2024-12-05 22:35:58,244 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M5162909679416029704A40734771050D9523081624817197100 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2024-12-05 22:36:14,866 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'paintseed': 702, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 176, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 1345, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'cologne2016_team_navi', 'material': 'cologne2016/navi', 'name': 'Natus Vincere | Cologne 2016'}, {'stickerId': 1345, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'cologne2016_team_navi', 'material': 'cologne2016/navi', 'name': 'Natus Vincere | Cologne 2016'}, {'stickerId': 1345, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'cologne2016_team_navi', 'material': 'cologne2016/navi', 'name': 'Natus Vincere | Cologne 2016'}, {'stickerId': 1345, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'cologne2016_team_navi', 'material': 'cologne2016/navi', 'name': 'Natus Vincere | Cologne 2016'}], 'floatvalue': 0.7976801991462708, 'floatid': 7231371738, 'high_rank': 67, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_sp_zebracam_bw_light_large.de08ef2a6d7524e682118cef5d12124c5156dfa8.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'Faded Zebra', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'M4A4 | Faded Zebra (Battle-Scarred)', 's': '0', 'a': '40734771050', 'd': '9523081624817197100', 'm': '5162909679416029704'} (newMarketBot.py:603) 2024-12-05 22:50:43,031 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M5188805377271178713A39954224322D9691931289667504091 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2024-12-05 22:50:59,236 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 0, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'paintseed': 653, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 172, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 3493, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'katowice2019_team_furi_holo', 'material': 'katowice2019/furi_holo', 'name': 'FURIA (Holo) | Katowice 2019'}, {'stickerId': 3493, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'katowice2019_team_furi_holo', 'material': 'katowice2019/furi_holo', 'name': 'FURIA (Holo) | Katowice 2019'}, {'stickerId': 3493, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'katowice2019_team_furi_holo', 'material': 'katowice2019/furi_holo', 'name': 'FURIA (Holo) | Katowice 2019'}, {'stickerId': 107, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'comm01_flammable_foil', 'material': 'community01/flammable_foil', 'name': 'Flammable (Foil)'}], 'floatvalue': 0.06356441229581833, 'floatid': 18141914534, 'low_rank': 61, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_hy_ak47lam_bw_light_large.c504cab278a4955e92255ee2022340be2d0982a4.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Black Laminate', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AK-47 | Black Laminate (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '39954224322', 'd': '9691931289667504091', 'm': '5188805377271178713'} (newMarketBot.py:658) 2024-12-05 22:52:39,674 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M5175294578391818531A40734669856D7507118782082206592 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2024-12-05 22:52:57,039 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'paintseed': 569, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 48, 'floatvalue': 0.00011402473319321871, 'floatid': 40330371541, 'low_rank': 43, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_am_dragon_glock_light_large.e42a72a19a2239c992573b88179897af37c7f849.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Dragon Tattoo', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Dragon Tattoo (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '40734669856', 'd': '7507118782082206592', 'm': '5175294578391818531'} (newMarketBot.py:658) 2024-12-05 23:10:48,173 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M5169665078865288969A40214833459D2642039486880018150 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2024-12-05 23:11:14,193 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'paintseed': 484, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 588, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7237, 'slot': 4, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.37515494, 'offset_y': -0.031447023, 'codename': 'paper_please_return', 'material': 'community/community_2024/paper_please_return', 'name': 'Please Return To'}, {'stickerId': 7263, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.19407287, 'offset_y': 0.005167961, 'codename': 'cph2024_team_g2_glitter', 'material': 'cph2024/g2_glitter', 'name': 'G2 Esports (Glitter) | Copenhagen 2024'}], 'floatvalue': 0.9990819692611694, 'high_rank': 12, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_cu_m4a4_desolate_space_light_large.1fcbd5e124ae7c54cf12e6f76c431e6671a73845.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'Desolate Space', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢ M4A4 | Desolate Space (Battle-Scarred)', 's': '0', 'a': '40214833459', 'd': '2642039486880018150', 'm': '5169665078865288969'} (newMarketBot.py:603) 2024-12-06 00:03:33,415 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M5251851962650780943A39753430539D328354478853457294 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2024-12-06 00:03:48,237 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'paintseed': 299, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 1230, 'floatvalue': 0.0009115246939472854, 'floatid': 34257062668, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_cu_p250_rebuilt_light_large.69d4fcb9a8151d09818d1c26cf4c7b03d046b5a1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.9, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Re.built', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Re.built (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '39753430539', 'd': '328354478853457294', 'm': '5251851962650780943'} (newMarketBot.py:658) 2024-12-06 00:08:19,128 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 00:08:19,128 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 00:08:19,441 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 00:08:20,526 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 00:08:20,584 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 00:08:21,211 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 00:08:21,902 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 