2024-12-02 10:03:22,893 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M5185427677533321027A40679383385D16449621941034092106 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2024-12-02 10:03:34,343 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'paintseed': 907, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 993, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4742, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_nor_holo', 'material': 'rmr2020/nor_holo', 'name': 'North (Holo) | 2020 RMR'}, {'stickerId': 4742, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_nor_holo', 'material': 'rmr2020/nor_holo', 'name': 'North (Holo) | 2020 RMR'}, {'stickerId': 4742, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_nor_holo', 'material': 'rmr2020/nor_holo', 'name': 'North (Holo) | 2020 RMR'}, {'stickerId': 4742, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_nor_holo', 'material': 'rmr2020/nor_holo', 'name': 'North (Holo) | 2020 RMR'}], 'floatvalue': 0.6998737454414368, 'high_rank': 7, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_cu_csgo_camo_light_large.9e1a644f88ce7ab73f63d5b90070b9993fcb14ac.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'Global Offensive', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'M4A4 | Global Offensive (Battle-Scarred)', 's': '0', 'a': '40679383385', 'd': '16449621941034092106', 'm': '5185427677533321027'} (newMarketBot.py:598) 2024-12-02 10:08:58,541 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M5174168678449564904A40679435195D202253835388218001 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2024-12-02 10:09:08,454 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 4, 'paintseed': 962, 'defindex': 3, 'paintindex': 274, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 7235, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.2940815, 'offset_y': -0.01720354, 'rotation': 3, 'codename': 'paper_retro_zeus', 'material': 'community/community_2024/paper_retro_zeus', 'name': 'Retro Zeus'}, {'stickerId': 5906, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.05287105, 'offset_y': -0.21063372, 'rotation': -15, 'codename': 'csgo10_chicken_whisperer_paper', 'material': 'csgo10/chicken_whisperer_paper', 'name': 'Chicken Whisperer'}], 'floatvalue': 0.19721482694149017, 'high_rank': 50, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_fiveseven_am_copper_flecks_light_large.d2af814b76763880470bc7039d5569eb74b26978.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'Five-SeveN', 'item_name': 'Copper Galaxy', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢ Five-SeveN | Copper Galaxy (Field-Tested)', 's': '0', 'a': '40679435195', 'd': '202253835388218001', 'm': '5174168678449564904'} (newMarketBot.py:598) 2024-12-02 10:30:05,234 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M5165161479196188206A40679370576D5363299935687662784 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2024-12-02 10:30:16,417 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 56, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 333, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4827, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_03', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_03', 'name': 'Fade Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4828, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_04', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_04', 'name': 'Yellow Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4826, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_02', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_02', 'name': 'Green Lethal'}, {'stickerId': 4825, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'lethal_01', 'material': 'riptide_surfshop/lethal_01', 'name': 'Blue Lethal'}], 'floatvalue': 0.06088956817984581, 'low_rank': 41, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_so_indigo_and_grey_light_large.7a4685c334bf103f25ba1865dc0492315bf0ca5c.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Indigo', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir UMP-45 | Indigo (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '40679370576', 'd': '5363299935687662784', 'm': '5165161479196188206'} (newMarketBot.py:648) 2024-12-02 10:35:46,347 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 10:35:56,329 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 10:35:56,329 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 10:36:07,032 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 10:42:23,079 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 11:04:31,532 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 11:07:52,805 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M5185427677534619637A40561430196D11821920965449281732 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2024-12-02 11:08:03,638 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 3, 'rarity': 6, 'paintseed': 41, 'defindex': 5032, 'paintindex': 10053, 'floatvalue': 0.7995945811271667, 'high_rank': 5, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/leather_handwraps_handwrap_leathery_fabric_blue_skulls_light_large.51e28cc44ce70fd4ed719326a06f4cb0ef3808b5.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'Hand Wraps', 'item_name': 'Cobalt Skulls', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'â\x98\x85', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'â\x98\x85 Hand Wraps | Cobalt Skulls (Battle-Scarred)', 's': '0', 'a': '40561430196', 'd': '11821920965449281732', 'm': '5185427677534619637'} (newMarketBot.py:598) 2024-12-02 11:09:40,895 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M5193308976870530615A40679885531D11991405781972675812 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2024-12-02 11:09:52,884 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 6, 'paintseed': 217, 'defindex': 16, 'paintindex': 533, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4765, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'rmr2020_team_evl', 'material': 'rmr2020/evl', 'name': 'Evil Geniuses | 2020 RMR'}, {'stickerId': 7443, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.015182853, 'offset_y': -0.0043385327, 'codename': 'cph2024_signature_frozen_2', 'material': 'cph2024/sig_frozen', 'name': 'frozen | Copenhagen 2024'}, {'stickerId': 178, 'slot': 6, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.0083551705, 'offset_y': 0.08439559, 'codename': 'fightlikeagirl', 'material': 'community02/fightlikeagirl', 'name': 'Fight like a Girl'}], 'floatvalue': 0.6332100033760071, 'high_rank': 20, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_m4a1_gs_m4a4_pioneer_light_large.2dcc4c93ad184179e34b9359090d7398718d36e4.