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/navi_gold', 'name': 'Natus Vincere (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 4977, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_gamb_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/gamb_gold', 'name': 'Gambit Gaming (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}], 'floatid': '40852429794', 'floatvalue': 0.06997811794281006, 'm': '658188591293001513', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_hy_lizard_skin_light_large.4731c7f1d21196c4971405a722c36911b1d23aae.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Anolis', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir PP-Bizon | Anolis (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:27:39,639 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41324795750', 'd': '2316165827451623454', 'paintseed': 704, 'defindex': 26, 'paintindex': 829, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 1692, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'de_mirage_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_mirage_gold', 'name': 'Mirage (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 5053, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_pgl_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/pgl_gold', 'name': 'PGL (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 4965, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_navi_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/navi_gold', 'name': 'Natus Vincere (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 4977, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_gamb_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/gamb_gold', 'name': 'Gambit Gaming (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}], 'floatid': '40852429794', 'floatvalue': 0.06997811794281006, 'm': '658188591293001513', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_bizon_hy_lizard_skin_light_large.4731c7f1d21196c4971405a722c36911b1d23aae.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'PP-Bizon', 'item_name': 'Anolis', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir PP-Bizon | Anolis (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:27:39,789 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:27:40,358 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:27:40,793 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:27:41,198 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41330948029', 'd': '2333999735260299226', 'paintseed': 627, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 289, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41330948029', 'floatvalue': 0.13749681413173676, 'm': '643551892505863766', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_tec9_cu_tec9_sandstorm_light_large.e38b0daacb3aa5d8f692a5ee05ad4bc0885808cd.png', 'min': 0.1, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Sandstorm', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Minimal Wear', 'full_item_name': 'Tec-9 | Sandstorm (Minimal Wear)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:27:41,204 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41330948029', 'd': '2333999735260299226', 'paintseed': 627, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 289, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41330948029', 'floatvalue': 0.13749681413173676, 'm': '643551892505863766', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_tec9_cu_tec9_sandstorm_light_large.e38b0daacb3aa5d8f692a5ee05ad4bc0885808cd.png', 'min': 0.1, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Sandstorm', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Minimal Wear', 'full_item_name': 'Tec-9 | Sandstorm (Minimal Wear)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:27:41,216 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M667196425457796030A40839566369D2759690949998391998 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:27:42,220 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:27:42,333 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654810891574630155A40737087700D7071320196250146926 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:27:43,339 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:27:46,389 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855129077A41433199717D749887137132655733 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:27:46,832 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:27:47,395 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:27:47,838 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:27:47,887 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41329446874', 'd': '14411708243169367116', 'paintseed': 177, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 436, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41329446874', 'low_rank': 173, 'floatvalue': 0.2549411356449127, 'm': '666069890637721020', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_am_ump_racer_light_large.6d935bf0d33ca90994b1dd9aec78a8938dcd94a2.png', 'min': 0.25, 'max': 0.35, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Grand Prix', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'UMP-45 | Grand Prix (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:27:48,806 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658188591293711733A41493404979D3363067883653386644 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:27:49,328 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658189226199773872A41292328224D208481169494950710 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:27:49,811 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:27:50,014 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '39743080247', 'd': '5651601943933459924', 'paintseed': 332, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 1159, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39743080247', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.04334443435072899, 'm': '659314491196268374', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.9, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Slag', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Tec-9 | Slag (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:27:50,027 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '39743080247', 'd': '5651601943933459924', 'paintseed': 332, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 1159, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39743080247', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.04334443435072899, 'm': '659314491196268374', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.9, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Slag', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Tec-9 | Slag (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:27:50,042 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '39743080247', 'd': '5651601943933459924', 'paintseed': 332, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 1159, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39743080247', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.04334443435072899, 'm': '659314491196268374', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.9, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Slag', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Tec-9 | Slag (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:27:50,099 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '9200736511', 'd': '5675883860451070474', 'paintseed': 720, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 436, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '9200736511', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.2769748568534851, 'm': '654810891568528215', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_am_ump_racer_light_large.6d935bf0d33ca90994b1dd9aec78a8938dcd94a2.png', 'min': 0.25, 'max': 0.35, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Grand Prix', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ UMP-45 | Grand Prix (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:27:50,337 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:27:50,461 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41320910440', 'd': '7254736384926407563', 'paintseed': 686, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 246, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41320910440', 'floatvalue': 0.05351230502128601, 'm': '642425992600043875', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_aa_fade_metallic_light_large.aa7418206953ed4b7707ddbc859bb1eb7bf6c9ab.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Amber Fade', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Sawed-Off | Amber Fade (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:27:50,473 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41320910440', 'd': '7254736384926407563', 'paintseed': 686, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 246, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41320910440', 'floatvalue': 0.05351230502128601, 'm': '642425992600043875', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_aa_fade_metallic_light_large.aa7418206953ed4b7707ddbc859bb1eb7bf6c9ab.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Amber Fade', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Sawed-Off | Amber Fade (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:27:50,484 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41320910440', 'd': '7254736384926407563', 'paintseed': 686, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 246, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41320910440', 'floatvalue': 0.05351230502128601, 'm': '642425992600043875', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_aa_fade_metallic_light_large.aa7418206953ed4b7707ddbc859bb1eb7bf6c9ab.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Amber Fade', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Sawed-Off | Amber Fade (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:27:50,807 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41235709638', 'd': '13865077764238738266', 'paintseed': 774, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 642, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41235709638', 'floatvalue': 0.046409040689468384, 'm': '639048292880491952', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_cu_blueprint_scar_light_large.9a71e8191c2b2081f5fd3884f57f919663b26ee5.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.75, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Blueprint', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Blueprint (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:27:51,547 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127967730864A41493768049D12277492789595462488 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:27:52,562 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:27:53,425 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855129077A41433199717D749887137132655733 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:27:53,870 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:27:54,431 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:27:54,875 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:27:57,357 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '36101155647', 'd': '9532544736962138214', 'paintseed': 138, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 916, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6700, 'slot': 0, 'offset_x': -0.05289047956466675, 'offset_y': 0.16497394442558289, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_mngz', 'material': 'paris2023/mngz', 'name': 'The MongolZ | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '36101155647', 'low_rank': 141, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.050704069435596466, 'm': '645803692319839948', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_cu_ump_bomb_light_large.48162f997295cb72c35acb2eafbef620b60a1659.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Plastique', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ UMP-45 | Plastique (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:27:59,814 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 0, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41428767958', 'd': '7991684303448824389', 'paintseed': 279, 'defindex': 25, 'paintindex': 205, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41013230386', 'low_rank': 31, 'high_rank': 329, 'floatvalue': 0.06633426994085312, 'm': '668321690433163521', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_xm1014_so_jungle_bravo_light_large.0b0998c1c247ffc870bbdbc4c53696cd8a974f30.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'XM1014', 'item_name': 'Jungle', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Timed Drop', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'XM1014 | Jungle (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:28:00,502 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855129077A41433199717D749887137132655733 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:28:00,905 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:28:00,939 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41485034251', 'd': '11586746055866170412', 'paintseed': 482, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 362, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40818220592', 'high_rank': 535, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06962358206510544, 'm': '661566291015119049', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_hy_lines_orange_light_large.d004ea389236e6fa5da2f0555ab5b3723bdf36d1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Labyrinth', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ UMP-45 | Labyrinth (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:28:00,951 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41485034251', 'd': '11586746055866170412', 'paintseed': 482, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 362, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40818220592', 'high_rank': 535, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06962358206510544, 'm': '661566291015119049', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_hy_lines_orange_light_large.d004ea389236e6fa5da2f0555ab5b3723bdf36d1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Labyrinth', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ UMP-45 | Labyrinth (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:28:01,507 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:28:01,910 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:28:03,610 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '40588815590', 'd': '14295061431424348206', 'paintseed': 336, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 333, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 952, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'cluj2015_team_nv_gold', 'material': 'cluj2015/nv_gold', 'name': 'Team EnVyUs (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015'}, {'stickerId': 961, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'cluj2015_team_dhc_gold', 'material': 'cluj2015/dhc_gold', 'name': 'DreamHack (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015'}, {'stickerId': 739, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'cluj2015_signature_krimz_gold', 'material': 'cluj2015/sig_krimz_gold', 'name': 'KRIMZ (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015'}, {'stickerId': 955, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'cluj2015_team_fntc_gold', 'material': 'cluj2015/fntc_gold', 'name': 'Fnatic (Gold) | Cluj-Napoca 2015'}], 'floatid': '34767323371', 'low_rank': 19, 'floatvalue': 0.0633588656783104, 'm': '648055492111947412', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_so_indigo_and_grey_light_large.7a4685c334bf103f25ba1865dc0492315bf0ca5c.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Indigo', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir UMP-45 | Indigo (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:28:03,803 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41490387080', 'd': '436402918477782334', 'paintseed': 328, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 722, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '18396325998', 'floatvalue': 0.03926314786076546, 'm': '646929592226449679', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_tec9_cu_tec9_snake_light_large.9065015e55daa4190b97a8bc033925ed0aeb1abd.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Snek-9', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Tec-9 | Snek-9 (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:28:05,219 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41473888952', 'd': '5254203558481467012', 'paintseed': 200, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 90, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41473888952', 'floatvalue': 0.06911125779151917, 'm': '661566291016897329', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_hy_mottled_sand_light_large.14c5d59d597a00bdccaefe47a99de0e5b1f884d6.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Mudder', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'UMP-45 | Mudder (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:28:07,943 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:28:08,948 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:28:10,401 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660441026013446904A37829279871D13836831441522645159 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:28:11,406 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:28:12,410 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M667196425457700120A41493744053D1073029358291474634 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:28:13,415 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:28:13,540 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M661566925919342236A40979317522D2488245419246041103 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:28:14,545 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:28:14,976 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:28:15,982 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:28:17,547 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41302164031', 'd': '2751328210492431736', 'paintseed': 941, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 671, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41115772938', 'low_rank': 209, 'floatvalue': 0.03990984335541725, 'm': '654810891570278175', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_tec9_aq_tec9_chalk_pattern_light_large.e0425d0a56ca5a2240b71495a5ef2bc4af0e9331.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Cut Out', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Tec-9 | Cut Out (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:28:18,046 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479261557A41286076094D166332489184015535 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:28:19,050 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:28:22,011 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:28:23,017 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:28:25,022 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '34200277352', 'd': '901857236710833353', 'paintseed': 606, 'defindex': 25, 'paintindex': 1254, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '34200277352', 'floatvalue': 0.03208937868475914, 'm': '652559091762621520', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_xm1014_cu_xm1014_pharaoh_light_large.dd51bfb65f740dd4145fb548ef9be0a353f82766.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'XM1014', 'item_name': 'Hieroglyph', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'XM1014 | Hieroglyph (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:28:25,544 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M659315126105615183A41144448377D488683202368723898 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:28:26,549 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:28:28,472 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M657063326293009008A41143139566D328427339248539934 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:28:29,043 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:28:29,324 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635671228061909293A41493704130D5200221628478748772 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:28:29,476 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:28:29,500 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642426627503995804A41277481811D7650600239611466311 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:28:30,048 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:28:30,329 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:28:30,505 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:28:33,282 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127967657724A41493556317D207805673250184114 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:28:34,287 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:28:35,440 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41013096392', 'd': '7245837626543689955', 'paintseed': 150, 'defindex': 25, 'paintindex': 393, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41013096392', 'high_rank': 537, 'floatvalue': 0.06404930353164673, 'm': '641300092690573974', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_xm1014_cu_xm1014_caritas_light_large.060e6378f5b5ab6fc53a2db451f3d68b8033f304.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'XM1014', 'item_name': 'Tranquility', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'XM1014 | Tranquility (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:28:35,508 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M657063326293009008A41143139566D328427339248539934 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:28:36,082 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:28:36,513 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:28:36,535 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642426627503995804A41277481811D7650600239611466311 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:28:37,087 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:28:37,540 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:28:40,105 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307291947540749A39737915304D12397858560837631136 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:28:40,148 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41288440913', 'd': '4621480935702641804', 'paintseed': 472, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 1175, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41288440913', 'floatvalue': 0.0658654123544693, 'm': '668321690461773081', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.801418, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Motorized', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'UMP-45 | Motorized (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:28:40,318 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127967657724A41493556317D207805673250184114 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:28:41,112 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:28:41,323 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:28:41,633 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '17386250487', 'd': '7665382485809296992', 'paintseed': 55, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 916, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '17386250487', 'low_rank': 816, 'floatvalue': 0.05535149574279785, 'm': '640174192784313023', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_cu_ump_bomb_light_large.48162f997295cb72c35acb2eafbef620b60a1659.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Plastique', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'UMP-45 | Plastique (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:28:41,682 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '32543848722', 'd': '16188406617249920741', 'paintseed': 897, 'defindex': 25, 'paintindex': 42, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '32543848722', 'floatvalue': 0.067589670419693, 'm': '646929592227326009', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_xm1014_aq_blued_light_large.322850eb06df5352f302b6d4dffb1d2472dac596.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'XM1014', 'item_name': 'Blue Steel', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'XM1014 | Blue Steel (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:28:41,689 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '32543848722', 'd': '16188406617249920741', 'paintseed': 897, 'defindex': 25, 'paintindex': 42, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '32543848722', 'floatvalue': 0.067589670419693, 'm': '646929592227326009', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_xm1014_aq_blued_light_large.322850eb06df5352f302b6d4dffb1d2472dac596.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'XM1014', 'item_name': 'Blue Steel', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'XM1014 | Blue Steel (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:28:42,544 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M657063326293009008A41143139566D328427339248539934 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:28:43,125 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:28:43,549 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:28:43,582 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642426627503995804A41277481811D7650600239611466311 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:28:44,131 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:28:44,587 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:28:45,354 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41115696651', 'd': '468484733996487674', 'paintseed': 140, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 614, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40800096699', 'floatvalue': 0.06945572048425674, 'm': '642425992599610525', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_tec9_gs_tec9_supercharged_light_large.e3ebc20f10eae02790fe95703b6099acca1d1809.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Fuel Injector', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Tec-9 | Fuel Injector (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:28:45,365 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41115696651', 'd': '468484733996487674', 'paintseed': 140, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 614, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40800096699', 'floatvalue': 0.06945572048425674, 'm': '642425992599610525', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_tec9_gs_tec9_supercharged_light_large.e3ebc20f10eae02790fe95703b6099acca1d1809.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Fuel Injector', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Tec-9 | Fuel Injector (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:28:48,017 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41482686705', 'd': '14881067639693753870', 'paintseed': 914, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 688, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41482686705', 'floatvalue': 0.05074772611260414, 'm': '660440391104821625', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_cu_ump45_x-ray_machine_light_large.a4563e015fd33d1874cc220458db2754a15dd08a.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Exposure', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'UMP-45 | Exposure (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:28:48,784 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '39434212585', 'd': '4785818013060528566', 'paintseed': 485, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 539, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39434212585', 'low_rank': 904, 'floatvalue': 0.025590715929865837, 'm': '652559091763067680', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_tec9_gs_tec9_jambiya_light_large.d1f42521bb774564f80a512c3990e768179cf111.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Jambiya', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Tec-9 | Jambiya (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:28:50,178 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:28:50,624 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642426627503995804A41277481811D7650600239611466311 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:28:50,744 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '2482683017', 'd': '17041637254187318277', 'paintseed': 410, 'defindex': 25, 'paintindex': 407, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '2482683017', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06519842147827148, 'm': '643551892506323486', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_xm1014_aq_xm1014_sigla_light_large.71c180cd3b8bdea7d0b119ab2b9d54792c51b3aa.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'XM1014', 'item_name': 'Quicksilver', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ XM1014 | Quicksilver (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:28:50,753 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '2482683017', 'd': '17041637254187318277', 'paintseed': 410, 'defindex': 25, 'paintindex': 407, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '2482683017', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.06519842147827148, 'm': '643551892506323486', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_xm1014_aq_xm1014_sigla_light_large.71c180cd3b8bdea7d0b119ab2b9d54792c51b3aa.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'XM1014', 'item_name': 'Quicksilver', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ XM1014 | Quicksilver (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:28:50,920 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037165495A38632589563D7272436581412894319 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:28:51,187 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:28:51,632 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:28:51,925 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:28:56,675 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41289325998', 'd': '14583267921685223629', 'paintseed': 808, 'defindex': 25, 'paintindex': 1174, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41289325998', 'low_rank': 358, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.019257841631770134, 'm': '641300092692906984', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.799353, 'weapon_type': 'XM1014', 'item_name': 'Irezumi', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ XM1014 | Irezumi (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:28:57,221 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:28:58,226 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:28:58,625 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41489749372', 'd': '165761197896448065', 'paintseed': 26, 'defindex': 25, 'paintindex': 1135, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41311412816', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.05098392069339752, 'm': '649181392039998948', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_xm1014_am_xm_zombie_offensive_light_large.0e15d69fbf9b3d93b14f54f85fa84bcb45c8f49e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'XM1014', 'item_name': 'Zombie Offensive', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ XM1014 | Zombie Offensive (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:29:04,259 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:29:05,264 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:29:07,495 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '38485134900', 'd': '12133859220326307428', 'paintseed': 66, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 778, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38485134900', 'floatvalue': 0.04877356439828873, 'm': '660440391109864805', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_hy_blueprint_bluered_light_large.1f2e4c38f9f9e7e1d815aeb5af99c499c5ff4951.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Facility Dark', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'UMP-45 | Facility Dark (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:29:07,503 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '38485134900', 'd': '12133859220326307428', 'paintseed': 66, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 778, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38485134900', 'floatvalue': 0.04877356439828873, 'm': '660440391109864805', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_hy_blueprint_bluered_light_large.1f2e4c38f9f9e7e1d815aeb5af99c499c5ff4951.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Facility Dark', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'UMP-45 | Facility Dark (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:29:07,510 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '38485134900', 'd': '12133859220326307428', 'paintseed': 66, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 778, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38485134900', 'floatvalue': 0.04877356439828873, 'm': '660440391109864805', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_hy_blueprint_bluered_light_large.1f2e4c38f9f9e7e1d815aeb5af99c499c5ff4951.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Facility Dark', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'UMP-45 | Facility Dark (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:29:10,896 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653684991670899884A40762474051D7822345909077138951 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:29:11,325 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:29:11,901 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:29:12,155 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300727597224043A41270315918D16611781111515307628 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:29:12,331 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:29:13,160 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:29:15,176 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '36997118558', 'd': '9989732105279985741', 'paintseed': 589, 'defindex': 25, 'paintindex': 238, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7353, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_pgl_gold', 'material': 'cph2024/pgl_gold', 'name': 'PGL (Gold) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7890, 'slot': 4, 'codename': 'de_overpass_cs2_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_overpass_cs2_gold', 'name': 'Overpass (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 7337, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_ecst_gold', 'material': 'cph2024/ecst_gold', 'name': 'ECSTATIC (Gold) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7281, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_mouz_gold', 'material': 'cph2024/mouz_gold', 'name': 'MOUZ (Gold) | Copenhagen 2024'}], 'floatid': '36997118558', 'low_rank': 788, 'high_rank': 588, 'floatvalue': 0.060600899159908295, 'm': '639048292880696522', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_xm1014_hy_varicamo_blue_light_large.6b99e2f4d5092295c86b872e2a08d7ea698fe5b6.