00:08:23,479 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 00:08:24,091 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 00:08:24,092 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 00:08:26,926 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 00:08:29,915 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 00:08:29,915 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 00:08:29,916 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 00:08:31,858 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 00:08:32,048 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 00:08:48,954 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 00:09:03,330 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2024-12-06 00:09:03,331 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR Negev%20%7C%20Nuclear%20Waste%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=CJN62T0XGKR7TH5A&market_hash_name=Negev%20%7C%20Nuclear%20Waste%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2024-12-06 00:09:03,496 - Marketbot - ERROR - THERE ARE OFFERS FOR Negev%20%7C%20Nuclear%20Waste%20%28Factory%20New%29 - SLEEPING, GOOD NIGHT!!! (newMarketBot.py:278) 2024-12-06 00:09:10,863 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 00:09:16,009 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 00:09:16,009 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 00:09:25,338 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 00:09:25,338 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 00:09:25,338 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 00:09:28,124 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 00:09:28,616 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 00:09:32,150 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 00:09:41,603 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 00:09:41,604 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 00:09:41,604 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 00:30:33,690 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M5177546378222109081A40736009635D7395232276025151425 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2024-12-06 00:30:53,532 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 3, 'rarity': 6, 'paintseed': 927, 'defindex': 4725, 'paintindex': 10087, 'floatvalue': 0.0611717626452446, 'floatid': 26433890908, 'low_rank': 13, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/studded_brokenfang_gloves_operation10_floral_light_large.8738e4c5cf48aa1636acb8bd9888d4b12fe09df1.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Broken Fang Gloves', 'item_name': 'Needle Point', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'â\x98\x85', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'â\x98\x85 Broken Fang Gloves | Needle Point (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '40736009635', 'd': '7395232276025151425', 'm': '5177546378222109081'} (newMarketBot.py:658) 2024-12-06 00:34:02,848 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 00:35:12,831 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M5188805377271626343A40709688682D5233748194666509026 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2024-12-06 00:35:30,961 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'paintseed': 465, 'defindex': 40, 'paintindex': 996, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5130, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'stockh2021_signature_s1mple_holo', 'material': 'stockh2021/sig_s1mple_holo', 'name': 's1mple (Holo) | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 5130, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'stockh2021_signature_s1mple_holo', 'material': 'stockh2021/sig_s1mple_holo', 'name': 's1mple (Holo) | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 5137, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'stockh2021_signature_boombl4_gold', 'material': 'stockh2021/sig_boombl4_gold', 'name': 'Boombl4 (Gold) | Stockholm 2021'}, {'stickerId': 5130, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'stockh2021_signature_s1mple_holo', 'material': 'stockh2021/sig_s1mple_holo', 'name': 's1mple (Holo) | Stockholm 2021'}], 'floatvalue': 0.000750176899600774, 'floatid': 20334713744, 'low_rank': 128, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ssg08_am_intelligence_orange_light_large.7a1af716b99e1ed517adfd53eddcf90bd4417632.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.65, 'weapon_type': 'SSG 08', 'item_name': 'Threat Detected', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SSG 08 | Threat Detected (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '40709688682', 'd': '5233748194666509026', 'm': '5188805377271626343'} (newMarketBot.py:658) 2024-12-06 00:44:55,128 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M5165161479232364486A40736255300D11556876991896565350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2024-12-06 00:45:13,641 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 56, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 333, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4827, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_03', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_03', 'name': 'Fade Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4828, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_04', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_04', 'name': 'Yellow Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4826, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_02', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_02', 'name': 'Green Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4825, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_01', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_01', 'name': 'Blue Lethal'}], 'floatvalue': 0.06088956817984581, 'low_rank': 41, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_so_indigo_and_grey_light_large.7a4685c334bf103f25ba1865dc0492315bf0ca5c.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Indigo', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir UMP-45 | Indigo (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '40736255300', 'd': '11556876991896565350', 'm': '5165161479232364486'} (newMarketBot.py:658) 2024-12-06 00:53:02,164 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M5192183077002370219A40736206551D7822368592979324183 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2024-12-06 00:53:19,029 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 607, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 136, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 3, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0.28048283, 'rotation': 4.9105844, 'codename': 'dh_gologo2', 'material': 'dreamhack/dh_gologo2', 'name': 'Shooter Close'}], 'floatvalue': 0.7571467161178589, 'high_rank': 38, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_sp_tape_dots_waves_light_large.6225b7ae003cefaab7deca7ea517576991055bbd.