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.64, 'weapon_type': 'M4A4', 'item_name': 'The Battlestar', 'rarity_name': 'Covert', 'quality_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢ M4A4 | The Battlestar (Battle-Scarred)', 's': '0', 'a': '40679885531', 'd': '11991405781972675812', 'm': '5193308976870530615'} (newMarketBot.py:598) 2024-12-02 11:12:51,505 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 11:14:49,891 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 11:15:06,740 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 11:15:12,023 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 11:15:24,693 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 11:15:41,163 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 11:15:48,574 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 11:16:08,323 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 11:16:27,754 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 11:16:48,320 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 11:17:04,685 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 11:17:05,064 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 11:17:38,475 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 11:17:58,992 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 11:18:26,673 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 11:18:28,569 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 11:18:36,301 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 11:19:05,568 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 11:19:06,620 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 11:19:15,816 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 11:20:31,200 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 11:21:04,411 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 11:21:48,089 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 11:22:45,001 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 11:22:46,230 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 11:24:12,502 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 11:24:17,998 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 11:24:46,447 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 11:25:25,152 - Marketbot - ERROR - iteminfo not in r_json with single_inspect_server_url: (HelperFunctions.py:134) 2024-12-02 11:25:37,019 - Marketbot - ERROR - iteminfo not in r_json with single_inspect_server_url: (HelperFunctions.py:134) 2024-12-02 11:26:10,239 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 11:26:50,831 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 11:31:37,306 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 11:35:11,503 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 11:54:59,423 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M5191057177063809588A40559871481D4622398182499663619 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2024-12-02 11:55:10,197 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 3, 'paintseed': 210, 'defindex': 29, 'paintindex': 797, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 6707, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_blst_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/blst_gold', 'name': 'BLAST.tv (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 1691, 'slot': 4, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'de_inferno_gold', 'material': 'tournament_assets/de_inferno_gold', 'name': 'Inferno (Gold)'}, {'stickerId': 6611, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_fntc_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/fntc_gold', 'name': 'Fnatic (Gold) | Paris 2023'}, {'stickerId': 6635, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'paris2023_team_itb_gold', 'material': 'paris2023/itb_gold', 'name': 'Into The Breach (Gold) | Paris 2023'}], 'floatvalue': 0.07987136393785477, 'high_rank': 6, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sawedoff_aa_vertigo_red_light_large.999797e68b2d5df290b2e5771b6c4bfb0de1ec8c.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'Sawed-Off', 'item_name': 'Brake Light', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Minimal Wear', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir Sawed-Off | Brake Light (Minimal Wear)', 's': '0', 'a': '40559871481', 'd': '4622398182499663619', 'm': '5191057177063809588'} (newMarketBot.py:598) 2024-12-02 11:56:24,238 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M5188805377241277323A40567012024D7548215557794133162 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2024-12-02 11:56:34,612 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'paintseed': 677, 'defindex': 24, 'paintindex': 1157, 'floatvalue': 0.9995706081390381, 'high_rank': 61, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_ump45_gs_ump_roadblock_light_large.d6b1372a575db666a8a7f039a39c05597d6cb60b.