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'XM1014', 'item_name': 'VariCamo Blue', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir XM1014 | VariCamo Blue (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:29:15,183 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '36997118558', 'd': '9989732105279985741', 'paintseed': 589, 'defindex': 25, 'paintindex': 238, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7353, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_pgl_gold', 'material': 'cph2024/pgl_gold', 'name': 'PGL (Gold) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7890, 'slot': 4, 'codename': 'de_overpass_cs2_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_overpass_cs2_gold', 'name': 'Overpass (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 7337, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_ecst_gold', 'material': 'cph2024/ecst_gold', 'name': 'ECSTATIC (Gold) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7281, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_mouz_gold', 'material': 'cph2024/mouz_gold', 'name': 'MOUZ (Gold) | Copenhagen 2024'}], 'floatid': '36997118558', 'low_rank': 788, 'high_rank': 588, 'floatvalue': 0.060600899159908295, 'm': '639048292880696522', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_xm1014_hy_varicamo_blue_light_large.6b99e2f4d5092295c86b872e2a08d7ea698fe5b6.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'XM1014', 'item_name': 'VariCamo Blue', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir XM1014 | VariCamo Blue (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:29:16,467 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '40865838324', 'd': '9232394947886954720', 'paintseed': 887, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 70, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40865838324', 'floatvalue': 0.048880286514759064, 'm': '635670593158512881', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_am_carbon_fiber_light_large.b250b860bbe6f7a689448cc47b6ac25427e3d848.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.12, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Carbon Fiber', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'UMP-45 | Carbon Fiber (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:29:17,806 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41485865069', 'd': '14314872166146193130', 'paintseed': 703, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 1049, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41298520292', 'floatvalue': 0.05631685629487038, 'm': '641300092690219884', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_am_ump45_electrowave_light_large.98b6a5211b19bfeecb69d08cc7ebe6584cff353f.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Oscillator', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'UMP-45 | Oscillator (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:29:17,814 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41485865069', 'd': '14314872166146193130', 'paintseed': 703, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 1049, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41298520292', 'floatvalue': 0.05631685629487038, 'm': '641300092690219884', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_am_ump45_electrowave_light_large.98b6a5211b19bfeecb69d08cc7ebe6584cff353f.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Oscillator', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'UMP-45 | Oscillator (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:29:18,366 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:29:19,193 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300727597224043A41270315918D16611781111515307628 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:29:19,370 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:29:20,199 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:29:25,405 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:29:26,411 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:29:32,446 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:29:33,454 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:29:39,493 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:29:40,498 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:29:46,535 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:29:47,539 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:29:53,576 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:29:54,581 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:30:00,614 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:30:01,620 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:30:07,652 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:30:08,658 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:30:14,691 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:30:15,697 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:30:21,730 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:30:22,735 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:30:28,768 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:30:29,773 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:30:35,804 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:30:36,809 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:30:42,840 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:30:43,847 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:30:49,883 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:30:50,891 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:30:56,921 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:30:57,926 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:31:03,960 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:31:04,965 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:31:11,005 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:31:12,010 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:31:18,038 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:31:19,045 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:31:25,077 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:31:26,083 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:31:30,535 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 3, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41492179161', 'd': '7495479150461591156', 'paintseed': 973, 'defindex': 5034, 'paintindex': 10068, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '25832271101', 'low_rank': 438, 'high_rank': 210, 'floatvalue': 0.7068880796432495, 'm': '648055492131729592', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/specialist_gloves_specialist_fbi_light_large.1e314531001e6f78b6c3bf167a678b4aafc8d4c7.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Specialist Gloves', 'item_name': 'Field Agent', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': '★', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': '★ Specialist Gloves | Field Agent (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:31:32,115 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:31:33,123 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:31:34,862 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 3, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41436121385', 'd': '10001195661633126911', 'paintseed': 961, 'defindex': 5031, 'paintindex': 10013, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '23060756341', 'low_rank': 184, 'high_rank': 187, 'floatvalue': 0.6296326518058777, 'm': '651433191844639040', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/slick_gloves_slick_black_light_large.1a38e5968c549d49e791cf55bc4f89232e19e26f.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Driver Gloves', 'item_name': 'Lunar Weave', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': '★', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': '★ Driver Gloves | Lunar Weave (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:31:34,867 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 3, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41436121385', 'd': '10001195661633126911', 'paintseed': 961, 'defindex': 5031, 'paintindex': 10013, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '23060756341', 'low_rank': 184, 'high_rank': 187, 'floatvalue': 0.6296326518058777, 'm': '651433191844639040', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/slick_gloves_slick_black_light_large.1a38e5968c549d49e791cf55bc4f89232e19e26f.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Driver Gloves', 'item_name': 'Lunar Weave', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': '★', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': '★ Driver Gloves | Lunar Weave (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:31:39,156 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:31:40,161 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:31:46,191 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:31:47,026 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 3, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41492968414', 'd': '7092576465461367032', 'paintseed': 839, 'defindex': 5034, 'paintindex': 10064, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39048707907', 'low_rank': 734, 'high_rank': 72, 'floatvalue': 0.7755961418151855, 'm': '654810891574608795', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/specialist_gloves_specialist_winterhex_light_large.2b5d5ec0b5388beef874b932a8f9c053360ae7dc.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Specialist Gloves', 'item_name': 'Mogul', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': '★', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': '★ Specialist Gloves | Mogul (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:31:47,197 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:31:52,050 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '38400650236', 'd': '5486550261388987293', 'paintseed': 570, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 1141, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '37025536989', 'floatvalue': 0.9180376529693604, 'm': '5227082164719582399', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_cu_ak47_nightwish_light_large.0c4581be094e2bd732bec18ebdad2f71b1018af2.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Nightwish', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AK-47 | Nightwish (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:31:53,235 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:31:54,240 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:31:56,480 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41306191041', 'd': '5658858980622598939', 'paintseed': 228, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 600, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 260, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'drugwarveteran', 'material': 'community02/drugwarveteran', 'name': 'Drug War Veteran'}, {'stickerId': 260, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'drugwarveteran', 'material': 'community02/drugwarveteran', 'name': 'Drug War Veteran'}, {'stickerId': 5918, 'slot': 2, 'rotation': -9, 'offset_x': 0.3260675072669983, 'offset_y': 0.03798270225524902, 'codename': 'csgo10_go_paper', 'material': 'csgo10/go_paper', 'name': 'GO'}, {'stickerId': 4906, 'slot': 2, 'rotation': -12, 'offset_x': 0.3031995892524719, 'offset_y': 0.03239130973815918, 'codename': 'bf2042_fortytwo_paper', 'material': 'bf2042/fortytwo_paper', 'name': 'Forty Two'}], 'floatid': '39152280804', 'high_rank': 177, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.7386504411697388, 'm': '654810891573326145', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_cu_ak47_anarchy_light_large.6e98f0c6fcb81aaeca03c56eed68962f50c9ef94.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Neon Revolution', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ AK-47 | Neon Revolution (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:31:58,779 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692825825120270A41449165104D10277647926452076860 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:31:58,818 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 3, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41467546017', 'd': '208762327663521243', 'paintseed': 271, 'defindex': 5031, 'paintindex': 10044, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39657322494', 'low_rank': 598, 'high_rank': 826, 'floatvalue': 0.5746557116508484, 'm': '661566291017619249', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/slick_gloves_slick_stitched_green_grey_light_large.808fca3933fe16b20eb0cc26bd78fbbc47988dad.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Driver Gloves', 'item_name': 'Racing Green', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': '★', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': '★ Driver Gloves | Racing Green (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:31:59,786 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:31:59,789 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M643552527418251339A39286531413D16314861563276304789 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:32:00,279 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:32:00,794 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:32:01,284 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:32:01,384 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M655937426386112608A41290027328D12109131196339751899 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:32:02,391 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:32:04,640 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '31075644101', 'd': '4642164679526082333', 'paintseed': 109, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 836, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '31075644101', 'floatvalue': 0.6247303485870361, 'm': '642425992599902065', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_cu_ak47_aztec_light_large.368d90ba7bc01aa56489792a8962df5343238c5c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.75, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Uncharted', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AK-47 | Uncharted (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:32:04,645 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '31075644101', 'd': '4642164679526082333', 'paintseed': 109, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 836, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '31075644101', 'floatvalue': 0.6247303485870361, 'm': '642425992599902065', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_cu_ak47_aztec_light_large.368d90ba7bc01aa56489792a8962df5343238c5c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.75, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Uncharted', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AK-47 | Uncharted (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:32:04,650 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '31075644101', 'd': '4642164679526082333', 'paintseed': 109, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 836, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '31075644101', 'floatvalue': 0.6247303485870361, 'm': '642425992599902065', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_cu_ak47_aztec_light_large.368d90ba7bc01aa56489792a8962df5343238c5c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.75, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Uncharted', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AK-47 | Uncharted (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:32:04,657 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '31075644101', 'd': '4642164679526082333', 'paintseed': 109, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 836, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '31075644101', 'floatvalue': 0.6247303485870361, 'm': '642425992599902065', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_cu_ak47_aztec_light_large.368d90ba7bc01aa56489792a8962df5343238c5c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.75, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Uncharted', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AK-47 | Uncharted (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:32:06,830 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M643552527418251339A39286531413D16314861563276304789 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:32:07,335 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:32:07,835 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:32:08,340 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:32:08,427 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M655937426386112608A41290027328D12109131196339751899 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:32:09,432 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:32:09,449 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41291526076', 'd': '14738076848086879547', 'paintseed': 63, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 941, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6681, 'slot': 0, 'offset_x': -0.12438571453094482, 'offset_y': 0.07704019546508789, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_ence_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/ence_glitter', 'name': 'ENCE (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6681, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': 0.16786235570907593, 'offset_y': 0.14067384600639343, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_ence_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/ence_glitter', 'name': 'ENCE (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6701, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': 0.1270664930343628, 'offset_y': 0.1902322769165039, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_mngz_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/mngz_glitter', 'name': 'The MongolZ (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '38201239923', 'high_rank': 50, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.6461586952209473, 'm': '653684991669675284', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_cu_ak-47_phantom_disruptor_light_large.c14fcebe17a4c1a509edc597b33dcb9b5dcda32b.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.65, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Phantom Disruptor', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ AK-47 | Phantom Disruptor (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:32:11,080 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41239653966', 'd': '16161743570169408959', 'paintseed': 66, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 1221, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40210767755', 'floatvalue': 0.4898615777492523, 'm': '639048292880411762', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_cu_ak_head_shot_holo_light_large.85be84ba7c07917493b8e8a66c9d95c928ebe8b6.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Head Shot', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AK-47 | Head Shot (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:32:11,086 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41239653966', 'd': '16161743570169408959', 'paintseed': 66, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 1221, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40210767755', 'floatvalue': 0.4898615777492523, 'm': '639048292880411762', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_cu_ak_head_shot_holo_light_large.85be84ba7c07917493b8e8a66c9d95c928ebe8b6.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Head Shot', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AK-47 | Head Shot (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:32:13,426 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41284265798', 'd': '10101024916594474760', 'paintseed': 126, 'defindex': 60, 'paintindex': 254, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41284265798', 'floatvalue': 0.46820497512817383, 'm': '663818090830802437', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_silencer_so_orange_accents_light_large.625f58cdc5641f440ccf2fe866c3152b5803d1f2.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'M4A1-S', 'item_name': 'Nitro', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'M4A1-S | Nitro (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:32:13,432 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41284265798', 'd': '10101024916594474760', 'paintseed': 126, 'defindex': 60, 'paintindex': 254, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41284265798', 'floatvalue': 0.46820497512817383, 'm': '663818090830802437', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_silencer_so_orange_accents_light_large.625f58cdc5641f440ccf2fe866c3152b5803d1f2.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'M4A1-S', 'item_name': 'Nitro', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'M4A1-S | Nitro (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:32:13,865 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M643552527418251339A39286531413D16314861563276304789 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:32:14,373 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:32:14,870 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:32:15,379 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:32:15,465 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M655937426386112608A41290027328D12109131196339751899 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:32:15,980 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41327009011', 'd': '2308110773124816776', 'paintseed': 129, 'defindex': 60, 'paintindex': 1223, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41327009011', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.5210828185081482, 'm': '653684991670189994', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_silencer_cu_m4a1s_feeding_frenzy_light_large.e1cb803e0e10ae4457e42d34ec8515b1500f4762.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'M4A1-S', 'item_name': 'Emphorosaur-S', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ M4A1-S | Emphorosaur-S (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:32:15,996 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41327009011', 'd': '2308110773124816776', 'paintseed': 129, 'defindex': 60, 'paintindex': 1223, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41327009011', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.5210828185081482, 'm': '653684991670189994', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_silencer_cu_m4a1s_feeding_frenzy_light_large.e1cb803e0e10ae4457e42d34ec8515b1500f4762.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'M4A1-S', 'item_name': 'Emphorosaur-S', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ M4A1-S | Emphorosaur-S (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:32:16,010 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41327009011', 'd': '2308110773124816776', 'paintseed': 129, 'defindex': 60, 'paintindex': 1223, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41327009011', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.5210828185081482, 'm': '653684991670189994', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_silencer_cu_m4a1s_feeding_frenzy_light_large.e1cb803e0e10ae4457e42d34ec8515b1500f4762.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'M4A1-S', 'item_name': 'Emphorosaur-S', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ M4A1-S | Emphorosaur-S (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:32:16,278 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479324317A41164621180D5360130408529816921 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:32:16,471 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:32:16,997 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41331156305', 'd': '9845473941199302101', 'paintseed': 553, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 300, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '25611386430', 'floatvalue': 0.6556660532951355, 'm': '664943990732364038', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_cu_pinstripe_ak47_light_large.2123421a26fbe673eea7c0238c7441a83b97aa17.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Emerald Pinstripe', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AK-47 | Emerald Pinstripe (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:32:17,283 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:32:19,463 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668322325357315289A41323999107D2460773710632641941 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:32:20,103 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41289167719', 'd': '605996290569401092', 'paintseed': 409, 'defindex': 60, 'paintindex': 235, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41289167719', 'floatvalue': 0.5246220827102661, 'm': '648055492129088722', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_silencer_hy_varicamo_light_large.794803daec1d6d6cd2c47d8e8520d9f5f0b1fc1b.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'M4A1-S', 'item_name': 'VariCamo', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'M4A1-S | VariCamo (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:32:20,468 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:32:20,907 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M643552527418251339A39286531413D16314861563276304789 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:32:21,409 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:32:21,911 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:32:22,414 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:32:22,498 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M655937426386112608A41290027328D12109131196339751899 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:32:23,192 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 3, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41468256187', 'd': '9389867087230149681', 'paintseed': 843, 'defindex': 5027, 'paintindex': 10039, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '28093907350', 'low_rank': 115, 'high_rank': 271, 'floatvalue': 0.5429691076278687, 'm': '657062691382134227', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/studded_bloodhound_gloves_bloodhound_guerrilla_light_large.3afeaecd54a38013c2efd2ff3086aad6b52aceb4.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Bloodhound Gloves', 'item_name': 'Guerrilla', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': '★', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': '★ Bloodhound Gloves | Guerrilla (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:32:23,316 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479324317A41164621180D5360130408529816921 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:32:23,503 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:32:24,321 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:32:26,018 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41460845226', 'd': '12027012622657258449', 'paintseed': 704, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 885, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6684, 'slot': 0, 'offset_x': 0.002173125743865967, 'offset_y': -0.004543900489807129, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_gray', 'material': 'paris2023/gray', 'name': 'Grayhound Gaming | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '20001792981', 'floatvalue': 0.6912772059440613, 'm': '643551892506118706', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_gs_ak47_nibbler_light_large.1c402d395b628aa5667239eec44640d7f603d754.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Rat Rod', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AK-47 | Rat Rod (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:32:26,104 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 3, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '40368515158', 'd': '5686648257331361389', 'paintseed': 96, 'defindex': 5033, 'paintindex': 10052, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40368515158', 'low_rank': 669, 'high_rank': 221, 'floatvalue': 0.728807806968689, 'm': '659314491175529104', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/motorcycle_gloves_motorcycle_trigrid_blue_light_large.5e8f353a222f45406ab0b60e0d68d669953f0e20.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Moto Gloves', 'item_name': 'Polygon', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': '★', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': '★ Moto Gloves | Polygon (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:32:26,391 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660440391110253065A41493127307D16286464030617271410 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:32:26,505 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668322325357315289A41323999107D2460773710632641941 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:32:27,396 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:32:27,509 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:32:27,944 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M643552527418251339A39286531413D16314861563276304789 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:32:28,445 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:32:28,950 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:32:29,450 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:32:29,527 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M655937426386112608A41290027328D12109131196339751899 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:32:30,532 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:32:30,855 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650307926855032627A41322860097D14442882356135374297 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:32:31,781 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '28686603867', 'd': '5188891064076562824', 'paintseed': 86, 'defindex': 60, 'paintindex': 631, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '28092312981', 'floatvalue': 0.7584813237190247, 'm': '642425992594915465', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_silencer_cu_m4a1_flashback_light_large.5e6c2d582d33006425b61dc0e0e8c28ecda9f853.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'M4A1-S', 'item_name': 'Flashback', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'M4A1-S | Flashback (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:32:31,861 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:32:33,434 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660440391110253065A41493127307D16286464030617271410 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:32:33,616 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649182026948326386A41186904485D14891933279353233811 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:32:33,725 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479232637A41167549231D7648065254782846330 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:32:34,440 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:32:34,623 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:32:34,649 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635670593159016281A41493104879D12560084619305281036 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:32:34,732 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:32:35,484 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:32:35,629 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300727597250623A40000772671D16324394677185994254 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:32:35,653 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:32:36,491 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:32:36,562 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M655937426386112608A41290027328D12109131196339751899 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:32:36,634 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:32:37,133 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '39993338865', 'd': '16745514557667027253', 'paintseed': 258, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 675, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39993338865', 'floatvalue': 0.5948113203048706, 'm': '642425992579693795', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_gs_ak47_empress_light_large.f81d0b07dca381635c89f74bcdb6b64a6da6e81c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'The Empress', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AK-47 | The Empress (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:32:37,568 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:32:37,943 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635670593159050361A41215136143D5390362946728494453 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:32:38,760 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '40470752489', 'd': '759109581800197668', 'paintseed': 467, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 155, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38149871007', 'low_rank': 781, 'high_rank': 34, 'floatvalue': 0.4518681466579437, 'm': '636795405743073224', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_cu_bullet_rain_m4a1_light_large.4b359387b8abcdb0ae92134ba0f2106c405d9222.png', 'min': 0.02, 'max': 0.46, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'Bullet Rain', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'M4A4 | Bullet Rain (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:32:38,947 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:32:39,430 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 3, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '26877857995', 'd': '9377530299234431573', 'paintseed': 579, 'defindex': 5035, 'paintindex': 10058, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '25817028807', 'high_rank': 20, 'floatvalue': 0.7946265935897827, 'm': '648055492129336762', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/studded_hydra_gloves_bloodhound_hydra_green_leather_mesh_brass_light_large.d960afafd988b76ad2ffc2e77e306a35e01f02ca.