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': 'Waves Perforated', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir SG 553 | Waves Perforated (Battle-Scarred)', 's': '0', 'a': '40736206551', 'd': '7822368592979324183', 'm': '5192183077002370219'} (newMarketBot.py:603) 2024-12-06 00:57:41,091 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M5174168678480859314A40736213389D2633598932167165105 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2024-12-06 00:57:54,752 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'paintseed': 962, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 274, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7235, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.2940815, 'offset_y': -0.01720354, 'rotation': 3, 'codename': 'paper_retro_zeus', 'material': 'community/community_2024/paper_retro_zeus', 'name': 'Retro Zeus'}, {'stickerId': 5906, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.05287105, 'offset_y': -0.21063372, 'rotation': -15, 'codename': 'csgo10_chicken_whisperer_paper', 'material': 'csgo10/chicken_whisperer_paper', 'name': 'Chicken Whisperer'}], 'floatvalue': 0.19721482694149017, 'floatid': 1055283492, 'high_rank': 50, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_am_copper_flecks_light_large.d2af814b76763880470bc7039d5569eb74b26978.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Copper Galaxy', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢ Five-SeveN | Copper Galaxy (Field-Tested)', 's': '0', 'a': '40736213389', 'd': '2633598932167165105', 'm': '5174168678480859314'} (newMarketBot.py:603) 2024-12-06 01:01:23,086 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2024-12-06 01:01:23,086 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR PP-Bizon%20%7C%20Rust%20Coat%20%28Battle-Scarred%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=CJN62T0XGKR7TH5A&market_hash_name=PP-Bizon%20%7C%20Rust%20Coat%20%28Battle-Scarred%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2024-12-06 01:01:23,244 - Marketbot - ERROR - THERE ARE OFFERS FOR PP-Bizon%20%7C%20Rust%20Coat%20%28Battle-Scarred%29 - SLEEPING, GOOD NIGHT!!! (newMarketBot.py:278) 2024-12-06 01:01:48,769 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2024-12-06 01:01:48,769 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR Nova%20%7C%20Modern%20Hunter%20%28Battle-Scarred%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=CJN62T0XGKR7TH5A&market_hash_name=Nova%20%7C%20Modern%20Hunter%20%28Battle-Scarred%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2024-12-06 01:01:48,905 - Marketbot - ERROR - THERE ARE OFFERS FOR Nova%20%7C%20Modern%20Hunter%20%28Battle-Scarred%29 - SLEEPING, GOOD NIGHT!!! (newMarketBot.py:278) 2024-12-06 01:01:58,302 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2024-12-06 01:01:58,304 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR Sawed-Off%20%7C%20Copper%20%28Battle-Scarred%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=CJN62T0XGKR7TH5A&market_hash_name=Sawed-Off%20%7C%20Copper%20%28Battle-Scarred%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2024-12-06 01:01:58,433 - Marketbot - ERROR - THERE ARE OFFERS FOR Sawed-Off%20%7C%20Copper%20%28Battle-Scarred%29 - SLEEPING, GOOD NIGHT!!! (newMarketBot.py:278) 2024-12-06 01:02:12,558 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2024-12-06 01:02:12,558 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR P2000%20%7C%20Woodsman%20%28Battle-Scarred%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=CJN62T0XGKR7TH5A&market_hash_name=P2000%20%7C%20Woodsman%20%28Battle-Scarred%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2024-12-06 01:02:12,685 - Marketbot - ERROR - THERE ARE OFFERS FOR P2000%20%7C%20Woodsman%20%28Battle-Scarred%29 - SLEEPING, GOOD NIGHT!!! (newMarketBot.py:278) 2024-12-06 01:06:07,980 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/PP-Bizon%20%7C%20Rust%20Coat%20%28Battle-Scarred%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:287) 2024-12-06 01:06:27,155 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/Nova%20%7C%20Modern%20Hunter%20%28Battle-Scarred%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:287) 2024-12-06 01:06:40,330 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/Sawed-Off%20%7C%20Copper%20%28Battle-Scarred%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:287) 2024-12-06 01:07:03,109 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/P2000%20%7C%20Woodsman%20%28Battle-Scarred%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:287) 2024-12-06 01:08:55,126 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2024-12-06 01:08:55,127 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Nightwish%20%28Factory%20New%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=CJN62T0XGKR7TH5A&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Nightwish%20%28Factory%20New%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2024-12-06 01:08:55,282 - Marketbot - ERROR - THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20AK-47%20%7C%20Nightwish%20%28Factory%20New%29 - SLEEPING, GOOD NIGHT!!! (newMarketBot.py:278) 2024-12-06 01:55:51,508 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M642422368797575679A40683413763D12154197979886499341 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2024-12-06 01:56:09,712 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 2, 'paintseed': 782, 'defindex': 25, 'paintindex': 169, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 1805, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'atlanta2017_team_eleague_gold', 'material': 'atlanta2017/eleague_gold', 'name': 'ELEAGUE (Gold) | Atlanta 2017'}, {'stickerId': 1741, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'atlanta2017_team_astr_gold', 'material': 'atlanta2017/astr_gold', 'name': 'Astralis (Gold) | Atlanta 2017'}, {'stickerId': 1757, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'atlanta2017_team_fntc_gold', 'material': 'atlanta2017/fntc_gold', 'name': 'Fnatic (Gold) | Atlanta 2017'}, {'stickerId': 2023, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'atlanta2017_signature_device_gold', 'material': 'atlanta2017/sig_device_gold', 'name': 'device (Gold) | Atlanta 2017'}], 'floatvalue': 0.06231793761253357, 'low_rank': 16, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_xm1014_sp_nukestripe_maroon_light_large.8b6facf30ed6057509fcaf2c8a75a04c2629203a.