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'UMP-45', 'item_name': 'Roadblock', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢ UMP-45 | Roadblock (Battle-Scarred)', 's': '0', 'a': '40567012024', 'd': '7548215557794133162', 'm': '5188805377241277323'} (newMarketBot.py:598) 2024-12-02 12:05:36,724 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer')) (newMarketBot.py:365) 2024-12-02 12:05:36,725 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer')) (newMarketBot.py:365) 2024-12-02 12:05:36,725 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer')) (newMarketBot.py:365) 2024-12-02 12:05:36,726 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer')) (newMarketBot.py:365) 2024-12-02 12:05:36,726 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer')) (newMarketBot.py:365) 2024-12-02 12:05:36,727 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer')) (newMarketBot.py:365) 2024-12-02 12:05:36,727 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer')) (newMarketBot.py:365) 2024-12-02 12:05:36,727 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer')) (newMarketBot.py:365) 2024-12-02 12:05:36,728 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer')) (newMarketBot.py:365) 2024-12-02 12:05:36,728 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer')) (newMarketBot.py:365) 2024-12-02 12:05:36,729 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer')) (newMarketBot.py:365) 2024-12-02 12:05:36,729 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer')) (newMarketBot.py:365) 2024-12-02 12:05:36,729 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer')) (newMarketBot.py:365) 2024-12-02 12:05:36,730 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer')) (newMarketBot.py:365) 2024-12-02 12:05:36,730 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer')) (newMarketBot.py:365) 2024-12-02 12:05:36,730 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer')) (newMarketBot.py:365) 2024-12-02 12:05:36,730 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response')) (newMarketBot.py:365) 2024-12-02 12:05:36,730 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer')) (newMarketBot.py:365) 2024-12-02 12:05:36,731 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer')) (newMarketBot.py:365) 2024-12-02 12:05:36,731 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer')) (newMarketBot.py:365) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,007 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,007 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,007 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,007 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,007 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,007 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,008 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,008 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,008 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,008 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,008 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,008 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,008 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,008 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,008 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,008 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,008 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,008 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,008 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,008 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,008 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,008 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,008 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,013 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,013 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,013 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,013 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,013 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,013 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,013 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,013 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,013 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,014 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,014 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,014 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,088 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,159 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,191 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,191 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,191 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,205 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,205 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,205 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,329 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,329 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,354 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,354 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,354 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,380 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,380 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,380 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,394 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,394 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,419 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,502 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,502 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,502 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,566 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,567 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,587 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,587 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,606 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,606 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,631 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,858 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,859 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,859 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,859 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:05:42,904 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers appear to be offline, please try again later", 'code': 5, 'status': 503} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:37:28,850 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 12:37:56,024 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M5165161479197059886A40101627881D14766821774592741350 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2024-12-02 12:38:06,872 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'paintseed': 857, 'defindex': 36, 'paintindex': 404, 'floatvalue': 0.0036840152461081743, 'floatid': 29635456732, 'low_rank': 75, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p250_cu_p250_mandala_light_large.0acb51464cd72643c6a1fefaf8736288eb5d02f7.