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Hydra Gloves', 'item_name': 'Mangrove', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': '★', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': '★ Hydra Gloves | Mangrove (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:32:39,436 - 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Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037236625A41493828196D17186480309189765523 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:32:42,317 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M667196425457656410A41493580976D17150835927345905536 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:32:42,363 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:32:42,523 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:32:42,668 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641300727597250623A40000772671D16324394677185994254 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:32:42,928 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41315490004', 'd': '9394588823082200610', 'paintseed': 656, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 780, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41315490004', 'floatvalue': 0.4538728594779968, 'm': '661566291016050729', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_am_circuitboard_silver_light_large.7a3b860966a77bcb8124a2c38cf4b0449fd542ba.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'Mainframe', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'M4A4 | Mainframe (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:32:43,327 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:32:43,527 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:32:43,673 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:32:45,503 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41490646851', 'd': '7803166445925335859', 'paintseed': 575, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 836, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '31607310339', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.6379403471946716, 'm': '666069890639152950', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_cu_ak47_aztec_light_large.368d90ba7bc01aa56489792a8962df5343238c5c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.75, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Uncharted', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ AK-47 | Uncharted (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:32:45,519 - Marketbot - 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Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:32:51,759 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646930227130296141A40912314474D7648601000383804633 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:32:52,766 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:32:53,211 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41490782305', 'd': '7964801648996641988', 'paintseed': 402, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 588, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40820599092', 'floatvalue': 0.7621080279350281, 'm': '668321690460998151', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_cu_m4a4_desolate_space_light_large.1fcbd5e124ae7c54cf12e6f76c431e6671a73845.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'Desolate Space', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'M4A4 | Desolate Space (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:32:54,218 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668322325357179869A41493593725D10116226375188407283 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:32:54,545 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41483141927', 'd': '9277978743503195605', 'paintseed': 932, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 959, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7242, 'slot': 1, 'offset_x': -0.10868144035339355, 'offset_y': 0.17720288038253784, 'codename': 'paper_angry_t', 'material': 'community/community_2024/paper_angry_t', 'name': 'Angry T'}, {'stickerId': 7236, 'slot': 0, 'offset_x': -0.15516304969787598, 'offset_y': 0.12770703434944153, 'codename': 'paper_this_is_fine_chicken', 'material': 'community/community_2024/paper_this_is_fine_chicken', 'name': 'This Is Fine (Chicken)'}, {'stickerId': 7235, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': 0.18880057334899902, 'offset_y': 0.09068405628204346, 'codename': 'paper_retro_zeus', 'material': 'community/community_2024/paper_retro_zeus', 'name': 'Retro Zeus'}], 'floatid': '38430066311', 'high_rank': 200, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.6754266619682312, 'm': '658188591290039703', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_cu_ak47_anubis_light_large.52aec34a0d4778512f4962b7790294bbe1434795.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Legion of Anubis', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ AK-47 | Legion of Anubis (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:32:55,223 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:32:55,932 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41480175119', 'd': '3063116954764833582', 'paintseed': 202, 'defindex': 60, 'paintindex': 217, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41167664186', 'floatvalue': 0.17759254574775696, 'm': '643551892502276906', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_silencer_hy_redtiger_light_large.0b40a51b0020fa1781ddb7368e3b39c03263b2dd.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'M4A1-S', 'item_name': 'Blood Tiger', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'M4A1-S | Blood Tiger (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:32:56,600 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:32:56,757 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41256584038', 'd': '4755909555182756398', 'paintseed': 766, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 1149, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40907637786', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.8650505542755127, 'm': '637922392972562803', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_cu_m4a4_elite_tactical_light_large.015fd86aa32f4f0331aa1b7dc2571d89dbf38671.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'Poly Mag', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ M4A4 | Poly Mag (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:32:56,772 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41256584038', 'd': '4755909555182756398', 'paintseed': 766, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 1149, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40907637786', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.8650505542755127, 'm': '637922392972562803', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_cu_m4a4_elite_tactical_light_large.015fd86aa32f4f0331aa1b7dc2571d89dbf38671.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'Poly Mag', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ M4A4 | Poly Mag (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:32:57,607 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:32:58,910 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642426627504038524A41493824983D3074882037952320743 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:32:59,916 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:01,259 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668322325357179869A41493593725D10116226375188407283 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:33:01,805 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '40935315817', 'd': '12443109356083237025', 'paintseed': 704, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 279, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6613, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_navi_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/navi_glitter', 'name': 'Natus Vincere (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '40935315817', 'high_rank': 652, 'floatvalue': 0.7754794955253601, 'm': '644677792408844487', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_cu_awp_asimov_light_large.32d9045f8a2bcd13ca18390cc9fd82026e7195ab.png', 'min': 0.18, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Asiimov', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Asiimov (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:33:01,812 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '40935315817', 'd': '12443109356083237025', 'paintseed': 704, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 279, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6613, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_navi_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/navi_glitter', 'name': 'Natus Vincere (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '40935315817', 'high_rank': 652, 'floatvalue': 0.7754794955253601, 'm': '644677792408844487', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_cu_awp_asimov_light_large.32d9045f8a2bcd13ca18390cc9fd82026e7195ab.png', 'min': 0.18, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Asiimov', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Asiimov (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:33:02,266 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:03,329 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048927782483251A40276522264D17176869916005315372 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:33:03,340 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41486922071', 'd': '894598165284849664', 'paintseed': 565, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 695, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40135066823', 'floatvalue': 0.8708392977714539, 'm': '653684991668399534', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_cu_m4a4_neo_noir_light_large.b03bd6902c1d714af0bd4795dce8e653dd12dcc9.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.9, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'Neo-Noir', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'M4A4 | Neo-Noir (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:33:03,345 - Marketbot - 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{'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:04,649 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:04,712 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '35483063872', 'd': '5071870040426089600', 'paintseed': 15, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 176, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '35483063872', 'low_rank': 734, 'high_rank': 338, 'floatvalue': 0.6730618476867676, 'm': '652558004460976097', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_sp_zebracam_bw_light_large.de08ef2a6d7524e682118cef5d12124c5156dfa8.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'Faded Zebra', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'M4A4 | Faded Zebra (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:33:05,018 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41131649896', 'd': '2911030435773389088', 'paintseed': 680, 'defindex': 60, 'paintindex': 714, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38079570670', 'floatvalue': 0.8439611196517944, 'm': '663815719285373027', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_silencer_cu_m4a1s_nightmare_light_large.68e892eb4dedad809205a5fd06f175297d1be1cb.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'M4A1-S', 'item_name': 'Nightmare', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'M4A1-S | Nightmare (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:33:06,634 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41331329267', 'd': '16735462256068470348', 'paintseed': 143, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 1041, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41331329267', 'high_rank': 872, 'floatvalue': 0.7569495439529419, 'm': '649181392040394018', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_cu_m4a4_love_light_large.5f7f6a3085aedc1a878dd10881144e7898a2db3d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.79, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'In Living Color', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'M4A4 | In Living Color (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:33:06,642 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41331329267', 'd': '16735462256068470348', 'paintseed': 143, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 1041, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41331329267', 'high_rank': 872, 'floatvalue': 0.7569495439529419, 'm': '649181392040394018', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_cu_m4a4_love_light_large.5f7f6a3085aedc1a878dd10881144e7898a2db3d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.79, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'In Living Color', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'M4A4 | In Living Color (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:33:06,694 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660441026013515304A20259984243D14180709801526552260 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:33:06,732 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668321690461997301A41285040143D14124074051430898086 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:33:07,699 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:07,737 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:09,593 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41192231265', 'd': '9270844586367445673', 'paintseed': 556, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 397, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4611, 'slot': 1, 'rotation': 27, 'offset_x': 0.005037784576416016, 'offset_y': -0.0011546015739440918, 'codename': 'lambda_holo', 'material': 'alyx/lambda_holo', 'name': 'Lambda (Holo)'}], 'floatid': '41192231265', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.6729822158813477, 'm': '662692190921263506', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_aq_deagle_naga_light_large.b410ad835b1894a448676ae0590586298af2cb33.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Naga', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Desert Eagle | Naga (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:33:10,368 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048927782483251A40276522264D17176869916005315372 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:33:10,676 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:33:11,374 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:11,681 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:13,730 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660441026013515304A20259984243D14180709801526552260 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:33:13,768 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668321690461997301A41285040143D14124074051430898086 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:33:13,875 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40362964677', 'd': '2462036199008403969', 'paintseed': 713, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 603, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 2436, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'boston2018_team_gamb', 'material': 'boston2018/gamb', 'name': 'Gambit Esports | Boston 2018'}, {'stickerId': 3198, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'london2018_signature_xizt_foil', 'material': 'london2018/sig_xizt_foil', 'name': 'Xizt (Foil) | London 2018'}, {'stickerId': 362, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'enfu_skullfulilboney', 'material': 'enfu_capsule/skullfulilboney', 'name': 'Skull Lil Boney'}, {'stickerId': 7863, 'slot': 0, 'rotation': 147, 'offset_x': 0.07198868691921234, 'offset_y': -0.13887594640254974, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_aleksib_32', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_aleksib_champion', 'name': 'Aleksib (Champion) | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 7859, 'slot': 3, 'rotation': -93, 'offset_x': 0.5196969509124756, 'offset_y': 0.2252425253391266, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_jl_32', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_jl_champion', 'name': 'jL (Champion) | Copenhagen 2024'}], 'floatid': '40362964677', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.47519195079803467, 'm': '635670593158499291', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_aq_desert_eagle_constable_light_large.fb2f2673dd3997a21bff9129e0d2e294c03095e8.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Directive', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Desert Eagle | Directive (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:33:14,762 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:14,775 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:15,995 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '31377797593', 'd': '16448917076264423724', 'paintseed': 453, 'defindex': 60, 'paintindex': 631, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4801, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'poorly_drawn_fbi', 'material': 'poorly_drawn/fbi', 'name': 'Poorly Drawn FBI'}, {'stickerId': 5141, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'stockh2021_signature_electronic', 'material': 'stockh2021/sig_electronic', 'name': 'electroNic | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 5147, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'stockh2021_signature_nexa', 'material': 'stockh2021/sig_nexa', 'name': 'nexa | Stockholm 2021'}], 'floatid': '31377797593', 'high_rank': 309, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.9475645422935486, 'm': '640174192775558633', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_silencer_cu_m4a1_flashback_light_large.5e6c2d582d33006425b61dc0e0e8c28ecda9f853.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'M4A1-S', 'item_name': 'Flashback', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ M4A1-S | Flashback (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:33:16,271 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '38885527213', 'd': '7495123111936262277', 'paintseed': 721, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 397, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '37360842296', 'floatvalue': 0.5298988819122314, 'm': '644677792410753627', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_aq_deagle_naga_light_large.b410ad835b1894a448676ae0590586298af2cb33.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Naga', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Desert Eagle | Naga (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:33:17,408 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M639048927782483251A40276522264D17176869916005315372 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:33:17,714 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:33:18,413 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:18,693 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41331038548', 'd': '12316903698811867005', 'paintseed': 338, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 282, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 267, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'thuglife', 'material': 'community02/thuglife', 'name': 'Thug Life'}, {'stickerId': 5935, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'csgo10_blue_gem_glitter', 'material': 'csgo10/blue_gem_glitter', 'name': 'Blue Gem (Glitter)'}, {'stickerId': 260, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'drugwarveteran', 'material': 'community02/drugwarveteran', 'name': 'Drug War Veteran'}, {'stickerId': 4689, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0.9761991500854492, 'codename': 'broken_fang_stalking_prey', 'material': 'broken_fang/stalking_prey', 'name': 'Stalking Prey'}], 'floatid': '25338592139', 'floatvalue': 0.5477712750434875, 'm': '650307291947412289', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_cu_ak47_cobra_light_large.7494bfdf4855fd4e6a2dbd983ed0a243c80ef830.png', 'min': 0.1, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Redline', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AK-47 | Redline (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:33:18,718 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:18,866 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479289667A30075945274D14765263313040143232 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:33:18,892 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660441026013443724A41331031917D3030611311405927502 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:33:19,871 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:19,897 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:19,898 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41490563864', 'd': '10286932288762349220', 'paintseed': 489, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 985, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7238, 'slot': 6, 'offset_x': -0.2063707709312439, 'offset_y': -0.06604039669036865, 'codename': 'paper_peek_a_boo', 'material': 'community/community_2024/paper_peek_a_boo', 'name': 'Peek-A-Boo'}], 'floatid': '38490634199', 'floatvalue': 0.708160936832428, 'm': '636796493066080992', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_cu_m4a4_cyberpunk_light_large.8ed70290de88498fcfdc0c89f23ba2ad60bd13a5.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.98, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'Cyber Security', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'M4A4 | Cyber Security (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:33:20,795 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660441026013515304A20259984243D14180709801526552260 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:33:20,798 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668321690461997301A41285040143D14124074051430898086 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:33:20,997 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479265067A41328753624D17169558248171537791 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:33:21,456 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649182026948341716A41305161878D13902049565282023043 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:33:21,692 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41489697883', 'd': '2891562073190487149', 'paintseed': 965, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 1239, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6683, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_ence_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/ence_gold', 'name': 'ENCE (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6607, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'de_anubis_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_anubis_gold', 'name': 'Anubis (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 6655, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_og_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/og_gold', 'name': 'OG (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6707, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_blst_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/blst_gold', 'name': 'BLAST.tv (Gold) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '41111786138', 'low_rank': 725, 'high_rank': 317, 'floatvalue': 0.5776891708374023, 'm': '644677792410695547', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_gs_awp_strone_light_large.f6a8a693f8bcdd89436549db6079bb5f102c9616.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.75, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Black Nile', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir AWP | Black Nile (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:33:21,800 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:21,802 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:22,002 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:22,461 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:23,736 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '29290704509', 'd': '5677928916712945962', 'paintseed': 310, 'defindex': 60, 'paintindex': 383, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4760, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_vp_gold', 'material': 'rmr2020/vp_gold', 'name': 'Virtus.pro (Gold) | 2020 RMR'}, {'stickerId': 4760, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_vp_gold', 'material': 'rmr2020/vp_gold', 'name': 'Virtus.pro (Gold) | 2020 RMR'}, {'stickerId': 5041, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'stockh2021_team_vp_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/vp_gold', 'name': 'Virtus.Pro (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 4760, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_vp_gold', 'material': 'rmr2020/vp_gold', 'name': 'Virtus.pro (Gold) | 2020 RMR'}], 'floatid': '24617045018', 'high_rank': 496, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.53705894947052, 'm': '649181392020882378', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_silencer_aq_m4a1s_basilisk_light_large.18370d6557500376e137c7f6b07c7ed46c9dccf2.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.68, 'weapon_type': 'M4A1-S', 'item_name': 'Basilisk', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ M4A1-S | Basilisk (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:33:23,839 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41490873006', 'd': '751019407446547105', 'paintseed': 535, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 72, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41057509025', 'floatvalue': 0.6545285582542419, 'm': '635670593158402751', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_sp_mesh_tan_light_large.3608cbeb9bb163bfd2becb4ebcce2576b9ca78d9.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Safari Mesh', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Safari Mesh (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:33:23,846 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41490873006', 'd': '751019407446547105', 'paintseed': 535, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 72, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41057509025', 'floatvalue': 0.6545285582542419, 'm': '635670593158402751', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_sp_mesh_tan_light_large.3608cbeb9bb163bfd2becb4ebcce2576b9ca78d9.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Safari Mesh', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Safari Mesh (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:33:23,851 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41490873006', 'd': '751019407446547105', 'paintseed': 535, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 72, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41057509025', 'floatvalue': 0.6545285582542419, 'm': '635670593158402751', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_sp_mesh_tan_light_large.3608cbeb9bb163bfd2becb4ebcce2576b9ca78d9.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Safari Mesh', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Safari Mesh (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:33:24,366 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649181392041179358A41493409280D760546214596099631 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:33:24,744 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:33:25,372 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:25,748 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:25,904 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479289667A30075945274D14765263313040143232 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:33:26,351 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668322325357248989A19967214402D2315007035687794562 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:33:26,909 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:27,355 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:27,827 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660441026013515304A20259984243D14180709801526552260 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:33:28,097 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668322325357300799A40870090899D13899918523916534925 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:33:28,489 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649182026948341716A41305161878D13902049565282023043 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:33:28,507 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41332262358', 'd': '5188929770798239905', 'paintseed': 877, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 838, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4512, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0.8939120173454285, 'codename': 'shattered_web_gold_web_normal', 'material': 'shattered_web/gold_web_normal', 'name': 'Gold Web (Foil)'}, {'stickerId': 6616, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0.696462869644165, 'rotation': -6, 'offset_x': -0.0067484937608242035, 'offset_y': 0.0016206800937652588, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_furi', 'material': 'paris2023/furi', 'name': 'FURIA | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6684, 'slot': 4, 'wear': 0.1269519180059433, 'offset_x': 0.04766345024108887, 'offset_y': -0.05686718225479126, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_gray', 'material': 'paris2023/gray', 'name': 'Grayhound Gaming | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '41332262358', 'floatvalue': 0.8143264651298523, 'm': '653684991670795814', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_cu_awp_viper_light_large.2de75408a7c595312d58203f53c73a3a18faa4a3.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Atheris', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Atheris (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:33:28,512 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41332262358', 'd': '5188929770798239905', 'paintseed': 877, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 838, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4512, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0.8939120173454285, 'codename': 'shattered_web_gold_web_normal', 'material': 'shattered_web/gold_web_normal', 'name': 'Gold Web (Foil)'}, {'stickerId': 6616, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0.696462869644165, 'rotation': -6, 'offset_x': -0.0067484937608242035, 'offset_y': 0.0016206800937652588, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_furi', 'material': 'paris2023/furi', 'name': 'FURIA | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6684, 'slot': 4, 'wear': 0.1269519180059433, 'offset_x': 0.04766345024108887, 'offset_y': -0.05686718225479126, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_gray', 'material': 'paris2023/gray', 'name': 'Grayhound Gaming | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '41332262358', 'floatvalue': 0.8143264651298523, 'm': '653684991670795814', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_cu_awp_viper_light_large.2de75408a7c595312d58203f53c73a3a18faa4a3.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Atheris', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Atheris (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:33:28,517 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41332262358', 'd': '5188929770798239905', 'paintseed': 877, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 838, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4512, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0.8939120173454285, 'codename': 'shattered_web_gold_web_normal', 'material': 'shattered_web/gold_web_normal', 'name': 'Gold Web (Foil)'}, {'stickerId': 6616, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0.696462869644165, 'rotation': -6, 'offset_x': -0.0067484937608242035, 'offset_y': 0.0016206800937652588, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_furi', 'material': 'paris2023/furi', 'name': 'FURIA | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6684, 'slot': 4, 'wear': 0.1269519180059433, 'offset_x': 0.04766345024108887, 'offset_y': -0.05686718225479126, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_gray', 'material': 'paris2023/gray', 'name': 'Grayhound Gaming | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '41332262358', 'floatvalue': 0.8143264651298523, 'm': '653684991670795814', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_cu_awp_viper_light_large.2de75408a7c595312d58203f53c73a3a18faa4a3.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Atheris', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Atheris (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:33:28,831 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:29,014 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692190910638016A41463851779D14187047910532884379 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:33:29,103 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:29,494 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:29,857 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '3688706571', 'd': '14123970715552736597', 'paintseed': 366, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 282, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '3688706571', 'low_rank': 275, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.45901522040367126, 'm': '658188591256601433', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_cu_ak47_cobra_light_large.7494bfdf4855fd4e6a2dbd983ed0a243c80ef830.png', 'min': 0.1, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Redline', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ AK-47 | Redline (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:33:30,017 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:30,024 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D12459422235579122461 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:33:31,030 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:31,112 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41190095495', 'd': '14043954295362336879', 'paintseed': 748, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 584, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 260, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'drugwarveteran', 'material': 'community02/drugwarveteran', 'name': 'Drug War Veteran'}, {'stickerId': 6612, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_navi', 'material': 'paris2023/navi', 'name': 'Natus Vincere | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '33934641040', 'high_rank': 225, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.38400641083717346, 'm': '666069890600402220', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_gs_awp_phobos_light_large.fca961cc99c704f09c44e6e82378434ef0e22087.