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'XM1014', 'item_name': 'Fallout Warning', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir XM1014 | Fallout Warning (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '40683413763', 'd': '12154197979886499341', 'm': '642422368797575679'} (newMarketBot.py:658) 2024-12-06 01:56:36,055 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M641296468890679058A40736611163D2910041058141248160 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2024-12-06 01:58:35,101 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'paintseed': 50, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 1157, 'floatvalue': 4.890095442533493e-05, 'low_rank': 8, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_gs_ump_roadblock_light_large.d6b1372a575db666a8a7f039a39c05597d6cb60b.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Roadblock', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢ UMP-45 | Roadblock (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '40736611163', 'd': '2910041058141248160', 'm': '641296468890679058'} (newMarketBot.py:658) 2024-12-06 02:02:05,584 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M668318066651825625A40736805647D1028688297389711974 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2024-12-06 02:02:23,241 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'paintseed': 142, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 400, 'floatvalue': 0.7482175827026367, 'high_rank': 16, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_cu_m4a4_ancestral_light_large.cbd9732689f42b7aec91bdb9166b1ee414974cb7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.75, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'é¾\x8dç\x8e\x8b (Dragon King)', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢ M4A4 | é¾\x8dç\x8e\x8b (Dragon King) (Battle-Scarred)', 's': '0', 'a': '40736805647', 'd': '1028688297389711974', 'm': '668318066651825625'} (newMarketBot.py:603) 2024-12-06 02:22:44,115 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 02:51:33,832 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M664940366934589609A38475416676D7504730814619107690 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2024-12-06 02:52:10,840 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'paintseed': 553, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 293, 'floatvalue': 0.08045419305562973, 'floatid': 38475416676, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_hy_nerodia_light_large.540067f703bf7b020d8fedfcc6322523ab449d68.png', 'min': 0.08, 'max': 0.5, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Death Rattle', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'wear_name': 'Minimal Wear', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Death Rattle (Minimal Wear)', 's': '0', 'a': '38475416676', 'd': '7504730814619107690', 'm': '664940366934589609'} (newMarketBot.py:658) 2024-12-06 03:01:57,223 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M657059067587870830A40555143525D12452046297519777115 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2024-12-06 03:02:22,238 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'paintseed': 632, 'defindex': 7, 'paintindex': 226, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 372, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'fox', 'material': 'community02/fox', 'name': 'Doru The Fox'}, {'stickerId': 181, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'neluthebear', 'material': 'community02/neluthebear', 'name': 'Nelu the Bear'}], 'floatvalue': 0.39902234077453613, 'high_rank': 41, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ak47_hy_ak47lam_blue_light_large.9f8ec5103efa5b7a0b3919a13b4de78e1bd612a0.png', 'min': 0.02, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'AK-47', 'item_name': 'Blue Laminate', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢', 'wear_name': 'Well-Worn', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢ AK-47 | Blue Laminate (Well-Worn)', 's': '0', 'a': '40555143525', 'd': '12452046297519777115', 'm': '657059067587870830'} (newMarketBot.py:603) 2024-12-06 03:53:29,259 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 04:36:38,331 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 04:50:15,734 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 04:55:59,726 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M655933167681436202A1096447233D12542184391828781570 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2024-12-06 04:56:14,128 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'paintseed': 625, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 392, 'floatvalue': 0.3490220904350281, 'high_rank': 78, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_sp_ump45_d-visions_light_large.33ae7e9e8bf24ee97f4f3d3ee113e51782a756fa.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.35, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Delusion', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢ UMP-45 | Delusion (Field-Tested)', 's': '0', 'a': '1096447233', 'd': '12542184391828781570', 'm': '655933167681436202'} (newMarketBot.py:603) 2024-12-06 05:10:18,077 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 05:34:23,917 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M660436767307958039A39511392621D7926484897760895174 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2024-12-06 05:34:40,969 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 6, 'paintseed': 946, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 255, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 348, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'eslkatowice2015_virtuspro_foil', 'material': 'eslkatowice2015/virtuspro_foil', 'name': 'Virtus.pro (Foil) | Katowice 2015'}, {'stickerId': 348, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'eslkatowice2015_virtuspro_foil', 'material': 'eslkatowice2015/virtuspro_foil', 'name': 'Virtus.pro (Foil) | Katowice 2015'}, {'stickerId': 348, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'eslkatowice2015_virtuspro_foil', 'material': 'eslkatowice2015/virtuspro_foil', 'name': 'Virtus.pro (Foil) | Katowice 2015'}, {'stickerId': 348, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'eslkatowice2015_virtuspro_foil', 'material': 'eslkatowice2015/virtuspro_foil', 