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.6, 'weapon_type': 'P250', 'item_name': 'Muertos', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢ P250 | Muertos (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '40101627881', 'd': '14766821774592741350', 'm': '5165161479197059886'} (newMarketBot.py:648) 2024-12-02 12:54:48,893 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M5193308976871165775A31011970096D5532228904969454298 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2024-12-02 12:54:59,002 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 5, 'paintseed': 846, 'defindex': 34, 'paintindex': 910, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4072, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'berlin2019_team_gray_holo', 'material': 'berlin2019/gray_holo', 'name': 'Grayhound Gaming (Holo) | Berlin 2019'}, {'stickerId': 4072, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'berlin2019_team_gray_holo', 'material': 'berlin2019/gray_holo', 'name': 'Grayhound Gaming (Holo) | Berlin 2019'}, {'stickerId': 4072, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'berlin2019_team_gray_holo', 'material': 'berlin2019/gray_holo', 'name': 'Grayhound Gaming (Holo) | Berlin 2019'}, {'stickerId': 4072, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'berlin2019_team_gray_holo', 'material': 'berlin2019/gray_holo', 'name': 'Grayhound Gaming (Holo) | Berlin 2019'}], 'floatvalue': 0.9995347261428833, 'floatid': 19425229806, 'high_rank': 35, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mp9_cu_mp9_hydra_light_large.b7763a811b3bc9d19d04502fba0edc6cbe355766.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'MP9', 'item_name': 'Hydra', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'MP9 | Hydra (Battle-Scarred)', 's': '0', 'a': '31011970096', 'd': '5532228904969454298', 'm': '5193308976871165775'} (newMarketBot.py:598) 2024-12-02 13:11:34,306 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M5185427677536396447A40680970769D16720777733912890557 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2024-12-02 13:11:45,374 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 117, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 100, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 1564, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'cologne2016_signature_nitro_gold', 'material': 'cologne2016/sig_nitro_gold', 'name': 'nitr0 (Gold) | Cologne 2016'}, {'stickerId': 1340, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'cologne2016_team_liq_gold', 'material': 'cologne2016/liq_gold', 'name': 'Team Liquid (Gold) | Cologne 2016'}, {'stickerId': 1344, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'cologne2016_team_mss_gold', 'material': 'cologne2016/mss_gold', 'name': 'mousesports (Gold) | Cologne 2016'}, {'stickerId': 1384, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'cologne2016_team_esl_gold', 'material': 'cologne2016/esl_gold', 'name': 'ESL (Gold) | Cologne 2016'}], 'floatvalue': 0.060456838458776474, 'low_rank': 19, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_so_stormfront_light_large.60d73691845ad5ad0e5d8a15b488807d9c25a57f.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Storm', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir P90 | Storm (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '40680970769', 'd': '16720777733912890557', 'm': '5185427677536396447'} (newMarketBot.py:648) 2024-12-02 13:26:11,863 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M5192183076970061479A40563341570D9515086518530368951 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2024-12-02 13:26:21,750 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'paintseed': 860, 'defindex': 39, 'paintindex': 966, 'floatvalue': 0.6999808549880981, 'high_rank': 27, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_sg556_gs_sg553_rusty_light_large.c5dd8204f44be6e68069633eb261b66641444ff6.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'SG 553', 'item_name': "Ol' Rusty", 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': "SG 553 | Ol' Rusty (Battle-Scarred)", 's': '0', 'a': '40563341570', 'd': '9515086518530368951', 'm': '5192183076970061479'} (newMarketBot.py:598) 2024-12-02 13:29:30,140 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M5184301777631003230A40681241041D16637504848351092986 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2024-12-02 13:29:41,308 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'paintseed': 887, 'defindex': 2, 'paintindex': 1126, 'floatvalue': 0.9993491172790527, 'high_rank': 20, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_elite_cu_elites_beware_light_large.3a4517010e237136f9cca5c593beedd94a2a0a15.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Dual Berettas', 'item_name': 'Melondrama', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢ Dual Berettas | Melondrama (Battle-Scarred)', 's': '0', 'a': '40681241041', 'd': '16637504848351092986', 'm': '5184301777631003230'} (newMarketBot.py:598) 2024-12-02 13:41:46,405 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 13:46:51,661 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 14:02:11,918 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 14:48:54,008 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M4874664991148556606A38461868611D5251241859623328770 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2024-12-02 14:49:13,728 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 24, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'paintseed': 172, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 375, 'floatvalue': 0.0003874930553138256, 'floatid': 17473015619, 'low_rank': 110, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_sp_nukestripe_orange_aug_light_large.4309138bd5b9e518628d517a275747ec9c2207d3.