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Phobos', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Well-Worn', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ AWP | Phobos (Well-Worn)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:33:31,410 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649181392041179358A41493409280D760546214596099631 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:33:31,774 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:33:32,415 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:32,696 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41477770089', 'd': '9839464439505278599', 'paintseed': 151, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 279, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5235, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'stockh2021_signature_zywoo_holo', 'material': 'stockh2021/sig_zywoo_holo', 'name': 'ZywOo (Holo) | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 121, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'comm01_rekt_holo', 'material': 'community01/rekt', 'name': 'Rekt (Holo)'}, {'stickerId': 7940, 'slot': 0, 'offset_x': -0.11811792850494385, 'offset_y': -0.08126306533813477, 'codename': 'sha2024_team_spir', 'material': 'sha2024/spir', 'name': 'Team Spirit | Shanghai 2024'}, {'stickerId': 8125, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0.6800000071525574, 'offset_x': -0.19120821356773376, 'offset_y': -0.018564283847808838, 'codename': 'sha2024_signature_sh1ro_2', 'material': 'sha2024/sig_sh1ro', 'name': 'sh1ro | Shanghai 2024'}, {'stickerId': 8125, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0.699999988079071, 'offset_x': 0.16697299480438232, 'offset_y': 0.06690353155136108, 'codename': 'sha2024_signature_sh1ro_2', 'material': 'sha2024/sig_sh1ro', 'name': 'sh1ro | Shanghai 2024'}], 'floatid': '41427659863', 'high_rank': 393, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.5862002372741699, 'm': '644677792405784727', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_cu_awp_asimov_light_large.32d9045f8a2bcd13ca18390cc9fd82026e7195ab.png', 'min': 0.18, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Asiimov', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ AWP | Asiimov (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:33:32,778 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:33,025 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668322325357181309A41493594447D9854626686663264138 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:33:33,812 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41113357424', 'd': '9261734471116655745', 'paintseed': 504, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 841, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40823245817', 'high_rank': 939, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.8278322219848633, 'm': '636796493066346732', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_gs_deagle_exo_light_large.8bdc93f1b45efba187748065deff967eef8f2f2d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.9, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Light Rail', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Desert Eagle | Light Rail (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:33:34,030 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:34,071 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41329820772', 'd': '17152221561106146020', 'paintseed': 973, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 1165, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41314822107', 'floatvalue': 0.7045052647590637, 'm': '635670593158816691', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'Etch Lord', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'M4A4 | Etch Lord (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:33:34,079 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41329820772', 'd': '17152221561106146020', 'paintseed': 973, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 1165, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41314822107', 'floatvalue': 0.7045052647590637, 'm': '635670593158816691', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'Etch Lord', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'M4A4 | Etch Lord (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:33:34,626 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41325513985', 'd': '3236512439045945834', 'paintseed': 955, 'defindex': 60, 'paintindex': 587, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '39695992094', 'floatvalue': 0.6671800017356873, 'm': '643551892504760726', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_silencer_gs_m4a1_mecha_industries_light_large.2973cf5ca9d1592d6652bf14ac89bcd8593d4f0a.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'M4A1-S', 'item_name': 'Mecha Industries', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'M4A1-S | Mecha Industries (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:33:34,731 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41486688699', 'd': '12010096102985610437', 'paintseed': 808, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 691, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7883, 'slot': 0, 'rotation': -45, 'offset_x': -0.2957264184951782, 'offset_y': -0.08020952343940735, 'codename': 'paper_lightning_three', 'material': 'community/elemental_craft/paper_lightning_three', 'name': 'Bolt Charge'}], 'floatid': '41363551096', 'floatvalue': 0.47585704922676086, 'm': '643551892504853006', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_gs_awp_death_light_large.19bdee04e6a0b4a3b8f832fd8ea18fea1e558f2e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.64, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Mortis', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Mortis (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:33:34,738 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41486688699', 'd': '12010096102985610437', 'paintseed': 808, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 691, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7883, 'slot': 0, 'rotation': -45, 'offset_x': -0.2957264184951782, 'offset_y': -0.08020952343940735, 'codename': 'paper_lightning_three', 'material': 'community/elemental_craft/paper_lightning_three', 'name': 'Bolt Charge'}], 'floatid': '41363551096', 'floatvalue': 0.47585704922676086, 'm': '643551892504853006', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_gs_awp_death_light_large.19bdee04e6a0b4a3b8f832fd8ea18fea1e558f2e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.64, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Mortis', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Mortis (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:33:34,863 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestEvomi: Failed to perform, curl: (35) BoringSSL: error:100000f7:SSL routines:OPENSSL_internal:WRONG_VERSION_NUMBER. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:119) 2025-01-22 01:33:35,528 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649182026948341716A41305161878D13902049565282023043 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:33:36,534 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:37,292 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '39604535455', 'd': '11583828109300673666', 'paintseed': 200, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 971, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5936, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'csgo10_boom_glitter', 'material': 'csgo10/boom_glitter', 'name': 'Go Boom (Glitter)'}], 'floatid': '34696325167', 'high_rank': 326, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.7097813487052917, 'm': '636796493066352312', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_cu_m4a4_queenfairy_light_large.e5fb022145442cf85ba485d8c3cfd4f6391938e0.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.73, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'Tooth Fairy', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ M4A4 | Tooth Fairy (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:33:37,695 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41325389302', 'd': '4624145864725698980', 'paintseed': 715, 'defindex': 60, 'paintindex': 1130, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41325389302', 'floatvalue': 0.46270281076431274, 'm': '661566291013725039', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_silencer_gs_m4a1s_insomnia_light_large.265e6eb866d751caf4bbe7f8c8b62e400c5f0175.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'M4A1-S', 'item_name': 'Night Terror', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'M4A1-S | Night Terror (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:33:38,291 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41434660351', 'd': '7523369195602708817', 'paintseed': 309, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 316, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '38509145132', 'high_rank': 76, 'floatvalue': 0.9495717883110046, 'm': '649181392027217298', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_cu_panther_ak47_light_large.6b7c82083b5fbb71631ad7961ac1543d1fc2a5cd.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Jaguar', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AK-47 | Jaguar (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:33:38,446 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M649181392041179358A41493409280D760546214596099631 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:33:38,832 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:33:39,452 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:39,840 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:40,063 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41274348631', 'd': '4964671745591507177', 'paintseed': 842, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 640, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5284, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_c9_glitter', 'material': 'antwerp2022/c9_glitter', 'name': 'Cloud9 (Glitter) | Antwerp 2022'}], 'floatid': '16533020657', 'floatvalue': 0.4555123746395111, 'm': '662692190908665576', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_cu_awp_psychopath_light_large.11e54a670b779e1757cce18ea252d70eb35c6a75.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Fever Dream', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Fever Dream (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:33:42,140 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M663818725732960331A41259650402D16322286315005980715 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:33:42,229 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668322325357275149A41193874733D12125451644216792392 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:33:43,145 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:43,234 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:43,600 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41129302901', 'd': '875016566153444033', 'paintseed': 615, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 1170, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41129302901', 'floatvalue': 0.7310398817062378, 'm': '635670593158693601', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Chrome Cannon', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Chrome Cannon (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:33:43,947 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41484569617', 'd': '11585017471045336484', 'paintseed': 169, 'defindex': 60, 'paintindex': 1223, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41293426033', 'floatvalue': 0.610566258430481, 'm': '662692190918788656', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_silencer_cu_m4a1s_feeding_frenzy_light_large.e1cb803e0e10ae4457e42d34ec8515b1500f4762.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'M4A1-S', 'item_name': 'Emphorosaur-S', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'M4A1-S | Emphorosaur-S (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:33:43,954 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41484569617', 'd': '11585017471045336484', 'paintseed': 169, 'defindex': 60, 'paintindex': 1223, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41293426033', 'floatvalue': 0.610566258430481, 'm': '662692190918788656', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_silencer_cu_m4a1s_feeding_frenzy_light_large.e1cb803e0e10ae4457e42d34ec8515b1500f4762.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'M4A1-S', 'item_name': 'Emphorosaur-S', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'M4A1-S | Emphorosaur-S (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:33:45,867 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:33:46,873 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:47,757 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41483721227', 'd': '5251303707149940173', 'paintseed': 72, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 1136, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41121552249', 'floatvalue': 0.7327390909194946, 'm': '667195790547473671', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_cu_usp_to_hell_light_large.13912fa139f2055f7e3044a234ad111bbbce548f.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.76, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Ticket to Hell', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | Ticket to Hell (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:33:48,848 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '41244531849', 'd': '895243002508535174', 'paintseed': 739, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 40, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '32639608959', 'floatvalue': 0.6661275029182434, 'm': '636796493065749852', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_so_night_light_large.e56ea92b4b8c1914a7f5f4e789483313845a0b4a.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Night', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir Glock-18 | Night (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:33:49,180 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M663818725732960331A41259650402D16322286315005980715 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:33:49,266 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668322325357275149A41193874733D12125451644216792392 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:33:50,185 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:50,271 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:50,915 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'a': '3052342118', 'd': '922897823588676971', 'paintseed': 78, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 454, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '3052342118', 'high_rank': 163, 'floatvalue': 0.7342410683631897, 'm': '659313857072874563', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_so_khaki_green_light_large.546b3eb856bbf2aeece29e2852688ddae13531b7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Para Green', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | Para Green (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:33:51,070 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479273347A41238146896D10010376134730070147 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:33:51,495 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M657062691395234387A41102145943D2903138295831916302 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:33:52,074 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:52,449 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41446023358', 'd': '14861954553948528391', 'paintseed': 959, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 1142, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6649, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0.626755952835083, 'rotation': 90, 'offset_x': -0.596096932888031, 'offset_y': -0.02054622769355774, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_forz_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/forz_glitter', 'name': 'forZe eSports (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '41446023358', 'floatvalue': 0.8010240793228149, 'm': '668321690461700241', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_cu_usp_printstream_light_large.9f5bcd4f94db3d965b3b2e7c3aace470e9466380.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.85, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Printstream', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | Printstream (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:33:52,457 - 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Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:52,902 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:33:53,078 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642425992600201735A40088754624D4949012122891242762 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:33:53,643 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40802875692', 'd': '16594252723214477924', 'paintseed': 834, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 384, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 1640, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 1, 'codename': 'bestiary_dragon', 'material': 'bestiary_capsule/dragon', 'name': 'Dragon'}], 'floatid': '28155909824', 'high_rank': 287, 'floatvalue': 0.7778477668762207, 'm': '661566291017984319', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_cu_m4a4_griffin_light_large.255bd83fd343ea8e8d84a1d5c94959d0b26cafae.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'Griffin', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'M4A4 | Griffin (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:33:53,649 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '40802875692', 'd': '16594252723214477924', 'paintseed': 834, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 384, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 1640, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 1, 'codename': 'bestiary_dragon', 'material': 'bestiary_capsule/dragon', 'name': 'Dragon'}], 'floatid': '28155909824', 'high_rank': 287, 'floatvalue': 0.7778477668762207, 'm': '661566291017984319', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_cu_m4a4_griffin_light_large.255bd83fd343ea8e8d84a1d5c94959d0b26cafae.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'Griffin', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'M4A4 | Griffin (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:33:53,906 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:54,084 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:55,321 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41322768842', 'd': '7838726851119295266', 'paintseed': 551, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 680, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6608, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 1, 'offset_x': 0.1191873550415039, 'offset_y': -0.01686006784439087, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_fntc', 'material': 'paris2023/fntc', 'name': 'Fnatic | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '38074610611', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.7835184335708618, 'm': '667195790547524281', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_cu_glock_indigo_light_large.3786c7c3be7d03ee053050af2f7a8427782742e1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Off World', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Glock-18 | Off World (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:33:55,326 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41493011130', 'd': '14898655273448580174', 'paintseed': 672, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 1149, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41493011130', 'floatvalue': 0.9143940210342407, 'm': '651433191851022110', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_cu_m4a4_elite_tactical_light_large.015fd86aa32f4f0331aa1b7dc2571d89dbf38671.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'Poly Mag', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'M4A4 | Poly Mag (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:33:55,893 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692825825123180A33968952196D17158789366045906509 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:33:56,219 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M663818725732960331A41259650402D16322286315005980715 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:33:56,297 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668322325357275149A41193874733D12125451644216792392 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:33:56,417 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644678427315576679A40507084110D16439410666444096716 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:33:56,686 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644677792412075127A40725090218D16440652280967356861 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:33:56,897 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:57,160 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '3028395170', 'd': '874331983171899877', 'paintseed': 788, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 277, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '3028395170', 'floatvalue': 0.7008245587348938, 'm': '639048292880543822', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_aq_usp_stainless_light_large.3f6edb8ebd4138742504859e0d3e7c51a23c39db.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Stainless', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | Stainless (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:33:57,168 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '3028395170', 'd': '874331983171899877', 'paintseed': 788, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 277, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '3028395170', 'floatvalue': 0.7008245587348938, 'm': '639048292880543822', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_aq_usp_stainless_light_large.3f6edb8ebd4138742504859e0d3e7c51a23c39db.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Stainless', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | Stainless (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:33:57,224 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:57,302 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:57,422 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:57,467 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40262433499', 'd': '16186190106428729640', 'paintseed': 276, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 399, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '33488045855', 'high_rank': 341, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.48704785108566284, 'm': '659313857047808693', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_cu_glock_deathtoll_light_large.cfcc6a17037a33bbb524ca1856c07cf76dda449d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Catacombs', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Glock-18 | Catacombs (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:33:57,691 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:58,105 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479273347A41238146896D10010376134730070147 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:33:58,134 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645804327223561820A41493873491D9656316700708980168 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:33:58,530 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M657062691395234387A41102145943D2903138295831916302 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:33:59,110 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:59,141 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:59,536 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:33:59,937 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:34:00,269 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41478016278', 'd': '11568884070075039207', 'paintseed': 590, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 1173, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41204495603', 'floatvalue': 0.5856409072875977, 'm': '649181392034276058', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Jawbreaker', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | Jawbreaker (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:00,275 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41478016278', 'd': '11568884070075039207', 'paintseed': 590, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 1173, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41204495603', 'floatvalue': 0.5856409072875977, 'm': '649181392034276058', 's': '0', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Jawbreaker', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | Jawbreaker (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:00,797 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41289435537', 'd': '7242611504412670187', 'paintseed': 445, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 525, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 911, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'cluj2015_team_nip', 'material': 'cluj2015/nip', 'name': 'Ninjas in Pyjamas | Cluj-Napoca 2015'}], 'floatid': '41289435537', 'floatvalue': 0.7804137468338013, 'm': '660440391109871345', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_cu_awp_mastery_light_large.617e335043f250cdb9d6a4c798e075be9560cdd4.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Elite Build', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Elite Build (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:00,943 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:34:02,109 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653684991670896734A40752402015D2805230473196916652 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:34:03,114 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:34:03,147 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41485531073', 'd': '11585556652077777284', 'paintseed': 598, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 623, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41325977748', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.6099560260772705, 'm': '662692190919106086', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_aq_glock_dark-fall_light_large.ac35c22bc50660c89ecfe7654ee93bb9f00bd6f4.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Ironwork', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Glock-18 | Ironwork (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:03,163 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41485531073', 'd': '11585556652077777284', 'paintseed': 598, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 623, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41325977748', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.6099560260772705, 'm': '662692190919106086', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_aq_glock_dark-fall_light_large.ac35c22bc50660c89ecfe7654ee93bb9f00bd6f4.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Ironwork', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Glock-18 | Ironwork (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:03,178 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41485531073', 'd': '11585556652077777284', 'paintseed': 598, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 623, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41325977748', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.6099560260772705, 'm': '662692190919106086', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_aq_glock_dark-fall_light_large.ac35c22bc50660c89ecfe7654ee93bb9f00bd6f4.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Ironwork', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Glock-18 | Ironwork (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:03,191 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41485531073', 'd': '11585556652077777284', 'paintseed': 598, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 623, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41325977748', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.6099560260772705, 'm': '662692190919106086', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_aq_glock_dark-fall_light_large.ac35c22bc50660c89ecfe7654ee93bb9f00bd6f4.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Ironwork', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Glock-18 | Ironwork (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:03,205 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41485531073', 'd': '11585556652077777284', 'paintseed': 598, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 623, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41325977748', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.6099560260772705, 'm': '662692190919106086', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_aq_glock_dark-fall_light_large.ac35c22bc50660c89ecfe7654ee93bb9f00bd6f4.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Ironwork', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Glock-18 | Ironwork (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:03,403 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41281332301', 'd': '3318274041054576425', 'paintseed': 435, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 217, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4706, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_hero_holo', 'material': 'rmr2020/hero_holo', 'name': 'Heroic (Holo) | 2020 RMR'}, {'stickerId': 6054, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'rio2022_team_out_glitter', 'material': 'rio2022/out_glitter', 'name': 'Outsiders (Glitter) | Rio 2022'}, {'stickerId': 6054, 'slot': 4, 'codename': 'rio2022_team_out_glitter', 'material': 'rio2022/out_glitter', 'name': 'Outsiders (Glitter) | Rio 2022'}, {'stickerId': 6054, 'slot': 1, 'offset_x': -0.729564905166626, 'offset_y': -0.01572015881538391, 'codename': 'rio2022_team_out_glitter', 'material': 'rio2022/out_glitter', 'name': 'Outsiders (Glitter) | Rio 2022'}, {'stickerId': 6054, 'slot': 0, 'offset_x': -0.008252501487731934, 'offset_y': -0.15897276997566223, 'codename': 'rio2022_team_out_glitter', 'material': 'rio2022/out_glitter', 'name': 'Outsiders (Glitter) | Rio 2022'}], 'floatid': '41281332301', 'high_rank': 200, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.2753075361251831, 'm': '653684991665041694', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_hy_redtiger_light_large.5d778f6030de49296f349081781d84ef215a9b90.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Blood Tiger', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ USP-S | Blood Tiger (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:03,720 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644677792412075127A40725090218D16440652280967356861 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:34:04,204 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644678427315660799A41184225896D7352943080331060941 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:34:04,725 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:34:05,140 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479273347A41238146896D10010376134730070147 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:34:05,208 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:34:06,032 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41481345227', 'd': '2757403692037868488', 'paintseed': 940, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 230, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40504900062', 'high_rank': 255, 'floatvalue': 0.17448294162750244, 'm': '644677792407421587', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_am_ddpatdense_silver_light_large.4d83c0a0b958bb15f694c7047996ece59f4be05a.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Steel Disruption', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Steel Disruption (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:06,144 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:34:06,982 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:34:07,210 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M652559726664543857A30492894331D28407835203264513 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:34:07,588 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41489221700', 'd': '9578187249332906568', 'paintseed': 208, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 793, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40275015417', 'floatvalue': 0.38202911615371704, 'm': '641300092691698374', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_hy_red_hex_light_large.cd2153af94a302c0293620289716a29d9fbfbeca.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'Converter', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Well-Worn', 'full_item_name': 'M4A4 | Converter (Well-Worn)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:07,594 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41489221700', 'd': '9578187249332906568', 'paintseed': 208, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 793, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40275015417', 'floatvalue': 0.38202911615371704, 'm': '641300092691698374', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_hy_red_hex_light_large.cd2153af94a302c0293620289716a29d9fbfbeca.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'Converter', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Well-Worn', 'full_item_name': 'M4A4 | Converter (Well-Worn)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:07,600 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41489221700', 'd': '9578187249332906568', 'paintseed': 208, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 793, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40275015417', 'floatvalue': 0.38202911615371704, 'm': '641300092691698374', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_hy_red_hex_light_large.cd2153af94a302c0293620289716a29d9fbfbeca.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'Converter', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Well-Worn', 'full_item_name': 'M4A4 | Converter (Well-Worn)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:07,986 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:34:08,215 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:34:08,843 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642426627503982004A39389804077D9550668098427291787 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:34:09,034 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41491775252', 'd': '3093553396100401572', 'paintseed': 584, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 918, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41491775252', 'floatvalue': 0.9191272258758545, 'm': '640174192789604363', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_cu_glock_hero_light_large.7b0f5975c7e0ba3ce1694c4795520184fc56c367.