'name': 'Virtus.pro (Foil) | Katowice 2015'}], 'floatvalue': 0.25688523054122925, 'floatid': 2923684633, 'low_rank': 430, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_cu_m4_asimov_light_large.af03179f3d43ff55b0c3d114c537eac77abdb6cf.png', 'min': 0.18, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'Asiimov', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢ M4A4 | Asiimov (Field-Tested)', 's': '0', 'a': '39511392621', 'd': '7926484897760895174', 'm': '660436767307958039'} (newMarketBot.py:658) 2024-12-06 05:38:41,482 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M5373446616673201793A39663061328D478193466228877664 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2024-12-06 05:38:57,150 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'paintseed': 224, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 1230, 'floatvalue': 0.0007637749658897519, 'floatid': 39109129262, 'low_rank': 985, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_cu_p250_rebuilt_light_large.69d4fcb9a8151d09818d1c26cf4c7b03d046b5a1.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.9, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Re.built', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'P250 | Re.built (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '39663061328', 'd': '478193466228877664', 'm': '5373446616673201793'} (newMarketBot.py:658) 2024-12-06 05:43:57,917 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 05:45:14,585 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 05:49:59,513 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 05:56:48,949 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 06:13:02,000 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 06:16:55,528 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 06:17:19,592 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 06:17:43,537 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 06:18:37,826 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 06:19:03,988 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 06:50:30,392 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 06:50:52,092 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 06:51:18,078 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 06:51:58,796 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 06:52:20,201 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 06:52:34,886 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M658184967492832887A40738875611D16908276945404392444 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2024-12-06 06:52:41,680 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 06:52:51,372 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'paintseed': 836, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 1159, 'floatvalue': 4.3082734919153154e-05, 'floatid': 40470986517, 'low_rank': 26, 'min': 0, 'max': 0.9, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Slag', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Tec-9 | Slag (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '40738875611', 'd': '16908276945404392444', 'm': '658184967492832887'} (newMarketBot.py:658) 2024-12-06 06:53:03,500 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 06:53:25,308 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 07:24:01,970 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 07:24:26,653 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 07:24:49,311 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 07:25:11,812 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 07:25:38,625 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 07:26:01,031 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 07:26:23,394 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 07:26:45,591 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 07:27:08,000 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 07:57:28,746 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 07:58:10,021 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 07:58:32,079 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 07:58:54,214 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 07:59:17,021 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 07:59:38,615 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 08:00:01,018 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 08:28:01,925 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 08:28:25,575 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 08:28:48,569 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 08:29:24,500 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 08:29:46,926 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 08:30:09,139 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 08:30:31,419 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 08:30:53,224 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 08:43:01,078 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M6338348004666580869A40469485207D9854615589879575707 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2024-12-06 08:43:35,548 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'paintseed': 330, 'defindex': 11, 'paintindex': 235, 'floatvalue': 0.5999936461448669, 'floatid': 39551213161, 'high_rank': 13, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_g3sg1_hy_varicamo_light_large.6c944e82080f68d87881cdab86852e9375af9bb9.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'G3SG1', 'item_name': 'VariCamo', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'G3SG1 | VariCamo (Battle-Scarred)', 's': '0', 'a': '40469485207', 'd': '9854615589879575707', 'm': '6338348004666580869'} (newMarketBot.py:603) 2024-12-06 08:50:07,690 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650303668145578281A40739970042D7395232276025151425 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2024-12-06 08:52:08,147 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: HTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=39415): Read timed out. (read timeout=120) (SeleniumExecutor.py:83) 2024-12-06 08:53:49,319 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:654) 2024-12-06 08:53:51,319 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M650303668145578281A40739970042D7395232276025151425 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2024-12-06 08:54:23,546 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 3, 'rarity': 6, 'paintseed': 927, 'defindex': 4725, 'paintindex': 10087, 'floatvalue': 0.0611717626452446, 'low_rank': 13, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/studded_brokenfang_gloves_operation10_floral_light_large.8738e4c5cf48aa1636acb8bd9888d4b12fe09df1.