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Radiation Hazard', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AUG | Radiation Hazard (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '38461868611', 'd': '5251241859623328770', 'm': '4874664991148556606'} (newMarketBot.py:648) 2024-12-02 15:59:33,708 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M5167413279031209127A39970729249D10124348048928062133 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2024-12-02 15:59:44,425 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 4, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'paintseed': 395, 'defindex': 11, 'paintindex': 438, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5250, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'spring2022_flick_shot_paper', 'material': 'spring2022/flick_shot_paper', 'name': 'Flick Shotter'}, {'stickerId': 1643, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'bestiary_pegasus', 'material': 'bestiary_capsule/pegasus', 'name': 'Pegasus'}, {'stickerId': 5933, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'csgo10_zeused_paper', 'material': 'csgo10/zeused_paper', 'name': 'Zeused'}, {'stickerId': 4504, 'slot': 4, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'shattered_web_counter_tech', 'material': 'shattered_web/counter_tech', 'name': 'Counter-Tech'}, {'stickerId': 7251, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.16369581, 'offset_y': -7.6562166e-05, 'codename': 'glitter_lotus', 'material': 'community/community_2024/glitter_lotus', 'name': 'Lotus (Glitter)'}], 'keychains': [{'stickerId': 8, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': 17.474266, 'offset_y': 0.76214147, 'offset_z': 5.7491126, 'pattern': 77244, 'codename': 'kc_missinglink_kev', 'name': 'Big Kev'}], 'floatvalue': 0.00315837562084198, 'low_rank': 69, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_g3sg1_cu_chronos_g3sg1_light_large.5db791048981cda0babe949ac443f09ba8aa9eb3.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'G3SG1', 'item_name': 'Chronos', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'G3SG1 | Chronos (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '39970729249', 'd': '10124348048928062133', 'm': '5167413279031209127'} (newMarketBot.py:648) 2024-12-02 16:01:52,674 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 16:20:57,818 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2024-12-02 16:20:57,818 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Nova%20%7C%20Antique%20%28Field-Tested%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=CJN62T0XGKR7TH5A&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Nova%20%7C%20Antique%20%28Field-Tested%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2024-12-02 16:20:57,978 - Marketbot - ERROR - THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Nova%20%7C%20Antique%20%28Field-Tested%29 - SLEEPING, GOOD NIGHT!!! (newMarketBot.py:278) 2024-12-02 16:26:04,793 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Nova%20%7C%20Antique%20%28Field-Tested%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:287) 2024-12-02 16:57:27,332 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2024-12-02 16:57:27,332 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Nova%20%7C%20Antique%20%28Field-Tested%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=CJN62T0XGKR7TH5A&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Nova%20%7C%20Antique%20%28Field-Tested%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2024-12-02 16:57:27,502 - Marketbot - ERROR - THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Nova%20%7C%20Antique%20%28Field-Tested%29 - SLEEPING, GOOD NIGHT!!! (newMarketBot.py:278) 2024-12-02 17:02:14,891 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Nova%20%7C%20Antique%20%28Field-Tested%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:287) 2024-12-02 17:33:39,538 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2024-12-02 17:33:39,539 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Nova%20%7C%20Antique%20%28Field-Tested%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=CJN62T0XGKR7TH5A&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Nova%20%7C%20Antique%20%28Field-Tested%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2024-12-02 17:33:39,695 - Marketbot - ERROR - THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Nova%20%7C%20Antique%20%28Field-Tested%29 - SLEEPING, GOOD NIGHT!!! (newMarketBot.py:278) 2024-12-02 17:38:36,941 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Nova%20%7C%20Antique%20%28Field-Tested%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:287) 2024-12-02 17:44:16,728 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M4874664991148555856A38461868612D7929159715922181156 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2024-12-02 17:44:27,520 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'paintseed': 455, 'defindex': 8, 'paintindex': 375, 'floatvalue': 0.0004497493791859597, 'floatid': 17473015617, 'low_rank': 124, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_aug_sp_nukestripe_orange_aug_light_large.4309138bd5b9e518628d517a275747ec9c2207d3.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'AUG', 'item_name': 'Radiation Hazard', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'AUG | Radiation Hazard (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '38461868612', 'd': '7929159715922181156', 'm': '4874664991148555856'} (newMarketBot.py:648) 2024-12-02 18:09:56,964 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2024-12-02 18:09:56,965 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Nova%20%7C%20Antique%20%28Field-Tested%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=CJN62T0XGKR7TH5A&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Nova%20%7C%20Antique%20%28Field-Tested%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2024-12-02 18:09:57,119 - Marketbot - ERROR - THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Nova%20%7C%20Antique%20%28Field-Tested%29 - SLEEPING, GOOD NIGHT!!! (newMarketBot.py:278) 2024-12-02 18:10:55,143 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M5173042778539067923A40440023606D7513282699522701270 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2024-12-02 18:11:05,290 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 0, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 3, 'paintseed': 79, 'defindex': 30, 'paintindex': 159, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4609, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': 0.33528918, 'offset_y': 