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Sacrifice', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Sacrifice (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:09,043 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41491775252', 'd': '3093553396100401572', 'paintseed': 584, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 918, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41491775252', 'floatvalue': 0.9191272258758545, 'm': '640174192789604363', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_cu_glock_hero_light_large.7b0f5975c7e0ba3ce1694c4795520184fc56c367.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Sacrifice', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Sacrifice (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:09,154 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653684991670896734A40752402015D2805230473196916652 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:34:09,849 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:34:10,160 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:34:10,218 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41483014423', 'd': '7956388029986802339', 'paintseed': 655, 'defindex': 1, 'paintindex': 1090, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4730, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': 0.31911101937294006, 'offset_y': 0.02759876847267151, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_og_holo', 'material': 'rmr2020/og_holo', 'name': 'OG (Holo) | 2020 RMR'}, {'stickerId': 4730, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': -0.011326402425765991, 'offset_y': 0.02768242359161377, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_og_holo', 'material': 'rmr2020/og_holo', 'name': 'OG (Holo) | 2020 RMR'}, {'stickerId': 4730, 'slot': 1, 'rotation': -90, 'offset_x': -0.25593483448028564, 'offset_y': 0.03371962904930115, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_og_holo', 'material': 'rmr2020/og_holo', 'name': 'OG (Holo) | 2020 RMR'}], 'floatid': '41306278474', 'high_rank': 653, 'floatvalue': 0.9385672807693481, 'm': '648055492128210052', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_deagle_cu_deagle_kitch_light_large.0df9b5246d27786b413642f5fc959f37d8892c3a.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Desert Eagle', 'item_name': 'Ocean Drive', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Desert Eagle | Ocean Drive (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:10,520 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127967715684A30380103897D3036803187916194734 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:34:10,593 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41117747595', 'd': '9828025119879912009', 'paintseed': 214, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 181, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4692, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'broken_fang_broken_fang_holo', 'material': 'broken_fang/broken_fang_holo', 'name': 'Broken Fang (Holo)'}, {'stickerId': 6014, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0.7249342799186707, 'codename': 'rio2022_team_mouz_glitter', 'material': 'rio2022/mouz_glitter', 'name': 'MOUZ (Glitter) | Rio 2022'}, {'stickerId': 4685, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'broken_fang_battle_scarred', 'material': 'broken_fang/battle_scarred', 'name': 'Battle Scarred'}, {'stickerId': 2964, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'london2018_team_navi_holo', 'material': 'london2018/navi_holo', 'name': 'Natus Vincere (Holo) | London 2018'}], 'floatid': '41117747595', 'floatvalue': 0.1619148850440979, 'm': '643551892502386976', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_cu_favela_awp_light_large.4329c047ea1899f3846a1a81539ba2a27665a54e.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Corticera', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Corticera (Field-Tested)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:10,767 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644677792412075127A40725090218D16440652280967356861 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:34:11,237 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644678427315660799A41184225896D7352943080331060941 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:34:11,525 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:34:11,773 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:34:12,173 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479273347A41238146896D10010376134730070147 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:34:12,242 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:34:13,178 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:34:13,342 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41245343303', 'd': '14576579839993658211', 'paintseed': 783, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 489, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 365, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0.09235891699790955, 'codename': 'enfu_soldier', 'material': 'enfu_capsule/soldier', 'name': 'Salute!'}, {'stickerId': 5327, 'slot': 4, 'offset_x': -0.02918761968612671, 'offset_y': 0.007845193147659302, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_imp', 'material': 'antwerp2022/imp', 'name': 'Imperial Esports | Antwerp 2022'}], 'floatid': '37809718900', 'high_rank': 406, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.45088642835617065, 'm': '648055492125941062', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_cu_usp_progressiv_light_large.91cde781cd0c8502bbbb66f37cc7f1baf2a10c05.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.46, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Torque', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ USP-S | Torque (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:13,669 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41298930724', 'd': '11974625887624026763', 'paintseed': 507, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 943, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41298930724', 'floatvalue': 0.6609524488449097, 'm': '654810891556360395', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_cu_awp_vein_light_large.8665dc4b4231298e9bbcab7aad3abbbf22e3edd8.png', 'min': 0.05, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Capillary', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Capillary (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:13,676 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41298930724', 'd': '11974625887624026763', 'paintseed': 507, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 943, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41298930724', 'floatvalue': 0.6609524488449097, 'm': '654810891556360395', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_cu_awp_vein_light_large.8665dc4b4231298e9bbcab7aad3abbbf22e3edd8.png', 'min': 0.05, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Capillary', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'AWP | Capillary (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:13,836 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41011716383', 'd': '7097862679123757162', 'paintseed': 375, 'defindex': 64, 'paintindex': 843, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41011716383', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.4881906509399414, 'm': '653684991655908134', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_revolver_cu_revolver_oppressor_light_large.59414a184bcf3310d43528701292ba4f68ba55a0.png', 'min': 0.25, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'R8 Revolver', 'item_name': 'Skull Crusher', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ R8 Revolver | Skull Crusher (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:14,016 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:34:15,023 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:34:15,102 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479297467A25630772205D14126319529012707139 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:34:16,106 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:34:17,680 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41317538287', 'd': '12423265355151530863', 'paintseed': 527, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 1040, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41317538287', 'floatvalue': 0.8905993700027466, 'm': '664943990732147138', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_gs_usps_hangedman_light_large.a01890fdeb8335437df7af6641a7b4f6e2fcca34.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'The Traitor', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | The Traitor (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:17,686 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41317538287', 'd': '12423265355151530863', 'paintseed': 527, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 1040, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41317538287', 'floatvalue': 0.8905993700027466, 'm': '664943990732147138', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_gs_usps_hangedman_light_large.a01890fdeb8335437df7af6641a7b4f6e2fcca34.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'The Traitor', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | The Traitor (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:17,692 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41317538287', 'd': '12423265355151530863', 'paintseed': 527, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 1040, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41317538287', 'floatvalue': 0.8905993700027466, 'm': '664943990732147138', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_gs_usps_hangedman_light_large.a01890fdeb8335437df7af6641a7b4f6e2fcca34.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'The Traitor', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | The Traitor (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:17,802 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644677792412075127A40725090218D16440652280967356861 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:34:17,885 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41018125933', 'd': '3227956029579756780', 'paintseed': 622, 'defindex': 64, 'paintindex': 924, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '23717494770', 'floatvalue': 0.48467639088630676, 'm': '660438019494928705', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_revolver_hy_brush_camo_tan_light_large.4af5232b57afac32a9eb2f056cf6fdf968a94966.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'R8 Revolver', 'item_name': 'Desert Brush', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'R8 Revolver | Desert Brush (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:17,894 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41018125933', 'd': '3227956029579756780', 'paintseed': 622, 'defindex': 64, 'paintindex': 924, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '23717494770', 'floatvalue': 0.48467639088630676, 'm': '660438019494928705', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_revolver_hy_brush_camo_tan_light_large.4af5232b57afac32a9eb2f056cf6fdf968a94966.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'R8 Revolver', 'item_name': 'Desert Brush', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Quest Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'R8 Revolver | Desert Brush (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:18,270 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644678427315660799A41184225896D7352943080331060941 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:34:18,805 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:34:19,277 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:34:19,941 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M667196425457725200A41220367215D14727373743974543296 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:34:20,449 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '41418008821', 'd': '14873842155356569640', 'paintseed': 67, 'defindex': 64, 'paintindex': 1237, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6707, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_blst_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/blst_gold', 'name': 'BLAST.tv (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6607, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'de_anubis_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_anubis_gold', 'name': 'Anubis (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 6635, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_itb_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/itb_gold', 'name': 'Into The Breach (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6623, 'slot': 4, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_vita_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/vita_gold', 'name': 'Vitality (Gold) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatid': '41418008821', 'floatvalue': 0.6580054759979248, 'm': '668321690430162591', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_revolver_gs_revolver_acanthus_bronze_light_large.3d652732f4082f2af2acce48c2343d2fd73bdcae.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.76, 'weapon_type': 'R8 Revolver', 'item_name': 'Inlay', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir R8 Revolver | Inlay (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:20,946 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:34:21,070 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227456719A41327404775D14727976868557052294 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:34:22,076 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:34:22,137 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479297467A25630772205D14126319529012707139 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:34:22,388 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826761868918A41327847520D12116596981682423944 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:34:23,144 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:34:23,392 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:34:23,821 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '36900190252', 'd': '16591934805669525987', 'paintseed': 89, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 657, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '36900190252', 'floatvalue': 0.572996199131012, 'm': '652558457640557897', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_cu_usps_blueprint_light_large.e4195098bb3a105e6545d32c4d72888f673bd761.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.86, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Blueprint', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | Blueprint (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:23,827 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '36900190252', 'd': '16591934805669525987', 'paintseed': 89, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 657, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '36900190252', 'floatvalue': 0.572996199131012, 'm': '652558457640557897', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_cu_usps_blueprint_light_large.e4195098bb3a105e6545d32c4d72888f673bd761.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.86, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Blueprint', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | Blueprint (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:24,002 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M655937426386102768A41493654772D7259924569424456974 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:34:24,842 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644677792412075127A40725090218D16440652280967356861 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:34:25,007 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:34:25,051 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '39893655374', 'd': '778704964076122601', 'paintseed': 143, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 991, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4602, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'art_vort', 'material': 'alyx/art_vort', 'name': 'Vortigaunt the Painter'}], 'floatid': '39893655374', 'floatvalue': 0.5522676110267639, 'm': '648054857999127745', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_cu_usp_krokos_light_large.ef94a997db4a990e55bc44d4b07b25f0f420e59e.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Monster Mashup', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'USP-S | Monster Mashup (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:25,310 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644678427315660799A41184225896D7352943080331060941 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:34:25,846 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:34:26,315 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:34:26,803 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658189226199800302A41115496807D3179717586981205863 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:34:26,978 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M667196425457725200A41220367215D14727373743974543296 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:34:27,807 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:34:27,988 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:34:29,423 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M651433826761868918A41327847520D12116596981682423944 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:34:29,878 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M664944625639876212A40804205588D13856043385791996746 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:34:30,233 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40415866986', 'd': '886860171883231968', 'paintseed': 514, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 674, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40415866986', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.7512905597686768, 'm': '667195790550986461', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_cu_aug_orange_triangle_light_large.793eb05ec841c2664b8482565e5d080c731d6ecd.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Triqua', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ AUG | Triqua (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:30,430 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:34:30,882 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:34:31,865 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M654811526479238307A41493569320D5368475628509782882 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:34:31,876 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644677792412075127A40725090218D16440652280967356861 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:34:32,136 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41326147847', 'd': '9710502453217803169', 'paintseed': 927, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 1136, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41326147847', 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.5904041528701782, 'm': '657062691393611867', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_cu_usp_to_hell_light_large.13912fa139f2055f7e3044a234ad111bbbce548f.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.76, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Ticket to Hell', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ USP-S | Ticket to Hell (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:32,870 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:34:32,880 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:34:32,951 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41241406090', 'd': '10263262373454317868', 'paintseed': 416, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 988, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5945, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'csgo10_vertigos_hero_holo', 'material': 'csgo10/vertigos_hero_holo', 'name': "Vertigo's Hero (Holo)"}], 'floatid': '22239759214', 'low_rank': 867, 'high_rank': 245, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.8435250520706177, 'm': '648055492092701272', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_cu_glock_noir_light_large.c93d0cbfa767d1f822a53ebfca0d57f532088c48.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Neo-Noir', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Glock-18 | Neo-Noir (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:33,840 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658189226199800302A41115496807D3179717586981205863 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:34:34,026 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M667196425457725200A41220367215D14727373743974543296 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:34:34,362 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M635671228061992513A41493915983D16169200908092091425 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:34:34,491 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M655937426386231768A37056488215D2315659887220391052 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:34:34,532 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41253226670', 'd': '11827091089474350880', 'paintseed': 676, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 957, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5903, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': -0.48785680532455444, 'offset_y': -0.1976335346698761, 'codename': 'csgo10_beaky_decade_paper', 'material': 'csgo10/beaky_decade_paper', 'name': 'Beaky Decade'}, {'stickerId': 7952, 'slot': 1, 'offset_x': -0.03712570667266846, 'offset_y': -0.01498153805732727, 'codename': 'sha2024_team_hero', 'material': 'sha2024/hero', 'name': 'HEROIC | Shanghai 2024'}], 'floatid': '27505352325', 'floatvalue': 0.7890031933784485, 'm': '663818090825946577', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_cu_glock18_warmaiden_light_large.d99a6fdb4c1469d164182a74edba8de055726aa5.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Bullet Queen', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Bullet Queen (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:34,541 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41253226670', 'd': '11827091089474350880', 'paintseed': 676, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 957, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5903, 'slot': 3, 'offset_x': -0.48785680532455444, 'offset_y': -0.1976335346698761, 'codename': 'csgo10_beaky_decade_paper', 'material': 'csgo10/beaky_decade_paper', 'name': 'Beaky Decade'}, {'stickerId': 7952, 'slot': 1, 'offset_x': -0.03712570667266846, 'offset_y': -0.01498153805732727, 'codename': 'sha2024_team_hero', 'material': 'sha2024/hero', 'name': 'HEROIC | Shanghai 2024'}], 'floatid': '27505352325', 'floatvalue': 0.7890031933784485, 'm': '663818090825946577', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_cu_glock18_warmaiden_light_large.d99a6fdb4c1469d164182a74edba8de055726aa5.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Bullet Queen', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Bullet Queen (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:34,845 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:34:35,034 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:34:35,366 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:34:35,496 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:34:36,393 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M666070525548738905A41277737797D16574056738021228846 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:34:36,912 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M664944625639876212A40804205588D13856043385791996746 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:34:37,398 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:34:37,523 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692190922027186A41306888829D14154336779618653870 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:34:37,916 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:34:38,464 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41467385126', 'd': '54832698773593505', 'paintseed': 415, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 1040, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41069600663', 'high_rank': 72, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.9672363996505737, 'm': '637922392969559803', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_gs_usps_hangedman_light_large.a01890fdeb8335437df7af6641a7b4f6e2fcca34.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'The Traitor', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ USP-S | The Traitor (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:38,528 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:34:38,919 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644677792412075127A40725090218D16440652280967356861 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:34:39,923 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:34:40,027 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660441026013554364A39868003382D5255281218443108289 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:34:40,989 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646929592227461759A41331089387D9259480748241772740 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:34:41,037 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:34:41,066 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR FAILED 5 TIMES FOR steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M667196425457725200A41220367215D14727373743974543296 (HelperFunctions.py:229) 2025-01-22 01:34:41,735 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response')) (newMarketBot.py:370) 2025-01-22 01:34:41,736 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response')) (newMarketBot.py:370) 2025-01-22 01:34:41,995 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:34:42,072 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:396) 2025-01-22 01:34:42,423 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=1337): Max retries exceeded with url: /bulk (Caused by NewConnectionError(': Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused')) (newMarketBot.py:370) 2025-01-22 01:34:42,524 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=1337): Max retries exceeded with url: /bulk (Caused by NewConnectionError(': Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused')) (newMarketBot.py:370) 2025-01-22 01:34:43,005 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=1337): Max retries exceeded with url: /bulk (Caused by NewConnectionError(': Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused')) (newMarketBot.py:370) 2025-01-22 01:34:43,205 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=1337): Max retries exceeded with url: /bulk (Caused by NewConnectionError(': Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused')) (newMarketBot.py:370) 2025-01-22 01:34:44,252 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'a': '41215599105', 'd': '1012186670554051688', 'paintseed': 80, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 913, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41215599105', 'low_rank': 758, 'high_rank': 4, 'killeatervalue': 0, 'floatvalue': 0.3979961574077606, 'm': '660439303815492774', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_am_aug_death_by_doggy_light_large.eb9b56273d30c50b93d2cb0a2e2843b525012878.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Death by Puppy', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Well-Worn', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ AUG | Death by Puppy (Well-Worn)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:46,961 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '41479624683', 'd': '16861662688158871740', 'paintseed': 577, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 659, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41016042176', 'low_rank': 141, 'floatvalue': 0.034483153373003006, 'm': '652559091756718120', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_sp_famas_macabre_light_large.7582150e24a69922b814d6b56004327e2219890d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Macabre', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'FAMAS | Macabre (Factory New)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:48,313 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 3, 'a': '40245345891', 'd': '5361762724684437295', 'paintseed': 76, 'defindex': 61, 'paintindex': 818, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5342, 'slot': 0, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_spir_gold', 'material': 'antwerp2022/spir_gold', 'name': 'Team Spirit (Gold) | Antwerp 2022'}, {'stickerId': 5370, 'slot': 1, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_pgl_gold', 'material': 'antwerp2022/pgl_gold', 'name': 'PGL (Gold) | Antwerp 2022'}, {'stickerId': 1692, 'slot': 2, 'codename': 'de_mirage_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_mirage_gold', 'name': 'Mirage (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 5294, 'slot': 3, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_faze_gold', 'material': 'antwerp2022/faze_gold', 'name': 'FaZe Clan (Gold) | Antwerp 2022'}], 'floatid': '40245345891', 'floatvalue': 0.5112097859382629, 'm': '653682620085870101', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_usp_silencer_am_ddpat_purple_light_large.993825dcdc1100cdaf92b119e82b2ba756a38bea.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'USP-S', 'item_name': 'Purple DDPAT', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir USP-S | Purple DDPAT (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:49,256 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'stickers': [], 'itemid': '38646304992', 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 963, 'rarity': 5, 'quality': 4, 'paintseed': 428, 'inventory': 21, 'origin': 8, 's': '0', 'a': '38646304992', 'd': '4947888241661372362', 'm': '660441026013552864', 'floatvalue': 0.7363970875740051, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_cu_glock_eyecontact_light_large.fb7988d1d3d9ff159f81d3c0d9a2eacb976e2842.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.75, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Vogue', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Vogue (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:49,306 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'stickers': [], 'itemid': '40623270646', 'defindex': 64, 'paintindex': 27, 'rarity': 1, 'quality': 4, 'paintseed': 80, 'inventory': 27, 'origin': 24, 's': '0', 'a': '40623270646', 'd': '5066200348437177510', 'm': '640174827690369782', 'floatvalue': 0.5460318326950073, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_revolver_sp_tape_light_large.c8f9124ff70ca2a6e8867920cd39e4fb7308ac87.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'R8 Revolver', 'item_name': 'Bone Mask', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'R8 Revolver | Bone Mask (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:49,403 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'stickers': [], 'itemid': '40532404548', 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 1227, 'rarity': 4, 'quality': 9, 'paintseed': 593, 'killeaterscoretype': 0, 'killeatervalue': 175, 'inventory': 9, 'origin': 8, 's': '0', 'a': '40532404548', 'd': '14322087306868041198', 'm': '667196425457821080', 'floatvalue': 0.47313299775123596, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_cu_glock_moon_rabbit_light_large.9063b9745250446c657632eb13a6325f51d101f2.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.75, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Umbral Rabbit', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrak™', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrak™ Glock-18 | Umbral Rabbit (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:49,803 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'stickers': [], 'itemid': '41493771940', 'defindex': 64, 'paintindex': 1145, 'rarity': 4, 'quality': 4, 'paintseed': 295, 'inventory': 49, 'origin': 4, 's': '0', 'a': '41493771940', 'd': '7206995404874235908', 'm': '666070525548759905', 'floatvalue': 0.5373092889785767, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_revolver_gs_revolver_purple_elite_light_large.12a25ff5490bc9199a7ef870677455e42b9d8847.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'R8 Revolver', 'item_name': 'Crazy 8', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'R8 Revolver | Crazy 8 (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:50,355 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'stickers': [], 'itemid': '41493771940', 'defindex': 64, 'paintindex': 1145, 'rarity': 4, 'quality': 4, 'paintseed': 295, 'inventory': 49, 'origin': 4, 's': '0', 'a': '41493771940', 'd': '7206995404874235908', 'm': '666070525548759905', 'floatvalue': 0.5373092889785767, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_revolver_gs_revolver_purple_elite_light_large.12a25ff5490bc9199a7ef870677455e42b9d8847.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'R8 Revolver', 'item_name': 'Crazy 8', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'R8 Revolver | Crazy 8 (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:50,368 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41493771940', 'd': '7206995404874235908', 'paintseed': 295, 'defindex': 64, 'paintindex': 1145, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41493771940', 'floatvalue': 0.5373092889785767, 'm': '666070525548759905', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_revolver_gs_revolver_purple_elite_light_large.12a25ff5490bc9199a7ef870677455e42b9d8847.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'R8 Revolver', 'item_name': 'Crazy 8', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'R8 Revolver | Crazy 8 (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:50,377 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'a': '41493771940', 'd': '7206995404874235908', 'paintseed': 295, 'defindex': 64, 'paintindex': 1145, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '41493771940', 'floatvalue': 0.5373092889785767, 'm': '666070525548759905', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_revolver_gs_revolver_purple_elite_light_large.12a25ff5490bc9199a7ef870677455e42b9d8847.