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Broken Fang Gloves', 'item_name': 'Needle Point', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'â\x98\x85', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'â\x98\x85 Broken Fang Gloves | Needle Point (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '40739970042', 'd': '7395232276025151425', 'm': '650303668145578281'} (newMarketBot.py:658) 2024-12-06 09:01:27,322 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 09:01:49,659 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 09:02:11,785 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 09:02:33,479 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 09:03:09,683 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 09:03:36,231 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 09:03:58,717 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 09:04:20,813 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 09:18:04,346 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response')) (newMarketBot.py:365) 2024-12-06 09:18:04,347 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer')) (newMarketBot.py:365) 2024-12-06 09:18:04,347 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer')) (newMarketBot.py:365) 2024-12-06 09:18:04,348 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer')) (newMarketBot.py:365) 2024-12-06 09:18:04,348 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer')) (newMarketBot.py:365) 2024-12-06 09:18:04,348 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response')) (newMarketBot.py:365) 2024-12-06 09:18:04,348 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer')) (newMarketBot.py:365) 2024-12-06 09:18:04,348 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer')) (newMarketBot.py:365) 2024-12-06 09:18:04,349 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer')) (newMarketBot.py:365) 2024-12-06 09:18:04,349 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer')) (newMarketBot.py:365) 2024-12-06 09:18:04,349 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer')) (newMarketBot.py:365) 2024-12-06 09:18:04,349 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer')) (newMarketBot.py:365) 2024-12-06 09:18:04,350 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer')) (newMarketBot.py:365) 2024-12-06 09:18:04,350 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response')) (newMarketBot.py:365) 2024-12-06 09:18:04,351 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer')) (newMarketBot.py:365) 2024-12-06 09:18:07,098 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:07,467 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:07,467 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:07,467 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:07,467 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:07,467 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:07,747 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:07,747 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:07,747 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:07,747 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:07,747 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:08,288 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:08,288 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:08,288 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:08,288 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:08,288 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:08,288 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:08,288 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:08,288 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:08,288 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:08,288 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:08,288 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:08,289 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:08,289 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:08,289 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:08,289 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:08,842 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,595 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,597 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,598 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,598 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,598 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,598 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,598 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,599 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,599 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,599 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,599 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,599 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,599 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,599 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,599 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,599 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,599 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,599 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,599 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,599 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,599 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,599 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,599 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,599 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,599 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,599 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,600 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,600 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,600 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,600 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,600 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,600 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,600 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,600 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,600 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,600 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,600 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,600 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,600 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,600 