0.00025308132, 'rotation': -177, 'codename': 'big_hugs_holo', 'material': 'alyx/big_hugs_holo', 'name': 'Big Hugs (Holo)'}, {'stickerId': 7895, 'slot': 4, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.27879474, 'offset_y': -0.072236896, 'rotation': 135, 'codename': 'paper_explosion_four', 'material': 'community/elemental_craft/paper_explosion_four', 'name': 'Boom Trail'}, {'stickerId': 7906, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.14886823, 'offset_y': -0.055370003, 'codename': 'paper_clown_nose', 'material': 'community/sticker_craft/paper_clown_nose', 'name': 'Clown Nose'}, {'stickerId': 7892, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.645975, 'offset_y': -0.028957397, 'rotation': 87, 'codename': 'paper_explosion_two', 'material': 'community/elemental_craft/paper_explosion_two', 'name': 'Boom Detonation'}, {'stickerId': 4647, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'offset_x': -0.5265957, 'offset_y': 0.18246874, 'rotation': 165, 'codename': 'paper_tentacle', 'material': 'community/sticker_craft/paper_tentacle', 'name': 'From The Deep'}], 'floatvalue': 0.9967446327209473, 'floatid': 38523223237, 'high_rank': 26, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_tec9_aq_brass_light_large.0e78665f494e390a064c8a838030b4458536d9ae.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'Tec-9', 'item_name': 'Brass', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'Tec-9 | Brass (Battle-Scarred)', 's': '0', 'a': '40440023606', 'd': '7513282699522701270', 'm': '5173042778539067923'} (newMarketBot.py:598) 2024-12-02 18:14:41,419 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Nova%20%7C%20Antique%20%28Field-Tested%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:287) 2024-12-02 18:40:08,848 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M5179798178000221866A40684322862D11719670425400707737 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2024-12-02 18:40:21,359 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 0, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 2, 'paintseed': 293, 'defindex': 19, 'paintindex': 169, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5171, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'stockh2021_signature_cadian', 'material': 'stockh2021/sig_cadian', 'name': 'cadiaN | Stockholm 2021'}], 'floatvalue': 0.7989130616188049, 'floatid': 12087587, 'high_rank': 5, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_p90_sp_nukestripe_maroon_light_large.c3915e723b821c0d03fcaf506129b23f16bdff0f.png', 'min': 0.06, 'max': 0.8, 'weapon_type': 'P90', 'item_name': 'Fallout Warning', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'P90 | Fallout Warning (Battle-Scarred)', 's': '0', 'a': '40684322862', 'd': '11719670425400707737', 'm': '5179798178000221866'} (newMarketBot.py:598) 2024-12-02 18:46:02,544 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2024-12-02 18:46:02,544 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Nova%20%7C%20Antique%20%28Field-Tested%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=CJN62T0XGKR7TH5A&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Nova%20%7C%20Antique%20%28Field-Tested%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2024-12-02 18:46:02,717 - Marketbot - ERROR - THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Nova%20%7C%20Antique%20%28Field-Tested%29 - SLEEPING, GOOD NIGHT!!! (newMarketBot.py:278) 2024-12-02 18:50:48,663 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Nova%20%7C%20Antique%20%28Field-Tested%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:287) 2024-12-02 19:17:06,903 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M5170790978743426144A40360626688D5244631752347370008 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2024-12-02 19:17:19,463 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 23, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 1, 'paintseed': 118, 'defindex': 2, 'paintindex': 330, 'floatvalue': 0.21933752298355103, 'floatid': 11529588469, 'high_rank': 339, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_elite_hy_vines_light_large.bb506f02418403c8a48f7829bdc065a71c3a77d0.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.22, 'weapon_type': 'Dual Berettas', 'item_name': 'Briar', 'rarity_name': 'Consumer Grade', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'wear_name': 'Field-Tested', 'full_item_name': 'Dual Berettas | Briar (Field-Tested)', 's': '0', 'a': '40360626688', 'd': '5244631752347370008', 'm': '5170790978743426144'} (newMarketBot.py:598) 2024-12-02 19:22:09,164 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2024-12-02 19:22:09,164 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Nova%20%7C%20Antique%20%28Field-Tested%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=CJN62T0XGKR7TH5A&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Nova%20%7C%20Antique%20%28Field-Tested%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2024-12-02 19:22:09,317 - Marketbot - ERROR - THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Nova%20%7C%20Antique%20%28Field-Tested%29 - SLEEPING, GOOD NIGHT!!! (newMarketBot.py:278) 2024-12-02 19:22:20,504 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestProxyCheap: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 502. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:175) 2024-12-02 19:22:26,575 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 19:25:25,617 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequest2Captcha: Failed to perform, curl: (35) BoringSSL SSL_connect: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL in connection to steamcommunity.com:443 . See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:122) 2024-12-02 19:27:00,599 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Nova%20%7C%20Antique%20%28Field-Tested%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:287) 2024-12-02 19:31:47,516 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M5170790978743662754A40684805423D16890297422994640832 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2024-12-02 19:31:58,834 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'paintseed': 60, 'defindex': 4, 'paintindex': 230, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 4549, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'halo_legendary_foil', 'material': 'halo/legendary_foil', 'name': 'Legendary (Foil)'}, {'stickerId': 4549, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'halo_legendary_foil', 'material': 'halo/legendary_foil', 'name': 'Legendary (Foil)'}, {'stickerId': 4549, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'halo_legendary_foil', 'material': 'halo/legendary_foil', 'name': 'Legendary (Foil)'}], 'floatvalue': 0.0002202601608587429, 'floatid': 29424976281, 'low_rank': 28, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_glock_am_ddpatdense_silver_light_large.4d83c0a0b958bb15f694c7047996ece59f4be05a.