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'R8 Revolver', 'item_name': 'Crazy 8', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Crafted', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'R8 Revolver | Crazy 8 (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:50,439 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'stickers': [], 'itemid': '40623270646', 'defindex': 64, 'paintindex': 27, 'rarity': 1, 'quality': 4, 'paintseed': 80, 'inventory': 27, 'origin': 24, 's': '0', 'a': '40623270646', 'd': '5066200348437177510', 'm': '640174827690369782', 'floatvalue': 0.5460318326950073, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_revolver_sp_tape_light_large.c8f9124ff70ca2a6e8867920cd39e4fb7308ac87.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'R8 Revolver', 'item_name': 'Bone Mask', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'R8 Revolver | Bone Mask (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:50,445 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '40623270646', 'd': '5066200348437177510', 'paintseed': 80, 'defindex': 64, 'paintindex': 27, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40623270646', 'floatvalue': 0.5460318326950073, 'm': '640174827690369782', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_revolver_sp_tape_light_large.c8f9124ff70ca2a6e8867920cd39e4fb7308ac87.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'R8 Revolver', 'item_name': 'Bone Mask', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'R8 Revolver | Bone Mask (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:50,451 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '40623270646', 'd': '5066200348437177510', 'paintseed': 80, 'defindex': 64, 'paintindex': 27, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40623270646', 'floatvalue': 0.5460318326950073, 'm': '640174827690369782', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_revolver_sp_tape_light_large.c8f9124ff70ca2a6e8867920cd39e4fb7308ac87.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'R8 Revolver', 'item_name': 'Bone Mask', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'R8 Revolver | Bone Mask (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:50,455 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '40623270646', 'd': '5066200348437177510', 'paintseed': 80, 'defindex': 64, 'paintindex': 27, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40623270646', 'floatvalue': 0.5460318326950073, 'm': '640174827690369782', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_revolver_sp_tape_light_large.c8f9124ff70ca2a6e8867920cd39e4fb7308ac87.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'R8 Revolver', 'item_name': 'Bone Mask', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'R8 Revolver | Bone Mask (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:50,460 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'a': '40623270646', 'd': '5066200348437177510', 'paintseed': 80, 'defindex': 64, 'paintindex': 27, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '40623270646', 'floatvalue': 0.5460318326950073, 'm': '640174827690369782', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_revolver_sp_tape_light_large.c8f9124ff70ca2a6e8867920cd39e4fb7308ac87.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'R8 Revolver', 'item_name': 'Bone Mask', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'origin_name': 'Level Up Reward', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'R8 Revolver | Bone Mask (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 01:34:56,522 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644678427315673159A41493915326D7822368592979324183 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 01:35:12,356 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 607, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 136, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 3, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0.28048283, 'rotation': 4.9105844, 'codename': 'dh_gologo2', 'material': 'dreamhack/dh_gologo2', 'name': 'Shooter Close'}], 'floatvalue': 0.7571467161178589, 'high_rank': 38, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_sp_tape_dots_waves_light_large.6225b7ae003cefaab7deca7ea517576991055bbd.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Waves Perforated', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir SG 553 | Waves Perforated (Battle-Scarred)', 's': '0', 'a': '41493915326', 'd': '7822368592979324183', 'm': '644678427315673159'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-22 01:35:25,373 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M648056127037150675A39032819674D5064348379485212108 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 01:36:03,972 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'paintseed': 320, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 532, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6636, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_nein', 'material': 'paris2023/nein', 'name': '9INE | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6636, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_nein', 'material': 'paris2023/nein', 'name': '9INE | Paris 2023'}], 'floatvalue': 0.9969240427017212, 'floatid': 30151838976, 'high_rank': 48, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_gs_glock18_award_light_large.198c0dc5630970b1f3bbcb307a1318745ca006e7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Royal Legion', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢ Glock-18 | Royal Legion (Battle-Scarred)', 's': '0', 'a': '39032819674', 'd': '5064348379485212108', 'm': '648056127037150675'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-22 01:36:16,253 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636796493053872792A41458986798D7397376414846874830 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-01-22 01:36:16,253 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636796493053872792A41458986798D7397376414846874830 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-01-22 01:37:29,675 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 01:37:29,676 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 01:37:29,759 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 01:39:38,118 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127967734944A41493777762D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 01:39:55,370 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'paintseed': 962, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 274, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7235, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.2940815, 'offset_y': -0.01720354, 'rotation': 3, 'codename': 'paper_retro_zeus', 'material': 'community/community_2024/paper_retro_zeus', 'name': 'Retro Zeus'}, {'stickerId': 5906, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.05287105, 'offset_y': -0.21063372, 'rotation': -15, 'codename': 'csgo10_chicken_whisperer_paper', 'material': 'csgo10/chicken_whisperer_paper', 'name': 'Chicken Whisperer'}], 'floatvalue': 0.19721482694149017, 'high_rank': 51, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_am_copper_flecks_light_large.d2af814b76763880470bc7039d5569eb74b26978.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Copper Galaxy', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢ Five-SeveN | Copper Galaxy (Field-Tested)', 's': '0', 'a': '41493777762', 'd': '2633598932167165105', 'm': '636797127967734944'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-22 01:42:18,726 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 01:47:19,677 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875542095A2884325469D12403523492782583694 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-01-22 01:47:19,677 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875542095A2884325469D12403523492782583694 (newMarketBot.py:621) 2025-01-22 01:50:14,144 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M655937426386143808A41304103348D10270616053887669131 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 01:50:33,934 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'paintseed': 338, 'defindex': 13, 'paintindex': 428, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 1323, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'cologne2016_team_optc_foil', 'material': 'cologne2016/optc_foil', 'name': 'OpTic Gaming (Foil) | Cologne 2016'}, {'stickerId': 1323, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'cologne2016_team_optc_foil', 'material': 'cologne2016/optc_foil', 'name': 'OpTic Gaming (Foil) | Cologne 2016'}, {'stickerId': 1323, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'cologne2016_team_optc_foil', 'material': 'cologne2016/optc_foil', 'name': 'OpTic Gaming (Foil) | Cologne 2016'}, {'stickerId': 1323, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'cologne2016_team_optc_foil', 'material': 'cologne2016/optc_foil', 'name': 'OpTic Gaming (Foil) | Cologne 2016'}], 'floatvalue': 0.10635476559400558, 'floatid': 15249475116, 'low_rank': 249, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_galilar_cu_galil_eco_light_large.7f64e2d77423b3c4263a74caeda18383c2e487d5.png', 'min': 0.1, 'max': 0.85, 'weapon_type': 'Galil AR', 'item_name': 'Eco', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢', 'wear_name': 'Minimal Wear', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢ Galil AR | Eco (Minimal Wear)', 's': '0', 'a': '41304103348', 'd': '10270616053887669131', 'm': '655937426386143808'} (newMarketBot.py:649) 2025-01-22 01:56:01,025 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653685626571471896A41493962519D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 01:56:28,106 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 56, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 333, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4827, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_03', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_03', 'name': 'Fade Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4828, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_04', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_04', 'name': 'Yellow Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4826, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_02', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_02', 'name': 'Green Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4825, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_01', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_01', 'name': 'Blue Lethal'}], 'floatvalue': 0.06088956817984581, 'low_rank': 41, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_so_indigo_and_grey_light_large.7a4685c334bf103f25ba1865dc0492315bf0ca5c.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Indigo', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir UMP-45 | Indigo (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '41493962519', 'd': '11556876991896565350', 'm': '653685626571471896'} (newMarketBot.py:649) 2025-01-22 01:59:54,260 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M662692825825171090A41494041260D10277647926452076860 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 02:00:52,510 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 3, 'rarity': 6, 'paintseed': 758, 'defindex': 5030, 'paintindex': 10074, 'floatvalue': 0.7984323501586914, 'high_rank': 18, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/sporty_gloves_sporty_hunter_light_large.60a0a2143cfdf8bcd1e6198ecf04bed3ce082024.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Sport Gloves', 'item_name': 'Big Game', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'â\x98\x85', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'â\x98\x85 Sport Gloves | Big Game (Battle-Scarred)', 's': '0', 'a': '41494041260', 'd': '10277647926452076860', 'm': '662692825825171090'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-22 02:01:53,931 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D12459422235579122461 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-01-22 02:01:53,932 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D12459422235579122461 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-01-22 02:02:10,960 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127967818494A41493987188D2469248228703616173 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 02:02:27,120 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 2, 'paintseed': 68, 'defindex': 9, 'paintindex': 72, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 18, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'std_dispatch', 'material': 'standard/dispatch', 'name': 'Black Dog'}, {'stickerId': 18, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'std_dispatch', 'material': 'standard/dispatch', 'name': 'Black Dog'}], 'floatvalue': 0.7295083403587341, 'low_rank': 440, 'high_rank': 10, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_awp_sp_mesh_tan_light_large.3608cbeb9bb163bfd2becb4ebcce2576b9ca78d9.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'AWP', 'item_name': 'Safari Mesh', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir AWP | Safari Mesh (Battle-Scarred)', 's': '0', 'a': '41493987188', 'd': '2469248228703616173', 'm': '636797127967818494'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-22 02:02:53,693 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644678427315741709A41494054503D7822368592979324183 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 02:03:10,308 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 607, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 136, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 3, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0.28048283, 'rotation': 4.9105844, 'codename': 'dh_gologo2', 'material': 'dreamhack/dh_gologo2', 'name': 'Shooter Close'}], 'floatvalue': 0.7571467161178589, 'high_rank': 38, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_sp_tape_dots_waves_light_large.6225b7ae003cefaab7deca7ea517576991055bbd.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Waves Perforated', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir SG 553 | Waves Perforated (Battle-Scarred)', 's': '0', 'a': '41494054503', 'd': '7822368592979324183', 'm': '644678427315741709'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-22 02:05:29,046 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 02:05:29,046 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 02:05:29,137 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 02:06:32,059 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M645804327223603640A41493977934D2335132103463534717 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 02:06:55,124 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'paintseed': 229, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 265, 'floatvalue': 0.2993367314338684, 'floatid': 38771466502, 'high_rank': 139, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_hy_kami_light_large.ce4939fe41b30c6143f487879a57e4f5f227e811.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.3, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Kami', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'Five-SeveN | Kami (Field-Tested)', 's': '0', 'a': '41493977934', 'd': '2335132103463534717', 'm': '645804327223603640'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-22 02:07:40,755 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127967842644A41494045843D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 02:07:55,980 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'paintseed': 962, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 274, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7235, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.2940815, 'offset_y': -0.01720354, 'rotation': 3, 'codename': 'paper_retro_zeus', 'material': 'community/community_2024/paper_retro_zeus', 'name': 'Retro Zeus'}, {'stickerId': 5906, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.05287105, 'offset_y': -0.21063372, 'rotation': -15, 'codename': 'csgo10_chicken_whisperer_paper', 'material': 'csgo10/chicken_whisperer_paper', 'name': 'Chicken Whisperer'}], 'floatvalue': 0.19721482694149017, 'high_rank': 51, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_am_copper_flecks_light_large.d2af814b76763880470bc7039d5569eb74b26978.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Copper Galaxy', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢ Five-SeveN | Copper Galaxy (Field-Tested)', 's': '0', 'a': '41494045843', 'd': '2633598932167165105', 'm': '636797127967842644'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-22 02:10:10,655 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 02:15:20,907 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875542095A2884325469D12403523492782583694 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-01-22 02:15:20,907 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875542095A2884325469D12403523492782583694 (newMarketBot.py:621) 2025-01-22 02:24:06,197 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653685626571572906A41494240806D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 02:24:39,286 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 56, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 333, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4827, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_03', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_03', 'name': 'Fade Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4828, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_04', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_04', 'name': 'Yellow Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4826, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_02', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_02', 'name': 'Green Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4825, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_01', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_01', 'name': 'Blue Lethal'}], 'floatvalue': 0.06088956817984581, 'low_rank': 41, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_so_indigo_and_grey_light_large.7a4685c334bf103f25ba1865dc0492315bf0ca5c.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Indigo', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir UMP-45 | Indigo (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '41494240806', 'd': '11556876991896565350', 'm': '653685626571572906'} (newMarketBot.py:649) 2025-01-22 02:27:55,632 - Marketbot - ERROR - RETRYING BULK ERROR SUCCESSFUL FOR {'origin': 8, 'quality': 3, 'rarity': 6, 'a': '41492179161', 'd': '7495479150461591156', 'paintseed': 973, 'defindex': 5034, 'paintindex': 10068, 'stickers': [], 'floatid': '25832271101', 'low_rank': 438, 'high_rank': 210, 'floatvalue': 0.7068880796432495, 'm': '648055492131729592', 's': '0', 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/specialist_gloves_specialist_fbi_light_large.1e314531001e6f78b6c3bf167a678b4aafc8d4c7.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Specialist Gloves', 'item_name': 'Field Agent', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': '★', 'origin_name': 'Found in Crate', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': '★ Specialist Gloves | Field Agent (Battle-Scarred)'} (newMarketBot.py:399) 2025-01-22 02:29:44,837 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660440391101689745A41475327939D9677680269622404985 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-01-22 02:29:44,838 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660440391101689745A41475327939D9677680269622404985 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-01-22 02:29:46,377 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M5195560142692189995A40411148808D2513622672110453954 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-01-22 02:29:46,377 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M5195560142692189995A40411148808D2513622672110453954 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-01-22 02:29:49,587 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M663815719165718747A40672036338D12569094535291948228 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-01-22 02:29:49,587 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M663815719165718747A40672036338D12569094535291948228 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-01-22 02:29:52,541 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D10134375602256905597 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-01-22 02:29:52,542 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D10134375602256905597 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-01-22 02:29:53,645 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660439756960963434A41300350751D3089685134317112153 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-01-22 02:29:53,645 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660439756960963434A41300350751D3089685134317112153 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-01-22 02:31:03,413 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644678427315801409A41494196314D7822368592979324183 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 02:31:16,409 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 607, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 136, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 3, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0.28048283, 'rotation': 4.9105844, 'codename': 'dh_gologo2', 'material': 'dreamhack/dh_gologo2', 'name': 'Shooter Close'}], 'floatvalue': 0.7571467161178589, 'high_rank': 38, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_sp_tape_dots_waves_light_large.6225b7ae003cefaab7deca7ea517576991055bbd.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Waves Perforated', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir SG 553 | Waves Perforated (Battle-Scarred)', 's': '0', 'a': '41494196314', 'd': '7822368592979324183', 'm': '644678427315801409'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-22 02:33:26,356 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 02:33:26,357 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 02:33:26,442 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 02:33:35,728 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660441026013671964A41493936152D7847740504565864249 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 02:34:04,226 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 4, 'paintseed': 85, 'defindex': 63, 'paintindex': 325, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7066, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'paris2023_signature_osee_4_glitter', 'material': 'paris2023/sig_osee_glitter', 'name': 'oSee (Glitter) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 670, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'eslcologne2015_team_esl_gold', 'material': 'cologne2015/esl_gold', 'name': 'ESL (Gold) | Cologne 2015'}, {'stickerId': 535, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'eslcologne2015_signature_b1ad3_gold', 'material': 'cologne2015/sig_b1ad3_gold', 'name': 'B1ad3 (Gold) | Cologne 2015'}], 'floatvalue': 0.0981345996260643, 'high_rank': 10, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_cz75a_am_royal_light_large.f9f7bd8e5321fa0572adc2b77050608e5570cdaf.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.1, 'weapon_type': 'CZ75-Auto', 'item_name': 'Chalice', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Minimal Wear', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir CZ75-Auto | Chalice (Minimal Wear)', 's': '0', 'a': '41493936152', 'd': '7847740504565864249', 'm': '660441026013671964'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-22 02:35:40,340 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127967921604A41494321355D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 02:35:58,765 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'paintseed': 962, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 274, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7235, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.2940815, 'offset_y': -0.01720354, 'rotation': 3, 'codename': 'paper_retro_zeus', 'material': 'community/community_2024/paper_retro_zeus', 'name': 'Retro Zeus'}, {'stickerId': 5906, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.05287105, 'offset_y': -0.21063372, 'rotation': -15, 'codename': 'csgo10_chicken_whisperer_paper', 'material': 'csgo10/chicken_whisperer_paper', 'name': 'Chicken Whisperer'}], 'floatvalue': 0.19721482694149017, 'high_rank': 51, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_am_copper_flecks_light_large.d2af814b76763880470bc7039d5569eb74b26978.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Copper Galaxy', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢ Five-SeveN | Copper Galaxy (Field-Tested)', 's': '0', 'a': '41494321355', 'd': '2633598932167165105', 'm': '636797127967921604'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-22 02:37:57,761 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 02:43:32,031 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875542095A2884325469D12403523492782583694 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-01-22 02:43:32,032 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875542095A2884325469D12403523492782583694 (newMarketBot.py:621) 2025-01-22 02:52:08,608 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653685626571610736A41494375648D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 02:52:24,816 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 56, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 333, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4827, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_03', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_03', 'name': 'Fade Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4828, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_04', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_04', 'name': 'Yellow Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4826, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_02', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_02', 'name': 'Green Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4825, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_01', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_01', 'name': 'Blue Lethal'}], 'floatvalue': 0.06088956817984581, 'low_rank': 41, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_so_indigo_and_grey_light_large.7a4685c334bf103f25ba1865dc0492315bf0ca5c.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Indigo', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir UMP-45 | Indigo (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '41494375648', 'd': '11556876991896565350', 'm': '653685626571610736'} (newMarketBot.py:649) 2025-01-22 02:58:07,912 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D12459422235579122461 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-01-22 02:58:07,913 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D12459422235579122461 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-01-22 02:59:06,322 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644678427315886609A41494475940D7822368592979324183 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 02:59:28,380 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 607, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 136, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 3, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0.28048283, 'rotation': 4.9105844, 'codename': 'dh_gologo2', 'material': 'dreamhack/dh_gologo2', 'name': 'Shooter Close'}], 'floatvalue': 0.7571467161178589, 'high_rank': 38, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_sp_tape_dots_waves_light_large.6225b7ae003cefaab7deca7ea517576991055bbd.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Waves Perforated', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir SG 553 | Waves Perforated (Battle-Scarred)', 's': '0', 'a': '41494475940', 'd': '7822368592979324183', 'm': '644678427315886609'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-22 03:02:41,111 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D12459422235579122461 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-01-22 03:02:41,112 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D12459422235579122461 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-01-22 03:06:47,942 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 03:06:47,942 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 03:06:48,041 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 03:08:09,764 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127967950674A41494463154D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 03:08:29,392 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'paintseed': 962, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 274, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7235, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.2940815, 'offset_y': -0.01720354, 'rotation': 3, 'codename': 'paper_retro_zeus', 'material': 'community/community_2024/paper_retro_zeus', 'name': 'Retro Zeus'}, {'stickerId': 5906, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.05287105, 'offset_y': -0.21063372, 'rotation': -15, 'codename': 'csgo10_chicken_whisperer_paper', 'material': 'csgo10/chicken_whisperer_paper', 'name': 'Chicken Whisperer'}], 'floatvalue': 0.19721482694149017, 'high_rank': 51, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_am_copper_flecks_light_large.d2af814b76763880470bc7039d5569eb74b26978.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Copper Galaxy', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢ Five-SeveN | Copper Galaxy (Field-Tested)', 's': '0', 'a': '41494463154', 'd': '2633598932167165105', 'm': '636797127967950674'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-22 03:11:36,381 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 03:16:26,769 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875542095A2884325469D12403523492782583694 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-01-22 03:16:26,769 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875542095A2884325469D12403523492782583694 (newMarketBot.py:621) 2025-01-22 03:30:32,750 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D12459422235579122461 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-01-22 03:30:32,750 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D12459422235579122461 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-01-22 03:32:41,846 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644678427315938839A41494722665D7822368592979324183 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 03:32:54,380 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 607, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 136, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 3, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0.28048283, 'rotation': 4.9105844, 'codename': 'dh_gologo2', 'material': 'dreamhack/dh_gologo2', 'name': 'Shooter Close'}], 'floatvalue': 0.7571467161178589, 'high_rank': 38, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_sp_tape_dots_waves_light_large.6225b7ae003cefaab7deca7ea517576991055bbd.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Waves Perforated', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir SG 553 | Waves Perforated (Battle-Scarred)', 's': '0', 'a': '41494722665', 'd': '7822368592979324183', 'm': '644678427315938839'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-22 03:34:38,668 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 03:34:38,669 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 03:34:38,772 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 03:36:01,361 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127968003474A41494694065D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 03:36:20,775 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'paintseed': 962, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 274, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7235, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.2940815, 'offset_y': -0.01720354, 'rotation': 3, 'codename': 'paper_retro_zeus', 'material': 'community/community_2024/paper_retro_zeus', 'name': 'Retro Zeus'}, {'stickerId': 5906, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.05287105, 'offset_y': -0.21063372, 'rotation': -15, 'codename': 'csgo10_chicken_whisperer_paper', 'material': 'csgo10/chicken_whisperer_paper', 'name': 'Chicken Whisperer'}], 'floatvalue': 0.19721482694149017, 'high_rank': 51, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_am_copper_flecks_light_large.d2af814b76763880470bc7039d5569eb74b26978.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Copper Galaxy', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢ Five-SeveN | Copper Galaxy (Field-Tested)', 's': '0', 'a': '41494694065', 'd': '2633598932167165105', 'm': '636797127968003474'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-22 03:39:11,691 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 03:44:59,178 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875542095A2884325469D12403523492782583694 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-01-22 03:44:59,178 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875542095A2884325469D12403523492782583694 (newMarketBot.py:621) 2025-01-22 03:53:11,592 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653685626571935726A41495141915D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 03:53:35,935 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 56, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 333, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4827, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_03', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_03', 'name': 'Fade Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4828, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_04', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_04', 'name': 'Yellow Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4826, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_02', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_02', 'name': 'Green Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4825, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_01', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_01', 'name': 'Blue Lethal'}], 'floatvalue': 0.06088956817984581, 'low_rank': 41, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_so_indigo_and_grey_light_large.7a4685c334bf103f25ba1865dc0492315bf0ca5c.