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,600 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,600 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,699 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,789 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,789 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,790 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,790 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,790 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,790 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,790 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,790 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,790 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,790 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:09,790 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,105 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,105 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,105 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,105 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,105 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,105 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,105 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,105 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,105 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,105 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,105 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,105 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,106 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,106 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,106 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,106 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,106 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,106 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,106 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,106 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,106 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,106 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,106 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,107 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,107 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,107 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,107 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,107 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,107 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,107 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,107 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,107 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,108 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,108 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,108 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,108 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,108 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,108 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,108 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,108 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,108 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,108 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,108 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,108 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,108 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,108 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,108 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,178 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,178 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,178 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:18:10,178 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:32:26,694 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M640170568985346607A40717201854D7558978117730570297 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2024-12-06 09:32:47,633 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'paintseed': 395, 'defindex': 11, 'paintindex': 438, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5250, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'spring2022_flick_shot_paper', 'material': 'spring2022/flick_shot_paper', 'name': 'Flick Shotter'}, {'stickerId': 1643, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'bestiary_pegasus', 'material': 'bestiary_capsule/pegasus', 'name': 'Pegasus'}, {'stickerId': 5933, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'csgo10_zeused_paper', 'material': 'csgo10/zeused_paper', 'name': 'Zeused'}, {'stickerId': 4504, 'slot': 4, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'shattered_web_counter_tech', 'material': 'shattered_web/counter_tech', 'name': 'Counter-Tech'}, {'stickerId': 7251, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.16369581, 'offset_y': -7.6562166e-05, 'codename': 'glitter_lotus', 'material': 'community/community_2024/glitter_lotus', 'name': 'Lotus (Glitter)'}], 'keychains': [{'stickerId': 8, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': 17.474266, 'offset_y': 0.76214147, 'offset_z': 5.7491126, 'pattern': 77244, 'codename': 'kc_missinglink_kev', 'name': 'Big Kev'}], 'floatvalue': 0.00315837562084198, 'low_rank': 69, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_g3sg1_cu_chronos_g3sg1_light_large.5db791048981cda0babe949ac443f09ba8aa9eb3.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'G3SG1', 'item_name': 'Chronos', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'G3SG1 | Chronos (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '40717201854', 'd': '7558978117730570297', 'm': '640170568985346607'} (newMarketBot.py:658) 2024-12-06 09:34:57,322 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 09:35:18,933 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 09:35:39,971 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 09:36:01,367 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 09:36:37,400 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 09:37:03,887 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 09:37:26,233 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 09:37:47,899 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 09:38:09,453 - Marketbot - ERROR - EXECUTED DB QUERY MULTIPLE TIMES, SKIPPING - (HelperFunctions.py:174) 2024-12-06 09:49:37,858 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:50:19,303 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-06 09:51:29,017 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388)