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.2, 'weapon_type': 'Glock-18', 'item_name': 'Steel Disruption', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Glock-18 | Steel Disruption (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '40684805423', 'd': '16890297422994640832', 'm': '5170790978743662754'} (newMarketBot.py:648) 2024-12-02 19:58:27,125 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2024-12-02 19:58:27,125 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Nova%20%7C%20Antique%20%28Field-Tested%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=CJN62T0XGKR7TH5A&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Nova%20%7C%20Antique%20%28Field-Tested%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2024-12-02 19:58:27,282 - Marketbot - ERROR - THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Nova%20%7C%20Antique%20%28Field-Tested%29 - SLEEPING, GOOD NIGHT!!! (newMarketBot.py:278) 2024-12-02 20:12:57,304 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2024-12-02 20:12:57,306 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Nova%20%7C%20Antique%20%28Field-Tested%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=CJN62T0XGKR7TH5A&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Nova%20%7C%20Antique%20%28Field-Tested%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2024-12-02 20:12:57,467 - Marketbot - ERROR - THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Nova%20%7C%20Antique%20%28Field-Tested%29 - SLEEPING, GOOD NIGHT!!! (newMarketBot.py:278) 2024-12-02 20:17:42,198 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Nova%20%7C%20Antique%20%28Field-Tested%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:287) 2024-12-02 20:43:34,001 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 20:43:43,809 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 20:43:56,063 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 20:44:36,383 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 20:45:24,487 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 20:45:41,524 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 20:46:37,323 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 20:46:39,641 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 20:47:10,599 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 20:47:53,459 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 20:48:55,822 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 20:49:06,428 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2024-12-02 20:49:06,429 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Nova%20%7C%20Antique%20%28Field-Tested%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=CJN62T0XGKR7TH5A&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Nova%20%7C%20Antique%20%28Field-Tested%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2024-12-02 20:49:06,586 - Marketbot - ERROR - THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Nova%20%7C%20Antique%20%28Field-Tested%29 - SLEEPING, GOOD NIGHT!!! (newMarketBot.py:278) 2024-12-02 20:49:56,311 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 20:50:54,863 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 20:52:45,429 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - Exception in getRequestProxyCheap: Failed to perform, curl: (56) CONNECT tunnel failed, response 502. See https://curl.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html first for more details. (RequestManager.py:175) 2024-12-02 20:53:59,603 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Nova%20%7C%20Antique%20%28Field-Tested%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:287) 2024-12-02 20:56:03,371 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 20:56:32,844 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 20:56:51,054 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 20:57:04,230 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 20:58:15,793 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 20:58:51,004 - Marketbot - ERROR - {'error': "Valve's servers didn't reply in time", 'code': 4, 'status': 500} // error in bulk (newMarketBot.py:388) 2024-12-02 21:18:36,079 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M5162909679391186254A40685753241D16207408358815365423 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2024-12-02 21:18:55,511 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'paintseed': 595, 'defindex': 13, 'paintindex': 661, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 2364, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'krakow2017_signature_kngv', 'material': 'krakow2017/sig_kngv', 'name': 'kNgV- | Krakow 2017'}, {'stickerId': 2358, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'krakow2017_signature_boltz', 'material': 'krakow2017/sig_boltz', 'name': 'boltz | Krakow 2017'}], 'floatvalue': 0.5399603247642517, 'high_rank': 26, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_galilar_cu_galil_candychaos_light_large.70c1dba6c2de996ec666a260b604c760e01bb20d.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.55, 'weapon_type': 'Galil AR', 'item_name': 'Sugar Rush', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢ Galil AR | Sugar Rush (Battle-Scarred)', 's': '0', 'a': '40685753241', 'd': '16207408358815365423', 'm': '5162909679391186254'} (newMarketBot.py:598) 2024-12-02 21:20:34,130 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M5165161479200652116A40685712065D2660152274514039221 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2024-12-02 21:20:43,908 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 3, 'paintseed': 565, 'defindex': 63, 'paintindex': 218, 'floatvalue': 0.39874282479286194, 'high_rank': 68, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_cz75a_hy_bluehex_light_large.032e4b0999830a45d7439d07faef66b8299a105f.