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Indigo', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir UMP-45 | Indigo (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '41495141915', 'd': '11556876991896565350', 'm': '653685626571935726'} (newMarketBot.py:649) 2025-01-22 03:59:15,148 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D12459422235579122461 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-01-22 03:59:15,148 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D12459422235579122461 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-01-22 04:01:20,536 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644678427315999649A41495012566D7822368592979324183 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 04:01:37,337 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 607, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 136, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 3, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0.28048283, 'rotation': 4.9105844, 'codename': 'dh_gologo2', 'material': 'dreamhack/dh_gologo2', 'name': 'Shooter Close'}], 'floatvalue': 0.7571467161178589, 'high_rank': 38, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_sp_tape_dots_waves_light_large.6225b7ae003cefaab7deca7ea517576991055bbd.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Waves Perforated', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir SG 553 | Waves Perforated (Battle-Scarred)', 's': '0', 'a': '41495012566', 'd': '7822368592979324183', 'm': '644678427315999649'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-22 04:03:07,190 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 04:03:07,191 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 04:03:07,270 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 04:04:37,417 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127968114594A41495299307D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 04:04:51,701 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'paintseed': 962, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 274, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7235, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.2940815, 'offset_y': -0.01720354, 'rotation': 3, 'codename': 'paper_retro_zeus', 'material': 'community/community_2024/paper_retro_zeus', 'name': 'Retro Zeus'}, {'stickerId': 5906, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.05287105, 'offset_y': -0.21063372, 'rotation': -15, 'codename': 'csgo10_chicken_whisperer_paper', 'material': 'csgo10/chicken_whisperer_paper', 'name': 'Chicken Whisperer'}], 'floatvalue': 0.19721482694149017, 'high_rank': 51, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_am_copper_flecks_light_large.d2af814b76763880470bc7039d5569eb74b26978.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Copper Galaxy', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢ Five-SeveN | Copper Galaxy (Field-Tested)', 's': '0', 'a': '41495299307', 'd': '2633598932167165105', 'm': '636797127968114594'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-22 04:07:45,322 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 04:12:51,454 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875542095A2884325469D12403523492782583694 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-01-22 04:12:51,455 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875542095A2884325469D12403523492782583694 (newMarketBot.py:621) 2025-01-22 04:20:12,811 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644674168630937682A38380768664D6945791169804167359 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 04:20:25,707 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'paintseed': 529, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 1162, 'floatvalue': 0.00016788904031272978, 'floatid': 38380768664, 'low_rank': 16, 'min': 0, 'max': 0.698529, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Dark Sigil', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢ Nova | Dark Sigil (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '38380768664', 'd': '6945791169804167359', 'm': '644674168630937682'} (newMarketBot.py:649) 2025-01-22 04:21:06,182 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653685626572052246A41495485270D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 04:21:24,808 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 56, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 333, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4827, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_03', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_03', 'name': 'Fade Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4828, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_04', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_04', 'name': 'Yellow Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4826, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_02', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_02', 'name': 'Green Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4825, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_01', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_01', 'name': 'Blue Lethal'}], 'floatvalue': 0.06088956817984581, 'low_rank': 41, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_so_indigo_and_grey_light_large.7a4685c334bf103f25ba1865dc0492315bf0ca5c.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Indigo', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir UMP-45 | Indigo (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '41495485270', 'd': '11556876991896565350', 'm': '653685626572052246'} (newMarketBot.py:649) 2025-01-22 04:27:01,661 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D12459422235579122461 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-01-22 04:27:01,661 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D12459422235579122461 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-01-22 04:29:16,088 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644678427316118869A41495661487D7822368592979324183 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 04:29:31,739 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 607, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 136, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 3, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0.28048283, 'rotation': 4.9105844, 'codename': 'dh_gologo2', 'material': 'dreamhack/dh_gologo2', 'name': 'Shooter Close'}], 'floatvalue': 0.7571467161178589, 'high_rank': 38, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_sp_tape_dots_waves_light_large.6225b7ae003cefaab7deca7ea517576991055bbd.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Waves Perforated', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir SG 553 | Waves Perforated (Battle-Scarred)', 's': '0', 'a': '41495661487', 'd': '7822368592979324183', 'm': '644678427316118869'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-22 04:31:00,807 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 04:31:00,808 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 04:31:00,898 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 04:32:34,763 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127968177714A41495663109D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 04:32:55,961 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'paintseed': 962, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 274, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7235, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.2940815, 'offset_y': -0.01720354, 'rotation': 3, 'codename': 'paper_retro_zeus', 'material': 'community/community_2024/paper_retro_zeus', 'name': 'Retro Zeus'}, {'stickerId': 5906, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.05287105, 'offset_y': -0.21063372, 'rotation': -15, 'codename': 'csgo10_chicken_whisperer_paper', 'material': 'csgo10/chicken_whisperer_paper', 'name': 'Chicken Whisperer'}], 'floatvalue': 0.19721482694149017, 'high_rank': 51, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_am_copper_flecks_light_large.d2af814b76763880470bc7039d5569eb74b26978.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Copper Galaxy', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢ Five-SeveN | Copper Galaxy (Field-Tested)', 's': '0', 'a': '41495663109', 'd': '2633598932167165105', 'm': '636797127968177714'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-22 04:35:36,091 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 04:40:52,258 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875542095A2884325469D12403523492782583694 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-01-22 04:40:52,258 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875542095A2884325469D12403523492782583694 (newMarketBot.py:621) 2025-01-22 04:49:01,704 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653685626572180646A41495794867D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 04:49:24,658 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 56, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 333, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4827, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_03', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_03', 'name': 'Fade Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4828, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_04', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_04', 'name': 'Yellow Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4826, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_02', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_02', 'name': 'Green Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4825, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_01', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_01', 'name': 'Blue Lethal'}], 'floatvalue': 0.06088956817984581, 'low_rank': 41, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_so_indigo_and_grey_light_large.7a4685c334bf103f25ba1865dc0492315bf0ca5c.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Indigo', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir UMP-45 | Indigo (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '41495794867', 'd': '11556876991896565350', 'm': '653685626572180646'} (newMarketBot.py:649) 2025-01-22 04:54:56,836 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D12459422235579122461 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-01-22 04:54:56,837 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D12459422235579122461 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-01-22 04:57:08,310 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644678427316186249A41495986757D7822368592979324183 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 04:57:26,466 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 607, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 136, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 3, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0.28048283, 'rotation': 4.9105844, 'codename': 'dh_gologo2', 'material': 'dreamhack/dh_gologo2', 'name': 'Shooter Close'}], 'floatvalue': 0.7571467161178589, 'high_rank': 38, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_sp_tape_dots_waves_light_large.6225b7ae003cefaab7deca7ea517576991055bbd.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Waves Perforated', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir SG 553 | Waves Perforated (Battle-Scarred)', 's': '0', 'a': '41495986757', 'd': '7822368592979324183', 'm': '644678427316186249'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-22 04:59:02,034 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 04:59:02,035 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 04:59:02,120 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 05:00:27,365 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127968225834A41495990969D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 05:00:48,722 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'paintseed': 962, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 274, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7235, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.2940815, 'offset_y': -0.01720354, 'rotation': 3, 'codename': 'paper_retro_zeus', 'material': 'community/community_2024/paper_retro_zeus', 'name': 'Retro Zeus'}, {'stickerId': 5906, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.05287105, 'offset_y': -0.21063372, 'rotation': -15, 'codename': 'csgo10_chicken_whisperer_paper', 'material': 'csgo10/chicken_whisperer_paper', 'name': 'Chicken Whisperer'}], 'floatvalue': 0.19721482694149017, 'high_rank': 51, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_am_copper_flecks_light_large.d2af814b76763880470bc7039d5569eb74b26978.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Copper Galaxy', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢ Five-SeveN | Copper Galaxy (Field-Tested)', 's': '0', 'a': '41495990969', 'd': '2633598932167165105', 'm': '636797127968225834'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-22 05:03:09,258 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M667196425458752520A41494799763D9225206205861375513 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 05:03:24,590 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'paintseed': 743, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 699, 'floatvalue': 0.7999111413955688, 'floatid': 40116624383, 'high_rank': 41, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_gs_nova_anchorite_light_large.419b869b5316b67a6ed673edafd088a9d16c066c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Wild Six', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Wild Six (Battle-Scarred)', 's': '0', 'a': '41494799763', 'd': '9225206205861375513', 'm': '667196425458752520'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-22 05:03:38,474 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 05:08:49,346 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875542095A2884325469D12403523492782583694 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-01-22 05:08:49,346 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875542095A2884325469D12403523492782583694 (newMarketBot.py:621) 2025-01-22 05:13:33,101 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M661566925919917486A22870439211D11685860331175301528 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 05:13:49,594 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 2, 'paintseed': 394, 'defindex': 14, 'paintindex': 243, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 99, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'kat2014_wolf_esl_gold_foil', 'material': 'emskatowice2014/wolf_esl_gold_foil', 'name': 'Gold ESL Wolf (Foil) | Katowice 2014'}, {'stickerId': 97, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'kat2014_virtuspro_foil', 'material': 'emskatowice2014/virtuspro_foil', 'name': 'Virtus.Pro (Foil) | Katowice 2014'}, {'stickerId': 89, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'kat2014_ldlc_foil', 'material': 'emskatowice2014/ldlc_foil', 'name': 'Team LDLC.com (Foil) | Katowice 2014'}], 'floatvalue': 0.05590984970331192, 'floatid': 4530765605, 'low_rank': 27, 'high_rank': 405, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m249_sp_mesh_python_light_large.39f20f5499a7d68e8b90a9e064c993e9a803d721.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'M249', 'item_name': 'Gator Mesh', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir M249 | Gator Mesh (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '22870439211', 'd': '11685860331175301528', 'm': '661566925919917486'} (newMarketBot.py:649) 2025-01-22 05:22:53,069 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D12459422235579122461 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-01-22 05:22:53,069 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D12459422235579122461 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-01-22 05:25:05,885 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644678427316253149A41496356509D7822368592979324183 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 05:25:27,719 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-01-22 05:25:29,720 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644678427316253149A41496356509D7822368592979324183 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 05:25:45,980 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 607, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 136, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 3, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0.28048283, 'rotation': 4.9105844, 'codename': 'dh_gologo2', 'material': 'dreamhack/dh_gologo2', 'name': 'Shooter Close'}], 'floatvalue': 0.7571467161178589, 'high_rank': 38, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_sp_tape_dots_waves_light_large.6225b7ae003cefaab7deca7ea517576991055bbd.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Waves Perforated', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir SG 553 | Waves Perforated (Battle-Scarred)', 's': '0', 'a': '41496356509', 'd': '7822368592979324183', 'm': '644678427316253149'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-22 05:26:53,658 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 05:26:53,659 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 05:26:53,745 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 05:28:23,047 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127968274134A41496311238D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 05:28:46,379 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'paintseed': 962, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 274, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7235, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.2940815, 'offset_y': -0.01720354, 'rotation': 3, 'codename': 'paper_retro_zeus', 'material': 'community/community_2024/paper_retro_zeus', 'name': 'Retro Zeus'}, {'stickerId': 5906, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.05287105, 'offset_y': -0.21063372, 'rotation': -15, 'codename': 'csgo10_chicken_whisperer_paper', 'material': 'csgo10/chicken_whisperer_paper', 'name': 'Chicken Whisperer'}], 'floatvalue': 0.19721482694149017, 'high_rank': 51, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_am_copper_flecks_light_large.d2af814b76763880470bc7039d5569eb74b26978.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Copper Galaxy', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢ Five-SeveN | Copper Galaxy (Field-Tested)', 's': '0', 'a': '41496311238', 'd': '2633598932167165105', 'm': '636797127968274134'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-22 05:31:56,572 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 05:36:48,602 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875542095A2884325469D12403523492782583694 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-01-22 05:36:48,603 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875542095A2884325469D12403523492782583694 (newMarketBot.py:621) 2025-01-22 05:45:01,320 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653685626572485866A41496690190D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 05:45:18,015 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 56, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 333, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4827, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_03', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_03', 'name': 'Fade Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4828, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_04', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_04', 'name': 'Yellow Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4826, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_02', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_02', 'name': 'Green Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4825, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_01', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_01', 'name': 'Blue Lethal'}], 'floatvalue': 0.06088956817984581, 'low_rank': 41, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_so_indigo_and_grey_light_large.7a4685c334bf103f25ba1865dc0492315bf0ca5c.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Indigo', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir UMP-45 | Indigo (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '41496690190', 'd': '11556876991896565350', 'm': '653685626572485866'} (newMarketBot.py:649) 2025-01-22 05:50:58,097 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D12459422235579122461 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-01-22 05:50:58,097 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D12459422235579122461 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-01-22 05:53:05,977 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644678427316331239A41496639406D7822368592979324183 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 05:53:23,691 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 607, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 136, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 3, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0.28048283, 'rotation': 4.9105844, 'codename': 'dh_gologo2', 'material': 'dreamhack/dh_gologo2', 'name': 'Shooter Close'}], 'floatvalue': 0.7571467161178589, 'high_rank': 38, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_sp_tape_dots_waves_light_large.6225b7ae003cefaab7deca7ea517576991055bbd.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Waves Perforated', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir SG 553 | Waves Perforated (Battle-Scarred)', 's': '0', 'a': '41496639406', 'd': '7822368592979324183', 'm': '644678427316331239'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-22 05:54:52,961 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 05:54:52,962 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 05:54:53,062 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 05:56:24,231 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127968358434A41496877926D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 05:56:53,212 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'paintseed': 962, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 274, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7235, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.2940815, 'offset_y': -0.01720354, 'rotation': 3, 'codename': 'paper_retro_zeus', 'material': 'community/community_2024/paper_retro_zeus', 'name': 'Retro Zeus'}, {'stickerId': 5906, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.05287105, 'offset_y': -0.21063372, 'rotation': -15, 'codename': 'csgo10_chicken_whisperer_paper', 'material': 'csgo10/chicken_whisperer_paper', 'name': 'Chicken Whisperer'}], 'floatvalue': 0.19721482694149017, 'high_rank': 51, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_am_copper_flecks_light_large.d2af814b76763880470bc7039d5569eb74b26978.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Copper Galaxy', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢ Five-SeveN | Copper Galaxy (Field-Tested)', 's': '0', 'a': '41496877926', 'd': '2633598932167165105', 'm': '636797127968358434'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-22 05:59:29,461 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 06:04:42,518 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875542095A2884325469D12403523492782583694 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-01-22 06:04:42,519 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875542095A2884325469D12403523492782583694 (newMarketBot.py:621) 2025-01-22 06:12:53,143 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653685626572581656A41496966411D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 06:13:07,735 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 56, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 333, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4827, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_03', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_03', 'name': 'Fade Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4828, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_04', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_04', 'name': 'Yellow Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4826, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_02', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_02', 'name': 'Green Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4825, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_01', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_01', 'name': 'Blue Lethal'}], 'floatvalue': 0.06088956817984581, 'low_rank': 41, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_so_indigo_and_grey_light_large.7a4685c334bf103f25ba1865dc0492315bf0ca5c.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Indigo', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir UMP-45 | Indigo (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '41496966411', 'd': '11556876991896565350', 'm': '653685626572581656'} (newMarketBot.py:649) 2025-01-22 06:18:43,334 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D12459422235579122461 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-01-22 06:18:43,334 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D12459422235579122461 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-01-22 06:21:00,647 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644678427316445209A41497208232D7822368592979324183 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 06:21:30,001 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: Message: Stacktrace: #0 0x608021ba031a #1 0x6080216b66e0 #2 0x6080217053e6 #3 0x608021705681 #4 0x60802174ab04 #5 0x60802172948d #6 0x608021747ed7 #7 0x608021729203 #8 0x6080216f7cc0 #9 0x6080216f8c9e #10 0x608021b6dd0b #11 0x608021b71c92 #12 0x608021b5ab3c #13 0x608021b72807 #14 0x608021b400df #15 0x608021b8f578 #16 0x608021b8f740 #17 0x608021b9f196 #18 0x7ef523c9ca94 #19 0x7ef523d29c3c (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2025-01-22 06:21:30,076 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:583) 2025-01-22 06:21:32,076 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644678427316445209A41497208232D7822368592979324183 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 06:21:49,369 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 607, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 136, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 3, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0.28048283, 'rotation': 4.9105844, 'codename': 'dh_gologo2', 'material': 'dreamhack/dh_gologo2', 'name': 'Shooter Close'}], 'floatvalue': 0.7571467161178589, 'high_rank': 38, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_sp_tape_dots_waves_light_large.6225b7ae003cefaab7deca7ea517576991055bbd.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Waves Perforated', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir SG 553 | Waves Perforated (Battle-Scarred)', 's': '0', 'a': '41497208232', 'd': '7822368592979324183', 'm': '644678427316445209'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-22 06:22:49,279 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 06:22:49,280 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 06:22:49,383 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 06:24:15,330 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127968423534A41497161373D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 06:24:31,312 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'paintseed': 962, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 274, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7235, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.2940815, 'offset_y': -0.01720354, 'rotation': 3, 'codename': 'paper_retro_zeus', 'material': 'community/community_2024/paper_retro_zeus', 'name': 'Retro Zeus'}, {'stickerId': 5906, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.05287105, 'offset_y': -0.21063372, 'rotation': -15, 'codename': 'csgo10_chicken_whisperer_paper', 'material': 'csgo10/chicken_whisperer_paper', 'name': 'Chicken Whisperer'}], 'floatvalue': 0.19721482694149017, 'high_rank': 51, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_am_copper_flecks_light_large.d2af814b76763880470bc7039d5569eb74b26978.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Copper Galaxy', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢ Five-SeveN | Copper Galaxy (Field-Tested)', 's': '0', 'a': '41497161373', 'd': '2633598932167165105', 'm': '636797127968423534'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-22 06:27:26,037 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 06:32:40,112 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875542095A2884325469D12403523492782583694 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-01-22 06:32:40,112 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875542095A2884325469D12403523492782583694 (newMarketBot.py:621) 2025-01-22 06:38:58,506 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M646930227131168691A41497216195D4800853467485971131 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 06:39:14,080 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'paintseed': 928, 'defindex': 35, 'paintindex': 1077, 'floatvalue': 0.0014179431600496173, 'floatid': 24357208818, 'low_rank': 39, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_nova_hy_vertigoillusion_yellow_light_large.73fdfc85585fff74804a6f22179406a48ce74947.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'Nova', 'item_name': 'Interlock', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Nova | Interlock (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '41497216195', 'd': '4800853467485971131', 'm': '646930227131168691'} (newMarketBot.py:649) 2025-01-22 06:40:51,238 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653685626572686236A41497257775D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 06:41:08,321 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 56, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 333, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4827, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_03', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_03', 'name': 'Fade Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4828, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_04', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_04', 'name': 'Yellow Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4826, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_02', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_02', 'name': 'Green Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4825, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_01', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_01', 'name': 'Blue Lethal'}], 'floatvalue': 0.06088956817984581, 'low_rank': 41, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_so_indigo_and_grey_light_large.7a4685c334bf103f25ba1865dc0492315bf0ca5c.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Indigo', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir UMP-45 | Indigo (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '41497257775', 'd': '11556876991896565350', 'm': '653685626572686236'} (newMarketBot.py:649) 2025-01-22 06:46:57,600 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D12459422235579122461 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-01-22 06:46:57,600 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D12459422235579122461 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-01-22 06:49:04,787 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644678427316490989A41497509691D7822368592979324183 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 06:49:20,265 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 607, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 136, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 3, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0.28048283, 'rotation': 4.9105844, 'codename': 'dh_gologo2', 'material': 'dreamhack/dh_gologo2', 'name': 'Shooter Close'}], 'floatvalue': 0.7571467161178589, 'high_rank': 38, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_sp_tape_dots_waves_light_large.6225b7ae003cefaab7deca7ea517576991055bbd.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Waves Perforated', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir SG 553 | Waves Perforated (Battle-Scarred)', 's': '0', 'a': '41497509691', 'd': '7822368592979324183', 'm': '644678427316490989'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-22 06:50:53,197 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 06:50:53,198 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 06:50:53,281 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 06:52:15,085 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestProxyCheap: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 502. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:186) 2025-01-22 06:52:21,648 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127968487854A41497461623D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 06:52:35,870 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'paintseed': 962, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 274, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7235, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.2940815, 'offset_y': -0.01720354, 'rotation': 3, 'codename': 'paper_retro_zeus', 'material': 'community/community_2024/paper_retro_zeus', 'name': 'Retro Zeus'}, {'stickerId': 5906, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.05287105, 'offset_y': -0.21063372, 'rotation': -15, 'codename': 'csgo10_chicken_whisperer_paper', 'material': 'csgo10/chicken_whisperer_paper', 'name': 'Chicken Whisperer'}], 'floatvalue': 0.19721482694149017, 'high_rank': 51, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_am_copper_flecks_light_large.d2af814b76763880470bc7039d5569eb74b26978.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Copper Galaxy', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢ Five-SeveN | Copper Galaxy (Field-Tested)', 's': '0', 'a': '41497461623', 'd': '2633598932167165105', 'm': '636797127968487854'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-22 06:55:31,624 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 07:00:46,124 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875542095A2884325469D12403523492782583694 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-01-22 07:00:46,124 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875542095A2884325469D12403523492782583694 (newMarketBot.py:621) 2025-01-22 07:09:00,584 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653685626572972436A41497862663D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 07:09:16,119 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 56, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 333, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4827, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_03', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_03', 'name': 'Fade Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4828, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_04', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_04', 'name': 'Yellow Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4826, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_02', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_02', 'name': 'Green Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4825, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_01', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_01', 'name': 'Blue Lethal'}], 'floatvalue': 0.06088956817984581, 'low_rank': 41, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_so_indigo_and_grey_light_large.7a4685c334bf103f25ba1865dc0492315bf0ca5c.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Indigo', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir UMP-45 | Indigo (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '41497862663', 'd': '11556876991896565350', 'm': '653685626572972436'} (newMarketBot.py:649) 2025-01-22 07:15:03,078 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D12459422235579122461 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-01-22 07:15:03,078 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D12459422235579122461 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-01-22 07:17:00,842 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644678427316537519A41497825863D7822368592979324183 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 07:17:19,555 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 607, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 136, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 3, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0.28048283, 'rotation': 4.9105844, 'codename': 'dh_gologo2', 'material': 'dreamhack/dh_gologo2', 'name': 'Shooter Close'}], 'floatvalue': 0.7571467161178589, 'high_rank': 38, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_sp_tape_dots_waves_light_large.6225b7ae003cefaab7deca7ea517576991055bbd.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Waves Perforated', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir SG 553 | Waves Perforated (Battle-Scarred)', 's': '0', 'a': '41497825863', 'd': '7822368592979324183', 'm': '644678427316537519'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-22 07:18:58,213 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 07:18:58,214 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 07:18:58,299 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 07:23:52,024 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 07:24:11,641 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestProxyCheap: Failed to perform, curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate in certificate chain. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:186) 2025-01-22 07:26:32,455 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M661566925920356806A40302977368D729669039592845269 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 07:27:04,322 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'paintseed': 521, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 1141, 'floatvalue': 1.1893766895809676e-05, 'floatid': 37032102258, 'low_rank': 4, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_cu_ak47_nightwish_light_large.0c4581be094e2bd732bec18ebdad2f71b1018af2.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Nightwish', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AK-47 | Nightwish (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '40302977368', 'd': '729669039592845269', 'm': '661566925920356806'} (newMarketBot.py:649) 2025-01-22 07:28:45,249 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875542095A2884325469D12403523492782583694 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-01-22 07:28:45,250 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875542095A2884325469D12403523492782583694 (newMarketBot.py:621) 2025-01-22 07:33:31,369 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestProxyCheap: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 502. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:186) 2025-01-22 07:36:57,442 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653685626573151176A41498169146D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 07:37:13,738 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 56, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 333, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4827, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_03', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_03', 'name': 'Fade Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4828, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_04', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_04', 'name': 'Yellow Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4826, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_02', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_02', 'name': 'Green Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4825, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_01', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_01', 'name': 'Blue Lethal'}], 'floatvalue': 0.06088956817984581, 'low_rank': 41, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_so_indigo_and_grey_light_large.7a4685c334bf103f25ba1865dc0492315bf0ca5c.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Indigo', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir UMP-45 | Indigo (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '41498169146', 'd': '11556876991896565350', 'm': '653685626573151176'} (newMarketBot.py:649) 2025-01-22 07:42:53,193 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D12459422235579122461 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-01-22 07:42:53,193 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D12459422235579122461 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-01-22 07:45:12,810 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644678427316588759A41498140420D7822368592979324183 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 07:45:30,514 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 607, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 136, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 3, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0.28048283, 'rotation': 4.9105844, 'codename': 'dh_gologo2', 'material': 'dreamhack/dh_gologo2', 'name': 'Shooter Close'}], 'floatvalue': 0.7571467161178589, 'high_rank': 38, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_sp_tape_dots_waves_light_large.6225b7ae003cefaab7deca7ea517576991055bbd.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Waves Perforated', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir SG 553 | Waves Perforated (Battle-Scarred)', 's': '0', 'a': '41498140420', 'd': '7822368592979324183', 'm': '644678427316588759'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-22 07:46:55,587 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 07:46:55,587 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 07:46:55,711 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 07:48:18,792 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M659315126106702023A41321775229D1054456393945331194 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 07:48:23,023 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127968687234A41498404802D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 07:48:44,485 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'paintseed': 962, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 274, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7235, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.2940815, 'offset_y': -0.01720354, 'rotation': 3, 'codename': 'paper_retro_zeus', 'material': 'community/community_2024/paper_retro_zeus', 'name': 'Retro Zeus'}, {'stickerId': 5906, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.05287105, 'offset_y': -0.21063372, 'rotation': -15, 'codename': 'csgo10_chicken_whisperer_paper', 'material': 'csgo10/chicken_whisperer_paper', 'name': 'Chicken Whisperer'}], 'floatvalue': 0.19721482694149017, 'high_rank': 51, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_am_copper_flecks_light_large.d2af814b76763880470bc7039d5569eb74b26978.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Copper Galaxy', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢ Five-SeveN | Copper Galaxy (Field-Tested)', 's': '0', 'a': '41498404802', 'd': '2633598932167165105', 'm': '636797127968687234'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-22 07:48:54,643 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'paintseed': 28, 'defindex': 14, 'paintindex': 266, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4761, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0.72485304, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_esp', 'material': 'rmr2020/esp', 'name': 'ESPADA | 2020 RMR'}, {'stickerId': 4761, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0.7996181, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_esp', 'material': 'rmr2020/esp', 'name': 'ESPADA | 2020 RMR'}, {'stickerId': 4710, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0.61104524, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_nip_holo', 'material': 'rmr2020/nip_holo', 'name': 'Ninjas in Pyjamas (Holo) | 2020 RMR'}], 'floatvalue': 0.6985216736793518, 'floatid': 13553068370, 'high_rank': 74, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m249_aq_obsidian_light_large.c8a38c9354c2f4531f0802eaa49caa9878bbf9ed.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'M249', 'item_name': 'Magma', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢ M249 | Magma (Battle-Scarred)', 's': '0', 'a': '41321775229', 'd': '1054456393945331194', 'm': '659315126106702023'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-22 07:51:42,206 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 07:56:46,057 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875542095A2884325469D12403523492782583694 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-01-22 07:56:46,057 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875542095A2884325469D12403523492782583694 (newMarketBot.py:621) 2025-01-22 08:03:28,323 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D12459422235579122461 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-01-22 08:03:28,323 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D12459422235579122461 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-01-22 08:04:35,445 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644678427316645039A41498467068D7822368592979324183 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 08:04:52,764 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 607, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 136, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 3, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0.28048283, 'rotation': 4.9105844, 'codename': 'dh_gologo2', 'material': 'dreamhack/dh_gologo2', 'name': 'Shooter Close'}], 'floatvalue': 0.7571467161178589, 'high_rank': 38, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_sp_tape_dots_waves_light_large.6225b7ae003cefaab7deca7ea517576991055bbd.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Waves Perforated', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir SG 553 | Waves Perforated (Battle-Scarred)', 's': '0', 'a': '41498467068', 'd': '7822368592979324183', 'm': '644678427316645039'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-22 08:07:30,036 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127968745884A41498742119D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 08:07:44,298 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 08:07:44,298 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 08:07:44,385 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 08:07:46,258 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'paintseed': 962, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 274, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7235, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.2940815, 'offset_y': -0.01720354, 'rotation': 3, 'codename': 'paper_retro_zeus', 'material': 'community/community_2024/paper_retro_zeus', 'name': 'Retro Zeus'}, {'stickerId': 5906, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.05287105, 'offset_y': -0.21063372, 'rotation': -15, 'codename': 'csgo10_chicken_whisperer_paper', 'material': 'csgo10/chicken_whisperer_paper', 'name': 'Chicken Whisperer'}], 'floatvalue': 0.19721482694149017, 'high_rank': 51, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_am_copper_flecks_light_large.d2af814b76763880470bc7039d5569eb74b26978.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Copper Galaxy', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢ Five-SeveN | Copper Galaxy (Field-Tested)', 's': '0', 'a': '41498742119', 'd': '2633598932167165105', 'm': '636797127968745884'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-22 08:12:26,507 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 08:16:14,733 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875542095A2884325469D12403523492782583694 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-01-22 08:16:14,734 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875542095A2884325469D12403523492782583694 (newMarketBot.py:621) 2025-01-22 08:25:21,627 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653685626573359436A41498821195D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 08:25:40,925 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 56, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 333, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4827, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_03', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_03', 'name': 'Fade Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4828, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_04', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_04', 'name': 'Yellow Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4826, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_02', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_02', 'name': 'Green Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4825, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_01', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_01', 'name': 'Blue Lethal'}], 'floatvalue': 0.06088956817984581, 'low_rank': 41, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_so_indigo_and_grey_light_large.7a4685c334bf103f25ba1865dc0492315bf0ca5c.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Indigo', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir UMP-45 | Indigo (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '41498821195', 'd': '11556876991896565350', 'm': '653685626573359436'} (newMarketBot.py:649) 2025-01-22 08:31:24,513 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D12459422235579122461 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-01-22 08:31:24,513 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D12459422235579122461 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-01-22 08:32:10,353 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644678427316808419A41499135159D7822368592979324183 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 08:32:27,669 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 607, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 136, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 3, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0.28048283, 'rotation': 4.9105844, 'codename': 'dh_gologo2', 'material': 'dreamhack/dh_gologo2', 'name': 'Shooter Close'}], 'floatvalue': 0.7571467161178589, 'high_rank': 38, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_sp_tape_dots_waves_light_large.6225b7ae003cefaab7deca7ea517576991055bbd.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Waves Perforated', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir SG 553 | Waves Perforated (Battle-Scarred)', 's': '0', 'a': '41499135159', 'd': '7822368592979324183', 'm': '644678427316808419'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-22 08:35:26,445 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127968794574A41499072367D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 08:35:41,404 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 08:35:41,405 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 08:35:41,503 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 08:35:43,472 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'paintseed': 962, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 274, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7235, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.2940815, 'offset_y': -0.01720354, 'rotation': 3, 'codename': 'paper_retro_zeus', 'material': 'community/community_2024/paper_retro_zeus', 'name': 'Retro Zeus'}, {'stickerId': 5906, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.05287105, 'offset_y': -0.21063372, 'rotation': -15, 'codename': 'csgo10_chicken_whisperer_paper', 'material': 'csgo10/chicken_whisperer_paper', 'name': 'Chicken Whisperer'}], 'floatvalue': 0.19721482694149017, 'high_rank': 51, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_am_copper_flecks_light_large.d2af814b76763880470bc7039d5569eb74b26978.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Copper Galaxy', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢ Five-SeveN | Copper Galaxy (Field-Tested)', 's': '0', 'a': '41499072367', 'd': '2633598932167165105', 'm': '636797127968794574'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-22 08:40:33,369 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 08:44:04,792 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875542095A2884325469D12403523492782583694 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-01-22 08:44:04,792 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875542095A2884325469D12403523492782583694 (newMarketBot.py:621) 2025-01-22 08:53:09,460 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653685626573532926A41499156159D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 08:53:35,578 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 56, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 333, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4827, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_03', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_03', 'name': 'Fade Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4828, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_04', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_04', 'name': 'Yellow Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4826, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_02', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_02', 'name': 'Green Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4825, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_01', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_01', 'name': 'Blue Lethal'}], 'floatvalue': 0.06088956817984581, 'low_rank': 41, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_so_indigo_and_grey_light_large.7a4685c334bf103f25ba1865dc0492315bf0ca5c.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Indigo', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir UMP-45 | Indigo (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '41499156159', 'd': '11556876991896565350', 'm': '653685626573532926'} (newMarketBot.py:649) 2025-01-22 08:59:26,833 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D12459422235579122461 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-01-22 08:59:26,833 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D12459422235579122461 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-01-22 09:00:05,203 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644678427316922389A41499471837D7822368592979324183 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 09:00:19,574 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 607, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 136, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 3, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0.28048283, 'rotation': 4.9105844, 'codename': 'dh_gologo2', 'material': 'dreamhack/dh_gologo2', 'name': 'Shooter Close'}], 'floatvalue': 0.7571467161178589, 'high_rank': 38, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_sp_tape_dots_waves_light_large.6225b7ae003cefaab7deca7ea517576991055bbd.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Waves Perforated', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir SG 553 | Waves Perforated (Battle-Scarred)', 's': '0', 'a': '41499471837', 'd': '7822368592979324183', 'm': '644678427316922389'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-22 09:03:25,172 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127968842574A41499406034D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 09:03:38,278 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'paintseed': 962, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 274, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7235, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.2940815, 'offset_y': -0.01720354, 'rotation': 3, 'codename': 'paper_retro_zeus', 'material': 'community/community_2024/paper_retro_zeus', 'name': 'Retro Zeus'}, {'stickerId': 5906, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.05287105, 'offset_y': -0.21063372, 'rotation': -15, 'codename': 'csgo10_chicken_whisperer_paper', 'material': 'csgo10/chicken_whisperer_paper', 'name': 'Chicken Whisperer'}], 'floatvalue': 0.19721482694149017, 'high_rank': 51, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_am_copper_flecks_light_large.d2af814b76763880470bc7039d5569eb74b26978.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Copper Galaxy', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢ Five-SeveN | Copper Galaxy (Field-Tested)', 's': '0', 'a': '41499406034', 'd': '2633598932167165105', 'm': '636797127968842574'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-22 09:03:42,743 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 09:03:42,744 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 09:03:42,832 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 09:08:13,578 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 09:11:38,258 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027876949575A41499536941D14727970223813257312 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 09:11:56,060 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:645) 2025-01-22 09:11:58,061 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027876949575A41499536941D14727970223813257312 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 09:12:10,293 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875542095A2884325469D12403523492782583694 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-01-22 09:12:10,293 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875542095A2884325469D12403523492782583694 (newMarketBot.py:621) 2025-01-22 09:12:13,649 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 6, 'paintseed': 183, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 512, 'floatvalue': 0.0014505406143143773, 'floatid': 35942826993, 'low_rank': 52, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_gs_m4a4_royal_squire_light_large.f802ec3cf9c1c6837d841384f6d112367340880b.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'Royal Paladin', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'M4A4 | Royal Paladin (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '41499536941', 'd': '14727970223813257312', 'm': '637923027876949575'} (newMarketBot.py:649) 2025-01-22 09:21:24,552 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653685626573885456A41499934089D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 09:21:39,858 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 56, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 333, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4827, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_03', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_03', 'name': 'Fade Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4828, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_04', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_04', 'name': 'Yellow Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4826, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_02', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_02', 'name': 'Green Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4825, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_01', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_01', 'name': 'Blue Lethal'}], 'floatvalue': 0.06088956817984581, 'low_rank': 41, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_so_indigo_and_grey_light_large.7a4685c334bf103f25ba1865dc0492315bf0ca5c.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Indigo', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir UMP-45 | Indigo (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '41499934089', 'd': '11556876991896565350', 'm': '653685626573885456'} (newMarketBot.py:649) 2025-01-22 09:27:32,663 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D12459422235579122461 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-01-22 09:27:32,663 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D12459422235579122461 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-01-22 09:28:23,591 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644678427317123119A41499919430D7822368592979324183 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 09:28:37,397 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 607, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 136, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 3, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0.28048283, 'rotation': 4.9105844, 'codename': 'dh_gologo2', 'material': 'dreamhack/dh_gologo2', 'name': 'Shooter Close'}], 'floatvalue': 0.7571467161178589, 'high_rank': 38, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_sp_tape_dots_waves_light_large.6225b7ae003cefaab7deca7ea517576991055bbd.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Waves Perforated', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir SG 553 | Waves Perforated (Battle-Scarred)', 's': '0', 'a': '41499919430', 'd': '7822368592979324183', 'm': '644678427317123119'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-22 09:29:16,876 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M659315126107147703A41340331163D2659521016921225980 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 09:29:29,756 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'paintseed': 435, 'defindex': 10, 'paintindex': 1146, 'floatvalue': 0.9998799562454224, 'high_rank': 26, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_famas_gs_famas_corp_meow_light_large.7e27ced9616b1a4808cad37e8c0c653b9c866f07.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'FAMAS', 'item_name': 'Meow 36', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢ FAMAS | Meow 36 (Battle-Scarred)', 's': '0', 'a': '41340331163', 'd': '2659521016921225980', 'm': '659315126107147703'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-22 09:31:31,576 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127968969174A41499807893D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 09:31:47,623 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'paintseed': 962, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 274, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7235, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.2940815, 'offset_y': -0.01720354, 'rotation': 3, 'codename': 'paper_retro_zeus', 'material': 'community/community_2024/paper_retro_zeus', 'name': 'Retro Zeus'}, {'stickerId': 5906, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.05287105, 'offset_y': -0.21063372, 'rotation': -15, 'codename': 'csgo10_chicken_whisperer_paper', 'material': 'csgo10/chicken_whisperer_paper', 'name': 'Chicken Whisperer'}], 'floatvalue': 0.19721482694149017, 'high_rank': 51, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_am_copper_flecks_light_large.d2af814b76763880470bc7039d5569eb74b26978.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Copper Galaxy', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢ Five-SeveN | Copper Galaxy (Field-Tested)', 's': '0', 'a': '41499807893', 'd': '2633598932167165105', 'm': '636797127968969174'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-22 09:32:09,054 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 09:32:09,055 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 09:32:09,146 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283) 2025-01-22 09:36:41,979 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:292) 2025-01-22 09:40:12,787 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875542095A2884325469D12403523492782583694 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-01-22 09:40:12,787 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M637923027875542095A2884325469D12403523492782583694 (newMarketBot.py:621) 2025-01-22 09:48:57,377 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M652559726666766977A41332980196D7523272671082778936 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 09:49:15,870 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 121, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 2, 'floatvalue': 0.06002219393849373, 'low_rank': 226, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_tec9_so_olive_light_large.6c35f2cb6ef0f893f02d70759c528fe4958adebc.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Groundwater', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Tec-9 | Groundwater (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '41332980196', 'd': '7523272671082778936', 'm': '652559726666766977'} (newMarketBot.py:649) 2025-01-22 09:49:18,170 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M653685626574050246A41500420492D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 09:49:34,036 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 56, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 333, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4827, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_03', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_03', 'name': 'Fade Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4828, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_04', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_04', 'name': 'Yellow Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4826, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_02', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_02', 'name': 'Green Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4825, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_01', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_01', 'name': 'Blue Lethal'}], 'floatvalue': 0.06088956817984581, 'low_rank': 41, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_so_indigo_and_grey_light_large.7a4685c334bf103f25ba1865dc0492315bf0ca5c.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Indigo', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir UMP-45 | Indigo (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '41500420492', 'd': '11556876991896565350', 'm': '653685626574050246'} (newMarketBot.py:649) 2025-01-22 09:55:14,706 - Marketbot - ERROR - FLOATID NOT IN AFTER 5 TRIES, GIVING UP WITH steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D12459422235579122461 (HelperFunctions.py:187) 2025-01-22 09:55:14,707 - Marketbot - ERROR - listing_to_check is None with steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066674998615A8222159917D12459422235579122461 (newMarketBot.py:559) 2025-01-22 09:56:07,646 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M644678427317311549A41500413538D7822368592979324183 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 09:56:37,729 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 607, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 136, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 3, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0.28048283, 'rotation': 4.9105844, 'codename': 'dh_gologo2', 'material': 'dreamhack/dh_gologo2', 'name': 'Shooter Close'}], 'floatvalue': 0.7571467161178589, 'high_rank': 38, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_sp_tape_dots_waves_light_large.6225b7ae003cefaab7deca7ea517576991055bbd.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Waves Perforated', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir SG 553 | Waves Perforated (Battle-Scarred)', 's': '0', 'a': '41500413538', 'd': '7822368592979324183', 'm': '644678427317311549'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-22 09:59:22,028 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M636797127969299654A41500770451D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2025-01-22 09:59:38,014 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'paintseed': 962, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 274, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7235, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.2940815, 'offset_y': -0.01720354, 'rotation': 3, 'codename': 'paper_retro_zeus', 'material': 'community/community_2024/paper_retro_zeus', 'name': 'Retro Zeus'}, {'stickerId': 5906, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.05287105, 'offset_y': -0.21063372, 'rotation': -15, 'codename': 'csgo10_chicken_whisperer_paper', 'material': 'csgo10/chicken_whisperer_paper', 'name': 'Chicken Whisperer'}], 'floatvalue': 0.19721482694149017, 'high_rank': 51, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_am_copper_flecks_light_large.d2af814b76763880470bc7039d5569eb74b26978.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Copper Galaxy', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢ Five-SeveN | Copper Galaxy (Field-Tested)', 's': '0', 'a': '41500770451', 'd': '2633598932167165105', 'm': '636797127969299654'} (newMarketBot.py:589) 2025-01-22 09:59:48,767 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2025-01-22 09:59:48,767 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=V0ZEQSIJVABFWREV&market_hash_name=MP9%20%7C%20Hot%20Rod%20%28Minimal%20Wear%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2025-01-22 09:59:48,861 - Marketbot - ERROR - STEAMWEBAPI FREE REQUESTS USED UP??{'status': 402, 'message': 'Your Package: Free. You have reached your monthly limit. Your usage since 2025-01-11 is 500 of 500 allowed requests. Limit resets on 2025-02-11.'} (newMarketBot.py:283)