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.4, 'weapon_type': 'CZ75-Auto', 'item_name': 'Hexane', 'rarity_name': 'Mil-Spec Grade', 'quality_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢', 'wear_name': 'Well-Worn', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢ CZ75-Auto | Hexane (Well-Worn)', 's': '0', 'a': '40685712065', 'd': '2660152274514039221', 'm': '5165161479200652116'} (newMarketBot.py:598) 2024-12-02 21:25:24,334 - Marketbot - ERROR - repeat_counter_overall > 2 (newMarketBot.py:243) 2024-12-02 21:25:24,335 - Marketbot - ERROR - TRYING TO CHECK IF THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Nova%20%7C%20Antique%20%28Field-Tested%29 WITH https://www.steamwebapi.com/steam/api/item?key=CJN62T0XGKR7TH5A&market_hash_name=StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Nova%20%7C%20Antique%20%28Field-Tested%29¤cy=EUR&with_groups=false (newMarketBot.py:246) 2024-12-02 21:25:24,488 - Marketbot - ERROR - THERE ARE OFFERS FOR StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Nova%20%7C%20Antique%20%28Field-Tested%29 - SLEEPING, GOOD NIGHT!!! (newMarketBot.py:278) 2024-12-02 21:30:04,776 - Marketbot - CRITICAL - listings_page_json failed 15 times with https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/StatTrak%E2%84%A2%20Nova%20%7C%20Antique%20%28Field-Tested%29/render/?query=&start=0&count=100¤cy=3 (newMarketBot.py:287) 2024-12-02 21:40:54,266 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M5169665078832814209A40590333903D7541497772066148543 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2024-12-02 21:41:07,622 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 12, 'rarity': 2, 'paintseed': 570, 'defindex': 27, 'paintindex': 32, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 406, 'slot': 0, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'eslcologne2015_signature_boltz_gold', 'material': 'cologne2015/sig_boltz_gold', 'name': 'boltz (Gold) | Cologne 2015'}, {'stickerId': 649, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'eslcologne2015_team_envyus_gold', 'material': 'cologne2015/envyus_gold', 'name': 'Team EnVyUs (Gold) | Cologne 2015'}, {'stickerId': 670, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'eslcologne2015_team_esl_gold', 'material': 'cologne2015/esl_gold', 'name': 'ESL (Gold) | Cologne 2015'}, {'stickerId': 652, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'eslcologne2015_team_luminositygaming_gold', 'material': 'cologne2015/luminositygaming_gold', 'name': 'Luminosity Gaming (Gold) | Cologne 2015'}], 'floatvalue': 0.0003497677680570632, 'floatid': 3302966754, 'low_rank': 50, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_mag7_an_silver_light_large.ffb14b93d930ff95920974edd78cf6b31b48fe43.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 0.08, 'weapon_type': 'MAG-7', 'item_name': 'Silver', 'rarity_name': 'Industrial Grade', 'quality_name': 'Souvenir', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'Souvenir MAG-7 | Silver (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '40590333903', 'd': '7541497772066148543', 'm': '5169665078832814209'} (newMarketBot.py:648) 2024-12-02 21:44:18,661 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M5193308976872038475A40680976888D16315600416425133526 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2024-12-02 21:46:19,026 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMEXECUTOR FUCKED UP: HTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=47001): Read timed out. (read timeout=120) (SeleniumExecutor.py:76) 2024-12-02 21:46:36,948 - Marketbot - ERROR - csfloat_iteminfo is None, repeating... (newMarketBot.py:644) 2024-12-02 21:46:38,948 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M5193308976872038475A40680976888D16315600416425133526 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2024-12-02 21:47:00,855 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 4, 'rarity': 4, 'paintseed': 484, 'defindex': 38, 'paintindex': 612, 'stickers': [{'stickerId': 5325, 'slot': 1, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_mibr_holo', 'material': 'antwerp2022/mibr_holo', 'name': 'MIBR (Holo) | Antwerp 2022'}, {'stickerId': 5325, 'slot': 2, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_mibr_holo', 'material': 'antwerp2022/mibr_holo', 'name': 'MIBR (Holo) | Antwerp 2022'}, {'stickerId': 5325, 'slot': 3, 'wear': 0, 'codename': 'antwerp2022_team_mibr_holo', 'material': 'antwerp2022/mibr_holo', 'name': 'MIBR (Holo) | Antwerp 2022'}], 'floatvalue': 0.00010228944302070886, 'floatid': 25876013932, 'low_rank': 40, 'imageurl': 'http://media.steampowered.com/apps/730/icons/econ/default_generated/weapon_scar20_gs_scar20_powercore_light_large.74bcd65b1a4a52dd397ede5aa59b860ca4c38939.png', 'min': 0, 'max': 1, 'weapon_type': 'SCAR-20', 'item_name': 'Powercore', 'rarity_name': 'Restricted', 'quality_name': 'Unique', 'wear_name': 'Factory New', 'full_item_name': 'SCAR-20 | Powercore (Factory New)', 's': '0', 'a': '40680976888', 'd': '16315600416425133526', 'm': '5193308976872038475'} (newMarketBot.py:648) 2024-12-02 21:50:27,636 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR TRYING TO GET: steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20M5185427677540388157A39320053149D11818712935826059590 (SeleniumExecutor.py:14) 2024-12-02 21:50:41,048 - Marketbot - ERROR - SELENIUMNEXECUTOR GOT: {'origin': 8, 'quality': 9, 'rarity': 5, 'paintseed': 699, 'defindex': 60, 'paintindex': 1166, 'floatvalue': 0.6989572644233704, 'floatid': 39204139951, 'high_rank': 11, 'min': 0, 'max': 0.7, 'weapon_type': 'M4A1-S', 'item_name': 'Black Lotus', 'rarity_name': 'Classified', 'quality_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢', 'wear_name': 'Battle-Scarred', 'full_item_name': 'StatTrakâ\x84¢ M4A1-S | Black Lotus (Battle-Scarred)', 's': '0', 'a': '39320053149', 'd': '11818712935826059590', 'm': '5185427677540388157'} (newMarketBot.py:598)